Teachers Have Rights, Too. What Educators Should Know ERIC
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 199 144 SO 013 200 AUTHOR Stelzer, Leigh: Banthin, Joanna TITLE Teachers Have Rights, Too. What Educators ShouldKnow About School Law. INSTITUTICN ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/SocialScience Education, Boulder, Colo.: ERIC Clearinghouseon Educational Management, Eugene, Oreg.: SocialScience Education Consortium, Inc., Boulder, Colo- SPCNS AGENCY Department of Education, Washington, D.C.: National Inst. of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. DEPORT NO ISBN-0-86552-075-5: ISBN-0-89994-24:.-0 FOB CATE BO CONTRACT 400-78 -0006: 400-78-0007 NOTE 176p. AVAILABLE FPOM Social Science Education Consortium,855 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80802 (S7.95). EDFS PRICE ME01/PCOB Plus Postage. CESCRIPTCPS Academic Freedom: Discipline: *Educational Legislation: Elementary Secondary Education:Ereedom of Speech: Life Style: Malpractice;Reduction in Force: *School Law: Teacher Dismissal:Tenure IDENTIFIERS *Teacher Fights ABSTRACT This book addresses the law-relatedconcerns of school teachers. Much of the datacn which the book is based was collected during a four year stlzdy, conducted bythe American Bar Association with the support of the Ford Foundation.Court cases are cited. Chapter one examines "Tenure." Sincetenure gives teachers the right to their jobs, tenured teachers cannotbe dismissed without due process cf law or without cause. They are entitled to noticeof charges and a fair hearing, with the opportunityto present a defense. The burden is on school authoritiesto show that there are good and lawful reasons for dismissal. "ReductionIn Force (RIF)" is the topic cf chapter two. Many school districtsare facing declining enrollments and rising costs for diminishedservices. EIF begins with a decision that a school district has too many teachers.Laws vary from state to state.
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