Zero-Point and its Effects Advisor: Dr. Jearl D Walker Authors: Sarah Alabsi, Caitlin Cole, Victor Ipinmoroti ABSTRACT Dirac’s Sea of Negative The Zero-point energy (ZPE) is energy associated with ❖In 1930 the British postulated the idea that the , or where is near . contain infinitely many with energy from Background Individuals such as Dirac, lamb, Casimir, and even negative infinity to 0. In 1948, a Dutch , by the name , formulated a Einstein will make significant progress in proofing the which states that if two identical conducting plates (not charged) are existence of ZPE. In this poster, we would discuss the ❖ Every now and then, one of these electrons gains enough placed in a vacuum and separated by a , then they would begin to various contribution of these individuals. We will look energy to cross zero. This is when we can interact with it. attract each other. at Heisenberg’s and how ZPE is a • The Casimir Effect is both relativistic and by , as it both direct implication of this principle. We will touch on ❖ If one of these electrons is removed from the sea, Dirac relies on the plank constant and the of for constants, similar some aspect of quantum theory, the Casimir effect, postulated that the left would mimic the absent as to how G is to . electron but will have a different . dynamic Casimir effects, and experiments attempting to • The magnitude of the is inversely proportional to the of the use Casimir effect in . ❖ plates and the distance between them. If an electron with different charge but same came 푓(푧) 휋2 ℎ푐 across this void, it falls into the void and annihilates, P(z)= = 푠 240 푧4 releasing a certain amount of energy. But why? Introduction ❖ Dirac had just predicted the existence of the Lets take a for example: it exhibits both the properties of a mass and When we think of the vacuum, we generally associate . , and can simply be taught to be a quantized packet of energy . it with a void or empty region that has no energy or Einstein Contributions • We can, with good precision, the energy and of the . However, is it really empty? In quantum field of this photon. Einstein laid much of the ground for the theory, the around us can be thought of as a wave • As such, every now and then, the photon can have some energy. of (matter or energy) field and wave of . The experiment that would describe the effects of ZPE. Dirac’s • This means that in the vacuum can simply pop into existence. places we find matter and the behavior of certain , work was essentially based on Einstein , which is why it is sometimes referred to as relativistic such as strong , is simply a pick of the • Every time a particle pops in. it brings its counterpart (antimatter particle) wave’s amplitude. Thus, in a vacuum, the quantum . This gives the foundation for which it so that, when both particles collide, they annihilate and pop out of still exists but it could be thought of as being at the describes the energy of a massless particle, such as a existence. photon that requires that the last , when M is set to trough. This means somewhere in between the peak and • With plates in the vacuum, these (virtual photons) begin to collide trough is a state where matter can exit and seamlessly zero, becomes the of the particle multiplied by the .. comes into play with the surface area of the plate outside and inside before they pop out of not, even in the vacuum. existence. when you equate this to Plank’s Constant multiplied by the Heisenberg’s speed of the particles. • Collision with the surface area is more frequent outside the plates than inside. • States that some pair of 푚푐2 푚푣 • This results in more momentum outside the plate than in between the plates, properties, including 2 E= 푚푐 E= p= 2 causing the plates to move inward. and momentum, are 1−(푣/푐)2 1−(푣/푐) intricately connected. • You can not get accurate on both pairs at E= (푝푐)2+(푚푐2)2 E= 푝푐 = ℎ푣 the same time. Conclusion In conclusion, zero point energy is one of the many fascinating • The uncertainty principle can topics in quantum physics. However, it is also one that has provided be used to relate the time and ΔE Δt ≥ ℎ the breeding ground for pseudo that says free energy can be energy of a quantum . In 1947, measured an effect that showed, in harnessed; this is simply not the case. Regardless, there are still a vacuum, an electron in an gets affected potential applications for it, as the attractive force mechanics is similar • For this reason, you could never truly know both by energy fluctuation . This was particularly noticeable as to that of Vander der Wal forces and could be used in nanotechnology quantities simultaneously in a quantum system. the electron was able to jump orbit. someday. More specifically, when E increases, t gets smaller Reference and vice versa. Ball, Philip. “Feel the Force.” Nature, vol. 447, no. 7146, 2007, pp. 772–774., doi:10.1038/447772a. Harris, David. “Vacuum Packed.” NewScientist, 18 Feb. 2012, pp. 35–37. • Zero point energy is an implication from the Lancaster, Tom, and Stephen J. Blundell. For The Gifted Amateur. Oxford University Press, 2014. concept above. “Quantum Mechanics 12a - I.” YouTube, Viascience, 19 Dec. 2015, Ward, Rusty. Anti-Matter and Quantum Relativity | Space Time. YouTube, PBS Space Time, 7 June 2017, Ward, Rusty. Zero-Point Energy Demystified | Space Time. YouTube, PBS Space Time, 8 Nov. 2017,