407 bus time schedule & line map

407 Knowle Village - Wickham - Bishops Waltham - Fair View In Website Mode Oak - Barton Peveril College

The 407 bus line (Knowle Village - Wickham - Bishops Waltham - Fair Oak - Barton Peveril College) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Eastleigh: 7:10 AM (2) Knowle Village: 4:10 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 407 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 407 bus arriving.

Direction: Eastleigh 407 bus Time Schedule 65 stops Eastleigh Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 11:30 AM Knowle Shops, Knowle Village Knowle Avenue, Wickham Tuesday 7:10 AM

North Square, Knowle Village Wednesday 7:10 AM North Square, Wickham Civil Parish Thursday 7:10 AM Knowle Road, Knowle Village Friday 7:10 AM Knowle Avenue, Wickham Civil Parish Saturday Not Operational Forest Lane, Crockerhill

Greenlees Close, Crockerhill Greenlees Close, 407 bus Info Shell Garage, Wickham Direction: Eastleigh Stops: 65 Wickham Bridge, Wickham Trip Duration: 60 min Fareham Road, Wickham Civil Parish Line Summary: Knowle Shops, Knowle Village, North Square, Knowle Village, Knowle Road, Knowle Village, The Square, Wickham Forest Lane, Crockerhill, Greenlees Close, Crockerhill, 4 The Square, Wickham Civil Parish Shell Garage, Wickham, Wickham Bridge, Wickham, The Square, Wickham, Park Place, Meon Park, Redhill Park Place, Meon Park Crossroads, Meon Park, Ashley Manor, Shedeld, Church Road, Shedeld, Sandy Hill, Shedeld, The Redhill Crossroads, Meon Park Black Dog, Waltham Chase, Village Hall, Waltham Chase, Forest Gardens, Waltham Chase, Forest Ashley Manor, Shedeld Road, Waltham Chase, Brickyard Road, Waltham Chase, Technology College, , Recreation Church Road, Shedeld Ground, Swanmore, St Barnabas Church, Swanmore, Hampton Hill, Swanmore, Moorlands Road, Sandy Hill, Shedeld Swanmore, Paradise Lane, Bishop's Waltham, Rareridge Lane, Bishop's Waltham, Gunners Park, The Black Dog, Waltham Chase Bishop's Waltham, Hoe Road, Bishop's Waltham, Godfrey Pink Way, Bishop's Waltham, The Square, Bishop's Waltham, Petrol Station, Bishop's Waltham, Village Hall, Waltham Chase Priory Court, Bishop's Waltham, The Avenue, Bishop's Waltham, Churchill Avenue, Bishop's Waltham, Forest Gardens, Waltham Chase Ashton Lane, Bishop's Waltham, Wintershill Farm, Forest Road, Waltham Chase Wintershill, Laurel Farm, Wintershill, Robin Hood, Wintershill, Old Durley Chapel, Wintershill, Middle Brickyard Road, Waltham Chase Farm Cottage, Durley, Village Hall, Durley, Primary School, Durley, Church Lane, Durley, Snakemoor Technology College, Swanmore Farm, Durley, Denhams Corner, Horton Heath, The Brigadier Gerard, Horton Heath, Dumpers Drove, Recreation Ground, Swanmore Horton Heath, Horton Heath Crossroads, Horton Heath, Daisy Fields, Fair Oak, Wyvern School, Fair Oak, The Square, Fair Oak, Dean Road, Fair Oak, New St Barnabas Church, Swanmore Clock Inn, Fair Oak, Stoke Wood Surgery, Fair Oak, Church Road, Swanmore Civil Parish Mitre Copse, Bishopstoke, Alan Drayton Way, Bishopstoke, Manor Farm Close, Bishopstoke, The Hampton Hill, Swanmore River Inn, Bishopstoke, Recreation Ground, Bishopstoke, Dutton Lane, Eastleigh, Eastleigh Moorlands Road, Swanmore Station, Eastleigh, Campbell Road, Eastleigh, Derby Road, Eastleigh, Doncaster Road, Eastleigh, Paradise Lane, Bishop's Waltham Eastleigh College, Eastleigh, Barton Peveril College, Eastleigh Rareridge Lane, Bishop's Waltham

Gunners Park, Bishop's Waltham Hoe Road, Bishops Waltham Civil Parish

Hoe Road, Bishop's Waltham

Godfrey Pink Way, Bishop's Waltham

The Square, Bishop's Waltham Saint George's Square, Bishops Waltham Civil Parish

Petrol Station, Bishop's Waltham Station Road, Bishops Waltham Civil Parish

Priory Court, Bishop's Waltham

The Avenue, Bishop's Waltham

Churchill Avenue, Bishop's Waltham Albany Road, Bishops Waltham Civil Parish

Ashton Lane, Bishop's Waltham

Wintershill Farm, Wintershill

Laurel Farm, Wintershill

Robin Hood, Wintershill

Old Durley Chapel, Wintershill

Middle Farm Cottage, Durley

Village Hall, Durley

Primary School, Durley

Church Lane, Durley

Snakemoor Farm, Durley Denhams Corner, Horton Heath Botley Road, Botley Civil Parish

The Brigadier Gerard, Horton Heath

Dumpers Drove, Horton Heath

Horton Heath Crossroads, Horton Heath

Daisy Fields, Fair Oak Daisy Road, Fair Oak And Horton Heath Civil Parish

Wyvern School, Fair Oak

The Square, Fair Oak Road, Fair Oak And Horton Heath Civil Parish

Dean Road, Fair Oak

New Clock Inn, Fair Oak

Stoke Wood Surgery, Fair Oak

Mitre Copse, Bishopstoke

Alan Drayton Way, Bishopstoke Manor Road, Bishopstoke Civil Parish

Manor Farm Close, Bishopstoke

The River Inn, Bishopstoke Mainstream Court, Bishopstoke Civil Parish

Recreation Ground, Bishopstoke

Dutton Lane, Eastleigh

Eastleigh Station, Eastleigh Main Entrance Road, Eastleigh

Campbell Road, Eastleigh

Derby Road, Eastleigh 109 Southampton Road, Eastleigh

Doncaster Road, Eastleigh 2 Doncaster Road, Eastleigh

Eastleigh College, Eastleigh

Barton Peveril College, Eastleigh Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh Direction: Knowle Village 407 bus Time Schedule 65 stops Knowle Village Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:10 PM Barton Peveril College, Eastleigh 177a Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh Tuesday 4:10 PM

Derby Road, Eastleigh Wednesday 4:10 PM 109 Southampton Road, Eastleigh Thursday 4:10 PM Campbell Road, Eastleigh Friday 4:10 PM

The Swan Centre, Eastleigh Saturday Not Operational Southampton Road, Eastleigh

Chickenhall Lane, Eastleigh

Recreation Ground, Bishopstoke 407 bus Info Direction: Knowle Village The River Inn, Bishopstoke Stops: 65 Montague Road, Bishopstoke Civil Parish Trip Duration: 65 min Line Summary: Barton Peveril College, Eastleigh, The River Inn, Bishopstoke Derby Road, Eastleigh, Campbell Road, Eastleigh, The Swan Centre, Eastleigh, Chickenhall Lane, Eastleigh, Manor Farm Close, Bishopstoke Recreation Ground, Bishopstoke, The River Inn, Bishopstoke, The River Inn, Bishopstoke, Manor Alan Drayton Way, Bishopstoke Farm Close, Bishopstoke, Alan Drayton Way, Fairoak Road, Bishopstoke Civil Parish Bishopstoke, Mitre Copse, Bishopstoke, Stoke Wood Surgery, Fair Oak, New Clock Inn, Fair Oak, Shorts Mitre Copse, Bishopstoke Road, Fair Oak, The Square, Fair Oak, Wyvern School, Fair Oak, Daisy Fields, Fair Oak, Horton Heath Stoke Wood Surgery, Fair Oak Crossroads, Horton Heath, Dumpers Drove, Horton Heath, The Brigadier Gerard, Horton Heath, New Clock Inn, Fair Oak Denhams Corner, Horton Heath, Snakemoor Farm, Durley, Church Lane, Durley, Primary School, Durley, Fairoak Road, Fair Oak And Horton Heath Civil Parish Village Hall, Durley, Middle Farm Cottage, Durley, Old Shorts Road, Fair Oak Durley Chapel, Wintershill, Robin Hood, Wintershill, Laurel Farm, Wintershill, Wintershill Farm, Wintershill, Ashton Lane, Bishop's Waltham, Churchill Avenue, The Square, Fair Oak Bishop's Waltham, Claylands Road, Bishop's Winchester Road, Fair Oak And Horton Heath Civil Parish Waltham, Pondside Lane, Bishop's Waltham, Petrol Station, Bishop's Waltham, The Square, Bishop's Wyvern School, Fair Oak Waltham, Godfrey Pink Way, Bishop's Waltham, Hoe Road, Bishop's Waltham, Gunners Park, Bishop's Daisy Fields, Fair Oak Waltham, Rareridge Lane, Bishop's Waltham, Paradise Lane, Bishop's Waltham, Moorlands Road, Horton Heath Crossroads, Horton Heath Swanmore, Hampton Hill, Swanmore, St Barnabas Botley Road, Fair Oak And Horton Heath Civil Parish Church, Swanmore, Recreation Ground, Swanmore, Technology College, Swanmore, Brickyard Road, Dumpers Drove, Horton Heath Waltham Chase, Waltham Grange, Waltham Chase, Forest Gardens, Waltham Chase, Lane, The Brigadier Gerard, Horton Heath Waltham Chase, Village Hall, Waltham Chase, The Black Dog, Waltham Chase, Sandy Hill, Shedeld, Denhams Corner, Horton Heath Church Road, Shedeld, Ashley Manor, Shedeld, Botley Road, Botley Civil Parish Redhill Crossroads, Meon Park, Park Place, Meon Park, The Square, Wickham, Wickham Bridge, Snakemoor Farm, Durley Wickham, Shell Garage, Wickham, Greenlees Close, Crockerhill, Forest Lane, Crockerhill, Knowle Road, Church Lane, Durley Knowle Village, Knowle Shops, Knowle Village, North Square, Knowle Village Primary School, Durley

Village Hall, Durley

Middle Farm Cottage, Durley

Old Durley Chapel, Wintershill

Robin Hood, Wintershill

Laurel Farm, Wintershill

Wintershill Farm, Wintershill

Ashton Lane, Bishop's Waltham

Churchill Avenue, Bishop's Waltham Cunningham Avenue, Bishops Waltham Civil Parish

Claylands Road, Bishop's Waltham

Pondside Lane, Bishop's Waltham Vine Gardens, Bishops Waltham Civil Parish

Petrol Station, Bishop's Waltham Winchester Road, Bishops Waltham Civil Parish

The Square, Bishop's Waltham Saint George's Square, Bishops Waltham Civil Parish

Godfrey Pink Way, Bishop's Waltham

Hoe Road, Bishop's Waltham

Gunners Park, Bishop's Waltham Gunners Park, Bishops Waltham Civil Parish

Rareridge Lane, Bishop's Waltham

Paradise Lane, Bishop's Waltham

Moorlands Road, Swanmore

Hampton Hill, Swanmore

St Barnabas Church, Swanmore

Recreation Ground, Swanmore Coronation Road, Swanmore Civil Parish

Technology College, Swanmore

Brickyard Road, Waltham Chase New Road, Swanmore Civil Parish

Waltham Grange, Waltham Chase

Forest Gardens, Waltham Chase Curdridge Lane, Waltham Chase Chase Gardens, Shedeld Civil Parish

Village Hall, Waltham Chase

The Black Dog, Waltham Chase

Sandy Hill, Shedeld

Church Road, Shedeld

Ashley Manor, Shedeld

Redhill Crossroads, Meon Park

Park Place, Meon Park

The Square, Wickham 4 The Square, Wickham Civil Parish

Wickham Bridge, Wickham Fareham Road, Wickham Civil Parish

Shell Garage, Wickham

Greenlees Close, Crockerhill Greenlees Close, England

Forest Lane, Crockerhill

Knowle Road, Knowle Village Knowle Avenue, Wickham Civil Parish

Knowle Shops, Knowle Village Knowle Avenue, Wickham Civil Parish

North Square, Knowle Village North Square, Wickham Civil Parish 407 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved