* t.,u >i • , /

• i, .r-'i-.' \ ', - ) ‘ t , 7. V /• . 1 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 195R •/ fAGE TWENTY-FOUR Average Daily Net Press Ran - f - ..... T h » WcRther.^., ■ ■ iat iOattrl^c^fr Srrailb liSjjrvrirr •tw'tae’'Weil'" isiiii" Feroeaot of U. 8. Weather ■atoEB Nov. 1, 19S38 ■V r a _ - r . - 7 . 4-le*«e4-wia-4ie-' L-a . — As-^BypOfMait- meeting--of—4he Partly cloudy, windy, colder to- Manchester Community. ^ Blood tics tests by L t Frank phamerpy W;721^ -** ' ■ i ' A lw irtT W Mantheater- iM SiBotlteVtubl^iiif^,f , of the State Identification Bureau. night and Friday. Mlblnmm g t. * A program will be held' at 8 o'clock Member of tho AeMt Friday night in the American Red Judge Nichotas F. Rago con­ BarMia of qrcataHops J-1— ' .1 ChMitiM Court. Qrdor of A im - Cross office, 853 Main street. Mem­ Date Book Is Arrested^en Gun Charge tinued the case under a 81.000 bond ManctifUer— ^A .CUy of Village Charm , "r nBih, wUl meet 111 the MM(«itc bers are urged to attend this im* which waa posted by a professional Temple fYidey mreninK at 8 portent meeting. . ’Tiiursda.v, Nov. 8 bondsman, and Mrs. Boyde was re­ o’clock to obeerve past matrons Annual fair of South Methodist A 33-year-oId woman who told. woman was flashing a gun there. leased. VOL. LXXII, NO. 32 (CUaolfM AfNertMog oe Pago IS) MANCHESTER, CONN.,-THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1952 (EIGHTE^ PAGES) P R IC E n v E ‘ and past patrons night. Fast Royal , A daughter was born at the St. She waa taken Into cuatc^y by Sgt. Matron Ruth Furay and Past Church, starting at 1 'p. m, police she is the local bottle club Francis Hospital Monday to Mr. waitress face* a charge of carry­ Robert Pilon arid Det. Stephen F. HARVEST DANCE GIRLS' Royal Patron Ralph Harbron and and Mrs. John Caglanello, 85 Crest- Saturday, Nov. 8 ' their asBOciaU past officers will Annual Harvest Dance, Gibbons ing 'a guh without a permit In Burgen, and the charge was placed Gibbons Assembly, Catholic wood drive, and a son Was bom the Hartford Police Court. She is Mrs. .against her at Police Headquarters. Ladles of Columbus, is planning to occupy the chairs during inltiaUon. same day at the Mt. Sinai Hos­ Assembly, C. . L. of C., Country Past head officers u'ill be guests i qub. Irene B. Boyde'of 42 Oak street.' MrS. Boyde told police she is a hold a harvest dance at the Coun­ Ike’s K orea I - t pital to Mr. ai^ Mrs. Edward The case was continued in the waitress at the Sunrise Club on try Club Saturday from 9 p. m. to at a potluck at 6:30 preceding the Kubasek of 139 Birch street. . I Sunday. Nov. 8 T e s s meeting. Officers are requested to Door-to-door caiivaas for funds Hartford court yesterday until Oak street, Manchester. ’The' club 1 a. m. Because of cancellations a wear their white gowns. j for Boy ScOuts. I Thursday, Nov. 13; f could not be contacted today for feW tickets are available and may The Tanksgiving Day Race com­ According to report*. Mrs. Boyde verlflcatlon. Police said she re be secured from Mrs. ' Arthur mittee of the Tall Cedars of Lea- Wednesday, Nov, 13 - r - Mr*; WiUlam Brennan and ~Mra., Holiday: Bazaar, Ceilter Churen. was arrested In en Albany avenue fused 4o -eoepereti^ while being iSmachettt or^Mrs. Edward Stel- non will meet tonight at the Ma­ ^11 Monday after police learned a questioned. 'The gUn, wHlcI) was j mark. Irrlng Wickham are co-chairmen sonic Temple at 7:M. all day. Of the chicken supper which St. B y M ilitary ■ ■ Igary’* ■CutW will serve with its The monthly meeting ' o f the annual fair, the date of which is Britlsh-American Club is sched-i n niraday, Wov. 20. Tickets for the uled’ for tonight at 8:30 "'in the" Washington, '1'fov. 6— (fl*) supper may be obtained from any clubrooma on Maple street. Washington, Nov. 6 — (JP) — President-Elect Dwight ,D of w e Guild members, or by tele­ — Th? Pentagon today worked Eisenhower probably could count today on a friendly Con­ on planaTbr one of Dwight D. phoning Mrs. Earje Rohan, who is Stockholders of the B. A. Spoft* in charge of ticket distribution. It Activities. Inc... will , hold 8 meet­ gress to underwrite the domestic and foreign policy changes Eisenhower's first tasks as will be necessary' to close reserva­ ing in the club tonight , at 8 mandated b.v the volcanic eruption o f vote« that gi^ve him the President-elect — a'personal tions bh Nov. 17. Tea will be served o'clock. I presidency. It was not so muchw " ■ inspection of the stalemated in the afternoon from 3 o’clock on \ that the Repubileana had gained i — _ - . by Mrs. Viola Trotter and her SMFD Company 1 Was called to practical control of both houses | Korean wiar. <. Police Crack Down on Jalopies eommjttee. ’The supper hours are out a fire at .107 01cott_ drive j .81 ..a.result of the aen*rtl»a land-i 1 1 1 1 Eleenhower tu m ^ to the mili­ - t W T...... at 3:i.'i yesterday afternoon. aide victory. tary yesterday to provide trans­ Leaves had caught fire and spread: ^ - The friendliness of Gongresa— ' -g y ...... : 'W— i " '— ^ portation for hi* , trip,-, still un­ T to illa u i SUverstein of Stephen to a nearby w o ^ pile. At 7:45 this . Republican by only one vote In the -< ■ g ^ l ' l 'XTT scheduled, after, declining Presi­ street and Mr*. Sidney Brown of morning. Company 3 went to 443 i Senate and thus "far by only tw o . S jr V dent IVuman’i o ffe r'o f a White Coburn road, will represent'’' the East Center street for,.* brush fir e ) votes in the House-lay in the House plane. Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom. that waa quickly put out. warmth of regard for the general 1 The gesture marked the first 6 Pick A id(^ 'a t the biennial convention of the shared by southern Democrats in move toward >vhat waa expeoted to become the closest liaison in National Womer’S League of the the coalition with Rej)«bllc*ns H oop Stars modem times between a President Ifnited synagogue* of America. which ha* controlled legislation) and the sprawling Pentagon where Auguflta, Ga., Novv 6— (fl*)— Cr«n. Dwight Eifienhower has N ot. 8-18 at Benjaniin Franklin “ for the part four year*. ^ T ” ' * MAN H|$TER y , Nov, 6— k M'«w KIv;. not engage in any amateur o ri ^ ,,1 ..i; ypp rtin desire to go toi, conferences leading up.,, 2^ Governor uvu*«UMtrsc:n“-*»rii»7«ee:v.

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN- THtJRSDAT, NOVEMBER «, 1988 llANCHES’rfiR EVKNING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ TIIH^SDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1952 a f t i i ^ i i i S East School. This diviaion goes aa Hall. 41 Orchard street at 8'p.m. arshlpi wl'nhet to Tufts! 1* a inemf "W rir Ensign A. L. Riker her of. Chi Omega sorority an^ List CommiUees MUHN : Bockville far south as ^uth street. on the subject ’’What Haa Hap­ i r« 1 i I iiin,.- WlwafNaiiin SnlniatB^. Study^Buekhm d^m aSoiL^ J^H n i^el Show EASTWOOD ■ - Aa-There aw only^twd kradhs at pened jo MoralifT” ' ' pledge trainer tor that grmiprBhe BgrahifljM Wartt .. _ tii>reienra®~itife The Rocftvine ' BapTiist Church M isBing^in A «tfbn was ceeied to the flatrehw "scheP “EorfSilSie^ircus a l l technicolor SHOW school, no division of this locality will hold its semiannual business «» -. , lastic honorary. Phi Beta' Kappa, UNION W itM H G In H u n t fo r Disease-Killer P lans lete O. Hrarrii I^incipal Sees Peak Pupil has been. made. Supervising FMn- meeting at 7:30 p.m. In her junior year when wie was MetaBe aad Oxy-Aeelylaee» Nobel Honors For Oratorio B*b*rt MHcheai Y a t^ Continue to Discuss A a a M jrtb “Fan cipal RamsdeU will have the Members of the Rockville Lodge Ensign Andrew Lawrence Riker, also secretary-treasurer of tli'e *1716 Exchange Club of Manches­ 10 HlIBaid St-, (ir a r ) ,< .1 LPi''- '^ •• authority to make an exception to 6f Elks are expected to turn out UI. USN. of Hishland Park has Jackson CoUega Student Govern­ ter met last night at the Countty Tel, 2-g837— M a e e lw k r, O ff* Laderle Lnbgratoriea of Pearl Verplanck School Slnted “ One Hooae** in large numbers for the special ment and; Jackson editor of the (Tlubi and Hayden Whiting, presi­ In Literature Messiah Chorus Leader WIU Aa AU : Enrollm ent fo r Ten Years these boundaries, thin to be made, been reported missing in action. ■ * i Non-Partisan Food Table River, N. Y., la malUng a study Minnte star Cast however, only in a Case of over­ meeting to honor Exalted Ruler Tufts college newspaper, the dent, led a discussion on the Kiddle A b Scene for K. of C. of the heavy red earth of 'Pobac- B e t r o t h e d 1:44-1:« crowding in a particular School. Francis MoCartIn of New London His mother, Mrs. A. Lawrence Rik­ Weekly. In her sophomore year (TIrcus that the club is putting on Announces Season's To Zero’* er, received the news from the War (Oontiniied From Page 6ao) co VnDey in a search to aea If the 2^ight Presentation "SUN.: “SON OF ALl BABA” Rockville, ,'Nov. 6— (Special)— -Martin ■ Woodworking Company Lddge.Tt former Rockville resident. Misa Rogers was president of her Nov. 28 and 29. T. J. O ock ett la Not. « — (to o d ia ) —Lo->and Mr*. Eugwio CteKliar^iw. Polire Approval . Department in Washington yester­ r;-»i‘ Perform ance Dates soil contains the strain of micro­ At "the meeUng of the l^arid of, which Had the lowest bid of 3350. Captain.of Police, Peter J. dow- class and assistant editor of the general chairman of the event. 1. .1 1 -raiba DoUUcal' Fir**- 8«l«ctm«n Charlci A. Rob- families, split by hatred and desire Tke Rockville bureau ot the day. Weekly. I ■> ' .'r,' . ' TRUSSESmiS etf TO«*« iM aU walk* of p o k ^ Maneggia. Sr.. Peter organism which could result in d Knight Charles J. Mc­ Education held last night, lAlIcn iulU Are Approved gewtes haa sent a letter to Nht N. Following committee appoint­ for vengeance and ruled by greed Eric S. Anderson, chairman of the avotutlon of a new and dy- ' I Manchester Evening Herald Is lo­ Ensign Riker has been on active Ir ______, • ments were made: Lee MePart- MEN and WOhOEir Ufa toB Is varr Importsot to food 15-3, 15-3 and 15-3. Croce and French novelist Albeit Has Only One Ahn tists studied the soil and came up 1958-69,-1040; 1959-60. 1095; 1960^ ernment food receivrt during the p .^ at the' church...... claims was the rehiring of . 10 can clean up pending matters: in­ ImaKIl WhsB somt tYArTdAT condition. sQch peraona have Indicated they would difficult numbers. The Tumblebrook neighborhood ianis P. Roger*: daughter | of The boy* have Improved their Camus. The ManchesUr Messiah Chorus with the "golden mold", now ua«d 61, IIM : 1961-62, 1245. past month as follows, 13 cases dry workers by a garment shop. cluding the appeal of the Wage AS stress And strnln, causaa this ImMrtAnt like to have It aa a regular elec­ Earlier’French winners were Ro- has been organized aa a civic Charlotte A n BhUUmore Tlcketa'may he, procured from homemakers . group of Vernon Mr. and Mrs. Frederick I. Rogers, Stabilisation brard’a decision to function to slow down.mAny folks suffer nof* touch football record In that they effectively to combat the growth Dresser felt that the matter milk; 12 cases, honey; r7 cases Throughout the state, the state o f 33 Wellington road, has been flnf kACkschs' fctl mlstrAbW. Minor bind* tion day ncUvlty. main Holland, Anatole France, group, i » t aaaociated with any of ataphyktcocci and streptncocci, any member or at the door. cheese; 14 cases snap ts^ana; 11 meets at the home of Mrs. Hilda labor departieent reported, a rec­ pore 40 cents from tha $1.90 daily dar IrrltAtlons dus to told or wrong dlot moT ! - narrow their margin of y 1 resident I-eonard Carmichael thanks to tte many person* who ■ The'boys-are anxious to win a American to win the literature munity during the Christmas aea- o f the slrongeat weapons In . tha solutely necessary to have , double number^ of- claim, whioh rose Putnam, former mayor of aided hi* campaign and helped to award was William Faulkner, li son. To aaaiat in thU endeavor an ChkiTotte Ann FKinimore. to Ed­ atage and props; John O’Neil, Hi* suggested solution ro tfiF Miss Cora 'Wrth 'wilt lead a at the Academic Honors Chapel; ■' game but expect in the light of war against dlaease and adentista and “ FORT OSAGE" problem was that when the new sessions at the new Vernon Ele­ slightly last week to 9,468, was This scholarship is awarded to Springfleld, was named to the make it a aucceaa. He al*o gave 1950. Last year’s prlxe went to advisory committee^ of paraona gar Gene Trombly, son of Mr. and light* and sound; and Maurice O’­ mentary School next September. group at the home of Mra. Stahl fiO.OM a year pplt Nov. 26. 1651. ters flush out waste. Ost Dopn’s PiUs to ^ l 809 MAIN ST. the record that their next game hope to discover a soli with an­ elementary school In the North­ down to. 8,853. During the cor­ "that member of the senior class Ms thanks to those who took part Swedish author Par Lagerkvist. prominent in local dvlc and« cul­ Mrs. Perly A. Trombly, Sr., of Connor, publicity. Roland LePage The board voted to ask selectmen in Storrs at 8 p.m. on the subject will be a scoreless tie.' other special micro-organic strain, east was completed, all grade of "Use of Sewing Machine." responding week a year ago, the of Jackson. College, (department tn the coffee dlspenstng pro)ect. Mauriac recefftly flitished two tural affairs, has been formed like aureomycin, that would re­ Farmington avenue, West Hart­ U treasurer. . for the proper legal procedure to unemployment clalihs were almost Undergoes Surgery ford. pupils could be moved from the In Columbia at the home of Mrs. for women in Tufts College) who n n n k s A B W ho Helped novels, "ba Sagouin" and "Gall under the chairmanship o f Fred J. sult in tha evohithm o f a new /J.'* j'J.V fjr f///i 9 secure four additional rooms at .double at 17,364, according to the Mis* Margaret Oanehy, local The bridegroom-elect is a dam­ two buildings hi the East School.' PhyUis Fox. there will be a group most successfully achieves excel­ t • fftnglad out for praiae on all school nurse, underwent surgery gal,” hla flrat since before Wor'd Bendall. Other members of the antlbioUc. the Vernon sichools. stale agency. w ar I. During the war and the committee are N. William Knight, age controlman, second class, with These two buildings could bo meeting on "Homemade Mixes’’ lence in scholarship at the same aoores by Broil ware; at WUlimanUc. HospiUI yasterday. Continue Faculty Sessions Locally, 126 of the claims were German occupation of France, he treasurer, And Rev* Junes R. Bell, the U. 8. Navy. used for high school pupils, but with Mrs, Mary Hutchins and Mrs. time that she participates in KniTTino (111115 Richard Mora. John Garibaldi. The board voted- to have the filed by women. Forty-five of the worth-while extra-curricular ac.‘ iiM Pierce Herrick. Mrs. Henry atsyad .ln Parts and wrote articles Miss Mary O. Chapman, Mrs. Al- The ceremony will take place he felt that it would be advisable Persls Cra'gin as leaders. n r* . “ Byron " Shinn, TOT’-tha- -uiidefTiWind realatnno* h erM t: Crowell. Harhart .France, Saturday, Nov, ;89,j1a.-the. Crater to areot « la«g* /gymnasium and - ^^5“ '‘^ ’” *^ ‘’*** There. w.Ul. b.e a public lecture at claijns were InltlaJ, jea yln g the TJvll tan iwrryepeiideet.-Mra. jrea'eph past once" a month foUo^n'g the number of continued claim at ISO. sa Rogers, a four year achol- llraL Joseph Andraloul*. Mr. and movement under the name of Dr. Amoe E. Friend. Mark Holmes. [tikidtStoe Congregational Church. auditorium which would possibly the Jekovah’s Witnesses Kingdom irUaXa, lelephenej 5545. G. Albert Pearson, Harold Turk- seat 2000 persons in the area be­ school sessions rather than to have Mrs. James O. Hassett. Alexander "Fore*.” time taken from the School time. - ahMrarrMr*. Donald Tedford, M r In 1943, an underground or- ington and C. Elmora Watkins. tween the two buildings now on RHBI^ IS DisUGHTED gantiatlon pubHahed excerpts of The choruB haa been rehemvlB* By Yugoslavs ‘Punish -School street; He felt that the en­ .-Jt was.reported that, the inaur- hla diaries containing violent at­ for aeveral waeka, and will meet Goimni ff MMdlebraek. toe. rollment of puplla in the town of ance on the beach wagon haa been Pusan,' Korea, Nov. 6 — tacks on Marshal Petaln and other again tomorrow at 8 p.m. In Cen­ Market CSraed Satndaja Vemoii would Increase from 401 to Increased tb a maximum of 3400,' OOCi for any one accident. The sec- South Korean President Syngman member* bC^ hta oceupatibn Vichy ter Church. Next week the re- 1 p. « . pHera 11,130 as Pro-R^ds 772 in .these same years. LET D8 PILL YOUR Baak Btaeka retdry of the board was authorized Rhee today measaged President­ regime. hearaal will be Monday, at 8 p.m Garage to Be Sold elect EUenhower "We are delight Bid Aakad to write a letter to Mrs. Julia Tou- precast Co/c^e^/ ODatrihotar to F lg n ^ alao at Center Church. Chairman. John Talcott stated ed and the entire nation la Fkrat Natkmal Bank (Ooatkiaed from Mga Ona) hey who retired last week after 47 Mauriac is a cbntrlbuted tb the The roUa are atill open for new that the Clyde Gil! garage in .the thrilled" over his projected trip of Manebeater .,... 9 85 years of teaching in the Vernon conservative T»aHa .dally news­ membera, and anyone mterssted In rear of the present Sykes schojl to Korea to seek an end to the joining the chorua U invited to Hartford National \ Rankovlc’a figures came a* he schools in appreciation of her serv­ paper "Figaro," of dthich he la submitted, on bkhalf of the par­ is to be sold. No action was taken' ices. war. attend rehearaala. Further infor­ Bank and Tniat . . . 39 31 on either matter. reportadly a part owner. ty’s central cqiOmittee, new party nOCKME ALL Principal RamsdeU announced "Please Include... .Mr*. Risen mation mav ha obtained from Mr. Hartford Conn. T ruat. 84 '88 Talcott announced the re-ap- CaOed for and deliT cred He studied at the University of Maachaater Truat . . . 67 —_ statutes governing its future Nlr.HT LONC that American Education week hower," Rhee aaid. "Her pres­ Wataon, or member# of the chorua polntment of. John Gottier as PNMi^tly at BO extra ence will be a great honor and Bordeaux and In Paris, where he axacuGve commlttea, who aw Phoenix State Bank operations/and designed, he said, would be observed in' all schools early became prominent In the ci­ to concehtrate Us activltiea for chairman of the Building commit­ next Week and notices were being charge. encouragement to our suffering Eric B. Anderaon, Mra HHale B and Trust ...... 57 81 tee and Mrs. Sarah Brookes as people and the UN force* fighting ty's cultural life. Hla flrat book, Gustafson, Mlsa Eva Johnson and Fire toaaraaee OemnanUe educating the masses and increas­ sent to parents. Inviting them to s t a r t s SUNDAY chairman of the Teachers commit­ AT BUDGET PRICES In the front line." a collection of poems, was pub­ Aetna Fire ...... 57 59 ing Us public work. visit the schools. Samples of the MIW YVK C A U 2.9S14 Rockwell H. Potur, Jr. THEOl/AR7{7 RAVENS YOIj <’41/ tee, lished in 1909 at hia own expense. Hartford Fire ...... 163 157 nw report cards which allow apace A government spokesman said He cautioned the congress simul­ "MY SIX CONVICTS” . Mrs. Brookes reported Miss Alma Eisenhower would be welcomed Three years latgr he founded a NaUonal Fire ...... 70*4 72>,4 taneously that "certain laixities'' I MVNMCE.KnV ROCNMOUnttSRMl for both teachers’ and parents' Catholic magasine, "Lea Cahiers." Phoenix ...... 97 102 “MONTANA TEBBITOBY" Harry CarnevsIim myOIssao-Oa^l M. Masley of Middletown, a gradu­ comments were exhibited to the nNE PHARMACY with possibly the greatest recep have developed "tn the private Ufe ate of Annhurst In Woodstock had tion ever held in Seoul. Mauriac first gained internation­ Community. Day life aatf ladeuia ltj Ina. Coo- of some members of the party"— &IH1 DUKFS^'^aT'ANNIVERSAiO SHi)« board. al fame with —"The. Desert of Aetna Casualty...... 92 97 been engaged as a member of the Boundaries Announced among the veterans as wdl as the -teaching faculty, and also Mrs. Love," which was published In Site Jg Changed Aetna U fa ...... 92 97 new recruits — which was having Also at the meeting last night, 1935. He followed this with a suc­ Conn. General ...... 150 155 Mary Winch of West Willlngton, boundaries for the attendahee at / a harmful effect upon the,educa­ - who has. had 12 years teaching ex­ 9MVI m SAPtTV cession of successful works and In Hartford Steam Boil. . 43 45 tion of the masees. the various schools were an WITHOUT CHAINS 1933 was elected a member of the perience! hounced; AU children west and The Mancliester observance of Travelera ...... 670 690 THACTtOH ChooM your favorite flared atytoa In 100% nil sraal French - Academy, Hla election to PuMIe Ctntttea He challenged as Illogical the Receives 34 Applications south of the Burke .greenbousa on' World Community Day, an annual argument which he said have been Fresh Sea Foods Now In Season that body was confirmed on the Conn. Light Power .. 15Mi 1814 Gottier reported that there were State Route 83 attend Vernon eUAT THUD fabrics ar evcr-popular fine pinwaie cordurojra. Hw ear event observed by church women advanced in some quarters that 24 applicants in response to the PISH AND Cl^IPS WITH OUR PRIALATOR first ballot — an almost unique Conn. Power . . y . . . . . 37^4 39',4 Elementary school as will children . • USS HUM brand new scicctlott of all wral atralght skirts In dark honor. throughout the world, will be held Hartford ElecyLt, .. 47V4 t9'4 the party should,, not Interfere advertisement for a janitor at the living on South street west of the green, charooal, oxford gray, Mack. Sixes 34 to gL in the private life of its members Vernor Elementary School. Of • SMOOTHlg Oar new mniUry proceaa gives you a dcUdona, crisp, tomorrow »t the Conconto Hartford Oak Oq. .... 35 38 Intersection of South and Vernon RUNNINO So. New B w a h d provided their public work' was these Lewis Skinner of Vernon was avenue. goldea brown food — Seals in the flavor! Come in and Lutheran Church Instead of at the well performed. Ail SIZES M STOCK Tel. y ...... 38 85 selected and he started hla duties Children living from:the Burke eOMPARI 9UAUTY WHIN try them! PRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED Achegon Braceg Emanuel Lutheran Church, as Rankovic’s speech was prepared today. He reported that bids were originally planned. TBe change of Maanfaetartag Comoaalea greenhouse east to the west side VBYLOW nKES TO TAKEHQME. CALL 2-8003. A m T ^ rifW aw : . 17 19 ' and printed befiye yeaterday'i asked for the cabinet In the sew­ of Ward street attend the Maple location la necessary because the incident on the Congress floor ing room at the high school, and Foe GOP Broom Emanuel Lutheran CSiurch Iq be­ AfTOW, Hart, Heg. ... 37^ 40'/4 Street School; those-living to the ■ w when a, high-ranking Yugoalav asked the verlflcation of the board NEWLUXURYniRE____ ing used for a funeral tomorrow, Aaaoc. Spring ...... 37 30 -east o f Ward atreet. Including the COMMUNITY RESTAURANT BristM Brass...... 13 15 Communist was ejected forcibly for plaGlnf tha contract with the eaiat 'Sldb o f the street attOnd the (OaartlKad from Bag* Oas) aftemon. C ollin s...... 125 14S from the formal . meeting after FREEZE ■ids NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER The box luncheon planned for publicly accusing another ' top 13:30 has been cancelled, but the Bm-Hart ...... 87 91 ta MO. A N . WAHANTV \J proxtmately 50 are career foreign Fafnir Bearing ...... 33 36 govemiliental official of stealing 3 9 service, offleers and the rest are worship service will be held from ORLON Hart Cooley ...... 36 39 his wife. W- MSN TEST political appointees. 1:30 to 2:30 a# originally planned, Lenders, Frary, Clk. .22 - *24 Rankovlc said In his speech to­ HEAVY-DUTY UATTER and the nursery for small children ’ A d r A AOOD .SATTIRT ■ V ■r ^ w ; ▼ y ^ Many changes In foreign posts New Brit. Mach. Co. . 34 36 day that the party membership are expected to be worked out by "will also be provided. North and J u d d ------26H 39V4 has been increased by 311,000 IN YOUR CAS the Elsenhower administration The guest speaker. Mra. Maurice Russell Mfg...... IS 15 new members since the last; Con­ ______SKIRTS over the .flrat few. months o f next HohUeld. will speak on the theme Stanley-Work com. , ,-A8 - 51 — gress in 19.4& and: now j-eprsaantfl. I srau^rowusuL year. of the day, "Building for Lasting SOI pUICKII Ht^tT coNewmum MfOMNOi Terry Steam ...... 90 lOO 7.43 per cent of Yugoslavia's |fcp- { m t a t A P o m ISTAin. ONLY NIT The speculation is that he will Peace,” and those attending will T orrin g ton ...... 29 31 ulatlon. accept resignations of all the poli­ contribute bundles of infants’ and U. S. Envelope com. . . 67 77 Gen. Otmar Kreacic, chalrmaiv ZSJMK tical appointees Including such small ciiUdren’B clothing for the U. 8. Envelope pfd. .. 63 68 of the party’s flnance committee, • Ut. Mminiisi a Ambassadors sa Richard C. Pat- needy of the world. Veeder-Root ...... 29 32 told the delegates the party now For the best eating any time, come here-^yoa*n agree MSTMiB REC-1-SIQIMUrY terson. Jr.. In Switzerland. Charles All Interested women are in­ The above quotations are ndt to haa approximately seven million - J U, Ulrich'Bay In Norway. Walter S. it’a tops! Our courteous service and delightful ktinos. ' / MYOVRCAIl Washable, retain pleata, wrinkle-reatataat, re* vited to this service, which is be construed at aotual markets. dollars in property and cash. slat aUlns. Beige, gray, 34 ta 30. ^ Gifford In Britain, William sponsored by the Manchester phere wiU make your evening a memorable one. . O'Dwyer In Mexico, and Pete Jar­ Council of Church Women. E! NYDROMETERI EVEREADY m^OIIE man In Austmlia, ,, ------LEGAL lEVERAGES------^ THi sANsr YOU esN UN. em coim eT M Elsenhower also may weed out Par Taatk^ t HUIat TMt Waali Bad nilINO USTS AU WIH8N . | some career foreign service’0 fllce>s T h e l r a s who for one reason or another Slate Youth Talks DANCING TONIGHT have outlived their ' usefulness or Ti i a w ROYS' AND '1-PIECI may want to be re'ievcd of their At Citadel Saturclay adveivture— Friday rad Saturday, Featuring the m .T lA C K . duties. FMCTMIIPNOFS ML The big mystery In the depart­ I SYMPHONY FOUR ment Is what will happen to two Capt. Norman S. Marshall, com­ FOR EA S « STARTS W M WALTBt S H ilK , career diplomats who have been manding officer of the Salvation i i b s t a U w w S' lata Wear STORM CO^T i repeatedly assniled by various Re- Army Citadel Corps announces ' V o c a l is t MnNeHBaraa.cQMii RAOMTOI 0 Tara i publicans In Congress including On Malar Sen. McCarthy of Wisconsin. two special youth meatinga at the They are John Paton Davies, Citadel this Saturday. The 22 NOSE I mfuuTM AOAiNST witrm cou K H S S OIL AllTOMATIC DELIVERY SERVICE M O M CON- SKI-SETS now attached to the ll. S. diplo­ corps of the Southern New Eng­ oaAUNa JUST TELL US TO KEEP YOUR TANK FILLED matic staff in Germany, and John land Division of the Salvation FAN BELTS UNIVIRSAt FOdB ’37-4e IN C O LO [>U ARi§ iIimM SSi44s33 CHIV. 17-39 toSal* • Cbrys-I W lA T H M Carter Vincent, diplomatic agent Army will send Corps Cadets to a FOR AU CARS and Miplstrr in Tangier. Both rally here at 3 o ’clock Saturday men were identifled with China afternoon. FRIDAY thri SUNDAY fitiriMs A T VIR Y 2 * * . L. T. WOOD CO. policy prior to the loss of China to Captain Henry Burkhoudt of New 1 4 ! 8 8 FrL, at 7:15—S a t. Sun. ce n t S:1S ' LOW PRICIS $ L SI BISSELL STREET TEL: 4496 41 the Communis li. York City, a specialist in the CIRCLE {•ilitiilfifs AMI ML OmB CARS AT IGW PMCES Both have been repeatedly: In­ Army's Tfouth Work, will be the vestigated by the Stale depart­ special guest. A<^‘'o>i'Panylng iM Iflt • NWMSf RAYON AND NYLON GAIARDINE ment's l.,oyalty and Security board. him will be the - dirision^ com ­ 1 Both have their clearances pend­ mander. Lt. Cot. David Coy. and Alpaca lined, water-repellent atom rant with full fur ing for review before the Civil his staff from Hartford. Corps collar. Quilted 'wed lined ski pants. Matching quUt^ d W '' j Servlc* Commlssionls l.,oyalty Re- Cadets are composed of teen-agers lined ski cap (eap not na Ulnatrsted). Navy or dark 'grecij. Sizes 4 to 6x. t ' * I view board. The department haa who are enrolled in a course of ' ■ , '■ defended both men as patriotic study of the Holy Bible and the n g o b t o e H K i aerv'ants of the American goverp- beliefs and practices of the Sal­ I ment but the blasts against theni vation Army. iKNEllAIDRS Gomiliio AC GIRLS' RAYO{4 AND ! have, continued although Eisen- At 7:80 p. m. Youth for Christ n c H . ____ : hower himself -has said nothing Rally will be held at the Citadel. UNDA BI6ELDW| ROOM-SIZE RUGS Rabam ilb* Haw n i E L P I I M K : against them. A 30-piece brass hand will bring Far A N Cra* ' ' NIWLY UB uILT ■abalH IMe Haw NYLON GAIARDINE i -State department emploj'cs, total , special, .music, . In . addition,., a Wt HAM THI COt- flAUURETORS Par AH Craa -. 4- i many thousands. The- Eisenhower youth chorus will present gocpel SiCT OtNHATOt sot VOUt CAS AT US TO SAVS US TO housecleaning Is not expected to songs. Cktptain Henry - Burk* M illH f ..... 3.3ft. SNO-SUITS touch t'he''overwh'«mihg wajortty; houdt will' be' the gileit' pieacher.'' r -'i. u . ,SM^|A«iMas nucso lawipUEST • Ita:welght W in ton vath?T Oh the ATl*^ O im iim a , Qti -Staea '-Y-'W-14-.'; TnvvvrvTi'r i ',4i WHY iSdriTYOU lEllEVE ME JkMii Joniiffs few men at the top who make the young people, are urged to rame policy decisions. and support this endeavor. Every­ " Y f t o n ^ “ ESTELITA” m m m llw Mm* n4« oppliM tb rubs. Th« w«lt-dr*st«d room , PIYM.13.3I....* I Don ComffM one—regardleas of race, creed or srith PIGS CAUSE INCIDENT II PLUS HEATWAVE Robt. Hatton notds a "-to^ajiy look. With BIGBLOW'S Room-Siz* color : is invited to conie and en­ I0KE39.$1.... * UCH. MY NANY'S COMIN& HOME Istanbul. Turkey. Nov. 6 - i8h— joy Uila outstanding meeUng. ,. DONALD GRIIlf Rugs you con b* tur« oI a porfoct fit. But that’s Lffs Foul chkI Mory Ford An army statement today said a 30-minute eijehange of fire be­ NOW PLAYING net oH— you con alto bo sura that you'll find o pottom -K,- I . Listen to 'the*e records and manv more on .MANCHESTER II tween Turkish and Bulgarian sol­ STATE J. GIRLS' 3 to 6x m a t i n e e —w c c c . Delay Bottle Club diers on the frontier Tuesday ' MAT. 3 P. M„ EVE. 7:16—SATURDAY OONTOUOU8 AT 3 P. M. Sidt ploosM, o quality that woore and a prico set off by some wandering pigs. The statement said 'Tiirkish ' Hearing to Nov. 13 that's low oneugb for coihfert. 3 Speed Portable troops opened fire In the direction of the Bulgarian frontier when 1 8 * * 1 radio phonim raph they heard iuspiciou* "nolaes.” In A hearing scheduled yesterday - I the morning the soldier found the in Superior Court on an ordinance I your room, toko not* ' passed by the Hartford City Coun-. deed pigs. Prior to the army ex­ ' lutfifif rodtatort, otc.. oad Como fci. Reg. S49.95 planation. aoma Turkish papers cil curbing the activities of bottle had caled for reinforcing of border clubs was continued until Thurs­ I nsiwru y *« a porfoct IM w posts and retaliatory measures. day. Nov. 13. at 2 o’clock. M L RUBBER BASKETBALLS Vv # Pleated wools in red, green, navy. A. temporary injunction re­ Oak G rin . A .63 straining the city from enforcing the law was aignbd by Judge 'AFINEFOOD i f QUAUTY UQUORS 8UDGET TCtMS ARRANGED, . S8S-JIS" .M°,vss.sa"“ “ 9 8 • Flared corduroys in red or grec^ • Suspender style. 'Thomas E. Troland O ct 28, only UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY MNiM m i i.n 16. hours after the council had passed the ordinance. The city offl- BUSINESSMEirS a iM lM .I Tlraniai SpKUal Tor beauty you can see . . . Quality you con trust . . . OPEN 9:00 to .'»:.30 DAILY ^H O E REPPIR' clalB Mdli be required to show cauaa aoMiiimLHSE ai.S IIW I SWEAT SHIRTS why the tnjunctlon should not be A LA CARTE T B i l H l Cone to the “ House Of Fine Carpets.’’ TUESDAY and THURSDAY 9:00 to 9:00 continued. I LUNCHEONS MSIGNCO SOI ALL ATHUTIC WfAI. OOuni TtXTUli INNII SUICIO COT­ Six Hartford ;J)oUle clubs are Chicken a la King SERVED DAILY » ON THE SAME SHOW • TON. DOUILf ItlHO ' KNIT COLLAI OPEN 'TIL 9 EVERY NIGHT being represented by Attorneys Roast Beef CUSSt. WAIST 1 ‘ * Thomas E. McDonough, Reubln EXCEPT SATURDAY MANCHESTER o . U-LUPIT Kaminsky and Haitild Monoson. Veal ScallopiBi 681 MAIN STREET Tha attorneys challenge the legal­ With Skeny Wtoe aai ilA N C m S T E R Moakreara Saooe CARPET CENTER | ALL RUBBER FOOTBALLS Pottertori^s I f B t k i A n f f t * ] ity and conatitutionality o f the n . STROMG88tTION«tl. RAtlRRlASiU TATO HANOLIUAkima voeaaaTHAN KniTiinb mills FAMOUS FOR SERVICE FOR 21 YEARS ordinance. One of the clqbs la the Ravioli SOS MAIN STREET—CORNER BllDDLE TURNPIKE UATHil. NOW UMP IT MOSIStlON. ALSO AT: ISO c e n t e r ST.. COR. CHURCH ST. rafinlivn u' Wee H oiin Private Club, Inc., op- ” (IKNfBMAOE) TELEPHONE 2-4MX AU AND COLUGtS. 315 TRUM8ULL STh HARTFORD ■ ‘ ‘ s ss Mrrr . erated by Sll Mendill, aasoclaM OPEN THUR8. aad.FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P. N. alUfUOR SIZE t9a ' PLENTY OF PARKING with the Sunrlae Q uh on Oak (HID- l ’ » atreet, Maacheater. / ' . I Si'. J. '

\. A.„

■ t'


lA-1 Wraight of Veiiion, and Mra. Oiieaaa FJans lo r Lecture on .Chiiui Stiiimed Adlai 2 Govembr George Dareltua; : kmUng of T o ^ GaMU^l NcivsTidbite P J ^ Biind Hfildirag ...... 'Ledge-te-Meet...... SAVE ~ SAVE $AVE>%^1 ' Uriel'Lodge, A.F. and A.M., will es Talk of IC bIM froBi AP W ins Ail Auto Taxes Not on Agenda Tomorrow Races Still Cohen Elected meet Saturday at 7:30 p.m,- at the Mosoniq Hall in Merrow. llie Feir Attention \ -i _____ Representative Must Be Paid lowcraft degree will be conferred Draft for 1956 David S. Clarke. Milford Uwyer, on two candidates with WM Carl ! 'B »# Matter M a y B e named administrative assistant to U ndecided Snow of Mansfield presiding. RW Putnam Plum freos Page Oac) Prescott Rush,. ..MandisU Field, In Poak Ballot By Montli End Walter H. Evans, district deputy HOME SEWERS eiused by Direetpre; preetdent of ChUd WeUare League of the Ninth Masonic District, will of Americs, principal weaker at « ■) Coventry, Nov. 6—(Special)— REMNANT SALE Severei Item* LUted make .clear' within the next few opening of twoday annual meet­ Ellington, Nov. 6—(Specisl)— make an official visitation. To Quit ESA wceke, after a vacation, what hla ing of Coaaeetleat Coafercaoe ef Ihsenbower lost Wayne County Attorney Simon S. Cohen was re­ Residents are reminded that auto­ The Nathau;'Hala Square Club of (OsaltMMd From Pag* Om ) Uriel Lodge wm meet Tuesday at i TIM board 0t Dircctbra wUl meet personal - plana will be. ' Thooe Social Woik in Hartford. by about 168,000 votes. elected representative from the mobile taxes which become due 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Hall In tomomwr night, but tha question arouad SUvenson saw the gov­ Mis. Eleanor Roosevelt ex- WiUisms- carried tbs industrial April 1 ahould be paid tn full on SAVE UP TO 50% Tbaskaglviag. I aaade a preuiae town of Ellington with-1,067 votra Merrow. ON ALL WOOL, RAYON aad WOOL } ft of whether any action will be ernor as iba Isadsr of tho party sas surprise at Eleeahawer cotmty by 176,410 votes compared or btfore the last buatnesa-day -of ’ ‘ taken on tl» appointment of a 4* stay aad aee this coal tbiag alMs . . : Mialstiy of Works to hla 107,024 vote msjorlty in A total 6f 1,809 votes were cast RAYON FABRICS In tho months ahsad and axpsetod astablishing an all time record. November. State law stipulates Mnacbroter Evening Herald ' ' new town wtoMoI remained unan- through aad r u do it,” an aff ort to bo mads to rsorganiso says half the people el Brltela take 1000. C o V e n t r y correspondent Mrs. Pieces from 1 yd. to 8% yds. y after the agenda for Pakmm, a former Mayor of s bath ones a week—or say they While Potter and Eiaenhower The town has 2,009 voters and 96 that the tax collector must report and ro-bulld tho organlsatlbh from per cent gave Republicans the lead all such delinquents to the Ckim- CbarlM L Little, telephone Cov* All fabrics 60 inches wMe. ' the BMrtlHg-waa released. tho bottom up. do. off-sst the Wayne vote ootstate, entry 7-6281. The agenda containa no mention a year post siaee Nov. Id. 1161. Jordan authoHtlss investigate Williams made inroads into ths of 200 votes throughout the entire misaloner of Motor Vehicles and \ Dstatto PheBag ticket no.: renewal regUlfatlon can be Is­ ap^ntm ent. Oeneral'Meii* wbea he succeeded Erie Joha- WUsoa W yatt Btsvoason’s prsa- report that larasi has fOreed amn- tradiUonsny Republican , rural NOTED PAINTim WES WIi m : Today. Fridoy, Sotoidoy. __ __ Richard Mdrtin; 'Whose Job H staa. H» le-to-tha paekaga bar St Arab laaiWIes to-lsavs-Jal- vote,—to come—out as the—only .WoclfiMleetoa Soafiny sued. .unUL_the-dallnqiient- tax is Cleveland, Nov. A— Carl chinery bwslaeee la Identisl campaign managof. told julte village. . .Faal E. FItspai - The morning service of worriiip paid. '■ Is to prepare the agenda, said the - - „ „ ...... rsieportstai. yestspt e , itliat bs jwd Democrat to withstand ths Re- Frederick Gaertner, 54, teacher at Whofo: ap^nmMttTW laat MVfBo riek,- Democratic State cbairmaa puraesn Isnda&de. in the Congregationsl (Riuroh-at Name Peace JusUcea the* Cleveland Institute Of Art and He aaM he kae beca itasrs in Um govsnor's headquar­ in New York, resigns. 10:45 a. m. is World Mission Sun­ Peace jusUcea elected Tuesday 1 Monday’s meeting and can be ters had diBcuMsd the future with BsuarTnIBng include: Republicans, George E. nationally known for hla water I brought up at any time by any Hag oa a etody of the record la day. The sermon dealing with our color add Oil laridscapes, dled.Tuea- the oodl wag* caae Mae* last Stevenson and. hs Added: , Montana appeared today to Christian world Mission end 'is en­ Farren, Edison O. Davit, LeRoy M. I member of the board, "Our feeling la daflnitsly that it, mediately to tha m oterca^ elected a RepubUcan Gov­ Roberta, Helen S. Westlandr Wtn- day of a brain hemorrhage. j 4( Meanwhile John D. LaBelle, woek-oad. He said he expects to Ing to take him to tbs golf club. titled "Beyond The Skyline.” Music Last spring he won the National s FREDERIC’S 19 make a dscRiosLlktke aext day wUI be Adlai Stevenson in 1956." ernor in one of two close contests will be by the Chancel choir. throp Merrimam. Anton M. Las­ ^ 983 MAIN ST. — SECOND ?T.OOR << present town counsel, remains la Wyatt wryly conceded that he Oowda lined the ctreete along I still boding over from Tuesday's sen, Robert"C. Hallock, Alfred J. Academy of Design awahl with hla I 7 office until a successor is named, •r two aa.tk* pcooedare t* b* fol­ ths 16 mils route. Ths m rm th | At 3 p. m. an Important meet­ oil painttng"Barge Men.” He had lowed la disaealag of the appeal and others in ths Stevenson com­ genersi election. ' ing of sit the canvassers for the Hunkin, Wayne N. Gergler, P. Ray­ i m Matters which are slated for dis> mand had undarsstlmated the poli­ their greeting matched some of Unofficial returns from all but mond Borgs, Arthur J. Vinton, Jo­ planned to have hia annual show > I_ cuaalon at the meeting are re> from tha Waga StabUaatlaB hiS beet receptions. Ehrery-Member canvass will be held beagd rattag. tical appeal of Eisenhower. Wyatt 42 of 1,137 precincts gave State in the social rooms of the church. seph Motycka, Philip I. Holway, at McBeth galleries iii New York SAVE SAVE — SAVE — SA^ I 3 porta from the general manager had prsdlrted a Stevenson victory Sen. J. Hugo Aronson. Republican, .Uerald Photo . H- Wilbur. Steyena, George A. next month. t ' on the condition of Lydall Brook, Xiw WSB reoeatly pared 40 by St least 400 electoral votea a lead of nearly 8,000 votea over FOllowsbip te Meet the status of the school plans, and eOata from the $1J0 per day pay ' The latest count showed Eisen­ At 6:30 p. m. the junior Youth Kingsbury; Democrats, Ralph V. the Incumbent ■ Democratic gov^ Fellbwalilp meets i t the hoihe 'of The'Manchester Pipe Band wU Wapping Reynold^ 'Elsa B. 'Koheier, Louts - the Hartford County tax bill. hike doha L. Lewis aegoUated hower with 443 electoral votes and eraor, John W. Bonner. Artmion M a r W o n ^ ^ with the aofe coal ladnstry. That Stevenson with only 89.. Miss Jane CHapp on Berr avenue. be the featured attraction' at its J. Loysim, Ruth T. Welles, Ma- , - Other Matters had 139,703 votes and Bonnsr 124,- She is the worship chairmen of the annual dance at the Rainbow Ball­ thiide J. Nyack, Raymond H‘. Brad­ New bustneee scheduled for dls' decleloa led to a short-lived The Stevenson command still 796. Potluck Planned oralkoat et sslaere which eaded was trjrlng to put together an sn- poup end will lead the service. Highwater Mark room in Bolton on Saturday, Nov. ley, Sf., Helen R u th O aft, Walter cussion Include the leasing of land Republican Rep. Wesley A. D'- Recreation end 'refreshments wDl F. Mather, Jr., Christian A. Wei- ! at the Charter Oak Lot to the whea Lewie caBed ea'them to go alysla of just whet had happened Blwart won a convincing vtetorj' 15. One of Hai^^rd’s leading dance gold, Leo O. Ducharme, Kennnh OOR CSth ANNIVERSARY hack to work becaoee of the aeed tiM-Cnft Photo. In Tuesday’s election—and what D e a th s be enjoyed. Pilgrim Fellowship ^Reached in Vote By Church Unit > Manchester Vegetable Orowers As> fbr another term in tha Second emblems will be given those wbo bands wUl.furfilsh music for danc­ H . Spencer. Charles H eeler, Sr., t .sociation, transfer of $1,750 from •or oeaL Attomsy Robsrt Halo of SIA were the reasons for the Stevrason Congrssslensl -dlstriet. He -outran The appeal from the WSB hail Manorial in Hartfonl defeat. have been regular ii attending the ing. H ie entire 94-member band Byron W.‘Hall; Aianson E. Stew- one item In the Police Department Garden drive, prssldsnt of the Mrs. Alfred IL SteMs Democrat WUlsrd Frssar by about .group meetings. Marlborough, Nov. 6—(Special) wUl parade in full Highland Re­ Wapping, Nov. 6—(Special—The art, Jr.. Wolcott H. Ayer. William B a S i - U p ' H i i i e ' I budget to another, and budget al' ruUag waa throwa late Putaam’a Thursday, Nov. 30, at t p. m. Wyatt told a news conference a 3 to 2 maigln. " ' Cstholic Graduates Club of Hert­ Father Tennien, a MaryknoU that ths Rspubliran theme /ot Mrs. Ann McCsnn Steels, 48, of At 7 p. m. Uie senior Youth Fel­ —This lltUa community today re­ galia. Missionary committee of the <3om- Minor and Kenneth A. Downing, ' locations for the Waddell School lap becaoee. os eooaomle iitolil- L odge Set 199 Porter street, died lest night at Tbs First District congressional The band’s annual dance is be­ BUiv. t thrtt Nttv. 15 { Bowers Bdiool, and South School Haer, he has eupervlsloa over ford, discusses with Rt. Rev. Msgr. priest who has spent 3$ years in •Urns for n change" had snow­ raca was even closer with all but lowship will have a special evalua­ viewed Tuesday’s voting and noted munity (%urch here will sponsor Today’s Activity Calendar John J. Hayes the plana for a lec­ China, will discuss "China Today.' balled into euch proportions that the Mancheeter Memorial Hoepltal tion meeting at the parsonage-un­ coming increqaingly* popular each Thursday gatherings include I addition. . i wage aad price ooatrol matteis. after a ihort lUneaa. Born in Men- 16 of 390 prsdnete raported. Lee that a large Republican vote was year, making it necessary to limit s' potluck tomorrow at 6 p. m. at I Monday's hetion in tabling the ture to bo i^ e n by Rev. Mark Monsignor Hayes is chancellor of no one could have stopped the der the leaderahlp of Rev. Ken­ the Community House. ^ v b n try Grange, election offlcefa To Appoint Tennien, intemationiaiy celebrated trend. cheater, ahe attended local schools Metcalf, DemoeraUc Associate neth Johnson'. cost in almost all cases. With s the numbers of tickets sold. Reser­ p. m. hall in North Covent-y; 1 town counsel appointment Hartford Oioceao and chaplain of Justica of ths Supreme Court, was possible 616 registered vdters in vations m aybe made by contact­ Those who have not been con­ I after the board failed by one vote lecturer and author, at tho Buah- the club. Oreat eet Obstacle and was.n member of St. James' Choir Belieprsel tacted are asked to bring' a^hot pinochle card party 8 )>• uu Fin® Ike’s Congress He said that even before the Church. credited -with 82,892 votee to 51,- November 11 the junior choir the town, 580 ballots were cast. ing any member of the band. Lake Shores (jommumty .Club­ ! to ^nttnre Martin's recommenda- S02,fer WMlincten D. Raakin, Re- ■ lke»Nixon'Higk Teem - The local pipe'band is one of the dish’or.,A saladr—enough, to. serve j thm ortieBdU and'teiled to moM campaign Started, he 4nd"0thNrs Sha lea'Ves, besidss her huiMnd, 'Will hiMt i t the church to 'cohttmie house, ' ^U th' CoventryRifle CTUb New Judges had recognised that the tlme-for- publican national eommlttaeman. rehearsing for the Thanksgiving Elsenhowsr and Nixon drew 376 most colorful marching units of Its 10. persons. Rolls and coffee will 65 : for approval for his recommenda­ To fite Friendly Alfred M. Steele, one son, Jon 8. be furnished by the committee. GreeosChobot Poat, AL, 8 p. m„ a-change argument of the GOP Steels, and one brother, Joseph J. The first dlMrlet seat was service and music for the first Sun- votes against the-201 for the Stev- kind in the Ekutt. The unit has, in Willimantic State Armorv; organi­ tion of Charlea S. House, former was the greatest obataela they had vaosted by Democratic Rap. Mike enson-Spirkman ticket. Locally, the past, won many awards and , Two films, "An End to Dark- town counsel. . (OoeUaaed from Pago <>*e) Police Nab 14 Youths McOsnn, slab of Msnchsster. .day in December. ’ ncss'’..and "Again Pioneer’!, will pe zational committee Nathan Hale SPEOIAl BAJIQAINS (OsaUaaed from Pago Oaa) to overcome. And he said even-at The funeral will be held Satur­ Mansfield in his siieceesful race for The ■Center School bo3m basket­ peace- jusUcea named in the order prizes for its performances at community O uter 8 p. m. Onter. I , 'Martin said he understood the the. U. S. Senate. Mansfield, five of their vote were: various parades, - benefits and en­ ahown. There will be a special pro­ members of the board had an at- Leaving bis Beat In the U. 8. that early date they felt it waa day morning at 8:30 frpm the John ball team lists the follovdng mem­ Gueato of Club by President Truman. Blaenhower the declalve issue. Umee a House member, beat Zalea bers: Oirry Church. Raymond E. Klssir.an, (R) 364; Lyman tertainments. gram for the children. Tt OilDirilt Oir M Yttn li iM iM it I tomey in mind and that any Man- Senate, Judge Baldwin wsu? In Drive on Jalopies B. Burke Funeral Home, 87 EAst Ecton, incumbent Republican Sen­ Eddy, (R) 356: W. Caffyn (R) 321; LmUm Aid Fair Coventry Garden Club will have tihester attorney would be satls- says ha favors such a measura. pointed to tho SWIStD* CpUrt of ‘There always had been the pos­ Center street, and at S t Bridget’s Wheeler, James Oesting, lUchard aa guests the Garden Gate Garden Elsenhower’s views on foreign sibility that this current waa run­ ator. The unofficial count in 1,093 Dimock,. Duwayne Morganoon, Elmer Lindatrom, (R) 307; R. W. 'The Ladies Aid has scheduled a } factory to him. Sherwood O. >Bow- Errors by former Democratic Gov­ Church at 9 o'clock. Burial will be neclncte gave Mansfield 127,246 Hutchlnaon, (R) 353; R. B. Pec- fair to be held at the (Tommunity Club of Mansfield on Tuesday at CLAPp & TREAT, liK*. I era, chairman of the board, in- iwlicy have paralleled on major iIh ernor Chester Bowles. He took of­ ning strongly." 'CVyatt said. "If In St. James' Cemetery. Jack McLaughlin,' Norman Ander­ 1:30 p.m. at a meeting at the sues those advocated by the Tru­ Move to Decreiwe Acci* faces one of driving n car with de­ tha current was there, we knew we votea and Iteton 128,494. son, David Hyde, Jack Busher, tinglll, (D) 205; N. W. Glennie. Local Youth Wins House Nov. IS from 3 to 5 p. m. A alated, however, that Martin make fice two and a half months before. fective e^^pmeat as a result of a •Yiends.msy call at the funeral (Di 225; T. A. Crawshaw,. (D) Booth-Dimock Memorial Library. 4 AM$riMS Rm t. HsrHwI. OpfwHfi OM It it t Hm $s Individual ' mmuheindatlona ihd man administration andyvipprovod cotddn’t win. But If it wssn’t run­ home from 7 o'clock this evening _ __ Richard "LeDuc, Dean Hamilton. Saturday night baked bean supper Mrs. Floyd N. WUey of the local —aometimea rehictantly-^^-by Con- Judge Inglla was promoted from dents by Qe«ring Lo­ police inspection which-found there ning strong, then there wms sl- In New Mexico, Democratic Fred Arnold, James Moser, Rob­ 281; Addlsbn Pick. (D). 241. . will be a feature from 5 to 7:30 Uiat the boaM act on them indi­ tha Superior Court, where he had until the hour of the funeral. Special Town Meeting lu Grange Contest club will give a talk on holiday State Heers S:30 la 5:30 Hen. thrii Set. Then Niglilt Till 9 p. m. vidually. greas. cal Highways of Me- were no parking Ughts, no stop wsys the chsnce of a Democratic Senator Dennis Ctaavse won re- ert Christian and'Kieth Kinney. p. m. arrangements. Hostesses will be served for more than a quarter of lights and no tail light. Broda was ■victory.” , slsction over Republican Challen- A special town meeting will be Seniion Subject Set Martin then told the board ha He will And strong support from LA Charlea W. klgaer held Nov. 14 at 8 p.m. to act on Mrs. O. J. McLclIen, Mrs. Frank both southern Democrats and tha a century. ch an ic^y Unfit Ours arrsstsd on Main street at 1:40 W Mtt conceded that the feeling gar Patrick J. Hurley for the sec­ Manchester Evening Herald El- Wavne Keith, aon of Mr. and Rev. David Crockett, pastor of ' -i- was not prepared to make a Judge Baldwin succeeded Judge p. m. had run strongly throughpirt the Mrs. Rosalie Franko of 21 ond etraigbt time. 3 u t the reeult the purchase of a snow ]fiow; further recommendation and ad­ Republicana in tha controlling Uagtoa oerrespoadeat, Mra. O. F. authorization for the selectmen Mrs. Earl A. Keith of 36 Birch the CSommunity Church will use coalition for additional emphasia Arthur Ells of LitchiMld who re- Police swooped down on Jslopy- Agnsw was charged only wltjj country for s change and that this, Trebbe drive received word yester­ may not become official for Berr, telephone Rockville 5-9313. Street, and a member of Manches­ "The Ability to See Things aa vised the matter be tabled. ill his opinion, was the declcive day that her grandson. First Lt. weeks. and tax collector .to. adopt a two- Questioned Tuesday about what on Far Bast policy, including drivlng tssnsgers yesterday in a the unnecesssry noise charge. HUs payment tax plan: a resolution ter Juvenile G ^ g e , has been jOthera See Them” as the thetheme I ha would recommend, Martin told Koroa, and for cutting down and car also is equipped with the Holly­ factor In the election. Charles W. Eigner, USAF, Chsvec, head of the Senate Pub­ for his Sunday sehnon.l drlva designed to curb the acci­ Wyatt went'on to lay that this lic Works commltte*. led U1,S63 that ait private roads must have a notified that h # has woti first 1 a reporter he knew what course he nvising aid to Europe. wood muffler. He was srresled at killed in an airplane accident peer 50-foot right-of-way; and that a award in the state and national Fellowidlip to R Irot dent-rats increase in Manchester. Main and School streets at 3:30 tlme-foir-s-change theme was Vsldoeta, Ga, yeeterdsy morning. to 117,018 in the unofficial count Parley May Halt The Pilgrim 'Youth I shll taka but that he wouldn't di- Plaa* Cleaanp something th at was cumulative 16-foot road covered with aix Grange rope-tying contest in his iFellowship 1 VUlge it. It is on domostlc isniea, ouUide Ten youths, between the ages of p. m. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. with all but''IS ef the state's 894 inches of gravel be required before age group. meets at 7 p. m. in the, Community g DiarUaeed Last Spring 16 end 19, most of them charged The car driven by Duncan, who over the years and aven went hack Alexander Eigner of East Hart­ divisions reported. House. ■ of his announced intention to act was arrestM on Hartford road at mm far as the third term of Presi­ Declining to concede, |Hurley. Bigelow Dispute being accepted aa a town road. Wayne was 13 years old last 0 Martin said.today he would have in an executive capacity to clean with driving vehicles with d s f ^ ford. Penoaml Mention month and is a pupil at the Bar­ S nothing very spacUte to report on tive equipment, fell into the police 2:30 p. m., waa said by police to dent Franklin D. Rooeevelt Death occurred as s result o^ an 1 former Sserstary of Wan and at Manchester Evening Herald otit Communism and corruption in Wyatt told reporters: "Lnoklng Thompsonville, Nov. 6—;(P1—An James Frink is hospitalized .'n nard School, and St. Mary's ■ the pollution in L j^ ll Brook. Waahington, that Elsenhower will net as the force moved to keep have on emergency brake that was aircraft accident about a quaner one time Ambassador to. Chins, Middletown aa a result of Injuries Church school. He was formerly s Wapping correspondent, Mrs. An­ 1 Martin said he told Mrs. Helen oft the highways cars mechanical­ out of adjustment, no low beams beck, I don't tblnk thst any one of s mUe south of Moody Air Force bad ballot boxes In four northern Informal conference was scheduled nie Collins, telephone Mancheater face his greatest test In Congress. else could have done aa wsU here today between spokesman for received in an auto accident Tues­ Boy Scout, but was so busy he 2 fltspatriek, now Birector Flts- ly unfit to be on tham. Police also on the headlights and no parking Base whUe on an instrument train- counUra Impotmded,' counties day morning. decided to give up that activity. 4410. ■ Patrick, this spring that it would Perhaps the general's program made four more arrasta today on lights, a HMlywood muffler and Stevenson did under the dreum- ing fiight Lt Elgner was an sU- ffvs <^vss about 2,700 votes of the National Labor . Relations on that score was best spelled out stancea" board, officials of the Bigelow ^ r . and Mra. Ralph Lord of He plays the guitar and sings, I be inadvisable to remove accumu­ similar charges, but further infor-' holes punched In the muffler weather instrument instructor at bis lead. . v . Providence, R. I., have been recent takes part in the Kiddies' Revue The earth's atmosphere extends lated matter from the Rogers Cor- when he met with Sen. Robert A. mation was not available at press make even more noise. He faces He eaid the election returns K ._ It may be weeks before ths bsl- Sanfend Clirpet Ctompany and offi­ Taft of Ohio in New York in made it clear that neither Steven­ gueats of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. radio broadcast, and keeps a scrap-: to a distance of 10.000 to 15,000 Boiation dam in the summertime time. the unnecesssry noise and the de- L t Elinsr was born in Hartford loU cers of rival AFL and CIO unions Doberrentz here: k of his appearances at dlffer- mites out from the surface of ths and suggested It be done during September. T ift said then he fe^ive equipment charges; son nor any other person in the iiv. S . attended East Hart- Oanyaaalng board. In an effort to break a long juris­ couldn’t agree with al.l of the There were S3 accidents In town role of the DemocraUe presiden­ Aug. 23,1928,2 1028 attended East Hart­ dictional dispute. entertelnmenU. earth. cool weather. Martin said the ma­ in October, six m6re than in Sep­ n g an i, whose car is equipped ford High School for one year be­ Await Absentee Vote Manchester Evening H e r 61 d r terial could be floated downstream Elsenhower's foreign policy views, with a Hollywood muffler. Is tial nominee could have stemmed Will Dwight D. Eisenhower be Hte company operates plants but insisted their dliferences were tember and Chief of Police Her­ the tide that m s running for fore his family movM to Missouri, Marlborough correspondent, Mrs. -but would merely accumulate In man O'. SChehdel Said tha drlvi'lo charged with creating'an unnec- the -first Republican stales - Herbert hers and at Amsterdam, K., Y. Tha Howurd Lord. CROSIfirS MEW ’53 MODEI5 completed hU high school educa­ .Union Pond. only on degrees. keep mechanically unfit cars off asaary noise with hia car as well chance. Hoover to carry tradlUonallv \AFL-Unlted *TeKtlle Workers The waste, dumped Into Lydall *I^ft said in a statement which aa with violation of rules of the Only One Error tion out there, end steo attended Democratic Kentu^y in a prSei- onion represents the 2,000 workers the highways, which is going to Wyatt was asked whet had hap­ Missouri University for one year Fond by the Lydall and Foulds Elsenhower ondoraed that there continue, was one step in a cam­ road. Police say that Pagani, who dentlml elactlonT ■’ at'-the Thonqwoitvllla. piaat while BestVakies In Town THE NEW CROSLEYS GIVE YOU: Company ond the Colonial Board meat be a reduction in fedej-al was arrested at-Sprues ani pened to hia prediction thst Ste­ aad graduated from. New’London This was ths most provocative - the CIQ Textile Workers Union of Troops Raid Area Company, according to Martin, has paign to hold the accident rate venson would win by at Issat 400 Junior College In 1947. He entered THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY ONLY! spending and in taxes. down. Two 6f the accidents Isst street at 3:46 p. m., waa dri' question left unsswered today America represents the 2,500 Am- •FINE WOOD CAMNETS caused complaints from residents Yesterday,. Taft said in Cincin­ a rats of 38 miles per electoral votes. tha Air Force avtetlon cadet drain­ from Tuaaday*a general election aterdatiKworkers. In the neighborhood. month resulted In fstalltlss, the He grinned and said that he had ing program March 27, 1949, end Of Native Trouble •SUPERIOR RECEPTION nati that the tremendoiia majority only two this year. ^ ru c e street, which is posted n^ot which saw the state elect a Re­ The NLRB has ordered an elec­ Lady’s Solitaire Diamond Rin{; The report on the school plans given to Eisenhower "shows the been r t ^ t In two of his three pre­ was commisalonsd a second lieu­ publican Senator and retain six tion involving employes of both A>es not include a letter received determination of the people- to re­ Fleaty et Nolae The defective equipment and dictions. Then ha added: tenant a year later. plants to determine whether the , -Nairobi, Kenya, Nov. 6— (/P) — recenUy from Charles-B. House, Chatlee 8. He Most of ths youths arrested In Itemoerate.to two RepubUcaiia in YOU CAN lUY YOURS store a government believing in unnecessary noise charges also *I predicted it would be a land Bealdea hU parents end the House of RepresenUtlvss. CIO or the a FL shall be the bar- Troops and pollcq swooped at dawn APPROX. */2 CARAT chairman of the Board of Educa­ American principles of liberty as the drive had only themselves to face Murphy, whose car police say, slide. And It was. ternsl grandmother, Mrs. Franko, gaining representative. The tion. Martin said. tired in December, 1949 and Judge Marne for fiftecUon by the police— '.T predicted the electoral Yote It looked as If absentee ballots ThompsonviUe .union opposes the today on suspected Mau Matt opposed to the growing bureau­ Inglla waa moved up in MsrcH, has no parking lights, two front he leavea his paternal grandnwth- held the answer to whether Elsen­ •AM ERICAN CUT - .FOR AS PER The letter InfornM Martin that they had rigged their cars to make tires that are smooth, no stop would be at least 400. And it waa, er, Mrs. Joosphtns Barabas of joint election broause it says the areas in troubled Kenya. ^ cracy, spending and taxation of 1960, when Chief Justice William unnecessary noise which was what "Tha only error I mads ' was hower or Stevenson -would carry WEEK si high school. Umited to a cost of the to-called fair deal." light, no horn, a ateerlng mechan-' EUat Hertford and n brother, Alex­ the state. CIO will have the advantage since Sixty auapected kiUfemeh of Ths FIAWLES'S LITTU AS al $3,000,000, would contain only M. Maltble retired. attracted poUbs attention to them ism that la very loose, an emer­ which one would be the -winner. ander Eigner, Jr., of Eaat Hart­ there are more employes at - the dread anti-white secret .society "That feeling waa IntenslAed by Like any other appointment to in the first place. Hollywood muf- Wyatt said that telcgrama bad Returns fronr 4,011 of tbs state's Classrooms. It reiterates the Board the resentment against the corrup­ gency bikke that can not be used, ford. k atudent a tho Unlveralty ~ Ameterdam plant than at TTiomp- were pultsd In near Meru, a small HNE WHITE COLOR of Eld.ucation's stand that the the Suprente Court, the govemor'a fUrs, made by adjusting tha auto- been pouring In to the govemor'a 4,135 precincts gave: 'aonville. town on the alopes of Mount Ken­ tion In the Truman adminlatration appointment of a Chief Justice re­ defective foot brakes and a Holly­ of Connecticut Stevenson ^ ,0 3 8 : Etesnbower DONE UP TONIUHT MIB SEE THEMI originally planned facilities should nmbile's muffler to create a dif­ wood muffler. He was arrested on mansion wlOi ibis supporters urg­ Funeral arrangements are in­ The dispute started last May ya. Then the town waa surrounded be included .even if it is necessary and the pro-Communlst foreign quires the oonflrmatfon of both ferent sound, were on eight of the ing Stevenson- to continue bis 482,609. when the Thompsonville local bolt­ .00 collcy which built up Russia and School street at 3:45 p. m. complete. Ths unscoqunted for precincts end nearly 2,000 Africans rounded / O PiN UNTIL * :3 0 to build a smaller high school and Houses. ^ cars, and the exhauat pioe of an­ Frits, who waa arrested for leadership in public affairs. How­ ed from the CTO and became affil­ up for. screening. A similar raid Tax Extra brought about the Koreaivwar,'' be Backed by a GOP controlled other had rusted out, which also ever, he aaid that he had not dis­ were in territbiy apparently about remain on double sessions. declared. speeding, was clocked by police at Mrs. Mary P. Brewa iated with the AFL was made at Fort Hall, where 30 The report, Martin said, is con­ legislature. Governor Lodge aiap causes a loud noise. between 60 an4i 68 miles par hour cussed with Stevenson what the equally divided between Stevenson A NLRB spokesman said that if 'Wo guarantee theae diamond riags to. be outetaading values. The President-elect has agreed will have a free hand in putting governor expected to do In the MiS; Maty P. Brqwn, of 619 and Elsenhower. were seised. cerned with plana for the Vernon to send a ropresentative to sit in Those arrested for having de­ on center Street from Adams North Main street widow of Peter threatened 'nompsonville opposl- At Tigoni, 20 mitts from.^sirohi, A gemologlat has four years of sclentiflc training to know Lydall school and the high school. through legislation to add fective equipment ware Ned E. street east. to. the town line. He &ture except to take a rest with­ Jefferson county slons ksd 4,—The airport and they gave him aj warm tomorrow afternoon until $1 EUsaheU Robbtam, 54 Academy 196 Putnam atreet. Hartford. It Ehsenhower has talked about MUST STAND.TEIAL nscesaary noise charge, was lodged Uaitod Stetea today rejeited a cheer when be appeared In the door o’clock Saturday motnlng. - atreet; Mra EUaabeth Wooda ISO rayon stripe in Parma violet will be aponaored by the Junior putting a woman in ihd cabinet against him when pMics found the Savlel protest agatast treaRea of tha p*»^i 1 Glcnwood street; Mra Leontlne Be Safe!... Be Sure! League of Hartford and U open to and Ovetata Culpcuin I^bbyJtmbbvJ co-pub- Waahlagtsa. Nov. $ — oFj — emergency brake not working at'm tea datenae saas ta Ksroaa An old friend. Brig. Gen. Frank LIST POPULAR VOTE Waldo aad son, 104 West street CAU and winter navy or spruce the public. liOier of the Houston, 1 ^ ., Post Mary Jaae ESeaey, |$bo refnsefi properly. In addlUon. he waa w a te r s. A State departaaeat Allan, was waiting at tha bottom DISCHARGED TODAY: Dr. Finis E. Engleman, state and Maryy Lord, coHChairman of to tell Seaats Seearlty lavestlga- charged witl) failure tk change hla ■ptikssmsa called the eemptelat of the ramp. Allen serve' Wasklagtesi,' N av. 9—m — Howard PhUlipa IM Hackmatack green. Sizes 14Vi to 22!4. •eia wfcsiker aayoae la the Sm a car registration number to con­ EUenhower’s chief of public rsla- atroct;. .Philip B urg^, 31 North T.Y Oner of Education. wlU the Cttlaens for -Bhaenhawer «em- a Ead atteaipt "to decehrs 9s*- on "tVhnt kind of an eduM- mitt**, hatw been mentioned In fiaaartaMBt k e l ^ ker get a joh form to tbs number of the car’s pie."-The U . k leaettea to Mea< tkms iA ^Europe In the closing toAsy, trsM laSA li of ths ( Stan straet; T asrisiue Ksarna 2$ THE M cK in n e y BROS. DFPARTN'IN r : tional program ahould we buy for this oonnectloB. wl& the V alM Nattoas, aMol. new engine. cow's psalsst was stated iafOr- months of World War n . try's 14«A7S POthM aalto i DrivsdL ' , * 'oor chUdiwiT" and Fred Bach- ataafi trial for eeataB iat o< AnesM aa Mala St EtecnboR;er ahook hands all edthsi 8 E W E M IE m im u . o o w m y iBger. Education Editor o f ^ e New Giraffas can rsach- and C. S. DletHet A. Hollywood muffler was alao round with tha suns warmth n A o iM m Oltaffas are tamed, but York Herald- Tribune.1 w u apeak water by awksrardly spreading I Efiwarfi M. Oartaa as ruled te- ths undobig of Broda, who, ba- abowad during, tha caawal. Hk* tha mate, can eqt ei- Muinaek uwteAei memiBa Opee o ^ Setanday 9 tH A. M. te 148 P: M. on n o w , do ere get Itr* thalr feieiaga. I Oaf. m wkvsd'to tha crowd, aqd wqnt vloaaly.wlth thair ■idM U AOIM €telFS#i » rsU m r te S’-ee p. bl 358 EAST CENTER ST .- t e l e p h o n e :5191 I. ■ ’ ) t wm i- ) ’ ■ ; A . J. ' ■ * a.. • ' ' ■ I.;' , - . J A- - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. 8IANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1952 i fAGE- MANGBBaTBR EVENING HERALD/Mi^C^ESTEB^ €ONN« THUilSDAY. NOVBllB(s' 6, 1952 T ------:------• - to VbNBlwwto tlM P0W m due courae, as might have been w o N s-iete vw go j /I WTHT—isaa expiseted, and aa tho dbvimie tond. L o < ^ M a n WHAT- '" j»v«u i' II m; i a nmm ^ m n e e ^ e t t t - w no—leae ’ Mcutiy witt* t h ^ 'w u t t d , that they «S 5 d M it jwdFiB6g W KNB— 84# Bastom Stoaiard Ttaie Wh|HC-HCk.’C Snnltig iimiOk sot It to RiMoM could not be denied. Y a n k e e From bore on in. tbe campaign 4iPS-WDRU-4t Bappsss avarr Dar:Ae;lS—WONO—C^ao PattersoB. consUtutod an unusual tyat eg Jan mkowtch of t N ot^ Sdiool CecVtc Adams. WOMB—Crese ... Pstterson. By A .H . O. Riblcoff. Would he be overcoma straet haa w w tba aaeoMl ~ ' ' WTHT—Cat Timlsr.'~ ' WCCC—la Hnsdred and M Hit*. n o Knife i WTIO-Bsckstac* Wife. WTtO-N«w*i Tot. sne Tour qMidChild- With tear that these chargaa estkm award for WONS—Jack Dovney't Musle Shop. WHAT—Itsllsn 'Procrain. n ioia aro taro atrange, Irenlcal, would injure him, and thisrefora Pralt A l^itoey Alrtgaft. This is being written—^In an­ WHAT—News; Polka Hoo. :tt—WDRC—Bins Crosbr. but ai^lalnable rimilts inchidad In go out and anawer them on thett P. GPtan, gmwal WKNB—News- Re«ue(’. UatiBee. w n c —Victor »C Llndlihr. SUPERMARKETS other cf thoaa. unavoidable tiros own level, either with rebuttal oT hounced toitoy. 4tU—WOKS— Jack Downey's Musk WHAT—remou* Trlel*. tbe alectlcQ returna. Up la Maa- Shop. WKNB-43u1b Call. situations which .confronts a with a launching of his own coun­ Ha to oiM of ISl award aaaiuaetta, SaiAtW Henry Cabot WDRC-St bou:> UaUnee. IStee-,-WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. Thursday columnist after a Tues­ ter-charges m MndT whose combined total of Wnc-Stelle Dallas .. .w niT—My True Story, C 3 Lodge. Jr„ the orialnal cbampion Or would ho have the self Con­ the aaeoad 4aryaat amount 4:ae-WDHC—Rsdle’Hsrrte; News. w n c —Welcome Trereler*. day ala^oa—arltbout knowledge CAN WE 4tae—WDRC—The Record Ihop. WCCC—News; 13 Hundred U d trol to bold to his own standards, for Klaaaboarer, loat tba aeat to of tha Connecticut results. paM out la a itomlo month WTHT-Kddle Arnold Tims, LHUs. r B S E S i u a ' Bepraaentative John f . Kennedy. The actual result, however, considering that more politically PAWA. w n c —Touns Wldder Brown. WKNBTB—New*; Through the Teere. ^ whatever it haa been, has not al­ advantageous to him and more A Snt diUt groim leador at WCCO—News; Hiulcat fcoreboerd. WHAT—lUlten News: Music. Mtot «•••••••«••••••••••** And out; la Ohio, Charlea P. Taft satisfying to tomself personally, East Hartford plant, Islkowich re­ 4tta—wn c — The Women In Hy WTHT—Wbispcrtns Streets. VMlto »*o»4v«*«******** tered tbe validity ot our commmt Houee. _ ItilS—WDRC—Arthui ,Godfrey, r t»> •*•••• M , anw i, In Jbe mldat of tha XSacn- about the clutch parformaaoe of and p e t h ^ even conslderUg it ceived IMS for recommending the ■ita-WDRC-Mewi; Olti Record Shop. w n c —Double or Nothins. b0«Vr Bwimip, to defeat O o y tttia t better td losg that Way than tor la lT a n a aeveral Mitary surface ■ WHAT—atory Quwn. WKNB—voice of Mtneheiter. rooor...... « e%f • 0 « • • * 0 O • • one Connecticut candidate. WnXT—News, Joe Glrend Ihew. MiaP WTHT—When s Girt Marriee. n an k Lauadie. Aa the campaign opened. Con- win by any other? tablaa that aiare daettowd for tRs vHne-Juat Plnic BUI. - , . l:U-WONf^-NewA ■ bappanad," ta both ln» lasmaii -Ab»-Raieeg-had won WnuM- bn tens fH« hMt, sofaerappito. _____ liSP-WCCC—13 Hundred ned 10 Hits. would ha Ignore itT Aa a raault Sva old tablea were WDHC^ArtHur OoWfey; ataacea, waa the operation of p6- two elections by a process of fol­ w n c —Tront Pea* Pamll. WKNB—News; 840 Club. lowing his own high notions- of Wo, wko teraFe<«»to«r.klgh rsdatolad at a oonsideraWb sav. •iSS—w n c —Lorwio Joass. WONS—Ladles Fair. f btical forcaa o f the Robert A. Taft what campaigning should bo. It level eandldatee f * aleng wen inga to PAW A. WHAT—Band by Demand. WniT—Lon* Journey, _____ JtoO ta;f------ensngh While the aalUng WDRC—Memory Lane. w n c —Strike It Rich. 'Wing o f the Republican party cut­ gulte obvious that, in his cam­ W ONM ky King. „ „ WHAT—Italian Newa; Musk i n u s s ^ ting and dofaatl^ other Rapub- paign for election as Senator, be amoath and the wind mlli, •toy ■ttt—WDRC— Curt Messey-Merthe llilS—WTHT-We. the WomeA iMNia ant ala* i would, by tbe processes of his own to etnek np anger the Tilton. 11 Its—WONS—NewA Ucana they didn’t like. They ly severe test a f their AT nasE WHAT—Sports. IlilS—WDRC—Grand Slam. aantea aMot a t1 K ,U ,A . ■ara* intellect, and ay his aense of loy­ LOW PRIGES? WONS—News.- WCCC^Newi; 12 Hundred and 30 coutOn't toudt Kiaenhower, but alty to himaeif and to his opinion U s» l B tftrafis w n c —Notes and Quotes. _ „ HltA . they could, and didi knlfo lodge of the voters, attempt to adhere aaawar one of the asare abaoih- Itgg—WTHT—mnkis rrtseb — Bell- WnC-Bob and Riy. AX LOW PSIOBB and Charlea f a f t to similar atandards in his guoat tag phaaea of too eaapaign. •conuL WHAT—Malsano Prorram. The aaawer waa thM, so tor WONS--Ocll Brown. News. WONS—Queen for a o ty . y or In Haaaachuaetta, a group of for the higher oSice. AND Givi YOU A BtasMg W rm —Braak tbe Banb. n m WEEK END OF OUR Thia obvious intention on -his .as we were able to observe his AiUm r O ra; Sto m WKNB—Musle from out of the West. Tbft leadenr, norar recoodlad to tnmitalia RflUeoE witbstoed HOURS t A. m to 11 p : M. ■:g»-WDRC-^ewA Uilg^WDRCr-rRosemary. part was, however, threatened wiAT-:-Newd.* ■■■...... w n C —Dsve Girrowty. lOaidt o t the Cbloago conven- somewhat by various factors m too toniptotien. went an follow- - WnO-NewA-- - ...... WHAT^Roasonl ProxraaL lad tton, made ^ aecrat of thalr in- the campaign. ' Campaignihg in lag hla own staadaaSs,aad WONS—NewA Atleraeea WTHT—News: Joe GlrssA lt:B4—WDRC—Wendy Warrem tentioa to take their vengeance Connecticut as a whole, he was therefoto won the boMcally knr e;|g—w n c —Bob SteelA pettant vletory, whatovee ltd WCCC—Luncheon Musicale. t ' out on Senator lodge, tha leading perhaps 'without thoaa personal 1 W O N S -^ rU WKNB—News; Moyle Time. contacts which had proved a net- iwppen iat the polls Tnueday. WHAT-Fporte. SupperSeiynede. WHAT—Itellan Voice. Elaenliovor atrataglat at that con' FREE INSURANCE POLICY WDRC—Jack Ealmen, This I Believe. WONS—Curt Maasey Time. of iniluenee la-aupport of e:35—wn c —Weather, WTHT—Jack Berch Show. vantion. They made open league his previous high level campaign : WDRC-Guy X^omberdo -.wnc-r-Newa;,. Weather. . ,* ■ -with CoiigieOaman Kennedy,-^ Ing to his own home county. Fur­ ftoMdof^waia pravids on " A i Ri$lis'VJ«w«lry Rootwpoiiqr t:a»-WON6-News:WONSr-Newf; MudMuile for Arasr- ISHd—WDRC—Aunt. Jennie's Stories. T rin ity D edicatee ^«d* WKNB—Ring Croiby. GERBER'S a plaaaaat part ot the ar­ thermore, he had more reason, I vAor v m AHch diomoRd riog sold. W s poylM pro- WTHT—Sereno Oemmell. . WTIC—Down Homer*. perhaps, tO fear the stature of his WCCC—News; MucIm I Scoreboard, WONS—K R. Baukhage. rangement, for them, that Con- (pponent, this time, than m his Lib rary Saturday I. Y m tfw fol puFeboM prie# is svsRt of hM w n c —VlTltn Kellemi. WTHT—Luncheon Music. greaaman Kennedy, although •:4S—WnC—Three Star Kstrs. 11:35—WONS—Local Newa. B A B Y i A % previous campaigns. ifirA,Hwfff, bwglaryorie»ofttoMbycBiysMMs, WDBC-New*. ^ , Utto—WDRC—Romano* of Helen Trent COVERS WTHT—HerUora Republtcen Town JARS Notember 6 nominally a Democrat, aeemed These factors were In them- Hartford. Nov. 6- to alamort him for nomination waa to deSver. attacks apon hlm from 1 to B p. m. Sunday. , 1 LS. Rkfi* Amaiteaa pMttcar naariboa la i - tiig-WONS—New*.-.;^...... WTHT—Show TuhtA .. , —_ LarfalVaCan After Charldi Taft was nominated, whleh would arooM Us persoa- A rarity among the American . S;SS— WDRC — Meet Millie. WONS—Tankee Fooc' Show. Uie popular Victor by a margin of bboka on display to Noah Web- WONSM^sssnovt. WTIC—Juke Box JingleA if nonetbaleaB, in the OMo primary, al lueeatownt and atiag Um la- SfllfR w n c —Mr. Buckler. Repnbllcen. i lilS-WDRO. -Toung Dr, Malone. nora tban~ 6,000,000 votna—tba to vtotatiaa at hla own cam­ Bter'e Srat American speller, N, w h a t -P olish Nstlonal Homo. WKNB—News, Cararai“ :fi of Music. the orgaataatlon veered toward paign eodsi. printed in Hartford in 1718. Only WTHT—Tom Docd. _ , ■ WCCC—News; Meachester Matinee. graataot laadaUda la our political litS-WDRC-GuldIng Light Governor Lausche, who, although Theaa attacks ware dsUvored, three copies are In existence. Service Sfation •;3S—WDRC—Cltlsensblg Dept. UAW- Furpla Rruna Fiumi (hlaleay. But OBngraaa la Rapubll* -CIO. WONR^uat Jenkins. nominally a Democrat, is bon- GAUDET’S INVITES COMPARISON WTIC—rether Knows Best. l:tS—WDRC—Second Mrs. —Butl;pi can only by tba aaripwaat of mar* DowntoWn Tydol WKNB—Caravan of Music, sidetto reactionary and odjaaerva- WTHT—NewstUnd Thsster. \ glaa. It baa aevw bivpipad before 770 Main SU TeL 4S07 WONS—The H«rc> rsmily. w n c —Th* Doctor * WIfA tive to toxhpansoa to Charles Taft. Yoii woa't fiad dkaaoad vduss -;^^i:SS-WTHT—Cyril Cojemsn. WCCC-Muelc. Ibat a praaldential victor haa ' WHAT—News; Night Wstch. WONS—Connecticut Ballroom. In theas two tnataaces. General WTHT—New*. Top Hit Tim*. fUlad to carry la arlth him aub* aqad to oars aaywhoro. WTIC—Q t II Coleman. Elsenhower failed to pun his own WDRC—Romance. WHAT—Open House. atantlal eoatrol of tbe new COn* WONS—Bill Henry News; Bod A 3:15—WDRC-Perry Mason. kind of RepubUcan through—and Gun Club of th* Air wnC-CIhderella Week-end. • :34—WDRC—Bing Cmby. 3:34—WONS—News. bow rmteh ha would^bava liked to 3;34-WDRC—Non Dnke. So what la dear la that Tbaa- T H i R E I S ■ 'w nc—Eddie Cantor. pull Senator Dodge. through ( WONS—Top Thirty. WCCC—News: MuelA SWEET JUICY iPREsir day*a victt^ waa ovaewhalmlng WTHT—Spsrkmsn snd Pstmsn. WnC—Mid-Afternoon News; In- WASHED be judged by the way he doaom- titt—w r a r -1 Covered th* Story. slce newt from Hollywood. and oeadnatvo for Oaneral Klaen GAUDET’S INSKTS ON APPRAISAL WONS—Paula Stone Show, trated hla flaal campaign ap- tS;t4—WONS—Irons Kdwsrds. FRESH bower peraonaRy, but only mar* NOTHING EINER WTHT—John Osly. , 3:44-WDRC—Brighter Day. aORIDA SNOH WHITE peatancee to bCaseachuaetts. WONS—Pate- hr Patterson. ginal to r the other candtdataa of WDRC—Tom Dodd. 1:SS-WDRC—Hllftoa House. General Btoenhower has, t i VMI INCeMPAMAELI WTIC—Sepetor Wkyne Morse. WTIC—Life Can Be Beautiful. SFINADH the RepubUcan party. The Rapub- WHAT—News: Night Watch. WONS—Jack Downey's Music Shop. ORANDES GAULiaOWER course, the consolation that b* WONS—Music Lover a Hour. WTHT—News: Toi Hit Time. Bcan party had originally adact- »:3 At-WTHT—Cogeort How. nSw free to uae Senator Lodge m WHAT—New*; Open House. ad Oanaral BUanhowar aa Ita GAUDET’S W ILL REFUND w n c —News; Bectlon Previews. WKNB—News; Request Matinee. 31.bse aome other capacity. Aa for WDRO-Oov. Adlsl Stevenson; 3:14—WDRC—Houiepart^. dldata bacanae people thought of MtSAr-wnC—Kloctlon Previews. WTIC-Road of Life. Charlea Taft ,he wlU apparently 11:SS—News on All SUtInns. him aa a man who aoight be above wItMa 30 doyti tlw f a i pries OH Oiiy riag pereiiasod if yea ------WDRC—Dwight- D. Elsenhower. S:S4-WCCC-Newe: Music. just head back to being" a leading WTHT—BaHicorea. lapTHii Tim*. party. Tha people, in their v e ^ c t ors aot oatii^f sotitftsd with tha vdhM iot yemr pardiaso. 1 1 :15—WONS—Midnight Matinee. WnC—Pepper Toung Famllya repreaentative of tbe cause ot dvlc WTHT—Lste Bob E. Lloyd Show. WHAT—WHAT—Jamboree. Thaaday, dbaatfled him aa above Ovtr w n c —Nows. _ .j.. WKf|8s-R»m«t‘ HaOnee. reform and good government’ in .-'f Air/7 WHAT—NI^IEtoig.^ .L party and elected him aa above • 11 :tp—WDRC^^blTc ierrlce Program. t:44-WCCc£^. DIao Jockey, Ohio, without office. w n c —Right To Kappineif. .., Dog. Heiad party. Three Hund^ijid ll!is -w n c -s u n of the Night.* WDRC—Carl Smith, Aunt JemImA WDRC—Symphony BalL 5:*4-WTHT—Cel TInney. Thin trend in Uie voting baa two II :65-WONS—New*. _ . ^ WDRC—It Ilaapens Every Day. TELEVISION Finislied Monnnients n ^ 13;SS—WTIC — Nowst Stars In JsSs. WKNB—NewA veaulta. It waekena tha 'normal RctsriM In Comfort WDRC—News, (egular political aupport the new Bfarfcera In Oar Displsy WHAT—Night Wsteb. TRY OOR PASTRIES TODAY Times S<|uare, in New Tork Yard To Choose Prom! Tosiorsow Preddent can claim In Oongreaa. CHECK THESE VALUES! City, the traditicmal center of the t;gs—w n c —Frank AtwooC FRBH OAKY FROB OUR OWN OVENS But It atrengthana the new P i ^ . ' The Finest, fii • WDRC—Farm Program. FRESH CANDY deutb poaitlon aa the undlapntod dectlon iitoht pulse of the nsRon. ‘ -r S:IS—WDRC—Hymn Ktms. . waa almost deserted. The New WbitenM, Schrsfft. P. leadCT of Ma party, and glvia him Pstrol.- Outoy Cupboard Tork Tlmea tomsd signal system Design WONS—BIU Joekins Show, a poptdar hacking probably much S M r S D M I H M D UDYS RINE wno-Weather; Frank Atwood. in lights drew very few eyes. More important, if he knowa how 21 RIDE DIAMONDS WITH ....; WCCC—Production NeweroeL Newspaper offices acroaa the ■■■ EWTElHMIe • 'Workmontliip mm 1 S T . — 1 WHAT—Cup of Comoo Club, Arlbar DiisJ^rts^, to uae it, than any technical aaae .BseedMIy tssln—rwi sod ‘ iVt CT. CENTER STONE r WTHT—Musle. Nows. ceuntiy, from time Immemorial bssadfiiUr strltd. bdaslve A,*g—WTHT-'-Momisg Derotlons. of control In Congreav. in masaive gold mounting, I'Set in platinum. A dazzling WKNB-Polonl*. . . the center of hot election night Csssbari htsctvt Snpplr Material Thia tremendoua vote of ieonfl' Vlato Powtt* icUViiioa a fine investment. Only ring at an amazing reduction. S:5S—WONS—Early Edlttos. * information, were deserted ex­ w nC —New*. dence In General Elsenhower to­ tl-lsch Cryttsl-CWsf oiie Di, stock. Only one of these. y;S4—WDRC—Nowsttms. cept for their own staff members. Piaon. Sopttb Smipimic.- Cuttinc done.in oor oirn w n c —Bob Steel*. „ , _ ^ / SET LIbBEY SAFEDGE gether with the much more unoer- Tsai. OMatt la tomw to- Shop from tho rongb stone WTHT—Breakfast With Res. tain vote for tha Republican p a r^ A t for the streets, they were iab. Ussto isr UHPoovI $4 5 0 WONS—Weather: Newi. ' CURRIER AND IVES Yswslatealr to finlehod memorisL WKNB—Polonl*. ~~ a whole opana two courser of empty of people. There were no WCCC-Good Morning Muale. PARTY GLASSES FREE ■y . ____ ■ paradaa, no demonstrations, no eonduct to the new P r e a l^ t He *’wCcS^i*i* Vising Music. if ha wiahaa, govern by outward signs that there had been $349.95 I^;!|a Iw cC » ^ vws;*'^' Good Momlns ] ready-made ooaUUon of Taft Re­ an election and that aomebody MANCHESTER lludlc. had been a laiidsUde winner. W nO—Bob Steele. Morctng Watch. publicans and Bonttem DIxiecrata bwlodet year w am aty WDRC—The Music Bos. I—-whlA apokasmen for the Taft Where waa averybody? Every­ MEMORIAL WKNB—News* Phil Mle'Show. body waa following the election and axelae'tax ^ ' WONS—BUI Jenkins Show. ZHENRYI's wing of the party are already of­ ?!45—.WHAT—News. fering to create for him. on TV or on the radio. It takea no COMPANY ;|g—WTHT—Weather. the CONNECTICUT WINNER will be publiolv eelected by BURTON A A. AIMEm. Prop. WDRC—New*. ^ he can seek to govern with more bodily movement to get elec- WONS—Weather. S cleam an o f Wctherafield, at P O P U IA R S ^ P E R M A R K E T , 681 Silag Dean* HsIlbiN OreleJ p, toalltlon of his own—a coalition Uon returns, these dgys, than a OOR. PEARL aadHiMUUSOM S:IS—WDRC—World News Roundup, Welberafield, Saturday, November 8|h, at-S-OO P. M. Plan to abop pdr beautiful w n c —New*. TUNA White JMeel of high' purposes and common periodic journey to the Ice cubes. 8XREEXS WTHT—New*. Silaa Deane Popular Market Saturday! Mere, in The Herald office, we got OpiMMtte Bast Osaaoteiy TERRIHC DIAMOND DUYS! WCCC—Kiddle Ooreer. aense mathoda—which wiU claim, u t o s t o r e s A TELEPHONE 7787 Qr 5307 - WONS—New*. _ , l - j Ktoher Slyle With UA backing of the coimtry it our usual hundreds of calls ask­ YOUR FIRESTONE , WHAT:-CUp nf Cog** Club. X ing for the fate of local candi­ and •IK.-WDRC—Shoppers SpeelBl. Notmmtf Tm Bmg ; n C K L E S SficeJ—Ot. Set. aelf, tha support of the best peo DEALER IN MANCHESTER Opsn' .T' WnO-NewA S tU i Tianm pie in both parties in Congress. dates. But we looked out on bar­ WKNB—Phil Hale Show. 856 MAIN STREET" TEL. 7080 Bay Oliaet a Sava, Moapy WTHT—Martin Axronaky. T ^ E m ie r No ^^liBatiori whataoever. He can choose a coaliUon of the ren atreeta—on ths night of the UDYS'/tCT. WONS—Bin Jenkfir* «iow. Au^one aixteen yeara of age first RepimUcan national victory WHAT.^eetlng With Warns. ;4 a coalition of the best. X DIAMOND Rina ~ 8il4-WCOfc- New: Breekfest News-1 gflr older may aak for free However it comes out, the great in 34 years. Imagine thatf ' ticketa at any Popular Mark­ i Bob. Lloyd, l,s2c? point is that General Eisenhower Meanwhile, safe and snug in with' 6 side diamonds. J^lati< w n c —Radio Basasr. et. Popular Market em­ •nhefr’s Ibegins with far great freedom of their parloiis, the pee 1otoer'appliance piling WKNB—The ■*» Swett Show. get your Hemir -- gkeagate upon.both .hlm.and upon dp the poimiar vote. T h m 'was I f Qtk f {the p ar^ to dear. It is for him to Can tiiDl little doubt that the American peo­ r r r Free Recipe ^ O l i w e s ^ the party itself to ple , were showing a marked develop in direcUoaa which wlU, preference for a certain brand of T e h v m o h n e « ANV t fiH the futoiro, ease and eraae that TV, and votihg heavily for a cer­ 10-Minute Swilt's Cleuisei 3 29^ icertainty about the party itself tain brand, of home freezer,) and P. M. -I'.OA-Kate Smith. _ CAIN'S fwhlch accompented Ehsenhower'e giving sn early majority to the SAVE NOW! BUY NOW! g:00—Boya' Train Club. Peony ialectloIon. • console of s certain manufu- IM a ii the age ot gpeeisMtafitai tha hga when 8;15—Meet tbe SUrA averyoae strives for exeeOeaoe to ieaM partlealar 8:30 -Howdy Dtedy. ND French I It to dear enough that ao other turer. One state after another was field wt_ eodeavor. • giOO—Tbe iVorla' W* Ur* In. QUAIITY •Republican candidate could have carried by one product or an­ C;t5—Mualcal Momenta. TEA BAGS We are speeiallsto PRERORimON, . A SM A lir' >¥fN RAYMitIT ¥fHi. HOLD t;30—SMrtieope. Drew iiig won last Tuesdsy. If General other. And in between there was > 8:40—weather forecacL IIVIRA6E CoHee SPECIAUSTS. .!' 1:45—Woric.' Newa Todap. Btoenhower, during the campaign always some news of the less Im­ M7i ive w&w filled was aver 8ae,6M pcaaetip* ANY OR T H iS i RINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS ■ T:00—W Sereea T ^ r«i,w*<2 g if imieMojiini Itoelf. suffered' any doubts aa to portant election in progreaa__that 1:10—Sportamen’* Club. “ ■kiided to 7:40—A. Riblcoff OBMUMOMUMVnRMM kto right to lead the party which between Dee and Adlal. «M l” ■tolie •f, FREE 7:45—Camel Newa CeiaveA Thlak ot it! Over a half mWlsa ttoMe we hava „u w II 6 w w . Swam. ’»• * Bominated him,- and to lead it In 8:00—Orou^ Marx. Rrisk anJ FlavorfiH A FULL RMT OF DEUOOUS beea called upoa to eater toto a *K2et WeU” partaer " 8:10—Owace at a UftUiBA hia'own'direetlons, these dopbts • :0O—The Doctor. DURKFS M A M A M M r ^ ship with phynleiaB aitoi parieat. P;80-Four SUr PtoyhoueA I t ' I new be removed. He to the CALL - -I Such a leeord ooold never hate ha*n antoe an* lOiOO-MartIn Kane., HiAYElilY K f Rackefe ’’Mr- RopubUcan," and the 10; |0—Wlnchell-Mahoney. WeUedep Fauns Isso we Mijoyto the rsafidears of all BiaBsm sd. R’s "s To iShop Ga udet *8^ Il-.OO—Forelga Intrtgu*. ^ fllQ O S S t KTOirssumBM I themselves scoompltohed, W. Lathrap a racoaunendation that la sMidhig bmps nattenta to tI:80-Rob*rt MostgamerV PreaentA FIAVORS by ttwaaturs of their voting, that FOR ■s evaryday with their dectorto preseripnaa. ll:80-MtwA ggiiarsMaa 4 K M |hcy dM it with a rather nnsrr- 901 Msin SL, TeL SS21 horn cm OnaOr >«»«*■« ••* 5U5 toA 9^1 pnetoe distribution of I ( X f j M a t C s fiAii:o t^ -r T o Be Aaaooaeed. dMdi *r aawr *>dw| 4ar *a(k M*. n iE WITH AN9 RURCHAn OF SIAM X :lt-Loy* Of Ufa. POPULAR SWHARKETS .to such a manner aa to LAND SimVBYIN* J:80-.r I Search - Par Toaaomw., eooaaaap*****' ORMORS Rvo pdwar to Um wtolo donylag SJ;4i—What'a OookliwT t-.Xk-Garry1:3^ — ■ ------Hoora— - *apafad««e«*ap*a g to thooe otoments of the party MsMiid L Octois. Jr* iiOpitrDtlUblc or Nothlu. 974 MAIN ST. — FREE RARIONG NEXT TO STORE • MANCHUTIR FOFULAR I4 A R ^ q | | y R f Felloips of The Ajaerican CMlese of Apothecariea ItipTh* Gutdtag Ufbt Omr.....*.....M.«...30N8.. ,...gTAl3...... eh hart held the. patty hadd in NdLaaSSi U l O m tt BItas ’’Catt Mavlettaw” OREN THURSDAY NIGHT TIL 9 R. M^^OREN FRI. AND SAT. TIL 4 R. M. past Tiba people took caiwto 809 MAIN TEL 4 7 ^ t:30»-WeltoBM Travaletai that the URf Tst d;to-.4taU toatto. W tm 9 % U iM P. M. WNHC-XV i-n-. ' *. ’ • . \ i, 11. -V • ,J . t - . • t \ /, IUNCHESTEB e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. COOTI. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1952 PAGE N O T ilANCH£STEft EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER, OTNN, THtJRSDAV, NOVEMBER 6, 1963 Lawrence Q. Kramer is president, - ...dii... Unit-Hears Priest aaaistod..wito.UM-Pi»gFAm,,;Jny^^ settled iasues involving wsfas and mandsd a wage scale hssr4 Partly, Columbia ThtspianH Present' guests tnetatfed Rev-,-John'F; Han- ' on the epeed and weight of the Ceremonial Walkout Hf4|s "several viUl worktog rulea" ^kyivaic^ Sch^uh^ non. Girl Stout Commissioner Pills On Blue Bbnnii, 1 Bid Pickets were assigned here to La piene, 4 torniula generally accept­ Workshop Plays In Book Review Ml.ss Evallhe Pehtland, Mrs. Kra­ Qusrdla field and Idlewild airport ed fo T '^ U n e pilots. ' mer and.. Mrs, Noel; also troop To Eeioy F.N.E.! I and to the airline's terminal build­ WliUe not announcing epecillc Recreation Council Slates Fridgy: :R*V'. John Byrnes of St. Thomas committee members. Miss Beatrice For V el Center>-. United line at ing in mid-Manhattan. i wqiffe demands, Kent said present Philip Burgess haa been ap­ Midnight-2 a. m. . ..W illiam Simpson. >' Seminary, Bloomfield, who wa* Sweeney and Mfa. Bernard Fogar- r " Otis E. Kline', executive vice pay ranged from 8420 to $600 a tynn Poetry Farms pointed vice president of tbe Cen­ r Winter Athletic Program 2 a. m.-4 a. m------...... L. W. Alcox. guest speaker at the meeting of ‘ y- Bradley Field president of United, said the .a^'^ month,-on DC-8 planes and from ter Thespians to aucceed Van Mc- a.',m.-6 a. m ....y ...... Donald Andersofi, William Bayrer. Hartford Honsewre^* gtnaers want to hitch their w tgM $535 to 8735 monthly on Strato- 'CoNM^rieiit't Fiimt PoMitry Dlwet From tfco Fomi to Yoo!' 6 a. m.-9 a. m.../', ...... M y r a FItxgerald. Gibbons Assembly, Catholic Ladies Many monkeys apparently can­ to those of flight captains who crulaers. Quida, it w'aa. announced at the of Columbus, at the K. of C. home, Columbia, Nov. 6-^(SpecisI)—♦tag the lake. They were presented 9 a. m.-noon ...... Ralph McCollum. not sw’im, but others take readily lag Tlmi Offers fown Windsor Locks, Nov. 8—

— pilot the planes. Kline said United offered domes­ club'e monthly meeting last night ...... Thomas Maxwell, Mra. t 4icy Burke gave the members an interesting to water. The Recreation Council which tqr by their many guests with an oval at Center Congregational Church. Noon-3 p. m ...... All flight operations of United "W e consider theli* (the en­ tic flight engineers a top of 88.800 3 p. m p. m...... Mra. Eithelun Lewis, William review of eeverel new books. $76 for Old Building A nholi LYNN TOULTRY FARW qnlKy ihickM the past four years has conducted mirror with gold wall brackets .o In other business, the club set the .-6 Mrs. Edgar Noel presided . for Airlines it Bradley Field were gineers) proposal excessive and in­ a year' compared to the present a winter program of athletlcR at match its frame. Gueata wera pres­ ■ / Handler. casting for "Years Ago,” to be ...... ,.M r. and Mrs. FoaUr Williams. the first time at the business’’scs- Ob^ oiM bfd had been re* brought to s standstill here last equitable," Kline said. 87.000. Ekigineers on the Honolulu Yeomans' Hall srul more recently ent from West Hartford, wiUi- presented in January, for Monday, 6 p. m.-8 p. m...... run. he said, would have a top of p. .m.-lO p. m. V, ...... E. E. Perkins. Olive Ray. Bion. Formerly vice president. Mrs. ctlvad by tfeadUne yesterday for night'by s country-wide strike of Negotiations broke down last TO MOIL OR FRY - READY TO OOOK 81.19EMh at the ■ Wllllmantlc YM CA for, mantlc, Franklin, East Hartford 8 89.000 compared to the current Dec. 1. 1 0 ^ . m.-midnight ...... Volunteers Needed. . ^ Noel, automatically succeeded Mrs. the pordtaae and removal of the flight engineers. Februsly despite efforts o f the Na­ grade school children, has an- and this community. Following toe buainess meeting, 88.500., John Hsyford, who is leaving soon DONT Veterans Oenter buildlns and the All the con^psny’s DC-8 Main- tional Mediation board. nouifted it’s schedule fo r the com­ Couple Hoaored - two woilcahop plays, one serious for Milwaukee,'Wts. " tMMMHHf i«tD a la STS. ~ liners were' grounded until fur­ Efforts to settle the strike got Kltne added that the company ing seAson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ChowanM and one humoreuR, were presented A d— of St. Maurice ChnwA UFRANC^ADRONE freshments furnished by toe pow­ Radio Moscow finally told the Rus­ hells, spaabeVH with JOHN B. BURKE GENUINE^A SMALL, LEAN, FRESH ^ | er company. The success of toe sians the rieaufts of the U/S. presi­ tossed salad, Italian WINES program waa due largely to the dential election at 2 a. m. ttxlay— toe cream, ceoklee and courtesy and cooperation of Bnm- about 18 hours after most other FUNERAL HOME •OmiO IN CAIIFOANIA ner'a, committee members said. m » r P08T. TAWNY PM T, MUtCATU SPRINIHJUNB FORES 49e SPARERIBS / ^ 53c | European nidio stations had broad­ I Ite $1 .88—ChildrM to 18 iSo The next homemaker's’ holiday cast toe news of Gen. Eisen­ 87 Bast I ' 8 L TeLI CaiAM WUMtY; C IM M Y (M M Y program, entitled "Family Activi- tles'sjo^ Cflirlstmas,’’ will be held hower's victory. AMBDLANOB SEBVIOB S? I lls SHANK HALF, UADY-TO-EAT J at the Community T Dec. 8, with The Moscow broadcast w s« a deadpan annoimcement that the., A SCHOONMUUCBI U lfC tlO N Mrs. Michael Vetrano conducting 45 COOKEjl^MS >^J9c 1 the workshop. election had been held and that • MANCHEl FRESH SHOWERS. e doz. soon after toe vote counting began, CROWN VINO I>qsltiIve Stand "the candidate of toe pemocrmtic EMPTIES IN LEAN. WELL TRIMMED \ CUT M M HEAVY STEER lEEF | party, Stevenson admitted defeat.” BUTOPAI ROWISTA Psabody. Mas*.. Nbv, 6— — The radio alao gave the,reeulU A IMNT MO TAiU^WMl One Peabody voter left, no doubt in toe-^ congeesajonal" electlMia. There was no comment during the HALF * C C SIRLOIN STEAK “’^ $127 | EXTRA FINE QUAUTT 08 to v;here he stood. Checker* NOW LdCAHD AT SMOKED PICNICS\ ^ 49c three-minute news annoimcement Z SECONDS GAL GM. 1*6S___ reported today t h ^ ballot was blank except for one cross. The tlera's setMeg Rke Tide! Tide has'such a truly *70 TOMATOES solitary endorsement favored the Bog ores are secondary ore*, IMPERIa T CROWN produced by toe alteration or ing whitening action, that when you put bleach in tha UNIVERSAL' UIRY'S 1 sale of all alcoholic beverages. BROAD ST. SOFTASIU OR SNO SHEEN \ solution of pre-existing 1 r o n waah' water every tinie you w a^ it actually feta in SWEET WINES Pkff. minerals. N 19c the way of Tide’s magic alrtiont Yea, Tide worka beat CUSTARD PUMPKIN”^ " '23c 1 ' n : TEL 2^528 CAKE FLOUR L ffte N d w s In Ctasiics edbhe'. . . with no .bleach added. All by itaelf, 'Hde ^ LARGE JUICY DEUCIOUS Decorate The Tree geta clothes ao datzling white you'll be amazed! So, / ^Whickies STAHL.MEYER PEARS except for an oSccaaibhal aoalTinnbilea^ for itubhbni ^ LD MEDAL FLOUR L^ 47c| ataina—use Tide alone. * • LYNNBiboK -. r OH FRIDAY ^ CORNED BEEF HASH 6 F . r 2 5 c - ■UMOID WHISKIY Se SAFE ts* B it I Yea, safe. With all its wondeifiil •A 5TH ARMOUR'S 1 NOVEMBER 14 PROOF BOT 3.23 FIRM MiBULOW whitening, action, Tide is really safe for everything oT 7 .9 2 FRIEND'S EVAroRATED MILK 4 55c BANANAS that’s waahable. Colors love Tide’s gentle auds! Why, WHISXItS IN THIS PRODUCT 'after j*uat one wash. Tide actually brightens aoap- 4 AND 6 VtAlts OID UKEDBERNS dulled colors! - . ■ ■ " > HERSHEY ■ - ----. .1 2 Li» 2 9 c~^ OLD LOG CABIN tad TIDE gets dstlits CIE/UIEII this as| aeap! When you STtAKIMT ROURRON JESS© FANCY PASCAL rinae out a Tide wash, you’ve get cleaner clothra than 1. 9 RDSD THD DUTTON ‘ 4 YIAM OID RAKINO CHELATE 37c | No heavy leefw to Hfi off, noMeg 'SIH you’ll get with any soap c/any Eind/ E vaything comes to lake apart, no CeQo Pkff. 19c i M M i u g ^ 86 STH to « A TOMATO JUICE ^®-’»- 27c dor ewni special Meed. f —SOAP OR ♦oereRGEMr^— PROOF ROT W » W A FANCY WHITE NATIVB MANCHESTER 4 YEARS OU> DISTILLED IN ILLINOIS CAN GUARANTEE ALL'IHIS! UBRY'S MIRACLE WHIP ^ULIPLOWER ..1 ROCKVILLE JAMES STEWART tOTTltO IN RONO PINEAPPLE JUICE ^ 27e SALAD DRESSING '* ^ 31c Head A apecigl for to* slightly large If ye« are plaanlag to mote, de- ■e ___ V___ ;_____ . r- ______"J figure. Thla expertly designed shirt­ N ia • new llsttag, or idianges In ROURRON W HW OY A ll you .teed is paste, : waist style haa plenty of faahioiL, year eM lietiag la the WHITE. 100 ' STH and gay colored paper to make ” B K h MIUIHI ff>r kads Ita 0 rA O S S o f the telRglioae directory PROOF ROT 3.99 newa^ in the comfortably flttlng these bright and cheery Christmas ptaiRa can the teto^one bneliieea yoke, the graceful shaped collar. tree ornafaienta. The entire family • 6wr halht “M rftst"! BOTTLED IN KENTUCKY , Pattern Mb. 8897 U a Rew-rite win have fun mahlng these gay RIANY OTHM NATMNAUY KNOWN perforated pattern in lizea 54. 36, daeorotfona. Tidehi«awond«fulnewmildneaa—aokind,aogent]#I RRANOt AVAIU|IU AT AAP STOMI 88, 40, 43, 44, 46, 48. Size 38. short Pattern No. 3878 contalna cut- N ot evM the mildeat leading ‘‘detergenta” made eape« 1 aleevu, 4% yard* of 39-inch. oiit dealgna for aU omamanta > A d d itiM al l,iRtlw|N for d a lly for duhwaehing are so easy on hands as Tida. - ' For tola pattemi send 30c In shown, diagrama and full direc '.'v:, I w iiiibin o f your houia- O p m 9:00 fo’5:30DoHy ooina, your name, address, size tiboa. fid s l6 8# T M ffT Y , t$#l Such a IM e Tid e makas haldofbtwIweM ewIySOc TiMUlay and Thursday, 9-9 desired, and the I^ttern Mumber Bend 25c in coiaa, your name, to RUE DlMUaiTT. THE, BIAM- oddreas and the pattern number sudi ooeana o f rich, long-lasting suda . . . goas ao far pgr month, plue tax. 118 ' CHESTER EVENING HEEALD. ANNE CABOT MANCHESTER in hardest water, it’s a miracle of eamomy. use AVE. AMERICAS, NEW EVENINO HEEALD, 118# AVE.to EAST CENTER TOBKS8,N.Y. AMEB1CA8, N ^ YOl . SUABANflKi irTid* 4om not do e v e r y t ^ daimad far R STORE OF MANCHI^TER, Ready t o you now—Basic Forii We Y* iaitiliB AdvartSMBMiit, return Uid uniiMm jNMiff fon for-'52. FoU and WlnUr. TWa '' Pnaentlng the hew Ahhe Cabot Emimr, ead Dm pyvehAM price wiU bi M teM ay^ Needlework album. Direction* for 3 STREET new laau* ia filled with ideas for ^ ^ amort, practical sewing for a neW mittens, basic tmbroldaty •laaaa; g ift jMittem niinted inald* and grRAfl designs ar# 'ttaboomflB&P'i-- t U s l o ^ J D oantit MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,'CONN- THU|^pAY. NOVEMBER .6, 1982 r AOS TEN kANCfHESTER HEiRALl), C O N lI^ I^6VEM8ER 6. 1962 .-'Kaai ' -U •-W— *7,' of- Rochester, N. H;,- 'm . lltT waa'w-dM^du 'governing efforts id nSeSLafli M(B|W Foiiir Are TnjurttV the ear; and his wifq Faring, 64, Fbiroer Frehcli eral Lafayette. entente with Mussolini in 1935. Aft,r the first World War her PubIW f Private \ 8 i i i o n cut over the eye. During a long diplomatic career. FALSE TEETH Troopers out of the/ Stafford accompanied . Marshal Ferdinand _ In Head-on Crash Official Passes Count da Chambrun'served in vari­ Foch on his yisit to the United Bprtiiga barracks-|»wa**t**"the ous French embassies abroad ine . WHk Mara Csurfert M ayilH W ater Rate Boost crash' which is said Ao liave. oc­ States in 1921 and remained at the FASTEETH. A alluin«« (non- eluding those of 8t. Peterabufg Washington embassy until ap­ Union,’ Nov. « '-“ ■.An autortnitfle curred when a lig b t^ei^ truck . P a r f's, Nor. fl—(flV-C a u n t (now Lieningrad), London, Anka,.| •clcl) powder, hold* ftlse teeth ^ more crash at the Intersection of State operated, by Mrs./Chalitotte M. pointed dlrecior of information firmly To e«t and talk in more com­ .Charms He Chambnm, French min­ ra, Athens and the 'Vatican. services in the Flench foreign min­ fort, JuPl Rprlnkle a little FAfiTTCETH * -n expanding operating costs and Route 20 and the Wilbur Ooss Dow, 30, of Albany, N. Y.,' crossed ister Sind charge d'affaires In on vour plates. No-gt^mv. Eighth D i» t^ \^ e c - taxes, and to eventually permit a highway near here yesterday into the oppoMte' lane and col­ He was French ambassador in istry in 1923. pasty taste or feeling. Checks DlJlT morning, brought four perspna to lided head-on w|th the car driven Vashington, from 1921 to 1923, Rome from 1933 to 1938 and He was a painter of talent and odop'* (denture breatl]^. Get FAS­ ton Are fair'return to persons with funds died in Paris today at the age of played a leading role in the French TEETH at any drug store.* invested In the company and to Stafford for first aid treatment. by Jefferson, ^ th cars suffered a'member of the French Academy. Fire Prattctiim Cmti feate a reasonable increase in Taken to the Johnson Memorial heavy body dgmage.--. aWplus sc that the' company's note Hospital were 5(rs. Nathan Stan­ Mrs, Dow Was ticketed on two rtm Com anoNbond indebte t u ^poUtloned the tired'W adually and the plant ex- face and nose cuts; and her son highway Md operating without a SU te Public- UtUitlM CtommlaaioR^ pan u r M ea t by the water company, have call­ ments, bring* to $242,000 the bW: When You Shop For Your Food A t for. Wise homemakers will replenish their paiitry ed a apeclal mieetlng for Monday ance of the company's bond in^ Bljfit to dlacupa the matter. The debtedness and would exhaust tlie BEEF JiFfC IA LS shelves during this great sale to take care of their commlaaioner* are particularly dle- company's borrowing Capacity, ac­ tuii»$d by the 89 cent increase cording to AUomey Ryamond A. FOR THIS WEEK ENP CAKRA'S MARKET - canned food wants during the Fall and Winter season. i a - ^ c o s t of public dre^ protection iBUFFtM Mmmmmr that the company te proposing. The Johnson, counsel (or the company. FROM U, S. GOOD OR CHOICE IfEF ELEANOR BA8PBEREY and STRAWBERRY CHOICE ■ diatrict U now paying about 12,000 Lb. STOCK UP Haw To your advantage, buy-in larger quantities now, _ 1 yearly for its lire protection, and Legion Sets Supper FRESH BEEF . . : ...... PRESERVES 13 Os. 2 5 c RIB ROAST BEEF the oordpany Is requesting a $2,S00 FRESH UP BEEF FOR STEW ilN A S 1 \- YELLOW CLING - HALVES OR SLICED • IN HEAVY SUGAR SYRUP ln c re ^ .fo r this service. HUNT’S FANCY . In sddltldn, a number of North. ' For Armistice Dav BLOCK Cl POT ROAST .. I ? t End residenU have .already con- Lb. PINAST BONELESS CK POT ROAST > • a • * a TOM ATO SAUCE BRISKET CORNED BEEF 29-OZ TINS _tacted .Attorney John D. LaBelle Commander WilbeA*T.-Little of RIBIOAST OVEN) ^Inadl Qiiafii^ Wleal \Jatuedl with a view toward opposing the the Dilworth-Comeil-Quey Post water company’s petition. LaBelle, HERSHEY SYRUP HOME MAAE /PEARS CljT FROM FRESH YOUNG TENDER 1952 PORKERS 102. American Legion, announced Lb. < who has bwn active In the recently today that the annual Armistice S T E A K p r i c e s A R E L O W E R I "YOt" GABDIN -H lICED or halves . CALIFORNIA ELBERTAS • CANNED LIKE "HOME-STYLE" concluded politlcal-eampaign. said Day supper for legionnaires will SAUSAGE MEAT NORTHWEST BARTLETT he would study tbe company's again be held at the Legion Home PORTERHOUSE STEAK \ ...... Lb. S1.0V GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 5 Lbs. HALVES IN HEAVY SYRUP petition further and then confer Tuesday, Nov. 11. at 6:30. TlckeU' SIRLOIN STEAK...... V - ...... *-b. $1.0S PORK L0INS~r" 39- with the people who have contact­ for the event are now available DEL MONTE KETCHUP Smoked SHOULDERS, ^ 49e 30 oz TIN CHINI I4ALF, LI 49c ed him to determine what action either at the home or from the OUR FAMOUS TENDER-KNn^TEAKS . . . Lb. 9Ve PEACHES would be taken. The ManchesUr commander. CAMP.PELL ...... i . ' TRY OUR ..attanM9r...raprcaanted. a group, of nw'aw-'y-* • The program wtn consist of a SMOKED ME A T SI^CiAiS North Ead customers before^ the special memorial service followed Piwk Chops commission last year when’ the TOM ATO SOUP For 3 1 c MeaTIOAF COMBINATION *^690 company changed from a flat-rate by entertainment. Deadline for NUTMEG BRAND SMOKED SHOULDERS. Lb. 55c securing tickets will be Mr-'iay, STAHL-MEYER DAISY H A M S _____ \ . \Lb. 69c EUOAS HEART system to a metered-system of bill­ Nov. 10. 30-OZ TINS ing. COOKED, BONELESS \ \ BONELESS VEAL ROAST ^ 79e - ?*r Chopped Boof » 5^ According to the PUCs tabula­ CRUSHED PINEAPPLE No. 2 Can 2 9 c tion of the requested increases, the STAHL.MEYER HAMS ...... Lb. 95c KING OF THE BEEFSTEAK Deaths Last Night D O L E 'S ^ BiCHAAOND • TREE RIPENED - WHOLE UNPEELED IN HEAVY SYRUP company's annual Income would NUTMEG BRAND KIELRASA ...... Lb. 85c PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES Pkg. 3 3 c SLICED BACON ^ 55c be raised by - $20,S00 or 25 per Porterhouse Steak U. S CHOICE LB 1.09 cent The company has petitioned Bv THE ASSOCIATED PRESS White, chocolate and golden. for an iiicrease in domestic and FRESH DRESSED SPERRY & BARNES TOP quality ■ CUT FROM FRESH BEEF AND WELL TRIMMED Beverly Hills, Calif.—Max Adler. ( pineapple I 29-OZ TIN com m cB ^ service of $15,300 (23 86, philanthropist and retired exe­ WHOLE BABY PORK LOINS 6-8 LB. AVG. Lb. 55c ATCO CRAB MEAT 55c per cent); in industrial service, cutive of Sears. Roebuck and Com­ APRICOTS u. s CHota IB $1,900 (15 per cent); public lire pany. Born in Elgin, 111. OUR OWN FRESH MADE SAUSAGE MEAT Lb. 59c Sirloin Steak 1.07 protection service, $2,500 ( 89 per Hove, England — Gilbert BABY BEEF LIVER. FRESH...... Lb. 85c WALDORF TISSUE 3 For 2 3 c , IMWAHAN JUICE I FINAST FANCY r NEW 1952 PACK S.UGAR CURED ■ READY TO EAT SHANK HALF FACE HALF cent); ind in private Are protec­ Frankau, 68, British writer who / X 4 J Q I tion service, $800 ( 78 per cent). averaged a novel "a year for the ELM CITY SLICEb BACON ISEALEP) . . . Lb. 59c Cites Growing. Costs past 40 years. > /. 46-OZ TIN f Cooked Hams u 55« u67< The company, which serve* FROZEN BEEF SPECIALS Fresh Fruit and Vegetables 16-OZ TINS about 2,300 customers in the North MARKET * ' '■ y- X. ' §' APPLE SAUCE PUSH PLUMP and MIATY End, has ashed (or these increases, BLOCK CHUCK POT ROAST ...... Lb. 59c according to ita petition, to "meet BEAUTY BOSC P^ARS 2 Lb* 29c RIB ROAST BEEF...... Lb. 69c ____ 1 SOUTH MAIN ST. FINAST - CREAM STYLE • TENDER GOLDEN MAINE NEW CROP CHICKENS FOWL FRYERS OR BROILERS This is a good timo to think obont ordoring your iMNtO^ APPLIES 2 Lb. 29c CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAYS CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN TENDER, MILK FID ‘ Thanksgiving turkoy. Agoin os in post yoors wo >1) 17-OZ TINS Xy/i LB AVG LB 49* 4*A-5VS LB AVG LB 43< FINAST SLICED^ CORN DOZEN 1;93 RUMMAGE wiH hovo tho feunous Qoamd ALL WASTI RIMOVIO LB 67c GeaeeJ m i w*tn umovid u SSc ’’YOI" GAIDIN • GREAT BIG TENDER. LUSCIOUS .SALE GLENDALE FARM TURKEYS i I BEETS CHEAPER BY TNI DOZEN Rib Roast 7-lNCH CUT FROM^HEAW STEER lEEF t»6 9 c THE FINEST TURKEY YOU EVER ATE . PLEASE r U liM Methodist 485323484823484848235323534848232353535353234848235348535353535348312348532323484853484848232323232323482353235353232348485348534848235323532353532348482348234823534853235348f TENDER, DEEP RED 17-OZ TINS frosb Picnics LEAN, WEa TRIMMED • Sd LI AVG LB 43 c ORDER EARLY FOR SIZE. ______OOZLN 1 .9 3 Church Smokod Tongnas MIIDLY CURED II SSc at l^jjmrryvllle. Route 44-A ^ ^ 16-OZ JARS BI€HM ON§^Cuf GREEN Bolton Sliced Bacon FINAST SULK u59c TheLT. ftaipar hy the Saturday, Nov. 8 OIL BURNER m Skinless Frankfurts ^'^ast rb pkg 59c LOCKER PLANT aad MEAT HOUSE 15'AOZ TINS >• 9:30 A .M . REPAIR ENJOY BETTER EATING DOZEN i J i STRING V930 M inced Han or Bologna lb 55 c $) MSSELL ST. -TEt. 8424 When you don’t have to pay a premium to get real quality ALWAYS PLENTY OF PARKIN6 SPACE FINAST - TENDER SWEET DICED M a c k o ro l Haddock Fillat u 4 3 o there’s no reason to settle for anything less. You can really F I N A S T I li 2 1 c ENJOY better eating when you know you’re staying within 11/ AT Split Mackerel fr'ra4> ii29c Cod Filiot li 3 lc the family budget...... TO M A TO I CARROTS 16-OZ TINS = ■ 4 BURSAGK’S HELPS YOU DO JUST THAT! IICHMOND - VINE RIPENED - FINE FLAVOR & FIRST QUALITY - SAVINGS \ JUICE I CLEM'S A f% X SERVICE A T INSTANT 46-OZ TINS t X 19-OZ TINS W. 'f^ d u £ c f{ GROCERY TOMATOES 754 361 CENTER ST. FinrNationRil Slerei buys SANKA COFFEE READY-TO-COOK EVISCERATED ihe ptdt of the crop* for PHONE 5159 TURNPIKE ____ . W or. V a L s on Can. '<^hmond cm 2 *^h-oz tins 35c MARKET FANCY -YOt" GARDEN . «*■ FLORIDA . LGE 151 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST — T E ^ 8338 p l l l g l Z Boots SHOESTRING 16-OZ TIN t2c ApilCOtS WHOLE • UNREELED '*-01 TIN JUICY RIPE * L E G S o f L A M B 2 w « l9 « L b 7 9 e 1 Opon Doily 8 A. M.>9 P. M.-^Opon AHjMnf Sunddy NATIVE CAPONS GrtpofniK JuicB ^ 2 41c GRAPEFRUIT nast redsour rihed n c Free delivery on all ra*h order* of $5 or m o^ AN orders muat W bok Rornol Cera »' 2 17-OZ TINS 31c Cherries '^«” ' 23 GrapefrultX®""’* • MEDIUM SIZE -5>Y be called In 'before S P. .M. to be delivered ^-aam eday. ; U R o sI^ Egg Noodles f'Nt-MEDi^ wide li wg 29 c SUN RIPENED 3 ra .2 0 * VEAL BOAST TUi^KEYS PORK LOr s PILLSBURY CAKE MIX33c CHOICE IRISKET _ Tinast Peas FANCY SMALL SIZE 17-OZ TIN T9c Poadios RICHMOND - SLICED OR HALVES 29-OZ TIN 27f Rrw rT KKK^II WHITE. CHOCOLATE OR YELLOW. / Baking Fowdar i7oniN23c Em peror Grapes v.n iw » h> US SPECIALS FOB THOBS, FRI,~SAir CORNED BEEF BxMwt W M * GREEN Beans TINAST 1SH-OZ TIN 25c Pears RICHMOND • lARTLEH Z9-OZ TIN 29c 2 2 3 . L b. 6 9 c Lh. 5 9 c i.b. 4 3 c Bilbo Salad Oil 55c SUNCREST KETCHUP 17c WHOLE OR SHANK HALF QUART i n Tomatoes stan'dardq^umcty -2 '’ °2»''<-33i Citrus Salad '^-ozhn |9c B o s e P e a r s firm ripe ^ LfS 2 9 < GRADE A P o r k ET B o a n s RICHMOM-M TOMATO SAUCI l«OZ TIN 10 c FRESHLY GROUND _ _ READY-TMAT HAMS ' C a r r o t s WESTERN. Fresh crisp ^ ichs 21* RIB LAM B CHOPS . b 9 9 c S t e a k s * ^ B a k o d B o a n s flNASI • S VARIITIIS ^ 7901 TINS 4 5 c 79 BURSACK’S COFFEE 81e CUDAHY’S Be^ ccoII CALIFORNIA - FRESH GREEN BCH 2 9 * MAPLE LEAF ( OOKED, BONEI.ESS T-Bone and Short Cut From Heavy Weatem Beef Bairy chocolate ch» u m U %HOl FKG 25c GOLD COIN BACON ' iiTTY ALOJH HAMS L b. 8 9 e BIB END CHERRY FLAVORED M i h o x IREXKFAM CEREAL ,, 3S-OEPKg29 c S p i n a c h FRESH GREEN - CEUO ' i P K C i ^ ^ W C BEST FOOD'S HOUDAY NORDIC LIBBY'S NORDIC PORK ROAST » 39c Oranp MARMALADE “’ /"25c Wasson 06 "»n34e q ih l 65c PASCAL OR WHITE LGEICH HADDOCK RED PERCH ' vdviite SCALLOPS JUICY ,.4n d t e n d e r OLEOMARGARINE ‘ L IliY ’S idST foods OA^ « kh!w 3 43c L b. 4 3 c Pkg. 5 T c Lb. 3 9 e BONELESS CHUCK ROAST 69c ^or garden frozen ^ootL ...... _ . CORNED BEEF HASH ^ ^e32c Tonudo Juico.... ^ w 29c FAl.SCER.V’fED-Ild-I UR a V^^^ " ^ ' Selected Fresh Fruits ' u K 4 W BE.VN ' KR'^Y Crackws *4pkg2$ c JNIIIAR ’.B U ». « 7 t — - tifid Vegetofeto -"r TGIR T0RK|YSrc!ii=s;s? t — 69c FRIEND'S * JU.ST HEAT AVD R ER ^rr<^K ED JUICY, SftDlttS ~ ^ ~ ------.... SPAM 45c STAHL-MF.VER BAKED BEANS 1 3 n |||| SlM Sibg KRAn- MIUCU YiFHP~-OTiAR4^^ • CORNKD BKKK Hash 39c BONELESS ROULETTES > 79c PINK GRAPEFRUIT 4 ^ 29c g g l i h A W ” * » • « “ .Q STATE BRAND HERSHEY'S Swanson's Turkoy ' 6oztin49 c _ w o o l* n ‘ 35* Lb. 83c s t r a t fo k D p .\ r m FRESH GROUND REEF ^ 59c FANCY , ■ . I- ‘t BUTTER CHOCOLATE SYRUP MinutO Rkt »omo35^ Straw berries SLICED FULL LB PKG 3 9 * PRUNE JUICE 29c ARMOUR'S. *ci rm\2t MEDIUM, FRESH EMPEROR GRAPES 2“»-29e PILLSBUItV WHITE Educator 6 a x u m c 2 7 c C u t C o r n YEUOW SWfn 10-OZ PKG 1 9 * SKINLESS FRANKS 69e GOLDMEDAL FLOUR US 47c JUICY EGGS Dos. 69c CAKE MIX Pkg 33c Boardsloy's Codfish Cakes ■■■I ■ — tOHOZTlN FIRST r n a t i o n a l ' STORES^ SpineLch . « o : « o i 9 . 8UOARHEART PILIaSBlRV MORRELL’S CHOPPED HAM ^ 79c FLORIDAORANGES 2 ^ 69e PEAS 2Fo35e FLOUR 6 Lb. 49c FANCY * / DOLLAR SPECIALS ! AtMOUrS A iM o u ri A IM O tirS A R M O U rS \ m Arshaaallow BENNEH'S SNOW'S STRONGHEART ITANJOU PEARS 6^ 29c TREiT 6 6 Oz. Cans Sweet Life Orange Juice . .$1.00 CHOPPED HAM Corned Boof Hash VIENNA SAUSAGE CLAMCNOWDII K R AFTS KRAFTS •X. lU IPP - CHRLI lA U C I DOO and CAT POOD ^10 Rolls of Charmin Toilet Tissue .... ii.oo "lATMOR" CAFf COD ' n-OZ TIN 4 7 e , ijoiiw 49* 1W31TIN 35* 40IT1N 2 1 c MIRACLE WHIP YELYEETA 11 Cans of IVIaine’s Best, Sardines .... • SliOO 7HOZJAR. 21c 80ZBTL 18* 15-OZ TIN 25* 16 OZ TIN .3 Cans of Solid White Meal Tuna .....$1.00 CRANBERRIESl ^ 354 Qt. 4 9 c 2 Lb. Pkg. 9 9 c 7 Cans of Red Heart 1 ^ Food...... $1.00 FANCY IMPOIITEO ' - SNOV/S SWIFTS 10 Carts of Italian Tomato Fas^ ...... $1,00 SWIFTS BREEZE S U R F C ^ LUX FLAKES LUX TOILET SOAP LUX TOIlfIT SOAP MMCm CULMS - .4, 8 Lg. Pkgsl 80 Count White Napkins ..$ 1 ,0 0 FIRM M IATf POR BABMS SOAPPUUCIS SOAPPLAKU BEECaiNUT STRAINED STRING FIGS BIRDSEYE '6 Rolls of Charmin Kitchen Towels . . . .$1.00 2 RiGIARS 15c 7H-OZTIN 2 5 c 120Z TIN 4 7 e LGE PKG 2 k«wGs 55c 3 bath bars 32* GABY FOODS CHICKEN PIES 4 No. 2 Cans of F'ruit Cocktail V...... $1.00 'Fi»M- ■ "-i- 2 3J40ZTINS 41c USE PKG 3 1 c 30c. 3 46 Oz. Cans of Sunstrand Tomato Juice $1 .QQ RIPE TOMATOES 4 r o r 3 9 c 2 For 9 3 c O p e n All Day Sundays V. HMtniiHmim ill h ... ■ A- :\-- f t : . ■iV ■ o ' ■ } \ -r—V* 7

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER «; 1962 ’ PAGE.g^MUfljBeil MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1932 PAGE-TWELVE -V4p i*eri! • r .c.,- FONTAI^ POX FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER C A ltN lV A L BY DICK TURNER ^TOONERVILLE f o l k s . .. , . ^ • I? • , y ^ Sense and Nonsense M b Three gentlemen appeared at the On a visit to New York City Los Angeles Station, alcoholically M. Munun dined with friends at a propelled. A* they reached the Park Avenue r^taurant. The platform the Superchief begah proprietor was obsequious. Would k moving and all three staggered for M. Mumm, he wondered, care for, IL The'station.cop and a portef champagne? He had.E.et 'special managed to bundle two of them treat. Some of M<.'Kunim'a own aboard—ona on the last car—but 1015, in fact,- ' ' by this time it was going too fast “An excellent wine," observed for the third gent. He stood sadly Mumm, afterjnaking the con- on' the platform wafchihjg it di^ hoiueur's tests. “Truly art ex­ OVSH-tlAO^ ^StT appear. cellent champagne- but, 1915 was f Offlceir-Too bad, mister.,.Wish the year when I didn’t make any.’’ Again A&P toBowa Ihrough with lower pcioaal R we coulda. got you aboard. t i C U l > » , — ^ , . Y 7 5 ' Man—Yes, ah’ my frens’Il oe Considering the number of cars OHLY hoa ahraya bean AAFa poBey to oBar On low eat sorry, too. 'I’hey were see{n’ me off. on..thejoad, the percenUge oT fool poeaiblo priria . .^ »^bc— d en-th* coal ot iood- lo- ^ T 2 drivers is small. . ~ One man got out of mowing his ^ ■ V » l 6 U i ^ A&P. Hundrada oi pileaa lunra bean lodueod . . • lawn last summer because of his A young woman wants washing g |Tf.VeMa90| lower them a year ago. So# for youraaU. allergy to grass, until one day his or cleaning dally. wife aaked him whether the golf —Ad In the Toronto Daily Star course was paved. • v . i r ^ c ^ MOV# S 5 FREEZER OWNERSI Stock-up that dooR fcaiai V Heir hath no fury like the fRESHI^ g r o u n d OM 1.V ' with A&P Supoe-Riqhl TyQ ucdlly Moot cd To* Fifty cent silver pieces are, said eleventh best dressed woman in CHOPS doy’a low pricoa. CSompmo A&P qwdtly. doao* to be becoming more popular and the country. —Wall St. Journal ( y / t s S y - V ' that Is easy To understand-.hrhen MOV# AW LB trim ond jricea with wfaat-you-4iet alaawhaeai 11 takes one to do the work the TOASTER »S.50 qUSrtcr UMd to do. A gift that every memfier of the family will appreciate. AutOH Teacher of Civics—Who's the matically burns toast. / your I n Speaker of the House? —Ad in the Riverside (Calif.) n - <,- S3- HOW fO « ^ *1 think K’t titUd ‘Daftatad CandidataM" Smart Kid—Mother. Enterprise.

DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE \ : : OUT OUR B'AY B Y J. R. W IL L IA M S Answer to Previous Punie ' t WAS TRVINS -XO T E LL JUOaiNS 0V -fHEr r. M. INf. u t »•< CH. Male Nicknames ciniaalatNaa r p u jv e TD //-4 Customers’ < jO WITH ► HIW HE WAS eUECTSD . LOOSE SAS HE Ca»r. 1M2 fnc. 'EM TOO, BUT CHICKENS jusnce OF THE peace/ D1?OOUHO OUT IVE<30T ■ HE WENT OOWIN WOW, HE MOST "8o thia i^ Cladya, har girl friand! You and your ealcu« HORIZONTAL 62 Scottish □ Comer LB WHILE l a ASP Buys No. 1 Grcria Fish Eidurivalyl WC3R»CX?nO lU kE A HA\»e T H o o e m - latadriaka!" 1 Nickname for sheepfold a astaais Bnptritnotd Campaignen.., ANPHKTErr.' CARNWAL HE MADE^ J 1 OWN THE . James VERTICAL ciaaaacanai9E3acia « 6 5 ' Wi s h , PBESlt?£NT.^ 4 Nickname for □naaaciM aaaana Y m v AhP hM no place m polities, but since our nodaet Frm h Liva U b ilars o#ny PLAOEANP 1 Joke ■ ! D W ef?' SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH Ernest □ idUi" 1a □ □ ta B Q C ia ntghMiing, 19 of tbo 34 Praeidants of th# United Stataa LB c * * r c 6 0 " "T Itgl K . J 'iT»‘»T-r tfn rr-y rN ' « . ♦Robert's .2.Angers ■ -V r. ft. rna laClHwn NOW s o wwWftE: _ I I I -1^— A ID m K ■ D □ □ a u have bean alactadi W addocknilal* ~-~ - i a 4 3 ' XX) M*CWPlN‘ nickname 3 Succession E s (prefix) _CQ 0 T * Tm□ □ ■ L i a a OHiy FOR? 12 Before MQ a H □ a n a B a a a During the 93 yaan we’ve been eervmg Anwm LB 11 4 Sprite i ■ a ■ [ □ □ 1 3 t . 3 3 ' [E 13 Conducts B □□ □ G1 •nmpatined conatantbr to help raiat the hvu« a t a n d ^ CodFllloh^^^^ . — Canter Ort* M O W C 14 British money 5 Female ruff n of account 6 Native ,.. and weVa lived up to our promtae to bring more good -INiafago) OHLY S Q 15 Harden 7 Roman date 28 Roman brop<6 Albert food to more poopio for leaa moneyl W# hope to go on (Was Stfi How ^ LB 16 Festivals 8 Worm 29 Native o y 43 Rank 17 Scfne 9 Rib Latvia/ 44 Flower ■orving you for many years to com#. And If you bavo n - ^ - g o j ONLY 18 Former 10 Native metals 30 Angltf-Saxon 45 Nickname (or any augfsationa as to how wa can improve our serviqA Russian ruler U Baseball slave Peter ploaat tall your AfcP Manager. Ha’s than to heed the 'Rnuscii 20 Duct (anat.) sticks 31/Erect 46 “Emerald Isle" ? “ r-cooi5o sns"' 21 Promontory 19 Rant l3 Born 47 Grit voieaeftbepaopW 'i — "’■■’***« 6 vt« *4^ - 21 Louse egg 34 Eye (Scot.) 48 Wolfhound 22 Brother of CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. Cain (Bib.) 23 Exist 37 Crafty 50 Smell 24 Three-toed 24 Also / 38 Enthusiastic 51 Get up, ARP Food*Storee, 420 Lpxi»(to" Voik 17, N. Y. . U 2 ! 2 ^ h a s i $ sloth 25 Pierfe with a ardor 52 Apportion \ r 26 Nickname for ife 40 Powerful 54 Yale f o, 4 Stephen Weary explosive 55 East (Fr.) MAINE WINTER KEEPING-U. S. NO 1 A SIZE 28 Horn ^ EET 32 Prong 1 1 V 6 T L 1 e II cJU.K^- -fHE HEW _ 33 Requir «W JRWILI»AMC, (i li POTATOES r 2.39 JUSTICE OF fUE PEACE * 35 Compus point THE WCH AWC> THE PCXX m i »• M i t . .. • “ T »,« aw B H 36 if A Jbserves n CALIFORNIA EMPEROR , Hundreds of Prices Heduoed •. oHeire dremfewt A» LEY OOPS No Like Ooola BY V. T. HAMLIN I Volcano in' It « id !T" Sicily W r BfSfafif'rntTS HERE,VOU 39 Insect i li n “ 2 T * WaX,WBa,\AeL»CKCAT /OH, WHAT A PRETTY LITTLE 41 Change < GRAPES Ann Page Mayonnaise JAR 29' iducotorCrax TAtTYINACKt HCO “ P I TWOUfiHT )«H>/fi6EEV / BEAUTIfUU KITTY, KITT>' % PumpkinerSquasli Pie 42 "Empire i f fi n » 30 SI I HEARD A | uttle green V “ State" (ab.) Sultana Tuna hakes can 25' Evoroody Cocoa fKO KITTY-. ____A EYED BLACK u if 43 Festive array P o n m is R to z fm s p 45 Nuisance M t M u s h r e w m s SNOWWHITt It )H o m Suniiyfield Pure Lord 2 pVgs 27' CAM " 48 Art (Latin) L 3 9 ^ Spaghetti ~ PRANCOUtMERiCAN — RtCAlO-WASHtO A lOOZClUO JANI ' 90Z U W e 49 Norman’s P W< -Y S p i l t Q C n nAOY-T(M)S{ • • fxes nickname 'AW W , p CHOC rUDSI eOLO UYER CAKE *^ 49^ A&P Mince Meat F1CO t ® - Pumpkin Pie Mix COMSTOM CAN 21' ■ CAUF. JUICY A 1 « C VAUMI' S3Age vi i w M m o n s lARottizE Cucumber Pickles CAIN'S ’ j’ a? 2 5 ' ' ^ “ 2 9 * 54 Puff up i 7 RAISUIIREAD uwuMif' Iona Poors HALVES 56 Expire % vv/ H* ‘ ^/yp' TT 51 !T- ---- a ,.,—- . WZf IJMM .tizi At B o s e P o o r s SFORMf 150-165 O fO* 57 Important m lono Tomato Puree 2 '^ns" 21' Blue Peter Sordines 2 CANS 29® metal h Si ih S q u a s h HUttAtOortUrmNUT 3 ItS 1 0 he got by on an allow- S8Dips with a A&P :SS^rCorn 2d;i31' Choc. Chip Cookies BURRV?I_; PM 25* "When your father was ladle 57 A d anee of two :-ol ought to know!” - ii-a 59 Hops’ kiln D o t o s iROMEOAtv 2 3 ' v’ g 'o ^ a r AllVARiniES CAN“ 1 "V 0 ® a n » » »a». m 60 Conclusion HT“ W hi Ann Page Beans Bite Size Tuna CHICKfNOP.THI4EA CAN' 31* D«l Atontt, 1 Q T 14 OZ ^ 9 ^ 61 Lethargic t S u n s w q ^ t P r o n o s _ i ^ r% 2 5 ' CURLS WELKIN, Plancteei Sensitive BY RUSS AVINTERBOTHAM Pinoappio Juice DoW'tor lib b y 't CAN Iona Tomato Juice___J ..CAN . - 25* BOOTS AND HEIUBUDDIES M’ ronjr Day BY EDG AR M AR I IN lltlY'S IT Strawberries «o«^FROZEN Jk g 3 9 ' APRIL POESN'r c?ipyouSAy a p c i l , WHO YOU APE DOESN'T A TOUCHYSPOT.ISNT T Grapefruit Juice 2 ' CANS 41' Vonnont Maid Syrup COaCEEN 1*S.A)IWIZA AAWIZA? r SHOULD U K E INTECEST A)E, PUPPY. i P M I ^ T E K vvelw nJ TKS. 0\Et OMfNlWt V\N»« TMUReimw.llOAST IIHY'S 10 OZ f AC 21B12 0Z i l lC ...IWANT VOuTOeO PUT I PONT WANT YOU W0RV\)«3 OCR WOZEN FXO •OZ i|ae * TO M EET THE VOUH& PLEASE 6 0 ! «VC»W .VWAW ,'CORO«4" VOl W b W M V &AV1% - Cut Bioocoli Coke Flour SOFTASILK or SNOSHEEN PKG 41' MiliuteTdpiera ^ PKO l O TO THE SPACE FILOT'S l a d y ...OH, PERMIT ME OP ANYONE EL'^.E TO . rNfisw'-x milk hVL R\6Wt XTHMt OL" DVrtY TYO O i” . ^ JA/MBOCEE WITH ME-. TO INTPOpUCE AIYSEl P... aiSn tio n Ap r il ACymn.. TODAY. “■\’0AY \e> tWJRSDfN \ •• FARD or RED HEART CAN“ 15® Flokorn Muffin Mix iuri8‘ NAME''S VALMAN..,VOU,EC, OORY W0MDfiy,WE«O With all the nationally-known coffeca to dwbae Dog Food LUNCHEON 12 0Z miohtcallme an WSmVl .,ToT«iOAY, SUNNYBROOK GRADE "A“-LARGE SIZE from, 9 out of TO Of tiie miUions who buy ooftee RtCTY- Prem or Treat CAN “ » Ld Rosa Spaghetti , ? . 1 8 * at AnP buy AnP Coffee! To get mom for your VCHEOKILeOAV * coffee money, change to AnP Coffeet e»ooi-oo*oo*ov)S>« FRESH E(KpS coz75‘ Swonson's Boned Turkey 49' Good|uckMoitK»'iM* «fcovv\o OCEAN C*aaaalemS4l tMaATBAUS MOZ mwC ,*aoia sovw vqwro Cranberry Sauce SPRAY <^CAN 19' opogno]^ ^ CHWtOY-AROa CAN ■XO W%\ACU v * CO»V\% '•'S,«** ChodddrCheoso ^ iaS9' CAWPBEU'S IQTI4 0 Z Tomato Juice 'tiffinorllBtY'S ’“^ CAN “ 39' MoreAlSkPValueg: M ild M um stor Choeso » 59' nG H T FASCOor IQ T U O Z m w C OM QWIW* ■ ow ( v a o c K Bleiided Juices p iy m o w t h CAN Warwick Cho^otM » S9° Provolono Choose ^ fr-6 4I4B. aa* ANN PAGE 'Ji?i9' Warwick Thin Mints ^ ^ 39* P R IS C IL L A ’S POP U n an im ou s BY AL VKMM*'ER a MICKEY FINN “ t o r ' Faditiff! BY LANK LEUNARD ri^y Crackm SUNSHINE WMMm YOU'RE TWE\ PRISCILLA! DON'T SAY \ r - Educator Butter Cellos nco 29* o e u c /o u s ;*iTINlG-iE<3T DO YOU >VEAHr -THE GUNVIta josr ’^ILTOWN MAY VEAH-I KNOW THEM! .»yEU,HERE'S THE GORTON^ 1002 O fC READY-TO-FRY PRO ( BR O TH ER / ' REALLY WORD IS V6S* HEfWlTEPANP aWCNffPOAHIM, TONY m ORUHE AND DELATED COUNT Codfish Cokes Mince Meat 'iS 39' V INI THE 1 TH IN IK ALL HE GAINEP ClANCy-HESAID PELK LAVOrsi! BUT PROM BEUTOWm! IVORY FlAKiS IVORY SNOW S-lb. I e « 92.25 . 1 LB u a c iRoz g y c X I WHOLE vTHAT'? I** Elbow Macaroni LA ROSA PRO r O H tvAS six! HE NAD ACOUPLE you NEVER CAN TELL PLOPP A606! - Kind To Evarythlng Wheat Germ „nscHMirs Pto OP GOOD MEN OUT -TN E WHY rrs BEEN FINN A550! For Spaadlar Diahwaahing HUSTLING FOR HM GOING! SO FINN NOW It Touchaa Sunshine Hi-Ho Crackers pm 35* LEADS BVONt^Y 2 UM( fAduab 55* 2 lAMI FACMCU 55* Boby Food 4 ^ 39' • *Y Ronger Joe coated popped wheat pro 15* Garber's Junior Foods 3 jars43' Ranger Joe Rice Honnies 16* 9 lyORY SOAP • IVORY SOAP It Fkxite It Floerta ^ 0 Klofi(l;il)l(! l)i-lU!MrlMl)lo T H k iP T Y i 2 acDtuacAKU A&P's 100% PURE, ALL-PURPOSE VEGETABLE SHORT­ riv r,i.)si:lR T i’^vi.)n CAPTAIN F:ASY 'Cumihg Out Fasl ...... ENING, FOR'CAKES, PIES AND PERFEa FftlES. TRY tTI FRECKLES AND HIS FT»ip "'T' y ” ‘'*1' Soon See B Y M. C. BLO SSER A aooo. .PLACE ra about the ■ ^ - |4«MA...S084E>D O y^i£M N (3, XLLX NEVi WHAT T>^ $USZeSlMWMM0ST ■3 LB |C H 6 -BRiefiCASe... THIS. EAKM. MUST BE.CiOSE TO,, J . L giTOP.THE. PICK-UP. .TRUCK AMP A B K ^ tiP’W FoutCAN. L ip r e e r f TSfk^jfr jUNlORSiSCMMUNIORS/ M ekm ^Le.'A r 7i^cuiBtt3e: Ju*ito*ts~~.. TIN •7?'CAN THE <3«LTHEy- V/iSH twey m ao , I d Lw eT) SEE T h e m M A ig r : Sdtor; ^t«(^tr_(^mplRt^ '■^ot ^eStot, toob^ _a^ BEEN MAMCO AFTEIZ/ suMPiM' o o r OP u iloais F ellow/juriiOfts, I psoFoselPAr N A M E / VUE PUATHea. eNHANCe OUA FRES- 4‘^tV JUTMC4XU3y TiO E BY HAMIM& MISS MILCiA : ' . S f t U B B L E ----- MILLER'S PICKLES SLICED KOSHER DILL px 29* WHOLE 31' CROSSCUT ot33' i I 3 ^T1r? 4 3 ' ■Y"* CHOPPED 7 i 7 V IC F L IN T Diagra^ Of A Crime BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY BUGS BirNNY QXYDOL CAMAY SOAP ' STRAINED W W tt VIC rusHts TO poticft meapcu»e7E*5' " - - : v atOa.THAWAfl'AgPAB INJSTguCTB H>B ACCOVXEU- S£fiVfN6 COUNTER BriOkmt naw whlkniaaa For Softer, Smoolhar Sldn 8 OZ 1 £ C AN7 YOW POK th e / 2 ****^4***** iS* ' DRY CEREALS moous oPmtANPi/y 'nMOvsTHS MxraM9 H0lSTBKPKOM-n« MOf«» *»«,ci0H Borw, AHCiLe«vaiv« 8 0Z avrrYsueaaxTM FHOKtieoTKae-. YW* »«CK...' a*oacM'Tv«mjcx J OATMEAL INSTANT PKG with THI BACK k«LrMnoYro» U CNOY PRODUCTS UPTOirS PRODUCTS xeuxMca.-* Tm Mum4|« MmsIim CUmm **** '**55' TMlaft SAVElOc IPICIAl 5 5 c 'uriM eaessuu.v, shiu** ‘Tenderleof Tea ONV4UPKO PRKS vAeNtyMisismTOi- I ' leOwy NeeBei TENOERLEAF-SAVf SPKUl K V C aq*»» D* siaecAW le . TVMi'ninaseS'Qwca..' YOuiuno n' ' ' ,y -.u„ I7CONPKGOF64 *■•«* ___ uariMHOMr*' BaMMYka Too Bogs BACK, woe OUT !>« Miswra svB. oui ) y sxnjthm/ TO m / n a m c e I r'r-cls.

. ) ■ I. •. I ■: 7, ■ I ‘ V > ■ V-.. .r ■■ ,7 ■7 ' , iu.'- 'ir:zz::.:.,;r::'-'' ■


■„■■■ .n-^nn,A, I .. ^ r. Field Goala Coming This Horse Traius Records Show LOCAL SteHb«-rHie Two! ir L.eagiie lYioguis Back in College BaU On—Oops—'Beer OWL Indians Best Sport Chatter Now York, Nof. 6—(A)— New York, Nov. »—(4’)— Havel you, noticed ' how many You’ve no doubt heard of talk­ Bill One o f Few ing horses, dancing horses, ■y To Decide Next Month field ‘ goals college football On the Ground EARL W. YOST teams are kicking thla year ? mlagat' horses and jiut about COVNTBV C h V M MEN everything except fiylrtR horaea. gporU Editor New York,;Noy. 6 — l/f) —• Two Figures compiled by the ■ RRALU I.KAOl'K t^NGAA Senrtce— Bureau con­ NeapeMlU - lU—~ — Teas: Ne. I 0 >^ ■ But. did you-aver hear of a By HA L t u r k i n g t o n _ at baseball’s thorniest problems— ilnA ...... » U Browno ...... 103 U M 315 ires firmed today that the foot la Quit 1 horae that trains on beer? Manchester High ^hool r t d in New England Area Football iiplipl«nM ...... II M BucMsnd ...... 14’ M M m payment of fabulous bonuses to L«mb»ck ...... 133 47 $5 505 Well, there, is such an ani­ ■tatlatica have been compiled. A s MITZIKCVIK U lierv*. regular member of thb onal indeed coming back Into foot­ And«rMoii ...... lOS M Nal4' On Radio, Teeveo -untriad youngsters find inter^ ball, with last Saturday’s flur*. O rrfn I ...... 10« 17 Honath ...... 100 n SO 375 mal and it’s no plow nag. aggregate offenae of tha In diiai in f u aMiatant basketball coach Association of Approved Bas1^> Low ...... 71 75 W h.I.n ...... 44 114 117 333 By EARL YOST , ■‘Bill is 15 pounds heavier, at 180, league waiver deals after the trad­ ry of 10 field goale in 57 major either. The horse'a_naine. )■ Burpaased the defense In ovary at Hamilton this season to Johnny ; ball Officials.' Paul resides in N\w One of the few Negroes everLioj but looks much_younger„ than Jhial ...... 504 4N 453 1471 Montgomery’e Payoff and It's department. but passing ' In the J^aDtoewRt'BeribusIy ni last W in-■ Bedford. Mass., where he is Standard Time)' ■ college Fames raising the eea- T oU li ...... 600 444 440 1404 ToU I. officiate in football, softball and i y**™. i| -Veteran North End Arbiter ing deadltne^may undergo sweep­ ■oA's, total of three-pointers to "Bias. (I)" Teas. Ne. 11 <4i In- the flve-galted divlalon of seven game slate completed last ter, Charlie baa refained his health ' teacher-coach. ' Saturday— jp. Bell.l.pcr .. 114 !04 II 314 baseball games in which white | During World W ar I, he was a Radio ing changes next month- during the 51. That's Just two leas than O. BlmptoA the National Horae Show which Saturday. and is now back on the job. Muscy Itowe ...... (3arlM ESnnegan announcer. Baseball Oominissioner Ford 1950 total. Rec Senior Basketball Leag:uc this BiU has been umpiring baseball' y °“ '^ er played with? ‘They were 530 511 444'1454 Before you give -(^ut with a traee. He gained more yardago ■ ; season. The Hartford Endees are MBS, 1:45 Pittsburgh vs. Frick expounded at length during The collefie boye haven't Totals 411 455 435 1311 Total. and sbftball games for the past' won the town champ- topped 60 since 1940, but they "horse” laugh, permit ua to during the aeaeoa than all oppon­ CANDIDATES for the Hamilton ' expected to replace Hdmilton to Ohio State at Columbus, A1 a press conference in his office dozen years. ionshlp every year but once, when Heifer and dene Kirby. seem certain to do It this year. T .sw N*. 4 <41 report that we saw the horse ents together. Carrying the ball courtsters this season Include. Ken-' complete the eighth team member- yesterday over proposed legisla­ Harmln ..t.. 251; A. WllkU. 8r...... 105 115 drink a bottle of beer before Down through the year^, first we lost to the Cubs. We always NBC, 2:15 Purdue vs.' Mlnne- 55 13 144 timee, Roncli chalked np 1,201 ny Goodwin, Vinny Tokabaskas; ship. tion which the big and little Qui9nttfrhka 247 ' Ell.worth ...... our own lapping eyes. yards for na average of 8A4 per I a player and later as an umpire, jl*^. .* **** MInneapoUs. Bill Stem. -Heck ... jy.... 75 44 and Wally Wldholmv tiocal players ' 7 ------Bill gained '\an,nd has retained the End.'*'' , In' ^ those dBys"Msnchester - wieguls-^ the game will be asked "'rr'T ro ' toa- AtkI- ■ ’-^forthermorei” ■ — said out for the squad include Steve; L l’ SITANO SOCCER Club and CBS, 2:80 Twenty-game to vote on at their confabs. 324 Lockwood ...... 47 II 17 355 respect of bMIh players and fans ?PPP<>rt«<> two teams, the North roundup conthicied from. New, Lallcy ...... 100 134 Trainer' William Dealing, top games, had a grand total of 1,667, Bsllinghirl, Ifthnny lamonacaand' Peabody..Mass... Will meet. $uhd.ay ...... X .... ____»___ _.Ends.who. played.a.t..Hickey'a and TH R IMPORTANT RULE 470 5U 443 1475 .hand, of the. Gold Crest Farm or 184 yards short of Roach’s to- Billy Sheekey. The latter has been at 2:15 in Ludlow, Mass., for the York by Ri^ Barber. change, recommended by a special Tout. 454 501 1411 Tolala LOOKING BACK over his of-iP'*y*<> 1 Televtolon ~~~Jiot Teaaa Ne. II <4< of Dunnellen, N. J. “ Payoff taL.....Maacheater ' 'igained 1,T86 impressive. National Amateur Cup. The match Nebo, the urea which la now the committee, would extend the cur­ Savory Oanrwora ...... 13 43 134 504 eats anything a human being yards, praiing Its ground game flclatlng carrer Hill reported, "I NBC-TV, 2:16 Oklahoma vs. Strvora ...... 41 S3 100 254 will be plhyed at Franklin Field. Nebo baseball field. rent trading deadline from, mid­ Ellinxton Trill ent—hot dogs, plaza pies, have never had. any serious Notre Dame at South Bend. Stove Ferfuaon I was Its best oflenoe. QEOBOE MITCHELL will at­ There must, have been aome night of June 15 to the witching Dalton ., hamburgers, (uiything you can Total points entered into tha trouble. There have hover been any Ind., Mel Allen, Russ Hodges, hour of July 15, Teem Ne. 3 (3) tend the Connecticut Basketball RTATE POLlkH Basketball Incidents.” funny incidents in his playing ca­ Slmpaon McKoe ^. 15 106 name." books by the Indiana was 145 League has started'preparations Bill Henry to coast to coast After the trading deadline no Baseball Boyc ... Association meeting tonight in The 56-year-old sportg official is reer.^ "Yes. there was one that Tvhile their opponents tallied an Wallingford as Manchester's rep­ to renew operations' during the ril never forget. We were play­ hookup. player deals could be made with Totala .. 444 441 457 1553 Skinner ... a family man. He has I t children, NOT ON MARKET Nelaon __ even 100. Roach had 67 points resentative. The league plans td coming season. Nothing definite ing baseball In Bristol. . I ran the exception of the waiver route. New York, Nov. 6—(iP)— Cleve­ MIXED DOVBI.ES Rockwell . to lead the scorers. In an eight ' start Thanktgtvlng Tdght. Mitchell has been heard from representa­ six daughters and Ave aoh^ .and l3 Tight otit' from ■ ■under my shoes Inter-league waiver deals will UennelU . grandchildren. His favdrite^ girl is land General M ana^r Hank — T»aai Ne. 1 (4i game schedule last year when It reported this morning that he tives of the local Polish Americans and I was so dam mad that I hit be tougher to. make, however, if B. Phllllpi ...... 53 115 still Minnie. Mra Bralnard.X^ Greenberg claims three Amerieau ToUla ...... 445 570 515 1570 annexed aeven victories and only would not field a'team If the East­ For many years, under Johnny a home run on the first ball the new proposals are adopted. those. 10 are in technical engineer­ W. Phllllpa ... 117 no J » a in g eight in Industrial, three in League clubs have made overturea Taeai Ne. 4 <1) single looa, Manchester scored ern League or American League Falkowski's coaching, the Poles Always a resident of the North pitched to me. Once while um­ Giants, 49ers - The new rule stipulates that a ToUla Phalon ,...... I l l >14 Sweat-Suit Practice Big aeronautical, two in electrical, to him for Ray Boone, the Indians' ...... IM 335 313 447 264 points while holding the op­ reorganisea Although there has competed in the clrcuiL Ehid, Bill played centerfleld gnd piring I dropped my mask and player must'first be waived out of auppoaedly mediocre ahortatop. ■1. T.eai N*. 11 (4) Purdin ...... 42 ( 71 position to 83. chemical and archltecttiral. Bma Cl.ndtnI.I ...... 57 71 40 315 Porterfiald ...... 44 117 In Sugar Bowl been talk of the A stern and first base during his 20 year ba9e-- started down to third base to call his own league -and then offered Hank aaya as recently as two Bemie Alemany scored 24 b all. playing career,' was a stafidv Battle Sunday Hel aendanlal ....w .tt 43 107 341 Httlnakl .: 111 IM American operating again, with­ THOM McAN football trophy H play. After the call I couldn't first to club lowest In the stand­ Help to Marquette Squad Ed Goasage rates the head of years ago, he rejected Philadel­ Low Man 43 105 points to place a distant second out the fixers, nothing is definite. will be awarded, at a later date. out track man, and played ejght And my mask. Somehow, it just ing of the rival circuit and further­ the claM. Th e 210-pound lineman, phia. Manager Jimmy Dykes' offer ToUla 154 IM 147 SOS New York, Nov. 2—(P)—The behind Roach. Bill Donahue Traa years of football. He also played a ToUla .... 514 615 1554 Selection of the most valuable Valked’ dowh to second base. New York, Nov. 6— (JP)—There more the purchase price must not an industrial management. stud­ of Eddie Jooat even up for Boone. scramble for teams for the Jan. 1 third Trith 18 point# and <|uarter- ' A li P A U D E U , pro eager "here .Uka. number .of aoftbaU.«ampaigns. exceed. $10,000. . . .__ ent, ia in tb* top three per, cent of Tesoi Ne. 7(4) Manchester High football" plmyer •"=Yfo’»'"ilW "Blip net'tirto- the' tist'i 'awn’r any setups m the' National ir. Ubtgiri tb Tsaai Ha. 4 - football hoTri-xpeetaelea-waa on to­ haek Red Rttehta ..tallied . two. the past three seasons and former As Bill said In answer to what -“ New Y 6nc-^(NBrA)-=Jlffl Ta­ AFTE R 'LO SIN G tb Wisconsin. hia departlnent. He gets auch a 18 $3S will be made by Coaches Walker pirlng profession ? Football l^eague these days what Thla would sharply curtail the tum, Maryland's dean of mayhem Marquette went on a three-game N E LLIE FUX, Chicago White R. Morten ;...... 10 It H 2Bt Anderson ...... 114 44 14 304 day. With New Orleans' Sugar touchdowns for 12 markers. Trail­ • ■ '- i Ithode Island State star, is now a Briggs and Tony Alibrio and Hal ■ports he had played, "1 guess I “ ONE NIGHT I was walking passing of stars from one. league bang out of thinking so much he'a Oalaaao ...... 43 44 110 301 ing the first string backfield scor­ played ’em all.” with the teams at the bottom of told New York football writers binge, whomping the whey out of Sox aecond baSenian, probably la ToU U ...... 117 164 1R1 4ftl Becker ...... 113 113 134 544 Bowl out in front of the pack. Turkington and the writer. Jim­ acros^the playground (Roberjlson to the other such as Hank l^rowy learned all the offensive and de­ tha most unsung star In the majora M S3 276 ing parade were Jim Moriarty, Playing baseball resulted in the the ladder beating the leaders that some of his sternest competi­ Boston University, Detroit and Trew Ne. f E. a B. Ml r a H a it 91. John ...... M Georgia Tech, unbeaten, untied my Roach and Jimmy MinIcuccI Park) Nmd Herb Stevenson 'hol­ With alarming regularity—but If from the New York Yanks to the fensive plays and-^elignmanta at T h « scrappy little Ihflalder took 4- Peiete Low Uan ...... 46 74 40 264- the end 'and drop kick opeclalUt biggest thrill for the one-timo Ne­ tion for material comes from Ivy Arizona, How did LiSIe Blackboum and unsurpassed at the moment aa were the oo-wlnners last year. lered oWr. ‘Bill, how would you ever there haS been a crucial game Chicago Cubs in 1945 for $100,000 l,eague schuols, which give aca­ the guard and tackle poaiUone— three 'individual honors, tied for a Trith nine.. Skip <3onnell eight. gro athlete. We'll let Bill tell the account for this? Total! ...... " i S ”« 4 ~6oi 1503 a bowl attraction, agreed to play like to umpire a baseball game?' this season. It is Sunday's'affair SOME OBSERVERS feel that demic but not football scholar­ "Sweat-auit practice,” he re­ right and left. \ fourth and placed second fai an­ Team Na, 4 (3) < Team Na. 7 (4) Mareh Aitken and Joe Keame six story. '.'I was playing with a North E. Duprin 75 75 In the Sugar Bowl yesterday, thus BRUNO MAZZOLI rolled the I answered, 'I don’t care. I ’ll between the New York Giants this rule is aimed at the New ships. plied. ' This gives the filx-three junior other In the 1952 season. Pox led Ka«el 50 104 10 : each. Twenty-four touchdowna R. Dupril M M LaPrancIi 103 74 II : becoming one of the eewlleat bowl- highest three string in local bowl­ End team against the South Ends try it one gnme.' I worked the and the San Francisco 49ers. York Yankees who in tha past Lou Little listened attentively, Sweat-suit practice? about 196 plays, including count­ the American League In total hits ware scored by the locuila Trith for the town championship. I can’t game and haVe been umpiring for few years oirtbld other American ers, to memorize. \ T o t a li...... 171 171 300 543 Cavfdon .. . 15 55 101 : bound teams alnce the NSw Year'a ing competition last night, a STB T|ie result could, settle the then smiled. “ Yeah," the Milwaukee coach ex­ With 1952; waa the top fielding aec­ Hackney .. 107 115 57 ; only seven extra points added. 'Hie recall the names of the teams but the past 12 years. Last season League clubs for the services of ’ AlelMuna's Director \of Athletlca Traai Na. 4 (I) McCann .. 115 16 lOS : Day classicB were started. Who opponents dented the end zone for total. Bruno came up with a 172 chftmpionship of both divisions of “ I was beginning to wonder !f plained, "when we win, I give the ond baseman arltb a .985 percent­ R. Ballargeon ...... 6 5 71 53 : the powerful Engineers, third- third string after two poor games. I do recall hitting a home run ■with 1 worked between <0 and 50 games Johnny Mize. Johnny Hopp, Johnny .maybe m y judgment of footbail kids easy Monday workouts in Pate Oawthon emphatU^ly denies age; had the moat times at bat, J. BalUrgeon ...... 100 105 43 : 16 TD’a and four pointa after, three ‘ men on bave which gave us and in 1951 I worked 75 games. the loop. 'rife New Yorkers are periatent reports that Kentucky’s ToUla ,.. " mo " m "447 t i l l ranked In the Aosoclated Press MaMcheater atteMipted 50 paaeea Other good scores in Y League tied with the Cleveland Rams for Salm and Ewell Blackwell after players wasn’t a little off,” said sweat aulU. Before each ^ 648; tlkl for the lead In triples the t i t l e . ------' Bin hasn't confined his umpiring they were waived out of the Na­ Bear Bryant will a u e d ^ Red Totala ....T:...... 145~i57'T;5~627 poll, win meet la anybody’s guess, MBd <*«^»leted 12 of them for a were as follows;' Cbunt Farrand the lead’ in the American Confer­ Columbia's coach. simply tell ’em: ’Okay, fellas, if with 10^ and'waa second to Cleve- Team Na. 4 <41 but the Sugar Bowl now has one SONS EDGAR, Harold and John only to Manchester. He . has tional League. Drew as coach of the (?rimson land’a Dale Mitchell for the fewest total of 814 yarda. Their oppoaeata 376, Pop Gleason. 375, Spud ence and the 49era are .lust one "But If Jim and 1 are interested we win we get to wear sweat Teaai Na. IS (3» ■Tohninn ...... M 107 43 ; team more than anybody elae. worked in many towns and cities n d e ... Bryant switehed\ Steve strikeouts among regulars with 15. BalUrxenn ...... 63 75 .54 went Into the air more ttmeo, 69, Schmelske 369, Bolo Lucas 358 and (Jay Jay) are following their Dad's game ahead of the Detroit Lions Frick was quicli to point out In the same boys, 1 know I ’m on ' suits!' ” M. Turner ...... 55 81 105 277 THE ROSE BOW L at Pasadena, in this area as well Bs New Ha­ Mellinger, the Wlldcata' large, Mlbehell. fanned nine, times In 511 T. Turner ...... 310 101 510 Rrlder ___ .... 106 ns 56 and Im i 26 Tsomrteted for a gala of Stan Pollnski 352. Nino Aceto footsteps. A ll are fine athletes. in the National Division. that this is not ths case. the right track.” i Miami of Coral Gables put the Piper ...... 57 III 110 grand-daddy of the January spec- ven. Massachusetts aftd also In pass-snatching end, to T quarter­ timaa at bat. Fox also had a streak ___yarda..Oii 12 occasloaa t ^ rolled a 366 triple in the Restaur Bill’s oldest boy, William III, is THE 49ER8, who only two “The Yankee deals’ during the Golden Avalanche back in full Totala Dellafera ...... 121 tot 56 taclea, win, of course, ihatch the Biilkeley Stadium, Hartford. After armor, beating the HUltopperr back to swat Miami of (%ral of 65 games without an error, dur­ ...... 155 150 305 587 Red and White backfield detead- rant League while Stan Hlllnskl's now playing football in Germany years ago were doormats of the past few years were entirely ligit- Team Na. 3 13) Pacific CiOBSt Conference and Bl|: 355 topp^ the Country Club men. with the Army. working football garnes \for sev­ Imate deals.” He said, "But I be­ 20-6, and Holy Cross kept Monday ables, 29-0... Rick Casares has ing which he handled 872 chances, M. SImmora 55 103 257 Total! ...... 456 513 ~ m 1457 eiB aaared paaaea oat o f the Mr loop, have made an amazing J. SImmona J,...... 51 146 347 Team Na. I <4t 10 champions. Dallas' Cotton Bow 1 "1 played baseball for 20 years eral years he passed up the sport lieve this new rule is good because blue shading them. 7-0. Sayed all four backfield ppaltiona only 42 abort of Bobby Doerr’s Cotton ...... 105 54 103 for laterwptloBs while paly ..flvo...... because of a leg Injury. comeback and are striking terror OUT-OF-LINE win have the Southwest Confer­ with the Trumps, North Ends, Bon It would erase any suspicions the nr TAKES CANDLEPOWER, as for Florida, passes and does all 1948 record. Totala 153 345 153 634 OIrllo ., ...... 75 55 85 fell Into enemy IuumIs thrown by into the hearts of the Giants’ DeMtnin ...... 52 50 56 ence winner aa host team. But the Ami and Carlyles,” the subject In addition to his family duties fans might have. I have received well as horaepower, to move the the kicking..,.. Standouts in either Roach, Aletnany er Bltehle. Shu'ff lik» your sfyto In and umpiring asslgnmcnU. .Bill scouts in Bear Mountain. N.* Y.. Georgia Tech's offensive line are Wllaon ., ...... 56 56 101 three conference races are far I Sports Mirror | said. Bill was very fast, a good more letters from fati.s regardtoR ball. SAL MAOLIE,iace righthander Team Na. 5 44) Chanda ...... 101 105 55 from settled, and nobody can aay There were 69 first downs post­ has found time to be ah active 't - this week where the 49era are WHEELS CAN . End Buck Martin-and Tackle Hal HetUund ' base ninner, a bettisr than average A working out. inter-leagiie trarsactlons than Perhaps the key spot where an of the New York qianU, owns the 334 for sure' at "thla date wlml'll lie de­ ed by Manchester, to leadUl^ttil.*...... member in the American Legion about any other rule ” IQ la foremost ta at quarterback. M iller... Leon Hardeman is the beM won and lost lifetime percent­ Iledlund 315 ToUla ...... "4 73 "Jis "«6 1407 department. Opposing teamaxhad Today A Year Ago- Ool. Hum-, defensive player and a long ball Po.st, Hartford Elks. Hartford Mav Jack Lavrlie, the Giant acout, best of the Engineers' superlative fending conference honofa Jan. I. CHAMP’S horto Mariles Of Mexico'■won his hitter, in track, he covered 100 Herald Flioto haa been looking over the 49ers The new bonus rule drawn up by Jack Mitchell, Oklahoma's 1948 age' of all active major league T o t a l ! ...... i ...... 163 171 150 513 Tha Miami Orange bowl, fourth 73. \ sons and the Hartford Turfts. A BILL BRAINARD CUT TIRE UFE IN backs, George Morris an extra­ REflTAl-BANT LEAGUE fifth major Individual victory of yards in II seconds. With the late and is vejT. very imnressed. And the committee provides: operative, majored in phychology, pitchers. "The Barber” haa a four- Team Na. 5 (4) Villa (S )' o f the big four bowla, will hold a Final record shows Manchaater^ MUM gifted singer. Bill has been in the ordinary linebacker... Tommy year record of 64-22 for a .744 M. Cuahlnx ...... 105 90 57 350 Aerto ...... 155 no 101 the year at the Madison Square Elmo Mantelll, Howard ‘ Hobs" he's not a guy who impresses P*'** •" excess nl as did Claude Arnold, the man in J. Cuahinr ...... 113 114 55 516 committee meeting this weekend, vrinning four, losing two and tying \ a Second Congregational Church charge of the controls in '60. Dar­ Yewcic, Michigan State quarter­ mark. Vic Raacht of the Y a ^ eea Gain ...... W P5 once. Ooach Walker Briggs, after \ Garden Horae Show. Keeney and Frank "Hook” Bren­ choir for the past three years. easily. $4,000»by any club from a league back, waa an all-atate high school Walker ...... 113 100 and members declined to dlacuaa rell Royal, the '49 quarter, was a leads ail pitchers who have toiled T oU li 316 304 186 406 P. Corrrntl .... in — any possible teams until then.. A six yeara at the helm, now haa a \ Enjoy isiporM fur ftH, axclinive Kisnif Five Years Ago — Fifty-three nan, Bill formed one of the best Bon Ami on Hilliard street has “ Everybody runs.” he moaned of Class A riassiflcfition and up basketball player In Pennsylvania. Eastern colleges formed a new will be tagged as a bonus player. business major. five or more years In the big Gfonr^tti ...... ti — spokesman commented, however, record of 21 wlna, 21 losses and Finish fM softness, cemioftsMe “Fkntini relay teams this a t y of Village been Bill’s place of employment Two Streaks on Line today. "Their speed is dazzling. There were no casualties on either Team Na. 14 <4> 9<^lnaky ...... — i » Eastern College Athletic Confer­ Any prospect who receives .More leagues with a 107-44 .709 marx. that "November la an Important four ties. Charm ever boasted. for the past 33 years where he 1* Their quarterbacks, Y. A. Tittle Eddie Crowder, who ^uns the squad in the Yale-Dartmouth en­ IncTdahtaliy, M a g H a . R a a c h 1. Smith 65 tt Ftt” and pra-shapin'i that means this hat ence. than $3,000 for signing with s Smith ...... 115 55 T o U U ...... 673 540 653 1664 month In football and wa want to Roach brought to Sn end his A halfback in football. Bill was a -stock clerk. and Frankie Albert, are terrific works this trip, is a young man gagement ... The only In juty re­ Preacher Roe of Brooklyn, Hal Ten Years Ago—Baseball Com­ team below the Class A rating will Oak Grin <11 pick the best teams.” brilliant four year career In foot­ keeps ib shape. Individually bosad! a shifty runner, a good passer and and you've got to be careful of who likes to build things beside ported was suffered by a police­ Newhouser of Detroit and A1 Total* ...... 180 15' 186 517 RoRlaa ...... 45 103 156 missioner K. M. Landis fined In Grid Game Sunday also bo bonus players. The cash BonadUa . 106 — . 317 ball and Is the leader o f 'ten many , times was cHled upon to do their fullback Joe Perry.” Imposing victory strings. He’s a man who was treated, after a bus Brasle o f Uie.SL Louis Candlnals Taam Na. 4 (4) Farfell .;...... 113 Frank Crosettl and Joe Gordon figures Include sfilary with the ex­ blue-ribbon scholar majoring in D. and R. 'Morrlaon Oarano ...... Ill 103 103 317 aenlimi who have played-tlielr last ——- all the field goal attempts. Then, of courw, there la Hugh ran over his foot, which, of course, are the only pitchers with a better Kannay ...... 101 100 133 511 YOU CANT MAT A |2SO each for a run-in with um­ Last NighVs Fights ception of the majors whose mini­ architecture and geology. He con­ gamea for the high schcxil. He - "We didn’t have the ^ulpment Tivo strbnks will be at stake McElhenny, the rookie back from qualified him aa a flatfoot. than .500 rating against all rival T EE AO It E. SMlaU ...... 114 107 114 557 French Fighter $ 7 5 0 pires In third game of World Aragons is Pete Boisae, 250-pound mum stipend is $5,000. ducts a Sunday school class for B. Walkar 105 105 310 captalned the team this .season CHAMA FOK VM.UEI when we played that the fellows Sunday when the Hartford Ara­ the tTniverait-v of Washington, who 3. A major iMgoe bonus player clubs. Roe owns the distinction of Maarkeater Malar Salei (I) with center Marah Aitken, who Series. Cleveland—Dick Waifner. 175, tackle. Two famous baseball haa been setting the league on fire. eighth-grade youngsters. Ambi­ FIRST "HAT TRICK" have today.” Bill said. "I wore a gons invade Mf. Nebo. To date the must be retained for two yeats be­ besting all eight, clubs, including Matxoll T o U U ...... 541 630 544 1407 also - graduates next June. Other Twenty Years Ago — Colgate pair of shoes, football pants, a Toppenish, Wa.sh., outpointed Earl names appear on the Hartford Oirrently he is the leading ground tion: to get his pal and Oklahoma Little Sam Bettlo. dependable the Dodgara. K orli .. Loses and Dies fore he can be optioned to the McCurry gridders bowing out are backs was the only undefeated and un­ sweatshirt and a towel around my "Lalu” Sabotin, 174, Warren, Silk City hasn't lost a single con­ roster, Wakefield and Sisti-no re­ gainer, having taken the No. 1 fullback. Buck McPhall, in the fast skating wingman of tbe Her- *■ - ^ aar’! aeataaraal <31 tied football team In the nation lation to the Dick and Sibbl. Hart­ minora. Any minbr league bonus Varrick . Donahue, Roy McGuire and Bill neck. We didn't h'aV.e hip pads or Ohio. 10. test on its home ground and the spot away from the Giants' Eddie first row. ahey Bears of tbe American • MD-VOU-KNOW that depart­ T M rtrt a Oentitcor* 40 .531 London. Nov. 6 — (dV-Honore OHmt Chomp Hots $5.00 ford has a speedy center, if names player must pass through the iin- Rlrnaa ..., — 144 Boehm.. Ente Jim Farrell and which did not have a point scored shoulder pads or helmets.” Brain- Miami Beach, Fla.—Willie Pep, Aragons are seeking to break their Price a couple of weeks ago. Now there’s a hoy who really Hockey League has the honor of ment—When Rogers Ifomaby took Prsteal, former French flyweight against it. are. any indication. Dick Presto is restrlctlve draft at the end'of the Here’s what we des Total! ...... 514 530 633 1866 Liipe ...... 116 338 Moriarty, tahklea Doug Gallup and ar(J played with the Trumps, Car­ 128 1-4, Hartford. Conn., stopped two game losing streak. "He reminds me a lot of George takes hia football religiously. scoring tha league's first three over the reins o f the Cincinnati P. Aceto .. -56 13* champion, died in the London hoa- at the middle spot for the season. If a minor leaguer is un­ Doa W illi! (31 Johnny Morianoa and guard Tom­ lyles, North Ends and Majors over Mannv Castfo, 122 1-2, Mexico THE a e r i a l chores- will be .McAfee.” said Lavelle. "only he's 1. Oorreet caster goal "hat trick” of the season. Bet- Reds, he joined Bucky Harris and OlKlio ...... 109 112 106 327 E. Paaael 44 145 pltal today, 36 hours after being BETTER WHISTLE Aragons. Coach Jeff Kpelsch will claimed In the draft be loses his Sarcrick . 54 314 my Benoit are the remaining an eight year period. He could City, 5. a contest between two Pats— Pat bigger.”' That's no amall compli­ GEORGIA TECH’S hard-hitUng tto pulled the bigger on hia Patsy Donovim as tha only men to W hltf ...... 53 103 105 301 badly battarad In a lO-round fight. l,exington, Ky.— (N E A )—Tliere probably sent Ribando and Ray in bonus brand. 2. Correct camher Bmoluk ...... US 115 100 553 seniors who Trill be lost to the Glehney's throw a forward, pass nearly 100 Bolduc, ace. cbucker ;^r .the. Silk ment, a youngster being compared squad lists 32 engineering stud­ "trick” on October 21 against manage five different club^ Harris Total! 633 555 454 1641 ~ The 81-year-old Frenchman waa are seven Bills, five Dicks and at the end s ^ ts to catch the Frick explained that the propos­ S. Correct toe-to--er toe-out Lanky ...... 104 56 184 - 554 team next fall. — ■ yards during his heyday. In iW 6, Mississippi State threw City, and Pat Sullivanv Aragons' to the great Bears’ back of aev- ents, keeping alive Teph's king Pittsburgh to 'jiractically beat the led Washington, Detroit, Boaton'a Taworaki 4^...... 101 101 180 333 Boltaa Lake Haase (1) outpointed by Zulu Jake TuH, Brtt- Bobs, four Jims, and three Johns, Sullivan t tosses, Boisse and -Sisti ed new law doesn't prohibit the (Above are chief canaea Kondra ...... 46 111 114 331 With a boat o f flae Unemea re- 799 MoIe StTMt BEST PLA YIN G weight was 31 paBsea and completed 15 as tosser. eral years ago. . . , “and a hell of an engineer," Of Hornets single handed. iah Empire champion, Tuesday Jacks, Harrys, Toms and Dons on will no doubt get the call at the shelling out of vast sums for green of tire wear) Red Sox, New York’s Yankcea and Totala ... 523 580 675 1637 SobIcakI ...... 101 7T*101 280 tomliig, moat o f tho nrork wlU be 165 pounds which was spread over AlaMma defeated the Maroons Well-known gridder around RED 8T R :^ E R , who used to Philadelphia PhUa IXmovan pilot­ Gravino ...... 17 107 13 314 the Kentucky football team. tackle spots with Wakefield and coach the defunct New York Yan­ kids. i. Inspect, tighten, ndjost night. eoaflaed to ronadiag op a goiNl a five foot, nine inch frame. Today 26-7. these parts and playing with the ed PltUburgh. Brooklyn, Washing­ Ketehin ...... *4 113 104 511 Prsteal coUapaed in his dressing Bruno at the guar^. Presto will kees. now is assisting 49cr Coach "The new bonus law. If adopted, steering. Beaa*! Taeera (It Hart ...... 104 103 181 441 baokfleld. Alemaay aad B tt^e will in. no way prohibit any owner ton, St. Louis' Cardinals and tha Pollnski ...... 116 115 131 353 room an hour after tbe fight and be at the center position tossing to Buck Shaw, and he is the first to Maaon ...... 118 107 114 335 Trill be hack hot the'm ajor peob- ^ Red Sox. Hornsby led the Cards, ToUla ...... ,~4M ~5U H i 166i waa ruahed to hoapltkj where two ..... _ . . . f ie x j quarterback Giansanti. Sal 'Beans' admit that the West Coasters are from paying whatever he pleases Bujauclua ...... 130 57 — 217 lent la fUHng Re4Ksh’a ahnea. 'Tedonc and Sullivan will be at the no slouches. • to a free agent,” Frick said. ’’But Browns, Chicago Cubs and Boston Arnolc/ ...... 53 — 51 151 brain operations and a blood - „ , OVWT thO' 'ALUVuat ' rTTrrrrrTr tOt « t ttt a’a (11.-..... ^ uisfBston ware imrfe r m a d ^ im lu ;^ ^ halfbacks with' Grano behind them "W e don't deny we have a good it will cause the owners to be care­ Braves before taking Pohl ______,.. 53 — ful about signing, a bonus player REMEMBER RlToaa ...... — 105 115 235 — 45 at fullback. ' team,” he observed, "in fact, we’re Reds. Jones ,.. no 127 111 841 my Borrett Trill all make hUs to proud of it. But we still must re­ unless he felt reasonably Certain Total! ...... :.. *5tt *8 « 563 1656 Cherubini .. .. 116 W — 314 He was the iSth boxer to die of THE ARAtiONS have suffered the youngster would make good.” TODAY’ S PUZZLER—Who waa Clab rklaatl (II Desimone ...... 115 111 116 533 ring Injuries In Britain since the' flU th»-Kioto.- BaHmoalo aad Cea> member we're playing the best de­ H. OtrrentI ... no aeU aaw plenty of action this, fall. defeats at the hands of the Middle- IN MANCHESTER IT'S the only pitcher to celebrate hia ijulllrih ...... 140 101 103 848 122 war. fensive club in the league which MOTOR SALES UcLaxan ...... 106 135 106 535 Gordon ...... — 53 T M uadefeated Jayvee football birthday by hurling a no-hilter ? Blanchard . TH E EXACT N ATU RE of hU also can move the bail. It ahould Frasin ...... ,115 m 103 538 Claushaar . team Trill have many boys aasMag be a terrific game." ,001 Brend Street, Mnnehester Anavrer—Georgs MuUln of the Loeaa ...... 106 I I — .1*5 tt *3 injuries were not dlacloaed. Mo4d Flynn ,...... 56 — 103 195 of Tull’s pnnehea wars aimed at ,oba TriUi rile vanity. The Arm Steve Owen’s ipain worry appar­ BALCH Is Your Detroit ■ngera pitched a no-run, Baejiui ...... — 111 113 330 ToUla ...... 531 5M 1404 T E U 2-2012 A N YTO IE no-hlt gams againat the St. L«uU hia head. Prsteal left the ring with ently la Albert, the left-hand^ OrflUUl .... Bob McCheaney. New York, foot­ MALONEY’S IBrowns on July 4, 1912, his S2nd ToUla ...... T n ~m "ilii i s « a badly gashed forehead.- passer, who \y'on't be In much of McLauchlln ball Giants and, works in an air­ birthday, Andarson- .. A coroner’s inquest will be held a mood to gamble after the disaa- craft factory in N

:\:- ' -^-4. F ■ f . i t • I 4 '\ " > ' )■ C- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD* MANCHESTER, CONN.* THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1952 • PAGESEVENTEBSF f AGE SIXTEEN BJANCHESTER e v e n in g NERAiiD; MANCHESTER, GONN, THURSDAY* NOVEMBER # ,1 » 5 2 X, Honsehold Goods 51 HooflM for Sate Homcfl for Sate 72 Wanted-lHefil Estate 77 AotoBobilca for Saif 4 ^Automobiles idr Sah . .4 Bashwss Services Offered 18: M ovIiik—T r a d d a # ~ Help Wanted—Mak S6 Articles for Bslc 45 Booam -wlUumt .Board - Honsflfl for Halo 72 7*i WILUMANTIC— Modernltllc 6 -rh- WINDOW SHADES made to order Storage 20 COURTEOUS Married man who U CARPET REMNANTS. 88e and OHB DOUBUB and one aingte MA*Ca*8TER — Groan ' ktansr TO BE SOLD e’s Korea ' CONVERTIBLE GET READY FOR WaNTER! Owner Leaving State Road. Three Bedroom Ranch room home. 2 unfinished. In eg- d a s ^ i n and Installed. Venetian bUadp RUBBI3H Dtapoaal. aabea. ate. ' really interested in an opportun­ up. Mancheater. Carpet Center^ Complete line of Children’s room for married couple or girla. SPECIALS and curtain rOda. 24 hour aervlca. ity to Improv* himaelf. f320' pw 80S Mate attreet-phone 2-4343. . JPurniture. Gribs, Mattresiee, Two mitnutes from Main'atreet. Homo with fuU cellar, atUched If you are sfleking real value cellent condition. Good loceUbn. U x Every Car Checked cellars cleaned. Contract or-tran­ FOUR-ROOM BRICK Only $9,000. About $1,600'^ Cash. Eatimatea gladly given. Fagan month guaranteed. Car necessary. ------^ ------~ — f ------Call 2-1614 or 47 Cottage street. garage, enclosed aMe porch, pine for Winter sient 2-4883. Play Pens, High Chain, Car­ ]>aneied, ehades, atiimmnn com- for your money we recom Buy out of season and save! Window Shade Co., Route 44 at Phdne Manchester 8882 after 7:30 CAPE COD Phone 8600 anytime. Advcrtisemenb CAMP TRAILER. Inquire lb Wad­ riages, Walkers, etc. Complete- 'dnntieln acraana, atorm wladews mend .highly this well built 1951 DeSOTO DeuilXE 4-DOOR. Bolton .Notch. Phone 2-447S. p. m. MANCHSSnatrr-Furniahed room With Expansion Attic ROASTING c h ic k en s 1M7 PLYMOITTH dell Road, or telephone 3-0294. furnishing^ for the entife for refined lady or couple.. Con­ and doort. • 4 par cant inortgaga. seven room home with four VERNON—cape Qod. 4 rooms fin­ Radio, heatep. 1$,000 milM. Just Pkintliig— P$q$criBtr SI ished down. 2 unfinished up. Open V CLASSIHED ADVT. '.IMS STUDEBAKER MANCHESTER Welding Service. BOY w a n t e d for thrPe houns on home. Appliances and TV. tinuous hot water arid hot arater Owner leavtag alata. $18,000. By Military likt new. ------Flreptace, oil burner. Near new bedrobins on lar^, well land- staircase. Porch, oil hot water/ A woman in Wcat Hartford planned an clectiDn pnrtr IMS CHEVROLET Portable equipmanL General PAINTTNO and Decorating. Inter­ Sundeys to wash pans. Apply in flRECTRTC Radiator,, electric heat Inquire 381 Buramit street DEPT. HOURS 1951 CHRYSLER WINDSOR Da- school and bus. sraped lot. O ffer^ for imme- baseboard heat. Heatilator fire^ and ordered chicken. At the teat minute a friend toM welding, boiler and. fumace weld­ io ra n d ^exterior,, Floora refik- penon,^:Piae Pastry, 658 Center \able broiler, new; goblets with 8:15 A. M. to 4:80 P. M. All Convertible*. LUXB NfrW^RT. Extra nice. matching, aharbet glasaes, metal CHAMBERS FURNITURE ROOM FOR gentleman. Cm bus MANCHESTER—Large C olonial, I diate sale at place. Aluminum atorm and (Caattnoed from Page Om ) h er to cancel the order and go oat to Okott’a in Man* I Radio, heater. Black and green. ing. Phonea 2-i658 or 3-876L labed.' 'lUaacnable rates. Call street PRICED UNDER $12,000. All Priced to Sell. Gerry Whitman. ICanchartar see-aaw. Phone 3-8690. ' At The Green line. Continuous hot water. Phone cuatons-hom 196a, with ceattr screen windows and doors. <4 mile Chester for her chickens. Did you know the top quality 1950 DODGE MEADOWBROOK 4- fighting to troope of the Republic COPY CLOSING TIME LIHOLEITM P.emnanta 50c square 2-8866. DISHWASHER Wanted. Apply 6803. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA hallw ay, flrwlace, la v a to ry trat 1 ♦li.UW to Parkway. Near atbree and bus chickens ip this area are found right here in town? BALCH-PONTIAC Inc. DOOR. Radio, heater. New seat yard. Aaphalt tile, wall covering. Garden Restaurant, 840 Main METAL STROLLER, in exceUent Open 10 A: M‘. to 5 P. M. flo o r. Ceramic tUa bath second I atop. Owner moving to caiiforiila. of South Korea. FOR CLASSIRED ADVT. cover*. condition, $15. also lady’s black NEWLY DECORATED, futniahed Realtor 155 Center Street Done by reliable, well-trained street ^ ' 878 Main flt. Eat noor, hot water oil heat garage. P^P~ Other UMlnga. Tom Mlnor.Agent. Beyond; this, there exists an old - MON. THRU PRl. 1946 PLYMOUTH SPEOAL De- R c p a irtfif winter coat, aize 18, 310. Phone room with cookteg privilagaa and AmealU driveway. combinaUon Oily see this unusual value, Tel. Rockville 5-5042. ^ Your Better Deal men. All job* guaranteed. Hall S3 Evenings 7:30 to 8:W ' Phone: Office 8440 . and explosive question which figur­ 10:80 A. M. LUXE 4-DOOR. Radio, heater. Linoleum Oe.i 58 Cottage atreet WANTED — Experienced meat 2-3083. furnace heat Phone 2-4428. T ■ereaiis, atmrm, windows, awnlnjg. ed In the controversy over the RQGKK OLCOn SATURDAY 9 A.M. . Pontiac Dealer New tire*. Motor Just overhauled. Phone 2-4022, evening* .6166 or MATTRESS Your old nlattresiaa *coimter man. Apply In. parson. Evealags 2-58I8 or 2-427t Priced at ItflflOO for quick ANDOVER'LAKE—Six rbom Cape outsing of Gen. Douglas MacArthur 403 West jQonter Street Tde^Mma 7teS Pull price $770.00. aterillxed and ramadt Uka now. Popular Market, 674 Main street 7 FT. DELUXE Westinghouse re­ l a r g e Comfortable room on bus OwM r leaving etata. Cbd near lake. Oil hot water 8109. frigerator, like new. G.E. electric ^RVEL GAS Refrigerator. Rea­ ROBBR'r J. SMITH, Intt from the Far East Supreme Com­ IMS NASH. 6ood condition. Call^ 1948 PONTIAC 6-CYL. 4-DOOR. Call Jonea < FumltUra and Floor line, near Center. Single or dou­ ONE YEAR young very attraet^e heat. -Immaculate condition mand, TOCB OOPPBKATION HUX SMt. Can be iieen after 6 p. m. at Covering, 36 Oak. TeL 3-1041. stove. Ellipse power mower, hand sonable. Phone 3-90M., ' ble. Phone 2-5378. . three bedroom ranch. Spacious 963 Main Street throughout, full ccUar. Lot 65' x Radio, heater. New motor. Go(^ FOR OIL Burner aervlce and In- Sbould^he-- United-St ate»-Hum W ATPItBOIATED 73 Pearl atreel. Hdp Wanted—MMa* mowarr 'three typewriters.— Also livlhg room, dining ell, modern 186'. Asking $9.500.^about SS.dbO , tires. atallatlon' by IS year* eitpef-' COMBINATION Porqelaln sink, MANCHESTER — Scarborough Phone 3450 to true strategic warfare in an 1942 CHEVROLET SPECUL Df- ienced oil burner aervice man. or Female 37 number of miscellaneous house- kitchen, colored /tile bath, attach­ cash nreded. Schwartz Real- E[a- length height 16”. Phone FURNISHED Roem-for rent ain* road, aeyen room Colonial with attempt to destroy tha Asiatic 1950 STUDEBAKER convertible. LUXE 2-DOOR. Heater. New Gall Mancheater 2-1731 or 2-8003. Mortgages SI hoin items. Call 2-0508. / ed garage, screened porch. Con­ tile lavatory, tUe bath, fireplace, After 6 P. M. Call tate. 8275 or Hartford 5-5138. DIAL 5121 ______. ______I______IMMEDIATE Opening—In child 5194. After 6 p. m. 4830. 8>e or double. PhOne 2-6061. Communiata war-waging ability Overdrive, radio, heater. S1S9S. tifea. Full price $275.00. FIRST AND Second mortgagea venient location. 88,000 roqulrod. hot water oil heat two car at-1 Solimene. Inc.. S3;4 Center atreet. POWER BURNERS and. Range guidance field for ambitious edu­ Mr. Heck 3959 and bomb supply centers and elr- 193* PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN. bought for our own account. Fast, Diamonds—Watches— COMBINATION Thor dishwasher ROOM TO RENT, one block from 4% mwtgaga. Phone 8600 la y - tachad garage, driveway, acreena. flelds in the Oiinese homeland? ' Phone 5101 or 5102. Radio, heater. One owner, clean Burner* expcrt'.y cleaned and cated man or woman,'age 31-50. time. atorm windows Immamste Wanted—Real Estate 77 confidential service. Mancheater Poritlon perinanent, Opportunity and washing machine, in good Main street. Continuoua hot •ecu-1 MANCHESTER—Lydall street six Truman and the State depart­ P H O N E 8 6 0 0 car. aerviced. Let ua aervlce and re­ JewebT* 48 I«ot and Foaod Investment Coip., 35 Oak atreet condition. Call 3-0916. water. Gentlemen. Phone 4724. pancy. Price $17,800. room Cape Cod completed May CONSIDERtNG SRLUNG 1949. 1950. 1951 Automobiles, as 193* PLYMOUTH COUPE. Heater. pair yout waahlng machine or re­ for advancement Must be avail­ MANCHESTER—Five room Cape ment rebuffed any such thought, Phone 5416. LEONARD W. YOST, Jewaler, re- 1852. Four twin size bedrooms, YOUR-PROPERTY? and the Joint Chiefs of Staff aub- L o s t — PASS b o o k no. i 29«. little as $9.90 wiekly. Lowest Extra clean. One owner car. frigerator. Metro Service. 2-0883. able now. For personal interview DINING yoO M Table. Inlaid ma- paU-a,-aojuata .watshas axpartly. -FURNISHED HOOMior-rtntjQea- -Oo!d,..Sh«d. dormer, twp„y«M»-.pM, maater bedroom I6 H ’ x 16 H'. Without obligation to you, we aeqltentiy followed that up with «*-■ «Kotlce U hereby given that Op- 4li»au»ca^ rates. Poaatbla y^ur -write-Box-Q. Herald. double sliding cloeat doon In bedr FmVMRCWIK*f*MfWMIS y A 1 a06 W VV TMT>nWH filmand %^^rWW donra ' RtaannaMa__ priota. Open daily. hogany drop leaf- Seat# sight tleman preferred. Near Main MANCHEETiBR—BngHah ColonlaL .T4meUaa, bUniUi, colored: ceramic will apptaliar oh make you x.caah kianationsr of the military' imprac- llkmai Share Book No. li M, laaued down. Douglaa Motors, 333 Main. when open.'CSH 2-0916.' riwaaa UM batlL flrqilaca, «U hot "Roaetta." Free eatimatea. cheer­ BilSiAcn Opportaiiitiea 32 Thursday e v e n t s 128 Spruce street PKohe 2 - 2 m " fl IT a ia Tiarb car garage, (iropHiee, steam tile bath amf zhower first floor, offer for property. See ua before tlcality of such an operation. How- Approximately 40 Ranch Style Homes jliy The Uancheatar Saving* and water h eat Neat bus r achooL laa- eat, tniciDaiit condition, vacant BROWN-BEAUPRE, INC. fully glyen. TeL Mr. Roblnaon. RAUBSMBN part.time. Apply Elite street. Phone 8-4387.______street...^.,.____ :______large lavatory second floor, aani you teU. / ...... — ------eyerr the-adminiatrotloft goes out IXioan Aaaociation.. Inc., ha* been '1939 DODGE. Good — condition. GROCERY Store,-and eleven room FIVE PIECE bedroom aet; new mediate occupancy. $18,000. Carl­ lowers school. Price $15,506. Availabte Throufhout Manchester V * 7691. Studio, 983 Main street tax walla, thermopane picture BRAE-BURN REALTY of office next January and the iloat and 'appUfalion haa been Good and clean, $135. Inquire 37 30 Biasell Street, Phone 7191 house for sale. Excellent proposi­ box-spring, new Innersprlng mat­ LARGE Attractive room wiM ton W. Huti-hina. 2-5132 or 6231. {made to aaid Aaaociation foj- pay- Marble street. Phone 2-0059' or tion fer large family. House is in window, fireplace, fully insulate^, Pbooe 6273 ' term* of all but one member of the WINTER'S COMING! Storm win­ Fuel ajkd Feed 49-A tress, two bedroom chairs and privatehousekeeping faciUtleli iment of the amount of depoait. 2-8727. good condition. Stors doing a nice, hot water heat, all-copper pltnnb- JCS expires next summer. WMREN HOWUND RIALTY dows cleaned and put on, reason­ Sitaations Wanted— . lamp,' $100; large, white, com­ fully attached. Private entranch BOLTON — Five-room custom MANCHESTER — Colonial. Flra- FOR QUICK RBSU1.TS in aelUng 1941 FORD Club coupe. Good run- steady buslnesa Only More with­ WOOD, Stove or fireplace lengths. bination oil and gas range, white Ing, full cellar, pourod concrete. With the White House occupied J*OST—Five 8 week* old puppiea, NEED TRANSPORTATION? ably. Tel. 2-1274. Inquire 101 Chestnut street - built horns. Heavy, moldea beam itace, tlla baOi. 1 H % m orteg e. Steal beam, hatchway. AU doors yohr . property call Suburban M3 WOODBRIDGE STREET .ning condition. Call 2-8775. in a m il^T . J, Crockett, 244 Main Female 38 Delivered $t8 per cord. Phone covers, chrome stove pipe, oil bar­ by tho general who in World War albur black and white, one. brown ccUiag. Flro|flaea, large rooms, "arly hccupaacy. Price $14,700. and windows weather stripped. Rsalty Co., Raaltora, 541 Main street .Pfione 5416 or residence Wiliimantic 3-3217 |inytlme. rel, minute minder, $100 com­ ROOM FOR rent. Near Cantar. II commanded more troops than {and white,-vicinity of Vernon Clean Pre-War Cara ALL TYPES o f curtalna laundered cahlnat kitchen, oil heat shade Dining area. Private. Coat $15,500 atreet Call 8215.^" 3751. and ironing done - in>. my home. plete; 9 X 12 rug, $15, two end Heat and hot^vatar. Gentleman trees, four acres land. $12 ,800. any other American in history, the »etr*et, Mapcheater. Call 2-4205. 1940 FORD Business coupe. Pri­ Hoasehold Services preferred. 37 Foeter atreet. Phone Sacrifice at $14,800. MtneheaUf military haa ha doubt that the Written Guarantees CaU 3-4333. -.1— tabte*. Phone- 6864. ------Oarltcn W. HutcMns. 8-5138 -- or MANCHESTER—S ix ' room home, LISTINGS Wanted. Single, two- vately owned. Phone 2-0508. Offered IS-A BEAUTY SALON for sale, located Garden—Farm—'Dairy $-5524. office of Commander in Chief will 5331. ' 6231. garage, screens storm windows, family, three-family, huaineae 1942 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE at 867 Main street Wiliimantic. Products 50 POWER SEWING Machine, ex­ be a more directly active one than Peraonfls 8 1052 CHEVROLET fordor deluxe WEAVING o f bums, naoth holaa WOMAN Desires care of child awnings, ameaite driveway, out­ property, Have many cash buy­ 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN Further details call Manchester while mother works. 2 years or cellent condition. Reasonable. NICELY Furnished room for cou­ MANCHESTER—Six rooms, ga- it haa been in a long time—if ever. 1940 BUICK CLUB COUPE sedan. Fully equipped, extremely and tom clothing, hoaiery runa, door flreplacd Older shade trees. OWNER OFFERS ers. Murtgagea arranged. Please W IE PKOSPECT Hill School for 2-5148. older. Cali 2-8840. Phone 2-8487. ple -or gentleman. Near bath. ii|w, fireplace, extra lot. lava­ 1939 PL'YMOUTH TUDOR j low mileage;' Like new. Only $495 handbag* repaired, alpper re­ NUMBER ONE Green Mountain Kitchen privUegea. Phone 2-3506. Good location. Price IISJMO. call George L Grasiadio, Real­ iynung children. Tranaportation tory and bath. Tongren Real Es­ tor. 2-5878, 109 Henry atreet. 1939 PONTIAC TUDOR down. Douglas Motors. 333 Main. placement, umbrella* repaired, DOBSONVILLE Public Market WILL GIVE day care or board to potatiMU. Bryan Bros, 179 Tolland t w o -p i e c e living room set, in HOME OF 6 ROOMS • fumiahed. Mr*. Lela Tybnr, dlrec- men'* ahirt collars reverted and VACANCY IN an apartment for tate. Hartford 32-7158. YOU CM DEPEND ON 1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN for 'sale. Call Stafford Springs pre-school age child. Phone turhplke. Phone'3037. fair condition. Must be sold by BUYERS WAfTINGl—Single and {tor. Phone 2-37S7. replaced. Marlow'a Little Mending single gentleman. Private room Sabres, MIGs LOOK! 6-W3. 2-8420. the ISth. Call 8785. Reasonable. MANCHESTER GREEN — 8U (2 Unfinished y. Built by cat- two-famales MONTHLY PAYMENTS FURNISHED Room with continu­ INQUIRE Howard R. Haatinga, 2-1107. j* ^ ." Rueaeli'a Barber Shop, Cor- 5102. nice car. MATTRESSES MADE to order, lamp. $125; large, white, com­ MANCBESTER — Expandable re-made and aterlllzed like new. clerk. Apply in person. Marlow'a, 321.63 ous hot water, private entrance. MANCHESTER—Old colonial. 6H ' • lETTER INSTAUATION |.tt*r Oak and Spruce atreeta. OPENING. IN approved and bination oil and gas range, white Cape Cod, flrcplaec, acreena, storm slopes of Spiper ridge late Thurs .We call for and deliver anywhere. 867 Main street NEW FURNITURE AND Respectgble gentleman. Inquire rooms. Hot water heat, firoj^ace WANTED—One or two acres of PICK UPS: t'851 Ford. 1950 Ford, 1951 CHEVROLET FOUR-DOOR. licensed day care nursery home covers, chrome stove pipe, oil bar­ windows, hatchway, hot water oil 451 P ^ K E R STREET high, elevated land within 20 day but [was Immediate occupancy. Price mile radius of Hartford. Phone 2- artillery fire. [from vicinity of Oak and Birch cheater. Conn. Phone Celeheiter which la now In storage— trees on H-scre lot GSrage, rolet, 1947 Dodke. 1948 and '41 work one or two mornings per erence and well supervised. Phone plete; 9 X 12 rug. $15; two end $12,200. X 8994. A front line report said the Reds PHILOO — RCA — EMERSON »*tr*#ta or Wert Side. Hour* 8 to GMC 1-ton, 1949 .Studebalfcr. 1946 “ You'll never buy a dud if you buy 460. originally aold to a yoimg couple FURNISHED ROOM with privaU school bus at door. Purchase week. North end.. References re­ 7839. tables. Phone 5354. laid down a 20-minute artillery • . ARVIN — OoMONT. !8:S0: Call 6777. Chevrolet, 1944 F ortt.l'i ton long a car from Bud!'' but unfortunately are not getting bath, continuoua hot water. New price $11,000. Located 429 Oak­ Lots for Sate 7.3 quired, Tel. 3-8705 after 6 p. m. WANTED-We have buyer* for and mortar barrage before the aS' wheelbase, 1948 GMC>J942 Inter­ married home. Phone 2-8369. land street. Howard R Haatinga, BEDROOM SUITE MANCHESTER — 4-Room Home, 5 and 6 room homes. Cali 2-1167 sault. TERMS AND TRADES national, 1939 International 1941 CADILLAC. Excellent condil- Building—Contracting 14 Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 Machinery and Tools 52 agent 2-1107. excellent condition, electric hot PART TIME Bookkeeper, with LIVING ROOM SUITE CLEAN, Pleasant room. Central. I OAKLAND Street 100’ x 200' lo t anytime. E. A B. Agency. The Chinese waded through Aotomobnes for Sale 4 dump. 1M9 Ford • panel, -1947 tloh. water heater, atova, relrigeralor, | SPECIALIZING IN Custom built knowledge of typing and short­ 5-PC. DINETTE SET Light housekeeping privileges. HARTFORD -*■ 9 room, newly AU ntllltiea In. PhegM 6535. their own fire to withn 50 yards of USED CLETRAC A. G. with bull­ acreena, atom - windows, garage, OIJISHOBILE deluxe Chevrolet aedan delivery. Low garage* concrete fioors. Also al­ hand, for im all. office. Manches­ BEAGLE DOGS. A.K.C. register­ “PHILCO” ELECTRIC REF. Married buaineas couple prefer­ decorated, hot u'kter heat, flre- the crest. Then the big Allied guns prices. Champ's, Route 30, Rock­ 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE. dozer. Used tractor spreaders, ameaite driveway. Price $10,500. { {door aedan. Excellent condition. terations, addition* and dormer ter 2-2206. ed. Phone 7729. BENGAL” COMB. RANGE plows, bog harrow, tillage tools. red. Phpne 3337'. place in living, room, about 10 WATERFRONT Lot at Andover stopped them cold. ville 5-9574. Lake. ExceUent location. AU Russians Warn The a.ssault lasted only 25 |CW1 7732. ______1941 PLYMOUTH CONVER'nBLE. erection. Call Frimk Contois, •NORGE" WASHER Terrnr. Dublin Tractor Co.. North minutes from-center. Exception­ BENSON'S, Inc. SALESLADY Wanted. Steady full TWO ATTRACTIVE, clean, well minutes. Real nice car. Manchester 5322, Hartford 8-7735. "HOOVER" VACUUM Windham Road. Wiliimantic al . buy $19,800. Wentworth-Mc- cleared. T. J. Crockett, Broker. fM l OLDSHOBILE aedan. Heat- USED TRUCKS with or without time position, open for experienc­ THREE MONTHS old puppy. Call furnished rooms for couple. Share Phone 6416. The Reds held the crest of near- RADIO—TV— APPLIANCES “EMERSON” TELEVISION 3-3217. Aneeny, tnaurance-Real Eatate, HENRY ESCXyiT AGENCY U. $. on Blockade ler, radio, hydramatic. A good bodies, 4 to 10 ton cacaplty. If ALL KINDS of .carpenter work. ed aaleirlady. Pleasant atmo­ 6609. large kitchen. Central. Call 4337. bj Triangle hill without opposi­ interested call Stuart Carlson, 44 Sealy mattress and box spring, 201 FarnM'ngton Ave., Hartford. Henry A Thelma iatfrlae llaeett 1085 MAIN ST.—TELEPHONE 8535 [prewar car. Eaay term*. $295. Rooms finished upstairs. Easy sphere. Good working conditions. Mohawk, ruga, inlaid, lamps, tables, tion. Allied leader* ordered, tha Stock Place: Manchester. 3-4555.' SEE BUD MICHALAK FOR RENT—Fumiahed two room Gall 5-2581 anytime.^ ---“ r e A l BBTATI^-INSURANCB rCalBO Service Center, 436 Center terms. Call 8862. Saiaty and' Vacation with pay. TROPICAL FISH, special for dishes, pots and pans. Musical Instruments 63 FRENCH'ROAD. Bolton. 150 (Oontliiiied from Page One) South Koreans to halt their sui­ istreet. 2-0980. week. Mollies 75c pair. Kelley's ______i _____ apartment and two single rooms. 266 High St. West, (Cor. McKee) 200 ft. lot. Inquire at trailer. 1950 BUICK Sedanette. Radio and Apply Genton 6iothes, 655 Main PHONE ME IMMEDIATELY MANCHESTER—Seven room co­ cide qhxrges up the slope and The Working Man's Friend Aquarium, 29 Sunset street. Open NEW, USED and rental instru­ Adults only. Phoqe 2-8181. heater, $1545 Solimene, Inc.. 634 atreet. East Hartford. HARTFORD 6-035S lonial, excellent location, hard­ Tel. Mancheater 368.3 U. 8. government of the ao-called called instead for intensive artil­ B e f o r e TOU Buy a uaed car Florists— N iirseries 'til 9. ments. Reeds, mutes, strings, lery barrages. Center street. Phone 5101 or AFTER 7 P. M. 46-4690 FOR GENTLEMAN, pleasant wood floors, the bath, extra lava­ defensive maritime, zone-'around aee Ctorman Motor Sale*. Buick Hartford Road U.sed Cars stands, all accessories. Methods. SIX ROOM CAPE Cod. Oil heat, SuburlMin for Sale 75 An artillery officer said Allied 5102. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, cut flow­ SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT room next to bath, near Cheney's tory, fireplace, oil-hot water heat, Korea, and lays upon the U. S. Sales and Service, 285 Main At the Calso Station WOMAN FOR housework, morn­ Factory-trained repairman. Ward automatic hot water heater, com-1 big gunpower had been built up ers. Many choice varletie*. Phone If you have no meana of transpor­ phone 2-1167. E. A E. Agency. government the rcaponslblllty for etrcet. Phone 2-4571. Open eve­ ings. Phone 5358. Live Stock—Vehicles 42 Krause. 87 Walnut. 5336. and Main street. Phone 2-9659. A NICE MODERN In the kumhwa aector to equal 1949 PLYMOUTH Special deluxe 8185. tation in' send my auto for you. bination windowo and doors, the conaequence* of this new ag­ ning*. Hartford Road No obligation! EAST SIDE—Three bedroom co­ ameaite drive, nice lot, good loca­ gressive act and for any damage that of the battle or Huitgen for- aedan, radio heater, blue finish. REGISTERED Nurse or licensed PLEASANT Room at the Center NOTICE A--L—B^E—R—T— S lonial piva den on 1st floor, lava­ tion.' Phone 2-1272. —' 4-ROOM COUNTRY HOME that might be caused to the inter­ e-sl in Germany plece winter out­ tion. Shown by appointment only. CAPE COD— Expandable to aix The Rusaians recalled that an­ MANCHESTER — Roofing and GLEHy^Op Combination stove, other note in July, 1950. protested hwa ridgea last month, they ran In accordance wlUi the requlremenU of the ^ n l^ Bagi^UoM t o Bank Snahring. For thia one aee NEED MONEY to bolster the bud­ PIG. ABOUT 300 pounds or more, fits, sizes 2 and 4. Excellent con­ LARGE, PLEASANT room in pri­ Elva Tyler. 2-4469. rooms. Near WaddeU achooL City I Oil steam heat, full cellar, set 1947 OLDSMOBILE 76 sedan. Hy TIRE SALE \ Siding Co. Also all types of paint­ 4 -4 -w hite.'A lso A.B.C. washer. U, S. blockading of the Korean into an amazing concentration of the Town o f Mancheater, Conn., the Zoning Board of ^ P M ^ wlU hold Bob Oliver, Center Motor Salea. get? 4 or 5 hours a day will bring '$75. Rred Berntsen, Lydall street, dition. Phone 2-8690. vate home. Convenient to Center ■ewer and utllltlea. Leas than' tubs, combination atorm windows ing and carpentry work. Guaran­ Both in good condition. Phone FULTON Street. Two 6 room Cape coaat aa “incompatible with the Kcd artillery and for the first a Public Hearing on Monday, November 17, 195$ at 8 :0 ^ . M. In-met dramatic. In excellent condition Goodyear, Firestone. IT. 8 . 600x18, you a good income. Write Box E, Manchester. and Chenev’s. Place to park car. two yekrs old. Immediate occu­ and screens. Knotty pine kitchen 1939 PONTIAC Sedan. Heater, throughout. Priced well below teed work. Phone 2-8933 for free 2-0096. Phone 2-2044. Cods. 2 unfinished. Both homro In pancy. Phone 3832. principles of the UN.” They de­ t'me in the Korean war were out­ Hearing Room of the Municipal Building on the following apphita- $10.95. 670x15. $13.95. 710x15. Herald. exceUent condition. Aaking $12,- cabinets. 100 x 200 ft. lot. gunned. radio, 1193. Good, clean trana ceiling. See Bob Oliver today. estimates. MUSKRAT FUR coat, size 16. clared the new U. S. move "repre­ $15.95. 650x16. $15.95. Exchange Poultry and Supplies 43 ONE UNIVERSAL tank type de­ FURNISHED ROOM for two. Heat 000 and $12,700. Phone 8600 any­ MANmSSTER—7 room Dutch | sents in substance the extension Fighting for the ahell-acarred ^'°S."and J. Tomkiel for permission to erect enclosed porch on e o ^ portation. Name-your term*. Cole Center Motora. 461 Main atreet plua tax. All other sizes propor­ WANTED—Girl* for bench work. luxe model cleaner with complete Worn only once. Phone 2-1801. PRICED. AT 511,600, FOR GUARANTEED ROOFS that and hot water. Inquire 238 Char­ time. colonial, steam oil heat, tile bath. of the illegally introduced sea slopes has been costly In men and side of dwelling which will be located 3' from the south aide ime which Motors. 91 and 436 Center atreet tionally low. Apply Tober Baseball Mfg. Co.. YOUNG ROASTING chicken*, attachments. 1 Thayer baby car­ 2-0980 - 4164. 1940 DODGE coupe. Priced to aell Stay on In any kind of atorm, and Hilliard street. ter Oak atreet, or phone 3217. Sanitary baae board molding.' Located Tolland. Open house Sun blockade.” iryiteriala. The Reds have lest Is 5' closer than regulaUona aUow at 81 Crestwood Drive. R e a ld w ^ quickly Written guarantee, $195. guftara, conductor* and roof re­ alive or dressed, ready for the riage. Reasonable. Call Coventry $9,500—CHOICE location. Four The note. said the Soviets had more than 12,000 kUIed and 7-6109. Wanted—^To Buy 58 Two-car garage. Near bus and day 2 to 5 p. m. Drive out Route 1147 DODGE deluxp aedan, radio, Buy It on your own terma. Cole BATTERIES pair*. c a ll Coughlin 7707. WANTED— One wrapper and on* oven. Rearonably priced. Week LARGE ROOM with kitchen privi­ room unit of brick duplex. Game schools. Neat and clean. $15,000. IS, turn right on MUe HimROkd learned of Clark's new order from wounded. UN ios.scs have not ^vrrm iiia Campbell for permiaston to erect detached g a ^ e wMqh end orders must be* given not room in basement Expendable heater, Suld drive. In excellent Motors. 4164. garment presser for laundry. Ap­ KITCHEN "Lllnlng room and tiring WANTED— 5c candy machine leges In apartment houae. Cen­ Carlton W. Hutchins 2-5132 or | X crossroad. Left at fork. Houae American newsoaperS. According been announced, but they are wUl not be located in farthest quarter of corner Io$ at 243 M c ^ WE SPECIALIZE In roofing and later than 6 p. m. Friday. Will attic. Aluminum screens. OU condition. Beautiful grey hnlrh. Famous brands. 50 per cent off. ply In person'. Maple Dry Clean­ room furniture. A few miscellane- routes, small or large. Top price. trally located. Suitable for gentle­ 6231. on right painted grey with j^Uow to these. It said, the U. S. Navy severe. Street, Residence Zone A. , , . - . 1950 MERCURY Station wagon, Buy on our, budget plan. siding. Highest Quality ma­ deliver Arnold Nelson, 737 LydaU fired _ f'irnace. CaU Madeline Eaay terma. Douglaa Motora. 333 ers and Launderers, 72' Maple oua ltemr. Reazonable. Cali 2-3641 Star vending, 1255-Main street, man or couple.. Allen Realty .Co. blinds. Our sign in front. 25 min- intended to, search ships "irrespec­ . (The Dcfenae department in Albert Stavanaon for extension o f permtalon to u m first floqp o f radio and heater, $1595; Solimene, terials. Workmanship guaran atreet, Phdne 89fli6. Smith, Realtor 2-1642 or 4679. tive of nationality" on the open dwelling for light houaekeeplrig purpoeca at 37 Btraht Street, ResidMc^ Main. atreet or Rockville 5-9341. Hartford. Haitford 7-0582. Phone 5105. MANCHESTER East Sid* utea from Hartford. Washington aaid U. S. battle caa- Inc., 634 Center street. Phone teed. A. A. Dion. Inc., 299 Autumn Duplex four and four. Large / sea as well as in Korean territorial ualties had reached 124,569. That Zono B. . CALSO BROAD BREIASTED bronze tur- FOUR FAMILY of five room* 1949 CHEVKOLET deluxe aedan. 5101 or 5102. street. Phone 4860. WOMAN TO live in, care for two VERY ATTRACTIVE, well heated rooms with axtn large attic, lot waters. is an increase of 1,174 over last Matthew Morlarty for extenalon .of permiuion to ,uw preml»eo for kevi, freah killed, fresh frozen Luatro-ja black finish. Local one SERVICENTER children. No housework. Phone WANTEO -Baby’s crib. Oall housekeeping room for two. All each, an older home that needs 100' X lOO*. One aids avaUabla on CARROLL-DRIGGS week. The latest figure includes the sale of new and uaed car* and to maintain two. free-standtof. 1937 FORD 4-door, original paint, GREAT EASTERN Roofing and ready anytime, 8 to 25 pounds. ANTIQUE, Mahogany chest of some work done on it. Good, cen- owner car. In excellent condition. 436 Center St. 2-0980 Rockvillt 5-4693. •drawers. 4 Hairvard Road. 2-1481. utilities luding washer. Near sal*. Asking $14,000. For appoint­ AGENCY — REALTORS 179 dead, 1,015 wounded and 20 lighted ground eigne, 5' X 14’, located 6’ from atreet‘line on property Bob Oliver aiways has Chevroleta. radio, heater, • Practically new Constraution ^o Appllcatora of Schauh’s Turkey Farm, 188 Hilla- bus and Gn*eney’s. Phone 2-8256. trel location. Income at present ment please call Howard R. Ha#t- missing.) East of 301-315 Center Street. Bualnea* ^ne U.' ; WANTED—Winchealer or Savage 754 Main Street Adolph Sabath Center Motor Sales, 461 Main motor. Four white wall tires. like Bird and Flintkote. Guaranteed WOMAN TO Act as housekeeper town P.oad. ~ EBANK.9 AhMflUM... and second la $120 monthly. Priced et $10,- la^s,-2-$t07. The rest of the Korean battle GusUve Schaller for ex tern of p e i5 ^ '’•^*** etore*® bund­ -uaw,.-JraL.2.2176------:------Trailers for Sale 6-A ~ roofs and aiding. Life-time-alum­ hunting iiUe. 300 or 30,30. Th»n* 066. T. J, Crockett, 2’44 Main front Thursday reflects the. uhr' ing for con d u ciof-h u m u a -teilrtnaaa on wMt alda..o f 'MfiNall fltroat ' , .. atraatr------—:— — tor: 'small familvl ot two ’^adulta hand store,- 56 -Ooeper atreet. Buys Boarderfl! Wanted - 59-A- Ewl Harifora 8-CT64 inum clapboard' ah‘d"~eONibQiatIQh' iii^ oiie cHildThburs 3 C(i‘ 7r"flbn- and mils good used furniture and 2-5801:-^— " ------" ------*treetr~Phon«~5416"or~Tealdencr - - — — Passes^ at^Sh easy calm of the central front (North of Wilbur Cross Highway), Realdence Zone AA- IMO CHEVROLET >4-ton panel, 1947 CHEVpuLET 4-door sedan, atorm windows and acrceiia Foif Articles for Sale 45 3751. room ca p e Ced, 4 bedrooms, fire­ VKRNON —Charming four room Scattered light patrol' clashes Louis Kllnkhammer for extension of permission to use ufideranad SMALL CAMP Trailer at 41 Hart* day, Tuesday, Friday and Satur­ antiques ' Phone 3966. Open 9 to apbglal. Buy wisely, you‘11 get new paint. $875. Solimene, Inc.. free estimates caii 837i.*BT«ntngs day, W ednes^y'a o ff.'3 to 8:30 place, full size cellar, combination ranch. Large lot. Convenient. Ex flared, but'there was ho ■’major building as a dwelling. Which U located closer to rear line than roftt* land Road. Phone 2-4436. ROYAL AND Smlth-CMrona port­ 5:30. Rooms without Board 59 ROOM AND BOARD. Gentleman. IMMACULATE BRICK Cape Cod. (Oonttnoed From Page One) more. Buy a select uaed car . . It 634 Center atreet. Phone 5101 or 8303. Albert V Lindsay, Owner. p. m. Thuradayr. Must be a good atorm window*, Venetian blinds, celient value. $10,500. H. B. fighting. latlona allow at rear of 131 Summit Street. Realdence ZoneB. 5102. able and standard typewriters Phone 7675. full shed dormer, basement ga­ Grady, Agent. 8009. B-2S Invader bombers h it. Red coats Te^*a. Solimene. Inc.. 634 cook and do all housework includ­ WE BUT and aell good used furni­ ONE SINGLE and one double amerit* driveway. Approximate­ Balch-Pontlec for permiaaion to erect two; free-atandlng, ground ai^is CONNECTICI^T Valley Construc­ Ail makes of adding machines rage. tUe bath, oU heat Now A special election must be held supply, lines behind the front dur­ 3‘ from atreet line on Center Street, at Southeast comer of Cm ito Center street. Phone 510T or 5102. 1937 DR SOTO convertible vrilh Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 ing waahtng and ironing. Call sold or rented Repairs on aU ture, combination ranges, gaa rooms for rent. Inquire 118 Coo­ WOMAN OR small family to share ly $56.9« per month. Wentworth- to name a successor. tion. Guaranteed roofs and siding. vacant. Senalbly priced. BxoeUent ANDOVER—Six room -roatbred ing the night. The Air Force re­ and Winter StreeU. Buaineas Zone II. . J 1941 motor. Good tires. Good run­ 3-6696 after 7 p. m. and all day makea. Marlow’a. ranges and heaters Jones Furni­ per Hill atreet Phopp 2-0595. home with elderly lady. Call 5602 McAneeny, Inaurance-Real Ea­ colonial with attached garage, In 1949, Sabath at the age of 1941 PLYMdUTH Special deluxe BOY'S 26" English type three- Aluminum storm windows and ture Store. 36 Oak. Phone 2-1041. terms. T. J. Crockett, 244 Main tate, 201 Farmington AVe., Hart­ ported 85 veHiclea end two rail Leo Johnaon for permiaaion to erect garage which will be ueed t o ning rondltion. First reatonable Friday. after 4:80. - - oil heat. Completely modern cabi­ 83 was Involved in fisticuffs on the bridges destroyed. 4-door aedan. Radio, heater. Ex­ speed bicycle. Good condition. guttersv All men protected by in­ ------' ' ------' 'V BOLTON — Building atone and atreet. Phone 6416 or residence ford. Call 5-2591 anytim e., storage of grocery van used In connection with applicant's buslnsss, at cellent rondltion. Call 2-4113 be­ offer take* It, Phone 2-0911. surance. Three years to pay. Free ROPER GAS range. Excellent con­ 3751. ' net kitchen, inlaid linoleum, tile floor of the House with Rep. Eu­ B-20 Superforts bombed two 208 Hilliard Street, Residence Zone B. . _ Rra.11 81^71 at RUDD AUTOMATIC gas heater, Grove street. League. The league folded up last Business Services Offered 13 piping, remodeling electric equip­ teries. Written ffuarantees. 31.00 •Patrick J. Ford home, fairly priced. Exclusive tuba, atec) hatekway, Youngstown He took pride in his reputation week, after a majority of club Center•nter Street,atreet, ftesidenca Zone^A - The Darlinjr of the ISrr- - or 341 L' dali ..treej;. "atro Orunow apartm'enf size re­ •Fred V. Cluta with Fidelity Rtalty Co.. Wm. BOLTON—High elevation, Assy as aftiehd of the ]^ r, a chqmpion DeCormler Motor Sales for permission to display six new and ua«d ment for plugged drains. Eihrard down, $1.00 weekly. Calso Serv- TO SHARE Apartment. Two girls . sink and cabinet, tUe bath, ga- preaidentB voted against allowing THE WILLYS HARDTOP a n t iq u e s MORIARTY b r o t h e r s ' frigerator. Good - condition. Call •Earl H. Newbery. McBride Mancheater 4816. commqting, healthy climate. of the tmderdog. He was a. popular cars, at 5SP Main Street, Business Zone III. , „ , ... Reflnlshed. Repairing Johnaon 6679 or 5044, icenter. Tel, 4164, 4165,_or^-09SO, or couple. Double room available. ! rage srith amasit* driveway, lot any team to use players Involved •‘EAGLE” do'ne'or any furniture. Tieman, 2-3053 after 6 p. m. •George L. Chttson Liovely new sis-room ranch horn* leader among Immigrants through­ George Green for extension of permission to use building for a wOW-’ 1940 CHF.VHOLirr club - Coupe. Call 3560 after 4 p. m. ! 155’ X 210*. Priced righ^ at $12,- In the college ''point shaving'' ing shop at 473 GaMner Street. Rural Residence Zone , Two-Tone Lovely —‘ Loaded and 189 South Main street. Phone COMPLETE FURNACS repair* 301-315 Center Street CINCO ALL Aluminum comblns' •Willian L. Leveraea OEORQIAN TVpe home, three 800. Phone Barbara Woodr, with many- extra#. Built for a out the United States. $1.50. 4 Depot .street, Buckland. USED CRAWFORD'combination bedrooms, Uving room, dining scandal. i Shell Oil Company for permiaaion to erect lighted free standwg Gorgeous! 5643. Ing aervlce. Gas. oil or coal. Win­ tion windows No painting, ho •Albert H. Farrell AVAILABLE AT once with lease, Agent. 3702. diacriminatlng owner, immediate Hia . congressional district is oil and electric range. Beautiful A number of college players around sign, 6’ from atreet line at 659 Main Street, Business Zone III. 1948 ter air conditioning syetema toi changing, no storing.' Free esti­ Ullam W. Rich '' room end modern kitchen. Fint occupancy. Reasonable price made up largely of Poles, Czechs, CHFA'ROLCT FLEETLINK condition, $50. Universal range, a 6 room . apartment and barn their team’s score, even though not Mary E. Fish* for permission to divide, a lot into two Iota, one of THE SUPER DeLl XE , AerQ_,»edan. tuto'ne Wue-gra>\ CARPENTER will frame unfiniah- atalled and aesvietd. T. P. Aitkin, mate given, no obligatiim. Call :ed. J. Huebnec.— . ,.... floor lavktQrs' and full bath. Oil, PRD^CETON STREET — Four Suburban Raalty Co. Realtor*, Lithuanians and Yugoslavs. .. He' ’ $25: used Prtgldatre, fine Work­ "' 'With going used furniture and an : warm atr hML~ttoikte oU'buiinsr,; •actualiy loRing; so gamblers' could which will have a frontage? Of 10’ which _la 50’ leas AER0-W1N6 MODEL Nice cai throughout. Trade now. ed iipatalxs rooms. ReasonabI*. a "McCabe attaet; Phona 6783. c a r p e n t e r W a n t e d . CaU William .tUhal^. 2-8095. R'uggeri TbrtpricT: : room*' plus 'two ufflUiiih'fid-' ' Fire­ 54rMatn street. Phone 8215: haa. championed in four languages. Call 2-4291. ' ing order $50, alao floor sample tique businaaa Excellent part Beat'tifuUy landacapefi lot, 100'^ x win bets on the number of points allow, and modification o f rear lot Unea ort both lota, at 1()4-104H M d- A Two-Tone Blue. Ixiaded with trade .’ight. Trade *tfith Dougla.» 7270 after 6 p. m. Jane 'Yager ... time JMuineaa/'Opportunityv- CaU place, hot water oU heat, hatch- Mq expressed his role of helping fim accesaoriea — including. o>'er« JEFaacIfeMlk-J1umbirta..aadfcaatit Ironritit - '-Itroner, < prtted- -" ri ght; - t8 (r. Garage and f.bol alhed:’Owtief WETHERSFIELD-- 6^' Room between.-opposing, .teams. ■ ...... l()6-i08 Gheatnot miMt,iRealdence.ZDne^^v-*^-. . ’ rfsi;.. 'Motortif SST 'Maii)."' ' " ",'H^en Simon ' ' The Woodidi'ed. 2-3154. #ay. roof dormerr, coppaf'piumh^ IJie UBdPTJidvtleged thl* way; ' Streit called the player* to hia FLOORJPROBLEMS. aplve.4 w|,|h, ing-: Plugged.,.. .drahia.. m acm iit ,MAN TO, Work part. ttiiia,.to audit s m a l l , b u l l l>o*er,^ f fpot _ gnow; .Kemp’a'r Ij> ’ ■tract Near Main itreet opposite have forfeited th'e right to engage One, two-paiiel sign on South side of West Center Street (East of ' Heater, WANTED! WANTED and two per cent per month on ing $12,000. Phtmc 8600 now. Clear. Main road to Rockville. Hartford. Call 5-2591 anytime. President Truman Issued a state- All Cars in Heated Garage cement work Valentino Belluccl. ments arranged MbHarty Broth­ First National. Phone 5117. Ed­ in public sports, amateur or pro­ that part of the unpaid principal SeVea room . single, arteNan mant saying that Sabath "exem­ No. 512), BUalnesa Zone n. ■ . ' 80 Bircli street. Phpne 2-1601. ers Tel. SI3$. — • s h a p e r t a b l e — used only few ward J. Holl, .1009 Main ctrrot FIVE ROOM alngle, 22 foot living FOR SALE—Four ruom cpI fessional.” Two, two-panel aigna on South aide of West Center Street (West SORRY!* ONLY ONE f)F PARIVTIME JANITOR balance in excess of one hundred arater, oil heat Aaking $11,000. plified in hia life the,■'Virtues' that hours. Ideal for work shop, $35. CarpMtBff. CorpMittn* room with knotty pine paneling, nicely situated et CovehtrftLnke. "One of the term* of your pro­ of Hop Brook), Residence Zone. A A and Business Zone II. ^ EACH FOR DELIVERY DOORS OPENED, jkeyi fitted, This one wlU aell fast. For ap­ make America strong" and "';i '51 PQNTIAC CONVERTIBLE GUARANTEED Fast plumbing Call Coventry 7-0856. dollars hut not in excess o f iliree STORE FOR rent at 27 Stark­ fireplace, cabinat kitchen, three Equipped for year around occu­ bation for the next three year* ia ’ One, two-panel a|Kn on South Side of New Bolton Road (Opporite COUPE copied, vaeuiim cleaners, irons, kt hundred dollars, and one-half of pointment please phona Howard him the forgotten man a'ways THIS WEEK.! and heating, alteration and new weather atreet, auitabla for large bqdrooqis. atorm windows pancy. Fiill price $8/)00. William that ,vou do- not difectly or in­ No. 63). Realdence Zone.AA. ____ ^ '.51 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN guns.'i etc., repaired. Shears, Work. Perma-giasa, gaa, electric WINDOWS—SeUUig out. 3-0 x 4 -t one per cent per month on any re­ R. Haatinga, 2-1107, found a champion.” Emanuel Lutheran Church grocery or small huaineae. Large and screens, oil hot water heat Ruhlnow, 843 Main street. Phone Sabath will be buried in Chicago directly engage in any public One, twb-pahel sign on South aide of New Bolton Road (Opptrote^ .n. THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL \ •50 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE knives, mowers etc. put Into con­ hot water heaters sold and In 8 over 8 sawembled. Clear atock> mainder of such Unpaid principal basement. Apply 23 Starkweath­ 314,75 sabh. Some araall i sixes. Illness forces aale. $10,800. Carl­ AM ERICAN ' palonial. Seven 5556, 6158. Monday, His body will be sent sports activity.” . No. 117), Residence Zon* AA. ,, ... .„V, AT A B U Y - COUPE .. dition for coming needs. Bralth- stalled at reaacnable rates. Time Call 8080 or 2-5813 balance. er atreet Groza, a towering,- six-foot, rOn4, two-pfthel nign on South side . Tolland Turnpike (A djscenv. 49 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN Can fill any aixa needed. Call Cov­ Apply ton' W. Hutchins. 2-5132 or 8231. rooms, four be'drooma. Tile bath. there tonight. 1952 WILLYS AERO-LARK waite. 52 Pearl street. paymCnU ahraeged. Skellcy Permanent capital of at least VERNON—Rameh home, 3 bed­ seven-inch center, asked; to Veroon Town line). BUBlness Zone II. „ , ^ 49 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN entry 7-6956. $35,600 will be avmiable for in­ Large living room, dining room. Slightly Uaed — Save About Bros. 2-8714. MAN WANTED. A. R WUkle Wanted to Rent 68 MANCHESTER- New alx-room Cabinet kitchen. Reasonably room*, large cloeeta with sUdlng When men dig into the earth "Does that mean we can't play One two-panel elen oh North side of Tolland Tuipplke (Between ? '48 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN ( REFRIGERATION Service, com­ vestment in the business. No ranen, artisUcally paneled, tUc 1200.00. •47 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN mercial and domestic. See ouf Dairy. 16 Walker street. REFRIGERATOR. 6 ft. wide, 28 priced. $1S,500. H. B. Grady, doors. Living room with fireplace they find tjiat. temperatures rise basketball?” Parker Street and Oakland Street), Residence Zone AA. C. O. LORENTZEN. AlteraUonk, JARVIS REALTY CO. other business will be -maintained FOUR ADULTS desire 6 or 6 bath, double clarets, flreplue. One, one-panel .sign on North aide of Demlng Street'(West o f Avory Completely Guaranteeil! 42 OLDS 4-DOOR display of guaranteed used refrig­ in. deep, perfect for store or Agent. $009. and picture window. Large cabi­ about one degrra Fahrenheit for "It means' exactly that,” said copper water piping. New work. S Dttvar Roiod in the same office. room rent References.. Phona School and hu# line. Carlton W. •41 PONTIAC 4-DOOR erators George H. Williams As- EXPERIENCED Power press op- restaurant, complete with com net kitchen. Porch, 011 hot water every 60 or 70 feet of depth. . Streit.* Street), Residence Zone A. * 24-hour aervice. Manchester 3836. Dated; October 30, 1952, 2-8220. One one-panel sign on Ehtat. aide of New State Road (Oppoalt* A n SELECTED USED CARS •40 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN foclates, 260 Tolland Turnpike, erator, qay ahift Eippire Tool and pressor. Double duty meat case ,8 Hutchins. 2-5133 or <331. MANCHESTER—ExceUent values beseboerd heat. Full concrete IMl PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE Mfg. CM., Stock Place. In clean Cap* Cod's. Immediate baaement Artesian well. Lo.t 106’’ Jarvi* Plant No. 11, Residence Zone A. ' .. Manche.ster. Phone 2-3585, nights ft. with compressor, 10 sets FURNISHED or unfurnished CLUB. FuU Price $295.00. New oecupancy, H. B. Grady, Agent. X 250’. Immediate occupancy. One, two-panel sign ,oH East side of New State RJad (Nortli or '49 INTERNATIONAL H-TON 7691. ' ■ Mottnir—TrncMiir-* booths, elactric soda cooler. Rea­ apaitnaent adult*. ReasimaU*. BAYBERRY ESTATES . Top. PICK-UP 8009. V $14,800. Tom Minor, Agent. Tel. Hockanum River), Rurid Realdence Zone. ^ ' S t o n y 2 0 PERSONAL FINANCE CXiMPANY sonable. Call 2-0184 between 6-8 Willing to do own repairsi Call One, three-panel sign on West o f New State Road (Approxlmataiy 1949 WII*LYS 6-CYIJNDER 8TA- •49 CHEVROLET 1-TON PANEL COMPLETE Repair, by Stuart R. p< m. Rockville 5-5042. .TION W^GPN. They come no 3604 after 5:30. . BOLTON MANCHESTER — Five room 400* South of Hilliard Street). Rural Realdence ^ne. _ > '46 CHEVROLET 2-TON Wolcott on washing machine*, ALJBAIR. AND Berry Trucking Will employ .aaveral men aa WILLIAM DICKSDN & SDN cleaner — one owner. house, in cxcaUafit' condition. OU GRANBY— Short, diatenee from *rwo, two-panel signs on North aide of Middle Turnpike >YeBt (Eaat-t ,VAN BODY vacuum cleaners, motors, small Co. Rubbish/ aanes ranMvad. branch manager traineea. Must •be URGENTLY Needed, unfurnlahed 8 room Ranch homel, with at­ '1961 FORD ti-TON PICK-UjP, MALE HELP.WANTED hot water heat, screens, atorm Bradley Field and Hamilton SINCE 1818 of No. 951), Business Zone II. „ f i appllam es. Pick up gnd delivery. Dump triMlc avallabla for loam, high acbool graduate, 26 to 38, apartment by three adults. Phone tached garage. Lots tSOxlSQ. Loadad and Immaculate. Leas windows and doors, ameaite drive Standard. Five rooms, large lot. One, tvvo-panel-sign-on N orth aide of Middle Turnpike Weat (Waat^ A-1 repair. Salea, 180 Malm gravel, etc. Phone 2-2581. with car. This poalUon offers a We Med Raaek Bemei. DYEING AND RNI^HING PLANT 3t4990 after 5;30. Soma avsilabt* for Immsdlate than 18.000 miles. OPEN EVENINGS / Phone 8597. * secure future with splepdid op­ r * l Colonials aini Gape Cods occupancy. Pricad at $11,100. and two car garage, near bua line Rarldeatlal neighborhood. Oon- of No. 847), Business Zone n. iti*’ ' RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL One, wall panel sign. 20” x 20’. at 623 Main Street (South waH). IMT PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS OO portunity - in' consumer: finance at fair prieea forropr «aak 3rd S H IR AFTER TRAINING PE IOO FOUR OR FTVE romna wanted ' Thla inctudas ameaite drive, Priced right at $13,500. Franca* venient-to center. H. B. Grady, VOiLUXE. A fine one owner TEL. ROCKVILLE 5-S394 STORM DOORS and windows by local and long diatanca. moving, fiel

■ -A . ' ■ / " - ..v . ^ T / i : c . . .


flioiuiehold Good» 51 H osita for Sate 72 Roofics for Sate 72 Wanted— fteal Estate 77 . AotoBidUQcB f«r Sale 4 Automobiles f4r Sale 4 fiusiness Serriees Offered IS Bfoying-^^rTraddof— Help Wanted— Male S6 Articles for Skle 45 Booms without Bor^ 59 Honscs for Side 72 ; su>rajifi SO ^ Groari ' .llfHMr. YraiLIMANTIC—^ M Ike’s Korcia WINDOW s h a d e s made to older OOURTCOUB Married man who la CARPET 'REMNANTS. 98c and. ONK DOUBLE and o m ato|^ TO BE801*D ~ " CONVERTIBLE '■ GET READY FOR WINTtHl Owner Lesvinr State room home. 2 uiUlntshed. In ex- Clasnried luid Uisuaicd. Venetian . blinds really interested in an opportun­ up. Miancheater Carpet Center, ' .Complete line of Children's room for mahried couple or girls- Road. Three Bedtoom Ranch RUBBtZH Disposal, aahea, etc. cellcnti condition. Good location. -- SPECIALS ' ahtTcurtja&Yods. 34 hour aarvica. ity to improve lU]BNff..fSao*"ptf "SOS Maie'gttreet. l^one 2-4343/ jF’urniture, Cribs, Msttresses, Two mlnutu tram Main'street. Home with full collar, attached If you are stekins real value Ei^ry Car Che3^^ ccllari cleaned. Contract or tran­ FOUR-ROOM BRICK garage, enclosed aMa porch, pine Only 39,000. About $1,600 cash. 'Estimates gladly given. Fagan month guarante4;d. Car hecestary. Call 2rl614 or 47 CotUgc street Hop Plotted for Winter sient. 2’ 6988.. i?lay- Pens, High Chairs, Car­ paneled, shades, ahnninnm com­ for your money we recom­ Buy 6ut of season and save! Window Shade Oo., Route 44 at ' Phone Manchester 8892 after 7:30 CAPE COD Phone 8606 anytime. Mvertisements CAMP TRAILER. Inquire 10 Wad! riages, Walkers, etc, Complfite 3IANCHB8111R-—Furnished i^ m bination aeraena, atorm windowa mend highly this well built 1M7 PLYMOUTH 1951 DeSOTO DeLUXE 4-DOOR. - Bolton .Notch. Phone 3-4473. P- m. With Expansion Attic VERNON—rUap^Ood. 4 rooms fin­ ROASTING CHICKENS dell Road, or telephone 2-0294. furnishing! for the entire for reflosd' lady or couple. Con- and doers. - 4 per cant mortgage. seven room home with four Radio, heater. 13,000 miles. Juat Pkintliis—*PBp«riilC SI ished down. 2 unfinished up. Open CLASSIFIED ADVT. U48 STUDEBAKER ; MANCHESTER Welding Service. BOY WAHTSD for three houm on Unuoua hot water and hot water Owner leaving state. 319,600. By Military like new, ' home. Appliances aitd TV. Fireplace, oil burner. Near new bedrooms on large, well land­ staircase. Porch, Ml. hot water A woman in W a t Hartford planned an election pnrtjr 1»46 CHEVROLET Portable equipment. General PAIhrriNG and Decorating. Inter­ Sundays to wash pans. Apply in flXRCTRIC Radiator,, electric heat Inquire 381 Summit atraet DEPT. HOURS 1951 CHR^8L-ER WINDSOR Da- school and bus. scaped lot. Offered for imme­ ■ * — — and ordered chicken. At the test minnte a friend toM welding, boiler and furnace weld­ ior and exterlcr. Floora refill- person. -Pine Pastry, 658 Center \able broiler, new; goblets with baseboard heat. Heatilator fire­ S:15 A. M. to 4:S0 P. M. All Convertibles. LUEi: NEWPORT. Extra nice. matching, sherbet., glasses, metal CHAMBERS FURNITURE ROOM FOR gentleman. On bus M ^ C H E S T E R —Large OolonlaL diate sale at place: Aluminum storm and (Oeattamed frara Page Om ) her to canal the order.and iro ont to Oteotfa in Man* Radio, heater. Black and green. ing.- Phonea 2-1658 or 2-Sf63. ished. Reasonable ratea. Call street. PRICED UNDER 312.000. All Priced to SeU. aee-aaw. Phone 2-8690. A t The Green line, continuous hot water. Phone cratom^hdUt 1868. with center screen windows and doors. '« mile ch atcr for her chickens. Did you know the top quality 1950 DODGE MEADOWBROOK 4- Gerry Whitman. Mancheeter $13,000 fighting to troops of the Republic LINOLEUM Remnants SOc squara - . DISHWASHER Wanted, Apply 6803. hallway, fitwlace, lavatory first to Parkway. Near stores and bus chickena in this a r a are found right here in town? COPY CLOSING TIME DOOR. Radio, heater. New seat 2 8868 METAL STROLLER, In excellent ARTHUR A. KNOFLA BALCH-PONTIAC Iiifc. yard. Ajrphalt tile, wall covering. GaMen ' Reetauraht, 840 Main Open 10 A . M. to 6 P. BI. floor. Ceramic tUo bath aecond stop. Owner moving to Oslifornla. of South Korea. FOR CLASSinCD ADVT. 155 Center Street covers. . ' condition. 315, also lady’s black Realtor - Before you buy any prop^ Done by reliable, wcU-tralned street, . NEW LY DECORATED, furnished 975 Main St Eat 1921 floor, hot Water oil host, garage. Other liatings. Tom Minor, Agent. Beyond this, there exists an old MON. THRU FRl. 1944 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL De- B eiM frin g winter coal, atze 18, ^lO r Phone room with cooking prtvilegee and Ameaito driveway, combination erty see this unusual value. Tel. Rockville 5-5042. Your Better Deal men. All Jobe guaranteed. Hall SS Evenings 7 :30 to 8 :S0 Phone; Office 3440 and explosive question which figur­ • 10:30 A. M. - LUXE 4-DOOR. Radio, heater. Linoleum Os., 56 Cottage street. WANTEX) Ehcperienced moat 2-3083. furnace heat. Phone 2-4428. setaana. storm windows, awnings. ed in the controversy over the ROGER OLCOTT SATURDAY 9 A M . Pontiac Dealer New tires. Motor Just overhauled. Phone 3-4033, evaninga .6104 Of llATTRESS Tour ntattreeses ‘counter man. Apply in; peraon; Evenings 2-89S8 or 2-4273 Priced at IlfiAOO for qnlek aide. ANDOVER LAKBl—Six room Cape outstng of Gen. Douglas MacArthur 403 W at Center Strat ^ Tetephone 785^ Full price 3770.00. sterlHzcd and renkade like new. Popular Market, 974 Main street. 7 FT. DELUXE Westlnghouse re­ LARGE Comfortable room on bui Owner leaving sUto. Cod near lake. Oil hot Water 8109. frigerator, like new. G.E. electric SBRVEL GAS itqfrigeratbr. Rea- ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc. from the Far Elaat Supreihe Com­ ISeS NA-SH. Good condition. Call 1948 PONTIAC 6-CYl,. 4-DOOR. Call Jones nifnltura and Floor line, near Center. Single or dou- ONE TEAR young very attraietlve heat. -Immaculate condition mand: TODB OOOPEKATION m iX stove, Blclipaa power mnwer, hand Phont 2*WW4r ...... - -hle;- Phone 2-5379. ------three- bedroom -ranctu- - Spacloua _ ^__963-Maini Street------_6ftlliii:;an -b)L»een after - Radio,- heater.- New-motor. Good FOR-OIl.- Burner eervtce-aad -bi- Oovcrinf,..a6^-Dakr-*]-•peL-2-1041, throughouti -fuH-e eUarr-Let-6b’ -X STTouId' Uie"'UhUed 'S lates’ "turn ------BK-SPPRECUTEir------73 Pparl atreei;. atallation by 15 ycara exper­ ^ elp m iteff--li!a6e mower, three typewriters. Also living room, dining ell, modern 196'. Asking 39,500, about 32,000 tires. COMBINATION PolceUin sink, MANCHESTER Scarborirough Phone 3450 to true atrateglc warfare in an 1942 CHEVROLET SPECIAL De- ienced oU burner service man. or Female S7 number of miscellaneous house­ kitchen, colored tile bath, attach­ road, seven room Colonial with cash needed. Schwartz Real Es­ length 51H”. height 18”. Phone f u r n i s h e d Room -for rent sin­ attempt to deatroy the Asiatic 1950 stCDEBAKER convertible. LUXB 2-DOOR. Heater. New Call Mancheetef 3-1731 or 3-8003. M o r t t a c M SI hold items. Call 2-0508. ed garage, screened porch. Oon- tile lavatory, tile bath, flraplace, tate. 8275 or Hartford 5-5138. DIAL 5121 nnC E D lA TE Opening—In child, 5194. After 6 p. m. 4830'.\ After 5 P. M. Call ^ Communists war-waging ability Overdrive, radio, heater. 31695. tirei. Full price 3275.00, gle or double. Phene 2-8061. 'venlent location- $3,000 required. hot water oil heat, two car at­ Sblifaene, Inc.. 634 Center street. POWER BURNERS and Range FIRST AND Second mortgages guidance field for ambltloue edu­ Mr. Heck 3959 and bomb supply centers- and air 1936 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN. bought for our own account. Faat, COMBINATION Thor dtshV^er ROOM TO REiNT, one block from 4% mortgage. Phone 8600 any. tached garage, driveway, aereens. fields in the Chinese homeland? Rhone 5101 or 5102, Radio, heater. One owner, clean Burners expert'.y cleanetK and cated man or woman,'age 21-50. Diamonds— Watches— Wanted— Real Estate 77 confidential service. Manchester and washing machine, in good Main street. Continuous hot time. atorm windows. Immemte occu­ ICANCHESTER—Lydall street, alx Truman, and the State depart­ PHONE SfiOO Iioot and Foond car. I serviced. Let ua' service and re­ Porition permanent. Opportunity Jewelry' 48 1 Investment Corp., 35 Oak street. condition. Call 2-0916. \ water. Gentlemen. Phone 4724. pancy. Price 317JMO. room Cara Cod completed May CONSIDERING SELLING 1949, 1950. 1951 Automobiles, as i93* PLYMOUTH COUPE. Heater. pair your washing machine or re­ for sulvancement. Must be avail­ MANCHESTER— Five room. Oape ment rebuffed any such thought, Phone 5618. LEONARD W. YURT, Jeweler, re­ 1952. Four twin size bedrooms, YOUR PROPERTY? and the Joint Chiefs of Staff sub­ T— PASS BOOK No. 12»8. little as 39.90 weekly. Lowest Extra clean. >One owner car. frigerator. Metro Service. 3-0883. able now. For personal Interview Cod. Shed dormer, two yeaurs old; pairs, aojuita watches extwrtly- DINING ytOOM Table, inlaid m a\ f u r n i s h e d r o o m for rent. Gen maa^r bedroom x 16H', Without obligation; to you, wa sequently followed that up with ex­ - ______given Op Bnanea- rateas,- PaaMWa-your -car .WEU£JBfi|LQ,JHerald.______double sliding clorat d om In bed­ FQfllSIRJMIGI W FME HOKS Your CSryaler-^lymoufh Dealer "RM l6i!iiiBrr~Triwir ^Opnr-TlxtlY.' -hogany drop leaf. Seats eight tleman preferred. Neer Main MANCHESTER—English ColonlaL 'Venetian blinds, colored ceramic wOl appraise or make you a cash planations of the military imprac- jtionnl Share Book No. X2M, issued down. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. STORM WINDOWS and doore by rooms, tile bath, flraplaco, oil hoL "Rosetta." Free eatimatea cheer­ BnsintSB Opportunities SS Thursday eventnga. 129 Spruce when open. Call 2-0916. street, ^ o n e 2-2170. 9 . Haxel Tira car farace. fireplace, steam tile bath and shower first floor, offer for property. See. us before ticality of such an operation. How­ Approximately 40 Ranch Style H om a Ihy The Uanchester Saving.* and water h eat Near.bus - edwoL las* heat, exc«l«nt..coaditlon, vacant. — *lksan Association. Inc,, has been 1939 DODGE. Good condition. BROWN-BEAUPRE-, INC. fully given. Teb’ Mr. Robinson. SALBSldEN' part time. Apply Elite street.-1*11006 2-4387;" ------— BtrMt.- '~ large lavatory second floor, aani* you sell, ------ever, the administration goea-out ....Availabie-Tiiroughout"ManchateT~"' GROCERY'Store and eleven room FIVE PIECE bedroom aet, new mediate occupancy, 318.000. Carl­ Rowers school.'TWee 81B>B00. / Good and clean, 3135. Inquire 37 7691. Studio. M 3 ECain str e e t „ taa walla, thermopane picture BRAE-BURN REALTY of office next January and the I tkMt and ap^Udation has been 30 Bissell Street Phone 7191 bouse fo r sale, Ehicellent propoet- box spring, new innersprlng mat­ LAROE Attractive room with ton W. Hutchins'. 2-5132 or 6231 I made to said Association for pay- Marble street. Phone 2-0059 or tlbn fer large family. House la in window, fireplace, fully insulated, Phone 6273 terms of ail but one member of the WINTER'S COMING! Storm win­ Fnel and Feed 49-A tress, two bedroom chairs and private housekeeping ifaelUtlee iment o f the amount of deposit 2-8727. good condition Store doing a nice, hot water heat, all copper plumb­ JCS expires next summer. ■ ' ' WARREN HOWUND REAITT dows cleaned and put on, reason­ SHoations Wante^Five 8 weeks old puppies. NEED TRANSPORTATION? ably. Tel. 2-1274. . Female 38 bination oil and gaa range, white Inquire 101 Chestnut street:' built home. Heavy, molded beam ^ee, tile bath, lU% mortem. Steel beam, hatchway. AU doors your property call Suburban 543 WOODBRIDGE STREET ning condition. Call 2 -8 n 5 ^ in a mile. T. J, Crockett, 244 Main Delivered 318 per cord. Phone covers, chrome stove pipe, oil bar­ ceiling. Flreidace, large rooms, Early occupancy. Price 314,700. by the general who in World War „v- iftnif black and white, one brown and windows weather atrlpped. Realty Co., Realtors, 641 Main II commanded more troops than .Clean Pre-War Cara street. Phone 5416 or residence ALL TYPBIS o f curtains laundered Willimahtlc 3-3217 ^mytlme. rel, minute minder, 3100 com­ lOOM FOR rent. Near Csntar. cablnot Utchisn, oil heat abade ' i s ^ white, vicinity of Vernon Dining area. Private. Coat $15,500 •treat Call 8215. any other American in history, the 3751. and Ironing done in my home. plete; 9 X 12 nig, 315,' two end at and hot water. Gentleman treoa, four acres land. 112,800. ^ street. Manchester. Call 2-4205, 1940 FORD Business coupe. Pri­ HoasehoM Serrlces erred. 87 Foetcr street. Phone Saertilce at 314,900. Maneheater military has ho doubt that' the Written Quaranteea Call 2-4333. tabler. Phone 5354. ' Carlton W. HutclUna. 2-5132 or MANCHESTER—Six room home, LISTINGS Wanted. Single, two- vately owned. Phone 2-0508. Offered IS-A BEAUTY SALON for sale, located Garden— Farm— Dairy 5331: 3-S524. office of Commander in Chief will 1942 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE 6231. garage, screens, storm windows, family. three-famUy, bualneee at 867 Main street, WllllmanUc. WOMAN Desiree care of child Products 50 POWER SEWING Machine, ex­ be a more directly active one than Penom is 3 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN 1952 CHEVROLET fordor deluxe WEAvblf! of buma, moth holes NICELlf. Furnished room fblf‘’ Cdij- awnlnga ameslte driveway, out­ . property, Have many cash buy. and tom 'NtJothingi hosiery runs, Further st plete; 9 X 12 rug. 315; two end FURNISHED ROOM with privaU school bus at door. Purchase 9994. A front line report said the Reds rests or Weed Side. Hours 8 to GMC 1-ton, 1949 Studebalcer, 1946 "You'll never buy a' dud if you buy 460. 7839. originally sold to a young couple week. North end.. References re­ but unfortunately are not getting tables. Phone 5354. bath, eontlnuoui hot water. NCw ce 311,000. Located \429 Oak* Lots for Sate 73 laid down a 20-minute artillery 30. Call A777. Chevrolet. 1944 Ford I't ton long a car from Bud!" WANTED--We have buyers for and mortar barrage before the aa- quired. Tel. 2-8705 after 6 p. m. married home. Phone 2-8369. street. Howard R wheelbase, 1948 GMC, 1042 Inter- MANCHESTER — 4-Room Home, 5 and 6 room homes. CaU 2-1167 sault. TERMS ANO TRADES nationqi, >, 1939 International 1941 CADILLAC. Excellent condil- Building—Contracting 14 '•Birds— Pets 41 BEDROOM SUITE ' Machinery and Took 52 t 2-1107. excellent condition, electric hbt Aotonoblles for Sale 4 tion. PART TIME Bookkeeper, with LTVINO ROOM SUITE CLEAN, Pleasant room. Central. OAKLAND Street 100’ , X 200’ lot. anytlmie. E. A E. Agency. •The Chinese waded through dump, 1JM9 Ford-’ panel, 1947 i 'water heater, stove, rtfrigerator, SPECIALIZING IN Custom built knowledge of typing and short­ 5-PC. DINETTE SET USED CLETRAC A. G. with bull­ Light housekeeping privileges. HAR'l^TORD 9 room, newly AU utiUUea in. Phone 6535. their owti fire to withn 50 yards of OIJISMOBILE deluxe f ^ Chevrolet sedan delivery. Low hand, for. small, office. Manches­ Married busineea couple prefer decorned. hot water heat, fire­ •creens, storm: windowa, garage the crest. Then the big Allied guns 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE. garage.* concrete floora. Also al­ BEIAGLE D O ^.^A .K .C . register­ •PHILCO” ELECTRIC REF. dozer. Used tractor spreaders, ameeite driveway. Price 310,500. {door sedan. Excellent condition. prices. Champ's, Route 30, Rock­ terations, additions and dormer ter 2-2206. \ ed. Phone 7729. ■•BENGAL” COMB. RANGE red. Phone 3337. place In^ living room, about 10 WATERFRONT Lot at .Andover stopped them cold. ville 5-9574; plows, bog harrow, tillage tools. • ca n 7732. 1941 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE. erection. Call Frtmk Contois, "NORGE" WASHER minutes yrom center. Exceptlmi- Lake. ExceUent location. AU Russians Warn The assault lasted only 25 BENSON'S. Inc. Term*. Dublin Tractor Co., North SALESLADY Wanted. Steady full TWO ATTRACTIVE, clean, well cleared. T. J. Crockett, Broker. minutes. . USED TRUCKS with or without Real nice car. Ma'ncheister 5322, Hartford 8-7735. “HOOVER"VACUUM Windham Road, WllllmanUc al bu y' 319.800. Wen£worth-Mc- OLDSMOBILE sedan. Heat- time position, open for. experienc­ THREE MONTHS old puppy. Call furnished rooms for couple. Share Phone 5416. The Reds held the crest of near- RADIO—TV—APPLIANCES bodies, 4 to 10 ton cacaplty. If "EMERSON" TELEVISION Aneeny, Inkurance-Real Elstate, HENRY ESCOTT AGENCY U. S. on Blockade lar, radio, hydramatic. ' A good ALL KINDS of carpenter work. ed saleslady. Pleasant atmo­ 6609. 3-3217. large kitchen. Central. Call 4337. bj Triangle hill without oppnsl- interested call Stuart Carlson, 44 Sealy mattress and box spring, 201 Farmln^n Ave., Hartford. Henry 4k Thelma JeffrlM Braatt 1085 MAIN ST,—TELEPHONE 8585 {prewar car.^Eaay terms. 3295. - Rooms flnlahed upstairs. Baay sphere.. Goodu working conditions. Mohawk rugs, InlaM, lamps, tables, llon. Allied leaders ordcrei Iba Stock Placer Mahehester. 2-4555. SEE BUD MICHALAK FOR MX4T—Furnished two room Call 5-2591 anytime. REAL KSTATE-^INSURANCB (Caiso Service Center, 436 Center terms. Call 8862. Salary and vacation with pay. TROPICAL FISH, special for one dishes, pots and pans. Musical Instruments 53 FRENCH ROAD, Bolton. 150 (OontiniMd from Page Om ) South Koreans to hail their sui­ ■street 2-0980. week. Mollies 75c pair. K e lli's apartment and two single rooms. 266 High St. W est (COr. McKee) 200 ft. lot. Inquire at trailer. 1950 BUICK Sedanette. Radio and Apply Gentoh Clothes, 655 Main PHONE ME IMMEDIATELY _i_ MANCHESTER—itoven room co- cide charges up the slope and The Working Man's Friend Aquarium, 29 Sunset street. Open Adults only. Phoi\e 2-8191. heater, 31545 Sollmene, Inc.. 634 street. East Hartford. HARTFORD 8-0358 NEW, U.9ED and renUl instru- lonial, excellent iMstion, hard­ T et Mancheeter 368.9 U. S. government of the so-called called Instead for Intensive artil­ BEFORE YOU Buy a used car Florists— Nurseries 15 'til 9. m ent^;fleed.», mutes, strings, lery barrages. Center street. Phone 5101 or 1 AFTER 7 P. M. 46-4690 FOR GENTLEMAN, pleasant wood floors, tile batL, extra lava­ defensive maritime zone around sea Gorman Motor Sales. Buick Hartford Road Used Cars standsT^U accessories. Methods. SIX ROOM CAPE Cod. OU heat, Suburban for Sale 7S An artillery officer said J^bled Sales and Service, 285 Main 5102. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, cut flow SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT room next to bath, near Cheney's tory, fireplace, oil hot'water heat. Korea, and lays upon the U. S. At the Caiso Station WOMAN FOR housework, morn­ If you have no means of transpor­ Factory-trained repairman. Ward automatic hot water heater, com­ government the responsibility for big gunoower had been built up street. Phone 2-4571. Open eve- ers. Many choice varletiee.' Phone and Main atreet. Phone 2-9659. Phone 2-1167. E. 4k E. Agency. ings. Phone 5358. Live Stock— Vehicles 42 tation 111 send my auto for you Krause, 87 Walnut. 5336. bination adndowie and doors, A NICE MODERN the consequences of this new ag­ in the Kumhwa sector to equal lUnga. 1949 PLYMOUTH Special deluxe .8185. sedan, radio heater, blue finish. Hartford Road No obligation! EAST SIDE—^Three bedrdom co­ emeeite drive, nice lot, good loca­ gressive act and for any damage that of the battle o? Hurtgen for- NOTICE T REGISTERED Nurse or licensed PLEASANT Room at the Center 4-ROOM COUNTRY HOME 1947 FORD Super deluxe, blur, In beautiful condition. See it. DUCKS, GEESE and' family . cow A—L—B—E—R—T— S for gentleman. 14-16 .Wadsworth lonial pli’s dan on let floor, lava­ tion. Phone 2*1272. that might be caused to the inter, e.sl in Germany ireW orld War II. trained attendant for 3 to 11 shift. Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 When Allied troops launched their with new 100 K. P. engine. Eht- Easy terms. Douglas Motors, 333 Roofing— Siding 16 for aale Call 3591. 43 Allyn St., Hartford street. tory, bath. Large lot. Nice loca­ ests of the U.S.S.R." ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Auto Accessories— Tires 6 Rockville 5-4291. tion. Shown by appointment duly. TWO YEARS OLD limited offensive against the Kiim- •cellent condition throughout. Main. GIRLS’.' THREE-piece winter out­ CAPE COD—Expandable to alx The Russians recalled that an MANCHESTER — Roofing and GLENWOOD Combination stove, other note in July, 1950. protested hwa ridges last month, they ran In accottlance with the requirements of the Bank Snancing. For this one sec NEED MONETY to bolster the bud­ PIG, ABOUT 300 pounds or more, LARGE PLEASANT room in pri Elva Tyler. 2-4469. rooms. Near WaddeU school. Q ty Oil' steam heat, (ull cellar, set 1947 OLDSMOBILE 76 seilan. Hy­ TIRE SALE Siding Co. Also all types of paint­ 4-4-whlti. Also A.B.C. washer. fits, sizes 2 and 4.. Excellent con­ U. S. blockading of the Korean Into an amazing concentration of the Town of Manchester, Conn., the Zoning Boajd of A pp e^ win hold Bob Oliver, Center Motor Sales. get? 4 or 5 hours a day will bring 375. Rred Berntsen, Lydall street, vate home. Convenient to Center sewer and utlUtiea. Less than tubs, combination atorm windows dramatic. In excellent condition ing and carpentry work. Guaran Both In good condition. Phone dition. Phone 2-8690. FULTON Street. Two 6 room Cape coast as “incompatible with the Ked artillery and for the first a Public Hearing on Monday, November 17, 1952 at 8 : 0 ^ . M. tn -thff Goodyear, Firestone. U. S. 600x16, you a good income. Write Box E, Manchester. and Cheney's. Place to park car. . two yekra old. Immediate oceu- and screens. Knotty pine kitchen 1939 PONTIAC .Sedan. Heater, through(,ut. Priced well below teed work. Phone 2-8033 for free 2-0096. Phone 2-2044. Cods. 2 unfinished. Both homes In pAncy. Phone 3032. principles Of the UN.” They de­ fm e in the Korean war were out- Hearing Room of the Municipal BuUding on the following aiqiUca- 310.93. 670x15. 313.95. 710x15, Herald. exceUent condition. Asking 312,- cabineU. 100 x 200 ft. lot. .gunned. radio, 3195. Qood, clean trans­ ceiling. See Bob Oliver today. estimates. MUSKRAT FUR coat, atee 16. clared the new U. S. move "repre­ 315.95. 650x16, 315,95. Exchange Poultry and Supplies 43 ONE UNIVERSAL tank type de 000 and 312,700. Phone 8500 any­ sents In substance the extension Fighting for the shell-scarred ***a*and J. Tomklel for permlaaton to erect enclosed porch on a o ^ portation. Name your terms. Cole Center Motors, 461 Main street. plus tax. All other sizes propor­ WANTED—Girls for bench work. Worn only once. Phone 2-1801. FURNISHED ROOM for two. Heat MANCHESTER—7 room Dutch PRICED AT $11,600. FOR GUARANTEED ROOFS that luxe model cleaner with complete and hot water. Inquire 238 Char­ time. colMial, steam oil heat, tUe bath. of the illegally introduced sea slopes haa been costly'in men and side of dwelling which will be located 3’ from the south side Itoe which Motors. 91 and 436 Center street. tionally low. Apply Tober Baseball Mfg. Co., YOUNG ROASTING chickens, attachments. 1 TTiayer baby car­ 3-0980 - 4164. 1940 DOL>GB coupe. Priced to sell stay on in any kind of atorm, and Hilliard street. ter Oak atraet, or phone 3217. Sanitary bate board molding. Located Tollaiid. Open house Sun­ Mockade." materials. . The Reds have lest is 6’ closer than reguUUona aUow at 91 Creatwood Drive, R ea id a ra quickly Written guarantee, 3195. gutters, conductors and roof re­ alive or dressed, ready for the riage. Reasonable. Call Coventry $9,500—Ch Qi c E location. Four The note said the Soviets had more than 12,000 killed., .and 7-6109. Wanted— To Boy 58 Two-car garage. Near bus and day 2 to 5 p. m. . Drive out Route 1347 DOtXTE delux^ sedan, radio, Buy i f on your own terms. Cole BATTERIES pairs. Call Coughlin 7707. WANTED— One wrapper and one oven. P.earonably priced. Week LARGE ROOM with kitchen privi­ room unit of brick duplex. Game schools. Neat and clean. 315,000. 15, turn right on MUa HllURoad, learned of Clark's new order from wounded. UN los.ses have not ^°vtrginla Campbell for permission to erect detached garage whM end orders must be* given not room in basement Expandable haatar. fluid drive. In excellent Motors. 4164. garment presser for laundry. Ap­ KITCHEN Dining room and living WANTED— 5c candy machine leges in apartment house. Cen­ Carlton W. Hutchins 2-5132 or X crossroad. Left at fork. House American newsoapera. According been announced, but they are uHl not be located in farthest quarter of corner lot at 243 McKee Ji'amous brands. 50 per cent off. WE SPECIALIZE in roofing and later than 6 p. m. Friday. Will attic. Aluminum screens. Oil severe. • condition. Beautiful grey flnUft. ply in person*. Maple Dry Clean- room furniture. A few miscellane­ routes, smsll or large. Top price. trally located. Suitable for gentle­ 6231. on right painted gray with j^Uow to these, it said, the U. S. Navy Street, Residence Zone A...... Easy terms. Douglas Motors, 333 1950 MERCURY Station wagon, Buy on our budget plan. siding. Highest Quality ma­ deliver Arnold Nelson, 737 Lydall Star vending, 1256 Main street, man or couple. Allen Realty Co. fired furiiece. Call Madeline blinds. Our sign in front. 25 min­ intended to search ships “irrespec­ (The Defense, department in Albert Stevenaon for extension o f permlaalon to use first fl®®P * f radio and heater, 31595. Soltmene. terials. Workmanship guaran' •irs and. Lauhderers. „.72 Maple ous items. Reasonable. .Call 2-3641 'Main. street. street, Phone 8996- ...... Hartford. HaHford T-0582. Phone 5105. Smith, Realtor 2*1642 or 4679. MANCHESTER — East SKIa — utes from Hartford. tive Of nationality" on the open Washington said 'U. 8. battle caa- dwelling (o f light houaeljeeptng purpoaes at 37 Strant street; Reaidtm^ Inc., 634 Center jtreet. Phone teed. A. A. Dion. Inc., 299 Autumn or Rockville 5-9341. CALSO Duplex four and four. Large sea as well as in Korean territorial ualties had reached 124,569. That Zone B. . . . , ___ ' 1949 CHEVROLET deluxe sedan. 5101 or 5102. street. Phone 4860. WOMAN TO live In, care for two BROAD BRElkSTED broiue tur­ ■^ERY ATTRACTIVE, well heated FOUR FAMILY of five rooms rooms with axtra large attic, lot waters. is an increase of 1,174 over last Matthew Moriarty for extenston o f permlaalon to usq premlaea (or keys, fresh killed, fresh frozen, housekeeping room for two. All each, an older home that needs CARROLL-DRIGGS Lustrous black finish. Local one SERVICENTER children. No housework. Phone ANTIQUE, Mahogany cheat of WANTED—Baby's crib. Oall 100’ X 150*. One side available on week. The latest figure Includes the sale o f new -and used cart and to maintain two,/ free-atandlM, 1937 FORD 4-door, original paint, GREAT EASTERN Roofing and ready anytime. 8 to 25 pounds. utilities including washer. Near some work done on it Good, cen­ owner car. In excellent condition. 438 Center St. 2-0980' RockvllU 5-4693. drawers. 4 Harvard Road. 2-1481. sala. Asking 314,000. For appoint­ AGENCY — REALTORS 179 dead, 1,015 wounded and 20 lighted ground algna, 6* x 14', located 5’ from atreet line on property Bob Oliver aiwavs has Chevrolets. radio, heater. Practically new Construction Co Applicators of Schaub’s Turkey Farm, 188 Hills- bus and Cheney's. Phone 2-8256. tral location. Income at present ment please call Howard R. Haat- missing.) East of 301*315 Center Street. Buainese tone H. Bird ahd Fllntkote. Guaranteed WANTED—Winchester or Savage 7^4 Main- S t m t Adolph Sabatk Canter. Motor Sales^. 461 Main motor. Four white wall tires, like WOMAN TO Act as housekeeper ton-n Road. FRANK'S Antiques and second is $120 monthly. Priced at 310,- In^a, 2-1107. ^ The rest pf the Korean battle GusUve Schaller for extenston of petv>laalon to retain storage bund­ y»ew, T>l- 2-21?6r- ~ ^----- Trailers for Sale..... 6 -A JlUr BIIIB! —hunting rifle. 300 or 30.30..Phone 000. T. J. Crockett 244 .Main Efist Hartford 8-4164 front Thursday reflected the un­ ing for conduct of humus business on west aide/'of McNall Street’ ^it?eefT "hand'store, 56-Oooper street.- Duys' Boarders Wfinted 59-A Inum clapboard and combination and one child, hours 3 to 7, Mon­ and *eUs good uped furniture and 2-5901. street. Phone 5416 or residence MANCHESTER—BxcapUonal 6- Passes at 86 easy calm of the central front (North of Wilbur Cross Highway), Residence tope AA. 1947 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, Articles for Sale 45 VERNON — Chas;ming four room . — . . ------— 1— o f nermlaalpjv, 1940 CHEVROLET >i-ton panel, atorm windows and screens. For day, Tuesday. Friday and Satur­ antiques^'. Phone 3966. Open 9 to 3751. room Cape Ced, 4 bedrooms, fire­ Scattered light patrol' clashes LouVa KUnkhammer for new paint; 3875 . Sollmene, Inc.. SMALL CAMP Trailer at 41 Hart- free estimates call 8271. Evenings ranch. Large lot. Convenient. Ex­ flared, but there was no major frae^fTq'rear line apecial. Buy wisely, you'll get day. Wednesday's off. 3 to 9:30 ROYAL AND Smlth-Oorona port­ 6:30. ROOM AND BOARD. Gentleman. place, full size cellar, combination buildtfig (te a" dwHIWf; which la located woaer to'rear line 634 Center street Phone 5101 or land Road. Phone 2-4436. 8303. Albert V Lindsay, Owner. Rooms without Board 59 IMMAPULATE BRICK Oape Cod. cellent value. 3ld,500. H. B. (Oontinaed From Page One) fighting. latlons allow at rear of 131 Summit Street, Residence ZoneB. more. Buy a select used car . . it p. m. Thursday*. Must be a good able and standard typewriters. Phona 7676. storm windows, Venetian blinds, costs lefs. Soltnicnc, Inc;, 634 5102. WE BUY and sell good used furni­ full shed dormer, basement ga­ Orady, Agent. 8009. B-26 Invader bombers hit Red Balch-Pentiac for permlaalon to erect two, free-atandinf, ground ai^a CONNECTICUT Valley Construc­ cook and do all housework InclUd All makes of adding machines ONE SINGLE and one double amaeita driveway. Approximate­ A apecial election must be held Center street. Phone 5101 or 5102. ing washing and ironing. Call ture. combination ranges, gas •WOMAN OR amall family to share rage, tUe bath, oil heat. Now ly 358.94 per month. Wentworth- supply lines behind the front dur­ from street line on Center Street, at Southeast corner of Center- 1937 DU .SOTO convertible With * ■ Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 tion. Guaranteed roofs and siding sold or rented Repairs " on all rooms for rent. Inquire 119. Coo­ ANDOVER—Six room restored to name a successor. 2-9996 after 7 p. ro. and all day ranges and 'heaters Jones Furni­ home with elderly lady. Call 5602 vacant. Sensibly priced. ExceUent McAneehy, Insurance-Real Es­ ing the night. The Air Force re­ and Winter StreeU. Busineu Zone II. . _ 1941 motor. Good tires. Good run­ Aluminum storm windows and makes. Marlow's. per Hill street Phong 2-0595. colonial with attached garage, In 1949, Sabath at the age of ported 85 vehicles and two rail 1941 PLYMOUTH Special deluxe BOY'S 26" English type three- Friday. ture Store. 36 Oak. Phone 2-1041. terms. T. J. Crockett, 244 Main tate, 201 Farmington Ave., Hart-, Leo Johneon for permlaalon to erect *arafe which will be uaed for ning condition. First, reasonable gutters Air men protected by In after 4:30. oil heat. Completely modern cabi­ 83 was involved in fisticuffs on the bridges destroyed. 4-door sedan. Radio, heater. Ex­ speed bicycle. Good condition. BOLTON — Building Stone and street Phone 5416 or residence sioraRe o f grocery van uaed in connection with applicant*ji bualnM^t bt offer take* it. Phone 2-0911. surancc. Three years to pay. Free ford. Call S-2S91 anytime. _ net kitchen, inlaid linoleum, tile floor of the House with Rep. Eu­ B-29 Superforts bombed two cellent condition. Call 2-4113 be­ Reasonable. Phone 2-2215. flagstone. Bolton Notch Quarry. ROPER GAS range. Excellent con­ 3751. 208 Hilliard street. Residence tone B; _ estimates. Call. 7180. Alfred bathroom, fireplace. All walla and gene Cox (D., Ga.) Cox was criti­ Communist s.ipply and troop areas tween 6 and 9 p. m. Help Wanted— Male 36 Phone 2-0617. Stanley Patnbde. dition. Reasonable. Private party. Apartmefit^^Flats— FASCINATING 5 'room Cape Cod Gulf Oil ebrp. for oermisslon to erect lighted roof sign on gasonne.. CHILD’S TRICYCLE, good cpndl- N otice THREE-FAMILY House 6-5-4. ceilings have been replaatered. cizing an admlnlstration-.sponsored in Red Korea. Returning crewmen sUUon located *t 476 Hartford Road. Bualneaa tone n. 1947 INTERNATIONAL K-6. 14 Chareet. Owner. Call 2-3317. Tenements 63 with attached garage, screened FORD—1937 V-8-R5. Good running tkin. Originally 315 will sell 37.50. Immediate occupancy of one practically new refrigerator, range housing and slum clearance bill said they saw fires and explosions Stuart Carison for permission to convert two-family dwelling te a foot van type body. Call 2-0252. LOAM, Dark rich cultivated Grade Ihjrsuant to the provisions of porch, nicely landscaped lot. Good condition, fair paint, body. Inta.ct Phone 2-3484. ISTo. 1, S3 cu. yard. Grade No. 2, BENSON’S Appliance Values of FOUR ROOM apartment. Heat, apartment. Rental of two apart­ and washing machine plus 106 when .tempera exploded. It ap­ rip through one of the targets at four-family dwelling, containing one undersized apartment, at 687 Rooflnc 16-A LOOKING FOR .A JOB? Chapter 284 of the General location, immaculate condition. Heochang, near the North Korean upholstery, one family owner. 1949 STUDEBAKER Land Cruii: $2 cu. yard. Delivered in track the week. Florence 40" electric hot water, electricity, refrigera­ ments wUI carry first mortgage. acres of land along two aides of peared that Sabath got in one" or South Main Street. Rural Residence tone. Statutes and amendments there­ Truly a home to ba proud of. capital of Pyongyang. Stuart R. Wolcott, 180 Main er. radio "and heater. Phone load lots. Screentd asnd add all range, 3149.95. originally 3249. tor and range. Immediate occu­ Will take record mortgage if de­ highway with a 36’ x 150’ barn. two punches. John Ponticelll for permission to erect a building 30 x 40 for the Wanted Autos— ROOFING— Speclallxing in repair­ to. notice is hereby given that Phone 8600 anytime. Usually, however, he peppered street. Phone 8597. 2-1829. W e have openings for oil aizes atone delivcMd. Order now, Bendix electric dryer. 3189. was pancy. Write Box C, Herald. Ref­ sired leaving small amount of Immediate occupancy. Total price atorage of equipment used in masonry business, N a 46 “ Home’e' ing roofs of all kinda. Also new EQUITABLE CREDIT CORPO­ his political opponents verbally, Motorcycles 12 truck drivers and servi^ sta­ Nuasdorf Construction Co. Phone 3239.95; Speed Queen deluxe erences required. cash needed. Ideal location, large LARGE Six room brick Chpe Cod, only 314,900. Schwartz Real lU ’ stead Park," on the East side of Congress Street (271* North of Irving DeCORMlER roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys RATION proposes to file applica­ but \vith' little bitterness, clesned, repaired. 26 years' ex­ tion attendants. MusPbe of 3408. ironer, 3169, was 3208.50; Philco yard. New roof, furnace and sid­ garage. 3 tadn slxa bedrooms, tile tate. 8274 or Hartford 5-5138. Judge Bars Trio Street), Residence Zone B. - 1950 DODGE pickup. Very reasoii- ARVIN CAR heater, fits 1941 9' refrigerator, 3219, was 3259.95. tion with*the Banking Commission TWO ROOM unfurnished apart­ ing. 321,000. 82 Chestnut atraet Sabath saved pennies as a saw- John F. Howard for permission to erect addition, 10 x 24 on raar of MOTOR SALES Chrysler prooucts. Used verv lit­ perience. Free as^matea. Call steady habits and trustwor­ of Connecticut for a license to bath, lavatory, metal combina­ able. Keeney's Oarage. Biickland. MAKE MOWING A PLEASURE. Benson's Inc., 1085 Main street. ment. Utilities furnished. Central­ Tel. 6091. . tion doors, windowa.. Many fine BOLTON—6-room single, attach­ thlll helper - in Bohemia, now gas sUtlon which is a non-conforming building, at 184 Oakland Street, tle 31.1. Call 4426. Howley. Manchester 5361. thy., If you think you are conduct a small loan busineM in 111 Hoop Scandal 82 down,. 82 weekly Buy the .new CaU 3535. ly located. Rent 366 per month. faaturas. Rhone .8600 now. ed garage, open porch, hot water Czechoslovakia, tO' pay his way to SAYS; lO.M NASH Rambler, Station Manchester. Connecticut.'The'ofr PARKER STREET—Six rooi heat, knotty pine kitchen cabi­ America. ...He went to work in ^^llon'EvSigelistlc Lutheran Church (or extension of permission to. WANTED—G’>od ' clean, used cars. qualified— apply in person to Worcester Power Mower. F» Write Box X , Herald. Wagon type. 6,000 miles. Asking BLACKSTONE WariUng machine, fleers and directors of the corpo­ finished Cape Cod with abed TALCOTTVILLB—Four miles out nets, artesian w ell large lot, Chicago as a watchboy in a store. have free standing ground algn, at Northeast corner of Hartford Road.^ "Drive Your Baby Back Home In See Bob Oliver, Center Motor Heating— Plumbing IJ mous Brtggs-Stratton motor. (Conttnoad from Paga <)m ) Jl .SS.^. 60 Lockwood street. "MIKE” SHERIDAN Phone 6184. .. Four years old. Very good condi­ ration arc: TWO |900M Apartment with ' dormer on oversized lot Aluni- of Manchester, 6 room Capa CDd.' shade trees, new, vacant. Call Mc­ Soon he became a salesman, and West Street, Residence Zone B. ■ . ^ One of These Beautiful C ars"’ Sales, 401 Main street. •Wilbur 'a . Bean - private hath at 24 Grove street, PLUMBING And heating. Special­ tion. > r ic e 335. Call 3787. inum combination windows. A Five finished Hot water ' hast, Kinney Brothers, Inc. 6060 - 2- cashier, bookkeeper and later en­ in the Anerican BaskethaU 2Uon EvanK«h*Hc Lutheran Church for extension of permission tq. 1937 PONTIAC 4-door se ing ah<^t 473 Gardner Street, Rural Residence Zone , $1,10. 4 Depot street, Buokland. 5643. Ing aervioe. Qaa. oil or coal, w in­ tion windows No painting, no USED CRAWFORD combination bedrooms. Uvlng room, dining scandal. i Shell 6' from atreet liHe at 659 Main Street., puslneaa Zone HI. 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETUNE •William W. Rich a 6 . room ^•artment and barn occupanev. Reaaunable' price made up largely of Poles, Czechs, THE SUPER DeLUXE CARPENTER will frame unfinish­ stalled snd serviced. T, P. Aitkin, mate given, no obligaUmi. Ckll condltiqh, 35Q. Univeraal range. Fred J.' Huebner floor lavAtorv and full bath. Oil, their team's score, even though not Marv E. F iW for permlaalon to divide a lot into two lots, one of Aero sedan, tutone- blue-gray. with going used furniture and an­ PRINCETON ..STREET — Four Suburban Realty Co. Realtors, Lithuanians . and Yugoslavs. He ------AERO-WING MODEL ed, upatalrs. rooms. Reasonable. ' 4 McOsbe street, Phone 6793, - CARPENTER WANTED. OaU . William-'rimsky.'2-9095. 32S;"Used. 'Frigidaire, line work- Rugger! Tortorid * ' srarm air heat Tlm kin oU burnar, roon&'plua tw o unfinished. Ftire^ haa championed in four languages. actually losing, so gamblers could which will hhv^a frontage Of l6* which la M* Nice car throughout. Trade now, Irtg order 350, also floor sample tique businaea lixceUent part 541 Main street. Phone 8215. win bets on the number points A Two-Tone BIup. Loaded with Call 2-4291. X 7270 after 6 p. Jane ..yager ^autlfuUy landscaped lot, lOO* z place; hot .water oU heat, hatch- He expressed his role of helping at allow, and modification of rear lot lines oh both lots, at 104-104ti and - trade right. Trade with Douglas’ E F F I^E N H Pljimhing and heat* time business opportunity. CaU between opposing teams. " fine-•acceasortes including’ -aver' Ironrite ironer. priced light. , HeUrn..Simon.:-- .-490'. Oarage and tool Mud, Owner, atey, eii- WETHERSFIELD ^ 6>4 .^„Rooni IhevUnderprivUeged thia.way:,- ! 106-106 Chestnut Street, Restdenra ^n«,.B. , ,, :, . • M otorr.'333 -Main. " • ■ FLOOR PROBTJEMS salved‘ with jhgr Plugged' dmiu "isariiiae iBlaLAii; ja n x ^ 'lk iz ^ ■'■:The W pwW iaiJ; 2-8l34c^^:';;; Slrelt caUed' tne players- to -hU -Howard 'K BhUlipe* for: permjaaioit to: divide iJoL of „; vestment in the busineas. No ranen, artlatically panelad, tile Parker Street and Oakland Street), Residence Zone AA. 1,300.00. '47 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN mercial and domestic. See bur C. O'. LORENTZEa^. AlteraUona Dairy. 16 Walker street^ refrigerator , 6 ft., wide, 28 MIRVIS REALTY GO. priced. 118,500. H. B. Grady, doors. Living room with fireplace they find that tomparaturas rise basketball?” other business will be maintained FOUR ADULTS derire 5 or 6 bath, double closets,’' flraplace. One, ona-panel sign on North side of Doming Street (West of A'vary „ Completely Guarunteed! '42 OLDS 4-DOOR display of guaranteed used refrig­ copper water piping. New work. in.’ dMp, perfect for store or In the same office. Agent. 8009.’ ' and picture window. Large cabi­ about one degree Fahranheit for ••It means exactly that." said BDCPERIE34CED Power press op­ S Dfvft Rood room rent RefcraacssL Phone School and bus line. Carlton W. net kitchen. Porch, Oil hot water •41 PONTIAC 4-DOOR erators George H. Williams As- 24-hour service. Manchester 3838. restaurant, complete with com­ Dated; October 30, 1952. every 00 or 70 feet o f depth.i- 1 Strelt.' I Street), Residence tone,A. a SELECTED USED CARS '40 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN tfociates. 260 Tolland Turn|iike, erator. day shift Ehnpire Tool and pressor. Double duty meat case .8 2-9220. Hutchins. 2-5iS2 or 6281. MANCHBSTER—ExeeUant values bsMboard heat. Full concrete One, one-pab*l **6" East side of New State Road (Oppoalto A*, 1341 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE Mfg. Co., Stock Ptece. ■ y in clean Oape Cod'a.. Immediate basement. Artesian well. Lot 100* Janla Plant No. 1). Residence-tone A. ' Manche.ster. Phone 2-3585, nights ft. with compressor. 10 sets FURNISHED or unfurnished CLUB. Full Price 3336.00. New '49 mTERNATIONAL H-TON M ovlB g— ^Tnle|rin|^— occupancy. H. Grady, Ageiit X. 250'. Immediate occupancy. One. two-panel sign on East aide of New Stole Road (North af 7691. booths, electric aoiJa{ cooler. Rea- apartment adulta! ReaaonaMe. BAYBERRY ESTATES ^ Top. PICKUP Storage Mnable. Call 2-9184 betwkeii-'S^tt 8P09. ' 314,800. Tom Minor, Agent. *Fel. Hockanum River), Rural Residence tone. ^ ' to PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY Willing to do osim repalra OaU One. three-panel sign on W est of,N ew ,State Road (Approximately 1340 WILLYS 6-UYUNDER 8TA '49 CriEVROLET 1-TON PANEL COMPLETE Repair, by Stuart R. p. m. ‘ 1 Rockville 5-5042. 3604 after 5:80. BOLTON MANCHF.STBR — Five nx 400* South o f HllUard Street). Rural Reaidence tone. * TION W^GON. ‘ They com e no •46 CHEVROLET 2iTON Wolcott on washing machines, ALBAIR AND Berry Trucking Will employ aaveral men aa WILLIAM DICKSON & SON cleaner — one owner. house, in excellefit condition. Oil' G R A N B Y -S hort diatance from Two,, two-panel signs'on North side of Turnpike West (East;:; VAN BODY vacuum cleaners, motors, small Co. Rubblim, suutes rensoved. branch manager traineea. Must be MALE HELP WANTED URGENTLY Needed, unfurniehed • room Ranch homal. srith at* 1961 FORD >i-TON PICK-UP. hot.water heat, screens, storm Bradley Field and Hamilton SINCE 1915 of No. 951), Business tone n. ^ appitanc es. Pick up and delivery. Dump tnicif available for loam, high school graduate. 25 to 26, apartment by three adults. Phone tachad garage. Lota iSOxlSQ. Loaded and Immaculate. , Less windows and doors, ameaite drlya Standard. Five rooms, large lot. One, two-panel "slw on North side o f Middle *Turnplke West (W att A-1 repair. Ssdea. 180 Main. gravel, etc. Phont 2-2591. with car. Thia poaition oftera a We need Baaek Hoosea, DYEIHG AND HNISHING PLANT 2-4990 after 5;S0: Some available for Immediate than 13,000 miles. OPEN EVENINGS Phonb 8597. aecura future with eplendid op­ ColMdala and Cqpe .Ooda occupancy. Priced at 111,900. and two car garage, near >ua Unc: Rwldaatial neighborhood. Oon- RESIOOmM. AND GOMNERCIAL of No. 847), Business tone n. . , , 1I4T PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR SEDAN AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS GO,, portunity in coneumer finance at fklr prieea for jpreaak. 3rd SHIFT AFTER TRAINING FERIOD FOUR OR FIVE rooms araiitod> This tnchides ameeite drive, Priced right at $12,500. Franeas vanlant -to canter, fl. B. Grady, , One, wall panel sign, 20” .x 20*. at 423 Main Straat (South yr— —-DaLUXE. A fine one owner StORM DOORS- and windows by local and long distance moving, fie(d..^ Salary plua car allowance onatesMcro. Q alcl^aervleo middla-age couple, no chUdran. storm windows and aeraaaa, K. Wagner, Raaltor. 2-0028. , Agent. 8009. Bufineaa Zone m . , ; . . . - ear. ' TEL. ROCKVILLE 5-3394 General Outdoor AdvertUlng Co. for perm U ^ to melnUlntoW, "raram ounf." Triple track all .packing, storage. CMll 6187. Hart­ and taflptmnce. sOther beneflte in­ —no rad tapa. . ' Boat referanraa. CaU 2-9383. and vanaUan bUnde. PAINTHM AND PAFERHANRINO•4C ' aluminum combinatioii. Free ford 8-1623. clude group life ineurance and , • APPLY TO MR. KELLEY COUINIALV-Quality home of six t r o w two-panel sigh on South side qf Middle Turapike Waat (WiMt of Halta* , estimates on request. John •padiouB rooma. Pint floor lava" OoM to the Foxmart. f room • .'* ALL WORKMEN INSURED num River), Residence Zone AA. ) , ,, DeCORMIER CLYDE libera) aavmge ahd retirement $25 REWAIID (or four or more T. jr. CROCKETT, SabliU. Phone 2-2027. MANCHESTElt —Package Oeliv- plan. Apply rooms rant, toMmafit, apartment tory, atumdant cloaeta, httaebed Cape Cod. 2 partially finished. AU peraoha tatareated may attend this hearing ery. Local light t r u c k ^ and M OTOR.SALES,! INC. ; JARVIS REULTY AMERIOAN bYEIIMl GOREORATION or bouaa Mlddla^agad eoopla srtth BROKER garage, large lot with plenty of BuUt In 1950. Larg* lot. Metal 240 ToilLAND TURNPIKE MANCHESTER *• ZONlNiB BOARD OF A PPE A LS CHEVROLET - BUICK '' LOTS CLEARED, stumps pulled. package delivery.. Refijlgeratora. PERSONAL FINANCE C03CPANY ooa school age chUd. IMeellant 344 Main'Street ,/traaa, move right In. Price lit .* eombtnatipii doors, windows. ' A • O ^ a ' H. Marlow, t l Maple St. Tel.*885 E^ill estimates by hour or con- washers and. stove, moving d PHONE 4112 ' ROtKVUlE, CONN. PHONE 2-0920 ANY TIME ..SOS Main Street rafarancas..pSoM 2-4912. aak fo( Phonea *Ofnca 5419 800. MadMine Smith, Raaltor. Awnings. Only 115,500. ' Phon* WilUim B. M a^hester 9 MiddljB Road Rockville traejt. Call 3149.^; epecialty. Phone 2*0752. ' , Mm Btawarfi ■ S*U U o r ifilfi. 8800 an)(UaM. , ' t ■ ' i. t •

1 --Y. fl,, ^ .. .

■ V - t .

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1952 AroraiFe Daily Net Press Run - .. Ths Weather ; FACE EIGHTEEN r x " iitanrbPBtpr Eofttino Wprafi^ For the Week^Eaded PorecMt of C. 8. Wcathor Baroso ..a-'. ' 1. • ie « . Generally fair and eoM tonight 10,721 and Saturday. Minimum tonight About Town ■ ■ Member ef the Andit 20. PINEHURST QUALITY Mr. and Mri. Homar * Fagley Bnreao o f Ctreabitieno M anchester^A City of Village Charm and aon, Scott, of West. Hartford have moved Into their new home on Lake atreet. Bolton. Hale’s Self Serve (Claaained AdverUoIng on Pago IS) MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1952 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS * VOL, LXXII, NO. 33 , V Army Capt. Bernard J. Kul- hanek, huaband of.,,Vfra. Ethel Kul- hanek of 4 ll Lydall atreet, recent­ ly arrived in Korea and has been Beep Payoff for Montgomery's Payoff aaatgned to IX Corps. Ha la the ; and Meat^Dept.^ J u ry Told Ciuitoiners lell us tb*y TMiptent the Bronte Star med­ al and the Luxemburg Croix de I Wiu ths ullercd and-jenlarg^ Guerre.^;-----i-— ------— ------i A O J B oosts •d Piuehursl. They enjoy FANCY NATIVE CONNECTICUT |i A rumnmge .tale., aponeored by | to the Emanuel Lutheran . U uUm ’ wmipniff ifoin our larger • Aid Societ y -w W ' b* .Itehl at ■ the church tomorrow morning attrt- ^ r o v o a dairy display • .. find, many 1 .y M £ y - ^ ing at 9 o'clock. cheese Hems we could not Mrs. Bette P. Bantly, who is New York, Nov. 7—(A*)— ! employed by the Savings Banka carry before. The addition A soldier today gave testi­ I Aaeociation of Connecticut, yeatef- mony linking John David 11 day attended the meeting of t)|e \ of Sealtest Ice Cream seems Association of Ravings Bank Wo-1 Provoo, former American men of C o n n e'e t l c u t a t . the ! Army sergeant, with the lo jaeel- JKith. favor. _and_ •Wethersfield-Country d u b . Mam- 4 Japanese execution of an Mehsagc! fro m K orea to Presidenl-Elwt 11 bership of this associstlon consists • American Army officer after I -jaany-Jike ..ta_8elccl..Iheir ' i-of women-offteers and othera hold-- Rush AideSa Pork prices edhtihue ’ af ah aftraclTve Tow Te^ . . i Ing ke.v po.*!tipns In the savings Corregidor fell in World War I art own Bacon. Sausage and and we will have more of that extra lean Brightwood I banks .of Connecticut. t 1 Two. The witnes.*. Corporal other Manufacturer pack­ Eastern cut pork,*as well as Iowa Pork, all government Robert M. Brown, also de­ Ik e U rged Over Floor graded and inspected, of course. I CpI. George SI. Pitk'at, son of M r.! clared that Provoo proposed •and Mrs. John A. Pltkat, Plllsbury i aged Hems from the self Hill, Rockville, recently spent five ■ that American women on the 7-rib cuts of tht Blodninss Brightwood will be 45c HALE’S ADVERTISED IN Philippine fortress island be service meat case. They tell days in Jaoan on a rest and r e -1 lb., and 7-rib cuts of the lowo pork, 38c lb. (whlje ! cu-MWatioB leav«^irram the 2nd In -1 DROMEDARY SALE turned oyer to the Japanese By Truman na, however, that they are these cuts lost). i-fsntrj'-DIvlafon-In Korea. Pltkat,; COFFEE for immoral purpose.*. V I who gnteged'the armv In March, i 4 CAKE MIXES — Washington, Nov, 7—•(A') By THE ASlIOCIATED PRES# j pleased we continue Mlling 19&1. Joia^ the 2nd DIvis'on laat I Whole strip or rib holf of Brightwood March. - ' 1 Lb. New York, Nov.' 7— (A*)— — President Truman to4ay Congreafiional RepublicaMs ... . - ■* , . . . ' other meat cuts thru the Pork to R o a s t...... lb. 55c A soldier witness testified to­ a.*ked President-elect Eisen­ bickered over the spoila of the George Stiles, Manchester Bhy I LIFE day that John David Provoo hower to send representatives Elaenhower landslide victoo’ Wearing a bU>. Montgomery’* Payolt, entered In the flve-::*ited service meat case. < LOIN ROASTS OF IOWA PORK Lb.^ 52c j ScoutlnT eoinmlsMober, wi$hfs to ^ Proclaimed himself “ the boss to the State and Defense De­ today, aa the President-ele^ . stress the.se Important dates; Fri­ divialon of the National Home Show In New York, I* served a bottle prepared to send his. first in- da’ -. Nov. 7, Scout Legdara Round , o f beer by tralxer William Dearlng of Duanellrn, N. .1., .vfter hi* per- of Corregidor” after the partments “ at the earliest island, vasipn wave int.q WaahiniriiOll-. ""r.Come in this week end lONELESS f IMEHUKST .. .Table St ... the..., South , MeWiod'gt.; |an|Mce'„in Madlaon. Square, Garden. Philippine fortress felj PQ5|Sil))e .rapm.ent.” ...... f diiirch; Sunday, Noy-. $, Scout fin -' Kow York tpndpm the b«mp • nllre of ptua piP. Oi^iloa by tne ubW to the Japanese in World War His telegram, made public by Sehate GOP members fou^d |;\»n(:e drive, and Mond-y. Nov. 10, GINGERBREAD, DEVIL, C rN t Farm of Dunnellen, Montgomery’* Payoff for »everal year* the White House, disclosed also themselves embroiled in a , , . our grocery shelving is CHUCK POT ROUTS “ 79c haa been drinking l>err Inafead of water after eompeting. _____ n. I e*>mmls*ion-rs meeting at 125 Hol- FUDGE, WHITE Fresh Ground Provoo, then an American Army that Truman sent a personal mes- possibly bitter fight over ' not quite completed but you . lister street. _____ • GUCE CAKE MIX .sergeant, was captured with other ,*cnger yesterday -to -Eisenhower who is having a post-campa|gn their party floor. Ieader8hipr~“ ‘ American adtdiera and now is Sen. Styles Bridges of ift m * CANDIIO FRUITS AND n its — lib. jer rest at August. ,Ga. will find Pinehurst a pleas­ FRESH UMB PAHIES Lb. 59c PREMIER WLLSBURY • fOR fRUIT CAKtS. COOKIIS, tlC charged in federal court with com­ Hampshire spread the word lie I Take Over Home Ike Readies Plans mitting treasonable acts in behalf Air Force Messenger would rather be temporary preai- ant place in which to select. of the Japanese. RIB OR PLATE MEAT ( b o n e i n ) Lb. 19c A White House spokesman told dent of that body—and third In For House Partv BLUEBERRIES PIE CRUST FOR fUSH-TOMM The wltne.ss was Army Corporal reportetrs later that this me.asen- the line of succession for tBe U). » 1 Robert M. Brown, a surgical tech­ ger was Col. Albert L. Cox of the presidency— than keep the Job he HOME STYLE SAUSARE MEAT 59c Cultivated Large Dessert nician. [ Air Force. The spokesman add­ In Mm Y}; Syrup, No. 80S COMDINATION HOW holds—GOP floor leaddr. ^^4mo6S Things -Mrs. Franeds A; Dwyerr-ftmlHar- FWlfOR For Truman Talk Mad* Him Asaiatant ed that C)-^Gen. Dwight Eisenhower ment after ■ countermanding an \ as a messenger and not as a pres- committees In a Republican-con­ To Eat RIB ROAST OF BEEF Lb 79c • friends, was surprised last night4 Army warrant officer’s order and Identlal emissary, trolled Senate. ' I when 12 of the local beauty shop.' loughed-into a mountain of mail today, and began drafting taking Brown on as a-ssistant in He said the message suggested Sena. Leverett Saistonatall o f r ' is plans for the “ conversations and conference.*” that he '...o Marinei, Sgt. Edward 84. flair, left, of Detroit, Mich., and 8gt. Jamil Farhat of Lodi, Cal., LAMB SHOULDERS BONED AND owners gave her a husewarming I E work he was doing for the Japa- "other lines of cooperation " !n post a sign on a hunker In Korea telling President-elect Elsenhowi;r, "We’re waiting Ike." General Maasachusetta, Homer Fergriaon pf party $t her new home on Green said’ must precede his meeting with President Truman.- He — ------Ithe peTlod between now and Eis- Eiaenhower I* planning a trip to the Korean war front to nee what ran be done about replacing Amer­ Michigan, William Knowland of road. ' also planned anqther round of goif "He (Provoo) told me he was 1 mhower’s inauguration Jan. 20 ican ijervicemen with South Korean*. (A P W lrephoto). California, Homer Capehart of In­ STATE ROUEb, AVERAGE Earh $3s4() this afternoon—a more aerioua the boss of Corregidor and that he j ^^e proposals would not diana, Bourke B. HIckenlooper of One of the beauticians invited Can round than heplayed yeaterday. ' was i.*sulng the orders and th a t) j,* )nade public, Iowa and Everett Dlrksen of Il­ her out for the afternoon, while he would have anyone work where The new Preaident came to Election Picture Since a mllitai-y courier was linois were- projected by specula- .J’ihers^arrsnged .with, —Angnata-for a reat-. -Beltlipg-Into *■ he-plCBaed.’-.. Brown teatificiL- •Uon-lnto-th^acrambler ■ - -r-i------' BUTTER PINEHURST FRUITS and VEGETABLE! to invade the house, take over the 'cTidseh Xn carry" the' message,' the 46 Oz. Tin Pkgs. aecluded white cottage about 200 Brown said he agreed to take ABied Gutts Await Taft Wont kitchen and cook the dinner, which 1 SUGAR HEART TENDER PREMIER the Job to help a Navy officer irhplication is that it contained Asiam Arah FARMER BROWN'S SPINACH ...... 19c yards from the flrat tee of the Na­ POPULAR VOTE , certain secret information thgt Although Saltonstall w’as the was a bountiful one, served on a tional Golf.-Club course. But the prisoner, Norman W. Lauschner, well-decorated table. Mr. Dwyer Aaaoclated Ptpm retiirna at who was seriously ill from Jap- could not be sent, for security only early and enthusiastic Eisen­ Dm M o Ir m or Butternut Squash i.h. 5c SWEET aSalra of state are crowding in on noon today from 142,182 of the reasons, by ordinary communlca- hower backer In this group. It and their young son enjoyed the 1 SWEET PEAS him more rapidly than he expected. ane.se treatment. He took It, he Smash 100 party and the surprise and plea­ Campbell rountry’a 148,870 voting unita said, with the understanding he tjons channels. seemed likely that Sen. Robert A. CRISP FRESH DOUBLE CELERY ...... 25c An aide said he will go back to In his telegraphed me.ssage, Tru­ Joins Peace Move ahowrd the popular vote: Taft of Ohio—atm commander of sure of the honor guest when she | POTATOES Yolfow work Immediately, even though would not be called upon to do GOLDEN CALIFORNIA CARROTS 2 Bunches 25c entered her home. She was present- < 2 .Cans Peeled Whole Elaenhower ...... 82,995,608 anything "against my country." man a,greed to Nov. 17 aa the date the Republican policy makers—; Tom ato this la only hla second full day of Stevennon ...... 26,549,961 for a White House meeting with would have a great deal to a^ ' ed with s new flexible screen for vacationing. Brown said he appealed to Pro­ R ed P ieces United Nations, Nc Y., Nov, Asian and Arab dele- IDAHO POTATOES Total ...... 59,.545,560. his Repvibllcan succe.ssor. about Uw cholca o( the floor inafr> the fireplace. In large part, this was made voo and obtained a Japanese pass 2 URGE CANS NUCOA Elsenhower percentage: 55,4. Along Same Uae* gates get together again today to try to consolidate a strong ager. Ketchup nSceaaary by Truman’s sugges­ permitting him to take Lauschner from the prisoner of War .area to a Truman’s' telegram to Eisen­ Seoul, Nov. 7— (/P) —^Tlie neutral stand in the United Nations, hoping to find aii end to T aft also indicated in Cinciniuitl tion'for a meeting "a.t.ypur early part of Msilnta'Tunnel. 14 Oz. Bot. convenience" to discuss the proo- “ ELECTIONS AT A GLANCE hower said: biggfst .guns in the UN’s tht hitter deadlock over Korea. The Arah-Aslan group, unti bb may take a aeat oft the Senate I Women Will Hear He said he told Provoo that lema attendant on the transfer ot This was the election picture ■'Your telegram of yeatarday af- Koronn KrsehRK hammered comparatively.Inactive In the- Foreign Relatlona committee m (bottle deposit only) government to new Preaident at noon today, with nearly all rived. just after my messawer had Korean question, have decided to preparation for activs partlclpn-’ Diseiissioii of Art reltirax tabnlat^: (Continued on Psge Ten) departed for Augusta. Red positions/bn the central Join their force* In an effort to tlon In foreign policy decUlOn*, ■ - FREE and « diire|;ent party. Elsenhower elected President "We evidently are thinking frpnt today and jubilanb ar­ mediate in the dispute. Ex-WAG Says ^ Elsenhower m essaged back The Ohio Senator .lost the nom­ 1 - - - . 2 1 / by an electoral vote of 442 to 89 along the game lines with regard They have before- them an In­ agreement, and suggested the week tillerymen claimed they were ination to Gen. Dwight D. EUen- I Cosmopolitan Club members are tor SteveMMn. Elaenhower car­ to the transfer of the executive donesian ' t'ompromise proposal h e r s h f y c h o c o l a t e of Nov. 17 as the date. He added: winning the bloody battle of hover, but bib campaign support reminded of the Hartford County ried 39 state*; Stevenson nine. Six Gaullists j branch of the government. which envisage.* bringing together Mind Blank in of the OOP nominee assures him "I obviously require a reaaon- Elsenhower’s popular vote, the the hill.*. Allied officer.* said the American stand against fall meeting in Glastonbury on able time for conversations and I "I will be happy to see you the a major voice In Senate affairs. GOLD ME^AL greatent ever achieved, stood at about half of the 200 Chine.*e forcible repntrlatinn of prisoners: I; Thursday, Nov. 18, reservations conferences leading , up to the I seventeenth if that date is entirely Capehart and Dlrksen were o r ^ SYRUP 32.995.808 with 142,182 of the Quit on Ouster field pieces around Triangle and the Ru.ssian demand for an in -; ‘Mercy Slaying’ Inal Taft supporters, Hickenlo^ A •‘price war" at retail leveU I ■ for which may be made at the Fresh FruH and Vegetables designation of important aaaia- I* resulting In many redUbed nation’s 148,870 voting units ternatlonal commission to work I er and Ferguson were neutrahi uo- anta." „ hill and Sniper ridge have prices which are not wramuitad ;meeting. tomorrow_at -2 o^clock - 2 Cons FLOUR counted. Stevenson received 2R- been destroyed or damaged. o:it a peareful 'acttlpRlieiVY' In'!' Bridgeport, NbvV 7—f4V-lala tir after the nominating'conven­ hy anything In the wholesale ’ in the Federation room of Center Consequently, It appeared that 549,981 votes. Of Paris Mayor Korea, Curtiss, 38, of 5 Glendening tion. Knowland su p p lie d Gov, ; Church house. TOMATOES ,Lbc.,>„Pk. 19e the white cottage on the golf Defense at the earliest possible The Kumhwa valley ahuddered plrlure. Take advantage of them Total vote o f 59,545,569 la a moment. under the Impact of-the all-out Al­ May Offer Plan street, Norwalk, tfiday was and save at thei^ new 'low Blain Cota, Jr., director and in- 5 Lb. Bag course may soon see numerous record high. , Paris, Nov. 7—(JP)—Six Paris found guilty of manslaughter (Continned on jNg* Ten) persons coming and going. The "it alao will require considerable lied barrage. There were also rei>orls that one prices . . . ' 'stnictor at the Cota School of Elsenhower won all atates city councilmen resigned from of the chief Arab sp^esmen, For­ and sentenced to an indeflnlt* Brussell Sprouts B.ht. 35c general's intention seems to be to but these; time to close up the budget and As the big guns roared, the ! Fine Arts In Bristol, will address Gen. De Gaulle's rally of the eign Minister Fadil J'amali o f ' fenn In the State Farm for the club at this meeting on the ask his confidants to go to Waah- ' Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, to get it ready for pre.sentation be­ first snowfall of the winter sifted French People (RPF) party today fore Jan. 18. I hope your man can down from leaden skies. Infantry­ Iraq, was. working on another Women In NIantle by Judge I: development of modern arts. He -Ington for conferencea_yJnjieY$ral -JiM tllcky, .Lonlaiana, Mlaalasip-. after - -the party - expelled - Paris -James E. Murphy 4n Superior Blimp ^ l l s in Sea; SOME RFCFNT lecelved two degree.* from Yale FARSHIPS _ 2Lb* 25e pk North Carolina., South Car- men of both sides huddled in bunk­ variation of this them*. WHITE Mayor Paul Colrre and two other India, a leader in the bloc, also Court. She was being trl^ for „UiU.v.erall\'.. ..School._o£ _Jine—Arts 4ConUnued„aB.£age .JBeventeen)„ ^,pMWh.jyi5at-y)rglnla.— ...... , (^nMnued on |^a|^ "ll^)____ ers and foxholes, ' leaving them cHy-officlalej--— ------"only for scattered paffoT 'cISSIieB »■ woiluftg iteffiir Bti' tira -proMeiirr— ..alayingV..-mz- . .Cci^JSafe an^Rafl- RFUUOTIONS rr and studied at other art gehools. Keatncky still In douM pend­ In addition to Colrre, the RPF fathrr, John W. Curtiss, 73, on I His paintings have been exhibited ing an oCieial canvass. across the dismal 155-mIie front. seeking through diplomatic Con­ LA ROSA BOILTKGTONlOKSr u today scratched off its list City Chinese Reds threw two feeble tact with Red China to get a Com­ Aug. 80. An this week (thni Thiir»da,v, Nov. ISth) w e offer • c*»e of Shredded Wheal ...... ISc ' wldeiv. He is al.ao represented StevensoB led Ip Kentucky by Councilman Jean-Loula 'Vigier and nawick, Ga., Nov. — A attacks at Sniper Ridge in the munist agreement on the prisoner I I bottlM.of Coca-Cola abHOlutcl.v free ulth each |>urrha»e of SIO.OO iln collections in .Boston, rhiladel- Stalin Reviews 1,047 ^otes. Jacques Feron, a city council ad-, Elector College Bridgeport, Nov. 7—(#j—^MIs# kvy blimp fell Into the ocean or over. One free coke deal Vvlth each order (purchase of $10.00 Kellogg'a Raisin Bran 17c jphia and New Haveji and has re­ PEARS^- 5Fo,29e Senate: 85' races —Demo­ pre-dawn darkness. Allied artillery issue, * I 55 miles east of here today. I)a CARNATION mlnlstrator. De Gaulle presided a t ; and mortar fire chopped them tq Lola Curtis, 33-yea\-oid huskily-' or over) . . . ,vou pay only the bottle deposll. Coke* are displayed ceived numerous prises and hon- SPAGHEHI EMPEROR crats elected 12; hoHlovers 35; the meeting where the action was i Theae-behind-the-scenes mai|cu- IQ-man crew managed to get Baking Soda ...... 9c Ballots Dec. 15 bits. built former IVAC from Norwalk, j gufeiy in|o a life raft, In front window . . . next to dairy dept. Please pick op a "carton, j ors for his art .work. Thin Spaghetti and Elbow Short Parade .total 47. Republicans elected taken. ' . . { vers In the plush UN lobbioa took ao you Ko by. MILK 23; holdoveni 25; total 48. In­ In protest, the following council-1 Started Wedne«lay the limelight qway from the told a Superior Court Judge here' A radio message from an ac­ GRAPES 2r.»*2fe dependents, one holdover. men turned In their resignations to For Ike, Nixofi The UN high command turned Korean debate now^going on in the yesterday her mind went blank a companying craft said: BEECHNUT JUf^lQR 2 Pkgs. -- In Red Square : -Republicans gained six *eaU id RPF; Maurice .Lancrenoh, Jul- over the central front battle to General Assembly's political com- week before her emaciated father "Crew got out safely and la Just Reduced , , , At Pinehurst 3 T o ll Cans (Arixona, Connecticut. Ken­ ien Tardieu, Jean Drouot-L'Her- the artillerymen Wednesday night. '^mlttce. died in what was described aa a riding life raft. A seaplane from POTATOES V,.B.,d5e tucky, Maryland, Michigan, Jacksonville. Fla., is expected to BABY FOODS By EDDY GILMORE mine, Edouard Tercinet, Georges Hartford. Nov. 7—(tP)—Although (>P) correspondent . John Ran­ Ecuador and Ethopia were the mercy killing last Aug. 20. HERSHEY'S CHOCOI.ATF. SVUI P ...... HALE'S Wyoming); Democrats gained Brousslne, and Mrs. Jannine FAS- Connecticut v/ent decHvely for dolph at the front aald Allied ar only countries listed to speak on Dr. Michael E. Brodsky. Bridge­ arrive to pick them up ehortljL’’ Moscow, Nov. 7 ^ W'l — C-.e Weather reports showed noth­ HAKER'S BAKINO CIIOCOI.ATE ...... ^ 3 JARS 42c . 4 (Maasaebosetts, Missouri, tier-Callle. General Elaenhower this week, It- tlllerymen fijpire it will take them Korea when the committee re­ port psychiatrist, testified that Headquarters ef the shortest military parades Montana, Waahington). • The RPF announcement gave no will not become official as far as about 10 days to destroy the Red sumed today. Israel also was to Miss Curtis in that week had suf­ ing to hinder the rescue. The aqn MEAT ever seen In Moscow marked the House: 435 races Demo­ reasons for the expulsions, -which electing him Pre.sident until Dep. reply to Lebanese charges Wed­ fered from hysterical amne.sia HORMEL'S SPAM crats elected 209; Republicans added to the reslghations, cut the (OoatlnuFo on Page Ten) nesday that the Jews were the brought on by her mother’s death (Continued on Page Ten) FOR We think your fantily votes for a change mmetimea, 3th anniversary celebration today 15. • Salada Tea Bags 100a Sl-03- 220; Independents oneV unde­ RPF group in the city council to That's the day that the 531 mem­ aggressors In the Palestine war. on April 16, the latter's 50th wed­ too, so here's a treat:- ’ ’ o f the BoUhevlk revolution. Prime cided 5. 28 members. In 1947 there were ding anniversary. SHURFINE CORNED BEEF HASH Minister Stalin reviewed the bers of the Electoral College, pick­ The Israeli , speaker, Gideon 20s 20c— 1 Oz. Tea .1.3c : Deniocrats lead In four U|i- a peak number of 52 De Gaullists Rafael, -did .not plan to touch, on Miss Curtis, accused of maitf parade -from his usual place atop ! deetded' races. Republicans lb- ed by th . voters laat , Tues()ay. SHtTlFINE f COXCARNF...... sic in'the coundn. The full council Is' the Korean question except ' to Slaughter in connection with the LIBBY’S . the big marble tomb of Lenin in one. Needed to control: 218. $9 members. gather at noon In their own state UPTON’S NOODI.E so cr ...... I for SSo HUNTS LEGO'LAMB S Red Square. claaarooms to ca.*t officially their claim that Lebanon was out of g'asTdeath of her father, entered a Bulletins Baker’s Vanilla ...... 1.1c V . Gm’em ors: 80 rnces — Demo­ The general haa been having dif­ News Tidbits plea of temporary insanity. Police Tender iamb and well mealed roasts mean good value. Because of low clouds there was crats elected nine; Renubileann ficulty In enforcing party disci­ votes for President. order in bringing up the Palestine war during the debate on Korea. said ahe turned" on the gas Jets of from th* AP Wires French Mustard ...... 1.1c CORKED BEEF no display of Soviet airpower, as 20 (gain ot 5.) Democrats pline.- Last spring- 30 ')depaties Connecticut’s eight Electoral Culled from AP Wires OR PERHAPS YQU CHOOSE haa bedh the caae In paM years. a kitchen range and its poisonous Upton's Soups At Pinehurst ^ Tomato Sauce lead Inr one imdeelded rare bolted from the RPF to vote for a College members, part of the col­ fumes were fatal to John W. Cur­ Corn Flakes ...... 20c HASH Before the parade started, Mar- (Michigan). Total OOP gnin: lege’.* 533 membership, meet. that (Continued on Page Ten) The latest In l.ipton's soup* 1* the onion which sellt for 18c a • • • ...ahal-'. -Semeim . -Tlmo.shenkp,_- com­ tis. 73. ■ ' ATTEMPTED MURIH!»_ (fkAitiiined xgi Pag* Ten) day In th»^ state capitol off tee of - Britain's authoritative.....n.aval pV*. Try ft iVwlay. , Whealeha .... r,.... . 29c LOlK LAMR CHOPS.. 99c mander o f the White Russian mil­ yearbook, Janes Fighting Ships, MiaS Curtis was left partially Pro\1deiioe. R. Im''N%v. l —H n 3 Cans Secretary of the State Alice K. paralyzed by the cffecta of the itary district ant) one of the So­ Lec--'J In a tradition-seeped cere­ says Soviet Union’s submarine fleet —A distraught young wonnUi(; Lipton’s Noodle Soup Kedured to .'i.vc for pkg. of .‘I Cream of W h e a l...... 29c TWO- MOKE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES . viet Union’s of the Soviet Union 4. ’ . attll is by fa f world’* best. . . A 45. Hint U. S. Exploded fumes. stood silrntly in District Court* have everything necewary to repel mony. Police had said Miss Curtis’ in­ today as she was held on te LIpton's Vegetable Soup ;i7c for pkg. of .3 The minutes of the meeting, year-old San Antonio, Texas, Dem­ tentions of taking her father’s life Campbell Tomato Juice 29c RUMP or I TOP ROUND an invader. , ocrat resent* winning amirka of Full-Scale H-Bomb charge df attempting to mur­ l.ipton’s Tea 'i. lb. f).>c 1 Democrats Lead 4 of 5 aicng with Connecticut’s eight bal­ and her own were written in a der her lather. Mlaa Mary C* ,.1-, He denounced ’’warmoiigers. lots fob Etsenhowrer plus the (eight his Republican landladv and la "suiclde'hote.’’ ' ■ •■rt-rr-.' l.iphm's Tea Bags 100s S1.0."» (Juaker Oats - . . Ig. -He ROUND - STEAK saying they dream of a new world jailed after aMempt to burn her Burns, 21, of Daytona BeacK* Radgos, Rafrigtrafers for Vice. President-elect Richard Washington, Nov. 7—:(/P)—The Indicted cn a charge of second Fla., aald 1q be quite ^attraetlva, Cheerios -r'-Tr^^'V •* %-wv* -J«e J *, Ktaitapr- wUF,.then .ba.aent by. Utjlted-Stalea' mav’-baveHneploded' degree murflsr'~in.^8eptMfW .MM.,Jtniuu Roaenb«i«. foW “"i»B«*''"$liey htt"'1ier -fatber”' ______'fegtatered'-ffiail to-U i/ -Admlnlataa.^ tay-'WorWVY. flrrt •:fuU-BtnU8:;::J?ydro- tis -nqw face*, the- manalatq^tef. four .tIasrtLirttt- n. luunm er b»>^‘;: ' ’Mitl Riiaalh 'tim he5enini6i6H4 4 n t tor of' General SefvlcM. Washlng- U. 8. S'*eretafy Of .Defens*; ar- geh bomb—and be kefipiiig it charge after State's Atlb'filey STOOK REOSl^TION SALE AT nNEHUitST RitteCis: Aspanwra ■ ' -4:4 ■ V- m M the Soviet armed forces. sj» pre­ cause •‘he's usiV' looking and hay- •-•"'rmriadsaE ri ^ ; pared to fuThll -the tisSr :ordi| : made me that jway.” h ' ...... pn'j.iBi’RV VfRMdNT MAID = r r i f i ’ f r o A r tnp.ER r e e f —"”' of electoral votes « t that time will Secretary of State Alice K. Leo­ This year's nuclear weapons charge. b u m b l e SEE REGULAR CEIUNG PRICE $1.18 LB. fending the peaceful labor of the crat* were aliead today in four of votes. Absentee ballots will be pold report* universal use of vot­ In her testimony before .Judge Large Whea.ties .•. 2 for 4.1c then declare the OOP presidential testa at Bniwetok. announced for CONFIRM ' r o m a n c e ^ Soviet people." the five undecided conteata fori,counted Nov. 21. ing machines in Connecticut prove# James E. Murphy at the trials ticket elected. ( the “ autumn months,” are either J-uxrmbdurg. Nov. 7—(A>— ALBACORE WHITE ■ ^ 0 END OF GOOD THINGS AT GOOD p r ic e s Stalin wore, his Oeneral|sslmo’s election to the U- S. House of ' Colorado '• complete aucce*#. opening yeaterday Misa Curtis CAKE MIXES Vermont Maid Syrup l|l/^9c SYRUP 12 Ox. 25c Representatives. Final talhes in ^ Fourth District (unofficial vote Two Ballots 0- completed or nearing an end. They The long^runiored romance o f uniform. The Russian leader, who told this story: THIS WEEK Boftie of these states may not be complete): Rep. Wayne N. Aspin- For their brief part In the cere- West Berlin newspaper Der Tag generally ’.vere expected to include Crown Prince Jean of Luxeui'-- White, Chocolate, Yellow will be 73 on Dec, 21, walked up reports mutiny broke out a month use of a Standard atomic bomb to Last April the family had plan- Baker’s Cocoa ...... 2.>c about 40 steps to a landing, where made for weeks. w-all. Democratic incumbent, 39,t monies at the stale capitol, each bourg and Princes* JoscphlU*. TUNA'” 37c With 218 seats needed to control I 713; Howard M. Shults, Repiibli- of Connecticut’s presldentisl elec­ ago on. Soviet airfield in East Charlotte of Belgium was eoa« h* raised his right hand in greet­ Germany after dninken . captain (Contliibed on Page Ten) ■ -J (Continued on Page Ten) Maxwclf House Coffee 91c BEEF STEAKS - V ,b 99c ing to foreign diplomats, includlni^ the House, the Republicans have. can, 39,648. Official canvass to be tors picked Nov. -4 to vote for firmed today with official an­ 3 Pkgs. $ 1 o 0 0 ) $4.30 DOZEN mistreated a soldier. ., King Paul ■’'Short, Sirloin, Porterhouse—;Reg. i^rice $1.12-$1.20 ■ 'I ' elected 220 and the Democrats. 209 ( made in about three weeks, nouncement of their engage­ ' (Oentlnaed on Page Eleven) while one Independent has been \ Florida. (Continued on Page Tea) and • Queen . Frcderlk* of Greece ment. He is SI- and she Is 88* . M O n 'S APPLESAUCE (in glass) .... Dos. $3.60 choMn. One of the elected Demo-1 First' District (unofficial vote send congratulatory ^message to r Holm's Moot Dapartmant has frosh drassod pdiil- ELMDALE TOMATOES— Mora Stock Frozen crats—Adolph Sbbath of lilinoia complete): Courtney Campbell. prealdent-elect Elsenhower. ‘ Lariger May Let Languish DIES IN EXPLOSION try ^ O A S T E R S . FOW L, FRYERS, BROILERS— pi«w died yesterdayu reducing the Democrat, 64.908; William Ot Cra­ Pagan head-hunters in wild Mc.Alcster, Okla., Nov. 7 — No. 2 C a n s ...... Dos. $2.15 Roduoiioa Foaturos i L t poipd as yoWWish. No chargg for cloonlng poiiltry. Bigelow Vole Set Democratic roster to 208. mer, Republican, 64,191. Some CrazeilMan Held Neiiva Ecija province of Philip­ (4>) _ One man n-as kiUed to­ If the present' trend . continues, 7,500 abgentee ballots to be counted .No. 2Vi Cans ...... 8 cons $2.00 pines decapitate two Christians Senate Prob^ of U. S. Reds day In an explosion at the U, S. Fard Dog Food 2 for 29e Food Our seafood com for b wall stoehod with SWORD, For NovemI)er 21 the mak'aiip of the Hquae at its today. After I- — HAUGS, LfTTLENECKS.. HADDOCK. COD, BOS- counterfeit U. 8, currency out of question mark hung over the for any American Coramunista Oak, Okla. Yaacy was I loading Carpet workers a| two plants of Pfoat, Democrat, 54;555; Rep. Jqhn State Police laid siege to a ram­ a five iBch proJcctUe Whpn tha Manchester*i Piano Tir One .of the inrdoubt contests was Italy. future of the Senate's' Intirnal working for the-United Nations. DOVALETTES, Box .. Shorfiiw Grapa Jtly 19e TON BLUE, MACKiaEL, ETC, i 1 the Blgelow-Sanford Carpet Cttm- resolved early today. That race T. Wood, Republican ' incumbent, bling old farmhouse here for more explosion occurred. There la a* iFrench government announces Security subcommittee today .in an .1 Will.Oust McCarran Distributor for pany. will vote oh Nov. 20 in ah gave Don Magnuson, Democrat, 53,898. than two. hour* yesterday before Indication o f what cauaed th* . election aupendsed by the National It is going to borrow 28 million ironic twist to the ReiMiblican elec­ Republican control of tbe Senate Shurfiiia H alf's Moat PapdrHoaut Is c o l plats with a wldd the new representallve-at'^large Missouri: they captured an' old age pension­ dollars in Swiss francs from: group ; will kijock McCarran', out of hi* accident. 6UTRITE WA3(, Box . . Labor' Relations t^rd in an at- seat In Washington, He defeated lUh District (unofficial vote tion vlctorj'. Strowbarry Frosorva 33e •SO H M ER ‘ er who they -aald apparently had of Swlas banker* . . . Gardiner In the last two years, under the ' Judiciary committee chairmanship, soLk Hm i Ir EEEFJ^OkK. LAIAB. VEAL. SAUSAGE A1 Canwell, Republican. The vote, complete): Rep. Morgan M. Moul­ FRENCH CUT . tempt to settle a Jpi^*'**'^*^*®*'** gone berserk. wine merchant Herman D. Saha- and the outlook is that hts suc­ STORMS CLAIM 17 LIVES •GULRRANSEN pute between two (labor organiza­ with 43 precincts still out, tood: chairmanship of Democratic .Sen. PRODUCTS. COLD CUTS. Your htighboitwii tol 3 der, Democratic Incumbent, 69,- Several shots Were'^iSred from gian. central figure In lengthy cessor will be Sen. William Lang- London, Nov. 7—rid*—Storasa Softwoavo TImuo, 2 Rolls tions. Magnuson 477,590; Canwell 482,- 803; Max Schwabe, Republican, Pat McCarran of Nevada, the-sub- that ranged from the North Scia •WURLITZIR you it's a good ploea to trmds and-. ov#Vthfau|'s both sides, police said, 'before 68- prolfc of Maine's $20,000,000 n commiltee has supplanted the er, North Dakota Republican ; Thd election date was aet yea­ 5»4.. 69,249. Absentee ballota to ' be to the Medlterrane**tClaiined a t GREEN BEAKS yearrold George Burbank was tak- year ilqnor sales monopoly, slated House un-American Activities Longer was among the amall •HARDMAN SNOW CROP • terday by William Shooer, field A tabulation of the absentee bal­ counted today. least 17 lltes la Europe today KLEENEX (300's) Box . examiner for the Boston .regional lots or an official canvass will be eh Into custody. In the man's pos- to go on trial Monday on a pef- committee aa the chief congres­ band of Senators who fought two years ago in a dramatic all-night sad left considerable property office of the NLRB, after a con­ needed in the undecid^ races to W1LUAM8 SEEN V1C7TOR ' session, police tald, were a shot­ jury charge. , sional group probing for Com­ gun, M .22 caliber rifle and am­ munist influences in and out of session to uphold President "lyti- damage, eapeetally to ships and . WAFFLES ference with company officiala and detemUne the eventual ,t)hner. Detroit. Nov. 6 — M5 — Gover­ ■'Weekly Tribune, voice of British dock iBstallatioBs. Winds of ap / /VTL i I ' munition for both weapons. Labor Party’s Bevanlt* left wing, government. / man's veto of (he Internal Security SNOW CROP ollneerii of two union local*, one Here's how the'M stood today: nor 'Q. Mennen Wllllama, the onlv to more than aatles aa h oar SHOP AT PINEHURST THURSDAY, FRIDAY^ KEMP'S deacribe*. Jlaenhower’a victory aa A unit of the Senate Judiciary Act apohaared by McCarran. Dur­ $6 affiliated with the American Fede­ CalifariOa state Deiinocratic candidate to' ■ During most of the siege, . Mrs. buffeted the British lalea. t$w IncorporatiNi 'Aiirtee'Mh District > (unofficial .v^agic aetback to the rtiuae of hu- committee, of which McCarran also ing the night Langer collapaed and ration of| Labor, the other with the ■urqive a Republican landslide in Robert.^easenscr. 80, dpmsr of the EagUah C h a n el, th» Irish aa6 SATURDAY. S A. M. to 4 P. M. vote complete): Rep. Ernest K. ■mm decency and political aanlty la chairman, tha subcommittee has Furniture sod Music GRAPE JUICE North Seda. ^ m Pag. aiaVM) Bramlatt, Republic^ lnciunb«n|, (OBqttniMd «■ Pag* ISevea) (Coattaaed aa Pag* Elavaa) at) over th a ^ orld .” , f a numter of Investigations under- (CoBttaued oa Paga Btovea) f , ft V M •/ •4