BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES AND THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY ASHLIE’S PRAYER FOR HOPE HOUSE WE ARE SORRY: The PCA makes a formal apology to victims and survivors THE TERRACES OFFICIALLY OPENED: Our biggest project yet and a flagship for aged care MEET THE MODERATOR: Rev Peter Barnes is the new PCA Moderator General THE PCA DECLARATORY STATEMENT: At last explained in a new book “GLORIFYING AND ENJOYING GOD AS CHRIST-LIKE COMMUNITIES TRANSFORMING OUR NEIGHBOURHOODS, OUR NATION AND OUR WORLD.” NOV '19 - FEB '20 EDITORIAL Bi-monthly magazine of The Presbyterian Church in the State of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Editorial PUBLISHER: s I write this Editorial, my – a wonderful ministry at a critical THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Church at Chatswood is time when the State Government (New South Wales) Property Trust finishing a sermon se- has changed the law relating to ries on Hebrews. The EDITOR IN CHIEF: abortion. Ashlie is looking for A author of the Book of JEOFFREY FALLS your prayers, and for financial
[email protected] Hebrews was writing to the assistance in supporting Hope early Jewish Christians, encour- House. EDITOR/JOURNALIST: aging them to persevere in Christ KAREN FORMAN against the pressures of the day to turn • Cornerstone Presbyterian Community back from Him. The purpose of the Book 0437 591 581 Church is reaching out to children and to Hebrews was to show the supremacy
[email protected] youth with disabilities, a ministry helping and sufficiency of Christ as the High not only the children and young people, PROOF READER (HON): Priest who intercedes for us, the suprem- but also their parents.