ttlâwÊmw THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE NUMBKIi. 13,182. "RICHMOND. VA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1893. THREE^CWT^J^Wt^ »merican Fire Insurance Company. keepers of the llmim», who returned this th· engrossment and third of the th«» household, saying she hail been em¬ Judgment the for tÖT.M. Richmond, reading as eeeond fotj, plaintiff ni'Ttiiti·» frtim reports Hepri- ployed girl. continuel, The motion of Cornelia <'ram, admin¬ RIVERSAXDHARBOBS «...ntative H'lw ten i.. wru\ n,,t VOTK °N THK "?** Knrlv last evening." she END OF THF. FAIR. istratrix of Henjamin B. Oram. deceased. PASSED . TRAGEDY- "then- was at the door-bell. I went tv. CHICAGO'S ? was BILL ring :«> ¦KAI. if t.> Hinkt· iiny In ,0 transfer certain share» of stock w.ll «t?«««???? speeches wlth.»ut a not nn,l then Ih "?G7" dis1s»-.n, to the door and found a man I did docket»·«! and continued. IMPROVEMENT OF THE JA*!* AND >· ut t smpalatn. y. know. That was about 7 o'. I ask·«! ONLY A BOOMINC OF CUNS AND -«i.iatlv.» has relornel from ,h"^ "illl »»·* srnni-"'?'1 th·· maw what wanted, and he said he OTHER VIRGINIA WATCR^AY». Tyler ed»W^ta^·2iaaî^V_^r,»mi i. _«P^^*T ."" Home tbe Murdered Shrouded he A FURLING OF FLACS. « WM ?-*« oí Mayor I told irsVoKMl at iht Final Vlr.miH. where he imiti» a nun f. t-W-Sd-geaa 43. nays wanted to see Mayor Harrison. ?'.?...?..?» «li.l Itrlrf.. Hi aaya Urs orgaataatlm in his Mows:'1 him Mr. Harrison wa· eating supper, nnd ef Hrlce, CUI -v. in Gloom. n«ked him to call again. About 7:45 he I'hn ? Mason haa returned from Official «Estimates of tb« ChMaf eut·»» .llstrict Is well In hnnd nnd h- looks fur "?^?1·v AíM?"-» The Exercises In Keeping with the Gloom I luvjnd-Up. <·,Yoden »«vis. came and I went to the door and IB· World's Fair. ns-ers In the II aids of the Mease ? t majority for the Bitta ti | ?»., ? i-J.i«: :,""'>:"· back, If f-*«.nger Gibson, let him in. .ef the World··*-Fair City-Some « rrnat. ·1'""G'»G7ß· Mr .lum >& K.».irn«v Is able to sit up I l.err.«. iitativ.· .Ion·« wa« a ftlltrr Ihls ''^'"V Higrln·«, "Mr. Harrison was sitting In the ml to rarMBV« his friends. .»..uuiltew. «t number of the 1 '^ ill! My'.*,,t',·' I there was Music, However. BMrnlBg 9 t!.;:irtm««rits, ?)? TOLIEIN STATI room to thn front. told* him II V, Flour who been AGAINST. hut he ¡UK Miuideraon. Mil'«, DO a p?.?? In »he hall who wanted to see him. Mrs. noy, has DANIEL says f,,1 M rh..'ll ílí· ^G?1',?· l'i«''. and went very sick for s«im·· , in now Improving. (»From Onr Regular C«wr»s«««««e*.l FOR; «lar worth M'Tftiy. snd I left the man In the hall to the mäkln* public. The Cabinet iwti.r ?*,·,·>·«,M"rr"'· Smith, as I In the (By tslsgrapb Disperdi.» ?>..Tb· in.ive ^t'-miin. te the kitchen. Just got Miss Molile Strimrer, who has been ex- WASHINGTON. I». «'., Octo·«· Nliwly. So r.%V ;J.lariHOm·''"??«?. Vil··.«. Voir- it Will Be Taken to the City Hail kitchen 1 heard several »hot» tired and WOKLD'S FAIIt Ollo!'.\'Dl\ ( It?. rnmely ill with malurlal-f« ver, is in « estimates for river and harbor aparoprtu« NT P.M. OMHWRAlMBXt*. »··--.? Uashbum.»kS,_Kk,,ri',K'and White »La.».IS. th-n I ran out from the kitchen to wher·» the World's Ing. two Bla.·'-.. I and the man. I Dctober 30.In harmony wtth been In the RepresentatiYes » ?. «-. t l,B-«'·. Horry. had left Mr Harrison .Ions have placed qul«»tty «Ma eMgtaaaaaaa haa tutor· l? ir.,,?.?.>?G,?.?"',p,·,?11"?·Butler. Call, Cam-ron. dockrell. Thh MorniD-i. saw the unknown man running out of the Fair sorrow came the closing «f the Mr. ami Mrs. temer, o! New York, are Com¬ nistit.n «trieft lead« rntn t«. ?,-??-. city's on a visit to Mrs. ?. aaada of the members of the Illeso «ok.·, Daniel, liiiooi«. (j«..orge, I door. Mr. Hnrri«on stagger.·«! Into the Worlds Columbian this , ? liivided. th.» anointment of «Seeoad Asslstant- It'.». .lone:, (Ark I, .lone« (Sev ) ??.». s··, ? I room ftn-1 out of the door to the Exposition Clay street. mittee by the Chief of Kngir· rs. and the rítate« Congress. Portaaaler QaaaraJ win not ha laarli f..r Martin, Pasco, ?'.?t?,. ivrkins. petti·. »v. hall, wh-re he fell." is directed by United Mr A. L Rlchnrdson Is now In <*hi- soon that committee will be .able to get Stewart, SORROWFUL EXP0SIT10H CLOSING. "Do sor· the man who calle<17" aflk- lima, HithousTh it was reportad ßß?· .e"n'"r' »·* ,:*íh· '«-seh, Shoup, you At sunset, 4:15 o'clock, th« colors of all csgo. where he has been attending the The rac-ommend_.loi'.i lot the w.-.-ks MKo that the President was 1.1 d Yarn ., Vest. WiCthall. ami IVal- ad l'op.jtv Kelly. World's Fair. to work. DIVISION. Th·· witness hesitated and the Coroner nations, which had been at half mast an«! North fir »Una «pro¬ PARfl in this mutter. of with the Grief, Iloti t'enrire I». WIs- ts still c«»ntlne«l to lending Virginia w"r" th«» I'flr* Messi.«. KcsoluMons Mwiipstliy since Sunday, were lowered together, a»« amounts given Pi m I Ott, «of l.ynehl.iirg, has »,T.f'V ,("llr'v,'lnS ('handi r I» the man?" he asked, ids bed but is improving, li- hop.» to l»e jects an» as follows, the Mitchell (Oregon) and Allison, »«til« ken I'smiiy, a frayer- that pointing were unfurled within sight of Presi¬ baca urged for thi« «position, bad there are nnd While (Cul ,, and ? t«. Prendergast they out In a . l>-lng either «shat the corps thinks will be Colquttt an·! the Km!. but Pren- noon 1st. Six many othar can p I aim» rand llansbrough, (îordon nnd Mor« Still th·» witness was n«e sure, dent Cleveland at .May The Anhctiser-lUineh Company tool the required to ,·,.tupíete existing works, 09 PN and Nineteen Against ¦toller ««f the Curr.ficv has Ran. d· rgast helped her out with an exclama¬ of have In the l..»er tion , with the exception · day. bliie-rlblmn prlxe competition that could be profitably spent «Ml : «¦ti«.ra of th- National A« soon as the vote wn« announced IB« and the of the exposition has at the World's Fair. :.« 7 till to- (By telefrsph to the Dispaia.) "Y-s, I saw you last night." he volun- p.«s.«...l, (»lory TIIH JAM' luán. Murine lui.k «.f «Baltimore as raaaraa Senate. M P. M adjourned ?- ? ?uvea Into the history of the worlii's Mrs. J. II. Matthews, wh» was cill-.l* BssrroB at m on. ?-1., "etober 30..All wss Mr. .1. Jam.'s River, for rompl-tl«.n. !'.*V. 0*0; «Stonai «Bank CHICAGO, H- was told to put on his hat and face progress. home by the Illness of her father, ar'« Hi. WHAT NEXT? iu an.l quiet In an! th«· witness. word of from »rtlllery W. lias returned. amount recommend«»«! for «next .«¦ Secretare of th- :- slirnnl;»·! «glOOM 4\t th·.· command Quay, has To-morrow th· horn· st« ad on she nnswer'd, "that I« the man I of a the A of Fredericks- work. lino.tiw. The work progressed HAM JONM l'"K .????,?. .111 appear a! ths ?·.·»r of the House with th·· qaalat old Harrison and that aflkan th.» guns battery facing Sii.ii.'r* V. Little, the the mesi es¬ AS A WHOLE. Bdlng with Mr. Harrison, waters of I«ake Michigan belehnt burs;, and .lam«-s ?. Stillili·*, of (Houceati ?. setlsfactorily for year, | A nuiiit·.··. af m« tels 'if Mr. Main .Iones, menage informing thai body thai ths Ashland boulevard tu-day. Th- I I« th·· man who did the shooting." «Moa tensive n.«ar liliimond. and an amendment, telling the world that the ¦ i· In the cit»v yesterdiy. part being il lotte, arc h< r« t«i do all ti bill bu.« ??-en Baaaed with rrowils the were 99999t, "After he ran away." continued the wlt- forth the signal ,it« obtain« l finn llb«»ral end the concurrence of th.· about palings was with the netting cnit.d «stai - oaa be io BBcwri for him th·· of requesting I th"»- went for doctors, who came World's Fair dying nr it. «Randolph·, «Bau -I **«»««« > uc, the appointment Houb» »ni thai «inondili.-nt. The nMsanga an«! only a few pedestrians stop· Mr. Harri»««n «lied about while tear« Vai· sia*!. army, ami wife an» guests of Ju«lgv ?. T. approprlatlona lip M nlt.-l Stftt s Circuit Jii'l«.« t., th·· Hehl away. sun, dying heftig on Jamea riaer waa 11 of and Thirty-Two ;»nd i,in muy r«-m_iu oa »Speakers to ga#> awe-struck at the twenty after the shootln.'. When When th·· sunset arrived a hundred Fiiuntleroy. l'US' «Para aventi.·. amount «Hunted «l««k until 11 Is convenient to hav,· it luid they passed t; - to th« black I «aw him he was bleeding." m« ? stationed at the various flag-staffs Mis« W.urtn ?. wh.« has been visit¬ district attorney urnl««r t!.«» the body, or it may be referred Irawn curtains and ?I son the cmirJi- Mary Y.irk t«i 111.*..»««, for next htm· uditi nt P. ta Klshiirg. Mayor's on the relatives In the North f«»r th «river, complete. Kepul ./eland administration. u .,,munit, .·. ,,? th S.iiiitv of at tl,·· p'.r'al. Hut who was first to start In pursuit of of the nations' colors «lepartni«>nral ing \1 river, to tom- ?» in ?· f« re·» »· to badea mourninic fiuta, to lower the Hays two months, haa ? «turned boeae, year. IIM.OM itiaponi North Carolina will h,iv«> a numi»»-r «.f may concun-ed aitho-l at th· ? and became ft tarmi for one buildings BtOOd ready for n«»xt veer. ??,???. !'«- and i«v ;i direct rot« of th« was on duty st. which should tell to s I'nion-st.ttion ??9>; Ul Ol ! ? ??.:.,?.? will ondi., any commute« of bla biill't«. Mentili··«! Prendergli Bad liar·» the «poles Th.· ui1. of Methudtat |7.n»>: to compier.» n«xl House. gat·, aad h<> had <>m> to toll ail inquirer« "When 1 heard several shots Bred,'' said th- visitors to-morrow that th·· Columbian church have Invited th«· congregation to .·- munkey river, her in th· preaentatlon of name· if ail *·. .t th·· i.'ii brought to tit«- this vu r¡v«»r. t«> c«»inpi.«i«·, SPEECHES. only wem renaal the that th.« tit slre«l uninterrupted B·. "I ran out and saw a man standing waa at an end forever. loclable, t.« «be held in tabernacle riappebanaofh DING reporta are tru<«, ··» termination but also wa« family Exposition o'clock. r. r next year, «*>.'««'. Norfolk to-day, «la.v of Tu» S- with a r.voher In hi« hand." evening al IM has Tin: abnonnallv long legfalatlV« quiet ¡ml tint tl,.· body would 1· "Do von s«o him now?" be was asl."d. ALAS. IT IS OVER. ar¬ hnro.i·. t.» $&7,7«; for next RANSOM CALL." .' (», a ill Mr. John of this city, has complete, «·.. the iTtll ol tober. The Senati t- t,, "Thai !« »he man." h» answer· d. Jaekfon, ..v.i»«». in th- Hail Um ramato sene, t ami the ? thai The talk i» ! .·¦ 111 .nsom Roltu; noon, and th·· City was point¬ Tt was am Impressive rived aafely in Euibpe. an write« mi-i to-morrew al ing at I'rendergast. "He pointlng· who viewed the clos¬ a linn·. He will H\Kli«>!t. r Senator the «»n tin· ben h has «orni «rhal up v»T¡i !..· with prayer and the »jaual in stata for twenty-foar . Two more hls revolver at som·» object In the second thousands of visitor* he 1h having d-lmhtful NORFOLK jj Explains opened coui«i not refrain from return «lurlnat November. ?«!· ihn ?., and until ti.· ·. finite, form;,', officerà qtSetty patrolled th« r of the house, and as I open·-! the ing apertaci« sigil¬ Norfolk harbor, between I aaali«.!'· "K IVKS. to ir-i in he It an BM "nd liti:. an«l regretting that the exposition nt th>« Point and !'«»rt··. a ri« Occupies. ly wl ri «he will «permit hla H01 BE I'.I'.l'KKSr.NTA'l block, but tli« y had little to «lo. Tiny door pointed The regular monthly meeting !«.· Id Norfolk, H«»,- lll'.nol«, of¬ tir· i 1 "hot the door before he an enti. Hlehiinuid ludi.m ASOOCiatloa Will hi »" nanu to bt «pr« aed thej will hardly kn«.w Mr HuaUr «i»« ruoernt), of ano «bul ¡? smeaeel to Bul to was at Men's Naaeemond river, to complete Hü.« fri.-d tollowirig resolutions: paaa«d -topped rake aim lit me nnd ran back music which was h« art «ant· to day at 1] o clock at the Young for ?«?! li'iw t- the converse In lindert ·??··.·< «boot th«: awful ti revolver BO that I The only ·?? «Sto; 9h AiipomatluK "Resolved, That the House bas received bara ttttt my side of stivai Hall came from lane·*· parlón, i- «i««mi ? «t Mr. Krank «Smith, «>f Al.x,.. iii. V , ? on. the man. Then 1 run Vi eompl for year. with astonishment snd Borrow the an¬ calamity and Iban pea· «'.'ill r«> and Oaten Bead of New Tor* W F. Pillard. Tr-usur.r of Spotsyl- \ NOTES. ? propoBlng him the violent death "t «'.ir¬ around to th·· front to se* if I could find Thirteenth Regiment or \n··- ?? -nini ended) NEWS no incement of CALLER! I'KW, one the Court of B. M. Arbogast. Sheriff f'«r th.- vacancy, baa, it is now under· ti' Harrison, of Chlcrago, and Mm. but COOM tin» BBS him. I saw city, which played in Honor vanla; H.irri- for Oaanooch h irbor, H, Mayor l'aller.» wer»· U .ill conilo· one I in th·» and «I B. Stevenson, of ?««««'!, withdrawn. a member ol this body, \nv f«w, man, but It was not th·· SBW during the afternoon. The programme ghany, th.· Cap.· Charlee City, «harbor «mi sp« formerly I w»i»t lack to the house l was sonburg, risited Capital I rdaj Thai ItKMe resolution« be had «been offered Saturday evening bouse. When which th·· hand rendered tii- bbbii -. t« pi ...... I t.. Ni II Tul'»· IN'. "H*solv«d, «in th·· floor wh·» was a complete existing , CONGRESSMEN CALLED In the Record, and ?ï«.»t tbe aad :¦¦ ind only an occasionai ¦aw Mr. Harrison lying with whl««h It was Intended to have ?._ gfren Mr .i. a. Lawaea. «tor brag published .« s. m.· ?- «heal twenty min¬ hot·!, hits \ I'. ?-..??1»! «? Tra« y, ..f Mew ïortt, is of the House cause eopg of with a noto or telegram doctora tiled Mall aft.t the «viclse-t whil.» connected «ritn Murphy'« «Alt« ·?.?.s \. i.i»iiiIm Speaher tb»· messenger-boy óte· afterward. I »»as eating Banger In in Musi.· floeing h.r«· ?·. engage In bu NORTH .· t· ?· crams to t??? absent the >.im<· to be tranmltted to family th- alleni belt. returned .t ?., Viratola of Bympatby disturbed the i.a«k ..f the boas· wh«a (he shooting beginning at r, o'clock. bohm « m «Roanoke. Mortola to Aih»«- ..u..I North Carolina members urging them of tbe Th.· drivera of aad vehldea thai vaiai thousaml vMtora aaeemblad «baring «ipeni Inland «rater root-. Ad j.t. l unanimously, earrlagae b*rran." De stieak-thlef en'.t- th·· lnallwav of mairle «Sound, to complete. M'.',*>7. for next ;·¦ in time '·¦ rote on tb« the committee «brought their horasa '»»h.r witness··» examined wer· officerà around the band while th.- Lan! A Mr. Dingley, from Joint involuntarily pavilion i; «. Newton's «residence, oa north j«nr thai amount ... ii. ?, It comea to tbe «House »he status of the laws to I walk, «and the «inlet of an i«ll·· thor- of the D«spla.ies-Street Station. th·· losing aelectlone, At thè sun¬ Dr. and reeommenged .r urwpoBdiit) to Inquire Into !· ? Patrol Ssrg.ant. id-n- «played Twelfth strevt. Sunday afternoon Beaufort to »KW. fi ..rn it s'. McDonnell, on tin» two hats. Harbor, complete. nate, oughfaR prevailed In Um «neighbor«.L titled revolver he had taken from set hour Conductor lane· «played atole a im silk umbrella and t for Mr. Rilas la:»«= «returned t«> Ntirth All of the ctirtHlns were «Irawn the "Th.« asa shell waltz." one of Cape «fear river, complete, BMit' Kope tightly PrendergasL trombón· ? ehUd of Mr. an«! Best <'a??· ao«>vt> Wil- g ill Is no when the sac II,.-. in the to th«· ritilit. " »he ·'!: .n.t. While th- nols.» of tin» Maggie, the rear-old year, RMte fear Carolina, aa there telling «parlor /. Barber, Dash Serge.«?t al his com:·«· \ t?,m, of «.¦ «Louisiana for n.\c t. .«Tel Mrs ¦- mlagton, to u»it>!et.*. BM.TM; \ Lnla will of bla ??.??? II··, I Mi¬ rlleet callara was the t Station, «aw Prender- on the «Lake «troni «and Im r disposi ' l'Oli .«11. ???1??«", | Mill D<-splaln«M-8tr< cannon waa «heard atre* t. «Fulton, died Sui or r t> and heard year, ti·'."" Cape fear below ivilmlne- ill», I«!· «I. retimi··.1 u of |u".to.i family and b· ara· fol« gaat surrend· McDonnell, t'l·· "f th«· vanishing city were being wer- ?«· Ashland for »ter¬ . ? :ii> le'.! would result In saving physician, cloee}y Har¬ Saga mains taken i. t.. to a from lowed !.y undertaker C. ll. .lor«ian. who lutin aay tint h» had »hot Carter furl-.I, the Now V«»rk hand waited to nt. complet· depth ol twenty day morning North Carolina ns·.? because the Mayor, he said, bad ra« feet, R.«*),*)·; f««r in-xt year. |l«*' ·«·. PERSONAL MENTION. saw that the detalla of preparing the broken faith with him in fnlllnir to ap¬ play th.· (feretri ?? t·» Um fair. Cat.tain .1. ?". House. formerly of this New it.·»·', to Bfl VOS ti«·· u WHIlamsburg; «g··«! river, complete. arrivals Includi d .1. K. Mnr- remains for casket atra «properly point him Corporation tTounael. Prender- Tin: PARBWELL ah: «itv. died Sunday Inland between Newberno .? '¦ '¦ t ?««· d t"id him he lived at fi»r.i «'.' water-way w. w. Hardwlci attended The body arili plac* gnst imi perry th- hin i.v about ? Oallege and Braufort, to complete, «?7.00F; Inland nine« phy and wife and In the ensket to-morrow list | It conductor Inno« tilled playing s long time connected with the and «mi tly v. ?. M. < 'ornell, «Troni examina¬ th«· Matter I'«·'.'" u it· .ut .rr ¡uni N.-w if·, Riel is to th- Hall. .rdlng »o the post-mortem "uh. «Dear, What Can Mills. Royal: Colonel G .1. Norria and n ??. conveyed City tion, results «>f which wer·· submlti·«! to Vi hll«· the last (tag In tin· exposition was ol ?· t«r«burg, River, to comi ite. Bio.«"»» m!.un! water« AT THE th·· bullet wounds mad·· by four R«v. ?: u «derla, a, 11 -ni w. r. Dance FAIR. |ury. fia· being pull-? to th- «ground in Um Court of Rev, lu Hoodwln, rectoi ol »I Braj ¿etwa ? ? itlver and Swan«d· . From tiirr«'t. and of the ». r·· found in the Mayor* brother Binnlay. t.« made ? dome, Bpire 'Ihr··· bulls remain»·«! In the body, ? in,· ««f Honor Iba New v««rk «band «played «the John'« church, v.i« In thi cltj completa I .1. M. Ti· man «.f «Sail bury, and !.. ?. White city's «palaces hun.- t!,· emblema an«i conili .? 11- tu'e.'ii h- d to a largì eor, ?; tega Hon at Tin: lim·. k in of the nations at mournlnx on thle, lodged in the muscles of the back. An¬ "Star-Spangled «Banner." afl rnoon. üKiixiK. «re re« height St John's al ? o'clock Bunda) ' the «»f th* World's fair. Th«-« other passnl through the liver and Was with "America." ', 'Ti' -, !««, iils.a .Ki'il!. II ai the Nation «I. dying «lay Th.» ? ? ? er p « ·«' gtstered «people came, and li-kiiu» towards the j in Um i.ovvls. third struck A cheer went tip from th·· thousands Hr. ma-li «bapUm thlrt« recommends m hla aaaual rapali that out «oli for arrivala Include Rei sunlit ««f blue, «realised thai no! lie stioui.i. r an ? ranging downward within hearing of th·· patriotic« Irove ??« nue church biunda ·· ?.. Virginia sky ambled » :a» »n*. -.««»? ex end« ties! root <»i» I ».invili«·: William II. \. chii-u·.« mourn« ?. but the under the skin a t.· an 1 «and North oaly whole re¬ ? lina, ani after the «sound "f preaching iu ih·· «further meni el th» i».«t ag It«, Beverley, i I r 11.11 .«Tei li 11. world >f humanity a* represented at the "The jury retired a few mitiut«·.« and, tin; ¦itili',·· Improi mu· I 'Irruir. Roai k« from th.· Administration Building, Dr. riv.-r, un«! thai the -¦ ? Ita 1:¡Hills· ?.«·?. n .1. \v. «Harrison, exposition. The) came in much «smaller turned Rs verdict. with preaching every nlghl by strongly irgea lunty; On th«· a World's flair «became a r.irt «>f history. 11 ?? m i"? ·« ra 'ti «? «rive· r «'. numbers than was expected at «sunset verdict formal death-certificate Loa Ige md; Major Peti J, Otey «and found . ¦"ici. The finding of the v·. ,«s end ti. \ ir·;.· '«· re« .? «' Kit Front on elections. Saturday, and they «no évidence« Jury Itishop Jackeon, of Manama, whs a is Washington la bMi by, mlttee bis Mil to amend of rejoicing over the crowning; «achieve¬ also th«· basis of ? mittimus ¡?« for the stcknees «.f hi.« wlf«, a mere «modern structura «;· II. Sha· :.· dram···, Mr. »«,it« called up in court .! of MORE MURDEROUS CRANKS. «ailed Rere t.v the planed by Wi p? mining Royal; orge ford, la« oke a! ment; no music the of honor; itlon Prendere ,i Qrace Rpiscogal church Sun¬ Tbe pr.sent la eoa « i.y th.» Ib C ili·· naturalisation with- rry no a lu the cours· of th« Inquest D-puty- preached was large bridgi "Wticr iti «and S. L it. The bill wenl over throng«; celebration.only Victim The Th« Fi-nnsvlvaiua, t'i·· Richmond ¡rr- Bt K C. <»f Durham, X. C, Ih |< ngth upon bill «solemn Btlllnes«, ar. unparalleled tribute Coroner Kelly asked Prendergasl if he One of Them Itrlnir« ll.uvn Mi« day morning rongregatloaLuke 111., U OOfl Kuivllle, Hackey, i.ut action, and then the bankrapticy had a but und his senni ?. fiotn St. itnrt the and «iM.» nt II roa. I«, sfili und l: ?, when the House to Ih« memorj of Chicago's Mayor. On« statement to make, th· prisoner Othei-Threaten» lain 111 (¡oillil. Chesapeake .«~'t. »was debated until «grand "f for l to ;i very Hin· eoe. although f is owned «by the tir -t and th·» .,;.· r between P08T-MA018TERIAL .·. n< I, symphony sympathy the speak t«» Um Dispatch.» ««?«» »»f the il.· i.ft ti··· adjoin if a loving father, an Illustrious. (By telegraph Cantala w, n Btratton, other linea ham «ranging arraaajemeat faithful citlsen. and the choaeu chief CLIFFORD BY FIFTEEN LENGTHS. NKW TORE. October '·". -i-v. «i.-riek L. popular officers of th,· freight department over It. A «new bridge will i.'iuir.· the >·?- l.a-1 a ?.· oi !·"' I. rtcksburg «nd Po¬ I In mi« .?. X. Glbbaon, En 1. CREAT REJOICiNC IN RICHMOND. of million and a lialf of le Mathias·, wh.« was sup.'l ITlt-n 1· lit of the of tlie Richmond, of ? buoi <«? .? re- «Sven tii- noisy Plais«nee was Railroad >mp io;. has returned pondltura larga money. Alexandria county, vi.·· ?:, Lewla, Midway tew «Poetai building, tomac visit of .? rough! up s. iin.l G.??-???··«« «leu DtotOtt »be quieter than usual. ?'??· piti·.ns of the Winner ot the Bps·!·! Nwcpslakes at Telegraph Company*! home, after most enjoyable Tin: POTOMAC. moved; It Porter, Merrifleld, Fairfax (»ur llnnk.-r« strei t ·.. mi to in th«» at and Murray Mtre'is, was the ' '» ?.. niiially, \».h« ·? M. numi. share cenerai (hi« ? ili).·. Ml!» at. «Broadway tw.. at World'· The work «.f tin· 1'otomaO vi«·.· B. regioved, I!fleet« of Kepeal. »? row. In the ?? Siro- shot ?.? th·· abdomen this after- of improving prol ably «go .'m.? A, B. Church, /.?·«??- men of the fair th« It fatally Thsre wa« a Weil ittended meeting «river his been push«·.? for sev¬ of th«· United states Senat·· returned to (I!j t« 1« graph to the I >¡-¡...f, h.) .«.n i«v a murderous crank, who nave NO I. I. O. O f., i-ut vigorously vllle, Watairua county, vi.·· Abraham Cot« The action with saddened hearts, and a gloom hum; nn. name of Thomas Bradi Richmond I_>dgi. were mad··. eral yeara «nd the im; rvaaaeata havo bin t·. tin· siiver- over all. HAWTHORNE la«'i:tiia«'K. the the night. Seven,i good »perche» Aiexan· BRRALL. lu. rei in passing the repeal Bradley hud been lurking «around »w». wenl through ti·.·· de· been el WaanlBsjtan, (» sw-.pstaks ?,,? candidate! ' ' in RESOLUTIORS OF CAOO, .","-Special and «had once ?.? or¬ ¦< I'd. e »mi« tteraon purchaae sci sava srrat lathifaction SYMPATHY, building all day, ?':«;· ili,· m "!tir »It·· «Irla and rvlanl In llicli- Ai il o'clock the «committee of twetva I ,,i nt. r mil.'.« Clif¬ dered oui «if ?» by Matiiias. il· returned gre··, by Mr. «'liarles I country riser t«> th«i FORTY-THREE TO THIRTY-TWO. ? and Circles ?., and hid behind a of entertained tributan .itemihit hi« t was whii'ii m is chosen t«. luttons ford won, Yo También second, i_imp- u ? o'clock, pile pleasantly mouth. mond, li being assumed ? repeal which were ? ad to tl brick«. Mathias ordered him out «gain. Loefller, t .n linai Vol. on «.Im l'ep. al lighter thlr«l. Tim··. _·*%. a the pastor of Madison That Is Um n u .m accoinpHahed faci the CM Mail met in president Hlggin- Bad was answered wltb, shot, whl«ii late Rev. W. Asburj C_ristlan, nil · . w,.n lift, p Bet¬ church, niellinomi al the «urlìi'. Fair. ...» ?·· i s.iiaie and this morning the botham's office. v.«r»· Pr« «'llfTord by lengths. him out. Washington-Street Msthodlst piaeeodtagB. presenta They V«. to 8 to were Boon on th« spot, but Bride win return to th« city The 1'iitliv. !l .'»I,o hin- «if Ol 111· ntatlve m< rchants, Poti «r Palmer, !.. U Saundera, «:. V. ting: También, I I; Clifford, The police Ms attractive to (Thi, Company, t. i, to such a ttrtni» their »rip ·. ' il. (Bj graph tbe Dispatch.) a« Iti r, ?. ? Mito! l, Lamplighter. 1'» to 1. the fellow kept ui« lively rioni wedding will this ciTj. ha\· iii-t ·? otlhlilly t I Vised ?|??< Fi manufactun re and bankers to w> to sho«>t him before t?. congregation tin-v re obliged morrow afternoon e ·. WASMIM.'lt D. C Commission; President HlgglnNitham. Ly« i'iTV that was a th. ? ?.?. been «warded «IkIh «goM .. ß! ump or >N. business. ·' QL' \Ki:ü TRACX. him. 11· the ii.wiv-Hi «ii.i pair handsome ?· ? th«· upon 'nao .?. in Walker. \'. thi y could capture tli-u tend« «Siedati at tl.·· s Fair. ·???*?«?««, f««r tb« candidat« roa morning when Aubin L. Bottinare, president of A, «'. ?; ««f OIXTtrcESTER, N. J. Oetober nn.-The wounded in hi« pistol arm. imt even ¦«eewptien at ntgln. Mr. Roberl Walker, «Davi«, the' it«: und it t.«««k all them. toltoli s.< ..1 t luv·· ait«· mt, and a roll-call showed ru National Rank, expressed the ..f I «ir··. ! .? s. he fought like ¦ wildcat, Herald of this w.-k will They compris«· th« rai«· one and ? miles of him to The RellSkMIS It« Th« ? « «i II-«.·«·.I . .·· A« «¦ff.· t would he to put The m : quarter th- tn-n wh«. could gel hold «k·»;. h nt I >r. nja- the. oil of I µ? nee .«f fifty-two senators. vl. »v fuit the resoluti at some ne..l.«l still more a lengthy him ? Vi«-«· ??.·:-! lent ntered the basis ¡mi the -· ?. bin¬ ir.r »von. Lilv PiUalfer second, subdue him It then publlah of tin· Ameri¬ mills, eotiii pre....·., w.m.I i. t. ?·?- .t only beard ihe business on a sound mark mpath« ..... t man fern ihe er«.w.l. ii.m inflitti, «ectvaatg at p a. h- th tt ai the m the So-l'I», who .lid nun a< « la·! I «o tn.inv cl uni«, r. .si., announced h, al ? ro pt rttj r.obln Hood was ? can Baptl I'lililicutloii drauUe «pumpa king toi arami« it. .-¦ ? an I ginning ·»·.. "i delivered a ? end raei five furlongs «said he laborer, and in Pa d th- S. nat.· had resumed Ion, ."I ok for tn·· know," snl·! eulogy third. Bradley In his lesi Ti sii» .,t h.i~ home upland. later aad cleaner, wwfcfng tabaco· packer. pirli ! you letting upon the d« ·« *n« h· t of the lack Lovell second. Traveree without ß home, «He «rambled wi known through- thit 1I...I-- Mil No (the ellrer-p of the firm of Allison Mayor. I anioni,' the m« ?? ?».·. Orifllth wa.« ?.?>· he 'plug tobacco sha:· ?· tiiresh.-r an«! «mil ta 11 H al now before Mr. .. V. Allison, ti \ ??. ?. and opinion polio* and even in Richmond ?« bill) wai ran« him by Third rue.four and s half fur cam« Iti ontnet with him Is divided out the I'nlikB. irator.all mad« in trim rity. II'»· 11 «in t. n briefly «V Addisoii. wlnn tb«· reporter otham on «Sh half of the ?. of who .«r µ. ? sonai friends. Mr. (Virginia) explained or Hie r«·- Early Rlossom won, Jersey second, as t.. whether h- is a lunati.· or la in a tit h.d bundreda , thla la not ? a hll he ha occ ipled, and nd advised him Directors, and another by Commissioner S d- up by 'phone it will of I«· law..? 'Itisi.» Gardiner thir.i. Tim.· of delirium tremen» Mr. I. S. Kins, an Inmate of th» ,?.·.;.» ? .m win ;t. oc« on the «repeal bill II.· al bill's "In my opinion for the National otii«-e c>f \;\. Bun- In ? ?*, r l'eut. Investment. still upied, > p< pasme·. ·>p. im 11 Fourth race- -flve furlong» Sonora won, crank entered th- died at that Institution the « ????'.?.: marked effect, -. Another dler«' Home, contine,I to I.i« and ? of Bol ).:«ve any Immediate R ITER. ..?. Bryan third. Tim··, im win Gould to-day, and demanded K.flOO, das at noon, after being Cemm«rejal iiuiidiug «Lana Assoda« whi· h demanded the rep« climb up from i-'if»h f. tir a half said, t»·· lost during reara wich rheuma- tien offelS ("G Sale il limited ??????t I8KD, l'imi.uní. ? i· v >t· but buslnea· will steadily Th« I rao and furlongs which amount, he bad bed for· about right «if the Sherman law should ? do noi ka »h for Rev. pintor «'itnden won. aecond, Po to- t.. nt strikes <«n Kansas railroads. \lr Klnr '.»'.«« a menilat of Com· Ita full I «ut ?? to to hi.·* Its present depression, .f th« Fourth ?? Theodor-"*, Ui« ·¦ paid per Ito·· peg appears Il u he 1to «ready «Join bu¬ a ttotnie thlnL Time > humored him until he saw a enth Virginia '¦'·« rail ¦· but for steady Mr. Qould li. Thlrti -li.tu·. Tin« ink Is re«le«mil.!e ..' « .. an/ rient any wonderful change, thi pi ivi r « Ith « Ich ihe funeral en to to est ata- pan funeral tool as II r· furloags Quarter· eham··· telephone an efiiei· m soldier The tune after om year at .·.<· Ihiit should miiv- earnestly an.I manfully for nt." gatherim all) in Th v.·.,,, puny leeoni, Kingdom third. An «.nicer then «mon appeared, th»· Honi·· y kterday ail·.ru·»«.??. par upan thirty one «ff.«-t." Mr. Invocation contain« ·? reference tton-house. from days' notice. For full t it wli« it », "it can have but replied feeling Time 137. ? took tt.rank away, He save his of Di¬ particiil.u ? - to nia <«r the ·.· which Im«) nini Ihe fare¬ The annual of UM Hoard «all Or addr«.«!« «· nun Mr. Cameron ? Axtell, vi.president AT Kl.lXAIiKTH. «name aa Mongolia Andrew«, a telegraph meeting ' School PTUSpeCtUS relal In whi Decatur well cert trial re· of the Method) Bunday ilgn, and cat·' hi« vlea on the MIL and < »li·, railway, "It »arili meetlmr. opt .1 ?·.-. tors at llulldlng and Loan \ » 'i h<»y show..) thai several Jll.lì» Fiirrar'· I ..«¦tore I ..nltjlif. an were nil That ton tidrd. 1 l obtained leave of abeence weeka .ubmitted, and that lhe " I gnth« red in the gre«! li ill, ime the Ttme, t«· ins -id in Weet vir- schools bad been organlsed, Th- p ..r the irrett llttlo t tint m· «ting of the members of the ginning." s,, ond r.«<·.·- one mile I'rin.»·· ago vhrit «home, eon·. .'I'hIoiih bad y preached. Many I'. Branch, President of formal announcement b) President l'al¬ s ni.? He has a «rife and two children in church at «Barton nm M« rs, H| Major John ni, r of the a Rolskin second, Conhtncne third. Officer« were Bptecopal Helghta (Including en« National Bank and senior Mayor's death and ? Kansas City. Andrews was nui popular been exceptionally large, to < ? u m-1 « am· and (Jolssenhainer), the Merchants' meni iba! all esercii ß of a festive ?G,. Btruggliag ha Bland, Fellows, char- with bis or associai elected. -In . either t«)"k retti of the linn of Thomas Branch fl ? I«· Thlr 1 race- ¦_ fnrl won. fellow-operators .«· to-night rill ihn ,· ii imber and member act« would omitted. Th« «resolutions he was t·«·· much inclined «to argue tlie lit. rary meeting of t»¦»· ? to «he va« ant, oi said: "it Is the host financial were then ·! anv In, le Jcsa Second. I'liv or Pal third. was tioti- too w-11 At Young Men's chi .. ... m Company, present without » lectfl which h* last evening the which liai·!·· »em icratlc si war ii«;. iiiHin McGlll Catholic Union ii .lurs I.· ?' a! the ? «ir of the since the Confluence panylng speech, ait>\..u_'h many el Time, inform"«!. At one time was his was _n élabo¬ of his MM for li.· ii'tlg riij« tttilz· * « ? arraind that Ihe ?,.-r.· Kourtii and ooe-alxteenth religion featur·· of the pregrsuime BJ The galleries wer«.rowded be restored beyond question, nnd presen! the résolution race».one hobby, and he was a member <«f a church and read by Mr. of the ohurch Th V.III ateo ?-· ¡t c»a- man) door« "" to bj to Imme¬ pi·.·· sing In timi nta r ,Roche \«··p. Raceland second, nt »f late be had I ·» ·· t aJ\««- rât· paper prepared "What th·· .ert th·· Miller item. outer to «admission, business will commence Improve all Hi Time. Westport, .liimc« m Power« entitled by corabh tryiPR Rain and Blelpner,thlnL iiie objects of the American «Pro¬ the Pri »ervatlon .^_..- many »people to will be trsry easy, · Jonathan Catholic Did tor ·; ..n! Anally the diplomatic nailery had diately. Money aatis- Till. EXPOSITION'S «BND. Kift'i rae Ix furioi Poor tective Association. ClergyIn the Middle Age·," whleb to gel when borrower« Btve Strnthmea«l second, Olilswlek thir«l. was as lifn«»rant and of Literature of I\ I «r.l. t·» itT« ordii eaaier W'hil.« he «regarded ¦ · on the the been \ leid up >"' ' ''- from this time ni fainar then formally an« Time. 11·'. s.m evldem ·! d« ? r ir« b part .·. t · securlty, Tas, ¦- none of his assodates all th.» «ird-r-h«." k* jim à.linit rows In the bul "«t in compii in »·. Il h race.«ix «Orion««.Bolero won, eccentric, ·. .md which waa greatly i-njoyed «Having purchased ; The two business will Improve, slowlj of ss to have considered him dangerous. I. Lotus rtulll- the firm of ? J knows that |ng ?? forward for Congr the exposition was .¦in« i.111 v- Rico s.·'· ? I, Mis« Kittle third. Time. Lie. by the members. Messrs Nixon-«·. Co., critalnli,4 have better sll ·¦ rats· In «I Ita in tl«· re sur··!»·. We can prices ::t ail tl ;«s a ,,. an | \ m ..nd TV. I' Redd», r*»ndered measures of *lilrts and drawers, »ve «? ? : wi ·¦;« Hi« ol the I' family; a ss cheap moBey will ELIZABETH ENTRIES. MEET. t?·.· trhole was agricultural products, after the Rev. Dr. F liad pro- Following ure the Elisabetta tnrf-«ntrie· FIRE COMMISSIONERS their usual g..«.«i style, Club, «par.d to duplicate any or«)· r « ? ? HI|-iJ .nail!.· th·· Cannera to hold their pro« Ihe i. ne 11 t( ,? and offered up a for to led by ? choi u» by the Olas that Hrm. s ?: :i about the .« Mi Morgan was etili speaking, by BISHOP, shori prayer, the «gathering ««f mourn »rs I'irst race.five ightiis of a mili·.King¬ Som·· Mudi« by Hi.· Hoard While In « t p of i" brlnj t'liaiige« Uot.d«. Fin«· On Iilrta, « ul with ol the presi.i.nt «.f quietly ston. 124: Wan Jim, ISO; Ray Lochlel, IM; Ci. li «.void Arrival» at New inrk lii The uncertainly Colonel Archer Anderaon, leeatoa Laal Ma-tit. , »JB east Alain si m roth s.I the Thi World's «Fair, like Carter Harrison, Rival, I»; Derfargilla, HA telegram ?. the Disputen,) ?? mbera he al the Tredegar Company, expressed was no mor«·. und miles. of of Fire (Special Virginia ?? the members of the effect would b» ol s moni Second race one tjina-eighth a regular meeting the «Board YORK, ·>, totr fa, \>. H. H. ;il .«ill- the Ben- opinion that n. IOS; Candelabra, IOS! "Oxford, was held at the lire de- NEW »'. Com- I'lsnos ami Organ« al l'est, the other hous« withdrew from .araci, r. He did not, be said, loo« ¦··«; CommhMtoneri Cunningham, New Amateraam: ? ..f th« THE CORONER'S INQUEST. i".·: Copyright 108: The Ironmaster, last niuht. i'r-si- reti, I!. Civ. I'runswlck; We offer our entire uto.-k «>f «TVoU worth for bul thought all L.tlon. »7: Tom I'lviin. '.«7. Hasty, «JO; partaieal beadguartera Btock, Lai W. r to t' IMPATIENT. anything speculative, H. I'risitikorn rii'>>si.l.'d and then» E. Mlllhlser. Marlborough; L. »' Young of l'I.ino», (ita; mi. ami small lustrum, fit.·» VOORHEE8 ¦¦· would show u healthy »reaction, Marshall. M C. II. \\ II- at but tin* eli im "f hu* COB· Story of the ?·-:?-»!??.?????? Told in p?.-..ti'.·' ? furlongs w.r· Mesara F. P. Burke, J. L. an ? ?. I·' Tanner, Imp rial; prime m clona buateeaa Kv.-r/ Mr Voorhqea showed v. tin ? would :;o on until a nominal Third and half present and Dr. I. H. ! 0 ·,'¦¦ interviews with .1. R. and ß. Watt Ta\- liniis. Mr.« v. Newton, dollar*· worth must be holt by .(smini v* il was .· I >c (nil. Muid Ward (gilding). 'Ill; Ttinculo, ill; Levy, Bheppard, Mr«. .1 n. BartoB aad ?. r ant! rep« .¡ill.m Charles F. was out White, st. Jams·; 1st. Our Is ¦·. :· i.t tlxtures for¬ bill la of »ievail "it will have Florence, UO; Drum Major, IOS; Enfleld, lor. Captain Taylor N. Carton. St. llul Mr, Morgan heed« I not, Mr. Moses MiMhiser aald: CHICAGO, October KL.The story of 108; Natimi. 104; Intimidad. of the city. Tin· Board decided to change and MISS ai.· Thla :» tha chance .«f .a lifetime t» rs, a* il th. «· tb«· in the 108; Factotum, to the second mil .· his off« t of de»postta Mer- the tini»» of nt on with «»poech th«· bringing in Mayor Harriaon'a morder and atatementa 103; i:«·.immisi, let: Lengbrook, 103; meeting Ml r*.· lio- ut BNT. wer.· n«» n··*··! of hurry. banks Link to Unir normal condition, ritt. i·". «¡...p,,. M; Biberon, 'it; Captain fourth Monday In each month. and i-'ITertlvr. 1 ot «said that of phyi apk d Um ««tt. ntton of a was asking per¬ .»?G?-, Quick, r.ak-s Instruin« ills. Also a '· M. Mr. Morgan w·«' banks to again Sin« ¡tir. Clansman, M; ktaggt· smith. «JOlutlon adopted of All- whal he had de- thai enabling th« coronel s i'iîv at the Harrison «residence M; mission of the Council (as r«-«iuire,l by The vaiiKiiil» curativa piopai-IB· numlsr of secotld-haad I'lano« and ¦·. \ Irginta, after resunii' th.· discounting of paper as be¬ are .ju·· »«· the us d. Call He had pre· it« for an hour morning. racc--three quarters of a mile law) to on mise and equip a Chemical Porous Plasters Organa slightly early ami takg titirtn. no! wished thu« bringing business back to yesterday Except· Fourth ??« chief ¡itgrn-st ni"dl« an«! > nir hob ··. he ha tör«, a technical of «'h.ittaiiooira. 112; Tartarian, 110; Shelly Plfe-Engtne Company. «reported r»loyineiit of the of health) to mak« normal condition." ing description tbewotmda. Lansing, KB; th·· crown altee! bf No. I engine as tk's «kin. Thej are purely »ragetable, WALT F ft I). MOSKS tm, i Btate He I··" was v,rv little waa added to the al¬ Tuttle. ins: LTncle Jess. 107; a thor¬ chemical hav·· ?·?.·?· · In an Mr. B. 1' »'liriMlnii «aid h·· Will Klli..u, HO; Sandowne, 108; Midnight, l.-aklmr badly. The «Board ordered end In ingredl.-nts and method lOitt Main opposite l»ost-«.rtl.«e. ·· th« knowlt dge thai the of the action of the Senate. ready at the disposal of the officer« of the «»ur IB; Faithful. examination by tero «speri engineers BBd effective cl with glad to bear law. 107; Ingot. Í08; Maggie, ough the and chief I, en »iqiiall -if·*, quick, . , wl.'l slowly The verdict recommended thai «Pren- ami empowered president burn or blis¬ ms *t. b«· said. "bUSlBMB they do not II .1 1. I.,, ?? s| sunk«· briefly, dosine. "I think·" for the murder until tlis- of a mil»· to have such repairs as may be n- In their action, ?'. A. m..nd, I 1.1. Mr I'eat then in tin» ami steadily Improve." Fifth eighth.« but soothe and relieve while curing, by due proceas «.f law. Coroner 108; Porcb«eeter, 101;-Void, ter, or will open on Wednesday, November lea. «moni .1 would e «»quality il s. ?; .st. r, «d th.-T. C. Williams Méllale an.l John Kelly King Cadmus, motion was giving Ibe eliti f can be worn without causing pulii at east Main lally campaign Mr. »?- Deputy reached 100; Kilkenny, :«l; Reynard, '.·-': Metucben, A adopted «lotie and 90» street, a branch cut« .li thai l ·· the and Justice to all men; Tobacco Company, sat.? buatansa had the Harrison houae about I ««'clock. Detroit. M; Town· authority t.» have the horse-shoeing ?|1.·?G?».?1?· I. flower srore, where a ? ople, ? no centrali· a S); Harry Alonso, a); as ho beet f««r «enta- good assortment o| iverlng io'»o.y in mining an n ««iy begua to Improve, and be thought «Before iii> arrival Deputy Kelly and .end, '.««; Plenty M at such shops may deem Do BOI ?· by misrepr· flowers will be k«'pt. ui finance. would be to further th« ?? isengei had ? immooed a Jury. They rue m. I g hilf furlong« -Will th· horses. other ««>-<-;ill--· 1 I'orous Plaster« li lined ii «t lo -. the ih·· tendency Sixth -el_ tlon. All -,· occupied a number of prominent men who HD· HO;··. 110; Mr. Charles Stephan, who has mad.· 10 sell BB thS i', itti«! ? M« aai », w Elliott, Madstone, are imitations, Then ?··?>· a·« improvement. IVtiihorton paid the re residents or* the district and at Aerollthe, il·'; Midnight. 110; f-wrshitance, the department for nearly twenty yean. rae Over Kiitr toot» Hl .« .. Mr. T. William sh"it notte-. They were; W-st Lark. «7; sent in iiis resignation on account of talion of All.ock«. Mrs. Winslow'* s mark, t bad already «'.¡«- 107; Ainu·· Bishop, 107; was Alhoi k's and let no solicitation «"outhing Svrup ha« been culture .· i.f Mr. Dubois remark] New ?,.!,» stork c. «v Kohi aland Boulerai-, «7; Dauntless. &.; continuel) ill health. Th.· resignation Ask for used for children t soittes ti!- and a matter of senti¬ V'erbln, «7; »Pirate Chief, and Substitut.» J. J. Whit.· elect¬ Induce you to accept a sub¬ teething. tbo ,. hrief lull In »Senati. OOunted Ihe effect. AS Judge of th«· Probate Court id. accepted or explanation child, soltains the gums, all i aun .«in. ed that tilt» immeillate |,,,t Charl«"« G. 238 ? van!, Enfi» *2._ __^^____ ed «to till the vacancy. Mr. I'. O. Ran¬ allays pam, ment it v\.i!',d bave som,· «Sime«, vl'" White, stitute. cures wiul colie, ami is tho b. at M w -s before Ih« B< Bate mil ultimately it machinery «manufacturer. dolph wils mad- itibetltute remedy \·. ? nve decided Influsnre. yel for «liarrhus. V, !·. ' was substitute ceuta a buttle. ? 'its. a busi¬ W. .?. Chalmers. Boulevard, JOINT DISCUSSION IN ACCOMAC. Samuel Steinberg elected Tbe Itrewers. nulli».·, Op« NTS. would b.· t« It for good In Steady ¦? ?« nt ..f «s. Com- In No. ·'.. Il t«« ask the Water (1.1pl1.11 MORB ? M KM »Mia «Präger Ciminiera at ill,, ?-t..h· r Ml Ths cham- li.k.-t to take ness Improvement. I*. Lee Un-nili, Ini» l'optili»! !>«'partment to put a fire hydrant v iniet·· Mr Pasco Immediately moved Scribner, £M Ashland of Major Rah·· Twenty-third and Cary streets. CHICA»;»»,cup "f ih.· world for licer, for MaAskil th· ol » he gave ?????. Boulevard, (.riiVflj -liide|M'iiileiit (rank «peak». box will be pliTnshlp ???··p· m Violets In gra-at abund.trn'.i at Hum« ui. :i com« .i.ner, Crrighton ?: Co., l'ommiselon The next tire-alarm placed which not only all the great . last Saturday, to appoint ? ,,-li.i!l Hii.l Tucker. of Jeff«·!»«»!! anil Cary Inwnd's, Ii7 east Broad s CABE notice merch mts IBS» lil »· leg-ram to the Dispatch.) at the corner to· ? rs. but those df the famous Eurft- .r ? .-Lii to tha Dispatch.) l'Irle tu Ashland Boulevard, com¬ of Munich ami Nurein- nd silver bi tbe ?? d ty iï-.p. telegram King, accomac eorimiorsi·:. VA. Oe· wen trrar.t.-l .1. F. Kersey, r.-wing cities f.iiirt after which silver dol- VA, OctolM-r iln.-Hon. mission merchant Demo¬ Furloughs In ki-en competition, 1. Dr. William II. dray says: I take plea« ..' Jan ti.« BTAUNTON, at P. R. d Itreii. ?ß l'ark avenue, tobacco tahar 2n.-Major Maker P. Lee, F. Low. W. H. Sears: James T. (Irubbs, burg were ? in» cob t.i «t u ratio d by Janus Marshall, in his olii home, for the BsMBB «>f D··!··- !.. Oilman .I oft by the Aiihi'iiser-lfusih sure in beefing mérite»! testimony BB tho ». ani to be tleal-r. cratic candidat.· an«! H. th uh Mount Solon. tO-nlght H'lilr«-ss«'d a splen¬ Th·· mr»t at tl«· f«»re 10 !:ijhi «'ttv and Accia.u·, «Redwood, of No. l engine com¬ Mrewlng Company, of St. ?_???, >¦ gr«-at value of «TunileeUo Mineral Waur This amendment, Mr Democriti«. jurors Kllzablli Captain for ««f number of In th·· treatment ««f liver di au·llene.· of M SIIIISBIìIII o'clock an«i b the «»election of H. v. «.and! lit.· a>k«'«i permtaaton memben having r.celv.-d the highest dyagepeto, trota· ». ¡.?. was now ¡n order unica« thai*« organized and W. Ora ly. I'opullst pany, ? "f as h· ? n lid aad *«it.i- Kohh Teman. Th» di Mitts- Ids company to organize a íub ?? Hiid scored the highest jxilnts. bles, renal calculi, cystic «lljaeaajaea, rheu¬ is am »mimen« t.. preci it. n· made -?·!· kapreasloa, Judge f.r met In Joint on aerar « on itber «»'ivnaii und in an and the jurors Attorii-y-General, many men an the chief-tun spar«· to go conim-nded for Hi- snd It will ? rt, hurriedly íii.'d the columna of lay upper «room, sion at Accomuc Courthouse to-I ay. summer. want They were esiieclally matism, gout. '· At it.«· lu the Mr. li. St. moved ir« stilts to view it t. fore hearing a trip mirth next They as a g th- Penate imm lobby Mr. Marsha!) and Qeorg« l>e a sp.-ech. over¬ nts during th- win! ir '**""'¦_·** iiuiity of their bc-r, pur·· "ta.'« ?. sail ainl'ist to-night testimony m was transferrod Major made splendid ntertalnuK corn or inn Tinker 1· iva for Washington the hack his and «resting «money to carry a band, etc. The malt and hop product, without Aha! Yes. that Is It. t Imeni." /or further proceeding to Bouth whelming antagonist th What? !>¦_.!· rs In Furnlrure. Btatea lent r<- in reaponse t.« ¦ telegram fron speaker on the main «So r. Th·· jurors. enthusiasm. Mr. »Irav-ly had but Board thought It a ajaeatlon of »time Im« .BfB product«. This makes Mr, 81 parlor, g-r.-a» and decided to lay it on th·· h> us.r- Husch Company th«.· vlumpum Where? 711 «nd 711 east Itroad street. ¡>f »...' Iti Th «¦rlsp. They win retara Wcdaeadaj es, an«! ?? few ipectal few If any sympathizers in the Immense portan« at various In the county around a large talil« la th" «Centre. until next meeting, brewers of the world. Who? UTIINOR * HlNlrlKT. thai the amount «ill speak points audienci·, but he was given a patient and for the current month were or¬ riff, ainl there in the standard dollar should he elocMon-dü.v. PrendergBSi sat or stool In a corner. Billa until l.leutiT.ant liais between him and r··. pi'tful heating. dered to lie paid and the Hoard adjourned. an· Or»··· at «>»»». I| and ibi ? -five hundredth «grains, With those had finished Piano» Send your orders for election ticket« without ? the «loor. After gentlemen our entire stock of l7i.«X«) worth to th« ami ol .d-gaetng the mendment waa negatived Nominations. In the wi...« hall through the Lalvan Lewis, an odd eh» I We offer Iiispatch Company you wUf bj .«t? Thi u .'·' Intent Two Important leading speaking, PICKETT CAMP-MEETINC. of Pianos, Organs, and small Instrument« them I'rlce« low. order a i.-'w att- centre of th- h.ius,· from th- main «l....r who I* running a»« an Independent candi¬ gut promptly. M .»V; ,:. || tablish tei.--.rapii to the Plspatch.) end at cost to cloae business. L..r, of 'JO to (By to the «broad atalreaae at the west for the House of Deb-gates frota ? tiiaml Attendance Last Xir«rit.New 'hm- prime I s¦¦··.·· \\· . l>. »'.. October» U.. worth must be sold by January ks WASHINQTON, visitor« wer·· thronging an«! pissing to Accomae and bi-gan a dollar's for ; The to-day sent to the Semite Um rooms to view the fa«·«· of their Northampton I.el« ?leeted. 1st. Our store la for rent and Sstures Mantel·. Oratis, and Tiliug. ?a vnrioa« CHINESE LAW. | President upper harrangue. the crowd tn Us low a. a in.iti ·?? following nominations: friend and lemler. Th- morn In which the rambling *^ut sale. This la the chance of a lifetime sty and price at a brief Mr. Gray, from tha the to be Assis¬ stand. In leaving the Th.· attendance at the meeting of I'h'k- i·.·- In interlude, Edwin F lil. of Michigan, Inquest was in proiir· "ff the laughed htm off the An secure bargains from our large line ol Jons Bowns'a, Oovernor itreet. lueatloa lign' of Stata, vie«· Joslah Its doors the said It was the roug'h-l«·, but ami mie»t crowd he had Seer Orders for aent b> the ' »a Qulncy, resigned. Sec¬ Igncrant of Veterans to attend the aecond-hand Pianos and printing Dia« ?.\?·|.???·?. Mr. Peritine (RepuMlcan), Jumes lt. RuOSiVtlt, of New Vork. their low voices falliti to attract atten- Ac¬ Camp United number of will be .· timi th- bin be «nada Kmbassy. seen. Thla (rented great merriment. November ???, and Cull «arly and taki patch Company given prompt ate ', ?, ia, sh retary of the United States tlon. ¡«nd few of th- visitors noticed the Augusta Exposition Organs slightly used. ..ut-i for next Wednesday, but Heary Walta, rc- comac will give a large majority for the was riled. choice. t.ntlon. an«l the style of work and prtoa·) U.iiir that the subject London, England, »rice HiKS An Invitation from R. K. I«?e Camp to your A CO. will be sure to plea·« you. Ml of thus William Preston Harrison, son of the Democrats. mers« hall WALTER D. MOSES a lively conte«! was ?· ?«· ?«· disposed signed._ of the Chicago attend the op-ntng of the new Post-office. 1 ti. alendar, where Mavor and publisher the Soldiers' Home next Thursday wa» 100(5 Main street, opposite I .? that j... nt I .it. ,i the Wire». described briefly his knowledge CIBBONS. at I- leem.i. TlakaU. bv a majority vote from , CARDINAL Voor- of at of the tragic affair. He testir!,»d that accept t orders to the «rgoUe airain aald the Twelve new case.« yellow-fever a Th« camp will meet at the Home at ( Hend Disputrh c>mpaa|f .· .- Th«· vice Presiden! n it Harrison waa M old and Krolneuce In brUtma» Money. i was the «Sanala un.i ·>?>. yesterday; two Josttp. Mayor Another Reception to His V. M. and have them printed ? before Hruiisvvlck ,,f Uxlnarton, Ky. Mlkl promptly^ aa4 ?·. ndmenl, bot «th« expectailSa ot ? have alvlcs native Baltimore. It wae resolved that at the next meet¬ Save the tags from "Yarbrough'· It. i- \\ Lasard Frer«·«, Ne»· York, "The last time I saw him alive, con¬ returning them ? cbewply. a of OfB,BM «if to an Invita¬ ing of the camp the Peninsula campaign Burley." The person hla ex- of nn udditiivniil shipment tinuisi the witness In reply »l'y telegraph M the Dispatch.) the of disetM 14*83, tv III rec»>lv¿ th« fol¬ Mr, i««t!«s (Nevada), cxpreealng from Southampton, Knglan.l, to-lav. tion to recount the affair, "was about TIH Tb" would be subject tie December 21, Oa·. and Eleotrio-Chaadellen »ho l.i·t uni reluctance to attain Kold About »?2 o'clock 1 HALTIMORK. MD., October IB Oraad-Comniaader T- A. H runder was lowing aaf etealing the package down to my father students and faculty of the latter I_ithans'e Battery; Michael Carmo-ly, BS IB «'«.II- loet in transit from New York sh«-iotlng. I hurried tution of learning, gave a grand re« St-..? it.·. ArttlWry; M. S. Lrddy. First Vir¬ SS.00 fur th· fourth largest. Our farilît'amTfor sxetutlng an kind· I on Kt Lb« y last. .Ion··* rseently and to hltn nini asked him what th¬ or are thi» »'« Karris Interrupt"«! Mr. to New Orleans. spoke was ij Cardinal Gibbons, In manifestation Infantry; John «J Satterwhlte. for the fifth largest. of job printing iMMurpaaaed. tend «4 befor« At -"'· Mr. 11 in, .to r whs. He said he shot and rounn to aa'Jours*. umll states that th· their Joy that hi» Eminence had T»nth Virginia. Artillery; W. «J. for the »Ixth largest. yo»r order« and you will he ptenaed wttli Mr. Ham* strut«.? to A disputi b from Melllla out of hi» Battalion; Va'. J. Blnford. .?? I «U>. u i.i t.. morrow. late Sun,lay re.suni«'«I their attiuk t'.-t Annie over at once, was h!s only tw«?ntjA-flve years episcopate «Second Virginia Prises will be awarded December 23. IMI our work and pricoa. motion, an«! «vas called I Hlttliiii« that the In great ami glorious work for his church Fourth Virginia Cavalry. thai ata mi tl.··- Spaniards at Melllla, 3UÛ voice« and will a tor· W. J. YAhBROCOH A SONS, «MiWe^a*B(BBBBJJgBi vit Vuoili-«s. who Instated was OB both sides, where I found him »untry. A choir of Captain E. R. Mason preach by wi_» nul debutable. fighting dtssrstrate "He lay on the floor of and hall gave a to the at Orace church on th«: Ricranond, Va, '¦" to tt'ljoiirri the siicceasfully main¬ end then «li-.l the orchestras college mon camp Fbinips' Mgeeelbae tewaa waa backed ·»< however, ami but that S|Minl.irl» about twenty minutes line and a ad¬ In November at H p. M. by Mi Hartls was («1st·nt, a and others Very musical Jubilee thlnl Sunday Cntike ether cocoaa ar I ¦'¦·. w i« «t the ? until Mr. Voorhees, by tained their peatflHB. Some one ««slled physician dress wa« read Mr. Richard i. Davis will assemble at the hall and Aneti·· Bale To-«ta». rhanalalea» M ha i!K staff of before he ??<**!." by re- The camp not aad though ¦¦· ?.t?·?·» a Btatemant the incmlxr« of the came In of Vs.. The Cardinals to the church In a body. greasy, raatotolng all tea 9m. Mr. un.ritiinotis «oeamt. Among of the Wheeler, a officer who eon- Norfolk. was march By A. N. POLLARD, Auctioneer, I h-mU'r» ,· r· Innlll ion. ml Mare-olla, the commander John «police was most felicitous, and he nutrtsneot of tbe rickeet seaoa H to o <«f W.-.i in wl.b ? li·· ur.T Mi who was killed from the Desplalnes- 24 east Broad street. basta» the vote w*s l.n.« '»' taken troops at Melilla, Prendergast was heartily applauded by the student», pro¬ «o ptfpared that tt makea a »K l»l«Cf» I« > waa at Its hi-tgtit. and _- _^ Coroner. laves« Yo

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