Tompkins County Public Library Assigned Branch: Ithaca - Tompkins County Public Library (TCPL) Collection: Local History (LH)
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TOMPKINS COUNTY Navigating A Sea Of Resources PUBLIC LIBRARY Title: Ithaca Directory 1872 Author: Call no. LH-CASE 974.7 Ithaca 1872 Owner: Ithaca - Tompkins County Public Library Assigned Branch: Ithaca - Tompkins County Public Library (TCPL) Collection: Local History (LH) Material type: Book Number of pages: 170 We wish to thank The History Center in Tompkins County for access to select Ithaca City Directory years in their collection for digitization Digitization of this material was made possible with a 2009 grant from the Park Foundation ' t M t -TT I t nf " " 1 i 1 "TV" ? J v*** I h_m < 1 1 n _. m t i. i LM iiiniiiiiiiiii !_f. I'D _^ '%Tia^ CORNELL LIBRARY ITHACA, NEW YORK LHREF 974.7 Ithaca 1S7S 1 1hac a direr, tor y Manning, US West Mar ketinf For Reference Not to be taken from this room ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAILROAD COMPANY. CAYUGA DIVISION. TRAINS LEAVE ITHACA DAILY, Connecting with Erie Trains. AND TRAINS ON, THE MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES OF THE Wm Ii * W ! Mm FOR OWEGO, BUFFALO, ROCHESTER, MBIT YOmVL, MffVft AUMJVK AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. W. R. HUMPHREY, Sup't Cayuga Division. ADVERTISING DEPAHTMENT. V WYCKOFF'S PHONOGRAPHIC NSTITUTE, For a course of thirty lessons tit the 1 nstituto, $ 1.V00. By correspondence lfi30.00. Unlimited course, including all branches of Verbatim Reporting, $15.00. Tuition must in all cases be paid in advance. Phonographic, Hand Book, First and Second Reader, Phonographic Dictionary, and all ot tho standard short-hand publications publishers' constantly on hand, and sent to any address on receipt, of prices. W. O. WYCKOFF, Phonographic Institute, :id Floor, over No. 41 East State Street, Ithaca, N.Y. ELLA WOOD, ARTIST, 19 LI-NT-NT STBBBT, ITHACA, UXT. "5T_ , Respectfully informs her friends and tho public, that she is now prepared to ex ecute, in the most tasteful and satislactory manner, all work connected with the Artistic (Painting) Department. Oil Paintings of all descriptions. Work neatly executed in Water Colors and India Ink. Portraits painted from life or photographs. Particular attention giv en to all orders, and satisfaction guaranteed in everf cflse. J. BEARSDLEY, ARTIST, CASCADE-LA ART GALLERY. COPYING AND FINISHED WORK A SPECIALTY. No. 7 LINN STREET, - - ITHACA, N. Y. _E>-E3_II_.i:PSTE_F>_E3:_BlSrS, hmc.ilan m.v ftealf Sift Mtf m&k$i Mef% CHOICE SAUSAGE, LARD, TALLOW. &e. _tNJ"o.S 33.___it State St.. It_fc.|o*., _GJ". "V. JOHN FMfcEOfT.. ^AIL/OB, E00M No, 1, SECOND STORY, OVER D. I. FINCH'S BOOK STORE, JSTo. 60, CORNER STATE AND TIOGA STS., XT.E-t.A.OA., 3XT. "V. M^ITST &BOYS' CLOTHING CUT, MADE AND REPAIRED. ADVERTISING DEPAKTMENT. IfcA] M7p%t TWO BOATS DAILY. The T. D. W^COX leaves Ithaca at a quarter before 7 a. m. oii arrival oftrains from-Owego, arriving at Cayuga in time to connect with trains East and West on Y.1 the N. C. R. R. Returning, leaves Cayuga 1:30 p. m. arriving at Ithaca in time to connect with, trains on the D. L. & W. R.'R. for Owego,- Binghamton, Elmira and New York, and all towns on the Erie R. R. THE FRONTENAC, leaves Ithaea at a quarter before lp.m connecting at Cayuga with trains East and West (On the N. Y. C. R R. Returning, leaves Cayuga at 8 a. m. arriving at Ithaca 11:30 a. m. T.D.WILCOX Ladies9 Ypung Sfto^L Mill' MB Bmt Mrtef, Miss 11. I. Brake, ^.iacipal. ROBfeRT C. DENMEAD, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND DEALER IN illfW fIHISIIM Sg9 No. 50 East State Street, - - Ithaca, N. Y. AIIVEKTISTNU HKI'A H'niKNT. H. R. KBNYON'S New Planing, Sifliai & Moulding Mill (.'Mi.Ni.l; i-'i^'Al'iO YN]> W&S'IToUT STItKITl X, ITiFACA X. i.-a.-M- Hnvinu; just o-mpk'tcu nn now _Mnlami put in ail thr v-v\ impmv^l rmTj.'r ictu^ machinery. I am prciuml t< iniui-m wurlc ua shurt ,mi| ;ii <1 rates ALL WORK WARRANTED FIRST 'CLASS. PLANING, PLANING- AND MATCHING, BEADING, Re-Sawing. Slitting, Scroli-Sawing. Moultlings. Shaping, Turning, WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, Casings Coved, Ceiling, Siding, Flooring, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Brackets. &c. Can furnish work complete for buildings. Parties about to build please give me a call. HENEY E. KENYON, Ithaca N. Y. N. B. Orders by Mail promptly attended to. "VIII ADVERTISt-v'o DEPARTMENT. Ithaca Sash, Door and Blind Factory. P. F. SISSON & CO. (SUCCESSOR TO N. S. KEWYON & SON) At the old stand at the initt, havo been enlarging and putting in new and im proved machinery, which enables them to compete with the best manufactories in the country week" Look at the list oi done by itds firm, to which -.-.-- would rosp.-etta!.;y (.all, the attention of ail in wan* of any of this class <.f vo>k _DOG-R,L or.iei.- nianuf-trtar^ ro or all We i K>ors stylo, I'ine .hours, Ymeered with Wal nut, Chefitnui, Butto.Tir.r -_r Ash in tho beat imiimer. _BLiisri_>s. Inside Blinds of I'm*, < 'uo.rr.nt or Butternut. Outside Blinds of fill Rtyk* and shapi-s with balance ^.hiis. to ordor. SASH_ i. irele and Segment Head Sash, also Common Sash ot all stylos, made to order MOLDIIsTGS- Moldings of Pine, Chestnut, Walnut or Ash, of any pattern, made to order. havo We on hand one hundred different patterns of Mouldings from one quarter inch to ten inches wale, flattens of different patterns. Bn_A_.0_K_E.TS- Brackets of all dcui.'cjp^ony made to i-rder. Scroll lliiwmg aud ;Sh;a.iny d<.ne on tho vod.^.n^blo torm^. We havo the hest Scroll Saw _md Shaping Machine in ^-he County, and capable of .[oiny; the- moRt wi>rl-; TXTJ^-TSTIXnTO- We have recently put in a new Turning Lathe, and secured the best Turner in this and we are now section, ready *o i'lrnlsh Balusters ot all styles, either round, eight square or to suit customers. fluted, The only place in town where v,.,u can get banisters eight squared or fluted. also all We do kinds of .'fob Turning. ._. ewell Posts of any pattern made to order. F_El__A____VE_BS-. Wimlow and Boor Frames, ..f evory style and finish. Circle and Segment Head Frames tit prices, which defy competition. Also Common Square Head frames and S.ish, reduced prices. PLjiwiixrC3-. Planing and Matching, liesawing and Slitting, SUDIZCnTQ- MILL. We have ]iut a recently in Mill, and are now to manufacture _ Siding ready Si on short notice. lav- ding Siding made in this machine are much cheaper and better the than old style of siding. Call and examine for yourself. G-XJIVEIVLIISrO- Wo have for machinery Gumming, and Filing Mills Crossent and Circular Saws such Persons wishing work will be accommodated ami at, reasonable prices All the above woii: a ' in workmanlike manner ami at short notice. "We also do all kinds of work to pertaining our business, and persons wishing wood ,-.-,- work of any kind v.iH jdea-e . dl address, Ithaca, dciy loll, 1S71. P. p SISSON CO. MlVI.KTISINd liCT .KT.MKN'T. O, B. M AMTAITHKUl; <>K COMMON AND SUPERIOR FINE PRESSED BRICK, TILE, <ScG- YARD MITCHELL AVENUE, EAST HILL. Residence 37 South Geneva St. Ithaca, MAXFF .('Tl h'Ki: WDDKAIJid; IX S-^bxts Stair and Jiatt "Wotk, (.'orilO' V lh ShltO :itld T]0_;,:. k ni<-<^ on i io.(__r:i am now prepared b"> mtvo (bo public the Having loi.ated pornr.nv.nHy , i in most \- sati^tiu.iui m.HHnuv wirhany un'ml of work: in my liri<; of buboes,-;. Hair AVork of all kind;-1, I'YmIIut b'l--wer>;, *.<. <jtc., made to order promptly. < 'ombm^s bought, and straightened. ANDRQS. McCHAIN & LYONS, PAPER-MAKERS, PRINTERS & BINDERS. BOOKSELLERS. AND STATIONERS, 41, Hast' $iftte< gireet, Itfoaea H* Y* Fkeo Geo MoChaim. K. Anokus. Wii. Anukvs. .los. M. Lvoxs. IDVEKTI.^.XO DETAETMENT. ' H ?m *1 HT"1. This charming resort. unsurpassed in NATURAL AMD ADDED CHARMS iik" pl; ' ane ..;:e, i and v.nil be fnus-? who love the r .ill, throngnd. by h.'-.-ai'd'id lam- Ithaca and lis siiri^undiiig.:. are id and justly so idr pietmv-<}ue beauty, utid the id org e is n.n epitoeiv of ir all; Indeed, taking Tbe Gorge witli its glorious Waterfalls and Rocks, vnCi :eimin:_hng as it. does in the grounds <>i ..'.m-dl >"ni\-. r-^'y, we think we do we-- '- no State. not ?.',i. when say that there two miles m the ..{ Xevr Yoik so re plete -vith int<ji'-st as cftis. TRIP HAMMEE GROVE, At the uppe: ^in.1 +he t-bvrge, .ixsbeen fitted up in a i_np_<y_e manner toi -FICZbTIC PARTIES, And take it as a. whole, the delightful shade, the adjoining waterUlls, and the eon- venienee of boaling on the waters of Beebe's dam, there is no place mure attractive for tourists in Central l\ew i'ork. Persons fit a distance can receive hiformation by addressing the subscriber. TICKETS- six! ;lk admission 2,5 cts, CHILDREN UNDER 1-. YEARS 10 cta. SEASON, ADMITTING FOUR ?S-Oo PARTY, ADMITTING TEN $2.00 Can lie procured, at the office of tho I'tutotl States Express Co. or at the Lod^e at eilherend. WILLIAM G. JOHNSON, Manager. Ithaca, March llth 1^72. A DVKlSTISINcl lll:_'Al:T5l UNT. CARRIAGE EEPOSITOBY Edward I. Moore, CORNER OF STATE AND TIOGA STREETS, (Over J.