TURKEY 2,000 Km AND IN Strength of Islamism Turkey The ruling AK Party (AKP) of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a full-blown Islamist party. It is more market-oriented and diplomatically savvy than major Islamist organisations elsewhere, but, domestically, has stayed true to typical Islamist form, imposing strict social mores and curbing individual liberties. The AKP has majorly eroded the secular tradition of Mustafa Ataturk, by, for instance, 1,500 Km lifting the ban on headscarves. It has also curbed basic freedoms: Turkey is now THE MENA REGION the country with the highest number of journalists imprisoned in the world; it has banned websites that it fi nds objectionable and has taken steps to limit public FROM 1ST AUGUST 2013 TO 31ST JANUARY 2014 alcohol consumption. IRANIAN MISSILE RANGE Meanwhile, another Islamist organisation once allied to the AKP - the Gulen movement – is in the midst of a bitter breakup with the ruling party. Between the TUNISIA AKP and the Gulenists, Turkey’s future still remains fi rmly Islamist.

Strength of Islamism Rome Tunisia 1,000 Km In January 2014, the Tunisian National Constituent Assembly (NCA) rejected Istanbul Government: Sharia as the principal source of legislation and voted to guarantee religious Parliamentary Democracy Madrid freedom. Nevertheless, the constitution (2014) establishes Islam as the state (Partly Free) IRAQ religion, and the preamble acknowledges Tunisians’ Arab-Muslim identity. 7 16 0 The Muslim Brotherhood’s party, Ennahda won 37% of the NCA vote in October Ankara $10.7 B 462,000 Strength of Islamism STRENGTH OF ISLAMISM 2011, following years of exile under former President Ben Ali. While there is Iraq 352 In the Iraqi constitution of 2005, Islam is enshrined as the ‘fundamental source support for Ennahda and conservative Salafi st movements, Tunisia also has of legislation’. However, the fractured nature of Iraq’s political system allows for a strong secular tradition and a growing civil society, both of which act as an 43,000 270 M TURKEY secularist and nationalist groups to compete for power alongside Islamists. e ective bulwark against Islamisation. $852 B 3.4% Iraq is blighted by high levels of terrorist attacks by Islamist insurgents, and VERY WEAK MODERATE STRONG VERY Islamism-inspired terrorism has increased since the revolution, with the country’s the strength of both Shia and Sunni Islamist parties in Iraq has also grown WEAK STRONG most prominent Salafi -jihadist group, Ansar al-Sharia, linked to al-Qaeda in the 87% 12% 1% Tabriz signifi cantly in the wake of ’s overthrow. Shia Islamists wield Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Strength of Islamism signifi cant levels of power: for example, the current Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al- Syria 80.7 M 16.9% Prior to the revolution in 2011, Syria was a secular state, and Islamist groups such Maliki, is a member of the Shia Islamist party known as the Islamic Dawa Party. Tunis as the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood and Hizb ut-Tahrir were heavily repressed by 300,948 SQM Government: Republic (Not Free) Algiers the Assad regime. Civil war Mosul Strength of Islamism TUNISIA Aleppo Gibraltar Government: The ongoing civil war has increased greatly the strength of Islamist groups in the Government: Iran Parliamentary Iran is a theocracy and an Islamic Republic, basing its legal code on Sharia law. Republic (Partly Free) country, however, and has resulted in the militarisation of Islamist politics. The $3.52 B (2012) 130,000 295 Iran’s constitution mandates that is the country’s o cial religion, Oran Democracy (Not Free) FORDO: Government: 24 14 143 largest rebel group today (the Islamic Front) is a hard-line Islamist organisation 182,000 2.5 B Not Nuclear and the Iranian establishment is largely governed by religious clerics and senior Constitutional which aims to see Syria become an Islamic state. SYRIA Available 4,913 10,012 Kirkuk Facility clergymen. $769 M + 31,000 N/A N/A% ARAK: Monarchy (Partly Free) FMA (US) Government: In addition to this, the increasing strength of the and al- Tartus Naval Base $16.9 B 198,450 Heavy The ruling regime has implemented its ideological apparatus throughout society, No reported incidents $18 M 24 Russia 74% 13% 10% 3% QOM: Theocratic Republic Government: Sham (ISIS) has meant that some areas in the north and east of Syria are now 3 Water Uranium (Not free) from the media to its educational curriculum. Organised opposition groups in Iran, Republic (Not Free) 66,630 425M MEDITERRANEAN SEA administered under strict Islamic law, something rejected by many other rebel Homs Plant Rabat $3.73 B + 188,000 2 22.5 M 21.1% Enrichment NATANZ: 4 19 0 such as the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), have adopted a form of Islamist FMA (US): groups. 2.94 M 140.3 B Facility ideology. $8 M 92 15 10 17 $49.5 B 4% Uranium 71,498 SQM Enrichment $17.7 B 380,000 Casablanca 124,000 $233 B 9% 5,060 680,000 $10 B 98% 1% 1% Damascus Facility 334 121 60-65% 32-37% 3% Baghdad $107 B 4.5% 3.74 M 157.3 B 10.8M 16.6% Tripoli 1.2 M 12.2 B 31.9 M 19.7% STRAIT OF HORMUZ 99% 1% $429 B -1.25% 63,170 SQM Benghazi ISRAEL The Strait is the world’s most important oil-transit choke-point, with an oil fl ow of $211 B 3.3% Amman JORDAN 168,754 SQM Marrakesh 32.6 M 17.9% Jerusalem 89% 9% 2% approximately 17 million barrels of oil per day. This translates as roughly 35% percent 99% 1% of all seaborne traded oil, or almost 20% of all oil traded worldwide. Iran has repeatedly BUSHEHR: 79.9 M 19.8% 274,461 SQM Nuclear threatened to close the vital oil-trade route, and, in 2012, the Chairman of the Joint 38M 18.1% 1 3 IRAQ Basrah Chiefs, General Martin Dempsey, admitted that Tehran has the naval capabilities to do so. Reactor 636,296 SQM Alexandria An outright closure is a high-impact, low-probability event that would cause historically MOROCCO 919,565 SQM Sinai Peninsula unprecedented disruption to global oil supply. Some experts believe that it is more likely Government: Camp Patriot Government: that Iran would employ low-intensity tactics and operations to threaten and harass tanker Parliamentary Cairo Petra Naval Base tra c, as happened during the Iran-. Democracy (Partly Free, EGYPT Monarchy (Not Free) City Partly Failed) 2 0 0 Even without taking action, Iranian threats raise energy-market tensions and oil prices. 4 KUWAIT Iranian capabilities in the Strait of Hormuz MOROCCO 170 128 109 $59.6 B 106,000 Iran can deploy submarines; coastal cruise missiles; mines; and thousands of small $4.7 B Approx 7,000 Government: 305 IRAN ALGERIA watercraft, to implement its threats. Strength of Islamism 21 Republic (Not Free) THE SUEZ CANAL 9.76 M 266 B • Submarines: Three Russian-made Kilo-class submarines and dozens of mini- Morocco’s constitution (2011) defi nes the country as a Muslim state andMo assertsrocco 189 173 485 1.45 M 48.5 B Approximately 7% of all seaborne traded submarines. The Kilo-class submarines are based outside the Strait, suggesting that that Islam is the state religion. $746 B 4.4% LIBYA $5.3 B + 350,000 oil and 13% of liquefi ed natural gas (LNG) SAUDI they would be used in a confrontation to threaten surface ships in the Gulf of Oman. Islamist political movements that oppose violence and respect the monarchy ALGERIA $96.4 B 20.2% FMA (US): traded worldwide transits through the BAHRAIN $1.3 B 569 78% 11% 4% 7% Naval Support Activity • Coastal Cruise Missiles: The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGC Navy) has have full political participation - most prominent is the Party for Justice and Canal. Over 17,000 vessels passed through Strength of Islamism 97% 3% several batteries of CSS-C-2 “Seersucker” and the Chinese-made C-801 and C-802 Development (PJD), winning 27% of the vote in 2011. Algeria 533,000 4.4 B the Canal in 2012, and oil tankers typically 27 M 19.6% ARABIA Algeria’s constitution (1976) a rms Islam as the state religion and prohibits Al Minhad Air Base anti-ship cruise missiles. Moroccan society has witnessed a rise in radical Islam since the 1980s, and 6 M 18.6% account for 10% of tra c. 2.4 million barrels 5 constitutional reforms that infringe upon that status. $265 B 2% of oil are shipped through the Canal each 756,985 SQM • Mines: Iran possesses as many as 5,000 mines - including moored mines and advanced socio-economic conditions continue to fuel support for Islamist movements that 6 mines such as the MDM-3 that can be dropped by aircraft. operate extensive charitable movements. In 2013, 83% of Moroccans supported Societal support for armed Islamist groups diminished during the civil war (1988- 679,362 SQM 90% 10% day, whilst the SuMed pipeline carries 2.5m QATAR the implementation of Sharia. 1999), as clashes between Islamism-inspired insurgencies and Algerian security barrels (altogether accounting for 5.5% of Doha • Small Boats: The IRGC Navy specialises in asymmetric warfare and has been developing forces claimed 150,000 lives. Support for non-violent Islamism within Algerian 85.3 M 18% world output). Dubai unconventional tactics, such as “swarming”, since the end of the Iran-Iraq war. Despite Morocco’s assertive counterterrorism policies, particularly since the Al Udeid society, however, remains high, and is rooted in the country’s opposition to French Air Base Swarming is the deployment of hundreds of small armed boats, including those with Casablanca bombings in 2003, the country’s numerous Salafi -jihadist groups colonialism and bolstered by poor socio-economic conditions in the 1980s and LIBYA 386,874 SQM Medina Riyadh Al Dhafra cruise missiles, to converge on and attack a target such as an oil tanker or other vessel. pose a signifi cant threat to both Morocco and the West. Abu Dhabi 1990s. Riyadh Air Base and Air Base Strength of Islamism Eskan Village Air Base In 2006, Algeria’s principal armed group, the Salafi st Group for Preaching and Libya Government: Libya’s temporary constitution is based on Sharia law; this is not surprising, Monarchy (Not Free) Combat (GSPC), aligned itself with global jihad and renamed itself al-Qaeda in the 7 since the Islamist parties - and especially the Muslim Brotherhood - have a great UAE Muscat Islamic Maghreb (AQIM); it currently operates throughout the Sahel and remains No recorded incidents infl uence on the political scene. Some of these Islamist groups have become so particularly strong in southern Algeria. powerful that they have refused to become part of the al-Qaeda network, as they EGYPT $9.25 B + 30,000 REGIONAL MILITARY EXPENDITURE FMA (US): would rather act independently under their own emir. Strength of Islamism $8 M 52 Strength of Islamism Furthermore, Ansar al-Sharia and al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) are 920,000 5.5 B Egypt Mecca Islamism remains the primary ideology of Saudi Arabia. The kingdom’s actually controlling large swaths of territory in the south of the country; some The strength of Islamism in Egyptian politics has weakened, as a result of the jurisdiction of Sharia law is stronger than all other Muslim countries and provides SAUDI ARABIA 32.8% $78.8 B territories in the east; and some districts of Benghazi, Syrtre, and Derna. ousting of the Muslim Brotherhood’s President Morsi from power. Egypt’s largest the basis of its legal system. Article 1 of its Basic Law of Governance states that 4.2% Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, has recently been labelled a terrorist OMAN +UAE+QATAR 12.3% ‘God’s Book and the Sunnah of His Prophet’ are the kingdom’s constitution. Saudi 75% 18% 5% 2% organisation by the interim government. A constitution – banning religious Arabia’s religious establishment is deeply involved in politics and infl uences ISRAEL 10.1% political parties - was recently voted through, by the public. However, some almost every aspect of society. 3.2 M 20.2% TERROR GROUPS religious parties such as al-Nour have got round this by denying that they are Saudi Arabia has exported Wahhabi Islamism around the world, through IRAN 9.7% religious parties. 119,500 SQM mosques; Islamic centres; schools; and universities. It also provides fi nancial AQIM ISIL ANF AQAP However, most Egyptians continue to want religion to play a prominent role support to Islamist – largely Salafi st - political opponents of the Muslim IRAQ 9.3% in public life, and for Egypt’s laws to be based on the teachings of the Quran. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) Founded in 1987, the Islamist group Hezbollah is a Shia terrorist movement and The Islamic State of Iraq & the Levant Al-Qaeda’s Syrian a liate, the al-Nusra Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s Brotherhood in countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa. TURKEY 5.9% Furthermore, the newly drafted constitution has retained Islam’s fundamental OMAN is the latest manifestation of previously identifi es itself as the ‘Muslim Brotherhood political party based in Lebanon but with a (ISIL) is an al-Qaeda o shoot that Front (ANF), is one of the most e ective (AQAP) creation was announced in January role in Egypt’s political and legal frameworks, stating that the principles of Sharia established terrorist groups (the Armed in Palestine.’ Its charter calls for an Islamic global reach. Founded in 1982, as a branch operates in Iraq and Syria. ISIL tends to fi ghting forces operating against the 2009, following a merger between are the basis for Egyptian legislation. Islamist militias and terrorist groups are ALGERIA 5.5% Islamic Group and Salafi st Group for state over all of Israel and the Palestinian of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, Hezbollah is be based in the desert and valley areas Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria. al-Qaeda’s Yemeni and Saudi branches. Preaching and Combat) integral to the Territories. Hamas won a majority in dedicated to Israel’s destruction and the of northwest Iraq, using desert caves and AQAP has operated in various remote gaining strength and increasing levels of terrorist activity, particularly in the Sinai YEMEN OMAN The ANF is led by Abu Mohammad al- Peninsula. EGYPT 3.6% in the 1990s. the Palestinians’ fi rst-ever elections in formation of an Islamic government in hills along the Syrian border in Anbar as Golani, a former member of al-Qaeda in parts of Yemen located to the east of YEMEN 2006, in Gaza. Since then Hamas has Lebanon. It has conducted dozens of deadly a retreat. Sana’a. Strength of Islamism BAHRAIN 3.2% The group operates throughout the Sahel Iraq. The ANF has a presence throughout Oman region, although is especially strong in steadily Islamised the Strip, deploying attacks across the world, prompting the ISIL has carried out a frequent string of Syria and has up to 10,000 fi ghters The head of AQAP is Nasir al-Wahayshi, Strength of Islamism Government: Republic (Not Free, Partially Failed) Islam is both the o cial state religion of Oman and the source of legislation, ‘virtue committees’ and cracking down EU to blacklist its so-called “military” wing Yemen according to the country’s constitution. In addition to this, the civil justice system LIBYA 2.6% Mali; Algeria; and - increasingly – Libya. attacks in Iraq, leading to thousands of supporting it. These fi ghters are primarily a former secretary to . The Yemeni constitution states that ‘Sharia is the source of all legislation’, 117 301 362 $39 B 4.4% AQIM has also helped spawn o shoot on dissent. in 2013, while the US and Canada ban the deaths. However, the group was recently Syrian, yet there are also a signifi cant Regarded as the al-Qaeda group most and, while it is due to be rewritten in the near future, this clause is unlikely to Sana’a contains Sharia courts which deal with issues including marriage; divorce; child organisations – such as Ansar al-Din, the entire organisation. disowned by al-Qaeda’s core leadership, number of foreigners – including those operationally capable of striking within $1.81 B + FMA 65,000 64% 36% custody; and inheritance, and which, human-rights groups claim, discriminate MOROCCO 2% signifi cantly change. (US): $20 M Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Hezbollah gained wide support in the Arab after a dispute over its activities in Syria. from the West. the West, it is known as al-Qaeda’s 75 against women. Hamas has killed hundreds of Israelis The main opposition group in Yemeni politics is the Muslim Brotherhood - aligned 25.4 M 21.1% JORDAN + LEBANON 1.6% Africa, and al-Murabitoun. in years of suicide bombings, and is world, for its performance in a month-long ‘operationally active’ franchise. 156,500 3 B Political parties are banned, and the elected Consultative Council has no powers 2006 war with Israel; but its popularity in al-Islah party, a group that also contains Salafi st elements. Al-Islah was a key responsible for thousands of rockets 207,286 SQM other than to recommend changes to decrees issued by the Sultan. As such, the region, however, has declined sharply, force against Saleh at the time of the 2011 uprising and mirrors a strong Islamist YEMEN 1% fi red on southern Israel. The US, Canada, and Salafi st movement in Yemeni society more widely. However, there is little Islamists have little political power. In addition, Oman was the fi rst Gulf state to and EU designate Hamas as terrorist due to its unwavering support of the Syrian central government control outside of Sana’a, and much local law is dictated by approve female su rage, and women can participate in politics. TUNISIA + MAURITANIA 0.4% organisation. government’s three-year crackdown on popular protests. religious tribal groups. Oman is a conservative country, but “un-Islamic” activity is not restricted to the Yemen also su ers from a virulent Islamist insurgency headed up by al-Qaeda in same extent as many of its neighbours. the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). (Analysis excludes Syria and Palestinian Territories, due to insu cient data availability. Figures for Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar are estimates.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ISRAEL Golan LEBANON JORDAN KUWAIT BAHRAIN Naval Support Activity QATAR UAE Heights Strength of Islamism Strength of Islamism Strength of Islamism Strength of Islamism Strength of Islamism Strength of Islamism Government: Strength of Islamism 32 rocket Lebanon Kuwait Bahrain UAE The Islamic Movement in Israel (AKAIsrael the attacks Lebanon is governed by a multi-party The Muslim Brotherhood’s JordanianJordan wing, Kuwait’s constitution declares that ‘the The Bahraini constitution states that the Sharia law is the main source of legislationQuatar Constitutional The Constitution of the United Arab Emirates Government: Camp Patriot Monarchy (Not Free) Islamic Movement in ‘48 Palestine) is the confessional political system in which most the Islamic Action Front (IAF), is the largest religion of the state is Islam and the Sharia Naval Base ‘Sharia is a principal source for legislation’. in Qatar. Even though Qatar is portraying cites Islam as the country’s o cial religion, Al Minhad Air Base Muslim Brotherhood’s Israeli franchise. The Parliamentary parties are secularist, including the main LEBANON opposition group in the Jordanian Parliament. shall be a main source of legislation’. The However, compared with many other Middle Manama itself as a very liberal state, it remains, in No reported incidents Sharia as its main source of legislation, and West Tripoli Government: Movement has two branches: Northern Democracy (Free) Sunni party, Tayyar al-Mustaqbal (“Future”). Still, new government structures have Government: country does not police religious activity such Constitutional East nations where this is the case, Bahrain reality, a very Wahhabi religious conservative its foreign policy as supporting ‘Arab and Bank Constitutional Monarchy BAHRAIN $3.72 B 10,000 (covering the Israeli-Arab Galilee heartland) Tel Aviv 44 7 18 The constitution does not mandate an dropped the IAF’s parliamentary contingent as praying – but, “un-Islamic” activities such Monarchy (Partly Free) has enjoyed relative social freedoms. society. Qatar is also the largest bankroller (2012) Islamic causes.’ The Muslim Brotherhood’s (Not Free) 18 Government: No reported incidents and Southern (Arab towns in central Israel, Jerusalem $15.2 B + 167,000 o cial state religion. Republic (Partly Free) to just 5.5% of seats, down from a peak of No reported incidents as drinking alcohol, sex outside of marriage, The al-Khalifa monarchy’s rule is threatened Government: of Islamist groups, such as the Muslim local branch, al-Islah (“Reform”), has and the Negev Bedouin). The Northern FMA (US): However, both the Shia Islamist organisation 23% a decade ago (the rules require parties homosexuality, and dancing in public are by regular protests. Small Islamist groups Constitutional Brotherhood, and has been known for 733,000 25.2 B spoken out against women’s rights and Government: $3.1 B 440 46 125 1,083 $1.22 B + $4.43 B 13,500 Monarchy (Not Free) Dubai branch is generally deemed more radical, Sderot - Hezbollah - and smaller Sunni-Salafi st to have at least 500 founding members 86,000 either illegal or seen as indecent behaviour. (primarily Shia) also operate, and are funding al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb the presence of churches in the UAE for Federation (Not Free) Amman FMA (US): Kuwait 66 having opposed Israel’s Oslo Accords with Gaza 6,130 11.5 M in fi ve governorates, for example). Most $300 M 85 14 1 13 (AQIM) - especially recently in Mali - among QATAR $189 B 5.2% expatriates, and in favour of an Islamic state. movements have stated desires to $1.22 B + 66,000 Organised political parties are banned in City represented in Bahraini elections. Such No reported incidents the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO). increase Islam’s role in society. Despite FMA (US): parliamentary candidates, even those of Kuwait – but, a bloc of Islamist politicians 2.9 M 101 B groups tend to mix Islamist demands with others. Al-Islah is believed to have at least 20,000 Al Dhafra $254 B 3.6% $75 M 9 160 1 M $1.4 B + 7,500 79% 4% 9% 8% The Movement is avowedly anti-Zionist - but this ostensible commitment to pluralism, Islamist bent, are therefore forced to run as JORDAN exists and is seen as one of the more calls for greater social justice. The Muslim FMA (US): The country also happens to be hosting a Doha adherents, out of a native Emirati population Air Base $9.32 B 48,500 $173 B 1% $10 M 39 Abu Dhabi (2011) its Southern branch participates in the Israeli 76% 17% 2% 5% Hezbollah’s military power and political 0 0 independents. $34.1 B 5.9% infl uential groupings despite frequent Brotherhood are represented by the al-Asala who’s who of Islamist extremists, such as 2 M 13.9% of 1 million. 201 political process (Knesset Member Ibrahim infl uence mean that it is able to exert Despite its seemingly small presence in dissolutions of Parliament. In recent years group, yet do not possess large enough 46,000 120 M Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, and Abassi The theocratic rulers of Iran use Dubai as $43.8 B 2% 60% 26% 9% 5% 2.6 M 97.8 B Sarsur formerly headed the branch). 7.7 M 15.6% signifi cant infl uence over Lebanese society. Parliament, the IAF has considerable clout in 92% 6% 2% this bloc has attempted to increase the role numbers to have any signifi cant infl uence. Madani, leader of the Algerian-based Al Udeid 4,448 SQM their main import-export link to the world, Israel’s Basic Laws, which function as the 28% 28% 22% 12% 10% Jordan – particularly among the Jordanians Petra of Islam in lawmaking, by making Sharia the KUWAIT $28.1 B 4.1% Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), and recently Air Base and al-Qaeda also owns bank accounts 8,550 SQM For now, Lebanese society remains largely 6.5 M 19.8% 2.7 M 15.4% Since the 2011 uprising, and the repression UAE $369 B 1.6% country’s de facto constitution, defi ne Israel ISRAEL secular and una ected by Islamism, though of Palestinian origin who comprise two- sole source of legislation, and introducing the that followed, some of these Islamist groups 29% 55% 7.5% 8.5% it has welcomed and is paying handsomely in the city. While the UAE has long been 4.1 M 17.5% 6,880 SQM as a Jewish state, but also protect freedom some areas of the country are more religious thirds of the population. The IAF opposes 34,495 SQM death penalty for blasphemy. have begun to call for the overthrow of the the main fi gures of the Egyptian Muslim viewed as immune to the threat of terrorism, 89% 9% 2% of all religion for all faiths. Israel has state- relations with Israel and supports Hamas 1.3 M 15.9% Brotherhood who were able to escape after authorities there broke up an al-Qaeda than others, including districts of Tripoli and 4,036 SQM These calls have been vetoed by the Emir monarchy. 5.5 M 13.8% sanctioned Jewish (halakha) and Islamic the Bekaa Valley. (the Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch) – but, on several occasions, however, highlighting the ousting of President Morsi. ring last year, and UK authorities warn that 277 SQM (Sharia) courts, in which observant members unlike Islamist groups in most other Arab an executive check on the power of these the country represents a ‘high threat’ for 30,000 SQM of either faith may settle issues such as states, it publicly backs Jordan’s Western- Islamist groups - which reduces their terrorism. marriage and inheritance. oriented monarchy. strength.

Sources used: Association of Religion Data Archives, CIA World Factbook, Freedom House, IISS Military Balance 2014, National Geographic, OPEC Annual Statistical Bulletin 2013, United Nations, US Energy Information Administration