15th July 2009

If you would like to know more about any items in this newsletter please contact the officer shown ( address is the name shown with a stop between followed by or access the links via the County Council’s website. Significant decisions to be taken in the next four months are included in a Forward Plan of key decisions. If you would like to be put on the mailing list for daily decisions or for the Forward Plan, please contact Alison Crabb on 01243 777200 or alison.crabb.

Decisions Published in the Past Week

The following proposed decisions have been published during the past week and will come into effect at the end of the call-in period unless the call-in procedure is activated

Call-in Decision-Maker No. Proposal Officer Deadline Contact

17/07/09 South Chichester SC1(09/10) Community Initiative Funding Shelagh Clark County Local SC2(09/10) Appointment of Local Authority 01243 752723

Committee Governors

SC3(09/10) Appointments to Outside Bodies SC4(09/10) Priorities for Traffic Regulation Orders

20/07/09 Leader LDR3(09/10) With You, For You - A Strategy for West Alison Crabb Sussex 2009 - 2013 01243 777200

20/07/09 South Mid Sussex SMS1(09/10) Community Initiative Funding Suzanne T Thompson County Local Committee 01243 752722

21/07/09 East County EC1(09/10) Crawley: Three Bridges - Various Roads, Robin Davison

Local Committee Proposals to introduce Residents’ Parking 01243 752724

Controls and review existing Waiting


EC2(09/10) Priorities for Traffic Regulation Orders EC3(09/10) Community Initiative Fund EC4(09/10) Local Authority School Governors

21/07/09 Cabinet Member for EE2(09/10) West Sussex - ‘Ahead of the Game’ Plan Vicky Wheatley Environment and for the 2012 Games 01243 777290 Economy

22/07/09 Leader LDR4(09/10) Corporate Plan 2008/09 - Annual Alison Crabb Performance Review Report 01243 777200


Issue No.6 Members’ Information Service ______

Decisions Confirmed

The following decisions have been confirmed in the last week

Decision-Maker No. Decision Officer Contact

Cabinet Member for FR1(09/10) County Hall North Accommodation Project Helena Graham Finance and FR2(09/10) Ifield Crawley - Proposed Disposal of Land for the 01243 777233 Resources Construction of a Medical Centre

Cabinet Member for SPT1(09/10) Partial Review of Regional Spatial Strategy: Vicky Wheatley Strategic Planning Consultation on Primary Land-Won Aggregates and 01243 777290 and Transport Sub-Regional Apportionment

Adur County Local A1(09/10) Designation of Consent Streets for Street Trading Matthew Evans Committee A2(09/10) Appointments to Outside Bodies 01243 752725 A3(09/10) Adur Community Initiative Funding

Joint Western Arun WA1(09/10) Appointment of Local Authority School Governor Monique Smart Area Committee WA2(09/10) Priorities for Traffic Regulation 01243 752730 WA3(09/10) Community Initiative Funding

WA4(09/10) Appointments to Outside Bodies

Committee News - Committee Meetings

Electoral Item Subject Committee Division Officer

Pensions Panel (22 July) Rosemary Burfoot (01243 777859)

All 3 Annual Report of the Pension Fund for the year ended 31st March 2009

The Panel will be asked to agree the draft annual report of the fund for the year ended 31st March 2009.

The following items, containing exempt information under Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as indicated, will be dealt with in the absence of the public and the press

All 6 Fund Management: Custody Services Procurement Exercise

The Panel will be asked to consider a paper by the Director Finance.

Exempt: paragraph 3, Financial or business affairs of any person (including the authority)


2 15th July 2009 Members’ Information Service Issue No.6 ______

Electoral Item Subject Committee Division Officer

All 7 Custodian Benchmarking

The Panel will be asked to consider a paper by the Director Finance.

Exempt: paragraph 3, Financial or business affairs of any person (including the authority)

All 8 Global Equity Trading Cost Analysis

The Panel will be asked to consider a paper by the Director Finance.

Exempt: paragraph 3, Financial or business affairs of any person (including the authority)

All 9 Funding Strategy Statement Annual Review

The Panel will be asked to consider a paper by the Director Finance.

Exempt: paragraph 3, Financial or business affairs of any person (including the authority)

All 10 Governance Policy Statement/Compliance Statement Annual Review

The Panel will be asked to consider a paper by the Director Finance.

Exempt: paragraph 3, Financial or business affairs of any person (including the authority) ______

Planning Committee (28 July) Rosemary Pugh (01243 752702)

Please note that the Chairman of the Planning Committee has agreed to the cancellation of the meeting of the Planning Committee diaried to be held on 28th July 2009 due to lack of business. ______


County Council Press Releases up to July 10

06/07/2009 - Have your say in North Horsham (PR2989) 06/07/2009 - Steyning puffin crossing top of the agenda for CLC (PR2990) 06/07/2009 - ‘Go4it’ boost for after school activities (PR2991) 06/07/2009 - Music Service gets top accolade (PR2992) 06/07/2009 - Consider a career in childcare at Chichester venue on July 25 (PR2993) 06/07/2009 - How women can turn creative flair into a business opportunity (PR2994) 07/07/2009 - Advice for all at Carers Open Day (PR2995) 07/07/2009 - How can adult learning help you? (PR2996) 07/07/2009 - Adur street trading ban gets Local Committee (PR2997)


15th July 2009 3 Issue No.6 Members’ Information Service ______

07/07/2009 - Young pirates scoop treasure trove from Local Committee (PR2998) 07/07/2009 - Stay safe in a heatwave (PR2999) 07/07/2009 - Keeping West Sussex Working by buying local (PR3000) 07/07/2009 - Launching London 2012 Open Weekend (PR3001) 07/07/2009 - Quest for another great Summer Reading Challenge (PR3002) 07/07/2009 - Gluten has had its chips! (PR3003) 07/07/2009 - Free early years provision extending from September (PR3004) 07/07/2009 - Young people strike in West Sussex (PR3005) 08/07/2009 - County Council Leader’s fears over station improvement plan (PR3006) 08/07/2009 - Going green to make a difference (PR3007) 08/07/2009 - Save a life on the roads this summer (PR3008) 08/07/2009 - Working overnight in Three Bridges this month (PR3009) 08/07/2009 - Flood risks on agenda for Joint Eastern Arun Area Committee meeting (PR3010) 08/07/2009 - Author Maureen Emerson visits Haywards Heath Library (PR3011) 08/07/2009 - Road safety scheme for A272 (PR3012) 09/07/2009 - Goring retailer prosecuted for unsafe and counterfeit mobile phones (PR3013) 09/07/2009 - Brush up on your IT skills with ‘Keep West Sussex Working’ (PR3014) 10/07/2009 - Historic agreement will give Harbour greater protection (PR3015) 10/07/2009 - School masterchef tastes success (PR3016) 10/07/2009 - Why Kim’s just Wilde about revolutionary recycling plant (PR3017) 10/07/2009 - Use this directory to find local traders you can trust (PR3018) 10/07/2009 - Community cash boost for top 10 (PR3019) 10/07/2009 - Local Committee to discuss Worthing Controlled Parking Zone changes (PR3020) 10/07/2009 - Council Birdman cash bid to be discussed by Local Committee (PR3021) 10/07/2009 - Wanted: people to play a key role in Worthing (PR3022) 10/07/2009 - Broaden your horizons while saving money with Adult Learning (PR3023)

Radio interviews

Beverly Knight, Hate Reduction Co-ordinator, on Bright/Splash, Mercury, Wave and talking about new service to tackle hate crimes in West Sussex Henry Smith interviewed by Bright FM, re plea for money to upgrade Gatwick Station Clare Cutler-Casey from Women’s Wisdom organisation interviewed by Mercury FM about new free courses for women Dave Johnson, County Council Driver Behavioural Training Manager, in a three-way Radio Sussex debate about should older drivers be compulsorily tested with AA and agony aunt Denise Robertson

Audio Releases

Broaden your horizons while saving money with Adult Learning Goring shop boss in court for fake phones


4 15th July 2009 Members’ Information Service Issue No.6 ______

Local issues are child’s play at South Chichester County Local Committee Save a life this summer Quest for young readers Have your say in North Horsham


Launching London 2012 open weekend - podcast with Carolyn Carr, County Council Olympics organiser

Radio Interviews

Henry Smith interviewed by Bright FM re plea for money to upgrade Gatwick Station Clare Cutler-Casey from Women's Wisdom organisation interviewed by Mercury FM about new free courses for women Dave Johnson, County Council Driver Behavioural Training Manager took part from County studio in a three-way Radio Sussex debate with AA and agony aunt Denise Robertson. Topic was should older drivers be compulsorily re-tested.

County Council Videos

Your Chance to Dance - behind the scenes with the West Sussex Youth Dance Company. Kim Adsett follows their steps on the road to success. Fit Enough to Fit the Bill? What does it take to become a West Sussex firefighter? Reporter Caroline Kingsmill went to a pre-recruitment day to find out. All viewable at:

For further information on or copies of the press releases listed please contact Alana Sinnen or Laura Waller in the Communications Unit on (01243) 753808 or 382090) or alana.sinnen or laura.waller ______

Planning Applications validated in the week ending 10/07/09

COUNTY MATTER MINERALS AND WASTE PLANNING APPLICATIONS Applications submitted under the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 and the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995

Application No Date Committee/ Local Applicant Proposal/Location Registered Delegated Member Grid Ref

WSCC/048/09/T Phased restoration of the Laybrook 09/07/09 Committee Mrs Arculus Corey Brickworks Quarry by stockpiling Environmental, extracted clay and progressively


15th July 2009 5 Issue No.6 Members’ Information Service ______

Application No Date Committee/ Local Applicant Proposal/Location Registered Delegated Member Grid Ref Ibstock Brick Ltd and infilling the site with non-inert waste Ibstock Brick for restoration to a mix of Hudsons Ltd agriculture, woodland and wetland GR: 511554 118874 uses with a nature conservation bias. At Laybrook Brickworks Quarry, Goose Green Lane, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 2LW

COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSALS (REGULATION 3, 4 and 13) Applications submitted under the Town & Country Planning General Regulations 1992

Application No Date Committee/ Local Applicant Proposal/Location Registered Delegated Member Grid Ref

WSCC/046/09/WB The continued siting and use of a 07/07/09 Delegated Mrs Richards Executive Director temporary classroom unit. At Adults and Children Chesswood Middle School, GR: 515427 103546 Chesswood Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 2AA

WSCC/045/09/HU Existing window to be removed at 08/07/09 Delegated Dr Dennis Executive Director first floor to allow for new plant Business Services room requiring louvered grill. At GR: 517466 130758 West Sussex County Council, County Hall North, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1XA

WSCC/047/09/CC Proposed extension of Chichester 08/07/09 Delegated Mr A R H Smith Executive Director Nursery and the adjacent Early Adults and Children Childhood Services Building. GR: 487124 105019 Proposed erection of prefabricated ‘out of school learning accommodation’. At Chichester Nursery School and Children’s Centre, St James Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 7AB

Comments on any of the above planning applications should be made by 27/07/09 to Derek Kingaby, County Development on (01243) 777674


6 15th July 2009 Members’ Information Service Issue No.6 ______


The attached report (pdf file) contains all the planning applications received by the Local Development Division from the seven borough and district councils over the past week where comments on highways, ecology, landscaping, archeology and/or architecture have been requested. An Excel spreadsheet of this report is also available on request via the following email address: [email protected]. If you have any further questions or would like to enquire about an application that does not appear on the list or one on which you would like to be updated, please contact Andrew Howick on (01243) 777251.

Please note: there were three applications identified as Formal Strategic consultations:

WI/2475/09 (Chichester District Council) Lead Officer: Ian Gledhill (01243) 756767 WP/1884/09 (Mid Sussex District Council) Lead Officer: Ian Gledhill (01243) 756767 HA/2026/09 (Mid Sussex District Council) Lead Officer: Tony Martin (01243) 777921 ______

Information Digest

Cabinet Member Officer Contact

Strategic Planning and Transport Vicky Wheatley (01243 777290)

9th July 2009 - Green Infrastructure Plan published - The Green Infrastructure Framework for the South East has been published jointly by organisations such as the Environment Agency, the Government Office for the South East and the Partnership Board. The document is designed as an aid for local authorities and planners in protecting and improving greenspaces for the future. Further information can be found at gose/news/835986/.

For further information about the Members’ Information Service please contact Clare Jones on 01243 752704 or clare.jones


15th July 2009 7