
Table 4. -quality criteria, standards, or recommended limits for selected properties and constituents [All standards are from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1994a) unless noted. MCL, Maximum Contaminant Level; SMCL, Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level; USEPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; mg/L, milligrams per liter; µS/cm, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; µg/L, micrograms per liter; pCi/L, picocuries per liter; --, no limit established]

Constituent Standard Significance or property

Specific conductance -- A measure of the ability of water to conduct an electrical current; varies with temperature. Magnitude depends on concentration, kind, and degree of ionization of dissolved constit- uents; can be used to determine the approximate concentration of dissolved . Values are reported in microsiemens per centimeter at 25°Celsius. pH 6.5-8.5 units A measure of the hydrogen concentration; pH of 7.0 indicates a neutral solution, pH SMCL values smaller than 7.0 indicate acidity, pH values larger than 7.0 indicate . Water generally becomes more corrosive with decreasing pH; however, excessively alkaline water also may be corrosive.

Temperature -- Affects the usefulness of water for many purposes. Generally, users prefer water of uni- formly low temperature. Temperature of ground water tends to increase with increasing depth to the aquifer.

Dissolved -- Required by higher forms of aquatic life for survival. Measurements of dissolved oxygen are used widely in evaluations of the biochemistry of streams and lakes. Oxygen is sup- plied to ground water through recharge and by movement of air through unsaturated material above the water table (Hem, 1985).

Carbon dioxide -- Important in reactions that control the pH of natural .

Hardness and noncar- -- Related to the soap-consuming characteristics of water; results in formation of scum when bonate hardness (as soap is added. May cause of scale in boilers, water heaters, and pipes. Hard- mg/L CaCO3) ness contributed by and , and species in water is called carbonate hardness; hardness in excess of this concentration is called noncarbonate hardness. Water that has a hardness less than 61 mg/L is considered soft; 61-120 mg/L, moderately hard; 121-180 mg/L, hard; and more than 180 mg/L, very hard (Heath, 1983).

Alkalinity -- A measure of the capacity of unfiltered water to neutralize . In almost all natural waters alkalinity is produced by the dissolved species, bicarbonate and carbon- ate. Typically expressed as mg/L CaCO3. Dissolved solids 500 mg/L The total of all dissolved mineral constituents, usually expressed in milligrams per liter. The SMCL concentration of dissolved solids may affect the taste of water. Water that contains more than 1,000 mg/L is unsuitable for many industrial uses. Some dissolved mineral matter is desirable, otherwise the water would have no taste. The dissolved solids concentration commonly is called the water’s and is classified as follows: fresh, 0-1,000 mg/L; slightly saline, 1,000-3,000 mg/L; moderately saline, 3,000-10,000 mg/L; very saline, 10,000-35,000 mg/L; and briny, more than 35,000 mg/L (Heath, 1983).

Calcium plus magne- -- Cause most of the hardness and scale-forming (see hardness). sium

Sodium plus potassium -- Large concentrations may limit use of water for irrigation and industrial use and, in combi- nation with chloride, give water a salty taste. Abnormally large concentrations may indi- cate natural brines, industrial brines, or sewage.

Sodium-adsorption ratio -- A ratio used to express the relative activity of sodium in exchange reactions with . (SAR) Important in irrigation water; the greater the SAR, the less suitable the water for irriga- tion.

Bicarbonate -- In combination with calcium and magnesium forms carbonate hardness.

46 Hydrology of the Black Hills Area, South Dakota Table 4. Water-quality criteria, standards, or recommended limits for selected properties and constituents–Continued [All standards are from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1994a) unless noted. MCL, Maximum Contaminant Level; SMCL, Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level; USEPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; mg/L, milligrams per liter; µS/cm, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; µg/L, micrograms per liter; pCi/L, picocuries per liter; --, no limit established]

Constituent Standard Significance or property

Sulfate 250 mg/L Sulfates of calcium and magnesium form hard scale. Large concentrations of sulfate have a SMCL laxative effect on some people and, in combination with other ions, give water a bitter taste.

Chloride 250 mg/L Large concentrations increase the corrosiveness of water and, in combination with sodium, SMCL give water a salty taste.

Fluoride 4.0 mg/L Reduces incidence of tooth decay when optimum fluoride concentrations present in water MCL consumed by children during the period of tooth . Potential health effects of 2.0 mg/L long-term exposure to elevated fluoride concentrations include dental and skeletal fluo- SMCL rosis (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994b).

Nitrite (mg/L as N) 1.0 mg/L Commonly formed as an intermediate product in bacterially mediated nitrification and den- MCL itrification of ammonia and other organic nitrogen compounds. An acute health concern at certain levels of exposure. Nitrite typically occurs in water from fertilizers and is found in sewage and wastes from humans and farm animals. Concentrations greater than 1.0 mg/L, as nitrogen, may be injurious to pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

Nitrite plus nitrate 10 mg/L Concentrations greater than local background levels may indicate pollution by feedlot run- (mg/L as N) MCL off, sewage, or fertilizers. Concentrations greater than 10 mg/L, as nitrogen, may be injurious to pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

Ammonia -- Plant nutrient that can cause unwanted algal blooms and excessive plant growth when present at elevated levels in water bodies. Sources include decomposition of animal and plant proteins, agricultural and urban runoff, and effluent from waste-water treatment plants.

Phosphorus, orthophos- -- Dense algal blooms or rapid plant growth can occur in waters rich in phosphorus. A limiting phate nutrient for eutrophication since it is typically in shortest supply. Sources are human and animal wastes and fertilizers.

Arsenic 110 µg/L No known necessary role in human or animal diet, but is toxic. A cumulative poison that is MCL slowly excreted. Can cause nasal ulcers; damage to the kidneys, liver, and intestinal walls; and death. Recently suspected to be a carcinogen (Garold Carlson, U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency, written commun., 1998).

Barium 2,000 µg/L Toxic; used in rat poison. In moderate to large concentrations can cause death; smaller con- MCL centrations can cause damage to the heart, blood vessels, and nerves.

Boron -- Essential to plant growth, but may be toxic to crops when present in excessive concentra- tions in irrigation water. Sensitive plants show damage when irrigation water contains more than 670 µg/L and even tolerant plants may be damaged when boron exceeds 2,000 µg/L. The recommended limit is 750 µg/L for long-term irrigation on sensitive crops (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986).

Cadmium 5 µg/L A cumulative poison; very toxic. Not known to be either biologically essential or beneficial. MCL Believed to promote renal arterial hypertension. Elevated concentrations may cause liver and kidney damage, or even anemia, retarded growth, and death.

Copper 1,300 µg/L Essential to metabolism; deficiency in infants and young animals results in nutri- (action level) tional anemia. Large concentrations of copper are toxic and may cause liver damage. Moderate levels of copper (near the action level) can cause gastro-intestinal distress. If more than 10 percent of samples at the tap of a public water system exceed 1,300 µg/L, the USEPA requires treatment to control corrosion of plumbing materials in the system.

Ground-Water Characteristics 47 Table 4. Water-quality criteria, standards, or recommended limits for selected properties and constituents–Continued [All standards are from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1994a) unless noted. MCL, Maximum Contaminant Level; SMCL, Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level; USEPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; mg/L, milligrams per liter; µS/cm, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; µg/L, micrograms per liter; pCi/L, picocuries per liter; --, no limit established]

Constituent Standard Significance or property

Iron 300 µg/L Forms rust-colored sediment; stains laundry, utensils, and fixtures reddish brown. Objec- SMCL tionable for food and beverage processing. Can promote growth of certain kinds of bacteria that clog pipes and well openings.

Lead 15 µg/L A cumulative poison; toxic in small concentrations. Can cause lethargy, loss of appetite, (action level) constipation, anemia, abdominal pain, gradual paralysis in the muscles, and death. If 1 in 10 samples of a public supply exceed 15 µg/L, the USEPA recommends treatment to remove and monitoring of the water supply for lead content (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1991).

Lithium -- Reported as probably beneficial in small concentrations (250-1,250 µg/L). Reportedly may help strengthen the and improve resistance to genetic damage and to disease. Lithium are used to treat certain types of psychosis.

Manganese 50 µg/L Causes gray or black stains on porcelain, enamel, and fabrics. Can promote growth of cer- SMCL tain kinds of bacteria that clog pipes and wells.

Mercury (inorganic) 2 µg/L No known essential or beneficial role in human or animal nutrition. Liquid metallic mer- MCL cury and elemental mercury dissolved in water are comparatively nontoxic, but some mercury compounds, such as mercuric chloride and alkyl mercury, are very toxic. Elemental mercury is readily alkylated, particularly to methyl mercury, and concentrated by biological activity. Potential health effects of exposure to some mercury compounds in water include severe kidney and nervous system disorders (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994b).

Nickel -- Very toxic to some plants and animals. Toxicity for humans is believed to be very minimal.

Selenium 50 µg/L Essential to human and animal nutrition in minute concentrations, but even a moderate MCL excess may be harmful or potentially toxic if ingested for a long time (Callahan and others, 1979). Potential human health effects of exposure to elevated selenium concentra- tions include liver damage (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994b).

Silver 100 µg/L Causes permanent bluish darkening of the eyes and skin (argyria). Where found in water is SMCL almost always from pollution or by intentional addition. salts are used in some countries to sterilize water supplies. Toxic in large concentrations.

Strontium -- Importance in human and animal nutrition is not known, but believed to be essential. Toxic- ity believed very minimal—no more than that of calcium.

Zinc 5,000 µg/L Essential and beneficial in metabolism; its deficiency in young children or animals will SMCL retard growth and may decrease general body resistance to disease. Seems to have no ill effects even in fairly large concentrations (20,000-40,000 mg/L), but can impart a metal- lic taste or milky appearance to water. Zinc in drinking water commonly is derived from galvanized coatings of piping.

Gross alpha-particle 15 pCi/L The measure of alpha-particle radiation present in a sample. A limit is placed on gross activity MCL alpha-particle activity because it is impractical at the present time to identify all alpha- particle-emitting radionuclides due to analytical costs. Gross alpha-particle activity is a radiological hazard. The 15 pCi/L standard also includes radium-226, a known carcino- gen, but excludes any uranium or radon that may be present in the sample. -230 radiation contributes to gross alpha-particle activity.

Beta-particle and 4 millirem/yr The measure of beta-particle radiation present in a sample. Gross beta-particle activity is a photon activity MCL radiological hazard. See strontium-90 and tritium. (formerly manmade (under review) radionuclides)

48 Hydrology of the Black Hills Area, South Dakota Table 4. Water-quality criteria, standards, or recommended limits for selected properties and constituents–Continued [All standards are from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1994a) unless noted. MCL, Maximum Contaminant Level; SMCL, Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level; USEPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; mg/L, milligrams per liter; µS/cm, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; µg/L, micrograms per liter; pCi/L, picocuries per liter; --, no limit established]

Constituent Standard Significance or property

Radium-226 & 228 5 pCi/L Radium locates primarily in bone; however, inhalation or ingestion may result in lung combined MCL cancer. Radium-226 is a highly radioactive alkaline-earth metal that emits alpha-particle radiation. It is the longest lived of the four naturally occurring isotopes of radium and is a disintegration product of uranium-238. Concentrations of radium in most natural waters are usually less than 1.0 pCi/L (Hem, 1985).

Radon2 300 or 4,000 Inhaled radon is known to cause lung cancer (MCL for radon in indoor air is 4 pCi/L). pCi/L Ingested radon also is believed to cause cancer. A radon concentration of 1,000 pCi/L in proposed MCL water is approximately equal to 1 pCi/L in air. The ultimate source of radon is the radio- active decay of uranium. Radon-222 has a half-life of 3.8 days and is the only radon iso- tope of importance in the environment (Hem, 1985).

Strontium-90 Gross beta- Strontium-90 is one of 12 unstable isotopes of strontium known to exist. It is a product of (contributes to beta- particle activity nuclear fallout and is known to cause adverse human health affects. Strontium-90 is a particle and photon (4 millirem/yr) bone seeker and a relatively long-lived beta emitter with a half-life of 28 years. The activity) MCL USEPA has calculated that an average annual concentration of 8 pCi/L will produce a total body or organ dose of 4 millirem/yr (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1997).

Thorium-230 15 pCi/L Thorium-230 is a product of natural radioactive decay when uranium-234 emits alpha- (contributes to gross MCL particle radiation. Thorium-230 also is a radiological hazard because it is part of the alpha-particle uranium-238 decay series and emits alpha-particle radiation through its own natural activity) decay to become radium-226. The half-life of thorium-230 is about 80,000 years.

Tritium (3H) Gross beta- Tritium occurs naturally in small amounts in the atmosphere, but largely is the product of (contributes to beta- particle activity nuclear weapons testing. Tritium can be incorporated into water molecules that reach the particle and photon (4 millirem/yr) Earth’s surface as precipitation. Tritium emits low energy beta particles and is relatively activity) MCL short-lived with a half-life of about 12.4 years. The USEPA has calculated that a concen- tration of 20,000 pCi/L will produce a total body or organ dose of 4 millirem/yr (CFR 40 Subpart B 141.16, revised July 1997, p. 296).

Uranium 30 µg/L Uranium is a chemical and radiological hazard and carcinogen. It emits alpha-particle radi- MCL ation through natural decay. It is a hard, heavy, malleable metal that can be present in (under review) several oxidation states. Generally, the more oxidized states are more soluble. Uranium- 238 and uranium-235, which occur naturally, account for most of the radioactivity in water. Uranium concentrations range between 0.1 and 10 µg/L in most natural waters.

1USEPA currently is implementing a revised MCL for arsenic from 50 to 10 µg/L; public-water systems must meet the revised MCL by January 2006 (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2001). 2USEPA currently is working to set an MCL for radon in water. The proposed standards are 4,000 pCi/L for States that have an active indoor air pro- gram and 300 pCi/L for States that do not have an active indoor air program (Garold Carlson, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, oral commun., 1999). At this time, it is not known whether South Dakota will participate in an active indoor air program (Darron Busch, South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources, oral commun., 1999).

Ground-Water Characteristics 49 General Characteristics for Major Aquifers Geologic units that contain little carbonate material, such as the Precambrian rocks, generally con- A summary of water-quality characteristics from tain water with lower carbonate hardness and alkalinity Williamson and Carter (2001) for the major aquifers in than geologic units that are composed primarily of car- the study area (Deadwood, Madison, Minnelusa, bonate rocks. Water in the Madison, Minnelusa, and Minnekahta, and Inyan Kara aquifers) is presented in Minnekahta aquifers generally is hard to very hard this section. Characteristics for the Precambrian because these units consist primarily of carbonate aquifer also are included in this section because rocks. Water in the Deadwood aquifer also is hard to numerous wells are completed in this aquifer in the very hard because this unit consists primarily of - crystalline core of the Black Hills. stone with a calcium carbonate . The Inyan Kara Most pH values for the major aquifers are within aquifer may yield soft water, with hardness generally the specified range for the SMCL (6.5 to 8.5 standard decreasing with increasing distance from the outcrop units). About 13 percent of the samples from wells (fig. 33). Although concentrations of dissolved solids completed in Precambrian rocks had pH values less in the Inyan Kara aquifer actually increase with than the lower limit specified for the SMCL, which increasing distance from the outcrop, hardness indicates acidity. In general, pH values are lower in decreases because calcium and bicarbonate are wells completed in Precambrian rocks than in the other replaced by sodium and sulfate as water moves down- major aquifers, which is indicative of a unit containing gradient. little carbonate material. In the Black Hills area, water from the major Water temperatures generally increase with well aquifers generally is low in dissolved solids in and near depth. The deepest wells in the study area are com- outcrop areas. The Madison, Minnelusa, and Inyan pleted in the Madison aquifer; thus, measured temper- Kara aquifers may yield slightly saline water (dis- atures in the Madison aquifer generally are the warmest solved solids concentrations between 1,000 and of the major aquifers. The Madison aquifer is the 3,000 mg/L) at distance from the outcrops, especially primary source of water to warm artesian springs in the in the southern Black Hills. The water in these aquifers southern Black Hills, where water temperatures may be generally is highly mineralized outside of the Black influenced by factors other than aquifer depth (Whalen, Hills area, as previously described and shown in 1994). figure 17 for aquifers in the Paleozoic units. Williamson and Carter (2001) quantified rela- Many of the major aquifers yield a calcium tions between dissolved solids and specific conduc- bicarbonate type water in and near outcrop areas, with tance concentrations for the major aquifers. The r2 concentrations of sodium, chloride, and sulfate (coefficient of determination) values are high for all of increasing with distance from outcrops. High concen- the major aquifers (fig. 31); thus, the equations pro- trations of sodium, chloride, and sulfate occur in the Madison aquifer (fig. 34) in the southwestern part of vided could be used confidently for estimating dis- the study area relative to the rest of the study area. solved solids concentrations from specific conductance These high concentrations could be due to long resi- measurements. dence times, long flowpaths associated with regional Specific conductance generally is low in water flow from the west (Wyoming), or greater amounts of from the Precambrian, Deadwood, and Minnekahta evaporite , such as anhydrite and , aquifers. Dissolved constituents tend to increase with available for dissolution (Naus and others, 2001). In the residence time as indicated by the general increase in southern part of the study area, the common-ion chem- specific conductance in the Madison aquifer with dis- istry of the water in the Minnelusa aquifer also is char- tance from the outcrop (fig. 32). Generally, water from acterized by higher concentrations of sodium and the Inyan Kara aquifer is high in specific conductance chloride (fig. 35). The high chloride concentrations in even in some outcrop areas and is higher in specific this area could reflect hydraulic connection between conductance than the other major aquifers due to the Madison and Minnelusa aquifers (Naus and others, greater amounts of shale within the Inyan Kara Group. 2001). The dissolution of evaporite minerals and long Water obtained from shales may contain rather high residence time also are possible explanations for the concentrations of dissolved solids (Hem, 1985) and, occurrence of this water type in the Minnelusa aquifer hence, high specific conductance. (Naus and others, 2001).

50 Hydrology of the Black Hills Area, South Dakota Precambrian aquifer Deadwood aquifer 800 500 S = 0.6151K - 14.42 S = 0.5792K - 1.93 r2 = 0.91 r2 = 0.97 N = 39 400 N = 33 600




200 100

0 0 0500 1,000 1,500 0200 400 600 800 1,000

Madison aquifer Minnelusa aquifer 2,000 4,000

S = 0.6091K - 3.73 S = 1.0070K - 215.09 r2 = 0.98 r2 = 0.98 N = 91 N = 159 1,500 3,000

1,000 2,000

500 1,000

0 0 01,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 01,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 DISSOLVED SOLIDS (S), IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER DISSOLVED Minnekahta aquifer Inyan Kara aquifer 2,500 4,000

S = 0.8860K - 177.62 S = 0.7842K - 98.49 r2 = 0.99 r2 = 0.95 2,000 N = 25 N = 85 3,000




1,000 500


Figure 31. Relations between dissolved solids and specific conductance for the major aquifers.

Ground-Water Characteristics 51 o 104o 45' 103 30' EXPLANATION Indian Horse OUTCROP OF MADISON - o Belle Fourche 44 45' Reservoir Cr STONE (from Strobel and Owl Newell BELLE Creek Creek others, 1999) Nisland F MADISON ABSENT BELLE FOURCHE O UR CHE (from Carter and Redden, Hay Creek R 1999d) E BUTTE CO Vale I V ER R MEADE CO REDWAT LAWRENCE CO SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE OF Cox Saint Creek SAMPLE, IN MICROSIEMENS Lake Crow Onge PER CENTIMETER AT 25 Creek reek C DEGREES CELSIUS--Circle 30' Gulch Spearfish Whitewood size increases with increasing Gulch

Bottom concentrations Creek e ls Bear a Creek F Less than 500 Whitewood Butte Higgins Cr Creek Squ STURGIS Spearfish a Central Tinton w Cr City li 500 to 1,000 Cr ka o ood DEADWOOD l Cr w A 15' 103 ad Beaver Cr e D Cr Lead Bear 1,000 to 1,500 h nnie Cr s A erry i trawb f S r Cr Creek Tilford a e Whitetail p Elk Greater than 1,500 S

Little Creek Roubaix ek Creek N Elk re Elk

Little . C 15' h F Boxelder fis o r r Piedmont a k e R Ellsworth p a S Air Force S. Fork Rapid Cr p i d Nemo Base

C Creek r Blackhawk Cold S pri C ng ree s k Box Elder k For Rochford s adN o . For Rapid h k Ca R stle RAPID CITY Castle Cr Bea ve Rapid r k Pactola Creek C C ree r C e re Reservoir e e Creek

k k Castle V Deerfield ictoria Creek S. Fork Reservoir Spring o r

44 C l e Cast Rockerville Sheridan Creek Creek Lake Hill City Mt. Rushmore National Keystone Memorial yon an Spring Harney Hayward LIMESTONE PLATEAU C n Peak o x

y n PENNINGTON CO n Battle

a o p Hermosa y S ok C a n CUSTER CO ne a Creek Creek s C le o Grace Bear B French Creek CUSTER Gulch e Redbird Gillette idg Creek Cool 45' Jewel CUSTER National

Monument Beaver STATE French Fairburn


Canyon Creek gh Hi la Lame Canyon n Creek d Pringle Wind Cave National Park


Wind Johnny

Cave SOUTH DAKOTA SOUTH Dewey Beaver Red Creek Buffalo Gap RIVER 30' Hell Creek

FALL RIVER CO H on ot roo y B k Can HOT SPRINGS Minnekahta Fall Oral R


Cascade Springs Edgemont Horsehead Angostura o Creek Reservoir Creek 43 15' d oo w n o tt o Igloo Creek C Provo

Hat 01020MILES Base modified from U.S. Geological Survey digital data, 1:100,000, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985 Rapid City, Office of City Engineer map, 1:18,000, 1996 01020KILOMETERS Universal Transverse Mercator projection, zone 13

Figure 32. Distribution of specific conductance in the Madison aquifer (modified from Williamson and Carter, 2001).

52 Hydrology of the Black Hills Area, South Dakota o 104o 45' 103 30' EXPLANATION OUTCROP OF INYAN KARA Indian Horse o Belle Fourche 44 45' Reservoir Cr GROUP (from Strobel and Owl Newell BELLE Creek others, 1999) Creek Nisland INYAN KARA GROUP ABSENT F BELLE FOURCHE O UR (from Carter and Redden, CHE RIVER

Hay Creek 1999a) R

E BUTTE CO Vale I V ER R MEADE CO WATER HARDNESS, IN REDWAT LAWRENCE CO Cox MILLIGRAMS PER LITER Saint Creek Lake Crow Onge Very hard (greater than 180) Creek reek 30' Gulch Spearfish C Hard (121 to 180) Whitewood Gulch

Bottom Moderately hard (61 to 121) Creek e ls Bear a Creek F Soft (less than 61) Whitewood Butte Higgins Cr Creek Squ STURGIS Spearfish a Central Tinton w Cr City li Iron Cr ka o WELL COMPLETED IN INYAN ood DEADWOOD l Cr w A 15' 103 ad Beaver Cr e KARA AQUIFER FOR WHICH D Cr Lead Bear h nnie Cr s A berry i Straw THERE IS A HARDNESS f r Cr Creek Tilford a e Whitetail p Elk ANALYSIS S

Little Creek Roubaix ek Creek N Elk re Elk

Little . C 15' h F Boxelder fis o r r Piedmont a k e R Ellsworth p a S Air Force S. Fork Rapid Cr p i d Nemo Base

C Creek r Blackhawk Cold S pri Cr ng ee s k Box Elder k For Rochford s adN o . For Rapid h k Ca R stle RAPID CITY Castle Cr Beav e Rapid r k Creek C C ee Pactola r C r e re Reservoir e e Creek k k Castle V Deerfield ictoria Creek Reservoir Spring o S. Fork r 44 C l e Cast Rockerville Sheridan Creek Creek Lake Hill City Mt. Rushmore National Keystone Memorial yon an Spring Harney Hayward


o x

y n PENNINGTON CO n Battle

a o Spo Hermosa

y k C a n CUSTER CO ne a Creek Creek s C le o Grace Bear B French Creek CUSTER Gulch Redbird e Gillette idg Creek Cool 45' Jewel Cave CUSTER National

Monument Beaver STATE French Fairburn


Canyon Creek gh Hi la Lame Canyon n Creek d Pringle Wind Cave National Park


Wind Johnny

Cave SOUTH DAKOTA SOUTH Dewey Beaver Red Creek Buffalo Gap RIVER 30' Hell Creek

FALL RIVER CO H on ot roo ny B k Ca HOT SPRINGS Minnekahta Fall Oral R

CHEYENNE Cascade Springs

Edgemont Horsehead Angostura o Creek Reservoir Creek 43 15' d oo w n o tt o Igloo Creek C Provo

Hat 01020MILES Base modified from U.S. Geological Survey digital data, 1:100,000, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985 Rapid City, Office of City Engineer map, 1:18,000, 1996 01020KILOMETERS Universal Transverse Mercator projection, zone 13

Figure 33. Distribution of hardness in the Inyan Kara aquifer (modified from Williamson and Carter, 2001).

Ground-Water Characteristics 53 o 104o 45' 103 30' EXPLANATION Indian Horse o Belle Fourche OUTCROP OF THE MADISON LIME- 44 45' Reservoir Cr Owl Newell STONE (from Strobel and others, BELLE Creek Creek 1999) Nisland F BELLE FOURCHE O UR MADISON LIMESTONE ABSENT CHE RIVER Hay Creek

R (from Carter and Redden, 1999d)

E BUTTE CO Vale R I V TER LAWRENCE CO MEADE CO REDWA STIFF DIAGRAM-- Cox Saint Creek Sodium + + Fluoride Lake Crow Onge

Creek + Carbonate reek 30' Gulch Spearfish C 100 10 Whitewood Gulch CONCENTRATION, IN MILLIEQUIVALENTS PER LITER Bottom Creek e ls Bear a Creek F WELL COMPLETED IN THE Whitewood Butte Higgins Cr Creek Squ STURGIS Spearfish a Central MADISON AQUIFER Tinton Cr w i Iron CityCr al od DEADWOOD lk o Cr o A dw 15' 103 a LIMESTONE HEADWATER SPRING Beaver Cr e D Cr Lead Bear h nnie Cr s A erry i trawb f S r Cr Creek Tilford ARTESIAN SPRING a e Whitetail p Elk S

Little Creek Roubaix ek Creek N Elk re Elk

Little . C 15' h F Boxelder fis o r r Piedmont a k e R Ellsworth p a S Air Force S. Fork Rapid Cr p i d Nemo Base

C Creek Cold S r Blackhawk pri ng Cre s ek k Box Elder For Rochford s adN o . For Rapid h k Ca R stle RAPID CITY Castle Cr Beav e Rapid r k Creek C e Pactola r C C re e r Reservoir e ee Creek k k Castle V Deerfield ictoria Creek S. Fork Reservoir Spring o r

44 C l e Cast Rockerville Sheridan Creek Creek Lake Hill City Mt. Rushmore National Keystone Memorial yon an Spring Harney Hayward


o x

y n PENNINGTON CO n Battle

a o p Hermosa y S ok C a n CUSTER CO ne a Creek Creek s C le o Grace Bear B French Creek CUSTER Gulch Redbird e Gillette idg Creek Cool 45' Jewel Cave CUSTER National

Monument Beaver STATE French Fairburn


Canyon Creek gh Hi la Lame Canyon n Creek d Pringle Wind Cave National Park


Wind Johnny

Cave SOUTH DAKOTA SOUTH Dewey Beaver Red Creek Buffalo Gap RIVER 30' Hell Creek

FALL RIVER CO H on ot roo y B k Can HOT SPRINGS Minnekahta Fall Oral R

CHEYENNE Cascade Springs

Edgemont Horsehead Angostura o Creek Reservoir Creek 43 15' d oo w n o tt o Igloo Creek C Provo

Hat 01020MILES Base modified from U.S. Geological Survey digital data, 1:100,000, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985 Rapid City, Office of City Engineer map, 1:18,000, 1996 01020KILOMETERS Universal Transverse Mercator projection, zone 13

Figure 34. Stiff diagrams (Stiff, 1951) showing the distribution of common-ion chemistry in the Madison aquifer (from Naus and others, 2001).

54 Hydrology of the Black Hills Area, South Dakota o 104o 45' 103 30' EXPLANATION Indian Horse o Belle Fourche OUTCROP OF MINNELUSA 44 45' Reservoir Cr Owl Newell FORMATION (from Strobel and BELLE Creek Creek others, 1999) Nisland F BELLE FOURCHE O UR MINNELUSA FORMATION ABSENT CHE RIVER

Hay Creek (from Carter and Redden, 1999c) R


Bottom Creek e 250 to 1,000 ls Bear a Creek F Greater than 1,000 Whitewood Butte Higgins Cr Creek Squ STURGIS Spearfish a Central Tinton w Cr City li Iron Cr ka o ood DEADWOOD l Cr w A 15' 103 ad Beaver Cr e STIFF DIAGRAM-- D Cr Lead Bear h nnie Cr s A erry i trawb f S Sodium + Potassium Chloride + Fluoride r Cr Creek Tilford a e Whitetail

p Calcium Bicarbonate + Carbonate Elk S Magnesium Sulfate Little Creek Roubaix ek Creek N Elk re Elk 100 10 Little . C 15' h F Boxelder fis o CONCENTRATION, IN MILLIEQUIVALENTS PER LITER r r Piedmont a k e R Ellsworth p a S Air Force S. Fork Rapid Cr p i d Nemo Base WELL COMPLETED IN THE C Creek r Blackhawk Cold S pri MINNELUSA AQUIFER ng Cre s ek k Box Elder For Rochford s adN LIMESTONE HEADWATER SPRING o . For Rapid h k Ca R stle RAPID CITY Castle Cr Beav e Rapid ARTESIAN SPRING r k Creek C e Pactola r C C re e r Reservoir e ee Creek k k Castle V Deerfield ictoria Creek S. Fork Reservoir Spring o r

44 C l e Cast Rockerville Sheridan Creek Creek Lake Hill City Mt. Rushmore National Keystone Memorial yon an Spring Harney Hayward C Peak


o x

y n PENNINGTON CO n Battle

a o po Hermosa y S k C a n CUSTER CO ne a Creek Creek s C le o Grace Bear B French Creek CUSTER Gulch Redbird e Gillette idg Creek Cool 45' Jewel Cave CUSTER National

Monument Beaver STATE French Fairburn


Canyon Creek gh Hi la Lame Canyon n Creek d Pringle Wind Cave National Park


Wind Johnny

Cave SOUTH DAKOTA SOUTH Dewey Beaver Red Creek Buffalo Gap RIVER 30' Hell Creek

FALL RIVER CO H on ot roo ny B k Ca HOT SPRINGS Minnekahta Fall Oral R

CHEYENNE Cascade Springs

Edgemont Horsehead Angostura o Creek Reservoir Creek 43 15' d oo w n o tt o Igloo Creek

C Base modified from U.S. Geological Survey digital data, Provo 1:100,000, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985 Rapid City, Office of City Engineer map, 1:18,000, 1996 01020MILES Hat Universal Transverse Mercator projection, zone 13 01020KILOMETERS

Figure 35. Stiff diagrams (Stiff, 1951) showing the distribution of common-ion chemistry in the Minnelusa aquifer. Approximation location of anhydrite dissolution front showing transition between low and high sulfate concentrations also is shown (from Naus and others, 2001).

Ground-Water Characteristics 55 Sulfate concentrations in the Minnelusa aquifer proposed MCL of 4,000 pCi/L for radon in States with are dependent on the amount of anhydrite present in the an active indoor air program. Samples from the Dead- Minnelusa Formation. Near the outcrop, sulfate con- wood aquifer have lower uranium concentrations rela- centrations generally are low (less than 250 mg/L) tive to the other major aquifers, which may be due to because anhydrite has been removed by dissolution. An the reducing conditions of the Deadwood aquifer abrupt increase in sulfate concentrations occurs down- (Rounds, 1991). gradient, where a transition zone surrounds the core of Uranium deposits have been mined in the Inyan the Black Hills. This transition zone is the area within Kara Group in the southern Black Hills. Uranium may which the sulfate concentrations range from 250 to be introduced into the Inyan Kara Group through 1,000 mg/L (fig. 35) and marks an area of active upward leakage of water from the Minnelusa aquifer removal of anhydrite by dissolution. Downgradient (Gott and others, 1974). As water in the Inyan Kara from the transition zone, sulfate concentrations are aquifer migrates downgradient, geochemical condi- greater than 1,000 mg/L, which delineates a zone in tions favor the precipitation of uranium (Gott and which thick anhydrite beds remain in the formation. others, 1974). Some water from the Inyan Kara aquifer, The transition zone probably is shifting downgradient especially in the southern Black Hills, contains rela- over geologic time as the anhydrite in the formation is tively high concentrations of radionuclides. Almost dissolved (Kyllonen and Peter, 1987). 20 percent of the samples collected from the Inyan Figures 34 and 35 also show Stiff diagrams Kara aquifer exceeded the MCL for the combined (Stiff, 1951) for artesian springs in the Black Hills area, radium-226 and radium-228 standard; all but one of most of which probably originate from the Madison these samples exceeding the MCL were from wells in and/or Minnelusa aquifers (Naus and others, 2001). the southern Black Hills. About 4 percent of the Artesian springs with high sulfate concentrations prob- samples exceeded the MCL for uranium; all these ably are influenced by anhydrite in the Minnelusa samples exceeding the MCL were from wells located in Formation. Artesian springs with low sulfate concen- the southern Black Hills. trations occur only upgradient from the transition zone (fig. 35). Additional discussions regarding potential General Characteristics for Minor Aquifers sources of artesian springs are presented in subsequent Water-quality characteristics were summarized sections of the report. by Williamson and Carter (2001) for various minor Concentrations and variability of many trace aquifers. The minor aquifers in the study area include elements are small in the major aquifers. Strontium the Newcastle aquifer and alluvial aquifers. Local aqui- generally has higher concentrations than other trace fers do exist in the various semiconfining and confining elements, but is not harmful. Similarly, barium, boron, units. Water-quality data also were summarized for iron, manganese, lithium, and zinc concentrations also several of these local aquifers, which included the may be high in comparison to other trace elements. Spearfish, Sundance, Morrison, Graneros, and Pierre Most naturally occurring radionuclides in water aquifers. are the result of radioactive decay of uranium-238, Relations between dissolved solids and specific thorium-232, and uranium-235, with uranium-238 pro- conductance concentrations are presented in figure 37 ducing the greatest part of the radioactivity observed for the minor aquifers with sufficient data, which (Hem, 1985). In general, gross alpha-particle activity, include the Sundance, Morrison, Newcastle, and gross-beta activity, and radium-226 concentrations, are alluvial aquifers. The r2 values are consistently high, higher in the Deadwood and Inyan Kara aquifers than indicating strong correlations for these aquifers. in the Madison, Minnelusa, and Minnekahta aquifers. Water in many of the minor aquifers can be very In the Deadwood aquifer, more than 30 percent hard and high in dissolved solids concentrations. Most of the samples analyzed for radium-226 or radium-226 samples from the Sundance aquifer indicate slightly and radium-228 exceeded the MCL of 5 pCi/L for the saline water. Sulfate concentrations also can be high in combined radium-226 and radium-228 standard. the minor aquifers, such as the Spearfish aquifer where Almost 90 percent of the samples from the Deadwood high sulfate concentrations can result from dissolution aquifer exceeded the proposed MCL of 300 pCi/L for of gypsum. Both dissolved solids and sulfate concen- radon in States without an active indoor air program; trations are low in the Newcastle aquifer. A variety of several of these samples (fig. 36) also exceeded the water types can occur within and among the minor

56 Hydrology of the Black Hills Area, South Dakota o 104o 45' 103 30' EXPLANATION Indian Horse o Belle Fourche OUTCROP OF DEADWOOD 44 45' Reservoir Cr Owl Newell FORMATION (from Strobel BELLE Creek Creek and others, 1999) Nisland F BELLE FOURCHE O UR DEADWOOD FORMATION CHE RIVER

Hay Creek ABSENT (from Carter and R E BUTTE CO Vale Redden, 1999e) I V ER R MEADE CO R DWAT LAWRENCE CO E RADON CONCENTRATION-- Cox Saint Creek Lake Crow Onge Number is radon concentration Creek in picocuries per liter. Circle reek 30' Gulch Spearfish C size increases with increasing Whitewood Gulch concentrations Bottom Creek e ls Bear a Creek Less than 300 F 80 Whitewood Butte Higgins Cr 1,600 Creek Squ STURGIS Spearfish a Central Tinton w Cr City li 300 to 3,000 Iron Cr ka o ood DEADWOOD l Cr w A 15' 103 500 ad Beaver 920Cr e 800 D Cr Lead5,300 Bear h nnie Cr s A berry i Straw Greater than 3,000 f r Cr Creek Tilford a 6,600 e Whitetail p Elk 5,300 S

Little Creek Roubaix ek Creek N Elk re Elk

Little . C 15' h F Boxelder fis o r r Piedmont a k e R Ellsworth p a S Air Force S. Fork Rapid Cr p i d Nemo Base

C Creek r Blackhawk Cold S 560 pri ng Cre s ek k Box Elder For Rochford s adN o . For Rapid h k Ca 80 R stle RAPID CITY Castle Cr Beav e Rapid r k Creek C e Pactola r C C re e r Reservoir 5,800 e ee 900 Creek k k Castle 1,300V Deerfield ictoria Creek 1,500 Reservoir Spring

r 690 o S. Fork 220 44 C e Castl 1,400 1,100 Sheridan Rockerville Creek Creek Lake Hill City Mt. Rushmore National Keystone Memorial yon an Spring Harney Hayward C Peak n LIMESTONE PLATEAU

o x 2,700

y n PENNINGTON CO n Battle

a o p Hermosa y S ok C a n CUSTER CO ne a Creek Creek s C le o Grace Bear B French Creek CUSTER Gulch Redbird e Gillette idg Creek Cool 45' Jewel Cave CUSTER National

Monument Beaver STATE French Fairburn


Canyon Creek gh Hi la Lame Canyon n Creek d Pringle Wind Cave National Park


Wind Johnny

Cave SOUTH DAKOTA SOUTH Dewey Beaver Red Creek Buffalo Gap RIVER 30' Hell Creek

FALL RIVER CO H on ot roo ny B k Ca HOT SPRINGS Minnekahta Fall Oral R

CHEYENNE Cascade Springs

Edgemont Horsehead Angostura o Creek Reservoir Creek 43 15' d oo w n o tt o Igloo Creek C Provo

Hat 01020MILES Base modified from U.S. Geological Survey digital data, 1:100,000, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1985 Rapid City, Office of City Engineer map, 1:18,000, 1996 01020KILOMETERS Universal Transverse Mercator projection, zone 13

Figure 36. Distribution of radon concentrations in the Deadwood aquifer (from Williamson and Carter, 2001).

Ground-Water Characteristics 57 Sundance aquifer Morrison aquifer 2,000 1,000 S = 0.7986K - 129.34 S = 0.7601K - 66.71 r2 = 0.98 r2 = 0.98 N = 10 800 N = 7 1,500




500 200

0 0 01,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 0500 1,000 1,500

Newcastle aquifer Alluvial aquifers 1,000 2,500 S = 0.7105K - 67.20 S = 0.8302K - 105.62 r2 = 0.98 r2 = 0.96 800 N = 8 2,000 N = 64


400 1,000

200 500


Figure 37. Relations between dissolved solids and specific conductance for the minor aquifers.

aquifers. In general, the dominance of sodium and sul- from the core of the Black Hills, which is largely due to fate increases with increasing amounts of shale present contact of the water with underlying geologic units and in the formations due to the large cation-exchange to the composition of alluvial deposits. Wells com- capabilities of clay minerals (generally sodium concen- pleted in alluvial deposits that do not overlie Creta- trations increase) and due to the reduced circulation of ceous shales generally yield fresh water of a calcium water through the shale (Hem, 1985). The dominance bicarbonate or calcium magnesium bicarbonate type. of calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate increases with Wells that are completed in alluvial deposits that increasing amounts of sandstone (where calcium car- overlie the shales generally yield slightly bonate commonly is the cementing material) and saline water in which sodium and/or sulfate is domi- carbonate rocks present in the geologic units. The nant. Water from alluvial aquifers may be high in ura- Sundance aquifer has the highest selenium concentra- nium concentrations, especially in the southern Black tions of all aquifers considered in this report. Hills. About 17 percent of the samples exceeded the Concentrations of common ions in alluvial proposed MCL for uranium, and all samples exceeding aquifers generally increase with increasing distance this MCL were from wells in the southern Black Hills.

58 Hydrology of the Black Hills Area, South Dakota Susceptibility to Contamination and sewage, on the land surface or in the soil zone. The Black Hills Hydrology Study focused pri- Nitrite plus nitrate concentrations for most samples in marily on determination of natural water-quality char- the Black Hills area generally are low (fig. 38); how- acteristics, and investigation of contamination ever, samples approaching or exceeding the national potential was not an objective of the study. The suscep- nitrate background concentration of 2.0 mg/L (U.S. tibility of the aquifers to contamination in the study Geological Survey, 1999) may provide indications of area is an important issue, however, and can be possible human influence in a variety of land-use set- addressed to some extent. tings. The extreme values for nitrite plus nitrate in Nitrite plus nitrate concentrations for various figure 38 are unusually high and may reflect poor well aquifers (fig. 38) can provide a general indication of construction and surface contamination as opposed to possible human influence. Although nitrogen is essen- aquifer conditions. tial for plant growth, high concentrations of nitrite plus The potential for contamination of ground water nitrate can cause excessive plant growth and can be in the Black Hills area can be large because many harmful to livestock and humans. Excessive concentra- aquifer outcrops can be subject to various forms of land tions of nitrite plus nitrate in drinking water are a health development. Rapid ground-water velocities also are concern for pregnant women, children, and the elderly possible in many aquifers because of high secondary (may cause methemoglobinemia (blue-baby syn- permeability. Contamination of ground water by septic drome) in small children). Nitrite plus nitrate in ground tanks has been documented for wells in the Blackhawk, water can originate from natural processes or as con- Piedmont, and Sturgis areas (Bartlett and West tamination from nitrogen sources, such as fertilizers Engineers, Inc., 1998).

40/8 8/4 74/14 157/29 23/4 81/29 9/0 6/4 70/9 65 EXPLANATION 114/15 Number of samples/Number of samples with concentrations below the laboratory reporting limit 60 Outlier data value more than 3 times the interquartile range outside the quartile

Outlier data value less than or equal to 3 and more than 1.5 20 times the interquartile range outside the quartile Data value less than or equal to 1.5 times the interquartile range 15 outside the quartile

75th percentile

10 Median 25th percentile

Highest reporting limit 5 Maximum Contaminant Level NITRITE PLUS NITRATE, IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994a)

0 Precambrian Madison Minnekahta Sundance Alluvial Deadwood Minnelusa Inyan Kara Newcastle AQUIFER

Figure 38. Boxplots of concentrations of nitrite plus nitrate for selected aquifers (modified from Williamson and Carter, 2001).

Ground-Water Characteristics 59 Maps showing sensitivity of ground water to use. Water from the Madison aquifer is hard to very contamination were produced by Putnam (2000) for hard and may require special treatment for certain uses. Lawrence County and by Davis and others (1994) for In downgradient wells (generally deeper than 2,000 ft), the Rapid Creek Basin. The most sensitive hydrogeo- concentrations of dissolved solids and sulfate also may logic units are , unconsolidated and deter use from this aquifer. Hot water from deep wells gravels, and sandstones (Putnam, 2000). The least sen- and in the Hot Springs area, may not be desirable for sitive units include shales or units with interbedded some uses. Radionuclide concentrations in the shales. The Madison, Minnelusa, and Minnekahta Madison aquifer generally are acceptable. aquifers are especially sensitive to contamination The principal properties or constituents that may because of high secondary permeability and potential hamper the use of water from the Minnelusa aquifer for streamflow recharge. include hardness and high concentrations of iron and manganese. Generally, downgradient wells (generally Summary Relative to Water Use deeper than 1,000 ft) also have high concentrations of Concentrations of various constituents dissolved solids and sulfate. Hot water, from deep exceeding SMCL’s and MCL’s affect the use of water wells, may not be desirable for some uses. Arsenic con- centrations in the Minnelusa aquifer exceed the revised in some areas for many aquifers within the study area. µ Most concentrations exceeding standards are for var- MCL of 10 g/L in some locations. Only a few samples ious SMCL’s and generally affect the water only aes- exceeded the MCL’s for various radionuclides. thetically. Radionuclide concentrations can be high in Samples from the Minnekahta aquifer are avail- some of the major aquifers, especially in the Deadwood able only from shallow wells near the outcrop. Water and Inyan Kara aquifers, and may preclude the use of from the Minnekahta aquifer is harder than that from water in some areas. may require special any of the other major aquifers in the study area, and treatment for certain uses. Other factors, such as the may require special treatment for certain uses. Water sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and specific conduc- generally is suitable for all water uses; few samples tance, affect irrigation use. exceeded SMCL’s and no samples available for this The general suitability of ground water for irri- study from the Minnekahta aquifer exceeded drinking- gation in the study area can be determined by using the water standards for any radionuclides. South Dakota irrigation-water diagram (fig. 39). The The use of water from the Inyan Kara aquifer diagram is based on South Dakota irrigation-water may be hampered by high concentrations of dissolved standards (revised January 7, 1982) and shows the solids, iron, sulfate, and manganese. In the southern State’s water-quality and soil-texture requirements for Black Hills, radium-226 and uranium concentrations the issuance of an irrigation permit. The adjusted SAR also may preclude its use. Hard water from wells for each aquifer was calculated according to Koch located on or near the outcrop of the Inyan Kara Group (1983) from the mean concentrations of calcium, mag- may require special treatment. nesium, sodium, and bicarbonate for each aquifer. The use of water from the minor aquifers Water from all aquifers, with the exceptions of the (Spearfish, Sundance, Morrison, Pierre, Graneros, Pierre and Sundance aquifers, generally is suitable for Newcastle, and alluvial aquifers) may be hampered by irrigation, but may not be in specific instances if either hardness and concentrations of dissolved solids and the specific conductance or the SAR is high. sulfate. Concentrations of radionuclides, with the High concentrations of iron and manganese exception of uranium, generally are at acceptable levels occasionally can hamper the use of water from the in samples from the minor aquifers. Selenium concen- Precambrian aquifer. None of the reported samples trations in some places are an additional deterrent to the from the Precambrian aquifer exceeded drinking-water use of water from the Sundance aquifer. standards for radionuclides. Water from alluvial aquifers generally is very The principal deterrents to use of water from the hard and may require special treatment for certain uses. Deadwood aquifer are high concentrations of radionu- High concentrations of dissolved solids, sulfate, iron, clides, including radium-226 and radon. In addition, and manganese may limit the use of water from alluvial concentrations of iron and manganese can be high. aquifers that overlie the Cretaceous shales. In the Water from the Madison aquifer can contain high southern Black Hills, uranium concentrations in concentrations of iron and manganese that may deter its alluvial aquifers can be high in many locations.

60 Hydrology of the Black Hills Area, South Dakota 3,100 EXPLANATION SOIL TEXTURE 3,000 A1 A2 A1 A2 A1 A2 A Sand B Loamy sands, sandy loams 2,900 C Loams, silts, silt loams D Sandy clay loams, silty clay 2,800 B1 loams, clay loams E Silty clays, sandy clays, clays 2,700 DEPTH BELOW LAND SURFACE CELSIUS o 2,600 C1 TO A MORE-PERMEABLE OR LESS-PERMEABLE MATERIAL 2,500 B2 B1 1 40 inches or less to a more- permeable material 2,400 2 40 to 72 inches to a more- permeable material 2,300 C1 B2 3 20 to 60 inches to a less- permeable material 2,200 C2 B1 SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE Maximum values are based on 2,100 D1 12 inches or less average rainfall during the frost-free 2,000 B3 B2 season. For each additonal 1,900 D2 E1 C2 C1 inch of rainfall, the maximum values of conductance may be 1,800 C3 D1 increased by 100 microsiemens per centimeter at 25ºC. Average 1,700 D3 E2 E1 B3 growing season rainfall for the # Black Hills area is 14 inches, so 1,600 D2 the conductance of each plotted value has been reduced by 200 1,500 E3 E2 C2 microsiemens per centimeter at 25ºC. C) ADJUSTED FOR CALCIUM, SULFATE, AND RAINFALL o 1,400 B3 For water having more than 200 milligrams per liter of 1,300 C3

AT 25 calcium and more than 960

6 milligrams per liter of sulfate, 1,200 D3 the maximum conductance # value may be increased by 400

(ECx10 1,100 E3 C3 microsiemens per centimeter at 25ºC. 1,000 AVERAGE CHEMICAL QUALITY OF SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE, IN MICROSIEMENS PER CENTIMETER AT 25 900 MAJOR AQUIFERS Precambrian 800 * Deadwood 700 *x Madison x Minnelusa 600 x Minnekahta Inyan Kara 500 x AVERAGE CHEMICAL QUALITY OF 400 MINOR AQUIFERS Spearfish 300 # Sundance 200 * # Morrison Graneros 100 * 0 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pierre ADJUSTED SODIUM-ADSORPTION RATIO (SAR) Newcastle Alluvial MULTIPLIED BY 0.7

Figure 39. South Dakota irrigation-water classification diagram for selected aquifers (from Williamson and Carter, 2001). This diagram is based on South Dakota standards (revised Jan. 7, 1982) for maximum allowable specific conductance and adjusted sodium-adsorption-ratio values for which an irrigation permit can be issued for applying water under various soil-texture conditions. Water can be applied under all conditions at or above the plotted point, but not below it, provided other conditions as defined by the State Conservation Commission are met (from Koch, 1983).

Ground-Water Characteristics 61