no one could give a seat to an In* Several Houses, Commuter Says lured person as no one could move Mike Jacobi Ladies'Apparel Middletown Vets ;hat much. Eilert Farm, 75:'kdr< Regardless of the fault of the ac- ,'V cident end matter directly pertain- Building Homes ' Shop To Open Plan Annual Fair Farm Land Figure Railroad Ignored ing* to it, any excuse the railroad can offer tor not making an effort The Middletown township post. Sold In Middletown to take care of the Injured, can- For Veterans Here Next Month Veterans of Foreign Wars, will hold In Recent Sales Crash Victims not cover the Inefficiency—the total a fair from Friday, August 23, t6 ack of regard for those who were Saturday, August 31, Inclusive, with hurt and nerve-wracked, to say Ray VanHorn Agency Arthur Morton & Co. the exception of Sunday, August 25, Placet In Shrewsbury Says No Effort Made " nothing of -the other passengers, on Edward Bennett's property at Purchased By Mannie Morris, The Jersey City yard, a few min- Broker In Runuon Lease The Former route 86 and Bast road, Belford, Township And Other £y Company To Look utes away end the Ellzabethport The lite Is the same as that on yard, much closer,' certainly had which the Belford firemen held thelc Who Owns Adjoining "White Acres? Sections Change Hands After The Injured cars and engines which could have Sale Of LoU Jersey Central Property been pressed Into emergency ser- fair this year. vice to provide transportation for M. S. Jacobs, well-known promo- The flret week In September will A ground prize will be awarded The farm owned, by the estate i Several recent property sales are At the request of Thomas Irving the stricken—at least within a hall- every night, and a barrel of grocer- Charles F. Eilert, located on reported by Edwin C. Reed, real Brown, publisher of the Red Bank ter who resides in Rumson, N. J, mark,the opening of a ladles' high v hour at the outside. Yet, three has acquired title to a number of grade apparel shop at SO Broad ies, donated by Harold E. Riddle of Planning Fall swamp road, In Middletown I estate broker of Tlriton Falls. Register, the following account of hours elapsed and nothing had been Belford, will be disposed of on the ship, within one mils' of the'fii A ibc-room bouae and half acre the writer's experience in the rail- done. lots in Rumson on which G. I. street Red Bank, by Arthur Mor- homes are being constructed. Ira ton A Co. Announcements of the co-operative plan. The proceeds Campaign For ough limits of Red Bank and c of land on Sprlngdale avenue near road accident at the Bayonne depot As a final gesture, knowing that will be put into the post's memorial taining in excess of 3,100 feet' Pear street In Shrewsbury town- last Friday, has been compiled. As Hlrsch, a veteran of World War II opening will be sent to the civic the bulk of the Injured were In the. andean associate of Mr. Jacobs, ls and business leaders of the com- building fund. ' road frontage on Nutswamp - ship has been purchased by Roland one of the occupants of the Red Red Bank club car, some facilities' in charge of the building opera- The post ls also disposing of a County USO Clubs was recently sold. The Ctarlear. Webrhelm of Long Branch from Bonk Club car on the Barnegat could have been provided at the munity as well as the public when tions. the opening date is determined. Crosley-Shelvidor refrigerator on Sweeney agency of Rumsoh e Frank Pica of 89 Wallace street, train, the account is based on per- Red Bank station to look after fected the sale. The'•Ray Van Horn agency, real- Arthur Morton will feature a the co-operative plan. The refrig- Red Bank. The buyer Ls an artist sonal experience: them and get them safely to their erator will be on display at the fair, Lot R. Ward, Jr. Made The farm was purchased by 1— and Intends to use a small building homes. Instead, at this point an- tors of RIVer road, Fair Haven, re- complete assortment of dresses, I occupied the second right-hand other "blank wall" was encounter- port the sale of the first one of coats, suits, sportswear and acces- but will not be disposed of until nle Morns, a sweater manufacti. on the premises as a studio. seat of the Club car. There was no ed. I walked through the under- November It John Leach ls chair- Chairman Of Mon- er of Jersey City, who own^tnl A bungalow at 11 Plum street In these veterans' homes to 'Capt Ro- sories for women. There will also one seated with me and I had half pass, phoned for a, car and walked bert W. Klrkman' of New York, re- be a Rosette Pennlngton salon in man, of the committee in charge of farm estate known as "Whlf Shrewsbury township, owned by turned' toward the aisle, reading a two blocks away to await the car— cently released by the Army Intel- the refrigerator. mouth's Drive Acres", adjoining it on the Eino Ketolanlan, has been bought newspaper. I had a vague recollec- four hours after the accident, ar- the shop featuring exclusive ap- ligence corps. The dwelling which parel from the finest dress design- * Plans are under way to make the which was also purchased thr by Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mack tion of the train slowing down and riving home without help, aid or the Sweeney agency about a slight jerk ahead indicated It had Is now completed, has a large ers in the country. This Rosette fair'an annual event Mr. Riddle ls Lot R. Ward, Jr., of Interlaken of Newark. Mr. Mack is connected any assistance whatevev r from the chairman and his assistants are years ago. The Eilert farm with, the Golden Electric Appliance come to a stop and was being start- living room with fireplace, two Pennlngton department ls the sixth has been appointed by Colonei ed again. Having commuted' for rallroadi directly. spacious bedrooms, tiled bath with branch with the parent store of the Melvin Leek, Walter Burkhardt and Franklin D'Olier, as chairman for originally bought by the company of Newark. As a final remark—I can aay that Francis Rausch, treasurer. Charles F. Eilert shortly after several years, little attention Is at no time was there any panic shower, modern kitchen and din- same name at 10 East 66th street, the USO Campaign in Monmouth A farm of eleven acres and an paid to such stops or slow-ups, un- ette. The heating plant ls steam, New York city. county. Mr. Ward recently returned turn of the century, comprising ap " old colonial house In a picturesque less the train stands still for. sev- Among the passengers in the club proxlmately 75 acres, from the i car—they were all too stunned or oil fired. A garage with overhead All personnel will be looal resi- setting on the old Adelphla road eral minutes. At the moment of the doors ls on the landscaped plot tate of William Smith. The near Freehold, owned by John Jerk, I glanced out of the window Injured to be panic stricken, for dents including the manager, who Riverview Buys originally was part of the Joi one thing. After the accident, the The house Is located on the east will be named shortly. The owners Cavanagh of Elizabeth, has been and at about the same time there passengers seemed to be able, re- side of Lenox avenue, near /Lake- Field farm and a portion sold to Harry Smith of Richmond was a Urrlflc Impact. I threw my of the store, Arthur Schwabe and around 1916 was purchased hands over my head to protect me gardless of their condition, to help side avenue, in the Parmly park Morton Stern, Jr., founded Arthur Modern X-Ray Set Hill, S. I. themselves better than the railroad section. the Mlnnesink Park Realty Another old colonial house of from falling Items and flying debris. officials were aJ)le to help them- Morton and • Co. in Plalnfleld, In pany. The original house on The crash threw me from the seat 1940. Shortly thereafter both own- (even rooma with quarter acre of and I landed on my neck directly selves. This excludes railroad men; To Supplant Old farm while owned by Mr. land at Everett, owned by Mrs. over the window whlcfa now was who were in the club car, who ers went into military service a well known and prosper Nina, Dobrowsky, has been bought the bottom of the car. When all though Injured themselves, did Firemen's Fair where they served for four years. farmer familiarly known as' by Mrs. Jessie Mclntyre of Tlnton had subsided, I noticed light com- everything in their power to help. After their discharge last winter $7,000 Equipment was destroyed by fire 75 years Falls, and resold to Miss Evelyn ing through the top of the car and Those who had not received in- they rejoined the firm and now and the present farmhouse of juries stood and talked In groups, Opens Tonight are opening this branch In Red Walker of Red Bank. realized that the car bad turned awaiting word of what to do next Purchased Recently rooms and two baths was A house with a half acre of land over on its right side. —word which never came. Bank. structed. The shop, designed by S. Law- To Meet Demands In Oceanport has been purchased I found that I had not been very, Of course, we are fortunate to In Navesink Also on the farm are a six-roomj by J. Donald Reed, who with his badly Injured and could move my rence Klein, architect will have the be alive, but if the State of New One of the most modern, efficient stucco house, barns, utility buili family recently returned from Mi- legs and arms. I noticed ahead of Jersey does nothing to compel the same colonial charm and dignity ngs and a gravel pit. ami, Fla. The property was owned me a glass door, now sidewise railroads operating In this state to Officials Predict inherent in the graceful house that and incidentally expensive units of across the entrance. I started to- X-ray equipment obtainable has The ground extends back to by John Van Schoick of Sycamore Install systems of control which contains it. Special care was taken large lake, extending along avenue. ward the door through the black will stop trains which run past sig- 57th Will Break All in carrying out as far as possible been delivered to Riverview hospi- dust when steam filled the car. I nals set against them, because of tal, and Is now being used to treat thirds of the rear of the far A small bungalow on Swimming got to the door, wiped off the steam the colonial theme. And the own- Tears ago before the brook River road near RJverdale, owned human failures among the engin- Previous Records ers state that nothing will be done the large number of patients need- on glass and saw that, the car eers running the locomotives, we dammed, the Blue creek or 80m««| by Albert Rice of Orange, has been ahead had broken away and was a to disturb the handsome ash tree Ing floroscoplc or ra'diographlc ex- should do something about putting of which Red Bank Is so Justly times known as Porlcy brook bought by Mrs. Arthur Kurrasch couple at dozen feet away. I got some men on the ballot at the next The 57th annual Navesink Ore- amination. through the meadowland. The : of Red Bank, who ls a nurse with on mv back and forced my feet election who will, so that such ac- men's fair gets underway this wen- proud. The $7,000 machine, which ls the at some places ls over six feet dee the Social Service In Red Bank. through the glass. By that time cidents cannot happen, and we can ing at the firehouse grounds In the The More will render services of last word in its line, was first em- six or seven men had groped their and Is a couple of hundred fe Mr. Reed also has sold a seven; stay alive. village of Navesink and will con- charge accounts, alterations on the ployed July 26, after almost five wide at most points. room bouse in South Am boy on the way to the opening and all strug- tinue tomorrow and Saturday premises, parking In the rear of months of delay in filling the hos- gled to (ret out of the car; By pup- Harold V. B. Voorhls. I/OT. B, WARD, JR. The belrs to Mr. Bllert who J highway near the Edison bridge, Ing and pushing, I fmally landed nights. the shop, and a liberal policy of re- pital's order. It replaces the X-ray the present farm were bis formerly owned by Miss Florence turns and credits. equipment formerly used which, al- on my face on the. track and then President Henry Maxson, general from active duty having served in sons, Charles F. Eilert and Morgan! ForgoUon, Red Bank attorney, to pulled another out. Be did like- chairman, predicts that this event though adequate once, did not meet —lert; his daughter, Mrs Mytp John Tober of Oceanport, who will To Award Buick the Philippines and Japan as Ma- wise, and so on. will be even more successful than the Increased demand, which Has jor In the Army. Mr. Ward was the Lawrence, all of Red Bank, conduct a roadhouse for which he any of the preceding fairs ana said trebled in the past few years. her sister, Miss Gladys Eilert hi* been granted a license. My first thought, afUr the Iwr Eatontown Post officer in charge of the operation pact was that we had been hit by At St James Fete he U especially pleased' with the Perhaps the most important Im- which recovered many dollars of New York city. The same broker reports recent a car or locomotive on the north fine quality of merchandise to be provement of the new set over the •ales of home sites to CoL Joseph gold and metals which was con- The new owner of the farm, du bound traok—but a look after get- offered and the new and Interesting Names Postmaster old ls that emergency patients can cealed by the Japanese just pre- to its close proximity to Red Ba E. Fix, Bryan Syer, Capt Pelper, ting outside soon . showed that » Harvest Home Dinner games which will give young: and be put under the machine while Charles Gelesenbeck, Esther BJaan- train had run Into u* *"— "- - -^ vious to the occupation of the Is- and large road frontage, contest*! The engine had Served To 1,200 •till, on a stretcher, whereas form- land. Major Ward is a member of plates developing the property Intpf es, Pinckey Snith, flowtrf,.,J| For Commander »JJy;'U;^as necessary to transfer son, William. Bennett. Sr./" side and It was the American Legion. home sites at some future time. volumes. Vblui Ply- .tnlfjtt^ ». table, a move which was The USO will conduct a nation- Bennett; Jr£-l*roy Sodep, . In front of Red Bank sales Soden and William C. But. to extricate victims) high school this week is Election Will Be often extremely painful. In addi- wide oampalgn for $19,900,000 dur- the club car and p*._, are well in advance of previous tion, the current capacity is double ing the early fall. The USO "has toe IM« Buick sedan which will be years. _ Navesink company is an Democrats Plan . pulled out of the wreckage. The disposed 'of co-operatively at the Held At Meeting it« former amperage, faster expos- three major obligations to meet In first ten feet < Two. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. lo two occupants of the cars. north on Prospect avenue, when it Roofing " = Siding • = Window Initiation | Car Turns Over Porter V. Toonwy, Kumpon, was collided with Toomey's vehicle headed towards Red Bank. Savlto's OLSON Broad Street Property Sold Several Times treated for abraslqns, and Joseph J. Buda, North Bergen, for abrasions car overturned, but the driver, was ROCK WOO1. HOME IN8ULATION One car turned over several of the left hand, end of the fingers unhurt. - •• *•' Instated %:0?ijqiri!: Company's "Trained Mechanic? times After a collision with another of tha'rlgbt. \ ' v .'-• flktteULtMr,"Writiumt Obligation vehicle on Prospect avenue and Buda was a passenger in a car Chicago has the largest single Rumeon road Sunday night, .but driven by Francis Savito, also of telephone book in the Unite* States W. W. KENNEDY! lioeal Representative only minor Injuries were reported North Bergen, which was traveling. —containing 1,726 pages. Phone: Bed Bank MiM

Liggeffs bring you > ^ "T'Vftf Mr M a wonderful • ftifffl

< If street, with a depth of 22« feet, high-class specialty shops in ladle*' Accent on hair because it frames S&-JL Pictured above LB the old colonial and Is in the fast growing shopping ready-to-wear. " The company has your face; it makes or mars your ' dwelling, a landmark of Red Bank, f district of Red Bank, south of Mon- already taken possession of the looks. And accent on Liggett's » Which has been owned and occu- mouth street. premises and after extensive alter- lt pied by»the Jersey Central Power because we have everything it The Jersey Central Power and ations are completed will operate a takes to make this powerful factor and Light company for its Red Light company was represented In very fine establishment on the iBank office many years and which for beauty "putty in your hands." ! the transaction by R. L. Bolllnger premises. i«raa sold last week through the of- and legally by Alfred A. Rochester * ,Jces of Feist and Feist, Inc., real The Morton company was repre- of Autenrieth and Wortendyke of sented by its president, Arthur Liggett's Carry estate brokers of Newark, to the Newark. t ^Crlston Realty company of Eliza- Schwab, and its treasurer, Morton Every Type ot J>eth. represented in the transac- With -th« announcement of this Stern, and legally by Harold E. tion by Charles J. Stamler of Ellz- sale by Feist and Feist is also an Grotta of Newark. announcement that through their SHAMPOO There /r , abeth. Joseph K. Lowenstein of Deal The property, which \e located office the property has been leased for a term of years to the Arthur represented Feist and Feist In both ADMIRACION Foamy just north of St. James rectory. of the above transactions. •has a frontage of 50 feet on Broad Morton company, who operate Oil Shampoo, 4 Oz i nio at McGuire's grove, Middle- Patronage Climbs Oceanport town, recently. ADMIRACION Oil Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyler of Con- Shampoo Treatment, 4 Oz. Mr. and Mrs. Jules Uzdilla of necticut are spending several weeks j At Playgrounds P6rt-au-Peck entertained Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoyt. Mrs. Prank Richmond of Hunting- Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Myers enter- CONTI CASTILE QAC ton Beach, Long Island, over the tained Mr. and Mrs. Ray Purcell ! 112 Children Listed week-end. and Mr. anfl Mrs. Robert Foster Soap Shampoo, 5 OzO f j For Many Activities Mr. and Mrs. George Lelth of and children, all of Plainfleld, over Bloomfleld were guests over the the week-end. FITCH D.R. Shampoo. week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace The Woman's Society for Chris- :."•; Enrollment at the athletic fleld McGregor of Horseneck Point. HAIR RINSES Dandruff Remover, 6 Oz._ t 'playground is still on the increase. tian Service will meet in the Miss Carolyn Uzdilla of Port-au- church hall of Oceanport Method- ;.'; 'Last week ten more children regie- Peck and Miss lifer I Hyde of Long s' 'tered at the playground, bringing ist church next Monday fir a box FITCH CO. Shampoo Branch ppent the week-end at West luncheon and quilting party. for those golden glints ' K 'the total enrollment to 312. The Point. Cocoanut Oil, 6 Oz. K '.largeat attendance of the season C b: !for any one day was reached Mon- Mrs. Nelson E. Dow of New York GOLDEN GLINT 23 * ! -day when 89 children were present. spent the week-end with her father, FITCH New Process •;• i Rjiceg^ shufTleboard contests, E. Wltherell of Horseneck Point. BACKACHE, For blondes. Tints as it rinses. j '.ropejumping events, a marshmal- Mrs. Dow has just returned from 5 rinses in package. 12 shades. Oil Shampoo, 6 Oz._ ; 'low contest, a masquerade show, a month's vacation at Colorado :_ [handicraft projects and softball Springs. LEG PAINS MAY C SILQUE •' Jff&mea were among the various The Oceanport Auxiliary of Ri- MARCH AND'S 23 * • ' |eventa at both the Branch avenue verview hospital will meet at the Make-up hair rinse. 6 ^rolkav Shampoo, 6 Ounces home of Mrs. Charles Prothera to- BE DANGER SIGN •and athletic fleld playgrounds. The tions in a package. 12 UfaleS*?. ' iaverage attendance for the week day. Of Tired Kidneys STAG Shampoo ' JT#N iat the Branch avenue playground Franklin Guiney and Harry Cafi- If backache and leg pains an making you mttenble.don't Just complain and do no thing ; iWas 26, while that at the athletic person of Newark entertained Mr. abont them. Nature may be warning 7ou that c Men's Tar Shampoo Jv i Ifleld was 85. and Mrs. Howard Morris of Madi- your kidneys need attention. LOVALON 2 1 * son at their summer home at Port- The kidneysareNature'schtef way of taking • '• The clean-up program at the ath- excess acjdi and polsonouj waste out ot tiw Four-purpose hair rinse. Five LACO Castile . letic fleld has progressed jatisfact- au-Peck. About 15 guests attended blood. They help moat people pass about 8 . orily during the week, and the fol- a cocktail and dinner party Satur- pints a day. rinses in package. 12 shades. Shampoo^ 12 Oz._ day evening. 1/ tie 16 miles of ktitaer tuba and (liters '• ;lowlng children received commen- don't work well, poisonous waste matUr suyi 'dations: Jack Lewis, Ellen Spear, Miss Marianne Rays of Freehold in the blood. These poisons may start nagging bickacbea, rheumatic pains, lea: sains, loss of C / LUSTRE Creme . ;EHrabeth Taylor, June Scott, Alice visited the past week with Mrs. pip and energy, getting up nithta, swelling, NESTLE Colorinse 23 * ;L«wls, Anna Stanton, Ruth Lewis George Sanborne of Monmouth pufflneiiunderthe eyes, headaches anddiiii' Shampoo, 4 Ounces.. :O«orge Lewis and Dorius Biddle. Park place. ness. Frequenter scanty passages with smart. Rinses sparkling highlights in- InffandbumlngRometiinesshDwsthereiBgomo* '. The aofthall event of the week Mr. and Mrs. J, Z. Houser and thing wrong with your kidneys or bladder. to your hair. Comes in 9 tints. RAYVE Creme -%QQ •Add 20% tax to price* ;was a gamr between the Gremlins daughter, of this place, Mr. and Don't waitl Ask your druggist for Doan'a ;aod the athletic field team. The la.t- mil, a stimulant diuretic, used succnafully of asterisked items Mr=. H. E, Korth and son and Ro- by millions tor over 40 years. Dosn'j gjv» Shampoo, 6 Oz. Jar_l •ter won 20 lo 8. A return game \a bert Horigan of West Long Branch happy relief and will help the 15 miles of scheduled for tomorrow afternoon attended a WaLson Laboratory pic- kidney tubee flush out poisonous waste from •at the athletic field. the blood. Get Doao's Pills. Points are awarded daily to the children for their cooperation, sportsmanship, participation in ac- WILDROOT tivities, obedience of rules and re- CREME OIL, 60c Size gulations of the playgrounds, and attendance. The children with the Grooms the hair, relieves scalp highest points through Friday are dryness, removes dandruff. Branch fwenup, Barbara Wright. 105; Elvira Morris. 265, and Ste- . phen Morris. 360. Athletic fleld. C .Bobby Scott. 120; Ruth Lewis. 205; SILQUE Hair Tonic 49 * 1 Jack Lewie, 31,1, nnd Samuel Fran- Gives hair a silky sheen. 6-Oz. ! ,ci», 185 bottle, Exclusive with Rexallall . ; AmonK the final prizes for the -., highest numhrr of points awarded More and More Women ere getting will be two THPon passes to the STAG 79c* Permanenfs at Liggett's) home gamts of the Red Bank foot- HAIR TONIC 6 oz. ball team. Double-purpose hair, scalp ton- On Thursday Army Air Force Sample of the wonderful brush buys EASY-TO-GIVE-YOURSELF WAVES -iday, 41 children accompanied by ic. Another Rexall exclusive! you find at Liggett's. Five rows of Peven adulU made a trip by army long life ice-white Nylon bristles. that cost so little, Ibus to tho Watson laboratories to ' • "witness the public showing of la- VITALI$,4Oz. 39c* look so lovely, last for months )dar and other equipment. The chil- Based On A Sound Foundation 60 second workout for a healthy COMBS, Ra\.T6\\, Qc tiren who made the trip were Ray- When you decide to give your family the privileges and CROWNING GLORY edd war, 2.00 [mond W;trirn. Robert U'airen, scalp & handsome head of hair. Bobby and Men's Combs if dames Gaskiti. Editli HeynnUL". Kl- pleasures that go with a home of their own, let the Red TONI Salem Type Cold Wave 1.25 vira Morrif. Julin Shul!. Stanley Bank Savings & Loan help you with the financing. Our * "Sprlngsteln Robert Uwilliams. Direct Reduction Loan provides a sound foundation—and HAIR GROOMS LADIES' CHARM KURL COLD WAVE 98c •Xawrence Wttpht. E. I.oie Hry- that's important. We endeavor to work out an arrange- •man, Hans Levy. James Schmidt, dressing comb_19c Alchard Lucas. Charles Wouduard, ment that i» suited to your budget—assuring you definite ,0// ond Creme Types ^ Samuel Lefkowitz, Dons Wilson. ownership in a reasonable number of years. We're here to ? Betty Wilson. George Lewis, Alice •erve your best interests—we are glad to help make the STAG HAIR OIL Cor. Broad & Note — tax on ' Lewis, Victor Bradley, Cail Brad- financing of your home economical and ea»y ... let us permanent waveset*: >' Jty, Russell Jmdan, Joy

BoyB can moke pocket money by elllnc the RcuistPi Advertisement BRAKES INVISIBLE Pkg. 100 for HAIR PINS c Adjusted-RELINED -Serviced does wonders for hair-do curls lashes enticingly Scoldy Lox, Black, Brown 10 DACHE NET DACHE SNOOD Lfat" Tffi Wear them in as many clever ways as Bring out the teasing lights in your Helps to keep the .curl in your hair on J. H. MOUNT CO. you have bright ideas. With a head- eyes with Kurlash. Curls lashes safe- sticky hot dayB. Daub unruly ends wit;h band, a flower, a bow. Lovely colors.' ly against a soft protective: cushion. one of these fragrant lacquered pads. CORNER WHITE ST. & fv.APLEj5.VE. TEL. RED BANK 6-0404

•. - 7V- RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. Page Antigone Second Sirlin—Greenbergr Local Chairmen National Sweepstakes Regatta Committee Engagement Told Play Of Summer Mr. and Mrs. E. N.Rosenblum of Mamaroneck,, NV T., vhave an- nounced the engagement of Mrs, Stock Co Here Rosenblum's sister, Marcla Slrtin, to. Dr. Jesse J. Greenlberg, Red, Opens Next Wednesday 3ank dentist, who will resume his practice here shortly., Dr. Green- Night At St. James berg Is a son of Mr. and Mrs; BWr- ry Greenberg of Brooklyn. Auditorium Muu Slflin, daughter ot the late Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Slrlin 0/ Featuring Constance Moss in the Mamaroneck, was graduated from title role .with Francis Mayvllle as Mamaroneck high school and is an Creon, King of Thebes, The Reper- alumna of the New York State tory Players,' Red Bank Summer teachers college. Stock. company,, will present the Dr. Greenberg attended school! In world famous play "Antigone," by Queens and was graduated from Sphohoclea, for three perform- Maryland university. He served for ances next week on Wednesday, four years with the Army Air corps Thursday and Friday evenings. and was recently discharged from Christian Science" This play was presented this past the service with the rank of major. season in New York and on tour The wedding Is planned for the Reading Roonit with Katharine Cornell and Sir larly part of September. Cedrlo Hardwicke in the leading roleB. The adaptation used by Miss Church Edifice, , Cornell's company waa presented A COMING WEDDING 209 Broad Street, Bed Bank,, throughout the wax, in France dur- FRED BROWN HAROLD S. jULLENT Invitations have been received T.I. fed Bask «-34«O.J JOSEPH C. IRWIN. , CHABUBS R.' ENOOBH ing the German occupation. Executive Chairman Chalra&an Honorary d Chairman Race Com. (ibalnnan Public Address locally to the coming wedding ot The play deals with the story of Miss Mildred LaManna and James OPEN DAILY ' a young woman who feels that she Munoz, The ceremony will' take : to i p. H. must bury her dead brother and a place at 6 o'clock Saturday, August Except Sundays and tyrant who Insists that she will 24, at St. Patrick's Old Cathedra], not since he has ordered that the 'rlnce and Mott streets, New York. Holidays { body will not be buried. The Ger- Miss LaManna resided In Red Friday- Evenings, 7:30 man authorities, feeling that the Bank many years and was secre- play showed the power of the ty- tary to the late Rev. Nicholas Sori- rant, allowed the play to run, not H.r. tli» Bible, tha Works; of ano, former rector of St. Anthony's Mary Baker Eddr. DUcovertr-ud realizing that Antigone was the Catholic church in West Red Bank. Founder of Christian Sclsnce, and player the people admired, for she She will be remembered as being all other authorized Chrlatlan Sci- was representative of the spirit of ence Literature may be read, bor- very active In social affairs con- rowed or imrcbaMd. France. The Repertory Players nected with the church. are using the Byron Young version The Public 1. W.leom. of this play from the Palmer :t navs to advertise In the Register I translation. "Antigone" will be one of the most, If not the moet important production of the season In Red Bank, especially since this is the only known stock company In this country presenting the play this I season. Several famous producers and critlca from New York and Philadelphia are expected at the ••A opening and subsequent perform ances of this great play which bas been described as the most exciting The 1111811 girl THOMAS M. GOP8ILL THEODORE D. MOORE ALFRED LJPPMAN THOMAJS S. FIELD, JR. ROBERT A. EISNER ever produced in the past decade will get ready for Chairman police Com. Chairman Anchorage Com. Chairman Prize Com. Chairman Publicity Com. Chairman Program Com. by the majority of the critics and fall and winter by the others as a play that wil now. Whether hold you spellbound from the first she's a business curtain to the last las* or a school- Special lighting effects and equip- gal—she'll want ment and expensive materials are several of our being brought on for this produc- well-tailored, now tion, along with several New York skirts. Try on players to supplement the perma- your favorttei nent company here. Jack Brook- here today. Ing, who appealed in "Squaring All-round pleated The Circle," which opened last skirt in 100 % evening will play an important role w o oL Brown, in "Antigone." The same popular Dark Green ft prices will prevail with tickets Black. available at the box office dally, Sizes ,10 to 20. from 10 a. m. to 8:30 p. m., and phone reservations by calling 6- 6.40 . 1774. OTHERS 3.90 to ».»! 'Squaring The Circle," hilarious farce comedy by Valentine Kataev, presented by The Repertory Play- ers in St. James auditorium opened with the following cast: Abram, Francis Mayvilie; Vassya, Dayton Ball; Ludmilla, Constance MOBS; Emclyan, Jack Brooking, Tonya, Patricia Powers. Settings WHITE, DR. WALTER A. RUIXMAN GEORGE W. BRAY , HABRI ISAACS, JR.1 THEiO. -LaBRECQUE were by Keith Cushlng and It was Chairman Course Com. Chairman Medical Com. Chairman Public Relations Chairman' Race Pit Com. Chairman Legal Com. staged by Mr. Ball. "Squaring The Circle" will be given repeat per- formances tonight and tomorrow night at 8:30 o'clock. Bold plaid skirt—wrap- Two Gray Ladies around with fringed side; fringe-trimmed Honored At Tea pocket Mrs. Bruce Berckmans of Locus and Mrs. J. Sanford Shanley of 8.95 Rumson, retiring executives in the Other Plaid. 4.95 to 7.95 hospital and recreation corpa of the Red Cross known as Gray Ladles, were guests of honor at a tea Thursday afternoon at the Mon- mouth County Country club. Forty TTse Our Store of the volunteers who had been in Closed All Lay-Away the organization eince its start In Day On 1941 attended the farewell gather- Flan ing for Mrs. Berckmans, head of SNYDER'S Wed. the county chapter, and Mrs. Stan- ley, chairman of * the Fort Mon- mouth unit Both were given silver 32-34 Broad St. Red Bank compacts engraved with their ini- tials and an inscription from the 151 Broadway Long Branch other Gray Ladles. Mrs. Edward Irwln has replaced LESTER R. ROSS CHARLES P. IRWIN, JR. HERBERT E. EDWARDS AUGUSTUS M. MINTON COURTLANDT WHITE Mrs. Chanley, who held a total o Chairman Spectator Com. Chairman Marine Service Co-Chairman Reception Com. Co-Chairman Reception Com. Chairman Housing Com. 3,000 hours service, but as yet the new county leader has not been announced. Mrs. Irwin has issued a call for more workers In the corps which performs duties which Keep Posted! must be continued as long as there are men In Army hospitals, but PUBLIC SALE New Store Open All Year Round which cannot be carried out with- out additional volunteers to serve Being unable to operate my farm due to ill health, I will sell i few hours every week. at Public Auction my 76 Acre Farm, Fuming Implements, Live- stock, Household Goods. Etc on the premises at: One mile south of Jacksoru Mills or six miles weat of lake- 35 wood on the Black Crow road or one mile south of the Van Hlse- ville road. From Jacksons Mills follow directional arrows. For- MOLLER 'S merly the Frank Applegate Farm. Saturday, August 17th DELICATESSEN -GROCERIES at 1 P.M. IMPLEMENTS: Tractor (1941) Minneapolis-Moline with Cultiva- tor and Corn Planner Attachment, Truck (Ford V-8) with rack body—ono and one-half ton—six wheels, good tires and in good FROZEN FOOD MARKET condition, Double Spike Tooth Harrow, Manure Spreader, Mowing Machine (McCormlck Deerlng), Double Tractor Plow, Hay Ted- dor, Double Disc Harrow, Hay Rake, Platform Scales, Binder, Wilson Ave., corner Main St, Port Monmouth, N. J. Plows, Cultivators, Seed Drills and many small Tools. - (TWO DOORS FROM FIRE HOUSE) Electric Brooder Battery—1,000 capacity, American Incubator —1,600 capacity, 1,200 White Leghorn Chickens, Watering Foun- tains, Feed Troughs, Feed Bins and the usual equipment for rais- Your Home ing chickens. HOME COOKING •it 1,000 bushels ot Seed Bye, 1,000 bushels of Seed Wheat. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND FURNISHINGS Including Refrigera- Too! tor (Frlgidalrc) 8 ft. like new. FRESH FROZEN GARDEN VEGETABLES Our ads keep you up to date M — HOG8 — 25 EVEN IF you are careful Five Brood Sows. One with 13 pigs, one w|th 8 pigs at side—all. 'and watchful of your home, ' will bo roady to wean by salo date, One Sow due" to farrow by AND FRESH MEATS Shipments arriving every day date of sale. Two Sows.not bred. These are all fine young Brood there are many placet where' Sows in good condition. fire can »tart. A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS: The nnt you have been looking for has been here and mon REAL ESTATEi 78 acres more or less In Jackson Township, CARE helps to prevent fire Ocean County. Five acres of timber pasture. Thirty two acres un- on it* way. We have hundred* of Suit* to pick from and der cultivation. Twenty nine acres of fine woodland covered with S.&W. COFFEE (Reg.) S.&W. TEA BALLS but Insurance pay* for the large Oaks and Pines. Fresh water brook flowing through the northorn half of farm supplies water for livestock which never 21fc«. 67c Pkg. 48 for 47c fire you cannot prevent 1 In- we. receive shipment* almost daily. Watch our add* or • go hungry or thirsty. Modern five room bungalow with sun porch. ure your home adequately Two chicken houses equipped for 2,500 chickens. S.&W. BLENDED JUiqE BABO * drop in when you are in the neighborhood. We toon will' Thl«i farm, ia convortlentlylocated to good marietta. There never ha. to prevent financial lots. boon a Umo when good ohlckon farms were more In demand than they, 2 for 47c (18-oz. can) 2 for 21c be able to take care of all whether abort, fat or tall aro today. Many pooplo who have men., to Invest know that mon.y In- CoMidt ™ i, A n b "*" nIld J^'L »tu»U4,oii a in flftyfoot high- way wtiore sbnool bu* paten and qulok delivery of produce- from farm to S.&W. TEA-BALLS . ' AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE markoti AttrAotlvo terms can bo arranged IO tint the on* who derii I to buy on Pkg. 16 fpr 17c 2 (Pkgs.) for 25c LAWLEY AGENCY

• for farming, ohickoon an'anql atoclt.,raulnatoeit.^ralalng thanthatv-J^iat!, that 'whl v^hioh**lic ' • JOHN , SMATUSEK Convenient v| Sale oonduoted by ' ' / '» Our Frozen Food Ready About Aug. 15 Riverside Dr. & Highway 35 32-34BroadSt.,RedBank • B. .O, OOAT9, Auctioneer 480 Bath Ave. Lonr Branch^N. J. Plan v SHOP INOUR STOREj AND -SAVE} YOUR BUS FARE. Red Bank R. 8Q ' 151 frfc ti JtED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946*. them with hot Uquld and then pro- - PIANOS SOLD - farm News Cawing them. >» [NO LESSONS reconditioned, repaired, JHot Pack: In thi» mttfcod the T-ypir Him. ar Mr Studio bought, reflnlibed. 5ft Scours in Calves. jars aranIled^wlth;frWt«,er veg- ATLANTIC L^Woblforth.B.S.fid. To grow bigger and better heif- etables hot from preoooUng, , Mr. Scott-Huntington ers, ydu must overcome common w Heat seal: 'The tnolsturfjvapor- '•'•':•..- ..SaipCwfM Clubs, R»c.ptloni, «tc Tuner-Technician ? ; .1 Avt, u Plncknay Road 1012 F Street, . Belmar, K. 3. scours or (diarrhea) In .calves, prool oellophane bags have the air R. B. O-249B-J warns the Mcnmouth County Ex- pressed out and then are feated ^ft^OtPH' SCOTT . Phone 9-2566-J tension Service. Keep these points with a warm ironln the proowe tW^N^RICHARDS In mind: Avoid overfeeding, keep known as heat waling. Speolallr feeding equipment and pens clean, treated paper on the outside of I «CiAliBV» HAYES \ and treat the diseased calves with some cartons Is sealed with a warn [THE one teaspootiful of formalin In a to>iu-"" ••••••' ' ".,•• pint of milk for two or thres suc- Precook: Boiling food for a ihort cessive days. » time in a pan on top of the stove "B ADM AN 5 Hold Milk Production By Efficient before packing it in jart to pre- SURPRISE Breeding cooking It The length ot time should be In accordance wl th New f|iiifPRY" * Two big milk production prob- ( Tlv« Cartoons 4- Sat Mat. ' STORE lems faoe New Jersey dairymen In Jersey canning' schedule rftoom- August, points out Elmer C. mendatlons. Ifiun-Hon-Ttiesi 50 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. Scheidenhelm, extension specialist Processing: X*i| I* cooking Jars ]8un-Conttnnon» from 1p.m. ' In dairy husbandry at the College of food In a boiling water bath or f..J MONEY REFUNDED UPON REQUEST in a steam pressure cooker long ' NO RED TAPE IN MAKING ADJUSTMENTS of Agriculture, Rutgers university. •PAULETTE GODDARD ; Theae are; Avoid greater than enough to prevent spoilage.. The Fepsl-Oolft Company, long bland Cttr.K.'X BURGESS MEREDITH normal drop in production and use EARL ROGERS time 1* counted after the water In VnnobJMd Bottler: f epal-Cola Bottling go. of Aibmy Park. grain supplies efficiently. tn» boiling water bath ha* reached HURD HATFIELD Earl Roger*, lyric tenor, one of a. rolling boll, or the gauge on the "Pall milk supplies will be in- the five artists who will appear on fluenced by the production level pressure oooker has reached 10 CLEARANCE the benefit concert program to be pounds or the necessary pressure as held in August," points out Schnei- presented by Version A. Brown indicated on a New Jersey canning 'Diary Of A • 7 denhelm. "Feed hay or silage to post, Veterans of B"oralgn Wars, In cows on pasture if the pasture is schedule. the Red Bank junior high school Vent: This Is the word used to BOYS' SLACK SETS not ample or o'hlgh quality. High auditorium Wednesday evening, Au- [Chamber Maid" REDUCED TO feed cost demands that you feed express the act of steam forcing : (SANFORIZED) gust 28. out air through the .peteock ia the ADDED ATTRACTION ' each cow according to her produc- .Mr. Rogers was dlich&rged from tion demands. pressure cooker. The sir must be "D0NT BE A StCKEB" CJDOI, washable materials. Tan, blues, 49 the army laat spring after three excluded because It interfere* with "Too many low producing cows years of service. While in service the passage of heat After steam |Wednesd*y Mat 2 p. m. are fed too heavily and rnany high he was acclaimed as a "singing GAO, STOBM 6 to 16 producing cows are underfed," he has escaped 7 minutes, tbe petoock star" discovered by army talent may be closed. The word exhaust PBXL BEGAN explains. scouts. Prior to hit enllatmet he is used In the same sense as vent Schneidenhelm believes that was a member of the American —in— r BOYS' SHORTS dairymen can well afford to weigh Ballad Singers and staff artist on Bemovlng Fruit Stains. Summer always brings Its quota "SUN BONNET SUE" • (SANFORIZED) REDUCED TO the milk from each cow at least WABC. He had been soloist on ra- weekly If not dally, to guide them dio programs with Alfred Wallen- of stains from fruits and berries. These stains' should be treated im- Sturdy, washable materials. Solid color* *tf .00 in feeding. steln, Morton Gould and Lyn Mur- BASIL BATHBONK ray. He made his oratorio debut in mediately whenever possible, to European Corn Borers on Fall moke their removal less difficult NIGEL BBiiCE and fancy patterns. Tans, blues, browns. Jss Sweet Corn New York city in 1940 under the baton of Arthur Mendel in Bach's Boiling water and sometimes Sizes 5 to 12. Severe European corn borer In- "St. John's Passion." even warm water, If the garment "DRESSED TO KILL" festations rendered the corn from Other artists on the same pro- is washable will remove most fruit many early commercial sweet corn gram will be John de Merchant, stains. Stains from cooked fruits GIRLS' SHORTS fields wortHless, reports C. H, Nis- baritone; Audrey Bowman, soprano, are removed the same way aa those sley of 'Rutgers. Unless the late and Alice Howland, contralto. from fresh fruits. It is better not REDUCED TO fall sweet corn crop Is protected to use soap, because the alkalies in Chambray* and cotton gabardine in blue, from the ravishes of the borer, it soap set some fruit and berry MARINE 00 also will be severely damaged. Food Preservation Tips. stains. brown, white. Sizet 7 to 16. 1 Late sweet corn grown either for Are you ever baffled by some of Grapefruit and lemon juice stains THEATRE commercial purposes or for home the terms used to explain modern may be removed by washing* the use should be protected by dusting. methods of canning and freezing? fabric in warm, soapy water. But Highlands, N. J. Four materials may be used to con- Do ydu know the difference be- if the stain Is old or tbe cloth has FrL-Smt Bat. Hat BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS trol the corn borer on sweet corn. tween acid foods, low-«oid and non- been pressed before washing, use a The first Is a 1 per cent rotenone MERLE OBERON REDUCED TO acid foods? What your neighbor mild bleach. SHORTSLEEVES dust mixture containing 28 per cent means when she speaks of heat Do not use soap for fresh peach, TURHENBEV .49 of dusting sulfur, together with a sealing lima beans or corn for the cherry, and plum stains because it Sues ri to 16. Assorted patterns. wetting agent. The second is a 4 freezer? definitely sets these stains. Sponge per cent fixed nicotine dust also Perhaps you do. But .if you the stain well with cool water. Then "NIGHT IN PARADISE containing 25 per cent of.sulfur aren't sure, try giving yourself a work glycerine or a so&pleas sham- with a wetting agent. The third three-minute quiz on some of 'the poo into it, rubbing lightly with the TECHNICOLOR Is a H per cent rotenone and 2 terms Monmouth County Home hands. Let it stand several hours. Five Cartoons — Sat Hat per cent fixed nicotine dust mixture Agent Mrs. Lorna K. White ex- Then apply a few drops of vinegar, containing 25 per cent of sulfur plains below: and allow this to remain on the Forever to be cherished And forever Sons-Hon. Sun. Mat with a wetting agent and the Reade's Air-Conditioned Acid foods: Fruits, tomatoes, ripe fabric for a minute or two. Then dear is tbe bridal silver service when GINGER ROGERS fourth Is a 40-50 per cent Ryanla pimlentos and Baurerkraut are rinse thoroughly in water. dust mixture. These dust mixtures called acid foods because the it's International Sterling. JEAN PIERRE AUMONT are on the market. This method can be used on amount of add In them is so un- either white or colored cotton acd" ADOLPH MENJOU PARAMOUNT Since egg laying and hatching healthly for bacteria that a boiling Exquisite in design, faultless in linen. It may also be used for any -b>— BOARDWALK ASBURY PARK continues for a period of six weeks water bath temperature is all that fruit stain on wool or «ilk. With execution . .. Internationa] Sterling Asbury Park 2^6203 or longer for the second genera- is needed to prevent spoilage when rayons be sure to try out the meth- •••• -~ "HEARTBEAT" tion, at least five applications at these foode are canned. od on a sample of the material or is rich in dignity and tradition; a Continuous Dally from 12 Noon flve-day intervals beginningthe first TasoHtoL Toes. Hat Low-acid foods: Meat and meat an Inconspicuous part of the gar- welcome adornment to th« Mldnlte.Show Every Nlte at 11 P. M. week in August, should be made to products, beans, corn, greens, In ment. Note the effect on the color WOXABD PABKEB the sweet corn stalks. Dust thor- fact all vegetables except those in and fabric. most fastidious table. : MABGCERITE CHAPMAN ! oughly so that the entire stalk will the add foods group, are consid- ENTIRE WEEK STARTING ! be covered. The dust will also keep Grass stains, too, are more easily ered low-acid toods because they •emoved when they are fresh. If Bil pita phct I .., Iffjf "ONE WAY TO LOVE j down smut disease which often ap- contain too little aold to Interfere r —alsoi— ! pears on the ears. Commercial e material is-washable, just hot TODAY! with the growth of bacteria and •ater and soap, rubbing the stain L BOL BOOTHS ( growera should get copieB of Cir- are more resistant to hea,t The cular 486 and home gardeners a ell. A mild bleach may be used safest method of canning this the stain Is persist&nt. "MAN FROM OKLA- copy of Circular 487 from their group of foods is with the pres- agricultural agents. On materials that might be in- HOMA" sure cooker. ured by soap and water, sponge Reinforce Chicken Manure. Non-acid foods: This is a com- h» stain w\fh benzene or alcohol. Tbnrsday Mai 1P.M. WHO To secure the full value of poul- mon but incorrect term for low- Test thlj first to be sure there will MABY BETH HT'GHES try manure. 400 to 500 pounds of acid foods. It Is incorrect because je no change in color. Do not use 3ieusst DAN DUBYEA superphosphate should be added almost all foods contain some acid, cohol on acetate rayon, nnlen to each ton of fairly dry manure, Blanching: This technique Is an ou dilute It at the rate of two cups 36 BROAD STREET • RED BANK •THE GBEAT FLAMARION" says R. O. Rice, associate agricul- essential step In the freezing of if water to one cup of denatured tural agent. If the soil Is acid, vegetables. Bring the water to a cohol. Monmouth's Leading Jewelers BUTH TEKBY limestone should be applied 10 the vigorous boll, dip the product to be If you are not sure of your fab- BOBEBT LIVINGSTON ground, either plowing it under or blanched In the water and move It ic, try out the process flrtt on the Since 1886 —in— thoroughly mixing It with the soil. about enough to bring the boiling inder part of the hem, the end of •TELL IT TO A STAB" For root crops such as carrots, water In contact quickly with the he belt, or any other inconaplcu- beets, turnips and rutabagas, 400 entire mass. The time should be part of the garment to 600 pounds of a 2-8-10 or a fer- counted accurately from the mo- tilizer containing approximately 10 ment you first dip the product A per cent of potassium may be used blanching time table Is given in to supply the extra potash. Num- the New Jersey Extension Service * READE S RED BANK MOVIE GUIDE * • erous Instances have been observed bulletin on freezing. this year where heavy applications Cold pack: This method consists PRICES IN ALL WALTER READE THEATRES WILL REMAIN UNCHANGED of poultry manure alone resulted in of filling jars with foods such a< abnormal vegetative growth of tomatoes, aprlcoU, peaches, or ber- plants with a poor set of fruit. ries, in their raw state, covering READE'S STRAND READE'S CARLTON BROAD STREET • PHONE B. B. 6-1J00. MONMOUTH STREET PHONE B. B. 6-1600. MATINEE DAJLY flOt EVENINGS 7-9 MATINEE DAILY 1:16 EVENINGS '-» CONTINUOUS SATURDAY • SUNDAY CONTINUOUS SATURDAY - SUNDAY • • • PUBLIC SALE • • • Having sold my property, retiring from bu»i- NOW THRU SATURDAY! ness and moving to Florida, I will sell at Public NOW THRU SATURDAY! r»*i turret I Auction on the premises at: lESLIE 25 MECHANIC ST., FREEHOLD it.sert HUfTON one-half block east of South St.

•Ilk Saturday, August 10 IOHN 10DU NANCY KlUY AT 1 P. M. The following described property: Household Goods and Fur- nishings: Rugs, Tables, Linens, Electric Clocks, two exceptionally lino Bisque Figures—18 Inches, Four-Poster Bedroom Set (Mahog- 3 DAYS BEG. SUNDAY* nny), Single Beds, all with Inncrspring Mattresses; Hand-Painted Vnses, Chlnaware (Wedgewood), Glassware, Kitchenware, Pic- VIRGINIA MAYO tures, Mirrors, Stands, Tables, Occasional Living Room Chairs, 'THE "HOME Boudoir Chairs, Gas Range—Modern (Magic Chef) In perfect con- VERA-ELLEN dition; Electric Refrigerator (Westlnghouse), Ornaments, Dinner .MlTHEGOlDWVN GIKtS Set—service of six, and other good and useful Items too numerous ON THE to enumerate. JJ, FALCON'S Office Furniture: Typewriter (Remington), Flat Top Desk 3 DAYS BEG. SUNDAY! (Single Pedestal), Safe, Roll Top Desk (Oak), Office Table, five ALIBI" RANGE" Chairs, Metal Filing Cabinet—Four Drawers, Filing Cabinet—Six Drawer* 3" x 5", Check Writer (PrDtectograph), and Miscellaneous WITH In Color! OJJIci.' Equipment. MonuniMlH - Machinery - Tool* - Trucki: Twelve Marble TOM CONWAY WITH and GrnnitoTllomimonts. lnrge quantity of Granite Markers, Cor- ner Posts, four Tennessee Marble Slabs 18" x 6", large quantity of RITA CORDAY MONTE HALE Rough Stock. Polishing Machine (Carlcchi), Portable Sand Blast- Ing Mnchinc (Wisconsin), one Blacksmith Anvil and Tools, Port- nblo fciKht Pneumatic Hammer Machine, Cemetery Tools, Planks, , 4 DAYS BEG. WED, AUG. 14th, THE (la/ll'Hll PRODUCTION Sand Blast Room—two OenerntorB—Blower and Dust Collector, Jacks, Blocks, Rope, Boby Surfacer, two Hand.Trucks, Metal "STRANGE "Throw A 8addle Vases'. Portnlijo Crane, Sparcrlte Lettering, Step-iadders, Exten- 4 DAYS BEG. WED., AUG. Uth sion ladders, Beat Stove, 100 Concroto Blocks. Granite Cutters, JEBOME KERN'S . TRIANGLE" On A 8tar" Tools, one Two-Ton Truck (Brockway) with Windlass Attach- ment In excellent condition, and equipped with .very good tires. "CENTENNIAL SUMMER" -wlth- —with— , Thero arc mnny other Items too numerous to list. lA Technicolor With Preaton Foster ' Jeff Oonnell JEANNE CHAIN • CORNEL WILDE . .Note: This Is n clean sweep unrestricted sale as everything Is KolnR lo no sold. Not "responsible In case of accident In, o,n or about the premises. All Household Goods, Furnishings and small hut/** ^<>in!»^p4w«P»reay^ntaw^ FRANCIS O. SQUIRE » .MONTE CA1 / • ' Snlo conducted by DEAL LAKE DRIVE AND QCEAN AVEV ASBURY. PARK,. I • HI0M/1T, MITOIHl • WMITEH HUSTON' B. O. COATS. Auctioneer, 460 Bath Avo., Long Branch, N. 3. Frank Woolley Phone 0-SBO^ . o. A. Burk THE WORLD'S LARGEST SWIMMING POOL NOW OPEN! Cftbanai and Bathb.ous»s available now! For farther InJormallem visit the pool ybundf or eall ASBUBV PARK t-8880. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. Page Fivft,; storage. Boxes and ample Instruc- been diverted from the Earle naval tion* for packaging goods are dis- depot, from William McGovern, New Plant Begins tributed to customers at the plant, Siegel, Flynn who operated a cafeteria at the Mr. Bush has been engaged In depot. McGovern said he sold the the meat, bu»incis» forithe past 82 Plead Not Guilty beer because business. was slack. BELOW O.P.A. PRlCESt years,; ifaving ;itt|teil7iB^|Mf*gy.'^ 18/ and wan secretary, of Meyer & Pbblic Inspection Bush, meat wholesalers of Newark; On Beer Charges Sunday-School from 1915 to IMS, During the war he waa a government grader of Keyport Men Throw Teachers Meet : meat."' •'V- ••' • . . - . : .: ; • ^|: Fpb^lodcerp And' Eugene A.-Bush; the' oldest ot the Themselves On The A Sunday-school teachers' meet- brothers, wa» ' a' captain in Gen. ing of Colt'* Keck Reformed . Meat Processing Pattern's Famous Fourth* Armored Mercy Of The Court church waa held last the Division, and has studied animal home of Mr. and Mrs. John Harri- husbandry sit the University of Ari- son of Hominy Hills farm. Present %. f Afttr a preview public inspection Albert Siegel and Martin J. were Harold Davis, superintendent MADEINTAMFA .; zona. • '• • - -'• '••'. .:.-•'.. , Flynn, Keansburg Javern owners, Expertly mad« Irtm . of Its new and modern refrlgera- of the Sunday-school; Mabel Mit- clear Havana tSbaeeoa Sherman X, Bush was, pleaded not guilty, and Larry and §ttdta plant Friday night, the Red cently, chief refrigeration' engineer chell, John Thompson, Mm. Ham- . . . Oellahtfully -mild I. Btinlt Cold Storage and Locker Co., Frank Pergola, both of the Silver mond, Mrs. £,udw1g Neihaua, Mrs. . . . anloyably mellow with one of,.New York's largest Dollar tavern, Keyport, pleaded nan fine, 15 Herbert street, recently or- wholesale meat concerns. . Harold Gunther, Mrs. Lester Rich- I'g^knized by E. Alan Bush and. his vult before the State' Board of Al- ens, Mise PrlsclUa Martin, Miss two spns, Eugene and Sherman, to coholic Beverage Control when con- Betty Wylie and Mrs. Fanny Shep- provide quick-freezing facilities and Lincroft Party fronted with charges of purchase perd. „ & Wallace Sts. i porbllo food lockers for the area, of- and sale of stolen and diverted The .following . officers were ficially opened for business Satur- For Newlyweds beer, It was announced Monday. dmv morning. elected.* John Thompson, as- OPEN EVENINGS Mr. and Mrs. Dante Daverio, who Harry Caaselbaum, ABC attorney, sistant superintendent; Mtze Mabel jiThe plant, an attractive and own and operate Liocroft inn, Lin- charged that Siegel bought 549 Mitchell, superintendent of the pri- • clean-looking establishment, con- croft, entertained about ISO persons cases of beer stolen (rom a Ballan- mary grades, and Mrs. Hammond, sist* of an outer showroom and Sunday afternoon In honor of their tlne & Sons truck June 19, that he pianist in the primary department : counter-service room, a butchering son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and bought 90 cases of beer that had The youth fellowship group held Wflctlon, a locker room, qulck-freel- Mrs. Robert Daverio, who recently been diverted from the Earle naval a meeting and- wiener roast Sunday CRYSTAL PURE ing room, plckle-room and meat returned from their wedding trip. station, and that he sold 100 cases night at the Colt's Neck Scout : room. Mrs. Daverio is the former Miss of the stolen beer to Flynn and camp at Scobeyville. At the close •\ ; The locker room, which Is always Constance C. Balster, daughter of stored 449 cases In a walled-up of the meeting a worship service LOLLYPOPS kept si zero degrees, is a large, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Balster of room on his premisesi \ was led by Leonard Sibley, pastor. Individually - vrraoped. concrete room partially filled with St Paul, Minn. Siegel, denying that be knew the Present were Mr. and Mrs. Sibley, white food lockers and a space for A feature of the party was a beer was stolen, said he bought the Jr., Peter Moroau, Nancy Sue Mor- 'bulk storage. The quick-freezing three-tier wedding cake which was 449 cases from Benjamin Rlchman, eau, Dick Moreau, Bob Hale, Doris room Is a small section fl!fe"d with cut and distributed. Pictures were Newark, former beer salesman, and and Tvonne Wylte, Mrs. E. A. ; trays o'n which packaged food can taken by Lieut. (J. g.) G. J. Freret declared that the other 100 cases Wylle, Helen and Lloyd Reynolds, 7 PIECE be frozen quickly at well below of Fair Haven. A buffet supper was were sold to Flynn by Rlchman. Clarence Conover, Jr., and Charges zisro. The butchering, meat and served. Siegel and Rlchman, with Nathan Buck. 'pickle rooms are all .used in the Mr. and Mrs. Daverio are making Gollln, Newark, and Joseph Calla- DECANTER processing of meats coming Into ban, manager of the Shamrock inn, their home with Mr. Daverio's par- TO IMPROVE BOAD SET ^9Plant s epti. Mr. Daverio to associated were arresed by the Federal Bu- Emboited fruit de.lgn - r Ths new company, which will be with his parents in the operation of reau of Investigation, and have At an adjourned meeting of At- or, clear cryrtal deesn- ', open from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. each been Indicted by a Federal grand lantis Highlands mayor and council l,r with ola«»WPP«i Lincroft inn. complete with i I» weekday, including Saturday, will Jury In the beer theft. Monday night it was decided to au- glatsei accept meat for complete process- Boys can make pocket money by The Pergolas testified they pur- thorize advertising for blda for the ing and packaged vegetables for selling; the Register—Advertisement chased the beer, alleged to have resurfacing of Cooper avenue. . $2.29 1 Value I FOWL DUCKS


? •""•"e«ned Orl Fine flavored, cold pressed »*•• Rich m vu,-,,,, olive oil adds flavor to foods and salads. For med- 3 U* SSf HAMS Chickens g a icinal use also to protect ^U! baby's tender skin and to DELICIOUS BHH help beautify your own Jill complexion and hair. Ib Healthful br«(krait pick-up Juice preaatd from treo-ripened Inilt proctwed t« retain vltamlni and flavor. 2CANS 25c Fresh Killed MAPLECREST Pen Fatted


Well Seasoned CHOICE AA Steer Beef


CHUCK XRIB FRESH CHOPPED GOVT. SURPLUS BEEF RAY-O-VAC 36 BERKELEY DOUBLE EDGE lally ir**t«d l«m HWTft n ntf.on int othtrivtt tnimtf ' • IP protfet. the ey«» (rom.Ml*}, RAZOR BIADES ,1 BUr* ctThi,11m. f- <,jV«| AND A Ib HFETIMEWWDPfl LIGHTER iiSaWlM

fifi'Sft 'M'-'-tiMM RED BANK REGISTER. AUGUST 8.1946. esty, sincerity and forthrightness and was SUITABLE FOR HANGING i—__ 18«8, Kay BANK REGISTER By John D. Barkalow i elected time and again to membewhip.on Editorial Views Burgoyne, Louis, "to BllttMMth J£,; the township committee with little or no Bchehok, botK-colorea ' It *»ha m Oook s_d Meary OUy opposition. He was an outstanding husband tker Papers Hulls, Benjamin, to Matilda ifitCb- 5 THOMAS ERVEN- BBOWN and father, and Was an active and devoted ell, both of FreehoW 1863, Mar. 19" * Kdltar «nd SobUsher Mrs. WUUlm B, Conotsr,, iVre VanDervesr, MULM Wt*_ Nsolr, 8 •TAldSS *. HOGAN. Anoclatt Editor member of the Red Bank Baptist church. id ta'the 111- hold, N. J., Star Route, editor, to Strait Ann Clayton at ttte- | _t lb-SOU) J_5L_Y. Assistant Editor ii Afl,Sn«.und.r do afaftt Mti ohsln-an of thi Crsniatogical oom- hold ______j 1868, Mat. SI ! He was chairman of the board of trusteed of torn :1Msmfittemsnt «ii uwu •_• jiawii star, £* < Ortater mlttse of Monmouth County His- Bahdford, Jdhn _•„ of tftv Totk, I WMt fM, ill We»t Ittb 8tr..l, litw York Citr the church at the time of his death. torical assoolatlon, FrSShold, N. " Cjd«sto-Phltt«eh»ala.t>«tr6K. to Susan A, Walls Of Freehold | THOSE HKADUOHW As a member of the township commit- G_u«lofiett Index (Fait 11) -_i—:—_- 18««, July 4't let tnietfsSileal etrors In idwrtliemtrts Wt «IH.w« „,. summer evenings it By _. W. Collier, Minister Z tee, he served 4B chairman of the road com* Questions and Answers * tsit part el aa »d»«rUstnnnt In which MM tr»o*r«p- Is nloe to be out driving I) 4 OMdwiek, Richard. U, to * 1 " «rt»f ewrtlr*. Admtls«n #111 p!«M notify tbt _»n- mlfctee __d supervised thd reofganieatiori of '-•'"k D. Wai), both of Red 1 ieMt_lwmidl»ti)y »f >«> «rrcr which Blr »e«ar. undef t_6 start. But statistics put Mty If, 1MB, to (tan, 10, 1S46 the. road department about ten years ago •_ dainper on the party because ,K. J. ___«_, .668, Mar. tf; On. year, ».««•: tl- V276fl— Rodgtti, Oeorgs W to Bllu My I monthi. It Matsi llr»l« ctpy, 6 cents. under the late Thomas Day, road super they reveal that night driving- is Forman, Cornelius ...'... • 2891, 9010 H OOntyftuttnf In ever-increasing (widow) both, ot Frsshoia |9.. j IllMi ff«Mr, entertd M SMOIH-OIMI -alter at tb« Forman, Eleanor • • 2691 . - _-^~_-_____ tUt, AMi.V) atlse at »4i,jl4A», X" J., und.f til. Ant o( -we. »,»»"• visor. He was also a member of the town- proportion to the number of high- Forman;, Eleaun? ,..,- .- - , 8010 r Way accid»nts. Boran, Chartis nt, to San. *. > Hill newtstptf «Ma_«i no rwponiltlllUti for ship board of health. During the war he Forman, Jan* '•"- •. MM, 9010 iUt«mi*tt •( Minions In litura from In r«ta«". Further analysis Indicates that CaiUr, both of Batontr/wn served as a member of the Middletown town- Forman, John I, ', •• —. 3010 - • •——_. tltt, Jun» U: ont of the principal causes of night Forman, John 1 (Judge) 2891, 8010 IMUBftDAY, AUGUST S, 1M4. acc/dente la failure on the part of By 7. Ohandlsr, umuter ship war price and ration board and de Forman, Jonathan __— 3691, 2682 White, Davis, .to Martha' Wllbow, all too many motorist- to dim Forman, Mary ______3891, 3010 voted a great deal of bis time and consider- their lights on approaching other both Of Ooean Oo. 1161, Apr' U 1 Forman, Samuel , , 2591, 3010 By Vincent Messier, Minister PrOtp-Cts Bright For Regatta. able effort in seeing that the OPA regula cart. It ia important to have good Forman, Samuel I. 3591, 8010 headlights and "dimmers" that (03) Anderson, Henry, to Margaret ! tions were carried out in the best interests Fox, Mary ..,,.,..-, •. 2602 Applefate, both ot Psrrinevills ' < The racing schedule for the 14th an- work, but it Is more Important to Fox-all, Rev. H. 3016 Sweepstakes regatta has been released of the majority of.township residents.. For make proper use of them, Nothing «-~— 1859, May • ! Is more dangerous and nerve-rack- Franr, Hannah, „„ • . .... • ,. 3622 By X w. Orunb, Minister cohering the two-day Shrewsbury rirer claa- the past five years at least ail his civic effort ing than two Cars plunging toward FrUer, Martha? , 36-) tlpplncott, Edwin, to Mary Ann ric Saturday and Sunday, August 17 and waa put forth in the face of steady failing one another on the average two- Fraser, William 3632 App]«g_t« — 18«2, Junil* lane roadway with both sets of Freeftjan, Agustus Isaao ____ 3686 Johnson, Lewis H, to Mlnia M. |l8. The regatta officials have received word health. Freeman, Arnold 2636 Wainirrig_t . 1842 Jujy 8 headlights on full, blinding both : ffrom motorboat racing enthusiasts through- In his death, Middletown township drivers. And It is so euy for each Freeman, Ben], N. 2686 Marks, Kames H., to Catherine driver to turn on his dimmers. Freeman, Frederick Hayma .—: Woolly, 1882, Sept. < out the country indicating a record entry loses one of its foremost citizens, The Keg- Add to this situation a rain-cov- Freeman, Mary Marsh —_— 2686 Williams, Daniel D., to Catherine if or this year's events, which will be Mgh- ister loses a staunch, supporter, and this ered road surface acting as a mul- probably not even satisfactorily, Freeman, Sara (BJdgar) • 2686 1* Newmon 1862, Sept. 1 tiple mirror for tho lights and one found; the best that can be done Shrewsbury Hears Freeman, Wm. Thornal 2686 Donahay, Joseph, ta Bltzabsth A. lighted by the Judge Emil Auerbach cup, writer loses one of the best friends it has can ."readily understand' why statis- will be to work out a first rough Gardiner, Richard _. 26SS Corlies U62, Nov. 2T . ihe President of Mexico trophy and the fa- ever been his good fortune to. know, not to tics report ever-mounting highway approximation to what may long Qatei, Samuel - 8026 Barkalow, Cornelius C, to Angs- tragedies. Failure to dim headlights hence develop toward the begin- Complaints About Oates, Sarah (Benjamin) 8028 tetta Clayton 1848, Jan. 4 JHOUS 30-inch broDze sweepstakes trophy mention the much more important loss to la one of the most flagrant viola- nings of an international constitu- Oittlng, Robert Armstrong __ 3602 Homer, WllUam H, to Matilda Lof- races. his devoted family. tions ot the motor vehicle laws of tional structure. But the work will House Building Oloyd, Sarah Armstrong —>__. 3602 ten 1868, J«n, -16 Z many states and is always against not be hastened by constantly hold- Oloyd, WllUam 2602 Corlies, William P., to Ella '.it. y Jack "Pop"' Cooper, 75-year-old racing good driving practices anywhere. ing it up to te»ts of "democracy" Gordon, David ______2S73 Johnson 1863, Jan. XI' grandfather of Kansas City, Mo., who has The correction of this abuse of or "justice" which simply do not Council Is Unable Gordon, Ezekiel 2880 Durnsll, William H., to Carolina H. • Beware of the Humus Racket. good driving lies within the motor- apply in the Jungle International Gordon, Jane - 2680 Pries — 1868, Jan. 38 ' won the sweepstakes trophy twice, has sig- : A racket is being perpetrated on prop- ists themselves.—The" Spotlight, world which we still inhabit. To Stop Construction Gordon, Jonathan R. 2580 Jackson, John S., to Ana-Potter nified his intention of returning to Bed Trenton, K. J. —N. Y. Herald Tribune Gordon, Dr. Lewis J. 2080 1863, Fsb; 16 " erty owners of Monmouth county by out-of- Bank in an attempt to rack up his third vic- Of Low Cost Units Gordon, Mary 2680 Miller, Jacob W, to Mary John, j town salesmen of a type of vegetable soil CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE HAVE A SBAT, LADY? Gordon, Pater 3016 son 1868, Feb. 28 £ tory. Guy Lombardo is another racing no- Gordon, F.irah 2678 Day, Malcolm, to Rebeoea Shafto > Back. yonder In the days when The Shrewsbury borough mayor known as humus. The real humus is pop- The evils of lnter-unlon Jurlfldlc- and council met Monday night and Gordon, William Jonathan 2580 _. ISiiS, Apr. 18 % table who has made reservations at the Mol- tlonal disputes are forcefully Il- most women were suffragettes and ular as a lawn dressing, and it is under- heard protests from Thomas ave- Gray, Sally Ann —: —__ 2587 Cooper, Benjamin M., to Mary Han- i- ly Pitcher for the two regatta days. lustrated in the case of the R. ^f. some men were gentlemen, a rebel- nue residents against the construc- Grant, Thomas : 263S ruh Eatell _ , 1863, May I jjj stood that the salesmen of this bogus Macy & Co. department atore lious male, squirming uneasily In tion of five small houses on Francis Green, Alice 2590 Shcrmln, Thomas, to Mary John-'?' After a respite during the war, we are which finds Itself caught In the his streetcar seat, addressed the street, based upon the claim that product are doing a land office business middle of a scrap between the icowllng Amazon who stood in the Greenlee, Maxon ______3009 son ___ 1863, June 27 | glad to see Bed Bank coming to the fore | the buildings do not meet the min- Grlgga, Benjamin 2580 Morris, Charles O., to Sarah Ann i- throughout this section of Monmoutli AFL teamster's union and a CIO aisle before him: "Do you believe imum requirements established by again with river sports, in justification of dehverymen's union. In Women's Rights, ma'am?" Grover, Abigail 2685 Wlnton 1863, June 21 s county. the town's building code. Grover, Alics 268» By John L. Bonder, Mln. ,"• 'iU slogan, "The Kiver Sports Center of the In line with most other stores, "Indeed I do!" Mayor Alfred N. Bcadleston an- Mrs. Anderene A. Moreau, owner of The Macy's recently turned its deliv- "Then stand up aAd enjoy them!" Orover, Ann 2639 (94) French, John, to Ellen Hoi- :*' •East." This year's regatta has a good swered that borough officials had Grover, Brail Hal 2619, 2635 man 1862, Aug. SO p" eries over to the United Parcel Which seems to put Into a nut- been in constant contact with the Freehold Transcript, in an attempt to halt Service, Inc. Before doing no, how- shell the reasons why a long list of Grover, Betsy 2635 By Wm. B. HarrU, Minister 4 .chance of surpassing all past regattas in contractors of tho houses under fire Grover, Caroline Taylor 2635 Vaughan, Thomas, to Anna B. Ir> '•' the racket, had a man by the name of Wal- ever, Macy's obligated Itself to pay reputable and enlightened organiza- and cited numerous legal difficult- entries and attendance. $609,000 In severance benenU to 900 tions opposed the Equal Rights Grover, Charles 2639 vln, both of Millstone Twp. ?: ter Parr of Jersey City bailed into court re- ies which prevented absolute en- Grover, Cornellar 2639 1863, Jan. 81 .' • Plans are already being made for sev- ellvery employees, to supply their Amendment. And such opposition, forcement of extotlng ordinances. cently after he had sold her several loads of .946 vacation benefits totaling without a doubt, largely explains rover, Cornelia Ann 2635 By John W. Davison, Justice 1 eral important BaiTboat regattas on the 1100,000, and to provide life pensions He explained that the builders had Grover, Deborah White, Columbus to Annie Gaskin, ' ordinary dirt, supposed to be humus, for the Senate's refusal to Initiate the received a permit from ex-building Shrewsbury river at this place next year. for those over 85 with 20 to 30 measure. Inspector Oliver O. Frake of tattle 2610, 3680, 3685, 2639 both of Wall Twp. 1869, Mar. 15 i $325. Mrs. Moreau was lucky enough to years service. Macy's, in addition, These organizations — many of Silver and that control council Grover, Eme Simpson. Robert, to Catherine Oas- f Bed Bank has one of the most beautiful saw to it that the entire 900 were Grover, EllaSbeth kin, both of Wall Twp^. ? get her money back. Parr was fined on a them women's—feared legalistic In- could not withdraw such permis- rivers in the world, and with\the type of then employed by United Parcel. terpretations of the proposed sion. Grover, Eknjgi^ —— 1863, Au«. 7t ; Grover, _mtQ_'. 'By B. A. Freeman, Minister '• river sports promotion we are fortunate in minor charge and was dismissed by Kecord- Meanwhile, the AFL teamsters, amendment which might hold that Acknowledging the detrimental er Fred Quinn of Freehold with a warning which had a closed shop contract so unqualified a declaration of affect on property values in the Glover, Emtty May (96).Obise, William, of WllUams-v having it will not be long before a good with United Parcel, Insisted that equality barred women from prefer- vicinity of the construction and ;rover, Hannah burft N. Y., to Mary Ann Harris .? percentage of the population of the United not to attempt to operate his racket in Mon- the 900, who belonged to the CIO ential as well as from discrimina- subsequent Ioaa In taxes, the mayor Grover, Henry Clay of Jersey City, N. J. 1854, Apr. 17 ' mouth county again. Parr is supposed to start paying their dues into the tory treatment. The gains of years also expressed regret that war vet- Grover, James 2619, 2635 By Brotnwell Andrew, Minister ' States will be sure to know about it. the AFL. And the CIO union, In in state and federal women's wel- erans should be subjected to hous- Grover, James, Lieut 2635 LolfalU«et, Andrew, to Anna Maria '' have sold a larger quantity of the same ordi- turn, threw a picket line yesterday Grover, James Clark CllrV 1863, Apr. • j fare laws could tljus be wiped out. ing of such temporary construction. I ary dirt to another Monmouth county resi- around Macy's, most of whose sales Nor was their concern wholly He added, however, Uiat, it the vet- L 2680, 2635, 2639 By W. B. Vanleer Minister f> Crine Appointment. iforce, being CIO, refused tp walk groundless. The question hinges on erans chose the sites In preference Grover, Johjgg 2619, 2635 William, to Phebe Slo- '§. dent for $630. hrtugh a CIO picket Itne to work. whether the equality of women is to being homeleas. he felt the coun- Grover, John B. 3635 1863, Sept. if The nomination of Frederick A. Crine As a consequence, Macy's al- as yet solidly enough grounded In cil should not deny them such rover, Joseph 2619, 2635 By James Martin, Justice for postmaster has met with a popular re- In some instances the product being though living up to lt» union con- public thinking to make such legal- riRht. Grover, Joseph, Jr. 2619 (96) Brlnley, Silvenls, to Catherine ,'' palmed off as humus is colored sawdust. tract, has had Us business dis- istic interpretations Impossible. It Protesting were Fred Tapper, Grover, Lydia 2619 William. 1863, Oct 18 § •ponse, both from the public and his fellow rupted; the public bu been Inoon- The operators are fast talkers and usually was just a decade ago that the Su- Russell Hodgklss. Jamee Borden Grover, Mahlon 3635 Vanfcrunt, Garit, to Martha Stevens ? employees. Mr. Crine, who began his pos- vlenced and there is now talk of preme Court ruled that It was wdm- and Alonzo Devaney. Grover, Mary 36*5 . 1863, Oct. 20 I work from a truck with a nursery sign plas- spreading the tie-up to other de- an's inalienable right to work In in- Councilman Harry Brady, Sr., Grover, Rebecca 3635 By James Martin, Justice f tal career at the bottom of the ladder in partment stores. tered on it. In addition to promoting a dustry as long a day and for as low and Harold McCormlck were ap- rover, Safety 2635 Stewart, John, to Sueon Elisabeth f 1927 as a substitute carrier in the Bed Bank And the unions, by involving the a wage as she wished (or had) to pointed a committee to meet with Grover, SamueJ 2819, 263S Lewis, both of Mon. Co. ' phony product, they quote a fantastically public and an employer In a strict- the Shrewsbury borough board of postofflee and who has served as acting post- ly inter-union struggle for control, take. Grover, Sarah 2635 — 1862. 8«p<_ • : But since then the court has re- education Monday night to discuss rover, Sylvanua 2635 By A. Owen, Minister \ high price for very small quantities of the once more helped discredit a war memorial in connection with master since 1944, has demonstrated he strike and picket line as legl- versed Itself in what has already Grover. SUllwell 2639 Adams, Thomas, to Alice Curtis I dirt and on occasion hare been known to any future expansion of the gram- Orover, Susannah 2635 1853, Oct 34 ' through his efficient management of local Imate weapons of labor. been recognized as a historic deci- mar schoo!. quickly spread a load or more of the mater- —N. Y. World Telegram sion. The whole trend of recent Grover, Theodocia? 2619 L«n, Jno. I, to ElUabeth Wolcott - \ postal affairs that be is well qualified for legislation reflects a growing ac- Bernard White of Corn lane re- 2619 1868, Nov. 7, I ial on an unsuspecting owner's lawn before quested permission to fill in a ditch Grover, Thodosla the position to which he has been elevated. ^~T ceptance of the view that woman's Grover, Thomas ' 2619, 2635 Smock, BenJ. a., to Hmnnaji Van fl quoting auy definite price. "DEMOCBA or AT currently used as a drain from the olur 1863, Nov. 1* • « maternal role demands protections borough etreet and adjoining pri- Grover, William 2619, 3835 Being fair and square in carrying out The Paris conference is still tan- for the good of society. Orover, WllUam Voorhees 2633 Hendrlckson, Jas. H., to Mary SI- ', Fortunately we have in this section vate property. The ditch Is on pri- Isn Borden 1853, Nov. 30 his duties, he enjoys the respect and con- gled in the unresolved anomalies of There will come a day when vate property recently acquired by Halenbeck, Gerrlt 2613 fidence of his co-workers in the postofflee. many reputable nurserymen who would only our International society—a teem- equality of the sexes must be writ- him. He was advised such action Halenbeck, Isaac Casperse 2613 Hendrlckson, Tobias S., to Mary •• be too glad to co-operate in stamping out ing, Inchoate mass of needs, de- ten Into the Constitution If for no might entail legal complications, Hamilton, Elizabeth 2602 Ann Price 1853, Dec. 33 A man of modest nature, he always prefers sires, ambitions and fears to which other reason than thus to dignify but that council could neither deny Hankerson, Peter 2587 Hagerman, Alfred H., to Ann W. ' to remain in the background, yet he is ever (his racket. Our advice to anyone interested nonevof our established concepts is what Is already accepted in Amer- or approve hb request. Councilman Hathaway, Adelaide Sopronia 3025 Woolcott in humus or any similar product is to deal Cl&sely applicable and for which no ica as a democratic Ideal. That Harry Sickela reported, he would Hathaway, John King 3025 Newell, Thos., to Catherine Van- alert in keeping abreast of current problems really ve of "de- —The Christian Solence Monitor. per cent collections. Hoagland, Jan Dircksen 3021 bert _ . 1868, 8*pt 23 i mocracy" in »ny arrangement ]n opening the meeting Mayor Hoagland, Jorij , 8021 Drummond, Gordon, to Sarah Ann of the country each year, is reported to have One of the country's principal food which gave the sparse population FASHION tN TIPPING Bcadleston advised tho councilman Hoagtand, Joseph 3021 Parker 1865, Oct 11 reached epidemic proportions in parts of the of New England an equal weight of the seriousness of the condition Hoagland, William 3021 Strafford, Henry, to Emily Valen- ' chains recently made, through the medium New York's State Department of. of District Clerk Walter C. Guptll, ; with the scores of millions ot Sov- Placement and Unemployment is Hockman, Clara 2639 tine 1856, Oct. 11 i, South and Middle West. ' While the num- of newspaper advertisements, the following iet Russia or balanced the vote of who was injured in the Bayonno Howland, Hannah 3000 Sherman, John, to Cath. Louisa > beguiling the summer afternoons train accident. He also mentioned ber of polio cases iu the Middle Atlantic three-way pledge to its customers: the United States against that of by an Investigation of tips. Tho Hubbard, James 2635 Morris 1866, Nov. 38 i Ethiopia? that among other borough resi- Hulsart, John S. states is about normal, every precaution 1. It will continue to pass on to cus- Inquisitors haven't gone a long way dents to have suffered injuries were 3012 These records were copied by Yet that Is only the beginning of but the portion of road thus far Former Councilman Arthur Hope Hulsart, Mary 3012 Monmouth Court House Chapter, should be taken by parents to safeguard tomers the benefit of all savings made the difficulty. Supposing that the traveled has been Interesting. and Lester Scott, president of the Hulsartl , Samuel 3012 D. A. R, and published through k their children. through its system of pricing at lowest point national votes were weighted In ac- In Manhattan, hotel doormen and board of education. Hulsart, Sara 3012 th« Monmouth Historical assocla- I cordance with population. Does the bellboys run to $2 a day and less Hunt, Abigail 3002 tlon, Freehold, N. J, and released 3 In an article in this week's issue of The to yield a reasoimble profit. government of India represent the visible chambermaids to half that. TWO NEW TEACHERS Hyer, John Van Pelt _. 2587 by (Mrs. William R.) Laura V. Con. : Begiiter, Dr. Mahaffey, state heu'lth direc- ~. It wfll pay legitimate market prices millions of that country as occu- However, the farther • "Up-State" Isseltyne, Providence , 2622 over, chairman of Genealogical L vatcly ai the government of Aus- you seek, the lower the gratuities The Little Silver board of educa- Jack3on, Hugh ;„ 3010 commutes. « tor, gives some sound advice on methods to tion at last week's meeting en- Johnston, David, Capt 2635 to farmers and food producers. tralia represents Its small but free decline. Shoe shiners generally re- gaged new teachers for the pre- follow during the period in which infantile 3. It will Uo no speculative hoarding and homogeneous population? Can ceive a flat five-cent tip, even if primary and first grades. Miss An- Prosecutor Nabs ' paralysis generally strikes. Keeping the the Kremlin »peak for the huge they use the whlsk-broom on tho nette I.. Brown of Long Branch —2757— and will maintain the Inrgost possible sup- peoples of Russia te authoritatively customer's clothes. Taxi-cab drivers will replace Mrs. Helen Gale as Book E. Monmouth County Mar- child's resistance up to par through observ- plies of food to be made available equally as Washington can speak for the average a 12M% "take" on the pie-primary teacher and Mrs. Elii- riage Records, Court House, Free- "Call Me Joe" population of the United States? meter's demands. Barbers are given abcth Grleeenbeck of Rumeon will hold, N. J. ing common sense health nileB is of para to all customers. The answer even to that last ques- 16% of their bills. Joseph (Call Ms Joe) Mahawash, succeed Mrs. Beatrice Weasell a_ (89) Ray, Atrm., to Margaret Keaniburg-.v operator of a bingo mount Importance. Every parent should tion is perhaps neither as simple And who do you think oomes out teacher of the first grade. In general, this m the wny in which all nor as obvious as It may seem; but, Jackson : 1861, Aug. 10 concession In the amusement sec* read Dr. Mahaffey's article and follow his away ahead? Tou've guessed It— School will reopen Monday, Sep- Magee, John !•., to Margaret -. tlon of Keansburg bsaoh, wsjr ar- kinds of retailers, dealing in nil manner of whatever tho aniwer, it would re- manicurists. Especially from men. tember 9, and registration for start- duce any crudt concept of majority Smith 1861, Aug. 17 rested by Assistant County Prose- advice. It may save many lives and crippled commodities, can best serve tbe public in the After all, that was an easy guess— Ing pupils win take place Friday Marks, Geo., to Martha A. Layton cutor John M. Plllsbury and Coun- voting In this asaemblage, made JB%—It Is a cover charge—hand- afternoon, September 6, from 1 to llmbi. battle against inflation. Up not of Individual* but of na- 1861, Oct. 10 ty Detective John Gawler Sunday holding.— Bangor Dally News. 3 o'clock. VanDerveer, D. Augustus, to Geor- night for "operating a game of tions, to the ridiculous. Work has been started on the No one knows whore the pi-ice level will The taot Is IO apparent that no- glanna Hunt -_ _ 1861, Nov. 18 chance," and Is being held on tSOO -4 The Register Lose* A Friend. CHILDREN AND MOVIES new $28,000 wing to the school, A Sohenck, Abraham S., to Helen E. hall. , udjust itself. It is apparent that, in the body pays the concept much more now claasroom Is being added, the Edward H. Morford of Hoaddeji'a Cor than Up service. The real argument We realize, rather agalnat our AAima 1861, Dec, 2 Mahawash who, according to Io- light of iucramfd lulior and other basement Is being remodeled for Buck, Garret C, to Alice G. cal auhorlttes, has been arraigned Is not over establishing a 'demo- will, that times change and that use as a luncheon nnd the formor several times on similar charges, ner, superintendent of Fair View cemetery costs, prices uiinnub now rot urn to prewar oratlc" structure In an Internation- the customs and habits of a decado kitchen and library will be con- Sohenck 1861, Nov. 18 James, Oeo., to Mary J. Crowe!) pleaded not guilty when arraigned in Mlddletowu township /or the past 511 levels. It is equally apparent Hint retail- al society which as yet has devel- ago are not necessarily those of to- verted Into a medical Inspection before Recorder Henry Schweitzer oped not ev«n the rudiments of a day. However, we still question and first aid room. —_ 1861, Dec. SI Monday. years, and a member of the Jliddletown ers have no control over the wholesale or democratic goverance; primarily, It whether It Is wise to expose very Guile, Joseph O., to Elizabeth township committee for munj years, died is a much more rational argument young children to any and every CONGRATULATIONS Schenok 1862, Jan. 15 production price stninuri', oavc that re- over the balances of power In a motion picture th»t Is produced. All by T, B. Taylor, Pastor DROWNS IK 0HEE8EQUAKE. Tuesday afternoon of heart trouble after a HeiVi to the 80th bhthdny of the Air sulting from their muss-purchasing power. still power-operated society. That We all have come to realize that Force. V. 3, 'A.—the foroo which grew Rooms Georga of Morris Co.,' to Cheeaequake crtek at Morgan long Illness. Is the main concern behind all the the movies present ono of the most from n tiny tot to tho world's vrast Bnrah Ann Schenok of Atlantic But muss co-operation of all ri'luilers such force toduyl qlain\ed Its second, drowning victim procedural arguments, But It Is not efficient means of cduoation avail- Twp. 1888, May 20 of th» 1M6 season last wiek, when Mr. Morford was born at Kingston, Hc't'% to Uioia Wlio Rftll tho iklell tn us that advertised by this food chain will the only concern. There IJ a very Able, and for th(U reason. If no 1 By O. O. Schenok, Minister genuine effort being made at Paris other, pictures to whloh young- those oi\ the trrouno bolow. ,Tn tfonlun August Plsto, 81, Cllffslde Park, Caniida, OB yean ago and 'came to Middle/' Have tremendous SUIIIB for consumera uud -which shnped the "Humnn nfrd"j* to Lefetra, Samuel, to Mary Alice Al- was caught In the undertow and —and If Mr, Byrne* has been a sters stilt In grade lohool are to safonco which helped It grow. len 1863, May 31 town township when a young boy. .He as leader In It his Is not the only mind go should be soloctod by their par- want to'his death while members • help control the "inflationary spiral." Wo bow our hoads In prayer this day ' By Bloonfueld Newman, Jus, of tho family, helpless to aid, mimed the responsibilities of superintend sincerely engaged upon tbe prob- ents with care. for tho ona« whoso broath bug cemed, (96) Bldle, John M., to Matilda The majority of retailers havu kept lem—to bring In what l« loosely • —Darlbn (COnn.) Review. who fought tho tlcht lit Freodom'j watched from the shore. 6 nti name, nnd Iho tyrnnt's grip riteaitd. Slmpion 1863, Mar. 8 ^nt^f Jfftlr.VJcwxfim^rYi.>YLllfl"JlflxgMjfltiJjL -faith withiha npnnln. EvnnJvlLen till urico' * "world opinion," or "normal Stlllwell, Samuel _., to Wyear. of age. ^HiHibmi^ndlnd^ coTfaWwiff^^ i-nmoved, fliey hold •s a factor mitigating tho Joauc Burcham, 03, of Monmouth toward nrawjni1 r th,o flower of hontlt By'ploomrield Ibwrnan,' Justfpo" were responsible for the growth and modern price Incueiises to [he minium HI within their , play of powor. It Is an effort "Qaod-Wlir —tho oHsoncfl^o( Brother-. to give at lend a hearing to some- Beach died Monday at Monmouth - hood's creed I' t * Silvers. H, Nol«onV*to Almlra Still- Wan,- general ehalriAan ,ot the jai development of the cemetery (o Its present control. Muxiniunl ufllciimry in distribu- thing other thnn the ntark dictates Memorial hospital following a short Thus wn. lift' our KIIIM ill tonatlng, filled well..™-.:^ __ 18,62, Noy, 8 -cent financial campaigca n conBuo^d position as ouo of jLhe hest in New Jersey. tion plus muxJ in inn clllclt'iU'v and output In of force. ThMs an extraordinarily Illness.. Born In Louisiana, Mi, with witter swoot and ptiro, to our b»> Butter,-William 1A., to Cathor|n« Et by the Northern Wonmouth 0lrl difficult and complex problem In a Bui dram has lived on the coast for loved U. 8> Air Korro—Oorl griuit you _Whltm0re._...... _ltmdre _.. 1862, AApr. 16 Soout pound), has rporU tt •''; ' A» a resident of Middletwn township production 'hold the,, rail Nulufiouj to tho soolity devoid of any constitutional 14 years and until a short tlmo the rlirht Io cnilurnl By'C. V. Worrell, Mln, ddvleei to provide for .suoh s, re- ago was employed by ths Mon- SARAH ). LEVY. Htlhrtjh date tho1 treasurerh , William 62 yeara, he made many Mends forhis hon- price problem. , Lens Bnnon, . . (MM) H>tlsh«»rtrjphH w,,tto,j •ult Th« balance will not be easily, mouth Btaoh club as a watchman. NtW Jersey. • * AAnn Bout], both of Mon, Co. i^fe »d • RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. Page Saven, Rotarians To Judge Reserves. - ENROLL NOW - O'Neill HeW Fx>r Grand Jury OLDIN'S (AMERICA'S NO. 1 INDrVIDEAL AND FAMILY GROUP Hear Local Decision In • ' HOSPITAl EXPENSE PLAN. MEN'S SHOP 8END FOB CIBCULAB. Attorney Today Crouse Dispute

ROBERT J. MARVIN Robert H. Maida . Defendant Released ' CHAMP ^Highway 84, Matowan, N. J, •' =TeL Matawan 1-0641-J To Tell Of Hit War In Custody Of Hi. * (- ttEAL ESTATE " -•- INSURANCE - .'. Farm* - Home* • Country life • Fire - Auto • Accident Experiences Attorney V MctiREG OR S f ORTS.WE A Rt '^ •tfhe 'guest speaker at today's 'Arraigned before Recorder Gil- meeting of the Red Bank Rotary bert W. Manson, Mlddletown town- dub at the Molly Pitcher hotel will ship, Monday night, Ira L. Crouse, be Robert H. Hatda of the Red owner of Monmouth Lumber com- Bank Lions club and an attorney pany, Red Bank, pleaded not guilty ;i with Pareont, Labrecque, Canzdna to the charge of assault and bat-' HI-HAT Bar & Restaurant and Combs of Wallace street. Mr. tery made agalnit him by his wife, Jfclalda,; who served In the recent Marls Crouse, who resides at Apple 20 Main Street, Keansburg. Harry's Lobster House brook Farm, Mlddletown township. war, spent several months as a working member of the legal staff The lengthy hearing oh the' v SEA BRIGHT, N.J. TEL. 2-0205 • at the Numbers trial* of Nazi war- charge, continuing until 11:30 P. t FINEST OF WINES AND LIQUORS criminals. M, disclosed that on July 11, 1948, Mr. Crouse went to Apple Brook Music Saturday Night. • • Last Thursday the Rotarlana Open All Year .Farm where Mrs. Crouee resides, Our restaurant is now open serving the finest heard Brig. Gen. W. R. Reader of and after a dispute over the pos- Little .Silver, Gen. Reader first session of several crates of apples steaks, chops and sea food. Lobsters, Steaks, Chicken came to Fort Monmouth In 1927 which Mrs. Crftuse was attempting and has had tours of duty there to stfrt and grade, first shoved her Phone Keansburg 6-0648 several times. The general) who and then violently struck her on the wag a guest of Ralph Mauriell, re- lift side of her face. and all Sea Foods cently returned from India and re- lated quite some experiences rela- Mrs. Crouse. testified that, aa a Music by Wilbur Gardner tive to Indian politics af- result of the blow, she was stunned fairs, going on to say that a famine and dazed to the extent that a few KITCHEN OPEN TO I A. M. Is la progress there which cannot minutes later, while trying to re- be averted to any great extent, as turn from the barns where the In- GEORGE KRAUSS, Owner the Indians, like the Chinese, are cident took place to her house, she PUBLIC SALE fell over in a faint. Medical atten- a rice eating people. The wheat tion was Immediately summoned to that we ship to them, the general Having sold -my farm and giving Immediate possession I will said, will not help very much as Mrs. Crouse'and she was taken by ambulance to the Fitkin Memorial dispose of my Household Goods—Furnishings, Livestock, Tools, they do not know how to cook it hospital where she remained under and also, some of the religious efav, at public auction on the premise* at: sects ban the use of wheat In the the care of' physicians until July menu. Th.e general also vened a lath. personal opinion that the United Barry L. Hunter and David Car- States should not be too eager to William O'NelU (center), of Port Monmouth, 71-year-old engineer donick, soldiers stationed at Camp SMITHBURG, N. J. enter Into any trade agreements of the Central railroad train that rammed the Barnegat express at Woods at the time of the Incident Bayonne Friday, is arraigned in Bayonne police court on man- but since' discharged from the * sue half mile sooth and one half mile west of Smlthburg on with these people unless the cash Army, were standing within a few is forthcoming. They want to buy slaughter warrant. At left Is unidentified detective and at right is the CUrksburg-Smlthburg Road, or one mile from the Smlthburg Good News Column David Binder, O'Neill's lawyer. ' feet of where the incident took American goods but have no money place and corroborated Mrs. General Store. ' 4 «» 3 —2nd floor— DARAH JAMES * GRINDER HEADS $1.49 Solid bronie one piece Va" arbor—Every .95 1 •hop should have 'one. .Has many attachments extra. 5 * SCREEN WHK BARBIZON body-contour SLIPS >I c Last call for pure Bronze JIMS 24"-26 JOHN B ALLEN CO ,30". Plastic also available. 11 •Contour slips that guarantee you a perfect fit whether you're the slim or not-so-slim type! They are multi- filament (jrepes and come in wltfte and pink. Whatever ''**^*^'J^W!S • Dontour Slips. Closed All Day Wednesday* during August. > Eight RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUSTS, 1946. :iDENT INSURANCE '1000 yr. Use Of Wine In Salad SMOKED SHOULDER USED On, Two-Course Dinners LIKE HAM The ETHEL MOUNT MOZAR SCHOOL of DANCING, IHK forn) ofi »»>••»«•••«»crMtfon•f nAUu •tti« • ,• —«edU«t- » oeoirr "off Dressing Is Not New A•' smoked picnlo shoulder of d under Workman's CompenaaUon. pork, some times incorrectly "called 11H Prospect Avenue, R«d Bank when an accident atriket, it will. ' ««•. •» Salad oils and commercially pre- when you a "plonic ham," Is an economical n worm «•<•. canwmiently. V°u won't be protected «ga pared salad dressings are on the cut of meat to uie iss an alterna- Telephone B. B. 64*20 / 5 "iffi pJSS £v£. you while "off the iot" a. follows, —I list of acante foods, but this need tive to smoked ham. It may be OF IJFE #.000.00 not mean fewer main dish salads cooked and served in thn same way Summer Classes m All Types of Dancing si. avaou DISAB1XIT• Y (up to 26 weeks" ) SO.OOperwk. on* summer menus. Cooked salad as a smoked. bam, ana has the » ' HOBCTTAi EXPENSE (up to 21 days) 4.00 per day dressings of truly superior flavor same delicious smoky flavor. Now Being Conducted. » v, For MM. and Women, A.ea 10 to 75, Including HOUSpWIVBS can be made at home by even the One of the favorite ways to serve ».smoked picnlo qhoiilder is to Phone tied Bank trtttO Mornings for ' novice cook. Aa Is true of all roast it In a slow oven, cover, it ^UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE CO. cooked dishes In which egg; yolks with a glaze near the «nd of- the BegUtratlon or Information ', vjv Represented by _ are an Important Ingredient, slow cooking period and serve like a heat Is indicated for the prepara- baked ham. The mild-cured picnics . The Prospect Hill. Day School doted antil September tion of this dressing. A double -Which are commonly foutfd In mar- f;C!Weartf42 Broad St., Red Bank-Tel. 6-2240 boiler Is the surest way to keep the kets today do not require any soak- heat even and low, Ing before they are baked;; they are ready to go •'directly Into the White table wine is responsible oven. Home-cured shoulders, bow- for the subtle smooth flavor dis- ever, are usually Improved by tinction of today's salad dressing. Making. ' ' . Such use of wine In salad dressings Another popular way to serve is not new. Great s^alad chefs this cut of meat Is to simmer it WE REPAIR have always counted on the flavor slowly In water, adding vegetables of wine to add distinction to salads for about the last Tialf hour, and and salad dressings. Only a small serve as a "boiled dinner." A good amount of vinegar Is used so the choice of vegetables to go with' salafl dressing is flavorsome with- IHMx O CuOID SALAD . • . FOB BOX WEATHEB MEAlfi smoked pork would be potatoes, • Any Make Frigidaires out being sharp. It Is ideal for use. carrots, cabbage and green beans. in seafood salads, chicken ealad, By CHARLOTTE ADAMS, After It baa been cooked by eith- potato salad and fruit salads. The Associated Press Food Editor er of theie methods (roasting or In hot weather, two courses are Serve Just Tea And Some simmering), this meat may be used • Washing Machines dressing can be varied, too, if de- Orange Tout In a great variety of "made" dishes sired. For some fruit salads, the plenty for any dinner, both from In place of cooked ham, The taddltion of a measure of honey the point of view of the cook and While wo have long regarded reolpes given below are two excel- QUALITY and whipped cream may be desir- that of the persons who eat It. Onetoast aa primarily breakfast fare, lent suggestions offered by Jesale • Vacuum Cleaners able or the salad dressing may be there are so many Interesting ways Alice Cline, borne economist. Other course should be hot, as we all well of preparing, stale bread for wel- thinned sightly with syrup from know. The other should he aa cool ideas would Include creamed him canned fruit. • come appearance at other meals. served In a noodle ring, ham ome- and as cool-looking as possible. We should, not alone (or the sake let, ham and vegetable casseroles PAINTS One of the most satisfying and Here's one good menu for such a of economy, but for variation of the and ham. croquettes. • Electric Ranges family menu, utilize these other practical of summer supper or dinner. The second course is a des-methods, Bam Bine luncheon salads Is shrimp salad sert-type of salad and most re- S cups ground cooked ham These top-quality paint* served in the largest and reddest When a simple tea Is to be served ate made to look better, work • Electric Water Heaters freshing. nothing Is more suitable than thin 2 teaspoon salt Brush the other sidi with melted with a vegetable. Serves 6 to 8. Us* fa« "Right NM" forth* G & D APPLIANCE SERVICE CO. good menu accompaniments. '-<• teasoon onion salt butter and sprinkle with one-half Ham and Macaroni Salad Glasses of white table wine such H teaspoon powdered marjoram cup of sugar that has been blended 1 16-ounce package of erbow 60 WHITE ST.,' RED BANK as Sauterne, Rhine wine and Cha- 1 6-ounce can broiled-in-butter with one quarter of a cup'of grated macaroni blis, are unexcelled for service with mushrooms orange rind and two tablespoons % cup vinegar or orange juice. Toast on broiler 2 cups diced cooked ham IMPERIAL WASHABLE WALL PAPER PHONE 6-2761-J. the menu. These winea are at their 1 pint duck broth just long enough to have bubbles % cup chopped plmlento (op- best when chilled in the refrigera- H cup duck fat rise. tional) Complete Line in Stock tor Tor an hour or more before U cup flour 1 cup chopped celery serving. 2 tablespoons sherry It is not a good Idea to prick the VL cup grated onion Wina Dressing for Summer Salads Clean duck .thoroughly. Cut off 2 teaspoons salt undercrust of a pie with a fork to y> teaspoon pepper (Makes 2H cups salad dressing) neck close to the body. To make prevent Its popping up. If you do, % cup mayonnaise or salad duck broth cook neck with giblets you will have trouble when you add 3 tablespoons flour dressing In one pint of water until tender. the ailing, especially If it is a Lettuce or greens KLARIN'S 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon mustard Quarter duck. Place in heavy 9-inch berry pie. Instead, put wax paper 1 fresh tomato '.i teaspoon white pepper frying pan or Dutch oven with over the crust and fill it with rice Cook macaroni In boiling salted 26 Monmouth St, Red Bank 3 tablespoons augar tightly lltting cover. Braise, un- or small beans while it is baking water until tender; drain. Pour - egg yolks, beaten coveied, over moderate heat, turn- In the oven. These will act as a vinegar over macaroni and let 114 cup milk, scalded ing frequently, for about 20 min-weight and keep the crust In place. stand 10 minutes. Toss all lngred-° 1 cup Rhine wine. Sauterne, Cna- The beans or rice can then be lents together except greens and utes. Drain off fat. Blc-nd together tomato. Pile salad on crisp greens blls or any white table wine 2 teaspoons of kitchen bouquet, one saved and used repeatedly in the 'i cup vinegar same fashion. and garnish with tomato wedges. 3 tablespoons butler or margarine teaspoon salt, the onion salt and Serves 8 to 10. marjoram. Brush on duck. Cook Combine dry Ingredients. Turn SIP • •' into double boiler. Add beaten egg over moderate heat until brown, yolks and mix. Add scalded milk about 15 minutes. Add Mi cup mush- gradually and cook, stirring con- room liquid and cook, covered, un- stantly for five minutes. Add the til tender, about 35 minutes. Re- AT wine gradually and cook five min- move to warm platter. Drain off fat utes, stirring until thickened and from the pan. Add duck broth, 1 WEST IND, N. j, smooth Cool slightly. Add vinegar teaspoon kitchen bouquet and M> and butter. Chill. teaspoon salt. Blend together and Shrimp Salad, White Wine add duclt fat and flour. Bring to a ITALIAN-FRENCH CUISINE (Serves Six) boil, stirring constantly. Lower heat and add duck and mushrooms. Sim- VA. cups whole cooked shrimps mer, covered, over low heat for 10 5 p. m. til cloBlnr Vj cup Rhine wine, Sauterne, CHat- blLss or any white table wine minutes. Add sherry. Serve imme- me ul 1 cup celery, chopped diately. FOOD SERVED Vi cup cucumber, cut in cubes fromnoon ci Bini 3 hard cooked eggs, chopped RING O' GOLD SALAD 1 cup Wine Salad Dressing 2 tablespoons gelatine S U N D A Y '" ° 6 whole tomatoes \ cup cold water Leaf Lettuce 'a cup boiling water Clean the shrimps. Arrange in re- 2 tablespoons honey frigerator dish. Pour wine over l'.i cups juice from canned pine- DANCING shrimps. Chill thoroughly. Add rel- apple ery, cucumher, hard cooked eggs 1 featuring and salad dressing. Cut tomatoes I , cups juice from canned apricots nearly to the stem end. Fill with 1* cup lemon juice shrirno 6alad. Serve on platter gar- 1 cup creamy cottage cheese MARGA nished with cucumber slices nnd 12 canned apricot halves Dynamic Latin Whirlwind leaf lettuce. 8 slices canned pineapple Real mayonnaise And Her Orchestra Small or medium-sized eggplants Watercress FROM IF.H. are best. When too large they are Soften gelatin in cold water. Add apt to be pithy. For slicing and boiling water and honey and' stir frying, the long cylindrical type of until dissolved. Add pineapple, apt- eggplant Is preferable to the thick- cot and lemon Juices and chill un- er, more chunky varieties. The egg-til it begins to thicken. Pour into plant should have a smooth skin. 9-inch ring mold enough of gela- La Martinique Wrinkles often denote age and the tine mixture to cover the bottom. development of a bitter flavor. Fill, apricot halves with approxi- OCEAN FRONT Since eggplant does not keep well mately M of the cottage cheese. AT AVERY AVENUE after being cut, It is well to buy Place each two halves together. Ar- no more than is to be cooked at range on gelatine In mold with WEST END, N. J. one time. An eggplant weighing quarter slices of pineapple. Pour about 1 pound yields 11 slices cut gelatine mixture Into mold, resev- li-lnch thick, or 4'i cups raw egg- 3 ing \'i cup. Chill mold until firm. LONG BRANCH 6-2456 plant, diced, or l i cups cooked Mix remaining cottage cheese and eggplant, diced. gelatine together. Pour .Into mold and chill until firm. Unmold. Fill center with mayonnaise. Garnish with slices of pineapple and water- /%-• cress.

MEN "SHOW-OFF" Your own home gives proof:- AS COOKS WITH SUNDAY SUPPER the brand that stands for The very term, "Sunday Night Supper," has a special flavor of its own. It immediately suggests free- dom from the usual routine. Often the man of the house has a secret top quality Peaches! yearning to be a cook and this of- You'll wantCtt IFFON fers him his one chance to "show Kl off" in a big way. You will usually hear such a man asking his friends very casually to "drop in" for a Sunday night supper. And here is a good idea, if he needs a new one: TODAY..and from now MI ! DOMESTIC DUCK Slices breast of cold duck, or Your favorite Flagstaff Foods will be back... soon! If you're a Chiffon user, you won't he surprised Makes your lingerie, ^tockings look part of the breast and the meat to (earn that Chi/Ton Suap Flakes became the batter, last longerl from the bones. outstanding leader imon£ hne fabric soaps—io '^ cup gravy left from roast When a husband gets especially romantic, he "peachy." So-spread the good news up and 6 nllves New York, Chica^n and many other cities. You'll find Chiffon's rich, whisper* gallantly, Parting, you're a peach." creamy suds are GENTLE 2 tablespoons tomato sauce or down the family-FLAGSTAFF PEACHES WILL Because you! very hist box of Chiffon catsup PROVES right in your own home that this with colors and fabrics - 2 tablespoons grape or currant And when he boasts to the gang at the office JB. BACK AT YOUR FRIENDLY, NEIGHBORHOOD safer fot everything that's wonderfully pure soap is GENTLE with colors jelly about the beauty he married, he proudly says, GROCER-SOONl and fabrics—Ql'IC'.K with dishes and glassware washable. 1 tablespoon butter, creamed -and so very KIND to your hands. with small teaspoon corn- "No one can beat my wife's peaches and cream atarch Makei dishes, glassware sparklet t complexion.".., Yes, in America, the peach is Small glass claret wine MOM FIAOITAM You get quick suds, long- Put gravy, olivrs cut into bits, the symbol of absolute perfection. And you can butter, tomato snuce, Jelly, salt, flAGSJAfF SLICED Oft CUT lasting suds and lots of popper and dash of cayenno into easily understand why when you see the kind them-with Chiffon! ^11 the ohaflng-dlsh. Stir until thor- your dishes simply shine of peaches FLAGSTAFF chooses for you. They're oughly heated. Then add tho duck, Typical Flogttaff quality with cleanliness. pour over thn wine nnd cook six so juicy, so firrtj, so round, they make your mouth mlriiites. Snrvi> with small pieces of - snd that meant you bullrrpd lonst. water. You can tell just by looking at them that can't "beat" 'eml Serve they come from a prize crop! But then, that's Mild as a lotion on your hands I Left-over boiled frankfurters 'em cold with uUdi'or mnkr good stuffing for green pep- typical of FLAOSTAFF quality. Whether it's cold cuts. De-Udouat Your 'hands stay softer,, pers. Combine with boiled rice and FLAOBTAFF PEACHES or PEAKS or FRUIT COCK- smoother when you use seasonings and bake for lunchoon. Chiffon Soap Flakes For TAIL-or whether it's FLAGSTAFF PEAS or Chiffon's wonderful purity is KlND-evcn 10 WHITE HOUSE GREEN BEANS or CORN-the quality Is always sensitive ikins! 1 } STORE Groceries" and Delicateessen

Fruit nnd Vcgciablos, Wlnci, m nnd Liquor* was ever made: Phonos i Atlantic Hlghlnndd > # 1-0118—1417a—1-0400 ffitttt »l Armpvr gnrf Company Center Ave,, Leonardo, N. J, H 0 I V N I I O H • O « H O O D ' ' ' ' '- ' than they can mature well. of his service to the club during With dahlias, particularly, you d the past fiscal year. 1.50 39c 1.50 99c not leave over four or five shoots AND Ten members received perfect at- Reg. to 2.95 Reg. 69c to 1.00 Reg. 2.95 Reg. to 1.9S on s plant to bloom at a time, and tendance pins the past year. They Two Sides To Every Girl If you want the very finest bloom were John G. .Anderson, Barney T. PLAY BATHING BEACH PLEATED thin down to one blooming bud. 'Re Egeland, Peter J. Eichele, Lester —BY— move all of the side shoots dow SUITS COATS to the two at the base. This wl H. England, Marcel J. Jeune, Al- SUITS SHORTS Jimmy Durante make a good, strong stem. At th CHRISTINA bert Q. McCracken, Wilfred H. Sizes 10 to 18 50% Wool—80% Cotton Terry Cloth Colors—Whlta top remove all but ona bud. Whei McCracken, Bernard W. Smith, of the Berkeley Carteret hotel In Robert V. VanBrunt and President this bud develops, side shoot at th Worden. " 1.00 5.95 base of his stem will start an Anbury Park Saturday, is ChrlBtlna, 5.95 Reg. 10.95 2.95 can be. carried on for other flowers. who is described by her agent as Peter J, Eichele announced that Reg. 10.95 Reg. to 6.00 an Informal testimonial dinner- Reg. 3.95 If you want long stems, you had "captivating." 1 Home & Auto Supply, **• better pinch back these side shoots dance, honoring Past President CHILDREN'S SHORT 'PLAY BLITZIES! and don't let them bloom on th Robert V. VanBrunt, will be held 38 Monmouth St. Phone 6-2020 Red Bank first bed set, This sounds compll at the Willowbrook Saturday, Aug- ALLS SUITS Seersucker * Post Celebrates ust 24. Beach Robes Sizes 12, 14, It cated, but is really very simpli Terry Cloth All Sizes—Colors heck, Red, Bf when you get at it. Standing committee chairmen ap- 21st Birthday pointed by President Worden In- With Chrysanthemums walt'until cluded Bernard W. Smith, atten- 1.99 1.99 1.50 the variety has set its buds, whlc 4.50 Reg. 3.95 dance; Fred E, Gregg, finance; Reg. 3.95 g. 2.9S It wi]l do sometime In August, an Stars Entertain Milton A. Kosene, program and en- Reg. 7.95 Your clothes have a BRIGHT FUTURE then remove all but the top buds, tertainment; G. J. Freret, military SPORT For a cluster, leave three or fou At Fort Monmouth affairs; Robert V. Van Brunt and HOUSE DRESSES BATHING at the top of the shoot and for John O. Anderson, citizenship, pa- VOILE COATS SUITS large, single bloom, leave only one. Fort Monmouth came of age triotism, civic improvement, and COATS Short—For Beach Sizes », 11 2 Pc, Sizes 32 to It is generally a good plan t Tuesday night with a gala celebra- community betterment; Wilfred H. Cotton—38, 40 or Street start disbudding at the top and tc tion marking its 21st birthday. At McCracken, boys' and girls' work work down, because If you brea' the open-air theater, a huge birth- and education; Lester H. England, one oS there will be a bud below 3.99 day cake was cut by Brig. Gen. health and welfare, and Peter J. 3.95 50c 5.00 Reg. 7.96 that you can leave for bloom. With Jefry V. Matejka, commanding Eichele, memorial. Reg. 1.95 Reg. 8.95 most outdoor chrysanthemums, Reg. 5.95 general, after which a variety President Worden announced leaving terminal budB will gener- show, featuring Broadway talent, ally produce the finest bloom, bui that Edward H. Pringle, manager BATHING PINAFORESl was staged. of the Red Bank office of the tele- SLACKS SKIRTS if you have pompom or spray type, Sharkskin— leave four or five buda at the top Highlight of the evening was the phone company, will be a guest of SUITS Stardust—12 to 20 Cotton—Dirndls When they're well distributed (not in a cluster) crowning of Korky Kellly, famoiu the club In the near future to ex- l-Piece—Sizes 84 "to 46 Spun Rayon and you will have a very nice opra; model and wife of a ,Fort Mon- plain the story behind the telephone cleaned WITH of bloom. Five or six shoots to a mouth soldier, Pvt. Matty Simmons, subscribers' many problems and 1.69 1.39 plant Is enough. as queen of the celebration. Her se- trouble in using the daily circuits 3.49 3.99 ; lection was the result of a survey of the telephone system. Reg. 3.50 Reg. 1.98 SAIflTONE It is best sometimes to dlsbui conducted by the Signal Corps Reg. 6.95 Reg. to 7.98 V other perennials, to. Remove abou Message, GI newspaper. , BOOF FIRE T«s tk', yew dothes k«ve • half of the buds and the flower The show Included Danny BEACH SHORT SLACK it Wager, brighter future when will be much finer. This applies t O'Neil, featured CBS tenor and re- Liberty and Independent fire BLOUSES COAT SETS yea tend them to at. fall asters, hardy sunflowers and cording star; Dale Belmont, pin-up companies extinguished a small SUITS % many other late-blooming plants, blaze on the roof of the building at Cotton Sheer Short—Blue Denim Sizes 12 to 18 Sizes 12 to 80 ;i gittasT, perspiration soils ire or even to roses. If you have rose girl and night club songstress; r«muic«l gentlj and then June Raymond, famed musical 21 Maple avenue Saturday after- plants that tend to bear clusters o noon. Pollpe said they believed the is •* true of annojuig buds, thinning them down to on< comedy dancer;; the Turner twins, "dry cleaning" odort re- leading night club duo, soon to flre was started by a cigarette 1.99 2.98 1.99 4.99 bud will make a much handsome thrown from the window of one of Reg. 3.95 •tining And, of coune, rose. If you want long stems, pinch open in New York; Jackie Kelk, Reg. to 8.50 Reg. 3.95 Reg. to 10.95 young radio and vaudeville comed- the apartments In front of the we gire each garment (bit off some of the buds as soon s building. f MUU attention that they show. This will start the ne ian known as Homer of the Aid- OWTied by Emll Stalder, the DRESSES A STRAUS SALE DRESSES (•tares longer wear. shoot to growing and you can rtch family and master of cere- structure la used by J. H. Mount build the stem up to any length monies on his own CBS show, and company for storage. Damage was Pastel Shades IS A SALE Jersey; Juniors—9 to 15.; that you want before you let i Dolores Anderson, attractive young slight 12 to 18 bloom. This is the way the green ballad singer. • Starting Friday, bouse people produce 30 to 38-inch Founded May 16, 1917, as Camp Vitamin A. Is tested by measur- stems on the roses which bring the Alfred Vail, the post served as a 8.95 4.50 I • Ftlrim mft,fnu a*yt in ing with an optical instrument the August 9th Reg. 8.40 81gnftl Corps .training site during amount of short-wave light waves Reg. 13.95 .other thing to do in AuguS ^orHLjiiaK P C& August 6, 1925, the vitamin absorbs. is to order your Madonna lilies am the camp was made a permanent get them planted before Septembei installation and renamed Fort Mon- for the vary best bloom. Other va- mouth, in commemoration of the rieties of lilies are not generailj Revolutionary battle which oc- available until late October or No- curred some 20 miles away. Since vember. But early planting of Ma- its Inception Fort Monmouth has donna lilies, of narcissus and a. served as the Army's principal Sig- small bulbs, such as Crocus, Scillt nal Corps center and has per- W Chiconodoxa and Galanthua, res.ll formed numerous other vital mili- pays, for all these small bulbs am tary missions during the years of Old Reliable narcissus do much beter If planted war and peace. as soon as they are available from the seed store. Even tulips should be planted In September so they Haines-Williams can root well before winter. So or- der early and plant as soon as they Troth Announced LEON'S arrive. Established 1111. ' Wedding Sept. 1 At • 57th ANNJJAL NEW RABBI. CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS Rabbi Irving Greenbtrg has ac- Sea Bright Church 64-76 White St Red Bank cepted a call from the Congrega- tion Sons of Israel of Englishtown Announcement Is made of the en- . Phone Red Bank 6-2800. • and will be Installed at a specia gagement and coming marriage of ceremony to be held this fall. Miss Mildred Haines, daughter of Mrs. W. E. Haines of Laurelton and he late Mr. Haines, to Walter Schoneld Williams, son of Rev. and Mrs. Walter S. Williams of Sea Bright. The wedding will take place Sun- NAVESINK day, September 1, at 5 p. m. In the Sea Bright Methodist church, with To Families Of Persons In Military Service the father of the prospective bride- groom officiating. The bride-to-be, formerly em- iloyed at Fort Monmouth, is now engaged in secreterial work at Fort In order th'a't the County Clerk has the latest address of all Dlx and is also acting clerk of persons in military service, for the purpose of mailing "Official Laurelton, having taken over the utles of that office since the death 3f her father last October. Military Ballots," please fill in form below and mail to Mr. Williams is at present a stu- dent In the graduate school of business administration at Syracuse J. RUSSELL WOOLLEY, university. He was a master ser- geant in the Army Air Forces at County Clerk, Freehold, N. J. the time of his discharge a few months ago, having served five years In this country and over- (Ballots will be mailed August 5th", and it would be appreciated if seas. Mr. Williams la a graduate of Dickinson college, Carlisle, Pa., this is given prompt attention.) and plans to complete bis special course at Syracuse next year,

It Is estimated that on an aver- Print All Entries age winter day, about 6,000,000 per- sons In the .United States are tom- iorarlly or permanently disabled be- ause of Illness. (Full Name of Serviceman or Woman). Tonight - Friday and Saturday Nights

(Military Rank) (8erlal No.). (Date of Birth)

(Present Military Address) Use two linen. 1946 Plymouth Special DeLuxe Sedan Let • Singer • Sptrt put | your ma- chine In first-class running order, Reasonable charges. Estimate fur- To Be Awarded Saturday Night nished in advance; (Home address) SINGER Information furnished by W Cash Prize Each Night (Pate). Sewing Center


(fUpatlbnihlp) Red.Bank Hone R. B. 6-3806

;,['.* I ', -i':"j'". •' , .,. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946.

QUEW, DOBEMCS,'MC CUE 6 $10,000 Damage Farm News Freehold Funeral BU8BEIX COUNSELLORS AT LA.W Sweet Corn Meeting Held. ., NOW! DELIVERING WUtfleld Bulldlnc, , . ', Red; Bank ;' In Sea Bright Fire A group of Interested growers John J, Qulnn Thomas P. Doremui •'• attended a meeting last Tuesday TYPEWRITERS, Vincent J. McCue • Ernest Fuane %' evening to examine and hear a dig-, W.'H. Freeman Headed 1 William L, BuM«li.-'Jr. i. Roof On Furman cussion of the relative merit* of Home Destroyed the 25 sweet corn varieties' and 99-Yfear-OldFirm STEEL FILING PAES0N8, 1ABBECQBE, sources planted by William H. 7 v CANZONA * COMBS Hunt and Son. William H. Freeman, 68, senior COUNSELLORS AT LAW "The recently purchased and re- Richard O. Bice, associate agri- partne? in the 90-year-old undertak- CABINETS a Wallace Str. Red Bank decorated homo of David S. Fur-cultural agent, points out that theie ing firm of W. H. Freeman and WITH LOCK Tbeouore D. Pajvont Edmund J. Cani man on Ocean avenue, Sea Bright, Thaodore J. Labr«cqu» tests are necessary to keep the Son, Freehold, died Monday morn- Etaton F. Combi Thomas 1. Smith was damaged to the extent of {10,000 local sweet corn growers Informed Ing at MonmouthJMemorlal hospi- Bobert H. Held. William B, Blsllr Jr. early Saturday morning when a about the merits of new hybrid tal after a .four-week illness. DUPLICATORS; ETC. Abraham J, Zazer flre, b'elievcd to ha*e been started varieties that are being Introduced The funeral home was founded In by sparks from a fireplace, de- each year, so that they may try 1817 by MrV Freeman's grandfather, COMPLETE LINE OF STATIONERY HEFBY S. INSELBEiBO, stroyed the roof, and caused water "William, and was. continued by his any new varieties that look out- PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT damage to the rest of the building. standing in the test. late father, Oeorge M. Freeman, All Makes Of Typewriters & Adding Machines Fire companies from, four bor- Of the earliest varieties, North who remained in the business until Profeeildlial Bulldlnj, oughs were summoned after Patrol- Star and Seneca Dawn appear to 1914. In 1941, Mr. Freeman's son, Asbury Park, N. J. man Burgess Emmons, patrollng be the best introduced as yet. Both F. Gilday, Joined the firm, and the SOLD, RENTED and REPAIRED Red Bank, 6-3944 Asbury P.rfc the area, put In the alarm'at 4:60 yielded well In the test and the name 'became W. H. Freeman and ONE OF m. Burgess said he saw flames Son, as it Is today. curling up around a chimney at the quality is fair to good. AST VcAU S Seneca Chief appears to be a new Mr. Freeman was a member of DR. L. W. CARLBON, WINNERS south end of the 17-room home. the Freehold Lodge of Elks, a mem- Mr. Furman, who lived alone In variety of merit among the second SUBGEON CHIBOPODIST early varieties. It is ready.for har- ber of the Monmouth and Ocean FOOT AILMENTS RED BANK'S' .the building, was asleep' at the County Association of Funeral Di- vest a few days after Varcross 6.13 Office Hourn time, but was aroused by police and rectors and of the New Jersey State escaped without injury. and is of very good quality. It pro- Dally 9:30 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. CUTEST BABIES Funeral Directors association. EvonlHB»i Tuesday and Thunday Spreading quickly over the shin- duced 114 marketable ears per 100 stalks. He is survived by his wife, Clara CABLTON THEATEE BUILDING For appointment phone 0-244$ Plui A CHANCE TO WIN $500.00 GRAND PRIZE gle roof, the flames engulfed the McCue Freeman; his BOH, F. Oil- 60 BBOAI) ST., BED BANK, N. J. entire upper floor before the Sea Carmelcross proved to be the,best day; a daughter, Mrs. Jane F. Du- 103-105 Monmouth St. Phone 485 Red Bank Bright fire companies could arrive variety in the-: mid-seaton group rle; a sister, tgrs.,Carl McDermott, and will remain as the standard In DR. MILDRED HULSART, graphs. We're looking for on the scene. Chief John Ryan, and a brother, James S. Freeman, ENTRY who was in charge of the fire- this period ofyrlpening for the all of Freehold. ROYAL TYPEWRITERS SUBGEON CHIBOPODIST PHQJOGH'APHS the Cutest Babies in Town, fighters, sent out calls for aid to present Services were conducted this THE WORLD'S No. 1 TYPEWBITEB Foot Orthopedics—Electro-Therapy Monmouth Beach, Eumson and In the later maturing varieties, Office Hours: Daily e a. m. to t p. m. and we will take care of morning at the home and a solemn Whether you have one child Highlands. the Lincoln and Golden Cross Ban- high mass of requiem was celebrat- Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday amm r or three children eligible everything. No obligations; Firemen from the lour companies tam looked outstanding, with the ed In St Rose of Lima church, (Cloeed Wednesday) " o laid over a thousand feet of hose latter variety having better qual- Freehold, by Rev. John A. Kucker. For appointment pfaoae 0-0008 for this contest, bring them nothing to buy, Just bring from the Shrewsbury river to the ity. Interment was In St. Rose of Lima 138 BROAD ST, BED BANK, N J. west of Ocean avenue to combat Leading the discussion were Prof. cemetery under the direction of in for FREE entry photo- the kiddies in. the flames which were spreading C. H. Niesley, Prof. L. G. Schermer- Willis Woolley of Long Branch. DR. RAY DE CARLO rapidly under the roof area and horn, Dr. B. B, Pepper and Dr. C. SURGEON CHIROPODIST beginning to enter the second floor H Haonaoler of the N J. Experi- FOOT AILMENTS rooms.* Eugene Reardon ment Station. GAS RANGES Oiricn Houn: After battling the blaze for two Seeding Brome and Orchard Grass. fiirfly 1:10 i m to S:80 p. n. FIRST LOCAL MUZI THIRD LOCAL PRIZI hours, the firemen began to bring Marks Birthday Evening by appointment it under control, and shortly after Seeding brome and orchard grass Eugene M. Reardon, son of Mr. AND Phone 1-0576 *50 U. S. SAVINGS BOND 10 InU. $. Savings Stamps 7 a. m. Chief Ryan began to send offers a problem which one must and Mrs. Eugene Reardon, Jr., of 90 MAPLE AVE. BED BANK the Monmouth Beach and High- think about before going to the Port Monmoutb, celebrated his lands companies back. However, field to plant. Although both these third birthday recently with a par- 27 0>h valuobl as the two companies were about SECOND LOCAL PRIZE OluJ. " * grasses are very valuable in our ty of friends and relatives. GAS JEWELRY REPAIRING tftr" ' *•** merchandise prim to leave, the flames broke out again approved pasture, hay and grass Watches, Clocka and Jewelry Cleanid in the northern section of the roof, silage programs we must consider Those present were Mary Joy *ZD U. 5. SAVINGS BOND Mangold,/ Charlotte Mangold, Carol and Repalra at Reasonable Price! and hose lines were again laid and seeding methods. Brome grass WATER HEATERS All Work Cuaranleed lor O*» Year carried to the roof. The flames weights only 14 pounds per bushel Ann Ullmeye"r, Danny Casey, Rob- were put out quickly and the flre and orchard grass is only slightly ert Finneg-an, Tom Gavin, Miss Ann H. ROSIN, Jeweler $ 00 was declared out at 7:30 a. m. heavier. These grasses will not goSchmidt, Miss Theresa Lyons. Mrs. FOR IK W..1 Fret *., Reil Bank, N. t. 5OO. through the regular grass seeding Eugene Reardon, Sr., Mrs. Eugene Tel. 6-0072-M. Chief Ryan received a laceration Reardon, "Jr., Mrs. Louise Steets, of the right hand while working on equipment without some help, Mrs. Edmuifii Schmidt, Mrs. John Notice ol Settlement ol Account. GRAND PRIZE the flre, but did not notice it until warns Agricultural Agent Clark. Reardon, Mrs.* Danny Casey, Mrs. Entitle of Emma Louise Fox, deceased. the fire was out. He was treated A good method for seeding these Nutlet ii her, by civt-n that the accounts by the Sea Bright first aid squad Charles Mangold, Mrs. Richard Gill uf the- suit*' r.ln-rs kUbsljtLJted adminis- grasses is to mix them with fer- Mrs. Phil Mclntee, Mrs, Robert trator* with will and codicil annexed, and taken to Monmouth Memorial Immediate Delivery ol tho c-N'.nle of mid dceenied will be tilizer and seed with the grain drill. Flnnegan, Mrs. Frank Gavin and hospital where four stitches were It Is Important to seed just as shal- HuuiW'd urid suited Ly the Surrogate of taken In a cut on his finger. Mrs. Melvin TJllmeyer. the Cuunty uf Monmouth and, reported low as possible. If there is danger for scuk-mtnt tu the Orphana Oourt of covering the seed too deeply it AT of said County, on Thurftdny, the twelfth would be best to take off the grain- H6ME DAMAGED BY FIRK. duy of September, A. D., 1946. at 10:00 o'clock n m.. nt which time application OPA Makes Claims fertilizer tubes and let the fertilizer Four persons were made home- Mill be mudn fur the allowance of eom- LORSTAN and brome or orchard grass seed less shortly before noon last week miffHiun* unit counsel fprs. On Food Violations fp.ll on top of the soil. After seed- when fire of undetermined origin Dated: J.!, 22. A. !>.. HH. THOMAS J'. UOItEMUS, A claim of $50 against the Kach- ing, go over the field with a culti- razed a six-room, single story frame GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP, INC. ILii Bank. K. J. owitz brothers, Engllshtown, and packer, to firm the soli and cover residence, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. MALV1N tl. JURIA8U, one of $25 against Bernard Zelcher Lhe seed. Augustus Flash on the Freehold- Brooklyn, New Vork. 46 Monmouth St. Phone 3536 Red Bank .Sijhst.:iili,.jr fulmhiistratora of the Marine View Market, At- The brome and orchard grass Matawan road, south of the Wlck- vith will snd codicil an- lantic Highlands, were completed seed can also be mixed with small atunk postofflce. Aside from Mr.' AS BtOAD STREET, RED BANK, N. ) grain and seeded in a similar way. U6 Broadway ) ^ jpfcONE «?0 J pQl Branch McCue Red Bank 6-3098 • Hours: Daily 10 A.M recently by the Freehold Price and Mra. Flash the house was oc- Control board. But, these grains as companion & Ruso-ll. to 6 P.M. Saturday Until 9 P.M. cupied by two nephews of the IIIMI Bonk. N. J. The claims, payable to the U. S. crops may compete with the young couple. Proctors. Treasury, are for overcharges on grass plants end prevent early food, and were discovered in a sur- rapid growth. vey made by the Freehold office. Farm Accident*. Have you heard of any farm or home accidents this year? II not, you are on». of the few. Your newspaper often carries a story of someone In the county or community hurt by machinery, ani- mals or equipment. Here Is a re- port of a mangled hand and two fingers lost in a corn husker-shel- ler. A cob caught, a cornstalk used for a pusher broke and the oper- ator's hand Just went a bit too far. Or when a cut-off saw slows down at the job's end, the operator Idly pushos a stick Into the teeth, the saw grabs and before he c-in let go, the hand and wrist are sacrificed to experience. You don't see It often, but there are still too many tractor drivers who are getting caught between tractor and machine or under the tractor wheels. The list of acci- GET ACQUAINTED dents is endless, the variety with- out repetition. Carelessness is too often a toctor. Knowing about haz- ards, and a watchful and caraful attitude. toward all farm work op- erations would still prevent most SPECIAL! accidents. , Sow Cover Crops in Small Fruits. August end September are the months when cover crops should be sown in small fruits, according to County Agent Clark. A cover crop In plantings of rasp- berries, blackberries, dewberries, and grapes Is the cheapest method of building up the organic matter content of the soil. It also prevents erosion by wind and rain anl keeps plant foods from washing out of the soil during fall, winter and spring. When the cover crop is worked Into the soil In the spring some nutrients which would other- wise have been ]oat are returned to the soil. Fully Insulated. The seeding mixture most gener- ally used consists of 10 pounds of crimson clover and one bushel of Oven Heat Control. rye per acre. If either of these crops Is sown alone, use 20 pounds Full 36" Size. of clover or two bushels of rye per acre. RyB can be sown u late as All-White. October, but crimson clover or the clover-rye mixture should be sown One Piece Top. before September 10 for best re- sulls. Easy Roll-Out Broiler. E. J. Christ, extension specialist In small fruits at Rutgers, cautions Built-in Flue Deflector. growers to keep the seed at least a foot away from the plant row on either side when sowing the cover crop In brambles and grapes. Cover crops are difficult to remove In the A SYMBOL OF SUPERIOR ICE CREAM spring if sown too close to the plants in the row. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! Improving Pasture By Clipping, One way to keep up the milk MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM How in summer and early fall la to set the cutter bar of the mowing Since 1866—when Breyers machine high and clip pastures. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Cutting off the hard, weedy growth Ice Cream was first made— stimulates tender snoots and does its quality has been THESE HARD TO GET ITEMS!! much to hold up milk pfoduotlon In hot weather says County Agent consistently superior. ELECTRIC IRONS WATER HEATERS Clark. That's why Breyers Ice ELECTRIC TOASTERS KITCHEN SINKS After grass starts to ripen Its Cream, in its 80th Birthday WAFFLE IRONS seed, It starts locking up the nu- w\ and CABINETS trients in the stems and leaves, year, is enjoyed by mofb PRESSURE COOKERS Every dairyman knows tftat cows RApiOS won't graze bff pasture evently, but people than any-other CLOCKS • CHIMES will leave bunches here and there. ice cream in the worl,d. ICE CREAM spent In clipping pastures bring in real profits, J866.../946 " J A "recruit" in the State Popart mcnt'n foreign servlco Is on proba- REd Bank 6-1098 ' Open Fridays and Saturday* Until DJOO F. M,< tion tor bit first - two year*, Hi Another Anniversary Flavor—Breyer's Fresh Peach Ice' Credth earns |2,tfOO 'to f3,400 a year, • RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. Page State Health Director Army Chaplain To Preach Here _. Announcing the Opening ofthei Gives Advice on Polio ' " / I '(V. <" ftf'i'uJ/V ^ijl™ Button wood-at- ury Substituting For Elmore Electronics Rev. John A. Hayes Residential Park, with gaU-ported •ntrance from Syca. Dr. Mahaffey Report* 51 Cases MaJ. Allan Sheldon, chaplain, U. 8. Army, will visit Red Bark two Repair Laboratories mote Avenue. Character eiUblUhed by existing residence. In State So Far This Year Sundays this month to speak to tbe congregation of the Red Bank 167 Broad St. (Rm. #1) REd Bank 6-li No exposed wires—updorground street lighting, near line Presbyterian church during the ab- Dr. X Lynn Mahaffey, «Ute sence of Rev. John A. Hayes, who electric service and underground telephone connections to rites health iinitor, today announced ia enjoying a month's vacation. WHERE YOU MAY OBTAIN LABORATORY in center oval. . . that for the flrit »«v*n montha of Leaves NAD Earle MaJ. Sheldon has had pastorates IMS a total of 51 cue$ of infantile Capt. Gilbert Corwln Hoover and In Brooklyn, Pat«r«on and Scotia, TYPE OF REPAIR-SERVICE FOR Gas—Water—Hydrants (fire protection)—Storm Sewers paralysis and five death* were re- family moved from the command- N. Y. He was head of the Bible de- and DRY CELLARS. ported to him by municipal health Ing officer's quarters at the Naval partment at Bob Jones college, boardi. The director emphaalzed Ammunition depot Earle Friday to Cleveland, Tsnn., for two years —Home and Auto Radios that 31 oa*ei wore reported last their home, "Our* Farm," Bristol, B. prior to entering the army, Building sites with 75' and 90' frontage. Restricted as to month, compared with 189 for July, He will speak next Sunday morn- —Television Receivers cost and character of building. . IMS. Of the 01 case* reported for Ing, at 11 o'clock on the subject, thlj year, 20 occurred from Janu- "What Is the World's Greatest Love —Short Wave Receivers / Further information obtainable from G. H. Nevius, Own- ary to June, $tory?" He will also visit Red natalities today were reported Bank again Sunday, August 25, at —Record Players er. Tel. Red Bank 6-1633-J or C. F. Borden, Agency, Tel. Red from Bradley Beaob and Bedmlns- which time he will speak on "What Bank 6-1661. ter township, Somsntt county. Ot About Death-Bed Conversion*," —Recorders - Amplifiers the llv» fataJltlu reported, two oc- The program to be presented curred in April and one in Febru- next Sunday will be as follows: or- —FM and other electronic devices gan prelude, William H. Crawford; New casts were reported from Lord's Prayer and the Aposttee' WE SEU, NOTHING EXCEPT ACCESSOR-^S. • §p| Creed, led by Maj. Sheldon; hymn Dimartst, East Patarton and ALL WORK IS THOROUGHLY GUARANTEED. ' <| Emerton in Bergen oounty, Ches- by congregation; quartet selection, '"Thus Saith God the Lord," HOB- VETEBAN OWNED-AND OPERATED. ter townihlp In Morrli county and mer; Scriptural reading by Maj. Atlantic City, Fort Lee and West Sheldon from the Book of St. John Orange. 3: 14-18; contralto solo by Mrs. For Proper Repair-Sfervice at Proper Prices t>r. Uahaffey offers the following Thomas McClintock, "O Rest in the advice when polio strikes:' "Lord," Mendelssohn; hymn by con- > 1, During an outbreak of Infan- gregation; Sermon by Maj. Shel- tile parmlyala be alert to any early don; offertory quartet, "O Lord signs of Illness or changes In nor- Most Holy;" hymn by congrega- mal itate of health, especially in tion; benediction; silent prayer and Red Bank 6-1824 :: —bright boys eat here— children. Do not assume that a 1 organ postlude by Mr. • Crawford. stomach upset, vomiting , constipa- The committee responsible for tion, diarrhea, severe headache or obtaining Maj. Sheldon is composed llgna of a cold and fever are of no of Howard F. Smith, chairman, Jo- EXPERIENCE EQUIPMENT ETHK Importance. Any one of these may CAPT. GILBERT C. HOOVEA seph C. DavlBOn'and Hubert K. be the first symptom of infantile Werner. paralysis. All children and adults I. Capt. Hoover, who was com- sick with unexplained fever should manding officer at Earle the past be put to bed and Isolated pending two years, is awaiting retirement medical diagnosis. , orders after more than 30 years' 2. Don't delay calling a physician. service In the navy, Expert medical care given early may prevent many of the crippling deformities. Proper care from the communicable or catching, during onset may mean the difference be- any outbreak there are many who tween a life of crippling and good have such a slight infection that recovery. there are few or no symptoms. This S. Today there is no known pre- large number of unrecognized In- OH BABY! vention of or protection against In- The people who are "ito-the-know"tdine here jections Is one ot the reasons there fantile paralysis. All that can be Is no practical way of preventing daily, for they're certain of finding their favorite done is to provide the best possible the spread of the disease. But It care. Jfour doctor, your health of- is also reassuring to know that of foods, tastefully and healthfully prepared and ficer and your local chapter of The the many persona who become In- appetizingly and pleasingly served. , National Foundation for Infantile fected, few develop serious Illness, Paralysis can and will do every- and that with good care, the ma- thing in their power to see to It jority who are stricken will make "If you don't see what yo$tojfot on ^ njeiju^ust that your community Is ready to a satisfactory recovery. Remember ask for it." We'll try to^ineet your request meet an epidemic that although this Is a frightening 4. Observe these simple precau- disease, needless fear and panic tions: (a) Keep flies away from only cause more trouble. food. Use the purest rnDk and wa- ter. While the exact means of 6. Attempts to stop an epidemic Sunday Dinner De Luxe '1.50 spread .of the disease is not known, by closing places where people con- contaminated water and milk are gregate have been unsuccessful. always dangerous, and flies have However, reducing the number of repeatedly been shown to carry the contacts made by BUscepUble age The French Ballroom at the Molly Pitcher it infantile paralysis virus... (b) Pay groups should lessen the chances careful attention to personal .clean- of Infection. an ideal getting for that ^|pding\r< liness, such as thoroilgtt hand 7. There i« no known cure for dinner you may be planning^ Wt washing before eating. Hygienic Infantile paralysis. Good medical habits should observed. care will prevent or correct some (c) If possible avoid iSfisIl and deformities. But In astont every adenoid operations during epi- fourth or fifth case there will be demics. Careful study has shown permanent paralysis that cannot be that such operations, when done overcome. Do not believe those who during an epidemic, tend to Increase for one ' reason or another prom- the danger of contracting infantile ise to cure these.casts. Be guided Hotel Molly Pitcher paralysis in its most serious form. by soUnd medical advice if "polio" (d) Maintain community sanitation does strike in your family. at a high level at all times, (e) Do 8. County chapters of the Na- RED BANK not swim In polluted water, (f) tional Foundation For Infantile Avoid all unnecessary contact with Paralysis work with health officers, Overlooking the plctureaque North Bhrembury River. parsons with any illness suspicious doctors, nurses, physical therapists, of infantile paralysis, (g) Avoid hospitals and patients. These chap- EIOAUD B. PAUfE, overtirlng and extreme fatigue ters stand ready to use their funds • 1 from strenuous exercise. While* General Manager. to assist the entire community. fatigue and chilling cannot cause They pay hospital and medical bills Infantile paralysis, they may cause for those who cannot afford to do the' attack to be more severe if •o." Know your chapter—ask Its % they occur late In the incubation help If needed—and volunteer to period or during the onset of the h«lp your chapter so that it will first mild symptoms. tie able to render the necessary 8. Don't become hysterical if services. cases do occur in your neighbor- hood. While infantile paralysis is It pays to advertise in The Register Look What's Coming There's no wheat in Some words fool you: ale or beer To RED BANK

Davidson Brother's grand new super market opens soon—and what a "blessed event" THAT will be tor Red Bank! BOLT BOLT It's BIO I It's BEAUTIFUL! It's got everything you want in a market—a vast variety of nationally famous foods displayed for easy, economical shopping— means means the finest of the freshest fruits and vegetables—baked goods—dairy products— and THE LARGEST FROZEN FOOD8 DEPARTMENT IN THE OOUNTY... and EVERYTHING Is of the famous DAVIDSON BROTHER'S QUALITY NOW AT SELF-SERVICE SAVINGS!

m •. lh» b«jv«raq«s You must see It to appreolate the many new features that will help you enjoy •I mcdsratlen better foods at lower prloes. So plan to be here for the grand opening NEXT WbMt is deeded to feed the WEEK! world's hungry people. Dur- ing the present emergency, here are three ways in which we can all co-operate .with the ONE STOP President's Famine Emer- FROZEN-FRESH gency Committee: 1. lav* and (hare wheat and ONE BUNDLE fat products ... Go light on all foods that take wheat, MEATS MANY SAVINGS fata and oils—save breads, but BALLANTINE Ale & Beer macaroni, cakes, eoakies, Say "good-b\e" to jitterbug shop- pastries and deep-fried Something new—something belter foods. Use drippings for ping whi-ti DAVinSOX BROTHERS' — KROZISN - FRKS1I Q U A L I T Y grand IIL'W >uprr market opous up. pan-frying. Save ealad oil MEATS . . . te,ndor . . . juicy . . . means: Purity; Body, Flavor —use boiled dressings. No luiiitei' will 5011 have to jump delicious! Kach cut individually from rnnrkel lo market in search for 2. Buy and »»rv« mart plenti- wrapped and marked with tluj ful fa'edi.,, Balance diets food?-. You'll find everything you Bolt is a steel pin that hold* {blags in with the more plentiful weight and price. You pjck out (ho noed for beller-tnsting meals in our exact cut and size you wnnt from place. Bdt is a roll of linen or lace. Bolt, foods, such is potatoes, FIXE COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS fweh fruits apd vegetables. .our beautiful Hill Cases. No "meat .. M'vrrylhiiiff of the best... and it's plain, is a confusing word; it fools you! S. Wade NO food . . . Presi lines"—no wailing (o l>p wiuleil OH. rvm thing priced to help you save Ballanttae, oq the other hark, ika word up today's leftovers for to- We'll also have I'rozon-frosh poul- monoy. Watch tho Register for OUP morrow. Make every cnut try and fish to grace youcmeiiua. Grand Opening soon. that never fooled anybody. Sallantine d- count with melba toast, .1 ways means PURITY, BODY, FLAVOR- crumb-toppings, bread pud- u dings, and stuffings, Take *- * — auaiitie>>ygbo]ige4 by 2eter no more than you can eat. Look for the 3 irtogV caU ijor Ballantirie. unusablo fat salvago ( . promptly. >. i AMIRICA'S PINI8T llNCI 1140 95 BROAD STREET (Next to Post Office) REDBANJ 1 *," '%'i\ ^Iriu'it&'&^v,^* ^f^V^ t • i , " , t I ' U\ > AS M« Twelve RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. car, was driving. His automobile Leonard Marthena, Jr., of- Rum- skidded w£earnear Throckmor|ton.'s, spn iyas Wt .Kith, the, nozzle, of « $15 \ ITEMS OF bridge and plunged/across thabroad, fire .hose on the Rumson 'steamboat . Per Month irtHfcin^'telegraph^dJeit. „': -. 3 ,i- ,-: dock: and .wag knocked overboard, •••••••• ;%tri!a&»sTC^^ f*pi '"•5" '^^O ^^ DOWN FILES •Miss Marguerite Webber, daugh- He was pulled out of the water un- tROM REGISTER ter of George .Webber,of Atlantic conscious.' The- Ore company wag STARTS YOU TOWARD HOME OWNERSHIP testing its pumping apparatus on Highlands, ^and A,lvin' Simpson of r Sandy''Hook Were rnarrled at''the the ..dock-and Marthehs'iWia' helping several others hold the. nozzle when Happenings of 50 and 25 Yean Ago Culled From Navooink Methodist parsonage by 1 Improved Rev. Frank Gunson. The . attend- It got loose. " Patrick Kennedy, chief of the l : : l 1 i ; ,_ Homesites ants were Miss Elsie Daueter of At- ' '" '" ' i '•'•' '-'HV ••?'•''• i •','''-,<'- •' 1 '" ••'••;- .i' •• '\W*« .-it\V L'v *'," '•'•• •• ^t.^'- *'*• '^f^K'x the News and Editorial Coiumni for- Entertain- < lantic Highlands and Thomai John- Rumson Flro department, was ap- •C appnnlmitely son of Naveslnk. The groom was pointed driver of the Oceanic Fire 8,000 m. It. now company truck' by the mayor and Mlllnf from ment of Today's Readers , employed at Bandy Hook, and he p A n|ft <• ppx/|rC was. also a •• pianist with Hackett council. The job paid (1,200 a Fifty Yean Ago. Fair Haven celebrated the tenth brothers' orchestra. • *W^|^li/'^^E|jp|li|!|| *590 An indignation meeting was held anniversary of their marriage at MIBS Eleanor Inglls of Atlantic 1 Miss Ursula M. Earle of Maple in the town hall. Several days pre- the home 'of Mrs. Rhodes' mother , avenuej Bed Bank, and Julius p. Highlands' was engaged by the vious the commissioners had 1 ume •fa Deal'Lake and ocean bathing nearby. The meeting was intended to coerce total cost of the work was $3,500. previous members of the unionTclothlers by a "Score ot 18 to We also have - ^ the commissioners Into making a A barn on the Dr. I. S. Long went on strike when notified their The game was called in the eighth •fa Excellent train and bus transportation to Newark farm at Engllshtown, was struck Inning on account of darkness. and New York. change in their methods of dealing wages would be reduced from $8 Radio Batteries - Victrpla Records • Accessories^ with the trolley company. About by lightning and burned down. A to' $6.40. Subsequently the employ- Walter Thompson pitched for the •fa Convenient to shopping, boating, bathing and fish- 400 persons were present at theshed, corn crib and hen house were ers offered to compromise by pay-shoe dealers and Harry Clayton Ing facilities. meeting. When a final vote was totally destroyed. ing the-men $7.20 a day and thewasjn the box for the clothiers. ^ 50 different borne designs from which to ohoose. taken, only one man voted to cen- Edward , Dawson of Atlantic offer was accepted at a special Lester Smith of Belford had an Take Advantage Of This Wonderful Opportunity Now j sure the commissioners. Highlands, a brakeman on the At-meeting of the .union.. At a meet- unfortunate day. While he was on Directions to Property: Out Norwood Ave. ts Rooiavelt Ave. I The Red Bank Foot Power and lantic Highlands and Freehold rail- Ing held a. few days.later .some of a trolley car a sneak thief picked 84 BROAD STREET RED BANK Demi—T&m west 6 blocks to property office, 214 Montnouth Manufacturing company was incor- road, was run over by a train at the men A-ho were dissatisflpd his pockets and got $7. Another Road, Oakburit, Phone Deal 7-74S6. porated with $100,000 capital stock. Bradovelt and died within a short with the reduced wages' declared thief got nearly all the clams in The officers of the company were time. He was 22 years old, the previous meeting was Illegal Mr. Smith's clam bed in Rarltan and the men.who had gone back to bay. A b~ox of shoe blacking which OAKHURST MANOR ESTATES F. W. Hope, president; diaries V. Misses Elsie E. Price, Bessie T. work at reduced wagea were ex- Mr. Smith had forgotten to take Hope, vice president; J. A. Bosch, Ivins and Mamie G. Rhinehart pelled from a* later meeting. home and had left at the Belford 214 MONMOUTH ROAD treasurer; B. J. Parker secretary were engaged to fill vacancies in fire house was stolen the same day. \\ and general manager and J. F. the Keyport public- school. Each The annual fair of the firecom - OAKHURST, N. J. Bray superintendent. These of- was to receive $350 a year. pany at Navoslnk was Held under The campaign to collect money' ficers • and Minor Brown of Holm- A. C. Cottrell of Oceanic took a the direction of the Ladles' auxil- enough to pay off the-only indebt- del, Frank H. Bradner of Rednumber of his friends on a straw iary and the profits amounted to edness on Calvary church at Key- Bank, George A. Hope of Shrews- ride to Atlantic Highlands. In the$825. Winners of ' special prizes port, a $2,600 mortgage, was suc- bury and E. C. Patterson of Newparty were Mrs. Cottrell, Mr. anwerd e John Fleming. Mrs. Samuel E, cessfully concluded and the mort- York formed the board of directors. Mrs. John Shepherd, Mr. and MrsJ Corse, Richard Breten, Osborne gage was burned by W. S, Wallace, Robinson, Misses Margaret Brill, Thorne, Mrs. E. J. Clark, William Charles V. Kruser and E. H. whar- William Plntard took charge of Nellie Harvey, Minnie Dennlson, Gaffey, Myron VanBrunt and Mrs.ton, the team which first raised game of Hearts... the Red Bank postofflce as the newRichard Rogers, Eugene Lewis and C. J. Mullins. their quota of $200. postmaster. All the old. force of Mr. Smith. A big confab about removing About a hundred persons at- tended the exercises connected clerks were retained, and Fred Oul- Two hundred dollars was cleared trolley tracks on the business sec- lington continued as chief clerk. tion of Broad street took place at with the laying .of the cornerstone at the Fair Haven Methodist of the new Sunday-school room of Mr. Pintard received $2,300 a year. church f'lir. A bicycle was won byan adjourned meeting of the mayor Mrs. Rachel Cottrell of Matawan and council of Red Bank. Talk the Keyport Reformed church. Miss Rebecca Doughty, and a clock Rev. F, T. B. Reynolds, pastor of died from the effects of a paralytic by Miss Etta Smith. was the net result of the meeting. stroke at the age of 9T years. No action was taken. the church, laid the etonc and The toll house at Tlnton Falls made an address. An Ice cream festival was held Seven Fair Haven Girl Scouts was kept open all night Mondays, Br. C. Leroy Close of Matawan at the Harmony Methodist church, Wednesday and Fridays. This was spent a week camping at Tlnton . near Mlddletown, by the Ladles' Falls. In the party were Melissa bought J. G. Brown's house on done to make the hucksters who Little, Nina Little. Florence Min- Front street, Keyport. He intend- I Aid society. It was under the di-passed through during the night ed to make extensive Improve- j rectlon of Mrs. John Hillyer, as- ton, Margaret Manna, Esther Lit- pay toll. Philemon Crelln of tle, Helen Ford and Katharine ments to the house. sisted by Mrs. Emma Taylor, Car- Scobeyville had charge of the toll rie Stlllwell and Minnie Carhart. O'Brien. Mrs. James P. McCarron. At a meeting of the Middletown house during the night. captain of the troop, had charge of township board of education, the W. B. Parsons' Anna and Walter A number of people went from tho girls. contract to transport the children N. Bass' Baby had a race for a pen-Shrewsburh y on etrawrlde to A surprise party was given for of Riverside drive and Chapel Hill nant over a ten-mile course. The Colt's Neck. In the party were Mr. Miss Lillian Dennis of West Front to and from the*Leonardo schoof Baby won by 48 seconds. Mr. Par-and Mrs. A. H. Borden, Mr. andstreet. Music was furnished by was awarded to Charles Hesse of sons sailed his own boat, and theMrs. Harry Borden, Mrs. Joseph. H. MUs Louise Poppinga and Allen Belford for $8 a day. The con- Baby was sailed by Mel Johnson. Stlllwell, Misses Lalage Bunn, Ely, and vocal solos were given by tracts for the two school routes at William Boemaste of Belford, was Edith Bradford, Helen Stillwell. Miss Hehna Chrlstensen. Port Monmouth were awarded to annoyed a good deal with pear Sadie Parker, Cora Jennings and Robert N. Seeley anfi Herman Miss Winnie Langan, an emDora- n for $5 a day. thieves. They had stolen several May Sbutts, G. W. Barlow, Jr., ployee at the Keyport postofflce, are Trumps bushels from his trees. Harry Shutts, B. J. Parker, Eugene resumed her duties after being laid A horse owned by Harry Meeker ~ooper and Lambert Borden. up several days with Injuries re- MATAWAN MAX Misinft} "" jurcsi approach to "her" heart is a fine diamond. of Oceanic, became frightened at ceived ' in an automobile accident. the station at Locust Point and ran Twenty-Five Years Ago. Miss Langan and her fiance were Thomas Monsen, Matawan,; vhf> Jt says "1 love you," so sincerely, so persuasively away. The wagon shafts were out motoring on the Middletown his wife Helen says recently be- thai she simply can't resist its message. To make broken and Mr. Meeker had to go The freeholders awarded the con- road when their car was struck by came enamoured with "X.'s" so sure that the diamond will be the very fines! home in another wagon. tract for building a new bridge a heavy truck, which almost com- completely that lie made them all your money will buy* let us guide you expertly Edward Bennett and Jacob John- across Quigley'a creek in Middle- pletely wrecked It. The young over the house and even on the' STUDIO •n son of Belford rode a ten-mile bi- town township to Thompson and man escaped injury but Miss Lan-back of her nightgown as she slept,, and conscientiously in this most important Matthews company of Red Bank sr SJLVJi^.pN AVE. PHONE RED BANK- purchase. cycle race «t Stoutwood Park for gan was severely cut and bruised disappeared last week. Polio's«rfc a purse of $15. The race was wonfor (2,900. and some of her teeth were Investigating and a f by Bennett by a quarter of a lap. William Murdock, son of Herbert knocked Dut, A party consisting of Mr. andL. Murdock of Shrewsbury avenue, WILBURS -was hurt In the MadLson Square —JEWELER— Mrs. William N. Worthley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worthley, Mrs. W. B.Garden swimming pool at New Warner, Mrs. Ensley E. Morris and York when he attempted a "turn 15 Broad Street Red Bank Edward Fraser were cruising about and a half" dive from a platform the Highlands for a week In theabout 40 feet ebove the water. yueht Zulu. Edward Murphy was making Im- AMBASSADOR received a rousing welcome why. Ambassador is still the same superior X~X;X:XXXXTX.X x Mr*, and Mrs. D. L. Rhodes of provements costing $13,000 to the •ii- when it was introduced in 1938; Folks beer. Same body. Same sparkle. Same Am- property on the south side of Syca- bassador— it's still flowing met with flavor! more avenue which he had recent- said, "Mm-m-m! This is what we've been ly bought from Mrs. George Mot- waiting for! TLet's have another." If you can get some (lota of people do ley. Howard brother's of Red Bank The story's atill the same—only on a big- every day!), take home a few bottles. Sit were the masons, Carl Clark of ger scale. Today more than 1,248,000 bottles down, relax and enjoy this superb beer. Red Bank was the electrician, and of Ambassador Beer are sold every month in Comparait with any other beer—and you'll the plumbing was done by Kenneth New Jersey alone. And, of course, people are do what others do: you'U come back for West of Oceanport. more Ambassador. A lively altercation between May- still saying, "We want more Ambassador." or John M. Corlles of Ruroson and STILL YOUR If you've had even a sip lately, you know G. Knngir lowing Co, Nwart 3, N«» JtafT "Yes, we're Councilman James P. Bruce took-J place at a meeting of the Rumson governing body In regard to the appointment of an assistant chief of police. Charles Wlllsdn, a for- handling mer councilman:, was appointed as- sistant chief of police et a salary of J1.500 a year. He was to fur- nish an automobile, for which he was allowed $300 a year. Oppo- sition to the new job was made by Councilman Bruce. The vote to ap- MORE point Mr. Wlllson was 4 to 2. Chickenhawks, • rats and weasels had been playing havoc with poul- try at Colt's Neck and vicinity. Mrs. Charles Heulltt was the heav- shore calls iest loser, about 400 of her chickens having been victims of the "var- mints." Others who had lost poul- try were Warren Matthews, Frank Matthews, Mrs. Garrett Conover. Mr». Daniel Sullivan, Silas Jones than ever and Mrs. Asher Crawford. Repairs were being made to the Tlnton Falls achoolhouse by James Walsh. Stephen Greeley of Fort Mon- beforer mouUi, who hauled the mall be- tween Middletown and New Mon- mouth, was making one of his pos- tal trips when his wagon was struck by an automobile on the King's highway at Middletown. J.OL know how shore highway traffic is in summer. Roads are Th« horse and the wagon, with "Mr. Greeley in It, were knocked off the jammed and delays often result. road and were sent rolling over and over down a high bank. Neither the man nor the horse was hurt, We know, too! Every day we handle over half a million tele- but the wagon was damaged. The Holmdel school board made phone calls from .\ew Jersey Shore Communities alone — almost a new * rule that no children In 90,000 a day more than last year. Hohndel township, exceptf eighth grade pupils, would tie permitted to attend school outside of the dis- tricts where they lived. Most calls go through promptly. But at times telephone traffic The "River Park association" —like highway traffic—hits a peak. Then your operator may not was the name taken by the resi- dents of West Red Bank, who were always answer at once, or your out-of-town call may be delayed. interested in the plot at the foot of River street, which they were pre- paring for use for bathing and rec- The record breaking vacation season did not take us by sur- reation purposes. Horace T. Longitrcot of Runuon, prise . . . over 1700 operators" now watch for your signal — 900 more died from a complication of dis- eases at the age of 84. He had been than during the last peace time season. But shortages of certain born In Rumson and had lived essential materials hate slowed down our switchboard construc- there all his life, He had been road supervisor nine yeara^and tion program. gave up the job to beoome superin- tendent of Victory Park at Rum- Ambassador son, which position he held at the We're using every line ... every bit of equipment. We're doing time of his death. . , Fred Matthews of Red Bank, our b*cst ... and We'll continue to do so ... to bring you better with a fractured skull, and Mrs. Frank Martlneau Qf Fair Haven, telephone service at the shore — and Everywhere in New Jersey. with lnterpal injuries and a broken par 'BrjcnchrhospltamHtiiS result-of «« aulonioblle accident, Two other persons wero also hurt. They wore "NEW. JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY John J. Smith'of Red Bank, wbb wai cut on th» &»• and chin .and Mrs. Charjes Hayas of New York, who was suffering from fractured ribs, Mr. Matthews, ojvnsr of the RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. PaeaTHrfWa.. Boys' Club Bows TO JEUCOT OFFICERS The annual dinser?meetlng of the Sailboat Race Week To Oceanic, 6-2 Funeral Directors' association of Xoamouth and Ocean counties will SUBURBAN , Six unearned nisi ware enough 1 be hjJT next Wednesday at 5:30 RADIO & APPLIANCE REPAIR to givs Oceania , baaeball team a COwek at ths.Beaoon Hill country Planned For 4 to 2 win'over the Rumson Beys' oluft at Leonardo, with President' AIL WORK atJARANTEED. cjlub Friday *t the Rnmson high Marvin S. Campbell of Toms River school. It was the second defeat presiding; over the,buslnes* sesaion, RADAR ZNOtSEmn tS CHABOE • Vne Bettmatw

Dirty windshields increase the T B. GILLINGHAM glare from headlights on approach- ing automobiles at night. The specks 64 Atlantic Avenue, Matawan, N. J. of dirt scatter the light rays, caus- Tel. Matawan 1-0877-M. ing fog effect.

It has always been good thinking to buy furs in August. This year it is even wiser. For while furs are more available than they have been, still certain furs are not yet plentiful. Thus the cream of the catch will go to early shoppers. Our purchases were made very early — which gave us a price advantage. Duplicate prices will not be available later. ' Another advantage in buying now is that you have the time to select leisurely and make comparisons. The listing below will give you an idea of the advan- A JERSEY CENTRAL MESSAGE tageous values to be had in our trustworthy collection. Mouton Lamb Coats Northern Muskrat Back USE OUR from $100* Coats $325* CONVEIVIIEIVT PAYMENT Southern Muskrat Back Black Persian Lamb Coats Electric Appliances PLAN Coats $250* from $350* And Many, Many Others Are Now Starting * PLUS FEDERAL TAX to Reach the Public

It may be possible to replace that annoying, Illustrated Catalog Sent Free Upon Request worn .out equipment yon have been Btrug- gling with. ABV your Electric Dealer. 70 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. Telephone Bed Bank 6-3800 Open Saturday Evenings JL 1 TO5^feiB^vAyew^ JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT CO. Ror Your Comfort .Tolophinjo Asburjr I'nrk J-2200 • v TeJephdno to, OPEN WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS r ' "FURMOST IN STYLE, QUALITY AND VALUE" '. 'JJ ' RED BANK REGISTER, AUGtJST 8,1946. Red Bank Towners BamBeing.Sailed M.B.C. Lightning Race

Drop Leadership Suit By Charlie Burd 'fi'H In Shore League And Stream Is Disqualified Tjjnely Notes Belmar Scores Upset On the Great Outdoors Dawn Declared Victor M&rgjo Too,(Trix, So-So, Other As Freehold Wins BY 8TEW VAfc VUEt. In Lightning Race t The Putting Green Victors In Week-End Events Fred Merriman made a hole in one in pur game'with To Lead By Half Game Of Fair Haven Y.C. him at Beacon Hill golf club. If did not help his score, bow- During the height of the salt wa> The facts ore these: The National ever, since it happened on his drive. The hole was an aban- Lead company, for some time past, Dlcltf Bennett sailed bis Blue Idle. J>an, Elisabeth Wlrth „•_ «t>2:2S The Red Bank Towners dropped ter fishing season our comment! Charlie. Burd, veteran skipper, Streak to a triumph over nine oth- doned, and almost fully covered, veil • • • Amos T. Bwight leadership in the Jersey Shore base- have naturally been devoted to the has been dumping thousands of who hai been sailing Randall SNEAKBOX CLASS tong of dilute sulfurlc acid into er starters in Saturday afternoon's Oour.., 7 Mile.—Start'2 :M P. U. toured the dirtlcult Fort Monmouth country club in 80 Mon- ball league Sunday as they traveled activities of the salt water anglers. the confined waters of the Earltan Keator's Bam in the Monmouth Lightning event of the Monmouth So-So, Jerry Jerolamon 4:19:19' day Two sevens did not help his effort to break into the to Belmar and were subjected to However, we are glad to pause «t river. This add is a by-product. It Boat club and JTalr Haven Taeht Boat club over the club bourse. Teal, Arnold Schwarti ." 4:22:04 a 3-1 defeat as the Freehold Gulls- WldByon, Waller M«od " :!«:18 Unties Russ Pingitore, brother of Bed Bank Coach this time in order to give the de- has no commercial value, cannot club races, was disqualified in both Marie J. Irwln's Dawn, point Thistle, Duve Jerolamon JZl' :26 its Frank Pfngiioreaced the 135-yard 14th hole at Old Orchard tans took the measure of the tough votees of the fluids^ and streams be disposed of on land by any events last-week-end. In the Red leader in this clam, finished second, Sea HOB, Eleanor Jones . _ :S0:40 Leonardo Field-club team, 7-0, to the latest dope on what is being means yet devised, and has added Bank race he hit a stake, and in Pink Lady, Kenneth Smith ." :82:O0 lit week using a number 8 iron. He also won he George to the pollution In the Raritan, trailing by 45 seconds. Pete Dore- Sandy. BUI Wolfkunp, Jr7.Z^ :83:56 move into first place by half done to further their activities where it cannot disperse. In an at- the Fair Haven event he crossed mus' Sola Maid was third. Randall Hub-Ann-Bob, Bob Farrow :U i(S Sullivan trophy Sunday, but not easily. For the third time, game. the bbw of Marls J. Irwln's Dawn Joe Eager tied him for the 18-hole stretch. They decided to when the season roll* around. tempt to clean up this river the Keator's Bam, handled by the vet- Sue, Charles GoUchalk, Jr, ___, 4:36:13 Freehold has won ten and lost State Game Warden Al Perkins State of New Jersey has ordered at the finish of the first lap, came Jay VCB, John V. Pohl :36:!4> DUvWudden death." Russ birdied the 19th while Joe s eran Cbarlie Burd, was disqualified Fran. Barbara Bell ' :<1:35 two, while Red Bank has won nine advises us that he baa been busy the dumping to stop. about and cut off Dawn, forcing for hitting one of the course bar- Peggy, Paul Hammer L ' :41:47 nutt hung on the lip, ending the match .. . Mrs. Samuel Hal- and dropped a similar number. on a restocking: program, having the skipper to luff the craft. rels. Nluht Hawk. Bob Burna Z :42;2> • K copped the women's George Sullivan trophj; with a net No law exists' to prevent the Na- Tern If, Joanne Dunbar .» -.48:10 In winning, Belmar posted the just completed the stocking of 10,- tional Lead company from taking Bam continued in the race and Gloria Moore's Marglo Too was Me Too, Dick Borgex 149:45. of 232 The pro-amateur tourney for the City of Long most Impressive upset of the young 000 two to three Inch large mouth this, dilute acid beyond the coastal Falcon, F. Hnlhaoray, Jr. :48:60 finished three minutes ahead of the the Comet class winner, crossing l Branch trophy starts Monday. Host pro Su .van expects.4 loop's history. Cart Porvis, al- black bass In five of our local waters °t the state and dumping Dawn. Bklppper Burd seemed little the finish stake 28 seconds ahead of Popeye, Barbara Sayre _, pros to compete... Members at Beacon Hill enjoyed a real though withdrawn in the ninth in- lakes. Shadow lake, 2,000; Topene- it Into the ocean at any place they the Spirit, skippered by Alnslee SUNDAY'S BACES might choose. Before doing such 1 surprised when the regatta com- dinner party Saturday night. ning, when Bed Bank threatened, mus lake, 2,000; Talcanawee lake, mittee cMairman, Dr. JECdwln F. Knowles. Bob Boskey's Trlz fin- JUNIOR SKIPPERS was credited with the victory as he 1,060; Deal lake 2,600; Franktyn Ing, however, the company ished third, 25 seconds behind the COMET 0LA8S Spring Lake Caloutta proved that they were better Stewart, disqualified the Bam and allowed six hits and three walks, Park lake, 2,260. According to War- sportsmen than some of their declared the Dawn winner. Spirit Course, 7 Miles—Start 2:80 P. M. Again drawing from the top drawer of golfdom, the while scoring 12 strikeouts. His den Perkins these flsh should reach Trli _ 3:8«:07 critic*. They contacted marine Dick Bennett's Blue Streak, Jerry Jerolamon added another Deal -1__T. ».-37(40 Spring Lake golf cTub presented some of the country's bes mound opponent, Johnnie Ellis, suf- legal size by next season. biologists all over the country, they which defeated the Dawn the pre- win to his string of vlcories with Seven.Eleven 3:87:47 X makers over the week-end as they ran off their annual fered his first defeat of the season These lakes are all well adapted spent hundreds of dollars In re- vious day, trailed the Irwin out by bis Sneakbox So-So, trimming the Spirit ^ 3:8U:10 as his mates succumbed to Porvis1 to black bass and with a stocking search, they discussed the problem second boat, Arnold Schwartz's Black Arrow \" 3:3Bi29 pro-member tournament... Herman Barron, a rea stylist, with the Atlantic States Marine 4 minutes. Bob-Ette, Windward and Mal-Do-Mcr _ " 3:40:10 mav he the gent to take Waller Hagen's spot as the ' swash- variety of slants and curves. Ellis program of this kind will Insure Tone finished seconds apart in that Teal, by 2 minutes 25 seconds. Caleb- Mox :40:17 also allowed but six hits. He gave the sportsmen of Monmouth coun- Fisheries Commission and with Bucky Mead's Widgeon took third Huba-Hulia :40:!2 Sing' Imksnmn. He proved himself.a deadly putter Sat- commercial and sports fishing or- order, while E. L. Carey's Flying Shamrock _ , :42:28 up one walk and struck out five. ty excellent fishing. ganizations, and finally they stated Devil was sixth and Jack Howie's place from Dave Jerolamon's Parson's Pride „ urday ffetting five birdies on the first six holes of the back Thistle by T seconds. Barbara :43:47 nine .0 he 18th green Sunday, a bird persisted in shar- The Braves scored in the first In order to Improve the pheasant they would not start any such Bug last Star Du»t _ :4S:32 frame as Brown reached first after shooting, which In the past sev- dumping without permission ffom Sayre's Popeye was disqualified for Okie :i :42:26 in* the limelight with the pros. As each threesome came the Fish and Wildlife Service. Boats. SkJppen Finl.h biting a course stake. Liza Jean „ :50:24 being hit by Bills. He stole second eral seasons has fallen off, It was »wn, Marie J. Irwin .. 4:08 lit SNEAKBOX CLASS • in* the• «ef feathered merchant would strut about, drawing and crossed the plate on Glassford's decided that a scarcity of cock After further research by the ser- Blul e Stre.kStk , DicDik BBennett _!Z 4:lt:lS Sunday afternoon's races by the commen s from the huge throng ringing the apron. When vice, after- months spent In gather- Byb-EtU. Bob Klrkl«nd. Jr. „.. 4:1S:JO Course, 7 Miles—Start 2:40 M. single. Their margin of victory birds existed, so In addition to the Windward, Reid Dlckenon . 4:14:00 Junior skippers resulted In a vic- 80-80 _ >_„_ I48.1J BdT'Porkv" Oliver hit the carpet, a three to tie the came In the eighth as two dented regular yearly stocking of pheas- ing all pertinent data, after obtain- Ton«, Tony DaFllippo 4:14:27 tory for Trix in the Comet match Teat _ :49rZ6 then low best ball of 63, he looked at the tiny bird and the platter. Ellis put Henville on ants, 600 cocks will be liberated. ing more opinions from the best Flying Dovll, E. L. Carey" 4:16:26 and So-So In the Sneakbox competi- Wldtreon :48:38 scientific brains In the country on Bun. Jack Howie :17:68 Nlnht Hawk _.... _." :5S:t8 cracked "I hope that isn't my birdie!" ... Oliver amused •by a walk. He was safe at second These are all strong birds, being the possible damage this acid might B«jn, Charlie Burd Z!Z.!Z..JL ". Dljq tion. Stindy - - :«4.22 the crowd with riis antrcs. After watching his partners miss when Ellis' fielding of an Intended from 10 to 20 weeks old. They will cause to marine life, permission to Jlmmle Cottrell's Deal finished 1 >:SS:2Z their mil- he eved his and then dropped a difficult arching sacrifice by White was too late to be banded, and it Is requested dump the by-product was granted minute 33 seconds behind Trlx and Vitamin —.. 4:08:50 force him. Brown moved Henville should any hunter kill one .that the 4:03:56 i& Too e ." llis look of amazement as he flipped his putter by the Flsh and Wildlife Service Elco Models To Be T seconds ahead of Duffy Donald's Falcon ~—-—.. , 4:14:44 in the air brought aloud laugh from the onlookers .. . Talked and White up a sack on a sacrifice band be forwarded to the Fish and provided the location was in the Seven-Eleven to take Becond hon- D,N. F. and Segal singled to push across Game Commission, or to the local area approximately 12 miles off the ors. So-So overcame teal in the wiH Arlhiir Beebe. Sr., for the first time in-12 years. He New Jersey coast and 14 miles Regatta Visitors used to be pro at Suneagles with his brother Bayard. Ar- the two counters. warden. southeast of Scotland Light Ship. Second lap ana won out by 1 min- TKNN18 PBOS PEBFORM The Towners threatened In the This Is an excellent Idea, as it The Elco Yacht Division plant ute 13 seconds. Widgeon finished "hSr to"d us he is letting rust collect on his golf clubs m favor Having received a permit for this in Bayonne has launched the first Comedy surpassed tennis excel- sixth and in the ninth, when they has always been the writer's con- dumping from .the supervisor of 12 seconds behind Teal. lence Friday as tbe big names of of fi shine His son, however, is keeping the family name in tention that natural breeding, postwar pleasure craft to come off the fair™v spotlight, as an amateur. With a five handicap, tallied their lone run. Bob Scott New York harbor, aoting on the ad- the production line since the com- SATURDAY'S RACES professional tennis performed be- started the final session with a which is by far the best, has been vice of the Service and War De- LIGHTNING CLASS fore a large crowd at Colony Surf he fUired"prominently in scoring the best ball of 05 with urtailed by the scarcity of cock partment, the National Lead com- pletion of the PT program last single and Porvis struck out Fred- summer. A brief ceremony was Coune, 7 Miles—SUrt 2*30 P. H. club when BUI Tilden took over JroSl'i" Buck Worsham .. . After going f°ur-under-par, die Boncore. Ayers walked ana Irv birds. pany is purchasing a tanker, and Boati, Skippers Finish Vlnny Richards, 9-7, and Frank Llovd Matigvum asked the people standing on the front of will start dumping the dilute acid held recently at the plant to mark Blue Stl««k. Dick Bennett S:4H:iO Brenner pounded out a hit to score probably In December of this year. the event, and the large shop, one Kovacs and Fred Perry split. Ko- the I Oth ten to step Lack. "Ahm awful wild," he humorous- Scott. At this point Manager Her- We have made a careful check- D»wn, Marie J. Irwin 3:49:85 Carrying out the recommenda- of the biggest and most modern of Stla Mild. PeU Doremui 3:51:^8 vacs took the first set, 6-3, and V can ioncd . . Although live strokes off, Vic Ghe»i played man Aschettinb used Harry Ben- up along the surf from Manasquan tions of the Fish and Wildlife Ser- Its type in the country, Is now in Flippant, B. Lourte S:S2:I0 Perry the second, 6-4. In the dou- nett to pinch hit for Ellis and the to Sandy Hook and And not too en- Windward. Raid Dlckenon 3:66:32 fine golf. Again it was his putter to fail him. beveral times vice the acid will be discharged full swing on its peacetime pro- Bus, J. Howie 8:56.35 bles Tlldcn and Richards won and putts hung on the lip which, with luck, would have gone in. Braves countered by relieving couraging reports. Shark river of- from the tanker below the surface gram. Tone. Tony DeFtllppo .._ 8:68:40 lost over Kovacs and Perry by the There are none tramping the pastures who are more serious Porvis and substituting veteran fers about the best bet. During the of the water so that plankton life Previous to getting the actual Hying Devil. E. L. Carey 8:59:23 identical score of 6-4. General com- Harry Brevoort. Brevoort whizzed week a run of snapper blues, will not be killed. The maximum Bob-Ette, R. 3. KlrU.nd, Jr. 4:04.80 ment from the players was that tbe students of the game than Vic. Consistently in the money concentration will be one part of production line going, thereby Bam, Charles Burd Dlsq. three past Bennett for the second weighing up to three-quarters of bringing new techniques of mass COMET CLASS lighting was poor, thus the poor and earning a neat income, he insists on perfection rather a pound, offered some good sport. acid to 175,000 parts of water. The out. With the tying run on second, current at the location of dumping production methods to the small Coune, 7 Miles—Sun 2:40 P. M. brand of tennis. than duplicating the easy-going manner of some of his con- Ayers had reached third on Bren- These fish have come in after a Marglo Too, Gloria Moore 4:09:06 temporaries. His missing the National Open by such a nar- is sufficient to disperse the acid as boat Industry, Elco built several ner's single and Brenner moved to run of live bait which has swarmed it sinks so that pockets cannot be test models of the new 1947 Beet, Spirit, Alnale* Knowlei 4:09:54 PLANNING BOARD CHAIBMAN. row margin provided a terrific mental barrier, which still the keystone sack on the thrown- Into the Inlet. We are told that Deal. Jtramy Cottreli 4:10:22 formed on the bottom where acid and some of these craft will be In Trix. Bob Boikey 4:10:45 Members of the Freehold Plan- shows He may take a short vacation from the game, which ln Tony VaccarelH, while ducking they are small bunkers. They are concentrate would kill flsh life. The Blue Cooaej Ka/k ;Ka»oorliJlan 4:11:21 f the spectator fleet at Red Bank ning board, appointed at a recent would be good medicine .. . Saw Maurrie 0 Connor of from an Inside high pitch, hit an excellent feed and should make for area chosen Is not that of the fa- during the Regatta week-end. Seven-Eleven. Duffy Donald 4:12:16 Branch Brook for the first time since 1635. He looks the easy dribbler back to the mound ood ashing. Also some large croak- mous "Mud Hole" fishing grounds. Mal-Der-Mer, Joseph Valleau ... 4:i::40 meeting of the mayor and council, They will be the first 1947 model Shamrock, OWoO Grant - 4:13.06 have elected Charles Dlttmar chair- same, hits them the same and scores the same. Whenever to end the rally. "' ers, weighing up to three pounds, Co-operating fully with all con- Catch M«x. 6*5 DBVU 4:15:21> cruisers to be seen on the Shrews- man, It was reported by Mayor he is playing, look for his score to be somewhere near the In taking the reins of the league, have been taken. Fluke still remain cerned, the National Lead company Black Arrow, Temple Faicett... 4:16:27 rather plentiful. will continue research after the bury, and many Monmouth County Okl«. L. M. Ollvenon. Jr 4:21.32 Fred Qulnn, aftei the group met leader? 'Sunday he banged out a 67, in which he carelessly Freehold's Bill Tela aided the cause add Is dumped to see whether or residents who commute to the Bay- Parson's Pride. Cheater Apr, Jr. 4:22:29 In the borough hall. muiTed two putt* of less than two-and-a-half feet. . .Jack by turning In a neat two-hit job. A few stripers have been picked not any noticeable damage is done. onne plant will get a first chance Huba-HubaV Artftofi Apr 4:24:05 McGrnlliard and Tony Savage, top flight golfers at Old Or- In other league games, Keyport up from the surf In the Monmouth The Flsh .and Wildlife Service to aee their boats In home waters. chard were among those watching the masters perform . . . took Long Branch. 14-5; the, Red Beach and Sea Bright areas. How- scientists are also watching the de- Little Silver Councilman Donald E. Lawes also gave the show Bank Braves took Fair Haven, 23-3, ever, trolling is producing the best velopment of this disposal plan a look-see ... Joe Ghezzi following his brother nnd groaning and the Point Pleasant-Union results and is proving that not all with Interest. If the experiment is of the big basB have moved up a failure the scientists will know It Watson Lab Team on some of those putts . .. Henry Picard is our choice as the Bcich tilt ended at 2-2 when the long before any great damage has neatest looking pro. rains came. nbrth. been done, and steps to prevent To Represent County FREEHOLD RACEWAY RED BANK TOWNBRS Capt. Johnny Blsso of the "Fouf- further damage will be taken. ABIH ofus," out of Johnny's Landing at The Watson laboratories Softball Gems and Diamonds Vaccarelll, 2b Highlands, took three flsh weighing In brief, this add refuse, which team, winners of the first half of the Ball players with big league possibilities should get in Mulvlhill, rf ."_ has been Mowing into the ocean for Monmouth County Softball league, Eitelle. a, from 15 to 23 pounds Monday even- years, with New York and New touch with Johnnie Calandriello at his Linden place home. Snnborn. lb ing. Capt. Ad Howland, with Joe Jersey's sportsmen's knowledge and undefeated thus far In the sec- He has arranged for try-outs with the Newark Bears. Ernie Scott. c( _ Mendres, Everett, and the writer and. which has been adding to pol- ond half, have been chosen to rep- Sabo Yankee scout, will hold the trials at Ruppert stadium in Boncore. If _ „ accounted for three last Sunday lution in the river on its way down resent the county association in the MOIL WED. HL SAT Ayres, 3b I state tournament at Elizabeth and Newark starting Tuesday. Ray Sanborn, prize first sacker Rrenner, c .... _ weighing from 10 to 26 pounds, to the bay, now is being carried for the Towners, will probably be one of those to give it a Ellis, p '.-....'.'.'.'"I". S The score was Howland two, 26 far out to sea and dumped where, Roselle from August 24 to 28. Lieut Bennett* ...*..'.'._ 1 and 16 pounds, Mendres one, 10 even at worst, It will do far leas "Hank" Liljedahl and Martin Wood try . .. Considerate bunch of kids on Vic Sigler's Middletown damage than it has been doing. are co-managers of the squad. A C. ball club. Their, number one rooter, John Murphy, Sr., TOTAL 83 1 pounds while we had a lot of fun And the expense involved in this watching them land 'em. Johnny's project is being borne not by the Winner of the state tourney will father of the team's center fielder, was hospitalized from in- BELMAR compete at Buffalo In the national juries received in the Friday train wreck and thus missed his All R II Landing reports that Bchool weeks sportsrnen, not by the state, but by White. 2b 1 I are thicker than ever in the bay. the National Lead company. Yet, play-offs. Play la governed by the first game in a long time. The team labeled their Sayreville Brown, KS I 0 Also sea porgles are increasing, although they axe being benefltted, rules of the American Softball as- contest "Mr. Murphy Day" and wired him the results. To SeBall, 31, 0 1 Olansfor,!. If and that last Sunday the landing some anglers have raised the roof. sociation. add to the general sentiment, his son played a bang-up de- 0 1 Porvis, p. rf II 1 weighed in a 2 pound, 8 ounce por- Before The Salt Water Sports- fensive game . . . Count on Vince Hammond to attempt to Jansky, rf 0 1 g\e, a 4M-pound fluke and a Im- man is Included by these same Spe-rry, rf 1 0 1 complainers In with the group that pour more trouble on Herman Aschettino when his Braves Brevoort, p pound bls/c^psh. meet Herman's Towners Sunday at the Newman Springs 0 0 0 knuckles under to big business, let Havenport. lb son us hasten to state that we have no road field .. . Bud Soule, Rumson firemen's left fielder in the. Henville, c Should yob make a try for weaks 1 1 0 connection with the National Lead Softball league, may pen an item on "How to Keep Cool." In TOTAL down the bay, better take along a company, we carry no advertising Sunday's game with Little Silver, while chasing Harry •batted for Ellll In Oth. 25 3 6 "Jiggerroo." Believe the local tackle of the company's and, frankly, we Pound's hit, he disappeared and came up soaked. He had shops now have them on hand. never knew anything about the company until this acid dumping HARD BALL BATS <»•» $1.00 forgotten the brook that runs along the field behind the question was raised. school .. .This corner continues to nope the Jersey Shore "8UOAB OF LEAD" Middletown Wins A committee has been formed of Now In Stock semi pro baseball league will he able to have a roster of um- The following editorial which ap- sport and commercial fishermen to pires next year. And game assignments should be made by Over Sayreville peared in July 26 Issue of the "Salt investigate this problem further. the league'heads . .. Freehold will be mighty hard to boat, Water Sportsman" is one of the Let us hope that the members will but a half game load is plenty slim. If the Towners and the best articles which has appeared In act with thought and reason rather Gulistans finish nut (heir entire schedules without a loss, the Smoky Stover Hurls print concerning the proposed than with the hysteria and distor- HARD BALLS <°<» 59c dumping of sulphuric acid at the tion which have characterized the league will end in a dead heat. Impressive Victory actions of some alleged sportsmen. Mud Hole: Let us hope that they will produce The Squared Circle Excellent control exhibited by Curses and complaints agalnet findings that give the true picture Mound Artist Smoky Stover Sunday the National Lead company of New of the situation and not a picture Mickey Walker, a Manasquan vacationist, at the Molly York and the Flsh and Wildlife that is poisoned by that age-old SPALDING TENNIS NETS Pitcher bar last week chinning over those better days with a afternoon at Middletown and Service of the United States have death dealer—sugar of lead. sturdy stick work by Charlie Bris filled the air this summer. These former sparring partner, Jimmy Duryea, and inquiring as to ter and Jimmy Kerrigan brought curses and complaints have been the health of another old friend, the Register's associate edi- victory to the camp of Middletown made by some sport fishermen of Dr. Howard A. Welcher, owner tor, Jim llogan. Mick, Jr., 22 years old and a Marine dis- A. C. as they played hosts to the New York and New Jersey. And of the Log Cabin inn at Atlantic SPALDING TENNIS RACQUETS chargee, will he in Cornell line-ups. The Rumson Bulldog Sayreville Mules as they downed they have made them without full Highlands, caught the largest tuna is now strictly nn only uncorked it a few times, but he tally. Two hits and a similar num ing the governent and, all In all, with a 64-thread line in 31 minutes. had it cocked throughout Hie bout. Johnny LaRusso nar- ber of walks kept him from tack- have behaved in no way like sports- A. T. Huser. men. August 4, • rowly escaped with a win over his colored opponent, Walt Ing up a shut-out. Most impressive performance was STEAMER TRUNKS Stine. Johnny is a favorite with the Long Branch patrons, turned In by Manager Vie Sigler's but Stine nearly outdid him. Had he done a little more box- new catcher, Johnny Whltbeck. He ing and a lot less pushing, Stine might have gotten the nod. handled Stover admirably, receiving It almost turned into a real free-for-all fight in the fourth his Blants without difficulty and his And AH Other Tyjjes Of Luggage •when Stine continued to fight after the bell. LaRusso's tem- pegs cut down three Sayrevllie men per flared hurriedly . . . Our favoritp referee is Oscar Lamb. on attempted steal*. Getting one We like the efficient air he assumes while handling the for three with the bat, he also The Champion of Them All— scraps. .. Billy Kilroy again brought the house down when stole two bases and scored twice. he entered the ring. He iiid not'disappoint his followers, but Mlddletown's scoring came in the Now In Stock they had to watch him closely. He only worked 45 seconds. second, third, seventh and eighth. Good looking Jackie Siillivn.ii employed the wrong tactics Visiting Pitcher Art Bonus ap- against the Paterson heller and the outcome was evident af- peared to have the Mlddletowners ter the first couple seconds. The sleep-producing clout was In check until the seventh, when Ta-pat-co an eighl-inrh right uppercnt. . . Promoter Buzzy Connors is they sent two across the plate They added another three in the TRADE MARK attempting to match Kilroy with Jefferson, which should be eighth. REGISTERED US FAT OVJ the bout uf the sefi^nn. Jefferson recently took the measure Brblter had a field day on Bonus1 of Joe Tiigaiielli, who in turn hnd scored a knockout over RIDINQ CLOTHES offering, getting throe hits In four Randy Drew. Drew was In have met "The Killer" Friday, tries. Kcrrlgnn had two In five. but wa> withdrawn when he received an eye injury in (ruin- Both clouted doubles. Koulek led Life-Save ing... The Imlcoiiy jockeys gave wilh "You'll be, sorry the visiting batters with two for • when Tami Manriello, Joe Louis challenger, was introduced four. Featuring Ranch Wear .. . Lee Savold wns also at ringside . . . Sol Cantor's rapid left SAYHEVILLE Racing Vest jabs failed to holhor New Yorker Billy Hawkins, who alter- Luarmyk.

Clarence Doser of Scandals? .,', Johnny Russo, 126, of New York | 7., outshone a bright array of pro- won the feature eight-round, bout S*a*M1A/l Plavm fcrt l fessional golf stars at the Spring at the Long Branch outdoor boxing *«« * lajTCl Lake Qolf and Country club over arena Friday night as he 'gained a the week-end as he paired rounds close decision over Harold Stine, Advance In City of 68 and 67 .to take the first place 130, of Hew Brunswick in the moat purse of" 11,600, leaving' the nins active contest of the evening. other cash "awards to other more LaRusso was up against stiff Court Tournament notable linksmen, including Lloyd competition in Stine, who was an Mangrum, Herman Barron and Vic- svaslv* fighter and a clever boxer. Potter To Attempt tor Gbezzi. Although Referee Oscar Lamb of Doser played remarkable golf as nlarges 4 Sections Linden awarded all but one round To Run Off Finals he breezed through the two-day to the victor, the fight was much event nine strokes under regulation .closer than such recording would Sunday Afternoon figures. On his last round he never Four More Excellent Reasons Why It h Not Necessary indicate. LaRusso had considerable waa over par, and on the final nine difficulty with Stine, and found him Play In the Red Bank city tennis he scored four of-his birdies. To Leave Red Bank In Order to Do ALL Your Shopping shifty target Although he landed tournament got off to a good start Spring Lake charities realized frequent telling blows, Stine per- over the week-end with, all first J15.000 from the classic sisted i In t pushing rather than round matches played off, and no In the opening day's play the trio punching, a failing which probably upsets recorded. gaining the largest audience con- coat him the win. Results thus far In the tourney sisted of Mangrum, Barron and In the fourth round Stine elected for the borough of Red Bank tro- Ghezzi. Ghezzi took the spotlight to swing, but it came belatedly. phy Include: Tbm Gamon defeated on the opening nine with a 33, but 1. An Office Supplies Section The bell had sounded for the end Jack Arnold, 6-0, 6-1; Gordon faltered on the back stretch for a of the session and the outburst Forbes defeated Al MacDonald, 6-3, 70, while Mangrum, even par at the angered the normally calm La- 4-6, 6-2; Bob Worden defeated Bud ninth, ended with a 68. Barron 2. An Artists' and Drafting Russo, who left fly a couple of ex- Brown, 2-6, 7-5, 6-3; Jack Ackley made a terrific come-back after be- tra shots himself. Referee Lamb defeated Al Miller, 7-5, 6-1; Bill De- ing two over par going to the tenth, quickly separated them SantU defeated Guy VanNess, 10-8, ending with a 69. His performance Supply Section 4-6, 8-2; Dick Burroughs defeated on the back nine was electrifying. Bill "Killer" Kllroy continued his He started out with three consecu- winningo strea_T k wb• "m l-"na'V "'^Tin.S' Here," Sullivan's limp y | Wood defeatef d Gamon and Arnold, Donor's 135. He posted a neat four- Wa. bod under-par 6$, which gave him a tie Famous Names Featured In taking the count of ten. It was I ' . •. Director for second with Herman. 4 Man- several minutes before his seconds Ta, scheduled the grum added 70 to his prior 68 for a Tetley's New Sections: him to the shoWers. It third place tie with Chick Harbert, fourth knockout by j "^7 of ™hl7"week7'TonTg"ht at who had a 68 to go with his Satur- Kllroy In as• many professional |„,,„,„|, „,,.,„,.„__ Hagerman vs. RR.. Bur- day's effort of 70. L. C. Smith-Corona Grumbacher ngnu. j rowM wlth the wlnner meeting In sixth place was veteran Gene Underwood Winsor & Newton -^Kilroy was to have fought veteran j| KerK r ththe followinflli g nightih, t SaturdaStdy Sarazen with 70-69 and Ghezzi took ~Band 'y Drew bu..t .tha t gentlema• n morning, VanBusklrk vs. Worden, seventh with 70-70. Ghezzi. usually Remington Keuffel & Ester had been Injured in training and with the winner meeting Sopp; superb on sand shots, had wasted Royal Dielzgen was withdrawn in order to avoid Wood vs. Briggs, the winner meet- three blows In the traps Sunday. further damage to a bad eye. Ing Ackley, and Gamon vs. Forbes. His incoming nine found him re- tn another six-rounder, Ben Jef- If possible, the singles semi-finals gaining his putting touch, getting ferson, 162, of Bloom&eid unleashed will be played Sunday morning fl*fi birdies in the final stretch. Sen- * haymaker to the chin of Frank with the finals in the afternoon. sational as it was, most of his gal- Simmons. 160, of Dayton at the end lery bad. departed after he had of the fifth round, which had Sim- doufclenbogeyed the par-three tenth. mons sleeping as though he were Action Promised It wej-a bad hale for Ghezzi. Sat- on a mattress of the same name. urday he-missed up there, taking a The referee had counted five when tout,; when,,he -fluffed an easy ap- the bell rang, and although his sec- On Fight Card proach from the carpet. A specta- onds worked franctlcally to revive tor would have been charged with the defeated gladiator, he was cold that,,extra stroke, should such ar- when the ball sounded for the sixth Featherweight* T6 Go rangements, be allowed, for a fan and was (till that way for lome dlrsetiy .behind Ghezzi ground his time thereafter. In Feature camera as Vic started his down- swing. He flinched sufficiently to The fight proved the most In- nearly mlSBithe ball-entirely. teresting to the fans, who ap i The feature bout Slated Simmoni'4 courage_ . The,.' I Branch boxing a Fiy» ofber* ftled for the remain- was short on experience but long j night will find ing three aAtfaTda. Maurrle O'Connor Again Teller's Steps Forwardl An entirely on the will to win, and In the clever featherweight from Newark,' of Branch Brook slipped under the fourth be pummeled an almost de-, and Leo LeBrun, lighting Canuck. money wire, after a 74 Saturday, modarnbed downstairs selling floor has been fensetesi Jefferson. There was no , out of Montreal, mixing leather in with a sensational 67. Playing some power behind his beavea but he ; the eight-round go. of the best golf exhibited at the completed, adding over fifty percent to the made an impression on his colored DeVino, a protege of Bobby Ruf- tourney, O'Connor missed two putts •ixe of your favorite store. foe and the fans, who apparently fin, hits the shore ring with an of less than two feet. Hlo careless- believed they might be In on one [excellent record. He has scored vic- ness cost him low score honors, of the major upsets of the season, i toiies Over Benny May, Frankle which he finally shared with Doser Jefferson came through (he fracas j Puccl, Babe Kelly and Donald and Jim Turnosa. plus the added without sign of damage, and In the Scanlon. May and Pucci were at prize money involved. The four Hers the business man and office manager fifth led the fight all the way un-, the local arena last summer and others bracketed with him at 141 til he uncorked a short left upper- j are remembered for their torrid were Turnesa. Willie Goggin, Lew will find a complete stock oi all the office Worsham and Henry Picard. cut which finished Simmons for, bouts. supplies required ior his- daily needs . . . keeps. I LeBrun, a newcomer to these In the real monev event, the Cal- SoUy Cantor of Canada, 126, was : Part». na» been operating in New cutta pool, in which Spring Lake stationery, forms, ledgers, business ma- decisively outpointed by Billy "Kid" York and New England, where he members plaved with the various pros, Tony Manero, U. S. open chines, typewriters, filing equipment desk Hawkins 130, of New York In a haa been headlining programs at champion of ten years ago, teamed four-rounder. Cantor, who had pre- some of the bigger emporium* at sets and brief cases. ec viously exhibited a beautiful left *ock- Among others he lists Jackie with ex-club champ Tom Meehand. 'ia Jab, found that more was necessary j Lynch, Frankle Gromada. Clyde to take first place with a best ball score of 62. Three teams were as Hawkins went to work on him , English and Al Cella as his victims, The eased out of a tie for first, Including with hammering lefts and rights.! »i*-rounders are certain to Ed Oliver and Gilbert VanNote. cet w i th e a l ap rova In Here the artist and embrycKirust.wUl revel The winner is in the camp of James j ™ _ ^_ , { f" ',. P J- Harmon an* Ed Becker, Jr., and R ' p th""e semi-fina"" • - -l' E"'a White•—-•*-, Jersey Rud Lewis and Frank Shea, Jr. Reminl, Taml Maurlello's manager, City lightweight prospect will go in the assortments oi all the finest supplies and In his Long BraficBrafic h debudeut Each team had 63. Meehand, a showed high promise. Hi had Can- i against Joe Marino of Paterson. four-handicap golfer, scored 71, the assembled for her ... as well as drafting i Wnlte h tor's nose bleeding aft*- the sec-1 « been fighting feature same figure posted by Manero. tools for her more mechanically-minded ond round, and although the de- P0"1* ln North Jersey rings and Each of his strokes were used as clslon was not entirely popularly has been favorably commented up- he floured in the best ball on holes brother. received, there was little doubt hut on as being an Important figure In two, three, five, nine, ten, 12, 13, 16 that the right man had been named the lightweight division. Marir.o, and 18. who w]nner. makes his first appearance Walter Kodman. 150, of Newark ?>ere tnls »u of ASBURY PARK 2-S3I0 e ark the other gbt?r Both are Herd '

Again the Circe, handled by W. HIS Is the friendly man- both single and married, Dlnsmore Banks, appeared set for T ager of the local Person- and everything Is kept he Bumson Country club sailing al Finance Company office. strictly private. No outsid- championship with his usual first Even though lending money ers are invplved. He arrang- llace In Saturday's paint race. to folks here in Asbury es convenient monthly pay- 3anka, after a slow start, worked Park is his full-time lob, be ments to fit every budget ill way up from third posltjon and believes: that no one should and charges are made only Intohed In the blue ribbon spot with j borrow unnecessarily. But for the actual time the More Famous Namest two-minute advantage over his , when a loan is to a person's money Is kept itosest competitor, Peter Cummlng,; advantage, be provides folks If you decide the' a loan Is Carry Jamcslouii National Blank Booh C* £ rho ia also runner-up In the to- ' here with needed cash to your advantage, be sura a!s7He holds 63, four behind the promptly and privately. to come to see the Mrnager An Stcrl Boorum & Peas* Tiros and five ahead of Alby Stew-; He gets a lot of satisfaction of the Personal Finance C.nrlrr Wilson Jones irt, who lost ground by finishing i . out nf his )pb, for the ser- Company today. If you ourth, four feet behind the Judy.' vice he renders is a helpful phone ln advance, he will Banks also took Sunday's race, one. And there's no "doing- make nil arrangements so Evenharp ollowed by Cummlng a minute ami you-a-favor" attitude. that all you have to do is to Waterman me-half later. He cuts out needless rig- sign and pick up 'tbe cash- marole and makes borrow- Or, if that's Inconvenient, SATURDAY'S RESULTS ing money a simple, friend- phone or write and he'll tell Start, i«t<0 A. M. ly transaction. He mokes you how to got your loan Boats, Skippers . Finish loans to men and women llrce, Dank" - _ 11|J4 entirely by mall lUkundoo, Cunutilnir . 11:60 Ud» Thomfts 11:50 'anaunrd, Stewart , 11:60 iron, Klk«p 12r00 ^iiBhaioh, Tompkln ..^.... 12:01 ^sra, Plorcji 12:02 FINANCE COMPANY ^

'Irot, Banks „ ,._ MkUt»QQOi Cu 11111111111 ••••it* *••*•#*••••»«« r, .oo PHONE 3-78BS TETLEY'S lliohMoh, • TompVIn 5101 larbarn,, Flttea .....'. - - olOI Chirnt aft Wt% monthly on b«lanc«. Uo. 670 17 BROAD STREET flED BANC mjl^-v^i'iibinai ...M....H... >s 6104 Oloitd Saturdayi 6:08 Open > to 8.-—Men, through Frl, svanlnjs by appointment irftrii lUker , «..M..H t (107 RED BANK 6-0001 HOI Page Sixteen. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. G. I* Question Box tb» SM BMk'8*gM«r IIM ar- „, Mated with the Red Bank office p-*to( th» Army Recruiting Service to A i innttr

LOT B. WARD DEES Lot R. Ward, Sr., 77, a resident of Ocean Grove for 33 years, died Sunday morning after a short ill- ness. A retired accountant, Mr. Ward was a member of the only boro council ever to govern Ocean Grove and held the offices of treas- urer and auditor in the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting association.

Inmates of American prisons vol- untarily gave 100,695 pints of blood to the armed forces during the war. Disc

Recordings Crey Persian Lamb n>ilh magnificent bishop jl.ecv,-, (/.., '• ,•,,.;;,-.•• back. $1000* WITH FAMOUS Suptrb Bon Moulon coal n>!(fc fcaffoomnf pud. ARTISTS up sleeves. 163.001 BY Capitol Columbia Cosmopolitan Decca National K.CA Victor Signature Sonora The|r look of opulence is derived from lavish draping of sKoulders and voluminous Sonart sleeves, from the deeply falling folds of rippling backs. Beautifully fashioned of — Also — NEEDLES rich" and supple pelts in lengths consonant with the new elongated silhouette. And CARRYING CASES RECORD RACKS of sytfi quality as we can hardly hope to duplicate later in the season. CUTTING DISCS "Plus 80% FeSefal Bxclsk Tax

FUR SALON. Fathion. Floor

84 BROAD STREET Phone R. B. 6-3368

ASBURY PARK RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVIX, NO, 7. RED BANK, N. 3., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8,1946. SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO New Accountant Visits Old Wreck Inquiry Calls Negotiate Sale Of Home Town Red Bank Readies Mrs. Nellie Kuhl Dodge of Miami, Florida, la spending a month here O'Neill Responsible Swimming River Club combining pleasure with business, For The Regatta having made the trip North by s. plane She is stopping with her nephew and niece, Mr. and- Mrs, Charge Engineer On Freehold Train JSouth Amboy Couple Seek To Buy Ernest Johnson of Conover place. Guy Lombardo, Jack Cooper To Race Mrs. Dodge is the daughter of Frfty-Fivfe-Acre Golf Course the late Philip kuhl and a sister In Shrewsbury River Speed Classic Disregarded Bayonne Stop Signal ot the late George Kuhl, who con- r'U ducted a barber shop In the Kuhl Investigation of Friday after- Love has undergone a major oper- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leonard of The .National Sweepstakes ] building at the foot of Broad street gatta association met last night aoon'i wreck of the Jersey Central's ation for a hip fractur» at the South Amboy are negotiating for many years. Barnegat and Freehold trains at Presbyterian hospital In New Tork Who Hit Who? the purchase of the Swimming Riv- St. Agnes Church the Molly Pitcher hotel and hi Mrs. Dodge, who is a teacher ot reports from the various committee, Bayonne has officially fixed respons- city. He also has several broken er country club property on River- music, paid a very pleasant call 1 ibility for Uu disaster which killed dale avenue In Shrewsbury town- heads, indicating that this year *' Crux Of Lively at The Register office yesterday Plans Top-Flight river classic set for August 17 and, one and Injured over 100 on William Many of those treated .soon after ship from Mr", and Mrs. A. U. H. and reminisced with the editor, a •». O'Neill of Port Monmouth, engi- the accident were unable to be ad- Jones. The property comprise! ap- 18/ will far surpass any of the schoolmate of half a century ago. previous 13 events held on the: neer of the Freehold express mitted to Bayonne hospital because Pistell-Keely Feud proximately 05 acres, which is laid It has been six years since she Summer Show O'NeM was arraigned Tuesday In of a lack of accommodations and, out In an 18-hole golf course, a 20- Shrewsbury river here. rOom clubhouse, a caretaker's house formerly visited the old home town The entry list for the 225-cuble Bayonne on a charge of man- although seriously hurt, returned and she says that she has met sev- ilaughter and was released ln-$7,- home thus making former pub- Blow-by-Blow Tales of six rooms and a bath, and a Gertrude Neidlinger inch hydroplane race for the Presi- caddy house. eral of her friends of years ago, dent Avila Momacbo of Mexico tro- HO ball by Police Judge James L. lished lists of casualties Incomplete. but the circle of former acquaint- Sweeney after waiving formal So far as It Is possible to deter- At Hearing Conflict- The property was purchased, by To Head Productions phy is already lengthy and Includes, tearing. ances has dwindled due to the such International racing stars asj-- mine the following were among the Mr. Jones some years ago after-he yean. , This conclusion, which had been local residents Injured in the acci- DAVID N. RUDA Grand Jury Next had sold the old Shrewsbury River August 23 and 24 Jack "Pop" Cooper, Guy Lombardo/ country club in Middletown town- On her return South she will and Commodore Mortimer Auer- voiced unofficially shortly after the dent: Clement L. Despard of Rum- stop off to pay a short visit with accident by E. T. Moore, general son, broken left thigh bone, lacera- David N. Ruda of 109 Leonard Recorder John G. Keely of Rum- ship to Frank McCormick, Gene Plans have been completed for bach. manager of the railroad, was pro- street, president of the Red Bank Tunney's manager. He put the her nephew, Ernest Grots, Jr, Again making an attempt to cap-' tions of the face and bruises on the son and Clarence K. Plstell of Lit- whose father conducted a hotel the annual summer time show for nounced authoritatively Monday by left shoulder; Paul Huntsman ot TM and TWHA, Is now associated tle Sliver will have their feud car- course into shape and later the the benefit of St Agnes church at ture the National Sweepstakes tro- , William W. Wimmer, assistant Hud- Rumson, fracture of nasal bone with'Rudolf, Cinnamon & Calafato, place became known as the Swim- here on West Front street, opposite phy will be Cooper, the 75-year-oIdv ried to the grand jury in Freehold, Emanuel court, many years ago. Atlantic Highlands to be held Fri- fon county prosecutor, and Prosecu- and upper jaw; Alfred P. Hen of accountants of Asbury Park. according to action taken by Sea ming River golf club. day and Saturday, August 23 and racing grandfather of Kansas City,' tor Horace K, Roberson after an Red Bank, several broken ribs, pos- A graduate of Red Bank high Bright Recorder Robert P. Thor- At one time a county point of in- 24 in St. Agnes' school ball. Ma Cooper won the coveted aw examination of evidence. sible concussion; Nell Colchester of school in 1M1, Ruda continued his sen Monday night after listening terest because of the 30 Italian sta- the last two years ot the running,^ Witnesses were called before Rumson, head lacerations, two or education for two years at Rutgers to two "eye" witnesses tell rather tues which the original owner, a Legal Question and in 1937 with his Tops .' Central officials. Interstate Com- three ribs torn from the breastbone university' and waa graduated in opposite tales of the famed "brawl Mrs. Chapln, purchased from the modore Auerbacb was the 1939 wln^J, merce commlailonera and members and a broken collar bone; Walter C. 1945 from Mew Tork university af- of the ballroom," which took place Chicago World's fair and placed ner with Emancipator. of the itate board of public utility Guptll of Shrewsbury, severe bead ter having been elected in his jun- in thtf Sea Bright Yacht club Sat- over the estate, the clubhouse and Posed To Council Fred Brown, chairman of the i commissioners at the closed hear- lacerations and cuts and bruises of ior year to Beta Gamma Sigma, na- urday, July 13. property -later became known as committee, has stated that more en;£j ing Monday wherein it was decided shoulder; Joseph E. Herrmann of tional honor society. The hearing was In connection "Statue Inn." The last two of the On Tavern Matter tries have been received at what action to take. Little Silver; multiple cuts on the He recently passed the examina- with the charge of assault and bat- statues were sold recently by Mr. date than In any previous year, Employees, both on the trains In- back, head and leg; Arthur Hope of tions given for those competing for tery by Keely against Plstell, and Jones to the Baltimore Museum for predicted 500 actual starts would? volved and on the Bayonne signal Shrewsbury, fractured ribs, possible ratings as certified public account the similar charge by, Plstell against $600, although some of them are Request For License participate hi the 33 races. tower aa well as O'Neill, were ques- fracture of chest and shoulder, cuts ants. Keely, both lodged after the yacht now. In Beattle Park, Red Bank. Ensley M. White, president of',; tioned, and it was Announced that and bruises of arm, head and face; club mix up. Plans for improvement and re- Monmouth Boat club and chairman1^! W. P. Strickland of Shrewsbury, Transfer Laid Over the accident had been caused be- The old adage that the hand is habilitation wlU be announced as of the course committee, is pi: ,.,cause "the engineer failed to fecog- concussion, cuts of ankle and hands; soon aa the deed changes hands Grandjean Jewett of Fair Haven, Walter Rathbun quicker than the eye received add- To Next Meeting stakes and markers around ' nlxe the signal which was In stop ed worth In the hearing when Mil- some time in September. mile and two-thirds and the I position." thigh fracture, cut on forehead; Mrs. Leonard is the former Miss Janes Clarke of Locust, severe ton Ross, Long Branch, a member A request for the transfer of and-a-half mile sweepstake course*;;* .Among those who testified were Buys Historic of the Keely party at the yacht Ada Hoffman, (laughter of former liquor license from Fred J. Hoh- He announced that nine buoys back Injury; Lawrence Clarke of Governor and Mrs. Harold G. Hoff- Charles Frye, Matawan, conductor, Locust, lacerations of the head. club, said that he saw Plstell awing man of Leonard street to Ferdi- be placed at each turn, making J and C. J. Keefe, Long Branch, at Keely, graze the recorder's face, man of South Amboy. Before her nand Acerra of Eatontown courses fast and eliminating brakeman of the Freehold train; H. Lester Scott of Shrewsbury, Canning Plant and hit Mrs. Keely in the eye; and. marriage Mrs. Leonard was copy Freddie's Place, a tavern located] 4$ possibility of driver^ missing tur, Jl Horner, Long Branch, conductor, strained neck muscles, contusions a Mr. MacNamara (whole sister chief for Neff-Rogow, radio adver- at 64 South Bridge avenue, waa { Rigaud Paine, manager;of't and Herbert Sloan, Lakeburst, head actually has a band by that name), tising agency of New York. laid over. Monday night *y the Red and abrasions of lower limbs; Rich- Factory At Phalanx 1 Molly Pitcher hotel,, advised brakeman of the Barnegat train ard E. Nevius of Shrewsbury, a member of the Pistell party, said Mr . Leonard Is a son of Mr. and Bank mayor and council. The fact accommodations had long and George Brennan, North Plain- wrenched back and cubs; Raymond Was Main Industry that he saw Keely punch Platell in Mrs. Henry T. Leonard, also of that Mr. Acerra was arrested filled, but that he had made i field, signalman in toe tower west M. Austin of Rumson, back injuryt the mouth. South Amboy. He was a hotel man- .1934 and fined WOO under a bor- slve plans to enable the riverfr of the Bayonne station. lacerations of head,- lef-pnd finger? In Extant Colony Ross declared that he was danc- ager In New York city before en- ough ordinance in connection with hostelry to serve meals. The' 1 M. A. Tilton, fireman on the North Ralston P. Lamboim m.: Rumsan, ing when he saw Mr, Plstell, also tering the Army in 1912. He served possession of a dlsmantfcsd still has | room will be put Into use, as Jersey shore train, It was revealed, concussion, severatcalp laceration; dancing, engage the- Rinnijon re- in the Army air corps as a first posed a legal problem upon which 'Walter L, Rathbun of Fredonia, as the grill and main dining re saw the Freehold express catching cuts of face and bade; .Gordon CV corder in what appearejft,oifi;Red t'aadKlpnU products will was liberated. •»••&, duction, and with the local talen J AfX a later date. MtfawM ' as a violation of a state nouncement. * coach ami' reared backward after dislocated jaw, s»»fn.1»ck heard the Still on terminal 1MV£ frowt tlw j law, Mr. Reussille will available, Miss Meldllnger declare All necessary work telescoping the car's eteri frame lacerations of headljirf '•*; * "plant; 'wTllcb. was the print time'to see Army, he Is, at present, a .pilot, IBS j igate to see whether or this event will top all previous pro- eJpitf industry of'the colony flourlsh- is handling public relations at Red v completion. A grandstand, cap work. The' boiler exploded, and the Fellman of Red Bank,' laceration ol the face. . -'- • not the ordinance, under which Mr. 4tins. 700, will be erected in Marine '. flreman, the only fatality of the the leg, broken right Arm: Edwtrd. Ipgdyring the middle 19th century Pistell, through Ws. attorney, Bank airport. Acerm- was conv}ctt4, • waa based program, nWeTf "will' t&pte- crash which Injured over 100, was %t"PhsJargKrjpu--valued at WMXKk John JTQulnn, Red Bask* gay that ThIdhave three «rrUV George W. Bray, Herbert E. B. Polak of Rumson, broken nose," on-a stater'ttw/ sented as a, will Include wards and Augustus Mlnton, _ pinned between the coal tender and one or two broken ribs, lacerations In 1862, t&d produced enough sur- Mrs. Keely got her bULoftjn when dren, Prank, Jr., «'; Wartftt, 2, and :Tb« fact that Mr. inualc, tinging ini dkitcWg,-featur- the rear platform of the locomo^ of the bead; Samuel JC Biker of plus to supply metropolitan mar- she was accidentally struck by her Michael Can, 4 months. relations and reception commltt rested and HUM ., io# popular songs, duo pianos and heads, declared tbat spectators Uvs on which be stood. The rear Middletown, broken left forearm kets. Charles Sears, John Bucklln husband while leaving the dance charges will undoubtedly lnfluince vlplin solos. Colorful, tableau* will car of the Barnegat train was a and nine broken ribs; John J. Scully and Nathan French were the orig- floor. Attorney Qulnn also sasaid" the council's decision, and it was be advised of the best vanl club ear carrying many residents that the Keelys continued to daancn e highlight the songs aa they are points. ,,, of Red Bank, four broken ribs and inal operators and prospered until for this reason Mr. Klatsky asked rendered. of Red Bank and surrounding area lacerations of the head; RoyTru*- a Are in 1854 destroyed much of for 15 minutes after the Incident Highlands To Seek that the situation be clarified. During the races the course will; who suffered either fractures or well of Red Bank, sprained neck; the machinery, and the individual was supposed to have occurred. Joseph Palmleri of Shrewsbury Mrs. Morris Josephs, who will ac be patrolled by the Coast ~ shock from the collision or burns LeRoy C. Tyack of Little Silver, Interests of members for profit de- Edmund J. Canzona of Parsons, Extra Water From avenue, appearing In behalf of the as general chairman, has announced They will enforce non-movement J from the steam. lacerations of finger, arms and legs; stroyed the ideal of communal life Labrecque, Canzona and Combs, Red Bank Benevolent association, the formation of various commit spectator craft during the race, i The dead flreman, aboard the Frank H. Love, Jr, of Rumson, on which the Phalanx colony had Red Bank, la representing the asked the mayor and council for tees, and the Important matter o. a large picket boat will be anchored*' Freehold - train, was Robert Hen- bruises on face and spine; M. L. been built. John Bucklin then pur- Keelys In this, case, and will pre- Atlantic Highlands help In eliminating a hazard costumes will be in the hands ol at the east end of the course demhot, 88, of Wikes-Barre, Pa., Seller of Fair Haven, concussion, chased the canning factory with sent Mrs. Keely's 175,000 civil dam- created by two trains being per- Mrs. Peter Gedettes, Mrs. George assign anchorage locations to I who was living in Atlantic High- chest bruises and lacerations of the purpose of continuing the In- age suit when It Is heard In three mitted to pull Into the Red Bank Bonnett, Mrs. John Ruf, Mrs. Mi- coming yachts. land* during the time that he had arms and legs, and George Miller of dustry. or four months. Residents'Of Navesink railroad station at one time. Mr. chael Connors, Mrs. Mary Jones Again this year Councilman;? Middletown, bruised shin and knee, and Mrs. Joseph Maxwell. Tickets been assigned to the Freehold run. Mr. Rathbun, the new owner, is Palmleri explained that with pas- Thomas M. Gopslll will handle an-;«j Two of the most seriously Injured pulled muscle In left leg. experienced In that field, having Avenue Area Demand sengers getting off and on a train will be handled by Mrs. Sarah Jack- nouncements over the public ad-"! passengers in the wreck were Hu- John E. Boswell, president of the been associated with the Red Wing American Legion there was a strong possibility of son and Mrs. Peter Cede. The dress system from the officiali1'* bert Longua of Rumson, who is re- public utility commission, said that company of Fredonia N. Y., for Relief At Meeting someone stepping in front of a ushering committee will function barge at the starting line. ported to be recovering slowly at the practice of employing men over ten years before taking a position moving train on the other track. with Mrs. Genevieve Owens as In a partial entry list re!.leasedi Medical Center, New Tork city, 88 should be investigated but in 1942 with the Jersey City quar- Names Slate For The Highlands mayor and coun- The council promised to look into chairman and the music will be the this morning by Mr. Brown are Ig from fractures of jaw and nose, and added that this bore "no reflection termaster depot as procurement cil took action at a meeting Tues- the situation. responsibility of Mrs. William Mul- starters. The boats concerned Frank H. Love, Sr., who was com- on the guilt or Innocence 'of the specialist. He was In charge of County Offices day night to request Atlantic High- A taxlcab owner's license for a ligan. elude the fastest in the world, wltlff ing to Rumson to visit his son. engineer of the Freehold express". the Bridgeton field buying office, lands to help alleviate the borough new cab was Issued to John R. The entertainment Is scheduled drivers' names familiar to follow- which purchased all the canned and water shortage in answer to the Irons of the Bell company. Two for an 8:30 o'clock curtain. Tickets ers of the sport. Included are Sojf frozen goods for New Jersey, East- Mortimer VanSaute- storm of complaints and protests cab licenses were granted to An- can be secured from members of Long, with Lou Fageol of Kent, O.'fM To Amend Zoning Plan Flower Show ern Pennsylvania and Northern from residents of the Navesink thony Stoble of 181 Bridge avenue. the committee, and are'on sale at Emancipator VIII, with Mr. Aueigf Delaware for the army, navy and Is Candidate For avenue area, who declared that Mr. Stoble also obtained operators' the MeJ-Ro. Cleaners on First avc bach of Miami, Fla.; Tempo other government services. Last they were getting an Insufficient licenses for himeelf and Edward nue, Atlantic Highlands. with Lombardo of Freeport, N. I.JVJ Law At Sea Bright At Uttl^Silver year he was general manager of a Vice Commander supply of water, and demanded Im- N. Silow of Middletown. Owners' Arlal II, with William G. Bradeofj and operators'licenses were granted of Watertowb, Ontario, Canada; canning plant at Morrisville, Pa. mediate relief. to Philip and Harry Zager. Together with the factory, Mr. Matthews Garage Prowler J., with Forest Johnson of Changes Made In Community Club John Feldman of Asbury Park The plan adopted, by the council Exempt firemen's certificates Miami, Fla.; Tops, with Mr. Cooper) Rathbun has taken over the to- and Homer Matteson of Keyport Is similar to the one used two Building Costs Sponsors Event mato acreage formerly contracted were granted to Michael Bergln, Has Bear Machine of Kansas City, Mo.; Buckeye Baby, were "nominated for commander of years ago when Atlantic Highlands Allen Collins, John Larkin, Thom- with Gibson Bradfield of Barnes-! by Laird—a 200-e.cre area. the county executive committee of pumped water into the Highlands The latest model Bear alignment An amendment to the zoning or- as Gallagher and Patrick Nlcolettl, machine was installed in the P. L. v^lle. O.; Sea Biscuit, with Albert5j The Little Silver Community club the American Legion at a meeting mains to relieve a shortage occur- members of Independent nre com- Brinlurmn Jr. of Grand Island I"""*' dinance was passed on its first will sponsor an amateur flower last night at the Long Branch Le- ring then during week-ends. pany. Matthews garage at 21-23 Wharf reading at the meeting of the Sea show at the borough hall Sunday, Electric Repair Shop avenue last week. The machine, Y.; Ly-Bee with Edison Hedges • gion post Vice commanders nom- Declaring that the shortages oc- Atlantic City; Avenger also wlthfi Bright mayor and v council last August 25, which will be open to inated included Mortimer VanSau- curred only on summer week-ends, widely acclaimed throughout the Thursday night, and will come up residents of the borough, other than Opens In Red Bank nation us a safety device of major Mr. Hedges; Wild Goose wltffiS The Elmore Electronics Repair ter of Red Bank, Walter Church of the council stated that the adopted Thomas Glennon of Ocean City;, for public hearing at the council professional gardeners or florists. Bradley Beach and Russell Wool- measure would carry over until Annual Fair importance, is designed to com- meeting to be held Thursday night, Eligible will be those who bring laboratories have opened for busi- pletely align vehicles, which, Jn Aljo, with Joseph VanBlerck, Jr, S|| September S. Section 7, paragraph ness at 137 Broad street for the re- le of West Long Branch. Ralph Labor day. It is hoped that the At St. Mary's of Hewlett, N. Y.; Seven Fiddles, ",S?| displays of flowers, vegetables or Emmons of Long Branca was nom- Public Utilities commission will ap- turn, operates to save tire wear 3 of the ordinance is amended as miscellaneous products to the bor- pair of home and automobile ra- Members of St. Mary's cbur=h at and aid In accident elimination. with T. J. Galatls of Coral Gables, i follows: dios, television and electronic de- inated aa finance officer. No other prove the requested bond issue to Fla,; Hal-Mar, with Howard Hlb-.?| ough hall between the hours of 10 nomination was made for this po- make Improvements to the borough New Monmouth will hold their an- The garage, which has been In No dwelling to be erected on a a. m. and 2 p. m. the day of the vices. operation the past eight years, is bert of St. Petersburg, Fla., and g Operating the firm Is Kenneth water system by that time. nual country fair Friday and Sat- plot with leas than 7,500 square show. No entry tees or formal ap- sition. urday nights of next week on the iwned by Philip L. Matthews of George Schraft of Newton, Mass. || feet of land area and no dwelling plication blanks are required. Elmore, army veteran of two years' State Vice Commander Harold The approximately 80 families af- Colt's Neck, eon of Mr. and Mrs. service. Born in New York city, fected by the present shortage are church grounds. Rev. Robert T. to be erected to cost to build, less Judging will start at 3 p. m. Saldt of Trenton presented large Bulman is general chairman. 'hlllp Matthews of Little Silver. POLICE BAIX I than $10,000; further, any devel- Prizes, which have been donat- Mr. Elmore was educated In pictures of the signing of the Jap- those whose homes are on Ralph His brother, Richard, assists In the schools there and was graduated and Williams streets, Linden and Members of the Rosary society At a monthly meeting of opment contemplated In Zone A ed by various local business firms, anese surrender terms on the U. S. management of the business and l ahall also provide a street running from a course at R. C. A. institute S. Missouri to several posts, includ- Navesink avenues. Representatives are In charge of the refrtshment son Local No. 48, Patrolman Erllngg. as well as ribbons will be awarded and coke booths, Holy Name so- another brother, John A., a major M. Monsen, chairman of the 21at;{|. from Ocean avenue to the Atlan- for the best entries In flower class- In New York. He entered In radio ing Red Bank, for exceeding their of these families appeared before in the Army Air Corps, naa the * tic ocean at least 26 feet wide and repair work in 1926, continuing that the council Tuesday night to ask ciety, country store skill games, annual ball, announced that final,; es, vegetable classes and miscel- 1945 membership goals. Saldt an- and Young Ladies' sodality, novelty pilot of the "City of fled Bank" each house to set back from curb laneous' products. The flower divi- line of endeavor until entering the nounced that the legion will have approval to tap into the Monmouth •lane, which flew from Guam over plans have been made for the af«*. 20 feet service, where he served at the Consolidated Water company pipe. and doll bodths. There will be spe- fair to be held at the Wlllowbrook,* sion will include marigolds, zinnias, plans ready In a few days to as- cial games and prlies each night. apan during World War II. Mr. Section 8, zone B, Is amended as cosmos, calendulas, gladioli, lark- Squier laboratories at Fort Mon- sist all GI's In receiving their term- They had received the permission Matthews Is married to the former Fair Haven, next Wednesday nights*- follows: spur, phlox, roses and dahlllas. Veg- mouth. At that station he was one inal leave pay. of the company but needed the ap- Music will be provided by Bobbyvij of the original 22 to take radar Miss Margery Thomas of Middle- No dwelling may be built on any etables will Include potatoes, toma- It was revealed that there are proval of the council before they town. They have two children. Wilson's orchestra. lot unless It Is accessible to a toes, squash, onions, corn, egg training. Upon completion of the j could tap Into the pipe. Lions To Meet Rotary course, ha became instructor on 4,441 members of the legion In Mon- The Matthewe Arm specializes In street at least 20 teet wide and set plant, beets, carrots, beans, pep- mouth county, with Asbury Park The council offered the adopted welding, body straightening and in Fashions In Handbags! ,.. backs ahall be not less than 20 feet perB, cabbages rutabagas and mel- radar at the Lexington Signal de- plan In place of the approval Club in Golf Match Whether you pay $1.95 or $60, w»| pot in Kentucky. He also taught post first with 894 members and factory methods in refinlahing. have a well styled handbag to sult.| from sidewalk lino If built facing ons, and for miscellaneous products Shrewsbury post of Red Bank sec- sought. The Lions and Rotary clubs of Ocean avenue and each dwelling so will be Included berries, fowl and frequency modulation. your purse and taste. Also ond with B02 members. Craig Flnnegan, borough engineer, Red Bank will clash in their an- Table Oil Cloth. tume and sterling jewelry, erected to cost to build not lees fruit. Discharged last October, he has who estimated that an additional nual golf match and dinner at the been employed until recently at the We have a good big stock of it. pacts, and handkerchiefs. M than 17,500. 'T .„••••• If successful, the club plans to 1,600 feet of pipe, costing $8,000, Forsgate Country club, Jamesburg, Come In and get youfff today, saves Purse and Vanity Shop, W 'Efforts will be made by the coun- make the "how an annual event. Watson laboratories in Eatontown. •" Bun Are Bad. , would be needed to bring the pres- Wednesday, August 21. mouth street, Carlton Theatef Martied, with a son, he resides at Why have them. Get rid of them. laundry bills; new scarfs at IK elK'to obtain as a gift from the Get those new "Aerosol" D.D.T. ent water system up to the de- Jim Humphries heads the Lions cents; chair pads at 59 cents; new Building, Red Bank.—AaVve. government, the V. B. S, Prairie the Alfred Vail apartments. He is aired capacity, was instructed to at- shelf oilcloth. We have a big lot ment. Clothes Pins. a member ot Shrewsbury post, bombs, |2,98, good for 80 room*. eornmittee and Ron Allen Is In State, -used during the war as a We have the stuff to get rid of tempt to get the pipe. charge for the Rotary. The trip will aa we have large allotments from fralnlhg ship In the Hudson river. Large round smooth clothes American Legion. ants, mosquitoes, files. Save time by our factory. National 5 & 10, Home Wanted! plus; also spring snap type clothes be made In private vehicles and a Prown's.—Advertisement. Will pay $126 a month for a \ It la p'roposed to sink the ship off plus; new lovely towel bars; Inside shopping with us. National Bc-lOc chartered Boro bus. ..the beach as a means of building Dln« At and $1 store. Prown's. We dillver. The Fair Haven Fbre" Dept or three-bedroom house In " and outdoor clothes driers; rolling Bahr'i Landing-Grill, directly on extends Its appreciation to all those Bank. Youns couple, two child up the sand and preventing erosion. pins. Don't waste time and get —Advertisement. who patronized the fair or who In Public Auction. The government recently" an- Shrewsbury river. and enjoy the Stop on Cans. will dls- Call between 0 and 7, Bell your wanti"all in one place. Nat- daily parade of ploasure craft any way contributed to Its success. Retiring from bCHpess, 9-0298-J i—Advertisement nounced that''the ll.flOO ton ship, ional 5 & 10, .prown's. We deliver. BooheJle's Beauty Salon. The firemen hope they will see their Chrome tops and altimlnlrad In- poae of all office equipment, house- —Advertisement. Docking facilities. Specializing In sets, brightly enameled In red, Ivory iold goods and furnishings, stock, formerly known as the U. S. S. flsh platters and shrimp In the In order to allow employees and old friends as well as'many new or white, $6:95 each, they are dandy, tools, machlpery, truck, etc., at 25 Auctioneering Services. Illinois, is to be scuttled. Borough rough. Dining room open 1 to 9 management a much- needed vaca- ondg at next year's fair which they get one today, real pre-war cans at Mechanic street, Freehold. Satur- For auctioneering and appr, Attorney Edward W. Wise, Sr., was Veterans Loans. p. m. Wines and* liquors.' 2 Bay tion, we will be dosed, for one week, promise will be bigger and better pre-war price. National 6 & 10. day, August 10th, at 1 p. m> Fran- lervlces of household effects and I . directed to write to Congressman Veterans can obtain a lean up to avenue, Highlands, N. J.—Adver> starting August 12. will reopen than ever before.—Advertisement. Prown'l.—Advertisement. cis O Squire-. B. G. Coats, auc- ales at reasonable rates. Rj James C. Auchincloas in an effort 100% ot the- purchase price of a tlBoment, Monday, August 19.—Advertlse- Doolger, Shrewsbury. Phone ment. tioneer.—Advertisement. to obtain the ship. hone at interest rate of i% "Seeds of Quality.'* It's Snttrt Bank 2728.—Advertisement, Bids for the purchase of 339 VV, G. Mstnson, 6 Drummond Place, Fuel Oil Complete Unsi including alfalfa, to be thrifty. Save better than 6% To Whom It May Concern. Red Bank, Phone 748-J,—Advortlse- Fireworks. 'shares of stock of the Soa Bright tnent, ' , x to ault your burner; best grade* clovers, grasses, hay, pasture and on your fuel oil. CWII us-for your Not responsible for debts of my Gas Ranges. > National bank, owned by the bor- and prices.' 'Unexcelled service. Every Tuesday, night, Long lawn mixtures (certified) and Cover next fill at 8 1/10 cents per gallon. wife Marlon (nea PnefT.' Coal and Has, oil and gas, Fred D, Wlkoff Co., Red Bunk. Branca beach front, - 10 o'clock Crop Grain, eta. Order now, 0on- plan. Hance ft Davis. (Signed) Francis A. Olson, iven control. Good Houiekee ough, will be, recQived at the next ChryalflrrPisrmouth, Internationa]. ovor Bros,, Wickafunk, N. J, Phone council meeting August IS. , phone Bed Baxlk-6rO!6D2,-AlveTUse- sharp. Public Is tnvlted.-Adver- 1 Phone Red Bank 6-0103.—Adver- 23 Tower Hill Avc, Red Bank. ihop, InOj, it Menmoutb «tr* Sales and service., Maurice raont. UsenieiStr' ^ —- Holmdel ' ~'" J_uly Jl, 1046— Advertisement^ Red Bank,. N. J.*-Adv»rtUem«nt 1 Schwartz,,Phone Red Bank 6-O78T. Chrysler, Plymouth, International. —Adverflsoment, , " ^ , . Chrysler, Plymouth, International. Chrysler, Plymouth, International. Chrysler, Plymouth, International.' Chrysler, Plymouth, International. Dhrysler, Plymouth, international, Sales and •' service. Momilco Sales and «orvjce. Maurice Sales and service. „ Maurice Sales and service. Maurice Sales and service. ., Maurice ales and service, Maurice •ales and service. Man Schwartz, Phone Red Bank e-OTBt.- ' Bby« can maki pocket money by, Schwartz. Phon_e Red Bank 6-0787.. Schwartz. Phone Red Bank S-0787. chwartz. Phone Red Bank 6-0787. ichwartz. Ph6ne Red Bank i —AdVertHemtnt, : • v SohwaHz. Phone Red Bank 64787. Schwartz. Phoiu Red Bank 6-0787. selling th« Roglster—Advertliement, —Advertisement, —Advertisement,' - - —Advertisement,, '•• —Advertisement, " —Advertisement, . . —Advertisement, jjfege Two. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. c61n, Jea*n Grldley, Joan Purvee Weddings and Miry Stevens. Married Sunday Edward Morf ord Red Bank PBA Opens Democratic Club Following the ceremony there Chamber Holds YOVXQ—MASO2T will bt a, reception at the River Clubhouse On River club after which the couple will Cemetery Supt. Party Wednesday Tha wedding of Miss Mary Toung, Tbe Red Bank; Patrolman's Be- daughter of Mr. and Mra. Stuart leave for a honeymoon Jn Canada. Upon their return they will live In, nevolent 'association,- comprising irter Night Dinner Adams Toung of Rumson, and Eu- Fw Fifty Years police officers of this borough, Mid- Annual Event To Be i gene- Waterman Mason, Jr., son of New Haven, Conn, until February, w •• • when Mr. Congdon la expected to dletown, Little 8llver and' Eaton- Mr. and Mrs. Mason of Bernards- Held At Sea Bright -^ graduate from Yale university. Middletown TWnship town, held their first session at the vllle, 'took place Saturday afternoon Miss Lee attended Brearley new clubhouse last night as Chief Sfr1 -Officer* Are Installed At Meeting- at St. George's Episcopal church, sohool and was graduated frona Official Dies Of Harry T. VanNote of the Red Bank MM. Ceolle ffrankel of -Saa~ Rumson, The • ceremony was per- Shipley school. Mr. Congdon Is an department 'christened the home In Brighf and Mrs, Adeline Barton Of. *s ; ; formed by Rev. Laureston L. alumnus of St. George's .school and Heart, Attack formal ceremonies. Anbury Park WchaJrmen bl «'. V English Receives Life Membership Sohaife, rector of Calvary church, served three years in the V. S.. Main business of the meeting was dessert-bridge to be held Wadnes*-' Pittsburgh, assisted by Rev. Fair- election of officers, Frank Mazza day afternoon of next week at l:S0" Navy. Edward H. Morford, 89, superin- Held Butt, 8d, rector of St. George's. of Red Bank was elected presi- o'clock at the Sea Bright Ylacfit,.. ._ a dinner meeting last night tendent of Fair View cemetery, 'At A reception followed at Wynmoor, BOECKEL—WOOSLEY. dent; Melvln Leek of Middletown, club by (member's of the Women'sw''; Willowbrook inn, Fair Havun, Middletown township, for the past Heads Department the home of the bride's parents. vice president; Lew HendrlckV of Democratic club of Monmouta Si s;Red Bank Community Junior Miss Arltne Boeckel, daughter of B0 years, died Tuesday afternoon ;! Tbe bride, who was given in mar- Red Bank, secretary, and Irving L. county. Reception committee m«m- jsinber of Commerce was offlcial- riage by her father, wore a gown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boeckel of at bis residence, Oak Bill road, bers include Mra. Katharine Elkus Wallace street, was married July Krakowitch, treasurer. y Admitted to the National Asso- of ivory satin designed wltlf fitted Headflen's Corner, of heart trouble. White and-.Mrs. Rita H. Douglas'' ciation of Junior Chambers when 12 to Kirby Woosley, store keeper, He bad been ailing for 'several The dubrooms are located on the bodice and short sleeves and a full river at the foot of Maple avenue. of Red Bank: Mrs. Rosa Bergen, ,• ,• received their Aarter, held in- second class, U. S. Navy, son of Mr. years and had suffered an attack Matawan, "and Mrs. May Maloney. skirt forming a. bustle and court and Mrs. Owen Woosley of Racine, Besides the officers, Charles llatlon of officers and honored train. The bodice was trimmed several weeks ago while vacation- Avon. j . Bank Mayor Charles R- Eng- Wis., at St. Luke's Episcopal church, Ing with his wife at the Hotel Jones and Philip Jlannlne were Others assisting are Mrs. Fred•"••« with a yoke of heirloom rosepolnt Racine. A double ring ceremony elected alternates to the state con- jfcltoh at their first public function. lace. The wedding gown was worn Sterling, Sterling, Pa. Jones, Red Bank; Mrs.. Mae Wd-','i B Presenting the charter to Presi- was performed by Rev. Alexander Bom at Kingston, Canada, Janu- vention. They, along with Edward cany, Asbury Park; Mrs. Howard * by the bride's maternal grand- Simpson. dent Frederick Gierseh of Sbrews- ary B, 1877, he came to Middletown Brooks, formed the entertainment Height, Sea Girt; Mrs. Bstelle''? mother, the late Mrs. Robert H. Mrs. Marie Buttenhoff of Racine committee for last night's affair. : pmry was James G. Maher of New Miss Natalie Anna Parker, daugh- township 62 years ago at tbe age Matz and Mrs. Gertrude Speck,. > McCarter, and by her mother. Her was matron of honor and Harold The building committee consists of ; ^Brunswick, past national director. long tulle veil was caught with er of Mr. and Mrs. August Smith of seven. He took over the duties Deal, and. Mrs. Ella Wallace, Key- ' pMr. Maher was instrumental in the Schenk, also of Racine, was Best as superintendent of the cemetery Albert Newman, Jr., and Patrolman port, publicity; Mrs. Joseph Hahjv ]• orange blossoms and she carried an man. Michael Buttenhoff'-was ring of Fair Haven, and Frank William itermatlon of the Red Bank unit at the youthful age of 19, and was Jones. Bradley Bekch; Mrs. Sara 8h»r-7i old-fashioned bouquet of gardenias bearer. Hester, son of Mrs. Lillian Hester find had worked closely with the and bouvardla. of Belleville, were married Sunday Instrumental In Its development In- wood, Freehold; Mrs. He|en Jpyc$'* 1 local temporary officers In the or- The bride's gown was -white satin, afternoon at the Red Bank Baptist to one of the finest cemeteries In Asbury Park; Mrs. T. p. • tfeausy,,! Mrs. Robert H. McCarter Toung made with a Iortg train. Her fin- Matawan; Mrs. Bland Applagale,114 ganization procedures. of Rumson was her sister-in-law's church by Rev. W. Clinton Powers, the state. Cloisters To B« gertip length veil was edged with pastor. He replaced the late Frank Scott Neptune, and MTB. Julia Beattyyj: "' Mr. Gierseh presented Mayor matron of honor, and the brides- old lace, and was attached to a Sngllsh with a scroll signifying a The bride was given In marriage as a member of the Middletown Keansburg, tables arid speciaf,-.' maids were Mrs. John Miller of Red beaded tiara. She carried white Dedicated Sunday awards. —. ""• jfAife-time honorary membership In Bank, Miss Margarette O'Sulllvan by her father. She wore a blue township committee about 20 years lilies. The matron of honor wore Mrs. John Johnston, Freeh6Id£i lithe Red Bank club u well as the of Rumson, Miss Elizabeth Mason Mediterranean blue satin, and car* wool suit with white accessories ago, and had served on the com- pfnatlona! organization. In his ac- and a corsage of white gladioli. A mittee ever since. He was chairman New Memorial At Mrs. Rose Wcnzoll, Naveslnk; Mrif.f of Barnardsvllle, Sister of the ried a Colonial bouquet of yallow John Wermert, Belford; Mrs. Har- E/ceptance, Mr. English spoke briefly groom, and Miss Katharine reception followed at Crystal Brook of the township road committee. Siupon the possibilities of the now inn at Eatontown. He was also a member of the town- St. George's Finished riet Butcher, . Farminedale; Mrs. Briggs of Plttsford, N. T. All at- Joseph Coles, Long Branch, and Referring to his pride at tendants were gowned alike in Tbe couple are making their home ship board of health, and during p.wltnesslng the return of war vet- in Fair Haven at 23 DeNormandlc the war served on the Middletown The Cloisters, a memorial to the Mrs. Katharine Cowan. Bclmar, bouffant gowns of white organdy tickets; Mrs. Blanche Flannery, • pl erans, Mr. English stated It was and wore headdresses of ivy and avenue. War Price and Ration board. He men and women of St. George's |E."gratlfylns to see you Join in a com- MRS. ELSIE T. CARHART was a Republican In politics. Episcopal church, Rumsn, who Bradley Beach; Mrs. Ann And* ilief. The matron of honor carried reach, Kennrburg; Mrs. Marie Mor- >j5 munlty spirit to better civic affairs a bouquet of rubrum lilies and ivy He was an active member of the served In World War II, will be de- Mrs. Elsie T. Carhart has been ris, Union Beach; Mrs. Jack Levin, fl and your personal lives." Pointing eaves and the bridesmaids carried Opening Night Red Bank Baptist ohurch, and was dicated Sunday morning at the 11 placed In charge of Tetley's mod- Long Branch; lira. Daisy Rankle, f out that It Is the young men who Album lilies with varlgated ivy chairman of .the board of trustees o'clock service. Rev. H. Falrfleld ernized downstairu department at Butt, 3d., rector, Is in charge. Behnar, and Mrs. Elizabeth Robin- J-'are responsible for the successes leaves. of the church at the time of his son, Freehold, refreohmenta.' ' and failures of this generation, the the Broad street store. The depart- Of Theater Group Evan W. Thomas of Huntington, death. The Cloisters were completed at mayor wished the officers and ment specializes in commercial and L. I, was best man, and the ushers Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ella a cost of more than $64,000, and members of the club success. home stationery items, brief cases, V. Pcickham Morford; a daughter, •vlll be used for teaching, recrea- business machines, artists' mater- Included Robert C. Stanley of New Repertory Players Arthur Morris of Newark, secre- Mra. Edna A., wife of Dewey Wil- .Ion and parish meetings. The new Bruno Promoted ials, drafting and filing supplies. York city, E. H. A. Grassi of West- building, which connects tbe old tary-treasurer of the state group, bury,, L, I., Eugene V. Connett of Present Comedy liams of Riverside Heights; a son, Mre. Carhart, who makes her George T. Morford of Oak Hill parish hall with the church, con- To Sergeant conducted the installation of of- home on Hudson avenue, has been South Orange and Stuart A. Young, ficers. Preceding his introduction "Squaring the Circle," a three- road, and three grandchildren. sists of five classrooms, three baths, Fred Bruno, son of Mr. and Mrs. with the firm for more than ten Jr., Robert H. McCarter Young and a kitchen and pantry, a large re- \ of officer* he urged the members to James Kent Young of Rumson, act Russian comedy by Valentine The] uneral will be held tomor- Charles Bruno of Branch avenue, years. She is a granddaughter of ception room and heating plant. has been promoted from private accept the responsibilities of mem- John T. Tetley, who founded the brothers of the bride. Kataev, was given by the Reper- row afternoon at 2 o'clock at his Rev. Butt has chosen "Rise Up first class to sergeant in the Army '. bership by exacting attention to firm In tha late 1800's. tory Players, as their first play of late residence. Rev. W. Clinton The bride attended Miss Porter's the summer, last night at Red and Build" for his sermon topic. and has been shifted from his re- civic betterment. Mr. Maher also school In Farmlngton, Conn., and Powers, pastor of the Red Bank spoke, defining the aims and pur- Bank Catholic High school audi- Baptist church, will officiate. In- Members of the church and tho cent post at Trieste, Italy, farther the Katharine Olbbs school, New torium. The play will b* given to- community are Invited to attend. down*the Ooriza. Bruno, . poses of junior chambers. York. She made her debut at the terment, in charge of the Worden Harold R. Hounlhan, chairman of Arrests Soldiers night and tomorrow night. Next funeral home, will be in Fair View The musical program Is in charge who has been overseas since Oey Junior Assemblies In New York In week's play will be the Greek of J. Stanley Earrar, organist and tober, attended for six week* an the dinner committee, was toast- 1942. During the war »he served as cemetery. . master. He read a telegram from drama "Antigone." Army school in Lido Beach, Ven- In Stolen Car a Red Cross aide at the Ashford ice, where he earned two mote col- Representative James C. Auchln- Appearing with the Players is General hospital, White Sulphur " ' J , lege credits which he will be abl* closs, who was to have beta the Patricia Powers, a Red Bank girl Springs, W. Va., and then as as As- and daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth H-. County To Receive to use toward obtaining his degree - principal speaker. Mr. Auchlncloss Red Bank Officer sistant with a Red Cross clubmo- MRS, KIRBY Birthday Party from Notre Dame university. Ha wished the group success, and Powers of Pinckney road. While in blle in France and Germany. She high school she was active In attended that university following stated his regrets that business had Spots 1945 Plates is a granddaughter of the late Mr. The couple will llvd in San Diego, Bids On 5 Bridges For Carole James his graduation from Red Bank detained him In Washington. The school dramatic activities, and par- and Mrs. Henry Young of Newark ialif., where the bridegroom Is sta- Mr. andjMtt. Homer James of high school, where be was A'star congressman was to have returned ticipated In several of the shows The alertness of Patrolman Le- and of the late Mr. and Mrs. Rob- tioned. The bride was graduated South Orange,..gave a birthday end on the football team, In 1M4. to his Rumson home Wednesday given by members of the Junior Structures Are roy MeKnight thwarted an attempt- ert H. McCarter of Rumson. from Red Bank high school. The party SuMarf at the Shrewsbury Last fall he was named as end on morning but was forced to post- Hostess council at the Red Bank ed car theft early this morning bridegroom was graduated from U.S.O.. cJobJ. "Patsy" has appeared River Yao*t»oluto for their daugh- the All-Italy team picked from ser- pone his "vacation untU tomorrow. Mr. Mason was graduated In 1,938 To Be Rebuilt from the municipal parking lot west Horlick high school at Racine, in varlOii* plays Including "Dear ter, Carol* James, who was eight vice elevens competing In that James R. Kennedy of Newa'rk, from St. Paul's school in Concord, of Broad street by two Fort Mon- and was a student at the Univer- Ruth,* =i'Kind Lady" and "Ice- years old. The James family is country. state president, delivered the main N. H., and four years later from The Board of Freeholders yester- mouth non-commissioned officers. sity of Wisconsin when he enlisted bound" and will be with the com- •pending the«»irmmer at the club. address. In his remarks Mr. Ken- Princeton university, where he jyas day authorized their clerk, Edward Patrolman MeKnight, who was in tha Navy. pany Tn several plays throughout Jiving on tHetr'yicht, Sema). nedy outlined a possible program a member of the Ivy club. He has Broege, to advertise for bids for, GOULD OTF QOLF TOURNEY cruising along West Front street been honorably discharged from the the season. j tal membership campaign closed SutvjWng are a son, Fred Ac- Anbury Park Price Control board, quisto, with whom she lived, a for his brother. The ushers were Marsh Managing sions for county employees on the ^Friday, with a total of $70,200 col- C. Bradford Brown, Jr., of Belle- it was announced today. As a re- ballot this November. brother, Nicholas Slanl, and an- s' Iected to date, representing 74 per- ville, the bride's cousin, and Arthur New York Hotel sult of this action $15.4S was re- j-'.cent of the $95,000 goal. Complete other brother and sister, the last G. Joneo, Jr., of Red Bank. turned to three consumers in this ^reports can not be given, as all two living In Italy, and three A reception followed at the home Howard Marsh of River road area and $559.55 was turned over Va«8ilide8 Charged • collections and pledges have not I grandchildren. of the bride's parents. The couple Rumson, one-time musical comedy to the U. S. Treasury. Details of the been sent to the campaign offices! The funeral will be hold Salur- will make their home at 136 Third «tar, has been appointed managing settlements are: With Breaking Law as yet. day morning at 9 o'clock at Holy avenue, St. Petersburg, Fla. director of the QVidstone hotel, Joseph Rediker, trading as The flnall meeting of workers, Trinity church. Rev. Gerald T. Went 52d street, New York city, it Reed's Jewelers, 717 Cooktoan ave- Dimltlos Vassllides, owner and The bride was graduated from operator of the Homestead bar and ^ and awarding of special prizes for Celentana will celebrate a solemn Middletown township high school. was announced yesterday by the nue, Asbury Park, refunded the 1 restaurant in Keansburg, has been workers securing the most mem- high mass of requiem. Burial, un- The bridegroom was graduated owners of the hotel. overcharge of $14.50 to the pur- fcbers and the largest membership I der the direction of the Ralph from St. Petersburg schools. He Mr. Marsh, following his retire- chaser of a wrist watch and paid issued a notice by the State Depart- Vquota, will be held al the home of , Damlano funeral home will be In served threo years with the Signal ment from the stage, during which $85.60 to the treasury; Angelo ment of Alcoholic Beverage Con- ^Bertram H. Borden. hospital pres- Mount Oirmel cemetery. corps in Europe and in the Pacific. he starred In the original Broad- Scotti, 140 Shrewsbury avenue, Red trol to appear before that board in fytdent. at Rumsvn, Sunday. Follow- He Is associated with his father In way productions ot "The Student Bank, refunded to the purchaser Newark September 6 to show cause ji'jng the awarding of prizes, n mo- business at St. Petersburg. Prince," "Show Boat" and "Blos- 61 ccnta for overcharges on the why his retail consumption license ETHEL MAfc THORNTON sale of oranges and lemons and paid lotion picture on polio treatments som Time," look over the owner- should not be suspended or re- ^•glven at Monmoutb Memoi ial hos- Ethel Mae Thornton. 18, daugh- $49.39 to the treasury; Fred Braun, voked. OOLE—MAC FARLAND ship and management of the smart IpltaX wMI be shown. The mnvi»- ter of Mrs. Claretta Thornton, 13 T/A Braun's market. 1333 Corlles This action came as the result Mayfalr Club :n West Orange, oper- avenue, Neptune, refunded 34 cents '^Y?as* made in the hospital polio Church street, Eatontown, died Sat- Miss Florence M. Cole, sister of ating It successfully for several of breaches of five points In state urday at Monmouth Memorial hos- to the0 purchaser who reported Awards. Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Cole of High- y£»3rs. law governing the sale and storage pital, Long Branch. land avenue, was married to James overcharges on the sale of ground of alcoholic beverages noted in a Pictures like thia one are eiiily mads during electrical storms even with A student In Long Branch high Flood Macfarland, yesterday at the Mr. Marsh returns to Rumson for steak and butter, and paid $49.68 letter sent to Va-ssllldes this week • 'box-type camera. twill Dedicate week-end*. to the treasury. school, where she was a membor of home of Rev. Dr. Robert Brewster by the commission. It charged him S a picture subject lightning amateurs do, or you can give loma Beattle In Rumson. The .attendants Overcharges on food commodities the dlfp club, and a member of with having failed to state In his ranks near the top for unusual, thought to composition and view- ew Baptistery the Eatontflwn Zlon church junior were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johanne- disclosed by recent surveys wore A Second To None application, which Me submitted to unexpected,, and sometimes startling point and get a picture with dra- fil The new baptistery of Mlddle- choir Miss Thornton is survived by mann of Little Silver, brother-in- settled in the following manner: tho Keansburg mayor and council, r her mother and two brothers, Reg- law and sister of the bride. Tony pontecorvo, T/A American results. And these Interesting results matic appeal which you can proudly ', town village Baptist church will be Entontown, N. J., that Steve Sgouris had an Interest mall with a note which might read; inald of Pine Brook and Emsley of The bride wore a pink traveling Food market, 100 Norwood avenue, In the defendant's liquor business, can easily be achieved, even with '^'.dedicated at two special «crvkea August 6th, 1946. Deal, overcharges on round Bteak —"This Is Just a sample ot the ter-' ;lSunday. August 18. The new bap- Brooklyn. suit with white accessories, and a and also that Sgouris was getting an ordinary box-type camera. 1 To The Editor. and lamb chops $3.24, paid $100; rlflo lightning that accompanied the' Ustery has been Riven by Mrs. Prior Services will be held this after- corsage of white orchids. The ma- 50% of the profits, Other alleged Cbaln lightning, of course, Is the noon at 2 o'clock In tbe A. M. E. tron of honor was also attired In At a regular meeting of Engine Jacob and Betty Cohen, T/A City big storm we had bere at home last McClecs in memory of Mr. Me- Hall lood store, 347 Broadway, violations of the law were allowing more phologenlo of tbe two common Zlon rhurch. South Entontown, and pink, and had a corsage of sweet- Truck & Hose Co. No. 1 of EatDn- Sgouris to exorcise the rights of week." Of course tbe latter method Clees. lown, held Tuesday, August 6th, Long Branch, overcharges on to- types, and usually precedes or ac- inteiment will l>p in White Ridge heart ro.ies. V&ssllldes' license, buying beer is desirable. r Rev. George W. Young of Mocis- 1946, the members took exception mato juice six cents, paid $50; companies a rain storm with Its *up, Conn., former churc* pastor, cemetery. A dinner party followed nt the from nn unlicensed source and "Watch your background," li » Starlight Roof of the WaMorf-^s- to an article published in your Friedman Bros. 3 Main street, As- brilliant, zigzagging Hashes and pat- will deliver the sermons at the 11 paper last week. bury Park, overcharges on toma- storing alcoholic beverage In an common note of caution la normal FREDERICK W. JONES torla. New York city. Today the unlicensed building. terns that often look like a picture picture-taking procedure, but (or a. m. and 7 SO p. m. services. RDV. couple, will leave for Miami Beach. The people of Eatontown have al- to. Julco six cents, paid $25.00; TB. '"Mr. Young resigned In January, af- ways contributed liberally to any Calandrillo, T/A United Service or drawing of a large artery with lightning you should watch your Frederick W. Jones, 66, died »t Florida, where they will iriake their affair the company hold and wo do Its contributing branches. Sheet or ter Bervinc the Middletown church his home on Entontown road, home. Grocer, Pine Brook Center, over- BOARDWALK FIRE. foreground and try to vlsuallie how ten years. , ,- not like to be (wiled beggars, nor heat lightning, which uniformly jt will look as. a sllhouetta agalnit' Reevcytown, Saturday. do the people of Eatontown con- charges on round steak, pork Twenty-five feet, of boardwalk be- chops, oranges $1.37, paid $30.00; lights tho «ky with Us solid flash, the unpredictable patterns of th« Mr. Jones, who was born In the I.KE—CONGDO sider u.q heggars. tween Laird street and Chelsea avo- house he died In, [a survived by The people of out1 town would Moses Pascal, 1231 9th avenue. cannot In Itself be satisfactorily pic- lightning flashes. '• Jean Botkin Ran Miss Eleanor Lee, daughter >f Neptune, ovorchages on tomato nuo at Long Branch, woro destroyed his wife, Florence Jones. He was much rather contribute once a year curly yesterday morning by a (Ire tured. You can, howeve-. If the flash You can choose your own shooting' ~ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee of Lo- In "a legal manner than to take juice and corn seven cents, paid Play School a member of the A. M. E. Zlon cust, will be married to James caused by a short circuit In a line Is close and sufficiently brilliant, location but one' convenient place is ' church. cHunce.n and play gambling wheels. $50; Preston Hower, T/A Hower's make rather Interesting silhouettes at an open window. Place your) Bu/Tum Congdon, son of Mr. and Wo fool that Ealontown has a flro market, 122 East River road, Rurh- supplying current to boardwalk Jean Botkln, 12-yoar-old daughter Services were held yesterday in concessionaires. Patrolmen Fred of trees and buildings from a good camera on a tripod or some solid of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Botkin of Mrs. John Hopkins Congdon of department second to nono, and Bon, 12 conts dvercharges on dried the Recveytown Zlon church and In- Hewlltt, Long Inland, Saturday af- that an apology is duo us. beanB, paid $50; Anthony Ralmon- Kurrberg and Thomas Pisano, who vantage point. object, point It In tho direction Fox Hill, Little Sliver, has conduct- termentl under the direction of the Very truly yours where the last flashes appeared, set. ed a play sch'mi fur children, agoa ternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The cre- dl, 1128 Sprlngwood avenue, Asbury discovered the blazo, had a narrow But If you want a dramatic pic- Harris funeral home, was In White mony will be .porformed by Dr. .P. S. Motels, Sec. Park, $1.98 ovoreharges on corn escape when sparks from tho wire ture Btory of an electrical storm to the shutter for a time oxposure. threo to six, which closed July 26 Ridge cemetery. Eng|n Truck & Hoso Company #1 aflor a month and one-half. The Karl Relland at St. George's Epis- 0 and tomato Juice, paid $50; Max ignited a gas line, causing an ex- send to brother Jack In the Service, open the shutter, and wait (or the, copal church, New York city. plosion. They oscaped injury, Hash. You can then close your shut ,; school, uttended by 11 neighbor- SENTENCED TO 60 DAYS. Krlon, T/A Shore Delicatessen B10 chnln lightning Is your piece de hood children, was operated in the NANCY ANN CLAYTON. The brldo will be given in mar- Mnln street, Bradley Beach, 65 resistance. • ter and bo content with recording a. riage by her father and will be at- Clnud Gould, formerly ct Atlantic cenls, overcharges on restaurant one flash, or you can leave It open Botkln's backyard by Juan, who is Nancy Ann- Clayton, Infant DOROTHY BALDWIN ENGAGED in one respect, taking a picture of tended by a sister, Mm. John.Rus- Highlands, now of Parkcrsburg, W. Items, paid (50. (or several UaBhes. . ftt-Ma^ltuX-M Mr.* nnd Mrs. Elmer Baldwin of cbaln rtghtnlng Is PO different from XarnpTe X."iayto taking ordinary snapshots, You can" J DoFlng I cm;y Parsons, David Bor- hurst, died Tuesday afternoon In. Erio ongagomont of tholp dnughtor, maid of honor. Carter Taylor of police department for belng^ dr)ink In tho eky and shoot from where geson. Diane Stephens. Alice Mer-. ftlvcrvlew ho»pllnl. . Funeral ar- White Sulphur 8prlngs, W. Vn. will nnd disorderly,and was sentenced Mr. and Mrs, Joromo Mnson of Miss Dorothy James T. nlng jilcturo taken from'air open,, Jlll Nnncy und Patricia Reussllle, nngements me In rhaigo of the be beat man. to On dnya In Uio county Jall.nt Third street, Rumion, nre tho par- Klerce, also of Hilton Park, son of you are without regard to composi- window, ^atly and \ianctc Jambrano, Lanny Woollry funeral home, Long Bridesmaids will he Mimes Silvia Freehold by Recorder Frank B. ents of a daughter born list night tho late Mra. Ellzaboth Klerce. No tion or foreground, just as toe many Jobs ran Guilder ^Grlme, and Jimmy Bolkln. Branch. , Wbltshous*, Jan* Cole, Isabel Lin"' Hall.'. • ' ' at Rlvervlow hospital. date has been set lor tho wedding, RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946.

vasion, of Normandy. Ee was spent Thursday with their daugh- EXPERIENCED CLEANERS Bridal Shower , Everett Ends Five Years awarded the- Distinguished Flying ter, Mrs. Ivor R. Jones. Spotters and Pressers Mis*) Mary Toomey and Michael Cross, the Air Medal with six Oak Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bingo of For Regitift Raupp OLone of Philadelphia spent Sun- leaf clusters, two Stars for taking Wheeling, West Virginia, have re- Try Delicious *' Apply »y d»y> A bridal shower /was tHyv* re- day here. . Of Army Service part In major battles, a ribbon for turned home after spending a few ,„, t'AM.'to6P. M., cently. , for,Ml»s Begin* RaupV °* .Mr. and Mrs. E. Shippen Geer his action in the European theater, days with Mrs. Laura Lingo and Port MohraoHith'by Ml«s Ellen Jef- and daughter Diane have returned and a ribbon of, the flags of all the family. 1 . Cap!. Magee Home SHORE CLEANERS, Inc. fenpn at thejatter * home at Port from a recent trip to Maine. • Allied Nations, ' . Miss Katharine Fort U enjoying Fried Shrewsbury River mouth. The gueat of hoiior, received , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and On Terminal Leave a vacation from her position as many gMts. . $'• •-,, ' J. •;. • ••£ ••• .''daughter Irene of Warren Point <'-';• • • .:-,. ' :''-;•-> , - ' cashier at Woolworth's store, Red STEAMED OAMS Prejent .wer« MUf Violet dl*to ate spending a week with Mr. and Belfprd Bask, of Knowledge and Mrs. Kerr ojr Newark, Mrs. Ed Mrs. Clarence Jones. Capt. William A/Magee, son pf Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes of (FREE FBOM SAND) * McFaeley. or BloomfleW, Mrs. Wal- Mrs. E. Sbippen Geer gave a Mrs. ^Eugene Magee, Sr. of Irving (Th< B*d Bank Becisttr can b« bought Chicago are spending a week with M VOMJMES ' place, who was recently elevated to la B«lford from H. Cliy Blair, Wastuv ler Stout, (Mr*., Ann. Raupp, Miss birthday party last Tuesday for her nun'i, Aharn'i u>4 John O'Ndu's (tsr») Mr. Barnes' parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Cool Dining Room Directly on the River Dorlg • Raupp, MUi Annabelle nephew, Frederick William. He his prevent rank from first lieuten^ Edward Barnes. It will be the first , Atlantic Hlfhlands 1-02IM ant, ~ Is home on terminal leave PFC and Mrs. Armand Havens Raupp, Mrs.' Ann Vivian, ;Miss>Bve- celebrated his 9th birthday. Guest* ls time In several years that John has Hto Box 600, Leonardo, N. J. lyn Rudden, Miss Marlon Murdock, from Fort Dlx and .ending five of Poughkeepsle, N. T., spent the seen bis brother, Melvin, who lives present were Billy and Tony Ma- week-end with Mr. Haven's father, Choice Wines and Liquors Mlsa Anna Majj Jetfer>6nV Mr*/ J- years of distinguished *ervice in v at home; kin, Michael Newbold and Jeff Joseph Havens. len Jefferson and Mrs. Charle lord of Rumson, Alfred and Billy the V. B. Army Air> Corps. John Barratta and family of Jer- Raupp of Port MonMOoth. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mlka ol BeadlMton of Shrewsbury, and Flemlngton, have purchased a sey City spent the week-end with Joseph Coe of New York city. house on Church street owned by Mr. and Mn. Melvin Leek. Betty Mason of Red Bank la Robert E. Jones of Endlcott, N. BAHR'S LANDING RESTAURANT George Heyer. Mr. and Mrs. Heyer Atlantic Highlands spending a week with Catherine and children, Donald and Patty, Y., Is visiting his brother, Ivor R. Foreman. left Monday to make their perma- Jones and family.. Mr. Jones will Highland.. N.J. ' " (Th. Bed Bank BefUter eaab* boacbt Cosmo Paul Falcone I* spending nent home in Haines City, Florida. take- his nephew, Bobby Jones, la AtUnUo Hlifclsndi at Rpnuo'i Btrvlc. three weeks in Los Angeles, Cal, Mr. and Mrs. William Turner of back to-Endlcott for a short visit. sad Vanity Shop) . , . and Is visiting Mrs. Anna Flory. Freehold and Charles Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baer left Mr. and Mrs. George Fowl of of this place accompanied Mr. and Monday for their home at Niagara Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Flanagan Rails. N. T, after spending two MONEY LOANED of East Highland avenu* are the Hawthorne, N. Y., spent Saturday Mrs. Heyer. on Jewelry, Silver, Musical in«h here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. weeks with Mrs. Baer's parents, parents' of a son born on Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wasserman. Cameras, Binoculars, eta day of last week at Monmouth Me- Fowl were former residents of Ev- are the parents of a son, named erett. . Mrs. Lillian Finucan of Oakes morial hospital . : Jay Ronald, born Thursday morn- avenue has returned to her posi- Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Balur 01 Mr. and Mrs. J. U Culbert of Ing at Rivervlew hospital. Mrs. West Front street are Bpending the tion in Lentz* store after being Wesley avenue are the parents of Connolly is the former Leona Volk- confined to her home four weeks Broadway Loan CQ# & son born Friday, at Monmouth summer in Ireland. land. because of illness. Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Petruzelll Miss Jacqueline Hofer haa re- SO0 Bd Major William R. Whitney, whi attenAed the funeral this week of turned to her home at Newark af- as honorably discharged from th Mrs. Petruzelli'B mother, Mrs. Mary ter spending a week with her sis- GIVES FLAG TO VFW. ftUbMHcr army-last-March ha» been recallei Guariglla, at Brooklyn. ter, Mrs. Mary Eccleston. In a recent account £{ the pres- PARKE DRUG CO. to active duty. Ma). Whitney served Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox gave Mrs. Harry Ward has returned TEA* OUT THIS AD AS A REMINDER in the European Theater of war in a birthday party for Mrs. Esther to her home at Kearny after spend- entation of colors to the Middle- Africa and Italy. He left this week Cox of Atlantic Highlands Tuesday ing a few week* with her sister town post, Veterans of Foreign for Shanghai, China. evening of last week at their home. and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Wars, It was stated that the colors Rev. Roy William*, Jr., pastor ol Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Stan- Renton. were donated by the Mtddletown the Methodist church, and family ley Stllwell, Mrs. Edna stllwell, township committee. The Register Mrs. Lena Sutherland and grand- has since learned that the town- are spending two weeks In Maine. Jimmy, Edward and Barbara Stll- CAPT. WILLIAM A. MAGEE daughter Barbara Sutherland spent tlTired, Aching Mr. and Mra. Emblefon and chil- well and Betty Jane and Charles the week-end at Baltimore, Md,, ship committee donated the post dren, Sue, Bob' and Helen, of San Cox, Jr. CapL Magee, who was a pilot of where they visited Mr*. Suther- flag only. The American flag was Antonio, tfexas, are vacationing Malcolm Dunn of Nevrtftn Cen- a B-2< Liberator, completed 31 mis- land's children, Miss Marjprle Su- donated by Mrs. Myrtle Debele of with the W. B. Turner*, until Sept- tre, Mass., La a guest this week of sions over France and Germany therland and William Sutherland. East Keansburg In memory of her ember f Jackson Batchelar, Jr. and participated in the D-Day in- Mr, and Mrs. Edward A. Cole son. IfSPEJVCER Jir. and Mr*. Norman Conover Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. visited their son Robert at Camp ^ Relieve Alexander Martlnoff were Mr8. J. Kiamesna, if. J, over the week- Root and Daughter Nina, Miss : back-strain and lessen end. This is. not a clearance of odds H your fatigue! Mary Moley, Theodore De Postels Maj. John H. Posten, who has and Alexander MartlnofT, Jr., of I* been stationed at Selfridgre Field, New York city. LETS GO and ends but a real price Mich., has been spending a ten day X. Registered Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cikter of leave with his parents. Maj. Pas- slash of your favorite ten will report to Carlisle Barracks, Fords were recent visitors of Mr —TO— U Spencer Corsetiere Pennsylvania, for school at the end and Mrs. John Benl. of his leave. Mary Kirk of Harmony Hill HUARACHES. sold Miss Norms Tucker, daughter of farm, Freehold, spent several days Mrs. Mori* H. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tucker, left recently as the gueeta of Mr. and right from \\ ttt OCEAN AVENUE, Sunday night for her new Job al Mrs. Gail Manlgold. Mrs. Harry H. Neuberger has MIDDLETOWN FIRE CO.'S WlUlamsburg, Va. ;,' SEA BBIGHT. N. J. gone on a tour of New England our regular ,'. PHONE SEA BBIGHT 2-0037. Rev. and Mrs. Howard Ervin left recently for a vacation with Mr. and will visit her daughters, Joan Ervln'a parents at Lansdale, Pa. and Susan, who are at camp. stock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller and Mr. and Mrai Raymond Laubmel- daughter Susie have moved to Au- ster and their daughter Evelyn dubon, when Mr. Miller has taken visited the Bronx soo recently FAIR a position a* salesman with the Mrs. Karl R. Berndt la confined Kingan company, Philadelphia. to her home by illness. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mr*. Hattie Walters o( Pompton Irving Stokes were Robert Levy, a All Q plus a Lakes is visiting Mr. and Mr*. Al-merchant sailor from Detroit, fred Conover. Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. William Sat Aug. 10 to Sat Aug. 17 Mr*. Hanna Petrold and family, GENUINE good burner, formerly of East Highland avenue, Stokes and daughter Inez of New- have moved to Florida. ark. Donald Hlckey and John Kelly Jives you Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and spent July 27 In New York city at $ $ LEATHER family of Syracuse? N. T., and Mis* a baseball game. Grand Prize 500. Second 50. Third '25. Marion, Shea of the Bronx are Mrs. Edward Swan of Florida automatic guests of Mrs. Robert Porter. wa» the recent guest of her niece Mr. and Mra. James Po»t«n havi Mr*. W. E. Wirapey. DANCING NIGHTLY FRANK MAZZA'S ORCHESTRA . kcat" moved from East Lincoln avenu Joseph Browne and family ol to Avenue C. Jersey City spent a few days at Ground Prize Every Night h'- ' their home here. fMOO STOLEN FBOM TBUCK William Weier la enjoying two Two thousand dollar* in cash and weeks' vacation. ' Firemen's Night August a radio were stolen -from a truck Mls« Barbara Stllwell and Jim- Our Fuel - Yours! parked on Ocean avniti*, Asbmy my StllwvU and Mrs. E. Shibla STATE HIGHWAY 35, HEADDEN'S CORNER JTtaJras quality Fuel Oil to k«p Park, when the vehicle's operator, and Miss Doris Shibla of Red Fred Martell of this city, got out Bank spent July 28 at Kepwell (Next to Fire House) • burner functioning at IU but to visit a concessionaire. He had Park, Wayside. Many of your neighbor! have dls- been carrying the money from a Point Pleasant Beach business covarcd that our* 1« the oil (or beat place. ht*L A full—and Clean-barnlng iinl, and consequently a better val- MOTHKR-IN-1AW FACES JtIRT ue for your Fuel Oil Honey! One Following a hearing In Matawan township police court last week, tank filling prove* It Try.' Mrs. Mary Moreno, who Is charged with assault against her. son-in- law, Enrique Casidof was^ released Fred D. Wikoff Co. on bond to await the action of the STORE-WIDE SALE grand Jury. The .dispute.' arose over Red Bank, N. J. a residence which both parties claim. Tel. 6-0552 - 6-0554 utnmer Clearance We must dispose of our Summer Merchandise at once regardless of price. We need room and are forced to offer this opportunity to you for quick clearance SPECIAL ASSORTMENT CONSISTS OF ALL $ OF COTTONS SUMMER TYPES Plan Now. Bt Start OR COO oo of Wannth Next A HANDFUL OF BETTER Winter 2 2i'5 DRESSES AND COTTONS T When you place your order wilh us, your winter - m worries cease! For we keep an accurate check on Former Values to $4.00 Former Values to $5.40 your tank . . . refill it automatically all winter long. Former Values High As $14.99 IN THIS GROUP ARE AMONG THESE ARE $' SUMMER FABRICS COTTONS and RAYONS Now* AND COTTONS

Seaboard Service, in line with its policy to give cus- tomers nothing but the beat, now offer's new SunheaU Produced, by the Sun Oil Company, Sunheat is' in entirely new kind of fuel oil that will give yon Hotter , Heat lor greater economy . , . (leaner Heat for prrnler efficiency .. . Surer Heat for conatant comfort. Now la The Time To Sign Your Former Values to $6.74 Former Values to $8.99 a Sunbeat Contract . . Call Red Bank 6-0248

$EABOAR& m W.'PWWKPS»JHB!SBSS CKS RED B A •H^II siniim*pniimHiwi«™^^ ••• ' Plaee Four. EED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. returned from a visit" to Atlantic Mrs. Edward Levine, celebrated his PIANO LESSONS Matawan City. . Halligan Home third birthday at a party recently, Btclnnwi and advanced Mra. Laura M. Mount of Sllverton Mr. and Mra. Lester A. Stoney Short eoam In Popular mu»le for T«n Mrs. Alma Hulsart has returned , Harold X, "Hap" HalUgan, soi. of entertained at a picnic at their to Closter' after visiting with Mr. Is spending a few days •' her Mat- ttn and adult*—Twdve ban accordion awan home. Mr. and Mrs. James' Halligan of summer home in Shlpbottom for FLOOR SANDING s Lat&lQM. and Mrs. R. L. Carton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Cornell Second street, Rumson, a coxswain Mlzrpah Shrine, White Shrine of REFINISH1NG • WAXING , •'*• L. E. ARNOLD Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lachaussee In the V. S. Navy, received his Jerusalem, Ocean Grove, recently. FOR 257 THIRD ST. PAIR' HAVEN, N. J. and son Gerald of Richfield Park and daughter Tedda Jean have honorable discharge, last week at moved from Main street to Jack- Members of Liberty Hoie com' Inlaid Linoleum, Asphalt Tile Installed . | T«l. R. B. «-2497 were week-end guests of Mr. and Lido Beach, Long Island. He was P&ny planned to purchase new unl- Mrs. Ralph Herrlck. son, street In the house recently va- SPORTING cated by Miss 'Gladys Post and - 4LJ" forme at the meeting of the Of' Cadet Nurse Elisabeth Devlin fleers' association' recently. WILLIAM HL MALLETT spent the week-end with her par- Miss Betty Olson. GOODS ents, Postmaster and Mrs. Raphael 'Rev. Slmson R, SmaJley pastor Theodore Strobe! has been award- Flooring Contractor of the Methodist church, has re- ed a $50 prize for his suggestion Devlin. by the Architectural Tiling com- 114 BROAD ST,, MATAWAN, N.J. J. Franklin Domlnick, borough turned from New Haven, Conn., where he has been attending the pany, Keyport, in the company's TeL Matawan x-OOM Estimate* clerk, Is enjoying two weeks' v&ca- suggestion contest. JUST ARRIVED tlon. Tale School of Alcohol Btudles the past month. The First street property of Key- Mr. and Mrs. Conrow Wyckoff port post, VFW, has been sold to are enjoying two weeks' vacation Mrs. Helen J. Churchman of •PENN • PFLUEGER Jackson street, junior supervisor at Theodore R and Mildred E. Falun* •?;'•" i Mrs. Wyckoff is employed at the bo for $3,200. Clara Louise beauty shop and Mr. the Keyport central office of the 1 HEW I telephone company, was given Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Roberts and OCEAN CITY Wyckoff by Hanson-VanWlnkle- and son have been spending a va- DANCING Munning company. gold service pin with the Bell sys- tem insignia at a 25th service an- cation at Seaside Heights. Salt and Fresh Water Consvrv. food and money. Plan your Ensign John Zelwak, U. S. Mer- niversary luncheon at Buttonwood Mrs. George G. Dlsbrow has re- minui ahead—buy th« foods you chant Marine, has returned from a Manor recently. She has been a turned after visiting her brother- TONIGHT, FRIDAY & SATURDAY n««d and •tor* them la one of our trip to Holland. He left Monday telephone company employee the in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. REELS •ciintincallr relrl(«r»ted Food Lock- for Baltimore for re-asslgnment. past 25 years. Frank Hart, .White Plains, N. T. Councilman and Mrs. Walter P. Mrs. William Ludi was guest at William Heil is having a vaca- CHARLIE BARNET«; At Our Usual REP BANK S'wanson and daughter have re- a dessert-bridge given by Mrs. Clin- tion from his position with the Pru- turned from a visit wl^h William ton S. Wyokoff of Keyport. Priies dential Insurance company. COLD STORAGE Jordon and family at Floral Park, were awarded to Mrs. John C. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Downes Low Prices Long Island. Anderson, Mrs. Wyman Bedle and and children are spending a month AND , Mr. and Mrs. R. L» Carton and Mrs. Leonard Frank. at Point Pleasant. lAir-Cooled CONVENTION HALL Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellis spent Charles Blood is visiting Buddy Lloyd D. Slmonson, formerly of LOCKER CO., Inc. Monday at Atlantic City. Jordan at Floral Park, long Is- Keyport, who has been superinten- BOARDWALK, ASEURY PARK Mr. and Mrs. Warren Vreeland land. HAROLD HALLIOAN dent of the Atlas Steel Barrel com- 1 KISLINS 15 Herbert St. Red Bank and John Applegate have returned Lieut.. Francis Murphy la i pany at Bayonne, has been ap- WNUM t Front St, Bed Bank 2 Blocki South of R. R. Station from a motor trip to Camden, Me. route to Germany. Mrs. Murphy stationed on Saipan. A star foot- pointed general manager of the (Juat off Bridff. Ave.) Mrs. E. K. VanNostrand has re- has returned to her home in ball and basketball player at Rum- Rheen Manufacturing company SUN., AUG. 11 PHONE 6-2088 . PHONE R. B. 6-3904 turned from a visit with her son- Acadla, Florida, and will join her son high school Drior to entering plant in Birmingham, Ala. n-law and daughter, Mr. and Mra. husband within a few months. the service, Halligan plans to re- Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgins John Miller and family at Hopkln- Ernest C. Weigel spent the week- turn to school in the fall to com- have returned to their home in son, Mass. end with his mother, Mrs. Phyllis plete his education. Glen Ridge after spending the Mrs. Henry Egan of Keyport has Weigel »t Highland Park. week-end in Keyport. MOLLY PITCHER returned home after spending a Kenneth Pike, a student at Le- Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Relss of week with Mrs. Philip Egan. 3he hlgh university, spent the week-end Keyport Union have returned home after underwent a minor operation re- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- spending the past week here. cently at Rivervlew hospital. ( j R*d Bank R»ilit«r cut b< bought gar N. Pike. In Keyport from Fappu and Takl a, Hrt. David Nulty of Maplewood was FOOD MARKET Fred Allen, Jr., of Ravine drive, J. Clarence Lewis, 3d, of Bay- Flpranca Male.. J. A. MacEwMi. Mr.. the recent guest of Mrs. George G. SALE has enlisted in the navy for two onne, son of Mr. and Mn. J. C. Clara Suuman and- Mra. M. Dlsbrow and family. The Beat For Less. Phone R. B. 6-3144. years. He hopes to become a ma- Lewis was among thoie who as- Mrs. Alvlna MorrslI, Palm Beach, Mrs. Edythe Dugal Trimble Is chinist's mate. sisted those injured In the recent Fla, has been y,isiting her brother- spending some time here before 18 MONMOUTH ST. Capt. and Mrs. Louise Cacesse of train wrick at Bayonne. Those in- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. leaving for the Philippine Islands, Atlantic avenue are the parents of jured from this area were Clarence Jack Goble. where she and her husband plan to FBESH-KILLBD FBESH-KBULJ5D a son, John Michael, born recently Stulti, William F. Dally, H. Pokal- Miss Geraldlne V. Brown left live. at the Station hospital. Fort Mon- »^W yeajp. Larry Insley and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Union Beach. The party was given Mra. Jtussell Cherry and son Rob- of age next December •?£ cancha, seen daily attending to. 58 ert, Garden City, N. Y., have re- A NEW DEPARTMENT Insley, Keyport, and Mr. and Mrs. by Miss Gertrude Hlgglns. Mies STEAKS OBADE AA Giles Insley, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cross will be married August 17 to turned home afer visiting Mrs.: therein, and: -who/is vffry- We can restore your old .blinds. Have them Magee and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy John H. Brown. Cherry's mother Mrs. ElUabeh \.\ bis accomplfthniente. •"- JjCgg|CE BEEF Smith of this place. Rev. 0. Bell Close of Cliffwood Decker. He especlijily jriiei «£ PRIMS retaped, recorded and repainted. Dr. and Mrs. Wyne Moulton of Beach occupied the pulpit at the Miss Edith Robinson, Bcarsdale,' plant, seven --feet- ln-h«]ght,,:ot Fort Wayne, Indiana, have been Presbyterian church Sunday. The N. Y., a guest of her sister and Stone variety, on which there are guests of Miss Isabel Fennon. musical program featured a duet brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 37 tomatoes, as well as numerous ffr. Miss Marjorle Taylor, a councilor by Mra. Robert B. Berger and Mrs George S. Cherry, was the guest of blossoms. at a Girl Scout camp In Central G. F. Magee. honor at a luncheon given recently Mr. Smock Is a direct descendant 49; PHONE FOR A REPRESENTATIVE ROASBEEF T AJL OBADE Valley, New York, has been vfilt- Mr. 'and Mrs. Sidney Everson by Mrs. R. Norman Scott. bf the earlier settlers of the Smock Mrs. Clinton S. Wyckoff enter- family In Monmouth, his forebears TO CALL AT YOUR HOME. Ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. were given a dinner recently at coming to New Jersey from Long FBE8HLY GROUND Charles Taylor. Staneck's restaurant by members tained at a dessert-bridge recently. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. John Island. His father, Peter Schenck Mrs.: Ella Rinear of Jackson of the Matawan Five and Ten club. Smock, who bought the former CHOPPED street is making an extended vlait The occasion ' marked their 29th C. Anderson, Mrs. Wyman Bedle and Mrs. Leonard Frank. Central hotel property at We»l with her son-in-law and daughter, wedding anniversary. Others pres- Front street and Maple avenue, al- Mr. and Mrs, William Phillips in ent were Mrs. Raymond Church- Mrs. Dorothy Rinear of Matawan, MORRIS BECKER y recently elected senior vice presi- though a hotel man, neither man, Mrs. BEEF 35 Keyport. Albert Bruce, Mrs. chewed tobacco, smoked or drank Raphael C. dent of the Veterans of Foreign Mrs. Troyleus Schenck, who has Devlin, Mrs. Mabel Wars auxiliary of Keyport, was In- Intoxicating llquers. PLATE NAVEL MILK FED been visiting her mother, Mrs. Arose, Miss Virginii a Arose and stalled by Mrs. Ethel Gallagher. Shortly after he bought the Cen- OR HARDWARE COMPANY Mary Stiles, has returned to her Miss Ann Churchman. tral hotel property from the Rev. LEGS Marlboro home. Mrs. Harry Stelgelman and son The Phllathea class of the Bap- tist church and guesta had an out- Mlddledltch family he enlarged the BRISKET OB 197 Shrewsbury Ave., cor. Catherine St., Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarence Lewis, Richard of Riverton are visiting building and made it one of the relatives here. door supper at the home of Mis. RUMPS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Welgal, J. Frank Welgand of Hazlet re- most modern hotels in this section CORNED Red Bank, New Jersey Mrs. Lewis H. Blood and son Miss Cora Woolley is spending of Monmouth county at that time. Charles and Miss Barbara Long at- two week with her slater, Mn. cently. Phone Red Bank 6-0465. tended the wedding of Miss Made- Ethel Robinson, Jersey City. Miss Mary Powers has returned BEEF VEAL home after visiting her brother and The foreign service of the U. 8. line Scheldt and John Caffney at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellison and State Department is organized In their granddaughters, Norma and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C Long Island City recently. Powers, in Plainfleld and Green- grades similar to Army ranks. Lieut. Roscoe Baldwin, who re- Caroline Lambertson, are on a wood Lakes. There are four "unclassified "grades cently relumed from Japan, Is en- camping trip In Northern New Jer- which might be compared to non- lb. sey and New York state. Carlton Holtslander has received 42s joying a 90-day leave at hla home 23 his discharge from the navy. commissioned Army officers, and In Freneau. Miss Doris Eastmond '» enjoying eight "classified" grades which AX ORADE AA OBADE a vacation from her position with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Watts, Fords, Mrs. Carrie Conover of Main and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rocks and cpuld be aligned alongside com- street has returned from a visit the Union Carbide and Chemical missioned Army officers through company of Newark. She has re- daughter, Carol Ann, were guests with her son and daughter-in-law, of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence McCann the rank of colonel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Conovdr,. turned Naples, Me., and Is now spending a week at Seaside Heights. recently. In Maplewood. Mrs. Hendrlck Bailey has re- Dr. S. Manlius Lazow of Main Raymond Eastmond, radio man, third class, U. S. Navy, received turned home from a visit with her street has been named surgeon of son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and the Central Railroad of New Jersey his discharge s.t the separation center at Lido Beach, Long Island, Mrs. Myron VanPelt In Livingston. by Ira Goldowsky, medical director Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schuster of the lines. recently. Marilyn C. Cogan Is spending and son Robert of Hatboro, Pa., Miss Maureen Carroll, who has were the recent guests of Mr. been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mathias two weeks' vacation at Camp Teg- akawltha at Lake Hopatcong. Schuster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Utt Schotte and family of Lake boule- Matthew Holler. vard, has returned to her home In Leroy Sickles has returned from a business trip to Hartford, Conn. Richard Guderjahn, New York Jersey City. city, a former resident, visited hla Joseph Ferrante, Fred C. Delia MLss Michele McKeen of East Orange is visiting her grandpar- son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and i Pletro and Eugene P. DIFldale Mrs. Jack Goble, recently. have been approved as members of ents, Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Mc- Keen. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nltze have re- Matawan Hose and Chemical com- turned home after spending a va- pany by Matawan township com- cation at Wildwood, Angelsea and mittee. YACHT CLUB OUTING Cape May. Mr. and Mrs. James Hadley of The annual outing of the Shrews- Mrs. Daniel A. Holmes and son Jersey City are spending a week WALKEwR & TINDALL bury River Yacht club of Fair Ha- arl have returned home after at their home here. ven, will be held next Sunday on visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mil- Mrs. Edward Sirell, who has been Starvation island. Boats will leave ler at Sea Girt. Realtors & Imurors SHOW visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, the club at 10 a. m. Mrs. Andrew B. Heyer has re- has returned to her home In Jersey A business meeting of the club turned after spending a month In 7 Mechanic Street, was such a tremendous success, the crowd City. will be held tomorrow night to Vermont and Canada. I Red Bank, N. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sproul have elect a nominating committee, Edward Levine, son of Mr. and that came to cheer far exceeded the ca- Tel. Red Bank 6-2776 pacity of the lush .Crystal Terrace . . . TOWN & COUNTRY S HOP OINCE the engagement of the talented 12 LINDEN PLACE ... RED BANK, NEW JERSEY Hew NOT Bob and Peggy White troupe is limited, may we suggest making your reservations ANNUAL SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE to trump your partner's ace/ for the 9.30 or midnight shows NOW— 39 Bathing Suits Formerly 8.95 to 16.95 ,NOW 5.00 -10.95 •WHAT DO YOU DO when you come for any night in the week... Asbury Park 18 Play Suits Formerly 12.9§ to 35.00 NOW 7.95 -18.00 home too tirAl to lift a finger and find 2-5000... 12 Slacks and Slack Suits Formerly 7.95 to 25.00 NOW 4.95 -15.00 your wife has made a date for a few hand* of bridge with the neighbors? There it no increase oj tariff in the 18 Sunback Dresses Crystal'Terrace menu . . . and the Formerly 8.95 to 24.75 NOW 6.00 -15.00 • Cover Charge of $1 per perion does (Some With Jackets) not go on until 9 P. at. each evening. Don't be a martyr, and don't play your 9 Wool Suits Formerly 39.95 to 59.00 NOW 24.00 - 35.00 9 hands in a fog. Before going out take; Music for Dancing by Erwin Kent 14 Wool Dresses Formerly 17.95 to 35.00 NOW 12- * -19-95 a stimulating shower. , It will wash your and His Famous Radio Orch. 21 Cotton Dresses ^ Formerly 10.95 to 45.00 NOW 7.95 - 25.00 weariness away, give you a relaxing eve- J) Rawsilkand Linen Dresses ning of fun. ( HOTEL BERKELEY CARTERET 15 Jersey and Rayon On-the-Atlantic-at-Asbury Park V Crep^ Dresses , ' . Formerly T4.95 to 35.00 NOW 10.95 Monmouth Consolidated Water Co.

5 Wool Toppers Formerly 49.95 .NOW RED^ANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946.

y., where they .have a camp. They PersbnaU also visited the Thousand Islands Streets Vacated : and Montreal. . wJL^l . r.Mi»s' Bobbie- Cavendfo formerly Mr,- and Mrs. Frederick K. " ar/jpye^V at Watson laboratory Adams of Hudson- avenue, and For Basin Project daughter, "Mlse .Jean Adams, And iher home In Des, Molnes. their house guest, Miss Jean Llch- "$ J(Ir». JiM«ph R; >L,uola and sons, tenwalnor of Wilkes-Barrc, Pa, • Highlands Council "jfeph, vJiy •an*, Wayne, arrived spent the week-end atHa4don-HaIl, Passes New Ordinance londejr from San Antonio,' Texas; Atlantic City. • Vl«lt with Mr«. Lucia's parents, •• arid Mr». Philip Mazzaroppl of ' A.son was born to Mrs. Vincent The ordinance to'vacate two bor- b I •••• •!••••»• . •• ^ ^ v" -- anch avenue. McCue, the former' Helen Maiza, ough streets to make way for the '•Mrs'. Aftna 49' LOIN LAMB CHOPS . 69 20 lbs. '. Jink park hajr been entertaining Sortoy, Sleepy Hollow road, Middle- TURKEYS 2°St, spier sister, Mrs. George Sommer of town, was honorably discharged Edith Rogers CROSS RIB POT ROAST 49= RIB LAMB CHOPS . -55 ^Newark, for ten days. GRTSSts of July 31, at the Jacksonville, Flori- lostlflnd tjMrs, Simpson on Sunday were Mr. da,^ Waves Separation unit after Becomes Engaged SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 52 jif and Mrs. Adam Hambacher of 16 months' service. CHUCK ROAST •»„,„. *39e DUCKS 37c llBloomfleid. Reporting for active duty March, Mr. and Mrs. Harfy Rogers of b e LAMB SHOULDERS"- •* *49 Mi tiro i- Police Clerk and Mrs. Frederick 1945, Mies Sorby received prelimin- Highlands have announced the en- RUMP ROAST -" 49 ].OlUi\ of Spring-gtrt'et are spending ary training at Hunter -college, gagement of their daughter, Miss NECK of LAMB . . 29 i|'ten days with Mrs. Olsen's brother- New York, and then studied wea- Edith Gloria Rogers, to Robert M. FOWL «»43e isIn-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ther observation at the aerograph- Robertson, son of Mayor and Mrs. CHOPPED BEEF *»..., .r.™i < , Kenneth Wlnn of. Syracuse, New er*s school at Lakchurat. For the A. Meade Robertson, of Highlands. jYork. While away they expect to past 11 months she has been sta- Miss Rogers was graduated from Jmake a trip to the Thousand,Is- tioned at Jacksonville as a wea- Atlantic Highlands high school and , lands. ther observer. Mr. Robertson from Mlddletawn i Mr. and Mr*. Angelo Rapolla of •-. 19 Willow street are the parents A graduate of Atlantic High- township high School. Mr. Robert- 2123c lands school, Miss Sorby was em- son Is also A graduate of Madison, Beeebiot EVAPORATED MILK "of a ion born on Wednesday of ployed by the Army Signal corps Wis., radio school and Fort'Meyers "last week at Monmouth Memorial RoOf^hsinfr CIBFPEO FOODS ' mkri 1A ' hospital. at Belmar prior to her entry irito | gunner school in Florida. During DUwHHsiBl FOff iffHIORI' • • » Mr. and Mrs. Robert Close of 39 the Navy. She plans to continue j the war he was an Instructor with Formulae *<•*"-< ^^—18c : Arthur place are the parents of a her education. the Army Air forces. ;. daughter born Friday at Rlver- Teaderonl »«Mn *~*.%t ! view, hospital. Spasfeett) Dinner *™*g- *, 31e SUPERMARKETS ', Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Fink c|Er \ I of Hubbard avenue, River Plaza. Ravioli •*Y-U-|EE uo>.i»i5c ;:' are the parents of a daughter born OUR DEMOCRACY 1 THE HUT ATLANTIC a PACIFIC TEA CO. , Saturday at Riverview hospital. SpagliettlcttKxS^ISe choose mw off th«M ' Mrs. Hans W. Wulf and daugh- Brill's "llifP wn«.«-i4e Chateau Cheese «•*»•» X. 31» . ter Elizabeth Claire of South street THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION full-flavored A&P brands CflCktail CNEESEH90HOEICS 5o«-O1» ' left Sunday night by plane to visit StBOrO "{JitT1 ra'AM-anlge ANATUNU MUST DELICATE AM uuwniall pinnato or RBllth \u a* 10 ' Mrs. Wulf a mother in Switzerland, FAVBRITE AWnilllFTT FMtMNT Grated Cheese ^1.':; 23c . who Is in her 84th year. It will be Piffed Wleat Sparkles s°10c the flrst time Mrs. Wulf has seen Grapefruit Juice 2 L" 25c Llederkranz Cheese X26c ( her mother In many years and the Brat time the grandmother has Grapefruit Juice '—33c Camembert lw 31c •' seen her grandchild. The Wulfs Jellied Consomme smio 10 had dinner In New York, breakfast Oraige the next day In Ireland, luncheon Orange Colman's Mustard B business, Mr. Willguss having gone Nescafe . . . -.29c West on some legal matters. They Kirknan's XZW. X23c DATE ft NUT LOAF 7 • report having a most enjoyable Full of d»tai Instant Sanka Coffee z 36c Rose-X Bleach . *.- 12e a»ch time and are loud in their praises R T li] cmnciijr nuts. 30< Cocomalt ... - -41o of air travel. Landry Bleach ', ML **--9e Mr. and Mrs. John F. Boland,Jr, Canning Supplies . \ Marvel and son Jack of Tuckahoe, N. T., 0 4 motored to Red Bank last Friday, Mason Jars 55c ;r65c BOSTON BROWN BREAD Instant Postum ". 22c 'z 38c and after picking up Mrs. Boland's p Dalieioua with 4 4a. mother, Mrs. Edith R. Smith of Meal Jars r'65c';r75c B*Jwd Bawu. l°''lyC Ww*, Prospect avenue, the trip "»i con- Hygrade Pretzel Stixri4e tinued to Pasadena, Maryland. The Jar Caps . . «»•'"»•• 19c Jane Parker Tootsie mfiff «.^..21c week-end waa spent with another Rabber Rings . . --4c DATE fiEM COOKIES daughter and son-in-law or Mrs. Knox Gelatine . •« ^ I8i Smith's, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. M. C. P. Fruit Pectin ^,9c h Studded with d«t«l, «m mm McLaren. The McLarens and their Certo . . . •«••• >24e fl»Tor«d with apicai. P'8- jfc / C guests had an enjoyable time in Kolls Mr. McLaren's motorboat on the Paraffin Wax . 2 ::, 25c Treat tfie family to untttiBg d«- Jane Parker sTIST^JS.r^O Magothy river and Chesapeake bay. BV PROMOTING SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, PRESERVING JiciBusly"ififfer«at"forbreakfast. HOME STYLE DONUTS Dromedary BIHeS!*Bm0 -18« Mr. and Mrs. Francis £Sirard and AND EXHIBITING THE. PANORAMA OF THE WORLD'S Morton's Salt',^5 2 v^; 15c 17 Lifbt, t«ad«r pkg «^ p* children, Roseann, Francis, Jr.. "and PROGRESS AND CREATIVE TALENTS.THE SMITHSONIAN White Vinegar ,V,"£ -—12c , and delicioui! of fi

\ \ \

pome in and fill your ihopplng basket with Mother Nature's choice crops. Choose' tender, young vegetables, for ap- petisers and side dishes . . . juicy berries and flavorful fruits to serve on break- . fast cereals or as tempting summer desserts. All of these garden treasures are reasonably priced at your A&P Super Market

(Plan WA-110 Amarlun Builder, lot W. Adunq St., Chicago I) FUTURE GAPAGE CANTALOUPE ra LOW and rambling, this DINING ROOM ' house gives the effect of LIVING ROOM 12-0'XB-O" spaciousness although its ,L1K rooms are compactly ar- RED PLUMS iweet Ib. I ^lC ranged. Designed .by Walter T. Anika, Ann Arbor, Mich., «••• architect, the house is esti- HONEYDEW MELONS JUICY LEMONS mated to cost jS^.ooo exclu-., sive of its land. The living -,::i, room, dining room and entry TABLE CELERY -- STRING BEANS are planned as. one unit- per- f mittlng separation to depend YELLOW ONIONS •• > «•• < *•'• »3«EGG PUNT ~ •••* . on placement of furniture. A PATH \_ . T -continuous window and door IC""I /\ GREEN PEPPERS -12c FRESH PEAS *- 11 opens the- housFfoT butdobr living. Bedrooms and bath are secluded in a wing wllfv cprivenient access from the' vhall at the front • of • the l 8 A. M. tO 6 P. M. MONDAY tfcr.ggl JATUROAY PricM IH«rtlv« In SUPM MA«KITS and SILF SERVICI STORIS Onlyl .Slx. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. He la survived by his wife, Mn. resided la GUffwood Beach for 30 death, is survived by four *M*n, Obituaries Grace Thompson Weaver; two Mrs. Ruth Nary of Rumson; lit*. p PERTAININQ TO daughters, Mre. Francis Renaldi j He Is survived by his wu> Cath- Robert B. Wheat, McnmOuttt, ALLEN E. NICKENS Deaths In Red Bank and- Mrs.' John Dennis of Biver erine Jones,Wlndas; two sons, John Beach; Mrs. pFrsderick Dillon*; > Allen E. tyickens, 22, died Friday Plaztv. and three' 'sons," Ernest 'and Edward; a daughter, MM. Xxr- Loaf Branch, and Mrs. William B,- at Monmouth Memorial hospital Weaver ot Baltimore, Percy Weav- ralne Norberg of Jersey city; three Franois, Morford place, Red 8»nkV >£jR LOCAL CHURCHES after an operation, er of Jacksonville, Fla., and Adel- brothers, John o{ Maplewood, Alex- Mr. Nickens made his home with and Vicinity bert Weaver of Eatontown, and a ander of Holllnger jud William of MM HANNAH 4W»syB., j his aunt, Mrs. Lillian Conover, 40 stepson, Fred J. 5wens, Uncroft. California; « (lifer, ,Mrs. Baima \ fIBST BAPTIST spirit and In truth." (John »:«). Services were conducted by Rev. Kllng of Westftold, and three grand* Miss Human JWtoon, K, «-lifer i Red Bank. Correlative passages from "Science Richardson avenue. His parents HABKYHTLICK. Patrick and Rdse Sullivan, and a died when he was a email boy. He former resident of this vicinity, Robert D. Smith of Christ Epis- children. long resident of tbis vicinity, .Trap lOhnroh school will meet Sunday and Health with Key to the Scrip- Harry Hullok, 66, West Long copal church, Shrewsbury, In the A requiem high mass will be of- raided with her niece, Mrs. LofitU tures" by Mary Baker Eddy in- was a member of the Sunday-school died Monday morning In Manhat- at 9:«S o'clock with the and of the Congregation of the Mt. Branch, formerly superintendent of Mount Memorial home Monday fered at 8t Joseph'* church, Key. Lemlf, 65 Oakland ftrett, Reft clude: tan hospital, New York. port, at ten o'olook Saturday by worship program In charge Zlon A. M. E. church. He was em- maintenance at the .Bell Telephone Born In Ireland, Miss Sullivan ie evening. Burial was at Canaan, Bank, the pest nine yews, died B»H Wafdo Gossard, assistant super- 'The Scriptures Imply that God ployed as a ward assistant at Mon- company's laboratories at Deal, and Conn., Tuesday morning. Rev. Raymond Hurley. Interment urdaj night atyth* MonmouUi Me- Is All-in-all ... The Scriptures also survived by two sisters, Miss Delia will be in Holy Name cemetery, Jer- it. There are classes in mouth Memorial. secretary of the Board of Assessors Sullivan, New York city, and Mrs. morial hospital, where she : had ible study for every age group. declare that God is Spirit. There- Mr. Nickens Is survived by his of West Long Branch for many UBS. MABGABET MoEXWAIN. sey City. been a- patient nine days. . .•> «§ fore in Spirit all is harmony, and Sarah Sheridan, Ireland, and three 'the 11 o'clock hour ol morning aunt, Mrs. Conover; two uncles, years, died Monday afternoon at brothers, Patrick, -Michael and Mrs. Margaret McBlwaln of New Miss Jackson was born' M iWorahtp, Eev. Robert Lowndes, pas- there can be no discord; all is Life, Amos and Joseph Nickens of Eat- Fitkin Memorial hospital, Neptune, York city, mother of John McEl- Shrewsbury, the 4*u«nUr of th|; and there Is no death. Everything Martin Sullivan all of Ireland. EW ot the First Baptist church of ontown and his grandmother, Mrs. following a brief illness. The funeral was held this morn- waln of Rlpa way, Sea Bright, died James T. Burton, 64, Matawan, late William and Annie it. P*a«l«r Oftklyn, N. J, will be the guest In God's universe expresses Him." Leah Richardson Nickens. Born at Colt's Neck, the son of Sunday at Monmouth Memorial Jackson. She wu,« nembsr ot the (p. 331). ng at St. James church. A solemn died Monday of a heart attack while IV«aker. Music, under the direction The funeral was. held Monday af- the late George and Rebecca Van high mass of requiem was cele- hospital after an Illness of two at work operating it plledjlver for Red Baric Methodist church and of at Frederick K. Ball, will include ternoon at the" Mt. Zion church. Huel Huliok, Mr. Hullck settled In brated by Msgr. Joseph T. Casey, weeks. She was visiting her son, the Wheeler Construction company Pride of Monmouth Council, Sons ;*&• organ prelude, "Melodic," " BAPTIST Rev. John E. Sprulll, pastor, offici- West Long Branch 62 years ago. and burial under the direction of who Is president of the Sea Bright at West New Brighton, Staten Is- and Daughters of, Liberty, Red FrlmL The choir will render the New Monmouth ated, assisted by Rev. John C. Ram- He was a member of Norwood he Day funeral home was In board-of health, when stricken. land. • Bank. ' J, ;ey and Rev. George W. Murphy. anthem, "I Cannot Drift Beyond Guest preacher for the 10:60 Council 127, Jr. O. U. A. M., West Mount Olivet cemetery. Mrs. McElwaln was 80 years old Born In England, the sen of Al- Besides Mrs. Lemlf, Mlsa Jack-1 HU Love," Rogers, and there will o'clock Sunday morning service will Mrs. James R. Francis was organ- Long Branch fire company No. 1, and was the widow of William Mc- son Is survived by six other nieces, ist and the junior choir sang se- fred and Sellna Walker Barton, he lie m bass solo by Floyd Imlay. be Rev. Mr. Outwater. There will nil tha Firemen's Exempt associ- MBS. MABEL LAWES JONES Blwaln. She was born In Dundee, had lived In Matawan the put 44 Mrs. Mary Softel, Herbert- s&et, Rev. W. Clinton Powers, the pas- be no evening worship. Rev. Wil- lections. Burial was in White Ridge ation, In point of service he was Scotland, the daughter df the late Red Bank; Mrs. Margaret WioheE, emetery. Mrs. Mabel Lawes Jones, 74, died year*. He if survived by his wife, tor, and family, are spending this liam D. Powell, pastor, who is on the borough's oldest official. George Rankln and Gentile McGre- Jenny Benson Burton; and three Wayside; Mrs. Ella Cage, Neptune:? vacation, has announced that if he The bearers were Louis Rlley, Monday morning afer a long Illness gor Rankln. She is survived only Mrs. Elisabeth Francis, Belford month at Oak Bluffs, Martha's He is survived by his wife, Ray F. and will be burled this afternoon brothers, Frank and Bertram, In Vineyard. is needed for inytltlng important Harry Jackson, Milton Reevey, by her son. England, and Walter J. Burton, who Miss Ruth H. Jackson and Miss Ellsworth Shields, Robert Schanck Morris Hullok, and a sister, Mrs. at 2:30 o'clock. The funeral, In The funeral was held Tuesday Flossie Jackson, both of Asburr The flrat issue of the "Baptist" during August he can be reached Albert Acheson, Montclair. lives in Montana. 1 by contacting James E. GrlggB, and Conrad Jones. charge of the Mount* Memorial night at the home of her son, with Park; font nephews, Alonw Jke*> Will be in the mail August 29. All Servioes will be held this after- home, will be held In Christ church Services will be at 3 o'clock this subscriptions should be sent to Mrs. deacon. Rev. Walter B. Williams, pastor of son, HleksvUle, L. I,, James Jack- FRANK M. BLAODAN. noon at 2:30 In the Woolley funeral at Shrewsbury, with Rev. Canon the Sea Bright Methodist church, afternoon In the Incarnation Oeth- son, Waverly, N. T.; Harry Jack- JBlizabeth Magee. This weekly Sunday-school convenes at 9:45 a. home, Long Branch. Interment will Smith officiating. Interment will be semane Lutheran church, Matawan, Church paper will appear in a larg- m. with classes for every age. Bus officiating. A delegation of the Sea son, John street, Red Bank, and Frank M. Blagdan, 59, Keans- be in Glenwood cemetery, West in Fair View cemetery. Bright Lions club, of which the de- with Bev. John Sjacken officiating. George Jackson, ManasQuan; and er, form with more space for church service will continue. burg, died Saturday in Rlvervlew Long Branch. Interment, under tha direction of a sister-in-law, Mrs, Elizabeth news. The young people's Christian as- Born In New York city, she was ceased son is a member, attended the Bedle funeral home, will be in hospital after a long illness. the daughter ol the late Josephine Burial was made yesterday after- Mokson, also of Manasquan. ' The Woman'* Missionary society sociation will meet through this Born In Yugoslav!*, the son of MRS. ELEANOR MAY MAR Rose Hill cemetery, Matawan. will sponsor a white elephant sale month in the church at 7 p. m. Pitman' of Brooklyn and William noon In Fair View cemetery, under The funeral was held Tuesday af- Nicholas and Anna Yasa Blagdan, H. Lawes, 3r., of Shrewsbury. At the direction of the Woolley funer- at the church Friday evening, Aug- Something special is planned each Mr. Blagdan cams to* the United,: Mrs. Eleanor May Mar, wife of OEOBGE i. SMITH ternoon at the Worden funeral Curtis J. Mar of South Ward ave- the age of seven she moved to al home. A service was conducted Ust 33 at 8 o'clock. Friends are in- week for all persons of high school States in 1906. at the grave by Rev. Williams. home. Rev. B. Harrison Cloud, pas- vited to attend and bring an article age and above. nue, Rumson, and New York city, Holly jTree farm on Lawes Bridge The funeral of George Joseph tor of the Fair Haven Methodist He Is survived by his wife, Mrs. road, Shrewsbury, where she spent Smith, 62, formerly a resident of tor the sale. The society is now Tonight the Men's club will meet Mary Kubin Blagdan; three sons, died Saturday at Monmouth Me- church, officiated in the absence of morial hospital, The funeral was nearly her entire life. She Is the f WILLIAM HELF. Rumson, who died July 30 at Los Rev. Roger J. gqulre, pastor of the- taking orders for Christmas cards the Asbury Park Baptist club In a Andrew and Christopher, Keans- Angeles, California, from Injuries and wrappings. softball game on the Asbury Park held at Washington, D. C, Tues- widow of Evan F. Jones, who died William Helf, 67, Brooklyn, died Red Bank Methodist church. Mrs, burg, and Nicholas, In the Navy; day in charge of Rev. Dr. Lloyd in 1926. Monday at Monmouth Memorial suffered In an automobile accident, J. William Helm, soprano soloist, The Art club will meet each high school field. Next Tuesday the two daughter, Christine and Mrs. was held Friday at Mount Olivet church team will play Atlantic Goodrich, rector of St. Thomas' For many years Mrs. Jones re- hospital following a lengthy Illness. sang two favorites selections of Tuesday during this month in the Joseph VanBrunt; and one grand- Mr. Helf was born in Brooklyn, a Cemetery, Mlddlttown. basement of the church. On Sat- Highlands Presbyterian church In Episcopal church. Interment was sided on Broad street, Shrewsbury, Miss Jackson, "The Old Rutted child, all of Keansburg. n Oak Hill cemetery, Washington. and was an active worker for Christ son of the late Adam and Catherine Rev. Jame* A. Mackenzie, aaslst- Cross" and "What A. Friend We urday afternoons they will hold a softball league match at Bennett The funeral was held Tuesday ant rector of Holy Cross church at field, Belford. Mrs. Mar was born In Washing- church, being closely allied with Loeffler Helf. He resided in New Have In Jesus". The bearers were outdoor classes. Anyone interested morning in St. Ann's church, all of Its affairs, serving as honor- York all his life and was employed Rumson, officiated at the grave. Harry Cage, Charles Bennett, Ro- in the art of oil painting Is wel- The pastor announced that the Keansburg. Interment, under the ton, the daughter of William F. Mr. Smith, wbo was employed In fall schedule will be resumed Sun- and Mary R. Harrison Johnson. ary or active member of its guilds as a messenger for the American bert DUlone and Charles Dillons. come to Join. direction of the Scott funeral home and organizations1 for over 80 years. Weekly. an executive capacity on the Los Burial was in Evergreen ceme- Boy Scout troop 33 will meet in day, September 8. was In Woodland cemetery, New- She was a descendant of Commo- Angeles Times at the Urns of hst dore Harrison, who served with At the outbreak of World war 1 Memorial services will be held at tery, Little Silver. the church basement every Thurs- ark. she was requested by the governor St. John's Catholic church, Brook- day night at 7:30. Visitors are al- FIRST METHODIST Admiral Perry on the first United States naval visit to Japan, and of of New Jersey to take over wel- lyn, Friday morning. ways welcome. Atlantic Highlands. HARRY J. RAMSDEN fare service for veterans' families Interment, under the direction of The missionary groups of the Bishop Pinckey, Episcopal bishop Rev. Walter B. Williams of Sea Harry James Ramaden, 70, died of South Carolina. She had been a in the Shrewsbury ejea. She found- the Worden Funeral home, will be church havs received their new Bright will preach Sunday at the 11 ed what is now the Shrewsbury- at St. John's cemetery, Brooklyn. White Cross quota which includes o'clock service. Ralph L. Bruder Monday at the home of his son-in- resident of Rumson the past 15 law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. years. Little Silver welfare organization Mr. Helf Is survived by his wife, all surgical supplies for Dr. Wil- will assiit in the service and there Rudolph J. Felsmann, West Front and has been chairman of the Mrs. Carrie Gehrlg Helf. and a sis- liam Braisted at Kityang, China. will be special muslo by the senior Besides her husband she is sur- ter, Mrs. Mary Harsch, also of street, River Plaza, following a vived bv two brothers, Titian W. group since. With the assistance of choir. Rev. Roy E. Williams, Jr., lengthy Illness. Brooklyn. pastor, Is vacationing. and Sullivan V. Johnson, both of others, this work has continuously MIMIW.THI ©KM* " * PBESBYTEBIAJV Mr. Ramsden was employed as a been carried on and is still func- Red Bank. Sunday-school will convene at Washington, D. C, and a sister, THEODORE 8. JOHNTBT. stockbroker in New York city, ro- Mrs. Oscar H. Blllingsley, Chevy tioning. en Ma). Allan Sheldon will speak S:JO a. m. for beginners and pri- lrlng several months ago because Theodore S. Johntry, SB, Belford, mary children and at 9:49 tor the Chase, Md. She was a member and former next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock of 111 health. officer of Shrewsbury auxiliary of died at his home Sunday. He wat on the subject, "What Is the rest of the school. Mr. Ramsden is survived by his born In Port Monmouth, the son of The official board meeting will be ARTHUR DILLARD • Monmouth Memorial hospital, and World'* Greatest Love Story?" wife, Mrs. Florence M. Jowett for many years was active In the the late Harvey and Phoebe De- Rev. John Ai Hayes and his fam- held Tuesday night In the chapel. Ramsden; three daughters, Mrs. Arthur Dillard. 52, Atlantic High- grate Johntry. , ily are enjoying a well-earned va- Shrewsbury Reading club. Every Facility Vera FelAmann; Mre. Muriel, wife lands, who was taken ill late Tues- Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Wal- Mr. Jobntry Is survived by four cation during thU month and he FIBST PRE8BTTEBXAN of John Olving, Mlddletown; and day afternoon while driving his car sisters, Mrs. Mayetta Casler and it expected to return to the pulpit Atlantic Highlands ter Q. Ouptll of Shrewsbury; three We're centrally located, which Mrs. Dorothy, wife of Joseph La- on Second avenue that borough, brothers, Councilman Donald E. Mrs. William T. Bade, both of Bel- Sunday, September 1. An 8:10 o'clock Sunday morning hey, Jersey City; and a son, Dud- died a few hours after being ad- ford;'Mrs. Phoebe Wolfe, Red Bank, is a convenience for everyone at- Capt M. M\ Witherspoon, Chief service or the convenience of the mitted to Monmouth Memorial hos- Lawes of Little Silver, Dr. William ey J. Ramaden, of Scarsdale, N. Y. H. Lawes of Fair Haven and Philip and Mrs. Vera Valleau, Manasquan, of Chaplains of the Third Naval summer congregation la being held The funeral was held yesterday pital that night. and one brother, 'Harvey Johntry, tending services here. But what district, will visit Red Bank Sun- this month for Protestants of all N. Lewes of Montclair; four niecea Morrlstown. He was a member of afternoon at the Worden funeral Mr Dillard had stopped his car and seven nephews. is even more important, we think day, August 18, and speak to the denominations, and ii identical home, with Rev. H. Fairfleld Butt when he was stricken. He was Long Branch Lodge 78, F. and A. M. congregation of this church. He with the 11 o'clock service except the Worden Funeral Home is a 3d, rector of St. George's Episcopal treated by Dr. Abraham Roaenthal HARBY F. DAVIS. Services were conducted at the attended Washington and Jefferson for tha choral music. church of Rumson, officiating. Cre- on the scene, and taken to his Scott funeral home, Belford, yes- quiet, home-like place where the. college and the Presbyterian semi- Morning prayer and sermon will mation took place at the Roee Hill home by the Atlantic Highlands Harry F. Davis, 75, Oakhurst, terday afternoon by Rev. Paul J. nary In Chicago, from which he be at 11 o'clock with Rev. Dr. Wil- crematory at Linden. First Aid'squad. After being ex- brother of Miss Ella Davis, Red Myers, Belford Methodist church. family and the friends find avail- •ntered the Chaplains Corps in liam H. Foster, Jr., preaching at amined by Dr. Robert McTp.gue, he Bank, and the oldest tax collector Interment was In Fair View ceme- able every facility for their con- IBIS. Capt. Witherspoon served on MRS. MINNIE CIAMBRONE. was removed to the hospital. in the state, died Saturday at his tery. the battleship* Arizona, South Da- both services In the absence of the venience, comfort and privacy. pastor, who Is in Scotland. For many years a chauffeur for home. kota, Colorado and Mississippi. In Mrs. Minnie Ciarobrone, 51, Long Samuel Putnam, Mr. Dillard was ROBERT PAUL BBANHAM. 1940 he was assigned to the air- 3unday-school meets at 10 a. m Branch, died Sunday night at her Born at Lincroft, the son of the -with classes for all ages. born in Leaksvllle, N. C, the son late Thomas Leonard and Maria Robert Paul Branham, 40, chief craft carrier Wasp, which was sub- home after a two-year Illness. of Samuel and Annie Hargraves sequently sunk off Guadalcanal. Born in Italy, the daughter of Pitcher Davis, he settled in Oak- civilian Instructor In radio test and PEESBYTEBIAN CHURCH Dillard, and Is survived by two sis- hurst in 1891 when he began to repair at Fort Monmouth, died sud- One hour before the Wasp sailed, Joseph Slrrlannl and Antoinette ters living in Brooklyn. Capt. Witherspoon was taken off Rumson work for Squire Cook In the gro- denly Tuesday afternoon at bis Sacco Slrrlannl, she had been In The body was sent to Shady home In Oceanport. and assigned as recreation and The organ prelude at the 11 the United States 41 years and a cery business. Five years later he Grove cemetery in North Carolina became the store"s owner and con- Mr. Branham, who had served at morale officer in the Alaskan sec- o'clock service will be "Morning resident of Long Branch for 20 for burial by the Posten funeral tor, serving in the Aleutian Island* Prelude" by Batiste, played by tinued Its operation for a few years. the Fort before World War H, had fitBEBTu, FUNERAL HOME years. Until her illness she was em- home. lived in Oceanport for the past four 14 months. Prof. Charles Ootschalk. Rev. Wil- ployed by the Eisner company in In 1897 he married Lavantia Har- liam Calvin Colby will deliver the vey, who died In IMS. Appointed months. He Is survived by his wife, Red Bank. MBS. MARY WRIGHT Zelma; his mother, Mrs. Frank Fer- Tel. 6-0557 FIBST METHODIST message of the morning, and Miss She is survived by her husband, tax collector of Ocean township In Josephine Ottman will ting. The The funeral of Mrs. Mary Wright, rone, Bluefleld, W. Va.; a half bro- Red Bank Frank Ciambrone; flvo daughters, 1904, a position he held until his BOBIRT f REf> BAHKf postlude will be "March* Rtllgloso" 56, of Everett, who died Friday, death, he was also treasurer of the ther, Chester E. Smith; a half sla- Rev. Harry Van Cleaf will preach by Gounod. Mrs. Mary Martell, Mrs. Rose Nac- was held Monday morning at St. ter, Mrs. Helen Aim of Bluefleld. «O CFRONT S Sunday at both services. His morn- lerio and Mrs. Antoinette Dangler, Oakhurst Community club, a mem- The Beginner and Primary de- Jame? church, where a solemn ber and former president of the and a half brother, PFC. Eugene ing topic will be "Unseen Defend- partments of the Sunday school Long Branch, and Mrs. Anna Woss high mass of requiem was cele- Ferrone in Germany. ers" and the evening theme, "The. of Newark, and Miss Angelina Oakhurst fire company and a for- meet In Blngham Hall at 10 o'clock; brated by Msgr. Joseph T. Casey. mer fire commissioner, a member The body was shipped by the Folly of Complaining." The choir the Intermediate department in the Ciambrone, living at home; two Mrs. Edward McDonough was solo- Flock funeral home, Long Branch, will sing the anthem, "O, Saviour sons, Joseph and Frank, Jr., Long of Elberon council Junior Order of church at the same hour. ist and organist. United American Mechanics and Wednesday afternoon to Ashland, of the World" at the morning ser- All members and friends of the Branch; a sister, Mrs. Lucy Scar- Rev. John P. Byrnes recited the Ky., where interment will take vice. Richard Warner, tenor, will pino. Deal; four hrothers, Anthony Oakhurst Methodist church, and a congregation are moat cordially In- rosary at the Day funeral home former member of the official board place In Rose Hill cemetery. render the solo, "God, Be Merci- vited to join with us in these ser- Slrrlannl, Long Branch,'and Peter, Sunday and gave the benediction ful to Me," and the anthem, "Pray- Joseph and Frank Slrrianni, Eas- of the church. For 50 years he vice! on Sunday morning. at the grave Monday morning. served as a member of the board of MRS. MILDRED LOFTC8. er," will be sung by the choir at ton, Pa.; end eight grandchildren. Mrs. Wright is survived by a Mrs. Mildred Purdy Loftus, <5, The funeral was held Tuesday education. the evening worship. CENTRAL BAPTIST daughter, Mrs. Helen Peck of Keyport, died Tuesday night at her OH, ^dfm,nl mmJfacltiU* « Flowers on the altar for Sunday morning at Holy Trinity church Everett; and two sons, Peter Stima He is survived by a son, H. Leon- home after a long illness. Atlantic Highland!. ard Davis of Oakhurst; two broth- will be presented by Mr. and Mm. Rev. George T. Wood of Ocean and Interment was in'Mount Car- of Red Bank, and Joseph Wright Born in Raritan township, the Joseph Valleau In memory of Mr. Grove will preach at the 11 o'clock me! cemetery. of Everett. ers, Fred S. Davis of Sayrevllle and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Valleau's mother. morning service and Rev. Ernest L. Bearers were Patrick Kelly, Ber- Arthur J. Davis of West Long Purdy, she Is survived by her hus- unit*. Youth Fellowship group headed Hastings, assistant pastor of First MRS TESSIE SIRR1ANNI nard A. Hlckey, George Kelly, John Branch, and his sister, Miss Davis band, George R. Loftus; a son, Don- of Red Bank. by Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder Baptist church, Asbury Park, will Mrs. Tessle Slrrianni of Lang Metzger. Robert Eusacc and John ald; and a brother, Harry Purdy, meet Wednesday evenings In the bring the message at the 8 o'clock Branch, wife of Frank Sirrlanni, Mason. Interment was in Mount Services were conducted Monday Keyport > hall for recreation. The senior evening worihip. died Sunday night at her home. Olivet cemetery. In his late home by Rev. Lynn Bug- Mrs. Loftus was former district adult group meets Thursday nights Church school cdnvenes at 10 a. She was 42 years old. by, and interment, under the direc- deputy and a past noble grand of tor volleyball play. m. with William F, Maxson u su- Mrs. Sirrlanni, a daughter of PATRICK CORRIGAN tion of the Woolley funeral home Lady Coif ax Rebekah Lodge; a Wount W.moriJJJ,orn* perintendent. Youth fellowship Peter Talerico and Fleomina Fra Patrick Corrlgan. 56. husband of at Long Branch was In GJenwood member of Golden Chapter, Order FIBST CHURCH OF CHRIST, meets at 7 p. m. gale Talerico, Is survived by her K Mni-y Galvln Corrlgan, 226 cemetery, West Long Branch. of the Eastern Star; Keyport Good Ztndtric J(. .AJami, SCIENTIST husband, two sons, Anthony and Mechanic street, died yesterday at Government Republican club, and Red Bank METHODIST William Sirrlanni; a daughter, Monmouth Memorial hospital after WALLACE J. WEAVER Raritan unit 28, American Auxil- Tel. 6-0226 iary. i35W.3~ntSL tej&nl Services in Firet Church of Sea Bright Mrs. Rose Claglla; a brother, Dom- a lengthy illness. Wallace J. Weaver, 82, Henry Christ, Scientist, 209 Broad street, Sunday morning preaching serv- inlck Talerico, and three sisters, Mr. Corrlgan, who was born in street, Shrewsbury, died Friday Services will be held Saturday at Red Bank, are held Sundays at 11 ice will be conducted at 11 a. m. Mrs. Angelina Cerabolo, Mrs. Mary Ireland, has lived in this vicinity morning In Rlvervlew hospital sev- 2 p, m. In the Bedle funeral home, a. m. Sunday-school at 11 a. m., and church school In charge of Bevacqul and Mrs. Val Acerra, all most of his life. He is survived by Keyport, and Interment will be in eral hours after be was stricken Green Grove cemetery. and Wednesday evenings at 8:15 Mrs. Eleanor Lindsay, superintend- of Long Branch. his wife, and three sons, John, with a cerebral hemorrhage. o'clock. ent, convenes at 9:30 a. m. Willinm and Joseph Corrlgan, all Mr. Weaver, who was construc- EDWARD WINDAS. "Spirit" is the lesson-sermon sub- Tonight there will be a combined MRS. ANNA WALSH. living at home. tion superintendent for the J. D. u meeting of the official board and ject for Sunday, August 11. Mrs. Anna Walsh, widow of Services will be held Saturday at Tuller Construction company, was Services will be held Saturday 5uns€TimD evenma sisnC Golden Text: "I have poured out Woman's Society of Christian Serv- 8.30 a. m. in the late residence and born in Canaan, Conn., and bad morning at the John E. Day funeral ice at the parsonage. James Walsh, 66 Linden place, died at 9 n. m. at St. James church, home In Keyport for Edward Win- my epirlt upon the house of Israel, Wednesday morning at the Ivy lived in Shrewsbury the past 35 SwiMt and ev'ninf •!•». saith the Lord God." lEzek. 39 26). Troop 62, Boy Scouts, meets Fri- where a solemn high mass of re- das, 83, of Cllffwood Beach, who days at 8 p. m. Nursing home, Middletown. Mrs years. He was a member of the And one deer call lor SMI Sermon. Passages from the King Walsh was 78 years old. quiem will he celebrated by Msgr. Woodmen of the World of Canaan. died Tuesday at Rlvervlew hospital. James version of the Bible Include: The annual fair will be held Fri- Joseph T. Casey. Born in Bayonne, Mr. Wlndas had And may there be ne moanlnf ef ike ber.« day, August It, starting at 9 p. m. She Is survived by a grandson When I put out le MI. J? "God la a Spirit: snd they that Paul E. Walsh, Shrewsbury, and Burial under the direction of the worship him must worship him in Day funeiiil home, will be In Mount Bert Mich • tide es RMvinf seem asleep., METHODIST one sister living in New York. Services will be held Saturday at Olivet cemetery. Too lull for sound and foam. 4SP . Belford 9 a. m. In the Mount Memorial fu- Thomas Manson When that which drew from out the boundless deep Church school, directed by neral home, and at 10 a. m. a sol M1I*S MARY Sl'LUVAN MONUMENTS Turnafalnhotr*. ' -- To Sleep... qnd George Seeley, superintendent, at emn high mass of requiem will be Miss Mary Sullivan, 68, New in Ust •!»•/> lo knew tb« warm 9:30 o'clock and sermon, "A Selfish celebrated In St. James church by York city, a daughter of the late & Son, Inc. •eacafulnsaa ol m attlins tun . . . Prophet, Balaam," at 10:45 will Ikt A»l r«j>o«« ol an Msgr. Joseph Casey. Interment wi The Oldest of t». loll which •«• qulcknud comprise Sunday's services. RRV. be in Mount Olivet cemetery. the crottDn of •>•* ffrowth . . . Paul J. Myers, the pastor, will con- Monument Manufacturing "te alatp and draam no more" la duct the Wednesday evening pray- I* kava raach.d ibt "id of IK* ST. CLEMENT'S ErjSCOPAL and Retailing Company m»i the baflnalng ol b]a»Mdn«ls. er service and Bible study at 7:45 Veil c*n par no finer tribula to o'clock. Belford in Monmouth County tb* BAMta* °' • loved on* thaaj Morning prayer and sermon, con- taw ktautiful Anailtr of Scotl'a Fnatrsl Scrvlc*. BAY SHORE COMMUNITY ducted by Clayton S. Kuhn, will be- gin at 9:30 o'clock Sunday. East Keansburg "Fine art is th*t k which the hand, Sundsy servlcei will Includt H. Lawrence Scott church school and Bible class at 10 Ate head and the heart go together". Scott Funeral Home o'clock, followed by morning ser- Your Expression of vice with solo and anthems at 11 True Remembrance That extremely important trinity of our service . . . Serving. Mlddlctovn Tawnthlp' The topic will be "The Holy Spirit Experience, Good Tost* and Sincere Desire to Satisfy. CoMinuouilr For 11 Yuri snd the Christian." Prayer service your dTftetnorial Selection No other act of a normal Church Street, Bel/ord, N. J. and motion pictures will be held man's life gives him more .Since the 15th century the Ardollno family have been Thursday at 8 o'clock. complete soul satisfaction Phone Keansburg 0-4331 We arc proud that our service lo Ibis than the building of a Mem- Moster Craftsmen designing Memorials to Honor rominunliy juitlliet our reputation orial to his loved ones wbo' Family Names. ' for lionrM cpunscl and exnert advice A telephone call to our office have gone on. concern ing memorial craltimsmblp. will bring a salesman who will, without any obligation, Our select Barre Memorials Perfection may bo mortally Whether you wish a simple marker BARCLAY A. HENDERSON Impossible ... but noverthe- show you latest designs. bear the Guild mark of ap- LONG BRANCH MONUMENT or an elaborate monu- proval>—your guarantee of a less It Is a commendable trait ment, may we help you Only Monument Dealer* In COMPANY, WC. .— MONUMENT WORKS lo make a wise "election? finer Memorial at no extra to be perslntenlly striving. .Bed Bank cost. Visit our showroom WEST LONG BRANCH, N. J. — PHONE L. B. 6-3567

Monuments of finest quality. Whether your needs are for FUNERAL HOMK (Opp. Botouih Hall) simple marker or elaborate monument, we will look forward to 8S Rlvaralda Avsnuo Monument Works RED BANK, N. J. MONMOUTH MONUMENT the opportunity of serving; you, Pholti. 6-0333 Rid Bank Ilwy. No. SB Keyport, N, J. JOHN VAN KIRK __ . COMPANY , --• -—- 8howroom~e«-Maple Place, hear Blx Corner, 3)1 Mapla Plata, K.yport Phqne Keyport 7-1124 Telephone R. B. 6-0024 Ntxt to Mt.Ollvii Ctmsterr . fbona 7-iasi •' Flume BesMenee—Xeyport MIM-W. ' Csrloton Jl. Whsrton, Prop, NlfBU. Sundays and HelUays Phone Red Bank 6-0319 MIDDLEfOWN, N. J. . —, • PHONE R. B. 6.3*1.0. Edwin H. Wltnrton, Associate CALL R. B. S-Mll-J R.F.D. Box 108 Red Bank RED BANKJIEGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. Leonardo Cottrell-Simpkins (The Bed Buk Boihtor can bo bought at Leonardo st the Wilt* BOOM Store, WUdmanns snd J>-Myora dcllvorr tor- vice) Mr. and Mrs. William N. Clark, St. George, Staten Island, are spending a vacation with Mrs. Clark's father. r irs. Henry Batters, New York city, returned home after spending a short visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jamea H. MacPhee, Jr. After spending a week with Mrs. ,Tboma*> King; Mrs. Roger Sorlno .and son, Roger, have returned to Scbenectady, N. Y. 'William Hughes, son of Mr. and MM. Harry J. Hughes, Sr., is spend- ing the summer with his parents. Mr. and iira. Carl Bergman, Newark, and Mre. Bergman's bro- ther, Fletcher Frltts, Dover, have been spending a vacation at the Bergman cottage. John Plltxecker has been dis- charged from the Navy and has returned home. Billy Isakaen, sou of* Mr. and Mr*. Martin Isakaen, was die- charged from the Navy two weeks ago after two years of service. Benton McArthur Is spending a month with friends at East Hamp- Finest Fresh Produce Received Freth Daily Acme Meatt are "T CELERY 44*4 Jersey City, Mr. and Mrs. George sta 39c Sharkey, Arlington, and Mrs. J. Celery stdk. x »«15c HEARTS \OC FRESH CALAS Ida Virginia. E. Cottrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Roubach Casey, Newark. of linden place, became the bride of Harold J. Slmpklps at Trinity Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Jr.. CHUCK „ Bplieopol church, July H. Rev. Charles P. Johnson performed the and daughter, Suesanne, visited ROAST Ib. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Canning ceremony. CANTALOUPES LAMB J. Miller, Sr., before leaving for Acme Top-Quality Grade A Poultry The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a white street their newly-purchased home In Au Perfect 2-Piece Cap length dress with white accessories and a corsage of white gladioli. dubon recently. Delicious Western re.h Killed Mlaa Doris Perry of Eatontown was her only attendant. She was Herman Ross Is recovering from All Slxei i»- 43G dreucd In pink with white accessories. Injuries sustained when he suffered Sweet Eating Ib. MASON JARS William Dwyer of Red Bank was best man and George Cot- a heart attack and fell down the Fancy Grand* A .. A Ami trell, the bride's brother, and George Dwyer, were ushers. 10c stairs of the porch of his home. 20 Ibi. and Over ID. af|§XCi The couple are making their home on Waverly place. Serve them now at this featured low price! Gunner's Mate Edward Curry, USN, has returned to Charlestown, Frtih Killed of Locust, Mri.' Richard Cotblene Grade A Uncroft and children, Carolyn and Francis, S. C, after spending a 21-day fur- FRYERS 45c Mrs. D. E. Detweller and daughter lough with his parents, Mr. and (Tin Bol Bank BagitUr tu b« bought Karen of Mlddletown, Mrs. Rachel Mrs. Richard Curry. He expects to Yellow Onions sn »>. 3c lb Is Uneroft from C. Toop) Field Mount, Mrs. Betsle Newman, be discharged In September. Fresh Fillet of Haddock 45< Robert Ue, the oldest son of Mr. Mlas Phyllis Mount, Matthew Mul- Miss Patricia Atcheson enter- ud Mr*. Leonard Lee, Is at Allan- lln. Sr, and Henry Flood. tained Miss Doris Hartmann, Jer- Yellow Squash r;;ib. 5c Uo City working for Lloyd Murray sey City, for a week and Muss El- Whifing-15(t|Weakfish«.25c «t th» met track. Another 'on, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Toop Sr., len Sullivan, also of JeVsey City, David, 1» spending the summer attended the wedding of their son for two weeks at her home recent- Large Peppers 2"». 19c Steak Cod ib. 29c with his unole Mark Lee, at Lake James Sunday at All Saints church, ly. Mohigu, N. Y. PaUreon. He married Miss Marie Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marx. North Mlu Adelaide JohnaonTiaB re- Caprlno, daughter of Mrs. Susan Arlington, spent Thursday, Friday, Egg Plants lz; 2^ 15c PORGIES ib. 15c turned from a recent trip to Heine. Caprlno and the late Joseph Ca- and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and,Mrs. John Jo^ruflfi of prino. A reception wu held at the George Marx. home of the bride. The couple are New York city spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. William Meier left For Delightfully Refreshing Iced Tea-^— Iced or Hot — It Hits the Spot! with Arthur Johnson «nhe stayed for a Mrs. Douglas Stanley for the sum-Nancy Waltz, Glenrock, John and month. mer. Barney Evans, Rochelle Park, Wil- Visa Edith May Mauser, daugh- The next meeting of the Girls' liam Dick, Palisades Park, Allan Ib. ter o€ Mr. and Mrs. John Mauser, Friendly society of St. Andrew's and Marilyn Haynes, Newark, and ha* taken a position as secretary episcopal church will be held Aug- Harry Bruntz, Leonardo. Jar with the Monmouth County Associ- ust 28. The monthly card party will Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bryan OSCQ PEANUT BUTTER 30c ation of Social Service. take place August 28. celebrated Mr. Bryan's birthday Our finest Grade A peanuts and salt—smooth, creamy, delicious. Exceptional value at only 30c for the big Ib. Jar. Featured at all Acme Markets! His. L. A. Bennett has returned Tho annual fair of the Women"s and their 42nd wedding anniver- homt from Rivervlew hospital with society of the Methodist church will sary Saturday, August 3, with a I CHEESE FEATURES Net* 1946 Paek — Jutt Arrived at thm, her new daughter. The child will be held on the church lawn tomor- family gathering. Save 5e a Roll on Speedier Peak #/ Their Fine, Fresh Flavor • be named Allyn C. Bennett. row. Police Sgt. and Mrs. Belentine ! Provolone SSTT 51* Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Scbube and Peggy Ovens Parker Ph. M. 2/c, have as guests Police Sgt Frank Farmdale Large Sweet children, Barbara, Janet sod Al- is & patient in the Naval hospital McCormick and their cousin, Edam Type ^ *54* at Treasure Island, Qal., where she Films 5 23c bert, of Tonkers, N. Y., spent last. Patrick Moran, of Newark. recently underwent an operation. The Deacons of the Baptist O-M %t O-I6 or N 1 weak-end with Mr. and MM."Gor- Roll Roll Blue Moon *TK 14C Reginald Robertson spent a church will hold their monthly Q-ttO 28c - 0-416 32* don Bornkamp. Sunday visitors Bavarian. Amorlcan, Plmonlo, Smokty wer* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reader week-end recently with Richard meeting next Tuesday evening at PEAS c- 15< Cunningham of Newark. 8 o'clock In the parsonage. and children, Margaret and Rich- Mr. and Mrs. George Bowker SPECIAL FEATURES! MEATS, ETC. Buy 0 supply of this featured low price! ard, of Paterson. Buddy Dennis, who la employed Fontelle S 2£J-Ol,. 95* in Florida, Is passing a vacation have as guests their daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mra. Fred Owens and William Booth, and children, Rod- Cherries ^1:°-? 43* Vogfs Scrapple 12\t Kraft Roka •Ian 20* String Beans T^ 13* daughter Lois attended the funeral with his mother, Mrs. Allen Lim- SEU S-OI. ing. ann and Kenneth, of Kearny. of a relative at Canaan, Mass., this Mr. and Mra. John Shane had aa Fresh Caramels "• 35* LiverPale L...J6* Kraft Spreads glau Beans ^.r^l^OC put week. Mri. Sadie Behrlnger of Jersey a guest during the past week Mlas Ollvo Plmanta, Plmmlo. loHih Albert Oardella, seaman 1/c, ion City has been visiting with Mrs. Mary Gagen, East Orange, and are Beardsley Mustard^ 9* Fred Freyelsen. Lemon Juice °s^rtn 9* Asparagus JJ^JS «. Red Kidney Beans* 10* at Hn. Edward Boylan, received now entertaining their sister-in- 1 i Grated Amer •wkag*~* <' A his discharge last Friday at the Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rackage law, Mrs. Robert Delaney, Corona, Prune Juice 28* Guldens Mustard^ 14* nM Udo Beach naval station. He was and son, Theodore, Jr., have re- L. I. Sliced Beefs '^, 13* Diced Carrots «°Mn 13* In the service for 15 months, a year turned to Irvington after a visit Mr. and Mrs. Howard Worth r of which he spent In Salpan. with Mrs. Edith Rogers. were dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. CANNED SOUP FEATURES Cut Beefs ^1,,r16* Beans ™ ^,m 12* lira. Ira D. Uvergood attended Tho fourth quarterly conference EGGS Fred Lteble, Newark, recently. Mr. . a luncheon and bridge Tuesday of will be held Monday in the Metho- and Mra. Fred Lleble returned c.V Gold Seal last week in South Orange at tho dist church parsonage with Dr. A. with the Worths to Leonardo for Heinz Asparagus Soup 13c C. Bradey, Red Bank, presiding. Extra Largtc."r',°V fkA. Mn. M. Klpp. Mr. and Mrs. Liver- the week-end. u 1 Pork & Beans home of Mrs. M. Klpp. Mr. and A presentation of Lloyd C. Doug- Habitant Pea Soup *"* 1 25c All Whit. " V"! Mri. Llvergood left on Wednesday las' best seller, "The Robe," will be f Inn Cltar \ C # Gold Seal c.*£, BC In rich torr^to souce. Grode A, new pock! Buy now! to spend a few days at Atlantic offered in the Methodlat church Tinton Fallt Chicken Broth 13U-*x. Can u City. Large Siza " *V •/ PREPARED FLOUR Sunday, August 18, by Miss Mere- CEREALS Philip Grosser of Aqueduct, N. Y.. dith Scheflln of Anbury college, (TSo Bad Bank tUfriitar can b« bought Ritter Asparagus Soup HztZ 9c O«i* Until Urv«, avlntl ••Ur DROMEDARY UVl-oi. pkj. •pent the week-end with Mr. andKentucky. In Tinton Fallt at Unehan'i itor* and Silver Seal „„,„ •ITTY CROCKED Mrs. Sara Scott'il c Gingerbread Mix 18* Mri. Leonard Lee. Marion McOowan, 7, fell In her Grade B "" Mr. and Mrs. George Toop are horns Friday night and was treat- Mr. and Mri. WUllara E. Eng- Asst'd Cereals .n 22* DUFf$ parents of a daughter, born Thurs- ed at Monmouth Memorial hospital land, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wedley, 7 DAIRYCREST Q Waffle Mix ,4....20* day, August 1, at Rlvervlew hos- [Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Lemon and Spaghetti^ 13* HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Puffed Rice ^::pkB. 12* DUFFS 14-01. pV>. for a possible fracture of the right sons, Jackie and Blllte, and Mr. and pital. The child will be named Lln- arm. A cast was applied to her CHEF IOY.AR.DIi ICE CREAM Puffed Wheat ZM da Mary Toop, Mra. J. Peterson of this place at- Waxfex?r 2i.r-29* Hot Muffin Mix 20* arm. tended the annual pjonlo held Mon- Complete With* Melt-Proof Bag RANOIR JOS HONIY-FUVORID Mr. and Mrs. J&mea Gross of The First Aid auxiliary will hold Spaghetti Dinner.'^ 32* That Will Keep Ico Cream I0 0 Burlington, Vermont, were guests day evening by Wayside Grange Speed-Up Bleach Z. 9* a card party tomorrow night In the on the farm was enjoyed. VTNICI MAID COOXID Firm For 1V6 Houra! Wheat Puffs 2 ?£ 23* Popover Mix ' ^ 7* last week of Mr. and Mra. K. F. Legion hall. The committee con- 1 Powell. Mr. and Mra. Powell spent Boy Scout troop 40 of Fort Mon- The blgKeit lea cream valiu on tha No-Worry Bleach £.11* sists of Mrs. Annie Patterson, Mrs. mouth will leave Sunday for a market . . • ffuarantood unUh Raisin Bran TT^ 11* Flako * °" tap*J4C the -week-end at New York city. Margaret Patterson and Mra. Spaghetti Dinner "£14* ablo for quality and voiutt ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daly spent Sarah Parker. week's outing at Camp Cowaw, HUW BOON a 19* Columbia, N. J. Local boys making Pint Von Camp the week-end In Ooshen, N. Y., Emil Mount spent the week-end the trip will be Robert Osborn and Noodles LrX.21* with Mr. and Mrs. James. Gray. at the home of bis brother, Edward Jackie Lemon. Package BAB-0 2^:21* 6-ox. Pkg. Mrs. T. A. Llchtenberger of Mount. BIHie Lemon, son of Mr. and Potato Chipsstrplt,25* 29 Brooklyn I« spending' twu weeks' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Graham Mrs. John Lemon, underwent a OAKITE 2X..19* PICKLES, RELISHES,'ETC. with Hr. and Mrs. W. &. liiphten- of New York city spent the week- successful operation yesterday In INSTANT COFFEE, ETC. btrgrer, end at home of Mr. and Mrs. Frai- Rlvervlew hospital. Blue Suds 2 Vi7:15* Mra. Lewis S. Thompson and er DeCamp. Paul de Vogh, son of Mr. and Sunrise NEW PACK • NESCAFE ^ 29* Indian Relish TS 24* J granddaughter, Miss Alice Bab- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brltton Mrs. Geia de Vegh of Sycamore 46-o*. Sani-Flush 5:18* lB tc Dill Chips tX-1^ 23* 5 cock, are spending a week in Ver- and Harry Britton of Irvington avenue, Is spending two weeks at Can SANKA "" tVM«36* mont with Mrs. Richard Babcoclt. were""guesta at the home of Mn. Camp Paltt, Quackerstown, Pa. 22 lB>t t i Edwnrd^MounL Tomato Juice Dill Pickles "STLSTc i? •Lieut, and" Mf«. X Ttpton have Mr. and Mra. Harold Park has Enjoy this high quality new pack tomato )ulce now! Black Flag Bordens " J'r.1;.,39* taken a,trip to Texas to vlalt Lieut, Tho DaughTers ~oT Llbtirty mot returned from California and are Initci Ipray IS D. D. T. lipton's mother. They expect to Monday night In the borough hall making their homo -ivltlj^ Mm. Cocoa Marsh "£ 22* Sour Pickles m,, 31*1 stay for a month, and. Installed the following officers: Park's parents, Mr. and sirs. An- Now Pack •% M 01 Miss Margaret Smith Is spending Mr«. Helen Maxaon, councilor; Mr«. thony Monto of Water street, Mr.. Robford Tomato Juice 44-01. Can XtC £19c&33c P D.Q.^'^.,.25* Stuffed Olives !^ 43* f Isabella Rodriguez, vice councilor; Now »at« " XIII* niM. a a week In Philadelphia visiting Mrs. Park returned from overseas ser- fleu, mothl, Robert Smith, •Mrs. Amelia Auferlo, assistant vice vice last April and married the Webster tomato Juice Na. 1 Can | |C «tc, Hershey Cocoa 'Z' 10* Morton'Salt 2^15*1 councilor; Mrs. Betty Holiger, jun- former Miss Katherlne Monzo. Thome* Henry Field, son of Mr. ior- associate; Mrs. Nlta Powell, aftd Mrs. Thomas Field, celebrated guide; Mcs. Muriel Patterson, in- Tinton Falls fire company auxil- 'hla third bltfhday Saturhy after- elde guarfl; Mrs. Dorothy Parker, iary will hold Its monthly meeting noon, with a party at his home, rfloordln|Br_«eoretary; Mrs. Val Monday night In the fife house. mmmwmrmam&mf&im . ,_ffWr.o..., Mullln and son Matthew, Mr. and outilde-guard; Mrs. Hattle Smith, Thousands of acres of petrified ,Mnt. William • •Warnekor ' ,nnd financial secretary; Mre. Florence prohlstorlo trees lie strewn over daughter Kathloen, Mrs. John Smith, assistant recording secre- tho ground In tho famous Petrified Warneksr and daughter Mario tary, and Mrs. Evalyn Vaughn, Forest of Not thoastcrn Arizona. Joyce, «nd Judle Fields of LIncroft; truitao. The charter was drapod In 'Some of these marblo-hard logs are mourning for Mrs, Adella Newman. 260 feet long. Mrs. Lloyd T'hom'aa and ion David * • * • • '.*;.*•. OWNED Ar^D OPERATED BY THE AMERICAN STORES COMPANY RED BANK REGISTEK, AUGUST 8,1946. LEight. Louis M. Frenchman visited Mr. oulsa Jocea and the Keancburg & NOTICE. Union Beach Hits nion Beach Realty compainy. ): ERMA B. ROMA: Colt'* Neck Briggs-Brantly and, Mrs. Fred Jacobs of Newark By tfrtu' of f- Cheneery of New Jersey made on « Tax Reductions mltted the lowest bid, >5,«1,8S, for he^-date _: hereof, in a certain eaJse' , • (The Sad Bank Beffiater »n be bought A birthday celebration was: held In Colt a Neck at Arthur Fox's General Nuptials Aug. 31 resurfacing poole avenue£<;was vher'eln George G. Roma Is petitioner ••ton). ,> at Crystal pool Saturday for Alfred Union Beach will .appeal reduc- iiid you art.defendant,- you are required. FOOD .,„« warded the contract aa of August The minister ot Colt's Neck Re- duced assessments improperly and )oithoU4«, •hootlnar'hailie "d halfway Dated: July 21it,«194«. f formed church vvjsheo to announce forthcoming marriage of Weir Island Thursday., Mrs. Haude Yeag- ouic, all lociUd-on club groundi, ilt- daughter, Miss Muriel Mathilda er spent the. week-end with Mr. and charged he did 10 for political or lated on south »ld« of Rjumton ro«d. IRVING H. LEWIS, ' that the church will be closed for personal reasons, The borough at- OMtoiioDJi If «ny, should ht nuda Solicitor of Petitioner, PIMPLES THROUGH! h three remaining Sundays of Brlggs, to Theodore Lee Brantly, Mrs. Koetenbeutel. >< East State Street,' Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore torney was Instructed to proceed inadlataly in writing to the State Trenton, N. J. j. August and the first Sunday In Mrs; Bertha Henderson Is visit- oramlisioner of Alcoholic Btvwtge A Haw, double action w»jr to 4nd relief Brantly of Scarsdale, New York. with filing the petition for a hear- from Itching plmplet, ecs««»» «nd, other September, Leonard Slbley will ing her daughter, Mrs. Robert An- iontrol, 1080 Broad Btreat, Nawtrlc, NOTICE. • The wedding will take place Aug- ing before the tax board. skin eruption;i of external n#tuf«. MBD- be at the parsonage during this derson of Carr avenue. O WBOH IT MAY CONCERN I [Fflr treater economy tni auperior REX OINTMENT relieve* ftistgntlr or ust at St. George's church, Rum- The disputed assesments are on (Signed) Pursuant to tha provisions of an A«t time. fjir«t«tlon ol your food r«nl > Food your money back. Fleeh colored, greaw- son,'and the ceremony will be per- Raymond Coclon has taken a po- two properties owned by Rose RUMSON COUNTRY CLUB, it the*Leglslaturo of New Jersey, an- today. I«H MEDREX OINTMENT 1. a famous Miss Doris Sklrrow, a summer sition with the power and light CLEMENT L. DESPARD. tied, "An Act to authori» persons'to Doctor*! prescription—contains 8 tested formed by Rev. H. Falrneld Butt, Gelb, Mr. Aumack'a own property, -• Presldmt. ihange their name," (R. S. 2:17-1 to visitor, gave' the solo, "He Shall company at Long Branch. Mrs. ingredients which work quickly to brine 3d., rector. and. properties owned by James EDWIN STBWAET, Secretary, ::87-7) notice is hereby given that" I RED BANK soothing comfort. Millions «nd M-EDREX Feed His. Flocks" by Handel at the Helen Coclon spent the week with English, Joseph Smith, James Cav- Rumion, N. J. ihall apply to the Court of Common OINTMENT th« id«sl m»w« £> their morning service Sunday. The me- her daughter, Mrs. Eleanor "DulKa alcante, Rosarlo ' Mahcinl, James CHARLES S. BEATTIE, Treasurer, Pleas of the County of afonmoutil .at .kin problem!. Medicate with MEDREX morial flowers were given by Mrs. Bunuon, N. J. the Court Bouse In Freehold, on Thurs- COLD STORAGE of Jersey City, who has become the McCoy, George H. Jonet, Mrs. day, the 12th day of September, l»l«. OINTMENT at once. At all Sun Raj Clarence Conover in memory of her Stores. Two slses, 49c- mother of a seven-pound six-ounce it 10 o'clock in the forenoon, or |M \\ AND father, Jason C. Knight. The Sun- Notice o) Settlement of Account. oon thereafter as I can be heard, for 89 c. MEDREX Soap, girl. Estate of William E. Mount, deceased, 23c cake. - day-school sponsored a peach fes- :n order to authorise me to assume tn« Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Broander lotice is harebr given that the accounta ther name, to wit: ETHEL CABBN, LOCKER CO., Inc. tival Tuesday night at.6:30 o'clock. if the subscriber, acting executor of the are building a home on Broander Dated: August 5tli, 1«4«. . . The Helping Circle met yesterday istate of said deceased will be audited IS Herbert St. Red Bank OINTMENT place. ETHEL C. LEIBOWITZ, also MEDREX at the home of Mrs. Charles Flock. ind stated by the Surrogate of tha 2 Blodca South of R. R. Station Gus Vogel, due to the pressure of 'ounty of Monmouth and reported for known as Ethel C. Frelstadt, \ (Juit off Bridge Ave.) Christmas carda are now available. sttlement to tba Orphans' Court of said 49 Baker Avenue, > Mrs, Flock, chairman of the har- work, has resigned from the first County, on Thursday, the twelfth day of Eatontown, New Jersey* ' The Bed Bank Register i» sup- aid.' attenon, Rhome A Morgan, PHONE R. B. 6-3904 > ported by local a« well M out-of- vest home campaign, announces September, A. D., 1948, at 10:00 o'clock 1 The first aid has purchased two i. m.. at which time application will- ba Ittorneya for Petitioner, : town business men—Advertisement the solicitors have raised $800 thus Onmonth Bldg., flexible stretchers. nsda for the'allowance of commissions far In the drive which is still being Jid expanses, of this iciount. iburr Park, N. J. ' ' Jack McGreagor was taken to 15. continued. Dated: July 1«, Ik. Dr. 1941. NOTICE. The sewing club will enjoy a pic- Monmouth Memorial hospital last CHARLES R. ENGLISH, Take notice that application hai bean nic and covered-dish supper Wed- Thursday In the first aid ambu- 12. Maple Avenue, jade to the Townahlp Committee'iof nesday at the farm of W. H, Hunt lance. Helen Walker, an emergency Red Bank, N. J. Middletown Township to transfer to tha patient, was taken to , Monmouth Acting Executor. remises located on Highway 86, Mid- GET READY FOR THE REGATTA at 7 o'clock. lletown, of Hermann Barkel, the Plen- Mm. Chrlney Conover and Mr. Memorial hospital Sunday in the MoMMUtb County Surroiata'i Office. iry Retail Consumption license hareto- and Mrs. Leroy Daniels and their ambulance. Ruth Koster was taken In the matter of the estate of Una orc lesued to Emll'a Bar, Grill and WITH daughters, Joan and Lois, spent to Monmouth Memorial hoslptal on 8. Fiedler, deceated. Notice to credltora Beer Garden, Highway 85, Middletown, . J. ' Tuesday in the ambulance. ~ present claims afffllnst estate. the past week at a cottage at Man- Punuant to tha order of Dorman Me- Objections, If any, should be made'jlm- • YACHTING CAPS • YACHT CLUB FLAGS asquan beach. addln, Burroffsta of tha County'of Mon- jedlntely In writing to Howard W. Rob- Kenneth Decher of Red Bank noutb, mada on tha twenty-nfoth day erts, clerk of Middletown township, • TARPON SUNBEATERS CAPS gave a party Tuesday night, at the ot Jufy, im, on the application of (Signed) William C. Jqhruon, sole axectttor of HERMANN BABKEI, ' fire house in honor of th« recent the estate-cf ten* S. Fiedler, 'deceased, 727 South 20 Street, • WATER SKIIS • BEACH MATS birth of his eon Kenneth George, First Methodist Church lotlce l> hereby givt'n. 16 the creditors ' • Newark, N, J. if said deceased to exhibit to tha sub- Jr. The party followed an Atlantic MISS MURIEL M. BRIGGS • 247 Broad St, Red Bank NOTICE. • EAGLE GASOLINE CANS Township Fire department meet- icriber, sola executor as aforesaid, their debta and dafoanda against the laid es- NOTICE is hereby given that tha fore- ing. REV. ROGER J. SQUIRE, Pastor. ting is a trutf copy of a resolution, first Miss Briggs has chosen her twin tate, under oath, within six months adlng of which waa held at the meet* • YACHT CHAIRS • AQUAPLANES Mr. and Mrs. Edward Umber, sister, Miss Lillian Bpjgss, s her SUNDAY, AUGUST 11th, IM6. from the daAe o( the aforesaid order. a >r they will be forever barred of their ,g of tbe Township Committee held on formerly of Colt's Neck, now of maid of honor, and the bridesmaids uly 26, 194E and tha same waa laid • EDON HOT'R COLD CHESTS II A.M. Sermon by Rev. Harry VanCleaf on "Unseen De- motions therefore walnst the said sub- Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and their wlB be Miss Katharine Brlggs, an- xlbtr. >ver for second and final reading and daughter, Mrs. Fred L. Jones and fenders." »aaaage at t>*e meeting of the Town* ' other sister; Miss Elizabeth Brant- Dated: Freehold. N. J., July 26. l«t. ihlp- Committee to be held in Thursday* at Marilyn Sue, are spending a few ly of Scarsdale, N. Y., sister of Mr. 8 P.M.—Message by the guest minister on "The Folly of WILLIAM C. JOHNSON, \ugust 22nd, 1946, at 3:30 o'clock at weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brantly; Mrs. Charles Dalton Complaining." 4M Palmer ATCDUC. K-hicb time a public hearing will be held Keausbum. N. J. Gunther. BriggB, River Plaza, sister-in-law pon the same. Mrs. Martha Decher is visiting Monmouta County Surrogate's HOWARD W. ROBERTS, of the bride-elect, and Mrs. Timo- Township Clark. for a few weeks with Mr. nnd Mrs. thy R. Stapleton, Jr., Rochester, N. In the matter ot the estate of Ben- ,N ORDINANCE VACATING CERTAIN Kenneth Decher of Red Bank. Y., cousin of the bride-elect. imln W Covert, deceaaed. Notice to STREETS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF Jersey Marine Co. ' Tel. 6-0311 Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. George R. Halter- rtditors to present claims against es- MIDDLETOWN. Alan W. Brown of East Haddam, ite. man and their children, Cynthia, WHEREAS, the streets hereinafter Everything For The Boatman Conn., brother-in-law of Mr. Brant- Pursuant to.the order of Donoan,Mc- .f V^yy Jimmy and David of San Diego, ATTENTION Faddln. BurrogaU of th« County of ly, will be best man. The ushers tJbe ground, and were, never opened to Cal., arrived Saturday, for a visit Monmoutl, aaad« 'bn the eighteenth - day Open Dally, g A. M. to 6 P. H. Saturdays, 8 A. M, - 9 P. M. will be Charles D. Brlggs of River f the public physically: and WHEREAS, at the Langdon Halterman resi- of July, 1948, on 'the application of he said streeta are not necesssry for Plaza, brother of the. bride-eject; Evalyn B. Covert, sole executrix of tbe nce. The trip waa made by trailer. public use; Sundays, 9 A. M. - 1 P. M. Carl F. Wilson,. Jr- Jersey City; state of Benjamin W. Covert, deceased, NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT 08- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sibley, Jr., Theodore Olmstead, BJoomfleld, lotlce is hereby given to the creditors DA1NED by tbe Towmblp Committee of had as their house guests during if aald deceased to exhibit to the sub- Conn., and Timothy Stapleton, Jr., Does Your House Need Painting? the Towmnip of Middletown: he past two weeks, Miss Jean Sib- icrlber, sole executrix as aforesaid, their SECTION 1. That Nobje Arenue, fun- Rochester. N. Y. lebta and demanda against the said es- ley of Jersey City, and her fiance, Ing from Hagel Place to William Street, Miss Irene Robinson of Rumson tate, under oath, within six months from t khown on M«p ot Compton Beaes, Donald Brunstetter of Metuchen, If to, call us for an estimate. We do Paper- tks date tftllae ABbresald order, or they will be soloist. East KeansburK, dated September, 1941, nd Mlsa Marion Damhoff of Oma- will be forever barred of their actions nd Barrett Place, on the Map of East ha, Nebraska. hanging; all types of-Paint Spraying. All Work therefore against tba said aubaeriber. teansburg Beach, Daud April 3rd, 1944; Dated: Freehold, N. J., July 18, 194«. runninir Iron Lot 1, Block "P." on (aid A meeting will be held Septem- EVALYN S. COVERT. Map. Easterly to Ha Intersection with ber 2* for members of the RFD Keamburg guaranteed. , ;• 118 East Bergen Place, he Easterly line of the tract, be anoT the arden Club of Red Bank, N. J. lame sre hereby vacated, and the rlgbta Measrs. Applegate. Stevens, del Townships in (The i.eil Bank Resi»ter can be bought >f the public herein be and the same In Ki*ansburtf from John Civltan. Cnrint- Foster ft Reussille, re hereby released. Holmdel. raan'i. Chtrlea Vogel. H. Kaiser. Gcotie Red Bank.~\Nf"X stCTION 2 This Ordinance ahall Arthur Fox of the general I *ore Swlns. S. S. Stark. Lehoty't and Keans. .aKaf (Sect Immediately ' upon lla pas- returned home Saturday frnmNJIon- burK Dm? Co.) DeCarlo & Wickersham tago and publication according to law. Notice of Settlement ol Account. mouth Memorial hospital. Mrs. Edward Tey of Teaneck Eltate of Helen B. Little, deceased. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Walter Henberg left Thursday wes a guest of Mr. and Mre. A. Phone Red Bank 6-3530. Notice Is hjrebf rfrtn that the accounts The' Township Committee of tha of tbe sUDserAefS, trustees of tbe es- Township 'of Middletown, County of by plane for Bermuda, skrtre he Franck Thursday. ata of said deceased will be audited spend Mr. and Mrs. James Bigglo and and stated by the Surrogate of the Monmouth and State of New Jersey will County of Momnouth and reported for receive bids at the Township Hall, Mid- ^SjBf William Thompson daughter Doris of Palisade Park dletown, New Jeney at 4:00 P. M., Aug- spent the week-end at the cottage settlement to the Orphana' Court of spent the week-end with Mr. and said County, on Thursday, the twelfth ust IS. 19<>. (or the following »ad of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson Mrs. Franck. day ol September, A. D., 19 46, at 10:00 materials and work. • at Manasquan beach. o'clock a. m^'at which time application 1. Mixing In place and scarifying,'sp- Mrs. Agnes Flynn and daughter prox. 43.076 sq yds. j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blanchard will be made for the allowance of com- Marie attended the funeral of Jo- missions and counsel feea. 2. Tar Grade K. T. 4075. appiox. and children, Stilman, Ivls. Bar- seph Flynn at Jersey City Thurs- Dated: July 18. A. D., 1946. 43,076 iratlons. bara and Dorothy, left Friday for 2A. Asphaltic Oil M. C. 2011, approx. day. ALFRED N. BEADLESTON, week In Charlestown, N. H. 13.OH galloni. Mrs. Douglas Kirby and daugh- FILMS Shrewsbury, New Jersey. 3. Tar Grade RT 7 or 8, approz. 18.- Edward Conover of Freehold Is ers, Joan and Nancy, of Chicago.^ IRVING TRUST COMPANY. 00 gallons. spending this week with Mr. and By: B. H. West, are visitors' at the home of Miss Vice President. >A. Asphaltic Oil MC 1 or 1, approx. Mrs. Garrett Conover. 38.100 gallon!. Laura Hatch of Wood avenue. 127-120-620-116-616 I Wall 8t., Xew York. K. t. Mrs. Frances Siedleckl of New 4. H" Crushed Stone, approx. 1,171 Truiteei. tna. / street has received word from her Mrs. Lester "collum of New York Sydney G. Soom, E :ity was a guest at the homes of 4A. H" Waahed Graral, approx. 1,471 son. Watson, that he has been ad- 44 Broad Street, ins. Mrs. William Mathews of Depot Newark, 2, N. J. 5. Road Gravel (6" compacted), ap- (• Nearly everyone ismclcfng some kindfliffio^ie"repair vanced to a corporal in the army Proctor. of occupation in Southern Ger- street and Miss Laura Hatch of prox. 41,706 sq. yds. >, or improvement. M?ny of these p«Jpl£btiiirow here Wood- avenue last week. BANK STOCK FOR SALE. «. Excavation, approx. 2,025 cu. ids. many. Corporal Siedleckl is nine- THE CAMERA SHOP Contractor to furnisb and apply aH teen years old and has been in the Mr. and Mrs. Luke McCoy of Tbt Mayor and Council of tha Bor- material and furnish all labor and equip- to help cover the cost of labor and,Materials. ough of S4a Bright, Monmouth county, service one and a half years. He Newark are building a home on 97 Monmouth St. Red Bank ment to properly execute all work la Home fmprovement loans are repaid monthly over New Jeraey, will offer for salt* at iU connection with project. All fflaUriaf ha» been with the Army in Aus- Mercer street. They will move to regular oiceUng on Augu«t 15th, 1948, Keansburg on completion of their muat be In accordance with State High- o period up to 36 months. They are convenient, tria and In France. (NEXT TO CAW-TON THEATBE) at 8 o'clock P. M. (DST) Borough Hail. way Specifications of the State of New economical and simple to arrange, A good credit Leroy Goldfarb of Route 34 ar- home. SuH itreet. Sea Bright, New Jtney. SS9 Jersey. All bids must be accompanied •harei of itock of the Sea Bright Nat- by a certified chefk ot not lasa thai rived Saturday from Treasure IB- Helen Mularchuck, daughter of ional Bank, held by the Borough of Sea record and ability to repay the loan as agreed are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mularchuck, 1% ot the amount bid and mada Pay- land, Cal., where he was discharged PHONE 6-0366 Bright. able to Howard W. Roberts, Township all you need to be able to borrow here. If you need from the Navy. He Is asslstingr'his celebrated her eighth birthday with The Mayor and Council ihall hi Cicrk. Specifications may ba obtained father, A. M. Goldfarb, in building birthday party Wednesday. tba privilege of accepting or rejecting from Craig Flnnegan, Township Engin- funds for this purpose, see us. ny offer or bid received at Its meet- eer, 18< East End avenue, Belford, N. a new house on Route 34. Policeman Dave Carman and Off- Mrs. Carman observed their sixth i. TDia project covers vsrious roadl in It* any bid l« accepted, the turn e Township of Middletown. wedding anniversary by having a 0% niuit be paid and the balance The Township Committee reserves tha dinner at Harry's lobster house In within thirty dayi from the daLe of Shrewsbury ale and acceptance. right to reject any or all bids. The Merchants Trust Co. Sea Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dated: Auguit 6th, 194ft. HOWARD W. ROBERTS, (The Red Bank Register can be boi-iht Mularchuck were guests. ELEANOR r. LINDSAY, Township Clark. OF RED BANK, N. J. In Shrewsbury »t th« Shrewibury Mar- Acting Borough Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ket and at Greenwood'* utore and at H. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Measley of 1 Notice U hereby given that sealed blda Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Clay Bair'a Service Station and Sinking Main street celebrated their 21st ORDINANCE. will be received by the Township Com- Wheels Arena! AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND mittee of the Township Df Middletown*' ivedding anniversary Thursday. A Higher P&)t SUPPLEMENTING AN ORDINANCE Member of Federal Reserve 8ystem A roundtable discussion and County of Monmouth, State of New Jer- dinner party was given at Burlew's ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE LIMIT- sey, for the Surfacing of Bralnard Are- dancing will feature the August restaurant on Highway 35, Morgan. ING AND RESTRICTING TO SPE- nue. Port Monmouth, In the Townahlp meeting of the Shrewsbury Com- Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. CIFIED DISTRICTS AND REGULAT- of Middletown, County of Monmouth, munity club to be held next Mon- ING THEREIN BUILDINGS AND State of New Jersey. Luke Heary, Miss Dolores Sirgheny, STRUCTURES ACCORDING TO day evening. ho Tbe contract will be for a Bituminous THEIB C0N3TBUCT10N AND THE Warren and Doris Sirgheny and Surface Treatment, Mixed In Place, the Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carman of William O'Brien. On their return NATURE AND EXTENT OP THEIR USE IN THE BOROUGH OP SEA following are the approximate quan- "Sharon Row," Shrewsbury, have home friends gathered and there BRIGHT, IN THB COUNTY OF MON- tities: BORO BUSES returned from a visit in Marlboro, was singing and dancing. Miss Lois MOUTH, AND PROVIDING FOR THE 1. Scarifying, binding and mixing. New Hampshire, with the concert Ogden sang a number of solos. Mr. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCE- 9,<«0 SQ. yds. pianist, Ethel Toiler Hardy, and at MENT OF TBE PROVISIONS HEREIN 2. AsphaJtle Oil MC 2 or MO t, ap- and Mrs. Measley received many CONTAINED AND FIXING PENAL- plied, 9,««0 SQ. yds. Martha's Vineyard, Mass., with Mr. gifts. Their daughter and son, Lois TIES FOR THE VIOLATION THERE- 2A. Tar RT-4, RT-S or RT-C applied, and Mrs. William W. Carman. They and Warren, planned the surprise OF," ADOPTED DECEMBER 1STH 9,6(0 gallons. report good fishing, good sailing 1931. 3. Tack Coat Asphaltlo OH MC-1 « celebration. MCZ, applied, 2,11 o gallons. and a northeaster of howling pro- BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and >A. Tack Coat Tar RT-4 or RT-i, ap- portions. Council of the Borough of Sea Bright, plied, 2.116 gallons. 0 As a telephone In tha County of Monmouth, that sn or- 4. \" Wished Gravel Cover, 87 tons. Report, yesterday revealed that dinance of the Borough of Sea Bright the local men injured in the rall- 5. Asphaltic Oil RC-3 or RC-2, ap- operator you are entitled "An Ordinance Limiting and Re- plied, 3,381 gallons. load accident at Bayonne are well itrlctlng to specified districts nnd reir- right around the ilatinB therein buildings and structurss 5A. Tar RT-7 or RT-S, applied, 3,881 on the road to recovery. Details according to their construction and the gallons. are covered elsewhere in this Issue. corner from your nature a-nd extent of their use In the 6A. Tar RT-7 or RT-8, applied, 2.SSI Three of the Injured are members borough of Sea Bright, in the County allot... Avoid A home. You have t, li" or V Washed Gravel, applied of the school board. Walter C. Gup of Monmouth, and providing for the ad- t more money to buy"' mlnlatratlon and enforcement of thi. and rolled for seal coat, 121 tons. sill, clerk of the board, l« still In Provisions herein contained anj fixing 6A. V or V Broken Stone, applied Repair Bill, the Bayonne General hospital. Lee the lovely things penaltlea for tha violation thereof,1' and rolled for seal coat. 121 tone*. . I ter C. Scott, board president, re- adopted December 18th, 1931, be and the Plans and specifications may ba pb- you want. sane is hereby amended and supple- tained from Craig Finncgan, Township Flat Tires, | sumed his duties yesterday, and mented as follows: Engineer, IBS East End Ave., Belford, Richard E. Nevlus, another mem- N, J., a charge of 110.00 for plans and 1, That Section T, Paragraph I I ber, arrived home Tuesday from the specifications: $5.00 will be refunded pp- Bad Weather You don't need ex* hereby amended as follows: on return of plans. All blda must h% hospital. Arthur M. Hope, a form- No dwelling to be erected on a plot accompanied by ft Certified Check of pot er councilman, is expected home The tireless mechanical worms of perience to become with less tJian 7,600 square feot of land less than 10% of the amount Bid, mad* from the hospital within a few days area and no dwelling to be erected to payable to Howard W. Roberta, Town- Driving And Motorstokor slowly turn . . . keep a highly paid tele- cost to build, less than 110,000.00, fur ship Clerk. Blda will ba recalved Aug- A regular meeting of the Shrews- your furnace fired far more efficiently phone operator .You ther ust 16. 1948, at 4:00 P. M. at tha Town- bury board of education Is sched- than back-breaking labor can do It. Any development contemplated in ship Hall, Kings Highway, Middletown, Loss Of Time uled lor next Monday but owing get an increase every Zone A shall alao provide a street run N. J, And at less cost I Motorstokor save* nlng from Ocean Avenue to the Atlanta to the injuries suffered by three ' The Township Committee reserves the XJiiru Buses on auper-frequeni up to Vi on fuel-bills by burning i three months the Ocean at leaat 25 feet wide and ench members the session will be post- house to set back from the ourb 20 feet. right to reject any or all bids. nrhrdulpft link surrounding com- low-cost small sizes of anthracite. first year, and regular increases after that. HOWARD W. ROBERTS, It poned to a later date. 2, Section 6, Zone B, is hereby amend- Township Clerk. inutiitlrH into one vant pla,v- and Ask us about the superior cleanliness, ed as follows: liaylanri. To the beaches, to the Shrewsbury Hose company wll efficiency, comfort, and economv of No dwelling may ba built on any lo IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY 5 boardwalk*, to shops, movies, lo hold Us August meeting next Tues- You'll enjoy being a telephone operator. You'll Unless It Is accessible to n street at leal 147/210 fully automatic Motontokor. 20 feet wide and set backs shall be no TO: CLARENCE BROOKS SHACK- iHmlnrsa—the Boro Buses Is your day night. ' like the excitement of ever-changing events and less than 20 fsei-'from sidewalk line I LEY and MYRTLE D. SHACKLBY. brut bet (or all short local trips. Mlaj Barbara Knapp, who Is Available For Immediate built facing Ocean Avenue nnd each By virtue of an order of tha Court .No drMng, no parking, no re- spending the summer vacation with the friendly association with girls you'll want dwelling so erected to cost lo build no of Chancery of the- Stnto of New Jersey, less than 17,600.00. made on the dsy of the dnta hereof, In pair hills, no bother, no fuss, no her parents, will leave September Installation for your friends. 3. Any parts, niragraphs or section a tauso wherein Georgo Rossbachi Is heudurhc The Boro But Is the 11 to take up the studies of the of ordinances contrary to' or conflict- complalnnnt nnd Clnrence Brooks Shack- only way to in. Get the habit— senior year at Wilson college, ing herewith are hereby repealed. lay and Myrtlo D. Slmolcley ,ro defend- Vide a bus. It will save you More than 4,500 girls have considered these advan- 4. This ordinance shall tnke effect up ants, you, are required to appear ftnd Chambersburg, Pa. Lawes Coal Co. •nawer the bill of said complainant,.on time and money. on Its publication and paaasjte accord tages and have joined us since January. There's Ing to law. T or before the 80th day ot September, next, or tho snld bill will be taken ag TRUCK HITS CAB SHREWSBURY, N. J. PUBLIC NOTICE stU] room for you. Call "Chief Operator," today. The above ordinance was .Introduced oonfesaed ngninst you. anil passed first reading at a regular •The said bill k filed to compel the A Dodge truck, owned by the SALES & SHOWROOM apeefflo performnnco of a certain agree- Great Atlantic and Pacific Ten meeting of the Mayor and Council of th< Borough of Sen Bright, held on Augual ment mado on tho 1st ilny of February. company and driven by Edward F. 12 Mechanic St., Red Bank li\, 1041, nnd will cotno up for.Ana 1048, by tho dolondnnts, "Clnrence consideration and Pnaiixga at a Brook* Bhackioy and Myrtle I). Shnokley, fct?ittHei« wlthJtha-ild&dfttilHinrtt--i by Leon R. Ktontor of Hillside held OK Thursday, the fth dny of Sep- 'Georao iloisbnch, to convey to him a 6-1030 R. B. tember, 1949, at 8 |>; In, (DST), nt thi house nnd lot In tho Borough of Bed . Tuesday afternoon after the truck Cojncll Chambers, Borough Hull, Burl Bunk. County o' Monmouth rind State. driver fulled to stop on Patrolman Street, Borough of Son Bright, New Ji< of New Jorsey, known as it 48 Linden Albert Newman's signal, the Kan Telephone Company ley. at which tlmo nntl phice all person Plnee. . . BORO BUSES desiring t6 be heard will! b» givsn In Doted i July 20, 1040, , tor car hud stopped when the MOTOR o'pportunity, JOHN V, CR0WELL,'( GLOBE COURT, .,.' REd BANK truck hit It. Sullivan declared thru — • " * **ndi Xih. Ifjlf , . - . Solicitor of Complainant, - he would'pay for damage*, and no' F. LINDSAT, S4 Brond street. . ••'" •onjplalnfr-'wM-tiradei "* STOKOR ^Aellnt-OlerV RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. Riverside Height* Junior Chamber Officers The lliddletown VMlsjre social f'WsiSS-J&n" MAGIC BY-THE-YARD* club will hold another" of their by- monthly game socials at Ellsrt hall tomorrow night. Wfcterprooi, craetfproof, miMewproof, sewable, washable, do ton THAT FISH COURSE Mr., afad Mra. Oscar McCormaclc —use It for shower curtalna, kitchen curtains, -tablecloths, : of Weehawkin are spending two coats, garment bass, aprons, etc. weeks' vacation with friends on pi JJAUOE — AQC Yd. — 8«» Wide Red Hill road. MA and lira. Weebar Brook and P. FISHERIES family have moved from Atlantic Satnraomi; J Highlands to the former William 117 Bratd St, FABRIC FAIR Red B*nk, N. J. E. Foster place, Navesinlt road, tor. Harding Rd. which Mr. Brook recently pur* Ksu. 6 and 7 RED BANK, N, J. Monmouth St., Charg* Account! chased. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Eigtn- Delivery Service t*ugb, have returned from a wit- ' IiOBSTEBS—LocsJ and Maine ding trip spent In the Wh'lte Moun- SOFT CRABS—Local and Chesapeake Bay tains, Vermont, and are living at New Monmouth with the bride's EASTERN SALMON parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. JUMBO FLORIDA GREEN-TAIL SHBIMP Billyer. Mrs. Elgenraugh 1» the SCALLOPS former Miss Marie Hillyer. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bailey ef NO COVER CHARGE FILLET OF GRAY SOLE. FLOUNDER, FLUKE, YELLOW Highway Gardens, have been en- •OTAEU LEMON SOLS, MACKEREL. HADDOCK AND COD. tertaining Mr. Bailey's brother and Striped Bui Eel* Chowder GUin* sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. "Jams* Bailey of New Rochelle, New York. The Golden Trumpet Bea Bad Sturgeon Cherrystone Clam* •-OF— Strawberry Bait Cod UttU Neek* Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slegfleld and FREDERICK GIBR8CH, HABRY COPPERTHWAITE, HAROLD KERR, Weakflih Halibut Forglet family of Highland Park will spend Vice Resident Vice President Bonito Snwl! Bluet WhlU the next two weeks visiting former friends In these parts.. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Patterson, formerly of River Plaza and now living at Salt Lake city, are spend- ing a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. , i. ANDY__ Isaac Patterson of Chapel Hill road. A meeting of the Sew and So club of Mlddletown township was held at the home of Visa Margaret WE HAVfe THEM! Salmon Tuesday night at her home on the Chapel Hill road. Mrs. Thomas Salmon was the co-hostess. ROOKS Members spent the evening sewing and ^laying game*. Those present were Mrs. Edward Melsler, Mrs. Peter Orandlnetti, Mra. Martin Mc- his (jreat Orchestra Ouira, Mrs. Marshall Smith,' Mrs. Fred Bremyer, Mrs. Frank Hirst, Dance 'Til 3 A.M. Mi's. Serena Havens and Mrs. An- CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT gle Ward. Miss Annie Kane was a guest Broadway Jones and Hughie Woolford Mr. and Mra. Fred Graham of Sensational Song Team—At the Bar Chapel Hill road spent th« week- end it New York city. .Mrs. Clark of Oak-Hill road was taken to Monmouth Memorial hos- pital Friday by the Fair View First FRANCIS LITTLE, ISRAEL BRESLOW, HAROLD R. HOUNIHAN, Aid iquad. Mrs. Clark is the mo- Treasurer. Secretary. Dinner Chairman. ther of Mrs. Lionel Simon. MiM Marybelle McCaffrey, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Mc- Richard King is ependinf a va- Promoted has returned to his home. Caffrey of Glandule Park, cele- cation at Teaneck. David Heath and Rhoda Heath, brated her eighth birthday Satur- A group of young people from children of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur SIMMONS ELECTRONIC BLANKET day. f the Red Bank Baptist church en- Heath of Fair Lawn, are spending The Community social club spent joyed a hot dog roast at the home several days with their grandpar- The Miracle Control Make* the Difference. Thursday afternoon at Ajfrary of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey WJlJlams, ents, Mr. and Mr». Frank Hyer ol FOR BIGGER Park. Mrs. Nora Belle Miller of Con- Crawford's Corner. Mr. and Mrs. Mn. James1 Bums has returned over place l« spending a week's Heath are on a vacation trip to OPA Retail Price homejafter speeding three weeks' vacation at the home of her sister, Vermont. Ceiling vacation with her sister, Mrs. Cath- Mrs. Stephen Greenwood at Twenty-eight members and their Tax Included' esfae.Oanova, at Holroke, Mass. families of the Crescent club en- and BETTER , Mrs. Louis Nlcollnl and daughter, LoJlfsoden U «M*ba a J* joyed a picnic at ,Rahway State Mrs. William Walker, of New York on the J. Wright Brown^ estate. Park Tuesday. city and Mr. and Mrs. Loui» John- O. J. Nelson and flamUy have re- June Bogart, Shirley Emmons, son, residents' of Beechhunt, Long turned to their Conover place home Sally Foley, June Bennett, Mary VEGETABLES Island, wer« week-end visitors-at after spandtog two wks' vacation Jane Carrol, John Layton, Floyd Wr;»nd Mrs. Chirlef in Rhode Istaade ^ ' iifh g. Walker, Daviff Emmons and Frank Walling returned home Saturday FREDERICK and SON :r. aaa Mrs/Robert Lovett Tay- oTArthuV^eirti roadside from the Methodist summer assem- lor of New York city and Mrs. market. bly at Camp Malaga, Newfleld. Taylor's father, Albert Zorn of Mrs. Emma T. Snyder of Con- Miss Elsie D. Bahrenburg has re- FURNITURE COMPANY Staten Island, were week-end guests over place and her sister, Mrs. turned from a trip to Silver Lake ST-Hr* Taylor's parents, Mr. and Ann* Konche or North Bergen, and Lake George. tins;-Robert-F. Taylor of Conover Third Generation of Dependable Service. were recent visitors of tnelr sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Cadoo, jr., place. Mrs. Quasie Shortall of Brooklyn. Bethany road, are the parents of James King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mleloch of Headden's a son born at Monmouth. Memorial BROAD STREET, SHREWSBURY TEL. B..B. t-SSKl James KlniJ^of Naveslnk River road, and Francis Crlne, son of Corner ha» retur%«l to work In the hospital the past week. Postmaster and Mrs. Fred Ctrae of welding department of the General STORE HOURS: 10 A. M. TO < P M. Reckless place. Red Bank, will Motors plant at Linden. DONALD J. HELOKER. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS TILL, » P. M. ' leave Sunday, August 28, for North Republican Club Eut, Pa., where they will enter Mrs. Thomas R. Simmons and PFC. Donald J. Heliker, who U St. Mary's college to study for the daughter Terry were recent guest* stationed at Otsu, Japan, has been priesthood. of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oledhill of promoted to the rank of technician Plans Card Party Putnam, Conn. Mrs. Simmon* and fourth grade, according to word daughter have returned to. their received by his mother, Mre. Eliza- horns »* Nashville, Tenn., after beth Heliker of Highlands. Benefit Sept. 6 At three weeks' visit here. Mrs. Sim- The young man was the recipient mons is the former Miss Mabel of the highest grade given at the Spring Lake Hotel Scott. regimental ordnance armorer artifi- A. Tomaslnl of Red Bank ha* cer school. He expects to be dis- The annual card party and %*ritag? rented the Roy E. Day garage and charged from the army early in fashion show of the United Wo- service station on highway 86 at the fall. men's Republican club will be held Headdens Corner. In addition to Donald wu Inducted In Decem- Friday, September 6, at the Essex operating the g»r»«« *nd service ber, 1944, and bad his training at and Sussex hotel, Spring Lake. The station, he has sdded a department Camp Blanding, Fla., and Fort Alma Jenka shop of Belmar will Announces for body and fender work and re- Meade, Md. He arrived at Manila show the fashions. • KEEP your garden free Bay May 23, .1945, and was sent to Hnlshlng. ) Japan the following October. Final plans for the benefit were made at a luncheon meeting of the from choking weeds. Fre- The Opening of Our New committee Friday at the Marine Hazlet Thomas Watson of Bethany-Mata- grill, Asbury Park, Mre. Percy Sls- wan road, and his sister and fam-co and Mrs. Carl Schwenker, Sr., quent weeding is a must. (Th< X*d luk K*aiit*r can b« bouibt ily, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smale, are general chairmen. Others as- In auUt at the poitofflet and from Holmdel turnpike. sisting are Mrs. Lewis S. Thomp- CIGAR, CIGARETTE, PIPE & PM«UX) Mr. and Mrs. Elwood I. Mona- son, Sr., Mrs. George M. Bodman, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cox and han spent Sunday with Mr. Mona- Mrs. Dorman H. McFaddin, Mrs. • SOAK your garden thor- daughter have returned home from han's sister and family, Mr. and Grosoinger, Mrs. Albert Van- an auto trip to Quebec, Canada. Mrs. Edward Noon, at Mlllvllle. Scholk, Mrs. Haydn Proctor, Mrs. oughly whenever the soil Miss Mary E. Calt, who ia em- v Thomas H. Morford, Mrs. Victor TOBACCO DEPARTMENT Mra. Margaret Lewis Wilson has Joseph C. Irwln, Mrs. Joseph Ser- ployed In New York city. Is enjoy- returned to her home in Brooklyn ing a month'i vacation. plco, Mrs. Marie VanSchoick and seems dry. CARRYING A COMPLETE LINE OF ALL POPULAR BRANDS after a two^week visit with Ernest Mrs. H. A. Weustefeld. Friday evening members of St E. Peaeux and family. John's Methodist Episcopal church Mr. and Mrs. Rowland and Mra. The executive board of the club choir who, with their director, Wil- made plans for the annual fall L. Myers of State Line, Pa., were pre-election rally to be held Fri- CIGARS-Available by the Box liam Young and wife of Bradley recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Beach, attended the presentation of day, September 37, at Brookdale "The Messiah" from Handel'i Ora- C. Rathbone, Highway 85. farm, Lincroft, home of Mrs. torio at the Oc««-n Grove auditor- Mrs. George Emmons and daugh- Thompson, Sr. Luncheon will be ium, were Mr. and Mrs. William ters, Joan, Shirley and Patty, and served by members of the 1-3-8 A Full Line of Your Favorite Brands of Liquors Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bmale, Mrs. R. Dexhlemer and daughter Women* Republican club of Mid-, Monmouth Consolidated Water Co. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Watson of Claire visited Mr. apd Mrs. Henry dletown township. Canada, Mrs. George Emmons, Mrs. Tlntle at Pompton Plains Sunday. Speakers will be Alfred E. Drls- Gins: Hsndrlck L. Bennett, Mrs. Theo- Harold Laughlln, U. S. Navy, who coll, gubernatorial candidate; U. 3. dora O. Bailey Miss Marie Bailey, has been stationed In Guam • for Senator H. Alexander Smith, Con- DIXIE BELLE Vt 3.09 Mrs. Roellf H. LeRoy and Miss some time, was discharged at Lido gressman James C. Auchindoss, Florence LeRoy. Beach, Long Island, this week, and and county candidates. FLEISCHMANN'S »/8 3.1? Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Grey of Blaw- HIRAM WALKER'S - Vs 312 nox. Pa, are visiting,their daugh- ter and son-in-law, sir. and Mrs. KINSEY Ms 3.22 Joseph t. Lilian and family, Holm- SEAGRAM'S Ancient Bottle Vs 3.58 del turnpike. TOWN & COUNTRY SHOP Robert F. MoCleaster, U. 6. Navy, sen of Mr. and Mra. Frank Mo- Oleaatsr, has arrived at Norfolk, "The Accessory Bar" Ryes Va., from Tientsen, China, where he spent the past week. 12 LINDEN PLACE -:- RED BANK, NEW JERSEY PARK & TILFORD RESERVE Vs 3.40 Mrs. Maltland Walling wUl enter- GOLDEN WEDDING »/B 3.43 taln members of the Crescent club at her home tonight. ANNUAL SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE CARSTAIR'S »/B 3.45 Miss Carol June Carhart, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Car- 25 Leather, Faille. Gabardine and LANSDOWNE % 3.83 hart, Holmdel turnpike, will enter Monmouth Memorial hospital In Broadcloth Handbags Formerly 7.95 to 15.00 NOW $5'00 SCHENLEY'S BLACK LABEL Vs 3.86 September a* a student nurse. She KINSEY I/B 3.86 is a graduate of Hlllcreat grammar school and Keyport high school, 17 Leather.Patent&Antelle Purses BY LEWIS Formerly 15.00 to 29.50 NOW $J.O*^ PHILADELPHIA , % 3.86 class of 1M5. 8ha has been em- ployed at L. Btmberger'i, Newark, 18 Pairs Red Thonged Sandals Formerly 5.95 NOW $2-00 THREE FEATHERS RESERVE »/B 3.87 the past year. SEAGRAM'S 7 >/B 3.89 Miss Anna Cowlas Is spending two weeks at the 'home of Rev. 43 Pairs Red or Black Hi Heeled m AA » *- «A AND MANY OTHERS and Mrs. Oeorge' W. Banners in 129 5 N0W$ 00 & West Long Branch. Wooden Soled Clogs F°«"«iy 3 $5-°° Mrs. Frank P. (Iproul has re- turned from Rlvervlew hospital, 36 Pairs Beige or Red WedgyPlayshoes Formerly 5.95 NOW $2-95 LAIRD'S APPLE JACK where she had been a patient sev- eral days. Mrs. Harry 8. Cowles and her Printed Ninon Summer Nightgowns Formerjy3.95 NOW $2«50 •liter, Mrs. Arthur Chadwlok of Long Island, are spending a vaca- Cotton and Crepe Blouses SHSRT SLEEVED Formerly 7.95 to 10.95 NOW $4»95 • $7«95 tion on a farm liOfew York state. WE1RY j, . __ $JJO of Merohantvllle spent a few days «N@2ttm the psit wstk at the home of his Earrings, Necklaceskl , Rings anc parents, Mr. and Mrs. AngeJo.M. NOW 7 BROAD ST. , PHONE C2234 ' RED BANK Wester. Barretts and Bracelets FREE DELIVERY A. &ASSIN, Prop. Mn> and Mrs. John W. Watton NOW £rockvMe, Canada, are visiting Silver and Gold $5- lartnts, Mr^ani RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. Studio Opens Bus Line Starts Coming Here For The John-Bucklin Dies 'Legion Building To Marlboro Folio wing Stroke fltiw Margaret Mlrarchl, Long F*>Jt SALE ranch muslo Instructor, has 1 ened-a piano studio In the Amer- Expected To Ease Prominent In Civic in Legion building on Riverside •venue near the Molly Pitcher ho- Employee Shortage Work Many Year* el. ; Jpjtn Bucklin of William'. street, In a move,designed to help se- prominent Red Bank resident, died cure the 173 raale and female at- suddenly, at his .home Monday. He tendants and the 45 trained nurses Was stricken "with a. cerebral hem- OAK FBAME WITH" HEAVY GAGGED desperately needed at the Marl- orrhage while walking: with hia STEEL • tBBA0^D' I3SGS; ' DURABLE .. M boro State hospital, the hospital yvltp Thursday. HEAVYWEIGHT 'DUCK COVERING. M' authorities initiated a bus service Mr. Bucklin war born in Phal- between Marlboro and Red Bank anx, June IS, 1877, a son of the ,.RBQ.,7.9Jfcr. : ..- .,.,,' -, • , • . Monday morning, •• • late Charles 8. and Josephine T. The authorities declared that In Bucklin, and grandson of the late the past it has been difficult to se- John Bucklin, one of the founders PUP TENTS cure help and just as difficult to Pictured above Is one of three Class "E" runabouts built by Forest Johnson of Miami specially for of the -North American Phalanx. keep help because of the Isolated the coming National Sweepstakes Regatta here/ next week. He attended Keyport. schools and position of the hospital, making it Mr. Johnson will bring these boats here within a few days and they will be seen almost dally In the Holmes academy. almost impossible for th'e help to their "tuning up" trials preparatory to the big event. For a number, of yean he was eave the grounds on their time off. One of the boats Vill be handled by him, one by William Critchfleld of Red Bank, Rumson and associated with tht engineering It is believed that the new bus ser- Miami and the other by a driver to be selected when the boats arrive. firm of Humphrey* and Glasgow vice will remedy this drawback. This Class "E" design is something new in runabouts and are exceptionally,Bpeedy for their size. In New York city, and with the The buses will make eight trips late William W. Randolph, consult- daily, leaving from the Earle Naval ing engineer of New York city. Army & Navy depot bus stop by the railroad sta- Fair Haven Write. Of Their Upon Mr. Randolph'! death, Mr. ion at Red Bank, beginning at 6 Oceanic Library Bucklin with hi* brother, the late Charles. S. Bucklin, Jr., /Operated 9BR0ADS1f. REDBACK t. m. and running until 10:30 p. m. Harry and Gus Voorhees, sons of New Mountain Home the tomato' canning plant and The schedule follows: Mr. and M?s. Gus Voorhees of Bel- Board Enlarged Mrs. Morris Robinson, who Is the farms at Phalanx. Later he became Lv. Hosp Lv. R, B Ar. Ho«p. ford, are visiting Mr. Voorhees' associated with the publishing', 8 a. m. 6:80 a. m. 6:45 a. m. former, Adelaide Morrell of Wash- m. 7:4 5 n. brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and house of Crosset and Dunlap, 7 ft. m 7:30 a. m. Mrs. Harry Clay of FIret street Three New Members ington street, Red Bank, has writ- 9 a. , m. 9:30 a. 171. 9:45 n. iii' ten friends here of a new $11,500 where he was head accountant of 12:30 p. m. 1:00 p. Ill' 1:1 A m. and Lexington avenue. MISS MARGARET MIRARCHI v< Recently Appointed red brick, seven-room bungalow the credit and personnel depart- 1:30 p. m. 2:00 p, m. 2:15 p. m. tj a meeting* of the Women's 4:T ran lip Imuxht tained members of thp Bridge club Domlnick "Nick" Vetrano, 57, one At a recent conference these in Ea>t Kciui.-bjiK nl Edwin Hrtmann'l last week. Prizo winners were suggestions were offered: (1) In- Guests were. Dirk and Lois Hof- tore ) of the most colorful figures on the We lead all others in man. Bette and Donna White, Carol Mrs. Irving W. Hance, Sr., Mrs. coast and alleged post-prohibition corporate the employment service and Barbara Sutherland, >' Judy The Middletown township ambu- Milton A. Vreeland, Mrs. Charles "numbers" boss, died Monday at with the unemployment compensa- Quality dry cleaning. Werner.^ Ernwt Volkland and lance took Mrs. Roberts from Mon- G. Bennett and Mrs. Leroy Mar- his summer home In Wanamassa tion commission now headed by BEAR-ALIGNED! Richard Nelson of Belford; Bever- mouth Memorial hospital to her tin. The next meeting will be at after an Illness that for the past Harold O. Hoffman, (J) place It Watch for opening ly Harms, East Keansburg; Donnle, home on Wilson avenue in the past the home of Mrs. John H. Warren several years had kept him In vir-under the control of the state la- Marilyn and Nancy Rockafellow, week. ' on Sleepy Hollow road. tual retirement. Between 1932 andbor department headed by Harry date of the leading New Monmouth, and Donald Pid- Mr. and Mrs. Herman French- Mrs. Walter Bruycre of Bridle 1942 he came Into frequent contact C. Harper, or (3) Include the ser- cock, Pennsylvania. Also Mrs. Carol man visited Mrs, Frenchmans aunt, entertained members of the Needle- with the law on counts of varying vice In the state department of producer of Distinc- Casler, Mrs. Bernlce Harms, Mr?. Mrs. Ann.i Ricardo of New York work guild at a picnlo luncheon seriousness but his most wide- economic development headed by Chris Volkland, Mrs. Muriel Hot- city. Friday. They spent Saturday Tijesday. There were 22 members spread fame was gained as the ra- Charles R. Erdman, Jr. , tive Quality Dry man. Mrs. Beryl Rockafellow, Mrs. at Morgnnville. ' . present. $ jah of shore "numbers" rackets. A fourth suggestion, to operate Sadie Heins and Mfes Je?n Wer- Dr. and Mrs. Wylle G. Pale have the employment service as a sep- Cleaning. ner. arate state agency, was frowned Higher thHn famed Niagara are returned home from a three weeks' Of every 100 soldiers arriving at upon by Gov. Edge, it was laid In Mooney Falls in Northern Arizona's vacation spent at Camp McWaln, Camp Shanks, N. Y., from overseas, an executive announcement which MAN STRICKEN. Havasu Canvon. East Watepford, Maine. 65 to 70 make long distance calls. pointed out the Governor wishes Roy Tyrrell, an officer In trip to avoid additional state govern- Elizabeth Hardware company at ment units. Perth Amboy, was stricken by None of the 6,000 applicants for what was diagnosed as paralysis of civil service examinations have the right and left sides of the body Operators' New Headsets been disqualified because they were near the shoulders Tuesday night veterans who lacked the two-year while eating at his desk. Tyrrell CLEANERSmc high school requirement set up for lives on Wyckoff road. Tinton those seeking police and firemen Falls. His condition was improved jobs, it was reported by George yesterday. Wllgus of the civil service commis- sion. He said the applicants were certified for forthcoming examina- THE REPERTORY PLAYERS tions—through which about 700 po- Unsafe Cars Are Killing Thousari/Js ST. JAMES AUD1T0BIUM lice and fire jobs will be filled—on Proudly Announce •• Their Second Play an overall basis and without strict Hundreds of thousands are Injured or maimed ;for. ' PRAMATIC — TRIUMPHANT adherence to {he two-year high life because of poor autos or poor driving. It Is ths duty > school rule. of every citizen to help bring an end to this needless' - , ANTIGONE" Divorces in New Jersey rote 54 slaughter. You can do your share by driving carefully . - Fviturlnv Comtance Moll ai Antigone with ptr cent during the fiscal year just Francla Miyvillr *• Creon ended as compared with the pre- AND keeping your car Bear-Aligned and wheels balanced.'. > And « Complete Ntw York Production vious fiscal year. Chancery Court •.. ('. OFENING WED. AT 8:80 THRU FRI. Clerk I. Grant Scott reported. Hia CONSTANCST E MOSS — annual report showed 7,020 divorce You Will Get More Driving Pleasure; • ANTHiONE * S«me Popular Price — All Seal! 11.10. Tax Incl actions tha° previous year and 10,- "Aatiioae" will hold * Ti.k.t. Dally ., Aud Box OffU-, 10 .. *:3O you spellbound — the 3^" Qh 81774 797 during the year closed June 30. You'll be delighted to see the difference perfectly ;• most exciting play ol Latt Z Perlt. today-tomorrow, 8:30 P. M. Scott attributed to this rlsa of tha decade. * "Squaring The ClrcU" $118,336 in court collected funds aligned and balanced wheels make In the easier handling \ turned over to the state. The total at your car and in the greater sense of security you'll have. ' for the past year was M58,B83. We'll guarantee you will have a aafer and more enjoyable. ',. Scott recommended that the state ride than you ever had before. laws be amended to allow the state to take funda held by chancery court unclaimed for more than 20 years. His report showed more than Increase Tire And Gas Mileage LOANS $70,000 In such funds are now held by tho court. Save Repairs The number of Infantile paralys- No Comakers - or is cases in the state this year rose Our expert mechanics can check your car in a f*w ( to 87 this week aa reports began minutes. They'll tell yon If your car Is safe to drive and • Special Security Required arriving at the state health depart- if you are wasting gas, tires or front-end parts. All slljn- ' , A. K.' Marchnnt, ment almost dally. In July 33 cases were reported. Tha August figure ment anglea are checked with Bear Precision Gauges. i- Manager, has reached 10. Corrections are made quickly with the inost modern-Bear , r Marriages rose 76.6 per cent dur- Equipment WHY TAKE A CHANOET $ $ ing the first six months of the ytar or More Two nnv produrl* of (ho lelephono engineer's laboratory have-rocont!y been Introduced by the New as compared with a similar period 20 * 250 Jer»ry Mrl! THrphonr company In Its, Rod Bank exchange, last year, the state health depart- Tho llRhttt-rlght, one-piece, plastic hondsets, worn by students Lily Taylor (facing the camera) and ment reported. In the same period DON'T DELAY ? PROMPT - PERSONALIZED SERVICE Beverly HiirdRe (center! and their Instructor, Mrs. Mildred Layton (standing) not only Improve voice transmission but also give the "Voice with n Smile" something more to smile about, weighing only half births thla year Increased 4.1 per as much an the old typo setB. Monmouth county Is the first area In tho Btate In whloh the new headsets cent, and deaths decreased 1 per For Safety's Sake Drive, In Todqy have boon placed In general use. .' ... - cent. . ' The New Jersey Taxpayers as- ...:. "•...'." ' ' •: ^•.'•••ii The switchboard at which the girls are seated, though it looks and works like (he real.thing, Is sociation called for a change In the actually only a picture-of a Boctlon of tho real Red Bank board, mounted on a wooden frame and rigged state law whloh would give all race with a few lights, cords and timing devices for practice purposes. From a control position at one end of track breakage, the odd pen- *tbe.j|j»li»l»8^art^aeujtf*fclB;iho.^^ Mrf" •-••-• student operators. Sn closely doos tho training board approximate actual condltlbna that the trainees can i •«, 77 Broad St. Red Bank Tel. R. B. 6*1472 - 3 move right on to iholr new jobs at the completion of their schooling. .jmrnlsBloncr Harper re- .•I Over J. A. Newberry's The new bonrcl, known an tho I'actlvated photographic training unit," plays an Impbrtant part In the , ported that a reteent survey showed Body and Fender Repair* and Renniihiiig 7 V License 742. . Chg. 2W9f Mo. Bal. company s training program to enlarge Its Red Bnnk operating forco to handlo tho Increased calling which 80 per cent or the state's .oakeries 1 Closed All Day on Saturdays, lmn sent volco Irnlllc hero to unprecedented heights. Q,n u tho students can acquire tho knowijiow ,qf thoir and confectioneries wore operated now vocation In sopnrate classrooms rather than nt much needed working positions in the operating robm * at times In violation of state.sani- 21AVJHARF.AVE.. Phohe '• »* ' itaoif. Similar training units arc bolng placed in u«ff In 40 other Boll oxchangoi throughput ihf'itat* : .,..• tation and labor lawi,

,nuwsu«vi.,. jjninr" •''-•-"-' -'_ ' • •'••'".r' RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. Page Surprise Party ' SET BETTING BEOORD Hook And JBNTBBTAimED FAJHXT il Group Frank Haley A record for the amount wagered Mr. and Mn. Henry Scott «f was set at the Freehold raceway Eye Column SlDoaneld, who are attmlftf ,at For Mrs. Chero Buys Airplane Saturday afternoon as 4,600 -bet a he Molly Pitcher . hotel, tattr- Formed At GUILD tained for dinner Wednesday far A surprise Wrthdajf dinner pewty total of $97,707; The previous •!>«- QUAKERS -. was given Monday for Mri. OTlo* ord was MBSS/rtt.JUl'y.*; 1MB. BRING BACK THE EVIDENCE members ot their 'taaiUjr.iatt.stt, nmouth Ex^ecU To Get Pilot's Another record imashsd that day there are 160,000 Quakers inrthe irere Mr. and.Mrs,,Harry Boakey, ' mena,Chero ,by hsr. hu*band, Jo*-. whole world. About 100,000 of tbese ar. and MM.' Roland Scott;-Mr; •ph Cbtro, at their horns on Stats wa» for the mile and onenrtxteenth. ;* License Soon , Henry Volo,pao»4'the distance,In live In the .United States. and Mn. Ruuni Scott and'Mn.- : The Quakers in the United States Lilian Highly m mu*m&:i&i*m - '"" • '< . *""*"""" *" 2:UH In wlnnins; .this; seventh race, Barbara 8ey«r ot Red Sankl Mr. Frank "Red'i Haley, popular co- are divided Into four groups—Orth- th4. receplent oiC many | to outdo the .record- hung up the and Mrs, 0. Lawrence' Boott, Bet., ization Heart owner of tiie Molln Rouge, Sigh- previous Saturday by Uncle Scott odox Friends, Hioksltes, WlburltM :o*rdt Mr, and MM. Ralph Morfort, way 36, and an ex-showman, ap- His time was>18. Miss Rulh Bow- and Primitive Friends. ' «aw Monwouth;' Mr, and, Mrs. D.|Matejka parently get tlrid of the. oar short- er, 22-year-old research, chemist for .' : Members of the sect at first oalled iarence Peede, Ha*Ittf,.1«r: ttd la's . and went out last week ahd DuPont, drove her chestnut mare, themselves Children of Light, Chll- Mrs. Fred Hurst, Middletown; Wai-- abproilmstily 80 members bought something available—a Caddie Hanover, In the tint and dren of Truth, or Friends of Truth,' ter Scott, Fair Haviffinf.Uft anil: odance, the local'Army Slg- brand-new, silver, "Air-Coupe" air- fourth races. She finished third In but finally adopted the name R«\ Mrs. tones Seott;,Ka»tslilks»^ polatldn group held Its first plane. the first and fifth in the fourth.. Her Uglous Society of Friends. { 4n the Fort Monmouth The plane, a sleek, low, cabin show in the-first: heat marked the In hie Journal, George Fox, the' OaM of-Thmnks, ,s»,,-, monoplane with a trl-landing gear, best running thus far In the meet- English founder of the society, said We wish to -thank our many lluin Monday evening. John Was picked up by "Red" and Frank Mends and nelttttbors who-wer» M> s fy£otftne, Blgnal Corps En- Ing. ... Be and his followers were, first kind and symoathetW dnrintf our Mitt*, "Red Bank, an 18-year-old called Quakers by Justice Bennett' jg laboratories who aoted as pilot, and flown from the factory sad bereavement Special tfianJo*. dismissed plans (or or- HABB—KCRZ NUPTIALS of Derby because "I bade him to Dr. Walnrtght, Red Bank «$- g:;.«ie local chapter, ftt Rlverdale, Md., to the Red Bank quake and-tremble at the -word of bulance and Rev. Cannon Smith. -' Jtrty V. Matejka, command- airport In 2 "hours and 15 minute*. Miss Ruth Helen Man, daughter the Lord." Mrs. Grace Weaver, ' ineral of Fort' Monmoutn, The club owner, who has three of Mr..and Mrs. Harold Graham But several yean before Vox was Mr. Ernest Weaver, )ri the alms and purposes of more weeks of lessons before he Man- of Media, Pa., will be married hailed before Justice Bennett and Mrs. Percy Wsavsr, receives bis license, .plans to work to William Karl Kurs, son of Mr. Mr. Adelhert Weaver , :' Blgnal Association chapter, sentenced to a term in Derby Jail Mrs, John Dennis, ing particularly how a com- tor his cross-country llaense and and Mrs. Hermann Kurs of New in 1660,. the word Quaker had been illiUry and olviUan or- thin to use the plane to make his Tork city and Monmouth Hills, applied to a sect whose members Mr. Fred Owens, ot this kind could do annual trip to South Dakota for Saturday afternoon, September 14, Mrs. Francis RenoldL ths pheasant hunting season In the expressed their religion In tremb- —Advertisement. • . ^ I'.lweplng the field ot at 4 o'clock In the Swarthmore ling, shaking and similar physical nlpjitlons an ever alert, pi fall. Presbyterian church, Swarthmore, The plane, which cost $8,500, Is manifestations, which were also Can of Thanks. rrotfjpln w«rv or peaoe, Pa. A reception will follow ths cere- characteristics of many of the early The family of the late Newton GMMtjajr Fort Monmouth In ihe first of Its type at the R«d mony at the horn* of the bride's Bank airport adherents ot Fox. Flax, take this method, to thank :inOhQ ldoal Chapter are parents. The early Quakers In both Eng- their relatives, friends and neigh- : SeVore, Broadway, Long piotures like this one will give you a permanent record of your summer bors, lor the lovely Bowers, use Of land and America were subjected activities. ; Miss Dorothy M. Lively, ROtTSB BREAKING CHARGE. to cruel persecution because they cars and sympathy extended them, m '"avenue, Long Branoh. JOB Rumson Girl In the sudden passing of their loved refused to attend the Established No* that summer Is really here level. It will sometimes pay to be one.' May God's richest blessings 'PC Rubey M. Knoll, 100 Two boys from Irons; Branch are a little unconventional In posing and Jos MsiseUo, radio star of sta- Engaged To Wed being brought before the Juvenile Church, to pay tithes, to take oaths and dayt ot swimming, boating, rest upon all.—Advertisement. avenue, Red Bank. Repro- or to bear arms, and because of fishing, hiking, tennis and ths viewing your subjects. ve Signal Corps Engineer- tion WOV of New Tork etty, sans; Mr. and Mrs. Tbomaa A. Coakley court In Freehold today on charges several songs dedicated to MM. of having broken into Leon Wach- their plain clothes, simple manners myriad other summer activities ara Whether you're after posed rec- boratorles are Dr. V. F. of Rumson have announced the en- and quaint speech. As marks of Atlantic avenue, Long Chero, end all the rings were re- gagement Of their daughter, Miss ock's home on the Gtoorge Ivlns reality, make sure you Have more ord photographs or strictly candid WANT ADVERTISEMENTS .Cediric Flare, Atlantic corded for her. During tie even- Ella Jean Coakley, to William H. property at Rumson Tuesday. Capt the equality of all men and wom- than a sunburn to shofe for those shots, make sore that what you snap ' long Branch, and W. I* ing guests enjoyed singing and Doremus of Neptune. William Zerr of the Rumson police en, the Quakers addressed every- vacation hours. Let your camera be has a real story quality. Think twice Too Late For Classification tittle Silver. dancing. Miss Coakley Is a graduate of force made the investigation and body as "thee" and refused to re- your constant companion. before you use precious film. It IN RED BANK, Span Craft StndlM, arrest, and Recorder John O. Xeely move their hats before alleged su- takes only a little more thought to plsturt framing: oil palntlngi, «teb- Rumson high school, and attended If yon do, you"U have a priceless Inari «nd engraving's restored; lull 'fan D. Braly, assistant Monmouth Memorial hospital drew up the charges. periors. picture record for future enjoyment. get a really good picture, and It's •lie immalcis mnntel mirrors, window Relations officer at Fort Comet Elimination School of Nursing. She is dental as- Their ministers are not ordained. And you can get the evidence not not a bit more expensive to make valmneti. livn ilgna. framed mirror*. IT utlj, explained the national slstant to Dr. Lawrence R. Burdge CABIN QBUISER DAMAGED Quaker ministers, who may be a good picture than a poor one. EJVonk Of the new group, Its ob- women as well as men, require no only of the fl»h you catch, but It ANTED a. Uzal. Races Scheduled of Red Bank. Mr. Doremus was Sun Fun, a oibin cruiser owned you're alert enough, you may even Remember always before releas- experienced typist, some stenography. and ths present provlslon- graduated from Neptune high special training. Any pereon who tltutlon and by-lawa. Capt by William L. Bally of River road, capture on film an effective picture ing the shutter to check such obvi- DIetaptone: mature. Available BsptembW. Red Bank Comet association school and was recently discharged Fair Haven, grounded last week a has experienced a call to work and Write, "Legal," Bo* 511. Bed Bank. 2oate* of the Signal Corps has given evidence of sincerity may of the ones that get away. ous details as tocus, lens opening, WANTED—High school girl or woman elimination races for the Nationals from the Navy, after three years' half mile north of the Sea Bright and shutter speed. Above all, be tlons agency spoke on the service. be recorded or acknowledged as a Vacation-time offers splendid op- to asllflt with tiro children for bal- f member's part In the as- have been scheduled for Saturday bridge when It struck rocks off the sure you have wound new film into ance of summer: in country home, Lin- and Sunday. The local fleet will sail channel. Coast Guardsmen rescued minister. portunities both for candid shots croft, Board and room with two days m. '•• ' 1 When Quakers meet to worship and tor photographs of a more for- place before eaoh exposure, unless oft*. Generous salary. If satisfactory, in two divisions., the first Saturday Mr , and Mrs. Bally and two other you're deliberately after tricky arrangements will be made for .week- llfchts of the evening was a at 1:30 p. m. and Sunday at 10:30 Ocean Township passengers and temporarily patched they sit in silence until one of the mal, posed kind. ends throut-hout winter. Phone R*d Dr. Harqld A. Zahl aCLoag a. m. and 1:80 p. m., and tha seo> hole« in the boat's hull. The craft assembly is moved by the Spirit to Today's Illustration Is a good ex- double-exposures. Bank 6-06U1-R-3. T who Is associated with th« ond division Saturday at 1:40 p. m. To Improve Roads is now being overhauled In Red speak. Whole" meetings may be ample of the story-telling type 'of When planning vacation photog- FOR SALE—1933 Buick. Victory coup*, Corps Engineering labora- and Sunday at 10:40 a. m. and 1:40 The Ocean township committee Bank. spent in absolute silence. picture. There's no qucation about raphy, It's a good Idea to have a trunk, good dependable transportation. Dri Zahl, an observer at the p. m. Monday night authorized a $100,- They have no formal baptism and whether this fish was landed. Notice couple - of Inexpensive accessories Apply 77 Maplewond avenup, Kiansburg. atomic bomb,-tests, conduct- F5T£ SALE —LaSyl bicycle, balloon listed In the first division are the 000 bond Issue to Improve streets BOS8IONARIE8 ENGAGED their marriages are virtually with- how the photographer has very tbat will help you get more inter- tires. In good condition. Phono Reft BlHinl lagoon, 'gate an eye- White Cloud, Tina, Seven-Eleven, on the Interlaken estates, and in out ceremony. cleverly used the prise catch to re- esting pictures. A yellow alter, fer Bank I-8S78. atcount. Mal-De-Mer, Huba-Huba, Wind the Eiberon Park and Colonial Ter- Mrs. H. W. Long of Riverside Many Quakers have distinguished late the two major subjects In his Instance, will bring out cloud effect* FOR. SALE—Small cottage gas stort. dlig to Dr. Zahl, ons of the Beam, Re-Je, star Dust, Blue Chip, race sections. ' The committee also Heights, Mlddletown township, an- themselves In America—William which so often make summer Skies with three-hols burner. Inquire ST ramatlo moments of the ex- nounces the engagement of her composition. Although the photo- East Front street. Red Bank.* Spirit and Catch Me. The second appropriated $18^03.84 Its share of Penn, founder of Pennsylvania; graph was posed, the alert camera- dramatic. And a lens hood will per- FOR SALE—Srnull kitchen FadT<>; In- its- was the linking of the division includes So What II, Be-T, the cost of $80,000 to dredge Deal daughter, Miss Virginia A. Graham John G. Whlttler, poet; Gen. Smed- mit you to get much dearer photo, qylre • 16 .Mechanic street. Bed Bank.* »n.' Saratoga, oldest of of Minneapolis, to K. A. Jones of ley Butler, 'the Fighting Quaker"; man releaaed ths shutter quickly the Allaire craft; Marglo Too, Deal, lake. enough to capture a very Informal, graphs when using aide-lighting or FOR RENT—Room, an Improvements, an"; carriers, "Sara," the af- Driftway, Parson's Pride, Blue WUlltjn'W. Schwartz was ap- Brooklyn, son of Mn. Sarah Jones Herbert C. Hoover, former Presi- light coming toward the camera. two blocks from station. IBS Shrews- its name tasked on the big of Dayton, Ohio. Miss Graham and dent of the United States; Lucretla. natural feeling. bury arjnae, Red Bank. Ohost I, lisa Jean, BashfuI^Abam- pointed aotdbg -lex collector to fill And an inexpensive exposure guide CHEERFUL ROOM, desirabU location byjNavy men, survived four rock, Whit, Black Arrow sMSTrlx. Mr. Jones are missionaries. Mott, social reformer; John Wool- This snapshot Illustrates another the vac ifaoy eMised by the death of point that will help you make this will aid you is getting proper ex- for couple, ISO River road. Red Bank. Be kamikaze hits and sev- '. savfl: He will lerv» un- man, anti-slavery evangelist and Phon. «-86U-J. ' panese torpedoes. Navy men Harry summer's pictures more effective. posure. til. Dee. mfJer^t; MIBDIiBTOWN ARRESTS diarist; Nathaniel Green, Revolu- FOB SALE—Cultivator tractor, Bolen, the Saratoga could not be Navesink Middletown police reported s tionary soldier, and others. Placing the boat diagonally across Good hunting this lummerl It yon with Brlggi-Strstton motor, In splen- 1 the picture and shooting from above follow these tips you trill bring did working condition. Price 1150. Wil- ' rf RVTH BAPTIZED charge of speeding yesterday liam H. Hlntelmann, Rumson. fhone ^u told of the radloactlv- Bad £an* BeglsUr tan be hooght against Peter KleVa of New Tork resulted In a much more Interesting back a grou;> ot snapshots which l-0tO0. Ch barred observers from de- silnk at the postotBct sa—d' fro'-"m Ruth Caroline Nonenberg, daugh city who was fined $B plus $2 cost. If the human body did not re- composition than would have been you can send on with pride to sister WHUam KMshu) g pair itself the skin would soon rub ngi In detail what damage tar ot Jr. agg i HHarr y NNonen< Edward Cerllom of Keaoburg paid tha case if the shot had been made Sue or brother Jim Is the Service. Notice of Settlement ol Account. in Bone. Days after the test Mrs. Trances Klpp and Mrs. erg o, Nt $5 and $5 cost for being drunk and off, the nails grind down, the hair John van Guilder Estate of Edward Lawrence Bart- 'George Oordon were hostesses at a NeptnVe^ hfghwiy; 'Baton- split and - fall, the muscles and directly from the Bide on the same shorne, an Incompetent. Notice is here- * Was still heavily eontam- town, iu baptleea Sunday at St disorderly. He further stated that the meeting yesterday afternoon of the nervea would be worn out by fa- by given that the accounts of the sub* !ch\irch. by Rev. James J. tigue. aerlbere, Bllsabeth H. Hartshorne and ater explosion proved more Woman's Society of Christian Serv- LJON8 COLTERS IN MATCH Ths National Newark and Essex Bank- ice at the Methodist church, Re- Duffy. ,TBe were Kath- Ina; Company of Newark, guardians of itivsj than the earlier air rlns f>o]an of Bsiontown and uly 1. freanments were served after the Red Bank Lions club will bs rep- An airplane with a wing that the estate of said Incompetent, will b« business session. Peter Sohi^fler of Newark. Mrs. audited and stated by the Surrogate of if !Brown of Spring Lake. resented at the 183d lions district pivots, permitting level night at all the County of alonmouth and reported ; Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Cavd of NonenbVrg (s, the former Alice golf match at Deal Country club - associated with the Signal A Hoop ot RfA Bank, times, has been developed. Climb tor settlement to the Orphans' Court of Engineering laboratories, North Manchester, lad., arrived this week by Dr. Morgan Colio, Dr. I landlng „,,, turns ale controlled by said county, on Thursday, the Twenty- yesterday for a visit with bis. mo* Martin Quirk, Frank Petereon and y ^ tHxth day of September, A. D.. 1941, the experiments being con- SPEEDERS FINED poaitloI1 of »t 10 o'clock a. m.. at which Urns ap- Bti White Sands, New Mex-ther. Mrs. Louise D. Card. They Ronald Allen. I plication will be mads for the allow- thjthe German V-2 rocket made the trip by auto* Richard L. Bagley, 84 Linden ance of commissions and counsel fees. Mrs. Eva Ulott Is confined to her >lace, and Jack Bagley, 81 Linden Dated: August 7th, A. D., 1946. home with illness. place, were fined $S each by Re- WITH HEW. HIQHK ELIZABETH H. HARTSHORNS. Committees for ths annual food corder John V. Crowell yesterday 61 Park Avenue, New Tork, ARMY MY, THOUSANDS New York. Wins sale to be held Friday afternoon, morning for reckless driving and ME ERUSTmai "MARE IT « MILLIOI!' The National Newark and Eesax August U, at and for the benefit of peeding on Monmouth street Banking Company sf Newark. Navesink library, were appointed at Police Chief Harry T. VanNote B>| William B. Hocker, DunKill Tourney a meeting hut night in the library- appeared In cOUrt as a witness MONTMIT Vice President and Trust Ofleet. Guardians* i running Into a tie sifter There- will be fancy and other arti- gainst them. NEW PAY SCALE airiMMiNT Metarl. Pitney, Hardln, Ward * gulation 18 holes of play, cles on sale in addition to food. INCOIM Anm Breonan, Plngttore of Long Branch, Navesink Woman's Republican TWO TRAFFIC VIOLATORS tOTmmnf IS rears' National Newark Bide, I* Menu, to CkMlas. H*4. Matter Sergeant ""» *"*"* «a»W«e Newark, (1), New Jeney. ay came through on the first club will meet next Wednesday U^fbf. tMkal a/owM Proctors. evening at the home of Mrs. Ed- Two traffic violators were ar- Cm, ad Ubcral teflreaeat or Pint Sergeant £163.00 ^107^5 $183& iole of* "sudden death" play raigned before Recorder Frank Me- at Joe.Bova, one up, In the ward Kelch of Bast Valley drive. A Technical Sergeant 135.00 87.75 151JU NOTICE wiener roast, to have been held last Cue at Colt's Neck Saturday. A Scan* Sergeant , . 115.00 74J1 129J8 Borough of Shrewsbury. unhlll championship tourrn- motorist from Orange was fined $3 An ordinance amending the lieanslnff Playing at the Hollywood night at the home of Mrs. Mrryia Sergesat .... 100.00 63.00 112J0 Hallam, was postponed to a and costs for passing on the right, ordinance of the Borough of Shrews- uh> togltb men scored a 78 £jjl Bernard Kopyclnskl of Linden CorpoMl . . . 90.00 38.50 101JJ bury, adopted Hay 1. 1928, at at any e dlfl^jiK course and in the date. Prirst, Pint Qu$. tOM 52M» 90M> time amended or supplemented. iras fined $3 and costs, also for An ordinance amending and Supple- era even up. Last «*slng on the right. Prhrsn .... 73M 48JS J4JS mtnttng an ordinance entitled "The r* won the, Oeorge VISITED CANADA. Zoning Ordinance of the Borough of Shrewsbury," adopted July 1, 1080. u '"' " Old Orchard Mrs. Anna Ahem, Mrs. Carl Pey- BELFOBD VISITORS at •••*« hcci at ro«r aMTMt Mr at any time amended or supplemented. by •defeating Joe ton, Miss Ann John and" ••---- PASTRY MAGIC—A master chef demonstrates the art ot moldlnr Theie ordinances were Introduced by l«-hole Jimmle, Ahern. ptfitu4i MUs Virginia De Liberty and of fort, or U. », Ant. IKMHII SMUO. baklnr materials Into familiar shapes. Fred Goeti, manager of ths Hayor and Council July 1, l(4t, ftded It to last . week' vrootoring ' Hiss Joan White of Philadelphia, U. S. Army A & P Food Stores' experimental bakery, is shown plaolnf a pastry and were approved and adopted Auftuat |ich Sun- They yisltsd the lH<" ,, are spending a few days with "tractor" In front of a garage, completing a typical American farm e. mi. ottamt and Montreal* Rev. and Mrs. P. J. Myers of Bel- Bed Bank Post Office Building scene made entirely of cake and loins;. Goets trains chefs of the AiFRBD N. BBADLB8TON, ford. food chain's branch bakeries in the finer points of the bade. Mayor. Attest! Ortrude 0. VanVHet, Clerk. V-J DAY 1 VJ DAY 2-PEACE IN OUR DAY On August 14,1946, the world will look back on a year of freedom from global war. It has been a critical and dramatic year, in many senses more critical and dramatic than the horrendous years that preceded it. The United States, together with other nations, has spent the part twelve months struggling to set its feet back on the highway to peace and security. • ladies shriek when they Mttvntm bat are duwned It cannot engage in this struggle without the deeply-etched reminiscences of the dark and bloody times that were encom- pretty butterfly fluttering about &e gudeo. VdM*/ oetf passed by Pearl Harbor and Okinawa. to thiok, they twoold reafffze that wofml twe Ae i of the butterfly.' gc worms arc found in the United States wherever |ige,, is grown. In the spring the pretty female butterfly bout, stopping here and there to ghte an egg to die de of a leaf. In about a week there are worms oo 4he In another couple of weeks the worn begio* og into a butterfly and the cycle repeats itself.; - ^ tieribsects go through the worm stage and almost •rjus stage of growth is very destructive. You Can VE&TROY ^INSECTS and WORMS Worms are heavy eaters, for they must grow. Any common stom- ach poison such as lead ^\nate will kill them if prop erly applied.. Young wpimsare a. bo destroyed [% |K Readily by bfacsl','leair 40

sgeaphidjwbecbi the white beaches of the United States plunged deep into tha volcanic aand. This Auaiiat, 194J- or veteran dan peer into the glow of his outdoor hearth (right), remembering, but alive and at home again, RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS NOTICES BUSINESS NOTICES BOATS Aj DIET, top toll, land and gravel; SHALL LACQUEB tabls, bronse aiatuette, FIELD CORN. Phont Holmdel »-4$U OLD CHEBBY TREE farm market. AUCTIONEEBINa sirvlcts. For auc-EAINTINO, paper hanging, estimates BUN-A-BOUT, 28-foot, • inrfm alio general trucking. Call Blebaxd porcelain, lamp and thade, Sngllah Swwt corn, practically' fra* from - ttoniitins and appraising servlcel of chterfully givem Gtorge Boblnton, math motor, ready to go.! H. .Wlntera, Eel Bank «->«7«-J. after 1 porcelain umfrrelis ttand, aolid mmhotp- SOAT POLKS, sraltar. suns. , baek worms; apples,- tomatoes, peppers, cu- tetth, fiddles, dried upJ toad, portable household «ff»et« and,estat« at. raa»- 169% Cantir avanue, Atlantic Highland!. Leonard avenue, Oceanport.e ;i p. m. any. two-drawer sewing table. Phont cum.bers,' noi». Peachss, canteloupss, lima onab|a fates.'* B.J.Do4lgtr,8hr«w«bury. Phona- AtlanUo Highland! 1-0822-M. ' Bid Bank 6-0150-J.e type-writer, elephant! -'•'. tusks, \. (tamp NEW '.uARVISY ilULL, TWO WUNUBKFUIJ Toggenburgi, one V»»pi.',.«8»pi*itt J loon.. • >11: grown't bh; Phone Bed Bank a7J8. " ' :• '•• TiEADBBS'AND QuJIIISHO—Alur icrv : >»oay police holtt«*V Unto; pntftttor. ' J. O. Hendrlckson, proprii- . biam 6'. •','! m»da of Ssma«& soat: alto Saan«n baek, not •WBBxXNOHOUSB- .band vacuum, and old. clay pipe, Yankee Trad.r, 21 -W ™ iu to, dar or .contract; paper f ing Pnela Sara, wa .'are again in. basl- cedar. Forward and alda ; tor. -Phone Middletown 6-0191, '• ,' W relaUd to theie thraa goati. Phona Bad Electrolux vacuum with attachmtnta. Front strett. Bad Bank... • •. '. » ' hanging; ' ejtlmatss given. Herman nesi.: * Jjat~ ui control that toof >watir abla for larger outboard :iy , Bank Mo-W. . IAS' RAWOE—"Qualllr", excellent • eon- lW w car radio and haatbr( all roaionabla, 404 GAiBOEN TBAOTOB, near, on rubber, -hornien, B. F, D., box it, AtlanUo with a mw gutter and lt|dir, or npalr board motor; Ideal shallow Wat! ONE NO 400 BHaiatd anillaga outtir, Thompson avenue. JSatt Ktantbarg.* dlUon, rtaton,. moving, phone AtlanUo Highlands, phona AtlanUo Wihlasdi your old guttir and?Huhlng. • EttlmaUt • With cultlrato*.; HanrrlJ, I!«Wntbn.' Inspect at «66 Ocean t thoroogbly ratinilt; Hardtr'allot ona SIDEWALK BIKE, in good condition. Oak Hill road, Headden'a Corner.* . Highland! " ' ehisrfully glvm m<. any iheit .mital Bright, " ' & brand-new chicken pluckar. Phone Bed euhable for child 6 to 7. Price IZO. HXIAJNBI , NXIMFM HYtONST'but work.' Pboni Bid7 Bank 0798-M or "ALMOST MEW." Lady's black Chestat- HOU&EMOVINQ, railing buildlogi, ma- P CLINKER DINK—Lmgth- Bank 6-2453-W. Call Bed Bank 6-0956-W.* alU 'First Quality only; sold In boxes : • ioniwiik, earpanter *ork ud truck. Eatontown 1J0-M. -Joseph V. Bogart,' Equipped with ,IHUne; field, 14; blaok broad cloth suit, 11! o< three pairs, only. 14.86 a box; 61 7* Foster itrett. Elver P]a»a. Bed Bank. FAINTS FOB All, purpoiei, direct Jrom IP YOUR MOTOR overaaatt.-lt may be grey guit, II; fall eoat«, «/« It, 14,. 15 v Ing.., Morrj* Homo ImpU Co., Box 111 Complete with oars, etc In. factorr at reaionable prlcei. Atlantic caused by a slipping fanbelt. Genuine gauge I Thirty denier 1 OP A prlet $i.46 Keansb— PAINTING AND ' paparhanglng. No job ring, batwaen 12 each; 'beautiful maroon , laca avenlng a pair. Store open 9 a. m. to 9 p, m, ibtirg. dltton and ready to use. Inlp Paint company, lit Wut Front atreet, Raybettos beltt can be found at thesown, 16; others from .12.50 to $4 tach; IRON BAILINGS for porobaa, stairways, too bis or too imalL Eitlmatii cbitr- 668 Ocean avenue. Sea •»-»"•«•••*' ""aTSTWook on Broad streit, or in Rid Bank. Phono JJ6I-W. Brookalde Inn.innear Stone ebureh. Atr Charlle>" Tlra Store, 107 Monmouth BAlLINtj fully glvin, Bavieoua 4 Oamacbi. ateraa. Kewara. Phoaa Allenburst S. man'a pea jacket, 42: man'a'tux, 86, 910; street,. Oarlton thaatcr building, Bid ete. Mad* to order by Beedorf Com- fib BOAT or utility lull,' JERSEY HOUSE Building, Wracking (Jo. lantlo Highland!. The cost will be very boy's top coat, 14; srtrl't school eottt, pany;. It, yian at I Wilt itrMt, Bad phon-*-"ia Katntbaraansburg 7CC-J. reasonable.* Bank. •' 7 16%', beam 54". Built of mib m W» tell uaad bnlldlcg materlala and slse 6; cult, 8; reverslbles, 10-12, $4 Bank. Phona SIM. OABPENTBsvWOBITEB Wi K wantad. Boo»ng, painted white. In flrat-claii coo „ - goW wrist watch. July id.- slnmblnc anppllM. Highway 86, KeyporU USED ARCOLA beating system, with each; "Table Sale" of merchandise', front AViaNiiOri vmxuiANS oniyi Furni •[dinar, iniulatlon and giniral repair- Grange avenue and Conove* iura and. furnishings to be told ex- WTON bUHi and earpaU. Bum ud Inspect at 686 Ocean av>nu< Phona Kayport 48». 860 feet of radiation. Phone Bed 10 cents to $1. Including baby sacks, earpat* clianid and motb-proofad. Ing; MlchMl Frangalla, Box 489, B, F. Bright. __• ' -i*. Reward. Phone Bed Bank «- TYPEWBITBRS, adding maeninot ud Bank •-0066-J., between TiSO and 8:15 shirts, bathrobes, coatf, caps, sweaters, clusively to veterans. Immediate de- P., Eatontown. •'. livery. If buying or building a horns, Wall to wall camtlBg clianid and B&AT OV/VBgB attention) Por," offlct equipment, naw and moda,. m. rompers; girl's blouses, skirts, dresses mothproofed • oa location. I Broad UffVOli plowlnf, dltdng.-lowing, Bar- f60KD—JUng, vrllli Inscription. Owner bought, told and repaired. Serplco'i. aweaters; boy'a blouses, 14, II neck make arrangement* now for futura de- Cruising," try a tank full o CHRYSLER 66 n. p. motor and tacho- livery, phone Ked^ Bank B-S9J6, if no Phono Bad Bank «02. taaUncHna polling, sronad. elaw- wblti marlni gasoline, now-on; i may have »ame br Identifying and 105 Monmouth itreet. Had Bank. meter, ISO, Can be teen at Zobel't ladles' blouses, tklrtl, jumpers, slacks Intv at«.i tnetm .work aCtaray kkind by paring for tbit advertliament. Write, also ladles' dresses, small slits, $1 tosnawer for service, write P, O, Box acn, . bout or contrast. Flnt elsMt. Pullen's Boat Works, Shrewtbury SUBGE MILKINQ machines milk eool- Boat Works, Sea Bright." 451, Bad Bank." • TANKEB TBADEB tayt; Whin you Bumion; Zobil'i Sea Skiff, ,* *•«•».* Bor til. Red Bank. ert, water heatert. aleetrio fence eon- n each; largo slse girdles; sjrey fur sQulpmant, Ralph Hahar, BolmdaL N. BARGAIN—Two brand new Inner wring coat, 20, $10; fur Jacket, $4; skunk ' can't gat It'alaawbtri, we bava it, j- box gli phona Holmdel Shrewsbury river. Baa Bright) BT-AAiurart 1. «w Jfaral" eat ontrollera. Stewart CUpmattara in atock; twin bed mattresses. Fhona Bed Bank STElNWAx, grand piano, mahocanr, Naraalnk river road, Locutt. K found. jacket, 18. Many othtr Items too num- guarantied, like new. Dlrhan'i Piano 21 Wait Front atrtit. Bad Bank. FOB EXPERT painting, roofing and Dlett, Shrewsbury river. Sea,, retain, aerTlce. Bor S. Tllton 4k Sont, 6-1069. i_ erous to mtntlon, - Daan'f, 65 Sh'rcwa- Johnny's Landing, Shrewsbury plaaaa return to Ohaiton Slmmonl. Lo- Marlboro. Phona Freehold 8S1-R-1. Shop, Drummond Place, Bad Bank.* floor landing, call Bad Bank 6-0788-J. aurt. Phona Atlantic Highland! l-0«««. SONORA CONSOLE, 8 tubes, good con- bury avenue.* PAINTER, DECORATOR 153 paper Highlands; Atlantic Highlands -1 SEED OATS—Fred D. Wikoff Co. Phone dltion, »2t. Harry Ga.uch, Highland Jack Stoye. 100 Wallace street. Bid hanger, IS yiars txpirlinei, litl- Bank. Sandy Hook Bay, AtlanUo Blgl Bed Bank JJ2. aV Thompson arenuet, Leonardo. PJione BOX TRAILER, with pneumatic tint. matet chiarfully glvin. Louis CaHan, John Becker. Morgan Creek. M EoST-Anee July 16, large; good looK- Can bo used aa a boat trailer. ,Prlea BUSINESS NOTICES BED BANS FWJOB Waxing Co,, floor SCRATCHING DOGS. Ult Quadlne for Atlantic Highlands 1-0687-W. US Ctnter avinni, Atlantic HIgblandi. CLASS A BATSEI Sneskbox . Ing Dalmatian dog; very blaok, no col- "Summer Eczema" and other itching OOMPL£«xk WAIJNUT bedroom aulta. very low. T. C. Otto, Packard Salt! and Phina Atlantlo Highland! m-JT waxing, landing and riflnlthlng. lar Phona Atlantic Highlands 1-07OS. Service, Harding road at Broad. Phone LAWN VOWEK sharpening and repair- condition. Call between 6 .i intectiont picked up from graai, ihrubl dlabes, flrlassware, mlsc«llaneout, reas- AND MACHINE work, alas- Homis, otBcal and Mora. Fhona Bid p. m., Bumson l-OfiSO,* Reward. Mn, H. Huber, Locust and vegetation; al|o> kills neat, tlckl, onable. Call Eatontown 8-O021. Box 101. Bed Bank 6-0428. ing. Kelly'a Grinder Service, Main Bank U8W. ' ••» trie and acetylene, prompt sirvlee br Olb f6WN CAWbB, Hfo £OST—Near Monmouth BoBt club, graj lice, controla ear and larcoptJc mature, Wall |treet. Eatontown. Half-mile west MAN'S PLAT TOP desk, 16; large din- ttriet. Belford.* . Siidorf Companr, 19 jraari at 9 Wait dikkj. Reward. Phona Red Bank ringworm and dog odor; gWea balr lua- of Monmouth road. ing room suite. 188 East Bergen STUMPS AND. LOGS bauled away* Call strait. Bid Bank. Phone ill). linkable aponlons: fully I-3JU-J. troua iheen. eatllr applied; clean, not place. Red Bank. Ed. BanSeld, Atlantlo Highland! 1- AUTOMOBILES sailing; mast, tall, boom, le TWO 700x17, 8-ply truck tires. Phone 1NBUBE YOUR HOME, business, auto- der. Just ' overhauled and meiu. Sold bj Fitcher't Pet Shop, S3 Keansburg f-0401.* PORTABLE CAB air conditioning unit, 0749. moblli and ottttr property with Haw- UAT/BIQl 8CHWABTZ. Ohrrator, Ply- Phone Bed Bank (-2982.* ' Wett itreet. Bed Bank. POB,TABLEELECTRIC Vlctrola, prac- flt« any car; alaa S-tultar. bag, navy ANY-THTNG BAULED away. Call Ed. Una Brothers, Baal Batata and Inauf FOR SALE AVAILABLE! Outaide palnta and trimB, blue. Ilka nsw. Call Bed Bank 6-8054. ' BOBtb and InUrnatlonal track tales ONE H. P. BMcOa-Stratton" tically new. Pbona Atlantic Hlgh- Banfleld, Atlantlo Highland! 1-0769. aneo. 77 Broad itreet. Bad Bank, Fhona and ftrrtet)" baarquartan. Fhona Bad 16x14 left handed propeller,'- ill ahadet, at our retail paint abop landa 1-0596-J. FLORENCE three-burner ollatovel 16} CAVANAUGH EXTEBMINATING.. Ex- Bank lit. Boute St. Pricei begin at 12 par four-burner oil rahga "and oven, $7; electric fan, %-lnch bronia watrt GOLD FISH—All aim. for pooli or SIX-FOOT WICKER porch awing, palnt- terminators of rats, mica, bedbugs, DOGS BOARDED, washed, clipped, USED OAB8 bougnt. aold and ax-Rowboat needs repair!. StaldcV squarlums. Pool plants. Open dally gallon. For faded, woodwork and inter- ed green, black iron floor standard five large traveling trunks; waiter coo-ltr, fleas, ate. Termite control. OldTen- stripped and conditioned. Wa show all changtvl Pontlac aalat and tarvlca: ior reatoratiye 'we preicribe our high late type, $5; 500 teaspoons,, 7 cents of Cooper's bridge, Bed Banld*. and Sunday» until 9 p. m. Closed Wed- chains to hang, upholstered teat mat- nent road, Marlboro. Fhona Freehold ireedt at all thows. Give your dog a tanas. O. M. A. C Baasaa Brothers. Ait, n^. A/n i n 1 1 lit nesday. Helen Millar, Aquarium, gloia enameli, temi-luatres, varniahea reas. Call Bed Bank 6-2219-J., after- each; large tlsa dog house, fit; child'a iraak. Board It at a registered kenneL U.ll Mechanic ttratt. phona I06S. SAILBOAT—is-foot sloop, Uti 8-oim-J-Sj gaff rigged, beautiful condlUon Highway 35, near Keansburg Gateway. and deck palntl. Write, call or vlalt noons, 2 to 4, or during evening.* jeed rocker, $6;"and small eoffln, reaa- HOUSE PAINTING and roof repairing. 'orty years axparience. Vlmy Bidgi If zOU wiiaoto aali youi automublla Phone Middletown I4t. Flaitiq Finiahet Co., RouU 34. Mata- onably priced. Yankee Trader, 28 West Kennels, registered, South itreet, Eaton- pletaly reconditioned this iprl 25 SECOND-HAND window sash, with Estimates free. 'Louis Bennett. Phona ' bring It to ut. Wa pay caah tor tar- water, ready to go. Phone LARGE' STEEL SASH for factory or wan. Phone Holmdel 7032. glass; also one window frame. Can Front street. Bad Bank. Karport 7-12H-J, town, at'Wyckoff road, Monmouth eouu- vkiabfa cam lilt to l»4a modilt NEW BICYCLES are coming In. All our TWO SISTERS from Boston record! at eyport 7- ty'l leading dog hotel. lonnUEnirllab Co- Had Bank. 1-1I08« sara?e: three cigarette machines; be seen only this Thursday, day or night ESTELL5TEELEB ~ DECORATING tervice. Paper draftsmen's boards. Sea Bright An. used bicycles reduced in price. See ua and until 6 o'clock Friday. C. D. Con- Tusting's; also "St. Louis Woman"; POULTBYaUSN'B SERVICE. Everything CAB SALES financed, 1917-1941 models. SAILING CANOB-16-ioot, Old hanging, plain and decorative paint- sailing canoe. In perfect eoi tlque r.ift Shop, .phone 8J»n. about disposing of your household 'ng. Alfred Carlock. Hamilton avenue. around (Ud Bank. Call Lieut. Bhoppe, phone Bra Bright 2-0009. NEW 'RADIOS at Tustfng'a." ImTnedTnte KRAN1CH and BACH m HhoSHny upright VAN LOADS of furniture from a Leonardo. Phone Atlantic Highlands trunk, radio, heater, good tires, c!van Muikat at SChuyer 4-6449. Hal PIANOS—A. B. Dirhan. piano' maker", delivery. Famous MHgnavox phono- pin no; ex VACUUM deanere repaired; any oiake. beautiful white clock and Ji luitabla Long Branch. Allen Electric Shop. 14 Wblta ttreit. Chevrolet motor snd wind breaker, Bank. Mr. UorrllL Fbona Bad I mahogany cocktail tables, lamp tables, DINING ROOM aet. 8 pieces.' maple, in bristled. Allen Electric Shop, 18 with canvat top: clinker built. SI for itore or business place. Brookside NINE-INCH METAL lathe, chuck and mahogany corner closets, living room Whlto atnet. phona III. Rod Bant KeRend nanBanat tI47. Inn, near Ston* church, Atlantic -High- collett attachments, no colletts, $46. excellent condition, $12S.' Phone Red Washington avenue. Water Witch. N. J. suites, rugs, 9x15 and 9x12, wsrdrobe Bank 6-3376. AUTO LOArJfi. ov.r 1800 only. PrlvaU LOANS—Signature, furniture, auto. Bea- lands. Raymond Walling, Campbell avenue. closet. Other items too numerous to con Floance Co., 77 Broad street. Red ilOTOBBOAY—lS-foot, Chevrolet, six- Port Monmouth. Fhona Keansburg SEVEN CUBIC FOOT hqme freeier, ' car aales financed for any amount, 18 cylinder motor. Call Dorn's Photo WANT TO RENT small plan, PIGS—Why worry about a meat short- mention. BurdKe's Warehouse, Ciay months to bay. Saacoaat Finance Com- Bank 1472. Charges 2% per cant a age. HaiJe your own hams, bacons 6-0873-J. trcet, or resr of 125 Broad street. Red Frizidaire motor. Call Bed Bank 6 month, Llcente No ?4l. Shop. Red Bank (-2371. three-roam house, with small b 9811-M.* pany, 60 Broad street. Bed Bank. CABVEY HULL, IB-foot. Austin engine, the vicinity of Red Bank or 1 and pork; baby pigs and Partly grown NTIQUES, chlni, brle-a-brac, silver Pbonp Rad Bank U84. CJi elaanid and aug, drsun> en pigs, vaccinated, from purebred stock, bought and sold. Sea Bright An- SIX-FOOT OPEN trailer, all tteel frame, stalled, wood sawing, aetlmatai glvm: anr damonatratlon. Can be seen and town. Write, Box I7I-B, B. D. HAIR MATTRESS, tt sl.e, in good con- &LU IN 4 . SONS, earpanlars: elding. Red Bank. 110 up; also bred sows available. Phone tlque Gtft Shop. Sea Bright, phone 9. dition. Phone Red Bank 6-1719.* with removable wood'tldes, good tires, ail klnda of wall work. Howard Tllton, tried In water, full equipment. 1468; new complete $85. Blchard Nunn, Parker roofing and repairing, call after 6 p. 10 Center strait. Bumtan phona Bum- Bar C'tr No. 112 salt water reel and TO RENT—Refined veteran need; Rrd Bank 6-3543. 10-PIECE DINING room suite, Call LADIES' SILK GOWNS, slse 38, some m.. write, R. P. D. 1, Box 41ft, Keyport. ANTIQUES, BRIC-A-BRAC, furniture, evenings. Red Bank t-2264-J.* avenue. R. F. D. 1, Little Silver.* Iil"J Braslllan bamboo turf pole, 112.50. 14 room apartment or small hou new; also silk dresa lengths. Phone 1 N. J.. phone Keyport 1547-W. Ocean Terrace. Long Branch. bought and sold. Mnrtln A Wing An- HOUSEHOLD GOODS. High voltage FOUR-POSTER twin beds .' springs and UKNEXAL CONTBAOTOB and »»epools wife and aoq, vlelnlty of Red Bahl Red Bank 6-1719.* cleaned; carting and grading, top sider October to Mar rental, up tiques. 7 4 Shrewsbury avenue, at the Day-nite thermostat, with clock; elec- mattresses, reasonable. Phone Bed FLOOR-WAXING. Call Rad Bank 8Ktrt\ 6-foot nahoeanr RED ROCK brolleis, two and three Bank 6-0971. #oll, manure, fit! dirt, eindara, graval and per monfh. Writ., "J, D»" " end of Monmouth street. Phone Red He room heater (Heatmaater), toilet pounds, pullets $1 and $1.25 each, deck and windshield, 100 h. p. V-8 Bank 6-3736. 2478. Superior Floor Waxing Co. . 800 BUSHELS ot wheat.1 5 tons of •ffgi, chicken manure. James John, 'hone Rumson 1-0768.• ckoft road, Batontown, R. F. D,. Box del. N. J. Phono 6«tl. vlce. We are equipped to either re- lown 8-0«40-W.« pleting studies in New York. Be| 41 Marion street.. Red Bank. Phone 546. Phone Eatontown 8-0«7E, wheat ttraw. 10. tofts;of hay. Oeji- WISH TO Inform all my frlandt and pair or ribufld your clianir. G. 4 D. erencct. Write, Box 118-A, 2081-J. HORSE CULTIVATOR, two plows and ler. Phone Holmdel 9-7486. " 17-FOOT CHRIS CRAFT trpe, convarted Park, or phone Deal 7-0964, | PlTTSTOK—Coal or wood range, white cuatomert that I have moved from Appliance Service Co., 60 White ttreet. modil A motor, eompletelr equipped, AKB RATE TTZ^.—racist harrow. Phone Red Bank 6-1506.* enamel, five months old, has water TWO STOVES, ona-a.Qlanwood.ranie. IhftPil BUI. Atlantic Highlands, to Phono Bad Bank 2761-J. 5 CORNET. Conn-Victor, special l«6. Jnst perfect condition, fssl, must sacrifice, no posts and round whits cedar or oak abek; cost $145, selling price $75. Call 216 River atreet. B«d Bank.* State Highway IS, Rad Bank, R. D, Box LAWN AND POBCB furniture rapalnud. reasonable offer refused. Can be seen at MODEL A FORD, reasonable. board rails. Material only or erection like new. Phone Eatontown 8-1060, Long Branch 6-2958-B. CHILD'S CRIB and .mtttrets; alto coil 128. Fhona Bad Bank 6-0817-M. Frank Route 1, Box 441. S. H. Chd extension 1886." Calltd for and dillvirid. Phona Bad the Anchorage, foot of Morford Place, contacted; estimates given, no obliga- BABY CARRIAGE, folding, reasonable. tpringi and mattren for double' bid, Joseph, painter, decorator and paper Bank 40. Aik for Mr, Britton. for appointment call Red Bank < Oak Hill Road. Red Bank.* tion. Phone New Egypt 8342, or write, MASON AND HAMLJN, %-slle upright Call Red Bank 8-0652-R.* excellent condition. Phono Bed Bank hanger.* H v. N»wmfcn, Jr., Old Monmouth road, piano, good condition, rensonable, HAVE YOUR DANGEROUS trail ra- 21-F66T SHELTER eabln elclff, suitable BY- PHOFES9IONAL young.lany;| COCKER SPAN'iEL, six months old. 6-12«8.* ' '± AINTINQ AND paparbanging, contract moved by experienced rlggara. Cash for fishing. Pullsn's Boat Works, room, by October 1, with ranni N E«ypt <26O. Call Red Bank 6-0527. 146 Hard- or day't work. Jamit Irwln, 17 Sec- ing road.* black, male puppy; verr gentle; Ideal COMPUTAGRAM.Toiado XJaltS. eapsc- ptld for old building!. Highland! Rnmlon.* lly, In Shrewsbury or Fair Have XSE Y6U a lover of horse, T Why not children'! pet. Phone Red Bank «-»68», Ity SO pounds, practically new. David ond ttreit, Highlands, Phone 1-1168-B.* Wricking 4 Rigging Co. Fhona High- erencel exchanged. Write. "Aec| start a set of glassei, hand-painted, PIANO—Made by Cable. Space needed. SPEEDBOAT—1 S-f oot, 9 Inches, with FURLONG UPRIGHT walnut piano and Burkett, 219 John avenue, Long UTO UPHOLSTERING. Hilton Brown- lands 1327-W. , \9it Johnson Sea Horse 0.8 h. p. mo- datlon, Box ill, Red Bank.* with a beautiful kone'i head. Middle- Make reasonable offer. Phone Bed Branch. Phone 6-2989. ' lie, proprietor.- Slip coven, topi,, town Rafriceration and Cold Storage Bank 6-2469-W. bench, 126; alto Underwood trpe- TELEVISION BADIO Service | axpirU on tor! used virr little; also 12&, 6.26*20, CAN AMES—Hollers and Choppers, of cylinders, mahoganr and cedar conatruc- OIRL SCOUT uniforms, slses 14-11. ten mare, both quiet, clean and sound. madlata service. Sama alae prints. Spe- Friedman's, »t South Main street, Ilk* new, not retreads. Very reas- Phone Red Bank 6-3742-W." Several forward seats end Martin * varlou-i thadea, in a • brina/alow, 29 Hon. Call Eatontown I-OUI after S APARTMENTS;; South tti-ett, Eatontown.* cial attention to military discharges and V. m.» • onable. Brookaid* Inn, near Stone APPLES—English Coddllngs. small or^ Martin flat saddles, practically new, legal papers. Abla Blue Print .Co., t phone Albury Park 1141. Chh AUanUc Highlands.' bridles, blankets and other tackle; Con- 1 TWO OR THREE rooms, aoov,., chard i purchaser to pick. Will sell sll TWIN STROLLER, wicker, pre-war, Wharf avenue, Bed Bank. Phone Bid UUajKr-JuHNSON tpeedTiklff, 1949, need, furnished, wl&h rifrlgajriltl ne>,, SiamSiamaan Bia Skirt Work!, l«tsiJjfljiu tratJ>dBl ^ tmlllar with complete Installation of N J. ' Ki-j YFR4Bll*atirril

MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR ROTT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESrATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SACS YOU HAVING a part/ 7 Wbr not MAN WANTED—Veteran preferred, to SIX HOT8ES mate < contraction on FAIB HAVEN—Knolhrood section, lot eat a Juk« Box for that special oc- IF YOU are looking (or .MrssSu. an P. LITTLE SILVBa—Seven rooms, snd LONG BRANCH—Beady for oempancy, WITHOUT A DOUBT. A* shofesst, strvice Fuller Brash customers In this P. Jienoedy. list your house*, for sals Hanes and Etdgi road. Fair Harm. 76-foot frontage, located In fine res- bath, hot air heat; very large one- new bungalow, automatic' most strategic ri«er frtwt toestloa lonrrtjr m P. A. srstetn. For • nominal vicinity. Tbi» le a ireU established and idential area, $1,200, With construe- car garage; large lot; low taxes. Price CaU or write, Veteran's Amusement or rent. I hare many pronpscta. P, F. The nviu i,il>urv,.rarit;'.«6»»,, and airy, tor, light factory work, Bed fUT&flA of the Shrewsbury; «o«M «m*Vr *•« Bank Knitting Mills, west end of Wall Jennie O. ATLANTIC HlOHLANDSj Ocean Bonle- , large two-ear garage; "over .an acre rijAMTIC • muiUiANDB—Nine-room •»d/• fairkst for' tiwlf ptoducs bjr /flhM^'A- BIAHWM "l , ill -I JW-, • SHADOW XstytoLAKBm PABKJUncrett. Alexsnus. r sic- ~ Yard,'S'roofns, slesm hist, one csr of ground; immediate possession. Price Bd *W»m *&# '•rifting;to. This B4?|it«rt eUssiaed LB OR, WbMEN,' Appryfllngle.Syi street. Red Bank.' - house, with two-car, garage; nenr tem Laundrr* Broad and First-streets, • tlun,.scr«LAKE plotsi'. Jf AHKa modsrn-rsstflets. 'Al d garage, rliir of' wstev,I1S.0D0.: £lcht. $10,500. Sfthwarti.Macklln, 8 White nu'ally. In «c.l!e« V uniiu. ••''.' OARAGE—Suitable for 'storage. Call beach, In Atlantic Highlands; Perfect Keyport. . Phone Keyport 757. mldentlil divslopmint. :F.;H. A. sp- rooms, nath, hot water hiat, good loca- strsst. Red Bank, Phone 6-3121. condition. Selling at 18,000. Ella out.' For Additional )T1N(!8 wsDted, If you bavi s bouss • Keansburg: 6-07H6-M.* proved; ichool adjoining, rail- Uos, $10,000. - Ten rooms, bath, one- pt «lii bojin waJUM, H. V, R. H. flBAOTV»0PiiRA'r6B.,Slc«(ly. or. part-' FUBNI3HED BUNGAIyOW or room to BBLFOKP—Eight rooms snd two baths, Wiltshire Agency, Bealtors, *7T Broad Dennli K, B/rn l time; good1 opportusityt five days. road itatlon, laks privileges. A' fewjfln* car . g»r»' •,' nits plot, 'no heat. $7,600. flrsplaee. hot air oil heat; a nice street, Red Bank. Fhone «-2Hl. ut 77 Broad strMfc • Dliobi Red Bank - let,' close to-*beach> reasonable. Bun- horns sltsi still avallabU. Sis, tovr resl- Five'rooms, bath, hofalr Beat, .one-csr Rumson. .,'fhoiis Katherlne's Beauty*Salon. -Boons Bed galow could t>e finJshftd for year-'rouiid. tor; also p. Alixsndir. 0» th» prsml home; possession In $0 days, Price WiTLE SILVER. Nine-room home, with RIVERFR.ONT aimgev Sigh-unuiuaj, sit* Bank 8475. 'fsrsgs,' nlwly located,; $7,800. - 'levin 110,100.^ SchwarU-ilacklln, 8 White BMEB8 ATTENTION.' top cash prlcis Room close io'Psthrooro,'for gentleman. Postofflee, B. D. No. 1," Pox 7-jA,, 1 rooms, bsih, hot air heat, twOrcar tar' . two baths, ollburner heat, good loca- In ' Locust Point) -a«msdlat«i ••««•, UUW MAH—To handle private Herd o: Mri. H. Krutol, Vermont and 'Montana street. Kid Bank. Phone 6-1121. tion; house has Just been Insulated. paney; -will conildsr rirital aftsr, A»«" , aid, tot toy kind of cattle, oslvsi or r 'sgl,: near' ichool. $6,E0O, • nine rooms, :•', 'Orders taksn for spring delivery OuernjeX milker* and roans stock. avenues,'Fort sfonniou'' tH.i hath,' stetain'r heat,- ttro>sar garage) BED BANK—Seven rooms and two Price 111,000, Immediate occupancy. uat 15th. hat prsfsr* 'So.,*eli?J$l()Vt>»i V flldir itesn. Drop • card or esll Must have had long experience with •Ice slot, 'near Highway S*. possession paths; firiplsce: two-ear garagi.-Price Ella Wiltshire Agency,' Realtors, 77 BUMSON—Near Sea Bright, five-room FOB ALL KINDS of JUsl aitat* snd Broad street, Bed Bsnk. Phom 6-2161. r'o-r Pmlmsr Engllibtown. N. J, pbi>n» large modern establishment and be thor- bungalow, hot water heat,' newly dec- 80 dayij'$13,000. New, five rooms, at- 110,700; Sehwartt-Maeklln, 8 Whits About . oughly familiar with railing of purebred Insurance in Bed Brak snd rltrn- tached garage, 'ready for occupancy. street. Red BankBah! . Phone 6-8121. FAIR HAVEN. Modern eight-room home, bridge, oi animals . for blood line development. orated, $80. Call Red .BanV .8-0078, NEY TO LOAN, $2,000 to $6,000 on lty, tie Paul Rsvira, $0 Brpad 111,500. Boalthorp- Agency, 181 First gHREWSBTOV_ . _. 'r^-Seven. . rooms snd bath* two baths, Itrgs lot; fireplace; income Best references demanded.. J. I* Ber- avenue, AtlanUe Highlands. Fhona At. fireplace; three-car garagi, Large lot. of $118 monthly. Price $12,550. Ella PhonTASantlV Hlg'hiKndl f.»4>7.W.' Int bond and mortgage. . Phone Red nard, R. D,, Eatontown. or phone Red Bed Bsnk, Phone 111, ak 8-0626. The Land and Loan Co., lantic Highlands 1-0477. Pries. 111,000.' Sehwartx-Maeklin, 8 Wiltshire Agency, Realtors, 77 Broad HED BANK—One rlnsr *)). Bank 84P8«f.or. uppolntment. SITUATIONS WANTED White street. Bed Bank, phone 1-S1J1. street, Red Bank. Phone 6-2161. 28 Broad street. Red Bank.* 15 ACBBS and II building lots, olois riparian rights; 110x800' . BOAT BUILDERS, cabinet maker, car- NX-ROOM HOUSE and bath, at »4 Bar- car garage; eight-rooms* three b*t-hs;' SA H>.CI»II»,, In the LET Vi HELP you with your employ- to new ract track, cheap. Bryan, <#n place; In good condition, all lm* THOMPSON AOttHCY-Uhannlng clon- A'l'-l'KNTION COLORED people. Five" penter, 4i>hour week, Inside work, ment problems. Roberts' Employment lal boats in country location; five room bungalow, all Improvements. oUburner. Csll Bsd - Bis* *-00T»; losrdltig of pet don: understanding pleasant working conditions. Apply PortaupeckLUPeck. 'provaments, Inquire Z5S Fear! itreet, Holmdcl 9-8941. Any agent.' . Agency, 77 Broad street. Bed Bank, BUNOALOW—In Ltocrolfi «n Swim, rooms snd bsth, oil heat! beamed ceil- Small down' payment, balance monthly. e» with kfndneia. Cocker Spaniels at Zobal Works. Sea Bright. SALOV Rid .Ban*.' ings, two flreelscei. Acre of ground: di Bathing and nail dipping.' Phone Phone 1805. - mine River road; three rooms, fire- John H. Cook, Jr. Phone Red Bank 6- TWO SALESGIRLS lot bakery. Apply HOUSE—Seven rooms, all Improve, barn; $13,000. Thompson Agency, 81 8415-J.* IDEAL MQDERN, bungalow, tsantl. ddletown 6-01IB-M. Kennels on Bonte AN EXPERIENCED Colored man desires proof storacs garage, five acres; Ford mints; In Pint Brook. H. C. Fhipps, East Front strut, phons 4-0700.* i Five Corner!. MMdl Uycko/Ts, 571 Broadway, Long house cleaning by.the day. No outside son tractor, smsll riding cultlvstor. II,; Eatontown.' 84-ACRE FARM, In vicinity of Eaton- ful corner; lot 100x201 f**'tt T rm, mmaitiown, Branch or 19 Main" street, Eatontown. work considered; good references fur- 200 for bungalow and ejaulpmsnt. Ap- THOMPSON AGENCY—Bmall business town, largl house, In excellent con- rooms, attractive, Ilk* new, perftct BlPPB*EftlU.. personalise^ LET US BELT you with your emplojr- nished; $« -per day. Call Red Bsnk LOT—In Red Bank, fine location, for »ls; grocery, meat and vegetable dition, all modern Improvements. Price ply 1,400 fast north of Swimming river, , Phoni Bad Bank «.8742.W,» condition, Dutomatlo gal hiat; tna rftimtn tor blrihdivi, party Invite- ment problems. Robert's Employ- e-2198-B after 6 p. m. Lincroft. market; located mar village. Owner 121,000. W. C. Wesrt, 42 Broad itreet, FOUB-ROOM and seven-room houses, all location. Has everything. Call'lotsf nB, all special occasion! I rhyme 'em. ment Agency. 77 Broad street, Bed MI; Liturgical, (Catholic.) Ex- selling because of ill health; $6,000. Red Bank. Phon« 1-2240.* 1 write 'em I Bend full description of Bank. Phone 1S05. TWO BUNGALOWS—Uni four-room, • Improvements; two garages to each. Thompson Agency, 81 Sut Front itreet, perleneed in cbolr training. Contralto one two-room; asms propsrty, ress- ROAD— Ward avenue. Branch 1-1421. 'ion' or occailon and desired sentl- PKESSEBS—MUST be experienced; goo Mrs. i. -Mider. Sears snd Washington phons 1-0700.* voice.' Wrlto, "Organist," Box -5il, Red onable; also suitable for buslnsss sites. avenues. Atlantic Highlands.* Furniihed dwelling, needing lome re- nt, plui $1 In stamps, cheek or money opportunity for. right party. Apply In Bank. THOMPSON AGKNUY—Nine rooms and dseoratlon and modernisation. Recep- SEA BRIGHT. Oeesn front lot; two-iar Iff, to Avery Ollsi, Uttle Silver.* Near bay. Call Atlantic Highlands BUNOALOnVr-Flve rooms and BatF, person. Linda Garment Co., 62 White HOUSE MAN as handy man.' Will cut 1-0714-J. bsth; conveniently located- Hot wa- tion hall, HvJog room, dining room, garage on property, 40xlt(; Shrews- street, Red Bank, 'good ilse lot, on East River road. ter hist, oil; Plot tOxlfiO. Oni-esr di- kitchen and bathroom on first Hoar; five bury river 126 fut away. $1,100. Her- • lawn, small job painting, haveuNew BUV, sell or rant all typts pi rial e*t*ta Bumion, occupancy at once. Qeorge ROOMS FOR RENT MAflHDMSt—With ' a boiler operator's Jersey car license; willing to wash through OsBstuw Smltt Anncir. 14 taehld garags; 111,800. Thompson bedrooms and bath on second, live bed- bert Hannah, 514 Ocean avenue, Sea license. State experience. Write, Brar, 77 Broad street. Bed Bank. Phons Axency, 81 East Front street, phone 6* rooms and batb on third flfor. Large Bright. Phone Sea Bright t-OZOt.' dishes, vacuum- cleaning, hammer and Mapls •venue. Fair Havan. BOOM Red Red Bank 1-0804t-0804,* Machinist," Box 511, Bed Bank, ' saw. Will work part tints. Write. "S.," Bank 6-2808, OTOO.* basement with laundry, utility room, LARCE HOUSE in tbs hill section of At- RNISflED BOOH, conveniently lo- PAINTERS. Apply _ JO Mount street WAYSIDYSIDE FAKM—4^'FAKM- . aerss, 8-room THOMPSON AGKUCY—Thirteen acres, toillt and furnace, room. The first and lantic Highlands; -settling estate. In- Box 611, Bed Bank. LOTS, 7«xl2J and 61x1011 Boeievslt house, no heat; 1-room bungalow, oil- cated, riear railroad liatlon and all Bed Bank. PhOne »-0>»2, CHURCH ORGANIST, available for next avenue, Elberon Park; M. 2, J, Speck, nicely loeated In rolling country; one second floors are heated by coal nred epeet and make offer. Herbert Hannah, r»i. 7» Rector Place, Bed Bank. Phone burner r two large buildings; several mite from station: $7,000. Thompson •team furnace. There Is a large ver- 514 Ocean avenue. Sea Bright. Phonl ED .JBONER, tn ; private four Sundays, substitute or perman- 811 South 17th street, Nswarh, W. J. snirill bolMlniri. Price ff.OOO. W. A. ia«7w laundry. Call Bumaon l-0»l. ent. Call Red Bank 6-2499-J. Agency,'81 Esst Front strsst, phone Bid anda; lot 88x158. Price 115,000, with Sea Bright 2-02O8.' CHOICE LOT—OB Alston. Court,•'sis* Hopping" Agency.- Phone Bed Bank Bank 1-0700.* possession November 1, 1946. For fur- Kfc&OOM wMTkllehen.Ue. near COUPLE~-Fart-t]tae gardener and handy WAITRESS «lsh'e> week-end" work In 70x160-. Price $$.«»». W. A. Hop' '60«»7« RTVHR FBONT estate. Lsrgs aonse. >ussa and trains; available Saturday. man, general- housework; plain- cook- ping Agency. Phone Hail Bank «-0$»7,« THOMPSON AGENCY—Eight rooms and ther details, see John Minugh, broker, nice grounds: riparian rights; ownsr > Bridge avenue, Red Bank.' restaursnt. 34 Cherry Btceet, Shrews- HAY, VAN, HQ^N ' AUIjNUy—rictur- bath; hot water heat, coal; plot 60x Kumson road, Sea Bright. Phone Rum- 'Ing. . All-year-round position; In Kiddie- bury Township, nesr Bed Bank airport.* HOME IN GOOD nilgabornood. Uv __ leaving thin locality; must sill. Asking town Vlllsga. Phone Hlddletown 5- .. esoiue remodeled farm hotise', 200' yean 111. Good location In Red Bank: $12,- son l-071| or your own broker who $2,500. Herbert Hsnnsh, 114 Ocean EXPERIENCED PAJNTaBT^desires con- room, (Irsplace. dining room, kitchen,' old, an an acre of landVeaped grounds: will be protected. 3PFICE BOOMS. EulU ot three, 0t«8-J. three bedrooms, bsth, 611 burner, steam 000. Thompson Agency, 81 Esst Front argnue. Sea grlgnt. Phone 2-ffgQl.l traet painting at reasonable prices «ve moms, two open fireplace's, oil hest; itreett.. phonpho e Red BailkJ.0700." KBANSBUHG—House with eight rooms, second floor front, Register build- PRESSEWJ. Experience not. necessary heat; garage. Fries l»,000. W. A. garage. 112,000. Early possession. MATAWAN—Seven-room stuceo bunga- and good work. Call at 18 Maple ave- THOMPSOHPBON AUKNCY — Seven room! . Insulated walls, can be occupied im- ng. Bait location in Bad Bank'i finishers and experienced operators on nue, Red Bank.* Kopping Agsncy. Pbons Bsd Bank Bay Van Horn Agencr,' Fair Haven. low, tile kitchen, cabinets, hot wxter 6-OII7.* and hath: pi*id hot air heat: fire- mediately, is csntrally located: electric heat, 3i3 ceres. W. Weber, 14 John nen dtatrlct. Available Septem- ladles' iaeketa, excellent pay, $5-hour EXPERIENCED" gardener wanta steady Phone Bill Ba-nk l-02SI.< refrigerator Included. Property 50x100. wetk. George Belovun. Phone Bed ESTATE THREE acres, beautifully place. Plot tOxUO. Double garage. street. Highlands.* Mr lit. Water, heat, 1(0 per employment on private estate, Phone BAY VAN HOHN AGENCY—A lake, a Excellent location, near river; 116,000. Price 17,500. Henry Sehwelser, Real- Bank H-2U0-M. Located rear of Head- Red Bank 8-Z454-J.' landscaped, large living room; fire- brook, a secluded three-acre setting tor, 144 Main itreet Keanibnrg. Fhoni FAIB HAVEN—Near stores snd Bus Una, month. S«a Thomas Irvine Brown, den's Corner (Ire honse. place, knotty plna study, modem kitch- Thompaon Agency, II East Front itreet. living room, modern klteben, front C&AUFFEUB or caretaker wishes po- of shade trees and a pretty old farm- phone Bed Bank «-0700.» 6-0128. Register office. Agents protected. 8TENOQRAPHEB-TXFIST, for offlce of en, thru bedrooms, tile bath, shower, house recently remodeled, eight rooms, Porch, lavatory and bedroom; lot sitlon on private estate, references hot water heat, oil burner. Price $22.. THOMPSON AGENCY—Six rooms and KBANSBURQ — Attractive five-room 60x180. Selling lubjeet to existing ten- certified public accountant. Nature of furnished. Last employed 10 years. hot water heat, oil-fired; two fireplaces, hguse In a strjctlj residential section, work requires accaraoy rather than 600. W, A. Hopping Agency. Phone hath i good location nsar Red Bank; ancy. Price $5,250. John Mtnngk, KNI8HKD ROOMS, with kjtohen prlv- Pflone Bed Bank 8-Z678-J.' Bed Bank «-0»»7.* ftO.OOO. Ray Van Horn Asreney, Fair plpeless heater. Plot 10x100. One-ear batb, enclosed back porcb, Areola heat, speed. State training, experience, if Haven. Phons Bed Bsnk 1-0288.* brokers, Rumson road. Sea Bright. legal. 86 Allen street. Bnniion. BOY 1 (-^Interested in farm work. garage; $9,000. Thompson Agency, 61 bard wbod floors, very modern. A bar- Phone Bumson 1-0716, or TOW on Oil—In nice house, 27 Spring Itreet, any, and salary desired. Write, Would like to live on farm. Will RAY VAN HORN AGENCY—Sycamore gain at 14,000. Henry Schweiier, Real- "Stenographer.Typist," Box 611, B«d SEAL ESTATE and losorancs. Paml East Front itreet.. phone Bid Bank, 6- broker, who will be protected. led Bank. furnish all Information. Write, "Farm," avenue. Shrewsbury; acre plot; five 0700. tor, 144 Main street, Keansburg. Fhone Bank. B. Stryker, •padalUai Is (anu. rooms, electric range, automatic ahot 6-0128. SEA BRIGHT—Good residential lection. J4ASANT BOOH, good nelgbbornood. Box fit, Bed Bunk.* THOMPSON AQENOY—Modem colonial. Living room, with Ireplsee, kitchen, it McLaren itreet, R«d Bank. Phcne MOLDERS AND eoremakera; steady PAINTER wants work and carpenter eountry boats and sjstatoa, SUM water; enclosed porch; large garage; KEANSBUBC—Home of five rooms, work. Forest Hill Foundry, Palmer chicken house. Asking 111.000. Bay six rooms, tile hath, fireplace ,* sun two bedrooms, bsth, oil find hist, for repairing. Phone Long Branch 6- Highway No. 14. Holmdal, (ho» Van Horn Aseney, Fair Haven. Phone porch; steam heat, oil. Plot 70x180. bith and garage, mar. ihopplng cen- ail-yiir ooeupancy; garags: lot IOSTII avenue, Middletown. Bus passes door. »751.* ter, bui line and railroad station. Prop- dt BOOM, n.wl, decorated, iranai O4d ice bouse. Bolmdal (101. Bed Bant 6-028J.* Insulated; $18,160. Thompson Agency, occupancy September 15th, $5,250 cash* floor, private bath, no meals, car nie- EXPERIENCED young maiden wishes 81 Eist Front strut. Phone Red Bsnk erty 73x102. Price $3,200. Henry speedy notion essential. John MInUaTht ary: references given and required. WAITRESSES—Apply Avon Inn, Avon. position as waitress or chambermaid. LOT—On River road, lite tOxliO. KAY VAN HORN AGENCY—Fair Ha- 6-0700.» Schweiier, Realtor, 144 Main street, broker, Rumion road. Sea Bright. Phons Call Asb.ury Park 2-4848. Price $1,500. W. A. Hopping Agency. ven's new restricted community; half- Keansburg. Phone 6-0123. one Eed Bank I-2I.O8.M.* Can cook; In Red Bank or vicinity. r THOMPSON AGENCY—Dutch Colonial Rumson 1-07.16 or your own broker, who IEGIBTEUSD J41IB0E. for nursing bomi Write, "Maiden." Box til. Red Bank.* Phone Bed Bank l-0»»7. acre plots, 100x230 feet in alse; near KEANSBURG—Nine-room house, bath vill be piotectcd. UBLE AND single room, clean and river, in fine neighborhood; dole to home; six rooms snd bsth; hot wster :omfortible, olose lo town. 1» W«w- Call Deal 7-4««..W. V6UNG WOHAU wishes two or three D6UBLE BOOSB, on' KVoni itreet. 6.J heat, coal; 'lunporch, fireplace; plot snd shower, second floor; also lav- MAN—Middle-aged, active, reliable, who Bank; afx rooms, bath each side, school and bus line. 12,000. Kay Van atory on Ant floor; residential seetlon; Tlaee. Red Bank.' mornings a week. Call Red Bank 6 Horn Agency. Fair Haven. Phone Red 50x884, Doable garage; 112.000. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JCMEY fflS RtASONAbLK. "Rivercreit." tO has good background and a desire to 15I8-R- steam heat; two-car garage t suitable Thompson Ageney, 81 East Front street, three-ear garage, Property 55x125. And permanent employment in charge of Bank 6.0283.* 158/ST8 tbrvwsburv avenue, Highlands. Phone HAT*—White, wishes watchman's job. for residincn or professional use. Pries phone 6-0700.* Price $4,800, Henry Sehwelter, Bealtor, live service. Apply with credentials. Red $18000. Exclusive Agent, Constance RAY VAN HORN AGENCY—Custom 144 Main itrslt, Kesnaburg. Phom 6- Between Therein P. Tullil, petitioner, Call Bennett, Atlantic Highlands built; ready in six weeks; Cap* Cod TOWER HILL, Kiu Bsnk —Several and Harlin Tullil, defends"^ On Pe- Bank Airport. Ask for Jim Howard. 1-0611-M.* Smith, 14 Mapls avenue. Fair Haven. choice building sites In this well-es- 01!3. UBuE ROOM. JT west street. Red MIDDLE-AOED WOMAN, good salary, Phone Bed Bank «-«,l«g. boms, five large rooms, 29-foot living tition for divorce. Noties of publication. link. On* block from station!* YOUNC. LADY, recent graduate, wishei r6om, firsplaee, modern bath, otl-flred tablished and restricted development sri KEANSBURGf-»-Very attractive six-room To: Harlan Tullls: home and maintenance. Address* "W, position as dental nssistant. Phone RIVERSIDE HEIGHTS. MlddJetown. six hot water heat; plot 127x1 ti. $10,500. still available at attractive prices. Some home, excellent neighborhood, all By virtue of an Order of the Court AKB ATTRACTIVE rooms, privilege M.," Box 811, Red Bank. rooms, all Improyements; two-ear gar- if bath. Phone Bed Bank t-lfvl-J. evening, Keanaburg. 6-072H-J. 0, L priorities. Bay Van Horn Agency, of these plots have extended view In all modern improvemvnti, hard wood floori. of Chsneirr of New Jersey, midej on MAJtUWAKt tLJiB|i—Han who Js fa- age ; large spacious grounds, In gulet direction!, including ocean front from property 50x100; ilectrie stove, hot EU ONLV, One large front room, desires nve- Fair Haven. Phone Rid Bank 6-0288.* the 25th day of July, 1141, In a cer- mUlar with hardware. . and. .electrical &ny weeir ppsitl>n« Bed B«nk or vi- residential section. Pries 111,500. Con. 8ea Bright to Long Branch. Exclusive water heater, as will al electric refrig- tain cause wherein Theresa P. Tullls, ucommodates three. Private bath: goods, experience preferred! a good Job stance Smith. Is M*pls sVenus. Fajy BAY, ,VAf HORN AGENCY—Shrews •all of the remaining plots has besn erator and Inlaid linoleum on the I single room; all privllegea. 100 cinity. Write, '% T.." Box 511. Bed biirv,' three aeres^ tall vine trees, se* ii the petitioner and you art* *•• defend- for a good man. Write, -Clerk*" Box Bank. Haven. Phone lUd B«ak" «-lK0i. . placed In our hands. Buy now for your kitchen. All Included In the reasonable ant, you are required to aniwer the IK» e»rf » W>«£'V l » *t"'tti bestedhd : floor, stair carpet new. Firm prjav $10,- modem cabinets snd gas range, dinette, River Rosd, Rumson, Phone 1-0576. oae Ejitontown 8-10<0. extepelon ^4 odfVa/ 2?rsie ' tfirf *J.i3<)0. Owner steam heat, oil fired. Can be bought BIVER FRONT, Bsd Bank—Well-built • ALL MODELS PERIENCET) gardener. with Te SCHOOL TEACHES and wlfa desilto two 000. Will soil furnishings for $l,10t. home with spacious entrance, on plot or three rooms In Red Bsnk}.fnrnlshed ogSimled. "WaDfer jfc J1 lid all. Realtors. with no down payment. Ray Van Horn DENNIS K. BYRNE AG£NCY—Reslden- trences. Phone Holmdei 9-7(61. 7 WtHnlt itreet. Phone Red Bank William d. Marshall, 24 Lawrence ave- 70x460 feet. Excellent shallow water for tlal neighborhood; convenient to bui, • ALL MAKES or unfurnished. Writ*. 214 N«rUi ave- nue. Keansburg. Phona 4-02H. - Agency, Fair Haven. Phone Red Bsnk 6-277«.i 6-0288.* sea plane landing. Residence contains sehools, stores, etc Attractive home, nuc. West Cranford. Mr. PeLuoa.* living room, dining room, kitchen and • ANY YEAR fOUNQ LADT, ambitious, neat. In- JSK—Six roomt, sunroom. batb. FURNISHED HOOBE. In good con- BAY VAN HORN AGENCY—Riverfront with generous sized living room, din- WE ABE DESPERATE 1 TW r»W Dave dition;- consists- of foor apartments, breakfast room ] five bedrooms and bsth; ing room, and kitchen, three extra large Drive In or Phono telligent, to serve hitrh-dao an apartment for a couple-i .Will take lot: is Met heat tfco-sar garage; taxes home, sere setting, sandy beach, fine plastered room In basement with fire- two up, two down; connected with sew- American neighborhood: first floor has bedrooms; beautifully decorated; large ||fntle in modern grocery store. good cale of property; ar«- -%e«A and «lH*!jl (LS0xJS4, Asking 112,000. Wal- place for recreation. Excellent hot v»- plot; hot water heat, oil fired; garage; ilean. Write. "Veteran."/ B.rt \Th Bed TleSill. Realtors 7 Mechanic er; lot 25x100; brines in |60 per week living room with fireplace, dining roost, PACKARD—RED BANK Apply In person. Fair Haven Mar- upper floor, $T0 per week lower floor. ter hiatlng system; tvo-car detached 814.000. Dennll K. Byrni, 8 West River Bank.* • t ....,, street? Pliftne Red Bank t-2776." den, kitchen, maid's room and bath; tit, Fair Haven. Bentlng sesson sibout ten weeks. In- the second floor has four bedrooms, garage. Convenient to railroad and busi- road. Kumon. Phone 1-0576. Kail* TWO VETEttANS, man and wit* an. BED BANK home of 8 rooms, tile bath. ness center, Immediate oeeupsney. Price Ijl* klUihexi.' psrksr floors, screens, come $1,100. Price K.0O0. rriee li dressing room and two tiled baths; auto- MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP, 90 acres, Harding Boad at Brosd 8L four-day old baby, neea .-nnfurtlshed firm. Willlsia C MarsfaaU, 24 Law. matic Wt: double garage! $28,000. $16,000. C. F. Borden or G. H.. Nevius. fertile, practically' all tillable. Colonial KpOnSKE. 136 a week, apArtmejnu Location, may ba. anywhere new awnings, hot ws,ter heat; one-car Shrewsbury, phone Red Bank 6-1661 or gattige; lot SOltOd! taxes tl 71.11. Ask- renpe avenue. Keansborg. Phone I-Ot68. Bay 'Van Horn Agency, Fair Haven. house, large barn, 10 outbuildings, ideal lltep la, two In family; Thursday and within radius of 10 to It miles from Phone Red Bank 6-0288.' 6-1'13-J.* R. B. 6-0428 Red Bank. Phone Bed Bank e-lllJ. Per- ing 113.500. Walker * TIndall. Real- DUPLEX SUMMEB cottage, near beach, for cattle. $21,000. Charles Sweeney adar off* Must be experienced. Write, on 26x100; sewer connection, shower, ,..„ T6WNSH1P. near Tin- Agency. Phone Bumion 1-1492. • B. C," Box f 11. Red Bank. sonnel Omee. I to f o'clock} after ( tors. 7 Mechanic street. Phone Bed Bank RAY VAN HORN AGENCY—River view S-2776.* well furnished. In excellent- condition, ton Falls, modern flvi-room bungalow, gEHTEttflWllipay highest t wsges 6 m. phona Keyport 7-1191.W. Aak for and river rights. Priced at $15,000. with full acre; beautifully landscaped; r. BoUn.' NICE HOME. Located on Highway 96; brings in $700 for seaion rent. Season Large living room with Areplace, den, to twi earpent«rs; must be exper- ten weeks. This Is great opportunity. ivirslse oil burning hot water ayatam of cedl apply Cottier, Ruroson l-0«2>.~ VgimAN AND WIFE wish to rent a six rootat, bath, nreplac*, beamed kitchen and dining room, three bedrooms .itest type. Permanent value estab- ceilings, hot water heat, oil; two-car William C. Marshall, 24 Lawrence ave- and dressing room; double garage. Ray HHOORJLPHXB-TTPIST. to work in four-room, all-year-'round'haqse. with nue, Keansbnrg. Phone $-0268. lished by adjacent property; immediate option to bay, nearby vicinity of Leon< •arage: lot 11)0x225; taxes II60. Price Van Horn Agency, Fair Haven. Phone occupancy. Price 19.500. C. F. Bor- 'sw offlce; permanent employment. ardo. Write, W. J. V. O.. Box HI, At- II {.000. Walker A TinH.II. Realtors. 7 FAUC HAVEN-^-DeurlsrXal Bans* near Bed Bank «-!»»».« . •He, "Law OtBce," Box til, Bed den or G. H. Nevfus. Shrewsbury, phone lantic Highlands. i Mfclanlc street. Phone Red Bank «- water and transportation t living roosa, See Us Regarding Real Estate ak.' 2776.* dining room, kitchen, four master bed- Red Bank (M»tl or 6-183S-J.' WANTED TO RENT, or rent, with op- LONG BRANCH. Splendid uptown SHREWSBURY BOROUGH—A dlstlnc- tion to buy, permanent, all-year home, BELFOftD—five-room bungalow, BTt rooms, two baths, maid's room, bsth; residential section, 8 rooms, 2 9OUSEKXEP1S, sla«p in, bungalow, oil heat; Immediate oceupaney; $26,010. tive and historic residence In finest six rooms, with hath, garage. Mbit be air beat, oil, gaa range; lot 50x125. seetlon of Shrewsbury; beautiful sur- two adults. References ^required. on or near ocean or river, privacy es- Price 16,01-0. Walker A Tindall. Real- Joseph G. MeCue Agency, Realtor, phou baths, hot water heat, oil, recrea- Bumson 1-0444 or Bed Bank 1-1470.* tion room, convertible to apart- roundings ; entrance hall, living room Oail 19 Bueaa place. Bed Bank. af> sential; excellent financial, personal ref- tors. 7 Mechanic street. Phone Red and dining room, each with fireplace: RAY VAN HORN AGENCY ler I p. m. ereneea. Phone Keanaburg 6-0774-J.* lank S-2776.* BED BANK outskirts, Colonial home of ments; perfect condition; unusual modernised kitchen and pantry. Sun BEWABD—Stork seeks trading place. BED BANK—Six rooms, bath. Holland six rooms, bath and tun porch; hot value, $12,000. Charles Sweeney parlor, lavatory, maid's room and tiled Arm/ officer and wife stationed at beat, fireplace, beamed ceiling, gas water heating. Nearly half in acre: bath - on first floor. Second floor con- BpENTTiR. Walter 1. Cbok. Newman Fort Monmouth. desperately need small range; one-car garage; taxes $120. two-ear garage; $12,000. Joleph Q. Agency, Phons Rumson 1-1412. Jprlnga road, Bed Bank. Phone I'- tains three bedrooms, each with tiled REALTORS furnished house or apartment on or Price $8,600. Walker * Tindall, Real- McCae Agency, Bealtor, phone Bumlon bath. Five-ear garage, with five-room ll.' about August 16, for about one year, tors. 7 Mechanic street. Phone Red Bank 1-0444 or Bed Bank 4-1470.* EARLY POSSESSION. Attractive oil )MAN—AS housekeeper. Call even- cotage whh five rooms; all iroprove- apartment above. Exceptional purchase in or around Red Bank. Call Lieut. S. 6-2776.' SHBEWSBURY—^email country nome; as a gentleman's estate of permanent ngs after 7. Red Bank 8-1785. M. Muikat at Schuyer <-<449, New York large plot; house modernised and In menta; approximately acre of land: hot Brokers t MIDDLETOWN Township. Modernised water heat, ollburner, two fireplaces; value In hlitorio Shrewsbury. PTICS »n AJTBEKMAID and a laundress, year, city or write, "Stork," Box ill, Bed Colonial farmhouse, beamed ceflinsT, splendid condition; five rooms, bath; Bank."" beamed ceilings in living room and din- spplleatlon. C. F. Borden or G. H. Ne- round, aleep In; also parlor maid- five rooms, bath, fireplace, hot water electric kitchen. Low taxes. Early pos- vius, Shrewsbury, phona Red Baak I- LAWRENCE J. SCHILLING Itresa. Phone Red Bank »3tO».» session; for auleki ssle. $11,000. Joseph Ing room;, electric range; owner' occu- IS VICINITY oT New Ifbnmouth or heat, oil, electric range; two-ear gar- pied. $12,000. See Rollton. Waterbury, 1111 or I-U81-J.* Middletown, in good location, • or 7- age; acre plot; opportunity at $12,000. G. McCue Agency, Realtor, >hone Rum- BXPHRIENCED GROCER for high room hou*c; all modern Improvements, son 1-0444 or Red Bank 6-14.70.* * , Realtor, It West Front street. Red SHREWSBURY—Quaint Colonial home- JOSEPH F. HUNTER Walker * Tindall. Realtors. 7 Mechanic Bank; Phons t-SSOD.* class food market. Steady po- for eaah. B, B. Rauch, New Moncnouth. street..,, Phone Bed ganfc t-2776.» olDDUSTOWN—200 year! old t mod4m~ stead with approximately 150-foot Phone Middletown S-01&5-J. . iud; hand-hewn beams, wide-board . Semi-bungalow, with Bv. frontag-e on one of best sectlone of THEODORE W. McGINNESS litlon, good salary. Apply In per- HCHISE-^Two apartments, ' upper, Hvi rooms; lot 9Dxl25: firsplnce; two-car biautlful Sycamori avenui. Full aere TO BUY—Five-room house, • or bunga- rooms and bath; lower,.7 rooms, two floors; original hardware. Living room, garage; bulkheaded: Immediate posses- iod Fair Karen Market. low. Bed Bank or vicinity: price Teas* baths; four-cSr garage; oil beat, all con- dining roam, JclteheB, two bedrooms; of good aoll for flowers and garden. Two able. Csll Eatontown 8-0«8«-J.* lion. It,750; completely furnished, with medium site and small bedroom, lult- W. RAYMOND VAN HORN venience!- lot 52x200; nicely shrubbed. bath with shower; oil heat. Barn; about modern-type furniture. See Bolston SOHANIC, who is thorough!; quali- one acre; $12,000. Joaeph G. M«Cua abli for nursery. Modern kitchen and WILL PAY 1115 a month tor a two or Prompt occupancy. Commutation good; Waterbory. Realtor, II West Front bath; exceptionally attractive for jonng fied, or one who wishes to take up tbree-bedroom bouse in Bed Bank. walking distance to station. Apply own- Agency. Bealtor, phona Rumson 1-0444, street, Red Bank. Phone 6-8500.* FLORENCE D. VAN HORN lamer installations and service work. er, 169 Main street, Matawan. or Red Bank 6-1470.* couple^ Pries on application. C. P. Young couple, two children. Call between SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, ,1th two baths, Borden or O, H. Nevius, Shrewsbury, ply, Mr. Parker, -Sea Board Service, S and 7, Belmar 9-0208-J. LOTS—WEST SIDE Spring street; high EAST KEANaBUfiO — Four thr»e-roo« Nortlr Bridge avenue, Eed Bank. good location, tn town, near high phons Rid Bank I-I6H or t-UII-J.* Secretary: LIST ITOUB PROPERTY with us tor ground, all improvements. John Qlb- bungalows, can be used year round; school. $11,000. See Rollton Waterbury, OK-GKNEKAL bouseworker, man or rent or sale. Buyers waiting. Bob- lon, Jr., phone Red Bsnk 6-0507.• easy payments, $1,100 up. Also have Realtor, II West Front street. Phone RED BANK—Horns for family requir- Rroman; permanent home; references. en J. Marvin, Highway 14. Matawan. FREEHOLD—five-room home on hard few of the better kind bungalows, gooid I-8H00.* ing four bedroom; on ons of Bed SHIRLEY M. KINGSLAND II Bed Bank I-188S. Phone Matawan 841-J, road; *4-acre ground: Immediate poi- location; five and liven rooms, with ga- Bank's finest shaded streets; convenient l rage, Al Kruegir, Port Msnmouth road. UDLt.TgW VILLAGE home, eon- to railroad station. Large lot 60x200 CTOKB ASSISTANT. Answer by let- HMS—Acreage and country homes. sesslon; \ mile from village, H. W. -talning sight rooms, two baths, ana on ,er, state qualifications and aalary ex. List now with Merrltt B. Lamson Jameson Agency, 89 Broadway, Freehold, Keansburg. phone Keansburg 6-0114. feet. Hardwood floors, tiled bath; ea- 804 Rirer Road, Fair Haven, N. J. first'floor; large lot, $10,000. See Kol- rnest floor osSlar—dry; hot water hiat, sted. Write, "Doctor's Assistant," Agency, 16 West Main street. Freehold. pTione Freehold 8-087 8-M. . ^ Good location; old-eltab- ston Waterbury, Realtor, II West Front 511, Red Bank. VBAK'S RENT In advance) for 6 to 9- Ushed boslneis, open year round i hoi coal; one-car detached garage. Oeeu- Phone Red Bank 6-0283 HEAR FORT MONMOUTH—Convenient street, Phons l-»600.* panej betweem September 16th-Oetobir , R00M8, unfurnished, by adult room house; Bumson or vlelnity; oc- to transportation, sehools, stores: lot water heat; lams kitchen, large .plot ground with a six-room house. Al COTTAGE—On Sycamore avenue, with 1st, Quick action neceslary to secure pie; Bed Bank, Fair Haven or cupancy between now and December, ip0x260* tett; good -house, six rooms, acre ol land. Five rooms, sll Improve- on, permanent, highest references. Agent or direct. Phone Rujnson 749-J, Krneger, Port' Monmouth rosd. , Fhoao thil solid Investment at $18,000. C. F. hath, porches; garage; $11,000. Bay ments. Owner oeenpled. $11,000. See Borden or O. H. Nevius. Shrewsbury, ,. particulars to "Adult Couple," Box tTOY PBOPEBfy, Homes, farms. Stlllman A Associates. .812 Broad itreet, Keansburg 6-0114. s* P1, Bed Bank.' Rolston Waterbury, Realtor, II West phone Red Bank a.1661 or I-16SI-J-* highway property, acreage. Our active Batontown, phone Eatontown 1-0007.* HOUSE—Five bedrooms, bath, kitchen Front itreet Phons 6-3500.* fUNG GIBL to work in road stand. sales organisation will sell your prop- RURAL•.-1**1 _ _—". ' —BU • T ' NOT* — isolated_ ; •• less— - tha] n upstairs; kitchen downstairs; hot wa- LITTLE SILVER—Substsntlsl home for ter heat; garage and ohlcken house; lot IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Comfortable Apply at Jesse's farm produce, first erty promptly for you. For quick ser- two miles to Red Baifk station; about llx-room houie: all Improvements ,- family requiring live bedrooms: occu- knd over bridge, from Red Bank to vice phone Morrisey A Walker. (Inc.) an acre of ground, Urge shade trees and 80x240. Price $10,500. Frank B. pancy not later than September 15th. Lawsi Agency, phone Red Bank 6- new heating plant, new plumbing fix- ddletown.* Matawan 1-0012. Pirate Ship Realty lawns surrounding house; lovely vege- tures; large shade trees; taxei $46. Excellent location on bus route, con- DDLE-AGED woman^ Ri companion- Offlce, Cliff wood Beach. table gardens; home, five rooms, bath, 2875.* venient to railway station and shopping Knollwood Homes Inc. Pries (8,000, See Rolston Waterhury, honsekeeper, in beautiful home, no FAMILY IN NEED of a home, reapec- hot air heat; one-car garage, Frke RED BANK—Excellent residential loei^ Realtor, 16 Wait Front street. Phone center. Plot 90x200 feet. Oil burner indry. Must know how to cook, one table, Can supply references; would 111,000. Bay Sllllroan A Associates, Uon; occupancy Oetobsr 1; four boA- 6-8800.' snd domestie hot water. Geod loll for •family. Write (or Interview, "Cora, be Interested In a cottage on an estate. Highway 4-N, Eatontown, phone 3- roOmi, two bsthl, spseioua living, din- gsrdsn and flowin; two-car garaga: Now building new Home&at beautiful Knollwood 0007.* Ing rooms, library. For particulars, sis TURKEY FARM. Close in, and iivra hlua stone driveway. Quick action sug- nlon." Box 511, Red Bank.* Would be willing to aecept secretarial acres ot land. Larga houga with stiam PERIENCEU counter man. Apply at position, chauffeurlng, etc. Write, "Fam- C. E. Pleblsr, Bealtor. I4S Broad street. gested to seeure at 111,000. C. F. Bor- RIVER FRONT—90 feet, bulkBeaded; Phone Bed Bank 6-0114.* heat. Sold with or without stock snd Park. See them under construction today at Palace Diner, 4S Monmouth street, lly," Box 511, Red Bank. bungalow, five rooma, stall shower; •qulpaient. For further particulars lei den or G. H. Nevius, Shrewsbury, phom i Bank.* BOOM wanted with private family by wo acreened porches, finished attic, roof MIDDLETOWN—Nice plot, substantial Bolston Waterhury, Realtor, II Wist Rsd Bank 6-1661. or 6-1681-J.* STRS and soda fountain nib. gentleman; walking distance from and floors Insulated for year-round con- residence, new furnace, lavan rooms. BATONTOWN—Substantial hollow tile Hours! 8 a. m. to 4:80 p. m. Apply railroad station. Write "Gentleman," version ; double garage. Completely fur- Priced to sell. C. E. Plchlar, XsalUr, hVOAMOKX AVENUE home, uven and itueeo residence; recently put tn HANCE & RIDGE ROADS •elan's Drug Store, Broad and White Box 611, Bed Bank. ' - nished, $9,750. Stlllman Associates, 140 Broad street. Phone Bsd • Bank roomi, bath, hot vnt«r hsmtt lot per/sot condition; attractive architecture. eets, Red Bank. BED BANK AREA, October to May !n- phone Eatontown 8-0007. 6-01(6.* TlxlSO: $16,000. 'Sse Rplston WaUr- Lsrgs plot 100x140. on paved highway FAIR HAVEN, N. J. .i£ER—Urend and rolls, Mntawan cluslvo or by year; four-bedroom POULTRY FARM—1,600 capacity; also ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. Ten-year-old niry, Realtor, H West Front street. with bui line to Red Bank and Long Sakery. Phone Mattwnn 1-2050. house or apartment, furnished or unfur- barn, garage, five-room hoQse with residence, up-to-date In every detail, Phona 4-8SO0." Branch; extra lot 60x200 as additional nished, responsible family, financial and all improvement!. Convenient to Red ooeupancy in thraa months. Most be building sits or garden. Living room, )IIAN—Aa housekeeper, for seml-in- POSSESSION OCTOBER 1st, Broad dining room, enclosed eun porch, kitchen ralld. womnn. Phone Bumaon 1-07P8. personal references available. .. Pries Bank; 112,000, Ray Stlllman ft Associ- leen to appreciate Its value. For pan. tlculars, see O. E. Plchler, Bealtor, 144 street Tiome with, nlns rooms, two and dowmtalra lavatory; four bedrooms iLE PRESSER lor dry cleaning do. open, dependent upon accommodations ates. Phone Eatontown 1-0007.* bsthl, lavatory first floor; steam vapor offered. Box 178, Highlands, Broad street. Phone Kid Bank 4.Q1II.* and bath. Dry cellar, hot water heal, >ftrtment. Donald's Deluxo Laundry, BIVEB FRONT—Riparian right; station heat. Bee Rollton Waterbury, Realtor, Two-ear tile and stucco garage. Oocu- Marlon street. Red Bank. NEEDED DESPERATELY, a four or two miles; lovely modern home, nine HOLM DSL SECTION, Six acrtsl eon- II Wilt Front street. Phone I-ISOO.* paney shortly sfter transfer of title* Im- Do you wish to SELL or BUY real estate 7 verted farm cottage, three bedrooms, BXLIABLE nnd capable woman for five-room apartment In Kair Haven or rooms, bath, sunporch, hot water heat, IN TOWN—Six rooms, hot water heat; mediate action necessary to seeure this Red Bank; unfurnishedi two vets and oil burner; storm windows; $12,600 or bath, kitchen, fruit trees, nles view, Lot 30x100; two-car garage. Posses- solid Investment at $16,000. C. F. Bor- [tnerAl housework mornings, Monday $8,500. C. E. Plchlec, Realtor, 140 Broad flugh Snturd'iy. Call Friday, Red mother and father. Can glva best ret- $15,000 completely furnished. Stlllman sion In 60 days. $10,000, See Rolston den or G. M. Nevlftl, Shrewsbury, phone LIST your property or your requirements with erances. Clean and quiet. Wrl\e, "Des- Associates, phone Entontown 8-0007.• street. Phona Red Bank 6-0166.* Waterbury. Realtor, 16 West Front Bed Bank 6-1(61 or Allll-J* perate," Box 511, Red Bank. kID-NURSE, only houra, top wages, NEW YORK Hl(iHWAY—Excellent lo- ACRE LOT—River road, Wilson Circle, street. Phone 6-J500.* *ght/ work, no cooking. Professional WANT TO BUY house, priced reason- cntlon for small fruit farm; 5.8 acres. Rumson. Restricted district, 100 BEAUTIFUL Sycamore avenue home, MIDDLETOWN—Charming cottage of iarience not required^ live In. On able; location Immaterial. Will 8—Operators on knitted sweaters, uANliU HlfinLANDS-'-Overlodalng Man must have car, be between JB.snd' kitchen, two, bedrooms, ba(h; largo plot houses, completed* In 1941, ftv.allsbls con- hay|'s and tils bath, Br— l«rl«ncod preferred, unoxperletu-cd 4(1- years of age nitd married; --socle and with vegetable* nnd flower garden; 16,- ATTRACTIVE WELL constructed home, Real Estate and Insurance •Ideraljly lm thin coat, Coniult Oharlai placfi two-car garage; occupancy In 45 Long. Branch area. First floor, four " I"'*'' Phons Rurhion 1-1493. diyi. Pries $B,OtlO., flchwafti.Mlcklln, rootns arid lavatory, eneloeed bark * ._. IWTATBsectlon7iRTf(r"ground, iet. Bed •Bunk. Box Ml, Rid Bank.* . prtknissAnrtk n Oo.diiOb li^ Vautjful tract of 7% icrsl. Unulusi — _.. roomis, > 1 >i tllsd bath; third floor, two bedrooms 8 •West^River Rd.,-.*...*,^^ ;,, UN dOOl) INCOME, r,pr,».ntlni .. VoUNd couple need tti«r«- TlANIf B. I/AWBS AOBNUY—Vmmt, .opportunity lo obtain choice, location at tvoil1 cosmetics us advertised In Good ro«V -flnplscel stum hesl,. oil;. .and two storags rooms; hot water heat, room -spkrUrieiit In vicinity 'of Ited acreage, country homes. NewmnNewmnnn diprestlon price,' H.O00$1,000, Chirlll SweaSwes- — —M « beautiful landKapi, Prlel i nllhurnarl attractively priced. C. F. Phone: Rum.oh 1-0576. * Vbl Writs, "Avon," Box fill, Bank or Long Eranohi Call Mlddli- Sprlngs rosd, phons Rid B«nk »- m*r Atsnoy. Monmoutlil»vinv»., Fhond 117,100.,' SuhwaHs.Msekltn, I Whits Bordan, or G. - H. Nevlus, Shrewsbury. town t-OBSS-W. , ' . • 1871.* ' Bumion 1-M(!t * stint, R»d Blink, phoSl' I).«1I1, Phons Red flank Mil! or I-MJJ-J.* EED BANK EEGISTER, AUGUST 8,1946. Uent at Monmouth Memorial hos- Harold Boyer and his son Ken- * BKVOBB XOD BOT Scout Troops Help pital, whera she underwent an ap- Rumson neth of Peterson wars the week- pendix operation. end -guests of Mr. and Mr*. Leon PIANO STUDIO Re-Build School . ••A' joint 'meeting of the - official •Royer of Forrest'avenue, Announcing • • • • LIFE INSURANCE bokrd and Woman's":Society"' of 11 !Mr. and Mrs. •William Felker an* GET THIS IKFOBHATION Through thejefforU of troop 31, "Actual RMtUt Stady." « complla. MISS MARGARET Girl Scouta ofTfcong Branoh, the Christian jServlce - will be held .to- their 'ohlldren, Donald And Marlon, tlen by Imjwrtlil authoritUs on little town of Longues, Sur-Mer In night In the Methodist parsonage, of Bethlehem, Pa., are guests of Uf» bntua SuUitiu. ravuU MIRARCHI France Is once more able to proceed to make final plans for the annual Nicholas Hutgers, Jr., son of Mr: MrV. and Mrs. William, Smith of Monmouth Cleaners and Dyers rut diSennnt In th« cost Dl lire •with its educational program. Heav- fair to-be held Friday, August. 16. and Mrs. Nicholas Rutgers of Jjannly street. laMranct ID 41 leadfnc compaalew. MASTER DEGREE ily bombed during the war, the lit- Sgt. R, S, Casteter and family Navesthk River , road,. Mlddletown Mr, and Mrs. Robert Votteler and It thovn how to effect •ubitanlla lo l township, has rejoined his parents •ntnf* Writ. «»„'«• «»»y - CONSERVATORY SANTA CECIUA tle French town suffered a com- motored here from Dallas, Texas, their chilldren, Barbara and Robert, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT \ for a month's stay before th«y after arriving. Friday from Cali- of Brooklyn were guests of Mr. and dh U DO obligation.. Home, Italy - plete demolition of its school build- and and without the assistance of moved into a new home he has fornia. He expects to enter Rutgers Mrs. Joseph. Clancy of River road KENNETH CWASHBURNE THEORY - TECHNIQUE the Long Branch girls, the de- purchased at Fort Monmouth. university in the fall. Nathaniel over the week-end. -Mr. Clancy is FOR SERVICE CALL R. B. 60392. j LIU Uuuranca Service, stroyed school1 could never have Oscar Benson has been named Hartshorne, formerly of Locust, enjoying a two weeks' vacation 79 PRINCETON ROAD, PBOFICEENCY been reopened. " lay delegate to the New Jersey was his week-end guest from his dutlqs - with the Texaco BED BANK- PHONE 6-31S4 It was last- fall, as part of their Methodist church from the local John and Richard Bryan, Cnes- company In New York city. WANTED American Legion Bldg. work towards a Girl Scout badg church. ton Simmons, Jr., and Charles Lee, Miss Kitty Talcott, daughter of Riverside Ave, near Molly Pitcher on International relations, that th«, Raymond Brown, son of Mrs. Jr., spent the week-end at South* Mr. and Mrs, Booker: Talcott, re- Girls—No Experience • Steady Employment ' Red Bank Long- Branch troop Initiated its Bessie Carcla of Rumson, has re- hampton, Long Island, visiting turned Monday after spending a program, under the direction of enlisted in the U. a Navy. Lee's aunt. .few days In Edgartown, Mass. . Saturdays, 9 A. M.—« P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Blake of Preuers—Rough and Silk - Steady Employment (By courtesy of Legion) Miss Florence Sheppard of West The New Cartontown Bucs base- End, scout leader and teacher In VanRiper street are the parents of Bellevue avenue have returned af- ball .team defeated, the West Park For other appointments phone Long Branch Junior high school. a son born on Wednesday of last ter a two months' vacation atThet- Tigers 7-1 Tuesday night on the BRANCH AVE., LITTLE SILVER* Long Branch 8-8088-W. Through Miss Sheppard, It was week at Monmouth Memorial hos- ford, Vt Rumson high school field. Louis (Uncovered , that the school in pital. Arthur Pettlt of Buena Vista ave- Vinci pitched for the winners. Longues, Sur-Mer had been de- Mr. and Mrs. William Ward of nue will return Sunday after ten David Hicks, son of Road Super- stroyed and that there could not be Badminton lans are the parents of days' vacation In Quebec, Canada. intendent and Mrs. Percy Hicks of another school, since neither money a daughter born Friday at Mon- Miss. Molly Weare of Mount KIs- Third street, was discharged last nor supplies were available. Great- mouth Memorial hospital. co, N. T., was the week-end guest week from the navy at Lido Beach, ly Interested, the girls decided to Caught in the undertow while of Bertram H. Borden of River Long Island. . sponsor a rehabilitation program to swimming in the ocean, last Thurs- road. day, Thomas Connolly, 35,'of 2 Cen- Tires and Tubes help the children overseas. •' Marshall Blankarn of River road Funds were raised and necessary ter street, was taken to Monmouth is ien]oylng two weeks' vacation Little Silver materials such as books, writing Memorial hospital where, he was from his 'business as a banker In H«y« the food you wait when you Garden Tools paper and pencils were collected. treated for submersion and over- New York city. want it. Rent > Food Locker today The first shipment of approximately exposure and later released. The Harry Seggerman, son of Mr. and and be a»iured ol vitamin freih food. Seat Covers $130 was enough to start the school, Sea Bright first aid ambulance took »t the depot and at Dennis' General Mr. Connolly to the hospital. Mrs. Kenneth Seggerman of Rum-Store) «= «t all timei. and additional boxes have been far- son road, was home this week on Tools, Horns and Lights. warded throughout this year. liberty from Lido Beach naval sep- Registration for all pupils who RED BANK have not attended Little Silver pub- Toys, Dolls. Games. Letters have been received here Eatontown aration center, where he Is sta- COLD STORAGE from Rep. James C. Auchincloss tioned as a seaman first class. He lid school will take place Friday, and Mrs. Charles S. Dewey, co- expects to, receive his discharge this September 6, from 1:80 to 2 p. m. • (The Red Bank Register can be bought All children registering for en- AND chairman, Washington unit, Amer- 1 Eatontown from Qonnle'i, A. J. month. ican Relief for France, inc., whoHague. D. Unehan and Davis') Arthur Borden, his two sons, trance to pre-piimary grade are re- LOCKER CO., Inc. 1 quested to bring their birth cer- Norman K. Freeman recently returned from France. A covered dish lawn party will be Philip ana Chris ; David Clawford, 15 Herbert St. Red Bank While in Normandle Mrs. Dewey John Ballantlne, Jr., and David tificate. No child will be allowed to 121 FIRST AVENUE, visited Longues, Sur-Mer, and hasheld tonight on the lawn of the enroll who is not five years of age 2 Blockj South of ft. R. Station home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Zachry will leave Rumson tomor- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS congratulated the young girls upon row on Mr. Borden's 40-foot yawl when school opens and no child (Juit off Bridie Ave.) their commendable achievement. Lewis of 222 Broad street by Eat- who becomes flve years old after Phone Atlantic Highlands 1-0781 ontown chapter, Order of the East- for a two-weeks' cruise to Nan- PHONE R. B. 6-3904 tucket island. Mass. opening date will be permitted to ern Star, of which the host Is enter school after September 19, Sea Bright worthy patron and the hostess 1B Misi Jeannette Ballantine, daugh- :er of Mr. and Mrs. John Ballan- 1848, or ten(days after school offi- worthy matron. cially opens. School opens Monday, (The Red Bank Register can be bought Twenty-three members of Pride lne of Buena Vista avenue, left in Sea Bright at the Sea Bright Cigar this morning to visit her grand- September 9, with full-time ses- and Stationery Store and at Morria of Crescent council. Sons and sions. Welsman'a) Daughters of Liberty, enjoyed a mother for two weeks in Mack- inaw, Mich. Councilman Chester Apy and I Lovely Summer Flowers Rev. Walter B. Williams has ac- straw ride Wednesday night of last family of Garden road left today week to Sea Side park, where they Among the casualties in Friday's V that speak words of beauty and grace for weddings A cepted an Invitation to return for wreck ot a central railroad train for East Haadam, Conn.,.where Mr. the seventh year aa pastor of the held a beach party. wer< th Apy will act as presiding elder of 6 ... birthdays . . . gifts . . . and all occasions. X Methodist church. All the official^ Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaParre and ' > <* following residents of Camp Bethel. The annual ten-day y Let us plan your floral arrangements for each ? were re-elected at the fourth quar- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis are on ' Rumson. Raymond M. Austin, Rlv- session will be held under auspices FOR MEN I terly conference held last week and motor 'vkcation trip in the New er road; Neil W. Chichester, Robin Of the Life and Advent Union. coming celebration. England slate. They also plan to road; Paul A. Huntsman, River James Layton was named assistant Rev. Dr.F. A. DeMarls will preach i treasurer. Rev. A. C. Brady of Red visit Canaba. road; Ralston P. Lamborn, River Mrs. Walter Dangler, member of road; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lon- Sunday at 11 o'clock In Embury PANTS SPOUT COATS [Bank, district superintendent, pre- Methodist church on "The Potter's HONEY BEE FLOWERS I elded. The reports showed the the local Sons and Daughters of gua. River road; Gordon C. Mc- SOME ' LIGHTWEIGHT. SEEKS 98 TO M. Nalr, Waterman avenue; Edward Vessel." Sunday-school convenes at A Upper Broad St. Tel. 6-0872 Bed Bank church to 'be In A-l financial con- Liberty lodge, was reported III at 10 o'clock. . dition. A covered dish supper was her Long Branch home at Monday P. Polak, Hartshorne lane; Clem- V prepared and served by the church night's meeting. ent L, Despard, Buena Vista ave- Evetta Louise Williams, infant nue, and Stephen O. Young, Robin daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Francis BRIEFS and UNDERSHIRTS women. Two large hams were do- Rev. D. W. Brewlngton preached Williams of 28T Roosevelt avenue, nated, by George H. Krauss, pro- last Sunday morning In the Pres- road. SIZES SO TO 40. Mist Ruth Cummlngs of Lake Elberon, was baptized last Sunday prietor of Harry's Lobster house. byterian church, and will be guest by Dr. DeMarls at Embury church. NOTICE! Mr. and Mrs. Clanence Stevens minister August IS, 25 and Septem- Forest, HL, will arrive Wednesday and his mother, Mrs. Ada Stevens, to spend a week as' the guest, of The regular monthly meeting of ber 1. Rev. William T. Dale will the official board will be hold next SIGNS AND are planning a motor trip sometime occupy the pulpit next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ferguson of thia fall to California to visit their Locust. Wednesday at 8:18 p. m. In tba A. B. C. Evening services have been discon- Methodist churoh. FOR WOMEN SERVICE son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred tinued until September 8. The sen- Pehr Hutier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stevens. ior Christian Endeavor society Hans Huber of Locust, spent stv- 15 Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J. About 60 children and adults meets Sunday evenings at 6:30' «ral days visiting Mr. and Mrs. ENTEBTADf FRIENDS. • SWEATERS • HATS Now Specializing in went on the annual Methodist Sun- o'clock, with Mrs. Ray Tupper in Walter Hub«r &t Mount Klsco, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Teed ot Riv- day school picnic Saturday to Mete- charge. N. Y. erside Heights, Mlddletown toww • SklRTS • HANDBAGS { deconk. Everybody had a good Mrs. Nellie Green told how ;he Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Bishop of ship, entertained several frlendl time. The boroflfch mayor and coun- made $6.25 for the Sons and Daugh- Bedford Village, N. Y., and Eu- Sunday at an outdoor patty. Quells ft SUITS § HOUSECOATS CARD AND PAPER SIGNS cil donated $25.00 towards the ex- ters of Liberty lodge from the gene Connett of South Orange were Mr. and Mrs. William Bradley, CALL RED BANK 6-3909 pensM. "traveling dollar" at Monday! were week-end guests of Mr. andLois Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. W, Stirkj • JACKI Mrs. Nancy Johnson, who resides night's session. A penny sale was! Mrs. Edwin Bransome. Mrs. Bishop hardt and Douglas Burkharflt. $t at the Hotel Peninsula, Is a pa- held after the meeting and refresh-, is the former Mary Jane Chambers Little Silver, Mr. and Mr*. ChAHM ments were seVved, the Legion-1 of the Avenue of Two Rivers, and Kerchncr, Long Branch; Mrs. Fred nalres providing the soft drinks. A' she and her husband were the win- Ayres, Red Bank; Mrs. Serena tta- public card party will be held at ners of the Plymouth sedan at the vens, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Smith, next Monday's meeting. The dis- Fair Haven firemen's fair Saturday Gay and Bobby Smith, Riverside trict deputy was the guest of honor night Heights, and Herman Teed, Free- Sfaop in Comfort at this week's meeting. Cory don S. Taylor of Peapack port, Nova Scotia, waa the week-end guest of Mr. and •—Store is now Mrs. Lelghton Lobdell of Ridge DONATE TO CHURCH. air-conditioned road. CHURCH TO HOLD PICNIC The Seacoast Missionary Baptist Miss Susan Street of Cedarhurst, The Union Baptist Sunday-school association of New Jersey held Long Island, spent the week-end of Mlddletown will hold a picnic their eleventh annual session re- visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanford in Atlantlo City August 22. Buses West St. Red Bonk cently with the Union Baptist Shanley of the AVenue of Two will leave Middletown at 8 a. m. church in Mlddletown. Donations Rivers. Mrs. Willie Williams and Thomas were received from Mrs. Ida Com- Miss Joan Mears, daughter of Mr. Reynolds are in charge of ticket AiX BUSSES STOP M BLOCK FROM OPB STOBE mons, Mrs. Sarah Wallace, Mr. and and Mrs. Dan Mears of Bay street, sales. Mrs. Joseph S. Maxwell, Charles is spending two weeks in New York Neal, Mrs. Curley Brown, Mrs. Wil- city visiting relatives. lie Williams, Mrs. Qrace Suggs, Rev. James Brennan of Jersey City For your conven- and Mrs. A. R. Montgomery, Miss and Mrs. Claude Reed of Newark Virginia Blackwell, Mrs. Marlon were the week-end guests of Mr. venience we sug- Reevey, Mrs. Marion Seymour, Mrs. and MrB. Edward Costigan of Wash- Bertha Thompson, Mrs. France/* ington street gest opening a Robinson, Alexander Chapman, Mrs. Gladys Eidelheuser of New- General Instrument George Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. M. ark is spending a week at the Rum- charge account. Randolph, Thomas Reynolds, Syl- son inn. Corporation of Elizabeth vester Morris, Mrs. Mabel Cain, Edwin Pomphrey of River road is Paul Barrett, Miss Dorothy Ed- a patient at Monmouth Memorial monds and Miss Alethla Brown, hospital with a back injury. The World's Largest William Reed of River road is a BACK FROM SCHOOL. surgical patient at Monmouth Mem- Manufacturer of Radio orial hospital. George Blackwell of Mlddletown, Miss Charlotte Rexinger of New a pupil of Union Baptist Sunday- York city Is the guest of MIBS Kar- Parts Has Opened school of Red Hill, recently re- en Astren of Ward lane, who re- turned from the Bordentown Indus- turned this week after visiting her trial school, where he was a stu- mother, Mrs. Ida Astren of New dent during July. Upon his return, York city. George Issued a statement thank- A NEW BRANCH Ing those members of the local Miss Marilyn Tillraan of New Sunday-school who were responsi- York city was a recent visitor at in the Charms Building ble for his attending the sessions. the home of Mrs. William Young of Ward lane. _ Asbury Park, N. J. SALE Offering a large number of fine opportunities to GIRLS and YOUNG WOMEN Panama Hats for" Light Factory Work

Applicants should be 18 to 30 years old, and at least two years of high school education is desirable. This is not ordinary factory work, but EVERYBODY AGREES light, clean, interesting work on radio parts. Experience is not required, Natural and tan colors in Leghorn and Regular weaves— for these operations, of testing and inspecting character, are very easy to learn; and you will be well paid during the brief training period. also those light-weight Calleah Palms—get yours to-day*. You will be in pleasant surroundings, in a line, modern office building, $7.50 values $5,00 That our Money Orders are convenient bright, airy, flooded with day-light, with nice associates and consider- ate supervisors. $6.00 values $4.00 and also economical. For mailing re- $5.00 values $3.35 • ATTRACTIVE STARTING RATES mittances, you'll find these Money $3.50 values $2.35 • AUTOMATIC PAY INCREASES Orders offer safety, and also the stub • EXTRA INCENTIVE EARNINGS LOJ, serves a^ your receipt. Five Day Week — Vacations and Holidays With Pay


:,'T1»pr—•. ' it. ..~,tf-:

Store Closed AJ1 Day Wed. During Aug.- Charnu Building, 401 Monroe Avenue, Asbury Park or USES Onices—17-19 Main Street, Asbury Park
