September 2014 Dear Parent/Carer, Having now had two complete weeks of the school year, 2014-15, for all students at, I am very pleased to be able to write to you and report that we have had an extremely positive start to the term. Not only have we welcomed all of our new Year 7 students to our school, we have also been pleased to receive 14 new students into Years 8, 9 and 10, as well as students from our own and other schools who have joined our excellent Sixth Form learning community, taking the total number of post 16 students to 214. If you are a new parent or carer to our school, then we say a special word of welcome to you. There will be many opportunities throughout the school year for you to get to know the staff and students at our school and we hope you will soon feel an established part of our whole school community. One of the first things I need to share with you in this newsletter is to do with school communication and the changes which have taken place to upgrade our ICT facilities. Our move to ‘Office 365’ and ‘The Cloud’ has meant a change to all staff email addresses. They now all follow the same pattern, which is a member of staff’s first name initial, followed by their surname and then—so my address is
[email protected] and my deputies are
[email protected] (Mr Dan Buckley),
[email protected] (Mrs Linda Griffin), and
[email protected] (Mr Nick Scantlebury).