A. S. Kesten, K. S. Öğüt: A New Passenger-Oriented Performance Measurement Framework for Public Rail Transportation Systems ALI SERCAN KESTEN, Ph.D. Human-Traffic Interaction E-mail:
[email protected] Preliminary Communication KEMAL SELÇUK ÖĞÜT, Ph.D. Submitted: May 31, 2014 E-mail:
[email protected] Approved: July 8, 2014 Istanbul Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering I.T.Ü. Ayazaga Kampüsü, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü 34469 Maslak/Istanbul, Turkey A NEW PASSENGER-ORIENTED PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT FRAMEWORK FOR PUBLIC RAIL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS ABSTRACT and therefore, this perception should be one of the prominent factors in systems management. The ser- Customer perception of the quality of service provided by vice quality has a positive and significant effect on cus- the operator and the level of satisfaction are one of the key tomer satisfaction [1]. Satisfaction is a consumer’s re- parameters to monitor the performance. This paper presents sponse to the evaluation of the perceived quality with a practical approach for monitoring public transportation system performance by focusing on the passengers’ evalua- pre-purchased expectations (or some norm of perfor- tions. The paper first outlines the development of a system- mance) and the actual performance of the product as atic framework for an objective and participatory monitoring perceived after its consumption [2]. of transportation systems performance. A Passenger-Orient- Satisfaction can also be defined as a function of ed Performance IndeX (POPIX) has been developed by us- perceived performance, expectations and prior satis- ing 22 indicators with 6 different measures defined as time, faction [3]. Passenger satisfaction is directly related cost, accessibility and transfer, comfort, safety – security to the expectations of service quality and the actual and quality of service.