The Romanian cuniculture achievements in terms of breed creation up to 2016 1Kinga Ilyés, 2Claudia-Terezia Socol, 3Florin L. Criste

1 Faculty of and Biotechnology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania; 2 National Agency for Animal Husbandry “Prof. dr. G. K. Constantinescu”, The National Centre for Professional Training in Animal Husbandry, Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 3 University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania. Corresponding author: K. Ilyés, [email protected]

Abstract. Although in Romania a certain tradition of rearing in households and industrial facilities existed for a long time, there was no need or did not arose the right circumstances to create an indigenous breed up to 2005. In 2005 has begun the Rabbit of Cluj (RC) project, following a spontaneous mutation occurred in a family of New Zealand White (albino) , resulting in an individual with a mutation of the color trait, carrying ch at the C locus. Later, with infusion of New Zealand White and Chinchilla rabbits a population with distinct morphological features was created. Shortly after, in 2008, a team of researchers started the creation of the Transylvanian Giant Rabbit (TGR) the nucleus of the breed being a population of rabbits with polymorphic traits, originating from the Somes and Aries area, and Flemish Giant, Giant Papillon and Californian rabbits respectively. Following a very well developed breeding program and subsequently pairs matching, resulted a large sized (giant) rabbit with Himalayan color pattern. In 2010, a new opportunity has arisen in order to create a new Romanian rabbit breed, namely the Szekler Rabbit (SR). On the basis of the crossbreeding representing seven distinct of half-breeds, a very rare color variety in the cuniculture world was obtained namely the sallander color. Considering this rare and with infusion of different cosmopolite breeds has borne the Szekler Rabbit, which has a rustic character and a particular and outstanding phenotype. It is noteworthy that all three Romanian rabbit creations were certified in March 2016 by the Ministry of and Rural Development through the National Production Agency "Prof. Dr. K. G. Constantinescu". Also studbooks are conducted individually for each breed separately, under the auspices of FNCPPAMR (Federația Națională a Crescătorilor de Porumbei, Păsări și Animale Mici din România - National Federation of Pigeons, Poultry and Small Animal Breeders from Romania). Key Words: Rabbit of Cluj, Transylvanian Giant Rabbit, Szekler Rabbit, Romanian rabbit breeds, new infraspecific taxons, biodiversity, himalaya, sallander, Oryctolagus cuniculus.

Auszug. Obwohl in Rumänien gab es schon einige Traditionen der Kaninchenzucht, der Mangel an Herstellung einer erbeigen Gattung in den Bauernhöfen der Bevölkerung und in den industriellen Komplexen war bis 2005 doch nicht wahrnehmbar. Oder es entstanden die richtigen Umstände noch nicht dazu. Im Jahre 2005 startete das Projekt des Klausenburger Kaninchens (KK) infolge einer spontanen Mutation in einer Weißen Neuseeländer – Kaninchenfamilie, wodurch ein Individuum mit einer Farbenmutation, dass das Geschlecht ch im Locus C trägt. Nachträglich wurde mit Infusionen der Kaninchengattung von Chinchilla und des Weißen Neuseeländers eine Population mit morphologisch abtrennbaren Charakteren zu Leben gerufen. Binnen kurzer Zeit, in 2008 wurde die Basis der Bildung des Siebenbürgischen Riesen (SR) - auf einer Kaninchenpopulation mit polymorphen Charaktere basierend, die aus dem Tal des Samosch und des Arieș beziehungsweise des Grauen Riesen, des Riesenschecken und des Kalifornischen gelegt. Infolge eines sehr gründlich vorbereiteten Kreuzungsprogrammes und nachträglich einer Paarenkompatibilität ergab ein Kaninchen von gigantischer Taille mit Farbcharaktere der Himalaya. Im Jahre 2010 tauchte eine neue Opportunität für die Herstellung einer rumänischen Rasse, des sogenannten Sekler Kaninchens (SK) auf. Aufgrund einiger Kreuzungen von Landrassen, die 7 gut separierbaren Phänotypen vertreten, erhielt man eine sehr seltene Farbenvarietät in der Welt der Kaninchenzüchter das sogenannte sallander. Dieser seltene Phänotypus mit Infusion verschiedener Rassen geweiht – rufte das Sekler Kaninchen zu Leben, das über einen rustischen Charakter und einen extra Phänotypen verfügt. Es ist bemerkenswert, dass im März 2016, alle drei Rassen vom Agrarministerium durch die Nationale Agentur für Tierzucht „Prof. Dr. G. K. Constantinescu” bescheinigt wurden. Des weiteren sind genealogische Registern für jede einzelne Rasse – mit Unterstützung vom FNCPPAMR (Federația Națională a Crescătorilor de Porumbei, Păsări și Animale Mici din România - Tauben- Vögel- und Kleintiere Züchter Nationalverband Rumäniens geführt). Schlüsselworte: Cluj Kaninchen, Siebenbürgische Gigant, Sekler Kaninchen, rumänische Kaninchenrassen, Biodiversität, Himalaya, Sallander, Oryctolagus cuniculus.

Rabbit Gen, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1. 26 Résumé. Même si la coutume de l’élevage traditionnel du lapin et également de l`élevage industriel a existé depuis longtemps en Roumanie, jusqu’en 2005 le besoin ou les circonstances appropriées afin de créer une races indigènes n`existait pas. En 2005, le projet du Lapin de Cluj (LC) a été démarré, dû à une mutation spontanée apparue dans une famille de lapins Néo-Zélandais Blanc (albinos), résultant un individu avec une mutation de la couleur du pelage, portant le gène ch au locus C. Plus tard, avec l’infusion de lapins Chinchilla et Néo-Zélandais Blanc on a été possible de créer une population avec des caractères morphologiques distincts. Depuis peu, en 2008 la création du lapin Géant de Transylvanie (GT) était facilitée à travers la formation d`une population de lapins avec des caractères polymorphes, originaires de la rivière Someş et Arieş, respectivement le Geant Gris, le Geant Papillon et Californien. Par suite d`un programme de croisement très bien développés et ensuite d`ajuster les paires a resulté un lapin de grande taille (géant) avec des caractères à couleur himalaya. En 2010, une nouvelle opportunité surgit afin de créer une nouvelle race de lapin roumain, nommément le lapin Sicule (LS). Une variété de couler très rare dans le monde cunicule, ledit sallander a été aussi obtenu parmis des croisements des lapins métis représentant sept phénotypes distincts . Le lapin Sicule a été obtenu en tenant compte de ce phénotype rare qui present une infusion de différentes races consacré et qui a un caractère rustique et un phénotype particulier. Il est à noter que les trois créations cunicule roumaines ont été certifiés en Mars 2016 par le Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural à travers L`Agence Nationale pour la Zootechnie "Prof. Dr. K. G. Constantinescu". Egalement, il y a des registres généalogiques menées individuellement pour chaque race, sous l'égide FNCPPAMR (Federația Națională a Crescătorilor de Porumbei, Păsări și Animale Mici din România - La Fédération Nationale des Eleveurs des Pigeons, des Oiseaux et des Petits Animaux de Roumanie). Mots clés: le Lapin Cluj, Géant de Transylvanie, Lapin Sicule, himalaya, sallander, biodiversité, Oryctolagus cuniculus.

Rezumat. Cu toate că în România a existat de multă vreme o oarecare tradiție în creșterea iepurilor de casă în gospodăriile populatiei și în complexe industriale deopotrivă, nu s-a simțit nevoia sau nu s-au ivit circumstanțele potrivite în vederea creării unei rase autohtone pana în anul 2005. În anul 2005 s-a demarat proiectul Iepurelui de Cluj (ICJ), în urma unei mutații spontane apărută într-o familie de iepuri Neozeelandezi Albi (albinotici), rezultând un individ cu o mutație de culoare, purtând gena ch la locusul C. Ulterior cu infuzie de iepuri de rasă Chinchilla Mare și Neozeelandez Alb s-a reușit crearea unei populații cu caractere morfologice distincte. Peste puțin timp, în anul 2008 s-au pus bazele creării iepurelui Uriaș de Transilvania (UT), la baza formării ei fiind o populație de iepuri cu caractere polimorfice originare din valea Someșului și Arieșului, respectiv Uriaș German Gri, Pestriț Uriaș German și Californian. În urma unui program de încrucișare foarte bine pus la punct și ulterior de potrivire a perechilor a rezultat un iepure de talie mare (uriaș) cu caractere de culoare himalaya. În anul 2010 s-a ivit o nouă oportunitate în vederea creării unei noi rase românești și anume a Iepurelui Secuiesc (IS). Pe baza unor încrucișări de iepuri metiși reprezentând șapte fenotipuri distincte s-a obținut și o varietate de culoare foarte rară în lumea cuniculă și anume sallander. Luând în considerare acest fenotip rar și cu infuzie de diferite rase consacrate a luat naștere Iepurele Secuiesc, care dispune de un caracter rustic și un fenotip aparte. Este demn de menționat faptul că toate cele trei creații cunicule românești au fost atestate în martie 2016 de către Ministerul Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale prin Agenția Națională pentru Zootehnie „Prof. Dr. G. K. Constantinescu”. De asemenea se conduc Registre Genealogice individual pentru fiecare rasă în parte, sub auspiciul FNCPPAMR (Federația Națională a Crescătorilor de Porumbei, Păsări și Animale Mici din România). Cuvinte cheie: Iepure de Cluj, Uriaș de Transilvania, Iepure Secuiesc, rase românesti, himalaya, sallander, biodiversitate, Oryctolagus cuniculus.

Kivonat. Annak ellenére, hogy Romániában volt némi hagyomány a háztáji és ipari nyúltenyésztés terén, egészen 2005-ig nem sikerült, illetve nem adódtak meg a megfelelő keretek egy hazai fajta kitenyésztésére. 2005-ben indult a Kolozsvári Nyúl (KNy) kitenyésztési programja, melynek kiindulópontjaként egy Új-zélandi fehér (albínó) nyúl alomban megjelent spontán mutáció szolgált, ahol egy mutáns egyed a C locuson ch gént hordozott. Ez a hamuszürke egyed és az Új-zélandi fehér, és Nagy Csincsilla fajta felhasználásával, egy szigorúan szabott tenyésztési program keretén belül sikerült kitenyészteni egy egyedi küllemmel rendelkező populációt. Nem sok idővel ezután, 2008-ban megkezdődött az Erdélyi Órásnyúl (EÓ) kitenyésztési programja. A fajta alapjául egy nagyon polimorfikus populáció szolgált, amely a Szamos és Aranyos völgyéből származott, valamint Német Szürke Óriás, Német Tarka Óriás és Kaliforniai nyúlak. Ezen alanyok felhasználásával, egyedre szabott keresztezési és szigorú párosítási sémák felhasználásával egy himalaya jellegű, nagy testű (óriás) nyúl lett kitenyésztve. 2010-ben egy új lehetőség bukkant fel: a Székely Nyúl (SzNy) kitenyésztése. Hét különböző fenotípusú parlagi/félvér nyúlak keresztezése során, a nyúlvilágban igen ritka színfenotípusnak számító szallander bukkant fel. Ezt a szallander színű egyedet és más nyúlfajtákat felhasználva, lett kitenyésztve a rideg, viszont elegáns és egyedi küllemű Székely Nyúl. Érdemes megemlíteni, hogy 2016 márciusában a Földművelési és Vidékfejlesztési Minisztérium, a „Prof. Dr. G. K. Constantinescu” Nemzeti Állattenyésztési Ügynökségen keresztül elismerte a fentebb említett három romániai nyúlfajtát. A családfa vezetéze külön-külön történik mindegyik fajta részére a Romániai Galamb, Háziszárnyas és Kisállattenyésztők Államszövetség (RGHKÁ) (FNCPPAMR - Federația Națională a Crescătorilor de Porumbei, Păsări și Animale Mici din România) keretén belül. Kulcsszavak: Kolozsvári Nyúl, Erdélyi Óriásnyúl, Székely Nyúl, romániai nyúlfajták, biodiverzitás, himalaya, szallander, Oryctolagus cuniculus.

Rabbit Gen, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1. 27 Introduction. Although Romania has a certain tradition and possibilities of rabbit rearing (Petrescu et al 2013; Oroian et al 2014a) in households and industrial facilities (Frăţilă et al 1985) alike, for a long time, there was no need or did not arose the right circumstances to create an indigenous breed up to 2005. Before 2016 there was no homologated Romanian rabbit breed, although there where some attempts, if we mention the White of Cluj (Petrescu-Mag 2009; Standard 1991), but the new strain was never registered, and disappeared. Its particularity consisted in black eyes (Standard 1991), so it was not an albino. It is worth to mention here the “Supercuni” the only Romanian hybrid rabbit, which resulted after 15 years of work of selection and genetic improvement (Frăţilă et al 1985), which features was competed with any commercial rabbit at that time (Botha et al 2007a,c). Since 2005 a series of rabbit breeding/improvement programs started, resulting in three breeds, namely the Rabbit of Cluj, Transylvanian Giant Rabbit, and Szekler Rabbit, which are recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development through the National Livestock Production Agency "Prof. Dr. K. G. Constantinescu" since 2016. Also studbooks are conducted individually for each breed separately, under the auspices of FNCPPAMR (Federația Națională a Crescătorilor de Porumbei, Păsări și Animale Mici din România - National Federation of Pigeons, Poultry and Small Animal Breeders from Romania).

The Rabbit of Cluj (RC). In 2005 the Rabbit of Cluj project (RC) has begun, following a spontaneous mutation occurred in a family of New Zealand White (albino) rabbits, resulting in an individual with a mutation of the color trait, carrying gene ch on the C locus (Botha et al 2011; Zmaranda 2015a) (Figure 1).



Figure 1. The Rabbit of Cluj born through spontaneous mutation. A, B – the genitors, New Zealand White pure breed; C – the Rabbit of Cluj founder male (the mutant) at the age of one month (original).

Rabbit Gen, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1. 28 At the age of somatic maturity the Rabbit of Cluj founder male exhibited a particular phenotype suitable for shows and production alike (Figure 2).

Figure 2. The Rabbit of Cluj founder male (FM) at maturity (original).

Later the Rabbit of Cluj improvement program required infusion of New Zealand White and Chinchilla rabbits in order to maintain the morphological features in terms of conformation and color, and not at least to avoid a high inbreeding degree, following the breeding scheme presented in Figure 3 (Botha et al 2011). The FM was breed with pure breed Chinchilla and pure breed New Zealand White females, forming several different lines with a certain segregation ratio in the New Zealand White line, this fact proved that the FM was a heterozygous individual in terms of chinchilla color gene (Figure 3, Table 1).


AABBcchcchDDEE aa--cc---- X X


Figure 3. The first breeding scheme designed to consolidate the Rabbit of Cluj population. FM – founder male; AABBcchcchDDEE – pure breed Chinchilla rabbit females; aa--cc-- - pure breed New Zealand White rabbit females (original).

Rabbit Gen, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1. 29 Table 1 The resulted offspring’s phenotype after the first two breeding schemas designed in order to obtain the Rabbit of Cluj (RC) (adaptation after Botha et al 2011)

Matings Obtained phenotype in F1 generation Observations 50% albino, 50% cch (a ) color pattern (with Kept for breeding just the FM x NZW chi 2 shades: light chinchilla and dark chinchilla) colored individuals 100% cch (a ) color pattern with 2 shades: All the kits kept for further FM x Ch chi light chinchilla and dark chinchilla breeding FM – founder male, NZW – New Zealand White, Ch – Chinchilla, cch – international chinchilla gene notation, achi – European chinchilla gene notation.

At the age of reproductive maturity the cross breeding between the individuals belonging to the two lines (Chinchilla and New Zealand White) was performed (Figure 4). This way a population with distinct morphological features was created (Botha et al 2011, 2013).

Figure 4. The second breeding scheme for the Rabbit of Cluj (original).

Table 2 presents the genitors origin, color genotype, size at maturity and their role in the RC breeding programme. It can be seen that the initial breeding stock consisted of very diverse genotypes and phenotypes alike, which ensured the heterosis of the population, but further however a low degree of inbreeding was performed in order to stabilize certain uniformity in the new population. The inbreeding was planned that consanguinity not to accede 25%, in order to avoid the inbreeding depression, with its inevitable negative consequences (Botha et al 2014).

Rabbit Gen, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1. 30 Table 2 The biological material used in the creation of RC (adaptation after Botha et al 2011)

Adult weight Role in the RC Strain Origin Color pattern (kg) project Cluj-Napoca, FM unknown 3.70 Breed founder Romania AABBcchcchDDEE Color Ch Wells, Austria 5.00 (achiachiBBCCDDEE) improvement Phenotype NZW Budapest, Hungary aa______4.80 consolidation AABBcchcchDDEE – international Chinchilla gene color pattern notation, achiachiBBCCDDEE - European chinchilla gene color pattern notation, aa______- albino color pattern.

After five years of intensive work of selection and improvement of the RC the main direction of the future breeding improvement programs was elaborated. This direction mention weight limits of 3.50-5.50 kg, ideal ear length of 10.00-11.00 cm, hair length of 3.00 cm, and ash grey color defined by the chinchilla color pattern (AABBcchcchDDEE – international notation, achiachiBBCCDDEE – European notation).

The Transylvanian Giant Rabbit (TGR). In 2008 the creation program of the Transylvanian Giant Rabbit (TGR) was started. The nucleus of the breed was a population of rabbits with polymorphic characters, originating from the Somes and Aries area, and Flemish Giant, Giant Papillon and Californian pure breed rabbits respectively (Petrescu-Mag et al 2009) (Figure 5).

Native nucleus


Figure 5. Populations which formed the base of the Transylvanian Giant Rabbit (original).

From the beginning, the breeding program was elaborated in order to obtain a large (giant) sized Himalayan colored rabbit which aimed to inherit the native population resistance (rusticity) and also to enhance the meat productivity. In this order the first

Rabbit Gen, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1. 31 breeding scheme was build to crossbreed the Californian rabbit with the other three populations (native, Flemish Giant, Giant Papillon) (Figure 6.)

Figure 6. The Transylvanian Giant Rabbit breeding programme 2008 - 2010, elaborated by Bioflux SRL (original) (Petrescu-Mag et al 2009).

Table 3 emphasizes the role of each strain introduced in the TGR project, underlining the main morphological features of the genitors. As can be seen there is a wide range of body weight at somatic maturity, and also high diversity of color pattern.

Table 3 The biological material used in TGR project (Petrescu-Mag et al 2009)

Body weight at the sexual Role in TGR Strain Origins Color pattern maturity program (average value) Turda Highly neighborhoods 1) Resistance polymorphic (small commercial and Native (more than 3.7 kg interests; poor chances 2) Prolificacy to seven different to be transported from the new strain. phenotypes) elsewhere) 1) Good Cluj-Napoca skeletal and (some of them Pointed black muscular habit, CR from Timişoara, white (Himalaya 3.6 kg 2) a uniform Romania; others pattern) color pattern from Hungary) 3) black body base color. 1) Improvement Cluj-Napoca of the body (parents: possible White, spotted ESR 5.8 kg size, from Nitra, with black 2) black body Slovakia) base color. Cluj-Napoca 1) Improvement (born in Braşov, GGR Agouti 7.5 kg of the body Romania; others from size. Cluj-Napoca) CR – Californian, ESR – Giant Papillon, GGR – Flemish Giant.

Rabbit Gen, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1. 32 Following the TGR creation program it can be seen that in terms of body size it begun to take the desired shape starting from the 4th generation. Regarding the color genotype, in the 4th and 5th generations a multitude of color patterns resulted (CchAa, CchAa, Cchaa, chchAa), which was stabilized in the 6th and 7th generations. The most important difference between the 4th and 5th generations was the body size, larger in the 5th generation. Finally in the 6th and 7th generations the experimental population took the desired shape of the TGR, with ideal color pattern (Himalaya) and body size (Table 4).

Table 4 The genotype of each color pattern obtained during creation of the Transylvanian Giant Rabbit (C encode a full color development, ch is the Himalaya gene, A encode the agouti pattern, a encode the self color/non-agouti) (Petrescu-Mag et al 2009)

Abreviation Color pattern Genotype Observation Impossible to Impossible to Native Medium sized describe describe Pointed black white CR chch aa Medium sized (Himalaya) White, spotted with GSR CC aa Giant black GGR Agouti CC AA Giant H1 – Only patterns of interest are Black Cch aa Medium sized considered H2 - Only patterns of interest are Black Cch aa Medium sized considered H3 Dark steel CchAa Medium sized Agouti CchAa Dark steel CchAa H4 Giant Black Cch aa Agouti Himalaya chch Aa Agouti CchAa Dark steel CchAa H5 Medium sized Black Cch aa Agouti Himalaya chch Aa H6 - Only patterns Giant. Ideal Pointed black white of interest are chch aa color pattern for (Himalaya considered TGR H7 - Only patterns Pointed black white Giant. Ideal color of interest are chch aa (Himalaya) pattern for TGR considered CR – Californian, ESR – Giant Pappilon, GGR – Flemish Giant.

Following very precise build developing and breeding programs and subsequently pairs matching, resulted a large sized (giant) rabbit with Himalayan color pattern (Zmaranda 2015b). The TGR breed standard (Petrescu-Mag et al 2011, 2012; Oroian et al 2014) specify body weight limits between a minimum of 4.5 kg and a maximum of 9.00 kg, but a normal weight is about 6.00 kg, meaning that in the evaluation process the specimens between 6.00 kg and 9.00 kg get maximum score (10 points) for the body weight criterion. Also the individuals under 4.5 kg and above 9.00 kg are excluded from evaluation. Concerning the body length, it is desirable a dimension between 42 and 60 cm. The body shape should be slightly elongated, cylindrical and with well developed muscularity. The section prescribes hair length of 3-4 cm (medium sized). A very important trait of the breed is the ear length, which dimension should be a 3rd part of the

Rabbit Gen, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1. 33 body length, but between the limits of 14-18 cm. In terms of color markings, individuals with black, havana, blue, and grey extremities (drawing) are accepted (Figure 7).

Figure 7. The Transylvanian Giant Rabbit (Foto:

At the end of the TGR project we can say that the desideratum to obtain a large sized breed, with rustic character (Petrescu-Mag et al 2014a) previously observed also on Californian does (Botha et al 2007b), but with enhanced reproductive traits and meat production indices (Petrescu-Mag et al 2014b), with himalaya color pattern was successfully achieved. Petrescu-Mag et al (2014b) reported a prolificacy of 7.56±0.52 kits/female, 7.06±0.17 weaned individuals/female and an average of 1,788.75±40.12 g weight at weaning (at 8 weeks), an average weight at 1 month of age of 722.45±7.94 g, at the age of 2 months 1,880.88±8.53 g, at the age of 3 months 2,944.18±6.18 g, at the age of 8 months 6,443.94±53.74 g, with the highest daily weigth gain (DWG) at the interval of 1-2 months (38.61 g), and the lowest DWG at 7-8 months (6.56 g). Therefore the TGR is suitable for household breeding (Blaga & Burny 2014) and shows alike.

The Szekler Rabbit (SR). In 2010 the third Romanian rabbit breed development program, namely the Szekler Rabbit (SR) programme was started, using multiple genotype combination and recombination (Botha et al 2015; Pusta et al 2013). The genetic code for colors are displayed first the European style (Holdas & Szendrő 2002; Sandu 1986; Vintilă 1981) followed by the US style (Robinson 1958). The basis of the breeding program represented seven distinct phenotypes: agouti (A_B_C_D_G_) (A_B_C_D_E_), albino (aa _ _ _ _) (_ _ cc _ _), black (A_B_C_D_gg) (aa B_C_D_E_), but it also could be (achi_B_C_D_gg) (aaB_cchdcchdD_E_), himalayan (ananB_C_D_gg) (aaB_chchD_E_), chinchilla (achiachiB_C_D_G_) (A_B_cchdcchdD_E_), Thuringer (A_bbC_D_gg) (aaB_C_D_ee) and broken pattern (A_B_C_D_ggKk) (aaB_C_D_E_Enen) of half-breeds crossbreeding (Table 5), which resulted in a very rare color variety in the cuniculture world, namely the sallander color (Figure 8).

Rabbit Gen, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1. 34 Table 5 The obtained genotypes after the first several matings (Botha et al 2015 processed after Pusta et al 2013 and Rákossy 2010)

Mating schema Resulted genotypes (individuals) ♀ Albino (aa_bCCDDGg) (AaBBccDD_) 5 albino (aa_bCCDD_g) (_aBBccDD_e) x 2 thüringer (AabbCCDDgg) (aaBBCcDDee) ♂ Thüringer (AabbCCDDGg) (aaBBC_DDee) 1 yellow (AabbCCDDGg) (AaBBCcDDee) ♀ Albino (aa_bCCDDGg) (AaBBccDD_e) 4 black himalayan (ananB_C_D_gg) x (aaBBchchDDE_) ♂ Black himalayan (ananBBCCDDgg) 3 agouti himalayan (aaBBchchDDEE) (an_B_CCDDG_)(A_BBch_DDE_) 3 albino (aa__CCDD_g) (_aBBccDD__) ♀ Albino (aa_bCCDDGg) (AaBBccDD_e) 2 black (AaB_CCDDgg) (aaBBCcDDE_) x 2 black himalayan (anaB_CCDDgg) ♂ Black himalayan (ananBBCCDDgg) (aaBBch_DDE_) (aaBBchchDDEE) 1 agouti (AaB_CCDDG_)(A_BBCcDDE_) ♀ Thüringer (AAbbCCDDgg) (aaBBCCDDee) x 5 thüringer (A_bbCCDDgg) (aaBBC_Ddee) ♂ Thüringer (A_bbCCDDgg) (aaBBC_Ddee) ♀ Thüringer (AAbbCCDDgg) (aaBBCCDDee) x 7 black (AanBbCCDDgg) (aaBBCchDDEe) ♂ Black himalayan (ananBBCCDDgg) (aaBBchchDDEE) ♀ Thüringer (AAbbCCDDgg) (aaBBCCDDee) 3 black (A_BbCCDDgg) (aaBBC_DDEe) x 3 black broken (A_BbCCDDggKk) ♂ Black broken (AaBBCCDDggKk) (aaBBC_DDEe Enen) (aaBBCcDDEE Enen) ♀ Chinchilla I (achi achi BbCCDDGg) 2 black (AachiBbCCDDgg) (aaBBCcchdDDEe) (AaBBcchdcchdDDEe) 2 agouti (AachiBbCCDDGg) (AaBBCcchdDDEe) x 2 sallander (achiabbCCDDgg) (aaBBcchdcDDee) ♂ Thüringer (A_bbCCDDgg) (aaBBC_Ddee) 1 thüringer (A_bbCCDDgg) (aaBBCcchdDdee) ♀ Chinchilla I (achi achi BbCCDDGg) 5 chinchilla (achianB_CCDDGg) (AaBBcchdcchdDDEe) (AaBBcchdchDDE_) x 2 black (achianB_CCDDgg) (aaBBcchdchDDE_) ♂ Black himalayan (ananB_C_D_gg) (aaBDchchDDE_) ♀ Chinchilla II (achiachiBBCCDDGg) 3 black (AachiBbCCDDgg) (aaBBCcchdDDEe) (AaBBcchdcchdDDEE) 2 chinchilla (achi_BbCCDDGg) x (AaBBcchd_DDEe) ♂Thüringer (A_bbCCDDgg) (aaBBC_Ddee) ♀ Chinchilla III (achiaBBCCDDGg) 3 agouti (A_BbCCDDGg) (AaBBC_DDEe) (AaBBcchdcDDEE) 2 black (A_BbCCDDgg, or achiaBbCCDDgg) (aa x BBC_DDEe, or aaBBcchdcDDEe) ♂ Thüringer (A_bbCCDDgg) (aaBBC_Ddee) 1 albino (aa_bCCDD_g) (_aBBccDD_e) ♀ Black (_aBbCCDDgg) (aa BB_cDDEe) 5 black (A_BbCCDDgg) (aaBBC_DDEe) x 1 albino (aa_bCCDDgg) (aaBBccDD_e) ♂ Thüringer (A_bbCCDDgg) (aaBBC_Ddee) ♀ Agouti (AaB_CCDDGG) (AABBCcDDE_) 5 agouti (AanB_CCDDGg) (AaBBCchDDE_) x 3 agouti himalayan (ananBBCCDDGg) ♂ Black himalayan (ananBBCCDDgg) (AaBBchchDDEE) (aaBBchchDDEE) ♀ Agouti (AaB_CCDDGG) (AABBCcDDE_) 5 agouti (AanBBCCDDGg) (AaBBCchDDE_) x 3 agouti himalayan (ananB_C_D_Gg) ♂ Black himalayan (ananBBCCDDgg) (aaBBchchDDEE) (AaBBchchDDE_) The genetic code for colors are displayed first the European style (Holdas & Szendrő 2002; Sandu 1986; Vintilă 1981) followed by the US style (Robinson 1958).

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Figure 8. Sall, the juvenile Szekler Rabbit founder male (Botha et al 2015).

Looking back for the crossing(s) which offered the sallander color pattern, a new breeding scheme was established in order to obtain more sallander colored individuals (Table 6).

Table 6 The obtained genotypes after the matings that were planned to strengthen the sallander color pattern (Botha et al 2015 processed after Pusta et al 2013 and Rákossy 2010)

Resulted genotypes Mating schema (individuals) ♀ Black (AaBbCCDDgg) (aaBBCcDDEe) x 3 sallander (achiabbCCDDgg) (aaBBcchdcDDee) ♂ Sallander* (achiabbCCDDgg) 2 black (A_BbCCDDgg) (aaBBC_DDEe) (aaBBcchdcDDee) ♀ Chinchilla I (achi achi BbCCDDGg) (AaBBcchdcchdDDEe) 4 black (achiaBbCCDDgg) (aaBBcchdcDDEe) x 3 sallander (achiabbCCDDgg) (aaBBcchdcDDee) ♂ Sallander* (achiabbCCDDgg) 1 chinchilla (achi aBbCCDDGg) (AaBBcchdcDDEe) (aaBBcchdcDDee) The genetic code for colors are displayed first the European style (Holdas & Szendrő 2002; Sandu 1986; Vintilă 1981) followed by the US style (Robinson 1958). * - Sall, the founder male (Figure 8).

After a relatively short period of time (only 6 years of cross-breeding, selection and infusion with cosmopolite breeds) the Szekler Rabbit has borne. It has a rare phenotype (sallander, Figure 9), a rustic character.

Genetic formula of the Szeker Rabbit color pattern:

 European formula: achiachi bb CC DD gg - sallander achiachi bb cc DD gg - havanna-sallander

 International formula: aa BB cchdcchd DD ee – sallander aa bb cchdcchd DD ee - havanna-sallander

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Figure 9. The ideal phenotype of the standard (iron-grey) Szekler Rabbit (buck) in terms of conformation and color/shading (Botha et al 2016).

Botha et al (2016) reported this year a second Szekler Rabbit variety, namely the Havana sallander (Figure 10).

Figure 10. The contrast between the two Szekler Rabbit varieties, havana-sallander (left) and sallander (iron-grey; right) (Botha et al 2016).

In order to improve the color pattern of the newly created breeds some studies were conducted by Covrig et al (2013) and Oroian et al (2016). As for any population with critical number, the major direction is to increase the population size using already tested techniques and protocols. Therefore the does selection emphasize the maternal features considering the milking capacity, which beyond genetic background can be influenced by food composition (Botha et al 2007c)

Rabbit Gen, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1. 37 which will lead to an increased weaning rate and higher weaning weight. The adults somatic development also can be improved by a simple technique which implies separation of rabbit broodstock on sexes (Botha et al 2007d). Another interesting procedure is the sex ratio manipulation reported by Botha & Hettig (2007f), technique which is suitable for households. This procedure does not involve sexed gametes. In order to ensure a long life extension for breeding stock is also recommended to consider the reproduction intensity over the year (Botha et al 2007e; Hettig et al 2008). As the three Romanian breeds were created in household conditions they are most suitable for extensive farming which can easily meet the organic meat production prescriptions if we consider the “slow food” trend (Petrescu-Mag 2009). The standard of the Romanian rabbit breeds was elaborated considering the Romanian (Standard 1991, 2005 vol. I & II, 2010), Hungarian (Holdas & Szendrő 2002), and German (European Standard 2003, 2012) Standard for Rabbit Breeds respectively (the American –ARBA- and British –BRC- standards are very different from that of European) (Botha et al 2016; Petrescu-Mag et al 2011, 2012).

Conclusions. Considering the amount of time from the first step in order to develop a Romanian rabbit breed until the third breed recognition, we can say than in ten years three rabbit breeds were created and improved. The further improvement programs of the described breeds (CR, TGR, SR) will not allow a bigger consanguinity rank then 25%, in order to avoid inbreeding depression. Beyond the phenotype, the breeding programs also focus on the production indices in order to develop veritable, advanced meat producing rabbits. Considering that all these new breeds were developed in outside conditions (household, extensive farming) and not in controlled medium, the involved rustic character raise the level of resistance against pathogens and gives high tolerance against climatic conditions. In order to ensure a certain population growth, in the selection process a special attention should be paid to the maternal features of does. Considering the above mentioned features of the CR, TGR, SR they will be raised certainly in pure breeds, but are also suitable for hybridization with the local population in order to improve the meat yield. Popularization of the three Romanian rabbit breed is currently done through scientific communications, exhibition participation, media interviews etc.

Acknowledgements. The authors thank to all private breeders for the information provided. Our gratitude is also extended to Prof. Ilyés Hunor, German sworn translator, for his professional work by translation of the abstract in German, and to Ms. Éva Luka MSc philologist for her professional translation of the abstract in Hungarian.


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Received: 01 November 2016. Accepted: 21 December 2016. Published online: 30 December 2016. Authors: Kinga Ilyés, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology, Romania, Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, 400372, 3-5 Calea Mănăştur Street, e-mail: [email protected] Claudia-Terezia Socol, National Agency for Animal Husbandry “Prof. dr. G. K. Constantinescu”, The National Centre for Professional Training in Animal Husbandry, Romania, Cluj, Florești, 255 A. Iancu Street, 407280, email: [email protected] Florin Leontin Criste, University of Oradea, Romania, Oradea, 410087, 1 Universitatii Street, e-mail: [email protected] This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. How to cite this article: Ilyés K., Socol C.-T., Criste F. L., 2016 The Romanian cuniculture achievements in terms of breed creation up to 2016. Rabbit Gen 6(1):26-40.

Rabbit Gen, 2016, Volume 6, Issue 1. 40