CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 2, 2001 Not Necessarily Related to September We All Just Heard the Records

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 2, 2001 Not Necessarily Related to September We All Just Heard the Records October 2, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 18311 of the World Trade building and eventual de- choosing to stay with his team in an era His place in baseball history has long bris alive. We are also indebted to their fami- dominated by free agency; been secure. Cal set a Major League lies. I also thank the VI firefighters for their Whereas at one point during his career record with 345 home runs as a short- raising funds for their families and traveling to with the Orioles, Ripken’s brother Bill stop, won the Rookie of the Year and Ripken was also playing for the team, and New York City to offer support and help. We his father, Cal Ripken, Sr., was managing; two American League Most Valued also today and this week remember all of our Whereas Ripken has been a model citizen Players awards, earned two Gold Glove nation’s firemen and women who have fallen for Harford County, Maryland, and the Balti- awards, and led the Orioles to their in the line of duty. more City metropolitan area while contrib- last World Series triumph in 1983. As ranking member of the Subcommittee on uting millions of dollars and countless hours Cal Ripken is the consummate pro- Parks Recreation, and Public Lands I want to to community projects; fessional. All he wanted to do was come especially remember those who have given Whereas Ripken and his wife Kelly have to the park every day, work harder their lives in fighting fires in our nations parks led their community in projects ranging than anyone else, and play the game. from battling illiteracy to helping inner-city and public lands, and in protecting them and And from May 30, 1982 until September youth through various foundations, includ- 19, 1998, Cal did just that, for every sin- neighboring properties. ing the Kelly and Cal Ripken, Jr., Founda- So I gladly join my colleagues in support of tion, the Baltimore Reads Ripken Learning gle game. He shattered what was H.J. Res. 42 memorializing fallen firefighters Center, and the Reading, Runs, and Ripken thought to be an unbreakable record, by lowering the American flag to half staff in program; and Lou Gehrig’s streak of playing in 2,130 honor of the National Fallen Firefighters Me- Whereas Ripken has pledged $9,000,000 for consecutive games. When Cal decided morial Service in Emittsburg Maryland. the construction of a baseball facility in to voluntarily end ‘‘the streak,’’ he had Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Madam Harford County, Maryland, which includes 6 bested Gehrig’s mark by more than Speaker, I yield back the balance of baseball fields, recreational facilities, and three full seasons. It is unimaginable dormitories: Now, therefore, be it my time. that his record of 2,632 games will ever Resolved, That the House of Representa- be approached. Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Madam tives honors Cal Ripken, Jr., for an out- Speaker, I yield back the balance of standing career, congratulates him on his re- And what is amazing about Cal my time. tirement, and thanks him for his contribu- Ripken, Jr., is that he has had as many The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. tions to baseball, to the State of Maryland, triumphs off the field as on it. He and BIGGERT). The question is on the mo- and to the Nation. his wife long ago founded the Kelly and tion offered by the gentleman from The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Cal Ripken, Jr., Foundation, which pri- Wisconsin (Mr. SENSENBRENNER) that ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from marily supports adult and family lit- the House suspend the rules and pass Maryland (Mrs. MORELLA) and the gen- eracy, youth recreation, and health-re- the joint resolution, H.J.Res. 42, as tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each lated programs in the Baltimore, Mary- amended. will control 20 minutes. land area. He is active in medical re- The question was taken. The Chair recognizes the gentle- search, supporting the performing arts The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the woman from Maryland (Mrs. MORELLA). and other civic activities. It speaks for opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of GENERAL LEAVE itself that just last year the Babe Ruth those present have voted in the affirm- Mrs. MORELLA. Madam Speaker, I Baseball League chose to name its ative. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- youth division, which teaches baseball Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Madam bers may have 5 legislative days within to children between 5 and 12 years of Speaker, on that I demand the yeas which to revise and extend their re- age, after Baltimore’s own ironman. and nays. marks on H.Res. 247. For 20 years, Cal Ripken, Jr., wore The yeas and nays were ordered. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there number 8 on the back of his jersey, but The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- objection to the request of the gentle- he was always number one in our ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the woman from Maryland? hearts. Thanks for the memories, Cal. Chair’s prior announcement, further There was no objection. Madam Speaker, I want to commend proceedings on this motion will be Mrs. MORELLA. Madam Speaker, I the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. postponed. yield myself such time as I may con- EHRLICH) for introducing H.Res. 247, f sume. and to all of the cosponsors of the reso- lution. I also want to thank the gen- HONORING CAL RIPKEN, JR. Madam Speaker, I am pleased to speak on House Resolution 247, a reso- tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) of Mrs. MORELLA. Madam Speaker, I lution introduced by the distinguished the Committee on Government Reform; move to suspend the rules and agree to gentleman from Maryland (Mr. EHR- the chairman of the Subcommittee on the resolution (H.Res. 247) honoring Cal LICH). This legislation is cosponsored Civil Service, the gentleman from Flor- Ripken, Jr., for an outstanding career, by all Members of the House delegation ida (Mr. WELDON); the gentleman from congratulating him on his retirement, from the State of Maryland and others. California (Mr. WAXMAN); and the gen- and thanking him for his contributions I am proud to be personally associ- tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS), the to baseball, to the State of Maryland, ated with this resolution, and I rise in ranking members respectively on the and to the Nation. strong support of it, congratulating Cal Committee on Government Reform and The Clerk read as follows: Ripken, Jr., baseball’s true ironman, the Subcommittee on Civil Service for H. RES. 247 on a 20-year career full of great expediting consideration of this meas- Whereas Cal Ripken, Jr., played in 2,632 achievements and dramatic moments. ure. Madam Speaker, I urge all Members consecutive Major League Baseball games He is a hero to Marylanders and to all to support House Resolution 247. and holds the all-time record for consecutive Americans. Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- games played by a Major League player, During his 2 decades as a Baltimore shattering Lou Gehrig’s record of 2,130; ance of my time. Oriole, Cal Ripken embodies what it Whereas Ripken has over 3,000 career hits b and ranks 14th on the all-time hit list; means to love the game of baseball. His 1515 Whereas Ripken is 1 of only 7 players to grace, talent, determination, and Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- have 400 home runs and 3,000 hits in a career; strength of character have been obvi- er, I yield myself such time as I may Whereas Ripken was an All-Star 19 times ous both on and off the field. Cal will consume. in his Major League career, twice winning retire this week as one of only seven Madam Speaker, I am sure that there Most Valuable Player of the All-Star Game; players in the history of baseball to are those who would want to ask the Whereas Ripken was named to Major collect more than 3,000 hits and 400 question, given the circumstances of League Baseball’s All-Century Team; Whereas Ripken has won 2 Golden Gloves home runs in a career. The other six our time and our being, why are we and 2 Most Valuable Player awards; are in the Hall of Fame, and we look taking time to honor athletes? Why are Whereas Ripken played all 21 of his Major forward to the summer day in 2006 we taking time to tell people about in- League seasons with the Baltimore Orioles, when Cal will join them. dividuals who have hero status that are VerDate Aug 04 2004 20:02 Apr 25, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\H02OC1.000 H02OC1 18312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 2, 2001 not necessarily related to September We all just heard the records. It prob- heard these numbers. As the gentleman 11? ably should be repeated: 2,632 consecu- from Maryland (Mr. EHRLICH) said, Then there are those who understand tive games; Most Valuable Player they are worth repeating. that the individuals we honor, such as awards, two; 19 All-Star games; 3,000 Americans across the Nation have Cal Ripken, represent the essence of hits; 14th all time in hits; one of seven taken joy in the many successes of what is good and wholesome in our Na- players to have 400 home runs and 3,000 Cal’s remarkable career, from his 2,632 tion, represent the essence of courage, hits in a career; American League consecutive major league games, to his of endurance, of skill, the kind of cour- Rookie of the Year in 1982; born, raised, 3,000 career hits and 400 home runs and age, endurance and skill that can serve bred and lives in the Second Congres- his 19 All-Star appearances.
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