An Encrypted Payload Protocol and Target-Side Scripting Engine Dino A. Dai Zovi
[email protected] Abstract into the remote process and then triggering the vulnera- Modern exploit payloads in commercial and open-source bility (the injection vector) in order to cause the remote penetration testing frameworks have grown much more process to execute the injected code (the payload). Tra- advanced than the traditional shellcode they replaced. ditionally, these payloads have been written in processor- These payloads permit interactive access without launch- specific assembly language, assembled, and extracted by ing a shell, network proxying, and many other rich fea- hand into reusable machine code components. These tures. Available payload frameworks have several lim- payloads were typically small and executed an operating itations, however. They make little use of encryption to system shell, causing them to be commonly referred to secure delivery and communications, especially in earlier as shellcode. Common shellcode variants included func- stage payloads. In addition, their richer features require tionality such as restoring dropped privileges, breaking a constant network connection to the penetration tester, out of chroot environments, and attaching the shell to making them unsuitable against mobile clients, such as an inbound or outbound network connection. This style laptops, PDAs, and smart phones. of payload construction was both labor and skill inten- This work introduces a first-stage exploit payload that sive. is able to securely establish an encrypted channel using With the growth of commercial penetration testing ElGamal key agreement and the RC4 stream cipher. The services and especially commercial penetration test- key agreement implementation requires only modular ing products, exploit payloads have gotten considerably exponentiation and RC4 also lends itself to an implemen- more capable and complex.