The Oxford Companion to English Literature, 6Th Edition
B Bab Ballads, a collection of humorous ballads by W. S. lated by J. Harland in 1929 and most of his work is ^Gilbert (who was called 'Bab' as a child by his parents), available in English translation. first published in Fun, 1866-71. They appeared in Babylon, an old ballad, the plot of which is known 'to volume form as Bab Ballads (1869); More Bab Ballads all branches of the Scandinavian race', of three sisters, (1873); Fifty Bab Ballads (1877). to each of whom in turn an outlaw proposes the alternative of becoming a 'rank robber's wife' or death. Babbitt, a novel by S. *Lewis. The first two chose death and are killed by the outlaw. The third threatens the vengeance of her brother 'Baby BABBITT, Irving (1865-1933), American critic and Lon'. This is the outlaw himself, who thus discovers professor at Harvard, born in Ohio. He was, with Paul that he has unwittingly murdered his own sisters, and Elmer More (1864-1937), a leader of the New Hu thereupon takes his own life. The ballad is in *Child's manism, a philosophical and critical movement of the collection (1883-98). 1920s which fiercely criticized *Romanticism, stress ing the value of reason and restraint. His works include BACH, German family of musicians, of which Johann The New Laokoon (1910), Rousseau and Romanticism Sebastian (1685-1750) has become a central figure in (1919), and Democracy and Leadership (1924). T. S. British musical appreciation since a revival of interest *Eliot, who described himself as having once been a in the early 19th cent, led by Samuel Wesley (1766- disciple, grew to find Babbitt's concept of humanism 1837, son of C.
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