RKTracer Code Coverage tool

An easy to use code coverage tool for multiple programming languages, with low overhead instrumentation.Supports all compilers, , and target architectures ​

Working principle

-Source code Level Instrumentation and source code based code coverage

Platforms supported

- Linux 32bit & 64bit (all falvours) - Windows 10,8 - MacOS

Programming Languages Supported

SL/No Programming Supported language Compiler/Cross-Compile Languages Supported versions r supported/Targets supported

1 Language K&R Supports all compilers, C89, Cross compilers, and C90, Target architectures C95, C99, C11, Embedded C

2 C++ Language C++98, Supports all compilers, C++03, Cross compilers, and C++11, Target architectures C++14, C++17, C++20

3 Obj-C (Apple) All versions are supported All versions are supported

4 Java Language Sun/oracle/OpenJDK All versions are supported/others just ask supported

5 Kotlin Language From 1.2.x to the latest All versions are version supported

6 JavaScript Language 6th Edition to Latest All versions are

version supported

7 C# Language From 2.0 to the latest Microsoft compiler version , dotnet core CSC Mono C# Compilers .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") Build environments

8 Python Language From 2.7 to the latest cython version mpy-cross nuitka iron-python python

9 Golang Language From 1.5.4 to the latest All versions are version supported

10 Swift Language Swift versions up to 5.0 All versions are supported

Target platforms

- Supports all target platforms, embedded devices, including all the android devices, TizenRT devices - Works on target with or without a file system or with very limited memory.

Build environments

- Supports all build environments without any limitations. List of RKTracer tool plugins available. ● Visual Studio IDE (2005-2019) ● Eclipse IDE (all versions) ● DS-5 ARM IDE (all versions) ● IAR Embedded Workbench IDE(all versions) ● Android Studio IDE (all versions) ● Tizen Studio IDE (all versions)

Continuos Integration/SonarQube

- Supports all CI. - RKTracer tool comes with a plug-in for Jenkins and SonarQube(Supported up to version 7.9 LTS)

Compilers / Cross compilers

- Supports all Compilers and Cross-Compilers without any limitations

Coverage level

- Functions Coverage - Line Coverage: Shows in three different colors Green = Covered Yellow = Partially Covered Red = Not covered - Statement Coverage - Branch Coverage - Condition Coverage - Multiple Condition Coverage

Tool Installation size

- 50M hard disk required


- Easy to use floating license Server

Technical Support

- Support team with more than 20 years of experience in software testing tools. - Support ticketing system - Response within 24 hours

Note:​ Check out more than 40 demo videos on multiple environments.How to generate code coverage using the RKTracer tool on our website. https://www.rkvalidate.com/demo-videos/ ​