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[email protected] Quick Look 5 Arts & Culture Motivated by 6-7 Dallas Doings 8 Around the Town Medicine 10-12 Youth Akiba Yavneh teens 13 Jewish Foodie create kids’ books, pp.10-11 14-15 Post Pics 16-17 Columnists 19 Obituaries Thursday, March 4, 2021 • 20 Adar 5781 • VOLUME 75 NO. 9 • $1.00 Masks and Merriment With safety in mind, North Texas brings on the Purim joy, pp.14-15 Photo: Julie Carpenter/Shearith Israel The cast of Shearith Israel’s Purim shpiel, “Schmutz,” from left, Rabbi Shira Wallach, Rabbi Ari Sunshine, Shirley Davidoff , Mark Fleschler, Avi Mitzner, Hazzan Itzhak Zhrebker; front row: Irving Prengler, Rabbi Adam Roff man Light Shabbat candles: TYCHER LIBRARY SPRING READ 6:09 p.m. Friday, Mar. 5 Jan Eliasberg’s ‘Hannah’s War,’ March 21, other BookFest events, p.4 Shabbat ends: 7:20 p.m. Saturday, Mar. 6 2 | March 4, 2021 Israeli Supreme Court’s new conversion ruling in Israel State must grant such as Conservative or Reform will cause arguing and a diffi cult citizenship to Jews, however, still often face rupture among the people.” non-Orthodox hurdles in obtaining Israeli Successive government Jewish converts citizenship and are sometimes coalitions, based on their political denied. leanings, have attempted to By Ben Sales Monday’s decision extends the either liberalize or narrow (JTA) — Israel must grant right to citizenship to those who Israel’s conversion standards. citizenship to Jews who converted converted to Judaism under non- But such efforts at reform usually to Judaism in Israel under non- Orthodox auspices in Israel itself.