A Monthly Publication for Temple Beth-El, Las Cruces, New Mexico JULY 2017 (TAMMUZ-AV 5777) Shabbat Services (See Page 2) Rabbi Bob Alper Friday, July 7 is coming to Family Shabbat Service at 6:00 pm, with a Potluck Temple Beth-El! Dinner following Friday, August 25— Friday, July 14 Lay-led Shabbat Service at 7 pm ”The Spirituality of Friday, July 21 Laughter” presentation Shabbat Service at 7pm Friday, July 28 during Shabbat Worship Shabbat Service at 7pm Friday, August 4 Saturday night, August 26 at Family Shabbat Service at 6 pm, 7:30 pm—Stand-Up Comedy with a Potluck Dinner following Saturdays See Page 5 for Talmud Study at 9:00 am, more information! Shabbat Service at 10:15 am, followed by a potluck Kiddush Be watching in late July and early August for Join us on Monday, July 31, at 7:30 pm for our High Holy Day mailings for observance of Tish’ah parts for worship and the B’Av, including read- 2017/5777 Yizkor Booklet ings and songs about Je- rusalem and chanting a ****************** short section from the book of Lamenta- Religious School will begin with tions. a first morning orientation and Rabbi Karol will present a book talk on Tuesday, July 25 at 7:00 gathering on Sunday, August 27 pm at 10:00-11:30 am. All Politics Is Religious: Speaking Faith to the Media, Policy Makers Parents will receive and Community, by Rabbi Dennis registration materials S. Ross (Jewish Lights Publishing). Please email
[email protected] if by the end of July! you plan to attend.