KIDSNACKS! Traditional Foods for a Healthy Future

A Traditional Snack Guide Based on Ojibwe Foods



This guide was written and compiled by Julia Braun, Americorps VISTA In collaboration with University of Wisconsin Extension, Ashland County

Thank you to all who helped with this project, including:

Joy Schelble Betty Tarabek Annie Anderson Luis Salas Rebecca Lemieux Deanna Cloud-Moore Camilla Vargas Peter Werts Kathy Jensen Christy LeGrew

And a special thanks to all of the brave participants from the Birch Hill Community House

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

8 Snacking Tips 2 How to Use this Guide 3 S E C T I O N 3 Elders: A Sacred Resource 4 AUTUMN The Power of Storytelling 5 Cranberries 88 Healing Foods Circle 6 Wild Grapes 95 Traditional Foods Pyramid 7 Seeds 101 Eat with the Seasons 8 Herbs 107 Activity: What Was Our Food Squash 113 Like? 9 120 Corn 126 S E C T I O N 1 Beans 132 SPRING Wild Apples 138 12 Activity: Making Paper and Wild Greens 19 Dyes 144 Mushrooms 25 Tubers 31

Beach Peas and Wild Peas 37 S E C T I O N 4 Activity: Solar Food Dryer 43 WINTER

Black Walnuts 147 S E C T I O N 2 SUMMER Hazelnuts 153 Strawberries 46 Jerusalem Artichoke 159 Blueberries 53 Venison 165 Raspberries 59 Wild Turkey 171 Cherries 65 Plums 71 Resources and Further Reading177 Wild Rice 77 Activity: Plant a Three Sisters Garden 85



his curriculum is designed as a way for youth to become engaged with their T traditions, culture, and health through food. It is designed as a way to rebuild the connection between the earth and our bodies, using the cycle of the seasons and the rich regional foods as our guide. Our goal is to empower young people to make thoughtful decisions regarding their food choices and activities and to take pride in the rich food history of the traditional people of this region. Specifically, we believe that by rebuilding a connection to traditional foods, the rates of Type II diabetes and childhood obesity, a dangerous precursor to diabetes, will be lowered in our communities.


8 Snacking Tips!

1. Prepare snacks that are kid-friendly. When serving fruits and vegetables, offer them in bite-size portions.

2. Offer low-fat dips to accompany healthy food choices. Children eat more fruits and vegetables when they are served with yogurt dips and low-fat salad dressings. Read labels though-- “low-fat” does not always mean healthy. . 3. Select only juices that are 100 percent juice. Many products that advertise themselves as "fruit juices" contain no more than 10 percent juice. Avoid soft drinks whenever possible.

4. Limit cookies, doughnuts, brownies and other baked goods and limit chips and other salty, high-fat snacks. Instead serve baked pretzels, air- popped popcorn, granola or low-fat cheese, whole grain crackers, bagels, rice cakes or tortillas with peanut butter, jam or low-fat cream cheese.

5. Plan ahead when going on outings. Instead of buying snacks at fast- food restaurants or concession stands, pack individual snack bags, filled with pretzels, nuts and dried fruit to take along with you.

6. Avoid classifying foods as "good" or "bad." There are only bad diets— when foods high in sugar, salt and fat are eaten in excess. All snack foods can be enjoyed in moderation.

7. Don't be swayed by advertising. Many prepared foods that are marketed as kid-friendly are poor in nutrition. For example, popular packaged lunches that come with a treat and a drink get two-thirds of their calories from fat and sugar.

8. Slow down and enjoy your snacks!


How to Use This


With the seasons as a guide, we begin our curriculum with spring. Spring is a time of growth and new beginnings. Each season has five to eight traditional foods that are available for that time of year. Each food is divided into several sections: Goals and Objectives; Talking Points; Food as Tradition; and Food as Medicine. In addition, each food has five recipes and five physical activities.

Goals and objectives This section will simply highlight the basic understanding that the children should walk away with. It is the heartbeat of each lesson.

Talking Points These are bulleted ―highlights‖ of the lesson for easy reference when working with the children. They are guides for you as the educator and are intended for the educator to share with the kids.

Food as Tradition This section is designed to provide the educator with a background and history of the food and how it was used traditionally. We will explore what the food is like in the wild versus how it is used to day (e.g. crab apples vs. the apples that are eaten today). This section will also include any stories or traditional crafts that may have been used with the food.

Food as Medicine I C O N K E Y This section will highlight how important a diet rich in traditional foods is. V aluable Many information of the foods that were eaten by traditional people were highly nutritious, low in fat and Test sugar, your knowledge and essential to the health of the people. Because of the transition to the modern diet, many of these  Keyboard exercise nutritional elements have been lost. This section focuses on a holistic approach to nutrition and

a basic understanding of how food affects our health.  Workbook review

Recipes and Activities: Each food will have five easy recipes and five fun physical activities. Five options are provided so that you as the facilitator can choose just one recipe that sounds the best from each section or you can choose to do all five— Monday through Friday. The recipes are designed to be as easy as possible to work with. Many of these foods will be foreign to the young participants, but the purpose is to reintroduce the foods back into our diet and the only way to accomplish this is to try new things. The traditional foods have been ―made over‖ to fit into a kid-friendly snack! The physical activities are included as a way to make exercise fun. Most of the activities correspond with the snacks, although a few activities are just fun! The message of all of the recipes and activities is to explore your world, try new things, and have fun while doing it!



A Sacred Resource

Traditionally, elders have been looked to for advice and guidance. Elders are a good source of information and an invaluable resource. Finding those in your community who can share information about gathering, harvest, storing, preparation, and uses for the traditional foods is an important part of this curriculum. Invite those with the knowledge to put it into use. Have them teach classes or mentor on a one-to-one basis with the children. It can not be overemphasized how important the incorporation of elders is to this curriculum. Establishing a relationship with elders to help teach lessons of tradition will greatly enrich this curriculum, both for the educator and for the young people.

A great place to begin developing this relationship is to begin this lesson with an interview. A guide for the interview is offered in this curriculum. Have the kids pick a food from the curriculum and an elder in their community. This person can be a grandparent, an auntie or uncle, or even a family friend. If the kids do not know of an elder to speak with, invite the youth to ―adopt‖ an elder from the community by inviting an Elder’s Center or other group to participate.

It is important to invite elders to share their information in the proper way. In honoring their knowledge and asking for their help, an offering of tobacco is used—in Ojibwe, this gift is called assema.


The Power of Storytelling

Stories are an important part of enriching our relationship with food. We encourage educators and adults to familiarize themselves with these stories before sharing with children. When we become familiar with a story, the words leap off the page and into our imaginations.

“Tell children a story and they listen with their whole beings. Lead children to touch, smell and understand a flower, to listen to the wind sighing in a pine grove, to see the waving blades of seaweed along the shore or to taste a sweet wild edible berry and you begin to establish connections between children and the plants in their surroundings… help children appreciate their stewardship role and how all things are intertwined.”

(Bruchac, Joseph and Caduto, Michael J., Keepers of Life: Discovering Plants Through Native American Stories and Earth Activities for Children. Fulcrum Publishing, Golden, CO, 1994 pg. XVII)

Many of these foods are deeply intertwined with the stories that surround them. The story of how the Ojibwe people got Manomin, or Wild Rice, is as much of a part of the experience as eating the rice. There are many versions of these stories, and many have been left out. Ask community members for their versions, or ask the children to make up stories for those foods without traditional ones.


Native Foods Circle Choices for a Healthy Life

Fruit:: Protein: Vitamins, Fish, Birds, Minerals, and Meat, Nuts, Phytochemicals Seeds, Dried Beans and Peas

Breast milk for Babies

Vegetables: Vitamins, Carbohydrates: Minerals, and Grains, Phytochemicals Dairy products were not a Breads, and traditional food. Cereals Traditional calcium sources include fish bones, fish head

soup, maple syrup, and dark leafy greens


Traditional Food Pyramid


Used with permission. Please do not reproduce Traditional Food Pyramid. To get a copy, please call above number.


ACTIVITY: What Was Our Food Like?

Goals and objectives:

Children will interview Elders in their community about a particular food item from this curriculum. They will learn more about the connection between the people and the land. The will interact with Elders to gain a historical appreciation of their traditional foods and gain cultural knowledge They will understand the foods that were eaten prior to today, the foods of their grandparents and beyond. Children will create a final project around their food of choice.

Talking Points: A lot of history around foods is found in stories, and stories can only be told when there is snow on the ground. It is important to schedule this activity in late winter or early spring when there is still snow on the ground. Elders in our community hold great knowledge about history and culture. Building relationships with food and elders connect people to traditions.

Materials: Notebooks for each participating child Writing utensils Tape Recorders and blank tapes (optional) Art supplies for the final project. (Examples: construction paper, glue, scissors, old magazines, leather scraps, beads, etc.)


ACTIVITY: What Was Our Food Like?


1. Have the participating children pick out a food from the 25 traditional foods in this curriculum. If there is a traditional food that they are particularly attached to that is not in this guide, such as fish, they may choose that food.

2. Have the children identify an elder in their community that they would like to work with. This can be a grandparent, aunt or uncle, friend, etc.

3. Have the children research the Good Way to approach the Elder that they have chosen to work with. Help them prepare a gift, or assema, to ask in the proper way. IMPORTANT: Sometimes you must help the student make an appointment with his or her elder. Stress that courtesy and respect are important things to remember during


4. If you have access to tape recorders, hand them out and make sure the children know how to use them. Otherwise, the children will have to write down notes or have an adult help.

5. Questions for the students to ask during the interview might include: What was food like when you were young? What stories about food do you remember hearing when you were young?

Where did you find your favorite foods? What do you remember about this food that I have chosen?

6. Have the children create a project based on the interview. The project can be anything they like. Project examples include but are not limited to: a collage made out of magazine pictures, an illustrated story, a cookbook, a skit, a poem, a song, a meal made for the group, etc.

7. Have a show and tell presentation day, when each participant can explain their project and tell each other about their food and the Elder that they spoke with.


Section One

Spring Ziigwan

March: Onaabani-giizis (hard crust on the snow moon)

April: Iskigamizige-giizis

(maple sugar moon)

May: Waabigwanii-giizis (flower moon)


Maple Syrup

Goals and objectives: Children will understand how the Ojibwe obtained and used maple syrup. The group will know the story of Winneboozho and Maple Syrup.

The nutritional aspects of maple syrup versus corn syrup or sugar will be understood.

Talking Points: The Ojibwe have harvested maple syrup for centuries. Sap was boiled down to syrup and sugar which are stored and used throughout the year. Winneboozho gave us maple sap so that we would have to work to get the syrup. Maple syrup is rich in nutrients—especially calcium and potassium.

Food as Tradition: For centuries, Maple Trees have been tapped for their sweet sap by the native woodland peoples. Maple syruping is such an important time of year for the Ojibwe that they call the month of April the maple sap boiling moon, or Iskigamizige-giizis. Small bands of Ojibwe would break into smaller groups of families around early springtime, when temperatures were right—freezing at night with warm days—for the sap to run. These families comprised temporary mapleing camps called sugarbushes which would become home for a few weeks to a few months while the sap was collected, processed and stored as either maple syrup or maple sugar. The sugar was then used for trading and for adding to the diet of wild rice, fish, venison, bear, and other foods. Maple syrup was the main seasoning ingredient for the Ojibwe people.

Another way that maple sugar was prepared was to boil the sap until it is crystallized sugar. The thick layer of crystallized sugar was cut into cakes (called sugar cakes) and would be given to children as treats or brought along on journeys as a source of energy. Sugar cakes are still a popular treat!

Maple Syrup is still an important part of the Ojibwe culture today. With the increase in consumption of high-fructose corn syrup and white refined sugars, diabetes and obesity have also increased. Maple Syrup in small quantities provides an all natural sweetener, although it does still raise glucose levels for those who are living with Diabetes.

Food as Medicine: Maple syrup has been called ―one of the world’s healthiest foods‖ (The World's Healthiest Foods, Essential Guide to the Healthiest Way of Eating by George Mateljan). Despite its high sugar content, pure maple syrup is a much healthier sweetener than processed white sugar, which is stripped of its nutrients in manufacturing. In fact, a ¼ cup serving of maple syrup contains more calcium than the same amount of milk and more potassium than a banana. It's also a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and iron. Imitation syrups, on the other hand, consist of little more than high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and artificial flavoring. It also contains traces of B vitamins, which work together to deliver a number of health benefits like maintaining healthy skin and muscle tone, enhancing the immune system, and combating the symptoms of stress, depression, and cardiovascular disease and12 can help regulate weight!


How the Ojibwe Got Maple Syrup

One day Winneboozhoo was standing under a maple tree. Suddenly it began to rain maple syrup (not sap) right

on top of him. Winneboozhoo got a birch bark tray and held it out to catch the syrup. He said to himself:

"This is too easy for the People to have the syrup just rain down like this." So he threw the syrup away and decided that before they could have the syrup, the People would have to give a feast, offer tobacco, speak to the manido, and put out some birch bark trays.

Nokomis, the grandmother of Winneboozhoo, showed him

how to insert a small piece of wood into each maple tree so the sap could run down into the vessels beneath. When Winneboozhoo tested it, it was thick and sweet. He told his grandmother it would never do to give the Peop le the syrup without making them work for it. He climbed to the top of one of the maples,

scattered rain over all the trees, dissolving the sugar as it flowed into the birch bark vessels. Now we have to cut wood, make vessels, collect the sap and boil it f or a long time. If we want the maple syrup, we have to work hard for it.”

(Adapted from Robert E. Ritzenthaler and Pat Ritzenthaler, 1983, The Woodland Indians of the Western Great Lakes13, Prospect Heights IL: Waveland Press.)

Maple Syrup Granola Makes 16 handfuls! Maple Syrup Granola Makes 16 handfuls!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --66 cups cups quick quick--cookingcooking (thin)(thin) oats oats --½½cupcup slicedsliced almonds almonds or or walnuts walnuts (optional)(optional) --¼¼cupcup sunflowersunflower seedsseeds (optional)(optional) --½½cupcup unsweetenedunsweetened coconut coconut (optional)(optional) --½½cupcup wheat wheat germgerm (optional)(optional) - 1 ½ tsp. cinnamon - 1 ½ tsp. cinnamon --½½tsp.tsp. vanillavanilla extract extract --1/31/3 cupcup canolacanola oil oil

--2/32/3 cup cup maplemaple syrupsyrup --22 Tbs.Tbs. appleapple juicejuice concentrate concentrate


PreheatPreheat ovenoven toto 350350 degrees.degrees. PourPour allall ingredientsingredients (except(except lastlast four)four) intointo aa rectangular shaped metal cake pan. Stir with a wooden spoon. In a glass rectangular shaped metal cake pan. Stir with a wooden spoon. In a glass bowl,bowl, mixmix oil,oil, maplemaple syrup,syrup, andand appleapple juice.juice. AddAdd vanillavanilla andand heheatat untiluntil hothot (not(not bubbly).bubbly). PourPour liquidliquid overover oatsoats andand spreadspread evenlyevenly withwith spoospoon.n. BakeBake forfor 2020 minutes.minutes. RemoveRemove fromfrom ovenoven andand stirstir well.well. BakeBake 1010 moremore minutminuteses untiluntil mixturemixture isis toastytoasty browbrow n. n. LetLet ItIt willwill getget crunchycrunchy asas itit ccools.ools. StoreStore inin airair tighttight containercontainer andand keepkeep onon thethe countertopcountertop forfor aa ququickick snack.snack.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #1#1 MapleMaple LeafLeaf ForestForest

 Materials:Materials: PaperPaper platesplates withwith aa maplemaple leafleaf cutcut out,out, pasted,pasted, oror drdrawnawn onon

 DivideDivide thethe groupgroup intointo teamsteams ofof 44 oror more.more. TheyThey willwill havehave 22 fewerfewer platesplates thanthan thethe numbernumber ofof teammates.teammates. TheThe objectobject ofof thisthis gamegame isis toto getget allall teamteam membersmembers acrossacross aa spacespace (forest)(forest) byby steppingstepping onon thethe platesplates (maple(maple leaves)leaves) only.only. TheThe numbernumber ofof peoplepeople onon thethe teamteam wilwilll determine length of space. Since they are using 9" plates, a bit of determine length of space. Since they are using 9" plates, a bit of leniencyleniency shouldshould bebe practicedpracticed asas farfar asas steppingstepping onlyonly onon thethe AtAt leastleast halfhalf ofof thethe playersplayers’’footfoot mustmust bebe onon thethe plate.plate. EachEach teamteam mustmust comecome upup withwith aa strategystrategy forfor passingpassing thethe platesplates backback andand forthforth inin orderorder toto getget allall teammatesteammates acrossacross thethe span.span. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto gegett allall members across wins. After the teams try this, and think they have it members across wins. After the teams try this, and think they have it figuredfigured out,out, havehave themthem trytry againagain withwith thesethese variations:variations:

 NoNo shoutingshouting outout instructions;instructions; inin fact,fact, NONO wordswords atat all.all. TheyThey cancanuseuse stomps,stomps, grunts,grunts, snapssnaps oror whateverwhatever elseelse theythey cancan comecome upup with,with, bubutt nono talking.talking. EveryEvery 3030--4545 seconds,seconds, (moderator(moderator controlled),controlled), oneone plateplate isis takentaken fromfrom thethe team,team, (moderator(moderator’’ss choice).choice). WhoeverWhoever isis onon thatthat plateplate mustmust gogo backback toto thethe beginning,beginning, andand thethe teamteam hashas toto comecome upup withwith aa strategystrategy toto getget thatthat personperson backback withwith thethe 14

EdibleEdible MapleMaple PlayPlay--doughdough MakesMakes 66 servingsservings


--¾¾cupcup peanutpeanut butterbutter DecorationDecoration ideas:ideas:

--½½cupcup maplemaple syrupsyrup --RaisinsRaisins 11 ½½cupscups nonfatnonfat drydry milkmilk powderpowder --SunflowerSunflower seedsseeds 22 Tbs.Tbs. wheatwheat germgerm --CoconutCoconut flakesflakes 22 Tbs.Tbs. choppedchopped peanutspeanuts --ChocolateChocolate chipschips


MixMix thethe peanutpeanut butter,butter, milkmilk powder,powder, wheat wheat germ,germ, andand maplemaple syrupsyrup untiluntil well well blended.blended. SeparateSeparate intointo 66 pieces.pieces. HandHand aa piecepiece toto eacheach child.child. LetLet themthem plplayay with with thethe ――playdoughplaydough‖‖,,

lettingletting creativitycreativity runrun wild! wild! LetLet themthem decoratedecorate with with whatever whatever isisonon hand.hand.

Variation:Variation: MapleMaple Squares.Squares. CombineCombine allall ingredientsingredients forfor thethe edibleediblemaplemaple playdoughplaydough.. SpreadSpread thethe mixturemixture intointo aa loafloaf panpan andand patpat downdown toto makemake anan eveneven layer.layer. SprinkleSprinkle thethe peanutspeanuts overover thethe mixturemixture andand presspress gently.gently. ChillChill forfor oneone hour.hour. CutCut intointo squaressquares andand keepkeep chilledchilled untiluntil youyou serveserve

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2

MapleMaple TreeTree BalanceBalance

 AskAsk everyoneeveryone toto standstand onon oneone leg,leg, pretendingpretending thatthat theirtheir oneone legleg isis thethe trunktrunk ofof aa maplemaple tree.tree. ThisThis isis anan excellentexcellent assessmentassessment ofof ankleankle strength,strength, balance,balance, andand psychologicalpsychological centeredness.centeredness. AskAsk whowho cancan bebe thethe lastlast oneone treetree standing?standing? SwapSwap legslegs andand trytry again.again. HaveHave themthem reachreach theirtheir handshands outout likelike branches.branches. HaveHave aa hoppinghopping competitioncompetition andand seesee whowho cancan hophop onon oneone legleg thethe longest.longest.


CutCut FruitFruit withwith YogurtYogurt MakesMakes dipdip forfor 10!10! andand MapleMaple SyrupSyrup

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: - 4 cups mixed, seasonal fruit such --22 cupscups vanillavanilla yogurtyogurt - 4 cups mixed, seasonal fruit such as: - Strawberries --¼¼cupcup maplemaple syrupsyrup as: - Strawberries - Bananas --11 Tbs.Tbs. cinnamoncinnamon - Bananas - Blueberries --ToothpicksToothpicks oror wooden wooden skewersskewers - Blueberries - Melon - Melon --ApplesApples --KiwiKiwi


SliceSlice fruit,fruit, andand havehave thethe kidskids arrangearrange onon skewersskewers oror toothpicks.toothpicks. YouYou cancan putput thethe toothpickstoothpicks intointo thethe fruitfruit toto createcreate peoplepeople andand animals.animals. ComCombinebine yogurtyogurt andand cinnamoncinnamon andand aa littlelittle maplemaple syrupsyrup toto makemake aa dip.dip. DipDip thethe frfruituit creationscreations intointo thethe yogurt.yogurt.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #3#3 DrippingDripping SapSap

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen area.area. ToTo play,play, pickpick someonesomeone toto bebe "it.""it." ThatThat playerplayer runsruns aroundaround andand triestries toto tagtag thethe otherother players.players. WhenWhen someonesomeone isis tagged,tagged, sheshe startsstarts toto melt,melt, likelike drippingdripping (It(It

worksworks bestbest ifif youyou countcount toto tenten slowlyslowly whilewhile youyou melt.)melt.) SomeoneSomeone who'swho's notnot "it""it" hashas toto taptap herher againagain beforebefore sheshe meltsmelts allall thethe wayway downdown toto thethe ground.ground. WhenWhen she'sshe's tapped,tapped, thethe playerplayer whowho waswas meltingmelting cancan runrun aroundaround again.again. TheThe firstfirst personperson toto meltmelt allall thethe wayway toto thethe groundground isis "it""it" duringduring thethe nextnext round.round.


PearsPears withwith MapleMaple Syrup,Syrup, MakesMakes 88 servings!servings! Walnuts,Walnuts, andand CranberriesCranberries


--44 riperipe pears,pears, coredcored andand halvedhalved --½½cupcup drieddried cranberriescranberries --33 Tbs.Tbs. maplemaple syrupsyrup --¼¼cupcup walnuts, walnuts, brokenbroken roughlyroughly

Directions: Directions: PlacePlace thethe pearspears intointo aa microwaveablemicrowaveable or or oven oven safesafe Place Place t themhem cutcut sideside down.down. ScatterScatter thethe drieddried cranberriescranberries overover thethe pears.pears. Pour Pour 2 2 Tbs. Tbs. of of th thee maple maple syrupsyrup over over thethe pears.pears. MicrowaveMicrowave onon highhigh forfor aboutabout 33 minutes,minutes, stirringstirring halfhalf way way throughthrough oror bakebake for for 3535 minutesminutes inin thethe ovenoven atat 350350 FF degrees.degrees. UncoverUncover andand letlet cool cool for for aa fewfew minutes. minutes. StirStir inin walnuts,walnuts, andand drizzledrizzle thethe remainingremaining maplemaple syrupsyrup over over thethe pears.pears. SliceSlice and and serve.serve.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4#4 Stuck in the Syrup Stuck in the Syrup

 ThisThisgamegame isis forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen area.area. ToTo play,play, pickpick someonesomeone toto bebe "it.""it." WhenWhen "it""it" tagstags someone,someone, sheshe isis stuckstuck inin thethe syrupsyrup andand can'tcan't move.move. ToTo getget unstuck,unstuck, someonesomeone elelsese hashas toto crawlcrawl throughthrough herher legs.legs. ToTo makemake itit harder,harder, youyou cancan addadd tthishis twist.twist. IfIf aa playerplayer touchestouches thethe stuckstuck player'splayer's legslegs when when crawlingcrawling throughthrough them,them, thenthen theythey areare stuckstuck too.too. IfIf everybodyeverybody getsgets tagged,tagged, thethe gamegame isis over.over. TheThe lastlast personperson toto bebe taggedtagged isis "it""it" inin thethe nenextxt round.round.


Maple Apple Dip Makes 5 servings! Maple Apple Dip Makes 5 servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 cupcup silkensilken tofutofu --½½tsp.tsp. cinnamoncinnamon --½½tsp.tsp. vanillavanilla extract extract - ¼ cup maple syrup - ¼ cup maple syrup --33 mediummedium applesapples --BlenderBlender

Directions:Directions: InIn aa blenderblender oror foodfood processor,processor, blendblend togethertogether thethe tofu,tofu, cinnamo cinnamon,n, vanilla,vanilla, andand maplemaple syrupsyrup untiluntil smooth.smooth. SpoonSpoon intointo aa smallsmall bowlbowl andand useuse as as a a dip dip fo forr thethe slicesslices of of FeelFeel freefree toto trytry dippingdipping otherother fruitfruit asas well.well.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5#5

Sticky-Syrup Buddy Tag Sticky-Syrup Buddy Tag

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 66 oror moremore playersplayers (the(the moremore players,players, thethe moremore funfun itit isis toto play!)play!) andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen area.area. InIn thisthis game,game, youyou havehave toto stickstick toto aa buddybuddy toto avoidavoid beingbeing tagged!tagged! ToTo play,play, oneone personperson isis "it""it" andand oneone personperson isis thethe runner.runner. EveryoneEveryone elseelse findsfinds aa partnerpartner andand linkslinks arms.arms. TheThe pairspairs ofof buddiesbuddies scatterscatter aroundaround thethe playingplaying field.field. TheThe personperson whowho isis "it""it" triestries toto tagtag thethe runner.runner. ToTo avoidavoid beingbeing caught,caught, thethe runnerrunner hashas toto linklink upup withwith aa pairpair ofof buddiesbuddies beforebefore "it""it" cancan tagtag him.him. WhenWhen thethe runnerrunner findsfinds aa buddy,buddy, hehe linkslinks armsarms andand isis .. .. butbut nownow thethe buddybuddy onon thethe otherother sideside ofof thethe pairpair becomesbecomes thethe runner!runner! IfIf thethe runnerrunner isis taggedtagged beforebefore sheshe cancan linklink upup withwith aa pairpair ofof buddies,buddies, she'sshe's nownow "it,""it," andand "it""it" becomesbecomes thethe runner.runner. TheThe gamegame cancan gogo onon forever,forever, soso stopstop playingplaying whenwhen you'reyou're outout ofof breath!breath!

Wild Greens 18

Goals and objectives Children will understand when wild greens were eaten and how they were prepared

Children will be able to identify many different types of greens that are eaten today The nutritional aspects of eating greens will be understood

Talking Points Greens were traditionally eaten as fresh shoots and new leaves in the springtime, before they became bitter and tough in the summer. Wild onions, wild leeks, and ostrich fern (fiddleheads) were eaten in salads and soups in large feasts.

Today, we eat many greens like spinach and kale. Those greens are an important source of calcium and other vitamins and minerals.

Food as Tradition In the early spring, after the snow melts and the ground thaws, tender shoots begin to appear.

Traditionally, these new shoots and leaves were eaten very much like we eat salad today, although there were many variations. Since salt not used, salads were flavored by herbs, oil pressed from seeds, and especially with a type of vinegar made from fermented, evaporated uncooked maple sap. In addition to salads, the new shoots were eaten in soups and cooked with meats. After the long winters of the north, these springtime greens were a beloved reminder of new life, thus this meal was always surrounded by celebration. Customarily, there would be huge salad eating-feasts, enjoying the new leaves and shoots before they became tough, bitter and inedible later in the season. Wild greens that were traditionally eaten by the Ojibwe include: wild onions, wild leeks, ostrich fern (fiddleheads), and many more.

Today, the greens in our diet can be eaten all year round (thanks to the refrigerator!). Even with modern day conveniences, it seems that our bodies begin to crave greens in the spring. Our greens have moved away from the wild ones of our ancestors. Now it is much more common to see spinach, lettuce, kale, and chard in the salad bowl.

Food as Medicine Dark greens are great sources of calcium. Calcium is the mineral that makes our bones and teeth strong. It is also needed so that our muscles will contract and helps blood from a cut or wound heal and clot. Spinach and other greens, such as kale or chard can contain at least 10 percent of our daily value requirements for calcium. Spinach is also a great source of iron, which our bodies use to form hemoglobin and myoglobin, proteins that carry oxygen throughout our bodies. Greens are also very high in beta carotene ( from plants) and vitamin C. Because of the high content of calcium, spring greens are great for nursing mothers.


SaladSalad RainbowRainbow MakesMakes 1010 bagsbags ofof saladsalad

RED GREEN INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: RED GREEN -radishes -Fresh Green beans --1010 resealableresealableplasticplastic freezer freezer -radishes -Fresh Green beans - Red bell peppers - Green bell peppers bagsbags - Red bell peppers - Green bell peppers - Apple slices - Cucumbers --SeveralSeveral kinds kinds of of salad salad dressingdressing - Apple slices - Cucumbers - Tomatoes - Snow peas --55 cups cups of of salad salad Greens Greens - Tomatoes - Snow peas ORANGE BLUE/PURPLE --AA variety variety of of fruits fruits andand ORANGE BLUE/PURPLE - Orange bell peppers - Purple cabbage vegetablesvegetables representing representing the the - Orange bell peppers - Purple cabbage - Carrots - Blueberries colorscolors of of the the rainbow: rainbow: - Carrots - Blueberries YELLOWYELLOW --RaisinsRaisins --YellowYellow wax wax beans beans --BeetsBeets --YellowYellow bell bell peppers peppers

--SummerSummer squash squash --YellowYellow tomatoes tomatoes Directions:Directions: Have the vegetables pre-cut. Hand out the plastic bags to each child. Have Have the vegetables pre-cut. Hand out the plastic bags to each child. Have everyoneeveryone taketake aa handfulhandful ofof thethe washedwashed andand bitebite--sizedsized lettucelettuce andand putput itit inin theirtheir bags.bags. GoGo aroundaround inin aa circlecircle andand havehave eacheach childchild trytry andand ccomeome upup withwith aa fruitfruit oror aa vegetablevegetable thatthat isis AfterAfter this,this, passpass aroundaround thethe rreded bellbell pepperpepper andand addadd itit toto thethe bag.bag. RepeatRepeat thisthis forfor eacheach colorcolor (even(even blue!).blue!). ThThenen havehave themthem addadd thethe sunflowersunflower seedsseeds andand raisins.raisins. Finally,Finally, addadd aa littlelittle dressingdressingtoto thethe bag.bag. SealSeal thethe bagsbags shutshut andand thenthen havehave themthem shakeshake thethe bags.bags. YouYou cancan incorpincorporateorate aa lotlot ofof physicalphysical activitiesactivities duringduring thisthis part.part. LabelLabel thethe bagsbags withwith ththee kidkid’’ss namesnames andand havehave aa bagbag toss.toss. OrOr putput somesome musicmusic onon andand shakeshake thethe bagsbags toto thethebeat.beat.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #1#1 SaladSalad TossToss

 Materials:Materials: OneOne VolleyballVolleyball oror otherother lightweightlightweight ball,ball, blanketsblankets oror sheetssheets forfor eacheach teamteam

 SetSet upup teamsteams soso thatthat eacheach teamteam hashas atat leastleast fourfour peoplepeople onon itit——therethere willwill bebe oneone personperson holdingholding eacheach cornercorner ofof thethe blanket.blanket. HaveHave oneone teamteam serveserve thethe volleyballvolleyball byby placingplacing thethe volleyballvolleyball inin thethe middlemiddle ofof thethe blanket.blanket. TheyThey areare toto lowerlower

thethe blanketblanket andand thenthen raiseraise itit quicklyquickly asas aa team,team, toto allowallow thethe ball to become air borne. The opposing team must catch the ball to become air borne. The opposing team must catch the volleyballvolleyball inin theirtheir blanketblanket andand tosstoss itit backback again.again.


LasagnaLasagna RollsRolls withwith SpinachSpinach MakesMakes 1515 rollsrolls

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: - One box of whole grain lasagna - One box of whole grain lasagna PastaPasta (about(about 1515 pieces)pieces) --11 cancan ofof tomatotomato saucesauce --11 cupcup ofof shreddedshredded mozzarellamozzarella --1616 oz.oz. lowlow--fatfat ricottaricotta cheesecheese --22 cupscups spinach,spinach, washed,washed, brokenbroken intointo leavesleaves andand slicedsliced thinthin lengthlength-- wisewise

Directions:Directions: PreheatPreheat ovenoven toto 350350 degrees.degrees. BoilBoil pastapasta untiluntil donedone (about(about 88 minuminutes).tes). LayLay thethe pastapasta outout ontoonto bakingbaking sheets.sheets. HaveHave thethe kidskids spoonspoon tomatotomato saucesauce ontoonto thethe noodles.noodles. MixMix thethe ricottaricotta andand mozzarellamozzarella cheesescheeses together.together. PutPut twotwo toto threethree spoonfulsspoonfuls ofof thethe cheesecheese mixturemixture ontoontothethe noodlesnoodles andand spreadspread withwith aa fork.fork. AddAdd thethe spinachspinach andand rollroll upup YouYou cancan useuse aa toothpicktoothpick toto securesecure thethe wrapswraps ifif needed.needed. BakeBake onon thethe bakingbaking sheetsheet forfor aboutabout 1515 minutesminutes oror untiluntil thethe cheesecheese isis melted.melted.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2 LasagnaLasagna RollRoll RelayRelay

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 66 oror moremore peoplepeople andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outside or in an open area on a soft surface. To play, form 2 outside or in an open area on a soft surface. To play, form 2 teamsteams ofof 3.3. TheThe firstfirst personperson getsgets downdown onon thethe groundground onon herher side and rolls, "lasagna style," (like a log) to the end of the side and rolls, "lasagna style," (like a log) to the end of the playingplaying fieldfield andand back.back. ThenThen thethe nextnext teamteam membermember goes.goes. The first team to finish wins. The first team to finish wins.


Bacon,Bacon, Lettuce,Lettuce, MakesMakes 88 wrapswraps andand TomatoTomato WrapsWraps

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --88 LargeLarge RedRed LeafLeaf oror RomaineRomaine

lettucelettuce leaves,leaves, washedwashed --44 Tbs.Tbs. reducedreduced--fatfat mayonnaisemayonnaise --88 slicesslices delideli turkeyturkey --11 cupcup gratedgrated cheesecheese --11 cupcup tomatoes,tomatoes, choppedchopped --44 slicesslices bacon,bacon, cookedcooked andand crumbledcrumbled

Directions: Directions: GiveGive eacheach childchild aa lettucelettuce leaf.leaf. HaveHave themthem spreadspread aa littlelittle mayomayo (about(about ½½teaspoon)teaspoon) evenlyevenly downdown thethe centercenter ofof thethe leaf.leaf. SpreadSpread aboutabout aa spoonfulspoonful ofof cheesecheese andand thethe turkeyturkey overover thethe lettucelettuce leaf.leaf. HaveHave tthehe kidskids sprinklesprinkle thethe tomatoestomatoes andand aa littlelittle ofof thethe baconbacon onon ShowShow ththemem howhow toto foldfold inin thethe sidessides ofof thethe lettucelettuce leaveleave andand thenthen rollroll upup tighttight likelike aa burrito. Fasten with a toothpick, or just enjoy. burrito. Fasten with a toothpick, or just enjoy.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #3#3

StealSteal thethe BaconBacon

 Materials:Materials: OneOne ballball andand aa handkerchiefhandkerchief forfor eacheach playerplayer

 ThisThis isis aa gamegame forfor 77 kids,kids, 66 playersplayers andand aa referee.referee. BothBoth teamsteams lineline upup inin 22 rowsrows ofof 3,3, andand eacheach playerplayer hangshangs aa handkerchiefhandkerchief outout ofof hishis backback pocket.pocket. AA ballball isis placedplaced inin betweenbetween thethe teams.teams. TheThe objectobject ofof thethe gamegame isis toto stealsteal thethe ballball withoutwithout gettinggetting youryour hankyhanky pulledpulled outout ofof youryour pocket.pocket. EverybodyEverybody inin thethe gamegame getsgets aa number:number: 1,1, 2,2, oror 3.3. TheThe refereereferee callscalls outout aa number.number. IfIf sheshe callscalls 22 andand youryour numbernumber isis 2,2, trytry toto grabgrab thethe ballball andand runrun backback toto youryour IfIf thethe otherother playerplayer getsgets thethe ballball beforebefore youyou do,do, trytry toto grabgrab thethe hankyhanky fromfrom theirtheir pocket.pocket. IfIf youyou getget backback toto youryour teamteam withwith thethe ball,ball, youryour teamteam getsgets aa point.point. IfIf youryour handkerchiefhandkerchief getsgets grabbed,grabbed, thethe otherother teamteam getsgets aa point.point. PlayPlay toto fivefive pointspoints oror more.more. Let'sLet's stealsteal somesome bacon!bacon!


SpinachSpinach DipDip withwith VeggiesVeggies MakesMakes 1616 pitaspitas andand WholeWhole WheatWheat PitasPitas


--22 cupscups lowlow--fatfat plainplain yogurtyogurt --11 cupcup reducedreduced--fatfat mayonnaisemayonnaise --11 (10(10 oz)oz) packagepackage frozenfrozen spinachspinach --11 (2(2 1/31/3 oz)oz) packagepackage ofof ranchranch mixmix oror FrenchFrench oniononion soupsoup mixmix --44 greengreen onions,onions, choppedchopped --33 bellbell peppers,peppers, assortedassorted colors,colors, slicedsliced lengthlength--wisewise forfor dippingdipping - 4 carrots, cut into sticks - 4 carrots, cut into sticks --88 wholewhole wheatwheat pitapita bread,bread, cutcut intointo trianglestriangles

Directions:Directions: ThawThaw spinachspinach andand draindrain waterwater byby eithereither squeezingsqueezing itit oror usingusing aa ppaperaper towel.towel. CombineCombine yogurt,yogurt, mayonnaise,mayonnaise, frozenfrozen spinach,spinach, ranchranch oror sousoupp mix,mix, andand choppedchopped onions.onions. LetLet thethe kidskids dipdip veggiesveggies andand thethe pitapita breadbread intointo thethe mix.mix.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #4 #4 RefrigeratorRefrigerator TagTag

oo ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 55 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outsideoutside oror inin anan openopen area.area. ToTo play,play, pickpick fourfour objectsobjects toto bebe basesbases andand givegive eacheach basebase aa name:name: "Don't"Don't likelike it,"it," "Love"Love it,"it," "It's"It's OK,"OK," "Never"Never triedtried it."it." YouYou cancan makemake signssigns forfor eacheach basebase ifif youyou PickPick someonesomeone toto bebe "IT.""IT." "IT""IT" standsstands inin thethe middlemiddle andand thethe playersplayers standstand onon anyany basebase theythey want.want. "IT""IT" callscalls outout thethe namename ofof aa PlayersPlayers thenthen havehave toto runrun toto thethe basebase thatthat describesdescribes howhow theythey feelfeel aboutabout thatthat "IT""IT" triestries toto tagtag aa playerplayer beforebefore hehe oror sheshe reachesreaches thethe base.base. TheThe playerplayer whowho isis taggedtagged thenthen becomesbecomes "IT!""IT!"


BunnyBunny SaladSalad MakesMakes 88 bunniesbunnies


--44 pears,pears, halvedhalved andand dede--seededseeded (if(if freshfresh pearspears areare unavailable,unavailable, substitute canned pears) substitute canned pears) --CottageCottage cheesecheese --RaisinsRaisins --LettuceLettuce (use(use RedRed LeafLeaf oror Romaine,Romaine, NOTNOT Iceberg),Iceberg), washedwashed andand brokenbroken intointo leavesleaves --WholeWhole almondsalmonds --BabyBaby carrotscarrots


GiveGive eacheach childchild aa lettucelettuce leaf.leaf. PutPut halfhalf ofof aa pearpear onon toptop ofof ththee lettuce.lettuce. YouYou cancan useuse freshfresh pearspears ifif youyou havehave themthem onon hand.hand. EachEach childchild cacann choose how they would like to decorate the rabbit, but this is our choose how they would like to decorate the rabbit, but this is our suggestion:suggestion: addadd twotwo raisinsraisins forfor thethe eyeseyes andand oneone forfor thethe nose.nose. Next,Next, putput twotwo almondsalmonds forfor thethe ears.ears. PutPut aa spoonfulspoonful ofof cottagecottage cheesecheese behibehindnd thethe pearpear forfor aa tail.tail. PutPut aa babybaby carrotcarrot byby thethe bunnybunny’’ss mouthmouth——andand therethere isis

thethe bunnybunny salad!salad!

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5#5 BunnyBunny TailTail FunFun

 Materials:Materials: TwoTwo blindfolds,blindfolds, twotwo largelarge bowlsbowls filledfilled withwith cottoncotton balls,balls, twotwo mediummedium bowls,bowls, andand twotwo largelarge spoonsspoons

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor threethree oror moremore players.players. ToTo start,start, twotwo playersplayers areare blindfoldedblindfolded andand sitsit onon thethe floorfloor withwith bowlsbowls filledfilled withwith bunnybunny tailstails (cotton(cotton balls)balls) onon theirtheir laps,laps, emptyempty bowlsbowls onon theirtheir heads,heads, andand spoonsspoons inin theirtheir hands.hands. OneOne playerplayer isis thethe refereereferee andand says,says, "Go!""Go!" PlayersPlayers thenthen havehave 3030 secondsseconds toto spoonspoon thethe bunnybunny tailstails fromfrom thethe largelarge bowlsbowls inin theirtheir lapslaps toto thethe mediummedium bowlsbowls onon theirtheir heads.heads. TheThe playerplayer whowho scoopsscoops thethe mostmost bunnybunny tailstails wins!wins!

Mushrooms 24

Goals and objectives

Children will understand that mushrooms were and still are one of the most sought after wild foods. Children will learn about the significance of mushrooms, especially of morels, in Ojibwe culture

Talking Points Morel mushrooms were gathered in the spring by the Ojibwe and are still one of the most sought after mushrooms. Eating the wrong kind of mushroom can lead to sickness or even death. It is incredibly important to know what kind of mushrooms you are gathering before you eat them. Mushrooms are a very healthy food choice and have a lot of medicinal properties as well.

Food as Tradition In the spring, Ojibwe people would gather morel mushrooms, or wazhaskwedoonsag. Morels fruit in early to mid May. They are one of the most sought after edible mushrooms in the Great Lakes region. In the Ojibwe culture, mushrooms are usually associated with the night. Special leather gathering bags were worn to collect and protect the fragile fungus.

Today, people search for wild mushrooms throughout the season, collecting delicacies of all colors, sizes and shapes. It is very important, however, to know exactly what you are harvesting before you eat anything harvested in the wild. Although only 10 percent of all mushrooms are poisonous, eating the wrong kind can result in sickness and even death. No matter what, always be 100 percent sure before you eat it.

Food as Medicine Mushrooms have been known to be highly medicinal in many cultures all over the world. For example, in China it is traditional to eat Cordyceps sinensis, a mushroom believed to build physical stamina and mental energy. In Eastern Europe, Inonotus obliquus, or chaga, has been shown to fight tumors for a number of cancers.

In addition to being highly medicinal, mushrooms are a highly nutritious addition to any diet. Mushrooms have zero fat and more protein than any vegetable except soybeans — they are also an especially good source for vitamin D. They have no cholesterol, and are a significant source of vitamin B2, niacin and folates, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.

Cooking mushrooms is highly recommended. Mushrooms should not be eaten raw — not even white button mushrooms. Allergic reactions are more pronounced when eating raw mushrooms, and people who have compromised immune systems can get serious infections. The cell walls of raw mushrooms are not easily digestible unless they are cooked. And once cooked, the medicinal and immune system-enhancing properties and increased!


Mushroom,Mushroom, SpinachSpinach MakesMakes 88 saladssalads andand CranberryCranberry SaladSalad

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: For Dressing: For Salad For Dressing: For Salad --¼¼cupcup orangeorange juicejuice --44 cupscups prepre--washedwashed babybaby spinachspinach --22 Tbs.Tbs. limelime oror lemonlemon juicejuice --½½ slicedsliced ww hite hite mushroomsmushrooms

--11 ½½cupcup honeyhoney oror maplemaple syrupsyrup --11 cancan mandarinmandarin oranges,oranges, draineddrained --½½cupcup oliveolive oiloil --½½cupcup thinlythinly slicedsliced redred onionsonions --½½teaspoonteaspoon choppedchopped freshfresh herbs,herbs, --¼¼cupcup drieddried cranberriescranberries likelike sage,sage, rosemary,rosemary, tarragon,tarragon, oror basilbasil --¼¼cupcup walnutswalnuts --¼¼tsp.tsp. each:each: saltsalt andand pepperpepper


CombineCombine orangeorange juice,juice, lemonlemon juicejuice andand honeyhoney inin aa jarjar withwith aa lid.lid. AddAdd oliveolive oil,oil, herbsherbs andand saltsalt andand pepperpepper andand tightentighten lid.lid. HaveHave kidskids taketake turns shaking to mix the dressing. Place each ingredient in a separate turns shaking to mix the dressing. Place each ingredient in a separate bowlbowl onon aa table.table. HandHand outout bagsbags oror bowlsbowls toto thethe kidskids andand havehave ththemem createcreate theirtheir ownown salad,salad, encouragingencouraging themthem toto trytry aa littlelittle ofof evereverything.ything. Add dressing, and enjoy! Add dressing, and enjoy!

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity ## 11

Mushroom,Mushroom, Tree,Tree, BridgeBridge

oo ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 66 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outside.outside. ToTo play,play, getget intointo teamsteams ofof 3.3. LineLine upup withwith youryour teammates.teammates. TheThe firstfirst personperson inin lineline isis thethe mushroom.mushroom. SheShe ducksducks downdown onon herher kneesknees withwith herher headhead tuckedtucked TheThe secondsecond personperson inin lineline jumpsjumps overover thethe mushroommushroom andand standsstands upup andand becomesbecomes thethe tree.tree. TheThe thirdthird personperson inin lineline jumpsjumps overover thethe mushroom,mushroom, goesgoes aroundaround thethe treetree twice,twice, andand makesmakes aa tenttent withwith hishis bodybody andand

becomesbecomes thethe bridge.bridge. TheThe personperson whowho waswas thethe mushroommushroom thenthen goesgoes aroundaround thethe treetree 22 times,times, goesgoes underunder thethe bridge,bridge, andand becomesbecomes aa mushroommushroom again.again. TheyThey keepkeep repeatingrepeating thisthis patternpattern untiluntil theirtheir teamteam reachesreaches thethe finishfinish line.line. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto finifinishsh wins.wins.


MushroomMushroom MeltMelt FacesFaces MakesMakes 11 Melt!Melt!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: - Black olives --WholeWhole wheatwheat EnglishEnglish muffinsmuffins - Black olives - Slice red, yellow, or green bell (one(one forfor each each child)child) - Slice red, yellow, or green bell peppers --1010 buttonbutton mushrooms,mushrooms, thinlythinly peppers - 2 cups shredded Colby or slicedsliced - 2 cups shredded Colby or Monterey jack cheese --22 avocados,avocados, thinlythinly slicedsliced Monterey jack cheese - 1 Tbs. butter --SpinachSpinach leavesleaves - 1 Tbs. butter - Salt, pepper, and garlic powder --CherryCherry tomatoes,tomatoes, slicedsliced inin halfhalf - Salt, pepper, and garlic powder (optional)(optional) to to taste taste

Directions:Directions: SliceSlice thethe EnglishEnglish muffinmuffin inin half,half, putput intointo toastertoaster ovenoven toto toasttoast.. MeltMelt butterbutter in in smallsmall skillet;skillet; addadd mushrooms,mushrooms, salt,salt, pepper,pepper, andand garlicgarlic powderpowder toto tastetaste andand sautsautééuntiluntil browned.browned. RemoveRemove muffinsmuffins fromfrom ovenoven andand letlet coolcool slightly.slightly. HandHand aa muffinmuffin hhalfalf toto each each child child and and butterbutter lightly.lightly. SprinkleSprinkle cheesecheese overover thethe muffinsmuffins andand letlet thethe kikidsds useuse the the vegetablesvegetables asas decorations.decorations. Again,Again, letlet creativitycreativity runrun wild,wild, facesfaces areare funfun butbut theythey arenaren’’tt the the limit.limit. OlivesOlives andand mushroommushroom slicesslices makemake greatgreat eyeballs.eyeballs. RedRed bellbell pepperspeppers makemake goodgood lips.lips. AnythingAnything goes!goes! ThisThis isis aa greatgreat timetime toto chatchat aboutabout vegetablesvegetables andand encouraencouragege them them toto useuse atat leastleast threethree differentdifferent vegetables.vegetables. AskAsk thethe kidskids ifif theythey havehave anyany ideasideasforfor toppingstoppings andand seesee what what theythey comecome upup with.with. PlacePlace thethe muffinsmuffins onon aa broilerbroiler pan,pan, pizzapizza trtray,ay, or or bakingbaking sheet.sheet. BakeBake untiluntil cheesecheese melts,melts, aboutabout 55 minutes.minutes.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2

PizzaPizza ShopShop

 Materials:Materials: tapetape oror chalkchalk toto markmark boundariesboundaries ifif playedplayed outsideoutside

 SetSet upup aa spacespace (works(works bestbest outsideoutside oror inin aa gym)gym) withwith twotwo lineslines aa goodgood distancedistance apart.apart. TwoTwo peoplepeople (pizza(pizza makers)makers) standstand inin thethe middlemiddle ofof thethe areaarea andand thethe restrest ofof thethe playersplayers standstand behindbehind aa lilinene

atat oneone endend ofof thethe area.area. TheThe coordinatorcoordinator goesgoes downdown thethe lineline informinginforming thethe kidskids atat toto whatwhat toppingtopping theythey areare byby sayingsaying tomato,tomato,

mushroom,mushroom, oror cheese.cheese. TheThe pizzapizza makersmakers areare toto callcall outout oneone toppintoppingg andand thosethose toppingstoppings areare toto runrun acrossacross thethe areaarea pastpast thethe safesafe lineline onon

thethe oppositeopposite end.end. IfIf theythey’’rere taggedtagged theythey mustmust stopstop wherewhere therethere atat andand sitsit down.down. TheyThey trytry toto tagtag anyoneanyone thatthat passespasses themthem duringduring thethe DoDo thisthis untiluntil therethere areare onlyonly twotwo peoplepeople remainremain inin thethe gamegame..

TheyThey areare thethe newnew pizzapizza makers.makers.


Mushroom and Spinach Makes 8 Quesadillas Mushroom and Spinach Makes 8 Quesadillas QuesadillasQuesadillas

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --88 wholewhole wheat wheat tortillastortillas --44 Tbs.Tbs. butterbutter --44 cupscups mozzarellamozzarella or or cheddarcheddar

cheesecheese --22 cupscups spinachspinach --22 cupscups mushroomsmushrooms --½½cupcup salsasalsa --½½cupcup lowlow fatfat soursour creamcream or or plainplain yogurtyogurt


MeltMelt butterbutter atat mediummedium temperature.temperature. PlacePlace aa tortillatortilla inin thethe pan.pan. PutPut ingredientsingredients intointo thethe shellshell andand covercover withwith anotheranother tortilla.tortilla. LetLet cookcook forfor aboutabout 44 minutesminutes onon eacheach side,side, longlong enoughenough toto meltmelt cheese,cheese, butbut notnot overover ccookingooking andand burningburning thethe tortilla.tortilla. ServeServe withwith aa spoonfulspoonful ofof salsasalsa andand soursour ccream.ream.


Zucchini and Cheese MakesMakes 1212 MushroomsMushrooms and Cheese StuffedStuffed MushroomsMushrooms

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --1212 freshfresh mushrooms,mushrooms, atat leastleast 22--inchesinches (about(about ¾¾pound)pound) --33 cupscups zucchini,zucchini, coarselycoarsely shreddedshredded --¼¼cupcup lowlow--fatfat parmesanparmesan cheesecheese --11 Tbs.Tbs. reducedreduced--fatfat mayonnaisemayonnaise --1/81/8 tsp.tsp. saltsalt --1/81/8 tsp.tsp. pepperpepper --22 tsp.tsp. lowlow--fatfat parmesanparmesan cheesecheese --¼¼tsp.tsp. WorcestershireWorcestershire saucesauce

Directions:Directions: RemoveRemove stemsstems fromfrom mushroomsmushrooms andand discard;discard; setset capscaps aside.aside. ArrangeArrangezucchinizucchini inin aa vegetablevegetable steamersteamer overover boilingboiling water.water. CoverCover andand steamsteam 55 minutes.minutes.PlacePlace zucchinizucchini onon severalseveral layerslayers ofof paperpaper towels;towels; covercover withwith additionaladditional paperpaper LetLet standstand 1515 minutes,minutes, pressingpressing downdown occasionallyoccasionally toto removeremove moisture.moisture. CombineCombine zucchinizucchini andand nextnext 66 ingredients;ingredients; stirstir well.well. SpoonSpoon mixturemixture evenlyevenly intointo mushroommushroom caps.caps. CarefullyCarefully ararrangerange mushroomsmushrooms onon aa bakingbaking sheetsheet inin thethe oven.oven. BakeBake forfor aboutabout 1010 minutesminutes atat 350350 degredegreeses RemoveRemove mushroomsmushrooms fromfrom thethe ovenoven andand sprinklesprinkle withwith ParmesanParmesan cheesecheese.. ServeServe immediately.immediately.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity ## 44

MushroomMushroom RaceRace

ooMaterials:Materials: 33--55 softsoft rubberrubber oror foamfoam ballsballs

ooPlayersPlayers formform aa largelarge circlecircle oror square.square. PlacePlace 11 toto 55 playersplayers inin thethe centercenter whowho trytry toto avoidavoid beingbeing hithit byby thrownthrown balls.balls. PlayersPlayers onon thethe perimeterperimeter throwthrow ballsballs tryingtrying toto hithit thethe innerinner circlecircle playplayersers atat thethe waistwaist oror below.below. TheThe playerplayer whowho hitshits someone,someone, getsgets toto taketake hishis oror herher placeplace inin thethe


MushroomMushroom OmeletsOmelets inin aa BagBag MakesMakes 88 servings!servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --88 quartquart sizesize (heavy(heavy dutyduty freezerfreezer bagsbags )) --88 eggseggs perper --11 cupcup mushrooms,mushrooms, slicedsliced --11 cupcup tomatoes,tomatoes, chunkedchunked --11 cupcup onions,onions, slicedsliced --11 cupcup bellbell peppers,peppers, chunkedchunked --11 cupcup cheese,cheese, shreddedshredded --11 cupcup turkey,turkey, chunkedchunked

Directions:Directions: StartStart aa largelarge potpot ofof waterwater boiling.boiling. ThisThis potpot mustmust bebe largelarge enouenoughgh toto accommodateaccommodate allall ofof thethe bagsbags withwith thethe omeletomelet mixture.mixture. ChopChop thethe vegetablesvegetables andand cookcook thethe oonions,nions, mushrooms,mushrooms, andand pepperspeppers ifif youyou likelike beforebefore theythey gogo intointo thethe bag.bag. ThisThis stepstep cancan bebe donedone aheadahead ofof timetime toto savesave time.time. PlacePlace eacheach vegetablevegetable inin aa separateseparate bowlbowl withwith aa spoonspoon oror fofork.rk. HandHand outout bagsbags andand havehave eacheach childchild labellabel thethe bagbag withwith theirtheir namename (permanent(permanent markermarker worksworks best).best). OneOne byby one,one, havehave thethe childrenchildren crackcrack anan eggegg intointo aa bowlbowl andand beatbeat itit withwithaa fork.fork. ItIt isis importantimportant toto dodo thisthis stepstep oneone byby oneone becausebecause eacheach childchild shouldshould receivereceive instruinstructionction onon howhow toto crackcrack andand beatbeat anan egg.egg. ExplainExplain thatthat theythey cancan alsoalso useuse thisthis skillskill toto makemake scrambledscrambled eggs.eggs. PourPour thethe eggegg intointo thethe bag.bag. HaveHave thethe kidskids addadd vegetables,vegetables, meatmeat andand cheesecheesetoto thethe eggegg mixture.mixture. SealSeal thethe bagsbags wellwell andand dropdrop themthem oneone byby oneone intointo thethe boilingboiling water.water. BoilBoil forfor aboutabout 55 minutes,minutes, oror untiluntil thethe eggegg isis cookedcooked solid.solid. SpoonSpoon outout thethe bagsbags andand serveserve onon plates.plates.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5#5 EggEgg RollRoll

 Materials:Materials: OneOne eggegg forfor eacheach player,player, conescones oror polespoles toto setset upup anan obstacleobstacle coursecourse

 SetSet upup anan obstacleobstacle coursecourse withwith aa startstart andand finishfinish line.line. IfIf outdoors,outdoors, playersplayers cancan dodo thisthis barefootbarefoot ifif weatherweather permitting.permitting. TheThe coursecourse couldcould gogo throughthrough mudmud puddlespuddles and/orand/or waterwater (sprinkler)(sprinkler) ifif available.available. DivideDivide intointo teamsteams andand eacheach personperson isis toto gogo throughthrough obstacleobstacle coursecourse pushingpushing anan eggegg withwith theirtheir foot.foot.



Goals and objectives Children will understand what part of a plant a tuber is. Children will become familiar with the many different types of tubers eaten by the Ojibwe and with the harvesting and preparation methods of the arrowhead.

Talking Points Tubers are the roots of the plant and were gathered throughout the spring and summer and fall. Today’s diet includes potatoes and yams as commonly consumed tubers. Tubers were and are an important medicine and source of carbohydrates and protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Food as Tradition Tubers are the parts of a plant that grow underground—the root of the plant. Beginning in the spring and ending in the late fall, families would gather a wide range of roots and tubers. Tubers that were gathered in spring by the Ojibwe include Arrowhead roots (waabiziipin ojiibikan), yellow water lily roots (oga’damun ojiibikan), wild leeks and wild onions (bagwaji zhigaagawinzhiig), cattail roots (apakweshkaway ojiibikan), bulrush roots (anaakanashk ojiibikan), dandelion roots (doodooshaaboojiibikan ojiibikan), and wild ginger roots (namepin ojiibikan). Ground nuts, also known as hopniss, were gathered as well. These tubers and roots would be roasted, sautéed, steamed, and boiled. The arrowhead, a starchy, egg-sized tuber, was boiled, roasted, or cooked into gruel. It was also dried, powdered and mixed with flour for bread. The Ojibwe would gather the arrowhead tubers in shallow water from the canoe or by wading into ponds and marshes and loosening the tubers with their toes. Because they are buoyant, the tubers would float to the top of the water where they were gathered and placed into baskets. The tubers would then be roasted or dried for storage during the long winters. The Ojibwe would dry thinly sliced tubers like apples and cook it with meat. A common meal was to dry the tubers and mix them with maple syrup—a meal that tastes just like sweet potatoes.

Today’s diet no longer regularly includes wild tubers, however one of the most popular items in the produce aisle is a close cousin of many wild tubers. Today, we eat potatoes instead of arrowhead and ground nuts.

Food as Medicine The traditional plants that were eaten as tubers were also used for many medicinal properties. The Ojibwe used arrowhead tuber as a remedy for indigestion. The arrowhead was also used to aid in healing tuberculosis and rheumatism. A powder was made from the arrowhead and was used for wounds and sores, to stop lactation, and to wash babies with fevers. In addition to these medicinal properties, tubers were an important source of carbohydrates and protein. The starches and sugars found in many of the tubers were a considerable source of energy. Fiber was also sourced from these tubers, helping the digestive organs maintain function.

Today, potatoes and sweet potatoes are popularly consumed tubers. They are excellent sources of carbohydrates— the body's primary fuel source. Potatoes with the skin on are an excellent source of fiber. Potatoes are a great source of iron and have more potassium than a banana— about 620 mg of potassium.


HomemadeHomemade PotatoPotato ChipsChips MakesMakes 1212 handfuls!handfuls!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --44 medium medium potatoes potatoes --11 tsp.tsp. salt salt --11 tsp. tsp. garlic garlic powder powder --11 tsp. tsp. pepper pepper --11 tsp. tsp. curry curry (optional) (optional) --11 tsp. tsp. brown brown sugar sugar (optional) (optional) --11 tsp. tsp. cinnamon cinnamon (optional) (optional)

Directions:Directions: PeelPeel skinsskins ofof thethe potatoespotatoes ONLYONLY ifif thethe potatoespotatoes areare old. old. Otherw Otherwise,ise, scrubscrub thethe potatopotato withwith thethe skinsskins on,on, asas thatthat isis wherewhere most most of of thethe nutrientsnutrientsare.are. SliceSlice thethe potatoespotatoes thinthin (about(about 1/161/16‖‖).). SprinkleSprinkle thethe potatoespotatoes withwith spicesspices or or leaveleave themthem plain.plain. LayLay slicesslices flatflat onon aa microwaveablemicrowaveable traytray——aa baconbacon traytray isis preferable,preferable, otherwiseotherwise rubrub thethe insideinside ofof thethe dishdish withwith olive olive oil. oil. DoDo NOTNOT stastackck thethe chips.chips. You You dodo notnot needneed toto turnturn chips.chips. MicrowaveMicrowave onon highhigh forfor 77--88 minutes.minutes. RepeatRepeat thethe stepssteps untiluntil thethe potatoespotatoes areare gone.gone. ToTo bakebake inin thethe oven, oven, preheatpreheat ovenoven toto 450450 degrees.degrees. LightlyLightly oiloil aa cookiecookie traytray withwith olive olive oil, oil, sprinkle sprinkle thethe potatopotato slicesslices on on thethe tray,tray, combinecombine spicesspices andand stirstir toto coatcoat evenly.evenly. BakeBake for for 2020--3030 minutes,minutes, stirringstirring oftenoften toto preventprevent themthem fromfrom sticking.sticking.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #1#1 S.P.U.DS.P.U.D

 Materials:Materials: SoftSoft foamfoam oror rubberrubber ballball

 PlayersPlayers beginbegin thisthis gamegame byby huddlinghuddling aroundaround oneone personperson whowho isis TheThe personperson whowho isis itit throwsthrows thethe ballball intointo thethe airair andand shoutsshouts outout someonesomeone inin thethe groupgroup’’ss TheThe personperson whosewhose namename isis calledcalled isis toto getget thethe ballball andand shout,shout, ――Freeze!Freeze!‖‖beforebefore thethe otherother playersplayers runrun away.away. TheThe personperson withwith thethe ballball isis toto gentlygently trytry toto hithit anyany player.player. IfIf aa personperson isis hithit theythey areare assignedassigned aa letterletter startingstarting withwith SS fromfrom thethe wordword Spud.Spud. IfIf thethe personperson throwingthrowing thethe ballball missesmisses thenthen theythey areare assignedassigned aa letter.letter. TheThe targetedtargeted playerplayer willwill bebe thethe oneone toto throwthrow thethe ball.ball. OnceOnce aa playerplayer hashas beenbeen givengiven allall thethe lettersletters toto spellspell SPUD,SPUD, theythey areare outout ofof thethe


BakedBaked PotatoPotato BarBar

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --88 potatopotato forfor eacheach childchild --½½cupcup reducedreduced fatfat soursour creamcream --½½cupcup salsasalsa --½½cupcup gratedgrated cheddarcheddar cheesecheese --1.21.2 cupcup baconbacon BitsBits --11 cupcup cookedcooked broccoli.broccoli. choppedchopped finelyfinely

Directions:Directions: MicrowaveMicrowave thethe potatoespotatoes untiluntil cookedcooked (about(about 55--77 minutesminutes onon high).high). MakeMake suresure toto pokepoke thethe potatopotato withwith aa forkfork aa fewfew timestimes toto releaserelease steam.steam. TheThe potatoespotatoes cancan alsoalso bebe preparedprepared aheadahead ofof timetime inin thethe stove,stove, cookingcooking forfor aboutabout 3535 minutesminutes atat 400400 degrees.degrees. LetLet thethe potatoespotatoes coolcool beforebefore handinghanding themthem outout toto thethe HaveHave eacheach ingredientingredient inin aa separateseparate bowl.bowl. SliceSlice thethe potatopotato inin halfhalf andand plaplacece inin aa bowl.bowl. LetLet thethe kidskids toptop theirtheir ownown potatoes.potatoes.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2 PotatoPotato PassPass

 Materials:Materials: OneOne largelarge potatopotato forfor eacheach teamteam

 DivideDivide intointo groupsgroups dependingdepending onon participantsparticipants andand TheThe objectobject isis toto passpass thethe potatopotato fromfrom oneone teammateteammate toto thethe nextnext fromfrom underunder thethe chinchin withoutwithout usingusing youryour hands.hands. IfIf groupsgroups areare small,small, makemake themthem gogo aroundaround twice.twice.


HomeHome FriesFries andand DipsDips MakesMakes 1212 Handfuls!Handfuls!

ForFor Curry Curry in in a a Hurry Hurry Dip: Dip: INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 cupcup plain plain yogurt yogurt ForFor Fries:Fries: --1/41/4 c.c. light light mayonnaise mayonnaise --22 regularregular potatoespotatoes (Yukon,(Yukon, or or --1/41/4 c.c. peach peach or or apricot apricot jam jam (no (no russet)russet) sugarsugar added)added) --44 babybaby redred potatoespotatoes --1/21/2 tsp.tsp. currycurry powder powder --44 heirloomheirloom varieties varieties (blue,(blue, --11 pinchpinch cayenne cayenne purple,purple, fingerling,fingerling, etc.) etc.) --44 sweetsweet potatoes potatoes ForFor Ranch Ranch Dip: Dip: --¼¼cupcup oliveolive oiloil --33 Tbs.Tbs. packaged packaged ranch ranch dressing dressing --11 tsp.tsp. saltsalt mixmix --11 c.c. plain plain yogurt yogurt --1/41/4 c.c. light light mayonnaise mayonnaise

Directions:Directions: AheadAhead ofof time,time, sliceslice potatoespotatoes lengthlength wisewise intointo thethe shapeshape ofof FrenFrenchch Fries.Fries. LightlyLightly coatcoat inin oliveolive oiloil andand sprinklesprinkle withwith salt.salt. BakeBake forfor 2525--3030 minutesminutes atat 400400 degrees.degrees. BeforeBefore serving,serving, reheatreheat forfor 55--1010 minutesminutes atat 300300 degrees,degrees, beingbeing suresure toto notnot burnburn thethe potatoes.potatoes.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #3 #3

PotatoPotato PickerPicker

 Materials:Materials: RawRaw potatoes,potatoes, chairschairs andand bucketsbuckets

 DivideDivide youryour groupgroup upup intointo teams.teams. EachEach teamteam will will needneed oneone chairchair p placedlaced in in frontfront ofof them,them, aa bagbag ofof potatoespotatoes andand aa bucketbucket on on the the other other side side ofof the the playingplaying area.area. WhenWhen signaled,signaled, thethe firstfirst playersplayers onon eacheach teamteam will willpullpull out out oneone potatopotato fromfrom thethe potatopotato bagbag and and placeplace it it on on the the chair chair in in fron frontt of of them.them. TheThe potatopotato shouldshould bebe placedplaced closeclose toto thethe edge edge so so that that they theycancan sit sit downdown onon thethe chair.chair. TheThe objectobject isis toto trytry toto sitsit downdown andand then then sta standnd up up with with thethe potatopotato betweenbetween theirtheir legs.legs. TheyThey cannotcannot useuse theirtheir hands.hands. Once Oncetheythey are are ableable toto standstand with with thethe potatopotato theythey will will carefullycarefully wobble wobble (walkin (walkingg backwards)backwards) overover toto thethe bucketbucket andand dropdrop the the potato potato into into the the bucke buckett withoutwithout usingusing theirtheir hands.hands. TheyThey willwill racerace backback toto theirtheir team,team, tatagg the the next next playerplayer andand thatthat playerplayer will will dodo thethe same.same. The The first first team team through through thethe rotationrotation willwill bebe thethe winner.winner. YouYou mightmight havehave toto scrubscrub aa fewfew potat potatoesoes if ifthethe playersplayers areare notnot dresseddressed toto possiblypossibly getget dirtdirt on on them. them.


MapleMaple BakedBaked SweetSweet PotatoesPotatoes MakesMakes 88 ServingsServings

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --44 mediummedium sweetsweet potatoes,potatoes, slicedsliced 1 1 ¼¼inchinch thickthick --½½tsp.tsp. saltsalt --¾¾tsp.tsp. freshfresh groundground pepperpepper --33 Tbs.Tbs. unsaltedunsalted butter,butter, cutcut intointo ½½inchinch piecespieces --1/31/3 cupcup purepure maplemaple syrupsyrup --1/31/3 cupcup water water

Directions:Directions: AheadAhead ofof time:time: covercover thethe sweetsweet potatopotato slicesslices withwith waterwater andand brinbringg toto aa boil.boil. ReduceReduce heatheat toto moderatemoderate andand cookcook untiluntil justjust tender,tender, aboutabout55 minutes.minutes. DrainDrain well.well. PreheatPreheat ovenoven toto 400400 degrees.degrees. HaveHave thethe kikidsds arrangearrange sweetsweet potatopotato sliceslice inin aa largelarge casserolecasserole SeasonSeason wiwithth saltsalt andand pepperpepper andand thenthen dotdot withwith butterbutter pieces.pieces. DrizzleDrizzle potatoespotatoes wiwithth maplemaple syrup,syrup, sprinklesprinkle withwith waterwater andand bakebake forfor 2525 minutesminutes oror untiuntill tendertender andand lightlylightly browned.browned. IfIf necessary,necessary, youyou cancan broilbroil thethe cascasseroleserole forfor aa minuteminute oror twotwo beforebefore serving.serving.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4#4

RootsRoots andand ShootsShoots

 Materials:Materials: tapetape oror chalkchalk toto markmark boundaryboundary lines;lines; oneone coincoin

 HaveHave thethe playersplayers dividedivide intointo twotwo teams.teams. LabelLabel oneone teamteam ROOTSROOTS andand thethe otherother SHOOTS.SHOOTS. LayLay outout twotwo centercenter lineslines thatthat areare parallelparallel toto eacheach otherother andand threethree feetfeet apart.apart. ThenThen setset upup twotwo boundaryboundary lineslines aboutabout 2020 feetfeet fromfrom thethe centercenter lineslines forfor eacheach teamteam toto crosscross forfor theirtheir safesafe UseUse hoseshoses oror roperope ifif outdoorsoutdoors andand tapetape ifif indoors.indoors. ToTo start,start, makemake teamsteams standstand withwith theirtheir backsbacks towardtoward eacheach otherother atat thethe centerlines.centerlines. TossToss thethe coincoin intointo thethe air.air. OnceOnce thethe coincoin hashas landedlanded onon thethe groundground callcall outout ifif itsits headsheads (ROOTS)(ROOTS) oror tailstails (SHOOTS).(SHOOTS). IfIf itit waswas tails,tails, thethe SHOOTSSHOOTS teamteam mustmust runrun toto theirtheir safesafe TheThe ROOTSROOTS teamteam willwill turnturn aroundaround andand trytry toto tagtag thethe SHOOTSSHOOTS teamteam beforebefore theythey reachreach theirtheir safesafe AfterAfter eacheach tosstoss andand chase,chase, playersplayers areare toto returnreturn toto thethe centerline,centerline, exceptexcept taggedtagged playersplayers--theythey areare outout ofof thethe YouYou playplay untiluntil oneone teamteam hashas capturedcaptured everyoneeveryone onon thethe oppositeopposite teamteam andand thatthat teamteam isis thethe winner.winner.


PotatoPotato SaladSalad MakesMakes 1212 servings!servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --55 redred potatoes,potatoes, cubedcubed --44 hardhard boiledboiled eggs,eggs, choppedchopped - 1 cup of celery, chopped- ½ cup dill pickles, chopped (or to taste) - 1 cup of celery, chopped- ½ cup dill pickles, chopped (or to taste) --11 tsp.tsp. saltsalt --11 tsp.tsp. pepperpepper --¼¼cupcup reducedreduced--fatfat soursour creamcream

--11 cupcup plainplain yogurtyogurt

Directions: Directions:

CookCook thethe potatoespotatoes byby boilingboiling untiluntil tendertender (about(about 1515 minutes)minutes) oror microwave for about 7 minutes. Cool potatoes in a large bowl full of microwave for about 7 minutes. Cool potatoes in a large bowl full of DrainDrain iceice andand water.water. InIn aa largelarge mixingmixing bowl,bowl, combinecombine coolcooleded

potatoespotatoes andand eggs,eggs, celery,celery, dilldill pickles,pickles, andand soursour cream,cream, yogurt,yogurt,saltsalt andand

pepper.pepper. StirStir wellwell andand serve.serve.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5#5

PotatoPotato RelayRelay

 Materials: One apple for each team and something like  Materials: One apple for each team and something like emptyempty bottlesbottles oror conescones toto markmark thethe endend ofof thethe course.course.

 This game is for 4 or more players and should be played  This game is for 4 or more players and should be played inin anan openopen area.area. First,First, placeplace youryour markersmarkers atat thethe endend ofof your course, about 40 feet away from the starting line. your course, about 40 feet away from the starting line. SplitSplit intointo twotwo eveneven teams.teams. OnOn thethe wordword "go,""go," aa teamteam member places an apple on the back of the first player. member places an apple on the back of the first player. TheThe firstfirst playerplayer racesraces toto thethe endend ofof thethe coursecourse andand backback withoutwithout lettingletting thethe appleapple fallfall offoff herher back.back. IfIf thethe appleapple

fallsfalls off,off, thatthat playerplayer hashas toto stopstop wherewhere sheshe isis andand putput itit backback on.on. OnceOnce thethe appleapple isis backback inin place,place, sheshe keepskeeps goinggoing

fromfrom wherewhere itit fellfell WhenWhen thethe playerplayer getsgets backback toto herher team,team, sheshe putsputs thethe appleapple onon thethe backback ofof thethe nextnext personperson inin line.line. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto finishfinish wins.wins. 36

Wild Peas

Goals and objectives

Children will understand where the wild beach pea grows and the different stages of growth. Children will understand how beach peas were eaten and prepare.

Children will associate the common garden pea with the beach pea.

The nutritive properties of peas, both wild and cultivated, will be understood.

Talking Points

Wild beach peas grow on the shore of Lake Superior and can be harvested from late spring to early summer.

Beach peas taste like their cousin, the garden pea, and were used in similar ways.

The garden pea is commonly eaten today. Peas are highly nutritious and a great source of protein, Vitamin A and C, and iron.

Food as Tradition Wild beach peas, called anajiiminan in Ojibwe, grow along the sandy shores of Lake Superior,

blooming in late spring and early summer. Later in the summer, the pods begin to be seen and in August the pods are ripe. Immature seeds were eaten raw or cooked like common peas of today and

have a tender and sweet flavor. Mature seeds were cooked or used in salads. The young plant can be

eaten raw or cooked. The beach pea plant is trailing green plant with purple flowers or one- to two- inch pods, and looks like a smaller version of common garden peas. Although the peas are somewhat

undersized, and it takes some time to shuck enough from their pods to use for a meal, they taste much like garden peas and were used in similar ways.

The wild beach pea is not commonly eaten today, however its cousin, the garden pea, is widely

popular. From munching on the raw pod of a sweet pea to adding the frozen peas to a winter soup—the pea is one of the most consumed vegetables (although it is really a fruit). In late spring,

this cold loving plant is one of the sweetest treats to first ripen in the garden.

Food as Medicine Peas are highly nutritious and have some medicinal properties as well. The Ojibwe used a tea from the leaves as a remedy to relieve convulsions. The beach pea has also been said to help alleviate skin

inflammation and deep abscesses. Nutritionally, it contains high amounts of B Vitamins, beta

carotene, and protein.

The common garden pea that we eat today is not so common nutritionally. They are loaded with vitamin A, vitamin C, Folic acid, B Vitamins, iron and phosphorus. They are incredibly rich in protein

and fiber and are low in fat. Sugar snap peas (the kind that you can eat whole, pod and all) contain less protein but are a higher source of iron and vitamin C—two things needed to keep the immune system working properly.


Fresh Snap Peas MakesMakes 88 cups!cups! Fresh Snap Peas andand MegMeg’’ss CitrusCitrus DressingDressing

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 freshfresh snapsnap peaspeas

ForFor Dressing:Dressing: --1/31/3 cupcup cidercider vinegar vinegar --22 Tbs.Tbs. honeyhoney - Juice and zest of 1 orange - Juice and zest of 1 orange --½½tsp.tsp. redred pepperpepper flakesflakes --½½tsp.tsp. blackblack pepper pepper --11 Tbs.Tbs. peeledpeeled freshfresh gingerginger (grated)(grated) - ½ cup canola oil - ½ cup canola oil


ToTo makemake thethe dressing,dressing, havehave thethe kidskids grategrate thethe orangeorange peelpeel andand giginger,nger,

combinecombine allall ingredientsingredients (except(except forfor thethe peas)peas) togethertogether inin aa jarjar andand shake well. Dip the peas into the dressing or cup peas up and pour shake well. Dip the peas into the dressing or cup peas up and pour dressingdressing overover thethe cutcut peas.peas. Enjoy!Enjoy!

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #1#1

Inchworm and the Pea Inchworm and the Pea

 Materials:Materials: CupCup filledfilled withwith peaspeas forfor eacheach teamteam oror playerplayer

 ThisThis cancan bebe playedplayed asas teamsteams oror individually.individually. MarkMark offoff aa startingstarting pointpoint andand finishfinish line.line. PlayersPlayers areare toto lielie bellybelly down, with a cup filled with peas on their back, crawl down, with a cup filled with peas on their back, crawl likelike anan inchworminchworm toto finishfinish line.line. IfIf cupcup fallsfalls offoff andand spillsspills theythey areare toto startstart over.over. TheThe firstfirst teamteam donedone isis thethe winner.winner.


MintedMinted SugarSugar SnapSnap PeasPeas MakesMakes 66 cupscups

INGREDIENTS: INGREDIENTS: --11 ofof freshfresh sugarsugar snapsnap peas,peas, unshelledunshelled

--½½cupcup choppedchopped freshfresh mintmint


Wash and chop the tips off of the sugar snap peas. Put 1 inch of Wash and chop the tips off of the sugar snap peas. Put 1 inch of waterwater inin aa saucepan.saucepan. PutPut thethe peaspeas inin thethe waterwater andand bringbring toto aa bboil,oil,

boilingboiling onon thethe highesthighest heatheat forfor oneone minute.minute. DrainDrain waterwater andand addadd

thethe mintmint toto thethe peas,peas, tossingtossing well.well. ServeServe andand enjoy!enjoy!

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #2 #2

Peas in a Pod Peas in a Pod

 ThisThis gamegame isis likelike HideHide andand SeekSeek withwith aa twist.twist. YouYou pickpick

oneone personperson toto hidehide andand thethe restrest ofof thethe playersplayers looklook forfor thethe hider.hider. AsAs thethe seekersseekers findfind thethe hider,hider, theythey areare toto squeezesqueeze

intointo hidinghiding placeplace withwith hiderhider——likelike peaspeas inin aa pod!pod! ThisThis isis done until the last seeker finds the hiding place. The last done until the last seeker finds the hiding place. The last personperson isis thethe newnew hider.hider.


TunaTuna SaladSalad withwith PeasPeas MakesMakes saladsalad forfor 8!8!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: - 2 cans of tuna fish - 2 cans of tuna fish --½½cupcup choppedchopped celery celery --11 (10(10 oz)oz) packagepackage of of frozen frozen peas, peas, thawed thawed (or (or one one cancan ofof peas,peas, drained) drained) - ¼ cup of sweet pickle relish - ¼ cup of sweet pickle relish --11 carrot,carrot, gratedgrated --¼¼cupcup ofof reducedreduced--fatfat mayonnaise mayonnaise --11 packagepackage of of cherry cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, sliced sliced - Whole grain crackers, like Wheat Thins or Triscuits - Whole grain crackers, like Wheat Thins or Triscuits


CombineCombine allall ingredientsingredients exceptexcept forfor tomatoestomatoes andand crackerscrackers inin a a bo bowl.wl.

TheThe kidskids cancan measuremeasure ingredients,ingredients, openopen cans,cans, andand grategrate thethe carro carrots.ts. Stir well. Spoon a little tuna salad on a cracker and have the kids top it Stir well. Spoon a little tuna salad on a cracker and have the kids top it withwith aa tomato.tomato.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #3 #3

TunaTuna FishFish SwitchSwitch

 Materials:Materials: TwoTwo bowlsbowls filledfilled withwith paperpaper fish,fish, twotwo empty empty bowls, straws for each player, chalk or tape to mark bowls, straws for each player, chalk or tape to mark startingstarting line.line.

 This is a game for 6 or more players and should be played  This is a game for 6 or more players and should be played outsideoutside oror inin anan openopen area.area. TheThe objectobject ofof thethe gamegame is is to to

transfertransfer eacheach fishfish fromfrom youryour team'steam's fullfull bowlbowl to to youryour team's team's emptyempty bowl.bowl. PlayersPlayers splitsplit intointo 22 teamsteams ofof 3.3. EachEach teamteam hashas a a

bowlbowl ofof paperpaper PlayersPlayers taketake turnsturns runningrunning downdown the the fieldfield andand transferringtransferring theirtheir fishfish toto anan emptyempty bowlbowl using using their their

straw.straw. Remember,Remember, nono runningrunning withwith strawsstraws inin youryour mouth! mouth! TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto movemove allall ofof theirtheir fishfish fromfrom oneone bowlbowl toto thethe otherother andand thenthen runrun backback toto thethe startingstarting lineline wins. wins.


PeasPeas andand PeanutsPeanuts SaladSalad MakesMakes 88 servings!servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 (10(10 oz.)oz.) packagespackages ofof frozenfrozen peas,peas, thawedthawed - ½ cup celery, chopped - ½ cup celery, chopped --½½cupcup ranchranch saladsalad dressingdressing - 1/3 cup light or low-fat sour cream - 1/3 cup light or low-fat sour cream --11 tsp.tsp. WorcestershireWorcestershire saucesauce - ½ tsp. pepper - ½ tsp. pepper --11 cupcup honeyhoney--roastedroasted peanutspeanuts


CombineCombine allall thethe ingredients,ingredients, exceptexcept thethe peanuts,peanuts, inin aa largelarge bowlbowl.. StirStir

well.well. RightRight beforebefore serving,serving, addadd peanuts.peanuts. MakeMake suresure toto checkcheck forfor

peanutpeanut allergiesallergies inin thethe group!group!

PhysicalPhysicalActivityActivity #4#4

TheThe VegetableVegetable GameGame

 YouYou needneed atat leastleast 1010 kidskids playingplaying includingincluding aa caller.caller. AllAll thethe players must first line up in front of the caller, and the caller players must first line up in front of the caller, and the caller whisperswhispers aa vegetablevegetable oror fruitfruit namename toto eacheach playerplayer thatthat theythey willwill bebe inin thethe OnceOnce allall thethe namesnames areare givengiven out,out, thethe callercaller givesgives themthem tenten secondsseconds toto runrun around.around. Afterwards,Afterwards, thethe caller starts calling vegetables. When the caller calls a caller starts calling vegetables. When the caller calls a vegetable,vegetable, thatthat personperson hashas toto runrun fromfrom everyoneeveryone andand allall thethe otherother playersplayers havehave toto tagtag thatthat personperson toto getget himhim oror herher out,out, butbut thethe callercaller doesndoesn’’tt havehave toto waitwait untiluntil thethe personperson isis outout toto call the next vegetable. The caller can call another vegetable call the next vegetable. The caller can call another vegetable beforebefore oror afterafter thethe personperson isis tagged,tagged, itit’’ss upup toto thethe caller.caller. ThisThis goesgoes onon untiluntil therethere areare onlyonly twotwo playersplayers left.left. TheThe remainingremaining playersplayers mustmust gogo toto aa designateddesignated areaarea withwith boundariesboundaries toto dodo aa sudden elimination. They do the same thing, but this time sudden elimination. They do the same thing, but this time theythey areare notnot allowedallowed toto stepstep outout ofof thethe boundaries.boundaries. IfIf theythey stepstep oror areare tagged,tagged, theythey areare outout andand thethe lastlast oneone standingstanding isis thethe winner.winner. TheThe winnerwinner willwill bebe thethe callercaller inin thethe nextnext


Sesame Snow Peas MakesMakes 66 cups!cups! Sesame Snow Peas

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: - 1 lb. Snow (or snap) peas - 1 lb. Snow (or snap) peas --22 carrots,carrots, slicedsliced lengthlength--wisewise intointo smallsmall stickssticks - 2 Tbs. toasted sesame seeds - 2 Tbs. toasted sesame seeds --½½tsp.tsp. sesamesesame oiloil --11 orangeorange (grated(grated rindrind andand juice)juice)


SteamSteam thethe snowsnow peaspeas andand carrotscarrots inin thethe orangeorange juicejuice untiluntil tendertender (about 7 minutes). Transfer to a bowl and add sesame seeds, oil and (about 7 minutes). Transfer to a bowl and add sesame seeds, oil and orange rind. Stir and serve! orange rind. Stir and serve!

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #5 #5

ShellShell thethe PeaPea

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 55 oror moremore players,players, andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen area.area. ToTo play,play, taketake offoff youryour PullPull youryour

sockssocks downdown soso thatthat theythey areare floppingflopping andand hanginghanging offoff youryour toes.toes. Then,Then, crawlingcrawling onon youryour handshands andand knees,knees, trytry to steal the other players' socks, shelling the peas out of to steal the other players' socks, shelling the peas out of thethe pod!pod! WhenWhen bothboth ofof youryour sockssocks havehave beenbeen taken,taken, you're out. Last one left with a sock is the winner. you're out. Last one left with a sock is the winner.



Make your own

Solar Food Dryer

This lesson is taken from, “Seeds of Change”

Goals and objectives

Children will learn about the traditional preservation method of drying their own food.

Children will construct solar food dryers to experiment with drying fruits and vegetables.

Talking Points Before the invention of refrigeration, drying food was an essential method of preserving food. Drying

removes moisture so that foods (meat, vegetables, and fruit) are less likely to rot. Drying food also helps retain vitamins in the food and dried food uses less storage space.

Ojibwe people would dry meat, fish, vegetables, and berries to use for the winter. Today, we are familiar with raisins, prunes, and other dried fruits. We can make our own with this

solar oven.

Materials Cartons with lids

Black construction paper and glue or black poster paint and a paint brush Masking tape

Scissors Pencil or pen

Nylon fly screen (cut to the same dimensions as the lid of the box) Heavy-duty stapler

Plastic wrap Assortment of food to dry. Try:

o Apples, grapes, plums, cranberries, tomatoes, etc.



Make your own

Solar Food Dryer


Decide ahead of time which steps adults should do and which steps kids can do according to the skill sets of the age group that is doing this project

1. Make the base of the dryer from the lid of the box. Cut out a rectangle from each of the four sides of

the lid, leaving a 2‖ border at each corner and a 1‖ border at the top. Cut out a rectangle from the center of the lid, leaving a 2‖ border all the way around. Place the fly screen over the hole in the lid

and secure it with masking tape.

2. Make the top of the dryer from the bottom of the box. Turn the box over so the opening is at the

bottom. Cut a 45 degree angle section from the sides, leaving 4‖ of cardboard on the front of the box. Paint the inside of the box with black paint or cover it with black construction paper (to absorb

heat). With a sharpened pencil, poke holes in the sides of the box. Cover the angled opening of the box with plastic wrap and secure the plastic wrap with tape.

3. Prepare fruit for the dryer. Rinse and thoroughly dry small fruit (berries, grapes). For larger fruit like plums or apples, peel, core, or pit and slice into uniform rounds. Place fruit in a single layer on the

screened opeing. Make sure pieces do not overlap or touch so that air will be able to circulate around them. Carefully position the top of the dryer onto the base.

4. Place the dryer outside, facing the direction in which it will receive the most hours of sunlight. Bring the dryer indoors at night or if rain is forecast. Drying will take from one to several days, depending

on weather conditions and the size of the fruit.

5. To test the fruit for dryness, squeeze a slice. A well-dried fruit will not emit moisture when it is squeezed and will have a pliable, leathery texture.

6. Let kids taste the dried fruit and compare its taste and texture to that of fresh fruit. Is dried or fresh fruit sweeter? Why? (Dried, because the natural sugar becomes concentrated when the water is


7. Store leftover fruit in plastic bags or glass jars in the refrigerator.


Section Two



June: Ode’iminigiizis

(Time for picking strawberry


July: Aabita-niibino-giizis

(Half way through the summer


August: Manoominike-giizis (Ricing moon)



Goals and objectives

The importance of strawberries in Ojibwe culture will be understood. Children will hear the story of The Strawberry Teaching.

The many medicinal aspects of the strawberry plant will be explored.

Talking Points

Berries are one of the four sacred foods in Ojibwe culture. The month of June is called Odeiminigiizis, the strawberry gathering moon.

The spirit of the strawberry plant is unique—it is called the heart berry because of its heart shape and is said to preserve marital harmony and teach love and forgiveness

Strawberries are extremely high in Vitamin C—they have more than any other fruit, even oranges!

Food as Tradition Nothing says summertime like the first bite of a fresh strawberry, picked from the vine and warmed by the sun.

Berries are an important food for many animals and people, especially in Ojibwe tradition. Berries are not simply something to sprinkle on cereal—they are one of the four sacred foods in Ojibwe culture.

The strawberry is the first berry to appear, usually in the late spring and early summer. The strawberry is so important, that it gives its name to the month of June—Odeiminigiizis is the strawberry gathering moon. Because of the heart shape of the berry, they were given the name ode’iminan. In the Ojibwe culture, each plant was given a soul -spirit, and some believe that the soul spirit of the strawberry plant was unique, unlike any other. The story of

Ode’imin embodies this belief. It is told that the soul-spirit of this fruit was that of a being, not admitted into the Land of Souls, and who was returned to earth to complete its term of being in the form of this heart-shaped berry. Other Anishinabeg teachings portray the strawberries as ―preserving marital harmony, their heart-shaped form being a reminder to those who may have forgotten, why we live with a loved one‖ (from Basil Johnson, Ojibwe heritage, taken from ―Jiibaakweda Gimiijiminaan, Let’s Cook Our Food‖ a collection of recipes by Native Harvest, Copyright

2003, Morris Press Cookbooks.)

Food as Medicine

Strawberries are used for many different reasons. The Ojibwe steeped the roots for children with cholera and to relieve stomach aches. Sometimes the leaves were dried by a fire until brown, then crumbled into a powder in a buckskin bag. The powder was put on the navel of a newborn baby for several days to heal it and keep it from becoming infected. It was also dusted into a baby's mouth when it was sore. This powder was put on any open sore as a disinfectant, too. The sore was washed, the powder was applied and deer fat was smeared on over it. The fresh fruit removes discoloration on teeth. Let the juice stay on the teeth for five minutes. Then brush with warm water and bicarbonate of soda. A cut strawberry rubbed over face immediately after washing your face will whiten the skin and remove slight sunburns. Wild strawberry leaves and berries can be used alone or in combination with other medicines to cleanse the woman's body during her moon time and following childbirth. Nutritionally, strawberries contain more vitamin C than many other fruits—1/2 cup of strawberries contains 42 mg of vitamin C or 70% of the daily value (DV) for this vitamin. Strawberries have 60% more vitamin C by weight than grapefruit and 8% more than oranges.


Story: The Strawberry Teaching

An Ojibwe story about the strawberry, The Strawberry Teaching, teaches forgiveness and peace. This story is adapted from the website: .html ―Once, long ago, there were two brothers who lived in the woods. The boys were tall and strong, and loved to play fight and wrestle. When they were in their teens, their mother said to them, ―It’s time for you to give up your childish ways.‖ And they agreed. But the boys would still wrestle in secret, deep in the woods far away from their mother. One fateful day the time came when the boys were wrestling and the older brother knocked his younger brother to the ground, where he hit his head on a rock and died instantly. The oldest brother was beside himself. He begged his brother to wake, but the only answer was silence. Finally after a couple of hours, a voice told him: ―Bury your brother.‖ And so he dug into the ground and put his brother there. He covered him up and ran home.

Out of breath, he ran to his parents explaining that his brother was lost in the woods. And so the parents went out with him and they looked. They couldn’t find him anywhere. They searched for ten days, and ten nights, and then they went into mourning after they couldn’t find their son.

Every day the brother would go to his little brother’s grave. He would beg for forgiveness and cry as he walked away. And years went by. He carried this sadness into his manhood because only he knew where his brother’s body lay. After many years and visits to his grave, the elder brother saw a tiny plant. He watched it grow into a little strawberry vine on top of his brother’s grave. Each day he watched the leaves grow and the berries come into fruition. White heart-shaped berries appeared first. Then, over days, they transformed into big red delicious berries, luscious and sweet. As he contemplated them, a voice from inside him said, ―Take a berry and eat it.‖ So he picked a berry and he put it in his mouth. As he ate it, he became aware, for the first time in his life, that he could taste the sweetness of life again. No more did he blame himself for his brother’s death, and no more did he blame his brother for not answering him. And most of all, he no more blamed the Creator for taking his brother’s life. He was free. After all of these long years, he was finally free.‖


StrawberriesStrawberries PoachedPoached inin MakesMakes 66 servingsservings HoneyHoney SyrupSyrup overover OatmealOatmeal


ForFor PoachedPoached Strawberries:Strawberries: ForFor Oatmeal:Oatmeal: --11 qt.qt. freshfresh strawberriesstrawberries 22 2/32/3 cupcup waterwater --22 Tbs.Tbs. sugarsugar 11 1/31/3 cupcup regularregular rolledrolled oats oats --¼¼cupcup honeyhoney --2/32/3 cupcup waterwater

TakenTaken fromfrom ――JiibaakwedaJiibaakwedaGimiijiminaanGimiijiminaan,, LetLet’’ss CookCook OurOur FoodFood‖‖aa collectioncollection ofof recipesrecipes byby NativeNative Harvest,Harvest, CopyrightCopyright 2003,2003, MorrisMorris PressPress Cookbooks.Cookbooks.

Directions:Directions: BringBring waterwater toto aa boilboil inin aa saucepan.saucepan. AddAdd oats.oats. ReduceReduce heatheat andand simmersimmer uncovereduncovered untiluntil oatmealoatmeal isis thick,thick, aboutabout 1010--1515 minutes.minutes. SetSet aside.aside. PlacePlace thethe honey,honey, sugar,sugar, andand waterwater inin aa saucepan,saucepan, andand boilboil rapidlyrapidly forfor 55 minutes.minutes. ReduceReduce heat,heat, dropdrop inin thethe wholewhole berries,berries, andand simmersimmer forfor 55 minutes.minutes. TurnTurn offoff thethe heatheat andand letlet thethe berriesberries coocooll toto roomroom temperaturetemperature inin thethe syrup.syrup. ServeServe warmwarm oror coldcold byby pouringpouring syrupsyrup ooverver oatmeal.oatmeal.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #1#1

BerryBerry BucketBucket

 Materials:Materials: BucketsBuckets andand strawberriesstrawberries

 ForFor eacheach team,team, havehave oneone bucketbucket andand tenten strawberries.strawberries. TheThe objectobject isis toto havehave playersplayers oneone atat aa time,time, runrun barefootbarefoot downdown thethe coursecourse toto wherewhere bucketbucket andand tenten berriesberries areare onon thethe ground.ground. TheyThey areare toto sitsit onon thethe groundground andand usingusing onlyonly theirtheir feet,feet, pickpick upup thethe berriesberries andand putput themthem intointo thethe bucket.bucket. OnceOnce theythey havehave allall thethe berriesberries intointo thethe bucket,bucket, theythey areare toto dumpdump themthem out,out, runrun backback toto thethe teamteam andand havehave thethe nextnext personperson dodo thethe same.same. TheThe firstfirst teamteam withwith everyoneeveryone completingcompleting thethe tasktask isis thethe winner.winner.

 ItIt isis aa goodgood ideaidea toto havehave extraextra strawberriesstrawberries onon handhand inin casecase theythey getget smashedsmashed duringduring thethe relay.relay.


StrawberryStrawberry andand MakesMakes 66 servingsservings BananaBanana ShakeShake

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 pintpint strawberries,strawberries, washed washed andand stemmedstemmed --22 bananas,bananas, peeledpeeled andand chunked chunked --½½cupcup plainplain yogurtyogurt oror strawberrystrawberry yogurt yogurt --22 tablespoonstablespoons honeyhoney --33 cupscups iceice cubes,cubes, dividesdivides --BlenderBlender

Directions:Directions: PlacePlace allall ingredientsingredients exceptexcept 11 ½½cupscups iceice cubescubes inin thethe blender.blender. BlendBlend onon highhigh speedspeed untiluntil smooth,smooth, scrapingscraping downdown thethe sideside occasionally.occasionally. AAdddd remainingremaining iceice andand blendblend untiluntil smooth.smooth.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2


 Materials:Materials: RedRed balloons,balloons, water,water, andand anan outdooroutdoor playingplaying areaarea

 ThisThis isis aa gamegame forfor 44 oror moremore players.players. SplitSplit upup intointo twotwo teamsteams ofof two.two. ThisThis isis anan outdooroutdoor onlyonly FirstFirst youyou havehave toto fillfill youryour balloonsballoons (berries)(berries) withwith water.water. FaceFace youryour teammate,teammate, aboutabout 33 feetfeet away.away. TossToss thethe waterwater berryberry toto her.her. IfIf sheshe catchescatches it,it, youyou willwill bothboth taketake aa stepstep back.back. ThenThen sheshe throwsthrows thethe waterwater berryberry toto KeepKeep repeatingrepeating thisthis processprocess andand seesee howhow farfar apartapart youyou cancan get.get. TheThe teamteam thatthat throwsthrows theirtheir balloonballoon thethe farthestfarthest withoutwithout breakingbreaking itit wins.wins. Let'sLet's splash!splash!


StrawberryStrawberry andand GrahamGraham MakesMakes 2020 sandwiches!sandwiches! CrackerCracker SandwichSandwich

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 boxbox of of GrahamGraham CrackersCrackers --11 pkg.pkg. (8(8 oz. oz. )Light)Light CreamCream CheeseCheese --11 pintpint strawberries,strawberries, slicedsliced --11 tsp.tsp. cinnamoncinnamon

Directions:Directions: SpreadSpread creamcream cheesecheese ontoonto grahamgraham crackers.crackers. SprinkleSprinkle aa littlelittle cincinnamonnamon ontoonto creamcream cheese,cheese, addadd strawberries.strawberries. AddAdd anotheranother grahamgraham crackercrackertoto makemake aa sandwich,sandwich, oror eateat openopen--faced.faced.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #3 #3 StrawberryStrawberry HeadHead

 Materials:Materials: RedRed balloonsballoons (one(one forfor everyevery team)team)

 OrganizeOrganize playersplayers soso thatthat theythey’’rere intointo pairspairs andand eacheach teamteam receivesreceives aa partiallypartially inflatedinflated redred balloonballoon (the(the strawberry).strawberry). WhenWhen thethe gamegame starts,starts, teamsteams mustmust racerace toto aa finishfinish lineline carryingcarrying aa strawberrystrawberry balloonballoon betweenbetween theirtheir heads,heads, rememberingremembering notnot toto useuse theirtheir hands.hands. OnOn hothot daysdays trytry itit withwith waterwater balloonsballoons oror throughthrough aa sprinkler.sprinkler. ItIt isis especiallyespecially funfun andand challengingchallenging whenwhen playedplayed withwith anan obstacleobstacle course.course.


StrawberryStrawberry andand WalnutWalnut MakesMakes 1212 pockets!pockets! PitaPita PocketPocket

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 cupscups lowlow--fatfat cottagecottage cheesecheese --11 cupcup strawberries,strawberries, slicedsliced --1/41/4 cupcup walnuts,walnuts, choppedchopped --1/81/8 cupcup wheatwheat germgerm --66 wholewhole wheatwheat pitas,pitas, cutcut inin halfhalf (one(one halfhalf forfor eacheach child)child)

Directions:Directions: HaveHave thethe kidskids mixmix togethertogether thethe cottagecottage cheese,cheese, strawberries,strawberries, walwalnutsnuts andand wheatwheat germ.germ. PassPass aroundaround oneone halfhalf ofof thethe pitapita breadbread toto eacheach child,child, lettingletting themthem spoonspoon inin fillingfilling intointo thethe pocket.pocket.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4 #4 SilentSilent BerryBerry BlastBlast

 Materials:Materials: foamfoam oror softsoft rubberrubber ballsballs

 ChooseChoose oneone personperson outout ofof thethe groupgroup toto bebe thethe ――CallerCaller‖‖.. TheThe callercaller willwill givegive aa specialspecial commandcommand toto thethe StartingStarting outout withwith aa simplesimple tosstoss andand catchcatch isis anan easyeasy wayway toto begin.begin. TheThe restrest ofof thethe peoplepeople whowho araree spreadspread outout aroundaround thethe roomroom thenthen tosstoss andand catchcatch thethe ballball toto oneone aandnd another,another, silentlysilently (hence(hence thethe name,name, SilentSilent BerryBerry BlastBlast).). IfIf aa personperson talkstalks duringduring thethe gamegame thatthat personperson hashas toto gogo inin thethe middle.middle. TheThe callercaller cancan changechange thethe commandcommand atat anyany time.time. ExamplesExamples ofof commandscommands are:are: ――CatchCatch thethe berryberry withwith youryour elbowselbows‖‖(other(other examplesexamples couldcould be:be: catchcatch withwith thumbs,thumbs, throwthrow withwith youryour oppositeopposite hand,hand, spinspin aroundaround 33 timestimes beforbeforee throwing,throwing, etc).etc). WhenWhen aa personperson playingplaying cannotcannot completecomplete thethe tasktask aandnd dropsdrops thethe ballball thatthat personperson standsstands oror sitssits inin thethe middle.middle. TheThe peopeopleple inin thethe middlemiddle cancan trytry toto swatswat downdown oror catchcatch thethe ball.ball. IfIf aa personperson successfullysuccessfully catchescatches thethe ballball theythey cancan getget backback intointo thethe TThehe gamegame isis overover whenwhen therethere isis onlyonly oneone personperson leftleft inin thethe


StrawberryStrawberry SoupSoup MakesMakes 88 servings!servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 cupscups plainplain yogurtyogurt --22 cupscups slicedsliced strawberriesstrawberries --44 Tbs.Tbs. orangeorange juicejuice (or(or appleapple juice)juice) --22 Tbs.Tbs. honeyhoney --FoodFood processorprocessor

Directions:Directions: HaveHave thethe kidskids measuremeasure ingredientsingredients intointo thethe foodfood processor.processor. BlenBlendd inin thethe foodfood processorprocessor andand serveserve chilled.chilled.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #5 #5 RaidRaid thethe StrawberryStrawberry PatchPatch

 Materials:Materials: 22 flags,flags, tapetape toto markmark offoff strawberrystrawberry patch,patch, twotwo colorcolorss ofof ribbonribbon oror tapetape toto identifyidentify teamsteams

 AA twisttwist onon capturecapture thethe flag!flag! DivideDivide intointo twotwo teamsteams inin anan openopen ararea.ea. DivideDivide thethe playplay areaarea intointo twotwo partsparts soso thatthat oneone teamteam (A)(A) hashas thethe toptop partpart thethe otherother teamteam (B)(B) hashas thethe bottombottom part.part. AtAt eacheach endend ofof thethe areaarea isis aa 1010’’xx 1010’’――strawberrystrawberry patchpatch‖‖.. EachEach teamteam will will receivereceive aa flagflag toto putput inin theirtheir strawberrystrawberry patchpatch ;; theythey willwill alsoalso havehave aa jajailil forfor anyoneanyone thatthat theythey catchcatch inin theirtheir strawberrystrawberry patch.patch. YouYou shouldshould havhavee aa jailerjailer forfor thethe inmatesinmates ofof thethe jail.jail. EachEach teamteam wantswants toto trytry anandd stealsteal thethe otherother teamteam’’ss ――strawberriesstrawberries‖‖(their(their flag).flag). WhenWhen aa playerplayer fromfrom teamteam AA entersenters intointo teamteam BB’’ss territory,territory, aa playerplayer fromfrom teamteam BB triestries toto tagtag themthem andand sendsend themthem toto jail.jail. YouYou cancan onlyonly getget outout ofofjailjail ifif oneone ofof youryour teamteam membersmembers touchestouches youyou againagain withoutwithout themthem gettinggetting caught.caught. UseUse coloredcolored ribbonribbon tiedtied toto thethe armarm ofof oneone teamteam ttoo distinguishdistinguish whowho’’ss onon whatwhat TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto findfind raidraid thethe otherother teamsteams strawberriesstrawberries byby capturingcapturing theirtheir flagflag isis thethe winner.winner. ForFor aa variationvariation youyou cancan useuse waterwater balloonsballoons andand ifif theythey findfind thethe wate waterr balloonballoon theythey havehave toto getget itit safelysafely backback toto theirtheir territoryterritory withowithoutut it it breaking,breaking, thisthis couldcould bebe veryvery challenging.challenging.



Goals and objectives Children will understand the importance of raspberries in Ojibwe culture and the relationship to the canoe builders. The preparation of the berries will be understood. The medicinal properties of raspberries will be discussed.

Talking Points The name for raspberries means blood berry. In some bands of Ojibwe, the month of July is known as the raspberry gathering moon. When raspberries were ripe, birch bark would be harvested to build canoes. Every part of the raspberry is edible. There are many medicinal uses for raspberries, including treating upset stomachs. It is usually used by pregnant woman to help during childbirth.

Food as Tradition Raspberries are known as blood berries, or miskiwiminan because of the red juice that they are bursting with. In some bands of Ojibwe, the moon in July is known as Miskomini-giizis, or raspberry gathering moon. Raspberries blossom in late spring and early summer, forming on thorny brambles. When the raspberries began to ripen in mid-summer, it signaled to the canoe builders that it was time to harvest the birch-bark to build the canoes. If the birch bark was harvested before or after the ripening of the raspberries, they ran the risk of the bark drying and cracking— not a good thing for canoe building.

The raspberries were often made into a paste and dried to use as flavoring or to eat for a quick boost of energy on long hunting trips. Every part of the raspberry plant is edible: roots, leaves, stems, stalks, and berry!

Food as Medicine Raspberries are traditionally considered a ―female herb‖, often used by pregnant women. Raspberry tea, made by steeping the leaves in hot water, was taken to speed up the labor process during childbirth. The tea also strengthens the uterus, prevents miscarriage, and relieves morning sickness. In many cultures midwives would use raspberry leaf tea during labor.

There are several other medicinal uses for raspberries. Beestings can be relieved by rubbing a leaf on the sting. The roots can be used to treat stomach problems—especially upset stomachs. It can be used to treat lung congestion caused by colds or the flu. Infusions of the leaves can be used as a wash for wounds and as a mouthwash for sore throats. Raspberry root can help with pink eye and the tea can be used as an eyewash.


WhippedWhipped RaspberriesRaspberries MakesMakes 33 cupscups andand HoneyHoney


--11 qt.qt. freshfresh raspberriesraspberries --½½cupcup honeyhoney

TakenTaken fromfrom ――JiibaakwedaJiibaakwedaGimiijiminaanGimiijiminaan,, LetLet’’ss CookCook OurOur FoodFood‖‖aa collectioncollection ofof recipesrecipes byby NativeNative Harvest,Harvest, CopyrightCopyright 2003,2003, MorrisMorris PressPress Cookbooks.Cookbooks.

Directions:Directions: PureePuree berriesberries withwith honeyhoney untiluntil smooth.smooth. ChillChill forfor 22 hourshours andand seserve.rve.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1

RaspberryRaspberry ThornThorn Jump!Jump!

 Materials:Materials: 55--footfoot--longlong piecepiece ofof roperope

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outsideoutside oror inin anan openopen area.area. TheThe objectobject ofof thethe gamegame isis toto notnot getget stuckstuck byby thethe thornsthorns ofof thethe raspberryraspberry (the (the rope)!rope)! PickPick oneone personperson toto spinspin thethe rope.rope. EveryoneEveryone elseelse getsgets inin aa circlecircle aroundaround thatthat player.player. TheThe roperope spinnerspinner needsneeds toto spinspin thethe roperope lowlow toto thethe ground.ground. EveryoneEveryone elseelse triestries toto jumpjump overover thethe roperope——soso thatthat theythey dondon’’tt getget prickedpricked byby thethe raspberryraspberry thorns.thorns. TheThe roperope shouldshould spinspin fastfast enoughenough soso thatthat itit doesn'tdoesn't hithit thethe ground,ground, butbut slowslow enoughenough soso thatthat it'sit's notnot goinggoing tootoo fastfast forfor peoplepeople toto jumpjump over.over. IfIf aa personperson getsgets taggedtagged byby thethe rope,rope, thenthen theythey areare out.out. TheThe lastlast personperson notnot taggedtagged byby thethe roperope isis thethe winner.winner.


FrozenFrozen YogurtYogurt andand MakesMakes 1212 popsiclespopsicles WildWild BerryBerry PopsiclesPopsicles

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 pintpint ofof berryberry oror vanillavanilla yogurtyogurt --11 cupcup raspberries,raspberries, freshfresh oror frozenfrozen --11 cupcup otherother mixedmixed berries,berries, suchsuch asas blueberries,blueberries, blackberries,blackberries, andand strawberriesstrawberries --1212 smallsmall paperpaper cupscups --1212 wooden wooden PopsiclePopsicle stickssticks (available(available fromfrom craftcraft stores)stores) --PlasticPlastic WrapWrap

Directions:Directions: PourPour yogurtyogurt andand berriesberries intointo paperpaper cups.cups. FillFill themthem almostalmost toto ththee StretchStretch aa smallsmall piecepiece ofof plasticplastic wrapwrap acrossacross thethe toptop ofof eacheach cupcup.. UsingUsing thethe popsiclepopsicle stick,stick, pokepoke aa holehole inin thethe plasticplastic wrap.wrap. StandStand thethe stickstick straightstraight upup inin thethe centercenter ofof thethe cup.cup. PutPut cupscups inin thethe freezerfreezer oovernight.vernight. PeelPeel thethe plasticplastic offoff beforebefore eating.eating.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2 WildWild BerryBerry BalloonsBalloons

 Materials:Materials: 1010 blueblue balloons,balloons, 1010 redred balloons,balloons, 1010 purplepurple oror blackblackballoons,balloons, 1010 pinkpink balloonsballoons (different(different colorcolor forfor eacheach teamteam——totaltotal balloons:balloons: 40);40); ropedroped offoff area;area; blindfoldsblindfolds

 PlayersPlayers areare divideddivided intointo 44 teamsteams withwith aboutabout 66 membersmembers each.each. 44 didifferentfferent coloredcolored balloonsballoons areare usedused wherewhere oneone colorcolor isis assignedassigned perper TheThe blueblue teamteam isis thethe ――blueberriesblueberries‖‖;; thethe redred teamteam isis thethe ――strawberriesstrawberries‖‖;; thethe purplepurple oror blackblack teamteam isis thethe ――blackberriesblackberries‖‖andand thethe pinkpink teamteam isis thethe ――raspberriesraspberries‖‖.. AboutAbout 1010 balloonsballoons forfor eacheach teamteam areare blownblown upup andand allall balloonsballoons (40)(40) areare placedplaced inin ccenterenter areaarea mixedmixed about.about. OneOne playerplayer fromfrom eacheach teamteam isis blindfoldedblindfolded andand sentsent iintonto thethe centercenter nearnear thethe balloonsballoons fromfrom hishis sideside ofof aa squaredsquared offoff widerwider ararea.ea. OnOn go,go, thethe blindfoldedblindfolded membersmembers areare instructedinstructed byby theirtheir seeingseeing membersmembers toto cocollectllect aa berryberry (balloon).(balloon). TheyThey mustmust choosechoose oneone balloonballoon ofof theirtheir teamsteams berryberry colcoloror andand returnreturn toto theirtheir line.line. AnotherAnother membermember isis blindfoldedblindfolded andand sentsent inin toto retrretrieveieve aa berry.berry. AA refereereferee cancan rearrangerearrange thethe balloonballoon berriesberries onceonce aa membermember isis blindblindfoldedfolded soso thatthat thethe playerplayer isn'tisn't usingusing aa visualvisual memorymemory andand mustmust relyrely onon directiodirectionsns ofof teammates.teammates. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto retrieveretrieve allall ofof theirtheir berriesberries wins.wins.


RaspberryRaspberry SalsaSalsa MakesMakes 11 ½½ cupscups

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --1/21/2 cupcup freshfresh raspberriesraspberries washed washed --1/21/2 cupcup choppedchopped redred bell bell pepperpepper --11 MILDMILD pepperpepper mincedminced finefine (optional)(optional) --1/41/4 cupcup choppedchopped redred oniononion --1/21/2 cupcup choppedchopped tomatotomato seededseeded --22 teaspoonsteaspoons freshfresh choppedchopped cilantrocilantro oror parsleyparsley --11 pinchpinch saltsalt --TortillaTortilla chips,chips, wholewhole wheat wheat pita pita pockets,pockets, oror veggieveggie stickssticks

Directions:Directions: GentlyGently combinecombine allall thethe salsasalsa ingredients,ingredients, carefullycarefully leavingleaving thethe raspberriesraspberries whole.whole. AllowAllow toto chillchill forfor atat leastleast 11 hour.hour. ServeServe witwithh tortillatortilla chips,chips, wholewhole wheatwheat pitapita trianglestriangles oror veggieveggie sticks.sticks.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #3#3 SalsaSalsa DancingDancing

 Materials:Materials: MusicMusic Player,Player, SalsaSalsa music music (try (try TitoTito Puente,Puente, OscarOscar DeDe Leon,Leon, or or Celia Celia Cruz)Cruz)

 SalsaSalsa isis anan easyeasy dancedance toto learn learn andand kidskids lovelove thethe music! music! TryTry teteachingaching thesethese basicbasic steps,steps, andand thenthen letlet thethe kidskids make make upup theirtheir own own stepssteps toto thethe music. music. TheThe numbersnumbers belowbelow representsrepresents thethe beatbeat of of thethe YourYour weight weight shouldshould bebe on on thethe ffootoot mentioned mentioned byby thethe timetime thethe beatbeat occurs occurs inin thethe music. music. Break"Break" means means steepingsteeping forwardforwardquicklyquickly andand rockingrocking backback inin essencesessences BreakingBreaking youryour momentum. momentum. RememberRemember toto DanceDance lightlightonon youryour toestoes andand havehave FUN!.FUN!.

StartStart withwith bothboth of of youyou feetfeet together.together. 1.)1.) ShiftShift youryour weightweight on on toto youryour RightRight FootFoot 2.)2.) StepStep forwardforward with with youryour Left Left FootFoot 3.)3.) RockRock backback ontoonto youryour RightRight FootFoot 44 )) StepStep backback withwith youryour Left Left FootFoot 5.)5.) ShiftShift youryour weightweight on on toto youryour Left Left FootFoot 6.)6.) StepStep backback withwith thethe RightRight FootFoot 7.)7.) RockRock forwardforward onto onto youryour Left Left FootFoot 88 )) StepStep forwardforward with with youryour RightRight FootFoot


RaspberryRaspberry OatOat BarsBars MakesMakes 1212 BarsBars

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --¾¾cupscups butter,butter, softenedsoftened --11 tsp.tsp. saltsalt --11 cupcup lightlight brownbrown sugarsugar --½½tsp.tsp. bakingbaking powderpowder --½½pintpint freshfresh raspberriesraspberries --11 ½½c.c. allall purposepurpose flourflour --33 Tbs.Tbs. sugarsugar

Directions:Directions: PreheatPreheat ovenoven atat 400400 degreesdegrees andand havehave kidskids greasegrease aa 9x139x13 inchinch panpan.. InIn aa largelarge bowl,bowl, havehave thethe kidskids taketake turnsturns withwith creamingcreaming togethertogether thethe butterbutter andand brownbrown sugarsugar untiluntil smooth.smooth. CombineCombine thethe oats,oats, flour,flour, saltsalt andand bakingbaking powpowder;der; againagain havehave kidskids stirstir inin creamedcreamed mixture.mixture. DesignateDesignate severalseveral kidskids toto prepressss halfhalf ofof thethe mixturemixture intointo thethe bottombottom ofof thethe preparedprepared pan.pan. CrushCrush thethe raspberriraspberrieses andand mixmix withwith sugar;sugar; spreadspread overover thethe crust.crust. HaveHave somesome kidskids crumblecrumble thethe rremainingemaining crustcrust mixturemixture overover thethe raspberryraspberry layer.layer. BakeBake forfor 2020--2525 minutesminutes inin thethe preheatedpreheated oven,oven, oror untiluntil lightlight brown.brown. CoolCool completelycompletely beforebefore cuttingcutting intointo bars.bars. (Can(Can bebe mademade withwith 1010 oz.oz. raspberryraspberry preservespreserves insteadinstead ofof raspberriesraspberries andand sugarsugar mixture)mixture)

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4#4 BouncingBouncing BerryBerry

 Materials:Materials: chalkchalk oror tapetape toto markmark offoff playplay area,area, rubberrubber ballball

 ThisThis gamegame isis playedplayed justjust likelike fourfour--square.square. MarkMark offoff aa playplay areaarea sixsix--footfoot squaresquare withwith chalk,chalk, andand thenthen evenlyevenly dividedivide thatthat squaresquare intointo fourfour squares.squares. HaveHave aa childchild standstand inin eacheach squaresquare withwith oneone childchild holdingholding thethe ballball (berry).(berry). TheThe oneone with with thethe ballball willwill bouncebounce thethe ballball onceonce inin hishis squaresquare thenthen taptap itit intointo anotheranother playerplayer’’ss square.square. TheThe playerplayer inin thatthat squaresquare mustmust taptap thethe ballball intointo anotheranother playersplayers square,square, afterafter itit bouncedbounced onceonce intointo hishis square.square. IfIf thethe ballball bouncesbounces moremore thanthan onceonce intointo someonesomeone’’ss square,square, theythey areare outout ofof thethe gamegame andand eithereither thethe squaresquare isis leftleft emptyempty oror youyou rotaterotate aa newnew player.player. IfIf youryour volleyvolley goesgoes outout ofof thethe playplay areaarea beforebefore bouncingbouncing inin thethe grid,grid, youyou’’rere out.out. IfIf youryour volleyvolley goesgoes intointo aa squaresquare where where therethere isis nono player,player, youyou’’rere alsoalso out.out.


FreshFresh PeachPeach RaspberryRaspberry MedleyMedley MakesMakes 1212 bowlsbowls

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --66 cupscups peeledpeeled andand slicedsliced freshfresh peachespeaches --11 cupcup orangeorange juicejuice --¼¼cupcup maplemaple syrupsyrup --½½tsp.tsp. cinnamoncinnamon --22 cupscups freshfresh raspberriesraspberries

Directions:Directions: InIn aa largelarge bowl,bowl, lightlylightly mixmix peaches,peaches, orangeorange juice,juice, maplemaple syrupsyrup andand cinnamon.cinnamon. AllowAllow toto sitsit forfor atat leastleast 1515 minutesminutes toto blendblend flavorsflavors.. GentlyGently foldfold inin raspberries.raspberries. PlacePlace inin smallsmall bowls.bowls.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5#5 RedRed RaspberryRaspberry

 ThisThis gamegame isis aa lotlot likelike ――RedRed RoverRover‖‖.. DivideDivide playersplayers intointo twotwo teams.teams. OneOne teamteam willwill allall holdhold handshands inin aa line,line, sideside byby sideside atat oneone endend ofof thethe playplay area.area. TheThe otherother teamteam willwill dodo thethe samesame atat thethe otherother endend facingfacing thethe otherother EachEach teamteam shouldshould thinkthink ofof themselvesthemselves asas aa giant,giant, thornythorny raspberryraspberry bush.bush. OneOne teamteam willwill callcall someonesomeone overover fromfrom thethe otherother teamteam byby saying,saying, ――RedRed Raspberry,Raspberry, RedRed Raspberry,Raspberry, sendsend ______throughthrough thethe thorns.thorns.‖‖TheThe ______isis forfor thatthat personperson’’ss ThatThat personperson willwill comecome overover toto thethe otherother teamteam andand trytry toto breakbreak thruthru twotwo handshands thatthat areare connected.connected. TheyThey cannotcannot useuse theirtheir handshands oror laylay acrossacross thethe connectionconnection toto breakbreak IfIf theythey cannotcannot breakbreak thethe connectionconnection theythey joinjoin thatthat teamteam butbut ifif theythey breakbreak thethe connection,connection, theythey taketake oneone ofof thethe playersplayers involvedinvolved backback toto theirtheir ToTo makemake itit fairfair youyou cancan limitlimit howhow manymany timestimes someonesomeone cancan bebe called,called, limitlimit howhow oftenoften theythey cancan gogo throughthrough certaincertain individualsindividuals oror everyoneeveryone getsgets aa turnturn andand nono repeatsrepeats onon callingcalling overover thethe samesame person.person.



Goals and objectives Children will understand how blueberries were gathered and prepared. They will hear the story, ―Minan, the Blueberry Boy‖. Children will understand the medicinal properties of the blueberry, both traditional and modern.

Talking Points The word for blueberry in Ojibwe—minan—means berries. Blueberries were gathered in large groups of women and children, just before the wild rice was harvested. The berries would be traded among tribes and preserved for the winter. Blueberries have many nutritional aspects—notably to regulate blood sugar in diabetics.

Food as Tradition The word for blueberries is minan, meaning simply ―berries.‖ Blueberries are one of the most important fruits of the Ojibwe. The berries were gathered by the women and children in large groups. The berries grew extensively in large, thick clusters. Huge quantities could be gathered in just a few hours. They were harvested from late July to mid-august, just before the wild rice gathering was to begin. Ojibwe in the north would often trade blueberries for other foods, such as corn, beans, and squash with other bands from the south. The berries were dried and would be eaten throughout the long winters, added to soups and rubbed onto meat to preserve it.

Blueberries are such a wonderful part of the traditional food diet. People of all ages love these berries. One child’s love for blueberries is expressed in the story called ―Minan, the Blueberry Boy‖. This version is adapted from the Lois Bearslee’s book Lies to Live By (Michigan State University Press, published 2003), an excerpt published online (

―Minan was a very curious little boy and was always wandering off when he was supposed to be doing other things. One day, while gathering berries with his family, Minan wandered off from his sister and his mother. Like most small children, he didn’t understand the importance of the task of gathering berries for the long winter ahead. He ate so many berries that he turned into a bear, and his family did not recognize him‖.

Food as Medicine Blueberries are ripe with medicinal properties. Their roots were brewed into tea to help women relax during childbirth. Blueberry syrup was made and was used as a cure for coughs. Blueberries have long been associated with good eyesight. One of the most promising aspects of blueberry medicine is just being discovered: blueberry leaves are beneficial for diabetics! The leaves help rid the body of excessive sugar in the blood. It is a good astringent and helps relieve inflammation of the kidney, bladder and prostate. Blueberry leaf has been shown to prolong the effects of insulin and can reduce the amount of insulin needed. Traditionally, it is said that the Ojibwe would dry the blueberries and place them on hot stones. The fumes were then inhaled, and those fumes would help with psychological issues. They also used the leaves as a medicinal tea and blood purifier.

Blueberries are a delicious and nutritious, low calorie, high-fiber treat loaded with disease fighting compounds. One half cup of blueberries contains 15% of the DV for Vitamin C. Anthocyanins, the pigment that gives blueberries their color, along with other substances called flavonoids, act as antioxidants and may play an important role in preventing disease.


Blueberry,Blueberry, Yogurt,Yogurt, andand MakesMakes 88 servings!servings! GranolaGranola ParfaitParfait

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 cupscups blueberries,blueberries, freshfresh or or frozenfrozen --44 bananas,bananas, slicedsliced 1/41/4‖‖inchinch thickthick --11 pintpint vanillavanilla oror blueberryblueberry yogurtyogurt --22 cupscups granolagranola --11 Tbs.Tbs. cinnamoncinnamon (optional)(optional) --88 clearclear plasticplastic cupscups

Directions:Directions: InIn eacheach cup,cup, placeplace aa layerlayer ofof bananasbananas andand thenthen sprinklesprinkle blueberriesblueberries overover thethe bananas.bananas. SpoonSpoon inin aa layerlayer ofof yogurt,yogurt, sprinklingsprinkling cinnamoncinnamon andand granolagranola onon RepeatRepeat thethe stepssteps untiluntil thethe cupcup isis full.full.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1 BlueberryBlueberry RelayRelay

 Materials:Materials: SpoonSpoon forfor eacheach player,player, twotwo bowlsbowls forfor eacheach team,team, andand 2020 blueberriesblueberries forfor eacheach teamteam

 EachEach teamteam hashas equalequal amountamount ofof blueberriesblueberries inin oneone dishdish andand oneone emptyempty YouYou willwill needneed enoughenough spoonsspoons forfor everyoneeveryone thatthat isis playing.playing. TheThe objectobject isis forfor eacheach teamteam toto havehave oneone personperson atat aa time,time, movemove blueberriesblueberries fromfrom oneone bowlbowl toto thethe other.other. ThisThis isis donedone withwith handshands behindbehind theirtheir back,back, spoonspoon inin theirtheir mouthmouth andand oneone berryberry atat a a time.time. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto havehave allall membersmembers completecomplete thisthis tasktask isis thethe winner.winner.


BlueberryBlueberry ApplesauceApplesauce MuffinsMuffins MakesMakes 1212 muffinsmuffins

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 ¼¼cupscups unsweetenedunsweetened --3/43/4 tsp.tsp. bakingbaking sodasoda applesauceapplesauce --1/21/2 tsp.tsp. cinnamoncinnamon --11 eggegg --1/41/4 tsp.tsp. nutmegnutmeg --22 Tbs.Tbs. canolacanola oror vegetablevegetable oiloil --1/31/3 c.c. raisinsraisins oror frozenfrozen --1/41/4 c.c. honeyhoney blueberriesblueberries --22 c.c. whole whole--wheatwheat flourflour --MuffinMuffin tinstins --22 tsp.tsp. bakingbaking powderpowder

Directions:Directions: InIn aa largelarge bowl,bowl, havehave thethe kidskids beatbeat togethertogether thethe applesauce,applesauce, eggegg,, oiloil andand honey.honey. KidsKids seemseem toto especiallyespecially lovelove crackingcracking eggseggs andand usingusing aa whisk.whisk. Next,Next, siftsift inin thethe drydry ingredients,ingredients, stirringstirring justjust toto moismoisten.ten. StirStir inin thethe blueberriesblueberries andand dividedivide thethe batterbatter amongamong muffinmuffin cupscups coatedcoated wwithith nonsticknonstick cookingcooking sprayspray oror oil.oil. BakeBake atat 375375 degreesdegrees forfor 2020 minutminuteses oror untiluntil done.done.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2 BlueberryBlueberry PickPick--UpUp

 Materials:Materials: OneOne bowlbowl ofof blueberriesblueberries inin water,water, aa pairpair ofof chopstickschopsticks forfor eacheach playerplayer

 PlayersPlayers havehave 3030 secondsseconds toto seesee howhow manymany blueberriesblueberries theythey cancan pickpick upup withwith theirtheir chopstickschopsticks andand transfertransfer toto theirtheir emptyempty bowl.bowl. ToTo holdhold chopsticks,chopsticks, putput oneone ofof thethe chopstickschopsticks inin youryour handhand andand holdhold itit justjust likelike youyou holdhold aa pencil.pencil. NowNow putput thethe otherother chopstickchopstick betweenbetween youryour thumbthumb andand indexindex finger.finger. MoveMove youryour thumbthumb andand indexindex fingerfinger backback andand forthforth soso thethe pointypointy endsends ofof thethe chopstickschopsticks touch.touch. PlayersPlayers racerace toto seesee whowho cancan pickpick upup thethe mostmost blueberriesblueberries inin 3030 seconds!seconds!


BlueBlue MapleMaple ShakeShake MakesMakes 66 shakes!shakes!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 cupcup blueberries,blueberries, fresh fresh or or frozenfrozen (if(if frozen,frozen, let let thaw thaw slightly)slightly) --3/43/4 cupcup plain,plain, nonfat nonfat yogurt yogurt --¼¼cupcup blackberryblackberry jam jam or or jelly jelly --¾¾cupcup milkmilk --11 Tbs.Tbs. maplemaple syrup syrup --½½tsp.tsp. groundground cinnamoncinnamon --BlenderBlender

Directions:Directions: PlacePlace allall ingredientsingredients inin thethe blenderblender andand blendblend untiluntil smooth.smooth. AddAdd moremore cinnamoncinnamon oror maplemaple syrupsyrup ifif needed.needed.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #3 #3 ThreeThree--leggedlegged RaceRace

 Materials:Materials: ScarvesScarves oror clothcloth toto tietie legslegs togethertogether

 HaveHave eacheach teamteam breakbreak offoff intointo pairs.pairs. IfIf youyou havehave adultsadults playing,playing, matchmatch eacheach adultadult with with aa child.child. TakeTake oneone scarfscarf andand tietie togethertogether thethe insideinside anklesankles ofof thethe pairspairs while while theythey standstand hiphip toto hip.hip. MarkMark offoff aa startingstarting lineline andand finishfinish lineline forfor thethe playersplayers toto racerace through.through. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto crosscross thethe finishfinish lineline isis thethe winner.winner. YouYou couldcould eveneven plotplot outout aa marathonmarathon oror obstacleobstacle coursecourse forfor themthem toto runrun through.through.


BlueberryBlueberry MelonMelon FruitFruit SaladSalad MakesMakes 88 servings!servings!


--11 Tbs.Tbs. freshfresh lemonlemon juicejuice (1(1 lemon)lemon) --22 Tbs.Tbs. honeyhoney --11 pinchpinch groundground cinnamoncinnamon --11 cupcup freshfresh blueberriesblueberries --11 cantaloupe,cantaloupe, spoonedspooned intointo ballsballs

Directions:Directions: HaveHave thethe kidskids scrapescrape outout ballsballs ofof cantaloupecantaloupe intointo aa bowl.bowl. InIn aa separateseparate bowl,bowl, squeezesqueeze blendblend honey,honey, lemonlemon juicejuice andand cinnamon.cinnamon. AddAdd thethe blueberriesblueberries toto thethe cantaloupe,cantaloupe, andand gentlygently tosstoss thethe lemonlemon honeyhoney mmixtureixture overover fruitfruit untiluntil coated.coated.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #4 #4 FruitFruit SaladSalad

 Materials:Materials: AA pairpair ofof differentdifferent coloredcolored rolledrolled--upup sockssocks forfor eacheach playerplayer andand aa reallyreally largelarge sheetsheet

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen area.area. First,First, havehave thethe kidskids decidedecide whatwhat fruitfruit theythey areare andand putput theirtheir sockssocks intointo thethe middlemiddle ofof thethe sheetsheet——thethe sockssocks areare thethe fruitfruit (example:(example: thethe redred sockssocks cancan bebe watermelon,watermelon, blueblue sockssocks cancan bebe blueberries,blueberries, etc.).etc.). Now,Now, grabgrab thethe edgeedge ofof thethe sheetsheet andand pullpull itit tighttight soso thethe sheetsheet liftslifts upup offoff thethe ground.ground. ThenThen shakeshake thethe sheetsheet andand trytry toto knockknock everyoneeveryone else'selse's sockssocks KeepKeep shakingshaking thethe sheet,sheet, eveneven ifif youryour sockssocks getget knockedknocked TheThe lastlast playerplayer withwith herher sockssocks onon thethe sheetsheet isis thethe winner.winner.


BlueberryBlueberry CornCorn BreadBread MakesMakes 1212 servingsservings

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 cupcup yellowyellow cornmealcornmeal --11 cupcup siftedsifted flourflour --1/41/4 cupcup sugarsugar --44 teaspoonsteaspoons bakingbaking powderpowder --11 eggegg --11 cupcup milkmilk --1/41/4 cupcup butterbutter --1/21/2 teaspoonteaspoon saltsalt --11 cupcup freshfresh blueberries,blueberries, rinsedrinsed andand draineddrained

Directions:Directions: PreheatPreheat ovenoven toto 425425 degrees.degrees. InIn largelarge bowl,bowl, havehave thethe kidskids siftsift cornmeal,cornmeal, flour,flour, sugar,sugar, bakingbaking powderpowder andand salt.salt. AddAdd egg,egg, milkmilk anandd butter.butter. StirStir oror mixmix withwith anan electricelectric mixermixer untiluntil smooth.smooth. InIn aa smsmallall bowl,bowl, mixmix 11 tablespoontablespoon flourflour andand 11 tablespoontablespoon sugar.sugar. GentlyGently tosstoss bluebblueberrieserries withwith flourflour andand sugarsugar mixturemixture untiluntil berriesberries areare evenlyevenly coated.coated. FoFoldld blueberriesblueberries intointo batter.batter. PourPour batterbatter intointo wellwell greasedgreased 88 xx 88 xx 22inchinch bakingbaking pan.pan. BakeBake forfor 2020 minutesminutes oror untiluntil goldengolden brown.brown.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #5 #5 ToothbrushToothbrush BlueberryBlueberry

 Materials:Materials: OldOld toothbrushestoothbrushes (one(one forfor eacheach player,)player,) aa blueblue oror purplepurple balloon,balloon, andand somethingsomething toto useuse asas aa netnet (a(a volleyballvolleyball netnet worksworks well)well)

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outsideoutside oror inin anan openopen area.area. FormForm twotwo eveneven teamsteams andand givegive eacheach playerplayer aa toothbrush.toothbrush. ThisThis gamegame isis playedplayed likelike volleyball,volleyball, butbut insteadinstead ofof usingusing youryour handshands toto hithit thethe volleyballvolleyball overover thethe net,net, youyou useuse aa toothbrushtoothbrush toto hithit aa balloonballoon (blueberry).(blueberry). YouYou cancan hithit thethe blueberryblueberry asas manymany timestimes asas youyou wantwant toto getget itit overover thethe But,But, ifif youyou hithit thethe blueberryblueberry andand itit fallsfalls onon thethe groundground beforebefore goinggoing overover thethe net,net, oror itit goesgoes outout--ofof--bounds,bounds, thethe otherother teamteam getsgets aa point.point. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto getget threethree pointspoints wins.wins.



Goals and objectives The gathering and preservation process of wild cherries, pin cherries and choke cherries will be understood. Children will understand the traditional healing benefits of cherries. The nutritional components of commonly eaten sweet and tart cherries will be understood.

Talking Points Wild cherries are the most widely distributed trees in North America. Cherries were easily gathered and dried for winter use. Wild cherries were important medicines and all parts were used: the roots for respiratory ailments and the bark for stomach illness and skin problems. Today, cherries are commonly enjoyed fresh and in pies, and are also used in medicines. Research has shown that cherries help with pain relief and in fighting cancer and heart disease.

Food as Tradition In the Northwoods, one of the most commonly seed wild fruits are the pin cherries and choke cherries—in fact, pin cherries and choke cherries are the most widely distributed trees in North America. The branches of these trees are made up of clusters of small cherries growing on twigs. The cherries are easily gathered by running your fingers through the twigs. The cherries are very small, sour fruits and are either a bright, fire-engine red (pin cherries) or a dark, deep blood red (choke cherries). These cherries were important for the Ojibwe, not just as food, but as medicine and ornamentation as well. The cherries would be mashed into a paste and then dried or powdered for winter use. The dried cherries were then added to mix into cakes or added to soups. The women were usually the ones to gather the cherries and would work on mats with the branches of cherries set out beside them. They would strip the branches of the cherries with one hand into muk-muk baskets. They would then lay out the cherries on birch bark to dry in the sun.

Today, choke cherries and pin cherries are often used to make jams, jellies, syrups, juices and wine. Today, it is much more common to eat sweet cherries or tart, sour cherries than pin or choke cherries. The sour cherries are usually made in to pies, and sweet cherries are a summer-time treat, eaten plain off the stem or put into salads.

Food as Medicine Wild cherries like pin and choke cherries have many medicinal uses. In fact, cherries are one of the most commonly used in wild medicines. The Ojibwe would use the crushed root for stomach pain. A tea of the bark was drunk for coughs and colds, and the bark was also used to cure stomach illness. The tea can also be gargled for sore throats. The inner bark would be boiled, bruised or chewed as an application to skin irritations and could be used as a disinfectant. Yet another use is to steep the bark of the choke cherry in water and use it a wash to strengthen hair and make it grow. Modern research has shown cherries to have numerous health benefits. According to the research, tart or sour cherries are rich in cancer and heart disease fighting antioxidants. Research is also showing that sour cherries have pain relieving properties and can help relieve the pain of arthritis.

In addition, a cholesterol-lowering compound called beta-sitosterol is also found in cherries. Melatonin, which is also found cherries, especially tart cherries, was found to affect sleep patterns and has been promoted as an anti-aging supplement.


ChokecherryChokecherry PuddingPudding MakesMakes 66 servings!servings! asasaweminasasawemin waashkobangwaashkobang

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 cupscups chokecherries,chokecherries, fresh,fresh, frozen,frozen, or or drieddried --22--44 cupscups waterwater --HoneyHoney toto tastetaste --¼¼cupcup flourflour or or 22 Tbs. Tbs. cornstarchcornstarch oror arrowrootarrowroot

TakenTaken fromfrom ――JiibaakwedaJiibaakwedaGimiijiminaanGimiijiminaan,, LetLet’’ss CookCook OurOur FoodFood‖‖aa collectioncollection ofof recipesrecipes byby NativeNative Harvest,Harvest, CopyrightCopyright 2003,2003, MorrisMorris PressPress Cookbooks.Cookbooks.

Directions:Directions: InIn saucepan,saucepan, combinecombine chokecherries,chokecherries, andand waterwater toto cover.cover. Cook,Cook, stirring,stirring, overover mediummedium heatheat untiluntil cherriescherries softensoften andand renderrender theitheirr juice.juice. SweetenSweeten withwith honeyhoney toto taste.taste. InIn aa smallsmall bowl,bowl, combinecombine flourflour andand enoughenough waterwater toto makemake aa thinthin creamycreamy mixture.mixture. GraduallyGradually stirstir flouflourr intointo fruitfruit mixturemixture andand simmersimmer untiluntil thickened.thickened. StrainStrain outout seeds,seeds, ifif desired.desired.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1 CherryCherry TossToss

 Materials:Materials: PaperPaper cups,cups, cherriescherries

 YouYou cancan playplay thisthis gamegame withwith twotwo players players per per team team oror aa whole whole teamteam inin aa rotation.rotation. ForFor twotwo playersplayers perper teamteam dividedivide upup intointo teams teams andand havehave thethe playersplayers standstand aboutabout sixsix feetfeet apart.apart. TheThe playersplayers shouldshould bebe standingstanding faceface toto faceface withwith oneone playerplayer asas the the shooter shooter andand thethe oth otherer playerplayer asas thethe receiver.receiver. IfIf youyou havehave aa largelarge group, group, havehave themthem stastandnd inin aa lineline toto monitormonitor thethe sixsix--footfoot separationseparation point.point. AllAll thethe shootersshooters willwill bebe givengiven oneone cupcup ofof cherriescherries andand aa plasticplastic spoon. spoon. WhenWhen signsignaledaled thethe shootershooter willwill trytry toto shootshoot one one cherrycherry fromfrom thethe plasticplastic spoonspoon intointo thethe emptyempty cupcup ofof thethe other other player player fromfrom the the sixsix--footfoot distancedistance point.point. TheyThey mustmust shootshoot thethe cherrycherry pastpast the the markingmarking pointpoint inin thethe airair to to bebe caught.caught. TheThe receiverreceiver cannotcannot stepstep aheadahead ofof thethe markingmarking pointpoint to to catchcatch aa cherry.cherry. OnceOnce aa receiverreceiver catches catches allall of of the the cherries,cherries, the theshootershooter willwill nownow bebe thethe receiver.receiver. TheThe firstfirst teamteam donedone isis thethe winner. winner. ForFor largerlarger teamsteams simplysimply rotaterotate aa newnew shooter shooter inin andand rotaterotate the the firstfirst shootershooter toto bebe thethe receiver.receiver. TheThe firstfirst team team toto finishfinish the the rotatio rotationn wins. wins.


SourSour CherryCherry GranolaGranola MakesMakes 1010 HandfulsHandfuls


--22 cupscups oldold--fashionedfashioned oatsoats --11 cupcup sliveredslivered almondsalmonds --1/31/3 cupcup frozenfrozen appleapple juicejuice concentrate, concentrate, thawed thawed --22 tbsptbsp packedpacked brownbrown sugarsugar --11 tbsptbsp groundground cinnamoncinnamon --11 cupcup unsweetenedunsweetened shredded shredded coconutcoconut --1/21/2 cupcup soursour cherries,cherries, drieddried --1/21/2 cupcup goldengolden raisinsraisins


PreheatPreheat ovenoven toto 300300 degrees.degrees. InIn bowl,bowl, havehave thethe kidskids combinecombine oatoatss andand almonds.almonds. MixMix inin appleapple juicejuice concentrate.concentrate. StirStir inin sugarsugar andand cincinnamon.namon. SpreadSpread evenlyevenly ontoonto cookiecookie sheet.sheet. BakeBake 2525 minutes,minutes, stirringstirring occasoccasionally.ionally. StirStir inin coconut.coconut. ContinueContinue toto bakebake untiluntil golden.golden. StirStir inin cherricherrieses andand raisins.raisins. AllowAllow toto

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2 CherryCherry BombBomb

 Materials:Materials: 2020 redred balloonsballoons

 ThisThis isis aa gamegame forfor 66 oror moremore players.players. ToTo play,play, blowblow upup thethe balloonsballoons andand dividedivide thethe groupgroup intointo twotwo teamsteams ofof atat leastleast threethree people.people. EachEach teamteam getsgets aa bucketbucket filledfilled withwith tenten balloons.balloons. TheThe objectobject ofof thethe gamegame isis toto bebe thethe firstfirst teamteam toto poppop 1010 balloons.balloons. TheThe teamsteams lineline upup inin frontfront ofof theirtheir buckets.buckets. TheThe firstfirst playerplayer fromfrom eacheach teamteam passespasses aa balloonballoon toto thethe secondsecond playerplayer throughthrough herher legs.legs. TheThe secondsecond playerplayer passespasses thethe balloonballoon toto thethe thirdthird playerplayer overover hishis head.head. TheThe thirdthird playerplayer sitssits onon thethe balloonballoon andand popspops ThenThen everybodyeverybody switchesswitches positionspositions soso thethe thirdthird playerplayer nownow goesgoes toto thethe frontfront ofof line.line. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto poppop theirtheir balloonsballoons wins.wins.


CherryCherry BerryBerry SaladSalad MakesMakes 66 ServingsServings WithWith HoneyHoney LimeLime DressingDressing


ForFor Salad: Salad: ForFor Honey Honey Lime Lime Dressing: Dressing: --44 cups cups pitted pitted fresh fresh cherries cherries --22 Tbs. Tbs. olive olive oil oil (can(can be be a a mix mix of of sweet sweet and and --1 1Tbs. Tbs. fresh fresh lime lime juice juice sour)sour) --1 1Tbs. Tbs. honey honey --11 cup cup fresh fresh blueberries blueberries --22 tsp. tsp. fresh fresh mint, mint, chopped chopped fine fine --11 cup cup cored cored diced diced apples apples --½½tsp.tsp. shredded shredded lime lime peel peel --1/81/8 tsp. tsp. salt salt

Directions:Directions: CombineCombine allall fruitfruit andand mixmix well.well. CombineCombine allall ingredientsingredients forfor honehoneyy lime lime dressingdressing inin anan emptyempty jarjar andand shakeshake untiluntil mixed.mixed. TossToss fruitfruit withwith dressingdressing andand refrigeraterefrigerate untiluntil served.served. Tips:Tips: FreshFresh blackberries,blackberries, raspberrraspberriesies or or halvedhalved strawberriesstrawberries maymay bebe substitutedsubstituted forfor blueberries.blueberries. FreshFresh pineapplepineapple oror orangeorange maymay alsoalso bebe addedadded toto salad.salad.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #3#3 CherryCherry TwinsTwins

 AllAll playersplayers areare pairedpaired offoff intointo setssets ofof cherriescherries (two(two cherriescherries joinedjoined atat thethe stem)stem) andand formform aa largelarge circlecircle withwith partnerspartners joiningjoining hands.hands. OneOne setset ofof cherriescherries isis chosenchosen asas ――itit‖‖andand areare thethe runners.runners. TheThe runnersrunners gogo aroundaround thethe outsideoutside ofof thethe circlecircle andand tagtag aa pairpair ofof cherries.cherries. TheThe runnersrunners quicklyquickly runrun oneone directiondirection whilewhile thethe taggedtagged cherrycherry teamteam racesraces thethe otherother direction.direction. NeitherNeither teamteam cancan letlet gogo ofof holdingholding hands!hands! TheThe firstfirst pairpair backback toto thethe vacatedvacated spotspot getsgets toto keepkeep thethe spot,spot, andand thethe otherother pairpair becomesbecomes ――itit‖‖.. Caution:Caution: SetSet upup rulesrules forfor passingpassing soso thatthat nono oneone getsgets hurt.hurt.


CherryCherry VeggieVeggie RollRoll--UpsUps MakesMakes 88 Rolls!Rolls!


--11 pkg.pkg. (8(8 oz.)oz.) reducedreduced--fatfat creamcream cheese,cheese, softenedsoftened - 2 Tbs. finely chopped chives or green onions - 2 Tbs. finely chopped chives or green onions --22 tsp.tsp. lemonlemon juicejuice --1/41/4 tsp.tsp. coarselycoarsely groundground pepperpepper --88 wholewhole wheatwheat tortillas,tortillas, (7( diameter)diameter) - 2 cups chopped fresh sweet cherries - 2 cups chopped fresh sweet cherries --22 mediummedium cucumbers,cucumbers, thinlythinly slicedsliced intointo roundsrounds --22 cupscups alfalfaalfalfa sproutssprouts --88 lettucelettuce leavesleaves

Directions: Directions: Combine cheese, chives, lemon juice and pepper, mix well. Spread each Combine cheese, chives, lemon juice and pepper, mix well. Spread each ofof 44 tortillastortillas withwith cheesecheese mixture.mixture. SetSet thethe ingredientsingredients outout onon aa tabletable andand

givegive aa quickquick demonstrationdemonstration ofof howhow toto assembleassemble aa wrap.wrap. HaveHave thethe kidskids

assembleassemble thethe wrapswraps onon theirtheir own.own. TheThe creamcream cheesecheese mixturemixture bindsbinds thethe other ingredients together so little frustrations are kept to a minimum. other ingredients together so little frustrations are kept to a minimum. TopTop withwith cherries,cherries, cucumber,cucumber, sproutssprouts andand lettuce;lettuce; rollroll--upup tortillas.tortillas.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4 #4

BlindedBlinded FourFour CornersCorners

 Materials:Materials: BlindfoldBlindfold

 ThisThis gamegame isis bestbest playedplayed inin aa squaresquare SelectSelect oneone playerplayer toto wearwear aa blindfoldblindfold andand theythey areare toto bebe placedplaced intointo thethe centercenter ofof thethe OnceOnce thethe playerplayer isis blindfoldedblindfolded and in position, the other players must stand in one of and in position, the other players must stand in one of thethe fourfour corners.corners. TheyThey mustmust dodo thisthis veryvery quietlyquietly (no(no talkingtalking allowed)allowed) andand withinwithin 1010 seconds.seconds. IfIf aa playerplayer isis notnot inin aa cornercorner byby thethe timetime youyou’’rere donedone counting,counting, thatthat playerplayer isis outout ofof thethe TheThe playerplayer thatthat isis blindfoldedblindfolded willwill pointpoint toto oneone ofof thethe cornerscorners andand allall thethe playersplayers inin thatthat cornercorner willwill bebe outout ofof thethe ToTo bebe fairfair youyou cannotcannot gogo to one corner, make noises and then quickly move to to one corner, make noises and then quickly move to anotheranother corner.corner. IfIf nono oneone isis inin aa selectedselected corner,corner, thethe playersplayers havehave 55 secondsseconds toto getget toto anotheranother cornercorner beforebefore aa newnew cornercorner isis selected.selected. TheThe oneone personperson thatthat waswas nevernever foundfound willwill bebe thethe newnew playerplayer inin thethe middle.middle.


SouthwesternSouthwestern StyleStyle MakesMakes 88 servings!servings!

Cherry Coleslaw Cherry Coleslaw


Slaw:Slaw: Dressing:Dressing: --44 cupscups shreddedshredded greengreen cabbagecabbage --22 Tbs.Tbs. oliveolive oiloil - 3 cups sweet cherries, pitted and halved - 2 Tbs. fresh lime juice - 3 cups sweet cherries, pitted and halved - 2 Tbs. fresh lime juice --22 cupscups torntorn freshfresh spinachspinach leavesleaves --22 Tbs.Tbs. frozenfrozen limelime juicejuice --11 cupcup shreddedshredded jicamajicama(optional)(optional) concentrate,concentrate, thawedthawed --11 cupcup shreddedshredded carrotcarrot --11 jalapenojalapeno pepper,pepper, seededseeded andand - ½ cup snipped fresh cilantro (optional) minced (optional) - ½ cup snipped fresh cilantro (optional) minced (optional) --½½cupcup diceddiced redred oniononion --½½tsp.tsp. gratedgrated limelime peelpeel --11 avocado,avocado, peeledpeeled andand diceddiced (optional)(optional) --¼¼tsp.tsp. chilichili powderpowder --½½cupcup walnutswalnuts oror hazelnutshazelnuts forfor garnishgarnish --¼¼tsp.tsp. groundground cumincumin - ¼ tsp. salt - ¼ tsp. salt

Directions: Directions: In large serving bowl, combine ingredients for Slaw. In small saucepan, In large serving bowl, combine ingredients for Slaw. In small saucepan, combinecombine dressingdressing ingredients;ingredients; heatheat toto boil.boil. PourPour overover saladsalad andand tosstoss

gentlygently toto coat.coat. GarnishGarnish withwith walnutswalnuts oror hazelnutshazelnuts andand serve.serve.

Physical Activity #5 Physical Activity #5

PickPick--UpUp CherryCherry StemsStems

 Materials:Materials: OvenOven mitts,mitts, toothpicks,toothpicks, containerscontainers

 SetSet upup teamsteams andand oneone atat aa timetime theythey areare toto completecomplete task.task. TheyThey areare toto putput onon ovenoven mittmitt andand pickpick upup thethe ――cherrycherry stemsstems‖‖(toothpicks),(toothpicks), placingplacing themthem intointo aa container.container. AheadAhead ofof timetime youyou shouldshould countcount outout thethe samesame amountamount toothpickstoothpicks forfor eacheach teamteam participating.participating. TheThe firstfirst teamteam thatthat hashas eacheach playerplayer completecomplete thethe tasktask isis thethe winner.winner.

 ToTo makemake thisthis challenging,challenging, trytry usingusing realreal cherrycherry stems!stems!


Wild Plums

Goals and objectives Children will understand how wild plums were used—as a food and as a dye. The medicinal properties of plums will be understood.

Talking Points Plums were used in many ways—eaten fresh, dried, as pudding, butter, and even used in dyes. Today, plums are eaten fresh, dried (prunes), and have a higher food value than any other food (20% carbohydrates). The Ojibwe used plum bark and roots to cure skin ailments like canker sores and to cure nausea. Plums are a great source of fiber, have a high source of Vitamin C to help with the immune system and Vitamin A to help you see well.

Food as Tradition Plums were used by the Ojibwe in similar ways as other fruits. They were eaten fresh in the summer or were dried for winter use and were added to soups. A pudding was also made out of wild plums and was often cooked down to make a type of plum butter. In addition to being eating as a food, the wild plum would be added to dyes as a fixative and also produced a beautiful yellow colored dye.

Today, wild plums are eaten fresh, canned, preserved in jams and jellies, baked, and made into dried fruit leather. In addition to wild plums, common plums are eaten regularly in the summer. Dried plums, or prunes, are an important source of fiber in many diets. Plums boast one of the highest food values—20 % carbohydrate content—which is more than any other fruit!

Food as Medicine The bark of the root of wild plum was used by the Ojibwe as a medicine to cure canker sores in the mouth or other skin problems. The bark was also used to cure nausea.

Plums have a high level of anti-oxidants, which are known to help prevent cancer. Plums and prunes (dried plums) have been known to help the body absorb iron and make it more available to the body. Plums are a great source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed by the body to make healthy tissue and support a strong immune system. Plums have also been reported to help you see well and help with overall eye health because of their high content of Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene.


PlumPlum GranitaGranita MakesMakes 88 servings!servings!


--44 cupscups choppedchopped andand pittedpitted plumsplums (substitute(substitute cannedcanned plumsplums ifif freshfresh areare unavailable)unavailable) --11 cupcup maplemaple syrupsyrup (only(only useuse with with freshfresh plums,plums, cannedcanned alreadyalready hashas syrup)syrup) --22 Tbs.Tbs. freshfresh lemonlemon juicejuice --11 tsp.tsp. vanillavanilla

Directions:Directions: PlacePlace thethe plumsplums withwith syrupsyrup inin aa blenderblender oror foodfood processorprocessor andand pupureeree thethe plums.plums. StirStir inin thethe lemonlemon juicejuice andand thethe vanillavanilla pureepuree thethe mixture.mixture. TransferTransfer thethe mixturemixture toto aa freezerfreezer proofproof ChillChill fforor eighteight hourshours oror overnight.overnight. WhenWhen youyou areare readyready toto serve,serve, scrapescrape thethe granitagranitawithwith aa forkfork toto lightenlighten thethe texturetexture andand serveserve itit inin chilledchilled bowls.bowls.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1 SodaSoda KnockKnock--DownDown

 Materials:Materials: 22 soccersoccer ballsballs or or rubberrubber balls,balls, 55 22--literliter plasticplastic sodasoda bottlesbottles

 TheThe GranitaGranitareciperecipe showsshows thatthat therethere areare manymany drinkdrink optionsoptions available available for for us us!! WeWe shouldshould alwaysalways try try andand pickpick alternativealternative drinksdrinks toto high high--sugarsugar soda,soda, which which cancan causecause toothtooth decay,decay, obesity, obesity, andand even even diabetes.diabetes.

 PlayPlay thisthis funfun game,game, andand knockknock sodasoda out out of of our our diets!diets! PlacePlace team teamss atat opposite opposite endsends ofof aa gymgym oror field.field. PlacePlace fivefive 22--literliter plasticplastic sodasoda bottlesbottles in in the the center center of of the the field.field. AA littlelittle gravelgravel inin thethe bottlebottle helpshelps itit toto standstand up up and and cr createseates moremore noise noise andand excitementexcitement when when hit.hit. AtAt thethe startstart signal,signal, playersplayers kick kick ball ballss fromfrom behindbehind theirtheir lineline tryingtrying toto knockknock downdown aa TheThe playerplayer who who knocks knocks dow downn a a pinpin mustmust runrun outout andand setset thethe pinpin backback up.up. ScoreScore 11 pointpoint forfor each each pinpin knocknockedked down. down. TheThe firstfirst playerplayer toto scorescore fivefive wins. wins. YouYou cancan havehave more more skilled skilled play playersers playplay lessless skilledskilled byby placingplacing thethe lesserlesser skilledskilled playersplayers closercloser to to the the pins pins.. ItIt cancan also also be be playedplayed with with fourfour teamsteams arrangedarranged inin aa squaresquare aroundaround the the pins. pins.


FreshFresh SpringSpring RollsRolls withwith MakesMakes 1010 rollsrolls PlumPlum DippingDipping SauceSauce INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: RollsRolls --1010 ricerice paperpaper sheetssheets (these(these areare notnot thethe samesame asas ForFor Sauce:Sauce: wonton/wonton/eggrolleggrollwrappers,wrappers, whichwhich mustmust bebe cooked)cooked) --11 cupcup plumplum jamjam --11 cupcup clearclear noodlesnoodles --11 Tbs.Tbs. vinegarvinegar (rice(rice --22 tsp.tsp. vegetablevegetable oiloil vinegarvinegar ifif available)available) --22 tsp.tsp. garlic,garlic, choppedchopped finefine --11 tsp.tsp. oniononion powderpowder --11 cupcup mungmungbeanbean sproutssprouts --¼¼tsp.tsp. gingerginger powderpowder --11 cupcup shreddedshredded cabbagecabbage --¼¼tsp.tsp. allspiceallspice --11 cupcup shreddedshredded carrotscarrots --11 pinchpinch garlicgarlic saltsalt --11 cupcup shreddedshredded lettucelettuce (red(red leafleaf oror spinachspinach workwork well)well) 1/31/3 cupcup waterwater --½½cupcup choppedchopped peanutspeanuts --11 cupcup cookedcooked chickenchicken breast,breast, slicedsliced (optional)(optional) --½½cupcup freshfresh basilbasil oror cilantrocilantro (optional)(optional) Directions:Directions: ForFor thethe sauce,sauce, mixmix thethe ingredientsingredients togethertogether well;well; bringbring toto aa boiboill onon lowlow heat;heat; boilboil aboutabout 22 minutesminutes stirringstirring constantly.constantly. CoolCool thethe saucesauce andand storestore inin aa jarjar inin thethe refrigerator;refrigerator; useuse withinwithin aa fewfew days.days. SoakSoak thethe clearclear noodlesnoodles inin hot/boilinghot/boiling waterwater untiluntil softsoft (5(5--88 minutes).minutes). PlacePlace oiloil andand garlicgarlic inin largelarge pan/wokpan/wok andand cook,cook, addadd noodles,noodles, stirstir fry.fry. RemoveRemove fromfrom heatheat andand placeplace inin bowl.bowl. AssembleAssemble otherother ingredientsingredients onon countercounter oror tabletable inin bowls.bowls. SoakSoak 11 ricerice paperpaper inin warmwarm waterwater untiluntil soft,soft, nono longerlonger thanthan 3030 secondsseconds (or(or theythey willwill getget tootoo soggsoggy)y) andand laylay onon aa plateplate oror counter.counter. HaveHave thethe kidskids assembleassemble thethe rollsrolls byby layeringlayering vegetablesvegetablesonon ricerice paper:paper: beanbean sprouts,sprouts, cabbage,cabbage, carrots,carrots, lettuce,lettuce, peanuts,peanuts, chicken,chicken, noodles,noodles, ccilantro,ilantro, basil,basil, (all(all toto tastetaste butbut rememberremember thatthat youyou havehave toto rollroll thisthis allall upup inside).inside). HelpHelp eaeachch childchild carefullycarefully startstart toto rollroll upup eggegg rollroll style,style, tuckingtucking inin thethe sides,sides, thenthen continuecontinue toto rrolloll up.up. DipDip inin thethe plumplum sauce.sauce.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #2 #2 PlumPlum StuckStuck TogetherTogether

 Materials:Materials: firm,firm, unripeunripe plumsplums

 SetSet upup teams.teams. HaveHave thethe firstfirst twotwo peoplepeople inin each each teamteam standstand backback--toto--backback andand thenthen havehave aa thirdthird personperson onon eacheach teamteam placeplace aa plumplum betweenbetween thethe firstfirst twotwo people.people. TheThe firstfirst twotwo peoplepeople mustmust racerace downdown field,field, sitsit atat endend of of field,field, standstand backback upup andand returnreturn toto startingstarting point.point. TheThe nextnext twotwo peoplepeople inin lineline mustmust dodo thethe samesame untiluntil everyone everyone hashas completedcompleted task.task. IfIf youyou dropdrop thethe plum,plum, youyou mustmust startstart overover atat thethe beginningbeginning ofof thethe line.line.


PlumPlum MuffinsMuffins MakesMakes 1010 Muffins!Muffins!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 ¼¼cupcup wholewhole wheatwheat flourflour (use(use pastrypastry flourflour ifif available)available) --11 Tbs.Tbs. bakingbaking powderpowder --½½cupcup sugarsugar --1/31/3 cupcup milkmilk --33 Tbs.Tbs. meltedmelted butterbutter --33 large,large, beatenbeaten eggseggs --22 tsp.tsp. vanillavanilla --55 plums,plums, pittedpitted andand choppedchopped --22 Tbs.Tbs. brownbrown sugarsugar

Directions:Directions: PrePre--heatheat ovenoven toto 350350 degreesdegrees Fahrenheit.Fahrenheit. PlacePlace linersliners inin aa muffinmuffin tintin oror greasegrease well.well. SiftSift flour,flour, bakingbaking powderpowder andand sugar.sugar. InIn anotanotherher bowl,bowl, mixmix meltedmelted butter,butter, beatenbeaten eggs,eggs, vanillavanilla andand milk.milk. AddAdd toto ddryry mixturemixture toto makemake aa batter.batter. DeDe--pitpit andand chopchop thethe plums.plums. AddAdd toto batterbatter andand dodo notnot overover mix.mix. SpoonSpoon thethe mixturemixture intointo thethe muffinmuffin titin,n, aboutabout 3/43/4 full.full. SprinkleSprinkle topstops withwith thethe brownbrown sugar.sugar. BakeBake forfor 2525 toto 3030 minutes.minutes.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #3#3 PlumPlum RelayRelay

 Materials:Materials: Plums,Plums, pencils,pencils, andand rollingrolling coursecourse

 DivideDivide intointo twotwo groupsgroups oror moremore dependingdepending onon participantsparticipants andand AtAt startingstarting line,line, teamsteams areare toto rollroll thethe plumplum usingusing aa pencilpencil throughthrough aa shortshort coursecourse andand backback toto startingstarting point.point. EachEach personperson onon thethe teamteam mustmust completecomplete tasktask untiluntil thethe firstfirst teamteam toto completecomplete isis thethe winner.winner.


PlumPlum ApplesauceApplesauce MakesMakes 1212 servings!servings!


--22 lbs.lbs. applesapples (try(try Gala,Gala, McIntoshMcIntosh oror Fuji),Fuji), quarteredquartered andand seedeseededd andand leftleft unpeeledunpeeled --22 lbs.lbs. plums,plums, quarteredquartered andand pittedpitted --¼¼cupcup waterwater --¼¼cupcup sugarsugar --11 tsp.tsp. cinnamoncinnamon

Directions:Directions: CookCook firstfirst fourfour ingredientsingredients inin aa 44 --55 quartquart heavyheavy pot,pot, covered,covered, overover moderatelymoderately lowlow heat.heat. StirStir occasionally,occasionally, untiluntil fruitfruit isis veryvery tendtenderer andand fallingfalling apartapart (1(1 toto 11 1/41/4 hours).hours). ForceForce mixturemixture throughthrough aa foodfood millmill usingusing thethe finestfinest blade.blade. IfIf youyou dodo notnot havehave aa foodfood mill,mill, youyou cancan substisubstitutetute aa colandercolander oror strainerstrainer byby slowlyslowly stirringstirring thethe mixturemixture throughthrough thethe colandercolander oror strainerstrainer intointo aa bowlbowl withwith aa spoonspoon andand scoopingscooping outout thethe peelspeels asas youyou stir.stir. AddAdd cinnamoncinnamon andand stirstir toto incorporate.incorporate. WillWill keepkeep oneone weekweek coveredcovered andand chilled.chilled.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4 #4 MixedMixed--UpUp SportsSports RelayRelay

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 77 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen area.area. StartStart byby markingmarking thethe startingstarting andand turnturn-- aroundaround lines.lines. Then,Then, formform twotwo teamsteams ofof atat leastleast threethree people,people, withwith eacheach teamteam lininglining upup atat thethe startingstarting line.line. OneOne playerplayer isis thethe referee.referee. OnOn "Go!""Go!" thethe refereereferee callscalls outout thethe namename ofof aa sportsport andand playersplayers racerace thethe coursecourse whilewhile actingacting likelike theythey areare playingplaying thatthat So,So, ifif thethe refereereferee callscalls basketball,basketball, playersplayers havehave toto pretendpretend toto dribbledribble aa basketballbasketball asas theythey racerace toto thethe endend ofof thethe coursecourse andand back.back. TheThe refereereferee cancan changechange thethe sportsport toto somethingsomething elseelse atat anyany time.time. FirstFirst teamteam toto finishfinish wins!wins!


SpinachSpinach PlumPlum SaladSalad MakesMakes 88 servings!servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: For Dressing: ForFor Salad:Salad: For Dressing: - 2/3 cup olive oil or vegetable oil --66 largelarge plums,plums, cutcut intointo wedgeswedges - 2/3 cup olive oil or vegetable oil - 5 Tbs. freshly squeezed lemon --66 cupscups spinach,spinach, stemsstems removedremoved andand - 5 Tbs. freshly squeezed lemon juice leavesleaves torntorn juice - 1 tsp. oregano --44 cupscups cucumbers,cucumbers, seededseeded andand - 1 tsp. oregano - 1 tsp. minced garlic thinlythinly slicedsliced - 1 tsp. minced garlic - ½ tsp. dry mustard --1/21/2 cupcup redred onions,onions, thinlythinly slicedsliced - ½ tsp. dry mustard - ½ tsp. pepper --½½cupcup parsley,parsley, choppedchopped (optional)(optional) - ½ tsp. pepper --44 Tbs.Tbs. pistachiospistachios oror otherother nut,nut, choppedchopped (optional(optional

Directions:Directions: CombineCombine spinach,spinach, cucumber,cucumber, onion,onion, parsley,parsley, pistachios,pistachios, andand plumsplums inin aa saladsalad bowl.bowl. CombineCombine dressingdressing ingredients.ingredients. PourPour dressingdressing oveoverr saladsalad mixturemixture andand tosstoss wellwell toto blend.blend.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5#5 PlumPlum Stomp!Stomp!

 Materials:Materials: PurplePurple oror otherother coloredcolored Balloons,Balloons, stringstring

 LetLet thethe kidskids blowblow upup theirtheir ownown balloonsballoons andand tietie oneone toto theirtheir ankleankle withwith string.string. AtAt thethe 'Go''Go' signal,signal, everyoneeveryone runsruns aroundaround tryingtrying toto stompstomp onon andand bustbust eacheach othersothers balloons.balloons. TheThe lastlast personperson withwith anan intactintact balloonballoon wins.wins.


Wild Rice

Goals and Objectives Children will understand the incredibly significant role of Wild Rice in Ojibwe traditions. They will become familiar with the Ojibwe Migration Story. The harvesting and preparation processes will be understood. The important nutritional aspects of Wild Rice will be understood. Children will become familiar with the story of Nanaboozhoo and Wild Rice

Talki ng Points Wild rice is called Manoomin, or ―The Good Seed‖ in Ojibwe. Wild rice was given to the Anishinaabeg by the creater and the migration story tells of how the Anishinaabeg people found wild rice. Wild rice is a staple grain for the Ojibwe. Wild rice has a difficult harvesting process with many stages, including gathering into canoes, cleaned, parched, removed of their husks and hulls, and cooking.

Food as Tradition In Ojibwe, Manoomin means ―The Good Seed‖. It is the seed the creator gave to Anishinaabeg and is the most important food for the Ojibwe culture. The region that the Anishinaabeg people live in, the Northern Great Lakes region, is the only place that wild rice grows indigenously—meaning that it does not grow naturally on any other continent.

The Ojibwe migration story speaks of traveling from the great salt water. During that travel, the Anishinaabeg were told to ―go to the land where the food grows upon the water‖. They found that food when they found the wild rice, growing abundantly in sloughs throughout Wisconsin, Minnesota, Maitoba, Ontario, and Quebec.

Wild rice was, and still is, the staple grain in a traditional sense. Traditionally, the Ojibwe boiled rice and ate it with corn, beans, or squash. In addition, meat, a small amount of grease, or maple sugar was often added for seasoning. As a treat, it was occasionally popped like popcorn. For storage, rice was placed in birch bark containers.

Wild rice harvesting is still very much alive today! August is called Manoominike Giizis, the Wild Rice Moon. This moon means that it is time for families to return to the rice fields. Harvesting wild rice is a long process:


Wild Rice

Harvesting Process First, two people must gather the rice by steering a canoe through the rice fields, knocking the rice from the plant into the canoe with (traditionally cedar) poles. When the rice has filled up the canoe, it is time to return to shore. Traditionally, a small amount of rice was prepared and cooked, blessed by the chief, and then eaten by everyone assembled as a ritual offering to the spirits.

After the rice was cleaned of things like twigs, stones, and bugs, it was spread out onto sheets of birch bark to dry in the sun. When it was dry enough, it was parched over an open fire. To keep it from scorching, they stirred it constantly with a wooden paddle. This parching process cured the rice and also helped loosen the outer husks. Final removal of the husks was accomplished by ―dancing the rice.‖ A man put on special moccasins with high cuffs that were wrapped around the ankles which prevented the rice from getting inside. He then stepped into a hole in the ground that had been lined with skin or into a wooden tub sunk in the ground. Leaning on a diagonal post for support, he tramped on the rice, moving first on one foot and then the other. This process further loosened the husks from the rice, preparing it for the last step. The final chore was to separate the rice grains from their hulls, and this was done by the women on a breezy afternoon. Placing a quantity of rice into large birch bark baskets, they flipped the rice kernels into the air. The hulls blew away with the wind and the heavy grains sank to the bottom of the tray. This technique took a good deal of finesse and practice, and young girls just beginning to learn the process were scolded if they allowed too much rice to fall to the ground.

Finally, the rice is stored for the winter and enjoyed throughout the year. Special Manomiin Powwows of thanks are offered throughout the region during this time.

Food as Medicine Wild rice is richer in nutrients than all cultivated grains. Nutritional value of wild rice vs. white rice (all values are for 1 lb. of raw rice) Wild Rice White Rice Protein Grams 64 30.4 Phosphorus (mg) 1,538 426 Iron (mg) 19.1 3.6 Potassium (mg) 998 417 Thiamin, (B1, mg) 2.2 0.32 Riboflavin, (B2, mg) 2.87 0.12 Niacin (mg) 27.9 7.2 Magnesium (mg) 585 127

Wild rice towers over other grains when it comes to amounts of protein, minerals, B vitamins, folic acid, and carbohydrates. When wild rice is uncooked it contains more then 12 percent of protein. It is richer in protein than common white rice and most other grains. Wild rice also contains more Niacin (also known as vitamin B-3), than brown rice and is a very good source of other B vitamins, such as calcium and potassium. It is also a good source of fiber.


Story: Nanaboozhoo and the Duck

The Ojibwe have a story for wild rice. As the Ojibwe tell the story, Nanaboozhoo, the cultural hero of the Anishinaabeg, was introduced to wild rice by fortune, and by a duck.

“…One evening Nanaboozhoo returned from hunting, but he had no game. As he came towards his fire, there was a duck sitting on the edge of his kettle of boiling water. After the duck flew away, Nanaboozhoo looked into the kettle and found wild rice floating upon the water, but he did not know what it was. He ate his supper from the kettle and it was the best soup he had

e ver tasted. Later, he followed in the direction the duck had taken, and came to a lake full of manoomin—wild rice. He saw all kinds of ducks and geese and mud hens, and all the other water birds eating the grain. After that, when Nanaboozhoo did not kill a deer, he knew where to find food to eat…”


Basic Wild Rice Makes 6 servings! Basic Wild Rice Makes 6 servings!

JiJi--JiibaakewJiibaakew ManomiinManomiin


--11 cupcup wild wild ricerice --33 cupscups water water

--½½--11 tsp.tsp. saltsalt --11 cubecube bouillonbouillon (optional)(optional)

Taken from ―Jiibaakweda Gimiijiminaan, Let’s Cook Our Food‖ a collection of Taken from ―Jiibaakweda Gimiijiminaan, Let’s Cook Our Food‖ a collection of recipesrecipes byby NativeNative Harvest,Harvest, CopyrightCopyright 2003,2003, MorrisMorris PressPress CookbookCookbooks.s.


CookedCooked wildwild ricerice willwill tripletriple inin volume.volume. WashWash wildwild ricerice inin threethree changeschanges of hot tap water, drain. In saucepan, heat wild rice, water, salt, and of hot tap water, drain. In saucepan, heat wild rice, water, salt, and bouillonbouillon toto boiling,boiling, reducereduce heatheat andand cover.cover. SimmerSimmer untiluntil wildwild riricece hashas absorbed the water, about 20 minutes. Wild rice should be tender but absorbed the water, about 20 minutes. Wild rice should be tender but notnot ――rolledrolled backback‖‖.. YouYou cancan addadd drieddried fruitfruit likelike cranberries,cranberries, nuts,nuts, andand freshfresh fruitfruit likelike applesapples oror pears.pears. TryTry herbsherbs likelike sagesage andand rosemrosemary,ary,

saucessauces oror dressingdressing onon thethe ricerice asas well.well.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #1#1


 Materials:Materials: ParchedParched wildwild ricerice withwith hullshulls stillstill on,on, largelarge enoughenough bbucketucket oror tubtub forfor kidskids toto getget inin andand outout ofof (a(a plasticplastic binbin isis perfect),perfect), clcleanean sockssocks oror moccasinsmoccasins

 TraditionalTraditional processingprocessing ofof rawraw wild wild ricerice involvesinvolves fivefive majormajor stepsteps:s: dryingdrying (curing),(curing), parchingparching (scorching),(scorching), hulling,hulling, jigging,jigging, andand winnowing. winnowing.JiggingJigging is also sometimes called dancing of the wild rice. is also sometimes called dancing of the wild rice.

 PutPut thethe ricerice inin aa widewide barrel,barrel, andand havehave oneone childchild atat aa timetime walkwalkonon thethe cooked rice. The goal is to remove the hull from the wild rice and so a cooked rice. The goal is to remove the hull from the wild rice and so a gentlegentle dancedance thatthat isis reminiscentreminiscent ofof thethe twisttwist isis used.used. IfIf thethe ddancerancer ――twiststwists‖‖tootoo roughrough oror withwith tootoo muchmuch force,force, thethe ricerice grainsgrains willwill break.break. ThisThis stepstep isis usuallyusually referredreferred toto "jigging""jigging" becausebecause itit lookslooks asas tthoughhough oneone isis dancingdancing onon thethe rice.rice. ExperimentExperiment withwith differentdifferent waysways toto removremovee thethe hullhull fromfrom thethe ricerice grains.grains.


Wild Rice Johnny Cakes MakesMakes 1212 cakescakes Wild Rice Johnny Cakes

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --1/31/3 cupcup wild wild rice,rice, wellwell rinsedrinsed --1/31/3 cupscups water, water, divideddivided --33 tablespoonstablespoons cornmealcornmeal

--44 tablespoonstablespoons drieddried blueberries,blueberries, strawberriesstrawberries oror cranberriescranberries --11 beatenbeaten eggegg --22 toto 33 tablespoonstablespoons oiloil --½½cupcup ofof maplemaple syrupsyrup

Directions: Directions: InIn aa mediummedium saucepan,saucepan, heatheat 11 cupcup ofof water,water, rice,rice, andand salt.salt. BringBring toto aa boil. Cover, reduce heat to low, and continue to cook gently for about boil. Cover, reduce heat to low, and continue to cook gently for about 2020 minutes,minutes, untiluntil ricerice isis justjust tender.tender. StirStir inin cornmealcornmeal mixedmixed wwithith 1/31/3 cupcup coldcold waterwater andand cook,cook, stirringstirring gently,gently, forfor 22 toto 33 minutesminutes untiluntil ccornmealornmeal

turnsturns creamy.creamy. StirStir inin thethe eggegg andand gentlygently foldfold inin blueberries.blueberries. HeatHeat oiloil inin aa largelarge skilletskillet overover mediummedium heat.heat. DropDrop batterbatter byby roundedrounded tablestablespoonspoons

intointo skilletskillet andand flattenflatten withwith aa spatulaspatula oror pancakepancake turnerturner intointo ccakesakes aboutabout 33 inchesinches inin diameter.diameter. FryFry forfor 22 toto 33 minutesminutes onon eacheach side,side,untiluntil golden brown. Serve with maple syrup. golden brown. Serve with maple syrup.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2

WeatherWeather VaneVane

 Have children stand scattered throughout their classroom or play  Have children stand scattered throughout their classroom or play area.area. TheThe leaderleader willwill pointpoint outout toto thethe participantsparticipants thethe locationlocationofof thethe fourfour compasscompass directionsdirections--north,north, south,south, easteast andand west.west. HaveHave themthem allall repeatrepeat andand inin aa pointingpointing motionmotion showshow thethe directionsdirections ofof north, south, east and west, to be sure that everyone understands north, south, east and west, to be sure that everyone understands thethe positions.positions. WhenWhen aa directiondirection isis calledcalled thethe playersplayers areare toto jumjumpp inin placeplace makingmaking thethe necessarynecessary turnturn inin thethe airair toto faceface thethe calledcalled ououtt direction.direction. ThisThis isis donedone byby aa quarter,quarter, halfhalf oror threethree--quarterquarter turn.turn.

YouYou shouldshould makemake suresure thatthat allall playersplayers rotaterotate inin thethe samesame direction.direction. IfIf thethe directiondirection isis calledcalled thatthat thethe playersplayers areare atat alalready,ready, youyou cancan dodo oneone ofof twotwo things.things. YourYour rulerule couldcould bebe thatthat theythey stillstill have to jump and still land in the same direction or that they’re have to jump and still land in the same direction or that they’re notnot toto jumpjump atat all.all. IfIf theirtheir notnot supposesuppose toto jumpjump atat all,all, thosethose tthathat movedmoved wouldwould bebe outout ofof thethe AnyoneAnyone thatthat landslands inin thethe wrongwrong directiondirection isis outout ofof thethe


Popped Wild Rice Makes 8 handfuls! Popped Wild Rice Makes 8 handfuls! Gaapizigan Gaapizigan

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 cupcup wildwild ricerice - 3 Tbs. oil - 3 Tbs. oil --¼¼cupcup butterbutter - 2 Tbs. maple syrup - 2 Tbs. maple syrup

Taken from ―Jiibaakweda Gimiijiminaan, Let’s Cook Our Food‖ a Taken from ―Jiibaakweda Gimiijiminaan, Let’s Cook Our Food‖ a collectioncollection ofof recipesrecipes byby NativeNative Harvest,Harvest, CopyrightCopyright 2003,2003, MorrisMorris PressPress Cookbooks.Cookbooks.


Heat oil in a12‖ skillet over medium heat. Add a layer of Heat oil in a12‖ skillet over medium heat. Add a layer of ricerice andand swirlswirl untiluntil thethe kernelskernels pop.pop. WhenWhen allall areare popped,popped,

tosstoss inin aa separateseparate bowlbowl withwith butter,butter, syrup,syrup, andand salt.salt. MakesMakes about 2 cups. about 2 cups.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4 #4

WildWild RiceRice MazeMaze

 Materials:Materials: BlindfoldsBlindfolds andand ropesropes

 Divide the group up into teams of 8-12 players. Each  Divide the group up into teams of 8-12 players. Each teamteam willwill needneed oneone blindfoldblindfold andand thethe firstfirst personperson onon eacheach teamteam willwill putput itit on.on. LayLay outout 33--55 ropesropes acrossacross thethe playplay areaarea thatthat willwill havehave toto bebe crossedcrossed overover byby thethe playersplayers withwith thethe blindfolds.blindfolds. TheThe ropesropes representrepresent waterwater toto bebe avoided!avoided! TheThe nextnext playerplayer inin lineline willwill leadlead thethe blindfoldedblindfolded playerplayer acrossacross thethe playplay areaarea andand backback byby thethe soundsound ofof theirtheir voice. If the blindfolded player touches the ropes or voice. If the blindfolded player touches the ropes or leaderleader thatthat playerplayer ――fallsfalls inin thethe waterwater‖‖andand willwill havehave toto gogo backback andand startstart over.over. OnceOnce thethe blindfoldedblindfolded playerplayer hashas mademade itit acrossacross thethe waterwater toto thethe wildwild ricerice (the(the otherother endend ofof playplay area),area), thethe nextnext personperson inin lineline willwill bebe blindfoldedblindfolded andand thethe personperson behindbehind thethe firstfirst personperson willwill becomebecome thethe leader and they must cross the water to get to the rice. leader and they must cross the water to get to the rice. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto finishfinish leadingleading allall playersplayers acrossacross thethe waterwater isis thethe winner.winner.


Wild Rice-Walnut MakesMakes 88 Burgers!Burgers! Wild Rice-Walnut Burgers Burgers INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS:

--44 cupscups cookedcooked wildwild ricerice --22 cupscups softsoft breadcrumbsbreadcrumbs --2/32/3 cupcup walnuts,walnuts, choppedchopped - 1 tsp. garlic salt - 1 tsp. garlic salt --44 eggseggs --22 jarsjars (2(2 ½½oz.)oz.) mushroommushroom pieces,pieces, draineddrained andand finelyfinely choppedchopped --44 Tbs.Tbs. vegetablevegetable oiloil - 2 Tomatoes, sliced - 2 Tomatoes, sliced --88 lettucelettuce leavesleaves --11 cupcup slicedsliced oniononion --88 wholewhole wheatwheat burgerburger bunsbuns


MixMix allall ingredientsingredients togethertogether exceptexcept oil.oil. HeatHeat oiloil inin 1010--inchinch skilletskillet overover

mediummedium heat.heat.

ScoopScoop wildwild ricerice mixturemixture byby 1/31/3 cupfulscupfuls intointo skillet;skillet; flattenflatten toto 1/21/2 inchinch

thick.thick. CookCook aboutabout 33 minutesminutes onon eacheach sideside oror untiluntil lightlight brown.brown. RRemoveemove patties from skillet; cover and keep warm while cooking remaining patties from skillet; cover and keep warm while cooking remaining patties.patties. ServeServe onon aa bunbun andand letlet thethe kidskids assembleassemble thethe burgers.burgers. YouYou cancan

provideprovide ketchup,ketchup, mustard,mustard, andand cranberrycranberry saucesauce asas condiments.condiments.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #3 #3

Land,Land, Water,Water, AirAir

 WildWild ricerice isis aa productproduct ofof allall elementselements——land,land, water, water, andand air.air.

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 55 oror moremore peoplepeople andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outside or in an open area. To play this game, you just need outside or in an open area. To play this game, you just need toto drawdraw aa lineline onon thethe ground.ground. PickPick oneone personperson toto bebe thethe caller.caller. TheThe callercaller callscalls outout thethe commands,commands, "land,""land," "water,""water," or or

"air.""air." IfIf thethe callercaller sayssays "land,""land," everyoneeveryone jumpsjumps behindbehind thethe line.line. IfIf thethe callercaller sayssays "water,""water," everyoneeveryone jumpsjumps overover thethe line.line. If the caller says "air," everyone jumps up. If land or water If the caller says "air," everyone jumps up. If land or water isis calledcalled twicetwice inin aa row,row, thethe secondsecond time,time, youyou don'tdon't move.move. IfIf airair isis calledcalled twicetwice inin aa row,row, jumpjump upup bothboth times.times. IfIf youyou jumpjump

onon thethe lineline oror makemake aa mistake,mistake, you'reyou're out.out. TheThe lastlast personperson

stillstill jumpingjumping isis thethe winner.winner.


Wild Rice Salad MakesMakes 88 servings!servings! Wild Rice Salad


- 2 cups cooked wild rice - 2 cups cooked wild rice --44 hardhard--boiledboiled eggs,eggs, choppedchopped --½½cupcup cheddarcheddar cheese,cheese, cubedcubed --½½cupcup plainplain yogurtyogurt oror lightlight mayonnaisemayonnaise - ½ cup walnuts, chopped - ½ cup walnuts, chopped --½½cupcup apple,apple, choppedchopped


CookCook thethe wildwild ricerice aheadahead ofof time.time. InIn aa bowl,bowl, combinecombine ingredientsingredients.. IfIf

preparingpreparing aheadahead ofof time,time, leaveleave thethe walnutswalnuts separatedseparated untiluntil justjust beforebefore


PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5 #5

HeronHeron BallBall

 Materials: One ball for each team  Materials: One ball for each team

 HeronsHerons areare beautifulbeautiful birdsbirds thatthat likelike toto hanghang outout inin thethe wildwild ricricee paddiespaddies andand looklook forfor TheyThey oftenoften standstand onon oneone legleg——justjust likelike thethe playersplayers inin thisthis game!game!

 SetSet upup teamsteams ofof 88 --1111 playersplayers andand eacheach teamteam willwill needneed oneone ball.ball. ChooseChoose oneone playerplayer onon eacheach teamteam toto tosstoss thethe ballball toto theirtheir teamteam players.players. TheThe teamsteams areare toto lineline upup sideside--byby--sideside aboutabout oneone toto twotwo feetfeet partpart fromfrom thethe otherother teamteam players.players. TheThe playersplayers withwith thethe ballsballs areare toto bebe facingfacing thethe firstfirst playerplayer inin lineline aboutabout 55--88 feetfeet away.away. OnOn go,go, thethe firstfirst playerplayer isis toto standstand onon oneone footfoot (left(left foot)foot) andand thethe ballball isis toto bebe passedpassed toto themthem 55 timetimess byby theirtheir playerplayer withwith thethe ball.ball. IfIf theythey putput theirtheir footfoot downdown theythey areare toto ststartart overover withwith thethe countcount ofof 55 again.again. OnceOnce thatthat playerplayer hashas completedcompleted thethe 55 passespasses thenthen thethe nextnext playerplayer willwill completecomplete thethe task.task. YouYou dodo thisthis allall thethewayway downdown thethe lineline untiluntil thethe end.end. OnceOnce thethe lastlast personperson hashas completedcompleted standingstanding onon thethe leftleft foot,foot, theythey willwill nownow standstand onon thethe rightright footfootforfor 55 ballball passes.passes. TheThe nextnext playerplayer willwill dodo thethe samesame standingstanding nownow onon thethe rigrightht footfoot workingworking youryour wayway backback upup toto thethe startingstarting point.point. TheThe firstfirst teamteam ttoo completecomplete thethe ballball passingpassing whilewhile standingstanding likelike aa HeronHeron isis thethe winwinner.ner.



Plant a Three

Sisters Garden

Goals and objectives

Students will understand the Three Sisters method of planting as a method of fostering a symbiotic relationship beneficial to the corn, bean, and squash plants.

Students will be able to name the three plants involved in the Three Sisters Method of planting. Students will be able to name the benefits of this practice to each plant involved.

Students will plant their own Three Sisters Gardens.

Talking Points The Ojibwe, along with many other American Indians, were very skillful farmers. By the time Europeans had arrived on the shores of Lake Superior, they were surprised to be greeted with the raised bed gardens

of the people of this area. Throughout the North American continent, various Tribes had domesticated over 150 plants, including

over 150 varieties and colors of six species of corn, five main species of beans, squash, gourds, , tomatoes, peppers, peanuts, potatoes, chocolate, vanilla, and many others.

Corn, beans and squash were staple crops for the Ojibwe, along with other tribes. Traditionally, the corn would be boiled, roasted, steamed, and dried to be ground later and put into stews. Because corn could

be dried, it provided a good source of food through the winter. Respect and honor for the earth and for the plants were always present when the planted the crops. It was important not to overtax the soils in which they planted and were careful to fertilize the ground to

keep it healthy. They also had an understanding of how different plants worked together and planted seeds together when it was mutually beneficial to do so.

Many Native farmers still practice these responsible methods of working the land. The three sisters garden is one such example

Materials Trowel Potting Soil

Paper or Plastic Cups Masking Tape

Permanent Marker Pole Bean, Corn, and Squash seeds

Watering Can

Larger outdoor space for future re-planting



Plant a Three Sisters


Activity: According to Linda Tilgner, author of Let’s Grow: 72 Gardening

Adventures with Children, “The complanionship of interplanting helps these vegetable friends. Corn provides support for the pole beans and a windbreak and shade for the squash. Beans produce nitrogen for the corn. Squash keeps the corn roots cool and discourages marauding raccoons, who don’t like to walk on their prickly leaves.” (p. 66) The Oneida creation story tells of how the Oneida people received the givfts of corn, squash, and beans, the Three Sisters, from Skywoman, the great grandmother of the tribe.

1. Give each student a plastic cup and one seed each of corn, bean, and squash. When choosing the seeds, it is important to use pole beans or other climbing beans. Heirloom

seeds can be more unusual than more common varieties

2. Students will fill their cups ¾ full with soil. Using their fingers, they will create three holes, one for each seed. Cover the seeds with another inch or so of soil.

3. Students will need to start their seeds’ growth by giving them a drink. Corn is an especially

thirsty plant. Continue to water regularly.

4. The seeds should sprout in 7-10 days. You may need to replant your Three Sisters, as they will outgrow their little house quickly. Also, help the beans to find the corn stalks so that they can climb up them for stability.

5. Put a piece of masking tape on the cup and86 write each child’s name on the tape in permanent marker. This will help to easily identify the Three Sisters gardens.

Section Three



September: Waatebagaa-giizis

(Leaves changing color


October: Binaakwii-giizis

(Falling leaves moon)

November: Gashkadino-giizis

(Ice is forming moon)



Goals and Objectives Children will know the difference between High-bush cranberries and Low-bush cranberries.

The Ojibwe name for high-bush cranberries will be understood. The many medicinal uses for cranberries will be discussed.

Talking Points Cranberries were an important food for both American Indians and the European settlers’ survival.

High-bush cranberries are different from low-bush cranberries, which grow in bogs. High-bush cranberries grow on trees and are sour, juicy, and bright red. High-bush and low-bush cranberries are used to remedy many things, including stomach problems and

healing the uterus after giving birth.

Food as Tradition

When the first European colonizers arrived in North America, they were introduced to many new foods. One of the new foods that captured the attention of these people was the cranberry. The new settlers learned all about cranberries from the Native Americans, who recognized the natural preservative power (benzoic acid) in the berries and often mixed them into pemmican (dried meat mixture) to extend its shelf life.

There are two types of berries that are referred to as cranberries: the low-bush cranberry that grows in bogs, and the high-bush cranberry that grows on trees. The high-bush cranberry is not related to the low-bush cranberry at all, yet they share similar tastes and similar medicinal properties. The high-bush cranberries are adored by tribes of the Northwoods. Its name, aniibiiminan, translates to ―summer berry‖ because the bright red berries are usually ripe around the end of July. When the berries are ripe, they hang in large clusters on branches. The berries are very sour and juicy with one large seed in the center. The taste of high-bush cranberries actually improves after a frost, when the fruit turns sweeter. The berries make an excellent juice and a beautiful bright-red jelly. They were also used to make red dyes.

Food as Medicine There are many medicinal uses for cranberries, and in Ojibwe culture, the high-bush cranberry has a large role.

The leaves and berries were steeped and made into a tea for swollen glands and mumps. A strong tea was made out of the bark, a laxative, used to help ease irritated stomachs and muscle cramps. An infusion of the roots is used to treat fevers. The inner bark, branches, and roots were also used to treat women after giving birth to repair the uterus. Cranberries were also used to treat wounds, urinary disorders, diarrhea, diabetes, stomach ailments, and liver problems.

Today, cranberry products are widely used to treat kidney and urinary disorders, especially urinary tract infections. They are also used to treat stomach ulcers and prevent dental plaque. They are high in antioxidants and anti- cancer properties. There are also reported benefits to help regulate blood sugar in the treatment of diabetes.




and the Cranberries

(Adapted from Victor Barnouw, 1977, Wisconsin

Chippewa Myths and Tales and Their Relation to Chippewa Life, Madison: The University of Wisconsin


Winneboozhoo was walking along one day by

the edge of a lake and saw some high-bush cranberries lying in the shallow water.

He stuck his hand in the water and tried

to get them, but he couldn't. He tried

over and over again to get those cranberries. Finally, he gave up

trying to stick his hand in the water and instead,

he tried to grab them with his mouth by sticking his

head in the water. That didn't work either, so he dove down into the water. The water was so shallow

that the little rocks in the bottom hurt his face.

He jumped out of the water and lay down on his back

on the shore holding his face. He opened his eyes and there were the berries hanging above him! He had

only seen their reflection in the water. But he was so angry that he tore the berries off the tree and didn't eat any, and he walked away.


Cranberry-Nut Snack Mix Makes 10 handfuls! Cranberry-Nut Snack Mix Makes 10 handfuls!

INGREDIENTS: INGREDIENTS: --22 cupscups sunflowersunflower seedsseeds - 1 cup almond pieces - 1 cup almond pieces --11 cupcup pumpkinpumpkin seedsseeds --11 cupcup drieddried cranberriescranberries ((craisinscraisins))


MixMix allall ofof thethe ingredientsingredients togethertogether inin aa largelarge bowl,bowl, oror letlet thethe kidskids mixmix

theirtheir ownown intointo smallsmall cups.cups.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #1#1

CranberryCranberry BogBog

 Materials: Tape or chalk to mark boundaries, paper plates painted  Materials: Tape or chalk to mark boundaries, paper plates painted redred oror redred constructionconstruction paperpaper cutcut intointo largelarge circlescircles

 This is a game for 6 or more players. First mark your course with a  This is a game for 6 or more players. First mark your course with a startingstarting lineline andand aa finishfinish line.line. YourYour coursecourse shouldshould bebe aboutabout 2020 feetfeet longlong--thisthis isis youryour ――bogbog‖‖.. Next,Next, playersplayers splitsplit upup intointo twotwo teamsteams ofof three.three. EachEach teamteam getsgets aa stackstack ofof largelarge circlescircles oror "cranberries""cranberries" mademade outout ofof paperpaper platesplates oror constructionconstruction paper.paper. YouYou shouldshould havehave oneone moremore circlecircle thanthan youyou havehave playersplayers onon youryour IfIf youryour teamteam hashas threethree people,people, youryour teamteam willwill getget fourfour paperpaper ――cranberries.cranberries. TheThe object of the game is to race the other team across the bog to the object of the game is to race the other team across the bog to the finishfinish lineline andand back,back, youyou cancan onlyonly stepstep onon thethe dots.dots. IfIf somebodsomebodyy stepssteps onon thethe floor,floor, theythey havehave fallenfallen intointo thethe bogbog andand theirtheir wholwholee teamteam hashas toto startstart over.over. YouYou needneed toto havehave youryour wholewhole footfoot onon thethe dot,dot, andand dotsdots can'tcan't bebe draggeddragged onon thethe floor.floor. TryTry toto figurefigure outout thethe fastestfastest wayway toto getget youryour wholewhole teamteam acrossacross thethe coursecourse andand back.back.


Cranberry Relish MakesMakes 1010 rolls!rolls! Cranberry Relish Turkey Rolls Turkey Rolls


- ½ cup fresh or frozen cranberries - ½ cup fresh or frozen cranberries --¼¼ofof anan orange,orange, peeledpeeled --11 Tbs.Tbs. brownbrown sugarsugar --½½cupcup lightlight creamcream cheesecheese - 10 Turkey Slices - 10 Turkey Slices --BlenderBlender oror FoodFood ProcessorProcessor


InIn aa blenderblender oror foodfood processor,processor, processprocess allall ingredientsingredients untiluntil cocoarselyarsely

chopped.chopped. CoverCover andand chillchill forfor 3030 minutesminutes oror untiluntil readyready toto serveserve.. SpreadSpread

turkeyturkey slicesslices withwith aa teaspoonteaspoon ofof creamcream cheesecheese andand aa spoonfulspoonful ofof cranberry relish. Roll up and enjoy! cranberry relish. Roll up and enjoy!

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #2 #2

CranberryCranberry SweepSweep

 Materials:Materials: BroomsBrooms forfor eacheach team,team, cupcup fullfull ofof 1010 cranberriescranberries andand anan empty cup for each team empty cup for each team

 This game can be played as teams or pair off if you have enough  This game can be played as teams or pair off if you have enough oldold brooms.brooms. DivideDivide intointo teams,teams, givinggiving eacheach teamteam anan oldold broom.broom. GiveGive aa cupcup ofof cranberriescranberries toto eacheach teamteam andand placeplace thethe empty empty cupscups atat thethe turnturn--aroundaround point.point. OneOne playerplayer willwill sitsit onon thethe sweepingsweeping end end of the broom, holding onto the handle and one cranberry. The of the broom, holding onto the handle and one cranberry. The otherother playerplayer willwill pullpull himhim acrossacross thethe floorfloor toto thethe goal.goal. AsAs soonsoonasas theythey reachreach goal,goal, theythey areare toto dropdrop thethe berryberry inin toto thethe cup,cup, excha exchangenge positionspositions andand gogo backback toto thethe startingstarting point.point. TheThe personperson whowho was was pulling will pick up a cranberry and then sit on the broom, and the pulling will pick up a cranberry and then sit on the broom, and the nextnext personperson inin lineline willwill pullpull thethe person.person. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto tratransfernsfer allall ofof theirtheir berriesberries toto thethe emptyempty cupcup wins!wins!


Cranberry Orange Smoothie MakesMakes 88 servingsservings Cranberry Orange Smoothie


--44 cupscups frozenfrozen cranberriescranberries --44 cupscups orangeorange juicejuice - 6 Tbs. low-fat cream cheese - 6 Tbs. low-fat cream cheese --1/41/4 tsp.tsp. cinnamoncinnamon --1/41/4 tsp.tsp. groundground cardamomcardamom (optional)(optional)


PlacePlace allall inin aa blenderblender andand blendblend tilltill smooth.smooth. GarnishGarnish withwith anan ororangeange


PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #3 #3

CranberryCranberry BlowBlow

 Materials:Materials: oneone strawstraw forfor eacheach player,player, paperpaper objectsobjects forfor obstacleobstacle course,course, andand cranberriescranberries

 SetSet upup eacheach teamteam withwith oneone cranberrycranberry andand oneone straw.straw. SetSet upup thethe obstacleobstacle coursecourse withwith paperpaper confetticonfetti--likelike snowflakes,snowflakes, starsstars andand soso on.on. EachEach teamteam membermember oneone byby oneone willwill putput theirtheir cranberry on the starting line, get on their hands and knees cranberry on the starting line, get on their hands and knees andand blowblow throughthrough thethe strawstraw toto movemove thethe berryberry whilewhile goinggoing downdown thethe coursecourse andand back.back. ThatThat playerplayer willwill thenthen passpass thethe cranberrycranberry toto thethe nextnext playerplayer byby blowingblowing throughthrough thethe strawstraw andand thethe nextnext playerplayer willwill gogo downdown thethe coursecourse again.again. TheThe firstfirst teamteam donedone isis thethe winner.winner.


Cranberry-Wild Rice Makes 8 servings! Cranberry-Wild Rice Makes 8 servings!

SaladSalad INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: - 4 cups cooked wild rice - 4 cups cooked wild rice --½½cupcup drieddried cranberriescranberries --½½cupcup choppedchopped walnuts, walnuts, toastedtoasted --11 apple,apple, peeled,peeled, coredcored andand diceddiced (preferably(preferably aa tarttart variety)variety) - 2 Tbs. maple syrup - 2 Tbs. maple syrup --11 Tbs.Tbs. balsamicbalsamic vinegarvinegar --¼¼cupcup oliveolive oil oil --¼¼tsp.tsp. saltsalt - ¼ tsp. pepper - ¼ tsp. pepper --½½cupcup drieddried apricotsapricots (optional)(optional)


In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients. Season with salt and In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients. Season with salt and pepper,pepper, andand refrigeraterefrigerate untiluntil readyready toto serve.serve.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #4#4

CranberryCranberry BowlingBowling

 Materials:Materials: RubberRubber ball,ball, 1010 22--literliter plasticplastic bottlesbottles

 CranberriesCranberries areare notoriouslynotoriously bouncy,bouncy, justjust likelike rubberrubber balls!balls! InIn tthishis game,game, thethe ballball isis thethe ――bouncybouncy cranberrycranberry‖‖..

 SetSet upup thethe plasticplastic bottlesbottles inin aa smallsmall circlecircle nearnear aa wall. wall. TheThe plplayerayer rolls the ball to hit the wall and then bounce back to knock down rolls the ball to hit the wall and then bounce back to knock down pins.pins. OneOne pointpoint isis awardedawarded forfor eacheach pinpin knockedknocked down.down. AA rollroll thatthat hitshits thethe pinspins firstfirst losesloses thatthat manymany points.points. SetSet upup pinspins forforthethe nextnext playerplayer toto roll.roll. TheThe firstfirst playerplayer toto reachreach 3030 pointspoints isis thethe winner.winner.


CranberryCranberry OrangeOrange DipDip MakesMakes 66 servings!servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 cupcup vanillavanilla yogurtyogurt - 1/3 cup whole berry cranberry sauce - 1/3 cup whole berry cranberry sauce --½½tsp.tsp. gratedgrated lemonlemon peelpeel --¼¼tsp.tsp. lemonlemon juicejuice --44 apples,apples, cutcut intointo wedgeswedges - 4 bananas, sliced - 4 bananas, sliced --VariousVarious otherother seasonalseasonal fruitfruit


MixMix allall thethe ingredientsingredients (except(except forfor thethe fruitfruit forfor dipping)dipping) && chichill.ll. ServeServe

withwith appleapple wedges,wedges, bananabanana slicesslices && otherother fruit.fruit.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #5 #5

TheThe CranberryCranberry ConnectionConnection

 Materials:Materials: ChalkChalk oror tapetape toto markmark thethe startstart andand finishfinish line,line, 4 red balloons and 8 cones or obstacles 4 red balloons and 8 cones or obstacles

 This is a game for 6 or more players. Form two teams of This is a game for 6 or more players. Form two teams of three.three. TheThe coursecourse shouldshould bebe aboutabout 2020 feetfeet long,long, markedmarked withwith aa startstart andand finishfinish line.line. SetSet upup thethe coursecourse withwith fourfour obstaclesobstacles forfor eacheach SpaceSpace themthem outout evenlyevenly betweenbetween the start and finish lines. Each team lines up single file. the start and finish lines. Each team lines up single file. EachEach playerplayer sandwichessandwiches aa redred balloonballoon (the(the cranberry)cranberry) betweenbetween herselfherself andand thethe personperson inin frontfront ofof her.her. FirstFirst teamteam toto runrun aroundaround thethe conescones andand backback whilewhile keepingkeeping thethe balloons between them wins. (And you can't use your balloons between them wins. (And you can't use your handshands toto getget thethe balloonsballoons inin place!)place!)


Wild Grapes

Goals and Objectives

Children will understand where grapes grow and how they were used, both as food and as medicine. Easy snack suggestions will be highlighted, stressing the importance of avoiding high sugar ―grape‖ flavored


Talking Points The Ojibwe gathered grapes to make dyes, medicines, and eat fresh—just like we do!

Grapes are a very healthy and very easy snack. Grapes were used to treat many ailments and today are being studies for their ability to prevent some


Food as Tradition Wild grapes grow along the shores of rivers and lakes, ripening in the late summer. The dark purple-black of the grapes were often used by the Ojibwe to make black dyes. The grapes were often eaten raw. Because of the high level of acid in the grapes, they were sometimes too sour to eat raw, so they were mixed in with other foods. The young leaves were eaten as cooked greens or added to rice or meat. The fruit was eaten raw or dried for winter consumption. In some communities, the old, thick grapevines were tapped for a clear, watery, drinkable sap. The grapes were eaten fresh from the vine, just like we eat grapes today. They also made a beverage from the juice of the grapes, diluting it with water. The fruits were made into jams and jellies.

Grapes are still one of the healthiest and easiest snacks around today! Simply eaten fresh from the vine, they are a great snack. Add them to fruit salads or leafy lettuce salads for a sweet burst of flavor. For a cool, hot-weather treat freeze grapes ahead of time and suck on them for a sweet way to cool you down. You can also dry grapes in a dehydrator to make homemade raisins – a great project for kids with eager minds. Grape juice is a great way to get serving of fruit into the diet. However, avoid products labeled as grape ―drinks‖. This is often an imitation high- sugar product with little real grape juice.

Food as Medicine Wild grapes were a much used medicine to the Ojibwe. The Ojibwe used a root tea of the wild grapes as a treatment for diabetes and rheumatism. A tea made out of the leaves was used for diarrhea, hepatitis, thrush and headache. A powder made from the leaves was used for fever, headache, and rheumatism. Grape juice was used to treat colds, coughs, throat cancer and tumors. A poultice was made of the leaves and applied to bruises, sprains and the eyes.

Current research has shown grapes to be a powerful treatment of many ailments and both the leaf and seed extracts to be an excellent antioxidant. Seed extracts have proved valuable in treating some varicose veins, circulatory and bruising disorders. Grapes are a good source of a powerful antioxidant called resveratrol—which many studies have found to be able to reduce the risk of developing heart disease and cancer. Grapes are also an excellent source of manganese , vitamin B6, thiamin, potassium and vitamin C.


RedRed GrapeGrape SaladSalad withwith MakesMakes 66 servings!servings!

Maple Dressing Maple Dressing

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: For Salad: ForFor Dressing:Dressing: For Salad: - 2 Tbs. thinly sliced green onions --½½cupcup refrigeratedrefrigerated fruitfruit juicejuice - 2 Tbs. thinly sliced green onions - 6 cups of greens (such as spinach) (grape,(grape, raspberry,raspberry, oror cranberry)cranberry) - 6 cups of greens (such as spinach) - 1 cup red seedless grapes, halved if --11 Tbs.Tbs. maplemaple syrupsyrup - 1 cup red seedless grapes, halved if --11 tsp.tsp. lemonlemon juicejuice desireddesired --22 Tbs.Tbs. oliveolive oiloil --11 smallsmall goldengolden deliciousdelicious apples,apples, - salt and pepper to taste coredcored andand thinlythinly slicedsliced - salt and pepper to taste


ForFor dressing,dressing, inin smallsmall bowlbowl combinecombine juice,juice, syrup,syrup, oniononion andand lemolemonn juice.juice.

SeasonSeason withwith saltsalt andand pepperpepper toto taste.taste. WhiskWhisk inin oliveolive oil.oil. ArraArrangenge

greensgreens onon 66 saladsalad plates.plates. TopTop withwith grapesgrapes andand SpoonSpoon dredressingssing over greens. over greens.

Physical Activity #1 Physical Activity #1

GrowingGrowing GrapeGrape VineVine

 You start this tag game with two people as the vine. They  You start this tag game with two people as the vine. They havehave toto locklock theirtheir armsarms togethertogether andand cannotcannot comecome apart.apart. OnceOnce thethe vinevine tagstags someone,someone, theythey becomebecome partpart ofof thethe grapegrape vinevine

andand addadd toto thethe end.end. TheThe grapegrape vinevine becomesbecomes biggerbigger andand bigger.bigger. OnlyOnly thethe endsends ofof thethe vinevine cancan tagtag someone,someone, soso playersplayers can run through the vine, if possible without getting tagged. can run through the vine, if possible without getting tagged.


PeanutPeanut ButterButter andand MakesMakes 1212 BarsBars

Grape Jelly Granola Bars Grape Jelly Granola Bars


--44 cupscups quickquick--cookingcooking oats oats - 2 cups peanut butter - 2 cups peanut butter --11 cupcup grape grape jelly jelly --22 Tbs.Tbs. vanillavanilla


CombineCombine allall ingredientingredient inin aa bowl,bowl, stirringstirring untiluntil wellwell mixed.mixed. HaHaveve thethe kids scoop mixture into a 9x13‖ pan, pressing gently with fingertips kids scoop mixture into a 9x13‖ pan, pressing gently with fingertips untiluntil thethe mixturemixture isis compressedcompressed intointo anan eveneven layer.layer. BakeBake atat 350350

degreesdegrees forfor 2020--2525 minutes,minutes, checkingchecking regularlyregularly toto makemake suresure itit doesndoesn’’tt

burn.burn. LetLet coolcool forfor atat leastleast 1515 minutesminutes andand cutcut intointo bars.bars. ServServee warmwarm

(delicious(delicious withwith aa glassglass ofof milk!)milk!)

Physical Activity #2 Physical Activity #2

Oatmeal Raisin Relay Oatmeal Raisin Relay

 Materials:Materials: oatmeal,oatmeal, raisins,raisins, twotwo largelarge panspans oror pots,pots, containerscontainers

 Cook up two large pans of oatmeal and cool. Mix in Raisins.  Cook up two large pans of oatmeal and cool. Mix in Raisins. HaveHave thethe twotwo panspans linedlined upup atat endend ofof coursecourse forfor eacheach TeamsTeams areare toto runrun downdown coursecourse oneone atat aa time,time, retrieveretrieve oneone

raisin,raisin, runrun backback toto depositdeposit raisinraisin inin containercontainer andand thethe nextnext teammateteammate doesdoes thethe same.same. TheThe firstfirst teamteam thethe completecomplete tasktask isis the winner. Try this game again after you add raisins back. the winner. Try this game again after you add raisins back. PlayPlay outdoorsoutdoors onon aa warmwarm dayday soso atat thethe endend theythey cancan havehave anan oatmealoatmeal fight.fight. OatmealOatmeal isis goodgood forfor thethe skinskin too!too!


Grape-Cherry Cooler MakesMakes 88 servings!servings! Grape-Cherry Cooler


--44 cups cups 100% 100% grape grape juice, juice, bottled bottled or or frozen frozen concentrate concentrate - 4 Tbs. lemon juice - 4 Tbs. lemon juice --22 cup cup frozen, frozen, dark dark sweet sweet pitted pitted cherries cherries --11 tsp. tsp. cinnamon cinnamon (optional) (optional) --11 cup cup plain plain or or vanilla vanilla non non--fatfat yogurt yogurt


ProcessProcess allall ingredientsingredients inin aa blenderblender untiluntil smooth.smooth. PourPour overover crcrushedushed ice,ice,

oror enjoyenjoy asas

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #3#3


 Materials:Materials: plasticplastic spoonsspoons (enough(enough forfor eacheach child),child), grapesgrapes

 HaveHave thethe kidskids formform aa HaveHave eacheach childchild holdhold thethe endend ofof

thethe spoonspoon withwith theirtheir teeth.teeth. PlacePlace aa grapegrape inin oneone spoonspoon andand havehave thethe kidskids passpass thethe grapegrape aroundaround thethe circlecircle withwith theirtheir spoons—no hands allowed! If the grape is dropped, than that spoons—no hands allowed! If the grape is dropped, than that childchild isis outout ofof thethe PlayPlay untiluntil therethere areare justjust twotwo peoplpeoplee left.left. KeepKeep somesome extraextra grapesgrapes onon hand,hand, inin casecase theythey getget



Grape and Cucumber Salsa MakesMakes 88 servings!servings! Grape and Cucumber Salsa


--22 cupscups redred seedlessseedless grapes,grapes, quarteredquartered --11 cucumber,cucumber, peeledpeeled andand choppedchopped intointo smallsmall chunkschunks --11 sweetsweet onion,onion, finelyfinely choppedchopped - 1 cup cilantro, finely chopped (optional) - 1 cup cilantro, finely chopped (optional) --11 mildmild pepper,pepper, seededseeded andand choppedchopped finelyfinely (optional)(optional) --11 lime,lime, juicedjuiced --¼¼tsp.tsp. saltsalt

--TortillaTortilla chipschips


CombineCombine allall ingredientsingredients (except(except thethe chips)chips) intointo aa bowl.bowl. StirStir wewell.ll. TheThe

flavorflavor mixesmixes ifif letlet toto chillchill forfor aboutabout oneone hour,hour, butbut itit isis notnot nnecessary.ecessary. Serve with tortilla chips. Serve with tortilla chips.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #4 #4

SnakeSnake TagTag

 StartStart outout withwith threethree toto fourfour inin aa TryTry toto get get asas manymany groups as possible and leave a person as ―it‖. Have the groups as possible and leave a person as ―it‖. Have the membersmembers ofof eacheach groupgroup attachattach togethertogether byby holdingholding onto onto thethe waistwaist ofof thethe personperson inin frontfront ofof themthem toto form form aa snake.snake.

TheThe personperson inin frontfront isis thethe headhead andand thethe personperson inin backback is is thethe tail.tail. ToTo start,start, thethe personperson thatthat isis ――itit‖‖mustmust catchcatch the the tail tail of one of the snakes and attached to it. If they are of one of the snakes and attached to it. If they are successful,successful, thethe headhead mustmust comecome off off andand thatthat personperson isis now now ――itit‖‖.. YouYou areare toto twisttwist andand turnturn youryour snakesnake to to keepkeep fromfrom

loosingloosing youryour head.head.


BananaBanana GrapeGrape CupsCups MakesMakes 88 cups!cups!

With Yogurt With Yogurt

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --44 bananas,bananas, cutcut intointo slicesslices

--88 cupscups seedlessseedless grapes,grapes, cutcut inin halfhalf --44 cupscups lowlow--fatfat vanillavanilla yogurtyogurt


CombineCombine allall ingredientsingredients inin aa bowlbowl andand mixmix gently.gently. ServeServe inin

cups or bowls. cups or bowls.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #5 #5

GrapeGrape ToesToes

 Materials:Materials: TwoTwo bowlsbowls withwith water, water, 2020 grapes,grapes, twotwo emptyempty bowls bowls

 ToTo setset upup thethe game,game, fillfill twotwo bowlsbowls with with waterwater andand putput 1010 grapesgrapes inin eacheach ofof them.them. Then,Then, putput emptyempty bowlsbowls nextnext toto them. To play, two players race to transfer all the grapes them. To play, two players race to transfer all the grapes inin thethe bowlbowl ofof water water toto thethe emptyempty bowl.bowl. TheThe tricktrick isis thatthat you can only use your feet. The first player to transfer all you can only use your feet. The first player to transfer all ofof herher grapesgrapes wins.wins.



Goals and Objectives

Children will learn how the Ojibwe used sunflower seeds, as well as many other seeds. Children will understand why seeds make a good snack and will learn how to eat more seeds in their diet.

Talking Points Sunflowers are one of the oldest cultivated foods, and have been eaten for their seeds for around 3,000 years.

Many other seeds were eaten, such as pumpkin seeds and seeds of wild flowers and plants. Eating seeds as a snack is a great way to get a lot of energy from a small amount of food—they are packed

with many important vitamins and minerals.

Food as Tradition

Sunflowers were a common crop among many American Indian tribes throughout North America. Sunflowers were an important food plant for many tribes, including the Ojibwe people. Evidence indicates that sunflower domestication began 3,000 years ago. Since then, Indians increased the size of sunflower seeds 1,000 percent through cultivation.

The Ojibwe planted sunflowers on the north side of the Three Sisters garden, along with corn, beans, and squash. Sunflowers were used in many ways. Seeds were ground or pounded into flour for cakes, mush or bread. Sometimes seeds were mixed into the meal with other vegetables such as beans, squash, and corn. The seeds were often eaten for a snack, mixed with dried berries, like a trail mix. Seeds were used to make bread or eaten raw. There are references of squeezing the oil from the seed and using the oil in making bread. In addition to sunflower seeds, many other seeds were eaten or used in medicines. Pumpkin and squash seeds were an important part of the diet. Many other seeds were added to foods as well, flavoring and adding many nutritious benefits!

Eating seeds can be a great way to get a burst of energy from a small amount of food—exactly what a perfect snack should be! A little amount of seeds can go a long way. Try sprinkling sunflower, sesame, or flax seeds onto salads, cereals, or rice dishes. Bags of sunflower seeds make a great snack on their own. Many types of bread contain seeds, adding texture and nutritious benefits. Lightly toasting seeds will help bring out the flavor of the seeds.

Food as Medicine Seeds have many nutritious benefits—they are a powerhouse of energy (calories), vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds are all high in protein making them a useful addition to any diet. The seeds of sunflowers are full of vitamin E to reduce heart problems, lower cholesterol and discourage blood clotting in arteries. Seeds are also full of antioxidants and are an anticancer agent. Seeds contain minerals including iron, needed for healthy red blood cells, zinc (especially pumpkin seeds), required for growth and a strong immune system, and magnesium for the release of energy from foods and strong bones. Sesame seeds are high in calcium required for strong bones and teeth. In addition, pumpkin seeds contain omega 6 and omega 3 fats, both of which have been found to have anti- inflammatory properties and can help maintain a healthy heart when eaten as part of a balanced low fat diet.


Sun-butter MakesMakes 88 servings!servings! Sun-butter

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 cupscups of of roastedroasted unsaltedunsalted sunflowersunflower seedsseeds --33 Tbs.Tbs. honeyhoney - 2 Tbs. Canola or vegetable oil - 2 Tbs. Canola or vegetable oil --44 Apples,Apples, slicedsliced intointo ringsrings --44 stalksstalks of of celery,celery, cutcut inin halfhalf --11 cupcup raisinsraisins - Blender - Blender

Directions: Directions: PrePre--roastroast thethe sunflowersunflower seedsseeds ifif theythey areare raw,raw, puttingputting themthem inin thethe oovenven

forfor 1515--2020 minutesminutes atat 300300 degrees.degrees. SliceSlice thethe applesapples intointo ringsrings andand cutcut thethe celerycelery stalksstalks inin halfhalf inin preparation.preparation. KeepKeep thethe applesapples andand cceleryelery inin water until use. Combine seeds, honey and one tablespoon of oil in the water until use. Combine seeds, honey and one tablespoon of oil in the blender.blender. BlendBlend untiluntil thethe seedsseeds formform aa butterybuttery--paste.paste. AddAdd oiloil asas neededneeded to moisten the mixture to blend easier. Serve the butter with apples to moisten the mixture to blend easier. Serve the butter with apples slicedsliced intointo ringsrings oror celerycelery stickssticks withwith raisinsraisins onon toptop (ants(ants onon aa log).log).

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1

SeedSeed StretchStretch

 InIn aa circle,circle, everyoneeveryone startsstarts asas aa smallsmall seed,seed, thenthen slowlyslowly sproutssprouts andand grows,grows, eventuallyeventually floweringflowering towardstowards thethe sun. Repeat, getting faster each time, leading eventually to sun. Repeat, getting faster each time, leading eventually to seedsseeds inin unisonunison jumpingjumping intointo thethe airair andand lettingletting outout loudloud ""ahhhsahhhs"!"!


Sunflower Seeds, Popcorn Makes 8 handfuls Sunflower Seeds, Popcorn Makes 8 handfuls andand PeanutPeanut ComboCombo

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --½½cupcup poppedpopped corncorn --½½cupcup sunflowersunflower seedsseeds - ½ cup roasted peanuts - ½ cup roasted peanuts --½½cupcup molassesmolasses --¼¼cupcup honeyhoney --¼¼cupcup maplemaple syrupsyrup - 2-3 Tbs. vegetable oil - 2-3 Tbs. vegetable oil


LightlyLightly sautsautéé sunflowersunflower seedsseeds inin oiloil untiluntil thethe seedsseeds areare

lightlylightly browned.browned. StirStir inin molasses,molasses, honey,honey, andand maplemaple syrup.syrup.

AddAdd peanuts.peanuts. SimmerSimmer overover lowlow heatheat untiluntil thethe mixturemixture isis

thinthin andand bubbly.bubbly. PourPour everythingeverything overover thethe popcornpopcorn inin aa

largelarge bowlbowl andand mixmix gentlygently corncorn isis coatedcoated well.well.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2

SeedSeed SwapSwap

 Materials:Materials: EnoughEnough clothesclothes pinspins forfor eacheach childchild toto receivereceive 5;5; roperope,, tape,tape, or chalk to mark off playing area. or chalk to mark off playing area.

 MarkMark offoff aa playplay areaarea ofof atat leastleast 40ft40ft byby 40ft40ft byby puttingputting roperope ononthethe ground.ground. AllAll playersplayers areare toto receivereceive 55 clothesclothes pins,pins, pinnedpinned thethe babackck ofof their shirts—these become their seeds. Have them all spread out their shirts—these become their seeds. Have them all spread out aroundaround thethe edgeedge ofof thethe roperope beforebefore starting.starting. TheThe objectobject isis toto trtryy toto capturecapture thethe ――seedsseeds‖‖fromfrom someonesomeone elseelse’’ss backback withoutwithout loosingloosing yours.yours. IfIf you capture a seed, you are to go down on one knee while pinning it you capture a seed, you are to go down on one knee while pinning it onon youryour back.back. WhileWhile youyou areare onon oneone knee,knee, nono oneone cancan taketake aa seedseed fromfrom IfIf youyou gogo outout ofof boundsbounds youyou loselose aa seed.seed. ThereThere isis nono ppushingushing

andand youyou cancan onlyonly touchtouch seeds,seeds, nono touchingtouching oror pullingpulling clothesclothes oror thethe body.body. AnyAny violatorsviolators willwill looseloose oneone seedseed toto thethe victim.victim. TheThe persopersonn withwith thethe mostmost seedsseeds inin thethe allowedallowed timetime youyou choosechoose wins.wins. YouYou cancan playplay teamsteams andand thethe teamteam withwith thethe mostmost isis thethe winnerwinner also.also.


Toasted Pumpkin Seeds Makes 8 handfuls! Toasted Pumpkin Seeds Makes 8 handfuls!

WithWith MapleMaple SyrupSyrup

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: - 3-4 cups of seeds from a pumpkin (good for after - 3-4 cups of seeds from a pumpkin (good for after jackjack--oo--lanternlantern carving)carving) --33 Tbs.Tbs. maplemaple syrupsyrup

--¾¾tsp.tsp. saltsalt


PreheatPreheat ovenoven toto 425425 degrees.degrees. PlacePlace allall ofof thethe ingredientsingredients in a bowlbowl andand

tosstoss wellwell toto coat.coat. TransferTransfer seedsseeds andand anyany liquidliquid toto aa parchmentparchment--linedlined baking sheet. Spread out mixture evenly in a single layer. Toast until baking sheet. Spread out mixture evenly in a single layer. Toast until seedsseeds areare goldengolden brownbrown (10(10--1515 minutes).minutes). StirStir occasionallyoccasionally toto brownbrown

evenly.evenly. WatchWatch ovenoven carefullycarefully toto makemake suresure theythey dondon’’tt burn.burn.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #3#3

MusicalMusical BirdsBirds

 Materials: Music player and paper seeds (make them out of  Materials: Music player and paper seeds (make them out of paperpaper oror paperpaper plates;plates; theythey cancan bebe anan ovaloval likelike aa sunflowersunflower seedseed oror pumpkinpumpkin seed!)seed!)

 PeoplePeople arenaren’’tt thethe onlyonly onesones whowho likelike toto eateat seeds!seeds! ManyMany creaturescreatures depend on seeds for food, and birds are no exception. depend on seeds for food, and birds are no exception.

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 66 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen area.area. PickPick oneone playerplayer toto bebe thethe referee.referee. ThisThis gamegame isis aa lolott

likelike musicalmusical chairs,chairs, butbut whenwhen thethe musicmusic starts,starts, playersplayers havehave toto pretendpretend toto flyfly andand hophop aroundaround likelike birds.birds. WhileWhile playersplayers areare hopping and pretending to fly, the referee takes away a seed, hopping and pretending to fly, the referee takes away a seed, andand thenthen stopsstops thethe WhenWhen thethe musicmusic stops,stops, thethe birdsbirds havehave ttoo findfind aa seedseed toto landland on.on.TheThe birdbird leftleft withoutwithout aa seedseed isis out.out. TheThe lastlast birdbird onon aa seedseed isis thethe winner.winner. 104

Crunchy Bananas MakesMakes aboutabout 3535 pieces!pieces! Crunchy Bananas


--66 bananasbananas cutcut intointo 11‖‖thickthick slicesslices - Popsicle sticks - Popsicle sticks --OrangeOrange juicejuice --11 cupcup drieddried coconutcoconut --11 cupcup wheatwheat germgerm - 1 cup crushed sunflower seeds - 1 cup crushed sunflower seeds

Directions: Directions:

CombineCombine coconut,coconut, wheatwheat germ,germ, andand crushedcrushed sunflowersunflower seedsseeds inin aa lalargerge bowl. Have the kids spear the banana slices with the popsicle stick, dip bowl. Have the kids spear the banana slices with the popsicle stick, dip inin thethe juicejuice andand thenthen rollroll inin thethe bowl.bowl. YouYou cancan experimentexperiment withwith

differentdifferent toppingstoppings asas wellwell——trytry cocoacocoa powder,powder, peanuts,peanuts, honey,honey, etc.etc.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4 #4

NameName PantomimePantomime

 EachEach personperson chooseschooses anan actionaction--wordword toto gogo withwith theirtheir name (e.g., "Swimming Sam"), then shows the action to name (e.g., "Swimming Sam"), then shows the action to thethe groupgroup whowho repeatrepeat ThisThis isis aa wholewhole--bodybody wayway toto introduce oneself & learn people's names, but it can also introduce oneself & learn people's names, but it can also bebe funfun forfor aa groupgroup whowho alreadyalready knowsknows eacheach other.other.


CarrotCarrot--AppleApple SlawSlaw withwith MakesMakes 88 servings!servings!

CranberriesCranberries andand PumpkinPumpkin SeedsSeeds

INGREDIENTS: INGREDIENTS: --½½cupcup drieddried cranberriescranberries --½½cupcup freshfresh orangeorange juice,juice, divideddivided intointo ¼¼cupscups --11 GrannyGranny SmithSmith apple,apple, unpeeled,unpeeled, coredcored andand shreddedshredded (or(or chopped into small pieces) chopped into small pieces) --44 largelarge carrots,carrots, peeledpeeled andand shreddedshredded --½½smallsmall redred onion,onion, thinlythinly slicedsliced --33 Tbs.Tbs. freshfresh cilantro,cilantro, choppedchopped (optional)(optional) - ½ cup unsalted pumpkin seeds, toasted - ½ cup unsalted pumpkin seeds, toasted --33 Tbs.Tbs. oliveolive oiloil --½½tsp.tsp. freshfresh groundground pepperpepper


ToTo toasttoast pumpkinpumpkin seeds,seeds, tosstoss themthem inin aa panpan withwith aa ½½tsp.tsp. vegetablevegetable oror oliveolive oiloil over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Combine over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Combine drieddried cranberriescranberries andand 1/41/4 cupcup orangeorange juicejuice inin aa smallsmall bowl;bowl; setset aside.aside. InIn aa largelarge

bowl,bowl, tosstoss appleapple withwith remainingremaining 1/41/4 cupcup orangeorange juice.juice. MixMix inin carcarrots,rots, redred onion,onion, cilantro, and pumpkin seeds. Drain cranberries, reserving juice; add cilantro, and pumpkin seeds. Drain cranberries, reserving juice; add cranberriescranberries toto appleapple--carrotcarrot mixture.mixture. WhiskWhisk reservedreserved orangeorange juicejuice andand oliveolive oil;oil;

pourpour overover slawslaw andand tosstoss well.well. SeasonSeason toto tastetaste withwith blackblack pepper.pepper. ServeServe coldcold oror atat roomroom temperature.temperature.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #5 #5

WaterWater thethe GardenGarden

 Materials:Materials: LargeLarge carcar sponges,sponges, largelarge containerscontainers ofof water, water, receivireceivingng buckets,buckets, warmwarm weather weather

 SeedsSeeds comecome fromfrom plantsplants andand plantsplants needneed water water toto grow.grow. DivideDivide upup intointo teamsteams toto water water thethe gardengarden andand growgrow thethe plants.plants.

 You can have as many teams as you have equipment. Each team forms a  You can have as many teams as you have equipment. Each team forms a lineline withwith teammatesteammates aa littlelittle moremore thanthan anan armsarms lengthlength awayaway fromfrom eacheach other. At one end of the line is a large container of water with large sponges other. At one end of the line is a large container of water with large sponges inin TheThe otherother endend hashas aa smallsmall bucket,bucket, whichwhich youyou couldcould markmark wi withth aa fillfill lineline wherewhere youyou want want thethe finishfinish pointpoint toto bebe oror justjust fillfill toto thethe WWhenhen signaledsignaled toto start,start, teamsteams areare toto race.race. TheThe personperson atat thethe largelarge containercontainer isis ttoo throwthrow aa spongesponge toto nextnext teammateteammate andand thatthat personperson toto thethe nextnext untiluntil itit reareachesches thethe endend ofof thethe line.line. TheThe lastlast personperson isis toto squeezesqueeze thethe spongesponge outout andand ththenen runrun toto thethe startstart ofof thethe line,line, dipdip thethe spongesponge inin thethe largelarge containercontainer andand paspasss toto nextnext person.person. IfIf spongesponge isis droppeddropped whilewhile beingbeing passed,passed, itit isis toto bebe thrthrownown backback to to thethe startstart ofof thethe lineline andand youyou areare toto continuecontinue again.again. AfterAfter fullfull rotationrotation ofof line,line, meaningmeaning everyoneeveryone hashas takentaken spongesponge outout ofof largelarge containercontainer andand paspassed,sed, thethe teamteam withwith thethe mostmost collectedcollected waterwater isis thethe winner. winner.


Herbs and Teas

Goals and Objectives:

Children will learn what an herb is and the many uses for these plants. The use of herbs as a seasoning, tea, and medicine will be understood.

Talking Points We use herbs today as seasonings like oregano or rosemary. The Ojibwe used herbs similarly—to

season food.

Herbs were also used to make teas that were both delicious and medicinal. Tea was one of the most popular beverages in Ojibwe culture.

Food as Tradition: Most kitchens probably have a collection of dried herbs like oregano or rosemary. Most herbs serve a double purpose of both seasoning food and being quite medicinal. The Ojibwe used many plants to season foods and, as we have learned from many other sections in this guide, as medicines. Teas were an especially popular beverage. It is said that tea, or niibiish was consumed more than water in some communities. This section focuses on some of the most prominent plants used for seasoning foods, medicines, and teas in Ojibwe culture. The recipes for this section are not all edible, such as the lip balm and potpourri satchels, to highlight the multifunctional uses of such plants.

Three popular herbs used by the Ojibwe were, and still are mint, wintergreen, and rosehips. Many varieties of mint grow in the Northwoods and along with wild ginger were used to season fish with. Wintergreen is a flavor that many of us recognize today from gum or toothpaste. However, the plant was commonly used as a tea, and the bright red berries were a special treat to eat. Wintergreen is especially important for its year-round availability. Finally, rosehips have been an important food for all Native tribes where ever wild roses grow. The tea made from rose hips is one of the most important sources of vitamin

C. These three herbs are just a few examples of the many, many plants that were commonly used for both food, tea, and medicine.

Food as Medicine: Mint, wintergreen, and rosehips are all three packed with medicinal qualities. Mint was used to treat burns and boils, and would brew a very strong tea to get rid of parasites or other intestinal problems. Wintergreen has the same active painkiller in it as aspirin, and was used in a similar way that we use aspirin —to get rid of headaches. It was also used for colds and to bring down fevers. Rose hips have a much higher quantity of vitamin C, even more than oranges! They help boost the immune system to prevent diseases.


Potpourri Smell Good Makes 20 Pouches! Potpourri Smell Good Makes 20 Pouches!


--11 quartquart pinepine needlesneedles --11 cupcup shreddedshredded andand drieddried orange orange and/orand/or lemonlemon peelpeel --11 cupcup drieddried sagesage --1/21/2 cupcup basilbasil

--44 baybay leaves,leaves, crumbledcrumbled --22 cupscups coarsecoarse saltsalt --SheerSheer fabricfabric cutcut intointo 3 3 inchinch squaressquares - Ribbons to tie the fabric - Ribbons to tie the fabric


CombineCombine allall togethertogether inin aa largelarge bowlbowl andand packagepackage inin pouches.pouches.

AnotherAnother goodgood ideaidea isis pinepine conescones scentedscented withwith aa dropdrop oror twotwo ofof cecedardar or cinnamon oil. or cinnamon oil.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #1#1

HerbHerb WalkWalk

 GoGo onon aa walkwalk aroundaround thethe block,block, neighborhood,neighborhood, or playground. Identify various fragrant or playground. Identify various fragrant plants,plants, suchsuch asas pinepine needles,needles, drieddried berries,berries, sweetsweet grasses,grasses, barkbark ofof trees,trees, OnOn aa shortshort walkwalk outside, we found Tansy, Yarrow, Wild Mint, outside, we found Tansy, Yarrow, Wild Mint, Wintergreen,Wintergreen, CommonCommon Milkweed,Milkweed, andand EveningEvening PrimrosePrimrose justjust toto namename aa few.few. HaveHave thethe kidskids explore the plants and pick some that smell nice explore the plants and pick some that smell nice toto them.them. HaveHave somesome drieddried herbsherbs andand spicesspices onon hand, such as rosemary, lavender, cinnamon hand, such as rosemary, lavender, cinnamon bark,bark, cloves,cloves, etc.etc. waitingwaiting forfor afterafter thethe walk.walk. MakeMake fragrantfragrant sachetssachets byby followingfollowing thethe aboveabove



Solar Wintergreen Tea MakesMakes 11 GallonGallon Solar Wintergreen Tea


--OneOne wide wide--mouthed,mouthed, clearclear gallongallon--sizedsized glassglass jarjar withwith aa waterwater tighttight lidlid oror otherother securesecure seal,seal, --11 gallongallon ofof water water - 1-2 cups of wintergreen leaves, cut coarsely (optional: include - 1-2 cups of wintergreen leaves, cut coarsely (optional: include wintergreenwintergreen berries)berries) --HoneyHoney oror maplemaple syrupsyrup (optional)(optional) --AA sunnysunny dayday

Directions:Directions: First, measure out the wintergreen into the jar. Pour the water over the First, measure out the wintergreen into the jar. Pour the water over the wintergreenwintergreen inin thethe jar,jar, screwscrew onon thethe lid,lid, givegive thethe containercontainer aa ffewew shakes,shakes, and set it where it will receive full sunlight all day long. A rooftop, open and set it where it will receive full sunlight all day long. A rooftop, open field,field, driveway,driveway, oror similarsimilar shadeshade freefree areaarea isis idealideal butbut ifif nonenone isis available,available, keepkeep anan eyeeye onon thethe "teapot""teapot" andand movemove itit onon outout intointo thethe sunsun asas aanyny shadowshadow

approaches.approaches. GiveGive thethe mixturemixture aa shakeshake wheneverwhenever youyou thinkthink ofof AAss thethe dayday ends,ends, bringbring inin youryour tea.tea. ItIt willwill bebe warmwarm andand shouldshould looklook richrich anandd clearclear inin

color.color. WhileWhile thethe brewbrew isis stillstill warmwarm fromfrom thethe sun,sun, shakeshake itit upup aandnd dumpdump thethe wholewhole contentscontents ofof thethe jarjar intointo aa sievesieve oror strainerstrainer ofof somesome sortsort placedplaced inin aa bowl large enough to hold the liquid with room to spare. You may add bowl large enough to hold the liquid with room to spare. You may add honeyhoney oror maplemaple syrupsyrup toto thethe mixturemixture ifif youyou wantwant toto givegive itit aa litlittletle extraextra sweetness. Your solar tea can then be refrigerated for about one week. sweetness. Your solar tea can then be refrigerated for about one week.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2

ScavengerScavenger HuntHunt

 Materials:Materials: PencilPencil andand PaperPaper

 Make a list of things for the kids to look for. These can  Make a list of things for the kids to look for. These can bebe relatedrelated toto herbs,herbs, suchsuch asas ――mintmint‖‖oror ――wintergreenwintergreen‖‖,, oror theythey cancan justjust bebe randomrandom objects.objects. OnOn nicenice weatherweather days,days,

thisthis cancan bebe playedplayed outside.outside. TheThe outsideoutside listlist cancan includeinclude thingsthings likelike aa feather,feather, aa flower,flower, aa roundround stone,stone, aa fivefive-- pointedpointed leaf,leaf, etc.etc. IfIf thethe weatherweather isis bad,bad, thanthan thethe scavengerscavenger hunthunt cancan taketake placeplace inside.inside. AnAn insideinside listlist couldcould include:include: aa gamegame piece,piece, aa yellowyellow piecepiece ofof paper,paper, aa toothpick,toothpick, etc.etc. CopyCopy offoff aa listlist forfor eacheach child,child, oror dividedivide thethe kidskids intointo teamsteams andand handhand eacheach teamteam aa list.list. HaveHave themthem collectcollect whatwhat theythey findfind andand checkcheck offoff thethe itemsitems onon thethe list.list. TheThe firstfirst person/teamperson/team toto collectcollect allall itemsitems wins!wins!


HerbalHerbal LipLip BalmBalm MakesMakes ½½ ounce,ounce, LipLip balmbalm forfor 11

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --33 teaspoonsteaspoons gratedgrated unbleachedunbleached beeswaxbeeswax --55 teaspoonsteaspoons carriercarrier oiloil (sunflower,(sunflower, castor,castor, oror jojoba)jojoba) --66 oror 77 dropsdrops essentialessential oiloil (such(such asas lavender,lavender, rose,rose, lemon,lemon, rosemary,rosemary, oror peppermint)peppermint) --11 teaspoonteaspoon honey,honey, forfor flavorflavor --ContainersContainers toto holdhold thethe mixture,mixture, emptyempty mintmint tinstins oror babybaby foodfood jarsjars workwork wellwell

Directions:Directions: HomemadeHomemade liplip balm,balm, infusedinfused withwith youryour favoritefavorite scentedscented oils,oils, willwill makemake youryour lipslips deliciousdelicious whilewhile smoothingsmoothing andand softeningsoftening them.them. MeltMelt ththee beeswaxbeeswax andand carriercarrier oiloil togethertogether inin thethe toptop ofof aa doubledouble boiler,boiler, stirringstirring toto combine.combine. RemoveRemove fromfrom heat;heat; addadd honeyhoney andand essentialessential oil.oil. MixMix thoroughlythoroughly soso thethe honeyhoney doesdoes notnot clump.clump. PourPour thethe mixturemixture intointo containers;containers; letlet sitsit 2020 minutesminutes beforebefore coveringcovering oror moving.moving. ForFor glglossierossier liplip balm,balm, useuse 22 teaspoonsteaspoons waxwax andand 88 teaspoonsteaspoons carriercarrier oil.oil.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #3 #3 FreezeFreeze Dance!Dance!

 Materials:Materials: MusicMusic PlayerPlayer

 PlayPlay somesome wildwild musicmusic andand letlet allall thethe kidskids WhenWhen thethe musicmusic stops,stops, everyoneeveryone freezes.freezes. AnyAny movement,movement, andand you'reyou're out.out. TheThe winnerwinner isis thethe lastlast dancerdancer standing.standing.


HerbedHerbed PotatoPotato WafersWafers MakesMakes 88 servings!servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --¼¼cupcup vegetablevegetable oil,oil, oliveolive oil,oil, oror clarifiedclarified butterbutter --22 largelarge bakingbaking potatoespotatoes (or(or 44--55 smallersmaller potatoes)potatoes) --½½cupcup finelyfinely choppedchopped freshfresh herbsherbs (like(like tarragon,tarragon, cilantro,cilantro, basil,basil, rosemary,rosemary, sage,sage, oror chives)chives) --11 tsp.tsp. coarsecoarse saltsalt

Directions:Directions: PrePre--heatheat ovenoven toto 325325 FF degrees.degrees. BrushBrush bakingbaking sheetsheet withwith butterbutter oror PeelPeel potatoespotatoes andand cutcut intointo slicesslices asas thinthin andand translucenttranslucent asas pospossible.sible. ArrangeArrange halfhalf thethe slicesslices onon thethe panpan inin aa singlesingle layer.layer. PlacePlace sevseveraleral herbherb leavesleaves oror 1/21/2 tsptsp choppedchopped herbsherbs onon eacheach slice.slice. CoverCover eacheach sliceslice withwith anotheranother potatopotato sliceslice andand presspress toto seal.seal. BrushBrush lightlylightly withwith buttebutterr oror oiloil andand sprinklesprinkle withwith salt.salt. BakeBake aboutabout 1515 toto 2020 minutes,minutes, untiluntil potatpotatoesoes areare crispcrisp andand lightlight brown.brown.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4 #4 PizzaPizza BoxBox RelayRelay

 Materials:Materials: 2222 emptyempty cardboardcardboard pizzapizza boxesboxes oror otherother smallsmall cardboardcardboard boxesboxes

 ThisThis isis aa gamegame forfor 44 oror moremore players.players. TheThe racecourseracecourse shouldshould bebe aboutabout 2020 feetfeet long.long. PlayersPlayers dividedivide upup intointo twotwo teams,teams, andand dividedivide thethe boxesboxes intointo twotwo stacks.stacks. PlayersPlayers racerace toto thethe endend ofof thethe course,course, grabgrab aa pizzapizza boxbox andand runrun backback toto theirtheir teammates.teammates. TheyThey givegive thethe pizzapizza boxbox toto thethe nextnext personperson inin line,line, whowho runsruns downdown toto thethe endend ofof thethe coursecourse andand pilespiles anotheranother boxbox onon toptop ofof thethe oneone hehe alreadyalready has.has. ThisThis continuescontinues untiluntil thethe playerplayer onon thethe teamteam isis finallyfinally carryingcarrying allall 1111 pizzapizza boxes.boxes. IfIf aa playerplayer dropsdrops thethe boxes,boxes, sheshe hashas toto stop,stop, pilepile themthem upup againagain andand continuecontinue withwith thethe race.race. FirstFirst teamteam toto carrycarry allall theirtheir boxesboxes backback wins!wins!


EasyEasy BasilBasil PestoPesto MakesMakes 66 servings!servings! WithWith PastaPasta

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 cupscups packedpacked freshfresh basilbasil leavesleaves --¼¼cupcup gratedgrated parmesanparmesan cheesecheese --33 Tbs.Tbs. walnutswalnuts --11 tsp.tsp. choppedchopped garlicgarlic --½½tsp.tsp. saltsalt --1/31/3 cupcup oliveolive oiloil --11 pkg.pkg. wholewhole wheatwheat spaghettispaghetti --BlenderBlender

Directions:Directions: BoilBoil waterwater forfor thethe pastapasta inin aa largelarge saucepan.saucepan. WhenWhen waterwater boils,boils,addadd pastapasta andand turnturn toto mediummedium--highhigh heatheat soso thatthat thethe waterwater isis lightlylightly boiling.boiling. CookCook untiluntil tendertender (about(about 88--1010 minutes).minutes). SetSet pastapasta aside.aside. CombineCombine thethe basil,basil, ParmesanParmesan cheese,cheese, walnuts,walnuts, garlicgarlic andand saltsalt inin blenderblender oror foodfood processor.processor. PureePuree onon highhigh speed.speed. SlowlySlowly drizzledrizzle tthehe oiloil intointo thethe mixturemixture andand processprocess untiluntil aa smoothsmooth pastepaste forms.forms. StoreStore iinn thethe refrigeratorrefrigerator untiluntil youyou areare readyready toto useuse CombineCombine thethe pestopesto wwithith thethe pastapasta andand serve!serve!

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #5 #5 PastaPasta TrailTrail

 Materials:Materials: CookedCooked spaghetti,spaghetti, outdooroutdoor area,area, andand containerscontainers

 FigureFigure outout howhow manymany teamsteams youyou’’llll havehave andand thatthat’’ss howhow manymany containerscontainers ofof spaghettispaghetti youyou need.need. HaveHave teamsteams lineline upup outdoorsoutdoors atat startingstarting point.point. OneOne personperson fromfrom eacheach teamteam isis toto taketake threethree piecespieces ofof spaghetti,spaghetti, laylay oneone piecepiece downdown atat aa timetime beginningbeginning atat thethe startingstarting lineline andand wherewhere thethe firstfirst oneone endsends thethe nextnext piecepiece willwill start.start. TheThe firstfirst teamteam membermember shouldshould endend upup withwith threethree piecespieces ofof spaghettispaghetti layinglaying downdown inin aa row,row, headingheading downdown thethe course.course. ThenThen thethe nextnext teamteam membermember willwill taketake threethree piecespieces andand startstart wherewhere thethe otherother teamteam membermember leftleft TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto reachreach thethe finishfinish lineline isis thethe winner!!winner!!

 Note:Note: WhenWhen cookingcooking spaghettispaghetti useuse cookingcooking oiloil inin waterwater toto preventprevent spaghettispaghetti fromfrom stickingsticking together.together.



Goals and Objectives The concept of growing the Three Sisters will be understood. Children will understand the role of squash in a Three Sisters Garden. The dietary importance of squash, especially for diabetics, will be understood.

Talking Points Squash was grown along with the other two sisters—corn and beans—in gardens during the summer. The Three Sisters help each other out as they grow—a concept called ―companion planting‖. Squash is an important part of the diet because it stores well for the winter, provides a large amount of food, and is full of important vitamins like beta carotene, a vitamin that helps regulate blood sugar and is important for diabetics.

Food as Tradition In the summertime, the Ojibwe planted large gardens—Gitigaan. In those gardens, the Three Sisters were often planted, along with other food crops. Three Sisters garden is a traditional style of planting food. The Three Sisters are corn, beans, and squash and they help each other out as they grow. They balance and nourish each other. Corn is planted in hills and soaks up a lot of the nutrients in the soil. To replace these nutrients and feed the corn, beans are planted next to the corn. The beans put nitrogen (a nutrient) back into the soil and use the sturdy stalk of the corn as a support to vine up. Squash is planted along side the beans and corn, and it sends out its long, prickly vines and leaves throughout the rows. Animals do not like the prickly squash vines, so they do not eat the corn and beans. It also helps keep moisture in the ground. This style of planting, where crops are grown together to help each other out, is call ―companion planting‖. Gardening in the Three Sisters garden was done mostly by the women.

Squash was an important part of the diet, not just because it helps corn and beans grow, but because squash stores well during the winter and provides an incredible amount of food. Squash is as tasty as it is protective.

Food as Medicine Squash is an incredibly healthy food. It has high amounts of Vitamin A in the form of Beta Carotene. Vitamin A, or Beta carotene, has been found to help protect lungs against the development of lung cancer and emphysema. Beta carotene has been shown to have very powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also able to prevent the build up of cholesterol in the body—helping to keep the heart healthy and the risk of heart attack and stroke down. It may also help reduce the stress on the heart that is caused by diabetes. The intake of foods such as squash and other foods rich in beta carotene may be beneficial to blood sugar regulation and helping keep diabetes under control.


Story: Sky Woman and The Three Sisters

This story of the Three Sisters is from the Oneida Creation Story. The Oneida, a neighboring tribe of the Ojibwe, grow Iroquoian White Corn and have a very special relationship to the Three Sisters. This story is told by Jeff Metoxen and was publish in the December 1st 2005 edition of News da Terra Madre. The full article can be found online at: =3E6E345C1d52922DA3qVLOt4978E

The beginning of our Mother Earth occurred when Sky Woman fell from a hole near the Tree of Life in her world. When she was falling from her world, she grabbed the sides of the ground near the tree and had taken with her seeds of various plant and herbal life. Various birds had seen her fall from they sky, and they came together to help her descend. They placed her on the back of a large turtle. Life then was mostly birds and water animals, with no land in sight. They understood that she needed more to survive in their world, so some of them had dived into the water depth to bring clay up from the bottom. The clay was placed on the back of the turtle, and it began to expand to form turtle Island, and become part of Mother Earth. The seeds that Sky Women had brought with her began to grow into the plants and herbal life needed for survival. Plants that have114 grown from those first seeds included Corn, Beans and Squash. The three plants became the Three Sisters for our people, and they were the main providers for our sustenance. It is our tradition and responsibility to provide recognition to

CheesyCheesy SquashSquash CoinsCoins MakesMakes 1010 servings!servings!


--½½cupcup ItalianItalian--seasonedseasoned breadbread crumbscrumbs --33 Tbs.Tbs. GratedGrated parmesanparmesan cheesecheese --¼¼tsp.tsp. pepperpepper --33 cupscups thinlythinly slicedsliced zucchinizucchini (about(about 11 pound)pound) --22 eggegg whites whites --cookingcooking sprayspray --bakingbaking sheetsheet

Directions:Directions: PreheatPreheat ovenoven toto 450450 degrees.degrees. CombineCombine firstfirst 33 ingredientsingredients andand stirstir well.well. DipDip thethe zucchinizucchini slicesslices inin eggegg whiteswhites andand thenthen coatcoat inin breadcrumbbreadcrumb mixture.mixture. PlacePlace zucchinizucchini inin aa singlesingle layerlayer onon aa bakingbaking sheetsheet coatedcoated withwith cookingcookingspray.spray. BakeBake atat 450450 degreesdegrees forfor 2020 minutes.minutes. TurnTurn zucchinizucchini overover andand bakebake 1515 moremore minutesminutes oror untiluntil outsideoutside isis crispycrispy andand browned.browned.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1 BlindBlind SquashSquash

 Materials:Materials: BlindfoldsBlindfolds andand aa smallishsmallish sizedsized squashsquash

 SetSet upup twotwo toto threethree teamsteams andand assignassign oneone personperson onon eacheach teamteam toto bebe blindfolded.blindfolded. OnceOnce allall chosenchosen playersplayers areare blindfoldedblindfolded andand teamsteams areare established,established, havehave oneone personperson placeplace oror gentlygently rollroll thethe squashsquash intointo thethe playplay area.area. EachEach teamteam isis toto standstand backback fromfrom behindbehind aa designateddesignated lineline andand instructinstruct theirtheir teammateteammate wherewhere thethe squashsquash isis byby yellingyelling outout instructions.instructions. IfIf aa playerplayer findsfinds thethe squash,squash, theythey areare toto returnreturn toto thethe teamteam whilewhile stillstill blindfoldedblindfolded andand theythey receivereceive 33 points.points. IfIf anotheranother personperson withwith aa blindfoldblindfold tagstags them,them, thatthat teamteam receivesreceives 11 point.point. ThenThen anotheranother teamteam membermember fromfrom eacheach teamteam willwill trytry toto completecomplete thethe samesame task.task.


SpaghettiSpaghetti SquashSquash SaladSalad MakesMakes 88 servingsservings


--11 SpaghettiSpaghetti squashsquash --11 ½½cupscups freshfresh mushrooms,mushrooms, slicedsliced --11 ½½cupscups greengreen onions,onions, slicedsliced --11 redred oror greengreen bellbell pepper,pepper, finely finely chopped chopped --11 (8(8 oz)oz) bottlebottle ofof (low(low--fat)fat) creamycreamy garlicgarlic oror ItalianItalian dressing dressing --11 headhead ofof leafleaf lettuce,lettuce, washed washed andand broken broken into into bite bite--sizedsized pieces pieces --11 cupcup cherrycherry tomatoestomatoes

Directions:Directions: First,First, cutcut thethe squashsquash inin half.half. RemoveRemove andand discarddiscard seeds.seeds. CutCut smallersmaller ifif neededneeded inin orderorder toto fitfit inin aa largelarge pot.pot. AddAdd water,water, coveringcovering squashsquash aboutabout 11 inchinch aboveabove thethe squash.squash. BringBring toto boil,boil, cover,cover, reducereduce toto simmersimmer andand cookcook 2020 toto 3030 minutes,minutes, oror untiluntil tender.tender. RemoveRemove andand ScrapeScrape squashsquash pulppulp fromfrom rindrind toto makemake 44 cups.cups. DrainDrain onon paperpaper towelstowels toto removeremove excessexcess moisture.moisture. InIn largelarge bowl,bowl, combinecombine squashsquash withwith mushrooms,mushrooms, onions,onions, pepperspeppers andand dressing.dressing. MixMix andand refrigeraterefrigerate untiluntil youyou areare readyready toto serve.serve.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #2 #2 ZucchiniZucchini OlympicsOlympics

 Materials:Materials: ZucchinisZucchinis  DivideDivide thethe groupgroup intointo teamsteams ofof 33--1010 playersplayers and and givegive each each team team a a zucchini. zucchini. Each Each teamteam willwill completecomplete severalseveral seriesseries ofof differentdifferent relays relays using using thei theirr zucchini. zucchini. Here Here are are somesome ideasideas forfor thosethose relays:relays: 1.1. TheThe zucchinizucchini underunder anan armpitarmpit andand hoppinghopping onon oneone leg leg down downaa field field and and back. back. 2.2. PlacePlace thethe zucchinizucchini betweenbetween thethe kneesknees andand hophop downdown a a fiel fieldd and and back. back. 3.3. TwoTwo teammatesteammates tossingtossing thethe zucchinizucchini backback and and forth forth down down t thehe field field and and back. back. 4.4. PlacePlace thethe zucchinizucchini onon thethe groundground andand eacheach teammateteammate must must rollroll across across the the zucchini. zucchini. 5.5. TeammatesTeammates lineline upup inin leapfrogleapfrog formationformation andand first first player playerhopshops over over players players while while holdingholding thethe zucchinizucchini andand thenthen tossestosses thethe zucchinizucchini to to next next player playerinin line line to to do do the the same.same.  ShowShow thethe playersplayers allall thethe relaysrelays thatthat theythey’’llll havehave to to complete complete for for the the Olympics. Olympics. You You maymay havehave toto write write themthem onon aa largelarge white white boardboard so so that that all all player playerss willwill know know what what relayrelay isis UseUse youryour ownown ideas,ideas, addadd toto thethe listlist or or use use only only a afewfew ideas. ideas. You You can can adjustadjust thisthis gamegame toto allall typestypes ofof playersplayers including including the the disabled. disabled.


MapleMaple--GingerGinger SquashSquash MakesMakes 88 servings!servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --55 lbs.lbs. squashsquash (try(try Butternut,Butternut, DelicataDelicata,, Hubbard,Hubbard, oror AcornAcorn varieties)varieties) --44 tsp.tsp. maplemaple syrupsyrup --11 tsp.tsp. finelyfinely gratedgrated andand peeledpeeled freshfresh gingerginger

Directions:Directions: HalveHalve squashsquash andand discarddiscard seeds.seeds. Cook,Cook, coveredcovered withwith plasticplastic wrapwrap,, inin microwmicrowave ave onon highhigh forfor 55 toto 88 minutesminutes untiluntil cookedcooked andand tendertender oror bakebake inin anan overover forfor 4545 minutesminutes atat 400400 FF degrees.degrees. CoolCool slightly,slightly, scooscoopp fleshflesh intointo aa bowl.bowl. HaveHave thethe kidskids mashmash thethe squashsquash slightlyslightly withwith aa fork.fork. AddAdd syrup,syrup, gingerginger andand saltsalt andand pepperpepper toto taste.taste.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #3#3

TwoTwo Forward,Forward, OneOne BackBack

 Materials:Materials: ChalkChalk oror tapetape toto markmark thethe coursecourse

 ThisThis isis aa gamegame forfor 66 oror moremore players.players. PlayersPlayers areare linedlined upup inin twotwo teamsteams ofof three.three. TapeTape aa lineline downdown youryour coursecourse aboutabout 3030 feetfeet away.away. EachEach playerplayer hashas toto hophop (both(both legslegs together)together) twotwo jumpsjumps forward,forward, thenthen oneone jumpjump back.back. TheThe jumpjump backback needsneeds toto bebe aa good,good, fullfull jumpjump backwards.backwards. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto havehave allall itsits playersplayers gogo downdown toto thethe lineline andand backback winswins thethe race!race!


PestoPesto--ZucchiniZucchini QuesadillasQuesadillas MakesMakes 88 quesadillasquesadillas


--88 wholewhole--wheatwheat tortillastortillas --½½cupcup pestopesto (store(store boughtbought oror homemadehomemade——seesee easyeasy basilbasil pestopesto reciperecipe inin thethe ――HerbsHerbs‖‖section)section) --22 zucchiniszucchinis --11 tomato,tomato, slicedsliced oror cubedcubed --22 avocadosavocados (optional)(optional) --22 cupscups lowlow--fatfat cheese,cheese, gratedgrated --½½cupcup salsasalsa --½½cupcup lightlight soursour creamcream oror plainplain yogurtyogurt

Directions:Directions: CutCut thethe zucchinizucchini intointo 1/21/2 cmcm wedgeswedges andand sautsautééinin aa panpan untiluntil outsidesoutsides beginbegin toto getget slightlyslightly crispy,crispy, aboutabout 88--1010 minutesminutes overover mediummedium heat.heat. Meanwhile,Meanwhile, turnturn thethe stovestove toto mediummedium--lowlow heat,heat, andand laylay downdown youryour tortillatortilla inin aa nonnon-- stickstick pan.pan. CoatCoat thethe entireentire tortillatortilla withwith aa thinthin layerlayer ofof pesto.pesto. SprinkleSprinkle withwith gratedgrated cheese.cheese. WhenWhen zucchinizucchini isis done,done, spreadspread piecespieces overover oneone halhalff ofof thethe tortilla.tortilla. SpreadSpread avocadoavocado andand tomatotomato evenlyevenly overover zucchini.zucchini. FoldFold overover quesadilla,quesadilla, andand turnturn heatheat upup toto mediummedium--high.high. FlipFlip occasionallyoccasionally untiluntil cheesecheese isis melted.melted. ServeServe withwith lightlight soursour creamcream andand salsa.salsa.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4 #4 PassPass thethe SquashSquash

 Materials:Materials: OneOne smallsmall squash.squash.

 ToTo beginbegin thisthis game,game, teachteach thethe playersplayers thisthis rhyme:rhyme:

PassPass thethe SquashSquash isis thethe namename NowNow it'sit's timetime toto playplay thethe gamegame BetterBetter gogo fastfast asas youyou cancan SoSo itit landslands inin everybody'severybody's handhand SS--QQ--UU--AA--SS--HH spellsspells squash!squash!

 PlayersPlayers sitsit inin aa PlayersPlayers passpass thethe squashsquash aroundaround thethe circlecircle whilewhile sayingsaying thethe rhyme.rhyme. TheThe personperson leftleft holdingholding thethe squashsquash atat thethe endend ofof thethe rhymerhyme isis out.out. KeepKeep goinggoing untiluntil therethere isis onlyonly oneone personperson left.left. ThatThat personperson isis thethe winner!winner!


ChocolateChocolate ZucchiniZucchini MuffinsMuffins MakesMakes 1212 Muffins!Muffins!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --33 wholewhole eggegg whiteswhites --½½cupcup unsweetenedunsweetened applesauceapplesauce --2/32/3 cupcup lightlight brownbrown sugarsugar --11 Tbs.Tbs. vanillavanilla extractextract --11 cupcup zucchini,zucchini, shreddedshredded --11 ¼¼cupscups wholewhole--wheatwheat flourflour --¼¼cupcup bakingbaking cocoacocoa --11 tsp.tsp. CinnamonCinnamon --11 tsp.tsp. bakingbaking powderpowder

Directions:Directions: HeatHeat ovenoven toto 350350 degreesdegrees andand greasegrease 1212 muffinmuffin cupscups withwith nonnon--stickstick spray.spray. CombineCombine allall ingredientsingredients exceptexcept zucchini.zucchini. StirStir inin zucchinizucchiniandand mixmix well.well. FillFill thethe muffinmuffin tinstins ¾¾full.full. BakeBake inin thethe ovenoven atat 350350 degreesdegrees forfor 2020 minutesminutes oror untiluntil done.done.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5 #5 SquashSquash BowlingBowling

 Materials:Materials: 1010 emptyempty plasticplastic 22--literliter bottlesbottles (remove(remove labels),labels), 11 rounndrounndsquashsquash (like(like Acorn,Acorn, minimini--pumpkins,pumpkins, SpaghettiSpaghetti Squash,Squash, etc.),etc.), tapetape oror chalkchalk toto markmark startstart lineline

 HaveHave thethe kidskids setset upup thethe 1010 emptyempty plasticplastic 22--literliter poppop bottlesbottles onon aa flatflat surface.surface. EachEach playerplayer getsgets twotwo triestries atat knockingknocking thethe canscans downdown atat aboutabout 2020 feetfeet awayaway byby rollingrolling thethe squash.squash. IfIf oneone playerplayer knocksknocks allall thethe bottlesbottles downdown withinwithin hishis twotwo shotsshots hehe getsgets anotheranother turnturn toto addadd toto hishis score.score. TheThe totaltotal amountamount ofof bottlesbottles theythey knockknock downdown getsgets addedadded toto theirtheir score.score. YouYou cancan gogo upup toto 1010 completecomplete turnsturns andand thethe personperson withwith thethe highesthighest scorescore wins.wins. IfIf playedplayed outsideoutside onon thethe sidewalksidewalk useuse chalkchalk toto writewrite downdown theirtheir score.score. ThisThis isis aa greatgreat gamegame forfor kidskids toto practicepractice additionaddition inin theirtheir heads.heads.



Goals and Objectives The uniqueness of the pumpkin in relationship to other squash will be demonstrated. The various used for parts of the pumpkin, including seeds, blossom, and fruit, will be highlighted.

Talking Points Pumpkin is one of the most nutrient-packed foods available. The Ojibwe prepared pumpkin in various ways, eating the blossoms in soups, boiling the flesh of the squash, and roasting the seeds. The beta carotene found in pumpkins is helpful for diabetics to regulate blood sugar.

Food as Tradition While pumpkin is a variety of , it is included as a separate section because of the uniqueness of this squash. As we learned in the previous section, all squash has beta-carotene in it. However, pumpkin has one of the highest amounts. Pumpkin is also a traditional variety of squash for the Ojibwe. Sometimes, they would roast long strips of pumpkin on an open fire, but more frequently the pumpkin would be sliced and boiled along with meat and other foods. The seeds were used for both food and medicine. They used the dried pumpkin blossoms and corn silk to thicken soups and broths. Sometimes the small baby pumpkins or squashes at the base of female flowers were eaten as a vegetable and put in towards the end of cooking. Blossoms can also be fried as fritters and eaten with maple sugar for a special treat.

Food as Medicine Pumpkin is one of the healthiest foods. Previously, we learned that all squash is packed with beta carotene—an important blood sugar regulator for people with diabetes or prone to diabetes. Pumpkin is no exception! Just one cup of pumpkin is packed with potassium and fiber, and has more than 300% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin A. It's rich amount of beta-carotene may help slow aging and reduce problems related to type 2 diabetes, according to the American Dietetic Association. A study by the USDA indicated that diets high in pumpkin as a fiber source tended to curb the appetite yet provided more food for the same calorie count. The subjects in this study also absorbed less fat and calories from their food. Another important nutritional aspect of the pumpkin can be found in its seeds. Pumpkin seeds are sweet and nutty with a chewy texture. Roasted seeds are highly nutritious as well as tasty. The seed is a flat, dark green seed encased in a yellow-white husk. Pumpkin seeds are a very good source of the minerals phosphorous, magnesium and mangan ese. They are also a good source of other minerals including zinc, iron and copper. In addition, pumpkin seeds are a good source of protein and vitamin K.


PumpkinPumpkin PiePie SmoothiesSmoothies MakesMakes 88 SmoothiesSmoothies


--33 cupscups chilledchilled pumpkinpumpkin pureepuree or or pie pie fillingfilling --33 cupscups chilledchilled milkmilk --22 cupscups vanillavanilla frozenfrozen yogurtyogurt --44 Tbs.Tbs. FrozenFrozen orangeorange juicejuice concentrateconcentrate --¼¼cupcup sugarsugar --11 tsp.tsp. pumpkinpumpkin piepie spicespice

Directions:Directions: Combine all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth. Combine all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1 RingRing aa PumpkinPumpkin

 Materials:Materials: OneOne pumpkinpumpkin andand severalseveral hulahula--hoopshoops

 PlacePlace pumpkinspumpkins aboutabout 88--1010 feetfeet awayaway fromfrom playersplayers and and givegive themthem severalseveral hulahula--hoopshoops toto throw.throw. IfIf thethe hoophoop goesgoes aroundaround thethe pumpkinpumpkin theythey receivereceive aa pointpoint or or somesome type type of of smallsmall reward.reward.


PumpkinPumpkin DipDip MakesMakes 1212 servings!servings! WithWith GingerGinger SnapsSnaps

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 1010 ozoz packagepackage SilkenSilken tofutofu (soft(soft variety)variety) --1/21/2 cupcup MapleMaple syrupsyrup --11 tsptsp GratedGrated lemonlemon zestzest --22 TbspTbsp FreshFresh lemonlemon juicejuice (possibly(possibly more)more) --11 1/21/2 tsptsp VanillaVanilla extractextract --1/21/2 tsptsp CinnamonCinnamon ----groundground --1/41/4 tsptsp GingerGinger --11 PinchPinch GroundGround clovescloves --11 PinchPinch SaltSalt --33 cupscups SolidSolid packpack pumpkinpumpkin oror freshfresh cookedcooked pumpkinpumpkin oror squash* squash* ----(29(29 oz. oz. can) can) --88 GingersnapsGingersnaps (2(2--inchinch diameter)diameter) crushedcrushed with with rollingrolling pinpin --AA BlenderBlender Directions:Directions: **IfIf youyou planplan onon usingusing freshfresh squashsquash asas opposedopposed toto canned,canned, thenthen coocookk aheadahead ofof timetime.. InIn aa blender,blender, addadd thethe tofu,tofu, thethe maplemaple syrupsyrup andand allall otherother ingredingredientsients exceptexcept thethe squashsquashandand pureepuree untiluntil smooth.smooth. AddAdd halfhalf thethe squashsquash andand pureepuree again.again. TransferTransfer toto aa mediummedium--sizedsized bowlbowl andand beatbeat remainingremaining pumpkinpumpkin withwith aa whishwhish untiluntil thethe mixturemixture becomesbecomes creamy.creamy. TasteTaste ththee mixturemixture andand addadd moremore maplemaple syrupsyrup oror lemonlemon juicejuice asas needed.needed. ToTo sserve,erve, spoonspoon thethe moussemousse intointo bowlsbowls oror cupscups andand sprinklesprinkle withwith gingersnapgingersnap crumbs.crumbs. ServeServe immediatelyimmediately soso crumbscrumbs dondon’’tt turnturn soggy.soggy.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2 PumpkinPumpkin BalloonBalloon JuggleJuggle

 Materials:Materials: orangeorange balloonsballoons

 InIn aa circlecircle ofof 88--1010 youth,youth, throwthrow upup thethe twotwo orangeorange balloonsballoons intointo thethe airair andand askask thethe kidskids toto keepkeep thethe balloonsballoons afloatafloat byby usingusing theirtheir legs,legs, head,head, oror hands.hands. AddAdd balloonsballoons intointo thethe circlecircle oneone byby oneone toto seesee howhow manymany balloonsballoons thethe kidskids cancan keepkeep afloat.afloat.


EasyEasy PumpkinPumpkin MuffinsMuffins MakesMakes 1212 MuffinsMuffins

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 boxbox yellowyellow cakecake mix,mix, unpreparedunprepared --11 cancan solidsolid pack pack pumpkinpumpkin or or 1616 oz. oz. cookedcooked pumpkin,pumpkin, pureed. pureed. --11 teaspoonteaspoon groundground cinnamoncinnamon --½½teaspoonteaspoon groundground nutmegnutmeg --¼¼teaspoonteaspoon groundground clovescloves

Directions:Directions: PreheatPreheat ovenoven toto 350350 degrees.degrees. PutPut allall ofof thethe ingredientsingredients intointo aa bowlbowl andand stirstir untiluntil moistened.moistened. YouYou dodo notnot needneed anyany liquidliquid——onlyonly thethe pumpkinpumpkin andand cakecake mix.mix. StirStir well.well. DropDrop byby spoonfulsspoonfuls intointo lightlylightly greasegreasedd muffinmuffin pan.pan. BakeBake atat 350350 degreesdegrees forfor 1919--2323 minutes.minutes.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #3 #3 JumpJump thethe PumpkinPumpkin PatchPatch

 Materials:Materials: TwoTwo jumpjump ropesropes

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 55 oror moremore people.people. ToTo play,play, youyou havehave toto setset upup thethe pumpkinpumpkin patch.patch. YouYou dodo thisthis byby havinghaving twotwo peoplepeople holdhold twotwo jumpjump ropesropes thatthat areare aboutabout aa footfoot apart.apart. Next,Next, playersplayers taketake turnsturns tryingtrying toto jumpjump overover thethe pumpkinpumpkin patch.patch. IfIf theythey landland onon oror inin thethe middlemiddle ofof thethe jumpjump roperope--thethe pumpkinpumpkin patchpatch--they'rethey're out.out. WhenWhen everyoneeveryone hashas jumpedjumped once,once, playersplayers movemove thethe ropesropes aboutabout anotheranother footfoot apart.apart. TheThe personperson whowho isis ableable toto jumpjump thethe farthestfarthest withoutwithout fallingfalling intointo thethe pumpkinpumpkin patchpatch isis thethe winner.winner.


CreamyCreamy SpicedSpiced PumpkinPumpkin MakesMakes 1212 servings!servings!


--44 cupscups cookedcooked pumpkin,pumpkin, mashedmashed (use(use cannedcanned onlyonly ifif freshfresh isis unavailableunavailable oror toto savesave time)time) --88 Tbs.Tbs. orangeorange juicejuice --66 Tbs.Tbs. brownbrown sugarsugar oror maplemaple syrupsyrup --11 tsp.tsp. cinnamoncinnamon --½½tsp.tsp. nutmegnutmeg --44 Tbs.Tbs. smoothsmooth nutnut butterbutter (try(try cashew,cashew, sunflower,sunflower, oror almondalmond butter)butter)

Directions:Directions: StirStir togethertogether thethe firstfirst 55 ingredientsingredients inin aa saucepan.saucepan. HeatHeat onon memediumdium heatheat untiluntil justjust hot,hot, aboutabout 55--1010 minutes.minutes. YouYou cancan alsoalso useuse aa microwave,microwave, heatingheating onon highhigh forfor 11--1/21/2 minutes.minutes. StirStir inin thethe nutnut butterbutter untiluntil wellwell-- combined.combined. AdjustAdjust thethe spicesspices andand sugarsugar ifif desired.desired. ServeServe immediaimmediately.tely. Here'sHere's aa yummyyummy variation:variation: AddAdd raisins,raisins, walnuts,walnuts, andand aa fewfew sprinksprinklesles ofof pumpkinpumpkin piepie spicesspices suchsuch asas gingerginger andand allspice.allspice.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4 #4 HitHit thethe GardenGarden PestPest

 Materials:Materials: softsoft rubberrubber oror foamfoam balls;balls; tapetape oror chalkchalk toto markmark offoff playingplaying areaarea

 MarkMark offoff squaresquare playplay area.area. ThisThis isis thethe TheThe ballball throwerthrower willwill bebe inin thethe centercenter ofof thethe AllAll ofof thethe otherother playersplayers areare gardengarden pests,pests, likelike rabbits,rabbits, deer,deer, andand birds,birds, tryingtrying toto stealsteal gardengarden vegetables.vegetables. ThereThere areare safesafe zoneszones atat eacheach ofof thethe cornerscorners wherewhere allall thethe players.players. WhenWhen thethe throwerthrower callscalls ――AnimalsAnimals outout ofof thethe Garden!Garden!‖‖,, thethe gardengarden pestspests havehave toto runrun fromfrom oneone cornercorner toto anotheranother withoutwithout gettinggetting hithit byby thethe ball.ball. TheyThey cancan gogo anyany directiondirection includingincluding diagonaldiagonal asas longlong asas theythey dodo notnot getget hit.hit. AnyAny playerplayer hithit byby thethe ballball isis out.out. IfIf youyou havehave aa largelarge groupgroup youyou cancan havehave severalseveral ballsballs andand aa couplecouple throwers.throwers.


PumpkinPumpkin ButterButter MakesMakes 1616 servings!servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --¼¼cupcup brownbrown sugar,sugar, packed packed --22 Tbs.Tbs. granulatedgranulated sugarsugar --¼¼cupcup waterwater --½½tsp.tsp. allspiceallspice --¼¼tsp.tsp. gingerginger powderpowder --¼¼tsp.tsp. groundground clovescloves --¼¼tsp.tsp. groundground nutmegnutmeg --½½tsptsp cinnamoncinnamon --11 ½½cupscups cookedcooked andand mashedmashed pumpkin pumpkin (use (use canned canned only only if if fresh fresh is is una unavailablevailable oror toto savesave time)time) --WholeWhole--wheatwheat tortillastortillas oror wholewhole wheat wheat bread, bread, toasted toasted Directions:Directions: ThisThis reciperecipe onlyonly worksworks inin aa microwave.microwave. YouYou cancan useuse aa slowslow--cookercooker toto cookcook thethe mixturemixture down,down, butbut thatthat willwill taketake aboutabout 1212 hourshours onon low,low,stirringstirring onceonce everyevery hour.hour. ToTo makemake fastfast pumpkinpumpkin butter,butter, combinecombine everythingeverything exceptexcept thethe cannedcanned pumpkinpumpkin inin aa microwaveablemicrowaveable oneone quartquart bowlbowl andand mixmix well.well. MicrowaveMicrowave onon highhigh forfor 33 minutesminutes andand thenthen stirstir thethe mixturemixture.. MixMix inin thethe pumpkinpumpkin well,well, andand microwavemicrowave onon highhigh 55 minutesminutes longer.longer. ItIt shoshoulduld bebe bubbly.bubbly. LetLet coolcool slightlyslightly andand serveserve oror refrigerate.refrigerate. ThisThis willwill kkeepeep severalseveral weeksweeks inin refrigeratorrefrigerator oror cancan bebe frozenfrozen forfor longerlonger ThisThiscannotcannot bebe keptkept inin youryour pantrypantry--mustmust bebe refrigeratedrefrigerated oror frozen.frozen.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5 #5 PumpkinPumpkin VineVine

 Materials:Materials: softsoft rubberrubber oror foamfoam ballball

 StartStart outout withwith threethree peoplepeople toto formform aa vine,vine, havinghaving aa beginning,beginning, middlemiddle sectionsection andand endend withwith playersplayers placingplacing handshands onon waistwaist toto staystay attached.attached. TheThe remainderremainder ofof thethe groupgroup isis toto formform aa circlecircle aroundaround thethe vine.vine. TheThe objectobject isis toto trytry toto hithit thethe endend ofof thethe vinevine withwith thethe ball.ball. TheThe vinevine shouldshould movemove aroundaround quicklyquickly toto preventprevent thisthis fromfrom happening.happening. TheThe groupgroup shouldshould passpass thethe ballball aroundaround toto trytry andand outsmartoutsmart thethe vinevine inin orderorder toto getget inin aa shotshot atat thethe end.end. IfIf thethe endend ofof thethe vinevine isis hit,hit, thethe personperson thatthat hithit thethe vinevine isis nownow thethe beginningbeginning ofof thethe vine.vine. TheThe endend isis toto taketake thethe placeplace ofof thethe throwerthrower backback intointo thethe



Goals and Objectives A brief history of corn will be explained. Favorite ways to prepare corn in Ojibwe culture will be understood.

Talking Points Corn is one of the oldest cultivated crops and came from Central and South America. The Ojibwe grew corn in their summer gardens as part of the Three Sisters. Corn was eaten many ways, but the favorite way was to cook the corn with wood ash and turn it into hominy. The Ojibwe used a mano and matate to grind the corn into flour.

Food as Tradition Corn is one of the very oldest cultivated crops on this continent. Traced back to Central and South America, corn has served Native Americans as both drink and diet staple; its husks as dolls, masks, even fuel. Corn is considered a very sacred food in many cultures, as we learned from the Oneida Three Sisters story. Since corn generally has a growing season of 120 days, Great Lakes Indians in northern areas could not grow much corn except for short season flint corns. After the people had gathered their maple sugar, they built their summer houses and planted small gardens nearby. Because corn could be dried and stored through the winter, it provided a valuable supplement to the winter hunting.

Corn was boiled, roasted, and dried to be ground later and put into stews. The Ojibwe frequently prepared corn into hominy. Hominy is a specially prepared dried corn. First, ashes from burning hardwood are mixed with the corn. Then, the corn is dried and served in stews. The Ho-chunk steamed corn in an underground pit, putting in a layer of red-hot stones, a layer of husks, a layer of ripe corn, another layer of husks, and, finally, a layer of earth. Water was then poured in to help the steaming process.

The Ojibwe used a mano and matate to grind the corn. A matate (or metate) is the large stone on which the grain is placed. A mano is a smaller stone tool (or rock) used to grind corn or other grains. It is rolled over the matate to break down the grains into a powder.

Food as Medicine Corn is not only an important cultural food, it is also nutritious, containing vitamins C and K, phytochemicals, B vitamins, and fiber. Another bonus: Corn just may help to prevent cancer. According to a study by the American Dietetic Association, "One of corn's phytochemicals, cryptoxanthin, was shown in one study to offer a 27% reduction in lung cancer risk." There are many different colors and varieties of corn. Different colored corn represents different body boosting phytochemicals. Corn is also a good source of vitamin B1, vitamin B5, folate, , vitamin C, phosphorous and manganese.


CornmealCornmeal CookiesCookies MakesMakes 2424 CookiesCookies

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 stickssticks unsaltedunsalted butter,butter, roomroom temperaturetemperature --1/31/3 cupcup sugarsugar --1/31/3 cupcup honeyhoney --22 eggs,eggs, roomroom temperaturetemperature --ZestZest of of 11 lemonlemon --11 teaspoonteaspoon vanillavanilla extract extract --11 1/21/2 cupscups flourflour --11 cupcup stonestone--groundground yellowyellow cornmealcornmeal --11 teaspoonteaspoon bakingbaking powderpowder --1/21/2 teaspoonteaspoon salt salt

Directions:Directions: CreamCream butter,butter, sugarsugar andand honeyhoney togethertogether inin aa largelarge bowl.bowl. BeatBeat inin eggs.eggs. AddAdd lemonlemon zestzest andand vanillavanilla andand mixmix all.all. InIn anotheranother bowl,bowl, combinecombine flour,flour, cornmeal,cornmeal, bakingbaking powderpowder andand salt.salt. StirStir drydry mixturemixture intointo tthehe wetwet mixturemixture untiluntil wellwell combined.combined. CoverCover andand refrigeraterefrigerate thethe doughdough forforatat leastleast 33 hourshours oror overnight.overnight. PreheatPreheat thethe ovenoven toto 375375 degrees.degrees. GreGreasease 22 bakingbaking sheets.sheets. ShapeShape thethe doughdough intointo 11--1/21/2--inchinch ballsballs andand putput onon sheetssheets aboutabout 22 inchesinches apart.apart. BakeBake 1515 minutes.minutes. CoolCool onon racks.racks.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1 HandHand GrindingGrinding CornCorn

 Materials:Materials: DryDry corncorn kernelskernels––preferablypreferably flintflint corn,corn, rollingrolling pin,pin, hardhard stonestone oror woodwood surfacesurface

 PlacePlace aa handfulhandful ofof corncorn kernelskernels onon aa hardhard surface.surface. HaveHave thethe kidskids taketake turnsturns tryingtrying toto grindgrind thethe corncorn intointo mealmeal byby rollingrolling thethe rollingrolling pinpin overover thethe kernels.kernels. ItIt mightmight taketake somesome extraextra forceforce fromfrom anan adultadult toto getget thethe kernelskernels brokenbroken upup initially.initially.


HomemadeHomemade CornCorn CrackersCrackers MakesMakes 2424 crackerscrackers WithWith CheeseCheese

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 cupcup cornmealcornmeal --½½tsp.tsp. seasea saltsalt --11 tsp.tsp. granulatedgranulated sugarsugar --1/81/8 tsp.tsp. pepperpepper --22 Tbs.Tbs. flourflour --½½tsp.tsp. bakingbaking powderpowder --11 cupcup boilingboiling waterwater --11 egg,egg, beatenbeaten --22 Tbs.Tbs. butterbutter --22 Tbs.Tbs. gratedgrated parmesanparmesan cheesecheese --YourYour choicechoice ofof cheese,cheese, slicedsliced

Directions:Directions: InIn aa largelarge bowl,bowl, mixmix firstfirst 66 ingredients.ingredients. PourPour boilingboiling waterwater ovoverer thisthis andand mixmix well.well. AddAdd egg,egg, butter,butter, andand cheese.cheese. DropDrop byby tablespoontablespoon ontoonto aa parchmentparchment linedlined bakingbaking pan,pan, spreadspread thinthin withwith aa flatflat knifeknife andand babakeke atat 325325 degreesdegrees forfor 2020--2525 minutes.minutes. AllowAllow toto coolcool forfor 3030 minutes.minutes. ServeServe withwith youryour choicechoice ofof cheese.cheese.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #2 #2 Farmer,Farmer, FarmerFarmer

 Materials:Materials: TapeTape oror chalkchalk toto markmark offoff aa 1010 ft.ft. squaresquare

 AA playerplayer isis selectedselected toto bebe thethe ――farmerfarmer‖‖andand takestakes aa positionposition onon hishis handshands andand kneesknees insideinside aa 1010 ftft squaresquare (the(the field),field), pretendingpretending toto workwork inin thethe field,field, diggingdigging andand picking.picking. OtherOther playersplayers pretendpretend toto bebe animalsanimals tryingtrying toto stealsteal corncorn fromfrom thethe field,field, teasingteasing thethe farmerfarmer byby standingstanding inin thethe fieldfield areaarea oror runningrunning throughthrough TheThe farmerfarmer triestries toto tagtag anyany ofof thethe players.players. AnyoneAnyone whowho isis taggedtagged byby thethe farmerfarmer tradestrades placesplaces withwith him.him.


HoneyHoney CrackleCrackle CornCorn MakesMakes 1212 Servings!Servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --33 quartsquarts freshlyfreshly poppedpopped corncorn --11 cupcup slicedsliced almondsalmonds --½½cupcup butterbutter --11 cupcup lightlight brownbrown sugar,sugar, packedpacked --¼¼cupcup honeyhoney --11 tsp.tsp. vanillavanilla extractextract

Directions:Directions: PlacePlace poppedpopped corncorn inin aa largelarge shallowshallow roastingroasting pan,pan, sprinklesprinkle almoalmondsnds overover corn.corn. MeltMelt butterbutter inin aa saucepan,saucepan, stirstir inin honeyhoney andand brownbrown ssugar.ugar. Cook,Cook, stirringstirring overover mediummedium heatheat untiluntil mixturemixture comescomes toto aa boil,boil, ssimmerimmer withoutwithout stirringstirring forfor 55 minutes.minutes. RemoveRemove fromfrom heatheat andand stirstir inin vavanilla,nilla, pourpour mixturemixture overover corncorn andand mixmix well.well. BakeBake atat 250250 degreesdegrees forfor 11 hour,hour, stirringstirring everyevery 1515 minutes.minutes. RemoveRemove fromfrom ovenoven andand continuecontinue stirristirringng asas mixturemixture cools.cools.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #3 #3 PopcornPopcorn RaceRace

 Materials:Materials: cups,cups, rubberrubber bands,bands, paperpaper clips,clips, andand poppedpopped popcornpopcorn

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 66 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outside outside oror inin anan openopen area.area. FormForm twotwo teams.teams. ToTo setset upup thethe game,game, putput twotwo bucketsbuckets onon oneone sideside ofof thethe playingplaying fieldfield andand havehave thethe teamsteams lineline upup onon thethe otherother sidside.e. AllAll thethe playersplayers shouldshould attachattach aa cupcup toto theirtheir foot.foot. ToTo do do this,this, ppokeoke a a holehole inin thethe bottombottom ofof thethe cupcup andand pushpush aa rubberrubber bandband throughthrough thethe hole.hole. NowNow putput aa paperpaper clipclip throughthrough thethe rubberrubber bandband on on thethe insideinside ofof thethe cup.cup. ThisThis willwill keepkeep thethe rubberrubber bandband fromfrom slippingslipping out.out. PlayersPlayers shouldshould putput thethe rubberrubber bandband aroundaround theirtheir footfoot andand fillfill itit withwith popcorn.popcorn. ToTo play,play, playersplayers havehave toto racerace toto thethe bucketbucket andand trtryy to to dumpdump thethe popcornpopcorn intointo thethe bucketbucket withoutwithout usingusing theirtheir hands.hands. ThenThen,, theythey racerace backback toto theirtheir teamteam andand tagtag thethe nextnext personperson inin line.line. ThThee teamteam withwith thethe mostmost popcornpopcorn inin theirtheir bucketbucket inin oneone minuteminute wins. wins.


CornCorn PuddingPudding MakesMakes 88 servings!servings!


--11 1/21/2 cupscups cornmealcornmeal --44 cupscups waterwater --22 tsp.tsp. saltsalt --11 1/21/2 cupcup molassesmolasses --11 cupcup milkmilk --44 Tbs.Tbs. butterbutter --¼¼tsp.tsp. cinnamoncinnamon --¼¼tsp.tsp. nutmegnutmeg --¼¼tsp.tsp. gingerginger

Directions:Directions: BoilBoil thethe waterwater andand whiskwhisk thethe cornmealcornmeal intointo thethe water.water. LowerLower thetheheatheat andand simmersimmer untiluntil cornmealcornmeal thickensthickens (cornmeal(cornmeal willwill thickenthicken asas itit cooks).cooks). StirStir constantly,constantly, addadd butterbutter andand milkmilk

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4 #4 WheelWheel BarrowBarrow RaceRace

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outsideoutside oror inin anan openopen areaarea onon aa softsoft surface.surface. ToTo play,play, findfind aa partnerpartner andand decidedecide whowho isis goinggoing toto bebe thethe wheelwheel barrowbarrow first.first.

 ToTo makemake aa wheelwheel barrow,barrow, getget downdown onon allall foursfours andand havehave youryour partnerpartner standstand behindbehind HaveHave youryour partnerpartner carefullycarefully liftlift upup youryour legslegs whilewhile youyou supportsupport yourselfyourself withwith youryour hands.hands. OnOn thethe wordword "go,""go," racerace thethe otherother teamsteams toto thethe endend ofof thethe playingplaying field,field, switchswitch positionspositions withwith youryour partner,partner, andand gogo backback toto thethe startingstarting line.line. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto finishfinish wins.wins.


CornCorn andand BlackBlack BeanBean SaladSalad MakesMakes 66 servings!servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 cupscups corncorn kernels, kernels, (frozen (frozen and and unthawedunthawed works works best best --11 (16 (16 oz.)oz.) can can black black beans, beans, rinsed rinsed and and drained drained --11 red red bell bell pepper, pepper, diced diced --22 Tbs.Tbs. red red onions, onions, finely finely diced diced --44 Tbs.Tbs. oliveolive oil oil --11 lime, lime, juiced juiced --½½tsp.tsp. cumin cumin --¼¼tsp.tsp. salt salt --¼¼tsp.tsp. pepper pepper --22 Tbs.Tbs. cilantro cilantro (optional) (optional) --TortillaTortilla Chips Chips

Directions:Directions: CombineCombine allall ingredientsingredients well.well. ServeServe withwith chipschips andand enjoy!enjoy!

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5#5 CornCorn HuskHusk HopHop

 Materials:Materials: CornCorn HusksHusks (dried(dried preferably)preferably) forfor eacheach teamteam

 ThisThis isis aa gamegame forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outsideoutside oror inin anan openopen area.area. FormForm twotwo eveneven teamsteams andand givegive eacheach teamteam aa piecepiece ofof drieddried corncorn husk.husk. FreshFresh corncorn huskhusk willwill alsoalso work,work, butbut thethe relayrelay becomesbecomes moremore challengingchallenging whenwhen playedplayed withwith lighterlighter drieddried corncorn husk.husk. ToTo play,play, thethe firstfirst playerplayer ofof eacheach teamteam hashas toto balancebalance aa huskhusk onon hishis footfoot andand hophop toto thethe finishfinish lineline andand back.back. ThenThen thethe nextnext personperson inin lineline goes.goes. IfIf aa playerplayer dropsdrops thethe husk,husk, hehe hashas toto startstart over.over. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto finishfinish wins.wins.



Goals and Objectives The Three Sisters section is completed, and children will have an in-depth understanding of how the Three Sisters are grown and why they are grown together. Children will understand the importance of beans in the diet, as both a traditional food and a great source of protein.

Talking Points Beans are the third sister in the Three Sisters garden, providing nitrogen for the corn. Beans were eaten fresh in the summer and dried in the winter, in salads and soups. Beans are an excellent source of protein and fiber.

Food as Tradition Beans are the third and final sister in the Three Sisters garden. Their role in the Three Sisters garden is to help keep the soil fertile by converting the sun’s energy into nitrogen filled nodules that grow on its roots. As beans grow they use the stored nitrogen as food and they also insert nitrogen into the soil. The corn needs a lot of nitrogen to grow and so the beans give the corn an important boost.

Beans are also an important part of the diet. Fresh young beans were included in stews, while more mature beans were dried for the coming winter. By soaking the dried beans, boiling and adding a few additional ingredients such as animal fat or a bit of meat, families could stay well fed during the cold winter months. Traditional ways to enjoy them include succotash and bean salad. Beans of every stripe can also find their way into chili, soups, burritos, and tacos for more modern meals.

Food as Medicine Beans are considered to be tiny nutrient powerhouses. Along with being fiber-rich, they're good sources of cardiovascular-boosting potassium, B vitamins, and folic acid. An excellent low-fat source of protein, they're cholesterol-free, too.

Beans contain necessary amino acids that when combined with a starch, like corn, provides a complete protein. Traditionally, beans were used to provide a source of protein during the winter when game was made scarce by the weather. Today, they provide one of the cheapest forms of protein and fiber!


ThreeThree SistersSisters EnchiladasEnchiladas MakesMakes 1212 ServingsServings

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: ForFor EnchiladasEnchiladas ForFor BeanBean Dip:Dip: --1212 corncorn tortillastortillas --11 cupcup pintopinto beansbeans --VegetableVegetable oiloil sprayspray --22 clovescloves garlic,garlic, mincedminced --11 mediummedium onion,onion, choppedchopped --11 onion,onion, choppedchopped --22 clovescloves garlic,garlic, mincedminced --11 Tbs.Tbs. choppedchopped cilantrocilantro --11 redred andand 11 greengreen pepper,pepper, slicedsliced thinthin --11 cupcup fatfat freefree soursour creamcream --11 quartquart tomatotomato saucesauce --DashDash ofof pepperpepper --11 zucchinizucchini oror summersummer squash,squash, diceddiced --OliveOlive oiloil oror vegetablevegetable oiloil toto cover cover --22 tablespoonstablespoons cilantro cilantro (optional)(optional) bottombottom ofof panpan --½½cupcup shreddedshredded cheesecheese Directions:Directions: IfIf youyou areare usingusing drydry beans,beans, thenthen soak soak beansbeans overnight. overnight. BringBring toto aa boilboil andand simmersimmer untiluntil tender,tender, aboutabout 4545 minutes.minutes. Otherwise,Otherwise, youyou cancan useuse aa cancan of ofbeans.beans. InIn aa fryfry pan,pan, sautsautééonionsonions andand garlic.garlic. AddAdd beansbeans andand spices,spices, mashingmashing asas theythey cook.cook. RemoveRemove fromfrom heat.heat. PureePuree inin aa blenderblender andand addadd thethe soursour cream.cream. ForFor Enchiladas:Enchiladas: sautsautééonions,onions, garlic,garlic, pepperspeppers andand squashsquash inin oiloil untiluntil tender.tender. Add Add tomatotomato saucesauce andand cilantro.cilantro. TurnTurn heatheat downdown andand simmersimmer forfor 15 15 minminutes.utes. CoatCoat aa casserolecasserole dishdish with with vegetablevegetable oiloil sprayspray andand line line with with half half of of ththee tortillas.tortillas. SpreadSpread beanbean dipdip overover tortillastortillas andand toptop withwith cheese.cheese. YouYou maymay choosechoose to to useuse aa storestore boughtbought beanbean dipdip forfor aa timetime saversaver oror followfollow thethe beanbean dipdip recipe.recipe. AddAdd reremainingmaining tortillas.tortillas. AddAdd tomatotomato squashsquash saucesauce onon toptop andand bakebake coveredcovered forfor 11 hour hour atat 353500 degrees.degrees.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1 UnderUnder WhichWhich Finger?Finger?

 Materials:Materials: BeansBeans

 EachEach playerplayer willwill bebe givengiven 55 beansbeans andand thethe leaderleader willwill havehave aa supplysupply asas well.well. TheThe leaderleader willwill taketake oneone ofof thethe beansbeans andand foldfold hishis fingersfingers overover thethe bean.bean. TheThe otherother playersplayers willwill trytry toto guessguess whichwhich fingerfinger thethe beanbean isis under.under. IfIf thethe playersplayers guessguess correctlycorrectly whichwhich fingerfinger thethe beanbean isis underunder theythey willwill eacheach receivereceive aa beanbean butbut ifif theythey guessguess incorrectlyincorrectly theythey willwill eacheach havehave toto givegive aa beanbean toto thethe leader.leader. WhenWhen aa playerplayer hashas nono beansbeans leftleft thatthat playerplayer isis outout ofof thethe TheThe playerplayer withwith thethe mostmost beansbeans atat thethe endend ofof thethe gamegame isis thethe winner.winner.


SpinachSpinach BeanBean DipDip MakesMakes 22 ½½ cupscups ofof dip!dip! WithWith VeggieVeggie SticksSticks

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 1212 oz.oz. packagepackage ofof frozenfrozen creamedcreamed spinachspinach --11 cancan ofof refriedrefried beansbeans oror homemadehomemade beanbean pureepuree --AssortedAssorted vegetables,vegetables, suchsuch asas carrots,carrots, celery,celery, radishes,radishes, cucumber,cucumber, broccoli,broccoli, etc.etc.

Directions:Directions: CombineCombine spinachspinach withwith beans.beans. IfIf youyou areare preparingpreparing beanbean dipdip fromfrom scratch,scratch, soaksoak beansbeans overover nightnight andand followfollow directionsdirections forfor thethe beanbean dipdip inin thethe followingfollowing recipe.recipe. ServeServe withwith veggieveggie sticks.sticks.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #2 #2 TheThe ScoopScoop GameGame

 Materials:Materials: OneOne beanbean bag,bag, 22 plasticplastic oneone--gallongallon jugsjugs

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 22 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outsideoutside oror inin anan openopen area.area. ToTo makemake the the scoops,scoops, carefullycarefully cutcut thethe bottomsbottoms offoff thethe plasticplastic jugsjugs (it(it isis aa goodgood ideaidea toto havehave aa growngrown--upup dodo thisthis part).part). UsingUsing youryour scoopsscoops andand thethe beanbag,beanbag, beginbegin toto playplay catchcatch withwith youryour partner.partner. EachEach timetime youyou catchcatch thethe beanbag,beanbag, taketake oneone stepstep backwards.backwards. SeeSee howhow far far apartapart youyou andand youryour partnerpartner cancan gogo andand stillstill catchcatch thethe beanbag.beanbag.


BurritoBurrito BitesBites MakesMakes 5050--6060 ““BitesBites””

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --1010 whole whole wheat wheat tortillas tortillas --22 cups cups cooked cooked refried refried beans beans --22 cups cups shredded shredded cheese cheese --½½cupcup salsa salsa - ½ cup plain yogurt - ½ cup plain yogurt

Directions:Directions: SoakSoak beansbeans overnightovernight andand cookcook themthem aheadahead ofof time,time, bringingbringing toto aa boilboil andand themthem simmeringsimmering forfor aboutabout 4545 minutes.minutes. ToTo refryrefry thethe beans,beans, mamashsh themthem overover mediummedium heatheat addingadding oil,oil, oror useuse precooked,precooked, cannedcanned refrirefrieded beansbeans toto savesave time.time. LayLay outout aa wholewhole wheatwheat tortilla.tortilla. SpreadSpread aa bbigig scoopscoop ofof refriedrefried beansbeans onon thethe tortilla.tortilla. SprinkleSprinkle shreddedshredded cheesecheese over overthethe refriedrefried beans.beans. HeatHeat soso thatthat thethe cheesecheese melts.melts. RollRoll upup thethe torttortillailla reallyreally tightly.tightly. SliceSlice intointo 55 oror 66 slices,slices, andand dipdip inin salsasalsa andand plainplain yyogurt.ogurt.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #3 #3 JumpingJumping--BeanBean RelayRelay

 YouYou needneed atat leastleast 1212 peoplepeople forfor thisthis activity,activity, 66 players players onon eacheach EachEach teamteam willwill havehave thethe playersplayers lielie downdown onon the the ground,ground, faceface up,up, fannedfanned outout inin aa circlecircle with with their their headsheads facingfacing thethe middlemiddle ofof thethe OnOn ――gogo‖‖,, thethe firstfirst person person fromfrom eacheach circle,circle, getsgets upup andand runsruns aroundaround thethe circlecircle jumpingjumping overover thethe otherother teamteam members.members. OnceOnce around,around, thethe firstfirst personperson will will lielie backback downdown andand thethe #2#2 personperson willwill dodo thethe same.same. ThenThen youyou keepkeep playingplaying untiluntil allall thethe playersplayers havehave completedcompleted thethe task.task. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto completecomplete thethe cyclecycle isis the the winner. winner. ForFor added added funfun andand excitement,excitement, aa blindfoldblindfold cancan bebe passedpassed toto the the player player thatthat isis gettinggetting up.up. TheyThey cancan halfhalf walkwalk andand crawlcrawl aroundaround thethe circlecircle withwith membersmembers instructinginstructing themthem wherewhere toto go.go. AnotherAnother versionversion isis havinghaving themthem race/walkrace/walk backwards.backwards.


BlackBlack BeanBean andand MakesMakes 66 servings!servings! MandarinMandarin OrangeOrange SaladSalad

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 (10(10 oz.)oz.) canscans mandarinmandarin orangeorange segmentssegments --44 Tbs.Tbs. redred winewine oror appleapple cidercider vinegarvinegar --22 tsp.tsp. oliveolive oiloil --22 tsp.tsp. DijonDijon mustardmustard --½½cupcup mincedminced cilantrocilantro oror parsleyparsley (optional)(optional) --½½tsp.tsp. cumincumin --½½tsptsp pepperpepper --½½cupcup choppedchopped redred onionsonions --22 cloveclove ofof garlic,garlic, mincedminced --22 (10(10 oz.)oz.) canscans blackblack beansbeans

Directions:Directions: DrainDrain oranges,oranges, reservingreserving 33 Tbs.Tbs. ofof thethe liquid.liquid. MixMix thethe reservedreserved liquid,liquid, vinegar,vinegar, oil,oil, mustard,mustard, cilantro,cilantro, cumin,cumin, andand pepperpepper inin aa largelarge bobowl.wl. AddAdd oranges,oranges, cheese,cheese, onions,onions, garlicgarlic andand beansbeans andand tosstoss well.well.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4#4 ElevenEleven BeansBeans

 PlayersPlayers sitsit inin aa PlayersPlayers countcount offoff fromfrom 11 toto 1111 byby sayingsaying ――oneone beanbean……twotwo beansbeans……threethree beansbeans……etc.etc. TheThe personperson whowho countscounts offoff asas ――1111 beansbeans‖‖isis out.out. TheThe playerplayer toto thethe leftleft ofof thethe personperson whowho isis outout startsstarts thethe countingcounting inin thethe nextnext round.round. BeforeBefore thethe nextnext roundround begins,begins, allall playersplayers switchswitch placesplaces inin thethe KeepKeep playingplaying untiluntil therethere isis onlyonly oneone personperson left.left. ThatThat personperson isis thethe winner!winner!


CaesarCaesar GreenGreen BeansBeans MakesMakes 66 servings!servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 cupscups water water --¾¾lblb (3(3 cups)cups) greengreen beansbeans --¼¼cupcup CaesarCaesar saladsalad dressingdressing --22 Tbs.Tbs. drieddried cranberriescranberries

Directions:Directions: HeatHeat waterwater toto boilingboiling inin 22--quartquart saucepan.saucepan. AddAdd beans.beans. HeatHeat toto boiling.boiling. BoilBoil uncovereduncovered 55 minutesminutes oror untiluntil crispcrisp andand tender;tender; drain.drain. TossToss withwith dressing.dressing. PlacePlace beansbeans inin servingserving bowl.bowl. SprinkleSprinkle withwith cranberriescranberries.. Variation:Variation: youyou cancan substitutesubstitute slicedsliced toastedtoasted almondsalmonds oror freshlyfreshly gratedgrated ParmesanParmesan cheesecheese insteadinstead ofof thethe drieddried cranberries.cranberries.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5#5 CropCrop RotationRotation

 YouYou mustmust rotaterotate youryour cropscrops inin orderorder toto keepkeep thethe soilsoil healthyhealthy whenwhen growinggrowing vegetables!vegetables! BeansBeans areare aa greatgreat crop,crop, becausebecause theythey putput nitrogennitrogen backback intointo thethe soilsoil whichwhich otherother plantsplants useuse whenwhen theythey areare rotatedrotated wherewhere thethe beansbeans previouslypreviously were.were.

 ToTo playplay thethe game,game, markmark offoff fourfour cornerscorners ofof aa squaresquare inin aa playplay area.area. AA chalkedchalked offoff areaarea wouldwould bebe helpfulhelpful onon blacktop/sidewalk.blacktop/sidewalk. OneOne playerplayer willwill standstand inin thethe middlemiddle andand bebe thethe personperson thatthat isis TheThe otherother playersplayers (2(2--4)4) willwill eacheach standstand inin differentdifferent corners.corners. TheThe objectobject isis forfor thethe cornercorner playersplayers toto communicatecommunicate whichwhich twotwo playersplayers willwill switchswitch positionspositions withoutwithout beingbeing taggedtagged byby thethe playerplayer inin thethe middle.middle. IfIf aa playerplayer isis tagged,tagged, thatthat playerplayer isis thethe newnew middlemiddle player.player.



Goals and Objectives Children will understand how crab apples were used traditionally. Children will learn the difference between native crab apples and the European sweet apple. Children will learn about the healthy benefits of apples, including what is just under the peel!

Talking Points Wild crab apples are a traditional food, although they are no longer as popular—today we eat sweet apples much more often! The sweet apple was brought to this continent by Europeans, and has been cultivated by many native tribes since then. Apples are very healthy—but make sure the peel is on. That is where most of the vitamins, fiber, and flavor can be found.

Food as Tradition Wild apples were a part of traditional diet, although they are sour and hard cousins of the apples that we think of today. The Ojibwe ate wild crab apples that grew in woods and thickets. The fruit would mature around September and October.

Crab apples are an excellent source of pectin, and their juice can be made into a ruby-colored jelly with a full, spicy flavor. A small percentage of crab apples in apple cider create an interesting flavor. The crab apple is not used as frequently as it once was though. Today, the European apple, brought to this continent by settlers, is a much more favored fruit. The native people of this content adopted the sweet apple, cultivating them extensively. Today, the sweet apple is one of the most popular fruits in the United States, grown in all 50 states. The great lakes region is home to ideal apple growing conditions. In the fall, apples are abundant and sweet as can be.

Food as Medicine Apples are often called ―Mother Nature’s fast food‖. They are nutritious and often inexpensive snack food options for people ―on the go‖.

Apples are a source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber can reduce the incidence of heart disease. The insoluble fiber in apples provides bulk in the intestinal tract, holding water to cleanse and move food quickly through the digestive system.

It is a good idea to eat apples with their skin, or use skin in recipes. Almost half of the vitamin C content is just underneath the skin. Eating the skin also increases insoluble fiber content. Two-thirds of the fiber and lots of antioxidants are found in the peel. Antioxidants help to reduce damage to cells, which can trigger some diseases. Most of an apple’s fragrance cells are also concentrated in the skin and as they ripen, the skin cells develop more aroma and flavor.


ApplesauceApplesauce andand MakesMakes 1212 ServingsServings CinnamonCinnamon SugarSugar ChipsChips

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: Applesauce:Applesauce: CinnamonCinnamon SugarSugar Chips:Chips: - 8 apples, various colors and varieties - 8 apples, various colors and varieties --44 Tbs.Tbs. brownbrown sugarsugar --1/31/3 cupcup maplemaple syrupsyrup --11 Tbs.Tbs. cinnamoncinnamon --1/31/3 cupcup waterwater --66 wholewhole wheatwheat tortillastortillas --22 Tbs.Tbs. cinnamoncinnamon --11 Tbs.Tbs. MapleMaple syrupsyrup - Graham crackers - Graham crackers --LargeLarge mixingmixing bowlbowl --MashedMashed potatopotato mashermasher


HeatHeat ovenoven toto 400400 degrees.degrees. MixMix sugarsugar andand cinnamon.cinnamon. BrushBrush oneone sidsidee ofof eacheach tortillatortilla withwith maplemaple syrupsyrup andand sprinklesprinkle withwith cinnamoncinnamon mix.mix. CutCut eacheach tortitortillalla intointo 66 wedgeswedges and place on baking sheet. Bake about 10 minutes, until golden and crisp. While and place on baking sheet. Bake about 10 minutes, until golden and crisp. While chipschips areare baking,baking, peel,peel, corecore andand chopchop applesapples intointo aa microwavemicrowave sasafefe bowl.bowl. OlderOlder kids and teens can chop the apples, but when working with younger kids, it is a kids and teens can chop the apples, but when working with younger kids, it is a goodgood ideaidea toto havehave thethe applesapples prepre--cutcut andand sittingsitting inin aa bowlbowl ofof waterwater soso thatthat theythey dondon’’tt brown.brown. TakeTake chipschips outout ofof thethe ovenoven andand letlet ToTo makemake thethe applesauce,applesauce, add water and lightly boil for 1 hour or microwave on high for 12 to 14 minutes. If add water and lightly boil for 1 hour or microwave on high for 12 to 14 minutes. If youryour microwavemicrowave doesdoes notnot turn,turn, thenthen rotaterotate thethe bowlbowl everyevery 44 OnceOnce thethe applesapples areare soft,soft, havehave thethe kidskids taketake turnsturns mashingmashing thethe apples.apples. SStirtir inin maplemaple syrupsyrup andand cinnamon.cinnamon. ServeServe warmwarm withwith thethe chips.chips.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #1#1

MessyMessy TwistTwist

 Materials:Materials: PlasticPlastic plates,plates, oatmeal,oatmeal, applesauce,applesauce, whipwhip cream,cream, puddpudding,ing, etc.,etc., paper, pencil, two small containers paper, pencil, two small containers

 What you need for this game is warm weather, so it can be played outside  What you need for this game is warm weather, so it can be played outside withwith nono shoesshoes on.on. ThisThis gamegame isis playedplayed likelike thethe gamegame ofof TwisterTwister bbutut withwith aa BIGBIG twist.twist. FillFill upup 66--1010 platesplates withwith thethe samesame itemsitems likelike oatmealoatmeal andand thenthen 66--1010 platesplates ofof anotheranother item,item, trytry toto havehave atat leastleast 55 differentdifferent itemsitems tthathat wouldwould givegive youyou 3030 toto 5050 plates.plates. IfIf youyou havehave aa largelarge crowd,crowd, havehave themthem playplay iinn shifts.shifts. OnOn aa sheet of paper make tags, which will be pulled out of two separate containers. sheet of paper make tags, which will be pulled out of two separate containers. OneOne setset ofof tagstags willwill namename thethe itemsitems inin thethe plates,plates, likelike pudding,pudding,whipwhip cream,cream, applesauce,applesauce, mashedmashed bananas,bananas, oror otherother itemsitems (try(try toto stickstick withwith nononn--stainingstaining items).items). TheThe otherother setset ofof tagstags willwill gogo intointo anotheranother container.container. TThathat willwill bebe whatwhat theythey willwill use,use, rightright hand,hand, leftleft hand,hand, rightright oror leftleft foot.foot. LayLay ououtt thethe platesplates inin rowsrows and have one person draw out a tag from each container. Players are to do and have one person draw out a tag from each container. Players are to do whatwhat thethe tagstags state,state, exampleexample isis VanillaVanilla Pudding,Pudding, RightRight Foot.Foot. IfIf anyany playerplayer fallsfalls oror failsfails toto getget aa plateplate beforebefore somesome elseelse getsgets it,it, they'rethey're outout ofofthethe TheThe lastlast standingstanding playerplayer isis thethe winnerwinner andand youyou cancan givegive himhim rightsrights toto hoshosee offoff otherother playersplayers ifif necessary.necessary.


MapleMaple SyrupSyrup BakedBaked ApplesApples MakesMakes 88 ServingsServings

With Granola With Granola

INGREDIENTS: INGREDIENTS: --44 largelarge bakingbaking applesapples --22 Tbs.Tbs. lemonlemon juicejuice --11 cupcup appleapple juicejuice - 1/3 cup dried currants or raisins - 1/3 cup dried currants or raisins --½½cupcup purepure maplemaple syrupsyrup --11 pinchpinch groundground clovescloves --11 pinchpinch groundground cinnamoncinnamon - 2 cups of granola - 2 cups of granola


PreheatPreheat ovenoven toto 375375 degrees.degrees. CoreCore apples,apples, removeremove seeds,seeds, peelpeel awaawayy aa

bitbit ofof skin,skin, andand stuffstuff thethe corecore withwith currantscurrants oror raisins.raisins. SetSet iinn anan ovenoven-- proof baking dish. Combine lemon and apple juice with spices and proof baking dish. Combine lemon and apple juice with spices and maplemaple syrup.syrup. PourPour overover apples.apples. BakeBake uncovereduncovered forfor aboutabout 4545 minminutes,utes,

bastingbasting often.often. AddAdd granolagranola toto thethe toptop tenten minutesminutes beforebefore removiremovingng

fromfrom oven.oven. LetLet coolcool forfor aboutabout 1515 minutesminutes andand sliceslice inin half.half.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #2 #2

PassPass thethe AppleApple

 Played like hot potato... have the children sit in a  Played like hot potato... have the children sit in a circlecircle andand passpass anan appleapple aroundaround thethe circlecircle whenwhen music music isis playing,playing, whenwhen thethe musicmusic stopsstops thethe childchild holdingholding thethe

appleapple sitssits inin thethe middlemiddle oror thethe "apple"apple piepie pot"pot" until until thethe musicmusic stopsstops againagain andand thethe nextnext childchild replacesreplaces thethe

first.first. YouYou maymay alsoalso chantchant "hot"hot apple,apple, hothot appleapple 1, 1, 2, 2, 3,3, 4,4, 5,5, 6,6, 7,7, 8,8, 9,9, 10"10" andand thethe childchild whowho hashas thethe appleapple onon

1010 isis inin thethe "apple"apple piepie pot."pot."


Fresh Apple and MakesMakes 44 cups!cups! Fresh Apple and Carrot Juice Carrot Juice

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --66 CarrotsCarrots --1212 ApplesApples - Juicer - Juicer

Directions: Directions: WashWash allall fruitfruit andand vegetablesvegetables beforebefore juicingjuicing them.them. ExplainExplain thatthatfreshfresh

juicejuice providesprovides usus withwith minerals,minerals, vitamin,vitamin, essentialessential fattyfatty acids,acids, carbohydrates,carbohydrates, proteinsproteins andand muchmuch moremore——allall ofof thethe factorsfactors thatthat areare vital to maintaining good health. Juices flush toxins from your body, vital to maintaining good health. Juices flush toxins from your body, improveimprove youryour immuneimmune system,system, andand areare aa greatgreat way way toto eat eat fruitfruit andand vegetables. Compare and contrast homemade fresh juice with store- vegetables. Compare and contrast homemade fresh juice with store- boughtbought juicesjuices andand sodas.sodas. JuiceJuice thethe applesapples first,first, showingshowing themthem tthehe insolubleinsoluble fiberfiber thatthat isis thethe ――wastewaste‖‖fromfrom thethe juicer.juicer. NextNext addadd carrotcarrot toto

thethe appleapple juice.juice. CarrotsCarrots areare richrich inin BetaBeta CaroteneCarotene andand improve improve ourour eyesight.eyesight. HaveHave thethe kidskids brainstormbrainstorm otherother juice juice combinations.combinations.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #3#3

PoisonPoison AppleApple

 Materials:Materials: 22‖‖foam,foam, atat leastleast 88 sq.sq. ft.;ft.; redred andand greengreen paintpaint oror tapetape

 MakeMake applesapples outout ofof 2"2" foam,12"foam,12" inin diameter.diameter. ColorColor 44 applesapples greengreen andand 44 YouYou cancan useuse coloredcolored tapetape aroundaround thethe circumferencecircumference oror sprayspray paintpaint thethe apples.apples.

 DivideDivide intointo twotwo teamsteams onon oppositeopposite sidessides ofof thethe playplay field.field. YouYou mmayay useuse bandanasbandanas oror flagsflags toto identifyidentify thethe twotwo teams.teams. EachEach teamteam getsgets oneone colorcolor ofof thethe apples.apples. TheThe objectobject isis toto hithit membermember ofof thethe otheotherr teamteam byby kickingkicking thethe applesapples atat theirtheir legs.legs. AnyoneAnyone hithit byby anan appleapple fromfrom thethe oppositeopposite teamteam isis outout ofof thethe WhenWhen oneone teamteam hashas beenbeen completelycompletely eliminated,eliminated, theythey lose.lose.


AppleApple SmilesSmiles MakesMakes 66 servings!servings!


--33 apples,apples, cutcut inin half,half, coredcored andand dede--seededseeded --33 Tbs.Tbs. peanutpeanut butterbutter --33 Tbs.Tbs. raisinsraisins


CutCut applesapples intointo wedges,wedges, aboutabout 44 wedgeswedges forfor eacheach half.half. SpreadSpread pepeanutanut

butterbutter overover oneone sideside ofof thethe appleapple wedge.wedge. PlacePlace raisinsraisins onon peanupeanutt

butterbutter likelike teeth.teeth. Variation:Variation: UseUse choppedchopped pecanspecans oror walnutswalnuts instinsteadead ofof or in addition to the raisins. or in addition to the raisins.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4#4

HideHide andand SeedSeed

 HaveHave thethe childrenchildren sitsit inin aa ChooseChoose oneone childchild toto hidehide anan appleapple somewheresomewhere inin thethe room,room, whilewhile thethe otherother children close their eyes and count to ten. Then tell the children close their eyes and count to ten. Then tell the childrenchildren individuallyindividually whetherwhether theythey areare "hot""hot" oror "cold""cold" toto the relation of the Apple. Allow the other children to the relation of the Apple. Allow the other children to havehave aa chancechance toto hidehide thethe Apple,Apple, andand telltell childrenchildren whetherwhether theythey areare "hot"hot oror cold".cold". ItIt maymay bebe aa goodgood ideaidea toto

discussdiscuss thethe meaningmeaning ofof hothot andand coldcold beforebefore youyou playplay thisthis


Apple-Bagel Sandwich MakesMakes 88 Servings!Servings! Apple-Bagel Sandwich

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --44 whole whole--wheatwheat bagelbagel slicedsliced in in half half --2424 appleapple slicesslices - 2 tsp. cinnamon - 2 tsp. cinnamon --22 tsp.tsp. sugarsugar --88 slicesslices ofof cheesecheese


Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees. You can use a regular oven or a Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees. You can use a regular oven or a toastertoaster oven.oven. PutPut thethe bagelbagel halveshalves onon aa cookiecookie sheet.sheet. PutPut 44 applapplee slicesslices

onon eacheach bagelbagel half.half. SprinkleSprinkle thethe cinnamoncinnamon andand sugarsugar overover thethe appapples.les.

PutPut aa sliceslice ofof cheesecheese onon toptop ofof thethe BakeBake thethe sandwichessandwiches iinn thethe oven for about 10 minutes or until the cheese starts to melt. Let cool oven for about 10 minutes or until the cheese starts to melt. Let cool before serving. before serving.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #5 #5

ApplesApples toto OrangesOranges

 Materials:Materials: OneOne apple,apple, oneone orange,orange, paper,paper, pencil,pencil, container, container, and and musicmusic

 PrintPrint outout slipsslips ofof paperpaper thatthat youyou willwill pullpull outout ofof aa container.container. EachEach slip slip will will be be labeledlabeled differentlydifferently asas follows:follows: ――beforebefore thethe appleapple‖‖,, ――thethe appleapple‖‖,, ――afterafter the the apple apple‖‖,, ――beforebefore thethe orangeorange‖‖,, ――thethe orangeorange‖‖,, andand ――afterafter thethe orangeorange‖‖.. YouYou mightmight want want toto do do aa couplecouple setssets incaseincase certaincertain slipsslips becomebecome detectabledetectable after after use.use. OnceOnce you you’’veve completed the slips place them in a container and mix them up. Have players completed the slips place them in a container and mix them up. Have players standstand inin aa circle,circle, givegive thethe apple apple toto oneone personperson andand thethe orangeorange ttoo someonesomeone across across thethe circle,circle, andand thenthen startstart thethe TheThe playersplayers areare toto passpass ththee fruitsfruits to to the the right right (clockwise)(clockwise) untiluntil thethe musicmusic stops.stops. WhenWhen thethe musicmusic stops,stops, pullpull ououtt aa slip slip of of paper paper andand readread IfIf thethe paperpaper statesstates ――beforebefore thethe fruitfruit‖‖,, thenthen thethe personperson who who isis standing standing to the left of that fruit is out. If the paper states ―after the fruit‖, then the person to the left of that fruit is out. If the paper states ―after the fruit‖, then the person toto thethe rightright ofof thatthat fruitfruit isis out.out. IfIf itit justjust statesstates thethe fruit,fruit, thenthen thethe personperson who who is is holdingholding thethe fruitfruit isis out.out. SoSo notnot onlyonly dodo youyou havehave toto worry worry aboutaboutholdingholding thethe fruit fruit butbut wherewhere itit isis inin thethe IfIf youyou havehave aa largelarge group,group, setset upupseveralseveral circles circles or or a a circlecircle withinwithin aa circlecircle would would bebe VariationsVariations toto thethe gamegame thathatt make make this this a a little little

moremore physicallyphysically challengingchallenging cancan be be passingpassing thethe fruitsfruits underunder thethe leg,leg, behind behind thethe backback oror twirltwirl aroundaround onceonce thenthen passpass thethe fruit.fruit.



Papermaking with

Plant Dyes

Goals and Objectives

Children will learn how to make recycled paper. Children will understand how the Ojibwe used plants to make dyes.

Children will explore the dyeing qualities of different plant materials which are mixed with hot


Talking Points

Paper consists of plant fibers such as wood pulp or cotton that can be repeatedly re-used to make new paper.

People have been dyeing materials for over 5,000 years. The earliest dyes all came from natural ingredients. The Ojibwe people used many plants to dye with.

Brainstorm dye ideas with the children. Here are some starters: Blue— leaves from purple

cabbage, elderberries, leaves and stems from tomatoes; Purple— wild grapes, mulberries,

blueberries; Red/pink— purple or red cabbage, red onion peels, cranberries, choke cherries, beets; Orange— turmeric, sunflower leaves; Yellow—goldenrod flowers, marigolds, dandelions,

yellow onion peels, alder and birch leaves; Green— spinach leaves, carrot leaves, ferns (ostrich or

fiddlehead fern is best); Brown/Black—coffee grounds, black sunflower shells, black walnut hulls.

Remember that these are just ideas… so experiment!


For Paper: For Plant Dyes: Scrap paper (this can be provided by the 2 cups of desired plant dye materials (see list adult or have the kids bring in from home) in Talking Points)

Buckets or bowls 1 quart water Hot tap water Stove or heating source

Rustproof fly screen Large enamel or stainless steel (not Shallow pan aluminum) pot

Blender or food processor Sturdy wooden or plastic spoon or masher Cloth towels or newspaper Sieve or strainer

Sponge Large bowl (not aluminum to collect dye Rolling pin Homemade paper to dye Electric iron Small seeds (carrots or lettuce)



Papermaking with

Plant Dyes


For Paper: 1. Tear paper scraps into 1‖ pieces. Fill the buckets or bowls with one part paper and two parts hot tap water.

Let stand while preparing next step. 2. Cut the screen into a rectangle equal to the size you want your paper to be plus a 2‖ border all around. Fold in ¾‖ of screen along each side. Repeat the folds to create a frame around the screen.

3. Put the torn paper into the blender or food processor and blend it until you no longer see individual pieces of paper (this is the pulp).

4. Pour the pulp into a shallow pan. 5. Slide the screen into the pan and gently shake it back and forth to get an even layer of pulp on the top of the

screen. The thickness of the pulp in the pan will determine the thickness of the paper. You may need to experiment 6. Lift the screen out of the mixture, keeping it flat. Sprinkle seeds on the paper. You can plant the paper after

it has dried and food will grow! This makes a great gift. 7. Allow it to drip over the tub until most of the water has drained through. You should have a uniform layer of

the pulp mixture on the screen. Press the pulp gently with your hand to squeeze out excess moisture. Soak up excess water from the bottom of the screen with a sponge.

8. Place clean dishtowels, felt, or newspaper on a flat surface and flip the screen paper-side-down on the cloth. Lift the screen gently, leaving behind the paper. 9. Cover the paper with another cloth or piece of felt, and squeeze out moisture using a rolling pin. Place the

sheets out of the way to dry. You may want to let the paper dry overnight. 10. When the paper is mostly dry, you may want to use an iron at a medium dry setting. When the paper is dry,

pull the cloth gently from both ends, stretching it to loosen the paper from the cloth. Gently peel off the paper. 11. Try dyeing the paper with the following activity!

For Dyes: 1. Combine the two cups of desired plant (see above list in Talking Points for plant list) with one quart of water in the pot.

2. Lightly boil for 15 minutes. 3. Crush the plant gently to remove pigment. If you are using berries, try a potato masher.

4. Lightly boil for another 15 minutes, crushing and stirring. 5. If the color seems weak, add more of the plant and continue crushing until the color gets stronger.

6. Strain the mixture into a bowl and let cool. 7. Put different colors of dyes in bowls with paintbrushes for each color. 8. Have the children paint the paper with the dyes. Do not soak paper in dyes, as this will cause the paper to disintegrate.


Section Four



December: Manidoo-giizisoons (Little Spirit moon)

January: Gichi-manidoo-giizis (Great Spirit moon)

February: Namebini-giizis (Sucker fish moon)


Black Walnuts

Goals and Objectives Children will learn what types of nuts were eaten regionally and will be able to compare the kinds of nuts that they eat today. Children will understand why nuts are an important part of the diet.

Talking Points The Ojibwe ate many different types of nuts. What types of nuts are eaten today? Walnuts were an important source of oil and protein for the Ojibwe. They are an important source of oil and protein for us today too!

Food as Tradition The Northwoods is home for many delicious wild foods, as we have extensively explored in this guide. Some of the most delicious wild treats are nuts. Nuts that were eaten by the Ojibwe include acorns, chestnuts, butternuts, and hickory nuts. Two nuts that we still love to snack on today are included in this guide: walnuts and hazelnuts (or filberts). What other nuts do we eat today?

The black walnut tree has been prized for centuries for its beautiful hard wood. The fruit, or nut, of the tree has also been used as a source of food for many cultures. Black walnuts are native to North America and have an extremely hard shell. Walnuts were an important source of protein and oil for the Ojibwe. Adding walnuts to corn or rice greatly enhanced the food value of the meal, increasing the calories and vitamins. The walnuts would be husked and shelled or crushed, and then frequently they would be boiled to float off an oil emulsion that had a variety of uses. Nuts are a great snack! They are satisfying, due to their fiber content and light crunch. Substitute a handful of walnuts instead of chips next time—they stick with you longer and you are less likely to consume more calories throughout the day.

Food as Medicine Because of the shape of the Black Walnut, resembling the brain, the Ojibwe felt that this nut was a good source of ―brain-food‖ and an antidepressant. Interestingly enough, science agrees. Black Walnuts have been found to be one of the best sources of serotonin, a mood stimulator. In addition, ―more omega-3 fatty acids and fewer omega-6 fatty acids can help protect the cells of the brain from inflammation and improve cognitive function‖ (John Morley, M.D., St. Louis University). We also find that the hulls and leaves store a great deal of herbal compounds which can provide a protective antidote to electrical shock, electrocution, and lightening mishaps! Black walnut was also used to help destroy intestinal parasites, fungal infections, and as a topical antiseptic for acne, eczema, poison oak, and other skin problems.

Walnuts are a delicious source of unsaturated fatty acids, protein, fiber, and antioxidant vitamins like vitamin E. They are a source of omega-3 fat which has been shown to lower cholesterol, and may reduce the risk of heart disease.


MapleMaple NutNut BarsBars MakesMakes 1212 BarsBars

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --½½cupcup maplemaple syrup syrup --11 ½½cupcup butter butter --11 cupcup brokenbroken walnutswalnuts --44 Tbs Tbs, , sugarsugar --22 cupscups flourflour

Directions:Directions: TakenTaken fromfrom ――JiibaakwedaJiibaakwedaGimiijiminaanGimiijiminaan,, LetLet’’ss CookCook OurOur FoodFood‖‖aa collection collection of of recipesrecipes byby NativeNative Harvest,Harvest, CopyrightCopyright 2003,2003, MorrisMorris PressPress CookbookCookbooks.s.

BoilBoil syrupsyrup andand 11 cupcup butterbutter together.together. AddAdd pecanspecans andand setset thisthis mmixtureixture aside.aside. MakeMake aa doughdough ofof thethe sugar,sugar, ½½cupcup butterbutter andand flour.flour. LetLet doughdough restrest 2020 minutes.minutes. RollRoll outout doughdough onon aa sheetsheet pan.pan. CoolCool doughdough inin refrigeratorrefrigerator untiluntil hard.hard. SpreadSpread pecanpecan mixturemixture onon dough.dough. BakeBake iinn 350 350 degreedegree ovenoven forfor 2020 minutesminutes oror untiluntil pecanspecans areare goldengolden browbrow n. n. CuCutt intointo bars.bars.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1 SquirrelSquirrel andand thethe NutNut

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen area.area.

 ToTo play,play, markmark offoff anan areaarea toto bebe youryour playingplaying field.field. OneOne playerplayer isis thethe squirrel.squirrel. ThatThat personperson hashas toto scurryscurry aroundaround andand movemove likelike aa squirrel.squirrel. TheThe squirrelsquirrel isis toto gathergather asas manymany nutsnuts asas possiblepossible byby taggingtagging thethe otherother players,players, who who runrun aroundaround tryingtrying toto staystay awayaway fromfrom thethe squirrel.squirrel. IfIf thethe squirrelsquirrel tagstags you,you, thenthen youyou becomebecome aa squirrelsquirrel too.too. (That(That meansmeans youyou havehave toto scurryscurry likelike aa squirrelsquirrel andand trytry toto tagtag thethe otherother players!)players!) SquirrelsSquirrels andand nutsnuts areare notnot allowedallowed toto gogo outsideoutside thethe playingplaying area.area. TheThe lastlast nutnut leftleft isis thethe winner.winner.


FruitFruit andand NutNut BallsBalls MakesMakes 2424 FruitFruit BallsBalls

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --½½cupcup datesdates oror drieddried apricots,apricots, pittedpitted --½½cupcup raisinsraisins --22 Tbs.Tbs. cocoacocoa --22 Tbs.Tbs. honeyhoney --½½cupcup whole whole walnuts walnuts --½½cupcup sunflowersunflower seedsseeds --22 cupscups ofof groundground walnuts walnuts --½½cupcup drieddried coconutcoconut --FoodFood processorprocessor

Directions:Directions: GrindGrind togethertogether fruit,fruit, cocoa,cocoa, wholewhole walnuts,walnuts, honey,honey, andand sunflowersunflowerseedsseeds inin aa foodfood processor.processor. HaveHave thethe kidskids presspress thethe mixturemixture intointo smallsmall ballsballs (recipe(recipe makesmakes aboutabout 24).24). ThenThen havehave thethe kidskids rollroll thethe ballsballs inin tthehe walnuts,walnuts, coconutcoconut oror inin cocoacocoa powder.powder.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #2 #2 WalnutWalnut BallBall

 Materials:Materials: Whole,Whole, unshelledunshelled walnuts walnuts

 PlayersPlayers areare inin aa tighttight circle circle formation,formation, facingfacing in. in. Each Each is is in in n narrowarrow straddle straddle stepstep withwith thethe sideside ofof thethe footfoot againstagainst thethe neighbors. neighbors. Their Their hand handss should should be be placedplaced onon theirtheir knees.knees. TwoTwo walnuts walnuts are are used. used. The The object object of of the the gamegame is is to to roll roll oneone ofof thethe walnutswalnuts betweenbetween thethe legslegs of of any any player player before before they they ca cann get get their their handshands downdown andand stopstop EachEach timetime thethe walnut walnut goes goes between between the the le legsgs of of an an individual,individual, aa pointpoint isis scoredscored against against thatthat individual. individual. The The playe playersrs having having the the leastleast pointspoints againstagainst themthem areare thethe winners. winners. Be Be sure sure the the players players catchcatch and and roll roll thethe walnut walnut ratherrather thanthan throwthrow it. it. PlayersPlayers must must keep keep their their hands hands o onn their their knees knees untiluntil aa walnut walnut is is rolledrolled towardstowards them.them. Once Once mastered, mastered, a a variati variationon can can be be played.played. Variation:Variation: PlayerPlayer is is inin thethe centercenter with with a a walnut walnut and and is is ――itit‖‖. .The The other other playersplayers areare inin thethe samesame formationformation asas above. above. One One walnut walnut is is used. used. TheThe center center playerplayer triestries toto rollroll thethe walnut walnut throughthrough the the legs legs of of any any player player h hee or or she she chooses. chooses. TheyThey cancan fakefake theirtheir intent,intent, usingusing feintsfeints and and changeschanges of of directio directionn to to make make it it interesting.interesting. AnyAny playerplayer thatthat allowsallows thethe walnut walnut to to go go through through the theirir legs legs becomesbecomes AllAll playersplayers startstart with with handshands on on knees knees until until the the waln walnutut is is thrown. thrown.


Spinach,Spinach, Pear,Pear, andand MakesMakes 88 Servings!Servings! WalnutWalnut SaladSalad

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --88 cupscups freshfresh spinachspinach leavesleaves (about (about 2 2 bunchesbunches --22 riperipe pears,pears, coredcored and and chopped chopped --2/32/3 cupcup toastedtoasted walnutswalnuts --1/41/4 cupcup parmesanparmesan cheesecheese --½½cupcup orangeorange juicejuice --44 Tbs.Tbs. oliveolive oiloil

Directions:Directions: Wash,Wash, dry,dry, andand arrangearrange nicenice sizedsized piecespieces ofof spinachspinach onon saladsalad plaplates.tes. IfIf therethere areare anyany brownbrown spotsspots onon thethe pear,pear, cutcut themthem SprinkleSprinkle pepearar onon spinach.spinach. DivideDivide thethe toastedtoasted walnutswalnuts evenlyevenly amongamong thethe plates.plates. TopTop saladsalad withwith somesome ofof thethe cheesecheese andand quicklyquickly whiskwhisk togethertogether orangeorange juicejuice andand oliveolive oil,oil, gentlygently spoonspoon overover dressingdressing andand serve.serve.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #3 #3 WalnutWalnut KnockKnock DownDown

 Materials:Materials: 88--1010 paperpaper oror plasticplastic cups cups andand platesplates forfor each each team, team, One One walnut walnut fo forr eacheach teamteam  SetSet upup teamsteams ofof 88--1010 playersplayers inin lineslines facingfacing away away fromfrom thethe middlemiddle of of aa circlecircle abou aboutt 1515--2020 feetfeet away.away. InIn thethe middlemiddle ofof thethe circle,circle, somewhatsomewhat linedlined upup wit withh each each team team’’ss position,position, isis theirtheir pilepile ofof cupscups andand platesplates toto stackstack up.up. Each Each teteamam will will be be given given one one walnut.walnut. TheThe firstfirst playerplayer fromfrom eacheach teamteam will will runrun downdown toto thethe mid middledle where where their their equipmentequipment is,is, andand stackstack thethe platesplates and and cups cups alternatingalternating them, them, ha havingving the the cups cups faceface down,down, andand thenthen runrun toto thethe nextnext personperson toto dodo thethe same.same. TheThe nnextext person person will will runrun downdown andand unun--stackstack themthem and and thenthen rere--stackstack them.them. ButBut anyone anyone from from another another teamteam hashas thethe optionoption ofof usingusing theirtheir walnut walnut toto trytry toto knockknock down down aanyny other other team's team's stackedstacked pilepile toto setset themthem behind.behind. ThisThis isis donedone only only by by thethe nextnext ppersonerson in in line, line, on on theirtheir turn;turn; theythey cannotcannot gogo dodo theirtheir tasktask untiluntil thethe personperson behind behindthemthem has has retrievedretrieved thethe thrownthrown walnut walnut andand broughtbrought itit backback toto thethe If Ifaa team's team's cups cups areare knockedknocked down,down, thethe personperson thatthat stackedstacked themthem hashas toto returnreturn andanddodo it it again. again. So So thethe strategystrategy isis toto decidedecide ifif youyou shouldshould knockknock down down someonesomeone else' else'ss stack stack or or focus focus onlyonly onon youryour team'steam's progressprogress andand playplay itit TheThe firstfirst teamteam dodonene is is the the winner winner of of thethe


RedRed PepperPepper--WalnutWalnut DipDip MakesMakes 11 ½½ cups!cups! andand VeggiesVeggies

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --¾¾cupcup walnuts,walnuts, toastedtoasted --½½cupcup raisinsraisins --½½cupcup plain,plain, lowlow--fatfat yogurtyogurt --¼¼tsp.tsp. saltsalt --1/81/8 tsp.tsp. groundground redred pepperpepper --11 redred bellbell pepperpepper oror 11 (12(12 oz.)oz.) bottlebottle roastedroasted redred peppers,peppers, dradrainedined --AssortedAssorted vegetablesvegetables toto dip,dip, cutcut --FoodFood ProcessorProcessor

Directions:Directions: IfIf youyou areare usingusing aa rawraw bellbell pepper,pepper, youyou willwill needneed toto roastroast itit fifirst.rst. CutCut thethe pepperpepper inin halfhalf andand removeremove seeds.seeds. CutCut intointo quartersquarters andand placplacee oror aa bakingbaking sheet,sheet, bakingbaking inin anan overover atat 400400 degreesdegrees forfor aboutabout 1010 minuminutes.tes. PlacePlace allall ingredientsingredients inin foodfood processorprocessor andand processprocess untiluntil smoothsmooth.. ServeServe withwith cutcut upup vegetablesvegetables likelike carrots,carrots, bellbell peppers,peppers, broccoli,broccoli, andand cauliflower.cauliflower.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4#4 WalnutWalnut HockeyHockey

 Materials:Materials: EnoughEnough broomsbrooms forfor eacheach player,player, anan unshelledunshelled walnutwalnut

 ThisThis gamegame cancan bebe playedplayed inin anyany sizesize First,First, makemake twotwo goalsgoals oppositeopposite ofof eacheach other.other. YouYou startstart thethe gamegame withwith aa faceface--offoff inin thethe centercenter ofof thethe OpponentsOpponents attemptattempt toto hithit thethe walnutwalnut intointo thethe oppositeopposite goal.goal. TheThe goaliegoalie isis allowedallowed toto blockblock shotsshots inin anyany wayway theythey desire.desire. PenaltiesPenalties maymay bebe assessedassessed forfor delayingdelaying thethe game,game, holdingholding thethe walnutwalnut withwith handshands oror feet,feet, highhigh stickingsticking oror otherother unnecessaryunnecessary roughness.roughness. TheThe oppositeopposite teamteam maymay receivereceive aa freefree shotshot (except(except forfor goalie)goalie) onon goalgoal whenwhen penaltiespenalties occur.occur. ForFor largelarge groupsgroups limitlimit numbernumber ofof playersplayers andand substitutesubstitute onceonce aa scorescore isis made.made.


CrunchyCrunchy TunaTuna WalnutWalnut SaladSalad MakesMakes 22 cups!cups!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 (6(6 oz.) oz.) canscans of of albacore albacore tunatuna inin water water --22 greengreen onions, onions, thinlythinly slicedsliced --½½cupcup reducedreduced fatfat ranchranch dressingdressing --¾¾cupcup walnuts, walnuts, choppedchopped --22 cucumbers,cucumbers, slicedsliced

Directions:Directions: InIn bowlbowl combinecombine ingredients.ingredients. ServeServe onon slicedsliced cucumber.cucumber.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5#5 WalnutWalnut inin thethe ShellShell

 Materials:Materials: MusicMusic player,player, oneone hulahula--hoophoop

 ThisThis isis aa gamegame forfor 66 oror moremore players.players. OneOne playerplayer isis thethe referee.referee. PlayersPlayers standstand inin aa circlecircle holdingholding handshands withwith aa hulahula-- hoophoop hanginghanging onon oneone person'sperson's arm.arm. TheThe hulahula hoophoop isis thethe walnutwalnut shellshell andand thethe playersplayers areare thethe walnuts.walnuts. TheThe refereereferee startsstarts thethe musicmusic andand playersplayers passpass thethe hoophoop toto thethe nextnext personperson byby wigglingwiggling throughthrough PlayersPlayers mustmust keepkeep holdingholding hands.hands. TheThe playerplayer stuckstuck withwith thethe hoophoop whenwhen thethe musicmusic stopsstops isis out.out. ToTo makemake thethe gamegame moremore difficult,difficult, trytry playingplaying withwith twotwo hoops.hoops. TheThe goalgoal isis toto getget thethe walnutswalnuts inin andand outout ofof thethe shellshell——butbut youyou dondon’’tt wantwant toto bebe caughtcaught inin thethe shell!shell!



Goals and Objectives: Children will understand how the Ojibwe used hazelnuts, for food, medicine, and crafts. The importance of including some fats in the diet will be stressed.

Talking Points: The hazelnut was an important source of protein and oil for the Ojibwe. It was harvested and preserved for future use. Nuts are an important source of ―good‖ fats. Mono-unsaturated fats are those found in nuts and are important for a healthy diet. Saturated fats and trans-fats are those found in junk food, fast food, and other items that are not processed by the body in the same way.

Food as Tradition: The hazelnut, also known as filbert or cob nut, has native species that are widespread over North America. This nut was gathered and enjoyed frequently, complementing the nutty flavors of wild rice. Similar to walnuts, hazelnuts have a high amount of protein and oil and would be added to many foods to increase the food value of the meal. Hazelnuts were often dried and stored over the winter. In addition to a great food source, hazelnut stems were used for making baskets and brushes and the husks and shells were used to make a beautiful black dye.

Food as Medicine: The hazelnut has many medicinal uses. A tea was made from the bark and was used to treat hives and fever. A poultice was used to close cuts and treat skin disorders including cancer. A poultice was sometimes used to treat worms as well.

Hazelnuts are rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, iron, calcium and vitamin E. They are very low in sodium and sugar. Hazelnuts, like other tree nuts, contain no cholesterol. Over 80% of the total fat in hazelnuts is mono-unsaturated—a very healthy and important part of the diet. Mono-unsaturated fats support the brain and body to maintain healthy function.


WildWild RiceRice withwith HazelnutsHazelnuts MakesMakes 1616 servingsservings andand BlueberriesBlueberries

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 cupscups wildwild ricerice --55 cupscups waterwater --22 onions,onions, diceddiced --11 cupcup hazelnuts,hazelnuts, diceddiced --11 cupcup drieddried blueberriesblueberries

TakenTaken fromfrom ――JiibaakwedaJiibaakwedaGimiijiminaanGimiijiminaan,, LetLet’’ss CookCook OurOur FoodFood‖‖aa collectioncollection ofof recipesrecipes byby NativeNative Harvest,Harvest, CopyrightCopyright 2003,2003, MorrisMorris PressPress CookbookCookbooks.s.

Directions:Directions: WashWash wildwild ricerice andand combinecombine withwith waterwater andand onionsonions inin aa largelarge kettkettle.le. BringBring toto aa boil,boil, thenthen covercover andand simmersimmer forfor approximatelyapproximately 2020 minuminutes,tes, oror untiluntil mostmost ofof thethe waterwater isis absorbed.absorbed. AddAdd thethe hazelnutshazelnuts andand ddriedried blueberries,blueberries, mixingmixing thoroughly.thoroughly. Steam,Steam, covered,covered, forfor anan additionadditionalal 88 minutes,minutes, stirringstirring occasionally.occasionally. ServeServe

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1 BuryBury thethe NutNut

 Materials:Materials: OneOne hazelnuthazelnut forfor eacheach personperson

 TeamsTeams racerace againstagainst eacheach otherother whilewhile linedlined upup inin relayrelay formation.formation. TheThe ideaidea isis thatthat thethe playersplayers areare squirrelssquirrels buryingburying theirtheir nutsnuts undergroundunderground forfor thethe winter.winter. AllAll playersplayers spreadspread theirtheir legslegs inin straddlestraddle positionposition toto createcreate anan ――undergroundunderground‖‖ tunneltunnel forfor thethe squirrelssquirrels toto crawlcrawl through.through. EachEach playerplayer shouldshould havehave aa hazelnut.hazelnut. TheThe lastlast playerplayer fromfrom eacheach teamteam beginsbegins thethe relayrelay byby crawlingcrawling throughthrough thethe legslegs ofof theirtheir team,team, carryingcarrying theirtheir nutnut toto thethe endend ofof thethe ――tunneltunnel‖‖.. AsAs soonsoon asas aa playerplayer hashas crawledcrawled throughthrough thethe tunnel,tunnel, theythey areare toto dropdrop theirtheir hazelnuthazelnut atat thethe endend andand standstand upup soso thethe nextnext playerplayer cancan getget throughthrough hishis legs.legs. TheThe nextnext playerplayer followsfollows inin turn,turn, gatheringgathering thethe firstfirst hazelnuthazelnut asas theythey passpass andand addingadding itit toto theirtheir hazelnuthazelnut pile.pile. KeepKeep playingplaying untiluntil thethe teamteam isis backback intointo originaloriginal formationformation andand aa pilepile ofof hazelnutshazelnuts hashas beenbeen created.created. TheThe firstfirst teamteam thatthat completescompletes thethe orderorder andand havehave allall ofof theirtheir hazelnutshazelnuts inin aa pilepile isis thethe winner.winner.


HazelnutHazelnut TurkeyTurkey SaladSalad MakesMakes 1212 servingsservings onon CucumberCucumber SlicesSlices

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --½½cupcup cookedcooked turkey,turkey, finelyfinely choppedchopped --1/31/3 cupcup apples,apples, choppedchopped --22 Tbs.Tbs. lowlow--fatfat mayonnaisemayonnaise --11 Tbs.Tbs. celery,celery, slicedsliced --¼¼cupcup hazelnuts,hazelnuts, choppedchopped --11--22 cucumberscucumbers cutcut intointo ¼¼inin slicesslices

Directions:Directions: InIn aa smallsmall bowl,bowl, combinecombine turkey,turkey, apple,apple, mayonnaise,mayonnaise, andand celerycelery aandnd hazelnuts.hazelnuts. SpoonSpoon aa littlelittle turkeyturkey mixturemixture ontoonto eacheach cucumbercucumber slislice.ce. SprinkleSprinkle withwith remainingremaining nuts.nuts.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #2#2 HazelnutHazelnut RunRun RelayRelay

 Materials:Materials: 22 Hazelnuts,Hazelnuts, 88 orangeorange conescones

 SpaceSpace conescones evenlyevenly apartapart withwith twotwo rowsrows forfor eacheach teamteam toto havehave fourfour conescones onon thethe playingplaying fieldfield oror gymgym floor.floor. YouYou cancan makemake conescones outout ofof constructionconstruction paperpaper ifif youyou dondon’’tt havehave conescones andand dividedivide playersplayers intointo twotwo teams.teams. HaveHave thethe 1st1st personperson onon eacheach teamteam carrycarry aa hazelnuthazelnut whilewhile runningrunning backback andand forthforth throughthrough thethe conescones andand thenthen backback toto thethe startingstarting line.line. WhenWhen theythey returnreturn toto thethe beginning,beginning, theythey passpass thethe hazelnuthazelnut toto nextnext playerplayer inin line,line, dodo 1010 jumpingjumping jacksjacks andand thenthen thethe nextnext playerplayer inin lineline cancan go.go. FirstFirst teamteam finishedfinished wins.wins. IfIf youyou havehave aa bigbig fieldfield oror playingplaying area,area, youyou cancan makemake thethe kidskids runrun upup toto aa lineline awayaway fromfrom thethe teamteam andand pickpick thethe hazelnuthazelnut up.up.


HazelnutHazelnut TrailTrail MixMix MakesMakes 1010 Servings!Servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 cupcup hazelnutshazelnuts --11 cupcup ofof otherother mixed mixed nuts, nuts, such such as as cashews, cashews, almonds, almonds, walnuts walnuts --½½cupcup shreddedshredded coconut coconut --11 cupcup mixedmixed dried dried fruit fruit——Raisins,Raisins, cranberries, cranberries, cherries, cherries, apricots, apricots, apples,apples, etc.) etc.) --22 cupscups drydry cerealcereal——wholewhole grain, grain, lightly lightly sweetened sweetened --SmallSmall resealableresealablefreezerfreezer bags, bags, one one for for each each child child

Directions:Directions: PlacePlace eacheach ingredientingredient inin aa separateseparate container,container, aa bowlbowl or or plateplate w willill MakeMake suresure thethe kidskids washwash theirtheir handshands forfor thisthis one!one! Have Have tthehe kidskids makemake theirtheir ownown trailtrail mixmix byby pickingpicking outout ingredientsingredients toto putput inin ththeireir plasticplastic bags.bags. LabelLabel thethe bagsbags withwith namesnames ofof eacheach kid,kid, andand havehave tthemhem mixmix theirtheir bagsbags byby tossingtossing themthem toto eacheach other.other.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #3 #3 MusicalMusical ClothesClothes

 Materials:Materials: MusicMusic playerplayer andand bagbag filledfilled withwith aa lotlot ofof clothingclothing

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 44 oror moremore players.players. PickPick oneone personperson toto playplay thethe music,music, andand havehave everybodyeverybody else else standstand inin aa WhenWhen thethe musicmusic starts,starts, thethe playersplayers passpass aroundaround thethe garbagegarbage bag.bag. WhenWhen thethe musicmusic stops,stops, thethe personperson withwith thethe bagbag putsputs onon aa piecepiece ofof TheThe gamegame continuescontinues untiluntil thethe bagbag isis empty.empty. TheThe personperson wearingwearing thethe mostmost clothesclothes atat the the endend wins!wins! ThenThen everybodyeverybody hashas toto dance!dance!


HoneyHoney HazelnutHazelnut SpreadSpread MakesMakes 11 ½½ cups!cups!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 cupscups hazelnutshazelnuts --11 cupcup honeyhoney (whipped(whipped ifif available) available) --AppleApple slicesslices forfor dippingdipping --11 sliceslice ofof whole whole wheat wheat toasttoast forfor each each childchild

Directions:Directions: PlacePlace hazelnutshazelnuts inin aa singlesingle layerlayer inin aa 99--toto 1010--inchinch widewide panpan andand bakebake inin aa 350350 ovenoven untiluntil goldengolden throughoutthroughout (cut(cut oneone inin halfhalf toto checkcheck color)color) 1010 toto 1212 minutes.minutes. LetLet nutsnuts ToTo removeremove skins,skins, placeplace nutsnuts ininaa cleanclean toweltowel andand rubrub gentlygently toto loosenloosen peel.peel. TheThe nutsnuts dodo notnot needneed toto bebe completelycompletely skinned.skinned. PlacePlace nutsnuts inin aa foodfood processorprocessor oror blender.blender. Whirl,Whirl, pulsepulse onon andand off,off, justjust untiluntil finelyfinely chopped;chopped; dodo notnot whirl whirlintointo aa paste.paste. InIn aa bowl,bowl, combinecombine honeyhoney andand nuts;nuts; mixmix toto blend.blend. Serve,Serve, oorr packpack intointo smallsmall containerscontainers andand cover.cover. ThisThis isis greatgreat onon toasttoast oror fruitfruitslices.slices.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4 #4 HazelnutHazelnut RollRoll

 Materials:Materials: AA bigbig pilepile ofof unshelledunshelled hazelnuts,hazelnuts, tapetape toto markmark offoff goalgoal areaarea

 ThisThis isis aa gamegame forfor 22 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outsideoutside oror inin anan openopen area.area. MarkMark offoff aa goalgoal forfor eacheach TheThe goalgoal shouldshould bebe relativelyrelatively small,small, likelike 22’’xx 22’’.. PlayersPlayers dividedivide upup intointo equalequal teamsteams andand areare givengiven anan equalequal numbernumber ofof hazelnuts.hazelnuts. EachEach teamteam shouldshould bebe 1010 feetfeet awayaway fromfrom thethe goal.goal. PlayersPlayers cancan rollroll oror throwthrow theirtheir hazelnutshazelnuts intointo thethe goalgoal area.area. TheThe objectobject ofof thethe gamegame isis toto bebe thethe firstfirst teamteam toto rollroll oror throwthrow threethree hazelnutshazelnuts intointo thethe goalgoal withoutwithout thethe nutsnuts bouncingbouncing oror rollingrolling out.out.


NuttyNutty SandwichesSandwiches MakesMakes 1010 servings!servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --55 slicesslices ofof FrenchFrench breadbread or or pumpernickelpumpernickel bread bread --2020 slicesslices ofof cheese cheese --11 largelarge riperipe pearpear --½½cupcup honeyhoney --½½cupcup toastedtoasted hazelnuts,hazelnuts, coarselycoarsely chopped chopped

Directions:Directions: QuarterQuarter eacheach sliceslice ofof breadbread andand arrangearrange onon aa platter.platter. CutCut cheesecheeseintointo 2020 slicesslices placeplace onon bread.bread. CutCut pearpear intointo 2020 thinthin slices.slices. DrizzleDrizzle withwith honeyhoney andand sprinklesprinkle withwith hazelnuts.hazelnuts.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5#5 HazelnutHazelnut StashStash

 Materials:Materials: EachEach playerplayer willwill needneed oneone hazelnuthazelnut andand aa container.container. (You(You cancan useuse buckets,buckets, shoeboxes,shoeboxes, oror anyany otherother largelarge containers),containers), markersmarkers forfor startstart andand turnturn--aroundaround lines.lines.

 ThisThis relayrelay racerace isis forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen area.area.

 ToTo setset upup thethe game,game, markmark offoff startstart andand turnturn--aroundaround lines.lines. PutPut thethe containercontainer onon thethe turnturn--aroundaround line.line. EachEach playerplayer hashas toto racerace onon hishis handshands andand kneesknees withwith aa hazelnuthazelnut onon theirtheir back.back. WhenWhen hehe reachesreaches thethe container,container, hehe stashesstashes thethe nutnut andand runsruns backback toto hishis Then,Then, thethe nextnext personperson inin lineline goes.goes. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto finishfinish wins.wins.



Goals and Objectives Children will learn about sunchokes, or Jerusalem artichokes, an important food source for the Ojibwe. The unique technique of cooking sunchokes will be understood. The many important health aspects of this vegetable will be explored.

Talking Points The sunchoke is also known as the Jerusalem artichoke, which is not from Jerusalem or is an artichoke. The sunchoke has been harvested for centuries by Native Americans and can be fried, roasted, boiled or baked. The sunchoke is good for diabetics and has been shown to help regulate blood sugar. It is also helpful for many other reasons, including lowering cholesterol and alleviating asthma.

Food as Tradition The sunchoke, better known as the Jerusalem artichoke, is neither from Israel, nor is it related to the artichoke. It is the underground root (tuber) of the plant and, as with their cousin, the sunflower, sunchoke plants can grow quite tall, as high as 12 feet in some cases. The sunchoke has been harvested for centuries by the Native American Indians. Uncooked, they taste like water chestnuts; cooked, they are sweeter than potatoes but not as firm. It is delightfully crunchy when eaten raw and may be fried, roasted, boiled or baked.

The sunchoke, along with many other tubers, were traditionally cooked slowly for a long time in underground pits until the hard root was transformed into a highly digestible soft pudding-like substance. Today, the Jerusalem Artichoke is making a comeback! It is a popular addition to salads and stir-fries, and can be enjoyed just like a potato. Its sweet, crunchiness make it a perfect snack for both adults and kids.

Food as Medicine Sunchokes are great for people with diabetes or for those who are at risk for diabetes because of how they store their energy. While most carbohydrate rich foods store their energy in the form of sugar, sunchokes store their energy in a form of inulin, which is a starch that is not utilized by the body—so they are filling, but do not affect the body’s blood sugar levels. In fact, they can actually help regulate the body’s blood sugar. In addition, sunchoke flour is also recommended for those who are allergic to wheat and other grains.

Sunchokes are also a great source of iron, with 3.4 mg per serving. That is more than lean ground beef and about 19 percent of the Recommended Daily Value for iron. Sunchokes are high in iron, potassium, vitamin C thiamine, and are low-fat. They also have been shown to reduce blood cholesterol and decrease the incidence of colon cancer. They have been shown to relieve asthmatic conditions, treat constipation, and nourish the lungs.


JerusalemJerusalem ArtichokeArtichoke MakesMakes 88 servingsservings andand VeggieVeggie MixMix

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --33 cupscups slicedsliced JerusalemJerusalem artichokes artichokes (1/4 (1/4 ――slices)slices) --4040 babybaby carrots,carrots, washedwashed --1616 BrusselsBrussels sprouts,sprouts, cleaned cleaned and and cut cut inin half half --44 clovescloves garlic,garlic, peeledpeeled and and sliced sliced --11 ½½cupcup waterwater --VegetableVegetable cookingcooking spray spray

Directions:Directions: HeatHeat aa skilletskillet oror cookingcooking panpan toto mediummedium andand lightlylightly sprayspray withwith AddAdd carrotscarrots andand stirstir fryfry forfor 33 minutes.minutes. AddAdd remainingremaining ingredientingredients,s, covercover andand steamsteam untiluntil thethe veggiesveggies areare cookedcooked toto youryour likingliking (6(6 mminutesinutes cookcook themthem soso thatthat theythey areare quitequite crisp,crisp, 1010 minutesminutes willwill softensoften tthemhem more).more). WatchWatch thatthat thethe waterwater hashas notnot allall evaporatedevaporated andand youryour veggveggiesies getget searedseared onon thethe bottombottom beforebefore youyou finishfinish steamingsteaming themthem addadd aa bbitit moremore waterwater asas necessary.necessary.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1

ArtichokeArtichoke HeadHead

 Materials:Materials: JerusalemJerusalem ArtichokesArtichokes forfor eacheach teamteam

 DivideDivide intointo teams.teams. HaveHave oneone personperson atat aa timetime fromfrom eacheach teamteam putput aa JerusalemJerusalem ArtichokeArtichoke onon theirtheir head.head. TheyThey areare toto walkwalk downdown thethe coursecourse andand back,back, keepingkeeping thethe chokechoke on on theirtheir head.head. TheThe nextnext personperson doesdoes thethe same.same. IfIf thethe artichokeartichoke fallsfalls ofof thethe playerplayer’’ss head,head, theythey mustmust startstart fromfrom thethe beginning.beginning. TheThe firstfirst teamteam donedone isis thethe winner.winner.


JerusalemJerusalem ArtichokeArtichoke PancakePancake MakesMakes 88 PancakesPancakes

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 JerusalemJerusalem artichokesartichokes --11 Tbs.Tbs. lemonlemon juicejuice --22 Tbs.Tbs. butterbutter --½½cupcup mincedminced onions onions --22 eggs eggs --¼¼cupcup chopped,chopped, freshfresh parsleyparsley --½½tsp.tsp. saltsalt --¼¼tsp.tsp. pepperpepper --½½cupcup vegetablevegetable oil oil --½½cupcup applesauceapplesauce Directions:Directions: PeelPeel artichokesartichokes andand placeplace inin bowlbowl ofof waterwater mixedmixed withwith lemonlemon juicjuicee asas youyou InIn largelarge skillet,skillet, meltmelt butterbutter andand cookcook onionsonions overover mediummedium heatheat forfor aboutabout 22 minutesminutes or or untiluntil softenedsoftened butbut notnot browned.browned. Meanwhile,Meanwhile, inin mediummedium bowl,bowl, beatbeat eggseggs andand stirstir inin parsley,parsley, saltsalt andand pepper.pepper. StirStir inin onions.onions. UsingUsing finefine gratergrater oror gratinggrating attachmattachmentent ofof foodfood processor,processor, grategrate artichokes;artichokes; immediatelyimmediately stirstir intointo eggegg mixture.mixture. (If(If gratinggrating byby hahand,nd, grategrate artichokesartichokes backback intointo bowlbowl ofof acidulatedacidulated waterwater soso theythey willwill notnot darken.darken. DrainDrain welwell,l, thenthen drydry wellwell byby squeezingsqueezing inin teatea toweltowel oror paperpaper towel.).towel.). InIn skillet,skillet, heatheat halfhalf tthehe oil.oil. ForFor eacheach pancake,pancake, spoonspoon aboutabout 22 tablespoonstablespoons ofof batterbatter intointo skillet,skillet, leavingleaving atat lealeastst 11 inchinch betweenbetween pancakes.pancakes. FlattenFlatten withwith spatulaspatula andand cookcook overover mediummedium heatheat untiluntil goldengolden andand crisp,crisp, 33 to to 44 minutesminutes on on eacheach side.side. PlacePlace onon hothot platterplatter andand keepkeep warmwarm inin 250250°°FF oven.oven. AddAdd moremore oiloil toto skilletskillet asas necessarynecessary whenwhen cookingcooking remainingremaining pancakes.pancakes. ServeServe withwith applesauceapplesauce..

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #2 #2

Giants,Giants, Wizards,Wizards, andand ElvesElves

 ThisThis isis aa funfun chasingchasing gamegame withwith suspense,suspense, laughterlaughter andand exercise.exercise. ItIt isis likelike thethe gamegame ――paper,paper, rock,rock, andand scissors scissors‖‖ onlyonly itit isis playedplayed withwith thethe whole whole body.body.

 ExplainExplain thethe threethree optionsoptions andand thethe motionsmotions thatthat correspond:correspond: GiantGiant(brings(brings armsarms wayway up,up, roars),roars), ElfElf(bring(bring handshands toto ears),ears), andand WizardWizard(waves(waves wandwand andand yells yells ――kazaamkazaam‖‖).). TheThe giantgiant beatsbeats thethe elf,elf, thethe elfelf beatsbeats thethe wizard,wizard, andand thethe wizardwizard zapszaps thethe giant.giant. YouYou cancan countcount to to tenten oror playplay tenten secondsseconds ofof musicmusic andand havehave thethe kidskids movemove aroundaround thethe WhenWhen youyou yellyell ――freezefreeze‖‖oror stopstop thethe music,music, thethe childrenchildren pairpair upup andand posepose asas aa giant,giant, wizard, wizard, oror elf.elf. WhoeverWhoever winswins thethe roundround staysstays inin untiluntil therethere areare justjust twotwo left.left.


JerusalemJerusalem ArtichokeArtichoke MakesMakes 1010 Servings!Servings! andand CarrotCarrot SaladSalad

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 poundpound Jerusalem Jerusalem artichokes, artichokes, peeled peeled or or well well scrubbed scrubbed --11 poundpound carrots, carrots, peeled peeled or or well well scrubbed scrubbed and and trimmed trimmed --1/41/4 cupcup chopped chopped chives chives --22 tablespoonstablespoons chopped chopped dill dill --22 tablespoonstablespoons extra extra virgin virgin olive olive oil oil --33 tablespoonstablespoons freshly freshly squeezed squeezed lemon lemon juice juice --½½tsptsp salt salt and and freshly freshly ground ground black black pepper pepper each each --FoodFood processor processor

Directions:Directions: UseUse thethe slicingslicing attachmentattachment ofof aa foodfood processorprocessor toto thinlythinly sliceslice tthehe chokeschokes oror thinlythinly sliceslice byby hand.hand. ThenThen stackstack thethe slicesslices of of JerusalemJerusalem artiartichokechoke andand cutcut lengthwiselengthwise (julienne)(julienne) intointo thinthin strips.strips. PutPut thethe shreddingshredding atattachmenttachment onon thethe foodfood processorprocessor oror handhand--grategrate thethe carrots.carrots. PutPut vegetablesvegetables intointo aa mixingmixing bowlbowl withwith chiveschives andand dill.dill. MixMix remainingremaining ingredientsingredients inin aacup.cup. AddAdd toto vegetablesvegetables andand toss.toss. LetLet sitsit 3030 minutesminutes beforebefore serving.serving.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #3 #3 DigDig thethe ArtichokeArtichoke

 Materials:Materials: sockssocks oror ragsrags

 HaveHave playersplayers divideddivided intointo smallersmaller groupsgroups of of threes.threes. TwoTwo of of thethe playersplayers linklink armsarms andand becomebecome thethe ――wheelbarrow.wheelbarrow.‖‖TheThe thirdthird playerplayer isis thethe wheelbarrowwheelbarrow ――steerersteerer‖‖andand holdsholds ontoonto thethe wheelbarrow wheelbarrow by by theirtheir belts.belts. EachEach ――steerersteerer‖‖hashas aa ragrag oror socksock tucked tucked underunder theirtheir belt belt oror intointo theirtheir pantspants inin backback andand itit isis ableable toto comecome outout easilyeasily ifif pulledpulled——thisthis isis theirtheir artichoke.artichoke. TheThe teams teams areare linedlined up,up, backsbacks toto the the wall,wall, aroundaround thethe OnOn GO,GO, eacheach team team triestries to to ――digdig‖‖asas manymany JerusalemJerusalem ArtichokesArtichokes asas possiblepossible withoutwithout losinglosing theirtheir own. own. WhenWhen aa teamteam losesloses itsits artichoke,artichoke, itit isis outout ofof thethe OnlyOnly aa ――steerersteerer‖‖maymay grabgrab anan artichoke.artichoke. TheThe wheelbarrowwheelbarrow holdsholds on on toto the the artichokes. artichokes. TheThe teamteam thatthat keepskeeps theirtheir artichokesartichokes receivesreceives 2525 points points and and 5 5 po pointsints areare givengiven eacheach artichokeartichoke thatthat the the team team has.has.


RoastedRoasted JerusalemJerusalem MakesMakes 66 servings!servings! ArtichokesArtichokes

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --44 clovescloves garlic,garlic, smashed,smashed, thenthen choppedchopped --22 1/21/2 tablespoonstablespoons extraextra virginvirgin oliveolive oiloil --11 1/21/2 poundspounds JerusalemJerusalem artichokesartichokes --½½tsptsp eacheach ofof saltsalt andand pepperpepper --11 tablespoontablespoon choppedchopped parsleyparsley

Directions:Directions: PreheatPreheat ovenoven toto 500500 degrees.degrees. PutPut garlicgarlic andand oiloil inin microwavemicrowave--safesafe CoverCover withwith aa paperpaper toweltowel andand cookcook atat halfhalf pourpour forfor 22 minutminuteses oror roastroast inin ovenoven forfor 1010 minutes.minutes. SetSet aside.aside. PeelPeel JerusalemJerusalem artichokesartichokes andand cutcut intointo thethe sizesize ofof golfgolf balls.balls. PPutut inin aa shallowshallow roastingroasting panpan largelarge enoughenough toto holdhold allall inin oneone layerlayer comfocomfortably.rtably. StrainStrain outout garlicgarlic fromfrom oiloil overover thethe chokes.chokes. AddAdd saltsalt andand pepperpepper andand toss.toss. CookCook aboutabout 2020 minutesminutes (tossing(tossing onceonce oror twice)twice) oror untiluntil tentender.der. CookedCooked thisthis way,way, JerusalemJerusalem artichokesartichokes tastetaste likelike aa crosscross betweenbetween turnipsturnips andand potatoes.potatoes.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #4 #4

FollowFollow thethe LeaderLeader

 AA newnew twisttwist onon ――FollowFollow thethe LeaderLeader‖‖,, ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 55 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outsideoutside oror inin anan openopen area.area.

 ToTo play,play, pickpick oneone personperson toto bebe thethe leader.leader. EveryoneEveryone elseelse formsforms twotwo eveneven teams.teams. TheThe leaderleader standsstands atat oneone endend ofof thethe playingplaying fieldfield andand thethe twotwo teamsteams standstand onon thethe otherother end.end. WhenWhen thethe leaderleader callscalls outout commands,commands, likelike "hop"hop onon oneone foot,"foot," "crab"crab crawl,"crawl," oror "skip,""skip," thethe firstfirst playersplayers inin lineline mustmust dodo whatwhat thethe leaderleader says.says. IfIf thethe leaderleader says,says, "freeze,""freeze," playersplayers mustmust stopstop inin theirtheir trackstracks andand listenlisten forfor thethe nextnext command.command. AsAs soonsoon asas aa playerplayer returnsreturns toto the the startingstarting line,line, thethe nextnext playerplayer inin lineline goes.goes. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto finishfinish wins.wins.


ChickenChicken SaladSalad withwith MakesMakes 66 servings!servings! JerusalemJerusalem ArtichokesArtichokes INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --1/41/4 cupcup lowlow--fatfat mayonnaisemayonnaise --1/31/3 cupcup nonnon--fatfat soursour creamcream oror yogurtyogurt --11 tablespoontablespoon DijonDijon mustardmustard --JuiceJuice ofof 11 limelime --1/41/4 cupcup choppedchopped cilantrocilantro (optional)(optional) --½½tsp.tsp. saltsalt --½½tsp.tsp. pepperpepper --11 poundpound JerusalemJerusalem artichokes,artichokes, scrubbedscrubbed oror peeledpeeled --11 poundpound cookedcooked skinlessskinless chickenchicken oror turkeyturkey breastbreast cut cut intointo 1/21/2--inchinch cubescubes --11 redred bellbell pepper,pepper, choppedchopped --11 bunchbunch scallions,scallions, trimmedtrimmed (white(white andand 11 inchinch ofof green)green) andand cutcut intointo thinthin slicesslices (optional)(optional)

Directions:Directions: MixMix firstfirst sevenseven ingredientsingredients inin aa smallsmall bowl.bowl. SetSet aside.aside. CutCut JeruJerusalemsalem artichokesartichokes intointo aa combinationcombination ofof veryvery thinthin slicesslices andand 11/211/2--inchinch matchmatch sticks.sticks. CombineCombine JerusalemJerusalem artichokes,artichokes, chicken,chicken, pepperspeppers andand scallscallionsions inin aa bowl.bowl. SeasonSeason withwith saltsalt andand pepper.pepper. AddAdd dressingdressing andand mixmix well.well. RefrigerateRefrigerate atat leastleast oneone hourhour beforebefore serving.serving. BringBring toto roomroom temperaturetemperature forfor servingserving

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5#5

JerusalemJerusalem ArtichokeArtichoke RelayRelay

 Materials:Materials: twotwo traystrays andand lotslots ofof JerusalemJerusalem ArtichokesArtichokes

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 66 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen area.area. FormForm twotwo teams.teams. TheThe firstfirst personperson onon eacheach teamteam hashas toto putput halfhalf ofof thethe artichokesartichokes onon thethe traytray andand thenthen balancebalance itit whilewhile runningrunning toto thethe endend ofof thethe playingplaying fieldfield andand back.back. IfIf aa playerplayer dropsdrops anyany ofof thethe artichokes,artichokes, sheshe hashas toto stopstop andand pickpick themthem up.up. WhenWhen sheshe getsgets backback toto thethe startingstarting line,line, thethe nextnext personperson inin lineline goes.goes. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto finishfinish wins.wins.



Goals and Objectives Children will learn about the many types of meats that made up a large portion of the Ojibwe diet and how deer, or venison, was hunted and used by the Ojibwe.

Talking Points Many different types of meat were eaten by the Ojibwe, such as elk, moose, and bear. But deer, or venison, is one of the most commonly consumed today. Ojibwe were excellent hunters, always respecting the animals they hunted by thanking it and using the entire animal. Venison was an is an important source of calories, especially in the winter, and also of iron—a much need mineral for women and children.

Food as Tradition The diets of the American Indians varied with the locality and climate but all were based on animal foods of every type and description, not only large game like deer, buffalo, wild sheep and goat, antelope, moose, elk, caribou, bear, but also small animals such as beaver, rabbit, squirrel, skunk, muskrat and raccoon; many different types of fish and shellfish; and wild birds including ducks and geese. The Ojibwe traditionally hunted many of these animals. However, many of these animals have disappeared from the area, preferring northern climates that are less populated. Elk and moose, for example, are much less part of the diet as they once were. Today, the most commonly consumed wild game is deer, or venison, along with fish and other small game.

The Ojibwe were extremely skilled hunters. They hunted all animals in a very careful way. Prayers of thanks and gratitude to the animal were extended before, during, and after the hunt. Food was hunted for the entire community. The entire animal was used, not just the muscle meats for food. The skin, or hide, of the deer was used to make clothes, shoes, and bedding. The meat was eaten fresh and dried in long strips to eat during the long winter. The fat of the animal was one of the most important sources of calories for the Ojibwe. Organs, tendons, and bone were all utilized as well. Nothing was wasted, as that would be an insult to the animal who had given its life. Venison was also an important part of feasts and gatherings. It was an important part of the Naming Ceremony for children, often served with wild rice. Today, hunting is still a widespread practice among the Ojibwe. While it is more common to use guns than arrows, many people still honor the animal in the old way and venison is a tasty part of the diet!

Food as Medicine Venison is perhaps one of the very healthiest meats in the world! It is a very good source of protein, while, unlike most meats, it tends to be fairly low in fat, especially saturated fat. Venison is a good source of iron, which is particularly of interest for women, who are more at risk for iron deficiency, especially if you're pregnant or nursing because your needs for iron increase. Growing children and adolescents also have increased needs for iron. Boosting iron stores is a good idea--especially because, in comparison to beef, a well known source of iron, venison provides well-absorbed iron for less calories and fat. Iron is an integral component of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the lungs to all body cells, and is also part of key enzyme systems for energy production and metabolism.


VenisonVenison JerkyJerky MakesMakes 2020 ServingsServings

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --22 lbs.lbs. of of venison, venison, ground ground --¼¼c.c. lightlight or or regular regular soy soy sauce sauce --11 Tbs.Tbs. WorcestershireWorcestershire sauce sauce --¼¼tsp.tsp. BlackBlack Pepper Pepper --¼¼tsp.tsp. GarlicGarlic Powder Powder --½½tsp.tsp. OnionOnion Powder Powder --11 tsp.tsp. HickoryHickory Smoke Smoke--flavoredflavored salt salt

Directions:Directions: (Double(Double thisthis reciperecipe toto useuse jerkyjerky inin nextnext activity)activity) CombineCombine allall ingredientsingredients inin aa largelarge bowlbowl andand kneadknead all all ingredientingredientss forfor atat leastleast 22 minutes.minutes. LetLet sitsit forfor atat leastleast 55 minutes.minutes. ItIt cancan sitsitforfor longer,longer, eveneven overover nightnight ifif needed.needed. UsingUsing aa foodfood processingprocessing gun,gun, loadload the themeatmeat inin thethe FillFill thethe dehydratordehydrator withwith thethe stripsstrips of of meat.meat. PlacePlacethethe dehydratordehydrator onon thethe meatmeat settingsetting (165(165 degrees) degrees) andand dehydratedehydrate for for approximatelyapproximately 88 toto 1010 hours,hours, dependingdepending onon howhow dry dry youyou want want youryour jerkyjerky

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1 ZookeeperZookeeper

 Materials:Materials: PlaygroundPlayground oror largelarge area,area, RopeRope oror chalkchalk toto markmark offoff goalsgoals andand zoozoo

 MarkMark offoff twotwo goalsgoals approximatelyapproximately 5050 feetfeet (15(15 meters)meters) apart.apart. BetweenBetween thethe goals,goals, offoff toto oneone side,side, havehave aa tenten--footfoot squaresquare forfor thethe zoo.zoo. ChooseChoose oneone playerplayer toto bebe thethe zookeeperzookeeper andand havehave them them standstand inin thethe centercenter ofof thethe playplay area.area. SecretlySecretly givegive eacheach playerplayer anan animalanimal namename toto bebe called.called. MoreMore thanthan oneone personperson cancan have have thethe samesame WhileWhile thethe hunterhunter isis inin thethe centercenter ofof thethe playplay fieldfield hehe isis toto callcall outout anan animalanimal HeHe willwill callcall outout animalanimal namesnames oneone byby oneone untiluntil hehe findsfinds oneone thatthat isis inin thethe Once Once aa playersplayers animalanimal namename isis calledcalled theythey areare toto runrun acrossacross thethe oppositeopposite goalgoal lineline andand thenthen return.return. WhenWhen thethe zookeeperzookeeper seessees thisthis hehe isis toto runrun toto thethe zoo,zoo, getget hishis net,net, andand returnreturn toto centercenter areaarea toto trytry andand tagtag thethe runningrunning animal.animal. TheThe netnet cancan bebe somethingsomething softsoft likelike aa piecepiece ofof foamfoam oror softsoft rubberrubber item.item. AnyAny animalsanimals taggedtagged areare takentaken toto thethe zoozoo andand sitsit untiluntil allall playersplayers havehave beenbeen called.called.


VenisonVenison Jerky,Jerky, CrackersCrackers MakesMakes 3030 crackers!crackers! andand CheeseCheese

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 boxbox of of wholewhole graingrain crackerscrackers (like (like Wheat Wheat Thins Thins or or Triscuts Triscuts)) --22 cupscups SlicedSliced CheddarCheddar CheeseCheese --22 cupscups VenisonVenison Jerky,Jerky, cut cut into into bite bite sized sized pieces pieces

Directions:Directions: PlacePlace cheesecheese onon crackerscrackers andand addadd jerkyjerky toto thethe

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #2 #2 DeerDeer TailsTails

 Materials:Materials: OneOne socksock forfor eacheach playerplayer

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen area.area. First,First, eacheach playerplayer hangs hangs her her socksock fromfrom herher backback pocketpocket oror waistbandwaistband (this(this isis herher "tail")."tail"). OnOn thethe word,word, "go,""go," eacheach playerplayer triestries toto taketake the the otherother players'players' tailstails withoutwithout lettingletting anyoneanyone elseelse getget hers.hers. WhenWhen aa player'splayer's tailtail isis takentaken oror fallsfalls off,off, sheshe hashas toto sitsit down.down. EvenEven thoughthough she'sshe's sitting,sitting, she'sshe's notnot out.out. SheShe cancan grabgrab thethe tailtail offoff ofof anybodyanybody who who runsruns IfIf sheshe getsgets somebody'ssomebody's tail,tail, sheshe cancan hanghang itit fromfrom herher backback pocketpocket andand startstart runningrunning aroundaround again.again. TheThe lastlast playerplayer standingstanding wins.wins.


VenisonVenison ChiliChili MakesMakes 1515 Servings!Servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 Tbs.Tbs. vinegarvinegar --11 cancan or or bagbag of of frozen frozen corn corn --11 cancan of of pintopinto beans beans --11 largelarge onion, onion, chopped chopped --11 cancan kidneykidney beans beans --22 lbs.lbs. Venison, Venison, cubed cubed in in ½‖ ½‖cubescubes (you (you can can also also use use venisonvenison sausage) sausage) --½½cupcup diceddiced green green pepper pepper (optional) (optional) --11 tsp.tsp. salt salt --¼¼tsp.tsp. pepperpepper --11 Tbs.Tbs. sugar sugar --11 (16(16 oz.)oz.) cancan of of tomato tomato sauce sauce

Directions:Directions: BrownBrown meatmeat andand oniononion inin aa heavyheavy skillet.skillet. TransferTransfer toto heavy heavy pot.pot. AddAdd allall otherother ingredientsingredients exceptexcept corn.corn. CookCook forfor atat leastleast 3030 minutesminutes,, lettingletting thethe flavorsflavors simmersimmer togethertogether forfor upup toto severalseveral hourshours stirringstirring asas needed.needed. AddAdd corncorn 2020 minutesminutes beforebefore serving.serving.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #3 #3 HunterHunter andand thethe DeerDeer

 ThisThisgamegame isis similarsimilar toto MarcoMarco Polo.Polo. ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 66 oror more more playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outsideoutside oror inin anan openopen area.area.

 ToTo play,play, pickpick oneone playerplayer toto bebe thethe "hunter""hunter" andand anotheranother player player t too bebe thethe "deer""deer" (The(The hunterhunter shouldn'tshouldn't know know who who the the deerdeer is, is, so so you you mightmight wantwant toto havehave herher leaveleave thethe roomroom whilewhile youyou pickpick the the deer).deer). TheThe restrest ofof thethe playersplayers areare "trees.""trees." TheyThey formform aa circlecircle and and have havetoto standstand still.still. TheThe hunterhunter andand deerdeer areare bothboth blindfolded.blindfolded. They They cancan movemove aroundaround duringduring thethe game,game, butbut can'tcan't gogo outout of of the the circle. circle. Th Thee objectobject ofof thethe gamegame isis forfor thethe hunterhunter toto useuse soundsound toto catchcatch the the d deer.eer. WhenWhen thethe hunterhunter callscalls outout "echo,""echo," thethe deerdeer answersanswers "deer". "deer". All All o otherther playersplayers answeranswer "tree"."tree". OnceOnce thethe hunterhunter tagstags the the deer,deer, the the deer deer becomesbecomes thethe hunterhunter andand aa newnew deerdeer isis picked.picked.


LittleLittle PorcupinesPorcupines MakesMakes 2020 meatballs!meatballs!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 lblb groundground venisonvenison - 1/3 cup uncooked wild rice - 1/3 cup uncooked wild rice --11 smallsmall oniononion mincedminced veryvery finefine --11 seededseeded greengreen pepperpepper mincedminced veryvery finefine --11 tsptsp saltsalt - 1/4 tsp pepper - 1/4 tsp pepper --11 (16(16 oz.)oz.) cancan ofof tomatoestomatoes --11 (8(8 oz.)oz.) cancan ofof tomatotomato soupsoup


CombineCombine meat,meat, uncookeduncooked rice,rice, onion,onion, greengreen pepper,pepper, salt,salt, pepper,pepper, mixmix

thoroughly.thoroughly. ShapeShape intointo 1&1& firmfirm meatmeat balls.balls. BringBring soupsoup andand tomatotomatoeses inin

theirtheir liquidliquid toto aa boilboil inin fryfry panpan withwith tighttight cover,cover, putput inin meatmeat balls,balls, reduce to very slow simmer. Simmer tightly until done with rice reduce to very slow simmer. Simmer tightly until done with rice poppingpopping outout ofof ballsballs likelike porkyporky quillsquills ----aboutabout 4040--4545 minutes.minutes.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4#4

WhatWhat TimeTime isis itit Mr.Mr. WolfWolf

 ThisThisgamegame shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin aa largelarge openopen area.area. PickPick oneone playerplayer totobebe the wolf and that player will stand with their back turned to the others the wolf and that player will stand with their back turned to the others aboutabout 1010 ft.ft. fromfrom thethe others.others. TheThe otherother playersplayers areare allall deer,deer, anandd theythey willwill callcall out,out, "What"What’’ss thethe timetime Mr.Mr. Wolf?"Wolf?" TheThe wolfwolf turnsturns toto faceface thethe othersothers andand shoutsshouts outout aa time.time. Example:Example: ――1010 o'clocko'clock‖‖.. TheThe deerdeer wouldwould thenthen taketake 10 steps toward the wolf. The group will take the same amount of steps 10 steps toward the wolf. The group will take the same amount of steps towardtoward thethe wolfwolf asas thethe amountamount ofof hourshours inin thethe wolfwolf’’ss time.time. Example:Example: 22 o'clocko'clock == 22 steps,steps, 66 o'clocko'clock == 66 stepssteps etc.etc. TheThe wolfwolf willwill thenthen tturnurn herher backback to the group again for them to yell "What time is it Ms. Wolf?" (The wolf to the group again for them to yell "What time is it Ms. Wolf?" (The wolf lookslooks atat thethe groupgroup onlyonly whenwhen thethe wolfwolf shoutsshouts thethe timetime atat thethe grogroup).up). WhenWhen thethe groupgroup getsgets closeclose toto thethe wolfwolf thethe nextnext timetime thethe groupgroup yeyellslls "What"What’’ss thethe timetime Mr.Mr. Wolf"Wolf" thethe wolfwolf willwill saysay 'DINNER'DINNER TIME"TIME" andand runrun after all the deer who are running back to the start line, and hopefully after all the deer who are running back to the start line, and hopefully catchcatch one!one! IfIf thethe wolfwolf catchescatches aa deer,deer, thenthen thatthat groupgroup--membermember willwill thenthen bebe thethe wolf.wolf.


Venison Tacos MakesMakes 66 servings!servings! Venison Tacos

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 ½½lbs.lbs. groundground venisonvenison - 1 (1 ¼ oz) package taco seasoning - 1 (1 ¼ oz) package taco seasoning --½½tsp.tsp. garlicgarlic powderpowder --½½tsp.tsp. oniononion powderpowder --½½cupcup waterwater - 1 (18 oz.) package of whole-wheat tortillas or hard taco shells - 1 (18 oz.) package of whole-wheat tortillas or hard taco shells --¼¼cupcup cheese,cheese, shreddedshredded --¼¼cupcup tomatoes,tomatoes, diceddiced --½½cupcup lettucelettuce (try(try redred leafleaf oror spinach,spinach, avoidavoid Iceberg),Iceberg), shreddedshredded - 2 Tbs. plain yogurt or reduced-fat sour cream (optional) - 2 Tbs. plain yogurt or reduced-fat sour cream (optional) --22 Tbs.Tbs. salsasalsa (optional)(optional)


InIn aa largelarge skillet,skillet, fryfry meatmeat tilltill brown,brown, drainingdraining fat.fat. SprinkleSprinkle thethe meatmeat

withwith garlicgarlic powderpowder andand oniononion powder,powder, andand addadd seasoningseasoning andand 1/21/2 ccupup

water.water. TurnTurn thethe heatheat downdown toto lowlow andand simmersimmer forfor 1515 minutes.minutes. LayLay outout

aa tortillatortilla oror tacotaco shellshell andand fillfill withwith meat,meat, cheese,cheese, tomatotomato andand lettuce.lettuce. Top with yogurt, sour cream or salsa. Also, try putting sprouts, Top with yogurt, sour cream or salsa. Also, try putting sprouts, avocado,avocado, oror otherother vegetablesvegetables inin thethe burritoburrito oror taco.taco.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #5#5

DeerDeer BallBall

 Materials: Two rubber balls, empty bottles or cones to Materials: Two rubber balls, empty bottles or cones to markmark coursecourse

 ThisThisgamegame isis forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen areaarea onon aa softsoft surface.surface. First,First, markmark thethe endend ofof

youryour course,course, whichwhich shouldshould bebe aboutabout 1515 feetfeet long.long. SplitSplit intointo twotwo eveneven teams.teams. OnOn thethe wordword "go,""go," thethe firstfirst playerplayer ofof each team has to bark, get on her hands and knees and each team has to bark, get on her hands and knees and useuse herher nosenose oror foreheadforehead toto rollroll thethe ballball toto thethe endend ofof thethe course,course, aroundaround thethe markermarker andand back.back. WhenWhen playersplayers getget

backback toto theirtheir team,team, theythey tagtag thethe nextnext personperson inin line.line. EveryEvery playerplayer mustmust hophop upup likelike aa deerdeer beforebefore theythey setset The first team to finish wins. The first team to finish wins.



Goals and Objectives

Children will learn about the wild turkey as a protein source for the Ojibwe.

Children will understand why protein is important to include in the diet.

Talkin g Points Turkey is usually associated with Thanksgiving, but it is a native species to North America and was

commonly eaten with wild rice by Ojibwe.

Wild Turkey was almost extinct in North America because of over-hunting and deforestation, but in the last thirty years it has been re-introduced.

Turkey is a great source of protein and other vitamins and minerals and is a low-fat protein choice.

Protein is what our immune system, muscles, and organs are made up of—keeping us moving and protecting us from sickness.

Food as Tradition

While we usually associate turkey with the pale domesticated bird that ends up as the main dish at Thanksgiving feasts in this country, the wild cousin of this bird once was a common forest dweller. The wild turkey is native to North America and was frequently hunted and eaten by the Ojibwe. The turkey was often prepared with wild rice or in a stew with corn, beans and other vegetables that were available. European settlers however, initially preferred to prepare turkey roasting and stuffing turkey, especially for special occasions like holidays or feasts, similarly to how we prepare turkey for

Thanksgiving. It wasn't until later that they would realize turkey's versatility and use it like Native Americans, in stews and soups and other dishes. Shortly after European settlers arrived, the wild turkeys began to be over-hunted, eventually disappearing from the Great Lakes region all together. But in the recent years, wild turkeys have been reintroduced to this area and are now roaming abundantly.

Food as Medicine

Today, most of us are familiar with the domesticated turkey. While the wild turkey is leaner and higher in nutrients, the domestic turkey is what most of us can find in the grocery stores. The grocery store turkey is still a healthy and popular protein choice. Protein is important because your muscles, organs, and immune system are made up mostly of protein. Protein builds up, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body. In fact, whether you're running or just hanging out, protein is doing important work like moving your legs, moving your lungs, and protecting you from disease. Turkey is low in fat, low in calories, and low in cholesterol when compared with other meats. That fat that is in turkey is mainly unsatura ted. It is an inexpensive source of iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and B vitamins. Turkey is an excellent source of niacin, a factor in the maintenance of good health, and phosphorous, a factor in the normal development of bones and teeth. Turkey is an excellent source of protein providing the essential amino acids necessary for the renewal and maintenance of body tissues and providing food energy. So even though the turkey that the grocery store deli slices for our sandwiches is distantly related to its wild cousin, it is still a healthy protein source and a beloved food choice for kids.


Turkey Pinwheels Makes 30 Pinwheels Turkey Pinwheels Makes 30 Pinwheels

INGREDIENTS: INGREDIENTS: --66 WholeWhole wheatwheat tortillastortillas --33 Tbs.Tbs. lightlight creamcream cheesecheese - 6 lean turkey slices - 6 lean turkey slices --66 SwissSwiss cheesecheese slicesslices --66 leavesleaves ofof lettucelettuce --11 Tomato,Tomato, slicedsliced veryvery thinthin

Directions: Directions: Spread ½ Tbs. cream cheese on one side of a tortilla and add lettuce, Spread ½ Tbs. cream cheese on one side of a tortilla and add lettuce, turkey,turkey, swissswisscheesecheese andand tomato.tomato. BringBring sidessides ofof thethe ww rap rap inin andand thenthen

rollroll upup inin thethe shapeshape ofof aa cylinder,cylinder, likelike aa burrito.burrito. SliceSlice wrapswrapsintointo fivefive

sections,sections, creatingcreating pinwpinw heels. heels.

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #1 #1

SaveSave TomTom thethe TurkeyTurkey

 Materials:Materials: chalkchalk oror tapetape toto makemake circle;circle; rubberrubber ballball

 MakeMake aa largelarge circlecircle withwith chalkchalk andand placeplace aa ballball inin thethe ThisThis ballball isis nownow TomTom thethe Turkey.Turkey. IfIf playedplayed inin thethe grassgrass useuse roperope toto mmakeake aa circlecircle oror ourour favoritefavorite isis useuse rubberrubber yardyard hose.hose. PickPick one one persopersonn toto bebe "It""It" andand theythey shouldshould standstand inin thethe centercenter ofof thethe circlecircle counticountingng toto 30,30, withwith theirtheir eyeseyes closed,closed, whilewhile thethe otherother playersplayers hide.hide. OnceOnce ""It"It" hashas finishedfinished counting,counting, theythey leaveleave thethe circlecircle tryingtrying toto findfind hidd hiddenen playersplayers andand attemptingattempting toto tagtag them.them. IfIf theythey areare taggedtagged theythey mustmust freezefreeze inin thatthat position.position. OtherOther playersplayers willwill trytry toto reachreach thethe circirclecle andand kick out the ball (TOM). If Tom is kicked out, that player will be kick out the ball (TOM). If Tom is kicked out, that player will be awardedawarded thethe letterletter TT andand shoutsshouts T.T. TheThe gamegame willwill startstart overover agaiagain.n. PlayersPlayers willwill unfreezeunfreeze andand hidehide whilewhile "It""It" willwill onceonce againagain countcount toto 30.30. IfIf samesame playerplayer kickskicks itit outout againagain theythey areare awardedawarded anan OO andand shoutshout O,O, andand thethe nextnext timetime ifif kickedkicked itit outout theythey shoutshout M.M. TheThe playerplayer thatthat kickskicks outout thethe cancan threethree timestimes willwill shoutshout TOMTOM andand havhavee wonwon thethe IfIf thethe "It""It" personperson tagstags allall hidinghiding playersplayers beforebefore someonesomeone kickskicks outout TOMTOM theythey areare thethe winner.winner.


TurkeyTurkey CubeCube KabobsKabobs MakesMakes 88 KabobsKabobs with Sweet and Sour Sauce with Sweet and Sour Sauce

INGREDIENTS: INGREDIENTS: ForFor KabobsKabobs ForFor Sweet Sweet and and Sour Sour Sauce Sauce --11 turkeyturkey delideli meat,meat, unun--slicedsliced --33 Tbs. Tbs. white white vinegar vinegar andand cutcut intointo 1/21/2‖‖cubescubes --11 Tbs. Tbs. sugarsugar

--11 cancan ofof pineapple,pineapple, draineddrained butbut --22 Tbs. Tbs. pineapple pineapple juice juice - 2 Tbs. tomato sauce or ketchup savesave juicejuice forfor sweetsweet andand soursour saucesauce - 2 Tbs. tomato sauce or ketchup --11 greengreen bellbell pepper,pepper, cutcut intointo largelarge --33 Tbs. Tbs. water water chunkschunks --½½tsp.tsp. salt salt

--11 cupcup ofof cherrycherry tomatoestomatoes --22 tsp. tsp. soysoy sauce sauce - 1 ½ tsp corn flour or cornstarch --22 cupscups ofof buttonbutton mushrooms,mushrooms, slicedsliced - 1 ½ tsp corn flour or cornstarch inin halfhalf --SkewerSkewer stickssticks

Directions: Directions: Mix together ingredients for sweet and sour dipping sauce over heat. Bring Mix together ingredients for sweet and sour dipping sauce over heat. Bring toto thethe boil,boil, andand allowallow toto thicken.thicken. WhileWhile thethe saucesauce isis cooking,cooking, pplacelace thethe

cubescubes ofof turkey,turkey, thethe pineapple,pineapple, andand thethe vegetablesvegetables inin separateseparate bbowls.owls.

HandHand outout skewerskewer stickssticks toto thethe kidskids andand letlet themthem assembleassemble theirtheir oownwn

kabobs.kabobs. AlternateAlternate aa piecepiece ofof turkeyturkey withwith pineapplepineapple andand veggies.veggies. YouYou cancan eat cold with raw vegetables, or heat in a skillet for 5 minutes on each side eat cold with raw vegetables, or heat in a skillet for 5 minutes on each side toto cookcook slightly.slightly. DipDip inin saucesauce andand enjoy!enjoy!

PhysicalPhysical Activity Activity #2 #2

TheThe BigBig TurkeyTurkey

 HaveHave allall playersplayers sitsit inin aa circlecircle andand thenthen chosechose aa personperson to to

bebe ――itit‖‖.. TheThe ――itit‖‖isis toto leaveleave soso thatthat ――itit‖‖cannotcannot seesee oror hear.hear. ChooseChoose oneone personperson toto bebe thethe ――turkeyturkey‖‖.. TheThe ――turkeyturkey‖‖willwill

actact outout shortshort movements.movements. ExamplesExamples areare clappingclapping handshands threethree times,times, stompingstomping feetfeet 44 times,times, etc.etc. AllAll otherother playersplayers must do what the ―turkey‖ does. Have ―it‖ return to the must do what the ―turkey‖ does. Have ―it‖ return to the groupgroup toto figurefigure outout whowho isis thethe ――BigBig TurkeyTurkey‖‖,, youyou cancan givegive the player up to three guesses if there’s a large group. the player up to three guesses if there’s a large group. TheThe personperson whowho isis thethe ――BigBig TurkeyTurkey‖‖thenthen becomesbecomes ――itit‖‖andand thethe groupgroup designatesdesignates aa newnew ――BigBig TurkeyTurkey‖‖..


Inside-out Turkey Makes 8 Sandwiches! Inside-out Turkey Makes 8 Sandwiches!


INGREDIENTS: INGREDIENTS: --44 Tbs.Tbs. lowlow--fatfat creamcream cheesecheese --22 cupscups cheese,cheese, gratedgrated --44 tsp.tsp. greengreen oniononion tops,tops, choppedchopped

--22 tsp.tsp. preparedprepared honeyhoney mustardmustard --2424 slicesslices delideli turkeyturkey --88 largelarge pretzelpretzel stickssticks oror unsaltedunsalted breadsticks breadsticks --22 cupscups spinachspinach leaves,leaves, washedwashed


CombineCombine creamcream cheese,cheese, ,, greengreen oniononion andand mustardmustard inin smallsmall bowl;bowl; mmixix

well.well. ArrangeArrange 33 turkeyturkey slicesslices onon aa largelarge sheetsheet ofof plasticplastic wrap,wrap, overlappingoverlapping slicesslices inin SpreadSpread ¼¼ofof creamcream cheesecheese mixturemixture evenlyevenly

ontoonto turkeyturkey slices,slices, coveringcovering slicesslices completely.completely. AddAdd thethe ¼¼ofof thethe spinachspinach leaves,leaves, andand 22 cheesecheese slicesslices (American(American cheesecheese worksworks bestbest inin thisthis recipe,recipe,

butbut otherother cheesecheese willwill workwork also,also, asas longlong asas itit isis thinlythinly sliced)sliced) onon toto thethe turkey.turkey. PlacePlace 11 pretzelpretzel rodrod atat bottombottom edgeedge ofof turkeyturkey slices;slices; rolrolll upup

turkeyturkey aroundaround pretzelpretzel rod.rod. BeBe suresure toto keepkeep allall 33 turkeyturkey slicesslices togethertogether asas youyou rollroll themthem aroundaround pretzel.pretzel. RepeatRepeat withwith remainingremaining ingredieingredients.nts.

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #3#3

StandingStanding PretzelPretzel RelayRelay

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 22 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outsideoutside oror inin anan openopen area.area.

 ToTo play,play, getget intointo aa pretzelpretzel position,position, standstand onon youryour left leg, lift your right leg and cross it in front of left leg, lift your right leg and cross it in front of youryour leftleft knee,knee, andand thenthen crosscross youryour armsarms inin frontfront ofof youryour body.body. OnOn thethe wordword "go,""go," hophop toto thethe finishfinish line!line! TheThe "pretzel""pretzel" whowho getsgets toto thethe finishfinish lineline firstfirst wins!wins!


Turkey-Melon Roll-ups Makes 6 servings! Turkey-Melon Roll-ups Makes 6 servings!

INGREDIENTS:INGREDIENTS: --11 Tbs.Tbs. mustardmustard (honey (honey mustardmustard oror DijonDijon work work best) best) --½½tsp.tsp. honeyhoney - 1/8 tsp. pepper - 1/8 tsp. pepper --33 slicesslices delideli turkeyturkey --66 slicesslices ofof cantaloupecantaloupe oror otherother melon,melon, peeled peeled and and sliced to about 4‖ x 1‖ sliced to about 4‖ x 1‖

Directions: Directions:

CombineCombine thethe mustard,mustard, honey,honey, andand pepper;pepper; stirstir well.well. SpreadSpread 11 tsptsp mustard mixture on each turkey slice. Cut turkey slices in half mustard mixture on each turkey slice. Cut turkey slices in half lengthwise.lengthwise. WrapWrap 11 turkeyturkey sliceslice spirallyspirally aroundaround eacheach cantaloupecantaloupe slice,slice,

oror findfind anotheranother creativecreative wayway toto combinecombine turkeyturkey andand cantaloupe.cantaloupe.

RepeatRepeat withwith remainingremaining mustard,mustard, turkey,turkey, andand melon!melon!

PhysicalPhysical ActivityActivity #4#4

TurkeyTurkey SandwichSandwich

 Materials:Materials: OneOne ballball forfor eacheach teamteam

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed outside or in an open area. To set up the race, split into outside or in an open area. To set up the race, split into teamsteams ofof twotwo andand givegive eacheach teamteam aa ball.ball. SitSit down,down, backback toto backback withwith youryour teammate,teammate, andand putput aa ballball betweenbetween your backs. Link arms, stand up and then race to the end your backs. Link arms, stand up and then race to the end ofof thethe playingplaying fieldfield andand back.back. IfIf youyou dropdrop thethe ball,ball, youyou have to start all over again. The first team to finish wins. have to start all over again. The first team to finish wins.


Turkey Honey-Mustard MakesMakes 66 servings!servings! Turkey Honey-Mustard

PitaPita PocketPocket

INGREDIENTS: INGREDIENTS: --1414 oz.oz. of of lean,lean, smokedsmoked turkeyturkey breast, breast, slicedsliced --1212 tsp.tsp. reducedreduced--fatfat mayonnaisemayonnaise --33 tsptsp mustardmustard - 3 tsp. honey - 3 tsp. honey --33 wholewhole--wheatwheat pita pita pocketspockets --66 leavesleaves of of lettucelettuce - 6 slices of tomato - 6 slices of tomato

Directions: Directions:

CutCut eacheach pitapita inin halfhalf andand openopen thethe breadbread soso thatthat itit formsforms aa MixMix the mayonnaise, mustard and honey together and spread it all inside the mayonnaise, mustard and honey together and spread it all inside the pita pocket. Stuff the pocket with the turkey, lettuce and tomato the pita pocket. Stuff the pocket with the turkey, lettuce and tomato and enjoy. and enjoy.

Physical Activity #5 Physical Activity #5

TurkeyTurkey WaddleWaddle

 Materials:Materials: 22 largelarge rubberrubber balls;balls; tape,tape, chalk,chalk, oror emptyempty bottles to mark boundaries bottles to mark boundaries

 ThisThis gamegame isis forfor 44 oror moremore playersplayers andand shouldshould bebe playedplayed inin anan openopen area.area. First,First, markmark thethe endend ofof youryour course,course, whichwhich shouldshould bebe aboutabout 2020 feetfeet long.long. (You(You couldcould useuse emptyempty sodasoda bottlesbottles toto dodo this).this). SplitSplit intointo twotwo eveneven teams.teams. OnOn thethe wordword "go,""go," thethe firstfirst playerplayer onon eacheach teamteam putsputs aa ballball betweenbetween hishis feet.feet. Then,Then, hehe waddleswaddles toto thethe endend ofof thethe coursecourse andand back,back, kindkind ofof likelike aa turkey.turkey. IfIf thethe ballball dropsdrops fromfrom hishis feet,feet, hehe hashas toto stopstop wherewhere hehe isis andand putput itit back.back. OnceOnce thethe ballball isis backback inin place,place, hehe cancan keepkeep going.going. WhenWhen playersplayers getget backback toto theirtheir team,team, theythey tagtag thethe nextnext personperson inin line.line. TheThe firstfirst teamteam toto finishfinish wins.wins.


Resources and Further Reading

A Native American Feast, by Lucille Recht Penner; Macmillan Publishing Co: New York, 1994.

American Indian Food: Food in American History, by Linda Murray Berzok; Greenwood Press: Westport, CT, 2005.

Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden: Agriculture of the Hidatsa Indians, by Gilbert L. Wilson; Minnesota Historical Society Press: St. Paul, MN, 1987.

Early Native American Recipes and Remedies, by Duane R. Lund; Adventure Publications; Cambridge MN,1989.

Enduring Harvests: Native American Foods and Festivals for Every Season, by E. Barrie Kavasch; The Globe Pequot Press: Old Saybrook, CT, 1995.

How Indians use Wild Plants for Food, Medicine, and Crafts, by Frances Densmore; Over Publications: New York, 1974.

Jiibaakweda Gimiijiminaan, Let’s Cook Our Food, a collection of recipes by Native Harvest, Morris Press Cookbooks, 2003.

Lakota Traditiona and Contemporary Recipes, by Spuka Sni Win; Self- published, PO Box 764, Pine Ridge SD 57770, 1999.

NativeTech: Indigenous Food and Traditional Recipes:

Recovering Our Ancestor’s Gardens: Indigenous Recipes and Guide to Diet and Fitness, by Devon Mihesuah; Thomson-Shore, Inc, 2005. The Woodland Indians of the Western Great Lakes, by Robert E. Ritzenthaler and Pat Ritzenthaler; Waveland Press: Prospect Heights IL, 1983.