The Walrus The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things: Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings. - Lewis Carroll Vol LXIII, No. 6 St. Sebastian’s School April 2010 National Poetry Month Seb’s Takes Home Triple Sizzles At St. Sebastian’s Crown at Holy Cross BY CHRIS MARINO ‘10 and Dillon Ecclesine in the Upper joyed the production. Unfortunately division. the majority of the student body had Just like the Super Bowl is to football, Upon choosing our teams by this time journeyed over to the the World Series is to and via Certamen Night, the whole Latin Chariot race outside of the athletic the Stanley Cup Finals is to hockey, Club journeyed to Holy Cross on , and so the fan support for Certamen Night is the biggest night April 8th to celebrate Classics Day. the play was not quite as loud and for Classics scholars at St. Sebastian’s There St. Sebastian’s School made a boisterous as it was over at the “Cir- School. Students from all grade levels name for itself by taking the Triple cus Maximus,” so to speak. However, come together in a battle of wits, Crown. Placing in every event of the the boys’ hard work certainly paid off forming teams in hopes of securing day, the Arrows became known as a as they were awarded the third place a chance to compete at the coveted force to be reckoned with. First and trophy for their efforts. Holy Cross. foremost, the title of “Swiftest Chari- The day ended with more Certamen Night was held ot” was being defended on this day. Arrows’ success when our Lower divi- on April 6th, and proved to be The whole crew was new this year, sion team competed well enough to another enjoyable night for partak- as Jake O’Malley and Brian Strachan reach the finals of the main con- ing students. The night began with pulled, Noah McMillan pushed, and test. They faced tough opponents, a great spread put together by Joe Justin Nicklas rode in the previous however the scholars were able to Fasciano and his terrific staff, con- year’s chariot crafted by Kevin Lynch, outdo those from other schools and sisting of Roman-themes foods and Ned Kingsley and Chris Marino. The earn first place on the big stage. The desserts. With students and teachers boys faced some early technical dif- team of Kelly, Piersak, DeMatteo, alike fed to satisfaction, the games ficulties, as the chariot fell over in the and Kingsley took their places to began. Each room consisted of three first , however with the support raucous applause from the student four-person teams with one Classics of nearly one hundred screaming body, who had already witnessed teacher asking prepared questions. Arrows, the team blew through the spectacular successes in the Chariot Reggie Gibson and Marlon Carey entertain and educate St. Sebastian’s students and faculty. These questions ranged everywhere bracket and pulled off the second race and the dramatic competition, from Latin grammar to mythology, consecutive title. but was eager for more. The team, amount of my learning has occurred Women’s History month (though BY NED KINGSLEY ‘10 which made it necessary for each St. Sebastian’s also com- after a slow start, soon established during the great month of April. it is not as widely celebrated at St. student to reach back into their vault peted for the first time in the Classics their dominance and continued In 1996, the American Academy of Sebastian’s, perhaps due to the Every April, St. Sebastian’s of knowledge. These contests were Day costume competition, and put on to a convincing victory over the Poets declared April to be National homogeneous, male structure of the celebrates National Poetry Month both enjoyable and excited, and on quite a show. Patrick McLaughlin, rest of the field. The team should Poetry Month—a time when “pub- student body). As a result, librarians, in English classes and school-wide made for great competition. At the Sean Frazzette, Joseph Dudley, Chris be proud of its effort on the day, as lishers, booksellers, literary organiza- teachers, and others with whom the assemblies, by studying, memoriz- end of the night, the top teams from Riley, Will Adams, Patrick Ciapciak, should all those who participated in tions, libraries, schools and poets creation of National Poetry month ing, and reciting poetry. In addition, both the Lower and Upper divisions Lou Heck, Connor Wiik, Paul Lee Classics Day for their support. Spe- around the country band together was assigned, decided that April a number of guest poets often come advanced to the main competition in and Tom Keefe valiantly performed cial thanks should also go out to all to celebrate poetry and its vital place would be a fitting month in which to to lecture students on the proper Ward Hall. In the Lower division, the a production based on the famous of the faculty members who made in American culture,” as stated by the celebrate the art of poetry. construction and analysis of good team of Peter DeMatteo, Tommy Kel- Roman private eye, Flavius Maximus. the day possible: Mr. Albertson, Mr. relatively reliable website The Goals of National Po- poetry. By doing so, students gain ley, Scott Kingsley, Ben Piersiak came This classic comedy had the judges Nerbonne, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Lynch, The concept behind the celebration etry Month are as follows: to 1. High- a greater appreciation for poetry as out victorious, as did the team of Dil- in stitches for the entire perfor- Mr. Cressotti, as well as Joe Fasciano is to widen the attention of people light the extraordinary legacy and an art form, as well as a literary style lon Kerr, Max Kingsley, Ned Kingsley mance, and it was clear that they en- and his staff. that has shaped the progression of throughout the world “to the art of ongoing achievement of American modern and ancient literature over poetry, to living poets, to our com- poets; 2. Introduce more Americans the course of history. plex poetic heritage, and to poetry to the pleasures of reading poetry; 3. From the beginning of my books and journals of wide aesthetic Bring poets and poetry to the public time at St. Sebastian’s, and almost range and concern,” thereby promot- in immediate and innovative ways; 4. every year since, I can remember ing the crucial place of poetry in Make poetry a more important part studying poetry in all of my English modern society. of the school curriculum; 5. Increase and Latin classes. In seventh grade, St. Sebastian’s celebrates the attention paid to poetry by we were required to memorize Wil- the month in a number of noticeable national and local media; 6. Encour- liam Butler Yeats’ classic “Lake Isle of ways. In every Corporate Chapel, a age increased publication, distribu- Innisfree” in English class with the few students rise to recite poetry in tion, and sales of poetry books; and late great Mr. Weihman. This poem front of the school. In addition, the finally 7. Increase public and private remains especially popular to this English department recently hosted philanthropic support for poets and day in Mr. Cornish’s middle school a “poetry slam” courtesy of local poetry. English classes. performers/poets Regie Gibson and T.S. Eliot, a noted master Since then, we have covered Marlon Carey. of poetry in the English language everything from Tennyson to Talib But why April? First of all, remarked, “Poetry is not a turning Kweli, from Caesar to Catullus, and April traditionally represents the loose of emotion, but an escape who could ever forget perhaps the coming of spring and a “new birth” of from emotion; it is not the expres- greatest poem of all time, Vergil’s nature, all of which is very awesome sion of personality, but an escape Aeneid. Over the years, I have gained and artistic and poetic. Aside from from personality. But, of course, only a great understanding of and ap- that, however, February has been those who have personality and preciation for the complexity of true established as Black History Month, emotions know what it means to poetry. a time to celebrate the myriad want to escape from these things.” Though much of this has achievements and contributions How fortunate we are that St. Sebas- taken place outside of the context of of African Americans to American tian’s helps students embrace this Brian Strachan ‘11 and his go-to receiver Jake O’Malley ‘10 lead the charge in the Chariot race. National Poetry Month, the greatest society and culture. Next, March is message.

contradictory observations: the Orleans experience. Half the group faculty. Brian Ea ‘07, Charlie Jacob Saintly Seb’s Crew Helps drove with shovels and rakes to the ‘08, and Jimmy Elcock ‘08, who were newcomers to New Orleans realized they were a far cry away from the home of Miss Beverly, while the oth- all either working or going to school Massachusetts suburbs where many ers went to ARISE Academy- a school in the New Orleans area, lent a hand of them lived; those who were on for underprivileged kids. At Miss on the work sites and during eve- Rebuild New Orleans the trip for a second time noticed Beverly’s, the students were shown ning prayers. Dave Emond, formerly two thousand fatalities. March break in order to bond as how much the area had improved a home that was without insulation the admissions director at Seb’s, BY JOE ALBANESE ‘10 It is hard to imagine that students, to explore themselves and in their eyes from last year. Pulling (which had apparently been taken invited the entire group to lunch after 5 years of efforts by private their faiths, and, most importantly, into the parking lot, students got by a member of her family) and with during the week at Café Reconcile, August 29, 2005 represented a a glimpse of their surroundings: a huge piles of various possessions lin- where he worked. Café Reconcile dark day in American history when donations and government funds to make a difference in the lives of there still remains a great deal of so many good people. With these closed school, people from the local ing the walls. The backyard was filled was a restaurant which also provided Hurricane Katrina made landfall on neighborhood, the church and the with bricks and debris left over from career training for kids in the city Louisiana as a category 5 storm. damage in New Orleans- a fact that goals in mind, sixteen juniors and is no doubt bewildering to those nine seniors, accompanied by Messrs rectory where they would be spend- the storm years ago. Immediately and a job working at the restaurant. Centered on the major city of New ing the next week. Inside they were everybody got to work- clearing the Students would apply for spots, and Orleans, the hurricane created untold around the country who have been Nunan, Jenkins, Palmaccio, Fitzger- watching from afar. It is from this ald, Madore and Sullivan, flew down all introduced to Miss Monique, who junk from the yard and preparing they would be trained in the culinary devastation of almost epic propor- welcomed them to the church, and to repaint the house and put down arts and set up with internships and tions. With much fumbling from the sense of empathy and duty that to New Orleans early on the Friday the St. Sebastian’s New Orleans trip morning before spring break. Over later to Miss Shannon and Miss Sher- flooring in the kitchen. By the time jobs at other restaurants when their local government and a delayed ryl. All three of the women would they left the work site, the students time was done. At this it would response from FEMA, millions were originated; which has consistently the next week, the group would fall been organized by Mr. Nunan and into a routine of work, prayer, and be cooperating with and looking were eager to continue work on certainly be remiss to not mention left to remain in the city rather after the group of students for the the house on Monday. At ARISE the other places where students than being evacuated- creating a well-attended by St. Seb’s upper- recreation that would forever bond classmen. Each year, though the jobs them as a whole to the experiences next week. After enjoying a dinner Academy, the other half of the Seb’s dined in New Orleans, since the food humanitarian crisis that was before cooked by the women, and getting group got a deeply moving experi- was phenomenal. Eating food from considered unthinkable in the United may be different, the overall mission of the people in New Orleans. remains the same. Upon arrival, a caravan of their first taste of famous Southern ence with underprivileged students Café Reconcile and cooked dinners States, especially such a major region hospitality, the kids prepared them- from the city- meeting the kids and at the Church was only half the story. as the gulf coast. By the end of the With such a tradition of five vans was rented and the group service, juniors and seniors have headed to Corpus Christi-Epiphany selves for the next day where they teachers who worked there. Students spent Tuesday night at the storm the costs were immense; with would survey the first work sites. Throughout the week, the group millions of people displaced, billions often jumped at the opportunity Church in the 7th Ward. Instantly to head down to Louisiana over there were two simultaneous, almost On Saturday, students also had the opportunity to work CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 of dollars in damages, and almost began to receive their true New alongside Seb’s alumni and former NEWS SPORTS

Upcoming School Elections Senior Prank Golf Seeks Another ISL Title See Page 4 Does Not Appear in Photo See Page 7 Page 2 THE Walrus: School News April 2010 Who Dat? Sebs’ Students Quotes of the Continue NOLA Efforts

CONT’D From Page 1 helping others, but also exploring was even one house where students the faith of those in New Orleans. began the construction of a brand The prayers would take place in new shed. Every day the students House of Blues in the French Quarter. Month the chapel with various readings, would work hard for hours in the hot Ms. Sherryl treated the students to prayers, and pieces of inspirational sun, taking few breaks. They would a jambalaya dinner at her house music. Juniors Tom Keefe and Tom be disappointed to have to stop on Saturday night. Even a quick pit Nunan, along with alumnus Jimmy work at the end of the day, but were “I will tell you a secret about that dragon stop at Popeye’s proved to be an Elcock, put on their own musical always excited to return for work amazing experience- showcasing program for one evening mass in the the next day and continue making the dominance of Southern cuisine, cove...” church. Sunday morning Mass with progress. The tools and materials for even at fast food chains (which were the rest of the Corpus Christi-Epiph- construction were all purchased by a novelty to the group of northern any Church community was a far cry Mr. Nunan- and the money that was - Dillon Ecclesine to Mr. Cressotti during a game students: other rarer chains included from what Catholics experienced in donated to the trip through raffles Rally’s, Church’s Chicken, and the in- of chess in Room 315 the more secular north. The people and pins and other various fundrais- famous Sonic…also beignets proved were very involved in singing the ers went directly to buying those to be the greatest dessert food of all music, which was played by an entire tools. time). band. The priest was energetic in All the while, the kids were chal- On Sunday the students took a delivering his homily and Mr. Nunan lenged by the work and struck by “This is almost as troubling as the time break from work and spent the day was given an opportunity to express the faith, gratitude, hospitality, and exploring the city. They took a tour his connection with the community, hope of the people of New Orleans. in the vans to the 9th Ward- an area we found Greg Kinlan in a cage at Petco.” and to receive their gratitude. If the Even after all they had been through, near the levees where a great deal of group of students had not spent they never seemed to give up and destruction occurred. The area was every day going to a Catholic insti- had an unshakeable certainty in the severely flooded and has remained tute, they might have been shocked goodness of God in helping them depopulated ever since the hur- by the pervasive cultural and social through this crisis. The students -Joe Bergeron, when asked for a Quote of the Month ricane. The students got a chance to environment created by the church were on many occasions blessed see the new and improved levee sys- community. to hear the firsthand accounts of tem, and the new houses that were Through the rest of the week, the people, like Ms. Josslin and Ms. slowly being built- some funded by students spent the majority of Shannon- how they managed to get “That would be ‘D’--as in ‘Ding-a-ling.’” celebrities such as Brad Pitt, which their days at the various worksites. out of the city before or during the were more energy efficient, environ- Progress was continuing to be made flooding, how they were separated mentally friendly, and resistant to at Miss Beverly’s house, while there and eventually reunited from family flooding. Later that afternoon there were other jobs as well. Miss Walker members, and how they came back was even a chance to walk freely - Mr. Kittler, going through the answers to a quiz was having her kitchen redone by after a great deal of time to find around the French Quarter and get a alumni Ea and Jacob. Miss Josslin’s everything they had lost. They took firsthand look at the tourism center house, shed, and yard were cleared this as an opportunity to rebuild, of New Orleans. of enough junk to fill a huge dump- and although New Orleans has not Meanwhile, over time, the students “I can’t believe those people killed Jesus... ster- she showed her gratitude by yet recovered completely, and the fell into a daily routine at the church. cooking a hot lunch for the stu- scars of that storm are still very vis- Mornings before work and evenings dents and giving them gifts such as ible, there has been a great deal of and on Easter even!” were filled with a brief period for rosaries, and things dedicated to St. progress which will only continue. prayer and reflection- symbolizing Joseph. In East New Orleans, there - Joe Albanese, displaying his knowledge that the trip was one not only for of Christian history “I hope Sebs loses. They’re too good. They’re too scary.” - Anonymous kid from Classics Day at Holy Cross

St. Sebastian’s Well-Represented at Admitted Students Reception

By B. ECCLESINE ‘10 with those assembled in the church. aspect of student life. He has always Bryce Jones '15, Michael O'Malley been impressed by the tremendous On Wednesday, April 7, the St. Sebas- '10, and alumni Nick Coskren '05 devotion of the Seb's faculty; each tian's community welcomed accepted touched on many of the same and every teacher has certainly left students and their parents to a recep- themes. They discussed not only his or her mark on the school. Finally, tion filled with music, prayer, and stel- academic life, but also athletic and Headmaster Burke closed the pro- lar speeches delivered by members extracurricular pursuits that helped gram, and invited admitted students Members of the New Orleans Service Trip take a break from their busy work for a photograph. of the Seb's family. Not surprisingly, shape their high school experi- and their parents to join he and the a gathering of nearly two hundred ences. Each speaker also addressed admissions staff in Ward Hall for food people filed into St. Bartholomew's the fraternity feel of St. Sebastian's and refreshments. Church to learn more about St. Sebas- that cannot be rivaled anywhere Prospective students and tian's School. else. There is definitely something their families mingled in Ward Hall The Walrus Assistant Headmaster and special about friendships formed for an hour or so before calling it a Dean of Studies, Mr. Nerbonne, here at Seb’s; they undoubtedly last night. Once again, Joe and Raffy did A St. Sebastian’s Publication opened the evening's program by a lifetime. Next, Mrs. Connolly P'10, a great job preparing an assortment sharing some welcoming remarks. Af- P'12 reflected on her involvement of different foods. Many thanks to all ter everyone had joined Father Arens with Seb's from the perspective of those who helped out at the recep- Senior Editors: Brendan Ecclesine ‘10, Ned Kingsley ‘10, Edmund Murphy ‘11, in prayer, musical duo Tom Keefe '11 a parent. She not only emphasized tion; the mission of the school really David Ruffolo ‘10 and Tom Nunan '11 put on a song by that St. Sebastian's fosters moral shone through in those couple of James Taylor that surely impressed growth in each and every student, hours. Apprentice Editors: Dillon Ecclesine ‘11, Tom Hoff ‘11, Tom Keefe ‘11, Alex the crowd. but also focused on the fact that Representatives from all fac- Seb’s celebrates family values. Mr. Spear ‘11; Apprentice Head Writers: Ryan Bacic ‘11, Nick Chappel ‘11, Nick ets of St. Sebastian's life then took to Ferguson, the "big man" himself, Creegan ‘11, Andrew DeMatteo ‘11, Tom Murphy ‘11 the podium to share their experiences further explored the classroom Head Writers: Joe Albanese ‘10, Chris Marino ‘10, Chris Moses ‘10, Mike Sanderson ‘10 (Feature Writer)

CONTRIBUTORS: Joey Kelly ‘10, Will Connolly ‘10, Dillon Eccelsine ‘11, Sam Racine ‘11, John Barrack ‘11, Mike Sanderson ‘10, John Kavolius ‘10, Joe Albanese ‘10, Lou Heck ’11, Will Vietze ‘12, Ryan Kilcullen ‘10, Luke Sullivan ‘09, Chris Stadtler ‘12, Scott Neuberger ‘10, Chris Moses ‘10, Peter Cimini ‘12, Alex Spear ‘11, Brendan Ecclesine ‘10, Tom Hoff ‘11, John O’Connor ‘11, Ryan Bacic ‘11, Andrew DiMatteo ‘11, Brad Walker ‘10, Ricky Mulroy ‘10, Tom Nu- nan ‘11, Tom Keefe ‘11, Nick Chappel ‘11, Jared Chase ‘11, Ben Thai ‘12, Lucas Mykulak ‘11, Will Adams ‘11, Ryan McCarthy ‘10,

Editors Emeritus: Derek Morrison, Tyler Smith, Brian Walker, John Wolfe

Faculty Advisor: Mr. Dan Drummond

The Walrus is the official student newspaper of St. Sebastian’s School. The Walrus seeks to provide news and entertainment for the St. Sebastian’s community, as well as to provide an open forum for students to offer opinions on issues related to world, na- tional, and school affairs. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect opin- ions of the faculty advisors or senior editors of The Walrus or of St. Sebastian’s School. Correspondence to The Walrus should be addressed to The Walrus, c/o St. Sebas- tian’s School, 1191 Greendale Avenue, Needham, MA, 02492. Senior Editors and produc- tion staff reserve the right to reject, edit, or admit any or all submissions. To submit an Mr. Jim Ferguson addresses admitted students and parents in St. Bartholomew’s Church. article, email it to [email protected]. April 2010 The Walrus: School & National News Page 3 Coaching Legend Bob Souza Seventh Grade Enjoys Diary Inducted into Hall of Fame of Anne Frank Field Trip interview Johnny Ryan’15 about the By D. ECCLESINE ‘11 moo like a cow will get five points”. By TOM KEEFE ‘11 play for the Walrus. He said it was When someone thinks of Saint Se- Needless to say, it appeared that very good, saying that he would bastian’s football, they think of one On Tuesday, April 13, the John Fee ’11 repeatedly earned the definitely see it again if he had the man. To be honest, when many think seventh graders loaded into the extra credit. The good old days of chance. He really liked the character of football in general, they think of buses and set out from the Birming- our youth! of Mrs. VanDan, as well as the buff that same man: the man, the myth, ham Academic Building on a grand At any rate, this year’s seventh German soldiers who appeared on the legend that is Coach Bob Souza. adventure. The purpose of their grade loaded the buses along with the stage for only a brief time. He Coach Souza has been the quest? To watch the showing of The teacher-chaperones Mr. Stanton, seemed to find it very educational head coach of the Varsity Football Diary of Anne Frank at the Boston Mr. McArthur, Ms Diblasi, and Mr. and enjoyable. Not all reviews, how- Team at Sebs for 31 years, and he Center for the Arts in (you guessed it) Cornish. Though they missed the ever, were positive. Later on during has amassed an impressive record Boston MA. The seventh grade classes amazing rap-duo of Regie Gibson my hour-long wait, I happened to of 130-95-9, along with 5 Indepen- read Anne Frank as a component of and Marlon Carey in the National stumble across Colin Connoly ’15. dent School League championships their English curriculum, and they Poetry Month Assembly, they were Yet again opportunity presented (1982, 1990, 1994, 1999, and 2001). had the great opportunity to see the in for a unique experience as they itself, and as the ace reporter that I Over 80 of his former players have show brought to life on stage. It is entered the auditorium. The Diary of am I went for the story. He admitted gone on to play at the college level. one thing to imagine a script from the Anne Frank is the true story of a Ger- that the play was a bit dull, and that He has certainly created a name for page, quite another to view it inspired man, Jewish girl who hid from Nazi he would probably not see it again himself at St. Sebastian’s, single- by fellow men and women. persecutors within the secret rooms if present the opportunity. I reckon handedly making the football team Ah, we upperclassmen remember of her father’s office building. While that could be the sentiment among a program to be feared. And on April the days well when we too read Anne in hiding, she detailed her experi- many seventh graders, although I’m 25, Coach Souza will be recognized Frank way back in seventh grade. In ences in her diary, up until she was sure any excuse to miss school for for all his tremendous accomplish- those days, Mr. Weihmen strolled the discovered by the Nazis, deported them is a welcome one. ments. He will be inducted into the carpet of Mr. Chris Lynch’s classroom to a concentration camp, and dying Well, folks, it looks as though you Massachusetts High School Football educating future legends such as Tom of typhus disease. Renown for its can’t satisfy everybody; at the very Hall of Fame for the Class of 2010. Nunan ’11, Zane Stanton ’11, Noah historical significance and quality of least, the event built character and Having played for Coach McMillian ’11, and Robbie Harwood writing, her diary has become one of allowed the seventh grade class the Souza for two years, I cannot think of ’11, among others “little weasels”. the most widely read books, earning chance to be exposed to live acting a man more fitting to be rewarded He would demand that we never her much fame posthumously. and relevant history. As for the days with this praise. No one knows the slouch in our chairs for fear of having While waiting to discuss Arrow Club of Mr. Wiehmen, future anecdotes game better than Coach Souza, hunched backs in our old age, and hours with Mr. Brendan Sullivan, may be more appropriate for a sepa- and he is a true inspiration. He goes his bonuses on tests would appear I had the prime opportunity to rate article. out each day onto the field with a like this: “First student to stand and genuine interest in making every player better, and he truly cares for his players, on and off the field. He shows great dedication, preparing Coach Souza stands proudly on the Arrows home turf. every day for the upcoming practice. Coach Souza’s football get back up eight!” These stories Coach Souza has such a passion for career blossomed in high school, and quotes that Souza shares with the game that it becomes infectious: so much so that he was fortunate his players are not easily forgotten. it is impossible not to love the won- enough to play football at West When I asked my brother, Shane ’07, derful game of football while on the Point. During his sophomore year, about Souza’s influence, he had this same field as him. I, along with any one of the starting Linebackers to say: “I carry the lessons that Coach of his former players, can undoubt- was injured for a game, and Coach Souza taught me everywhere I go. edly attest to that. Souza took full advantage of the During my three years of playing for As a current player, I have opportunity that presented itself. He him, he taught me most importantly heard many of Coach Souza’s clas- played during the next game, and to always keep my head high. Life sic stories, which are traditionally performed at such a high level that does not always go how I plan, but passed on each year. A season would he never lost his position. This is one it is how I face these obstacles that not be complete without staying of the key lessons that Souza instills define what kind of a man I become.” outside for thirty minutes after in his players. The second-string Coach Souza has had a profound in- practice in the cool, crisp autumn players should work hard each and fluence on the hundreds of men that air, listening to Coach Souza’s talks. every day, because not only does were lucky enough to be coached They can include anything and it push the starters to be better, it during the 31 years he has been everything. For instance, Souza gives them a chance to, like Souza, affiliated with the program. He not might reflect on his days at West overtake a position by hard work. only develops football players, but Point, and how he prepared for the This is just one of the numerous he develops young men. I cannot big games; or perhaps the story of stories Coach Souza has to share think of anyone more deserving to how his high school team won the that offer lessons valuable not only be inducted into the Massachusetts league in its first year (with leather The original advertisement for the first showing of “The Diary of Anne Frank” in theaters for football. The morals that are High School Football Hall of Fame. helmets, I might add); or maybe we encompassed in these stories can Coach Souza is not only a great will be fortunate enough to hear certainly be carried into life. When Coach, but also a great man. He is an the rare stories of the 1969 Hornets. someone does poorly on a test, or integral part of fulfilling Mr. Burke’s Deluge Soaks Math Wing Whatever story he chooses, however, life just simply does not go as well as constant reminder that St Sebastian’s pecially in the lower level Math Wing. classrooms. The large storage closet he has an audience of nearly sixty By CHRIS MOSES ‘10 expected, he cannot keep his head matures its students into young men Ceiling tiles crashed to the floor while adjacent to the carpeted area of Ward men to listen, each eager to hear the down. To quote Souza himself, “If who, “Love God, work hard, and take In mid-March and early April, the rugs soaked up the water like sponges. Hall was evacuated by the efforts of words of wisdom that Souza has to you get knocked down seven yards, good care of one another.” Boston area amassed enough rainfall Many classrooms became hazardous the student council and several of Mr. offer. to fill a small ocean. Over the first week as students waited for a tile to smash Sullivan’s detentioneers. Everything of spring break, a tenacious downpour down onto the floor. In some classes, was cleared out of the massive closet, dumping 8-10” of rainfall or more water began pouring from the ceiling and the tiles were ripped up. The floor Arrows Explore Exotic Peru ripped through Boston. Numerous into the ground where makeshift rain had to be mopped as well. Finally, towns drowned. Vacant fields and open catchers had been constructed. Many everything else could go back into the and local traditions added to the already edge of the past and present lives of the By KEVIN WOLFE ‘12 land became fresh ponds and small students were lucky and dodged the closet. This whole process took around intriguing city. As we drove from place people local to this area. The poverty, like lakes. A few weeks later, another storm Just as planned, the group to place, we began to notice the marked in Lima, was clearly eye opening. Some falling tiles as if they were in a video four hours. struck, which added to the deluge of fourteen traveled down to Peru for poverty that made up so much of Lima. surrounding villages and towns were game, moving from level to level as As St. Sebs recovers from the great already present. Many residents were a memorable and enjoyable vacation Our tour guide informed us that the nothing short of third-world. Although ceiling rained down upon them. flood of 2010, the time has almost through a unique and interesting country. unemployment rate in the capital was there is great struggle in much of the shocked and baffled by the rainfall. Since those scary moments, the school come to reflect on its magnitude. The Although the long journey of flights to nearly 30 percent. Because of this, many population, there is a sense of friendli- Many said they hadn’t ever seen as has taken steps to clean up. This past storm was one of the greatest Boston Lima seemed like a journey of its own, locals are forced to use their creativity as ness, energy, and genuine happiness much water as this, despite living here week, the entire math wing has been has ever seen. The amount of rain was the group nonetheless reached the South well as pure will to bring in every scrap that was undoubtedly felt as we passed their entire lives. The worst of the storm under construction. The rugs were tremendous. Although there was a lot American continent in one piece. Because of money needed to make due. It is not through the countryside. was the flooding. ripped up, while the ceilings were of damage to many homes and build- of a strong thunderstorm that sat right uncommon to find out-of-work mechan- After our time in Cuzco we Floods permeated many houses and being replaced. All math classes were ings, we can expect a spring in full over Miami, nearly all flights coming in ics waiting on the side of the road to traveled by bus to the city of Puno, lo- buildings. Basements were destroyed relocated to various other classrooms bloom thanks to the excess of water and out of the area had to delayed in one pick up customers trying to circumvent cated about six hours from our previous and foundations were ruined. Saint Se- throughout the school, including the we’ve seen. or another. For our group, we were sent to the high prices that a regular auto-shop destination. Puno, the gateway to the bastian’s School itself was damaged, es- writing labs and traditional English land and refuel in the Bahamas while the would charge for a repair. Since taxis do rest of the continent, undoubtedly holds storm passed over the Floridian peninsula. not have to be registered in Lima, many a distinct South American influence in After hours of sitting on the runway as locals will opt to pick up rides after their its atmosphere. The first full day we had ‘70’s Dance Rocks Ward Hall well as being tormented by the beautiful regular workdays in order to earn a bit in the city was spent touring the great Bahamian scenery, the plane finally made more cash. Begging children were also Lake Titicaca. The lake is roughly 120 bound noble sons of St. Sebastian (in its way to Miami. Although we had already prevalent, even in the wealthier areas miles long and 50 wide and is one of the sportcoats made their appearances. addition to the plethora of alluring missed the scheduled flight to Lima by of the city that we toured. Although largest bodies of water in South America. By LOU HECK ‘11 Only one junior, yours truly, had the NCDS and Dana Hall girls slated to that time, we were fortunate enough to the itinerary only allowed us a day in We passed through the Uros Islands, a The Technicolored dream- temerity to wear spandex, and wear Lima, we undoubtedly left with a good chain of man-made reefs that still sup- be at the dance) did not make a catch the red eye by eleven o’clock. By the land hit one upon their entrance. spandex he did. The sophomores next morning we landed safely at the Pe- understanding of the city’s atmosphere, port a population of nearly 2,000 people, showing. This travesty led to a hole continued that trend of compres- ruvian capital and were ready to embark life, and people. as well as the stunning Taquile Island. An inundation of groovy flowers in the heart for many of the juniors on an exciting and fascinating adventure. At five that next morning we Located in the middle of the lake, Taquile and other “funkytown” decorations sion, led by one Thomas Allen. His attending. The first step outside of the airport were already awake and ready to head offers splendid views of the snowcapped comes from all sides. cutoff jean shorts were shorter than So, now is when the writer reminded us that we were in a completely to the airport. Next planned on the trip Bolivian mountains as well as much of An MGMT or Grizzly Bear a certain Latin 3H and 4AP teacher, answers the question. Flop or fantas- different culture and world than what we was a three and a half day visit to the city the Peruvian shore. We returned back the music video? No, sir. which is certainly saying something. tic? lived in back home. Once we gathered of Cuzco. After a short flight out of Lima, hotel that day quite happy to have seen His tank top mustered images of the in the bus, the driver began the trip that we found ourselves in an even stranger what we saw but also a bit sad to know I will have to say it was It was the annual St. Sebastian's ‘70’s color induced from staring at the a fantastic flop. Like a candle dies would take us to the hotel. Upon leaving and more distant land. Located in the that we were going to leave the country Dance. mustard yellow seats embedded in the airport gates we knew we had entered east and south of Peru, Cuzco is distinctly once tomorrow came. down to nothing, so did the dance Upon entry into this may- Mr. Madore's custom “John Deere into a beautiful yet foreign place. On the and proudly an Incan city. Although the We soon found ourselves at the airport dwindle. At one point, the crowd main avenue entering the city cars made Spaniards did conquer this region, the lo- the next day about to start a near 24- hem, this reporter witnessed a sea Tractor for Children.” Other fashion was almost the size of a Homecom- maneuvers that I did not believe were cal Cuzqueños have still held onto much hour journey back to Boston. We thanked of neon colors. Pastel yet vile hues of hits included Anthony D'Amato's ing football game. Soon and sadly, physically possible before this moment in of the common Incan traditions that our tour guide for all of his great work in orange, yellow, magenta, and lime reminiscent-of-Allen jean shorts, however, the number was similar to time. Taxis, buses, motorcycles and other dominated the land some five hundred Puno and boarded the plane. The length invaded the corneas and just would Ben Wallace jersey, and Superman that of a Homecoming soccer match. vehicles weaved in and out of lanes as if years ago. Some women can still be of the trip home reminded us once not leave. Herds of grubby freshmen hat, Bobby Wright and manfriend For a freshman, the dance must have no one else was on the road. The concept seen in the main city streets wearing the again just how far away and distant this performed their traditional mating Jack Power's coordinated “Night seemed amazing. For jaded and wiz- of “keeping a safe distance” between typical and traditional Incan outfit. That wonderful land truly was. After leaving calls and signals, a skill passed down at the Roxbury” suits, and former afternoon we embarked on another tour that afternoon from Puno, we flew on ened men like myself, it was a poor cars seemed be nonexistent in this city. from their sophomore, junior, and presidential candidate Patrick Although I myself saw no accidents, I am through some mountain sights around another red eye from Lima to Miami. excuse of a Friday night. McLaughlin's blond wig. The fresh- sure that the crash rate in Lima is quite the area. After a bit of struggle with Luckily there were no delays and we ar- senior forefathers. Luckily, a ray of hope peeks high. the altitude (Cuzco is located at around rived to Boston in the late morning. The The “upperclassYmen,” on the other men were dressed the most spritely through the clouds. With another After arriving at the hotel and catching a 10,000 ft), we began to enjoy the beauty trip had ended, but we were thankful to hand, were enjoying the festivities and brightly, sporting a multitude of school year comes another senior quick glimpse the city’s appearance, we of the scenery. Mountain ranges and have been blessed with the opportunity appropriately. Dean Ebozue ('10), neon tracksuits. class. If our juniors team up and work soon started our tour. The eye-opening open plains stretched as far as the eye to see another part of the world that not with the help of a good gallon of Several hits from such nota- together, with the leadership of Invi- beauty as well as striking poverty became could see. After simply looking at the sur- only entertained us but also reminded Rogaine, donned a bodacious afro. ble groups as The Village People did quite visible as we made our way through rounding geographic features one could us of the privileges that we often fail to chris, we will be able to change the Other such senior legends as Severin much to provoke a physical interpre- trend. We will fire the boys up, get the different areas. Among the stops understand the respect and admiration recognize in our daily lives. Chambers and Thomas Kelly sported tation of the music. Sadly, other than were the catacombs dating back to the that the local people have had and still On a closing note, the school commu- ready, and bring back the life to the the most metro of outfits, making the easy to come by pelvic thrusts, colonial era, an Incan art museum, and have for Mother Nature. nity should once again express their dances of St. Sebastian. Once again the main city plaza. These sights provided The next few days were quite similar but gratitude to the chaperones Mr. Moore, their debut in the bootiest of booty not much dancing was done. Much we, as men, will take pride in saying, not only a beautiful appearance but also nonetheless exciting. We visited several Ms. Madsen, and Mr. Boynton who all shorts and the tightest of tight tees. to the attendees' spite, an ACT was “Why yes, I do attend St. Sebastian's, a good flavor of Lima’s past and present Incan ruins around the Cuzco region, but worked so well to ensure that the trip The outfits of the juniors, alas, were scheduled for the following morning, and yeah I went to the ‘70’s dance, culture. The mixture of both the Spanish most importantly we gained fair knowl- went smoothly and safely. mediocre at best. Several dodgy and as a result many of the college- and yeah it was amazing!” Page 4 The Walrus: School News & Entertainment April 2010 2010 School Elections: Poets to Visit St. Sebs: Students seek Hope, Change, and Harrison, Abbott to Work With Free Healthcare for All BY NICK CHAPPEL ‘11 selections for next year, and when I well liked by everyone. He leads by Students During The School Day told him I wanted to run for School example in the classroom as well as rison’s visit. I have previewed these about the craft of poetry. The School The school year is ending. Seniors are President, but wasn’t sure, he said out on the athletic field, and would BY TOM NUNAN ‘11 poems (titled “Our Other Sister,” is hoping to make the visitation of going off to their individual colleges, to me, “Honestly, why not? It’s your make a great Vice President. St. Sebastian’s has traditionally done “Family Dog,” “The Names of Things,” poets to St. Seb’s even more of a and the juniors are soon to become last year at St. Sebastian’s. What do And last but not least (out of the a good job of observing April as and “Convenience Store”) and with- traditional event. the oldest students in the school. you want people to remember you people who have signed up or made National Poetry Month. Already this out giving away too much, I can say Mr. Lynch hopes that by meeting With old age comes great responsibil- as?” Hearing these words was the a claim to thinking about signing up year seniors Ned Kingsley and Joe that all four of them contain original, and talking with Mr. Harrison and ity. Brad Walker, who has done an first time I had been truly inspired for running for a spot in office), Tom Albanese have treated the School unexpected situations. They read Mr. Abbott, we will “gain an under- excellent job as School President will to run for something, though I am Murphy. Who would be a better Sec- community to excellent recitations with reasonable ease and should be standing of what it means to be a be leaving St. Sebastian's School, and Vice-President of the Junior class retary of Treasury than Tom Murphy? of decidedly varied poems, as many widely enjoyed. working poet in today’s world.” We leaving an open spot for a new leader right now. I have never been as He is the only Junior in AP Stats, and other students have done in the past The second poet which St. need to remember that poetry, like of the school. Ryan McCarthy will be urged to run for a spot in office as I takes Calculus BC. Being a student during Corporate Chapel. Occasion- Sebastian’s is fortunate enough to the other art forms, is still very much opening up a new spot for Vice-Pres- am after hearing those words of Mr. who is doubling up in math, Tom ally, our School is fortunate enough be able to host this year, Anthony a contemporary phenomenon. Leg- ident as well. The Junior class, as well Drummond. I encourage everyone Murphy is without a doubt the best to welcome members from outside Abbott, is slated to come on April endary figures like Homer, William as the Sophomore class, has stepped running or considering running for choice for Secretary of theTreasury. the immediate School community to 29, exactly a week after Mr. Harrison Shakespeare, and Robert Frost are up to the challenge to take over the office to take his words into account I guarantee that absolutely nothing discuss poetry. During the 2005-2006 does. One of Mr. Abbott’s former rightly hailed for their extraordinary offices in Student Council. as you prepare for your upcoming will go wrong with keeping track of school year, former Poet Laureate of students at Davidson College is St. work, but their legendary statuses David Leith, Tom Keefe, Lou year. money at St. Sebastian’s if Tom Mur- the United States Billy Collins came to Sebastian’s own English teacher Mr. often make us forget that the pres- Heck, Patrick McLaughlin, and I will The school has many potential lead- phy is put in charge of something St. Seb’s to discuss poetry in general James Jenkins. According to the ent time still teems with poets be running for President of the Stu- ers. Right now, I would be happy if that he can do in his sleep. and to read some of his own po- biography of Abbott found on Da- producing fabulous work. Our own dent Body. A supposed candidate for any of the five students running for This years elections are going ems. (Many still recall Collins’ poem vidson’s Web site, “Professor Abbott's English teacher Mr. Brian Simoneau Vice-President is Lucas Mykulak. Tom President won, because they are all to produce great results, and no “The Lanyard,” which many students major fields of interest include (1) is a working poet. Murphy will be running for Secretary great leaders. David Leith has been matter who wins at what position, believe to be pointless and mundane, modern drama, (2) creative writing As the days of arrival for Mr. Har- of Treasurer, and the rest of the spots a football stud ever since 7th grade. it is safe to say that we will be in but a poem which I, on the contrary, with emphasis on poetry, and (3) rison and Mr. Abbott come closer, are still open for candidates who have Tom Keefe has been running plays good hands. Make sure you are in believe has received much unfair religion and literature.” He has writ- we are all encouraged to keep not made up their minds yet. and performing in them since he has Corporate Chapel on Monday, April criticism.) ten five books of original poetry, two appreciating this month’s emphasis People ask, “Why run for a been at this school. Lou Heck. Pat- 26. The speeches will be funny, but This school year proves to be novels, and two non-fiction works on poetry. Pay careful attention to spot in Student Council?” Many think rick McLaughlin knows how to make remember not to vote for the Dane an extra special one, as St. Sebastian’s concerning drama, according to his the upcoming Corporate Chapel that all Student Council does is help people laugh and how to set a good Cook of the Speeches, but to vote for will soon welcome not only one, but personal Web site. He is a graduate recitations, and make note of any set up for dances and do the recycling example for his fellow classmates the person who you think truly best two distinguished American poets. of the Fay School in Southborough, supplementary studies on poetry around the school. This, for starters, and the rest of the school. I love fits and best deserves to serve St. On April 22, local poet MA and of Harvard University. which teachers may be incorporat- is false. Student Council does more making people laugh as well, and I Sebastian's School as President. This Jeffrey Harrison will visit the School. The English Department ing in their classes. Do not be afraid than these two tasks mentioned, like to think that I know how to lead being said, it will be tough when it According to his Web site, Mr. Har- has chosen three poems from Ab- to explore poems and poets on your what else would the hour and a half a proper example for everyone else all comes down to it, because we rison has written four volumes of bott’s newest poetry collection New own. Many poems contain several meetings after school on Thursdays in the school. have such promising leaders run- poetry. He has been honored with & Selected; Poems 1989-2009 to dis- layers of meaning despite their brev- be for? There is even a lot of depth at the ning. Make good judgments, and fellowships from the John Simon cuss in special depth. “Growing Up,” ity. A short amount of reading can I was speaking recently with Vice-President position. Lucas Myku- enjoy the candidates, their speeches, Guggenheim Memorial Foundation “My Dog, the Lover,” and “One Talent precipitate spontaneous, healthy, Mr. Drummond about my course lak has ran the Junior class and is and the rest of the school year. and the National Endowment for the Man” are thought provoking in a enjoyable analysis. Arts. Such prestigious publications manner to similar to Mr. Harrison’s Most importantly, as trite as this may as The New Republic, The New Yorker, work. By studying these poems, I seem, we are encouraged to keep and The Yale Review have included suspect we will continue to find the an open mind about the poetry we TOP CHED - Top 5 Press Harrison’s work in their editions. Such quotation oft uttered by Headmas- experience. Let us try not to dismiss notable educational institutions as ter Burke to be true: “Poetry makes immediately certain poems by say- Phillips Academy and the College of the strange familiar and the familiar ing “that’s not really a poem” or “I the Holy Cross have counted Mr. Har- strange.” could do that.” After all, poetry is a Conference Meltdowns rison among their faculty. According to English craft. The poet may have spent con- The St. Sebastian’s English Depart- Department Chair Mr. Chris Lynch, siderable time and effort to generate ment has chosen four poems from both poets will meet with groups of his or her work. There is most likely 3) Mike Gundy… Harrison’s collection “The Names of English classes during the school day an explanation behind each poem’s 1) We Talkin ‘Bout Practice! BY EDMUND MURPHY In one of the most awkward Things” to be focal points of Mr. Har- to talk about their own poems and seemingly ordinary aspects. and absurd moments in press- Allen Iverson’s hallmark After watching all the commercials, conference history, Oklahoma State “Practice rant” is, and probably will reviewing the countless YouTube head football Coach Mike Gundy always be my all time favorite. Many videos, and reading page after page absolutely erupted on the Associ- will make the push for Gundy’s Okla- of ESPN: The Magazine, I’ve come to a ated Press. No questions, so interrup- homa State rant, but I guess we must conclusion about sports humor: noth- tions, just a straight up, unadulter- agree to disagree. Come on now, the ing is funnier in the world of sports ated rant. Here are a few ridiculously man says the word “practice” over we know and love, than a good old insane snippets: twenty times in a span of about five Movies with press-conference meltdown. We love minutes. Here are a few of the best Mike to see the most outlandish and overly “If you have a child someday, you’ll Iverson quotes from the press-con- emotional athletes in the world sit understand how it feels. But you ference, on down at the podium after a big loss, obviously don’t have a child. I do. or sometimes a crucial win, and make If your child goes down the street "If Coach tells you that I missed “The Ghost Writer” absolute fools of themselves. We love and somebody makes fun of him practice, then that's that. I may have and close friend, who had originally espionage, made the film more be- watching coaches verbally smite the because he dropped a pass in a missed one practice this year but been the ghost writer, had recently lievable and original. The female lead reports asking them questions as pickup game, or says he’s fat, and if somebody says he missed one BY MIKE SANDERSON ‘10 died rather mysteriously. Naturally in the film is portrayed by someone they ruthlessly punish the table with he comes home crying to his mom, practice of all the practices this year, our protagonist is very reluctant to I am totally unfamiliar with, Olivia Tyson-esque punches and splatter you’d understand. But you haven’t then that's enough to get a whole It’s getting ridiculous at this point. I take the job, but the opportunity Williams, who plays Ruth Lang. She the microphone with spit as they had that.” lot started.” rant and rave. Though its been hard really don’t know how I do it. I had to write about such a high profile is probably the most complex and been worrying for the past couple figure, and also the $250,000 pay- interesting character in the film, and to select my all time favorites, I’ve Gundy is speaking about a reporter “It's easy to sum it up if you're just weeks that my column would limp check for a month’s work, ultimately Williams’ portrayal is second only to chosen what I consider a fairly solid who wrote an article on one of his talking about practice. We're sitting into the spring season, as I had seen persuade him to get involved. that of McGregor. Perhaps some of Top 5 Sports Meltdowns of all time, players who had dropped a crucial here, and I'm supposed to be the no advertisements for any enticing The story really gets good the reason this very good film didn’t as I never cease to get a laugh from pass in State’s previous game (one franchise player, and we're talking movies in the month of April. Thank- when, soon after The Ghost arrives at get more attention at the box office each of these melodramatic, cringe- which the won). If you didn’t notice, about practice. I mean listen, we're fully, I was visited by a savior in the Lang’s private complex and begins is that it was directed by Roman inducing rants. Gundy actually tells the reporter that sitting here talking about practice, form of our own Mrs. Madsen, who work on the memoirs, a former Polanski, whose troubles with laws he doesn’t have children. The re- not a game, not a game, not a game, told me she had been very pleasantly member of Lang’s cabinet accuses regarding the legal age of sexual 5) Jim Mora: PLAYOFFS?!?! porter could very easily have a wife, but we're talking about practice. Not surprised by “The Ghost Writer”. I him of ordering the torture of terror consent have been well document- In November 2001, the and actually multiple children, and the game that I go out there and die proposed it as the topic for my next suspects, and Lang goes on trial ed. His recent arrest garnered a lot of Indianapolis Colts had just lost to the by the commutative property, we for and play every game last it's my column at the Walrus meeting, and for crimes against humanity. I’m negative publicity which may have San Francisco 49ers, leaving the Colts can reason that Gundy is an absolute last but we're talking about practice, I was met with stunned silence and afraid if I say anything more I’ll spoil reflected on the film. Say what you with a repulsive 4-6 record. In a post- fool. Not to mention the “fat” com- man. How silly is that?” general incredulity. To be fair to my something, so take my word that the will about his personal life, but Po- game press conference, Jim Mora, ment. Completely out of context, out colleagues, it had made very little at intrigue and conspiracy The Ghost lanski did a very good job with this the then-head coach of the Colts, of line, and really adds nothing to his “We're talking about practice, man. the box office, and I didn’t exactly uncovers, particularly in regards to film. The only major problem I have was asked about the Colts’ playoff failing argument. Here’s one of his We're talking about practice. We're have the highest of expectations his predecessor, during the events of with the film, aside from a number of chances. He responded: “What’s that? closing statements: talking about practice. We're not Playoffs? Don’t talk about – playoffs? talking about the game. We're talk- either. I can, however, happily say the investigation about Lang make smaller blips, is the painfully obvious that I found “The Ghost Writer” to be for a very entertaining film. I found last minute editing to nab a PG 13 You kiddin’ me? Playoffs? I just hope “Are you kidding me? Where are ing about practice. When you come thoroughly entertaining, while also the script to be very well written, rating. They literally dubbed over we can win a game!” The specific tone we at in society today? Come after to the arena, and you see me play, offering a refreshingly intellectual with a number of witty one liners profanity with PG 13 caliber alter- he uses while enunciating the word me! I’m a man! I’m 40! I’m not a kid! you've seen me play right, you've script, which you will soon find earns that provide a few laugh out loud natives, and it really detracts from “playoffs” is like that of a frustrated Write something about me! Or the seen me give everything I've got, but it a favorable review. moments in an otherwise dramatic some of the scenes. Especially when and dumbfounded infant, but the real coaches. Don’t write about a kid that we're talking about practice right The story is centered on an film. Even more impressive than that characters are screaming expletives, gem of this speech is his rhetorically does everything right, that’s heart now.” up and coming British “ghostwriter,” to me was the direction the plot it’s just really awkward to clearly advanced repetition of “playoffs”. He is broken, and then say the coaches which is essentially a professional took after its fairly formulaic begin- see what their lips are saying and must have been a great poet back in say he was scared! That ain’t true!” Iverson makes it very clear that we’re the day. talking about practice, not the actual writer who helps celebrities or public ning; I really didn’t have an inkling hear “freaking” dubbed over. It’s like figures write their memoirs. “The of how it all would end up, and I watching Die Hard on FX; it’s still a ‘Nuff said. game. He begins by actually not 4) Terrell Owens Gets Real Emotional speaking coherent English, and ends Ghost” (the protagonist is never found the ending to be surprisingly fine movie, but “Yippee-ki-yay, Mel- actually given a name) is offered a job realistic, not overly dramatized, but onfarmer!” doesn’t really have the In 2008, Terrell Owens and 2) Dennis Green: THEY ARE WHO WE by solidifying his awful point: that ghostwriting the memoirs of Adam ultimately more than satisfactory. same ring to it. his Cowboys had just lost a crucial THOUGHT THEY WERE! he can’t make his teammates better Lang, a fictional former British Prime As for a cast breakdown, Bottom line: The Ghost game against the rival New York After a loss to the Chicago by practicing, and that the franchise Minister, modeled not so subtly after there are some very impressive Writer is very good, and is a refresh- Giants. While taking questions from Bears, Dennis Green, Arizona Car- player doesn’t need to practice. He Tony Blair. As a quick aside, there are names attached to this one, which ing diversion from cookie cutter reporters on where to place the dinals head football coach, was not gives a great message to all aspir- a lot of political overtones to this surprised me considering it seemed political thrillers. A very well written, blame for the loss, Owens suddenly taking things lightly in the postgame ing youth athletes out there, and an film. I tend to be annoyed when films to have a relatively low budget and acted, and directed film, that is very broke down into tears, saying: “You press-conference. When asked about even better public speaking lesson. get all preachy and beat me over the limited release. Pierce Brosnan is close to being a top tier thriller, save guys can point the finger at him [ Dal- his approach to playing a team like There they are, the five top head with their agendas, but at the probably the most renowned actor for the brutal decision to dub over las QB Tony Romo], you can talk about Chicago, Green got fired up: “The rants in recent memory; they have end of the day it wasn’t so overt that in the film, and plays Prime Minister expletives and what some people the vacation, and if you do that, that’s Bears are who we thought they been chronicled in commercials, it detracted from the film. Anyway, Lang, proving resoudingly that he may find a lackluster conclusion. The really unfair…it’s really unfair…that’s were! That’s why we took the damn written in blogs, and documented the Ghost quickly realizes that this can still bring the heat in a strong limited release could make it tough my teammate! That’s my quarterback! field! (Smacks microphone) Now if online; there are few worse rants will not be nearly as relaxing as his supporting role. Ewan McGregor to catch this one in theaters, so if you And if you guys do that, man, it’s you want to crown them, crown their than these. So whether it’s Gundy other books have been. He learns I haven’t really been a fan of since can’t see it on the big screen I highly unfair…” This clip gets me especially ***! But they are who we thought telling you that you don’t have a that his contract would stipulate total seeing The Phantom Menace, but he recommend renting it or watching because Terrell Owens is a player they were, and we let ‘em off the child, or Mora discouraging you from confidentiality, he must fly to Lang’s does a nice job in this one playing a it on demand in a month or so, be- notorious for placing the blame for hook!” The best part of Green’s tirade speaking about the playoffs, we can personal safehouse on an island to well meaning writer in way over his cause it is definitely worth the price losses square on the shoulder of though is the awkward silence that all learn something from these rants: work on the manuscript, and he must head, quite comically at times. He of admission. I give it four stars out his teammates and quarterbacks. follows his last words. During the The ten second “think about what complete the 624 page work in only was a good fit for this one; he’s not of five, and again extend my thanks He’s rocking his blocker shades and silence, he simply turns respect- your about to say and whether it a month’s time. Most troubling of all, the typical male lead for a thriller, and congratulations to Mrs. Madsen snuffling as he pleads the Associated fully, and leaves the podium. Greens will come off as really stupid” rule. the Ghost learns that he has been but this isn’t a typical thriller. His in- for discovering this very solid under Press to please God don’t blame my angry mug makes this a speech for Maybe meltdowns teach us some- called in after the rough draft has tellectual character, who frequently the radar film. quarterback. I’m not buying it. all the ages to behold. thing after all. been completed because Lang’s aide showed his ineptness in matters of April 2010 The Walrus: School News Page 5 School May Be Over, But Senior Service Begins

BY NICK CREEGAN ‘11 projects are not just another way to is not nearly important as the work shoo students away from the hectic completed, as the mission suggests. As the hot sun beats down campuses of high schools. Instead, The true purpose of the service on the Boston area, the days grow they are a way to both finalize and project transcends the minor details longer, and the nights shrink shorter, solidify the education that has taken of age or ability. Instead, the service the idea of summer has begun to place over the past four years. They project looks to draw on the com- creep into the minds of those on the apply the teachings from specific mon themes and wisdom that can St. Sebastian’s campus. As the month classroom discussions, especially be gained from any work with the of May nears with each passing day, theology, to real world situations less fortunate. As Kevin Lynch ’10, the dreams of senior summer are and experiences. Working at a senior who will begin work at the Italian fresh in the minds of those about to service project, as St. Sebastian’s Children’s Home in May, describes, “I graduate. The ease of senior spring sees, is a sort of double edged just hope to make a difference in the is coming to a gradual end, and sword. Obviously, the students’ work lives of a few kids that haven’t been everyone has begun to consider long substantially helps give back and as fortunate as me.” days on the beach and with friends. support their community without Such a quote sums up the However, even after classes and ex- monetary reward; however, there is major purpose of senior purpose. As ams have finally finished for seniors, another side to such work. The com- such a well-off, gifted environment, The Red Sox celebrate after winning the 2007 World Series a mere two-and-a-half years ago. there will still be work to be done. As munity and service program also St. Sebastian’s is nearly obligated is a tradition at St. Sebastian’s school, gives back to the students, teaching to give back to the community. The each senior is required to end their and instructing them on how to face senior service project is an excellent practical, and even the most imprac- opportunity and technique that the The Red Sox are Back , But academic career in service to a chari- table foundation of their own. tical, situations. school community uses to spread The senior class consistently Many seniors have opted their talents and benefits beyond chooses a variety of service oppor- to work at different types of projects. the everyday environment. The Groups of students will begin work senior service project is, in essence, Are They Ready to Make A tunities to pursue as their final high school year comes to a close. The at elderly homes, youth organiza- an opportunity to kill two birds with service program has annually been a tions, or hospitals for the disabled one stone. The students will gain the staple component of the St. Sebas- during the month of May. A large wisdom and experience that accom- group of seniors are pursuing work panies work and aid. Furthermore, World Series Run in 2010? tian’s education. As assistant head- master Mr. Nerbonne describes, the with the disabled at Boston Col- as Kevin Lynch described, the school senior service project is essentially lege, while others are working with community pursues the opportunity BY TOM HOFF ‘11 be completely carried by one aspect “part of the educational process […] veterans at the VFW Hospital in to “make a difference” in the lives of than what they have. Can’t you see of a game with so many integral students get even more out of it than the nearby town of West Roxbury. many. the following situation?: The Red On Easter Night, the Red Sox parts. The pitching is great, and their they put in.” In other words, senior However, the location of the service Sox need one run in a low scoring, began their season with the Yan- fielding should be great, if these extra game, but can’t get kees in town. They began with new stats are as true as we hope. They it because they can’t string a rally players, both position players and also have good hitters. However, the together. Meanwhile, A-Rod or Teix- , from last year. In baseball, team lacks something in the lineup. eira or Evan Longoria comes to the the start of the year with new players They lack a feared hitter. If you really plate, and he ends the game for the always brings a lot of questions. Will think about it, is there a guy that the team when the Red Sox missed their What Time is it Anyway? guys such as Adrian Beltre, Marco other teams in the league will feel a chances to do so earlier in the game. Scutaro, Mike Cameron, and John need to intentionally walk? Prob- Only a few of those one run games ing the unthinkable, texting during could say was simply that the clocks Lackey be the keys to put the Red ably not, unless someone is having which the Red Sox lose could mean BY TOM MURPHY ‘11 class, which almost never occurs at at school didn’t work, but parents Sox over the top, from a contender of a near-perfect game at the dish al- that they lose their playoff spot to this school or many others, and as a and coaches were not hearing any of the past two years to a world series ready. They don’t have a hitter who the Rays or Yankees. If you have been at Sebs lately and result kids phones were taken and it. Also the effects of the stopping of winner this year? Will they become inflicts real fear into another team, Yet, there is one solution, have not been the perfect student, detentions were, given even with the clocks had some after affects as complacent with new contracts? (The in particular a power hitter. David one that unfairly favors big market finding yourself gazing upon the the constant explanation that the well. One of the clocks in Ward Hall is same can be asked about Josh Beck- Ortiz isn’t the power hitter he once teams in the league, and those who clock positioned somewhere around reason for the phone check was not still not working and there is a gap- ett.) Or, will the Red Sox be the same was. Manny and Jason Bay are gone. have a fan base which will support the classroom, you will definitely a text from a lovely lady, but instead ing hole where the clock used to be. as last year, a wild card team who will Youkilis isn’t that guy and won’t be. the team’s moves. It’s called a trade. know of the conundrum that I speak was in order to discover what the Also the clock in Mr. Goulet’s room is be bounced in the first round? Hope- He’s a good hitter who does every- It’s what brought Dave Roberts, Josh of. For a period of around two days time was. This unfortunately was not stopped and has been since before fully, they’ll follow their three-year thing well, but doesn’t inflict much Beckett, and Victor Martinez here. last month all of the clocks around the only averse effect of the sudden the incident, it still has not been pattern of winning the World Series fear into other teams. This is the Red It’s what could bring Adrian Gon- the school were stopped mak- ceasing of the clocks, as after school fixed and people who have classes in like 2004 and 2007. However, there is Sox’s second greatest weakness. zalez, Miguel Cabrera, or another ing them only correct twice a day. kids found themselves completely this room may forever be stuck hav- a lot that needs to be examined with Is a power hitter necessary power guy here. The Sox may get However, there were some excep- unaware of what time it was, making ing no idea what time it truly is, only this Red Sox team. to do really well? Well, having one Gonzalez because the Padres still tions to this rule as Mr. Cressotti, Ms. them late for rides, and late for prac- hoping that the clock happens to be Theo Epstein and the Red power hitter always works much need to start from scratch. They Callini’s pi clock, which no one can tice. As a result coaches and parents right just this one time, because it is Sox organization chose to follow sta- better, as shown by recent champi- could get Cabrera because the Tigers read anyway, and one clock in the alike were infuriated by the tardiness right twice a day. tistics this offseason. I’m not going to ons. Last year’s Yankees had a great organization does well when things McCulloch room had immunity from of their kids or players, and all they bore you with stats that seem unim- power hitter or three. The 2008 around them are going well, but the this terrible virus as they were not portant and are hard to understand; Phillies had Ryan Howard and Chase opposite is also true. If you really apart of the school system and were that’s my brother’s job. However, I will Utley. The 2007 Red Sox had Ortiz want the Red Sox to get Cabrera, brought from some other source. say that the team chose to go with a and Manny. The 2006 Cardinals had then you should root for the auto Now these two days were some of system of run prevention. All of the Pujols, whom any team can win with, industries in Detroit to take another the worst days in the history of Sebs position players that they acquired and the list goes on. Yet, the argu- hit. Personally, I have trouble root- for many of us, as in each and every are great defensively and have been ment can be made that the Red Sox ing for something so devastating, class we were stuck there believing huge run-preventers for their whole are so dominant in the other facets even though I really like Cabrera. that even though it had felt like an careers. Now, Cameron is in center of the game that a true power hitter Gonzalez is rumored to happen, but eternity the clock claimed that no field, with Ellsbury in left, replacing isn’t needed. But, that brings me to he loves San Diego, and the Padres time at all had passed. People had to a below-average fielder in Jason Bay. the Sox’s greatest weakness: Their may want to keep him in order to, if resort to either wearing wrist watches Now, Marco Scutaro and Adrian Beltre division. If they were in any other nothing else, sell tickets. They could or checking their phones in order to are on the left side of the infield. They division in the league, everyone still get a great package for him next check what time it was. This was ter- are great defensively. However, the could pencil, actually more like pen, offseason. rible for many as teachers could now most important thing about the left them in for a division win. However, In my opinion, the previous clearly see if they were not paying side of the infield is that we no longer they’re in a division with two of the paragraph is the key to the Red Sox attention, or caring about what was have to watch Julio Lugo play short- other top four teams in all of the season. To compete with the two occurring during the class, as check- stop anymore. Seriously, wouldn’t it MLB. 90 wins may not be enough teams in their division, get through ing a wristwatch or grabbing ones be better to watch me play short than for even a wild card spot, because a tough American League, and then phone is much more obvious than Lugo? I think even I’d be less painful the Yankees have as many dollars beat the best team that the National the casual gaze towards the clock to to watch. behind their team as the number of League has to offer, they’ll need a see how much longer the class must Along with Cameron, Beltre, USBs that Lou Heck has in his col- power hitter. They need someone continue. Also with the increase in and Scutaro, John Lackey is a big part lection, and the Rays have a desire who makes the other team’s fans wristwatches there was an increase in of the team’s new makeup. Now, the to win this year because of their say, “Shoot, he’s up.” IF they get carpal tunnel, too, as kids’ wrists could Sox have an ace in the third spot. contracts in a small market. It’ll be a someone like Gonzalez or Cabrera not withstand the newfound massive Their starting pitching is probably battle the entire year, and, unfortu- at the deadline, they can win. In weight on their wrists. Also deten- unmatched, one through five. If nately, the Red Sox may emerge as fact, my prediction is that, if the tions drastically increased for this they get a good season out of either the third team of that group. The AL Red Sox don’t get a power hitter / monstrous time period of two days, Daisuke or Wakefield as the fifth East and its powerhouse teams may fear-inflictor, they’ll miss the playoffs. as kids who did not desire carpel starter, their season should be carried prove to bring out the Red Sox’s lack However, if Theo does pull off such tunnel and resorted to their phones by their pitching. of a power hitter. If the entire season a great trade, they’ll win the World were constantly caught innocently However, the problem is may come down to head-to-head Series, and continue that three year checking the time. However, many that, in this day and age, teams can’t games, the Red Sox may need more pattern. teachers thought that they were do- Unlike the clocks at Seb’s, Big Ben is always on time.

on the first round, so now the date is the self proclaimed “Super Team” Peck, Marino and Mulroy, Franco Teams Look to Knock off Kingsley set, and if you cannot make it, your of seniors Harrington and Kinlan. and Keefe, McCarthy and O’Malley, team forfeits the trial. Furthermore These teams will be arguing the case McMillan and Wallace, and Albanese Mr. Cleary is rethinking the idea of of Escobedo vs. Illinois. This case and Kingsley, last year’s champions. and Albanese in School’s Third having as many teams as possible has to do with a suspected crimi- It should be noted however that sign up, because of the inordinate nal’s right to an attorney. In 1964, never in the history of the Moot amount of time the competition has the case went before the Supreme Court Competition has a team won already taken. Every year there are Court after it had been overturned two years running, so history may be Annual MOOT Court Competition a few forfeits, but it is understand- in the Illinois state courts once then made in Albanese and Kingsley can the semi-final round, which will be BY A. DEMATTEO ‘11 which teams were forced to do an able, because as Mr. Cleary puts it, returned to the guilty verdict. When repeat last year’s triumph. extra round. This extra round also in the evening to allow parents to at- "a person who wants to be involved it went before the Supreme Court, Over all the Moot Court The St. Sebastian's Moot court caused an enormous drag on the tend. In the final round, there will be with it (Moot Court) has five other in was in direct correlation with the Competition is a great experience for competition is in its third year, under tournament this year. real judges, courtesy of Mr. Albert- things, and they are busy." It is also Gideon vs. Wainwright case, which everyone who participates in it. Be- the leadership of Mr. Cleary, as the For those of you who do son's connections. important to note that because the just a year before, acknowledged a cause it is designed for all the cases tradition continues. However this year not know what the Moot Court Com- This year the Moot Court tournament is a lottery some very Constitutional right for all citizens to argued to be debatable, neither side there were some notable changes petition is a special type of debate, competition is nearly done with the competitive teams did not even a lawyer. In this case Escobedo sued has a noticeable advantage over the to the format of the tournament this where the participation students are second round of trials. At the mo- make the second round. for a mistrial based on the fact that other. When the students go into year compared to the previous two given a series of famous Supreme ment it is moving along quite nicely, Currently there are still ten he was denied the right to consult the rooms for the trial with only their years at St. Sebastian's, and all the Court cases to debate against each but it took nearly five weeks to com- teams in the tournament. There are with his lawyer, and the Courts ruled notes and speeches to help them it years it happened while Mr. Cleary other. All the cases are debatable plete the preliminary round of five four teams still in the second round, in his favor, five to four. is a battle of who has prepared the was at Concord Carlisle. Twenty-one and do not have a clear cut winner cases, because everyone's schedules while the other six have already The six other teams plus best for the case, which will deter- teams instead of the usual sixteen on either side, making them ideal to were so diverse. Thankfully it was completed it and are waiting for the the two who survive the rest of the mine the outcome. The Moot Court were allowed to compete in this argue. The goal of the students is to started several weeks earlier in the third round to begin. The teams still second round, will be given the Competition is fun to watch and I year's round of cases. These extra convince the judges, Mr. Cleary and year to make up for the added round competing in the second round are: next case either later this week or encourage everyone to be there for teams made for an extra round of Mr. Nerbonne for the lower rounds. of cases. There had to be changes, Hodgson and Sweeney vs. Bacic and early the next. The six teams in the the final round sometime in May. cases, where a lottery would decide Mr. Schell will be the third judge in because of the extended time spent Smith, and Balboni and D’Amato vs. quarter finals consist of Dillon and Page 6 The Walrus: School News April 2010 Confident Bruins POINT - COUNTERPOINT Chase Stanley Cup Holy Cross OR Boston College??

BY PETER CIMINI ‘12 ers they have healthy are more than able to win games. Holy Cross Boston College With the season over and the Last season, part of the from class to class? Perhaps some playoffs about to begin, the Boston Bruins success was the play of goal- BY JOHN DONOVAN ‘12 past year. I can’t really get on their will say, “It’s good exercise!” How- BY RYAN BACIC ‘11 Bruins having a completely differ- tender and Vezina trophy winner case for football, really, but it’s still ever, I am a firm believer that having ent outlook on the playoffs then Tim Thomas. However, this year has Are you thinking about going to not close to the same level of play to sprint around everywhere is The horn sounds, and the maroon- they did last year. Last April, the not treated him well. Shaky play in Boston College? If so, here are some you’re going to see on Saturdays at ridiculous. The much more reason- and-gold-clad players throw their Bruins had just finished off their 116 the beginning of the year, and the more questions that you might want Alumni Stadium. able 174 acres of hilly Holy Cross gloves into the air in jubilation and pt season at the top of the Eastern fantastic play of Tuukka Rask, has left to ask yourself before you make your While BC takes the athletics is more easily navigated and the begin to celebrate as the cameras Conference. This year, they finished him without the starting job. Person- decision. Do you like being a small category easily, it’s far from the only Academic buildings and wings are flash all around them. Another year, well below that mark, and barely ally, I think that Thomas, when at the fish in a large ocean? Do you like the reason why BC trumps its Worcester closer together. The smaller distant another national championship for made the playoffs, using a late surge top of his game, is a better goalie small city of Newton, Massachusetts neighbor. For those looking to com- between buildings gives the student BC’s illustrious men’s ice hockey pro- to climb into the 6th seed. They will than Rask and the only way to get (known for its famous Fig Newtons)? pare the two academically, which an opportunity to socialize along the gram, the team’s second title in the face off against the Buffalo Sabres, a him to his best form is to let him play Do you like blowing money on higher is what most kids are going to be way, and in doing so advancing his/ last three years, an amazing achieve- team that didn’t even make the play- more often, but this is not a realistic tuition? Do you like a low admittance worried about come decision time, her college experience. ment for sure. However, BC’s success offs last year, but had a great season possibility because the playoffs are rate? If you have answered in the affir- BC definitely has the better national 5. This school’s very name is on the ice is only a tiny part of the to finish 3rd in the strong Eastern not a time to try to break a goalie mative to these questions, then there rep. BC’s name is pretty well-known a SHAM! Boston College is in fact overall, overwhelming case as to why, Conference. While many people in out of a season long slump. is no doubt that Boston College is the throughout the country, while Holy not a real college. It is University in the battle for the crown of Mas- the Boston area couldn’t name more The matchup with the right place for you. However, I have 7 Cross primarily only carries real clout because of the many graduate pro- sachusetts’s premier Catholic college, than 1 or 2 Sabres players, there is Sabres, however, doesn’t seem reasons why the College of the Holy throughout the Northeast, where grams including: BC college of Arts Boston College beats Holy Cross in a one player that has become a name like much of a daunting task. The Cross is a better school for anyone. the school of a little under 3,000 un- and Sciences, BC graduate school landslide. many households know and love, Bruins, at the top of their game, can dergrads is better known. The result? of Arts and Sciences, BC graduate In all sports other than and that is goalie Ryan Miller. Most skate with anybody and they look 1. Classics Day is native to BC’s list of famous alumni includes school of Social Work, BC school of hockey, BC is a member of the pres- know Miller from his outstanding to match up well with the Sabres. Holy Cross. For those of you who Senator John Kerry, Amy Poehler, Theology and Ministry, and BC Law tigious Atlantic Coast Conference, performance for Team USA in the One key is to get to Ryan Miller early haven’t attended one of these “Clas- sportswriters Bob Ryan and Mike School. Boston College also not home to the likes of major programs Winter Olympics, and know how in the game. The longer the game sics Days,” imagine a spectacle as Lupica, Fidelity CEO Peter Lynch, and even in Boston. It’s in Chestnut Hill, a like North Carolina, Florida State, his play can make or break a team’s goes on, the better Miller gets, but marvelous Niagara Falls or the top numerous athletes, among countless subdivision of Newton. So if you like Virginia Tech, Miami, and Duke, this performance. With this in mind, the if they get him rattled early, Miller of Mount Everest combined with the others. Because of the weight the being lied to, then Boston College year’s NCAA tournament champions. Bruins, a team that has had trouble doesn’t play as well. Although every physical and mental challenges of name of Boston College holds, the (or should I say Newton University) is Holy Cross, on the other hand, plays scoring goals all season, have their ESPN expert has picked Buffalo to the Olympics. You don’t see hundreds university received nearly 31,000 ap- the school for you. in the rigorous Patriot League against work cut out for them against Miller. win, they did say that the team with of high school and college students plications last year, while Holy Cross, 6. Purple is the new black. Ev- powerhouses such as the Lafayette As of late though, the the most legitimate shot of an upset flooding onto the BC campus to vie in though admittedly a lot smaller, only eryone is wearing purple now these Leopards and the scrappy Colgate Bruins have been playing their best is the Bruins. If you want to see the high intensity Latin competition. NO! received 7,200. This competitive- days including such celebrities as Toothpaste Raiders. Also, while BC’s hockey of the season. Mid-season Barstool prediction, it will be posted Only at one school, Holy Cross, can ness has led to considerably higher Professor Quirrell from the first Harry team name is the Eagleswhich is ba- acquisition Miroslav Satan has been tomorrow. you witness the most brilliant young admissions standards for BC, with Potter, Barney, Hugh Hefner (Purple sically America’s mascot as wellHoly a great boost to the struggling Other interesting matchups classical minds contend for prizes a median SAT score for admitted Smoking Jacket), all of the Min- Cross’s nickname is the Crusaders, offense. But, the team has been include the Capitals and the Cana- and glory in events such as Certamen students of 1250-1430 out of 1600, nesota Vikings, local celebrity Mike bringing us all back to a bloody and plagued with injuries all season, per- diens, which that Capitals will win (in English- “competition), Chariot while Holy Cross could only claim an Nerbonne is known for his purple shameful period in the history of the haps why they have failed to back up easily, and the Penguins – Ottawa Racing, and Interpretation of Roman average score between 1180-1350, button-down shirts, and the list Catholic Church that we would all their regular season dominance of Senators series, the 4-5 matchup Culture. Sure BC is okay at football be- a good deal lower than its coun- goes on. How many famous people/ probably rather try to forget. last year. Marc Savard suffered a con- could be very interesting. The West- cause of recruiting and scholarships, terpart. In addition, 80% of incom- teams sport the maroon and gold? Although BC might not be cussion in a game against Pittsburgh ern Conference’s first round match- but do they have a Latin Team or the ing BC freshmen graduated in the The Washington Redskins (the fourth consistently be ranked in basketball and is out for the season, defense- ups aren’t as intriguing and it doesn’t Bean Scholarship (a scholarship given top 10% of their high school class, worst ranked team in the NFL) and or make deep runs in March every man Andrew Ference has had a seem like there will be many huge only to a few aspiring Classics Majors) compared to 61% at Holy Cross. My Penelope Cruz at the 2010 Oscars. season, they nonetheless are com- groin problem that has kept him upsets. Although the Bruins wont 2. Tuition- If you choose to brother, Seb’s alum and Class of 2003 That’s just about it. petitive year in and year out. Perhaps out for the last 17 games, and Mark be having any crazy rivalry games attend BC you will be approximately salutatorian Will Bacic attended BC 7. Legacy. A great percentage the greatest indicator of BC’s expecta- Stuart, infected hand, is also out for against Montreal, their matchup be spending $8000 more for Tuition and loved it, finding that it was a of the St. Sebastian’s body has a tie tions of success on the hardwood lies the series. Although shorthanded, seems like it will be one that you and Room and Board for four years rigorous learning experience that to Holy Cross. Some are listed below in the recent firing of head coach Al the Bruins have showed throughout don’t want to miss. of college than at Holy Cross. Never prepared him enormously well for Skinner after a 15-16 campaign this the recent playoff push that the play- mind the high expense of living in the 1. Nerbonne Legacy life after college. Because of the past season in which they missed Greater Boston Area. By comparison 2. Albertson Legacy great education he received at BC, both the NCAAs and the NIT. Skinner, Holy Cross is much cheaper school for 3. Diblasi Legacy he was accepted to Harvard Business the winningest coach in BC history, a very similar education. Both schools 4. C. Lynch Legacy School and is currently finishing up had previously made it to the tourna- are ranked equally for Academics on 5. Schell Legacy his first year there, at the same time ment in seven of his last ten years in As the saying 6. Cleary Legacy discovering that he has been just addition to one NIT trip during that goes, “Why pay more for the same 7. Donovan Legacy as well-prepared as the many Ivy span. After leading his Cornell squad Celtics Tussle thing?” 8. Supple Legacy League alums that he’s come across to the Sweet 16 this past March, new 3. Do you like leaving your car 9. Dudley Legacy there. If that’s not a telling testimony Eagles coach Steve Donahue looks in the middle of nowhere and then 10. Keeley Legacy to the high quality of education that like he’ll have the team poised for never seeing it again? Do you like los- 11. Pantano Legacy BC provides, then I truly don’t know success for years to come. His up- With Heat in First ing your vehicle in a sea of automo- 12. O’Brien Legacy what is. tempo motion offense should lead biles in a multitude of massive lots? 13. Sullivan Legacy Wait, I did mention Holy to big things for the Eagles, espe- If you do, BC is an ideal place for you. 14. Walker Legacy Cross is in Worcester, right? Boston cially for rising junior Reggie Jackson, However, at Holy Cross, not only will College, located in beautiful and Round of Playoffs Here are 7 fantastic reasons that whose speed and explosiveness had scenic Chestnut Hill, therefore also you not lose your car, but in fact you been restrained during his first two will never have trouble finding a spot. Holy Cross is the greatest school. I trumps Holy Cross in a third depart- most of his scoring from the outside. years on the Heights because of Al BY M. CUNNINGHAM ‘12 4. Do you like walking across hope you make the right decision. ment, location. While BC may not If the Celtics have any intentions of Skinner’s slower flex style. While this an entire 240-acre campus to get Build your own legacy. really be in Boston, there’s tons to do The Celtics season has just about making a substantial run in the play- past season may have been a relative in and around the campus, with two come to a close and they are cer- offs this year then they must play the disappointment for BC fans, they can malls and many quality restaurants tainly in contention to make a run second half the way they play the rest assured that they’re fast ap- and things to do nearby. Conve- in the playoffs. It looks like the Celt- first half and keep their starters fresh proaching the light at the end of the niently located on the Green Line, BC ics will finish in fourth place with for all the games they play. proverbial tunnel. Holy Cross fans, students can easily hop on the T for the Cavs finishing in first, the Magic The playoff picture looks meanwhile, might not be so lucky. A a short ride into the city if they man- in second, and the Hawks in third. like this in the eastern conference disastrous 9-22 season, in which the age to get tired of Cleveland Circle. The Celtics definitely had a success- for the first round: #1 Cavs vs # 8 team was picked to win the league, Though I don’t make regular trips ful season this year. They saw great Chicago/ Toronto, #2 Orlando vs #7 saw the Crusaders finish second-to- out to Worcester, the junior class’s production out of their starters, Charlotte, # 3 Atlanta vs # 6 Milwau- last in conference. new favorite site, collegeprowler. especially , , kee and #4 Boston vs # 5 Miami. In In terms of football, BC simi- com, did my work for me, and the and . These three the first round I foresee the Celtics larly reigns supreme, having made results aren’t too pretty for Holy guys stayed in the lineup day in and winning their series against Miami eleven straight bowl games, winning Cross people. For the category of day out all season long and their handily and then facing the mighty nine. With linebacker Mark Herzlich “Local Atmosphere,” BC was graded a production never stopped. Ray Al- Cavs in the second round. The Cavs back to anchor the defense once straight A while Holy Cross received len proved to be the major scorer in are much to strong and deep for again after beating cancer, the Eagles’ an unfortunate C+. BC was also rated the absence of both and the Celtics to handle with guys like D looks as strong as ever, especially higher in terms of “Nightlife,” as the . Rajon Rondo showed Antawn Jamieson and Anderson with breakout star Luke Kuechly in to infamous Mods, though probably his versatility as a basketball player, Varejao as their primary big men. complement the All-American Her- structurally unsafe, are party central getting double doubles and triple Ultimately I think the Celtics will lose zlich. Holy Cross plays D 1-AA ballor for all rowdy Eagles. In the end, doubles on what seemed to be a in six games to the Cavaliers due Football Championship Subdivision, if Boston College sweeps every major weekly basis. And Kendrick Perkins to the fact that no one can guard you want to be politically correctand area of comparison between the two really showed his maturity as an LeBron and the Celtics just don’t ers vs #8 Spurs, #2 Mavericks vs #7 I’m going with and the lost to eventual champion Villanova schools: be it academics, reputation, NBA basketball player, playing great have the youth or the depth needed Trail Blazers, #3 Jazz vs #6 Thunder, Thunder just because Kevin Durant in the first round of the playoffs this athletics, or student life, BC wins big. defense and really stepping up his to win a seven game series against #4 Suns vs #5 Nuggets. Obviously has an uncanny ability to score and offensive game on the low post no arguably the best team in the NBA. the team to beat in the Western his size will overpower Kobe Bryant. matter who was covering him. The They simply cannot keep up with a Conference is the Lakers, but there The finals will be the speculation throughout the season fast paced team such as the Cava- are many young, and exciting teams vs the Oklahoma City was that the Celtics were getting liers with great bench players who such as the Thunder who could pos- Thunder. The Thunder will win this old. With players like Kevin Garnett bring lots of energy. The Cavs will sibly pose a threat to the defending series in seven games. They will win and Paul Pierce out constantly due subsequently meet the Atlanta champions. In the first round, the solely because Kevin Durant and to injury, they showed the fragility Hawks in the Eastern Conference Lakers will get by the Spurs, the Mav- are too good of that usually comes with old age. finals who will get by the Milwaukee ericks will beat the Trail Blazers, the a scoring tandem and Kevin Durant Also, the aged Bucks in the first round and defeat Thunder will beat the Jazz and the is becoming one of those guys who proved to be a major disappoint- the in seven games Nuggets will beat the suns. In the are un-guardable. ment in many ways. Not only did in the second round. I really think second round, the Lakers will handle This season for the Celtics he not bring the energy needed the Hawks will be a major threat this the Nuggets simply because Carme- was a success in the respect that off the bench, he didn’t pass the postseason because of guys like Joe lo Anthony just isn’t good enough they made the playoffs but in the ball. He fired fade-away shots from Johnson, Jamal Crawford and Josh to beat the Lakers on his own in let future, if they want to go deep into the all day and just didn’t Smith who just score at will and hard alone the post season. The Thunder the playoffs, some changes must the way us Celtics fans nosed big men such as Al Horford will handle the Mavericks because be in order. I do not see them go- expected. He along with the other and . Joe Johnson has the Thunder have guys like Kevin ing past the second round in the geezers on the squad showed their the capability of guarding LeBron Durant, James Harden and Russell playoffs because of their old age lack of youthfulness and stamina well enough to hold him to under Westbrook who are both dynamic and overall inability to stay healthy by losing leads in the second half twenty five points, which from my scorers and great defenders. Now for long periods of time. The future game after game against qual- point of view is quite a success. In the conference final is the Lakers vs looks bright with players like Rondo ity teams. The player who was an the end, the Hawks will defeat the Thunder. What both teams do lack and Perkins but other than that, the excellent pickup was Nate Robin- Cavaliers in six games, moving them in this conference final are big men. roster is filled with thirty something son. He brought excitement and life to the NBA finals. I think the Hawks Andrew Bynum is coming off an guys who are injury prone. In conclu- off the bench along with a decent certainly have the youth and the injury and will not be at his best and sion, the draft and free agency will three point shot. Now he is on Ed- depth to defeat the Cavaliers. all the Thunder have is , determine the success for the Celtics die House from beyond the arc, but The Western Conference so it will not be a problem for either in the years to come. he is an exciting scorer who does playoff picture is as follows: #1 Lak- team in this match-up. In the end, April 2010 The Walrus: Sports Page 7 Varsity Sailing Takes to the Sea The Masters: Phil Mickelson

move up to B Division of the Mass Bay League, a goal that seems very possible to accomplish given the im- Wins Third Green Jacket mense talent the team has this year. PGA Championship last August. He were plenty of great shots over his Although most St. Sebastian’s BY SAM RACINE ‘11 remains one of the best players with- 72 holes of the tournament, but the students are familiar with the sailors out a major title. Anthony Kim closed one that will be remembered for on the Arrows Sailing Team, many of On Sunday, April 11th, Phil Mick- with a 65, the best score of the day, years to come was his second shot the students do not have any idea elson climbed the steep hill to the and was third on the leader board at at the par five 13 on Sunday. The where the Arrows sail or what they 18th green at Augusta National as 12 under. Tiger Woods tied with K.J. first shot ended in the right rough sail. The Arrows sail on the Charles winner of the 2010 Masters Tourna- Choi for fourth at 11 under. behind a pine tree and onto pine River through Community Boating ment. There Angel Cabrera, last year’s Spectators witnessed a number of straw. He had 207 left to the green. Incorporated (CBI). CBI is the hub for winner, helped him into the signature stellar shots on the final day. There Most golfers would have played the Mass Bay League. They provide green jacket. The Masters, played were two holes-in-one. Nathan it safe and punched out into the all the competing schools with boats every year at Augusta National Golf Green, playing in the first group out, fairway to give themselves at least a ranging from Cape Cod Mercuries Club in Augusta, , is one of aced the par three 16th hole. Ryan shot at birdie and no worse than par. to 420s, organize practice times for golf’s four major tournaments. The Moore followed nine groups later Not Mickelson. Noticing an opening all the teams, organize races and others include the U.S. Open, the with another hole-in-one. “It was the in the trees he decided to go for the provide patrol boats to make sure British Open, and the PGA Champion- loudest roar I’ve ever heard in my green. Debating whether to use a that everybody is safe while sailing. ship. The tournament was founded entire life,” said Moore, of the crowd’s five or a six iron, he went with the six Although CBI offers a wide range by Bobby Jones and Clifford Roberts reaction. He finished the day with a and his ball finished a remarkable of boats, the Arrows only race Cape in 1934 and is revered by golfers ev- 68. There was a similar reaction on four feet from the hole. Mickelson’s Cod Mercuries and 420s. The Mer- erywhere. This year’s tournament was the par four seventh hole when Tiger weekend rounds, a pair of 5 under curies, each with a double sail, are played in beautiful weather on spec- Woods used a seven iron to make par 67s, rival the finest back-to-back all 15 feet in length, sailed by two tacular greens. Mickelson birdied the the day’s second eagle on the hole. rounds in tournament history, and to three people. 420s, on the other 12th, 13th, and 15th holes in the final Adam Scott also holed out a second elevate Mickelson into the elite tier hand, are sailed only by two people, round closing at a five under 67 and shot on seven, finishing at 71 for the of Masters champions. a skipper and a crew, are 420 cen- coming from behind to win his third day. Mickelson dedicated his victory to timeters in length (14 ft), are more Masters. He finished the weekend at The 2010 Masters held many other his wife, Amy, who was diagnosed prone to capsizing (flipping over), 272, 16 under par. Mickelson’s score memorable moments. Sixteen- with breast cancer in May, 2009. A Ned Kingsley ‘10 and Andrew Spencer ‘10 sail on, sail far. can have three sails, and are much was the best by a Masters champion year-old Matteo Mannassero, born couple of months later, Mickelson’s faster and are a higher performance since Tiger Woods’ 2001 win. This was 4/19/1993, is the youngest to ever mother, Mary, was also diagnosed BY CHRIS WARNER ‘11 This year, the Arrows have a boat than the Mercuries. Mickelson’s fourth major title and make the cut at Augusta and will with breast cancer. “It’s been an relatively young team with only four So far, the Arrows have his first since his victory at Augusta turn pro next month. He finished at amazing week,” he said. “This has As the spring season begins, the seniors, and two of those seniors, had one race day, which consisted in 2006. He also won the Masters 292, four over par. Sixty-year-old been a very special day. To have Amy St. Sebastian’s Varsity Sailing team Andrew Spencer and New Kingsley of two full races. Will Barnard and in 2004 and the PGA in 2005. The Tom Watson, with his son Michael and my kids here to share it with, I grabs their life jackets and wet- are the two senior captains. Under Chris Warner took first and second, left-hander became the eighth man on his bag, shot 67 the first day. He can’t put it into words. We’ve been suits and begins to prepare for the great leadership of Spencer and respectively, in the first race, and to win three Masters titles. Only Jack birdied the first and the 18th holes, through a lot this year and it means another great season of sailing on Kingsley, the Arrows will look to bet- Will Barnard took first again in the Nicklaus (six times), Arnold Palmer with three in between, taking an a lot to share some joy together. the Charles River. The team will be ter their performance in C Division second race, the only Arrow to place (four times), and Tiger Woods (four early lead. That score ended up be- She’s an incredible wife and incred- competing in the C Division of the this year compared to last year. In in that race. Unfortunately, the Ar- times) have won the Masters more hind first round leader, fifty year old ible mother and has been an inspira- Mass Bay League, which consists addition to the two captains, the rows were struck with some bad luck often. Fred Couples, who played without tion for me this past year, seeing of schools including Belmont Hill, Arrows are anchored by two four on the 420 line where skipper, Ned England’s Lee Westwood, who was in socks or golf glove. All three players what she’s been through. To cap it Noble and Greenough, Concord year veterans, Will Barnard ’12 and Kingsley, and crew, Kevin Martin, first place at the end of three rounds produced cheers of appreciation off with this victory, I can’t put it into Academy, BB&N, Newton Country Alex Moran ’12, who have been on were not able to finish all the races of play, finished three shots behind. from the gallery. words, but it’s something we’ll share and many other schools around the the team since they were seventh due to a broken forestay. He had a 71 for the day with a 275 As a past champion making his eigh- and remember the rest of our lives.” greater Boston area. This is the Ar- graders and know what is needed total and finished second at 13 under. teenth appearance at Augusta, Mick- We fans will remember it, too. rows third season as a varsity team for the team have success. However, Westwood was third at the British elson knows the course well. There and are looking to make this year a the goal for the Arrows Sailing Team Open last July and tied for third at the memorable one. this year is to win the C Division and Varsity Tennis Looks to Build On Last Year’s Success player, Conor Haughey. Haughey is was close, but the Arrows came out BY DAVID RUFFOLO ‘10 by far the best player on the team. of it with only one point coming He has a difficult job as he always from Haughey and Neuberger at 1 The St. Sebastian’s Varsity Tennis has to face the opposing team’s doubles. Already down 2-1, it would team is back and ready to begin its best and most threatening player, be up to the singles matches to see if 2010 campaign with style. The team but he fares extremely well win- the Arrows could pull off this impres- welcomes back the entire squad from ning the majority of his matches. sive victory. Ruffolo and McCarthy last year with no seniors graduating In the second singles spot is Scott were able to dominate their oppo- last year. The team is blessed with a Neuberger. Scott is a very talented nents winning both of their sets de- strong core of seniors starting with player with an extremely fast and cisively and each earning two points Captain Ryan McCarthy, veteran Scott powerful forehand and serve. In the for the team. DeMatteo was able to Neuberger, stylish David Ruffolo, third singles spot is Captain Ryan split his match, contributing another suave Chris Moses, and big Mike Falb. McCarthy. Ryan McCarthy leads the point for the team. The Arrows found In addition to the seniors, the team squad and has an athletic, intense themselves with a 6-5 lead with both has one junior, Andrew DeMatteo, mindset that usually puts him in a Haughey and Cheever’s matches three extremely talented sopho- good spot to win every match he remaining. In a tightly contested mores, Conor Haughey, John Cheever, plays in. John Cheever plays fourth match, Haughey was able to split and Terry O’Connor, and the team singles. “Chee-chee” is a consistent, sets, which left the match score at welcomes the sole new player to strong player that is always a difficult 7-6. John Cheever was the last one Phil Mickelson sports his third career green jacket after winning this year’s Masters. the squad, a talented and promising matchup for opposing teams. In the left on the courts. After losing the eighth grader, Caleb Aldrich. In addi- fifth spot is junior Andrew DeMatteo. first set, the score was tied at 7-7 tion to the players, the team is lucky DeMatteo is a strong player who and the winner would be decided by Varsity Golf Looks to Repeat to have the Colonel, Mr. Richter, is often racks up a lot of winners with this last set. To make matters more head coach, assisted by the talented his killer forehand. In the six and interesting and intense, this set went Mr. Thomas and the new addition of final singles spot is David Ruffolo. into a tie-breaker, where Cheever Mr. Beilen, a former collegiate tennis Ruffolo’s athletic ability and difficult ultimately lost but went down with a Last Year’s ISL Championship drop shot make him a threatening valiant effort. If the Arrows were able player who brings a wealth of tennis BY SAM RACINE ‘11 Each match is match play, or a one knowledge to the team. obstacle for his usually 5’4” fresh- to beat this strong Groton squad it last year, to which he quickly replied, The spring sports season, and the on one match between golfers. Also, Most people know how man opponents. As for the doubles, would have been huge for their sea- “Undefeated. Thayer would be our baseball and lacrosse seasons have every golfer is seeded by the team, to play tennis, but not many know playing first doubles is the one-two son, but the close result showed the only challenge to an undefeated sea- been getting more attention than in order of talent and to put up the how an ISL match goes. A typical ISL punch of Haughey and Neuberger, team that they could compete com- son, and we’ve already beaten them. any other activity. However, one sport best matches possible. match will begin with three doubles playing second is McCarthy and De- petitively at the top of the league. Pretty much, no one can stand in our has been left unnoticed, as always so After speaking of the rules matches. These doubles matches Matteo, and playing third is Cheever The ISL is an extremely difficult way.” Obviously confident, I decided it seems. That sport is the beautiful and regulations, Mr. McArthur dove last for only one set and to win the and O’Connor. league for tennis. Some may argue there was no point in continuing to game of golf. Golf, many see as an un- into the most important part of the set, a team must win eight games. The Varsity tennis team that the ISL has the best tennis in ask about the season, so I inquired athletic activity, and not a true sport. golf team—winning. “We have the The doubles team that wins the set, began its 2010 season on a terrific Massachusetts. For this reason, the on how the team got along and the However, when one studies that pure most talent,” he started, “but we brings home one point for their re- Saturday afternoon on April 3rd. The Seb’s team has to bring their “A” atmosphere that surrounded them. talent it takes to place a golf ball ex- have to take it one match at a time. spective teams. After all the doubles Arrows took on a talented Nobles game every time they walk out on He thought awhile and claimed, actly in a tiny hole in as few strokes as If we get ahead of ourselves then we matches are over, the play contin- squad. The Nobles superior talent the court. The Varsity squad has all “We all pretty much get along. I get possible, one may realize how difficult may lose to some school we should ues with six singles matches. Each and skill proved too much for the returned for the 2010 campaign and tickled on the bus rides home.” After the sport actually is. The game of golf destroy…like Belmont Hill.” Obvi- singles match are two sets, first two Arrows as they lost 14-1. The sole should be able to improve upon last this quote he just continued to say is one of imperfections and mistakes, ously, both the freshman phenom six games and each set is one point. point came from Captain Ryan Mc- year’s success. Each player has im- how great he was at golf, including covered up by perfection and success. and the coach are thinking on the In the ISL, there are fifteen possible Carthy as he was able to split sets proved greatly from last year and has how he can drive “further than Taylor One day, a great golfer could shoot same terms though, as they both points, so in order to win the match a in his singles match. Determined to a lot more confidence in their ability. Peck.” Clearly, Michaud has zero an absolutely terrible score, while the ensure that an undefeated season team must earn eight points. rebound from their embarrassing These characteristics should make sense of reality, and is completely next he may set a personal record. is coming, and the ISL trophy will The lineup for the Seb’s team loss to Nobles, the Arrows came out the 2010 Varsity Tennis season “one to foolish to claim so blasphemous The frustration that occurs due to once again land in the hands of St. is as follows. Playing first singles is strong against another skilled team remember”. statements. Therefore, I left him and such an undulation of scores may dis- Sebastian’s: “Michaud is completely the teams most skilled and dominant from Groton. Each doubles match his lack of a realistic mindset. appoint new golfers. But the best of Although I know some right. We will win the trophy, mainly the best, and our St, Sebastian’s golf about golf as a sport, I knew very because we have the best coaching team is the in this elite class, learn to little about the St. Sebastian’s team in the ISL. Mr. Sullivan and I make overcome the failures, and win match before sitting down with the bril- an unstoppable duo. If there was a after match. liant Williams College graduate and Coach of the Year Award for ISL gold, Last year, the golf team assistant golf coach, Mr. Zachary we’d win in together. No doubt.” went an outstanding 18-0-1, lead by McArthur. He is as enthusiastic about Arrogant? Possibly, but the now-senior golfer extraordinaire, golf as he is in the classroom. When definitely deserving. No other golf Taylor Peck ’10. However, one man a approached about the season he ex- team seems to be a match for the golf team doesn’t make. Other golfers claimed with his Owen Wilson-esque unstoppable freight train that is St. include Peter Cahill ’10, Joe Bergeron voice, “We’ll be great! We beat Thayer Seb’s golf. We will win the ISL. Even ’10, Matt Michaud ’13, Dillon Eccel- with a great, clutch performance Danny Beam predicted it saying, “I sine ’11, Robert Donahoe ’10, Charlie by Dillon Eccelsine. We’re going don’t know who’s on the team, but Calanan ’11, and alternates Tom undefeated.” He repeatedly praised we’ll win the ISL cause we just will.” Harrington ’10, John Kavolius ’10, the team’s talent and work ethic to The confidence echoes through the and Chris Dillon ’10. To learn more improve but was quick to point out, school, and is what fuels the team about the team and the atmosphere “None of them could be me in match for a repeat performance of last that surrounds them, I sat down with play, but it’d be close.” Furthermore, year’s domination. A repeat perfor- freshman sensation, Matt Michaud. he explained the layout of the team. mance that will only come with hard The first question I asked him was Their home course is Charles River work and dedication, but will come no matter what stands in the team’s Senior Ryan McCarthy ‘10 shows some range while returning a well-placed serve. what his expectations were this year, Golf Course, while they practice at following such a spectacular season Ponkapoag, commonly called Ponky. way. ARROWS SPORTS

Vol LXIII, No. 6 St. Sebastian’s School April 2010 Varsity Lacrosse Looks to Become ISL Champs

BY JAMES CONNOLLY ‘11 hopes for the rest of the season. defeating Groton, the Arrows hosted The next opponents the St. George’s on the turf on a warm This spring season, the Arrows Arrows faced were the Zebras of spring afternoon. A team that suf- hoped to continue their dominance Groton. Although a team that has fered from suspension and injury, St. on the lacrosse field after going struggled in the past, coaches Stan- George’s was not a game the Arrows 10-6 and 13-3 the last two seasons. ton and McCarthy made sure the expected to lose, but, yet again, the With many returning players com- team did not underestimate Groton coaches emphasized the importance ing back for the 2010 season, the and played to the best of their abil- of maintaining a good pace and not team had high hopes as the spring ity. When the first whistle blew to playing down to their opponent’s got underway. Despite acquir- start the game, it became clear who level. In probably the best offensive ing a host of talent from the new would set the pace of the game as showing of the season, the Arrows sophomores and freshmen on the Peter Burke swiftly won yet another pounded St. George’s throughout Peter Burke ‘10 looks to pick up a groundball (2, 5!) while fellow senior James Wyse looks on. team, the Arrows suffered several face off and proceeded to dominate the game. Although St. George’s injuries to key players such as senior for the remainder of the game. Both scored the opening goal, Sebs captain Peirce Daly and defense- the Arrows offense and defense refused to let that get to them and men Max Kingsley. Captains Peter played with intensity and took the proceeded to score goal after goal Varsity Baseball Remains Burke and James Wyse led the team lead early, but Groton played just throughout the first half. From the through the rigorous two-a-days in as aggressively and refused to back beginning, it was clear to spectators late March as well as several scrim- down. Scoring off of miscommu- as well as to players who was going mages in order to prepare for the nications on the defensive end, the to win the game. In an attempt to Undefeated in ISL Play upcoming season. The Arrow’s first Zebras kept themselves in the game slow the Arrow’s scoring ability, St. opponents would be our rivals from and at the half the Arrows were George’s locked off both Peter Burke Dedham: the Nobles Bulldogs. only up 5-4. Upset with the level and Murph Vandervelde, however BY WILL ADAMS ‘11 Arrows, but has also contributed in game was also highlighted by the On the first Saturday in of play coming from their players, goals still roared into the goal from left field and at the plate in several defensive play of captains Spear and April, the Arrows faced off against the coaches fired up the team at many other players. Conor Dillon, clutch situations. One can say of Venditti in the outfield who helped the Bulldogs on their home turf in halftime and wanted to make it clear Brendan Ecclesine, and Sam Wash- When Rogers Hornsby was asked why Edmund Murphy ’11, “You know the pitchers hold the runners on front of a large crowd of parents, to the players that they should not burne all scored their first goals of he played baseball instead of golf, he’s pitching well when the batters base and get out of tight situations. teachers, and alumni. The game play down to their opponent’s level. the season. Peirce Daly returned he responded, “I don’t want to play look as bad as he does at the plate.” Venditti also led the offense with got underway quickly, with senior Much like the previous game against from injury and proceeded to score golf. When I hit a ball, I want some- Murphy has pitched at least an three hits in the contest. Peter Burke wining almost all of Tabor, the Arrows opened the half his first goal of the season against one else to go chase it.” Regardless inning in all four of the team’s wins A couple days later, the team played the face offs throughout the game. scoring several quick goals without St. George’s. Not to be out-done by of their work ethic, ball players have this season, and that fact has started host to talented Dexter squad. Despite this advantage, offensive Groton having a single offensive his fellow freshman, Dalton MacAfee indeed chosen a smart career path going to his head. Jared Clement Clement started the game for the play on both sides was sloppy at possession. Attackmen James Wyse scored twice against the Dragons. A as baseball is perhaps the only field ’12, like Nicklas, has been a help to Arrows by pitching five solid best. Neither Sebs nor Nobles could and Sam Hodgson had a big game, great showing of the Arrows offen- of endeavor where one can succeed the Arrows both on the mound and and yielding four runs. The offense successfully possess the ball and both scoring four goals each, and sive potential, the game ended with only three of ten times and have it at the plate, where he often hits in however did not have the explosive create a pace for their offense to with help from Peter Burke and a final score of 15-5. considered a good performance by the cleanup position. Of the new performance of the previous two work at, causing the game to turn Gordon Donnelly, two goals each, The Arrows plan on con- all. pitchers, curveballer Lucas Mykulak games and the team entered the into a defensive battle. Defense- the Arrows scored six goals in the tinuing their dominance as the sea- That idea has not applied at all to the ’11 saw the first action on the hill seventh inning locked at 4-4. Myku- men Tom Gregg, Steve Brown, and third quarter and made it clear who son progresses, however they have 2010 St. Sebastian’s Varsity Baseball against Portsmouth Abbey. Kam- lak had just pitched a scoreless sixth Patrick Healy shut down much of was the better team. Freshman Jake a lot of work to do to prepare for the Team who has opened the season eron Callow ’10 and Chris Marino ’10 inning and returned to the mound Nobles’ offense. The game came Mclaughlin scored his first career more difficult weeks ahead of them. with a record of 4-1. These wins have look forward to their first action later for a second inning in his first varsity down to passing and shooting, with goal against the Zebras during the They face off against the Pelicans of been backed by quality performances in the season. appearance. Although he threw the many passes missing their intended fourth quarter. When the game St. Paul’s before taking on Belmont on the mound, outstanding defensive Behind the plate, Chris Nadeau ’12, ball well, the defense did not back targets and shots going right to the ended, the scoreboard read 14-8, a Hill on the Arrow’s home turf. With a play, and clutch performances at the has caught the most innings thus far, him up and Dexter posted six runs goalie. Sophomore Sam Hodgson show of just how dominant the Ar- great start to the season, the Arrows plate. While the young team deserves but Donny McGuirl ’11, the starting taking the game 10-4. Coach Schell scored four of the Arrow’s six goals rows offense was when it worked on are in good position to be contend- most of the credit, the exceptional second baseman, and Alex Venditti said it was no one persons fault, against the Bulldogs and was a key all cylinders. ers for the league title this spring. coaching staff has also played a huge ’12, the usual designated hitter, can just a weak team effort and that the part of the offense throughout the On the Wednesday after role in leading the team to its quick also play the position. All three of team would look to bounce back game. However, Sebs could not success. The staff is headed by Mr. these young men have also con- against Groton a few days later. muster enough offensive firepower Michael Schell, who after a success- tributed in big ways to the Arrows That is exactly what the Arrows did to outscore Nobles, and fell to the ful soccer season looks to continue success from the batter’s box as well. in this contest. Nicklas started the Bulldogs 9-6. Injuries contributed his coaching success on the field a At shortstop, Connor Reenstierna game with four well pitched in- greatly to the offensive breakdown. Varsity horse cannot eat. Mr. Sean McCann, ’12, has displayed great defense, nings, Murphy pitched the fifth, and With Peirce Daly still out, and Jack coming off of a strong end to the and has been one the teams most Nicklas returned to the mound for Connolly injuring his shoulder dur- hockey season offers a great amount consistent hitters throughout the the final two innings. Entering the ing the first half of the game, the of knowledge to the team. And Mr. season. At third, Mike Green ’10 and sixth inning, the Arrows were down Results Arrows were down two key players Paul Lepley whose sons and grand- Andrew Vandini ’12 have both seen 7-4, but with two outs, Spear came early on. Nonetheless, they pre- sons have also attended St. Sebas- playing time. to the plate and was the first of five pared themselves to rebound from tian’s provides the team with years of Finally, in the outfield, in addition consecutive Arrows to reach base this loss the following week. experience and the occasional laugh Varsity Lacrosse: to C. Venditti in right and Spear in in the inning. Nicklas finished the Following their opening in the dugout. center, Jim Fitzgerald ’10 and Austin scoring run by scoring two runners defeat against Nobles, the Arrows Moving on to the team. The 17 man Franchi ’12 have both given the with a bases loaded single, tying the played an out-of-league game Tabor W 12-11 roster has ten new faces lead by team solid defense and valuable game 7-7. Then, still tied in the sev- against Tabor Academy. Tabor had seven returning players. There are offense. Sean Frazette ’12, the team enth, McGuirl ripped a single with recently lost to Governor’s Acad- only six seniors and eleven under- Groton W 14-8 manager/batboy has also helped the two outs that scored Nadeau from emy, a favorite to win the league, classmen, so this year’s initial success team with their equipment all year second, clinching the comeback in overtime. Both the coaches and will only grow in the games and long. win for the Arrows. Also notable in the players knew that this was a St. George’s W 15-5 seasons to come. The team itself is Now that you know the team, let’s the game was the performance of key victory that the Arrows must lead by captains Christian Venditti get to the games. The Arrows Franchi, who in his first varsity game have if they want to win the league. ’10, Will Connolly ’10, and Alex Spear St. Paul’s W 11-1 opened the season at home against reached base three times including a The Arrows faced off against the ’11. Venditti, who is said to be such Portsmouth Abbey. Nicklas started nice stroke to left field. Seawolves with temperatures off a dangerous hitter that he even get on the mound for the Arrows, and This past Wednesday, the Arrows the turf nearing 90 degrees. As the intentionally walked in batting prac- Varsity Baseball: Murphy came in in relief to seal the made the hike down to St. Georges, game got underway, Sebs quickly tice, is still looking for his first homer win. The pitchers were backed by where, despite the long bus ride, found themselves down 2-0 as Ta- on the year, but has provided the amazing defensive plays all through the team came out and dominated bor took advantage of the defense. team with solid fielding and power- Nobles W 6-3 the game, and they were supported the game behind seven beautiful Sebs quickly rebounded, tying the ful swing in the middle of the lineup. by the bats of Spear and Connolly, innings from Clement. Everyone was game at two goals apiece. The Connolly has played first base all year both reaching base three times. The getting on base and scoring runs, first half became a back-and-forth Dexter L 4-10 and has been swinging very well early team picked up the early lead never and Connolly led the team at the struggle as both teams’ offenses in the year. Spear leads the outfield looked back winning by a score of plate going 4 for 4 on the day. The worked well and kept the game from centerfield and has gotten many Groton W 8-7 8-3. Arrows return to action on Friday even throughout the first 24 min- rallies started from the leadoff posi- The following week, the Arrows when they host St. Pauls at 4:30. utes of game play. It wasn’t until tion in the lineup. faced off against Nobles. Once again Then they host Pingree on Saturday the second half when the Arrows St. George’s W 15-4 This year’s pitching staff is a 50/50 mix the combined pitching of Murhpy at noon, and travel to Belmont Hill offense really began clicking and of old and new faces. John Nicklas and Nicklas held their opponents on the 21st at 3:30 where they look took advantage of the unprepared ’12, the opening day starter, has St. Paul’s W 14-0 to just three runs and the Arrows to take down the evil empire and Seawolves defense. The Arrows pitched many solid innings for the won their first ISL contest 6-3. This improve on their record of 4-1. began scoring early and often and owed much of their possession time Varsity Tennis: to Peter Burke, who again domi- nated the face offs throughout the game. Goals from junior Murph Nobles L 1-14 Vandervelde and sophomore Gor- don Donnelly contributed largely to the Arrow’s offense during the Groton L 7-8 second half, with each player scor- ing five and four goals respectively. During the fourth quarter, the St. George’s L 5-10 Seawolves began to bounce back and with 30 seconds left, the Arrows Milton L 0-15 were up 12-11. Senior James Wyse was instructed to hold the ball and run with it until time ran out, but Tabor refused to let him off easily. Varsity Golf: They doubled Wyse, throwing stick and body checks hoping to get the ball out of his stick, but Wyse stayed Thayer W 4-3 strong until the clock hit zero. With this victory, the Arrows proved Tabor W 7-0 Seb’s John Nicklas ‘12 not only brings the heat, but also pounds the ball at the plate. themselves as a force and have high