Jurisdiction Prayer Diary August - November 2020

Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18 Date Place/people/prayers 1 For Rev'd David MacGeoch Area Dean, Mrs Mary Masters Lay Dean and Deanery Officers 2 Brue Benefice: Rev Chris Hopkins, Readers: Roy Moody, Elspeth Rymer, Pam Grottick, Jonathan Stobart. 3 Brue Benefice: , Butleigh, West Pennard and with Lottisham Churchwardens & PCCs 4 Brue Benefice Schools: Baltonsborough, Butleigh and West Pennard CE schools, for the head teachers and changes in staffing 5 Brue Benefice: For our two residential care homes. Avalon Court and The Cyder Barn. 6 Deanery Synod: As the lock-down eases, and we look towards holding Deanery Elections at our belated APCMs, we pray that the Deanery may be re-inspired and re-energised, to begin its next three year term. 7 Glastonbury Benefice: Rev’d David MacGeoch, Rev’d Diana Greenfield, Mrs/Rev Michele Kitto Rev’d Robin Ray, Rev’d Pamela Heazell, Readers: Margaret Wynn, Larry Schenck, Di Grenter, Phillipa Chapman, Liz Clark, Annie Wynter-Crofts 8 Glastonbury with Benefice: St John's, St Benedict's Glastonbury and St Mary's Meare, churchwardens & PCCs 9 Glastonbury Benefice Schools CofE Schools: St John’s Infants, St Benedict’s Junior, Community Schools: St Dunstan’s Secondary, Meare Village School. 10 Glastonbury Benefice: As we worship as a Benefice, at present in St John's Church, we pray that our three parishes may become more integrated so that as St Benedict's and St Mary's churches re- open, we may be inspired to support each other better and work ever more closely together. 11 Rev'd Diana Greenfield Glastonbury and Street Pioneer Priest, Rev'd Jane Durham Deanery Mission Enabler and Preb Stephen Lynas, The DMPG in their role 12 MOMMS Benefice: Rev Andrea Harwood Readers: Richard Graham, Jeanette Scott, Pauline Davies 13 MOMMS Benefice: , , , Stawell, Sutton Mallet and PCCs & Churchwardens 14 MOMMS Benefice Schools: Middlezoy School and Othery Infants 15 MOMMS Benefice: Give thanks for God's care and support during lockdown, and the way communities have looked after each other. We pray for those who have lost family and friends and all who mourn, praying for comfort for them 16 Deanery prayer: Please pray for the development of pilgrimage materials that can be used by tourists to the region 17 Street with Walton and Compton Dundon Benefice: Rev'd Ana Lawrence, Rev'd David Hatrey, Rev'd Diana Greenfield. Readers: Jane Tompsett, Caroline Riall, Mike Bergner, Jill Perryman, Bernard Sinclair. 18 Street with Walton & Compton Dundon Benefice: Compton Dundon, Street Parish and Mission church & Walton Churchwardens & PCCs 19 Street with Walton & Compton Dundon Benefice Schools: Walton C of E Primary, Community Primaries: Brookside, Elmhurst Junior, Hindhayes Infant. Secondary and Special needs: Crispin School, Avalon School. 20 Street with Walton & Compton Dundon Benefice: Please pray for Ana in her new role as priest in charge and that God would enable us to focus on making Jesus known as we re-open our churches. 21 Millfield School (pre-prep, prep and senior) chaplains: Ms (Rev)Michele Kito, Rev'd Philip Harbridge, pray for the restarting of school and for all those whose confirmation was delayed. Michele will be ordained deacon in September Strode College Chaplain: For the college as they develop a way of working within Social Distancing guidelines 22 Polden Wheel Parish: Rev Rich Tweedy Readers: Ann Cattermole, 23 Polden Wheel Parish: , , , , , Edington & Shapwick Churchwardens & PCC 24 Polden Wheel Parish Schools: Ashcott and Catcott Community Primary, 25 Polden Wheel Parish: please pray that we’ll have the grace and courage to become winsome ambassadors for God’s Kingdom in the Polden Wheel 26 For the development and implementation of the Deanery Mission Plan 27 Wheathill Priory Benefice: Rev Jane Durham Reader: Jane Sedgman 28 Wheathill Priory Benefice: Barton St David, Keinton Mandeville with Kingweston, Lydford on Fosse Churchwardens & PCCs 29 Wheathill Priory Benefice School: Keinton Mandeville Community Primary 30 Wheathill Priory Benefice: That we may know what to keep from the time of lockdown and how to develop a ministry among families, children and young people 31 For openings so we can live and tell the story

Deanery Prayer

Generous God, Thank you for giving us one another Help us, throughout Glastonbury deanery, to rely on your grace as we seek to live and tell your story in our communities Give us courage and imagination so that your life may be known by all Amen