VITAE – GERMANO S. IANNACCHIONE I. PERSONAL Professor, Department of Physics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Telephone: (508) 831-5631 (office, OH 212A), -5282 (lab, OH 004), and -5886 (fax, main office) Email:
[email protected] 1. EDUCATION Ph.D. Physics; AC-Calorimetric Study of Liquid Crystal Phase Transitions in Restrictive Geometries, D. Finotello advisor, Kent State University, 18 December 1993. M.Sc. Physics; Influence of Polydispersity and Curative/Resin Ratio on Molecular Mobility in Epoxy Networks, E. von Meerwall advisor, University of Akron, 7 January 1990. B.Sc. Physics; University of Akron, 31 May 1987. 2. CAREER 2020- now Expert, Division of Materials Research, MPS, NSF. 2015- now Research Member, Integrative Materials Design Center (iMDC), Mechanical Engineering, WPI. 2014- now Professor, Department of Physics, WPI. 2017- 2020 Program Director, Condensed Matter Physics, Division of Materials Research, MPS, NSF. 2018- 2019 Program Director, Biomaterials Program, Division of Materials Research, MPS, NSF. 2012- 2017 Director, Nuclear Science and Engineering (NSE) Program, Physics, WPI. 2012- 2016 Director, Master of Science in Physics for Educators (MPED) Program, Physics, WPI. 2006- 2016 Head, Department of Physics, WPI. 2013- 2014 Member, Board of Trustees, Spirit of Knowledge Charter School, Worcester, MA. 2004- 2014 Associate Professor, Department of Physics, WPI. 1998- 2004 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). 1999- 2000 Consultant, Planar Systems / Standish Inc., Madison, WI. 1998- 1999 Research Affiliate, Center for Materials Science and Engineering, MIT. 1996- 1998 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Chemistry and Center for Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 1994- 1996 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Physics, Kent State University.