Marital, migration and distribution of surnames in Orozco Valley (Basque Country) Autor(es): Peña, Jose A. Publicado por: CIAS - Centro de Investigação em Antropologia e Saúde URL persistente: URI: Accessed : 6-Oct-2021 17:11:16

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Vol. 4-5 0 1986-1987

Instituto de Antropologia - Universidade de Coimbra Antrop ol. Port ., 4-5, 1986-87: 283-289

Marital migration and distribution of surnames in Orozco Vallley (Basque Country)



Estuda -se a dist ribu icao geografica dos a pelidos nesta co munidade rural do pais basco. Os a pelidos bascos sao ca racte rist icos, clar amen te inco nfundiveis e a sua dis­ tribuicao' e determinad a pela rnigracao ma rital. A a na lise facto ria l mo stra diferencas nas listas de apelidos ca rac teris ticos e 0 padrao de rnigracao marital.

Palavras-chave: Migraca o mar ital ; Dist ribuicao de a pelidos; An alise fact or ial; Cr iter io de Ward.


T he geographical distribution of surna mes in thi s rural community of the Basqu e Country has been studied. The basqu e surna mes are characteristic, easy to recognize and th eir distribution is modi fied by th e mar ital migrat ion . The Facto rial Analysis shows th e differen ces between the surnames lists, th e cha racteristic surna mes and th e pattern of marital movem ent.

Key- words: Marital migration;Surna mes distribution ; Factorial a nalysis; Ward's criteri on .


The lists of surnames are frequently used in the study of human biology. «T he general purpose of surname studies in human biology is to measure the different probabilities of finding the same surnames indifferent times, places (...) >> (LASKER, 1985).

I Catedra de Antropologia Facultad de Ciencias Universidad del Pais Vasco, , . © 1987, ln stituto de Antrop ologia, Un iv. Co imbra. 284 Jose A. Pefia

However, methods used until now to estimate relationship between populations have not always responded to the aims of the study. The factorial Analysis of correspondences, with the X2 distance, has been proposed by Luna et al (4th Congress of the Spanish Antropological Society, 1985) to study the surnames lists . The purpose of this work is to find out the degree of similarity between places and their characteristic surnames in the Orozco Valley. Orozco is a typical valley of the Basque Country, with four parishes: Ibarra, S. Martin Albizu, Zubiaur and Murueta. Ibarra is the most inner parish, and Murueta the most other one. Very closed to Orozco are the val­ leys of Arratia and Cantabrico-alaves that we have also studied (Fig. I). The surnames lists in those last valleys are not exhaustive. We have only taken into account those of the persons married in Orozco. . The exogamy rate at the Orozco Valley has reached a high level (over the 50%) in the studied period (1880-1979) (MATEO et ai, 1985).


We have studied the first and second surnames of the brides and bride­ grooms and also their place of birth in the 180I marriages celebrated in each of the four parishes in Oro zco (1880-1979). The century has been divided in four periods: 1880-1904, 1905-1929, 1930-1954 and 1955-1979. The surname frequencies matrix has been analyzed by the Factorial Analysis of correspondences (Programme S. P . A. D.: CLAPIER, 1983; LEBART et al). Fifty two surnames with a frequency greater or equal to 1% are considered. From the factor matrix, a series of stable groups has been established. The Ward's criterion has been used (LEBART et ai, 1982):

in which d (a, b) is the distance between a, b. rna and m, are the weights. ga and gb a re the centers of gravity. and a is the euclidian distance.


The Factorial Analysis shows that the variance is widely distributed in a great number of factors; for instance, the first ten factors explain the 80% of the variance. However we only study the first three factors because they are ARRATIA VALLEY ~ ::l. ~ s oq ' i:lg. ::: ~ ::: l:l.. ~ .... s5.: 0' ::: CANTABRica ~ t::"".... ::: s~ ALAVESA REGION ~ s·

S?o N '"o ~ ~

Fig. I- T he pa rishes of O rozco Valley (Murueta, Zubiaur, Albizu a md Ibarra), the Ar ratia tv 00 Valley and the Ca ntabrico alavesa region V\ 286 Jose A. Peiia the ones which show the varia nce between populations. They explain 41% of vanance. The criterion for the surname selection is based on the minimal euclidian distance between surname and place considering the three factors altogether. In a first approach a clear association apears between the different gene­ rations in every place, possibly due to the fact that a period of 25 years is too short time to modify the composition of the population (Fig. 2 and 3). The main aspects of the factors are: FACTOR 1. The Cantabrico-alavesa region and the Albizu parish are characterized by the factor because they are situated onto the extreme values of the factor. They produce the 84% of the variance explained in th is factor. The characteristic surnames in both places are: - In the Cantabrico-alavesa region: Isasi, Eguia, Zubiaur, Urquijo and Lopez. -In ther Albizu parish: Ugarriza and Salvide. FACTOR 2. The 66% of the variance explained by this factor is genera­ ted by Murueta and Ibarra parishes, being also clearly separeted on the opposite extremes of the factor. The surnames in the se areas are: -In the Ibarra parish: Olivares. - In the Murueta parish: Goti, Pagazaurtundua and Ibarreche.

FACTOR 3. The 67% of the variance explained is originated by the surn ames lists of the Zubiaur parish and the Arratia Valley. Their representa­ tive surnames are: - In the Arratia Valley. Ayesta. - In the Zubiaur parish: Goiri, Picaza, Ugarte and Olabuenaga..

A further analysis with these 16 selected surnames has been made. The factors obtained with these surnames are not different from the three former ones. Furthermore, from the factor matrix, 7 stable groups are established with the Ward's criterion (Fig. 4). This analysis shows a good association between the three inner parishes of Orozco Valley (Zubiaur, Albizu and Ibarra). The most outer parish (Murueta) is associated with the Arratia Valley. Finally the Ca ntabrico­ -alavesa region is clearly separated. The position of the M urueta parish on the factorial axis is studied in a further analysis with the four parishes of Orozco. This analysis shows a great difference between M urueta and the other parishes (Fig. 5).


The Factorial Analysis of correspondences allows to differenciate popu­ lations using surnames lists. This study realized in longer periods of time Marital migration and distribution of surnames in Orozco Valley 287

'" CAll 0 ISM O~ '" ...u ....< ll M 18"2 •

CAl3 llA I CAL2 ALB3 . 0 .2~ ZUll4


0 .00 ZUBI AlB4


-0.2~ CAl4 ARR3 ARR4 MUR4 ARRI ·O .~ ARR2 .

-I MJR2 t-uR1 FACTOR 1

O~ -02~ 0 .00 O~ 0.7:5 1.00 F ig. 2 - Factorial Analysis (factors 1 a nd 2).Localities: Mur (Murue ta), Zub (Z ubiaur), Alb (A lbizu), Iba (I barra), Ar r (Arratia), Ca l (Cantabrico alavesa). Periods: I ( 1880-1904),2 (1905­ -( 929), 3 (1930 -1954), 4 (1955-1979) The sirnbo ls * are the characteristic surna mes

'" ARR3 • '"0 I ...u ARR2 < 0.60 .... ARRI

llM ll Al 0.40 CAll

ARR4 IBA2 0 .20

IBAI CAlI CAl4 AlBl AlB2 HUR4 0.00 • Ml.R2 HURl HURl AlBI -020

-0.40 ALB4 ZUB I ZUB2

I CAL2 ZUB4 ZUBl -oj FACTOR 1 -0 2~ 0 .00 02~ O~ 0 .7:5 1.00 F ig. 3- Factor Analysis (factors I and 3) 288 Jose A. Peiia

ALB3, ALB2 *.**•••*••***.*.*.*~.* I =0.109 : • • IBA4. IBA3, IBA2, IBA 1 •••••__•••••••••••••••••• ----••••'; I = 0.907 •: • ZUB4, ZUB3, ZUB 2, ZUB1 , ALB4, ALBI • . I = 1.77 0 : • • MUR3, MUR 2..MUR1•••••••••••••• _.... •: I = 0.139 : : • • • • ARR4.MUR 4 . .* I =0.465 : : • • • • AR R3,A RR 2,ARR 1········································· ~ : *••: I =2.157 : • ·• CAL 4, CAL3, CAL2, CALI ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••_.....• I =----- Fig. 4 - The seven stable groups (Ward's criterion). Loca lities: Mur (M ur ueta), Zub (Z ubiaur), Alb (Albizu), Iba (Ibarra), Arr (Arratia) and Ca l (Cantabrico alavesa). Periods : I (1880-1904), 2 ( 1905-1929), 3 (1930-1954), 4 (1955- 1979)

I IBA3 IBM HURl 0 .:50 N MUR2 0 I-'" U ...



-nzs ZUB2 ZUBI ZUB3 , ZUB4




-0 .:50 -ozs 0 .00 O~ 0 .:50 0 .7' I .DO

Fig . 5 - Fac to rial Ana lysis (factors 1 a nd 2). Loca lities: Mur (M urueta), Zub (Z ub iau r), Alb (Alb izu), Iba (I barra). Periods: I (1880-1904),2 (1905-1929), 3 (1930- 1954), 4 (1955-1979) Marital migration and distribution of surnames in Orozco Valley 289 co uld facilitate the knowledge of the degree of variation in the ho mogeneity between the populations. The analysis of the Orozco Valley shows a great uniformity between the inner parishes: Zubiaur, Albizu and Ibarra. The most outer parish (M ur ueta) is influ enced in its st ruc ture by the migration with the Arratia Valley. The Ward's cr iterion shows a closed relationship between the Orozco and th e Arratia Valleys. The Cantabrico-alavesa region ap pears clearly separated using this met hod.


T his work wa s partially suppo rted by th e provinc ial Government of .


CLAPIER, P ., 1985 - A na lyse des d onnees. Vito ria , Publicaciones de la direcci6n de estadistica del Gobierno Vasco LASKER, G . W ., 1985 - Surnames and genetic structu re. Ca mbridge, Cambridge University P ress . LEB ART, L.; MORINEAU, A. - SPAD Systerne portable pour I'analyse des donnees. Paris, C ES IA . LEBART, L.; Ma RINEAu , A.; FENELON, J . P ., 1982 - T ra it me nt des d onnees statistique s. Paris, D UNOD, 2a editio n LUNA, F. ; TOJA, D. I., 1985 - Aplicac i6 n de la isonimia en Bio logia de poblac io nes humana s. EI caso de la a lta Alp ujarra o riental. «Aeta s IV Congr. Esp. Antrop. Bio I. (Barcelo na)», p. 83-92 . MATEO, L.; P ENA, J . A., 1985 - Patrones de cruzamie nto en el Valle de Orozco (Vizcaya), 1880- 1980. «Aetas IV Congr. Esp . Antrop. BioI. (Ba rce lo na)» , p. 93-102.

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