Rapid Assessment of the Langeri Watershed , September 2014

SAKHALIN ENVIRONMENTAL WATCH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This mission provided a reconnaissance of the Langeri River and some of its tributaries and drainage area, to determine the effects placer gold mining on the aquatic habitat in the river and aimed to provide potential restoration strategies and additional assessment opportunities. The Langeri River supports several species of salmon important for commercial ocean fisheries and also supports populations of the critically endangered Sakhalin taimen (Parahucho perryi).

Recent historic placer mining activities within the Langeri River Watershed have simplified aquatic habitats through the reconfiguration of valley shape and associated stream channel, removal of riparian vegetation and change in sediment composition and would likely take many decades to recover aquatic and riparian habitats similar to pre‐mined conditions, if at all. Current mining operations are creating episodic high turbidity events, which result in significant clay sediment deposition over spawning gravels.

The following recommendations were offered to increase understanding of the current conditions and to foster the recovery of riparian and aquatic habitats:

Assessment of Past Mining Areas: Conduct a more detailed assessment of the tributaries to the Langeri River that have had been placer mined over the past several decades to: 1. determine if the reclaimed areas meet regulatory requirements for reclamation 2. determine if reclaimed areas provide adequate habitat for commercial salmon stocks, Sakhalin taimen and other native species, and 3. develop a long‐term, feasible, monitoring strategy, to determine if the reclaimed areas are on a trajectory towards improved aquatic and riparian habitat or whether additional active restoration work is needed.

Assessment of the Effects of Ongoing Mining: A study of stream channels and aquatic habitat below the active mining area would provide information on changes to channel substrate conditions, available spawning habitat, aquatic (including macroinvertebrate) species composition, and distribution, and water quality. The assessment should also develop a long term, affordable monitoring program that would document any changes and/or trends in the river conditions.

Restoration of the Moyga River: The recently mined area along the Moyga River could provide an ideal pilot project area to restore the stream channel and riparian areas to evaluate improvements to riparian and aquatic habitats. Restoration of this reach would also protect the quality of the water supply for the Village of Pervomayskoye.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ...... 1 Acknowledgements ...... 3 Introduction ...... 3 Langeri River Watershed ...... 5 Description of Placer Mining ...... 7 Observations ...... 7 Moyga River, above the Village of Pervomayskoye (Site A) ...... 7 Langeri River, Directly Downstream of active mine area (Site B) ...... 10 Derbysha River ‐ (Site C) ...... 12 Langeri River, Upper reaches near abandoned village of Langeri (Site D) ...... 14 Langeri River, Lower Reaches of the Mainstem (Site E) ...... 18 Evidence of Dam Breaching From Site B (Site F) ...... 20 Langeri River, Potential reference reach; geomorphology and riparian habitat (Site G) ...... 21 Recommendations ...... 23 Assessment of Past Mining Areas: ...... 23 Assessment of the Effects of Ongoing Mining in the Langeri River mainstem...... 23 Restoration Actions ...... 24 Potential for Future USFS Technical Assistance ...... 24 Examples of Methods/Tools for Assessment and Mitigation ...... 24 Literature Cited ...... 24 Appendix A – Detailed Itinerary ...... 26 Appendix B – 2009 Kukui Stream Assessment ...... 27


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dmitry Lisitsyn – Chairman of Council, Sakhalin Environment Watch For logistical coordination, knowledge of local communities and cultures, translation, and transportation during the entire assignment. Mariusz Wroblewski – Western Pacific Program Director, Wild Salmon Center For translation, coordination efforts with Sakhalin Environmental Watch, and insights into Russian culture. Vladimir Smirnoff – President of Plavnik Fishing Co. and founding member of Sakhalin Salmon Initiative. For his generous hospitality at the Village of Pogranichnoe and his local knowledge of the salmon fishery in the Langeri River. Jennifer Smith – Russia, Mongolia, and India Program Specialist, USFS International Programs For providing the opportunity to be on the assignment, translation, and logistical support prior to and during assignment. Robin Gray – Foreign Agriculture Service, U.S. Embassy, Russia For political support in negotiations with Russian of the Russian Federation and Russian Immigration Service.

INTRODUCTION In September, 2014, a team from the United States Forest Service (USFS) worked with Mariusz Wroblewski of the Wild Salmon Center (WSC) and Dmitry Lisitsyn of Sakhalin Environmental Watch (SEW) to assess conditions in the Langeri Watershed on Sakhalin Island, Russia. The team included the following group of specialists;

Carol Purchase, Watershed Program Manager, Tahoe National Forest;  25 years Forest Service Experience  Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, in Botany, 1981  Master of Science Degree from the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, in Forest Hydrology, 1990  Watershed restoration experience in Africa, Mexico, and Southwest, Rocky Mountain, and Pacific Southwest regions of the USFS

Dan Scaife, Fisheries and Watershed Program Manager, Idaho Panhandle National Forests  17 years Forest Service Experience  Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, in Renewable Natural Resources – Watershed Management, 1994  Master of Natural Resources degree from Utah State University, Logan, UT, in Natural Resource Management – Fisheries Resources, 2003  Aquatic ecology experience in Africa, and Rocky Mountain, Southwest, and Northern regions of the USFS


Jennifer Smith, and Russia, Europe, & Near Asia Program Specialist, USFS International Programs.  12 years of experience managing technical and environmental exchanges between Russia, Mongolia, India, and the USA  Bachelor of Arts from University of Vermont, Burlington, VT in Russian Language and Environmental Studies, 1999  Master of Arts from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, in Russian and East European Studies, 2004  Master of Science from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, in Natural Resources and Environment with a concentration in Environmental Education, 2004

Mariusz Wroblewski, Western Pacific Program Director, Wild Salmon Center  20 years of experience working in Russia.  PhD candidate degree from University of California, Berkeley, CA, in Slavic Languages and Literature  Wild salmon conservation experience in Russia, Canada, and United States.

The goal of this mission was to assist SEW and other local stakeholders with a subject matter expert reconnaissance of the Langeri River system, in order to evaluate the effects current and recent past placer gold mining on the aquatic ehabitat in th river and to provide potential restoration recommendations and strategies. The Langeri River supports several species of salmon that are important for local commercial fisheries, such as pink (Onchorynchus gorbuscha), coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch), chum(Onchorynchus keta) , and masu (Onchorynchus masou) salmon. Fishing is the second largest industry on the island, supplying 20% of global Pacific salmon catch and generating $500 million in personal income annually (Wild Salmon Center 2014). Additionally, the river supports the Sakhalin taimen (Parahucho perryi, also known as Hucho perryi) is an ancient species, which can live up to 30 years and reach 2 meters (6 feet) in length and over 50 kilograms (100 pounds) in mass. The largest salmonid in the world, taimen occupy a globally unique ecological niche. Known as the 'river wolf', its diet can include mammals, ducklings, and large fish, including possibly returning adult salmon. Taimen and other salmonids have a long, complex life‐cycle and are dependent on freshwater, estuarine, and marine habitats. In 2006, the Langeri River was one of only 6 rivers on Sakhalin noted to support a relatively large Sakhalin taimen population (2006 International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List assessment). Due to overfishing and land use development, over 90% of Sakhalin taimen's historic abundance has been lost. The IUCN has since listed the taimen as a critically endangered species, the core distribution and abundance of which remains centered on Sakhalin Island.

The USFS has been collaborating with the US‐based NGO Wild Salmon Center (WSC) for more than a decade on habitat conservation issues in the . One of WSC’s key projects in the region is the Sakhalin Salmon Initiative, which is a collaborative effort to promote conservation and sustainable use of wild salmon and the ecosystems upon which they depend, to build institutional capacity for conservation and to promote sustainable economic development on Sakhalin Island. SSI has brought together a broad and diverse array of stakeholders to leverage resources toward wild salmon conservation. Priority salmon‐producing river systems were identified through vigorous scientific assessment, and are now the focus of efforts to combat poaching, restore spawning areas, and obtain permanent legal protection. 4

The Wild Salmon Center helped partners on Sakhalin Island in their efforts to re‐establish the 166,000 acre Vostochny Protected Area, which helps to preserve two entire large river basins, the Vengeri and Pursh‐Pursh rivers, and includes some of the last intact ecosystems on Sakhalin Island. The Vostochny Reserve ist jus north of the Langeri River watershed. The Vostochny reserve was initially created in 1999, before WSC involvement, after which, commercial fishing company was successful in challenging the Protected Area status in 2004, in order to get fishing rights established there. Sakhalin Environment Watch was effective in re‐establishing the Protected Area status in 2007 and able to exclude the commercial fishing operation. WSC was a contributor in that effort and the Protective Area status remains today as does the SEW/WSC partnership.

Sakhalin Environment Watch (SEW) is an independent non‐political NGO with the mission to protect the wildlife and natural ecosystems of Sakhalin Island. Its main objectives are to ensure public monitoring of the environment, protect the environmental rights and interests of local residents, and organize the community and provide expertise during Public Environmental Expert Reviews. SEW’s director, Dmitry Lisitsyn, won the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize in 2011 for his work with the NGO. SEW is WSC’s primary partner in the Sakhalin region.

All of the photos in this report were taken between September 20 and September 24, 2014 and coincide with the detailed itinerary as described in Appendix A. The photos in the Appendix B were taken in 2009 as noted in that report.

LANGERI RIVER WATERSHED The team spent several days visiting multiple sites primarily in the upper Langer River watershed area before traveling to a fishing camp near the mouth of the river. The fishing camp is owned and operated by Vladimir Smirnoff, who has been instrumental in increasing salmon conservation measures with the local commercial salmon fishery operations. Originally, the team had planned to travel to the Vostochny Reserve to assess more preserved watershed conditions; however the ocean conditions made the trip too hazardous to undertake. Figure 1 provides a map of the Langeri drainage and sites visited. A detailed itinerary is also given in Appendix A.

The Langeri River Watershed is a large watershed approximately 350 square kilometers (135 sq. miles) located approximately 80 kilometers (50 mi.) north of the Zaliv Terpeniya (Gulf of Patience). The Langeri River flows north and then east into the Sea of Okhotsk near the Village of Pogranichnoye, a commercial fishing area, and is approximately 70 kilometers (43 mi) in length. The majority of the watershed is vegetated with second growth forest comprised of larch, birch and spruce species. Large stumps can be seen in the midst of the large birch stands, a legacy of the old growth spruce forest which was primarily logged to supply pulp mills on the island and for export of logs to . In addition to logging, wildfires have also occurred in multiple areas across the watershed.


Figure 1. Map of the langeri river watershed and the site Visit locations

The geology of the area includes cretaceous mudstones, tertiary silt stones and sandstones (Zyabrev, 2011). The high clay content is apparent as the disturbance from the active mine produced heavy clay deposits and highly turbid water. The areas of reclaimed mining were a matrix of gravel sized material with a clay component that created a hard surface that appears to be difficult to revegetate.


DESCRIPTION OF PLACER MINING Placer mining is frequently used to mine gold found in alluvial deposits. Water is generally used to separate the sand, gravel and cobbles from the heavier gold. Sluice boxes or trommels are used with flowing water; in this case, the alluvial deposits through the entire valley bottom were processed through a large sluice to separate out the gold. Excavators, front end loaders, and bulldozers were likely used to move the alluvial material around and to create ponds for water storage and to settle out fine sediments, in compliance with environmental regulations. The resulting landscape after the mining is generally a series of large piles of gravels and cobbles. In this area, it appears that chemicals were not needed to extract the gold, although diesel fuel and hydrologic fluid would be needed for the large machinery and spill prevention or refueling areas away from waterbodies were not observed.

Large scale placer mine operations occur in Alaska and Canada (Yukon Territory). Regulations and guidelines have been developed to protect sensitive resources, such as salmon habitat. The Yukon Secretariat has produced guidelines for mitigation during mining and for restoration after placer mining; these guidelines provide useful information about how to reduce adverse effects on aquatic resources. (Yukon Placer Secretariat, 2010) http://www.yukonplacersecretariat.ca/pdf/Guidebook_Nov_1_2010.pdf

OBSERVATIONS This section provides detailed observations of the sites visited during this trip. These observations include an assessment of current watershed and aquatic habitat conditions. The anticipated future recovery of the sites affected by gold mining is discussed as well as the implications for watershed conditions.

MOYGA RIVER, ABOVE THE VILLAGE OF PERVOMAYSKOYE (SITE A) Although this site is not within the Langeri Watershed, this recently placer mined area is one of a couple on the Moyga River and is above the confluence with the Sprut River (Figure 2) is adjacent to and on the road traveled to the Langeri River. The team stopped here a couple of times in September 2014, to observe an example of a recently completed placer gold mining operation. This area had been mined between 2010 and 2013. The site is approximately 3 km upstream of the Village of Pervomayskoye, which uses the Moyga River for the town’s public water supply.

The river bed, riparian area, and valley bottom have been placer mined for a length of 500 meters (0.3 mi.). The river was moved to one side of the valley bottom and currently runs through a straight “bypass” channel on the right side of the valley, if looking downstream. The remaindere of th valley bottom is now composed of several large abandoned settling ponds.


Figure 2. Recently mined area of the Moyga River valley

The Moyga river directly upstream of the disturbed area (Figure 3) is about 10 meters wide (32 ft.) and 1.5 m (5 ft.) deep at bankfull, with a broad flat riparian area and apparently functioning floodplain. The vegetation on the floodplain/riparian area forested primarily with birch, alder, and other hardwoods with a dense understory of grasses and forbs and layers of litter and humus on the forest floor. Riffles were present on bends in the river, and downed trees provided large woody debris for habitat and pool formation indicating what appears to be a functional system.


Figure 3. Moyga River directly upstream of the recently mined area

In comparison, the constructed bypass channel for the Moyga River adjacent to the mined area is approximately 10 m (33 ft.) wide and 3 m (10 ft.) deep at the top and the river is effectively entrenched with no access to a floodplain and little riparian vegetation with limited aquatic habitat (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Moyga River bypass channel

The disturbed area in the valley bottom around the ponds has no developed soils or organic material. Revegetation of the disturbed area was sparse, consisting of early seral species adapted to environmental disturbance such as sedges and seedling willow and alder species. The ground appeared compacted, likely due to heavy equipment shaping the area into ponds and attempting reclamation after mining, combined with the naturally high clay content which occurs in the soils in the area.

Aquatic habitat in the Moyga River has been affected at this site, by virtue of the bypass channel and mining activities in the valley bottom in general. Habitat complexity is lacking in the bypass channel (Figure 4) and there currently is no streamflow through the mined area in the main valley as seen in Figure 2, although standing water is abundant. An unidentified species of Salmonid(s) were observed in the Moyga River, directly upstream of the mined area. There has not been any obvious attempt at ecological reclamation at the site and the river remains in the bypass channel, although mining activity has appeared to have been completed.

The Moyga River has a sharp bend where it has been redirected into the bypass channel down the west side of the valley (Figure 5). The river is likely to erode through the road at this point and flow down through the pond area of the valley as the river attempt to regain physical balance with the valley type and gradient (active lateral erosion of the road prism was observed at this location at time of visit). This would return the river to the original location down the middle of the valley, but would also create a large amount of sediment for years as it readjusts to form a stream channel and regain appropriate form and function for the existing valley type. If the river breaches the road and reestablishes itself in the mined valley bottom, it could compromise the public water supply for the Village of Pervomayskoye.


Figure 5. Moyga River at point where it is redirected into bypass channel

LANGERI RIVER, DIRECTLY DOWNSTREAM OF ACTIVE MINE AREA (SITE B) Aquatic habitat within and directly downstream and of the active mining area on the Langeri River, appears to be almost nonexistent. The active channel has been relocated into a bypass channel (Figure 6) and the valley bottom is being overturned by machinery and the valley sediments processed through a sluice machine.e Th bypass channel is much narrower with no floodplain, in comparison to the river above the mine area. During high flow events from rainstorms or during snowmelt, it is likely that this channel contributes significant sediment as the banks erode and the river attempts to reestablish form and function within the bypass channel. Form and function are reestablished by laterally and vertically eroding the channel in order for the stream to dissipate energy and match its correct morphology for the given valley type; which can be observed upstream of the site, as in Figure 3.

Figure 6. Langeri River in the bypass channel adjacent to active gold mine area


Figure 7. Looking up valley at active mining and settling ponds

Figure 8. Settling ponds to the Langeri River, looking down valley

There are settling ponds at the bottom part of the valley, constructed of loose gravels (Figure 9). The settling ponds at the time of the site visit were filled with turbid water that was grey in color, which can be attributed to what appears to be a marl type soil derived from ancient marine sediments. The nature of this clay soil type, when suspended in water, tends to take a long time to settle to the bottom of a water body. Settling velocity for a clay particle size of 0.001 mm, under Stokes Law, is estimated at 6.5 x 10‐5 cm/sec (2 x 10‐6 ft/sec). Given an estimated average depth of these settling ponds to be about 1.5 m (5 ft.), it would take approximately a month (27 days) for the material to settle out.

It is assumed that the settling ponds were breached at some point during the mission as turbid water was observed downstream in the Langeri River and there was associated deposition downstream of the mining area, leaving the clay marl deposits described for site G, however the river had cleared up within 24 to 48 hours (see discussions for Sites F and G). Also note, that although the river cleared up relatively quickly, this is not related to the settling estimates above. The settling rate estimated above was calculated under assumptions of Stokes Law for laminar flow and not turbulent flow (Gibbs Law).


Figure 9. Turbid water observed in settling ponds, prior to breaching

Postscript: Sakhalin Environment Watch visited the active mining site on October 9, 2014, after the team had completed their assessment, and observed a net across the bypass channel (Figure 10). The net was intended to illegally catch coho salmon. SEW informed 's security patrol, who visited the site the following day and found a single adult coho in the net.

Figure 10. Fishing net spanning bypass channel

DERBYSHA RIVER ‐ (SITE C) The Derbysha River is a tributary of the Langeri River, and flows into the Langeri River approximately 16 km north of the Village of Pervomayskoye. This area had been placer mined up until 2008. In 2009, an area upstream of Derbysha, Kukui Creek, was surveyed and photographed by Sakhalin Environmental Watch (Appendix B). The photographs showed that some attempts at reclamation actions had occurred in Kukui Creek. The area visited by the team also has had some attempts at reclamation and in some areas the slopes had been smooth out to be less than about 20 degrees and fine soils had been laid over the slopes to provide a basis for reclamation.


Based on a report from the Laboratory of Dendrology and Revegetation (Perm University, Russia), it was determined that the reclamation was effective and would result in natural revegetation of the site, although no timeframes were provided. Surrounding slopes are primarily a matrix of cobbles and gravels compacted such that it would be difficult for vegetation to become established. The clay marl component of the soils increases the compaction and hardness of the surface. Currently, the slopes are not vegetated, except with a few willows and alder (Figures 11 and 12).

Figure 11. Derbysha River Valley

Photos from 2009 show many areas of streambank erosion as the channel and floodplain created during the reclamation are not as wide as needed by this stream. As a result the slopes continue to be eroded by the stream, resulting in bank sloughing and steep slopes that will continue to provide increased sediment to the creek for many years until an adequate floodplain in re‐established (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Streambank erosion along previously mined areas


The instream channel sediments at this site were observed to be highly embedded, further limiting the aquatic habitat in the Derbysha River. It was assumed that heavy equipment operating on the material by driving back and forth across the valley to redistribute material and the angular blocky nature of the sedimentss ha created a feature similar to a brick road.

Undisturbed and less disturbed riparian areas along the Langeri River provide an example of the likely condition of the pre‐mining riparian area and stream channel (Figure 12). In the recently mined areas, ecological recovery of the aquatic and riparian systems would likely take most of a century to regain the conifer and riparian vegetation species, large woody debris and habitat complexity in the creek. It is likely that high flows during the next several decades will continue to contribute sediment to the creek and downstream into the Langeri River while the creek re‐established an adequate floodplain.

Figure 12. Example of apparently functioning riparian area along the Langeri River

LANGERI RIVER, UPPER REACHES NEAR ABANDONED VILLAGE OF LANGERI (SITE D) The stream has eroded a floodplain in the area as can be seen in Figure13. The toes of the reclaimed spoils piles were eroded away to form the floodplain and the riparian vegetation is recovering on more rapidly on the recently developed floodplain than on the spoils. Similar to other previously mined areas in the watershed, this area of the Langeri River valley has been placer mined for gold, and has had some reclamation work completed. This area has had a longer time to recover than the Derbysha River site. Mining in the area likely occurred sometime between 1990 and 2000 as can be seen in the satellite imagery comparison in Figure 14.


Figure 13. Upper Langeri River valley

Riparian vegetation diversity was very low in comparison to undisturbed riparian areas along the Langeri River. Alder and willow dominated the regrowth on the disturbed areas. The stream channel is very wide and shallow with few pools or other habitat features. The stream channel was braided in places, likely due to a high sediment load from upstream. Down trees or other large woody debris appears to be absent from the stream channel.

Figure 14. Satellite imagery comparison of vegetation changes in the upper Langeri River (source: changematters.esri.com)


Due to access and time constraints, we were able to only visit a small portion of the mined area. Google Earth imagery shows over 20 km of river channel was placer mined, with ponds and multiple channels in places. It is possible that some areas are eroding more actively than then sectio of river visited by the team.

Habitat complexity is also severely lacking at a length of this portion of the Langeri River. The clay layer of marl soils seems to be lacking in this area, but by the nature of the angular blocky shape of the sediment, the stream bottom is somewhat embedded from heavy machinery reconstructing the valley shape. Recolonization of riparian vegetation is limited to early seral species such as willow and alder, which are able to capitalize on organically deficient mineral soil of the mine tailings. It is assumed that full ecological recover that provides shade and input of effective large woody debris to the stream channel, providing habitat complexity and pool formation, could take many years.

Different fish and macroinvertebrate species were collected in the area (Figures 15‐19), most in off‐ channel habitats, other than the lamprey in Figure 18, which was found in the main channel. An unidentified species of loach was also observed, but not studied closely and is likely to be Cobitis lutheri or C. taenia. I it is unknown how some are fulfilling all life history requirements, as hiding cover, overwintering habitat, and thermal protection are lacking in the main channel as can be seen previously in Figure 13. Further investigations of tributary or off‐channel habitats could provide some insight into reproductive success.

Based on limited information, it is unknown how long ecologic recovery could take, although the development of some soil profile would be necessary to support regrowth of conifer species that were likely present historically and would provide adequate woody debris and shade to the system.

Figure 15. Juvenile Dolly Varden char (Salvelinus malma)


Figure 16. Juvenile white spotted char, “kunja,” (Salvelinus leucomaenis)

Figure17. Case building or net casting caddis fly larvae (Trichoptera spp.)

Figure 18. Free living caddis fly larvae (Trichoptera spp.) 17

Figure19. Arctic brook lamprey (Lethenteron japonicum)

A native snake species of snake was also observed at this site (Figure 20), which is known to eat aquatic dependent species such as frogs.

Figure 20. Sakhalin Island adder, “gadziuka” (Vipera berus sachalinesis)

LANGERI RIVER, LOWER REACHES OF THE MAINSTEM (SITE E) Aquatic habitat conditions at this site seemed to be in balance with the sediment supply and water being delivered by the watershed. The floodplain and riparian area was broad with diverse, dense vegetation and adjacent wetlands and off‐channel habitats (Figures 21 and 22). Many post‐spawned pink salmon (Onchorynchus gorbuscha) were observed at this site. Adult white spotted char were also sampled here and there was evidence of poaching from one sample as evidenced by gill net marks on the fish (Figure 23) 18

Figure 21. Langeri River at confluence with Ribniy Creek (Fish Creek) on left

Figure 22. Langeri River near confluence with Sea of Okhotsk

Figure 23. Evidence of poaching 19

EVIDENCE OF DAM BREACHING FROM SITE B (SITE F) The team did not physically visit this site, but pictures of turbid water were provided as evidence of dam breaching at active mining site at Site B as shown in Figures 24 and 25, which were taken by Vladimir Smirnov’s anti‐poaching team on September 9th, 2014. It is unknown what the effects of the fine sediment delivery are at or beyond this point, which would require future investigation. Water quality sampling during these types of events could determine if the mine is within its regulatory permit requirements for suspended sediment.

Figure 24. Turbid water at Site F

Figure 25. Anti‐Poaching patrol wading through turbid water

See also discussion for Site G, which provides additional assessment of dam breaching and assumed effects on the aquatic environment.


LANGERI RIVER, POTENTIAL REFERENCE REACH; GEOMORPHOLOGY AND RIPARIAN HABITAT (SITE G) Site G is located on the Langeri River, downstream of the bridge for the road that accesses the Kukui Creek drainage (Figure 26). The location is approximately 4 km downstream of the active mining area. The stream channel and riparian area appear to be in good condition and have likely retainede th natural geomorphology for this section of the Langeri River valley

Figure 26. Potential reference reach

Although the geomorphology and riparian habitat seem to be functioning, the channel substrate and associated aquatic habitats are impacted by the mining operations upstream. These impacts are associated with discharge of fine sediment that is clogging the gravels as shown in Figures 27 ‐ 29 (see also discussion for Site B).

Figure 27. Embedded sediments below active mining operations


The geomorphology of this section of river (floodplain and channel width, channel depth and sinuosity) could be used to as a template for designing the river channel and floodplain through past mining areas. From what the team has assumed, water levels in the active mining operations exceeded the capacity of the settling ponds and dams are breached to provide relief to active mine operations.

Figure 28. Evidence of dam breaching and extreme deposition of clay sediment

There is a clay layer comprised of marl soils (marine sediments) that creates turbid water and very fine sediments. The clay layer is quite thick in the shallower portions of the river channel and appears to have the potential to have smothered much of the aquatic life residing within the gravels and cobbles (Figure 28).

Figure 29. Clay deposits on point bar below active mine area



ASSESSMENT OF PAST MINING AREAS: We recommend that a team of scientists conduct a more detailed assessment of the tributaries of the Langeri River, which have had been placer mined over the past several decades. The purpose of the assessment would be to:

1. determine if the reclaimed area truly meets the regulatory requirements; 2. assesse whether th reclaimed area is supplying adequate habitat for the threatened Sakhalin taimen and other rare species; and 3. develop a long‐term, feasible monitoring strategy to determine if the area is on a trajectory towards improved aquatic and riparian habitat or if additional restoration work is needed to meet the goals for this area.

The assessment should focus on the current and projected future conditions of aquatic and riparian habitat. This assessment should consider the essential elements of aquatic habitat for such as stream channel complexity (i.e. pools, riffles, large woody debris), stream channel substrate, temperature, and shading. Aquatic species composition and distribution, including macroinvertebrate populations should be included in the aquatic component of this assessment. Riparian vegetation species composition and density in the reclaimed area should be documented to determine the condition of the riparian ecosystem within the mined area. The extent of areas of active bank erosion due to lack of floodplain should be evaluated as a long term sediment source. Additionally, the surrounding watershed should be assessed to determine if other features, such as roads could be contributing sediment to the river system. Data should also be collected in nearby undisturbed areas that might be found throughout the watershed, to provide a baseline for the productivity of the river system.

The team of scientists should include a fisheries biologist/ichthyologist, fluvial geomorphologist, riparian vegetation ecologist/botanist. Data collection could include data that could also be used for long term monitoring, such as water temperature, photo points, substrate composition (pebble counts and embeddedness), channel cross sections and riparian vegetation transects.

ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTS OF ONGOING MINING IN THE LANGERI RIVER MAINSTEM. The team also recommends A study of the condition of the river below the mining area, which would provide information on channel substrate conditions, available spawning habitat, aquatic (including macroinvertebrate) species composition and distribution, and water quality. The assessment might also include suggested protocol for a long‐term, affordable monitoring program that would document any changes and/or trends in the river conditions.

The timing of releases of settling basin sediments should be evaluated in terms of timing of releases as effects of different species may be affected at critical times during their life history, such as spawning and egg development, e.g. taimen are Spring spawners, while others such as pink salmon are Fall spawners. It is also recommended that there be an analysis of the physical structure and geologic origin of clay material identified at Sites B, F, and G, as this would play a role in evaluating the affects to gill breathing aquatic organisms. 23

RESTORATION ACTIONS The recently mined area along the Moyga River (Site A) would provide an ideal pilot project area to restore the stream channel and riparian area to greatly improve aquatic habitat as well as protect the water supply for the Pervomayskoye. This area is small enough to be feasible. The area would need to be surveyed to develop a topographic map of the area. The stream channel and valley bottom could then be designed to replicate the undisturbed river above this site. Topsoil from the adjacent forest area could be used to help revegetate the riparian area, and trees from the forest could be used to provide logs in the stream to provide aquatic habitat.

POTENTIAL FOR FUTURE USFS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE The USFS looks forward to continued collaboration with WSC and SEW. Our agency has a breath of expertise to contribute to on‐the‐ground projects overseas. USFS could provide technical assistance in the following areas:

 Contribute to the development of the detailed assessment and/or monitoring plan for the Langeri Watershed with Russian scientists.  Provide examples of tools and protocols for data collection and analysis for the assessment and monitoring programs.  Provide expertise in surveying, design, and development of a restoration plan for Moyga River.  Connect U.S. scientists working in related fields with Russian scientists, for collaboration and for sharing of knowledge and experience.  Complete an assessment of the existing road network and other past land uses and cumulative effects that may have an impact on aquatic habitat in the Langeri watershed.  Evaluate Vostochny Protected Area for possible reference conditions to help inform assessment of the Langeri system.

EXAMPLES OF METHODS/TOOLS FOR ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION Guidebook of Mitigation Measures for Placer Mining in the Yukon. Yukon Placer Secretariat, November 1, 2010. http://www.yukonplacersecretariat.ca/pdf/Guidebook_Nov_1_2010.pdf

The Geomorphic Road Analysis and Inventory Package (GRAIP), available at www.fs.fed.us/GRAIP, could be useful to identify other sources of sediment delivery to the aquatic ecosystem

A guide for measuring stream channel characteristics: Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Techniques. This document can be found at: http://www.stream.fs.fed.us/publications/PDFs/RM245E.PDF

Riparian Vegetation Monitoring Protocol (in publication) (Merritt and Cooper)

LITERATURE CITED Fifield, J. 2001. Designing for Effective Sediment and Erosion Control on Construction Sites. Forester Press, Santa Barbara, CA.


Wild Salmon Center. 2014. Wild Salmon Center, Where We Work, Sakhalin Island. http://wildsalmoncenter.org/programs/sakhalin/index.php

Zyabrev, S.V. 2011. Stratigraphy and Structure of the Central East Sakhalin Accretionary Wedge (Eastern Russia). Russian Journal of Pacific Geology. 2011. Vol 5. No. 4 pp. 313‐335.



Sept 17: USFS Team arrived in Yuzhno‐Sakhalinsk

Sept 18: Meeting at Sakhalin Environmental Watch office with Dmitry Lisitsyn, Sakhalin Environmental Watch, and Mariusz Wroblewski, Wild Salmon Center, to discuss trip goals and itinerary.

Sept 19: Traveled to . The team observed some subsistence fishing by local native people eon th Poronai River.

Sept 20 – 21: While staying in Smirnykh, the team visited the Langeri River and its tributaries to look at locations with historical placer gold mining activities, which have been ongoing for the past four decades, and investigate impacts. On the way to the Langeri River, the team stopped to discuss the recent placer mining and reclamation on the Moyga River above the village of Pervomayskoye.

Sept 21: Traveled to Vladimir Smirnoff’s Fish Camp near the mouth of the Langeri River near the village of Pogranichnoe. Vladimir Smirnoff is a member of the local Salmon Council organized by Wild Salmon Center.

Sept 22: Although the plan was to take a boat from the village to the Vostochniy Zakaznik, the sea was too rough and the group had to stay on shore. Instead, they spent the day exploring the lower reaches of the lower Langeri River, both by 4wd road and by boat by traveling up a few km from the mouth of the river.

Sept 23: As the sea was still too rough to attempt to reach Vostochny, the group decided to change their plans and re‐focus on recommendations about restoration and monitoring related to the mineds area and to return to Yuzhno‐Sakhalinsk earlier than planned to try to set up some meetings in the city. Mid‐day, the group drove back towards Smirnikh, with a short side trip to look at another site on the Langeri River, including downstream of the current mining operations.

Sept 24: The group traveled from Smirnikh to Yuzhno‐Sakhalinsk.

Sept 25: The group spent most of the day at the office of Sakhalin Environmental Watch, discussing field observations and recommendations and working on the trip report with Lisitsyn and Wroblewski.

Sept 26: The group continued to work on the report from the apartment, then met with a representative of Exxon Mobil who is interested in supporting environmental protection activity work on the island.

Sept 27: The team returned to the US via S. .


APPENDIX B – 2009 KUKUI STREAM ASSESSMENT Фототаблица к акту проверки соблюдения требований законодательства в сфере природопользования и охраны окружающей среды в ходе добычи золота артелью старателей "Восток‐2" в бассейне реки Лангери в Смирныховском районе Сахалинской области от 05.06.2009 г.

Photo documentation to the inspection of the compliance with the law for natural resources use and environmental protection during the gold mining conducted by artel "Vostok‐2" in the Langeri River watershed in Smirnykh District.

Все фотографии сделаны 5 июня 2009 г. в ходе проверки на участке золотодобычи "Ручей Кукуй". Данный ручей является притоком ручья Дербыша, который в свою очередь впадает в р. Лангери. Отработка золотоносных россыпей на ручье Кукуй проводилась в 2008 году и в предыдущие годы.

All photos were taken June 5, 2009 during an inspection at the Kukui Creek placer mined site. Kukui creek is a tributary to the Derbish Creek, which flows into the Langeri River. This area had been placer mined in 2008d an previous years.

Figure 1. Overview of Area Documented


Общий вид участка долины ручья Кукуй, отработанного золотодобытчиками в 2008 году (полигон). Виден каскад бывших отстойников и разделяющих дамб, которые сейчас не выполняют свои функции. На переднем плане – иловые отложения в одном из отстойников, размытые в дальнейшем паводковыми водами.

General view of Kukui Creek valley that was mined in 2008. Former settling ponds and associated dams do not perform their intended functions. In the foreground ‐ silt deposits in one of the previous settling ponds washed out by subsequent floods.


Руслоотводная канава в самой верхней, еще не отработанной части участка, по которой в 2008 году был направлен весь объем воды ручья Кукуй, как того требует технология – для освобождения от воды основного русла, на котором планировалось проводить промывку золота.

Bypass channel in the upper part of the site that hasn’t been mined yet, where the entire volume of Kukui Creek was redirected in 2008, as required by operational procedure to remove water from the main channel, where gold extraction was planned.


Место, где вся масса воды ручья Кукуй после окончания промывки 2008 года была перенаправлена из руслоотводной канавы на полигон золотодобычи. Справа видно старое русло руслоотводной канавы, вместо него вся вода идет налево, в начало полигона. Вода пока еще очень чистая.

Area where all of the water from Kukui Creek was redirected from bypass channel to the mined area after mining operations were completed in 2008. Instead of going through the old bypass channel (on the right) all the water now goes to the left, to the top of the mined area. Water is still clean.


Участок старого русла руслоотводной канавы, идущей в обход полигона золотодобычи и призванной не допустить попадания основной массы воды ручья на полигон. В настоящее время воды в руслоотводной канаве нет – она вся направлена на участок, отработанный при промывке золота.

Part of the old bypass channel, bypassing the mined area, designed to prevent the ingress of the bulk of the water stream to the mining area. Currently, there’s no water in the bypass channel, all of it directed to the placer mined area.


Место выхода основной массы воды ручья Кукуй на отработанный полигон золотодобычи, хотя вся эта воды должна направляться в обход полигона по руслоотводной канаве.

Outlet where the main flow of Kukui Creek enters the mined area. All this water should be directed to bypass channel.


Вид от начала полигона вниз по течению ручья. Поскольку основное русло ручья Кукуй было заведено на отработанный полигон золотодобычи, расход воды был очень высок, особенно в период паводков, поэтому дамбы отстойников были быстро размыты.

View from the start of the mining area downstream the Kukui Creek. Since the main channel of the Creek was detoured to the mined area, water discharge was very high especially during floods, causing settling ponds dams to saturate and fail.


Напор воды размывает не только дамбы (левая часть снимка), но и иловые отложения, накопившиеся в бассейнах отстойников, когда они еще выполняли свою функцию (правая часть снимка). Однако, на данный момент вода пока еще относительно чистая, поскольку это самое начало полигона, а также потому что упал уровень воды и снизился расход.

The water pressure causes not only the erosion of the settling pond dams (left side of picture), but the outwash of the silt accumulated in the ponds when they performed their intended function (right side of picture). At this point the water is still relatively clean, because it is the top of the mined area, and also because water level dropped and water discharge reduced.


Общий вид на полигон золотодобычи и размываемые отстойники. На заднем плане – начало полигона (самая верхняя его часть по течению ручья Кукуй).

General view of the site and failed settling ponds. In the background ‐ the beginning of the mined area in Figure 1 and the upper part of the Kukui Creek.


Одна из многих размытых дамб далее вниз по течению ручья через отработанный полигон золотодобычи. Здесь даже образовался небольшой водопад.

One of the many failed dams further downstream where stream runs through the mined area. There's even a small waterfall.


Очередная размытая дамба ‐ в нижней части полигона золотодобычи. Если бы ручей Кукуй не был направлен на отработанный полигон, то эта дамба, как и 20 других, продолжала бы выполнять функции удержания и накопления в отстойниках загрязненных вод, в небольшом объеме поступающих на полигон путем дренажа и незначительного поверхностного стока с левого борта долины, не отсеченного руслоотводной канавой.

Another failed settling pond dam at the bottom of the mined area. If Kukui Creek had not been directed to the mined area, this dam and 20 others would have continued to accumulate water with sediment in the ponds with only a small volume of water entering the site by drainage and surface runoff from the left side of the valley, not compromised by the bypass channel.


Справа – руслоотводная канава, по которой должен течь основной поток ручья Кукуй и по которой сейчас течет небольшой объем воды, поступившей с правыми притоками. Слева – основной поток ручья, текущий через отработанный полигон. Вода в основном потоке ручья очень мутная из‐за того, что он размывает дамбы и отстойники.

Bypass channel (right), intended for the main flow of Kukui Creek, which now has a small amount of water coming from the right tributaries. Main flow of Kukui Creek flowing through the mined area (Left). The water in the main flow of the creek (right) is very turbid because it erodes dams and the settling ponds.


Поток воды на полигоне размывает не только дамбы, но и отвалы отработанной породы, увеличивая загрязнение воды в ручье взвешенными веществами.

The water flow on the site erodes not only dams, but also waste rock, increasing water pollution in the stream with suspended fine sediment.


Место слияния руслоотводной канавы с чистой водой, в небольшом количестве собранной с правого борта долины ручья (слева на снимке) и основного потока ручья, выходящего с отработанного полигона золотодобычи (справа) Хорошо видна разница в качестве воды. В центре снимка – водосливной лоток, использовавшийся в 2008 г. для учета объемов сбросов сточных вод с полигона.

The confluence of bypass channel with clear water running off the right side of the valley in small quantities (left on the photo) and the main flow of the Kukui Creek exiting from the placer mined area (right on the photo). Difference in water quality is clearly visible. Spillway flume (center of the photo) that was used in 2008 to measure volume of wastewater discharges from the mining area.


Основной поток ручья Кукуй, загрязненный вследствие прохождения через полигон золотодобычи с разрушенными отстойниками, с небольшой примесью чистой воды из руслоотводной канавы. Согласно утвержденной технологии, все должно быть наоборот – большая часть потока ручья должна идти по руслоотводной канаве и оставаться чистой, меньшая – идти через полигон и подвергаться очистке в работающих отстойниках. Далее вся масса загрязненной воды поступает в ручей Дербыша, а затем – в реку Лангери, резко ухудшая качество воды в ней на всем протяжении до устья.

Main flow of the Kukui Creek polluted due to passage through the mined area (Figure 1) with eroded dams and settling ponds, with a small amount of clean water from bypass channel on the right. According to the environmental regulations, it should be the other way around ‐ most of the a flow from Kukui Creek should go through the bypass channel, remaining clean and the lower volume of flow should pass through the active mining area allowing fine sediment to settle out. Here the entire volume of polluted water enters the Derbyshev Creek, and then the Langeri River, ultimately reducing water quality all the way to the mouth of the Langeri River.