undermentioned to be Lieutenants. Dated Frederick John Robertson. (To be super- 26th August, 1914: — numerary) . Alister Graham Kirby (late Lieutenant, 15 th (County of London) Battalion, The 5th (City of London) Battalion, The (Prince of Wales' s Own London Regiment (). Civil Service Rifles'); the undermentioned to- Second Lieutenant Guy H. Cholmeley. be Second Lieutenants. Dated 26th August, The undermentioned to be Second Lieu- 1914: — tenants. Dated 26th August, 1914 : — Kenneth Agnew Wills. Hugh Liddon Johnston. Kenneth William Murray Pickthorn. Charles Walter Turner. George Alec Dawswell. 16th (County of London) Battalion, The Alec Ernest Saxton. London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles) . 6th (City of London) Battalion, The London Captain and Honorary Major Edward A. Regiment (Rifles); the undermentioned to Dodd to be seconded. Dated 26th August, be Second Lieutenants. Dated 26th 1914. August, 1914: — The undermentioned to be Second Lieu- Robert Francis Mudie. tenants. Dated 26th August, 1914: — Frederick Harriman Dickinson. Walter Maxwell Henderson-Scott. Ronald Perceval Garrod. Raymond Scott Dickinson. Francis Gibbon Swainson. 8th (City of London) Battalion, The London Bernard George Sheen Bull. Regiment (); the undermen- tioned to be Second Lieutenants. Dated 17 th (County of London) Battalion, The 26th August, 1914: — London Regiment (Poplar and Stepney George Norman Clark. Rifles); the undermentioned Lieutenants to Eric Lionel Finlay. be Captains. Dated 26th August, 1914 : — Alfred Sidney Thomas. Albert S. Hands. Walter Newman Kirkland. Hugh H. Caldwell. Oliver John Lawrence. The undermentioned Second Lieutenants 9th (County of London) Battalion, The London to be Lieutenants. Dated 26th August, Regiment (Queen Victoria's Rifles); the 1914: — undermentioned to be Second Lieutenants. Arthur B. Walters. Dated 26th August, 1914: — Kevin R. O'Brien. Henry Shepherd. 18th, (County of London) Battalion, The Geoffrey Foster Griffith. London Regiment (). Walter Noel Carter. Second Lieutenant Samuel J. Hutchinson \\th (County of London) Battalion, The to be Lieutenant. Dated 26th August,. London Regiment (Finsbury Rifles'). 1914. Second Lieutenant Fred C. McBride to be The undermentioned to be Second Lieu- Lieutenant. Dated 26th August, 1914. tenants. Dated 26th August, 1914 : — Brian MacMahon Mahon (late Second The undermentioned to be Second Lieu- Lieutenant, 18th (County of London) Batta- tenants. Dated 26th August, 1914: — lion, The London Regiment (London Irish Maynard Oliver Greenfield (late Lieu- Rifles)). tenant, llth (County of London) Battalion, Edmund Arthur Beamish. The London Regiment (Finsbury Rifles)). John Vesey Knox. (To be super- James Arthur Stanbrook. numerary) . Frank Harold Gopsill. (To be super- Basis Stanley Rowe. (To be super- numerary.) numerary) . Dennis Holme Robertson. (To be super- numerary.) (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (St. Pancras); the under- 12th (County of London) Battalion, The mentioned Second Lieutenants to be Lieu- London Regiment (The Rangers); the tenants. Dated 26th August, 1914 : — undermentioned to be Second Lieutenants. Robert O. Raynor. Dated 26th August, 1914: — Ernest E. Hanewinkle. Richard Lennard Hoare (late Second Joseph L. Frank. Lieutenant, The Queen's Own (Royal West The undermentioned to be Second Lieu- Kent Regiment). tenants. Dated 26th August, 1914: — Harry Infeld. Wilfred Henry Styer. Samuel Withers Green. (To be super- Cecil Roach Bullen Playford. numerary) . Adrian Waterlow. Harry Needham Laing. (To be super- Raymond Bruce Stephen Lambert Street. numerary) . Albert Ernest Wiggs. 13th (County of London) Battalion, The 20th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (Kensington); the under- London Regiment (Blackheath and TFooZ- mentioned Second Lieutenants to be Lieu- wich) . tenants. Dated 26th August, 1914 : — Fred Thorne (late Lieutenant, 20th Montague C. K. Bamber. (County of London) Battalion, The London Edmund V. Field. Regiment (Blackheath and Woolwich) to be The undermentioned to be Second Lieu- Lieutenant. Dated 26th August, 1914. tenants. Dated 26th August, 1914: — The undermentioned to be Second Lieu- Oswald Hubert Williams. (To be super- tenants. Dated 26th August, 1914 : — numerary). Ernest Leopold Reiner t.