Most Dorms Reject Safe Haven Resolutions
-~-- ~------------------ , IIU·19U SISQUICINUNNIAL VOL. XXIV NO. 22 TUESDAY I SEPTEMBER 24, 1991 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Most dorms reject safe haven resolutions By PETER LOFTUS Three more dorms-Badin, comfortable where they live." A inatory harrassment policy as . Our statement was more about Assistant News Editor Cavanaugh and Lyons-have in dorm would oppose spelled out in Du Lac. We will discrimination than about vited either Vore or another "discrimination of any of its not tolerate .discriminatory homosexuality." representative to their dorms to residents based on their sexual harrassment based on race, Joe Flanagan, president of Most Notre Dame residence speak before they took any orientation." sex, religion, sexual orientation, Cavanaugh Hall, said he expects halls have decided against action on the resolution. Zahm Most hall presidents, after or national origin." Vore to address Cavanaugh passing a "safe haven" resolu also invited Vore to speak be consulting wlth either their rec Butrus said he thinks Vore Sunday at their bi-weekly hall tion presented by NO's under fore agreeing on the final tors, hall councils, or both, have would be pleased with forum, after which a decision ground homosexual support wording of their passed resolu determined that a safe haven Stanford's resolution, passed will be made on how to address group. Only three dorms have tion. resolution was not necessary last week, but that "we didn't the resolution. passed some version of the res "The most important thing is because their dorms have never do it to please him. Hall council Lyons expects Vore to speak olution over tho past two weeks.
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