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12-11-1953 The aM rshall Courier, December 11, 1953 The aM rshall Courier

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• l>PP" In town Sat- Benton, The Best • Town in Ky. • 3 SECTIONS By A Dam Site ittarsJjull Csm-icr Member Western Kentucky's Largest Weekly Newspaper - Benton and Marshall County's Home Newspaper 24 PAGES KEO. Mo 7 VAUrE Volume XVII PaU Circulation Sell, — That I• The T ~ ~ ~ Kind This Newspaper Offera Customers K Benton. Ky., December 11, 1953 ^ FJrtt [n Circulation, First In Advertising 36" OUTING « oreen Devils defeat- First In The Home, First In Reader Interest Number 30 P-tW color«."U City 88 to 45 In the ^ ,yro Tuesday night, •rf the way' holdln* Hundreds befafct Wle. }»rd» t Le it the hall, •r; scored 14 points to •"sharpe drive and Harp- 25' B"* . -J NILTH 1 1 behind with 13 was Cai- New Move Begun for County wide Phone Service Olenn Collie RF< s *- naxBaai „ scorer with 15 points Qlhe loops for 10 points DRESS '^traveled to Kirksey Zsight and handed that Choice Retiring Mayor, Funeral is Red's Choke for the F Problem to be Taken of ^undredg ^nZit shellacking. Dale >ard». ' loured In 24 points and ' • t-'i>l>OM«d 'hambrays and p'^^ ^Tmade 22 to lead the !i?7tuck. The game was Held for Before State OfficialJ until the final per- Councilmen in -JnBrewers turned on Its A new movement to seek county and the county sekt ;i: scored 15 points county wide telephone service isolated from each other b. m^jey was scoring only C. W. Lyles for Marshall County was start- cause of the lack of county;,. ed last week service Where there Is t i< Final Meeting A round-table discussion of Charlie W. Lyles, 82, died at iLton Indians were In phone service out In the count noon Thursday, Dec. 4, at the such a project was held last such as at OUbertsvllle, it * Tuesday night and had Mayor Jim Kinney and mem- caucus. home of his daughter, Mrs. C. Friday night at the meeting necessary now to pay a Ion piling up a 87-37 bers of the City Council last The retiring City Council of the Benton Rotary Club. A - Monday night held their final B. Cox In Benton. Death came distance telephone toll in ori Alzno. The game mainly discussed routine busi- at the dining table. tending the meeting, besides er to talk from Gilbertsville t • Almo. meeting before leaving office ness at Its final meeting. Mem- Mr. and Mrs. Lyles were carried Rotarlans, were representatives Benton, or vice versa. ^ a commanding soon after Jan. 1. bers of the City Park Board ilso to the home of their daughter of most of Benton's law firms The round-table dlscussic At start and the half- Mayor-elect Louis O'Daniel were present and took before and the head of one insurance and the new councllmen-elect several weeks ago. They are long centered mainly on ways an- was 41 to 13. the council some matters of in- time residents of Benton. firm. means to get free countywi. to man or were guests at the meeting cf Wi W" P ' debtedness. It was pointed out at the telephone service, without to the retiring mayor and council- Funeral services were con- irtth 11 points; N. Mor- The retiring and Incoming meeting that residents of the service through Paducah i men. They had been Invited to ducted Sunday afternoon at the ^dt 16 Newton 11. Hens- council both discussed matters Benton Methodist Church, of Murray. 'Tanlth 10 and Solomon attend the meeting by Mayor that were brought up for con- Kinney so they could familiarize which he was a member. The It was the consensus of tl sideration. meeting that the first :ti • themselves with municipal pro- Revs. Roy D. Williams of Pa- a Friday night, Hardin de- Members of the retiring coun- should be to form a countyv.ii ceedings. ducah and W. D. Grlssom of the 1954 Auto Juringston by a score of cil are BUI Butler, Milton Haw- Benton church officiated. Burial, committee to map a course i "a. York scored JO points The new city officials will take kins, Dale Leneave. Macon by Linn Funeral Home, was in action. brtln. Boggess 18, Thomp- office on Jan. 4, which Is the Hutchens, Morgan Hill and John the Benton Cemetery. It was agreed that after tl first Monday of the new year. « Miller 17 and Lee 14. Sledd. Mr. Lyles was a rural mail Tags are committee has mapped a cours gB "ts never In danger However, O'Daniel and his Members of the Council which carrier in Marshall County for that a countywide mass m i the first period, when the councilmen will hold a caucus will t^ke office on Jan. 4 are many years. He also was a city lng should be held and the pri OF ALL! PRICES YOU'VE tu 15 to 14. Hardin pul- on Dec. 17 at which time they Joe Darnall, Joe Clark, W. C mail carrier In Paducah and re- blem taken before the genet, in» snd at the half had will discuss plans for taking ov- Hutchens, Joe Dunn, Bob Rider tired there. They then return- On Sale public. „ , lead of 34 to 19. er reins of the city on Jan. 4 L and John Sledd. Sledd was the ed to Benton to live. He was a New 1954 automobile license The proper course, many < * Another game last Friday The group also is expected to • NEVER SEE AGAIN! JUST only member of the retiring native of Marshall County. tags are now on sale at the of- the speakers at the meeting' fei discuss any possible new ap- • the Bedmen of Brewers Council to win re-election oi Mr. Lyles had been in bad offlce of County Court Clerk is to employ an expert in ma pointments to city jobs at the L»ey by a score of 89 last November's election. health for several years. He fell Mark Clayton. ters of this type and gather a the data possible to show; wh several months ago and suf- This handsome portrait of Red Buttons, ttar of the CBS TV comedy The 1954 tags have blue num- [HOPPING! DON'T MISS IT! countywide service is neede I fered a broken hip. show, was the comedian's personal choice for hit t»n« throughout bers on a white background. The the country. He managed to tign thousands of them In between and present this data to tl • Besides his widow, Mrs. Flora 1953 tags had white numbers DAYS Thurs. Fri. and Sat. rehearsals and personal appearancee. The RED BUTTONS SHOW Public Service Commission. vert Plans Manning Lyles, he leaves two returned to the CBS television network this fall for its second season. on a blue background. Boy Hit by Car; sons, Hal B. Lyles of Paducah The 1954 tags are on sale now Several of the speakers fc and C. W. Lyles of Roselle, N. only for cars previously licensed that If the problem were takt before the Commission In J.; two daughters, Mrs. C. B. in Kentucky. (Become A proper manner that the con Cox of Benton and Mrs. Charleen Tags are available for both mission might act ^avorabl . S5.99 BOMBER JACKETS O'Brien of Jacksonville Beach, cars and trucks. ,Qass City Skull is Fractured Bank of Benton to There were some speakers, hov. krin ,|,,ilt|.,l lining, Fla. Pour grandchildren also sur- Deadline for buying auto li- ever, who felt that the Publ. of his home below the railroad Charles Shaw, 10 years old, vive. censes in next March 1. Service Commission would be i . lit collor, tackle- twllta. 1 City will be advanced tracks. was seriously Injured last Sat- Mr. Lyles was the son of Mr. little help and that a fight ii : on xahardlnr*. Site* 4 to II i i ilith class city to a fifth urday morning when he was He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. William Lyles. countywide free service woul I llOty provided the Kentucky Have Its Opening struck by an automobile as he Munk Shaw. be long, expensive and almo ; - assembling Jan 1 The boy was taken to River |» S tin, $1.98 8-OCNOB was crossing the street in front County is urged to attend the Band Boosters' hopeless. the plan proposed by side Hospital in Paducah, where lite Bank of Benton, which open house, Paul Darnall, exe- Some speakers pointed oi i I fontors. doctors said he had a fractured recently moved Into its remodel- Mrs, Brien, 79, cutive vice president of the bank, that many counties in Kenti 'ERALLS BIU« ! city board of trustees skull, possibly a broken collar ed building, will hold its formal Dinner To Be said. Invitations are not nec- cky do have free countywit I the report from census Funeral Rites opening on next Thursday, Dec. "BIO YANK" $1.98 bone and multiple bruises and essary. However, the bank did service under operation t ' i it t recent meeting and cuts. Dies At Her 19 Open house will be held from send out invitations along wltli Held Saturday Southern Bell and that this coui - I the proposal that a pe- Name of the driver of the ANNEL SHIRTS NOW 243 Are Conducted 1 p. m. until' 8 p. m. its greeting cards ty is entitled to such service D be given to Shelby McCal- The Band Boosters' Club will automobile was not learned. Palma Home Every reesldent of Marshall But Darnall stressed that every- much as any other count t to present to the legislature The boy was going to play In one Is welcome. hold its annual Community Fel- These speakers also pointed oi ; l census of the city Is now Mrs. Minnie Brien, 79, died For Mrs, Peck a vacant house down the street Elaborate plans have been lowship dinner at the Commun- that It would be wise, in gntl - I tctordlng to the canvas- Wednesday at her home in Pal- ity Building this Saturday night EN'S TO $20.00 SUH-COAB Funeral services were held from his home when he was hit made for the open house party. erlng data, to Investigate wlu. t pgnnaortng the elevation of ma. Funeral services will be Senior Women To Dec. 12, beginning at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. while crossing the street. State Banking Commissioner other counties did to obtain . HOUII. plalda, gahardlaes, «y- 1 City. The census com- held at 11 a. m. Friday at Fil- Sarah Frances Oatlln Peck, 88, Hold Their Annual H. H. Carter and Attorney Gen- The Mixed Chorus and Ben- countywide service. •atln twills. Quitted lining. The t wis directed by Mrs. Ed- beck-Cann Chapel, with the who died last Sunday at her eral Buckman are among the ton High School Band will furn- The matter will be taken be- l Story and was made up of Rev. Fred W. Chunn officiating. »t«t buy on earth! home In Calvert City. Christmas Party distinguished guests invited. ish the entertainment for she fore all civic groups in the coui: • > Unrd ODell, Mrs. James Young Parents Of Burial will take place In the evening. Christmas songs will The services werf held here Wilson Cemetery. Bankers from all parts of Ken- ty and they will be asked i W.M Full or Tw-tn .Hire — Sottdi, FlellK Draffen, Mrs. Vernon The Benton Senior Woman's tucky also have been Invited. highlight the evening with the help In obtaining countywi. • at Fllbeck-Cann Funeral Home Church Hold Their She Is survived by one daugh- band also giving several concert I tnd Mrs Thomas Her- Club will hold Its annua: Christ- Organ music will be played service. With united opinion a I l Tie city is required by law with the Rev Oalen Hargrove ter, Mrs. Marvin Dunn of Palma: selections. IENILLE SPREADS $3.33! officiating. Burial was In the Christmas Party mas meeting on Dec. 17 at the during the open house, and re- over the county, it was felt th) e u many as 1000 person.* one foster son, Omar Stagner of The Fellowship Dinner and Cemetery. home of Mrs. Fred Fllbeck. freshments will be served. Cig- project would have a sor l > ltf» $?.98-$3.98—Six* 1 tol, I toll. 71tH (consideration can be tak- The Young Parents Class of Sharpe; and two brothers, Ed Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Otto Concert has always been an en- Mrs. Peck Is survived by two ars will be given to the men and chance of getting an OK fro: i the assembly to become a the Methodist Church enjoyed Walker of Sharpe and Sid Walk- Cann, Mrs. Paul Darnall, Mrs. joyable evening, and this year's daughters, Mrs. Alice Hurt of carnations will be given to the the Public Service Commissioi . I tint city. a turkey dinner and Christmas er of Palma. She also Is sur- Inos Stallings, Mrs. Douglas dinner and concert promises to :H00L DRESSES 2 Paducah and Miss Opal Pecic ladles This Is a project that eve: ' party in the basement of the vived by two grandchildren and Rasco, Mrs. James Goodman and be just as good and maybe bet- of .Calvert City, and two sons, citizen In Marshall Counw church Monday evening at 8:30. one great grandchild Mrs. E. G. Williams. ter than ever before, so come Jesse Peck of Benton Route 8 should be Interested In. Ce -j EN -t After dinner, gifts were ex- Gifts will be exchanged at the out and enjoy the food and en- talnly, the families that do r Owners and Wlllard Peak of Calvert Mr. and Mrs. John Nichols of fcO. $6.47 MATCHED UHIFOBMS changed. party. tertainment. have phone service and have t i City. Those attending were: Mr. Benton are the parents of a son Hardin News sous Chlno matched ihlrt Are Urged get In a car and drive to tow i 5 a She was q. member of the and Mrs. John Strow and fam- born Tuesday Dec. 18 at the Mrs. William Eley has return- Mr. and Mrs. Billy Irvan and In the middle of the night : > |nu. Sanfuriied full rut. - 5 Primitive Bapttst Church. Murray Hospital. [Pay Their Taxes ily, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coulter ed from Plymouth, Pa. where baby and Mrs. Ola Irvan have Girl Scout Fund get a doctor should be ex t Yank Brand. and family, Mr. and Mrs. James she attended the funeral of an returned to their homes after tremely Interested. all County property Mr. and Mrs. Homer D. Har- COUPLE TO CELEBRATE Thompson and daughters, Mr. rison of Route 2 are the parents aunt. spending two weeks in Stance, Drive In Benton And with the proper count;, kt s BCO. $ts.o»—$i«.9s—«i»J» *tre reminded again GOLDEN WEDDING DATE and Mrs. Bob Long and sons, of a daughter born Monday, Volney Brien attended a con- Fla., where they visited Dr. and wide Interest, the proposed f • by Sheriff Volney Mr and Mrs. Van Roberts and vention of Kentucky sheriffs in Mrs. A Y. Covington. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Oscar Lindsey, December 7 at the Murray Hos- Goes Over The Top vice could beconle a realitjt. t 1 IINTER COATS ,«* $J_4 • that they have only the family, Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmie Louisville this week Covington Is the daughter of Is a project that Is worth evci / j ! (.; formerly of Marshall County, pital. The Girl Scout fund drive In M Detcember to pay their Small and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ola Irvan. ounce of energy and every liol- I. A DIES' KRi $3.99 W Benton has gone over the top. ^ taxes. will celebrate their golden wed- George Erlckson and daughter, Charles Miller Hughes, who lar that the public can must- . > on unpaid property ding anniversary on Sunday, Benton's goal was $800, and so Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hurley and has been stationed In Puerto far $809 has been donated. More ILIDAY DRESSES - 9 trom Jan. 1 to Jan. 31 Dec. 20, with open house at their family, Mr. and Mrs. Travis Rico for three years, is visiting Mr. and Mrs Cletus Kell , home in Cottage Orove, Teenn. Lower Prices for Farm donations are expected. « It 2 percent), and after Downs and daughter, Mr. and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Reports from a similar drive Mrs. Nonnle Collie, Mrs. No: i All their friends and relatives Mrs. Bill Orlmmett, Mr. and Hughes. Charles will go from •oicr.t |» the penalty Is 6 per- at Calvert City have not been West and Charles K. Nimma are Invited to attend the open Mrs. Carl Davenport and child- here to Ohio spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr . UHT-V $2.98 HEW SKBTS illed property owners received here, but it is expect r their taxes before penal- house and help them celebrate ren, Mrs. Alvin Austin, Mrs. Products are Expected Joe Powell has been removed ed to go over the top and thus Oscar Lindsey of Cottage Grov . ny are actual $S.M value*. the occasion. ty It. He also said that In John Clay Lovett and Rev. and from the Murray Hospital to attain the countywide goal Tenn. Mrs. West will spend I Mrs. Orlssom. BY J. HOMER MILLER are doing. Don't guess the veteran's hospital at Fort month there. >len«, corduroy* In all famous when Sheriff Billy Albert Hill, chairman of the = «2 Mr and Mrs. Paul Bernard County Farm Agent Believe it or not I had 47 Campbell. His leg was ampu- Toad Brlen, county court cler c ore and styles. . tikes over, the office meetings last month with a Benton drive, said he was well of 205 East 12th St., Benton, are Prices you receive for the pro- tated six inches above the eject, attended a convention - t »wy busy making the total attendance of 167 . Dur- pleased with the results and the parents of a daughter. Cyn- FFA Camp Fund ducts you sell this year will knee as the result of a hunting thanked all those who donated Louisville this week of Kentuck / l»l< t : LADIES' $25.00 TO If" Twrtr and that December thia Lou, born Friday, Dec. 4, ing the past 2 months I had accident. county clerics. ! likely be lower than last. Prices 198 meetings with an attendance their time and money. I *« time to pay the lax- at Western Baptist Hospital, Drive Slated In on the average will be about 90 Mrs. John Outland of Murray; INTER COATS _ Paducah. of 14.227. These were all Exten- A.N. Smith of Paducah; Billy This County Dec. 16 percent of parity. Cost of pro- sion Service meetings and to not |)l< I KK(i. $2.79 - »*M HOLIDAY duction will be very little lower. Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Galon Include many other meetings of Smith, and Mrs. Bertie Daven- The Hardlnsburg Camp Fund You must figure the difference various kinds. Benton School District 2 1 between them. That is the pro- port, all of Hardin, motored to >TT0N FROCKS raising campaign will be con- The Farm and Home Develop- fit or labor return. La Grange, Ky., last week to at- lustrial Basketball ducted In Marshall County Wed- ment Program still continues to tend the funeral of their broth- nesday, Dec. 16. Soil testing is one way to show results of various kinds. er, the Rev. J. R Smith. The Future Farmers of Ameri- lower cost of production. Buy Annexation Vote Set S LADIES' COAT*—S j Mrs. Charlie Cone, purchased Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Daven- u ca will conduct a drive In this fertilizers needed. You should pasteurized for their home nilk port spent Sunday with her An election will be held on nexed Is carried in another sec lS le is Organized state to raise $250,000. which expect $6 or more for each dol- supply. This Insures a pure of One Big Group, * -®V' brother, Mannle Ross, and fam- Saturday, Jan. 2. to expand the tlon of the Courier for the li will be used to develop a one- lar spent. The average for Ken- source of milk similar to milk - $19.95 Winter Ooats. 100> 11 'iMmtrtal basketball league scoring with 18 points, closely ily on Benton Route 1. Benton Independent School formation of the voters tucky on Tobacco Is a 120. re- bought commercially. i — Warmly Hoed anil Interline*- [^n formed at Calvert City. hundred acre educational center District to take in the territory followed by McManus with 12 turn for each dollar spent for be played each at Hardlnsburg. The tobacco market opened Mr. ond Mrs. Emery Rogers along the Mayfleld Highway as JUNIOR WOMEN WILL 5 points Scates led the attack fertilizers. -KS(i. $1.49 IR*** ®- .. night at 7 o'clock in - This FFA center will provide good. Clyde Walker reported of Chicago are visiting Mr. and far as the Curt Phillips log cab- HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY lor Ooodrlch with 13 points. R of Calvert High School. all the youth a place where ed- Fixed costs remain about the getting $67 per 100 for one bas- Mrs. Kelly Harrison of Calvert in and over to the Church Grove The annua! Christmas part 7® of the four big indus- Barrett did a good defensive pob ucational groups can assemble. same per acre regardless of ket. Proper classing and grnd- City Route 2. The Harrisons area. of the Junior Woman's C'.v > IEET BLANKETS lng are still Important. Mixed i l^nts at Calvert City Is for the Ooodrlch team Marshall County has been as- yields. Higher yields usually also had as their guest her The Church Grove area became will be held Friday evenln I otln tobacco always sells for a low- * « a team In the second game a fourtn signed a quota of $1,500. mean lower costs per unit, sister, Mrs Fred Holland of Dec. 18, at 7:30 o'clock in tl >j er price. Good tobacco graded a part of the Benton district at LADIES WINTER Jttoi Thursday night, Dec. quarter rally fell short for Na- Wednesday, Dec. 18. the Fu- (pounds, bushels, etc) Wise use Paducah. an election held earlier this clubroom of the Communi \ jg of and fertilizer may mean maKe properly end handled '•ight Building msburgh Metallurgical wUl tional Carbide as Pennsalt out ture Farmers of America In Mar- Milburn Jones will attend a year. the difference between profit bring the best prices. The hostesses will be Me j MHklt In the first game, scored them 50 to 42. The lead- shall County will call upon the meeting of tax commissioners All registered and legal vot- and loss. Total rainfall for last week dames Frank Dunn. Thoi'i. i > COATS L*Mlonal Carbide will play ing scorer for Pennsalt was citizens of this county to make of Kentucky at Frankfort next ers In the Mayfleld Highway 1 In the second game, Goheen, closely followed by Mc- a contribution to this fund. Soli testing j should be done was 2 15 Inches. The livestock Holland, Julian Jones, Ralr I ] water problem should be solved. week. The meeting will start area are eligible to vote In the '"a is 10 and 25 cents. Manus with 11 point*. For Car- When a FFA boy In your com- now. Get yotar samples and McLemore, BUly Clark and Jcj ..J Clark* River was bank full lait on the 14th and lait the rest election. A legal notice describ- t. -J Uit Thursday Pltts- bide, Hall led the scoring with munity call* upon you, we hope bring them to me. Test* will ofe th week. lti( the exact territory to be an- JMIM. Qoodrich H to 41. 1J points. Potts did an ouUtand you 11 be u generous a* po»*l- cost 85c each. Know what you Saturday. m Mat. English led the rebounding Job for the ble.

. .. :„ • • The Marshall Courier, Benton,

urday. Jo English, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie English, of Henton, has been on the alck list for three week", BENTON THEATRE Ml** Lola Trimble of Houte 1 IIKNTON (FKKMFI' NIL HIT) MONK MRI KY. Advice on The William W»»libnrn» of WHO II vUltor In Henton lu«l lioule 4 were In town iHtuulny Hatiirdny, "Good Movie* — In Solid Comfort!" tiuwplni. Mr, nml Mm, rritnk Murker of I,ANT TIMK TODAY HOWU.K IHATI HK l)l«WVUMK >1 Howard V. Belcher ot Ituula M, (tout* 1 were vlnltor* In Benton 1 enton, la enrolled at Indiana Saturday. University. Mr. and Mrs, E. J, Cmmon unci FOR THE Mr, and Mrs. O. C. JohniUtm Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dehor of of Route 5 were Monday visitor* Route 2 were visitors ln Benton l.t Benton, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Holt of DOUBLE FEATURE DECEMBER 1* Hardin were among the first Mrs. H. F. Jewett visited ln SATURDAY HOILDAYS Vonday visitors ln Benton. Detroit for the past two or three Joe Dunn of Route 3 was u weeks. cxsPitWt i> itcfi Zv*re Sunday for Charlie Lyls. Miami in Florida. THURSDAY-FRIDAY DECEMBER 17-10 Ranch Type • l12 Mr. and Mrs. Gorge Locker of FULL OF Mrs. Lyda Heath Tavis has re- Bungalows—with c Route 4 were shoppers in Ben- turned to her home in Louisville attached. ten Saturday. after attending the funeral of « ELIMINATE W" E. C. Hamilton of Route 4 WROUGHT IRON her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. E. »ary to complt was in town Saturday. Heath. CHRISTMAS We will erect your Dudley Conway of Route 5 JGROON SU erection by furnish, was in town Saturday. Ralph Faughn, Joe Cope, Bob Finest quality matj, A. W. Nunley of Route 5 was Rider and A. L Linn attended In the construction a business visitor here Saturday. a Masonic meeting at Temple 2 Room and ed by one ot the f? Miss Dolores Jones of Route Hill in Calloway County last DELIGHTS! homes. S was a hopper in Benton Sat- Saturday night. At Great I Standard method Building requireni For complete info, ST^f u Tade's Package V 2600 Bridge St.



Slipper* «*/ Mail order fits and quickie fits 7i could give you the screa meemies ... but our careful fitting Smart Santas know they'll make a hit with gives you all the comfort, smartness these gay wonderful for televiewing or juit plain lounging...such and service built into Wonderful exciting packages of Christmas styles... feeling FREEMAN'S. pWeed to please every budget. Wonderful feeling

FREEMAN'S Big Brother iVz Size Can MAHOGANY an

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^^^^^^itMmmamMSMmmMsf/ocs of(/is//ltC//()m H Palma, Kentucky Paducah Kentucky iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^

wi^'H' 71

ss .A-^.Milafc i • '-ii-::.:.-- The Marshall Courier, Benton, Kg., December 11, 1953

301 Broadway Paducah, Ky.


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515950 All patterns M 9 x 12 Size made in U.S.A. pohfnt OAJ iftcfud* ftdtrol ton #59.95 up MODERN WROUGHT IRON CHAIRS 19 v n CARD TABLES MATCHING CHAIRS Why Ford LOFFLD ITALIAN IRRORS \BLE LAMPS All Prices divers more car OOR LAMPS

COSCO METAL STOOLS & TABLES for your money £395 up1 EXTRA SPECIAL SPARTON RADIO-PHONOGRAPH BLONDE or MOHAGANY *23950 up MAHOGANY and CHERRY rother 2x/i Size Can Radios - G. E. - SPARTON - ZENITH #23.95 up Open Stock SUNBEAM - G.E. - DORMEYER :olate Chip Sandwich and HAMILTON BEACH MIXERS fklfirc ful lb. . #19.95 to #46.50 #79.50 Hoover Mahogany End, With more worth when you buy it VACUUM CLEANERS ... #66.95 Lamp, Step And and more worth when you sell it TOASTERS #6.95 to #27.50 Cocktail Tables Automatic it's your best buy! Head PERCOLATORS ... #12.95 to #29.95 More go More looks V-H or Six, you get more GO per gallon, Modern, olean lines give your Ford style- #1150 up thanks to Ford's Automatic Power Pilot. setting beauty. And for eye-pleasing Sandwich Grill and Only Ford in the low-prioe field offers decor, you get exterior colors that harmo- WAFFLE IRONS #15.95 V-8 power ... a low-friction Six. nize with decorator-designed interiors. Others, Walnut, Limed Oak Ford's beautiful Crestmark bodies fea- G. E. IRONS #9.95 to #18.95 More ride ture the most visibility in Fordls 6eld. Test Drive a Wrought Iron, Blonde With Ford's advanced front suspension, And the way these bodies last is another front end road shock alone is reduced reason for Ford's high resale value. #1.75 up HASSOCKS up to 80S. And with Ford's balanced spring and shock absorber action you More advances DESKS traveT"first class," whether on boulevard Ford alone in the low-price field brings Electric Ranges, Refrigerators or the rough baok roads. you sucb fine-car features as foam-rubber LANE CEDAR CHESTS cushions on all seats, on all models . . . 1 And Washers More drive suspended pedals . . . Center-Fill Fuel- ing ... and optional Ford Master-Guide BOOK CASES . Fordomatie is the only "automatic'' in and you'll want to drfra it l»«»me - SPECIAL PRICES - its Sold which offers both torque con- power steering, which does up to 75% of verter smoothness and the get-up-and-go the work when you turn or park. Test f an automatic intermediate gear. Ford Drive a Ford and see why over 1,000,000 i< otterofferss wveruiivOverdrivce utiandu v-ouvcuuuuwConventional.. car-buyers JU,VVIVsolecteUd Ford this > earl ^B^tt V! KINNEY MOTOR COMPANY BENTON, KY FREE DELIVERY ALL THRU' THE HOUSE ... SHOP EVERY* hundreds of Penney ways to say FRIDAY-SATURDAY*' night FRo^ I NOW UNTIL Paducah Q r CHRISTMAS

OO'S will li (or * warlesj G world. No one can read the ^ * UNTIL 8:30 ) rophtts and male* anything q.ise fill of It Ood's will is for peace 111 this world. Feaco among *n- 11 ell, y*s. peace beyond death, yes COTTON > ; court*; but that 1« not ths whole CHENILLE < ( It. Ood't will U for peace ROBES ;aSKJ ^^ j FLANNEL 2 log phrat*. Th* flyL- J GOWNS > /ord "Prlne*" ha* IjE^/P PAJAMAS J i othlng n*cessiri- j^Ej^V I Many plans from i > Luxury sift 17 to do with roy- H^^ A Sizes A, B, C, D, Pistil colors Ranch Type • l'i I iilty, though it of- JQ Sites 14 to 40. Bungalows—with <..,5 ; ion do*s. It* literal attached. ilining 1* lead- Dr. Foremso COLORFAST COTTON * ELIMINATE W or. oaptaln, ehlif. QUILTED sary to compi* , As Princ* of P*ace th*refore. (OTfON . _ BRUSHED RAYO our Lord Is Le*d*r of Peace. But DUSTER We will erect your , BEMBERG again, th* title may mean more KNiT 7 erection by furnislj® things than on*. Let us start wlthj 5,90 1 Sanest quality maij | "Leader to Peace." In this sense. PAJAMASizes A, S B, C, D*. PAJAMAS In the constructioj j Christ is one who points out the / jW^RSySw Vivid, gay colors for a road to peace, shows mankind mm. . ^HflE^a^D bright gift idea! Exfrq ed by one of the q | Completely whit peace means. As th* Bible SANFORIZED S^M^Jjt^^r — roglan homes. style shoulders woihobU, poitil uses the word, peace does not colors. Sitis Standard method meia limply the ebbing of a COTTON _ H^V J(y wide wing collar, QUILT TRIM •B ••••PI 14 to 40. Building requlrem battle-tide, the lull between it- They'll lovi the lamp PEIGNOIR BROAD- / ""' | M _W print, thl cord trim For complete intra tacka. It U not a negstive word, it j /""^^T Qnd thl coiy wormthl li positive. The kind of peace to DUSTER CLOTH L » I Peacock, nd, block, Sanforiztd which Christ points is not mere pold . . , 10-18. indifference, it Is based on love Sizes A, B, C, D. Cotton Flanntl and good-will. For instance, as Silken Soft, , Light,, Warm ,, these line* ire written, the United Petal tmoolh oce- GOWNS States la at p**c* with Canada; It Rayon Bemb«rg$ jtate crepe lor th* Route No. 1 ib r i * f negligee ii alio at peice with a dozen Hand washable and quilted right i Assorts print J 0 that's long on through with, thi petal lovely ~ potterni. Sites # ' other countries that could be men- glamour! Wear it KNIT TOP "Bemberg" on both sides! Just tioned. But while it is barely pos- ' oose, belted or half 34 to 40. # Breodclofti Pants, Sites A B C D made to flatter and pamper! A ^g ^a ^B sible that war might break out beautiful reason why it pays to a V* | I selted. Thoughtful with any nation, it is probably less shop at Penney's . , , in flame ( p ^i 8'" ... In melon, likely to break out with Canada peacock, navy, aquq, pink, yel, aqua, navy or gold than with countries with which wi t«... in id ' r f ' 10-18. have less In common and for whose p*opl* our own people have a much weaker affection. True p*ae* is bised on mutual good wffl. taught us much more CHOOSE FROM about p*ac*; for example his ref- erence to "peace-makers." But we PLASTIC CALF, GRAINS most pass on. 4 BUCKLE AND FABRICS, Leader Of Peace As Princ* ot Peace our Lord'is OVERSHOES also Leader of Peace. That Is to say, where Christ Is known and Formerly Sold For SB. 19 honored (not In name only, but actually known and loved), there peee* is tar more Ukjjj to be than where Be Is not knoSiF It Is some- MEN'S FINE time* said that civilization breeds wars. No doubt it does; but bar- Limited Quanlies ill LEATHER barism breeds even more. Savage In Both Dress BILLFOLDS tribes are In an almost perpetual Or Work Weight state of warfare. It Is also pointed oat that Christian nations are Heavily Reinforced TOWNCftAFr often warfaring. On the other hand All First Quality it may be aiked: Where do you SHIRTS WITH find a really Christian nation? Who IN starts th* wars? Are the "Chris- "NEAT LOOK" NEAT CLASSIC tian" nation* the aggressors or do they have to rise to the defense COLLARS PATTERNS ' against aggression? On* thing is certain. Before the coming of Christ, wars were takao as a mattar of course. No nation ivir bothered to apologize or 1T1*1" their (lghts. Since plus Christ's coming, and more than Federal T« ever In recent years, nations that go to war hivi * bad conscience Enjoy its cheery about tt Piles of "white papers" and th* like ire put out to show ONE why It wit n*c*isary to declare charm in Your war. At laast, Christian nations JUST RIGHT FOR THAT ar* ivtri that th* road of wir is never th* right road ucept at a FOR HIM own home or YOUNG MAN On Your List please others \dth a gift! A SOLID BRASS * CHIMES

WASHES WITHOUT FUSS Corduroy Sport Shirts Needs no speciol handling, m .98 8 new fall colon, 5-, M-, L. , COMPLETELY SAFE fQ WASH Gabardine Sport Shirts Sonforset, won't shrink more than 2%. New fay colors. S., M„ L. You'll love th* festive cheer yen re. 32-M'/*-J5X Sleeves JU ceive from this quoint decorative HAND WASHABLE piece from the Old World. Solid Donald King of- Calvert City polished brass thot keeps its glisten- • as admitted last -week to the Rayon Checks ing beauty. The cherubs revolve 1" nols Central Hospital in Pad- Large selection of outstanding <9^98 gaily ringing the chimes while can- t.ah. patterns. Sizes S., M., L J dles give a warm delightful glow .,, Only $1.98 on ,,. ' every^ jl Courier. Renton, Ku.. December 11, 1953




UNTIL 8:30



BRUSHED RAY BEMBERG GOWNS [EN'S FWB QUALITY BROADCLOTH E W ilJTY '••••I CO feiporlnj SHIRTS Sises |4 Vm PAJAWAS S" >" * "Il (,. r> prints , •hnv .» ,r "roMn. and boy« Save ,K> f Sire A, 1 ""Wied. ,1 buckle*- 1 miil »" hair * " I D. Vcrft** « h I r j BRUSHED RAYON '426 broawm n lor II" •'zc* AH W BEMBERG •> of 17. PAJAMAS

gEr- j« J* H 40. ••


Men's Famous Quality Gift Boxed Boys' Gaucho Style Infants' Reg. $1.98 Hard Sole Satin I-adies' TURKISH TOWEL SPORT SHIRTS Fur Trimmed Pleated Nylon SETS POLO SHIRTS SLIPPERS Special purchase Includes Reg. $1.09 Value SlIEDE LEATHER SLIPS She'll love these beauti- fancy pattern corduroys, HOUSE SLIPPER Nationally advertised lustrous gabardines, Good looking knit shirts Gifts that really thrill on ful rayon satin wedge heel quality turldsh towel sets Christmas morn. With house slippers. Rlaolc, roy- combed chambrays a 11 d in the newest color com- Hand laced moccasin toe CHOOSE FROM In unusual designs for gift cotton flannels. Choice of bination*. Real dressy bootee slipper In sizes 4 lavish lace trims. al blue, American beairHr. giving! Slue 4 to li new style collars. Actual styles In sizes 6 to 16. to 8 with beaded vamp. .STIC CALF, GRAINS values to $6.98. S3.98 AND FABRICS. Pleated Nylon £] AA Special Purchase! SI.98 S1.98 »t S3.98 S1.09 S1.09 Panties to match #I.UU Boys' Zipper

Vfemous "Lady Oreen" l-lb. Box—Chocolate Ladles' New Fall Men's Gabardine l-adies' Fancy Wool Regular M M — Colorful Sheer Nylon Covered BOMBER it Blouses SLACKS GLOVES Chenille HOSIERY CHERRIES it Tee Shirts Solid color rayon gabar- Bed Spreads Delicious chocolate cov- dine slacks with pleated Gay colorful all wool Nylons, cottons, rayons Solid colors and fancy an SI and 90 gauge nylons eted cherries In rloh fronts and zip flys, some gloves In bright holiday JACKETS and all wool jerseys. Ev- colors and patterns. over patterns, twin and In the newest shades for creamy center. Actual 79c verythlng for sports or with matching belts. value, l-lb. box. Choice of popular colors. full size. For Christmas fall. Buy 'em by the box. dress wear. All colors, all gift giving Actual Values sires. P IR S1.00 To $9.95 3 * S2.7S S5.95 Girls' Sixes 7So $3.88 , estrone tn your S2.98 •f ww tall colors. I filled rayon linings. New! Gay Colorful IN fw moaton collars, slice Girts' Warm All Wool Boys' Bright Flannel Men's 8-oz. Sanforized Ladles' Fancy Rayon 84x84 Hand Printed II •• IS, terrific values at GIFT PANTIES TARLE CLOTHS DRESSES See the charm I * l, fect for gift giving. $2.89 value, sizes .1$ to cottons, wool jerseys, ny- lons and taffetas. SS.M, 6 to 7, and 7 to 14. Low Sizes 6 to 16. 42. NEW! FOR CHRISTMAS sale price. $4.99 values. GIFT GIVING! FOR PAIR 39° S9.00 2 $3.00 2 S5.00 3 PAIR $1.15 2 FOR $3.00 K THAT LADIES GAY COLORFUL NG MAN Men's Men's Endicott Johnson four List New Super Values! Ladles' 100% Virgil Wool Ladles' New Njicw Ladies' New Fall COTTON I .tulles' Winter CARDIGAN SLIPS PURSES WORK SHOES DRESS COATS SWEATERS Tailored and Imishly Popular pouch and under- Reg. $4.98 Value OXFORDS trimmed top and bottom arm styles ln simulated Better quality plain toe i, Custom Toes 100% all wool materials •rork shoes with long — newest styles — Regu- Soft 100% zephyr wool lace trimmed slips 1 that leathers. Black, brown, ^ French Toes lar and half size*. sweaters In r»5' holiday make beautiful gift^ for navy or red. Many unus- wearing compo soles, sizes •jr Moccasin Toee DRESSES B to 12. i, Brogue Types ealora. Xmas. White and tetjrose. ual styles. Special Group A preview ot what's pew tor Worth Twice spring. Dresses you'll wear ev- As Much $198 & $298 erywhere for all (nceaslon*. 15 S3.44 S2.98 Newest fabric*, (irand new, * COTTON styles, a gift to delight juun* and old alike, (n al| tin ranges. EL SHIRTS Hake your selection early from Children's Reg. $1.98 ' colorful > gr«mi collection on salo now. Men's Elasltc Side Sale of Children's if'4 to | Ladles' New Fall and Hard Sole Winter DRESSY + PLAY SHOES HOUSE ROMEOS REMOST' if BALLERINAS FOOTWEAR ERN JEANS * FLATTIES SLIPPERS Leather romcos in fine Actual $2.98 Values Colorful satins, novelty brown kid leather, plastic Black, red, brown and Extra sturdy good looking brocades and Imitation sides for perfect fit, with brown leather footwear two tone combinations. leathers. Sizes 8 to S. Not long wearing compo soles. Sizes 4 to & actual values In a wide choice of styles. an sixes In every style, Sizes 8 to S. In the group to $2.9^ hut all sixes In the group. N FLANNEL -.66 D JEANS S1.00 S1.99 «^0r'ir cottori 426B'vay OUR BIGGEST SELLING EVENT! JUST 1S PAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS!! SHIRTS OF DUROV


' • is.

• • < KM* -

: | ^ 11-lt-

: ••.: -j • • . '•'•'; i 1

i • . TSP^.:

The Marshall Courier, Benton, Ky., December 11, 1953 Courier, Benton,

GET y-y FOR PERSONALS Mrs. O. C. McClaln and Mrs. AR RHODES BURF0RD J. R. Miller made a business trip to Evansvllle, Ind., Tuesday of The this week. SANTA'S TAKING ORDERS Mrs. Oaut Henson has gone to Jackson, Tenn., where she will visit for a week or two with her Christmas grandson, Rev. John Batsel and wife. Mrs. Bea McClaln will spend Free Demonstration the Christmas holidays ln De- troit with relatives and fiends. Th eGeorge Hollands of Route in Your Own Home 5 were shoppers ln Benton Sat- urday. Mrs. Elmer Dawes of Route 6 was a shopper ln town Monday. Yos, Philco the leader celebrates W. H McFarland of Big Bear 25 years in radio with the greatest Camp Route 4 was a business visitor in Benton Monday. values in history! Come in—see Mrs. W. T. Dermott of Route these and many more terrific buys 5 were shoppers ln town Monday. Mrs. Lena Culp of Route 6 BOW during (his big value event. was in town Monday on business and while here renewed the sub- scription of Lee Culp. V Real Philco Quality Eukley McNeely of Route 5 was Throughout,.. and only a business visitor ln ;town Mon- 19 95 day. Best compact radio buy in town! Unmatched at the price for performance. Philco 569, Mahogany color. Then s|l STYLEt Radio's Mightiest "Personal" More advanced fea- any plans from * tures for the money < 95 Ranch Type « l1 than any other bat tery "personal" . . . Bungalows—with 29 plus peak reception l*u Botfaries (attached Wtinealonger'. Philco it an 8" ELIMINATE W 649 in rich Maroon. L S sary to eiimplt We will erect your erection by furnish America's Biggest Value in Finest quality ma a 3-Speed Radio-Phonograph ln the constructs ed by one of the S9995 homes. ,<<•«*» 33* wood ts«- I Standard method ® Unmatched anywhere at | Building requirem this amazing new low price! SHOP For complete infu Famous Philco True-Har- ST'ij monic phonograph plays EVERY all records automatically. that's our man1 Superb radio reception. '.AGAZINE BASKETS Convenient Tea Cart FINE LOUNGE CHAIR GIVE 'HE*' A CHCl Philco 1349, Ebony case. —he'll love a man's gift! can choose either modern Ideal for serving both teoi and .... Perfect far your living room et The very niceet fill pe i PAT period styles in these. buffets. A real beauty. plastic-cover rocker 39.50 study . . . finely sfylad. select for • »eaee. Route No. 1 NELSON'S $9.95 $97.50 $84.50 $47.50 BENTON APPLIANCE CO i REXALL DRUGS 114 EAST 12th STREET BENTON, KY. 218 Broadway! Benton, Kentucky

simply adore; ifts for her room . . j PLATFORM ROCKER FINE TAELE LAMPS Handsome-Style Detk Select This I: .rely chaise The gift the whale family con For every room in the ho* Beautifully finished In blond*. The booklet unqe 79.50 enjoy for years and years. from this is a lovely modern desk. delighted vM IkH « -e modern de«'i 59.95 .art boudoir chair 32.95 $72.50 $7.95 to $39.95 $72.50

The FAMILY Gift • • m • L Ye, indeed for the fid that keeps on Year in end y**r otif- thi* hfl'diomt Kroek SPOI ler living room seiti with deep cushioning COA1 Kroehler cushion spring filled and if Yes Folks - Wilson's is the Place to Shop for Give •red with foent ruM(* All W —Your choice •( ttt , Gifts for the whole Family "V BOOKS 95 to ors. U9 *29 This Xmas • BOOKS FOR ADULTS « BOOKS FOR CHILDREN .50 • BIBLES FOR ALL THE FAMILY '298 'iiKi J $30.00 down *« • New Nylon 0 # Bridge and Canasta Cards • Crayonex Color Sets # Sheaffer Pens and Desk dub «**• In white or Sets • Textile and Dek-AU Sets All Wool Topi rffSf % Zipper Ring Books • Grumbacker Art Sets W • Buxton Billfolds * 0t las SNORKEL • World Globes All FaU Coats i • Eaton's Boxed Writing r- Papers Qaussner He W'th • Games For All Ages ooes % Robes, Hoi Remember! It's Fun to Shop at FREE DELIVERY Dress P?wts&: j Suede Jackets i Within / " irford I'v&eM Misses Plastic 100 Miles PADUCAH — MAYFIELD Men's Suits . Satisfied Customers Built Our Stores « | B vsm* WILSON'S I Paint never need* wiping! | Famous Sheaffer writing Book and Stationery Store •roaUt*, See It, teet It. Buy The Largest Selection*Of M ' I t'URNITURE

• 1 aU Courier, Benton, Kg., December 11, 1968

JUST LIKE, 20 inch ^ovadte "MYSTIC SKIN A REAL


other power tool doet to much *o well I

EXTRA A #15.95 ,IFTSfor SHOPSMITH theho, SPECIAL Value dfinonstrated ONLY „ the teituras of precision, FLASHLIGHTS wd flexibility that have NOW MM S«or»»» America's moat c u ^U pnrer tool! 49 p 2 cell small . 49c up 2 cell reg. 59c - 98c 2 cell large- head 129 [OLE TABLE 3 cell reg. ... 89c H— " i 3 cell large- &94.50 head . 1.98 - 2.29

SHOPSMITH i* an 8" circular law. 5 cell large- head . 2.29 - 2.89 Batteries Extra

33' MOI) littw horizontal drill ind 15* Jrrtt pint SHOP HANK BROS. FOR GIFTS FOR SuHuletQtd EVERY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY LEATHER • UNGE CHAIR GIVE 'HER'« (K SHOES |r««r Iiv tarsr- WHITE >84.50 m SOCKS

HARDWARE • PAINTS • WALLPAPER 212 Broadway Paducah, Kentucky LIONEL TRAIN SET Consists of 19 Lionel pieces and 41 wonderful accessories/ Gifts from Morgans LIONEL . . . the most famous name in electric trains . . . sets the pace with Wt Tka I.' this thrilling scale model. The careful TK. MINN attention to even the smallest details Wilit makes it look just like the real thing. And, best of all, the railroad accessory Samson ite set and the wonderful model village, In- cluding the panoramic city, are all yours at no extra cost. LUGGAGE , The FA/11 For The Entire £ Gift Entire FAMILY

that knpi •» t Big, locomotive, coal ten- Ynria SPORT der, gondola, box car, ca- Hii» 1 boose, curved tracks, stra • isht track, remote control u, track, CTC lock-on, bit H COATS SPORT SHIRTS transformer, cap, band.i- na, panoramic city, bill- I KraaUff ««»k" and boards, signal lights, and a model village including L ifriai " All Wool DRESS SHIRTS houses, churches, buildiu plus cap, toy watch ftith Gaberdines, Corduroys, Suedes chain and tickets! [ —Ya»' *1995 to ^995 By Arrow and Red Top #2.95 to #5.95 Toy engineer's cap with em- blem, and ban- COMPLm danna. Cap has JJ0.00*"'"' New Nylon (Washable) Toppers - they look like wool 60 PIECE SIT elastic back to In white or pastel shades #24.95 fit most child- ONLY ren! MG POWERFUL All Wool Toppers in assorted colors .. #16.95 Toy engineer's TRANSFORMER pocket watch! ncU.d .t No 6rtr« Coiti All Fall Coats reduced, now #16.00 up Wind it! Set it! 99c - #1.35 - #1.50 - #1.95 Looks just like a Claussner Hose real railroad 1 Robes, Housecoats, Pajamas and Negligee Sets watch! Toy railroad Dress Pants 8C Slacks, flannel or gaberdine #7.95-#12.95 ticket! Looks and folds just Suede Jackets in brown, blue green, gray #16.95-#18.95 like a real rail- road passenger Misses Plastic Jackets in white and colors #9.95-#14.95 ticket! Men's Suits £24.95 - #35.00 - #39.95

OPEN AN ACCOUNT MORGAN'S WITHOUT DELAY... V You Have a Full Year to Pay! STORE In Western Benton Kentucky . Lay-Away Now for Christmas! MHMLULJJUU - j jw irmmmamm

... M •••'•} M • • • - • - • ' ..- *!V • M The Marshall Courier, Benton, Ky., December 11, 1953 NOTICE OF ELECTION ter line of said county road; Here's Very Good Notice is hereby given that thence South with the center t ie following question will be line of said road to the North Recipe For Making tubmltted to the voters of the boundary of the Charley t rrltory affected at the elec- Prince farm; thence in a Holiday Candies t on to be held on Saturday, Jan- northeasterly direction with uary 2, 1954 between the hours the South, West and North By NANCY JONES boundaries of the properties »<»4«rfurm ci 8 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock •»»i»tk.Tir" located on the Northwest side From now till Dec. 25, kitchens t M. The question to be sub- are going to be filled with the mitted is: of and adjacent to Highway SiEiZiS 58 to an intersection with the tantalising aroma of festive Are you In favor of the annex- present boundary of the Ben- dishes in the making. In many ion of the following described ton Independent School Dis- homes, one of these, will be the I ,-operty to the Benton Inde- trict; thence in a southeaster- rich fragrance of homemade l. ndent School DLstrict, ly direction with the present candy. . e ginning at the Southwest Benton Independent School If you're in the candy making torner of James Myers farm group, here are two recipes for Ld the Ben- District to the point of begin- ^t Friday vhlch is located on the South you to try. They're simple, fun ning. CoUl :ind West side of the Church to make and a treat to eat. You'll «. J«- - chalrman vlrove-WPA road; thenee All legal voters residing with- be proud to serve them or give West in a straight line to til ; in the above described terltory them as gifts. Southeast corner of the Rob- are qualified to vote on the The first Is quick fondant and ert McKendree farm; thence above question and ballots are serves as a base for several types ,'est with Robert McKendee's being prepared and will be av- of candies. Here's how you make south line to the Dal Riley ailable In the County Court county joad; thence South Room of Marshall County Court with the center line of said House, Bortton, Kentucky. Dal Riley county road to an lvey on Benton Route 3 or at intersection with the South Signed: VOLNEY BRIEN Phillips Chevrolet CO., in Ben- iioundary of the Robert Ed Sheriff of Marshall County, Ky. Going To See ton. 3 p Howard farm; thence West 32c with Robert Ed Howard's FOR RENT—4 rooms with base- South .boundary to his South- ment and 50 acres or land. Near west corner; thence in a West- Kentucky Lake. Phone Paducah erly direction in a straight 3-210 . Mrs. Prince Byerley line to the southeast corner 32p of Wavel Joseph's farm; then- FOR SALE 1951T Four-door ce West with Wavel Joseph's Fordomatlc, low mileage. Clar- south line to his Southwest corner in the center of the ARE YOU HAPPY in your pre- ence Bolton, Elva, Ky. 31p county road; thence North sent Trailer Park? If not we WANTED—Young or "middle ag with "he center line of said W0Uld like to have you in ours. ed woman to do housekeeping . ounty road crossing Highway Washing facilities, city sewerage, and care for children 6 days a >8 at the Curt Phillips farm ! block from city school. Chil- week. Call 6151 or 2891 Perman- io the South boundary of the jren welcome. ent Job. Many plans from Silly Derington farm; thence, HUDGENS TRAILER COURT Ranch Type • 1'2 Vest, North and East with the 210 W. 9th. Benton, Ky. 31p GIVE NOVELTIES FOR XMAS Bungalows—with O We have a nice selection Ben- attached. . outh. West and North boun- ton Florist. Phone 4202. « ELIMINATE W • iaries respectively of the Bil- FOR SALE 40 bales of good FOR RENT—4 rooms and bath sary to complt ly Derington farm to the cen- clean fescue hay.' See Curtis Completely furnished 303 8th St. We will erect your erection by furnishS rtnest quality matj i ERVIN in the dbnstructiofl ed by one of the | : In Pain homes. exalt Standard method MANUEL W Building requirem For complete infix YOU CAN DEPEND ON ANY DRUG PRODUCT THAT BEARS THE NAME REXALl SPOT'S In Calver mo SBRVIC Benton, ffY^M^rters


, ^ Cara Nome « COLOGNE and ^ TALC SET ^SSr In lovely A -J » V gift box J ffm Refreshing Cologne and Talc with a delightful floral fragrance she'll love wearing.


Special J r/% W /! Lifetime A Q r tiftbox f.J U \ y'J guarantee! O • JJ High quality, heavy white V / White enameled base, paper-36 sheets, 30 en- \ ' black no-slip mat, easy-to- WE INVITE YOU TO SEE Jg velopes. Wood grain patterned. read dial with magnifying lens. YOURSELF THE WONDE • OF OUR GREAT TOYLAP If GILLETTE 7 Mennen SUMR SPEED rn GIFT SET AND BUY E RAZOR 1. Skin Bracer | JQ & Foam Shave !• / 7 FOR XMAS! •

EVERSHARP CHER AMY USE OUR Convtf W PEN & PENCIL APRIL SHOWERS / Matched 1% AP , Toilet Water • AA ^ and Talc Set l*UU LAYAWAI ' set, just

*i-»lorm#ri: Ha MEN'S LAVENDER GIFT SET 4-POWER BINOCULARS PLAN fe lounging. Supe Shave Cream, Lotion, T«lc In lift box Easy to focusj sturdy plastic case »cientifically REX-RAY AUTOMATIC IRON MEN'S BILLFOLDS Heat control dial, easy.jrip hsr' Rembrandt styles In lon(-wear p; WQm>: no row ed COTTAGE CHOCOLATES Kitchen fresh assortment... on to last 133 "n»«nt waistband 50 CHRISTMAS CARDS REGULATION BASKETBALL ,r "Value Box" of be.u' ! Touah, all-rubber; reiulatlon sire "*-«iied cut HOLY BIBLE "EBSTER'S DICTIONARY " you're under Zipper blndinc, color !:[' iimb-indexed. More than 60,000 . i< you're J CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPS vENING IN PARIS SET »«inches. 32 to] Paper, seals, tars, ribbons jurjois Cologne and Perfume Flaconette RONSON STANDARD LIGHTER UDNUT YANKEE CLOVER GIFT SET ' " you're over Wtndproof, dependable, good-looking mini Powder 1 Cototne SHULTON MEN'S SET lotion and Smooth Shave Cream Plus Federal Tan on some items

Just Off Broadway On South 3rd In Ptducah Benton, The Best Build Marshall • Town in Ky. • County And It By A Dam Site WiU Build You Western Kentucky's Largest Weekly Newspaper — Benton and Marshal] County's Home Newspaper

Volume XV11 PaUt Circulati™ Sells — That Is The First In Circulation, First In Advertising Kind This Newspaper Offers Customers Henton, Kg., December 11, 1953 Number 30 First In The Home, First In Reader Interest THUS TO TALK ABOUT Mrs. Heath Buried *Y MANKilN J. MINI After Fatal Fall In Paducah Store Funeral services for Mrs. Va- dar Heath, 78, were held at 11 a.m. last Saturday at Brlensburg with the Rev Roy D. Williams officiating. Burial, by Fllbeck- TOTAL B •POSITS IM "THE UMITED STATES LAST fEAR A1 to "TO MORE THAU 170 BILLION DOLLARS. Cann, was in the Brlensburg Cemetery. Mrs. Heath fell ln a Paducah MENT store one day last week and broke her hip. Pneumonia de- veloped, causing her death. She was the wife of E. E. Heath of Reidland and was a member of the Rose bower Mis- sionary Baptist Church. Other suvlvors are a son, Hugh Heath of Paducah Route 4; three daughters, Mrs. Mayme Heath Jackson of Houston, Texas, Mrs. Lois Heath Pace of Paducah Route 4, and Mrs. Allie Mac A total of 2.097 neu< fiction books inert published In 1952.001 thes« new Coryell of Washington, D. C.; boolj, 410 were mvsterv and detective one brother, Ell Houston of Arl- stories,211 were westerns and fcl ington, Ky.; one sister, Mrs. Ver- were in the field ot Science fiction. der Duncan of Paducah Route IIO8V2 Main St, You Can Get 4; seven grandchildren and two CONTINENTAL A Better Deal great grandchildren. Benton, Ky Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Locker of At Route 6 were Saturday shoppers NEED MONEY? in Benton. FINANCE Mr. and Ms. A. W. Pace of See Us. Route 7 were shoppers ln Benton ERVIN POES during the weekend. Phone 4521 Is of Route Mr. and Mrs. Clint Feezor of In Palma visitor in Route 2 were Saturday shoppers in town. MANUEL WRIGHT In Calvert City KADIO SERVICE CENTER Let's Make This a Give a Gift He Can Wear Benton, Ky. Practical Xmas He will Appreciate It!

WINTER JACKETS REDUCED Special Esquire $11.45 to $13.95 Values Rubber Sole $10.19 to $11.89 Socks $2.95 Values

For indoor or outdoor wear. Washable . . . thick rubber soles for soft comfort :. . Olft Boxed Your choice of colors.

Quilted lined with an all wool Interlining, long w e a r 1 n g t gabardine outer materials e Selection Of water repellent, coat length, medium length and extra long lengths, Blue, gray, tan, rust, Beautifullybrow Tailoren and greed n colors. Ex- tra good buy at regular prices. Now you can buy them at White Shirts jffi A wide choice of colors, pat- LIGHTER WEfGHT JACKETSreduce d prices$6.95. Sizeand s $9.936 5to 46. terns and materials. . . your 8 $2.95 & $3.95 selection ls almost unlimited S These are outstanding shirt at reasonable prices . . . See £ values and will make a gift , ft J&J them on display in our win- S that will t)c appreciated. (J^ dow. 2 Handsome white materials. . WOOL 8 Short collars, regular collars. | barrel cuffs qr french cuffs. Sport Shirts | It will pay 5'Ou to see these ' a 1 shirts before |you buy. Gift Bo $4.95 & $6.95

SPECIAL PURCHASE Nationally Advertised Nationally Advertised All leather SPORT SOX Billfolds $1.00 Values $3.50 and S5.00 Values

All New Patterns

Boys- and Girls' Western Hats Slacks Neckwear Genuine Leather Holsters Pajamas Cowboy Leather Boots Dress Glov'e(s All Wool Sleeveless Sweaters Rico Billfolds

KENTUCKY MAYFIELD LITTLETON S Kentucky Murray iducah The Marshall Courier, Benton, Ky., December 11,1953



Tour FORD Dealer Supply r^Tl


Many plans Trom vjj Ranch Type • l'j.'i Bungalows—with cm In Marshall County attached. Sec for yourself how Jjgy »eed Ooe • ELIMINATE W nary to complf Trucks give you Value -igVParton LOOK TO HOTPOINT FIRST We will erect your J erection by furnisli.| Safety Sotlrfoctiool FOR THE FINEST Finest quality matjl In the construction* ed by one ot the homes. Be Sure -A* ' Standard method 1 Building requirein SAVE For complete infi•

CHRISTMAS i KENTIICKV BENTON Refrigerators For the mar, Christmas!— • Water Heaters Sport Coats ii checks, Flann lines, SpWah- • Dishwa»hers Shorts - Re-gu


"" ""'"'»""""" •'•••Willi llllliiiiinii|iiiiifii||||

Ra»ulari W»e . p Hamilton and Elgin Watches $19.95 to S25.00 Admiral and RCA TV Sets la the n (20% Trade-in Allowed) \ mjBffs Luggage, Men's and Ladies $12.95 to $J0II 'JOJ^^SB Save CP to 50% Tables and Chairs Diamonds $19.95 to as much as $lO0(l.lll) Save UP to 50% ™ Perfection Oil Burners 83 Eg Eg " ~^^^aggatgtgias fey '.Sa s a mraiammMmatauM!


To show that you really care, give jewelry. You'll find wonderful gifts PALMA, KY among our huge selections. PEELS JEWELRY CO Radio Service Center and Butler's Grocery B'way Paducah, Ky, IN Benton The Marshall Courier, Benton, Ky., December 11, 1963


Nationally Known Line* in single A double breasted model*. We have Nationally known line* of the very beet that money can buy. We are one of the molt complete selection* available Your Color! Your offering these Topcoats at Tremendbous Saving S—Iio your color, ityle Sty 1*1 Your Siael Your Price! Price Was Price Now Price Was Price Now $29.50 $22.50 $16.50 $12.95 s34.50 $27.50 $24.50 $17.50 $39.50 $32.50 $29.50 $22.50 $49.50 $42.50 $34.50 $27.50 $55.00 J48.00 $49.50 $39.50 FRESH STOCK! 100 PERCENT WOOL! ALL MATERIALS ALL MATERIALS! ALL STYLES! ALL COLORS

CHRISTMAS CHEER For the man in your Christmas!— Beautiful You just can't afford to mi** the terrific val- Sport Coats in tweeds, Jewelry By Belts By Heaters ue* in fine quality Sport Shirts that we have check*, Flannels, Hair- HICKOK HICKOK selected for you lines, Splash-weave*. Murray, Ky • Dishwaihcn $1.50 up $1.50 up Short* - Regulars-Long* LOOK! $2.49 VALUES GABARDINES Give A Champ FLANNELS WERE $19,50 NOW $15.00 HAT CHECKS $7.50 to $10.00 WERE $22.50 NOW $17.50 Or a 100 percent Famous Archdale Fur Felt GABARDINE FR1ENDLINE HAT ESPECIALLY FOR YOU! Gabardines $4.95 to $7.95 $4.95 SPORT SHIRTS New Shipment of Sport Coats First Grade $ In Fabulous Colors and Material* Flannels $4.95 to $7.95 PIGSKIN GLOVES $2.95 - 3.95 V $3.95 & $4.95 TEAR-FLAKE A SPLASH WEAVE In Light blue and tan SO6) CA Tear Flakes H.95to$7.95 Deershin $3.95-$4.95 FLANNELS 44a CORDUROY SPORT SHIRTS In *olid gray, navy blye Doeskin. $3.9544.95 , a CORDUROY TWEEDS! FROM Lined Leather GLOVES $2.95 I QP^tt By Rugby A Buckskein Joe WORSTEDS! $7.95 Fine 16 Wale Corduroy jggK Sport Coats FLANNELS! All Wool School IlltlHIIUIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIII Specially priced for Christina* CORDS! SWEATERS .. $8.95 * V giving. These coats are regular priced at $17.50, HOW GABARDINES Regulars - long* - short* tl ft ft' Wine - Rust - Blue" In the new cross-weave Specially For Xmas Ju»t received! A new shipment of all woo Mens white Archdale Man's Broadcloth trousers broadcloth shirts. A PAJAMAS $3.65 value timers in solid* - fancies SPECIAL $2.95

Mens Bonaire Dress Men* Outing Shirts. White, solid pastel, fancy. A $2.49 PLIANCES PAJAMAS value 12.99 Men'* Extra Good SPECIAL $1.98 • SPORT SOCKS A $1.00 value 3 pair 87c Mens knit wel Men's Arglye BONAIRE TIES don Pajamas SPORT SOCKS A 89c y*lue FJRST 3 pair 87o NITERS Fancy $1.00 and $1.50 SPORT 30CKS $5.50 3 pair 87c 'Si? . ' .-' 1' JSW&'f sewssgaii

The Marshall Counu, H, ,U„n, A^^ , . I ^C^^!^

— IHIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIItHllliiHiii^jjp- w>~~>~v>^~vBENION CHURCH OF CHRIST Worship services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. each Sunday. Read The Courier Classified Ads Training Union at 6 p.m. Church Programs L. E. Garner, Minuter Sunday Morning-Bible school PEEL & BREWERS CIRCUIT NEW HOPE BAPTIST 10:00 A.M. f LUMBER Preaching and Communion Sherman Holt, pastor. • hunting allowed B. J. Barron, [«stor All Kinds 0 11:00 A.M. Sunday school at 10 ajn ° FarmonWva| Brewers M. K. Charch COMPANY rley Preaching * ... _ 7:30 P.M. Worship service at 11 a.m owner. Fourth Sunday moaning at 10 For 1 know that my Redeemer Read The Wednesday Service* 7:30 P.M. Sunday night service 7:30 o clock. * Dveth, and that lie shall atand at | INSURANCE n-1 Young people's class at 6:30 the latter day upon the earth. » Wednesday night prayer meet- Lumber, Mill work. Door-., Paint, Builders' Hardware naw First Sunday wenflp at 7 p.m. Sunday. —(Job 19, 25.) ing at 7:30 o'clock. •BR- ' o.lock. .wtf&V Ladles Bible Class at 2^15 p.m. Why should we of today tm so 24 rtawl D0~Y0lTj Sunday School each Sunday | 1120 Main Benton, fc Wednesday. fearful, so faint of heart, when • . c rnlng at 10 o'clock. such u faith has sutsrived down the HASLET BAPTIST CHURCH •oom hous. in || Oak Level M. E. Church You are invited to attend even- centuries to savo and sustain ust mbAtnm\fmt Too ROOF— Addltwn. *26 A N! recond Sunday morning at 11 service at the Church of Christ. Faith in our cause, our nation, our John W. Kloss, pastor. We have no creed but the Bible. vjcU'ry nyej- godlesodless CorumuiiirmCoiuiuunirm,. o lock. ^vf'/^v ' •'' " „, Inn* forift with unswerving faith R. C. Walker, superintendent WR fTAVft it" • ,||, UI l'hlrd Sunday evening at 7 wear no name hut that of Christ ln Gl)j ,lnd n<3 oranipotence. 7IIIIIIIIII"«" "" o lock. Wi • m ag" Sunday School at 10 a.m. ,— Sunday School each Sunday UNION IIUX; llT ..T-'.JTB Worship service every Sun- n 'rnlng at 10 o'clock. CHURCH OF CIT*' BAPTlfT ray at 11 a.m. and 7:16 p m. -ATTfl .'leasant Grove M. E. Church BTU at 6:30 p.m. Prentice Do- 1313 Poplar Phone 2301 Benton, Ky. .Irst and thlrd'Sunday morn- Harold Sain, Minister Galen L. Hargrove, pastor. nohoo, director. Direct From lr ; at 11 o'clock. Bible Study btlL-.iu . . 10 a.m. Mid-week prayer service at Second anS' fourth Sunday cv- Bible school at 10 a.ra.i 7 p.m. e. lngs at 7 o'Vlook."' Worship & Preaching 10+45 a.m. Workship services at 11 a.m. Sunday School each Sunday Young Men's Tr. Class 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. n.jrning at 11 o'clock. Worship and Pretyjhing 8 p.m. Training ^Ualon NEW ZION MISSIONARY Young Peoples' Cltss Wednesday BAPTIST CHURCH /li INSURANCE Qj^ALL tflNDS > BENTON CIRCUIT 8 p.m. NEW HARMONY BAPTIST Mid-Week Bible Study Wednes- Edward Orowell, pastor. F B. Alexander, pastor day 8:15 p m Tl Freddie Lee Pace, S. S. fiupt ML Carmel Rev. Jack; Jn Doom Pastor Morgan. Trevathan and Gunn Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Sunday School each Sunday Preaching services ;ach Sun HARDIN BAPTIST CHURCH Preaching at 11 A. M., and 1 n .ornlng 10 Preaching first Sun- tay at l.-:(*i A, UK pntl 7 00 P. / null ranee . ..•i^ciity 4, llr; \ I P. M. each Sunday. day II a.m . George E. Clark, pastor benday schdu.'" / 10 A M. BTU at 7 p.m. Church Grove Con Billington, Supt. INSURE NOW — TOMORROW*.^AY BE TOO LATE Prayer meat*i.. .Vednesuay* Hafford Staples, Director. Sunday School every Sunday Sunday School .. 10 a.m. .1 .':UU I. M Prayer meeting each Wednes at 10 a.m. Preaching Ind Sunday Morning worstfp 11 a.m. - day evening. PHONF. 2151 : ' BENTON. KY at 11 ajn., and 3rd and 4th Sun- Training Union 6:15 p.m. MT. MOR1AU PRIMITIVE days at 7 p.m. (Clarence Newton. Supt.) Then BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Springs Evening worship 7 p.m KIR ST MISSIONARY BAPTIST Sunday School every Suijaay Prayer meeting. Wed. 7:00 p.m. nt 10 a.m. Preachh-K 3rd Sun- 'Gordon Hearon Paster) J. Frank Young, Pastor STYLE* tl y at 11 a m. ant! 1st Sunday Preaching each Sedond. Forth EX PE T KY BENTON FIRST CHRISTIAN Kenneth Nichols, S. S Supt. bi 7 pjn. "" ^j^SL VuK Many plans from \ J and Fifth Sundays Services at Van Wyatt! BTU Director MANUFAC Briensbtflf Long practical experieK'V'^oinpt and efticient Ranch Type • ll2 j Rev. Bill Williams, Pastor 11 o'clock. Sunday school each Sunday Sunday School . ,r9:30 a.m. Her\'i«, put'Svcjent merchau<)iswvto any family Bungalows—with >.J BUI Morgan. Supt. WorsMp Services 11 a m and L 3rd . n; .rnlng 10 a.m. Preaching 4th Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. iJii'l attached 7:45 p.m. a selection according to their own wishes. £unday at 11 a m., and 2nd Sun- Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Prayer Servipp. Wed- — _ 7:30 « ELIMINATE W day at 7 p.m. Vorship Service , 11:00 a. m. 1AROIN METHOIH5T CHARGE sary to compl* , BETHLEHEM BAPTIST BRIENSBI'RG BAPTIST We will .erect your , tillARPE CHURCH -OF CHRIST Hoyt Owen, Pastor FILBECK CANN 8 GREATE!i| erection by furnistf| Hardin: esunaay 10:00 a.m. Rev. Clayton Wyatt, pastor T.L. Campbell, pastor Finest quality mat I.avern Ntewaft, Minister • -very Sunday. Worship third FUNERAL HOME Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. MORri ln the constructio j il. Bible study at'ft Mr. W. O. Powell, supt. I Sunday at 11:00 a.m.; First 8ur> Make a lot with every snfmber of the AmUy Harvy T. Culp, Gen. Supt. Ambulance Service. Oxygen Available ed by one of the > . Worship services at: U ajn. and Sunday school 10 a. m. Wor- day at 7:00 p-n*. thisChriJttasby gMbgfcw-cost HEATER ship service 10 a. m. and 8 p m. homes. (i 30 p.m. " .. r ' Dexter: Sunday school 10:00 Preaching services at 11:00 Phone Hi HI or 2W, Henton. A'//. VTew-M»ster S-D color pictures. Here a ta V.'ednesday eVefltftf? service at Training Union 7 p. m. a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Standard method I every Sunday except third ^ocly a few exdtiag svbjects available. SAVE $40 to 7 30 p.m. Building requireni | Sunday and Worship at ll:0e Training Union at 6:00 p.m. * He Chitstmat Story W. GILBERTSVILLE BAPTIST GOVERN'MENT SL' For complete inf« j! i Olive: Sunday School 10 A. M- Solon Smltth, Gen. Director I * Baseball state • Coronation- ' il.IVE BAPTIST CHURCH ST# Midweek Prayer Services, * Inauguration * National Parks] rou The Rev Curtle Hnynes Pastori Ufa*? ' I Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. At * World-Famoui Laadmarkt u William L. Hodge, Pastor Sunuay school 9:45 A. M. BENTON FIRST METHODIST . n j. Stop mA Gooii ; Worship services eflch Sunday Preaching 11:00 A. M Come in sod see for yourself I ' J c A PAT 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Bible Studv Wednesday nlghU VANZOBA MISSIONARY i-* ******* • Sunday School at 10 a.m. Training Union 6:00 n. M Rev W. D. Grlssom Pastor , BAPTIST CHURCH ^29 95 - Route No. 1 Joe Coulter, Gen. Supt. Prayer Meetings Wednesdays 3YPU . 6:00 P. M Rev. J. C. Hicks, pastor. TADES PACKAGE STORE 7 p.m. 'reaching 7:0# P. M Suddav scnool at 9'.45 A. M..— Erilse Thompson, superintend- COUNTRY Morning worsnnr Set rfice at ent. 10:50 A.M. — Sermop by the Pas - Your Business Appreciated - BOY STORES tor. /lO/l./ln Sunday School at 10 a.m. Dale & StubblefjeM Worship service at 11 a.m. and Evening Servlca at 7 p.m. MYF IhiidflC Kentucky 7 p.m. on Sundays. 2600 Bridge St. Paducah, Ky. .tenil Wilson's Book Store at 6p.m. Murray Kentu prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. — Paducah • • • CALVERT CITY METHODIST Wednesdays. Otfice'.Furniture Books - Music H. C- Fletcher, pastor. Office Supplies Fountain Pens Church School at 10 a.m. Morning worahip at 11 .am. Hi)/ Or, < By ROSSETT Duplicators Greeting Cards Evening worship at 7:00 Youth meeUpg at 6.30 306 Broadway Paducah, Ky. Midweek services Wednesday at 7:00 p.m

BEN I ON FIRST BAPTIST R«V L. A. Tlickar, pastor. Jimnile Lester, supt Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Worship services at 10:45 a.m and J;30 pjn. CONFIDE IN YOUR BTU at 6:30 pjn. Wedhe.i»lay prayer services at exlensij .7:30 p.m. DOCTOR! convei IJTKEVIEVV MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHINCH HAVE Confidence Iter. James Reod, pastor Roy Barlow, S. S. Supt. IN US! Paul Gregory, Trn. Union Pres Sunday School, 9:49 a.m.

Your doctor,knpwa best what to do ln case ot illneea. We Quick Relief for know best howfd itettirately fill his prescription. Our skilled p!barmacist s are always at your service. HEADACHE cinSiK ISOI NEURALGIA T*«t STANBACK yourull . . tab- lets or powd«t» . . . against any preparation you'vt • v»r us«d.

' Guaronteed by LIST DRUG STORE \0ood Houwkeeplnf) PADUCAH, KY. m ytiot m * STANBACK I .ui it* Z


as required by Kentucky State Dept. of Health


4" Concrete Drain Tile for Filtration Field

•I Katterjohn Concrete Products 1 fl tfffi I m Dial 2-1166 — Paducah, Ky. — 10th A Jefferson 1 Use Only The Famous Hi r Katterjoha Concrete Products I»th ft XefT. Padncah, Ky. "KATTER-BLOX"


1 • j I 1 ___

.> ' ""tssBSsiafeSaws^'aSKSra'^'™''-V 1 • •* " > /w

ill Courier, Hen Ion, Ky/;, ,,,„> T1

LOST! REWARD! VENETIAN BLINDS Strayed away Xrfiin home on AND AWNIM.S Thanksgiving day. Collie dog, Bamboo Shades and Draperies IF IT'S FURNITURE YOU NEED Kind* male, snfite nnd white, extra Also Wood Shades a hunting allowed large in size. Name DUKE, Sec Modern, Stylish, Durable Furniture At fltasonable : 'METmrKWtEQga H*ut friendly and harmless and has irley Farm onjilva •dtiie^ «i Iv. ,U • d .SALE - 104 acres Vlarks i'tm «ALE — The tHm of J. C. C. HUNT ins W had rabies vacolne. Mease notify VRance^ ncd, owner, * 30p Just "haVc' "KpodThjuu'wi: . ••• bottom, 47 acres hill Und' Frank Myers on >|tton Route Phono 6871 Beaton Prices, alien See Our Line. & .IND?), yen\: t-rootn liouse, bath, utility, I' in Marshall County near Peg- Paul Brewer, Benton, Ky. Route j x "0 stock barn; 1500 bu. By Aim crossing will sell all or 6, 3 miles north Benton on 641. FOR SALE - Girls bicycle ln j Located at Clear Springs on p.'.rt See Leslie Raymond at good condition. Cheap Phone LOCHRIDGE 8C RIDGWAY kfWWY :m - 9 mil.* N. E.of FOR SALE - Second sheets, both 4541. 31p Hardin or John Mv«rs on Ben- regular and legal size, onion • "eld,, contact or write TdPri- twrr Route IT sop -""""""""..H ,„ I! ;cr», Jr . anytime or write skin or yellow paper. MARSH- FOR RENT - 4 rooms and bath. "The Old Reliable" ALL COURIER. Completely furnished 303 A. St. |""t'tt' 6..000 BTU. Used one season. Cream .Station in Benton. :''-••' ' Pete Ely at Postoffice. 31p JEWELRY — LOANS : A 29rtsc Classified ad.s to all persons WM JBWKLRY — UJOOAOM — i ji-XJI: - Typewriter ribbons accept those with regular ad- '•or all models. Also good supply' tertiaing charge accounta must lie paid for in advance. Our * I'Oil papi r MARSHAL!, bookkeeping »yi Welch's! Third & Kentucky COMPANY in GRAPE JUKE | -<< , Belter 'Of Yowl g Paducah • • • • • ® Ber THAN S A GLASS = ^rSVVi 1MMIIIMUIMIIII t lit MfKlllltTT

Last Drink - A Last Drive

WEAflH.fc* , €EAutV,A Mtr. FAMILY AM) A gr extension telephones bring year-round ^R , VOICE-WS^ convenience for a few cents a day J^ff^^hinii- BEDROOM


Ooofrwr bc M3S0CW BVI TUEfteff Phillips Chevrolet Co. Meadows Bros. Locker Plant Tanner IGA Super Market "Large Enough To Servo You Treat the whole fanffly to extra Small Enough To Appreciate Yop" BERNARD comfort with extension tele- Kinney Motor Co. Holmes Service Station phones—so handy, in dining /oo you r»wic I or 1;l Morgan, Trevathan 8C Gunn Ht COULD MAtE S room, kitchen, bodfoojii P >" Ml beck & Cann Crown Furniture Co. Phone 4681 Benton, I INSURANCE AGENCY ! WE So* H£AM« toom. They save time and steps 308 N. Main — iN TME WVOKL, STtUIfCR,0«.0Aj> and allow greater privacy, too. Treas Lumber Co, Hutchens wStyle-Mart Store And you'll be surprised with rt 1 li^ci X I dc/lUt J. Bank of Benton the amazingly low cost of exten- Lampkins Motor Sales An extention telephone makes a welcome Christ- sion telephones . . . just pctmle* Miller AiUo Parts mas present for family or a day' To order yours, Call the Benton Service Station friends. Just callourBusi- Sledd"s Texaco Service Telephone Busineis Otlice. ness Office and arrange lo Butler's Grocery STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS r - C 1 > •• C. have one gift-irrapped, National Stores rsady to go under the Wee Bank of Marshall County


11 The Marshall Courier, Renton, Ky., December lj

ats Cop6 Host rry Grovj Hoinemakers CI ^w»rrv Orove Hon: IX-fi Nov. 19 1 » Ruble Ot- Read The i were dr| I "Selection irles was given DOYOU TW'^Mrs HolUe Cot * r mi PLAY SANTA FOR YOU W* ^loy schmaus ' }i ft, landscape- A N1 easier irff® ' were Mrs. Leo moke your Christmas I Vl«rs Wd Mrs. B. ! of The president, Mr ^UpTwas^ahsent^, I '•'•.•X''^ T \TtTi i;


Hc5 IN Then STYLE' Many plans from t]H oi Ranch Type • I'sa li. Bungalows—with attached « ELIMINATE W sary to conipU j See Our L We will erect your | Benton erection by lurnisH finest quality mat* Selection of Fii In the constructio| ed by one of the For Everyol homes. Standard method Building requirem j FOR ALL 1 « Photo EquipniJ For complete inft. j Cameras. Enlaif ST a 0 Bectric Shavers | • Men's Toiletrie • Parker and S*i PAT YOUR Pen and Pencil Route No. 1 • Billfold « fionson and £{ Lighters

Home-shopping makes Chrislntas mer-

rier for you , , , anil those you love!

Bight here, practically in your own front

yard, is everything you need to make

their Christmas dreams come gloriously

true. You could travel far and wide and

still not find a grander selection ... or

NEEDS better values . .. anywhere. So save time

and trouble . . and enjoy the added fun II it is a smoker THIS of shopping here at home ... in the SAVE have JUST WHAl\ WANTS fw ** friendly stores you knotv . . . stores that TIME •BUHKMniawi • ft know yo« and go all-out to serve you! mi A ANP

MONEY Christmas SHHB

Kit S ASHLAND OIL CO. CRAWFORD - FERGERSON TREAS LUMBER CO, Myers And Elkins Grocery NELSON'S DRUG STORE "Everything In Building And Hardware Needs ' fc SAM MYERS, Distributor GIFTS FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST Fine Groceries And Fresh Meats Complete Selection of Cosmetics Gift

U-TOTE-EM HOLMES SERVICE STA. Boss Griffith's Cafe O'DANIEL'S GROCERY FILBECK & CANN U-Tote-Em Super Market SHELL PRODUCTS Less Overhead Means More Between The Breait Always Pulling For Benton Funeral Home FOR ALL YOUR FOOD BUYING ^ Heath Hardware 8C Furn. Co. < • iti _ . $tlai John Sledd's Texaco Station JOE DARNALL, Distributor S HAL PERRY g MILLER JOHNSON CO. A HOT STOVE ON COLD DAYS "Give A CROSLEY APPLIANCE For Christinas" Standard Oil Company With jft COMPLETE PLUMBING A HEATING SUPPLIES ——•—— general Contract^ v Benton and Calvert City BANK OF BENTON COLLIER & PEAK Bank Qf Marshall County MEMBER F D I C Morgan, Trevathan K ^ Fe' HUTCHENS STYLE - MART A MCMBEK V W f P Insurance Agency UP Funeral Home YOUR COMPLETE MENS WEAR RILEY FURNITURE CO. If® v-i STORE COOKSEY & SMITH TKIEW f PROVEN BRANDS BENTON CLEANERS CROWN FURNITURE CO. "Chere 10e Cents Buy, 4 pnllars Worth" 1205 Poplar St. Benton, Kentucky i - NATIONAL STORES 308 NORTH MAIN ST. BENTON, KY. L M GIFTS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY BENTON SPORTS CENTER 'MORGANS' ROBERTS Rl KINNEY APPL. COMPANY Headquarters For Toys, Snorting Goods and "We Sell For Less Than The Larger Towns'' 1 - PONTIAC « i «» LIN" N »FUNERA "" * L HOME FRIGID AIRAIRE APPLIANCEAPPLIANCES —— MOTOROLMOTOROLA ITVV PLUMBING A* ELECTRICAELECTRICAL SUPPLIESUPPLIESS Bentonn KentuckKentucky h E


- -Ei 3£fc

• ~&&git | f. | - mi •' ••'•! .' • • * is -1.

HnSnoB?-; cr-' , I. ., * I

' .. • -' ' • • r- -[•' • •.• -. >•.'.' 'ifr r. Henton,

The Marshall Courier, Benton, Ky., December 11,1958 THE MARSHALL COURIER Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Bondu- Mrs. Hoy House and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Smljj Published Thurs. Ot Each Week Street Urchins' Street Urchin rant of Route 1 were guests Louise Bloodworth of Route A Route 7 were shoppers In I at 1103 Poplar st Benton, Ky. Thursday of the past week of were visitors in Benton Tuesday Saturday. Entered as 2nd Class Matter Mrs. BUI Smith at the Benton afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nelsd May 30, 1937, at the Post Office Hotel. Mrs. Joe Jones and Mrs. Julian Route 5 were Saturday shol at Benton, Ky. Under The Act Mrs. Homer Miller was a visit- Jones were visitors In Paducah In town. of March 3. 1879. or in Paducah last Friday. the past Friday. Urey Woodson Cross And Marshall Wyatt - Publishers

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gold, Route vxatl 5 were In town Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. BUI Coursey of Calvert City Route 2 were ahop- WHEN IN MAYFIELD — VISIT MOREHEAD BltOS. pers In Benton Saturday and We feel sure you will find many items to fit that while here stopped by the Cour- ('•hristma* Stocking. ier office for a short visit.


Vlewmaster Stereoscope with a complete assortment of reels. Toni and other Ideal Noveltydolls Monopoly and other famous Parker games Playskool toys i Bibles In black and white binding* name in gold on each, only 50c extra.

Many other stationery and gift items

Red Buttoni, in costume for hie portrayal of (l^e Kupke Kid, relaxes backstage alter the CBS-TV telecast. The naughty but lovable Kupke Kid is straight out of Red's own New York City khlldhood, Is responsl. ble In large part for his designation as Fathclr of the Year by the Boys' Club . . . the youngsters felt a close Identification with Red Mayfield Kentucky because of his impersonation of a street urchin's shenanigans.

PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Greenfield and Carl Wayne Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmie Calllher, | Give your kiddies ... LIST'S Mr. and Mrs. Dal Greenfield spent Friday In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gordon. See Our Large Jlmmie and Genia left Saturday for their home In Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Greenfield will visit for an- Selection of Fine Gifts other week. Elvis Lovett of Route 5 was a business visitor in Benton For Everyone. Tuesday.

• Photo Equipment Cameras, Enlargrera 0 Blectrtc Shavers • Men's Toiletries • Parker and Sheaffer Pen and Pencil Sets • Billfold • ftonson and Zippo Lighters Lentherlc Guerlain — Dana — Mareelle * Oon't wait until a cold becomes Chanel — Coiy's — Tussy — Yardley serious before you do something about it...relieve the symptoms at YOUR PeOOg Size — Houbigant — Shultons the first sneeze or sniffle. Rexall CHOICE Anapac gives quick relief from the aches and pains, the discomforts of watery eyes and a runny nose. It offers the benefits of an antihista- mine plus aspirin and phenacetin to relieve pain and reduce fever, pro- vides caffeine to overcome drowsi- ness. This effective combination comes in easy to-swallow tablets that may be taken any time. Keep Anapac handy at home and at work. The convenient 15-tablet bottle is just 49< at your Rexall Drug Store.

I If he is a smoker ... we NELSON'S j hatf JUST WHAT HE LIST DRUG STORE REXALL DRUGS SAVE WANTS I 412 Broadway Paducah. Ky. Benton, Kentucky

COLORFUL WAIL DECORATIONS Your kiddies will love these charming cut- FOR PLAYROOM outs in gay bright colors .. . just the thing to brighten the walls of children's room or ANP OR NURSERY _ // rumpus room ... a perfect gift for every kiddie on your gift list! Each set covers Mother Goose MONEY approximately 24" x 28" of wall space, "Grow-Up and the main character in each set is about CLOCK" 15" high! Made of strong %" thick wash- Kiddies love this fas- cinating "Grow-Up" FOR EVERY able compo-board . . . beautifully boxed Clock which measure* their growth with coo- witli instructions and tacks for hanging. A coaled ruler . . KIDDIE YOU LOVE movable hands gift to delight every child . . . choose teach children to tell time. In f several now at ROSENBERCER'S! eift bo* with MA 16 Colorful Sets To Choose FromI instruction NELSON'S DRUU y booklet. Complete Selection ot CouMtks COMPUTE

FILBECK 9t CANN NEW AND USED WATCHES Funeral Home Nice Enough for Anyone's Christmas OSENBERGER'S Elgin, Bulova, Gruen, Benrus. 3rd and Broadway - Paducah, Ky HAL PERRY

tieneral Contract** CASH Or LAY-A-WAY Morgan, Trevathan*^


sure ROBERTA (Add Slow Sol.I tea WW. AMllcatte.) Paducah, Ky, PONTIAC 206 '"IT WATCHES GUARANTEED The Marshall Courier, Benton, Ky., December

Mrs. Dorah Lents of Benton, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Lenta and Dagmar SOCIAL and PERSONAL News From Hardin children of St. Louis, and Lyndell Lents of Detroit were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ed- i Oscar Lovett, Mr. and Mrs. Benton. way arrived during the weekend By A. J. WELLS ! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vance and wards and Cratus Edwards of pX- ay Henson and children, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Walker from Triangle, Va. Kenneth has (Held Over From Last Week) family of Indianapolis, Ind , and Hardin. I a'id Mrs. 0. A. Lovett of Koute Route 5 were In town Saturday. been discharged from the Ma- Mrs. Ola Irvan and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Jones of Lexington, Ky., spent Thanks- tU were recent shoppers in town. Mrs. Sam Llndsey Route 5 was rines. Me is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Irvln and baby spent giving with Mr. and Mrs. Will QjristiW I Clarence Baker of Hardin a visitor here Saturday. Mrs. Euclie Galloway In Benton. the week in Florida visiting Dr. Putman. Ir >ute 1 renewed the Marshall c. R. Collins Route 5 was In Kenneth and wife have their and Mrs. A. Y Covington. Mrs. f Courier while in Benton recently, town Saturday. home in Benton and will reside Covington is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grundy Holland Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fleming Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Oakley of in it. Mrs. Irvln. of Rlneyville, Ky., spent Thanks- giving at their home in Hardin. a d Judy spent the Thanksgiv- Route 7 were Saturday shoppers Mr. and Mrs. Joe Edd Miller Mrs. Elwood Smith and daugh- Their daughter, Mrs. Jerry Wil- In 6 minutes, Chlnarold starts giving eli v holidays in Columbia. Tenn in town. of Paducah were the recent wonderful, toothing. cooling relief for re- ter of Route 2 were recent visi- liams, and Mr. Williams visited curring burning, Itching and pain of T. L. Collie and wife of Route Miss Eileen Gilliam of Pcona, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller. simple piles. Quickly soothes and soften* tors in Benton. them here. dry, hard, cracking parts for happier days • 1 were recent visitors in town. in., spent the Thanksgiving lioli- Mrs. Lyda Pace visited her and more restful nights. Ask druggist for Mr. and Mis. B. M. Copeland Llndvllle Camble of Paducah Chlnarold. Money back guarantee. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Simmons days in Benton with her parents mother, Mrs. Mattie Miller, re- of Route 7 were recent shop- was a recent visitor of his former I children spent Thanksgiv- O. E. Gilliam ani^wlfe. cently. pers in Eenton. school teacher, A. J. Wells. | i r In Evansville with his rela- Mrs. Prince Byerley and son Edd Kellow, who Is teaching Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Nichols and coaching in the high school Mrs. W. D. Rogers and daugh- of Paducah were visitors in Ben- of St Louis recently visited his at Peru, 111., recently became ter, Bobby Jo, of Bolivar, Tenn., t> Rastus Lowery and wife of ton Friday. father, W. W. Nichols, and other suddenly ill and was taken to a recently visited her step-daugh- Shaving Is Slicker— I 1 mte 7 were recent visitors in Cpl. and Mrs. Kenneth Gallo- relatives. hospital In Peru. He Is the son ter, Mrs. Gene Gay, and Mr. Blade Changing Quicker of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Kellow of Gay. Hardin. His father and Leman Mrs. Hoyt Owen, wife of the Miller and Ben Haley went to Hardin Methodist minister, has Hera's a new horn* decorating visit him in the hospital. been ill for several days. She Is ^Gillette Idea to make the Christmas Mason Mrs. Helen Selwltz of Altoona, a teacher in the Hardin school. BLUE BLADES mora festive. You can create Win- Pa., and her son, Harvey and Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Warner of IN HANDY DISPENSE* ter wonderland effects with Aero family of Benton, spent Thanks- Murray were recent visitors In with Snow, a spray oi realistic "flakee" utedblade giving with Mr. and Mrs Wilson Hardin. for the , wreaths, |£omparfmsaf Md^Bk Inman. Norma Kay Erwln, daughter of NELSON'S window panes, gift package* and mirrors. The "snow" comes In dif- Miss Regina Pace visited her Mr. and Mrs. Frank Erwin, and REXALL DRUGS ferent colors, too. and Is easy lo sister, Mrs. B T. Cress, and Mr. Junior Parrish, son of Mr. and remove after the holidays. Cress during the Thanksgiving Mrs. Will Parrish recently wore holidays. married. Benton, Benton - Kentucky

and her tW(J Many plans from * J NAME . Lsllih By inters spent the past Ranch Type • I'I , S2 is Newport, Va., with Bungalows—with cj ADDRESS j^y of her «on, Johr. attached t By m ELIMINATE W 1 yr. • 2 yr. Q 3 yr. Q Yo.ur Shopping Now While Selections Are Still Complete! sary to complf , & DePriest of Orlando borne last week to at- We will erect your 5 New [H Renewal Q erection by furnislj | A FULL YEAR ttTfuneral and burial ser- ,teliU brother It was the Finest quality mat Enclosed Is $1.00 For Subscribtion Above: L, he had beeen back in the construction IN MARSHALL COUNTY Sis county In 27 years ed by one of the \ TO MAKE Them HAPPY wtosr fled in Lansing homes. d the body was returned Standard method Ltf tor bunsl- Building requirem (1 parks of Route 3 was a For complete infi. J NEW LOCATION — W. H. SEAR'S AT g visitor in Benton.

Route No. 1

WHY NOT VISIT ANDERSON'S JACK 8C JILL SHOP For Those Gifts For Your Baby - Toddler or Teen-Ager!

(A) Alfred Leon Imported Babe Dress of fine mercerized broadcloth. Pastels. For everyone on your Christmas list, there's a Babe size £2.98-£6.95 gift of jewelry that will be warmly welcomed... (B) Carltona Knitted Toddler Suit. Size and dearly cherished 6-mo. to 18-mos £2.98 for years to cornel y} Also a large selections of McKem "Ricky Jr." knitted suits £2.98

ELECTRIC SHAVERS (C) Johnston Corduroy creepers. Pastel Man's watch with sweep second hand and ex. « shades £2.98 panslon bond. (D) Bantam Floppy Toy £2.98 (E) Ship 'N Shore Blouses £1.98 - £2.49 ALARM CLOCKS I) Plaids, Solid. Size 714 (F) Jack Tar "white dress shirts with tie and cuff links. Size 2-14 . £2.98

lovely creation In a (G) Ruth Original chromespun taffeta tody's bracelet watch. /J? party dress. Size 7-14 , ...... £10.95 (H) Glen of Michigan corduroy jumper. Size 7 to -4 £5.95 quire Holster Man't pocket watch (I) Cute Togs Coat Set. Size 1 to 5. Now and knife with chain. Leather, ' priced . £15.00 - £25.00 * Repeating Pistol*.

EXPERT (J) Quiitex Snow Suits. Size 1 - 3 £10.95 I 2-Diamond Bridal l0 Dvo. MogniScentl *> "MARIE" W ATCH REPAIR Ninety Beauties w Hated Net SILVERWARE Hundreds Of Other Gifts To Select From ieei Wagon >r Tired Wheels 1 Baked Enamel F THE JACK & JILL SHOP AT

New Location . . 624 Broadway Paducah, Ky, OPEN EVER1 Mayfield D SATURDAY 8:30 p.m. T. . Decembe,

f of Benton. M Lent* and h and Lyndell lr'- the recent r Dagmar Benton, The Best *rs Glen Ed- • Edwards of • Town in Ky. • By A Dam Site Cfyristmi

Volume XVII PaUt Circulation Sells — That Is The [l.l .Urt. „ Klnd ThU Newspaper Offers Customers •»« 1.11.1 tor p« >114 I'»In of Khr. .11,1 aufUnn for hnpp|«r d... [*.» aru>(ui fu, tuareuiee. BIRTHS KY Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Holland Homemakers Qub ' I UGi^P^On of Calvert City Route 2 are the •Up^ / ^/eCANT parents of a daughter bon'Dec •^S^R lwmwp**ry[ DSAV HCLI. V* 4 at the McClaln Clinic ln Ben- ton. The Maple Mrs. Annie Owens was honore Mr. and Mrs. Alton Anderson, Jr., of Route 4 are the parents of a son bom Dec. 4, at the McClaln Clinic In Benton. Duke gave the lesson f^^L^BflB ^^^Kfc It was her 80th accessories. Mrs. Joe Bryant gave Among those present Mr. and Mrs. Jackie D. Thomp- LADES a on safety. The devotion daughters and a son, five grand. son of Ollbertsvllle Route 1 ae J THGUGCIPE: [DISHNSe* was given by Mrs. Sam Henson ^^^^KK/tKmrnS^^^BKm^Ug^^^j^^^^Kt children, and nine great-grand- the parents of a son born Dec Lr^S Combine CUPS The recreation period was con. H - •''jflj^Wf jK^S^mSfrnmSBiBt^* '-'wrwAiM children, • r-f. DRIED APRicors AKO 5 at the McClaln Clinic In Ben- ducted by Mrs. Molly McNeely. H^HHUd: After a delicious dinner ton. If INfj ^N vX Trvo Ct/PS SHREPPEO Otie*hr Ammo: Potiuck lunch was served at 0 key, fried chicken and all th NELSONS rittisnu. COCONUT, ACO YI cue 0$ a oz.CAN)SHU r- noon HgnHMfflEw-* trimmings. Mrs. Owens REXALL DRIIf, V F/DST. _ T. CARD OF THANKS x^tfj ENEO COMPEIlSED A.YLi. Ten members answered the % ' • sented several nice Iv roll call.wlth a famous proverb " . I J B gifts. BLCND WELL.SMS We wish to express our sincere and there also were four visitors ^^^oL ^^K Those attending were: Mr. ni Benton, ML INTO SMALL BALLS. thanks for the kindness and present. Mrs. Luther Cole, Mr. and Mi iMCer STAND UNTIL F,, V. ill«l^H messages of sympathy, the food ^^K^Jj H '; W . Ray Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Jii and the beautiful flowers we FUNERAL I HELD FOR * " Kinney, Mr. and Mrs 1 Mrs. Henry Lovett left received from our kind friends morning for Biloxl, and neighbors during the loss Ow fftrrr\ the interest of his of our beloved father, Mr. Hor- a HO JuNtOH \ Funeral services for Frank H Efe^jl H : Mickey. ace Thompson. THE RECIPE : V M'Ol „ I-"*,"-:., McCawley, 89, if Grand Rivers, ' JB'' lj[ V ^ Mr and Mrs. Carroll Spear We especially want to thank were hold last Friday afternoon 4 * ' fai g * and daughter, Charllsa; Mr. an I, Ullsh Ely and her two COMBRVE FYCUP('^CAM) >i j/0' cooon 1 Mrs Dr. Miller for his untiring faith- at the Grand Rivers Baptist BMBf V jjaTliii i i| ' James Thompson an I aughters spent the past SwcercvcQ cONoe/vsro , I U'^WTKCIfHCLfiet/ Church. Burial, by Fllbeck-Cann, w '" T— — daughters, Tonl and Teri; Mr I m Newport, Va., with fulness, and also Drs. McClaln MILK AND / TSR VANILLA I'J | i v'^--- was in Dixon Cemetery. Alvin Austin and daughters, Dar I tnlly of her son, John and King. We also thank the EXTRACT. CMDUALLY H I D Complete! Revs. J. Frank Young and Edgar Survivors include one son, and Angela; David Owens, an< I t tss At?P

Paducah |ry Goods Company



»MAGNIFIC£NT Big 18" ""DAI PAIRS «oMlOWfrit, I rou* 1 uoinui" nnn chokj( i

With Rooted Hair ACTUAL 7-DIAM0ND VALUE TO Wide Wedding Band #9.98 £57.50

.its smart to LAYAWAY DIAMONDS NOW.. Eaquire Holster Set Toy Plush Dog •a Genuine Leather, With Soft and Cuddly Toy That I Repeating Pistols. Baby Will Love.

Wal-Fold Phonograph Folding Blackboard [Famous "MARIE" Dolls Built on Wooden Frame With High Fidelity Tone Arm Oay Ninety Beautlas With Chalk Tray plays 7" to 12" Records In Fluted Net

Mechanical Train Set All Steel Tricycle All Steel Wagon Rubber Tired Wheels Engine and Four Cars Rabber Tired Wheels _ Handle Grips, Red & White With • Sections of Track "*< * Black Baked Enamel Finish Western Kentucky's Leading Jewelers For Over 39

OPEN EVERY FRIDAY MAYFIELD and MURRAY, KENTUCKY AND SATURDAY NIGHT 'TIL 219 Broadway 8:30 p.m. To XMAS Courier, B< The Marshall Courier, Benton, Ky., December 11,1953

LAST WEEK'S Personels CROSSWORD P ANSWER m Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bohannon UBUN ILUUFL iitariHLj auuki:j of Elizabethtown, 111., are the par- ACROSS DOWN 19. Pur- unat u uaannrs ents of a daughter, Becky Gay. I. River (Eur.^ 1. Mistake chase ••i 0 anau JU born during the month of Nov. 5. A gallows 2. Depart 21. Strange Tnanaoa a nju Bifi u-i'ii-: 81ic is the daughter of Dew?y rope S. Twining 22. Cut I (jocular) stem 23. Part of autaanaciHmr£ i Riley and wife of Route 3. He ls auan nr.ra 9. Check 4. East by •to be" uu| s UGannaro the son of Julian and Mrs. Bo- 10. Bacchanal northeast 24.Cereal | hannon of Elizabethtown and an raiouu ana cry (abbr.) grain •BCMGy B H,Y-i:i former Birmingham residents. 11. Hoisting B- Masculine 25. Not Haann u aanaa Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lents of devices pronoun trivial H3BBm E aOBO Ri ,ite 4 were visitors in Benton 13. Blunders 6. Level 26. Half P-«9 during the weekend. 15. Lifted 7. Additional an em 16. Upright 8. Persevere 27. Poke 34 Llttl* girl Mrs. Brooks Lyles of Route 1 18. Anger 11. Greek 29. Secret 36 Secluded was a visitor in Benton Sat- 19. Insect letter associ- valley urday. 20. Industrial 13. Close ation 37. Ireland Clarence Bolton of Elva was a engineer 14- Lets stand (Chin.) (poet.) business visitor In Benton Inst (abbr.) (print.) 31. Music not* 38. Ore«dy Top Gifts In Luxury And 41. Mimic Saturday. 21. Retired 17. King of 32. Upright 22. Hush! B* Baihan pillar O.Scint Every Woman Loves Beautiful Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henry Dar- silent! (Bib.) 33. Girl* nam* (abbr.) nell of the county were recent 24. Covered •••• ., ,, visitors in town Saturday. with weed* //. 1 1 Gifts Like These Roosevelt Phelps of Route 2 27. Jokes S/c , wns a business visitor In Ben- 28. Terminal W. ~ Ion last week. part of CLL _ the arm II Mrs. Charlie Portis of Route 2 29. Game at __ was a business visitor in Benton marbles if last week. 30. Erbium __ __ Miss Ollie Walker, and Mrs.. f Route 4 were recent visitors (abbr.) in town. 35. Per. to F5 the Andea mj> Your Lady's Fancy. Complete Doubt 38. A king So 777' in Norse //^ '' \ Selection of Styles and Colors. mythology JT~ W ! 39. Rip 40. Mallets of 55 [Many plans from \ Pvt. Herman L. Lovett, son of presiding Mrs. Margie Alton of 801 Elm oflicars /// HI " Ranch Type e 'Vi 42. Slide VZ (Bungalows—with cl St, Benton, and Pvt. James N. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. 44. Heap »S lattached. 45. Canvaa //. Frank Johnson of Symsonia, L • ELIMINATE W shelter were among the recent basic 46. Paradis* HOSE sary to compU training graduates of the armor- I We will erect your ed infantry school at Fort Knox, Lovely Sheer Nylons (erection by furnist Ky. Pat Ely, Gone Clark, Jerry of a daughter, Kindra Sue, born Finest quality mat| Alvle O. Smith, pipefitter third Don Walston and Dale Draffen Thursday, Dec. 3. at the Murray Are Always Welcome tin the construction class, USN, has arrived on the were among the Murray State Hospital. Mrs. Henson ls the led by one of the i West Coast after a tour of duty College students who spent the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse As A Gift. [homes. n Korean waters aboard the Thanksgiving holidays in Ben- cornwell of Route 1. Mrs. Hen- I Standard method destoyer USS Henry W. Tucker. ton with their families. son will be retuned to her 1.00 to 1.95 I Building requireni Smith Is the son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leeman Henso.i mother's home where she will I For complete info , Mrs. Alfred Smith of Route V. of Benton Route 1 are the parents stay several days. I ST'e Headquarters for Route No. 1 Costume Jewelry 1 HALF SLIPS -1.98 to 4.98 SCHWINN BICYCLE SLIPS 2.98 to 5.98 Once we called 'em "unmentionables," but now we BEAUTIFUL FEMININE 8TY128 shout it to the skies. We've the frilliest, SCHWINN frothiest, softest, sweetest lingerie ever! What wonderful Christmas gifts they'll make! ^^ fe. PANTHER

• G/istmns with chroma ftndori, tank, fittings • Has haadlight, spring fork, front brakm, comer

Watch your boy light up when he sees this flashy, two-tone model. Fully equipped and guaranteed as long as you own at.

GIRL'S SPITFIRE MURRAY FIRE TRUCK SCHWINN SKIPPu Buy Schwinn dependa- Brilliant red, well decorated, Best first two-wheeler (wiiii bility at a saving, add with bell, ladders, hand- side wheels) for children ? accessories rails. Ball-b^pu^ wheels to 6. Has coaster brake sUnil Chain ^ and drive - other big bike mechanism. • 19.95 •»*•"•• 42.95 SELECT THE CHRISTMAS BIKE NOW - PUT IT ON LAY-A-WAi ti ^ idpm^l B.F. Goodrich tRtl 1 btP MJSm TRACTION TWINS 1. Winter Traction Tiro For those gala evenil for country driving, a* cleared roads, mud. Yow * lady seta her cap at j to all children get as much as 25% m ••• J PANTIES 49 to pulling power in deep sno» •••exc^ing g^wns th 2.BFG LIFE-SAVER ROBES - - 4.98 to 1 Pyefec^iQn t# spe, to • Colorful plastic trilling Tubeless Tire bird it our "Merry Chriit- on icy roads, packed snow, mas" gift to every child rainy streets—stops up to \ BRUNCH COATS accompanied by an 30<)t quicker. Thousands ^Jers of shimmering tl adult. Visit our gay tiny grip-blocks grip in- House of 1,98 to 1 waiting skirt of nyloj soon for your FREE make a huge

Automatic Percolator .2.98 to • A I General Electric Automatic Toaster Nesco Roaster I Dormeyer Power Chief Electric Food Mixer


Selection* drich . . . Here's how to give a pretty present she'll use B.F.Goo p rusts every eve after Christmas, a comfortable gift that "«n t»M U offers glamour galore! She'd love one of our robes!

CARL TAYLOR. Mgr. 4th *nd Jefferson Paducah Ky- Paducah, Kwitucky Marshall Courier, Benton, Ky., December It, IMS


Always Faithful - Truly Exotic Gifts That Leave No Doubt That She WiU Be Pleased

HOSIERY By Beautiful BRYAN'S IT'S CHRISTMAS ANGEL! Time For Filling The Stockings! She'll Adore Sheer Textured, Luxuriously Fashioned Beautiful Bryan's 60 ga. 15 Denier. Seasons Perfect Colors. 1.95


The Christmas Seasons Most Faclnatlng Selec- kVLF SLIPS -1.98 to4.98 tion ln Western Ky. By such famous makers as Christian Dior — Napier — Hob'e & Kramer .IPS 2.98 to 5.98 Originals BEAUTIFUL FEMLN1NS STYUS

Holiday dresses ... to dance and glitter, rustle and flatter. Chic charmers of festive fabric and dashing design... up to all the celebrating you have in mind! Hurry in to choose the one wonderful that fashion has created especially for your setting party plans! our gowns do you proud.

iiwiw^jMjiBMlJMJBHwswwiaajwwiawjaajiM BLOUSES By Morlove f In Nylons and Crepes. Beautifully Detailed in white, X pink, blue, navy and red $ For those gala evenings when » ladyi sets her cap at JftyeHnes!} 5.95 and 8.95 I PANTIES 49 to • ••exc^ing gfwns ^hat *re HANDBAGS By Louis Pfefec^ifln to touch, to In The Season's Favorite Materials 8uch as Imported ROBES - - 4.98 to 1 wwtr, Cashmere, Broadcloth and Faille. Navy, Black and Brown BRUNCH COATS Layers of shimmering taffeta top tha waltzing skirt of nylon net over 3,98 to 1 toff eta. make a huge double bow GLOVES By Crescendoe to back. Fine Imported Egyptian Double Woven Fabrics — Gloves BED JACKETS- For Dress, For Parties, For Formal Wear — All Lengths. Luaclous peau de sole makes the Season's Favorite Colors „ 2.98 to fcnwre, satin-topped bodice, whil# 2.95 to 7.00 appllqued net skirt wafts over taffeta. HANDERCHIEFS Carlye's V-for-v. .acious decollete Of Fine Imported Linens, Tailored Lace Trim and Initialed points up the new brief and bare 1 W««en, Mntuckya Uwgeati For Parties, For Formals front and back in a slim crepe shea each 59c to to 5.95 Selections :ks all the way edged with cotton tab All Gifts Beautifully Wrapped Sizes 6 to 14. Sizes 7 to 15. Without Charge! Carlye. St. Louis. 46.00 Benton, Ky. SOCIAL and PERSONAL W. L. Reeves of Route 2 was Mrs. Genoa Gregory of Benton The Q. P. Gipsons of Route 2 a business visitor In Benton and attended funeral services for the were Saturday shoppers in Ben- while here renewed his Mar- Rev. E. B^ Motley In Murray ton. T. L. Collie and Mrs. Collie tt and Mr Mr. and *Cne" of the and D. O shall Courier. Saturday. Kev. Motley was pas- of Route 5 were Saturday shop- B LAY ONE AWAY • 8° in town were budi J. B. Holt of Route 4 was a tor of the First Christian Church pers In town, rs business visitor In Benton Sat- In Murray for about 20 year3. Miss Marjorle Ross of Hardin FALL METAL ELECTRIC JopP* Saturday ! urday and while here took the W. R. Stratton of Route 1 Route 1 was a shopper here was a The Rel Courier for a year. • was a visitor here Saturday. Saturday. ? PHONOGRAPH 3 b Ploys up to 12" records, solid Linton Friday, were Satu •construction, excellent sound, •U.L. approved. Lay one oway •for Xmas. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SALE LOWEST PRICES ALL NEW AND USED WATCHES REDUCED I ON TOYS, GIFTS BEAUTIFULLY Elgin Bulova Dressed $6.95 Panda Reg. $10.00 Gruen Longine DOLL MARX ELECTRIC TRAIN Reg. 3.95 Value ams 30-i N. Benrus Hamilton Doll is 16" tall. k on«lwhit,, Has beautiful no» ond b' flirting eyes, M noise too. open and close. Magic skin arms Boys' Initial iansion Identification and legs. ! A "Must" for BRACELET $2.25 JACK ISTTHE Christmas Giving! RED HOT SPECIAL! MUSIC BOX %99 £ Music Plays jm f And Out Pops Q £ \ Jack. Gay any plans from Y Plaque for engraving 10c Sporklers Colors! anch Type • lV2| ungalows—with i.jj RED HOT COUPON RED HOT COUPON TEDTTOTTOUPON^ ;tached. i ELIMINATE \V $5.00 MUSICAL "ISIETwINTTU!^ sary to com pit 10c Icicles re will erect your Doll Cradle FREIGHT TRAIN Adds Beauty To Tree rection by furnish PLAYS ROCK-ABYE-BABY THREE CARS & TRACK li^st quality mat 18W' A AA Limit * t - i H»e constructiu 108 Broadway Paducah, Ky. Very

Lge. Assortment HOLSTER BALL-BEARING FIELDER S Binoculars HEATING • Prince Albert ROLLER 55.00 ROI-TANl PUZZLES • Velvet SET-2 Guns GLOVES SPACE CADET 100th , :KATES PAD - Reg. $5 • Granger CIGARS REG. [ Three ^98 BOX " J&\Xa3tXaJ!m G^^^^B Assorted MT /0H _ Mouse, Alice in Wonderland, Cin- iSBMM Designs # QC OUTDOOR TREE & QG derella, Hopalong Cassidy ^^Reg. $1.19 # ^ Light Set. Long, He Cord, Add-On Plug LOW ZEulT^^>^AVEN^T^OMPAC^,™ PRICE SPECIAL SCOOP! $"l OL fl CHRISTMAS WREATH" Built with the experience of 100 yean, the Hepplewhiu Vertical ti one of the BHSMMMMMMMMM WITH BULB AND CORD. £Q treat Steinway Centenary piaitot O&tL Heart Design CARMEN REG, 89c VALUE! U7( Ckfc EXPANSION "LARGE * HJH|p BRACELETS SELECTION « SfST $3.98 Value! 1 Oft


Wrist Watch Made of finest soddle leaders, turned edges, reinforced stitch'"?- XT? for XMAS | "T t 1 El N WAY visible pass case, xippered b" 7 One Year Guarantee! compartment. JHl A A OPEN SUNDAYS NOW SECRET POCKET j| Qg 'TIL XMAS - 12to6 P.M. Genuine Leather H FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE LOWEST PRICES! iee Our Large Selection 0! BMholcis—Very Special

DAISY B-BGUNS 8X2 Broadway BUY IT Hi Lexington PADUCAH Louisville


Benton, Ky., December 11, 1953 i C<#rier

Burd Darnell of Route 1 was Guy Chester of Brewers wa» S and PERSONAL News About Our Neighbors In town on business Saturday. business visitor in Benton E? , an

5 erell colored sheets A "Must" for Christmas Giving! rtcuu S h 88 Voice Telei

OPEN SUNDAY! 5l" 11,108 RED HOI-CQiiSg

Keg. 43c- be — tusurv of dre. m soft colored -- ^ » .ones of rose, blue, maixe. pjU Mdfc/l / 9 lATlOb Extension oy/ f() C Cord ai mint with ^ m Add-On J 11 TRRCTIVELY BOXED PILLOWCASES 9 _ piug A/ |

• Prince Albert I • Velvet $5.00 ROI-TAN I • Gronger CIGARS

IWMMiiin T

|$5.50 Roy Rogers WRIST JOIN OUR 1954 MS 7-JEWEL WATCH IEST0NE T WATCH savings in these fine S CLUB NOW lationolly odvertised, 3.! for one yeer. Smart $5.50 DALE | ety of shapes andl EVAHS tching and flattering it precision workmen Wrist I Wotch1 , OUR 09r 95 talCII J 1st Watches li I d treajuret Mick«Y] I ce in Wonderland, Cm-1. Jopolong Cossidy. . 6.95r


tfritt 13.98 8ALANCE SANTA'S 54 BUDGET Even without the amazing gift offer—this U one of the most remark- able values ever offered In a modem dinette set and is exclusive with DOWN IN ADVANCE' us! A beautiful. durable set that will give-you pleasure for years to A SMALL DEPOSIT Come. Smart Queen Anne legs, with the new "Lock-Fast" leg assembly, I* Take the financial bite off Santa in '54 by tat heavily plated chrome. 3" wide polished aluminum apron. Top la WILL HOLD YOUR SELECTION A- I* extra ragged "Plonite" laminate. Will resist scuffs. alcohoL fault Juices, joining our now! Little- * heat. Proof against almost any damage. Chairs have snug contour FREE DELIVERY , curved backs and deep, comfortable box seats. Upholstered In Astra .111. by-little savings wll add up to the biggest design fall color plastic in red, green, yellow or grey to match table top. Open Fridays Until 8:30 p and best Christmas ever for everybody We hare a limited supply of these remarkablremarxaowe Mothenw...r and Daughter ensembles. OeGet yours while they lastlast.. „ % RHODES BURFORD CO. ink Of A/larshall County The Largest Selection Of Furniture In West Kentucky Mayfield Kentucky )AISY Member FDIC -BGUNSI > SAVI! BUY IT HERE ANP^ M

• • isiii- • - t ; :4 V.

L^ .-J

r.-ii'v "'.'i Benton, Ky. it s SHAWS for the values of a lifetime! an inexpensive watch with a Neverbreak Mdinsp

^WEL ELGINS For her .. . the glamoroui SEABRINO with ill beautifully styled I0K natural ^ _ B Bold filled case and dainty nylon $ t ] JV cord. For him . . . Ihe masterfully M designed AMHERST. 10K gold Ailed case. Hondsomo alligator strap.

EVERY WATCH EQUIPPED WITH A NEVER BREAK MAINSPRING $1 DOWN $1 WEEKLY [Mi NAT I \\ AND FULLY GUARANTEED ry to comple i ' l A or ELOIN 11 erect your J[j NANCr. Deli- DARLINGTON EVERY WATCH WORTH MUCH MORE! cately engraved Attractively STAR1ETTE. Ele- n by furnisl®1 10K gold filled framed diol. 17 gant 14K gold quality mataM cate. 17 jewels. |ewelt. Nylon cord. Oracelet band. cate. 21 jewel*. oonstructioSj one of the fcrf

ird method UK requireni iinplete infra Ve Have a Complete STl Line of © COP*Wight |957 Chairs and Rockers

THORND ALE. PALM SPRINGS. FREMONT. Newest CRUSADER. 4• LORD ELOIN Man's curved crys- Three facet crys- style expansion plane crystal. BLACK KNIOHT. Bedroom Suites tol, 17 jewel Elgin. tal. 17 jewels. band. 19 jewels. 19 jewel Elgin. Smart black dial! Expansion band. Expansion band. Ea$y-to-read diaL Expansion band. Black sued* strap. tvenoes

SHAWS headquarters for Bulova-Elgin-Gruen felt Base Rugs there's Never bean a watch like this ireakfast Sets at anywhere leer the LOW PRICE! famous Crosby 17JEWEL Living Room Suites

bccasional Tables

MISS AMERICA 17 jewels Vacuum Cleaners

Magazine Racks

jChifforobes and jCedarrobes


Oruen Dorcas —17 Orven Curve* Citadel Oruen Carmen—-Gold 1.00 DOWN M, DIRECTOR jewel watch perfected •with fH-tt»e wrtjt curve. filled with matching bra- 1.00 A WEEK expamion band Matching bracelet. 17 (eweh. Gold Med. relet. 17 lewels. »497* $65°° <7190 WATCHES ENUBCEO tO SHOW DETAIL i* , \ . MnWMIu fh* Exact offer Exclusive Second Attention f"res You won', BOWLERS.' 00 Wa*h«at 00 mom

Wj^J Doub/y 0Wp*Ktm wear tlve watch r

tfcot con . Guaranteed BY OURSELVES AND CROSBYI ADORABLE C0DDE1S OF TIMI V |ewel> 17 jeweli y upetuien bracelet 4 diaiMttdt BE THE FIRST TO WEAR s595o expantion bracelet THE MOST ADVANCED WATCH IN AMERICA AND ENJOY , A TERRIFIC VALUE I ,



COMMODORE Diomendi 11 | twill, wetertlte* self-winding, wetertlte* 14 it. geld, And tketk reililent. sheet retiitenl. self-winding, witittill* «f|.M|«iin, r»t P'III. leli-ntegflelir, ml preel, tlnfk tlllllHl, Never an Wotehti me tided hied, a>H-«i|Mllt, tutt trtt( radium kesdl I (lei. twerp mild Inl llillKillii ind mn Extra Charge OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS ylLl 8s30 •I MMI1 for CREDIT 602 Broodwoy At The Hotel Irvii Courier, Benton, Ky., December 11,19SS

Mrs. Berthal Oregory of Route 4 was a recent shopper in town. Galen Smith and wife of Har- din were recent visitors ln town. I jWuMte* In the Groove for I lo* PAt^^L Christmas.^

Make this a "record Christmas!" Give hours of pleasure for years to come with records chosen to suit their tastes from our huge selection. — Popular — Hillbilly — Sacred! GIFT SELECTIONS1 N ( WE INVITE you to visit our showroom •^lES OR MEN A Gorgeous Selection Of • POTTERY — and see for yourself that when >uur child finds a Wurlitzer piano under the tree on Gathered From The Four Corners Of The Earth Christmas morn, you have definitely made an important investment in his or her future—for


Paducah, Ky. 612 Broadway Louisville | We Have a Complete Lexington PADUCAH Line of Hmmm looks like every man in BENTON wants • Chairs and Rockers i Bedroom Suites


•Felt Base Rugs FROM ch like this • Breakfast Sets Mf PRICE! JEWEL p Living Room Suites MEN'S JEWELRY jjj [Occasional Tables GLOVES By Swank and Hickok » /^.V _ Gloves always make nice Bilks, nylons, cottons, gifts. From our stock, Cedar Chests Cuff Links, Belt Buckles, wools. Holeproof, Es- you can choose pigskins, quire and Jerks make Tie Bars and other suedes or deerskins that these socks, and you • Vacuum Cleaners items, make very accept- he will treasure. Made know they are right! by Spears. able gifts. See our dis- • Magazine Racks play.

w Chifforobes and JERKINS I Cedarrobes | SWEATERS ^ Two famous houses fur- By Revere our — Jerkins are very popular, SLIPPERS H Jantzen and Revere — ^Bffijf not only because of their If We he colorful touch, but be- Leather house slippers cause they give extra made by two famous warmth. manufacturers — Daniel 1 Sleeveless $3.95 up Green and Roberts, | With Sleeves — $4.95 up WKg? Johnson and Rand. jj All Cashmere — $17 50 Suede Vest — J12.50 Smooth, comfort fitting. A good choice of styles. LIVING ROOM STUDIO COUCHES BELTS Arrow & Beau Brummell By Hickok Ties make very accept- w® off»r [xcluiivt What man doesn't need able Christmas gifts. F'atur,, you PAJAMAS a new belt? We have They're not expensive, I'nd in watch* « many, many styles and and a man always needs Pajamas from two of colors to choose from. more ties. ^O'OOormorH the leading houses — JK LOWpmm Enro and Pleatway. We A GIFT FROM have his size and a wide variety of colors. OUR HARDWARE tAR DEPARTMENT VATCH Gift Wrap IJOY JACKETS Christmas The outdoors men and youths love Jackets. Purchases West Kentucky's largest Men's Store Comfortable for work Paducah. Ky school and sports. We 201 Broadway have a good selection. Gabardine *9®5 Leather 8uede $*>75 Benton, Kentucky

URDAY NISHTS Till " At ThS H0t4lJ^l The Marshall Courier, Benton, Ky., December 11, 1953

Guide to Good Food —— by Pamela Morrison — Mrs. Eleanor Noles, and child- a wonderland off dreams come true! ren and her sister, Miss Bobby Jean Vasseur of Route 7 were Saturday shoppers in Benton. Henry McGregor of Route 2 was a business visitor in town »i RADIO FLYER Friday. Barnett McGregor of Route 2 The Wagon That Rolls Along With A Float! was ln town Friday on business. Virgil Lyles of Kirksey Route 1 was a business visitor ln town Friday and while here subscribed • for the Marshall Courier. Mrs. Wllburn Henson and son, Bill, of the- county were Friday visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Holland of Route 5 were Friday shopping visitors in Benton. Mrs. Turner Thompson of Elva 3-D COMES TO THE TABLE TOO! These brand-new cherry dishes are Route 1 was a shopper ln town deliciouj—delighl/ul—and to satisfy that empty feeling on cold designed Friday. afternoons after huddling in a football stadium to make the menu more attractive during the Holiday season or to fill Junior's school Uoy Vasseur of Route 7 was lunchbox this Fall! in town Friday on business. • Bearing wheels never need oil or grease! For instance there's cherry single layet cake with cherry topping Leonard Davenport of Hardin cherry roll cherry icebox cookies cherry, fudge brownies was a business visitor ln Ben- • Extra thick I ''4 -inch semi-pneumatic tires! iherry j«m slices cherry doughnuts all using tasty, delicious cherries ton Friday. Merrily he'll float along on this sturdy wagon! It'< in exciting ways never tried before. Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Griffith For the housewife who wants to add that "distinctive new touch" to of Paducah were visitors In Ben- one-piece steel for extra long service, but the her table without tolling at home on the range in her kitchen—these ton Friday. double disc wheels have fat "balloon-type" tires ings are oiled for life . . . give it o floating glided i nteresting new pastry confections can be found at your neighborhood Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shoemaker ed for lite'. ,«Jrery shop! and children of P a 1 m a were speedy! shoppers in town Saturday. 3 greasing [any plans from janch Type e l12 . ungalows—with (J eeded1- Bached L ELIMINATE W I sary to eomple j Ve will erect your < Buy Now While Selections taction by furnlslfl MANAS •nest quality mat'3 Are Complete And Prices Are (1 the constructlo 1 H by one of the M Right! Use Sears Convenient

Isndard method Lay-Away Or Easy Payment Plan! nllding requirem lor complete infu I ST* THE WORLD'S FINEST ELECTRIC SHAVER loute No. 1 Ifrs.Beasley Sleek, Streamlined, Easy Pedaling! Heavyweight Steel With A Rugged Constitution Xes At Horn e

STEEL AUTOS )f Daughter to Ellen Beasle^" 89, died 36x17 Inches tt 13 at the home Qt her dau- fct.Brs T- P Tatiltn In Mur- I • Quick turning, ball bearing drive! tatrsl services were he'd Hi; afternoon at the Union • Enameled blue with white trim! Mbodlst Church of which she ki member The Revs. Hoyt Has many features of higher priced autos , . . heavy gauge CD. William Jones, Leslie steel; seat pad. Ball bearing drive mechanism, rear axle 5 «ind R. J. Burpoe officiated hanger. 8-in. double-disc steel wheels; /s-in. rubber tires. «al by the Linn Funeral Adjustable rubber pedals, w, wis held in the Churcn May Sartrors, besides Mrs Tat- l include another daughter, a bma Anderson of Benton s, two sons, Horace Beas- I ol Murray Route 1 and- Levi of Paducah Route 5; IP U grandchildren. Wsey Millers Of prpe Celebrate Never before have we offered a to perforn. e, this Remington shaving instrument to compare CO Deluxe has the greatest live fWl Anrm t with this new Remington CO ( :ttingj[8urface ever put 011 a Budget Price Bikes Toy Wheelbarrows Tots' Furniture 3-Wheel Scooters K ind Mrs. Lindsey MiUer DeLuxe! Never has it boon Smooth Bo* Bearing WM Styled of Strong Hardwood before river,qowhiskers just melt away Bright Blue Enamel Frame Big Bed Holds Large Load F»«rpe observed their Silver possible to remove'whiskers 1 the'Kfirhtest touch. Shaving Reg. 10.29 .... 8.88 Reg. 1.98 1 A A Reg. 11.29 .... 9 88 P™« anniversary at their quickly, so smoothly, so easi' els are mounted on the fame, 24x25-in. Size.. X.7 0 I* to Sharpe Sunday, Dec. 13. What fun bell have on Ihli Heel Mooter! and Mrs. Miller were mar- It's the shaver designed for the mington Contour principle t 5-in. plain bearing wheel. with Win. (right red iteel body. Wide deep Smooth medium-dark maple IWi fur- 17I4*15x6'A-in. bed. Eaty-grip pine niture. 24nl|.|n. table lop, JlW-ta, P® Oeecember 15, 1928, In man who demands perfection. get into those hard-to-reach spc wMter Mr eft. 3 '/l«13 Win. footboard. They bandeft, rubber tired wheel.- Suy now. Mgh, 1 ladder back dMin. See HI E»!t are,the Beautifully styled ... beautifully other shavers can't touch. D; 1 Cr" of four children, Jerry machined...beautifully gift pack- in at our store today and see 1? Paducah, and Michael aged in rich black, trimmed with yourself why we s: th'~ ' ffwd Mary Anna Miller. aU golden chr \ And when it comes finest electric shr. They also have one 2»«ghter Teresa Miller of

ORDINATION Powerful friction Zlon Baptist Church tporiu light up mo- tor. Picnic. Rubber " » deacons' ordination REMINGTON 60 DELUXE wheeb,7VS-l»iong. night. Dec 19, at 6uy it ot Seoril The pastor. Rev. Crowe li, invites the ALLOWANCE FOR OLD SHAVER Treasure « attend. Cute Baby Panda Parcheesi Boards Toy Cleaning Sets Children's «

CASH OR CREDIT SV Give Your Home I A Festive Air! Make It Snow 98c Santa Claus Indoor Light Sets Tree Light Sets Wreoth 98c Bright, Long Burning Lampi 8 Light-Series Wired Well Tree S English Lantern 2.25 Tree Ornaments Reg. 1.09 Keeps Tree Proper 7-lights 1,98 88c Assorted Shapes, Decorations Candle Sets 2.98 Intro long I 11 V4.fl. from Urn «x*el to Mm are tpaced 16 Inchet apart fee Save •nd plug. Slide faitener hold, clomp, •eey decorating. Spring dipt teaire low Price.. 5c „ 10c J EWELRY - LUGGAGE- RADIOS eeewely to tree brand,. Save at Sear.I Mbe to tree. Colored kwp. Induded.


tit N, THIRD ST. r*»v«AH,Kri .