PRESENT Cllrs R Aston, J Coyle(Chairman), T Hindley, B Jackson, P Jackson, T Joel, K Lawrence, M Paterson, Clerk Alison Winskell and no members of the public.

IN ATTENDANCE Ward Cllrs M Blair, P Duckett and M Smith

150. APOLOGIES Cllrs S Browning, M Richardson, S Summerfield and B Woodward,



153. TO RECEIVE A REPORT FROM CENTRAL COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES Cllr Mike Blair had some good news that garden waste collections would be resuming on Monday 27 th April. He has been receiving a lot of enquiries about planning, job retention, food parcels etc. CBC has been making a massive effort, diverting people from their normal work to help out with the Coronavirus tasks. They are trying to manage planning deadlines too. Cllr M Smith told the meeting that voluntary organisations are working flat out to help out during the crisis. CVS are helping CBC by ringing round vulnerable residents checking that they’re ok. There have been appeals by the Fire service for people not to light fires, not all people are adhering to it. The planning application at 144 Rd will be called in to the Development Control Committee if it is accepted by officers. They have not yet worked out how they will meet. Cllr P Duckett commended CVS on the marvellous job they are doing. He said the Fire Brigade crews are working as Ambulance Crew to help out. He also restated that the 144 Clophill Rd application will be viewed by the panel. The Local Plan has been accepted to the next stage and is now sitting with the Civil Service.


01/02/2020 Snow Hill 40/6472/20 Assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) 02/02/2020 Water End Road 40/6799/20 Theft or Unauthorised Taking of a Pedal Cycle 05/02/2020 Undisclosed 40/7557/20 Harassment - without violence (course of conduct) 07/02/2020 Road 40/7991/20 Theft from shops and stalls 08/02/2020 Church Road 40/8189/20 Burglary - Business And Community 10/02/2020 Wingfield Avenue 40/8543/20 Burglary - Residential - Non-Dwelling Undisclosed 40/8699/20 Harassment - without violence (course of conduct) Kings Road 40/8695/20 Sexual 11/02/2020 Clophill Road 40/8727/20 Other criminal damage to a dwelling (Under £5,000)

Signed ______Page | 1817

12/02/2020 Kings Road 40/9155/20 Theft from a motor vehicle 13/02/2020 Undisclosed 40/9274/20 Harassment - without violence (course of conduct) Kings Road 40/9251/20 Sec 4 POA Fear or provocation of violence 17/02/2020 Clophill Road 40/10139/20 Assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) 18/02/2020 Clophill Road 40/10355/20 Assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) 21/02/2020 Gardeners Close 40/10997/20 Sec 4 POA Fear or provocation of violence 26/02/2020 Church Road 40/12030/20 Theft if not classified elsewhere

02/03/2020 Almond Crescent 40/13095/20

Burglary - Residential - Dwelling

Limbersey Lane 40/13047/20 Theft in a dwelling other than from automatic machi ne or meter 03/03/2020 Sandyacres 40/13141/20

Sec 4a POA Causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress

04/03/2020 Road 40/13504/20

Attempted - Robbery (Personal) (Indictable)

06/03/2020 Undisclosed 40/13802/20 Sexual

07/03/2020 Sandyacres 40/14093/20

Theft from a motor vehicle Sandyacres 40/14089/20 Unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle

15/03/2020 Sandyacres 40/15841/20 Sec 4a POA Causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress 18/03/2020 Becketts Close 40/16295/20

Sec 4 POA Fear or provocation of violence 26/03/2020 Becketts Close 40/17722/20 Assault without Injury - Common assault and battery

Due to the Corona crisis there is no Speedwatch report

The Streetwatch group carried out 7 patrols over 11 1/4 hours, 5 in the afternoon, 2 covering Hall End and Green End. They reported a small gas canister in Wingfield Rd and George St. They noted potholes on Rd, illegal parking on George St, suspected drug dealing in The Brache and reported the dog bins as they were overflowing.

155. TO CONSIDER PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED SINCE THE LAST MEETING (INCLUDING THOSE RECEIVED AFTER THIS AGENDA WAS ISSUED) – CLLR P JACKSON CB/20/00367/FULL - 11 Clophill Road, Maulden, , MK45 2AA – resp by 20/03 Single storey rear/side extension with loft conversion & 'Velux' style roof lights to front & dormer window to rear slope.

RESOLVED – no objection

Signed ______Page | 1818

CB/20/00565/FULL - 79 Water End Road, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2BB – resp by 27/03 Single Storey Rear Extension

RESOLVED – no objection

CB/20/00829/FULL - 21 Cobbitts Road, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2ED – resp by 07/04 Single storey front extension.

RESOLVED – no objection

CB/20/00741/FULL - Building A, Brickhill Pastures, Limbersey Lane, Maulden, MK45 2EB – resp by 15/04 Demolition of existing building and erection of replacement building for B1/B8 use to include additional hardstanding and associated development

RESOLVED – this application is not in Maulden so no comment was given

CB/20/00624/RM - Land East of No13 Clophill Road Maulden MK45 2AA – resp by 20/04 Reserved Matters: following Outline Application CB/18/04183/OUT Erection of 14 dwellings including access. Reserved matters sought on appearance, landscape, layout and scale

RESOLVED – no objection

CB/20/00917/FULL - Land adjacent to 144 Clophill Road, Maulden, MK45 2AE – resp by 21/04 Re submission of planning permission CB/19/01012/FULL Residential development of 23 dwellings.

RESOLVED – to STRONGLY OBJECT on the same grounds as last time

Site is outside the defined Settlement Envelope of Maulden and Clophill and CBC can currently demonstrate a five-year supply of housing land so conflicting with the councils current Development Plan under Policy DM4. Site is located within the Flitt Valley Landscape Character area –an area of distinctive countryside within the Greensand Country Landscape and development of this site would be harmful to the sensitive and vulnerable landscape arising from the sites open and underdeveloped character. Scale of the development would cause significant and demonstrable harm to the character and appearance of the area. Not suitable site for development – whilst the application states the development is in proximity to services in Clophill these are in fact on the opposite side of the busy A6. The shop in Maulden is approx 2 miles distance so in both cases residents would be unlikely to walk so would use cars so adding to the traffic and parking problems in both villages. Therefore does not meet the NPPF38 requirement that “ where practical key facilities such as primary schools and local shops should be located within walking distance of most properties.” Highway safety and traffic generation – the main entrance and exit of the site is through Sharps Close, which is currently a cul-de-sac and so is not a safe and suitable access to the site. In addition the development will cause an increase of traffic entering the A507 by-pass from Maulden onto the A6 roundabout or through Hall End, Maulden onto the A6. No significant contribution to meeting the housing needs of Maulden that outweigh the harm. Site is not an allocated site for housing in the emerging CBC Local Plan Loss of agricultural land. In addition changes since the pre-application CB/17/04595/PAPC dated 22 November 2017that have had a negative impact on the advice contained in the report: Overdevelopment of this area of Maulden. Two recent Outline Applications CB/17/00981/OUT for 21 dwellings and CB/17/04583/OUT for 25 dwellings already approved within 100M of this site. CBC Local Plan has reached submission stage and submitted to the Secretary of State in April 2018. Therefore reference should be made to the plan which should be given limited weight in view of the stage of the emerging plan. Planning Application CB/17/03546/OUT was refused permission on the site opposite and the reasons for refusal are applicable to this application. Recommendation for a Toucan crossing to the north of the A6/Clophill Road junction to afford safer movements for pedestrians/cyclists not included in the application.

Signed ______Page | 1819

CB/20/00996/FULL - Highfields, Limbersey Lane, Haynes, Bedford, MK45 3QX – resp by 30/04 Two storey front and side extension with front porch, single storey rear and side extension and creation of first floor

RESOLVED – another application not in Maulden so no comments were sent

156. TO RECEIVE A RECREATION GROUND / REPLACEMENT SLIDE REPORT – CLLR SUMMERFIELD/RICHARDSON Cllr Summerfield has spoken to Peter Palmer and it has been very quiet in the Rec. Only the odd dog walker and no children on the play equipment. All seems ok.

He has the two bins and will get Ben Palmer to concrete them in. Peter said the old bins are hanging on at the minute.

Peter asked do you want him to do as he normally does and wash and clean the white gates that PC put in a few years ago and cut the strim around them if needed.

RESOLVED – Cllr Summerfield to ask Peter Palmer to clean and strim round the white gates and also to clean the Maulden sign near Budgens as it is looking a bit mouldy.

Cllr Richardson had no update on the replacement slide. Regular maintenance of the play equipment, lubrication of bearings etc is an ongoing task. Specialist trades still need to attend for the safety surfaces.

RESOLVED – Clerk to circulate the quotes for the Soveriegn Play replacement slide options

157. TO RECEIVE A STREETLIGHT REPORT – CLLRS LAWRENCE I conducted a check on all Parish streetlights in Maulden on the evening of the 14 th of April. I found two street lights not to be working, these are detailed below:

· M2 Clophill Road outside no. 7

· M5 Clophill Road outside Hillson’s office

All other street lights seem to be in good working order. The two faulty lights have been reported to Terry Seymour for repairs.

There were also a few CBC lights out which have been reported.

There is no update on the lights between Maulden and Ampthill on Snow Hill. Cllr Blair keeps trying to chase it up.

RESOLVED – Cllr Coyle will chase it up tomorrow and report to the next meeting

158. TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAULDEN PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 24 TH FEBRUARY 2020 The minutes, having been circulated, were approved and will be taken to the Chairman for signing after the meeting

159. CORRESPONDENCE 25/02/20 - Bedfordshire Bugle & Spring Summer Training Programme 26/02/20 - End business rate levy on public toilets 27/02/20 - Leisure Facilities Strategy (indoor sports and leisure centre facilities) 05/03/20 - Ampthill Community Safety Group meeting 3rd March 10/03/20 - OPCC Newsletter March 2020 10/03/20 – CPRE - An invitation to our AGM 11/03/20 - Town/Parish Street lighting adoption update 11/03/20 - You're invited to the PCC's Fourth Year Report Launch 12/03/20 - Minutes of ACSG meeting 3rd March 12/03/20 - CPRE April 2020 Update 16/03/20 – VJ Day 75 poster 16/03/20 – CPRE Spring is in the air 17/03/20 - The Great British Spring Clean has been postponed to September

Signed ______Page | 1820

18/03/20 - CCN/County APPG - Rural bus inquiry 18/03/20 - CBC Coronavirus Update 17th March. 20/03/20 - Media release from PCC Holloway 21/03/20 – CPRE - Keeping connected in difficult times 24/03/20 - BRCC Update - Message from our CEO - Tracy Cowan 24/03/20 - COVID-19 Update Briefing Four 25/03/20 – CBC - New Safety Business Officer 25/03/20 - Local Plan Update 26/03/20 - Covid 19 Update 02/04/20 - OPCC Newsletter April 2020 06/04/20 – CPRE - Some ideas from us to stay connected to the countryside 07/04/20 - Link-A-Ride Community Transport - Press Release 07/04/20 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) update 08/04/20 - Community Event Update: Keeping the conversation going 08/04/20 - The Big FGPPlan - & Greenfield & Neighbourhood Plan- Formal Consultation 3 May - 17 June 08/04/20 - Police & Crime Commissioners Violence and Exploitation Reduction Unit 08/04/20 - Letter of Complaint - Horses on Allotments 09/04/20 - Message from HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Helen Nellis 09/04/20 - CBC Neighbourhood Planning & COVID-19 Statement 09/04/20 - Short breaks for children and young people with SEND consultation- paused during Covid-19 national emergency 14/04/20 - Message from HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Helen Nellis 14/04/20 – Notification of play area inspection 16/04/20 - EN010068 - Millbrook Power Update 20/04/20 - Police & Crime Commissioners Violence and Exploitation Reduction Unit 20/04/20 - Message from HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire Helen Nellis

160. TO CONSIDER A) GRANT APPLICATIONS FROM BEDFORD DAYCARE HOSPICE, BIG BEDS CLEAN UP, COUNTRY DAYS, MAGPAS AND ST MARY’S CHURCH After a discussion about which charities were most relevant to Maulden residents it was decided, due to the current situation re health budgets and the money is available in the MPC's funds, even though it is over budget, to give donations of the amount requested to Bedford Daycare Hospice £500, MAGPAS £100 and St Mary’s Church £2,000.

RESOLVED – to give donations to Bedford Daycare Hospice, MAGPAS and St Mary’s Church

B) UPDATES FROM ALLOTMENTS, COMMUNITY SAFETY/LIAISON, FINANCE, HIGHWAYS, NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN, AND TREE WARDEN Allotments – Cllr Woodward The fence has not yet been repaired as all the timber yards are shut so the contractor can’t get the fence posts to do the job.

Neighbourhood Planning Group – Cllr Aston The group last met on 15th April. The policies are being refined and incorporated into draft plan.

David had attended the workshop (previously mentioned) and reported back. We may need to spend money on a consultant prior to going through the Regulation 14 consultation. There is money available, especially as MPC previously agreed to underwrite the cost of the HNS (if necessary). The Group noted this needs to be spent very carefully.

We are looking to do a communication to the village to let them know current progress.

I have made contact with Robbie Locke from Optimis Consulting who wants to speak to representatives from MPC and the NHP Group regarding land off Limbersey Lane. Cllr Phil Jackson is aware and I will arrange a meeting in due course (Corona virus related delay).

Thank you to Councilor Richardson for providing details of the MPC Land. A map would be really useful.

Signed ______Page | 1821

For details of the CIL / S106 money and MPC's list of priorities and expected pipeline amounts. Councillor Mark Smith had provided details from the CBC website. There looks to be a lot of money due and the figures look high so I note them below so that they can be checked and discussed. Expected: • Maulden Lower School - £338,933 • Village Hall - £43,806 • Changing rooms at the Rec - £30,519 • Play equipment on the Rec - £65,000 • Cycle path - £472 Also - Unclaimed amounts that could be clawed back and lost - £56,173

Fortnightly meetings are continuing so that momentum can be maintained. We are hoping to do them virtually.

C) PARISH INSURANCE IS DUE FOR RENEWAL ON 01/06/2020 The Clerk had obtained quotes from 5 companies. All were from reputable firms and less than the renewal quote. The decision was taken to lock into a three year deal as rates were thought to be at a low point. After some discussion it was

RESOLVED – to go with BHIB for the 3 year long term agreement at £1,344.62 per annum

D) VE DAY UPDATE – CLLR LAWRENCE Due to the virus the VE Day celebrations have been cancelled. VJ Day is in August so maybe the celebration could be held then instead. The Singer who had been booked would be happy to perform then instead. The British Legion national website says the celebrations would be held during the weekend of 14 th – 16 th August but obviously until we get closer to the time we won’t know whether a gathering of this kind will be possible.


Balances: as at 31 March 2020: Current A/C £8,000 Business Reserve A/C £83,636.51 Chq Date Payee Reason Amount no 02.03.20 BRCC NHP Questionnaire costs £ 3,381.84 BACS 05.03.20 Herts CC Community Noticeboard £ 92.50 BACS 09.03.20 Alison Winskell Clerk's salary £ 772.72 BACS 09.03.20 HMRC Employer & employee NI £ 28.73 BACS 09.03.20 Beds Pension Fund Employer & employee pension conts £ 235.94 BACS 10.03.20 Running Imp Ltd VE Day flags £ 46.79 BACS 10.03.20 Ampower Streetlight energy supply £ 18.44 DD 10.03.20 Ampower Streetlight energy supply £ 387.73 DD 18.03.20 ICO Data Protection Annual Fee £ 40.00 DC 24.03.20 IMI War Memorial cleaning £ 2,355.60 BACS 25.03.20 T J Seymour Streetlight maint Jan - March 20 £ 204.58 BACS 25.03.20 D J Granger Grasscutting Invoice 020314 £ 465.94 BACS 30.03.20 Kelly Lawrence Refund of VE Day winners sashes £ 47.20 744 30.03.20 D J Granger Grasscutting Invoice 020276 £ 465.94 745 30.03.20 Liquid Designs VE Day printing £ 107.04 746 30.03.20 Billy Cheadle Allotment steward £ 100.00 747 08.04.20 Alison Winskell Clerk's salary & mileage claim £ 865.28 BACS 08.04.20 HMRC Employer & employee NI £ 18.17 BACS 08.04.20 Beds Pension Fund Employer & employee pension conts £ 235.94 BACS 09.04.20 Ampower Streetlight energy supply £ 17.01 DD 09.04.20 Ampower Streetlight energy supply £ 411.39 DD

Signed ______Page | 1822

20.04.20 T & J Seymour Replacement lantern M5 Clophill Rd £ 360.00 748 20.04.20 Peter Palmer Rec cleaning Jan - Mar 20 £ 440.00 749 20.04.20 Maulden Village Hall 1st Precept payment £ 2,000.00 750 20.04.20 BATPC Affiliation Fees £ 658.00 751 20.04.20 Dycol Tree Surgery Rec & Silsoe Rd £ 420.00 752 20.04.20 Bedford Daycare Hospice Grant funding donation £ 500.00 753 20.04.20 Magpas Air Ambulance Grant funding donation £ 100.00 754 20.04.20 St Mary's Church Grant funding donation £ 2,000.00 756 Total £ 16,776.78

The payments list, having been previously circulated, was approved and the cheques will be taken to the Chairman for signing

B) BANK RECONCILIATION This, having been previously circulated, was approved, and will be taken to the Chairman for signing



Meeting closed 8.54pm

Signed ______Page | 1823