An Appeal for Expertise in Accountancy The Society would be very grateful to hear from any member living in the UK who has some knowledge of accountancy, and who would be willing to donate perhaps two hours of his or her time, once a year, in order to prepare a simple account of the Society's income and outgo. Ideally this would be someone living in or relatively near The London. If you fit this description, could you kindly get in touch with the Society at the postal address listed elsewhere on this page? W. H. Auden Society Memberships and Subscriptions Newsletter Annual memberships include a subscription to the Newsletter: Individual members £ 9 $15 ● Students £ 5 $8 Number 25 January 2005 Institutions £ 18 $30 New members of the Society and members wishing to renew should send sterling cheques or checks in US dollars payable to “The W. H. Auden Society” to Katherine Bucknell, 78 Clarendon Road, London W11 2HW. Receipts available on request. Payment may also be made by credit card through the Society’s web site at: The W. H. Auden Society is registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales as Charity No. 1104496. Submissions to the Newsletter may be sent in care of Katherine Bucknell, 78 Clarendon Road, London W11 2HW, or by e-mail to:
[email protected] All writings by W. H. Auden in this issue are copyright 2005 by The Estate of W. H. Auden. 28 Foster’s recordings has been released in the Windyridge Variety series ( and a brief excerpt may be heard at on the Society’s website.