Differentiation of Intraspecific Phenotypic Plasticity of Elongate

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Differentiation of Intraspecific Phenotypic Plasticity of Elongate JOURNAL OF ADVANCED VETERINARY AND ANIMAL RESEARCH ISSN 2311-7710 (Electronic) http://doi.org/10.5455/javar.2020.g456 December 2020 A periodical of the Network for the Veterinarians of Bangladesh (BDvetNET) VOL 7, NO. 4, PAGES 585–596 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Differentiation of intraspecific phenotypic plasticity of elongate glassy perchlet, Chanda nama: Insights into landmark-based truss morphometric and meristic variations Kamrun Naher Azad1, Md. Sarower-E- Mahfuj2, Towsif Iqbal1, Khairun Naher Azad3, Md. Arif Imtiaz Shafaq1 1Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh 2Department of Fisheries and Marine Bioscience, Jashore University of Science and Technology, Jashore, Bangladesh 3Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh ABSTRACT ARTICLE HISTORY Objective: Understanding intraspecific phenotypic plasticity is a prerequisite to fish stock identifi- Received August 19, 2020 cation and sustainable fisheries management. In this study, we assessed intraspecific phenotypic Revised September 17, 2020 plasticity in terms of meristic and morphometric characters of wild populations of elongate glassy Accepted September 19, 2020 perchlet, Chanda nama from two different rivers, namely Madhumati River – Narail (MRN) and Published October 01, 2020 Tulshiganga River – Jaypurhat (TRJ), and an ox-bow lake, Jhapa Baor – Jashore (JBJ) in Bangladesh. KEYWORDS Materials and Methods: In this study, six meristics, 15 conventional morphometrics, and 23-truss- based morphometrics were subjected to a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Meristic; Morphometric; Tukey-HSD test. The mean values of three meristic counts and nine conventional and 12 truss- Truss-based morphometrics; Chanda nama; Bangladesh based morphometrics demonstrated significant differences in the ANOVA test. Furthermore, principal component analysis (PCA) and discrimination function analysis (DFA) were performed separately using conventional and truss-based morphometric data. Results: In PCA analysis, four principal components were extracted and cumulatively demon- This is an Open Access article strated 51.848%. On the contrary, two discriminant functions (DF1, 63.5%; DF2, 36.5%) resulted distributed under the terms of the from DFA analysis. In the bi-plot alignment from the discriminant space, all individuals were Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 exceedingly separated among the three inhabitants. A dendrogram developed using conventional Licence (http://creativecommons.org/ and truss morphometric characters confirmed that two clusters were formed among three pop- licenses/by/4.0) ulations. The TRJ population formed a distinct cluster, and the JBJ population formed a different cluster with a subcluster of MRN. In the discriminant function analysis, precise classification out- comes displayed 82% of individuals into their unique populations, whereas 66.9% of individuals were categorized as a cross-validated assemblage. Conclusion: The baseline information resulting from the current study would be useful for envi- ronmental studies and further conservation of glassy perchlet populations in Bangladesh. Introduction Chanda (C.) nama is an essential freshwater and brackish [4] Ambassidae fish is highly favored to the local fishermen due to its high market demand and the aquarium traders . They mostly[5]. In [1]water fish species under the family . It is mostly feed on small aquatic zooplankton, aquatic nematodes, and termed as a small indigenous species (SIS) in Bangladesh often minute scales of other fishes, i.e., lepidophagy . These species are naturally distributed in numerous[2]. morphological perspectives, their body shape is bilaterally- freshwater habitats (i.e., rivers, lakes, haors, baors, canals, compressed. The dorsal and ventral characteristics of this wetlands, and so on) of the South Asian countries[3]. This species resemble convex shape. However, the natural pop Throughout the rainy season, these species are copiously ulaces of this fish species are vehemently facing threats found in flood plains and the adjacent paddy fields from several anthropogenic activities and frequently Correspondence Kamrun Naher Azad [email protected] Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. How to cite: Azad KN, Mahfuj MS, Iqbal T, Azad KN, Shafaq MAI. Differentiation of intraspecific phenotypic plasticity of elongate glassy perchlet, Chanda nama: Insights into landmark-based truss morphometric and meristic variations. J Adv Vet Anim Res 2020; 7(4):585–596. http://bdvets.org/javar/ Azad et al./ J. Adv. Vet. Anim. Res., 7(4): 585–596, December 2020 585 [6] - - - hostile climate changes . Moreover, indiscriminate ille Moreover, the deltaic land of Bangladesh holds[24] approx. The gal fishing gear, pollution from plastics and industry efflu imately 700 rivers and tributaries that run from north to ents, and irresponsible fishing activities pose a significant south and eventually merge to the Bay of Bengal bottleneck to their sustainability in nature. Although this Tulshiganga River flows from the Himalayan part of India. fish species[7] is. ostensibly declining in their habitats, this It then flows to Bangladesh through Dinajpur,[25] Joypurhat, species is considered as least concerned both globally and and Naogan districts, and this river finally merges with the- nationally Jamuna River system at Naogaon district . Nowadays, Knowledge of stock identification[8] is essential in open the aquatic biodiversity of Tulshiganga River is facing a bot water fishery management and sustainable uses of fish- tleneck due to[26] several anthropogenic activities such as water species for human welfare . Inadequate[9]. Nevertheless, information pollution from industry, siltation, frequent climate changes, regarding fishery management may prime to abrupt mod and so on . Moreover, unrefined toxic waste from ifications in phenotypical characteristics Joypurhat sugar mills creates a [27]harsh environment for the suitable regulation of fish resources depends severely aquatic ichthyofaunal diversity and deteriorates the water on the evidence concerning the ecology of population[10]. quality parameters of this river . On the flip of the site, structure, life-history traits (i.e., larval development, age,- the Madhumati River, the principal distributary of the Padma growth, maturation, reproduction, and physiologies) - River, is one of the lengthiest rivers (372-km) in Bangladesh.- However, to identify the suitable stocks in fisheries[11] sci. Currently, this river is vehemently facing high intrusion of ence, many outfits such as molecular techniques, tags, par saline water from the Bay of Bengal, resulting complete eco asites infestation, and morphometric studies are used - system shifted from freshwater to a brackish water system. Besides, univariate and bivariate statistical analyses with a The aquatic lives of this river are facing a significant threat series of multivariate statistical analyses, including prin due to the establishment of furnace[28] oil-based power plant cipal component analysis (PCA), discrimination function and dumping an inadequate amount of furnace oil as well analysis (DFA), and classification [12]analysis, are generally[13] Upazilaas burnt mobil into the river . Finally, Jhapa ox-bow applied to differentiate fish stocks through intraspecific lake, locally called Jhapa baor, is located at the Manirampur external morphometric variables . Mahfuj et al. - (sub-district) under the district of Jashore. Recently,- recorded that identifying conventional morphometric two plastic-based floating bridges have been established on- studies was frequently analyzed by exploring distant phe this ox-bow lake for transportation purposes and a recre notypical traits obtained through imaging systems. ation center for the tourists. As a result, the aquatic envi Besides, landmark-based morphometric systems were[14]. ronment is getting worse day[29] by day due to sound pollution,- introduced because of its accurate data assemblage and plastic pollution from the tourists, and chemical residues exact quantification for population discrimination from agricultural activities . Considering all these fac In this regard,[15] setting homologous landmarks are the best tors mentioned above, the Tulshiganga River – Joypurhat fit for describing common external phenotypical traits in- (TRJ), Madhumati River – Narail (MRN), and Jhapa Baor a species . Thus, homologous landmarks form a box- – Jashore (JBJ) in Bangladesh can be selected as sampling truss network by interconnecting to each point, represent sites (Fig. 1). Hence,C. nama the present study has been conducted ing a better shape across[16] the whole body. Each distance to examine the morphological variations among these three from the box networks represents dominantly for stock- populations of using meristic counts, conventional discrimination studies . The obtained interlandmark- C.morphometric, nama and truss-based morphometric characters.- characteristics become pertinent for revising[17] short dura This is the first study of detecting the stock identification of tion of anthropogenic activities[18] and biotic induced dis from three different ecological niches through mer tinctions as well[19] as stock identification , onto genital istic characters, traditional morphometric, and truss-based shifts in their life history , and other trait selection of Materialsmorphometric and characters. Methods conservationC.
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