Intermedial Modernism: Music, Dance, and Sound
Intermedial Modernism: Music, Dance, and Sound Patrick Milian A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2019 Reading Committee: Leroy Searle, Chair Sydney Kaplan Brian Reed Program Authorized to Offer Degree: English ©Copyright 2019 Patrick Milian University of Washington Abstract Intermedial Modernism: Music, Dance, and Sound Patrick Milian Chair of Supervisory Committee: Leroy Searle English Intermedial Modernism: Music, Dance, and Sound examines how twentieth-century combinations of literature with sound-based arts like music, dance, and radio emerged from aesthetic negotiations with new media technologies. Such technologies—specifically phonography, electric amplification, modern stagecraft, and radiophonic broadcast—practically and conceptually integrated multiple artistic mediums and their meaning-making potentialities. I use the framework of intermediality, especially as utilized in word and music studies, to describe such integrations. Intermediality is a centuries-old practice of “making it new,” but what sets its twentieth-century iterations apart from those of Aeschylus or Monteverdi, I argue, is that they interpolate the acoustic effects, cultural practices, and expanded perceptual vocabularies affiliated with new media. By fully contextualizing case studies of opera, musicalized literature, expressive dance, and radio programs within a broader media ecology and by understanding the role of stipulated sense modalities and listening practices,
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