Gary J. Byrne | 285 pages | 18 Aug 2016 | Hachette Book Group | 9781455568871 | English | New York, United States [Crisis of Character] |

Byrne only revealed intimate information about the Clintons because he was first asked to when Bill was being investigated. Much of what he revealed in the book was already revealed on TV. Byrne Crisis of Character of the Clintons as being unprofessional and poor leaders. He felt it was his duty to Crisis of Character the public of their true character, lest they get into the White House again. The secret service has discredited this book. The author obviously has some mental issues to deal with. Very good read, detailed first person account. I thought this book was an excellent book detailing what the life of a secret service officer I'd like but to give us the many reasons why we do not want the Clinton's back in the White House, Thank goodness they are now history. I checked this book out to see what the contents were. Unfortunately, I could Crisis of Character continue to read it. Regardless of Crisis of Character a person votes for, it doesn't seem appropriate that staff who are entrusted to protect Presidents and their families reveal intimate details about their personal lives. Talk about living in a glass bubble! EVERY marriage has ups and downs - some worse than others obviously. How couples deal with those times of strife should remain private and not published for the world to see. The fact that they are public Crisis of Character does not mean that their personal lives should be put on display. I'm sure Mr. Byrnes would not like details of his own life revealed for others to drool over and gossip about. Details that affect the American voter are one Crisis of Character intimate details about a marriage Crisis of Character another. This book was hardly about Crisis of Character Clinton's, let alone . It primarily was an autobiography of the author and included time in his career when he was Crisis of Character White House UD. There were some parts not about the Clinton's Crisis of Character were interesting pieces, but after reading the book, I learned hardly anything new Crisis of Character the Clinton's. In the end, it was disappointing. This book was obviously marketed to take advantage of the presidential election, with a picture, not of the author, but of Hillary and on the cover. Bush rather than Bill Clinton. Unfortunately, the book seems to have been put together in haste so it could be released before the election. There is no index, and no list of acronyms in a book littered with them. There are a number of typos and occasional repetitions. Still it is a well- written and well-organized book, and it certainly is a damning indictment of the Clintons. People all over the world owe Garry Byrne a debt of thanks for his book for doing his part in exposing them. Self-aggrandizing; slightly interesting; written at an eighth grade level documenting the hideous narcissism and Crisis of Character of the hog called Hillary Clilnton. Pardon my french, but what the heck was that Bravo Sierra? I have never heard anyone more butch for George HW Bush than this sailor. He obviously has serious unresolved resentments with the Clintons and blames them for all of his woes. Interestingly it mainly boils down to the Monica Lewinksy fiasco but he fails to mention the rumors, stories, records and first hand accounts of a young, male prostitute visiting HW over times at the White House. He failed to mention the Sandinistas, cocaine epidemic, Iran Contra and other heinous acts HW pulled as Reagan's puppet master. This was an extremely biased tale told from the point of view of a crybaby, mama's boy with a giant chip on his shoulder. However if I ever meet Gary in person please know I try to use humor in Crisis of Character reviews and I respect all that you did for this country, and I'm only joking so don't take me out please, sir. There's nothing new here to those of us who read the news and follow the Crisis of Character cycle. He bounces around with his nothing new "news" and Crisis of Character us to get excited?? What a waste of my time. Don't bother with this book. Just another "Me, Myself and I" book. If you're expecting to find anything new about the Clintons, don't waste your time and money on this. The first chapter describes one of Hillary's temper tantrums. Nothing new here, Crisis of Character. Chapter Two is the usual "I was born a poor child You get the idea. The middle part of the book belabors Crisis of Character Monica scandal with an occasional mention of what a weasel Bill Clinton is, as if that's a startling discovery. For the most part, Hillary Crisis of Character non-existent. The last section of the book deals with the author's assignments as a firearms instructor and as an air marshal. The title is deceiving to say the least. Move along. I read in the newspaper that the secret Service notes this author was indeed a uniformed officier but not posted anywhere near the 1st family which is protected by plain-clothes agents. The service disavows these stories and noted this individual's posting was such that he could not have witnessed the events he claims to have witnessed. According to the newspaper reports on the SS Crisis of Character. It's too bad slanderous books like this make its way onto the shelf with worthwhile writings and analysis. I wouldn't take this altogether too seriously, given the background of this fellow, other than the manner which the Clintons tend to treat the hired help, which is not too well [and by Clintons, I'm including Chelsea]. The important items about the Clintons to remember: One of Bill Clinton's very first actions in was to direct the SEC to drop the mandatory requirement of investment banks to name their major investors, thus obscuring real ownership in America - - his failed action, to bring America into uniformity with the WTO, urging congress to write legislation removing the right of the individual to own a patent, and only allowing corporations to own them [so many seem oblivious to this crucial fact] - - plus his signature on the following legislation: REIT Modernization Act, Telecommunications Act ofGramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act, and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act - - without these, a global economic meltdown would not have been possible! Skip to main navigation Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to search Skip to content. Help Help, opens a new window. Admin Admin Admin, collapsed. Main navigation. Open search form. Enter search query Clear Text. Saved Searches Advanced Search. All libraries are open for browsing, limited Crisis of Character use, holds pick up and check out. As of July 1, face coverings are required in indoor public spaces throughout the state of Oregon. More Information. Average Rating:. Rate this:. Comments 14 Add a Comment. Like 1 like. Like 3 likes. Like 5 likes. Like 8 likes. This is nothing but a book Crisis of Character by a guy who thought he'd make a few bucks. Like 2 likes. Like Crisis of Character likes. Powered by BiblioCommons. Crisis of Character by Gary J. Byrne | Center Street Byrne with Grant M. Schmidt that purports to describe President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton as they resided in the White House during portions of the — Clinton administrationalleging marital infidelities on his part and an imperious manner on hers. Part of its commercial success was due to strong support from conservative media. In addressing current affairs, in particular making reference to the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign,in Crisis of Character context of which the book was published, Byrne concludes that from his experiences, Hillary Clinton "lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office". The work also includes some episodes from the author's career that took place during prior presidential administrations. The nonpartisan Association of Crisis of Character Agents of the United States Secret Service denounced the book for making "security harder by eroding the trust between agents and Crisis of Character people they protect". An opposite stance was taken by the author, party of interest Donald Trumpand some in the conservative commentariat, who said that the mainstream media was deliberately ignoring the book. A review in the American Thinker proclaimed " Crisis of Character is the perfect name for a book about Hillary Crisis of Character. The book rose to number two on the Amazon bestsellers list within a few days of its release. Soon after publication, the book debuted atop the New York Times Non-Fiction best seller list[9] and stayed on top during its second through fifth weeks. The next two weeks were spent at number seven, followed by a placement at number ten on its tenth week on the list, [14] which was its final appearance on the official list. The book also appeared as Crisis of Character one on the Publishers Weekly list. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Crisis of Character Author Gary J. So why is the media 'ignoring' it? . Retrieved July 2, . FOX News Network. June 5, Media Matters for America. Retrieved July 3, Boston Herald. June 22, The new York Times. American Thinker. Retrieved August 10, July 10, . Retrieved August 1, The New York Times. July 17, July 24, July 31, August 7, August 14, September 18, Retrieved January 11, Detroit Free Press. July 15, Crisis of Character Retrieved July 20, Crisis of Character Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Add links. Center Street. Crisis of Character - Wikipedia

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want Crisis of Character Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Crisis of Character by Gary J. Now that a second Clinton administration threatens -- their scheme from the very beginning -- Byrne exposes what he saw of the real Hillary Clinton. There, he saw the political and personal machinations of Bill and Hillary Clinton and those who were fiercely loyal to them. Having witnessed the personal and political dysfunction of the Clinton White House--so consumed by scandal Crisis of Character destroying their enemies, real and imagined--Byrne came to understand that, to the Clintons, governing was an afterthought. He now tells this story--before voters go to the polls--in the hopes that Clinton supporters will understand the real Hillary Clinton. Get A Copy. Kindle Editionpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 8. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Crisis of Characterplease sign up. Almost 8 years after the Clinton administration and about 4 months before the election. How much did Trump pay the author? Maria Z Midd Zero. This is Gary's book through and through. The title is spot on. It is actually heartbreaking to read absolute confirmation of what we all know bu …more Zero. It is actually heartbreaking to read absolute confirmation of what we all know but hate to admit: The Clintons never did and do not have our Crisis of Character best interests at heart. Couldn'the help but notice a comment about a disgruntled Secret Service agaent. Makes me wonder how Crisis of Character of the details have been missed. He was not Secret Service at all! He was uniformed service assigned to the White Houseor am I the one who is mixed up about this!?! It one one of the reasons I wanted to read this because this is a different view point. He was in an important job but also one that is over looked! He was a Secret Service agent assigned to the Clintons. His info pretty much matches that here, but not the detail provided here re Bill's many sordid affairs. His story matches this author's account of Hillary's temperament, the way she Crisis of Character Bill, and her treatment of the "little" people not in her "Clinton gang"and also of anyone in uniform including this author, Crisis of Character military, etc See all 4 questions about Crisis of Character…. Lists with This Book. Community Crisis of Character. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jun 29, Jim Brown rated it it Crisis of Character amazing Shelves: political. If anyone thinks this is going to be a book tearing Hillary Clinton down, they are going be sadly disappointed. Yes, there are segments that do not put Hillary in the best of light but for that matter Bill Clinton comes across as a lovable fool. The book is MORE about the men and women tasked with protecting the President and his family and the politics that infiltrate that protection for some of the most childish of reasons. To those people I would suggest to read it for what it is Crisis of Character of trying to ascertain the writer's logic behind writing it. I found it fascinating and a very good read. I have been where Byrne has been when working for someone far less than honest and lacking integrity. What Byrne did on the job can be both admired AND criticized. It is a case of reading and then making up your mind rather than making up your mind and either not reading or reading it Crisis of Character making up your mind because you are a member of a particular political party. I found his story to be absolutely believable and shocking. I am not the only person who considers them serial liars. I will believe Byrne long before Crisis of Character would ever believe anything that a Clinton will say Crisis of Character do. View all 13 comments. Jun 28, Cheryl Derijke rated it did not like it. Crisis in Character is a rambling of events by a disgruntled federal law enforcement agent. The book centers around a theme of "poor me" during the agent's lackluster career. The mood is negative, and the author uses vulgarity with no purpose. Readers that have anticipated gaining a primary source insight on the true temperament of Bill and Hillary Clinton will be sorely disappointed. View all 8 comments. Jun 28, rita melvin rated it it was ok. Too little! I had hoped to read more about Hillary Clintons horrible, self-serving, and abusive behavior! It turns out this book is mostly about the author and his many different jobs and qualifications within the secret services. I found it boring. Only Crisis of Character last 2 pages even discussed his feelings about H. Clinton, and what a terrible mistake it would be for us to choose her to once again to occupy the White Too little! Clinton, and what a terrible mistake it would be for us to choose her to once again to occupy the White House. This is something I already knew. View 2 comments. Jun 28, Valerie rated it it was amazing. Every American should read this book! I appreciate Gary Byrne for his honorable character, courage, service, and for caring enough to protect us by coming forward with the truth. View all 4 comments. Jun 27, Mindy Kuplinski rated it it was amazing. Clintons First, America Last Mr. Byrne did a very good job explaining the functions of the USSS. I was not aware of the hierarchy, and what each had to put up with. Just this part of the Crisis of Character alone held my interest. Ah, but the Clintons. The author goes over some of what we already know. He makes no attempt to play down his conservative views, but that does not matter. Mr Byrne is not out for revenge, I feel, but is sincerely warning Americans how much worse a second Clinton administration would be and why. Their greed, arrogance, and egotism has led them Crisis of Character believe they are above the law at the expense of others' lives, careers and national security. Jun 28, Brandon rated Crisis of Character liked it Shelves: infowarown-audio. Overall good read. The majority of the book little over half is about his time working around and dealing with the backlash from the Clintons. The rest of the book is more of an inside look into the world of a secret service uniformed department officer. The parts that did tell of his experiences with Bill, and especially Hillary, Crisis of Character very interesting to say the least. It i Overall good read. It is a very real reminder of just how exactly these people in power - the Clintons more than most, even - feel about average people, the country, and the rule of law as it Crisis of Character to them. To anyone that could possibly still be a Hillary supporter, this is just one more example from an encyclopedic list demonstrating her dispicable character, absolute disdain for other people, her narcisistic view of the world, and her relentless ambition which is coupled with her "the rules don't apply to Crisis of Character attitude.