Bringing Back the Bronx by Matthew Browne Colleges Located in Any Urban Area Face the Question of What Role the Institution Should Play in Its Dominating Environment

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Bringing Back the Bronx by Matthew Browne Colleges Located in Any Urban Area Face the Question of What Role the Institution Should Play in Its Dominating Environment Fordham and its community... Bringing Back the Bronx by Matthew Browne Colleges located in any urban area face the question of what role the institution should play in its dominating environment. In the Bronx, where economic and social problems have led to the decline of a commu- nity, the question of what relationship Ford- ham University should have to the neighbor- hood that surrounds it becomes particularly important and a very difficult one to answer. According to Dr. Brian Byrne, presiden- tial assistant for urban affairs, the University is limited in what it can do to improve the local neighborhood because the dimensions of the problems in the area are too big and Fordham simply does not have the resources to make large-scale improvements. "Fifteen or 20 years ago there was a feel- ing that universities could make a major splash in their environments and that they had the re- sources, talents and moral obligation to do that the {MM* .., . conskkrpbfc'twiew oT the tefdity of the so," Byrne said. "I have no problem with the decision. '' : : •'. moral obligation but I do have a problem with the first two." Byrne pointed to an estimated unemploy- don't hav« ment rate in the Bronx, which is. inmost double the percentage for New York City as a whole, ring to thtfcl&feil W wSTM * as one of the pressing problems in the area. He he legitimacy 6f wrlU(-in twltots in the also mentioned the need for vast renovations R.H.A. Ccmtifutjort: . "Upon - further' of local apartment buildings constructed pri- reflection, we" rtfdiad thai we rctlly marily in the 1920's. Since the University re- weren't soun%ju*Uflcd in our action," cognizes its limitations in dealing with such The ewoMive,bovd based its initial problems, Byrne said it has chosen to pursue decision on-ifie tNM$j£Qf .tradirion, Ryan modest, long-range goals to help improve the said, noting tr«VtoJ Ws ^nowle^ge,;write-in immediate area. ballots wert never flld^ed before. •"•"'' "The approach we have taken is "Basically';we;*£Tfc*orkjrtg on tradi- humble," Byrne said. "There are no grandi- tion. But that's flaiw|d;0f course, because ose schemes. It's incremental." it's always up for public Krutiny if it's not Recent University projects to support the written down," h<? said. " '.',«. ... ' • community have included sponsoring the Ryan said that, other factors, such as construction of the Rose Hill Apartments to additional funding we needed." the write-in candidates' disregard for the house elderly and handicapped people. Ford- The Bronx was not always an area nomination process, were taken into consi- ham has also established Maroon Enterprises, wrought with urban decay and in need of re- deration in the ruling. Neither 'Morris nor'. an independent corporation designed to newal. According to Muriana, the community Inside: McAllister attended a mandatory meeting promote investment in housing rehabilitation began to encounter severe problems less than for parties, interested', in' running for projects in the vicinity of the University, 20 years ago, which is when the University re- R.H.A., Ryan noted; and they did not Maroon Enterprises loaned $15,000 at a cognized the need to intensify its cooperation meet the official deadline for nominations, low interest rate to the Fordham Bedford with Fordham area residents. which was Monday,'September- 15. The Housing Corporation to aid in a down pay- "It was when the neighborhood was president' added tbat the board also ment needed to purchase the House oj the Holy facing these social problems in the late 1960's thought it would be unfair to the legitimate Comforter, an abandoned nursing liDme on and early 1970's that the University saw the candidates on th|e bajio,t.-'. the Grand Concourse that will provide transi- need to work more closely with its allies in the In order to gain support in the elec- tional housing for homeless mothers with community," Muriana said. "Before the last tion, Morris arid McAllister said that'they children. 1960's the ties with the neighborhood seemed put up poster* announcing their candidacy The corporation was first created by the natural but now we've had to work at it." as write-ins, ' . ' ' • University's Board of Trustees to attract in- University President Joseph O'Hare, Both students admitted that they did vestors for BUILD Associates, a corporation S.J., said that urban decline near Fordham not follow proper procedures, but said they that was seeking to undertake the rehabilita- was part of a powerful change that the Univer- did not feel that such "technical points" tion of four local apartment buildings sity could not have influenced even if it had should stand in the way of the "popular comprising 168 housing units. According to sought to do so. will." Joseph Muriana, Byrne's assistant, the Uni- "The changes in the Bronx are the result "Since the majority of people voted versity could not lend its direct support to the of social and economic forces over which the for us, by R.H.A. disallowing our votes, DUILD project because of liability concerns. University has no control," O'Hare said. that, right there, discounts more than half Instead, Fordham formed Maroon Enterprises O'Hare observed that attempts by Columbia of the votes in the house," Morris said. so that private investors would know the pro- University to stem the tide of similar social Morris pointed out that on election jecl had University support and would be and economic forces were seen as hostile to its day, he and McAllister asked Drew Gag- more inclined to invest in it, he said. surrounding community and were the subject ner, FC'88, programming coordinator for Jim Mitchell, director of BUILD, said of much criticism. R.H.A. and an official running the elec- that Fordham's indirect aid to the organiza- Dr. Peter Marcusc, a professor of urban tion, if write-in votes were valid and were tion was a tremendous benefit. planning at Columbia, said that Columbia informed that they were allowed, Gagner "1 think that through their Office of Ur- now owns roughly 50 percent of the non-insti- confirmed this account, adding that there ban Affairs, [the University] has been very tutional real estate between 110th and 125th was nothing in the R.H.A. Constitution to supportive of all the things we want to accom- streets. He said the efforts to reverse urban de- the contrary. plish," Mitchell said. "Without the Univer- cline were largely due to racism and fear. Ac- continued on page 5 continued on page 9 sity's support we wouldn't have gotten the 2/THE RAM/Thursday, November 20, 1986 THE CAB CALENDAR Thursday, Monday, November 24 November 20 Saturday, CINEVENTS, a committee of CAB, Alpha Kappa Psi presents a Sympos- , ium on careers—"Evaluate Your presents Sweet Liberty. ir November 22 j Alternatives" in Keating 1st at 7:30 Special Events presents College WAC, a committee of CAB, sponsors !! p.m. Bowl-'The Varsity Sport of the Night Club Night, "Chez Skellar." ! Mind." $5 entry fee. 30 days 'til Christmas Eve!! 'I FORDHAM CREW in the Philadelphia i "Frostbite Regatta," Philadelphia, PA. i Friday, Tuesday, November 21 November 25 CINEVENTS, a committee of Campus American Age, a committee of CAB, Activities Board, presents a double Sunday, presents Sarah Brady at 12:30 p.m. in feature—Animal House and The I | the Ballroom. Blues Brothers. November 23 i The Department of Classics presents FORDHAM CREW in the Braxton a lecture by Prof. Thomas N. Mitchell Club Regatta in Philadelphia, PA. of Trinity College, Dublin, speaking on "Social Mobility in the Later Wednesday, Roman Republic" at 4 p.m. in the Music Room, MGC. November 26 L No classes —Thanksgiving Recess begins. Thursday, November 27 Thanksgiving Day. University closed. Happy Thanksgiving to all!! Use this form to list events in the CAB Calendar Sponsoring Group. -••- >'••".. '-•* Address *•.•>-• Description of Event. Date. .. Place__ Time J\dmission Requirements. Of Interest To: D College • CBA • General Public • Grad Students at & D« D Members of Fordham University Only ^p Mhfslo™, p.ease return to- CALENDAR COMMITTEE Campus Center Director's Off ice THE RAM/Thursday, November 20,1986/3 O'Hare Talks Church, College By Diane Byrne academic freedom that allows it to be a Events that occurred within the Catholic university." world during the last few years concerning O'Hare cited three elements of what Catholic universities became the focus of composes a Catholic university, as outlined by attention of a lecture delivered Tuesday by James W. Malone, president of the National Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J., University Conference of Catholic Bishops. These were president, at the McNally Ampitheatre of an institutional commitment to Catholicism, Fordham's School of Law at the Lincoln theology playing a central role in academic Center campus. life, and the university community putting the O'Hare's lecture, entitled "The values of Catholism into practice. O'Hare American Catholic University: Crisis of said that when one is asked if a so-called Identity," concentrated on the history of a erosion of Catholic institutions is occurring, proposed document concerning Catholic the answer should be a "resounding denial" institutions drawn up by the Vatican in the late of this notion. 1970's, the relationship between the 'Church O'Hare said we should ask ourselves why and Catholic universities, and what he sees as Catholic universities today may not follow in the future of Catholic universities in the the footsteps of other presently non-sectarian United States. universities that once were affiliated with the O'Hare said that in April 1979, the Pope Catholic Church.
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