Local Leaders Welcome Jenkins
The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Marys VOLUME 4 0 : ISSUE 13_____________________________________ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBERS, 2005 __________________________________ NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Local leaders welcome Jenkins ND airs for us to meet people in the By MADDIE HANNA community in a relaxed setting." ad during Associate News Editor Reception attendees munched and mingled informally with University President Father Jenkins and staff members in John Jenkins will be given an the name of community rela Pitt game elaborate inauguration steeped tions. And whim Jenkins made a in Notre Dame tradition in brief speech, one woman By KAITLYNN RIELY exactly two weeks. remarked that he stood next to a So upon first glance, the infor sign reading “SCABS.” News Writer mal Wednesday reception for Despite the laid-back atmos him and 70 prominent commu phere, there was a clear theme Numerous times during the nity members at South Bend’s - maintaining and building upon Pittsburgh-Notre Dame football HealthWorks Kids’ Museum - the existing relationship game Saturday, students gath featuring giant plastic intestines, between Notre Dame and its ered on North Quad erupted dangling skeletons and a trans surroundings. into cheers as Notre Dame parent box Ulled with cigarette “What I’ve seen in the last sev opened the season with a win. butts - might have seemed eral years is Notre Dame One of those cheers, however, strange. become a larger part of the was neither for the strategy of CLAIRE KELLEYZThe O bserver “Someone described this as a community,” Mishawaka mayor Charlie Weis or the talent of the University President Father John Jenkins mingles with community neighborhood block party,” Notre Dame players.
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