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HjMnaaMaaMi K Sctutal Scncntl Gettcrttl 5eiural itftoertijecmcntB JibbcrtiiintttntB HUDSONS BAY REGION 2Ubcrttermcnto Jtoucitificmcrtto r FOR SALE WHERE THE CLIMATE 13 WARMER np H RJJ MS BINDERY M W McCIiesney Sloop yacht o long 6 ld I unit kwrd Sons B t A3 ONE TRAVELS NORTHWARD n mrlicuUnft apply flCapuin on toard the For further Charles Hustace llarktntine Amelia This Popular Bindery located at fr Tim Question of AHIlude Tlio Chinook 100 nail 111 King St liotwoon Fort nntl AliOton AVlmlpi How Ltttltuilliinl Ulitnncoa 11 106 Fort Sticct Advertises No Spk Has received per late arrivals a full assortment of inlntsh Snowfall on tho Low Tabic but able to do sorts ftuEXjB --exrtTJD FAtTcr5r DUFFYS Irtmla Abundnnt Qntno nuil Gross ciamtius is all si hocbeies Consisting in iatl of binding tin I A very important fact must bo noticed sizes nml conditions of Hook Family Flour Germca Oat Mctil Corn Meal Cracked Wheat Breakfast Gem Dupce Ham In traveling from Hudsons bay to tho Malt WD GROCERS Numbering Let ami Jlicon Codfish Lard Smoked Beef ffew Cheese Kegs Cal Butter Dates Raisins PlIB isKy Kocklcs Ono starts on lnnd nbout fifty Ruling Ict forming Mustnrd Sauce Sea Foam Wafers Saloon and Medium Bread Apples Humboldt Potatoes feet abovo tho sen lovel and gnultmlly Wheat Corn Bran Also a lull lino of Cal Cracker Cos Crackers nntl Cakes All ol of only 800 feet t cutting as well as in rising reaches an nltltudo ring and Tapir which arc offered at lowcit rates All ordcri receive careful attention and prompt delivery KOIJ nt tho boso of tho mountains This Is - following tho COth parallel or within San Fismcisco and at moderate prices Belt Telephone No 119 P O Box No 37a fifty miles north or south of It Starting t on tho 40th parallel In tho same longitudo Ai ills Compiktk 1indik Medicinal Use Si say in the neighborhood of tho Lnko of PACIFIC CO ISTo 4S5 the Woods tho height above tho sea is newspapers mngitfines pamphlets nd HARDWARE KNLEt iij5ii LIMITED no FUSEL OIL ft over 1000 feet and at tho baso of tho over music mc neatly and simply or mountains in that latitudo It is 0000 Onct X-- feet or moro than 5000 feet hcigher than 1J 70 FoH Street Honolulu I bsolutily Iuro an 1 Unadultrited It Is in a rolatlvo position as to tho mount-¬ t legantly and sumptuously bound as ains GOO or TOO miles of It north New invoices of English American IN It Is generally but erroneously supposed ite and pocket maj demand Old and IN usi thnt ono traveling from the 48th parallel goods Howes Scales The latest novelties in of lntttudo northward Bay on tho 100th or i oks re r ulijly and litinly rebound limp roods Reioscnc Oil of the lt t Hospital 110th meridians of lcmgltiulo would II nd tho Quality A new Fin- - Paint Pioof Ilardens Curntiva Iimtitutlo R climato colder each fifty or 100 rati All DnscRiiuoNs ok Hlank tiand Grenades Points Oils VarnMios whllo tho facta aro ho will find it warmoi ItiflrmnriuH as he proceeds northward and this rulo DooKi ire mule to order it as low lubrcaling Oils for all kinds of Machinery will hold good for COO miles on the 100th Agricultural Implements Hardware Stoves O-lrescribed and for 1000 miles on tho 110th i ites as are consistent with rst cluss Tinware House Furnishing Goods Cutlery meridian taking tho 48th parallel north ns by Physician liverywhere a starting point Tho wrltor has proven work The Uiuclery is nuv using this proposition from actual observation IHKONI- Y- and it may easily be established from a Westons Rccmd and Biunswick statement of tho simplest rules of natural George suoab mm for all first class work Engelhardt eclonco As a general principle In tho Linen paper PoriTitrly witti Samutl Nott north temperate zono as well as in the Pure Stimulant sub arctic regions tho further north ono Orders Luft at T G Thrums Importer and Dealer In procoeds And atmos- ¬ tho coldor lib will tho For the SlckInfalnl Convalngratlent In liariU lialf Uarrelt anil boies phere but this rulo will apply only when i out Street Stork will havk STOVES CHANDELIERS LAMPS AseJ leople the traveler Is going from a lower to a - - ALso WHAK ANDRKIULITA1 FD WOMEN hlghor altitude aboo tho sea In tho re- ¬ iROMIl AllENlION Crockcry Glassware House Furnishing Agate gions Just mentioned and let It be under-¬ Hardware stood tho rulo applies until tho COth paral- ¬ ijua aiiu miwaiu lel is reached altitudo has moro to do Awnrlnl First Imizk Gntii MitnAtm World New Otban I i83s Illils Flour Golden Gite with the climato so far as heat and cold ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE AGENT HALLS SAFE AND LOCK COMPANY lKliion IU Hur El DocmIo NEW of Boston Crown Dour aro concerned and in fact as far as all Company Mass Block Tor ExoolUaoo ami Purity meteorological phenomena go than lati- ¬ Beaver Fort Street tudo IKIDMrOKATUI l8l5 The Store formerly onupicil Ly S Noit Dppoine SrRECKru Co Dank Honolulu II I 1 17- - Tho writer has been upon tho delta Attflu Ja mini lit ISH i ntaity SoU Wht 11I shores of Lako Athabaska which aro only 000000 Sacks IHrlv lil WI seven hundred feet ubovo tho sea and al- ¬ oHccs Issued rn the most favorable terms and Macfarlanc Co Sacks Corn Plt most tho foot of absolutely rion Forfcltable after Two Sacks Corn NVt CrMlJ at tho llockies whore Scks llran l4Msf 11 snow will scarcely remain on tho ground Payments Solo Actnnti vf for twenty four hours at a stretch during RXAMHK Or UN KllFKITUHE rLAN THE DAILY HEKALD a whole winter This is moro than 600 Insured aee 33 years ao ears Endowment Plan for ¬ 5100 miles north of tho nortli boundary of Da BIOVTTST Beans White V oo e Slu kota or whero tho mercury often Annual llrmlnm tiBO Iinportera and dr U Sacks tlan Kid Koes down to 40 degrees below zero Poll Sacks Itcans llnyon Pd up In Today September ist 1886 is issued the first number cfTiiu Daily whoro tho Vle Herald Ales Wines Spirits Sacks Ileitis llftrsr renhclt and winters nro long At end of the ait Year 3o 1 tin 8s 545 AT WHOLESALE SacUi lion r and sovero At tho lormor places tho mer- ¬ 3d 46170 840 a morning newspaperto be printed for the proprietor under contract by the cury rarely touches zero and In tho grand 4th 04315 1130 14 Merchant St Opposite Post Office Sth 83185 14153 Piess Publishing Company Merchant street Honolulu stretch of park country on every hand I- - otn toag 00 1093 Honolulu H and for 800 miles to tho northwest the 7th i3SS 1970 SACKS POT ilOKS IIEST III CUNXII in cattle belonging to tho Hudson Bay posts Sth M507S aa35 Price Six Dollars per Annum or Fiftv Cents per In that section havo roamed nt largo Jin 17605 a 500 loth 6j 75S through moro fifty 191 Month New Pfiotosrapli GallBry ii i than winters without nth 57 9 300s the need of stable or cut hay Tho lath 4S n latter a4is 35o All who receive a copy of the initial or any succeeding Cases Hicsiacs cured upon the stalk Is plentiful and as 13th a68soo 3483 number are Above Pantheon Stable 14th a9677o Cases Eatra Soda Crackers rioh foddor in as tho 37o respectfully Fort Si KEur Homoliii II I Medium n midwinter oxccllont isth 3863 90 3945 Cases llread Is ¬ Cases Wheat 10 IK hags grass in summer Aside from the ques Portmils and ilews Fint cliJi work SatUfucti 11 Cracked lri 45 Caies Corn Meal while 10 lb bags tion of altitudo tho country lost in ques- ¬ 7 3 3 IS 435o Cuaranteed 18U1 Cases Oat Meal 10 lb bas tion Is favorably affected by tho Chinook 4148 so 4550 INVITED TO SUBSCRIBE J A OONSALVI S 19th 46370 48oo Cases Corn Stareli Winds which ilnd their way from tho Pa¬ soth M 500000 5000 Business men arc solicited to test the odvin njes of Tiik Daily Hkrald cific through tho mountain passes This as an TTANDY STATIONERY Is why the thermal linos oxtend further The Slnnd and subsetjuit premium ire likely to northward on the 110th west kj reduced by tucrtasine annual liiiinHthns meridian and Mm tf sf of it than on tho 100th as beforo Indi ¬ cated ZST Applications can be ftidof and full information LEGAL CAP PERFECTION TADS Casks Dupee Hams ill be given by the Agents llEIQHT ADVERTISING MEDIUM NOIITH OF THE OF LAND CASTLE - COOKJu Important questions of mathematical HODDERS LEITER PADS geography present themselves to ono on A large edition will be pHnled each day to be circulated in Honolulu and Letter Cap and Note Ulocki ut first nuallty tho wostem shoro of Hudsons bay Lon- ¬ pair throughout the Islands regardless of subscriplions until a regular paying list ol leal Cap i Letter and Note lilucka of ruled Oak C A linrai Casts K K Ilacon gitudinally ho la nearly In tho center of RITING paper Manilla laner vuln Memo and Note tho continent a little nearer to Liverpool subscribers is obtained oil the public becoming acquainted with the merits ol blockt M II furm block or Queonstown than tho cities New w WRITING PAPER for Hills Statements of York the paper Wash lists etc or within 150 miles as near to Snn Case Fahbanka Ijrd 3 lb patl Erancisco ns the city of Chicago within Or Paper PUT UP In ANY FORM Desire Case Fab banks Lard lb pail 1500 miles of tho Pacific ocean within 800 Now tn Mode with additionil ToKlcrn tnvotcr en The Daily HrRAin will furnish a fresh Cases Fairbanks Ijird 10 lb al and readable record of events in O miles of tho northeastern L00 A fine liV TltOS TllltUMS border and route valid ot llic rity and country It will also give from time of tho centor of tho great fertile prairie to time as received a summary ifo Foar St khrt country nortli of tho height of land in f the latest news from the outside world in concise and systematic form short a harbor on the western coast of Case Whitneys Butter in tint r tho bay provided tho latter and tho strait Half firkuis Duller Gilt Kdae CONNECTICUT VALLEY M 1 L I S jr 6ikins Ilutttr Gilt Kilge aro navigable for a sufficient peilod would The Daily Herald will follow a strtightfuiward consistent command tho trafllc of half tho continent independent W S LUCE Is nd uoderate course in the discussion of public It curious to notice to what extent lat- ¬ Firit QuaUn amiirb It will not be the itudinal distances between diminish nny bervile oigan of any clique faction or party At the same time - two meridians as ono travels an earnest sun- Went northward will Cases Cheese Tho width of tho continent on the sixtieth Cap Legal Letter Nuto and B Paper port be given to measures promotive of the public welfare and to indivi Kino and Spirit parallel apparently Its greatest width on duals or organizations that may appear in the IHit political field with claims to most maps is nearly COO miles nnrrower Assorted weights AIo Marun WrJ Itih LInei than it is 1200 miles farther to tho FUt roho and Note paper plain or can be popular confidence backed by worthy records and unassailable principles Has jut received per Auitwlin Uojks and bdlf Sail CoJfiOi south On tho sixtieth parallel it is ruled up to butt Any uidor llbls llercc CelumbU Klvcr Salmon scarcely 2500 miles iu breadth Over 1000 mllos of this distance may bo THOS a 11UW3l1 The undersigned would however rather point to his record as a journalist Celery Beef and Iron traversed in a BteamBhlp through Hudson Cases Laundry Starch 106 in this city for the strait and across Hudsons bay tho re- - No Kurt St past two years as conductor ol the Daily Bulletin than Also has Tor sale lloaes Drawn laundry Soapt malnder of the dlstunco about 1500 miles make promises that in gmcril cliniation i re valueless ¬ is across a low level country Tannine in until justified by per- Itltudo from fifty feet nt tho start to 800 formance He can only plrdge himself lo do his best to produce a thorough JBSTABLISHBD 1868 et base of at the tho llockies nbovo tho an influential and in every way acceptable daily newspaper Pure Java Coffee Koastcd and Ground lb tins Tho mountain passes bv wnv of tho buck Green CnfTsc Pine river a series of summit lakes and C K Clien Jsprnlea t lb paper MILLER Chest lb the Skeena will at no point reach moro F aiaa Tea ii paper than 2500 feet ubovo sea level The Try the Daily Herald for Hr BERTELMANN average snowfall GENERAL HUSINESft AGENT a month at least IVf throughout tho low tablelands does not oxeced ten inches DANIEL LOGAN and that through tho mountain passes 42 MERCHANT ST HONOIDITJ Iloxos Kaiint tondon Layers mentioned notmoro threo Honolulu Sept i 1886 i boxc KaKlns London I a en than feet Tho Editor and Proprietor Contractor Builder Uoaes lUtHne Muscatel temperature of the atmosphere In tho coldest months of winter along tho lino In 1 In conjunction with Mr J A Magoon queatlon Is higher by at least 20 degrees - 1 il Attend to all matters of luisinc- lor No 86 King than it is along tho 48th parallel tie residents ol the Hawaiian Islands who U Street except on Drums Citron int tho shores of Hudsons Uiay need an Agent lloaes CurranU 86 1 y J bay and for nbout 100 miles Inland Prom I do not confine myself rdonc to the lluti p HONOLULU II I Coses Chocolate I The Press Fubiishin tho latter point to tho Atlantlo it is much ncss but aKo lo llie domestic class Company Ots Mined McUs Houses lie ii lower frequently running down to 40 and who whuld wish me lo attend to any matter of Cases Spies assorted all CO LIMITED degrees bolowzero Tho statements business especially to making purchases1 either are lu accordance with meteorological rec ¬ in Honolulu or Snn Francisco in any line ol As ords kept by Hudsons Bay company posts General Merchandise 00 NBWS MES Which extond from tho Atlantlo to tho Steam Printing THOMAS LACK Sacks ErliJiWalnuls lo tne Uusiness Houses I will ive my Oce Sacks Soft Shell Almonds Pacific along tho sixtieth parallel and for cueful attention in all matters perlnninj to many miles to tho north of it fencrnl Husiness viz Adjusting and Col- - No 81 Fort Street Honolulu For tho first 800 miles westward from dim Account Distribution of Hills and No 29 Merchant Street Honolulu tho bay tho traveler will meet with thou ¬ Circulars Custom House Entries Utiying mroiTw amd niauut ra CasesSCaltfornla Honey 1 lb tlm sands of ¬ reindeer and thousands of bar and Renting Real Est Ue and Personal Pro ¬ Case Kln Morse A ren ground Ii fully equipped with Co fietb canned Indians a branch of tho Creo perty the latest styles of 1oundcrt uipplicc to do all Hum Jclllw aud ViisUblci Uale family between whom and the Esqui- ¬ XJT All Legal Documents will be carefully BWIMQ Wrapping Paper extra quality maux who work entrusted to It in MACHINES Inhabit tho country to tho and neatly drawn up ny Mr J A Magoon the north of thom thoro has always beon tho AHD asJlUIKI tfyI bitterest hostility i win iuivnu to uii matters entrusted in my After that ono meets -- are in a careful count ous and neat manner Iarfg Win tne cjrcea propor uud travels through tnd with fiuick illinateh Highest Style of Jtiathmenl OU ami Attettorl A lAKuK AMOHTMSNT a delta or silt country composed of ¬ Agent Typographical Art nat for Klinkncr Co Red Rubber AocNr roa tmic ural parks embracing vast areas of tho stamps If1 best grazing lands to bo Wiiit and tne found anywhoro Telephone PO llox 113 IiotRunhino Niw Hosii Muire Thoyare frequent Cor Chicago WIIBTIIBK IN- - Time Howards Machins Needles all Und Cortldi Silk 11 color and Best California Loatlier Katies Hrootlliig In Cujitlvity Harbour Unen Thread h ClarV Tho female of a pair of euulei whtdi Wedding Visi1in or Business Cards O N T Machliit Cotlou w havo boen In captivity in Toledo Ohio for F J Williiiinfa six years laid nn egg on tho 18th of March Invitations Menu Cards Hall Card Letter Note and Billheads Shipplnn Mmi I KeceJnts Dtmortifi RtliabU Cut Sole Insole and another the day following Thon sho No 102 TORT STREET Money eceipts Certificates pf Stock Contracts Hill aftr ralltrtu llarnes blrtln and Oppcrt ol Kl Frenali nd American began sitting on tho cggsand novor left tho Check nrifm TJni Tl-- t- T Calfklmt nlrVIIIUJ nci lujjdl and Ulisep Skins Goat hkius nest until recently when u pair of onglets Loading Photographor of Honolulu md ruaucATioua Trees were found to havo beon Mcrcantlls Ulanks Labels Pamphlets Saddle and Raddle hatched Tlioy Itooks NeYspapers OeaWrln are strong and apparently healthy Eagles woiik finish rn in uc otc UirLU rarely breed In Kevolvbm captivity Exchange Ovmi SroTiwa ait Goods These goods Copperas In Watnr Colon Crayon Shot Powdh r are new and fr Ii and will b sold at r French Canned Ioiu aud UTtticCATaioosl Tho health board of Brooklyn has found India Iuk or Oil Booh BUuling Paper Rtdhi and Blank Booh traces of copperas In tho green peas Im- ¬ 4 Of all kinds fWlthfiillv Work workmen KB0Hy HTOVXH 11 ported from Franco to this country Photo Colored u nill ii in The reputation enjoyed A Scotch medical professor de- ¬ by this Office for Neat and XOWKST lately The only complete colltclon ol Artistic PrintinC will be msinlalned MAIIKEX HATES clared that out of ono hundred mod-- and nt RICH M MMOMAULIC A usi CONS ENT WI ril FIRS CLASS w leal graduates not ten mount to set up in IilnnA Vlows Cheerfully Given Scotland Sholjs m Orders by Malt attended to wjth as Ferns much fidelity as if dlivtrcd in At Judsonla Ark many horses and cat-¬ OtirloHltlos o ron tle havo choked to death by inhaling buf¬ M W T G THRUM uii1 IIKADSANOblA McCliesney Sons falo oats I jinirqvts uuvaernrv T S SOUTIIWICK Secretary Manager frlatdUrdwbytliai IKMKNT HKAna WIUSS IUnilSlHNO COMPANY No 42 Qttooa SUoot

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