BIBLE FOOTBALL Prepare on a blackboard, or large piece of paper, a football field complete with yard line markers. Divide your group into two teams, with only two contestants competing with each other at a time. Play begins at mid-field. A question is asked, and whichever contestant comes up with the answer gains ten yards for his team. Make a mark on the playing field to show how far that team has advanced the ball. Wrong answers are minus 5 yards. Suppose, for example, that the Panthers are playing the Antelopes. As the game gets underway, the Panthers get the ball and succeed in answering three questions. This moves them to the twenty yard line. On the next play, however, the Antelopes come up with the correct answer. This then moves the ball back to the thirty yard line. If the Antelopes are successful on the next three tries, they succeed in bringing the ball all the way back to mid-field. If you want to make this even more interesting, allow additional yardage for very difficult questions. Call the question a pass-play perhaps. When one team scores a goal, give a difficult question for the “extra point,” which can be answered by any member of the team.

BIBLE TRIVIA Arrange Bible Trivia questions in 5 categories, ranging from very easy to very hard. Score correct answers as follows: Very easy = 100 points Easy = 200 points Average = 300 points Hard = 400 points Very hard = 500 points Play for a set time limit and the team with the most points wins. Variation: Allow teams to select the subject of their question, such as : cities, people, trees, animals, miracles, etc.

TWENTY BIBLICAL QUESTIONS Ten or more can play this game. Send one person out of the room. Then the group decides on something from the Bible, such as the slingshot that David used, the ark that Noah built, the golden calf, the jawbone used by Samson, etc. Or they can pick some place, such as Ur, or Bethel, or the lion’s den in which Daniel was placed. Or some person, such as Abraham, Moses, Deborah, Sarah, David, Solomon, Mark, Peter, or Timothy. Or they can choose some event, such as the Flood, the crossing of the Red Sea, or Pentecost. The guesser is called back. He tries to guess what the group has in mind by asking questions that can be answered by “yes” or “no.” He is allowed a maximum of twenty questions. He probably begins by asking, “Is it in the Old Testament?” If the answer is “yes,” he may ask, “Is it a person?” or “Is it an event?” or “Is it a place?” or “Is it a thing?” Having discovered that it is a thing, the line of questioning may try to locate the period in Old Testament history: “Was it connected with the story of Moses?” “No.” “David?” “Yes.” “Was it his harp?” “No.” “His slingshot?” “Yes.”


Page SWORD DRILL Players compete to see who can look up Bible references and read them first.

ELIMINATION SWORD DRILL Two teams. Whoever finds the verse first eliminates one player off the other team. Game continues until one team is completely eliminated.

ITEM SWORD DRILL Divide the crowd into two teams (e.g.: girls vs. boys). Using their , everyone in the crowd searches for the item named. Upon locating a verse containing the item named, individuals stand up and read the verse. The first person to correctly locate and read a verse gains a point for their team. (Limit each team member to a maximum number of points.)

Suggested Items To Locate: rain tree (s) child (ren) trumpet (s) confidence pen cloud (s) tongue (s) king (s) fire wind spirit water evil light Passover bedchamber ox (en) fly (ies) horse (s)

BIBLE BOOK GUESS Divide crowd into two teams (e.g.: girls vs. guys). A moderator chooses a verse to read from anywhere in the Bible (or has a predetermined list to choose from). Taking turns to guess, each group must determine where in the Bible that verse is located (book name). Variations:  Play like 20 questions with each team asking 1 question to narrow the possibilities and 1 “guess” question.  For more knowledgeable crowds, make teams narrow the answer to the actual chapter in the book.  For more knowledgeable crowds, read only a phrase of the verse rather than an entire verse.

BIBLE TIC-TAC-TOE GUYS vs. GIRLS. Whichever team answers Bible question correctly wins the square. If the team is wrong, the other team wins that square. Girls get first question, guys second, and so on.

BIBLE SEARCH In a concordance, find several objects. Give number clues for the objects as the following example: O.T.: 4-13-26-43. [O.T. stands for Old Testament; the 4 stands for the fourth book in the O.T.; the 13 stands for the thirteenth chapter in that book; the 26 stands for the verse in that chapter and the 43 stands for the forty-third word in that verse (which was the word, “fruit).] Give each team a copy of the same list and about 12 or 15 things to find.

BIBLE FEUD Take a survey of some of the adults in your church or use the survey results printed below. The object is to rank the 4 most common answers from most often mentioned, then 2nd most often mentioned, etc. Play for games instead of points. Select 2 teams who each send a player to the front. The first question is asked. The player giving the most common response has the option of playing the game or passing it to the other team. The team that plays must name all 4 most common responses without making 3 mistakes. If they do, they win that round. If they don’t, the other team has a chance to win if they can name any correct response that the other team did not mention. They must name it on their first guess without missing.

Survey questions and most common answers: 1. Name a : Peter, Matthew, Bartholomew, Andrew 2. Name one of the 10 commandments: “Thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not kill,” “Honour thy father and mother,” “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” 3. Name one of Paul’s books: Corinthians, Romans, Galatians, Ephesians. 4. Name an Old Testament book: Genesis, Psalms, Job, Exodus. 5. Name a city in Israel: Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Galilee, Nazareth. 6. Name a miracle of : Turning water into wine, Healing the blind man, Feeding the 5,000, Healing the lame man. 7. Name a fruit of the spirit: Love, Meekness, Gentleness, Joy. 8. Name a parable of Jesus: The sower and the seed, The lost coin, Wheat and tares, Wise man and foolish man. 9. Name a well-known character: Paul, Jesus, Peter, Stephen. 10. Name a well-known Old Testament character: Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Joseph. 11. Name a plague in Egypt: Frogs, lice, locusts, flies.



1. Locate the number of silver pieces that the burned books were calculated to be worth in Acts 19:19.

2. Divide that number by the number of measures of oil owed by the debtor in Luke 16:6.

3. Add to that number the number of years that Ahaz ruled in Jerusalem. (II Chronicles 28:1)

4. Add to that number the number of generations from Abraham to David. (Matthew 1:17)

5. Subtract from that number the number of years that the Israelites had judges. (Acts 13:20)

6. Multiply that number by the number of days that Lazarus had been in the tomb. (John 11:17)

7. Subtract from that number the number of years that Serug lived after the birth of Nahor. (Genesis 11:23)

8. Divide that number by the number of Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-10.

9. Multiply that number by the number of days Mary and Joseph looked for Jesus in Jerusalem when he was 12. (Luke 2:46)

10. Add to that number the number of shekels that the head of Goliath’s spear weighed. (I Samuel 17:7)

Final answer:


1. Locate the number of silver pieces that the burned books were calculated to be worth in Acts 19:19. 50,000

2. Divide that number by the number of measures of oil owed by the debtor in Luke 16:6. 100 (500)

3. Add to that number the number of years that Ahaz ruled in Jerusalem (II Chronicles 28:1). 16 (516) 4. Add to that number the number of generations from Abraham to David (Matthew 1:17). 14 (530)

5. Subtract from that number the number of years that the Israelites had judges (Acts 13:20). 450 (80)

6. Multiply that number by the number of days that Lazarus had been in the tomb (John 11:17). 4 (320)

7. Subtract from that number the number of years that Serug lived after the birth of Nahor (Genesis 11:23). 200 (120)

8. Divide that number by the number of Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-10. 8 (15)

9. Multiply that number by the number of days Mary and Joseph looked for Jesus in Jerusalem when he was 12 (Luke 2:46). 3 (45)

10. Add to that number the number of shekels that the head of Goliath’s spear weighed (I Samuel 17:7). 600 (645)

Final answer: 645


1. Locate the number of years that Eber lived after the birth of Peleg (Genesis 11:17).

2. Subtract from that number the age of David when he became king (II Samuel 5:4).

3. Add to that number the number of men armed for war in Judges 18:17.

4. Add to that number the number of pigs that ran down the cliff and drowned in the lake (Mark 5:13).

5. Divide that number by the number of pence the ointment was worth in Mark 14:5.

6. Add to that number the number of years it had taken to build the temple according to John 2:20.

7. Add to that number the number of days that Paul and the crew on the boat had gone hungry (Acts 27:33).

8. Multiply that number by the number of sparrows two pennies would buy according to Luke 12:6.

9. Divide that number by the number of chapters in the book of Esther.

10. Divide that number by the number of palm trees in Elim (Numbers 33:9).

Final answer:


1. Locate the number of years that Eber lived after the birth of Peleg (Genesis 11:17). 430

2. Subtract from that number the age of David when he became king (II Samuel 5:4). 30 (400)

3. Add to that number the number of men armed for war in Judges 18:17. 600 (1,000)

4. Add to that number the number of pigs that ran down the cliff and drowned in the lake. (Mark 5:13). 2,000 (3,000)

5. Divide that number by the number of pence the ointment was worth in Mark 14:5. 300 (10)

6. Add to that number the number of years it had taken to build the temple according to John 2:20. 46 (56)

7. Add to that number the number of days that Paul and the crew on the boat had gone hungry. (Acts 27:33) 14 (70)

8. Multiply that number by the number of sparrows two pennies would buy according to Luke 12:6. 5 (350)

9. Divide that number by the number of chapters in the book of Esther. 10 (35)

10. Divide that number by the number of palm trees in Elim (Numbers 33:9). 70 (1/2)

Final answer: 1/2


1. Locate the number of the total of the twelve tribes of Israel in Numbers 1:46.

2. Divide that number by the number of just men for which God told Abraham He would spare the city of Sodom (Genesis 18:26).

3. Subtract from that number the number of years that Jared lived (Genesis 5:20).

4. Subtract from that umber the number of years that Peleg lived after the birth of Reu (Genesis 11:19).

5. Subtract from that number the number of men who stayed with Gideon (Judges 7:3).

6. Divide that number by the number of plagues visited upon the Egyptians before the Pharaoh would let the Israelites go (Exodus).

7. Subtract from that number the number of years the land enjoyed peace after the battle led by Deborah and Barak (Judges 5:31).

8. Divide that number by the number of years an Israelite man was exempt from war after he was married (Deuteronomy 24:5).

9. Subtract from that number the number of cities which were to be given to the Levites (Numbers 35:7).

10. Add to that number the number of years that Job lived after the Lord made him prosperous again (Job 42:16).

Final answer:


1. Locate the number of the total of the twelve tribes of Israel in Numbers 1:46. 603,550

2. Divide that number by the number of just men for which God told Abraham He would spare the city of Sodom (Genesis 18:26). 50 (12,071)

3. Subtract from that number the number of years that Jared lived (Genesis 5:20). 962 (11,109)

4. Subtract from that umber the number of years that Peleg lived after the birth of Reu. (Genesis 11:19) 209 (10,900)

5. Subtract from that number the number of men who stayed with Gideon (Judges 7:3). 10,000 (900)

6. Divide that number by the number of plagues visited upon the Egyptians before the Pharaoh would let the Israelites go (Exodus). 10 (90)

7. Subtract from that number the number of years the land enjoyed peace after the battle led by Deborah and Barak (Judges 5:31). 40 (50)

8. Divide that number by the number of years an Israelite man was exempt from war after he was married (Deuteronomy 24:5). 1 (50)

9. Subtract from that number the number of cities which were to be given to the Levites. (Numbers 35:7) 48 (2)

10. Add to that number the number of years that Job lived after the Lord made him prosperous again

(Job 42:16).

140 (142)


Final answer: 142 Page BIBLE ARITHMETIC IV

1. Locate the number of the members of Abram’s household (Genesis 14:14)

2. Add to that number the number of years that Jared lived (Genesis 5:20).

3. Add to that the number the number of talents of gold that Hiram sent to Solomon (I Kings 9:14).

4. Subtract from that number the number of years the descendants of Abraham would be oppressed (Acts 7:6).

5. Divide that number by the number of measures of oil the steward asked his master’s debtor to pay back for what he owed (Luke 16:6).

6. Multiply that number by the number of times Paul was shipwrecked. (II Corinthians 11:25)

7. Subtract from that number the number of years the Israelites enjoyed peace in Midian (Judges 8:28).

8. Add to that number the age of Enos when he became the father of Cainan. (Genesis 5:9)

9. Add to that number the number of people aboard when Paul was shipwrecked in the Book of Acts (Acts 27:37).

10. Subtract from that number the number of days that Ezekiel was to lie upon his left side (Ezekiel 4:4-5).

Final answer:


1. Locate the number of the members of Abram’s household (Genesis 14:14) 318

2. Add to that number the number of years that Jared lived (Genesis 5:20). 962 (1,280)

3. Add to that the number the number of talents of gold that Hiram sent to Solomon (I Kings 9:14). 120 (1,400)

4. Subtract from that number the number of years the descendants of Abraham would be oppressed (Acts 7:6). 400 (1,000)

5. Divide that number by the number of measures of oil the steward asked his master’s debtor to pay back for what he owed (Luke 16:6). 50 (20)

6. Multiply that number by the number of times Paul was shipwrecked (II Corinthians 11:25). 3 (60)

7. Subtract from that number the number of years the Israelites enjoyed peace in Midian. (Judges 8:28) 40 (20)

8. Add to that number the age of Enos when he became the father of Cainan (Genesis 5:9). 90 (110)

9. Add to that number the number of people aboard when Paul was shipwrecked in the Book of Acts (Acts 27:37). 276 (386)

10. Subtract from that number the number of days that Ezekiel was to lie upon his left side. (Ezekiel 4:4-5) 390 (-4)

Final answer: -4


Page BIBLE ARITHMETIC V 1. Start with the number of times the name “” appears in the Bible.

2. Multiply that number by the number of people killed when the tower of Siloam fell.

3. Add the number of times that Lamech said he would be avenged.

4. Multiply that number by the number of suicides recorded in the Bible.

5. Multiply that number by the number of different men in the Bible named Judas.

6. Add to that number the number of horsemen that Solomon had.

7. Add to that the number of brothers that the rich man who went to Hell had.

8. Add to that number the age of Isaac when he married Rebekah.

9. Multiply that number by the number of horns the goat in Daniel’s second vision had, before it ran into the ram.

10. Add to that number the number of men Nebuchadnezzar saw walking in the fiery furnace.

Final answer:


Pass out a copy of the quiz below to every person. Some of the answers they will have to guess at. They are allowed to use their Bibles. Whoever comes closest to the final answer is the winner.

1. Start with the number of times the name “Satan” appears in the Bible. 53

2. Multiply that number by the number of people killed when the tower of Siloam fell. 18 (954)

3. Add the number of times that Lamech said he would be avenged. 77 (1,031)

4. Multiply that number by the number of suicides recorded in the Bible. 7 (7,217)

5. Multiply that number by the number of different men in the Bible named Judas. 6 (43,302)

6. Add to that number the number of horsemen that Solomon had. 12,000 (55,302)

7. Add to that the number of brothers that the rich man who went to Hell had. 5 (55,307)

8. Add to that number the age of Isaac when he married Rebekah. 40 (55,347)

9. Multiply that number by the number of horns the goat in Daniel’s second vision had, before it ran into the ram. 1 (55,347)

10. Add to that number the number of men Nebuchadnezzar saw walking in the fiery furnace. 4 (55,351)

Final answer: 55,351


Page PROBLEMS Match the problem on the left with the person who faced it on the right.

Should I give up praying 3 times a day? 1. Aaron How can I protect my baby son? 2. Abraham Should I lie about who my wife is? 3. Ahab How can I save the Jews from Haman’s plot? 4. Ananias Is my brother still mad at me? 5. Daniel Why is everything I own being destroyed? 6. Elijah Will the fleece be dry tomorrow morning? 7. Esther Will all the people follow Baal? 8. Gideon Can Barnabus talk Paul into letting me go? 9. Hagar Where is Moses? We need him. 10. Isaac Did the butler forget about me? 11. Jacob I’m blind and imprisoned. Can God use me? 12. Job Why won’t he sell me his vineyard? 13. Jochabed How come Jacob’s flocks do better than mine? 14. Should I leave town because of the 15. Joseph ’s message? 16. Laban Where can I find water for my son? 17. Lot Did Saul really change? 18. Moses I don’t want to lead anymore. 19. Ruth Should I stay in Moab now that Mahlon 20. Samson has died? Do I dig more wells if they keep fighting for them?

PROBLEMS - Answers Match the problem on the left with the person who faced it on the right.

5 - Daniel Should I give up praying 3 times a day? 1. Aaron 13 - Jochabed How can I protect my baby son? 2. Abraham 2 - Abraham Should I lie about who my wife is? 3. Ahab 7 - Esther How can I save the Jews from Haman’s plot? 4. Ananias 11 - Jacob Is my brother still mad at me? 5. Daniel 12 - Job Why is everything I own being destroyed? 6. Elijah 8 - Gideon Will the fleece be dry tomorrow morning? 7. Esther 6 - Elijah Will all the people follow Baal? 8. Gideon 14 John Mark Can Barnabus talk Paul into letting me go? 9. Hagar 1 - Aaron Where is Moses? We need him. 10. Isaac 15 - Joseph Did the butler forget about me? 11. Jacob 20 - Samson I’m blind and imprisoned. Can God use me? 12. Job 3 - Ahab Why won’t he sell me his vineyard? 13. Jochabed 16 - Laban How come Jacob’s flocks do better than mine? 14. John Mark 17 - Lot Should I leave town because of the 15. Joseph Angel’s message? 16. Laban 9 - Hagar Where can I find water for my son? 17. Lot 4 - Ananias Did Saul really change? 18. Moses 18 - Moses I don’t want to lead anymore. 19. Ruth 19 - Ruth Should I stay in Moab now that Mahlon 20. Samson has died? 10 - Isaac Do I dig more wells if they keep fighting for them?


Page WOMEN WHO WORKED Match the following women with their occupation.

1. Rahab A. Seamstress

2. Priscilla B. Prophetess

3. Hagar C. Harlot

4. D. Housewife, Mother

5. Anna E. Princess

6. Ruth F. Queen

7. Athaliah G. Servant of Church

8. Deborah H. Queen and Deliverer

9. Rachel I. Dye Seller

10. J. Shepherdess

11. Jochebed K. Gleaner of Barley

12. Esther L. Judge

13. Lydia M. Tentmaker

14. N. Handmaid

WOMEN WHO WORKED - Answers Divide into groups of 3 or 4. If you need a tiebreaker choose the team with the lesser number of girls. Match the following women with their occupation.

1. Rahab 4 - Dorcas A. Seamstress (Acts 9:39) 2. Priscilla 5 - Anna B. Prophetess (Luke 2:36) 3. Hagar 1 - Rahab C. Harlot (James 2:25) 4. Dorcas 11 - Jochebed D. Housewife, Mother (Ex. 2:7-9; 6:20) 5. Anna 14 - Herodias E. Princess (Matthew 14:3) 6. Ruth 7 - Athaliah F. Queen (II Kings 11:3) 7. Athaliah 10 - Phoebe G. Servant of Church (Romans 16:1) 8. Deborah 12 - Esther H. Queen and Deliverer (Book of Esther) 9. Rachel 13 - Lydia I. Dye Seller (Acts 16:14, 40) 10. Phoebe 9 - Rachel J. Shepherdess (Genesis 29:9) 11. Jochebed 6 – Ruth K. Gleaner of Barley (Ruth 2:22-23) 12. Esther 8 - Deborah L. Judge (Judges 4:4) 13. Lydia 2 - Priscilla M. Tentmaker (Acts 18:2-3) 14. Herodias 3 - Hagar N. Handmaid (Genesis 16:1)


Page WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM? Match the person on the left with the way his life ended on the right.

1. Elijah A. Committed suicide

2. B. Hanged on his own gallows

3. Goliath C. Fell on his sword

4. Jonathan D. Crucified

5. Stephen E. Killed by his brother

6. Judas F. Taken up in chariot of fire

7. Abel G. Taken to Heaven as he walked with God

8. Haman H. Stoned to death

9. Enoch I. Killed by Philistines in battle

10. Saul J. Killed by someone he disdained

11. Sisera K. Crushed under a collapsing building

12. James L. Thrown out a window

13. Samson M. Had a tent peg driven into his head

14. Jezebel N. Killed by King Herod’s sword

WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM? - Answers Divide into groups of 3 or 4. Do not allow people to use their Bibles (or electronic helps). The team with the most correct answers wins. For a tie breaker, choose the group that went furthest down the list before missing any. Match the person on the left with the way his life ended on the right.

1. Elijah 6 - Judas A. Committed suicide (Matthew 27:3-5) 2. Christ 8 - Haman B. Hanged on his own gallows (Esther 7:10) 3. Goliath 10 - Saul C. Fell on his sword (I Samuel 31:4) 4. Jonathan 2 – Christ D. Crucified (Matthew 27:26) 5. Stephen 7 – Abel E. Killed by his brother (Genesis 4:8) 6. Judas 1 - Elijah F. Taken up in chariot of fire (II Kings 2:11) 7. Abel 9 – Enoch G. Taken to Heaven as he walked with God (Genesis 5:24) 8. Haman 5 - Stephen H. Stoned to death (Acts 7:59) 9. Enoch 4 – Jonathan I. Killed by Philistines in battle (I Sam. 31:2) 10. Saul 3 – Goliath J. Killed by someone he disdained (I Sam. 17:42, 50) 11. Sisera 13 – Samson K. Crushed under a collapsing building (Judges 16:30) 12. James 14 – Jezebel L. Thrown out a window (II Kings 9:30-33) 13. Samson 11 – Sisera M. Had a tent peg driven into his head (Judges 4:21-22) 14. Jezebel 12 – James N. Killed by King Herod’s sword (Acts 12:1-2)


Page HOW MANY WERE THERE? How many Bible characters had the same name as another Bible character? Four possibilities are given for each name listed below. Choose one of the numbers after each name and put it on the line provided.

A. Daniel (1,3,7,16) ____

B. Abigail (1,2,3,4) ____

C. Abihail (1,3,5,7) ____

D. Joseph (1,5,12,19) ____

E. David (1,3,7,16) ____

F. Jeremiah (1,5,8,14) ____

G. Eleazar (2,4,6,8) ____

H. Judah (1,3,5,7) ____

I. Judas (2,4,6,8) ____

J. Mary (1,3,5,7) ____

K. Jemimah (0,1,2,3) ____

L. Noah (1,2,3,4) ____

M. John (1,5,7,11) ____

N. Zabad (1,7,12,19) ____

O. Bathsheba (1,2,3,4) ____

P. Hananiah (1,2,3,14) ____

Q. Joshbekashah (0,1,5,6) ____

R. Zadok (1,3,6,8) ____

S. Zecharaiah (1,5,12,30) ____

T. Felix (1,2,3,4) ____

HOW MANY WERE THERE? - Answers How many Bible characters had the same name as another Bible character? Four possibilities are given for each name listed below. Choose one of the numbers after each name and put it on the line provided.

A. Daniel (1,3,7,16) 3

B. Abigail (1,2,3,4) 2

C. Abihail (1,3,5,7) 5

D. Joseph (1,5,12,19) 12

E. David (1,3,7,16) 1

F. Jeremiah (1,5,8,14) 8

G. Eleazar (2,4,6,8) 8

H. Judah (1,3,5,7) 7

I. Judas (2,4,6,8) 6

J. Mary (1,3,5,7) 7

K. Jemimah (0,1,2,3) 1

L. Noah (1,2,3,4) 2

M. John (1,5,7,11) 5

N. Zabad (1,7,12,19) 7

O. Bathsheba (1,2,3,4) 1

P. Hananiah (1,2,3,14) 14

Q. Joshbekashah (0,1,5,6) 1

R. Zadok (1,3,6,8) 8

S. Zecharaiah (1,5,12,30) 30 209

T. Felix (1,2,3,4) 1 Page HOW MANY WERE THERE? #2 In the blank beside each name write how many different characters with that name are mentioned in the Bible. Use each number (from 0-15) only one time.

A. Simon

B. Obadiah

C. Caleb

D. Uriah

E. Zadok

F. Elijah

G. Joseph

H. Hananiah

I. Aaron

J. Ananias

K. Judas

L. Pharaoh

M. Jonathan

N. Joan

O. Mary

P. Johanan

HOW MANY WERE THERE? #2 - Answers In the blank beside each name write how many different characters with that name are mentioned in the Bible. Use each number (from 0-15) only one time.

A. Simon 9

B. Obadiah 13

C. Caleb 2

D. Uriah 5

E. Zadok 8

F. Elijah 4

G. Joseph 12

H. Hananiah 14

I. Aaron 1

J. Ananias 3

K. Judas 6

L. Pharaoh 11

M. Jonathan 15

N. Joan 0

O. Mary 7

P. Johanan 10


Page BIBLE NUMBERS Every answer will be a number from 1-16. All numbers are used once and one is used twice. Bonus of 2 points if you figure out which number is used twice.

1. How many demons did have in her?

2. When Jesus healed the ten lepers, how many returned to thank Him?

3. How many chapters are there in the book of Esther?

4. How many men did Nebuchadnezzar see in the fiery furnace?

5. How many Bible characters fasted for 40 days?

6. How many books in the Bible are named after women?

7. How many days did it take Nehemiah to inspect the city walls of Jerusalem before rebuilding


8. How many men in the Bible were named Simon?

9. How many baskets of food were taken up after the feeding of the 5,000?

10. How many chapters are there in the book of Mark?

11. How many days after the resurrection did Thomas see Jesus?

12. How many brothers did the rich man in Hell have?

13. What chapter in Hebrews contains the “Hall of Faith”?

14. How many men in the Bible were named Hananiah?

15. How many years did God add to Hezekiah’s life?

16. What chapter in I Corinthians is the love chapter?

17. At the marriage in Cana of Galilee how many stone water pots were there?

BIBLE NUMBERS - Answers Divide into groups of 3 or 4. If there is a tie for the number of correct answers, then the tying team that finished first is the winner. Every answer will be a number from 1-16. All numbers are used once and one is used twice. Bonus of 2 points if you figure out which number is used twice.

1. How many demons did Mary Magdalene have in her? 7

2. When Jesus healed the ten lepers, how many returned to thank Him? 1

3. How many chapters are there in the book of Esther? 10

4. How many men did Nebuchadnezzar see in the fiery furnace? 4

5. How many Bible characters fasted for 40 days? 3

6. How many books in the Bible are named after women? 2

7. How many days did it take Nehemiah to inspect the city walls of Jerusalem before rebuilding

them? 3

8. How many men in the Bible were named Simon? 9

9. How many baskets of food were taken up after the feeding of the 5,000? 12

10. How many chapters are there in the book of Mark? 16

11. How many days after the resurrection did Thomas see Jesus? 8

12. How many brothers did the rich man in Hell have? 5

13. What chapter in Hebrews contains the “Hall of Faith”? 11

14. How many men in the Bible were named Hananiah? 14

15. How many years did God add to Hezekiah’s life? 15

16. What chapter in I Corinthians is the love chapter? 13

17. At the marriage in Cana of Galilee how many stone water pots were there? 6



1. I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? A. Pilate

2. We are all one man’s sons; we are true men; thy servants are B. Job no spies. C. David 3. Speak, for thy servant heareth. D. Nebuchadnezzar 4. Let the day perish wherein I was born, and the night in which it was said, There is a man child conceived. E. Moses

5. I go the way of all the earth; be thou strong therefore and show F. thyself a man. G. Paul 6. Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? Hath he not H. Joseph’s brothers spoken also by us?

I. Samuel 7. I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.

J. 8. Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live.

K. Miriam & Aaron 9. Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his

brethren. L. Joshua

10. Remember the word which Moses the servant of the Lord M. Isaiah commanded you, saying, The Lord your God hath given you rest, and hath given you this land. N. Noah

11. Why, what evil hath he done? I have found no cause of death O. Jacob in him; I will therefore chastise him and let him go.

12. Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh?

13. I saw a dream which made me afraid, and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions of my head troubled me.

14. Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.

15. Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor.

WHO SAID IT? - Answers Divide into small groups. Do not let them use their Bibles. For a tie breaker, the tying team that finished first wins. A. Pilate J 1. I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? Luke 23:22

H 2. We are all one man’s sons; we are true men; thy servants are B. Job no spies. Job 3:3

I 3. Speak, for thy servant heareth. C. David I Kings 2:2 B 4. Let the day perish wherein I was born, and the night in which it was said, There is a man child conceived. D. Nebuchadnezzar Dan. 4:5 C 5. I go the way of all the earth; be thou strong therefore and show thyself a man. E. Moses Ex. 3:11 K 6. Hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? Hath he not spoken also by us? F. Zacchaeus Luke 19:8 O 7. I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. G. Paul M 8. Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live. Acts 17:22

N 9. Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his H. Joseph’s brothers brethren. Gen. 42:11

L 10. Remember the word which Moses the servant of the Lord I. Samuel commanded you, saying, The Lord your God hath given you I Sam. 3:10 rest, and hath given you this land. J. John the Baptist A 11. Why, what evil hath he done? I have found no cause of death Matt. 3:14 in him; I will therefore chastise him and let him go. K. Miriam & Aaron E 12. Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh? Num. 12:2

D 13. I saw a dream which made me afraid, and the thoughts upon L. Joshua my bed and the visions of my head troubled me. Josh. 1:13

G 14. Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too M. Isaiah superstitious. II Kings 20:1

F 15. Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor. N. Noah Gen. 9:25

O. Jacob Gen. 32:26 215


1. Oh, that my grief were thoroughly weighed, and my calamity laid in the balances together! A. David

2. This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead; and B. The Ethiopian therefore mighty works do show forth themselves in him. eunuch

3. Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy C. Peter Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? D. Isaiah 4. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore, and repent. E. Job

5. Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? F. Pharaoh

6. O my son Absalom, O Absalom, my son, my son! G.

7. Woe is me, for I am undone! H. Jesus

8. Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. I. Moses

9. Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God; for no J. Herod man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.

10. I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? Of himself, or of some other man?

*HINT: Answers may be used more than once and you may not have to use all of them!

WHO SAID IT? #2 - Answers Divide into small groups. Do not let them use their Bibles. For a tie breaker, the tying team that finished first wins.

E 1. Oh, that my grief were thoroughly weighed, and my calamity A. David laid in the balances together! B. The Ethiopian J 2. This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead; and eunuch therefore mighty works do show forth themselves in him. C 3. Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy C. Peter Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? D. Isaiah H 4. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore, and repent. E. Job

F 5. Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? F. Pharaoh

A 6. O my son Absalom, O Absalom, my son, my son! G. Nicodemus

D 7. Woe is me, for I am undone! H. Jesus

C 8. Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. I. Moses

G 9. Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God; for no J. Herod man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.

B 10. I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? Of himself, or of some other man?

*HINT: Answers may be used more than once and you may not have to use all of them!


What were the original names of these biblical characters?

1. Abraham and Sarah

2. Israel

3. Joshua

4. Solomon

5. Peter

6. Paul

7. Mara

8. Zaphnath-paaneah

9. Belteshazzar

10. Jehoiakim

11. Zedekiah

CHANGE OF LIFE, CHANGE OF NAME - Answers Divide into groups of 3 or 4. With young people who know their Bibles well, don’t allow them to use their Bibles (or any electronic helps). If your group doesn’t know much about the Bible, allow them to use their Bibles.

What were the original names of these biblical characters?

1. Abraham and Sarah Abram and Sarai (Gen. 17:5, 15)

2. Israel Jacob (Gen. 32:28)

3. Joshua Oshea (Numbers 13:16)

4. Solomon Jedidiah (II Sam. 12:24-25)

5. Peter Simon, or (John 1:42)

6. Paul Saul (Acts 13:9)

7. Mara Naomi (Ruth 1:20)

8. Zaphnath-paaneah Joseph (Gen. 41:45)

9. Belteshazzar Daniel (Dan. 1:6-7)

10. Jehoiakim Eliakim (II Kings 23:34)

11. Zedekiah Mattaniah (II Kings 24:17)


Page NAMES MADE IN HEAVEN Fill in the blanks.

1. What did God change Jacob’s name to?

2. Who was told by God to name his son Maher-shalal-hash-baz?

3. Who told Joseph what Jesus’ name would be?

4. What prophet was told by God to name his son Lo-ammi?

5. Who told Hagar to name her son Ishmael?

6. What did God change Abram’s name to?

7. Who was told by an angel that his son was to be named John?

8. What prophet told the priest Pashur that his new name was to be Magor-missabib?

9. What did God call his human creation?

10. What new name did Jesus give to Simon?

11. What was Hosea told to name his daughter?

12. What was Sarai’s name changed to?

13. Who was told to name his son Solomon?

14. Who was told to name his firstborn son Jezreel?

15. Who told Mary that her son was to be named Jesus?

NAMES MADE IN HEAVEN - Answers Divide into teams of 3 or 4. Let the young people use their Bibles. First team finished (correctly) is the winner.

Fill in the blanks.

1. What did God change Jacob’s name to? Israel (Gen. 32:28)

2. Who was told by God to name his son Maher-shalal-hash-baz? Isaiah (Isa. 8:3)

3. Who told Joseph what Jesus’ name would be? An angel (Matt. 1:20-21)

4. What prophet was told by God to name his son Lo-ammi? Hosea (Hosea 1:9)

5. Who told Hagar to name her son Ishmael? An angel (Gen. 16:11)

6. What did God change Abram’s name to? Abraham (Gen. 17:5))

7. Who was told by an angel that his son was to be named John? Zacharias (Luke 1:13)

8. What prophet told the priest Pashur that his new name was to be Magor-missabib?

Jeremiah (Jer. 20:3)

9. What did God call his human creation? Adam (Gen. 5:2)

10. What new name did Jesus give to Simon? Peter (John 1:42)

11. What was Hosea told to name his daughter? Lo-ruhamah (Hosea 1:6)

12. What was Sarai’s name changed to? Sarah (Gen. 17:15)

13. Who was told to name his son Solomon? David (I Chron.22:9)

14. Who was told to name his firstborn son Jezreel? Hosea (Hosea 1:4)

15. Who told Mary that her son was to be named Jesus? The angel (Luke 1:30-31)

221 Page MOST MENTIONED MEN Fill in the blanks.

1. What man, as if you didn’t know, is the most mentioned man in the Bible? 2. What king, mentioned 1118 times in the Bible, is the second most mentioned man? 3. What leader, with 740 mentions, ranks third? 4. What priest ranks fourth with a total of 339 references? 5. What king has one less reference than the answer to question #4 and ranks fifth? 6. What patriarch, with 306 mentions, ranks sixth? 7. What wise king ranks seventh with his 295 mentions? 8. What man would, if his famous nickname were considered a real personal name, outrank all the others in this list? (As it stands, using his usual name, he ranks eighth with 270 mentions.)

9. What government leader in a foreign land ranks ninth with 208 references? 10. What military man ranks tenth with 197 references? 11. What apostle ranks eleventh with 185 references? 12. What apostle ranks twelfth with 166 references? 13. What military commander in the reign of David ranks thirteenth with 137 mentions? 14. What prophet ranks fourteenth and has only one less mention than the answer to question #13?

15. What prophet and judge has only one less reference than the person in question #14 and ranks fifteenth? 16. What patriarch, though he is mentioned much less than his father or son, ranks sixteenth with 127 mentions? 17. What kinsman of Jesus ranks seventeenth with 86 references? 18. What government official is, with 56 references, the most mentioned unbeliever in the New Testament? 19. How many times is Adam mentioned in the Bible? 20. After Peter and Paul, which apostle is mentioned the most times (35 references)?

MOST MENTIONED MEN - Answers Divide into small groups and have then answer the questions If there is a tie, then the tying team with the youngest player is the winner. Fill in the blanks.

1. What man, as if you didn’t know, is the most mentioned man in the Bible? Jesus 2. What king, mentioned 1118 times in the Bible, is the second most mentioned man? David 3. What leader, with 740 mentions, ranks third? Moses 4. What priest ranks fourth with a total of 339 references? Aaron 5. What king has one less reference than the answer to question #4 and ranks fifth? Saul 6. What patriarch, with 306 mentions, ranks sixth? Abraham 7. What wise king ranks seventh with his 295 mentions? Solomon 8. What man would, if his famous nickname were considered a real personal name, outrank all the others in this list? (As it stands, using his usual name, he ranks eighth with 270 mentions.) Jacob, whose name occurs more than any other name in this list. However, the name is almost always used of the nation, not the man. 9. What government leader in a foreign land ranks ninth with 208 references? Joseph 10. What military man ranks tenth with 197 references? Joshua 11. What apostle ranks eleventh with 185 references? Paul 12. What apostle ranks twelfth with 166 references? Peter 13. What military commander in the reign of David ranks thirteenth with 137 mentions? Joab 14. What prophet ranks fourteenth and has only one less mention than the answer to question #13? Jeremiah 15. What prophet and judge has only one less reference than the person in question #14 and ranks fifteenth? Samuel 16. What patriarch, though he is mentioned much less than his father or son, ranks sixteenth with 127 mentions? Isaac 17. What kinsman of Jesus ranks seventeenth with 86 references? John the Baptist 18. What government official is, with 56 references, the most mentioned unbeliever in the New

Testament? Pilate 19. How many times is Adam mentioned in the Bible? Only 30

20. After Peter and Paul, which apostle is mentioned the most times (35 references)? John 223 Page MOST MENTIONED WOMEN

Fill in the blanks.

1. What Old Testament woman bore a child at age 90 and is the most mentioned woman in the Bible

(56 mentions)?

2. What wife of a patriarch ranks second with 47 mentions?

3. What relative of #2 ranks third with 34 mentions?

4. What mother of twins ranks fourth with 31 mentions?

5. What evil woman ranks fifth with 23 mentions?

6. What New Testament woman ranks sixth with 19 mentions?

7. What wife of both Nabal and David ranks seventh with 15 mentions?

8. What sister of a famous leader ties with #7?

9. What follower of Jesus is mentioned 14 times?

10. What servant woman is also mentioned 14 times?

11. How many times is Eve, the first woman, mentioned?

MOST MENTIONED WOMEN - Answers Divide into small groups and have them answer the questions. If there is a tie, then the tying team with the youngest player is the winner. Fill in the blanks.

1. What Old Testament woman bore a child at age 90 and is the most mentioned woman in the Bible

(56 mentions)? Sarah

2. What wife of a patriarch ranks second with 47 mentions? Rachel

3. What relative of #2 ranks third with 34 mentions? Leah

4. What mother of twins ranks fourth with 31 mentions? Rebekah

5. What evil woman ranks fifth with 23 mentions? Jezebel

6. What New Testament woman ranks sixth with 19 mentions? Mary, Jesus’ mother

7. What wife of both Nabal and David ranks seventh with 15 mentions? Abigail

8. What sister of a famous leader ties with #7? Miriam

9. What follower of Jesus is mentioned 14 times? Mary Magdalene

10. What servant woman is also mentioned 14 times? Hagar

11. How many times is Eve, the first woman, mentioned? Only four

225 Page

MR. POSTMAN Match the following letter carriers with the letters they carried:

1. Phoebe A. III John

2. Demetrius B. Philemon

3. Titus and “the brother” C. Titus

4. D. Colossians

5. E. Philippians

6. Zenas the lawyer and F. Ephesians

7. G. II Corinthians

8. Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus, and/or Titus H. Romans

NOTE: One carrier carried more than one letter.

MR. POSTMAN - Answers Divide into teams of 3 or 4. Let the players use their Bibles (but no electronic helps). Match the following letter carriers with the letters they carried:

H 1. Phoebe A. III John

A 2. Demetrius B. Philemon

G 3. Titus and “the brother” C. Titus

B 4. Onesimus D. Colossians

D & F 5. Tychicus E. Philippians

C 6. Zenas the lawyer and Apollos F. Ephesians

E 7. Epaphroditus G. II Corinthians

None 8. Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus, and/or Titus H. Romans

NOTE: One carrier carried more than one letter.


Page NAME MATCH Match the name on the left with its equivalent on the right.

1. Jerusalem A. Zaphnathpaaneah (Gen. 41:45)

2. Peter B. Belteshazzar (Daniel 1:7)

3. Solomon C. Israel (Gen. 32:28)

4. Esther D. Jedidiah (II Samuel 12:24-25)

5. Daniel E. Mara (Ruth 1:20)

6. Thomas F. Tabitha (Acts 9:36)

7. Dorcas G. Zion (II Samuel 5:6-7)

8. Jacob H. Hadassah (Esther 2:7)

9. Naomi I. Cephas (John 1:40-42)

10. Joseph J. Didymus (John 11:16)

11. Matthew K. The Place of a Skull (John 19:17)

12. Rabbi L. Saul (Acts 13:9)

13. Paul M. Teacher, Master (John 3:2)

14. Golgotha N. Levi (Matt. 9:9; Luke 5:27)

NAME MATCH - Answers Divide into teams of 3 or 4. If there is a tie then the tying team to finish first is the winner. Match the name on the left with its equivalent on the right.

1. Jerusalem 10. Joseph A. Zaphnathpaaneah (Gen. 41:45)

2. Peter 5. Daniel B. Belteshazzar (Daniel 1:7)

3. Solomon 8. Jacob C. Israel (Gen. 32:28)

4. Esther 3. Solomon D. Jedidiah (II Samuel 12:24-25)

5. Daniel 9. Naomi E. Mara (Ruth 1:20)

6. Thomas 7. Dorcas F. Tabitha (Acts 9:36)

7. Dorcas 1. Jerusalem G. Zion (II Samuel 5:6-7)

8. Jacob 4. Esther H. Hadassah (Esther 2:7)

9. Naomi 2. Peter I. Cephas (John 1:40-42)

10. Joseph 6. Thomas J. Didymus (John 11:16)

11. Matthew 14. Golgotha K. The Place of a Skull (John 19:17)

12. Rabbi 13. Paul L. Saul (Acts 13:9)

13. Paul 12. Rabbi M. Teacher, Master (John 3:2)

14. Golgotha 11. Matthew N. Levi (Matt. 9:9; Luke 5:27)



1. How many sons had Jacob?

2. Multiply that number by the total number of kine Pharaoh saw in his dream.

3. Multiply that number by the number of people that went into the ark.

4. Subtract how old Methuselah was when he died.

5. Add the number of years Abraham waited for Isaac.

6. Divide by how many days and nights it rained during the flood.

7. Add the number of books there are in the Bible.

8. Add how old Jesus was when he was left at the Temple.

9. Add how many sons that Israel had.

10. Subtract the number of sheep that the shepherd already had when he went to find the lost sheep.

11. Multiply that number by how many years there are in a millennium.

12. Multiply that number by how many books there are in the Pentateuch.


BIBLE MATH Divide into groups of 3 or 4. Give the following list of questions to your group. They are allowed to look the answers up in their Bibles, if they want, but that will slow them down. First to finish with the correct final answer wins.

1. How many sons had Jacob? 12

2. Multiply that number by the total number of kine Pharaoh saw in his dream. 14 (168)

3. Multiply that number by the number of people that went into the ark. 8 (1,344)

4. Subtract how old Methuselah was when he died. 969 (375)

5. Add the number of years Abraham waited for Isaac. 25 (400)

6. Divide by how many days and nights it rained during the flood. 40 (10)

7. Add the number of books there are in the Bible. 66 (76)

8. Add how old Jesus was when he was left at the Temple. 12 (88)

9. Add how many sons that Israel had. 12 (100)

10. Subtract the number of sheep that the shepherd already had when he went to find the lost sheep.

99 (1)

11. Multiply that number by how many years there are in a millennium. 1,000 (1,000)

12. Multiply that number by how many books there are in the Pentateuch. 5 (5,000)

Final Answer: 5,000


Page BACKWARD SPELLING BEE Conduct a regular spelling bee except that each contestant must spell his word backwards. The words on this list get progressively harder. If you have a lot of contestants add to this list.

1. hope 17. begotten 2. faith 18. everlasting 3. grace 19. deliverance 4. love 20. righteous 5. thanks 21. whosoever 6. mercy 22. redemption 7. trials 23. innocent 8. forgive 24. lovingkindness 9. trust 25. abomination 10. please 26. imaginations 11. believe 27. propitiation 12. world 28. Nebuchadnezzar 13. receive 29. Ebed-Melech 14. atonement 30. Ahithophel 15. iniquity 31. Haazaniah 16. salvation