Inhibition of Synaptosomal Uptake of 3H-L-glutamate and 3H-GABA by Hyperforin, a Major Constituent of St. John’s Wort: The Role of Sensitive Sodium Conductive Pathways M. Wonnemann, M.S., A. Singer, M.S., and W.E. Müller, Ph.D.

Extracts of St. John’s Wort are widely used for the treatment inhibitor ouabain. However, both mechanisms can be of depressive disorders. The active principles have not yet discarded for hyperforin. Several amiloride derivatives known been finally elucidated. We have recently shown that to affect sodium conductance significantly enhance 3H- hyperforin, a major active constituent of St. John’s Wort, not GABA and 3H-L-glutamate uptake and inhibit the uptake only inhibits the neuronal uptake of serotonin, inhibition by hyperforin, while monensin or ouabain norepinephrine and dopamine, but also that of L-glutamate inhibition were not influenced. Selective concentrations of and GABA. No other antidepressant compound exhibits a benzamil for amiloride sensitive Naϩ-channels and selective similar broad uptake inhibiting profile. To investigate this concentrations of 5’-ethylisopropylamiloride (EIPA) for the unique kind of property, kinetic analyses were performed Naϩ-Hϩ-exchangers both had an attenuating effect on the regarding the uptake of 3H-L-glutamate and 3H-GABA into hyperforin inhibition of L-glutamate uptake, suggesting a synaptosomal preparations of mouse brain. Michaelis- possible role of amiloride sensitive Naϩ-channels and ϩ ϩ Menten kinetics revealed a reduction of Vmax (8.27 to 1.80 Na -H -exchangers in the mechanism of action of pmol/mg/min for 3H-L-glutamate, 2.76 to 0.77 pmol/mg/min hyperforin. [Neuropsychopharmacology 23:188–197, 3 for H-GABA) while Km was nearly unchanged in both cases, 2000] © 2000 American College of suggesting non-competitive inhibition. The unselective Neuropsychopharmacology. Published by Elsevier Science uptake inhibition by hyperforin could be mimicked by the Inc. All rights reserved Naϩ- ionophore monensin and by the Naϩ-Kϩ-ATPase

KEY WORDS: Hyperforin; St. John’s Wort; Amiloride Several recent reviews of controlled clinical studies ϩ ϩ sensitive ; Na -H exchange; Synaptosomal with St. John’s Wort (hypericum) extract come to the uptake inhibition conclusion that it represents an effective antidepressant treatment superior to placebo (Linde et al. 1996; Volz From the Department of Pharmacology, Biocenter Niederursel, 1997; Wheatley 1998; Wong et al. 1998). In agreement University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany. with its clinical efficacy, hypericum extract is also active Address correspondence to: Prof. Dr. W.E. Müller, Department of Pharmacology, Biocenter Niederursel, N260, University of Frank- in a large number of biochemical and behavioral furt, Marie-Curie Strasse 9, D-60439 Frankfurt a.M., Germany. Tel.: models which are indicative of antidepressant activity ϩϩ49-69-79829373/76; Fax: ϩϩ49-69-79829374; E-mail: W.E.Muel- (Butterweck et al. 1997; Müller et al. 1997; Bhattacharya ler@em. Received August 24, 1999; revised February 9, 2000; accepted et al. 1998; Chatterjee et al. 1998a, 1998b; Gambarana et February 14, 2000. al. 1999). As possible mechanism of action an inhibition

NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 2000–VOL. 23, NO. 2 © 2000 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved 0893-133X/00/$–see front matter 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 PII S0893-133X(00)00102-0

NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 2000–VOL. 23, NO. 2 Hyperforin Inhibits 3H-L-glutamate and 3H-GABA Uptake 189

of the neuronal uptake of serotonin, norepinephrine acid L-3H(G): spec.activity 1.11 TBq/mmol; Aminobu- and dopamine has been demonstrated (Müller et al. tyric Acid ␥ [2,3-3H]: spec. activity 1.11 TBq/mmol) 1997; Neary and Bu 1999). were purchased from NEN Life science products The lipophilic phloroglucinol derivative hyperforin (Dreieich, Germany) or Biotrend (Cologne, Germany), was recently identified as a major active component of monensin was from Calbiochem (Frankfurt am Main/ hypericum extract (Chatterjee et al. 1998a; Müller et al. Germany). All other chemicals used in this study were 1998; Laakmann et al. 1998). It is a potent inhibitor of obtained in the highest quality available from Sigma the uptake of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, (Munich, Germany). it is active in several biochemical and behavioral mod- els of antidepressant activity (Bhattacharya et al. 1998; Synaptosomal Uptake Experiments Chatterjee et al. 1998a, 1998b; Müller et al. 1997), it is re- sponsible for specific changes of the rat and human EEG Female NMRI mice were sacrificed by decapitation and typically seen for specific serotonin reuptake inhibitors the brains immediately dissected on ice. Total brains (Dimpfel et al. 1998; Schellenberg et al. 1998) and it ele- were prepared for 3H-GABA- or forebrains for 3H-L- vates extracellular concentrations of serotonin, norepi- glutamate uptake experiments. The tissue was homoge- nephrine, and dopamine in the rat brain after i.p. ad- nized in 15 ml ice-cold sucrose solution (0.32 M) in a ministration (Kaehler et al. 1999). In addition to this Potter-Elvjehem glass homogenizer plus teflon pestle rather typical antidepressant profile, hyperforin also po- (Braun Melsungen, Germany) by ten strokes at 300 rpm tently inhibits the synaptosomal uptake of L-glutamate and diluted with further 10 ml of the sucrose medium. and GABA (Müller et al. 1998; Chatterjee et al. 1998a) The nuclear fraction was eliminated by centrifugation and also enhances extracellular L-glutamate levels in (10 minutes at 750 x g; 0-4ЊC) and the supernatant was rat brain (Kaehler et al. 1999). Since this property is centrifuged (20 minutes at 17400 x g; 0-4ЊC) to obtain unique among all other antidepressant compounds the crude synaptosomal pellet. The pellet was resus- known, it was investigated in further detail. We have pended in ice-cold 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethan- previously shown that inhibition by hyperforin of sero- sulfonic acid (HEPES) buffer (NaCl: 150; HEPES: 10; Њ tonin uptake into human platelets was associated with KCl: 6.2; Na2HPO4: 1.2; glucose: 10 mM; pH 7.4 at 37 C) elevated free intracellular sodium concentration (Singer to a final concentration of 28 mg/ml or 15 mg/ml wet et al. 1999). As a similar effect could very likely explain weight for 3H-GABA- or for 3H-L-glutamate uptake. the rather broad inhibiting properties of hyperforin for Protein content was determined according to the several synaptosomal uptake systems, we specifically method of Bradford (1976). Aliquots of the suspension investigated the possible role of amiloride sensitive so- were added into 96-well microtiter plates containing dium conductive pathways for the effects of this com- ice-cold HEPES buffer together with varying concentra- pound on 3H-L-glutamate and 3H-GABA uptake. A pre- tions of drugs affecting uptake. The plates were prein- liminary report of the data was previously published cubated at 37ЊC for 15 minutes in a slightly shaking (Wonnemann et al. 1999). water bath, then cooled in ice water for 5 minutes. Up- take was initiated by addition of the 3H-labeled ligands (3H-GABA: 0.5, 3H-L-glutamate: 1 nM) to a final volume METHODS of 500 ␮l per well. After incubation for 4 minutes at 37ЊC, for which period specific uptake was linearly cor- Animals related with incubation time, cooling on ice for 5 min- Female NMRI (Naval medical research institute, NIH utes terminated the uptake. The samples were filtered Bethesda, USA) mice (2–3 months) were used for the under slight vacuum (Whatman GF/B glass fiber fil- uptake assays and were obtained from Harlan Winkel- ters) and washed three times for one second (4ЊC) using mann (Borchen, Germany). All animals were housed in a 24-sample Brandel Cell Harvester (3H-GABA: HEPES plastic cages with water and food ad libitum and were buffer; 3H-L-glutamate: saline 0.9%). Non-specific up- maintained on a 12-hour light/dark cycle. All experi- take was estimated in parallel probes containing unla- ments were performed in accordance with the German beled neurotransmitters (1mM) (Enna and Snyder 1975; animal right regulations. Robinson et al. 1991). Non-specific uptake was similar when determined by incubation at 4ЊC. In most cases data were normalized as “percent of specific uptake”, Materials always referring to the specific uptake obtained from Hyperforin was isolated from hypericum extract accord- total minus non-specific uptake. Filters were removed ing to Erdelmeier (1998) and was a gift by Dr. Willmar and placed in plastic vials containing 4 ml Lumasafe Schwabe GmbH & Co (Karlsruhe, Germany). The plus (Packard, Dreieich, Germany) and radioactivity hyperforin samples were stored in the dark at Ϫ20ЊC in was determined in a TR 1900 scintillation counter (Can- nitrogen atmosphere. Tritiated radiochemicals (Glutamic berra-Packard, Dreieich, Germany).

190 M. Wonnemann et al. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 2000–VOL. 23, NO. 2

Table 1. IC50-Values and Hill Coefficients of Reference Substances for the Specific Synaptosomal Uptake of 3H-L-Glutamate and 3H-GABA. Data are Means Ϯ SD of 3–5 Independent Experiments

3H-L-glutamate Uptake 3H-GABA Uptake ␮ ␮ Inhibitor IC50 [ M] nH Inhibitor IC50 [ M] nH L-glutamate 4.28 Ϯ 0.15 Ϫ1.148 Ϯ 0.295 GABA 9.75 Ϯ 1.89 Ϫ0.853 Ϯ 0.112 DL-threo-␤-hydroxy-aspartate 1.33 Ϯ 0.31 Ϫ0.919 Ϯ 0.237 DABA 26.67 Ϯ 18.94 Ϫ0.807 Ϯ 0.161 Pyrrolidone-2, 4-dicarbonic acid 1.53 Ϯ 0.23 Ϫ1.079 Ϯ 0.265 ␤-alanine Ͼ1000 Dihydro kainic acid Ͼ200 ␣-aminoadipate Ͼ100 D-glutamate Ͼ100 NMDA Ͼ100

Kinetic analyses were performed accordingly by ad- by diaminobutyric acid (DABA) and the weak inhibi- dition of 0.4–25 nM 3H-GABA or 2.6–85 nM 3H-L- tion of 3H-GABA uptake by ␤-alanine (Table 1) and of glutamate. 3H-L-glutamate by several other compounds suggests that synaptosomal uptake of both neurotransmitters is mainly associated with neuronal uptake sites (Enna and Data Analyses Snyder 1975; Lester and Peck 1979; Nakashita et al. Data was calculated using iterative curve fitting rou- 1997; Sutton and Simmonds 1974; Robinson et al. 1991; tines (Graph Pad® Prism ver. 2.01/1996). Individual Rauen et al. 1992). In agreement with our previous find- group differences were assessed as appropriate using ings (Chatterjee et al. 1998a), hyperforin inhibits both

paired two-tailed Student’s t-test. Differences were uptake systems with IC50-values in the nanomolar deemed significant when p Ͻ .05. range (Figures 1 and 2, Table 2) None of several typical antidepressants investigated showed a relevant effect on both uptake systems (Table 3), especially consider-

RESULTS ing their much lower IC50-values for the serotonin and/ or norepinephrine transporters (Tatsumi et al. 1997; The strong inhibition of 3H-L-glutamate uptake by pyr- Richelson and Pfenning 1984). rolidone (2,4) dicarboxylic acid and of 3H-GABA uptake The inhibition of the uptake of both amino acids by

Figure 1. Inhibition of 3H-L-glutamate uptake by hyperforin, monensin and ouabain. Data are means Ϯ SD of 3–6 indepen- dent experiments each done in triplicate and are given as percent of specific uptake (see methods). NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 2000–VOL. 23, NO. 2 Hyperforin Inhibits 3H-L-glutamate and 3H-GABA Uptake 191

Figure 2. Inhibition of 3H-GABA uptake by hyperforin, monensin and ouabain. Data are means Ϯ SD of 3–6 independent experiments each done in triplicate and are given as percent of specific uptake (see methods). hyperforin was at least partially reversible, since wash- hibited the synaptosomal uptake of 3H-L-glutamate ing the synaptosomes only once (Table 4) could signifi- (Figure 1) and 3H-GABA (Figure 2) with Hill coeffi- cantly reduce inhibition. The inhibition of both uptake cients similar to those of hyperforin. As hyperforin is systems by hyperforin was associated with a significant not a sodium ionophore by itself (Singer et al. 1999) we decrease of Vmax, while Km-values were not significantly additionally investigated, if its uptake inhibition is as- altered (Figure 3, Table 5), suggesting non-competitive sociated with mechanisms regulating the physiological inhibition. sodium conductance. We have previously shown that the inhibition of se- However, blocking voltage dependent sodium chan- rotonin uptake in human platelets is associated with an nels ( (TTX) up to a concentration of 1 ␮M) elevation of the free intracellular sodium concentration had no effect on both uptake systems and also did not and can be mimicked by the non-specific sodium iono- modify the effect of hyperforin (data not shown). Oua- phore monensin (Singer et al. 1999). Monensin also in- bain and digoxin inhibited both uptake systems as hy- perforin does (Table 2). An alternative mechanism could be the participation of amiloride sensitive sodium ϩ ϩ ϩ Table 2. Inhibition of Specific 3H-L-Glutamate and Specific conductive pathways (Na channels and Na -H -anti- 3H-GABA Uptake by Hyperforin and Several Drugs porters). Accordingly, the amiloride analogues at low Affecting Sodium Conductance. Data are Means Ϯ SD concentrations significantly enhanced 3H-L-glutamate of 4–8 Independent Experiments

3H-GABA Uptake 3H-L-glutamate Uptake Table 3. Inhibition of Specific 3H-L-Glutamate and Specific IC [␮M] IC [␮M] 50 50 3H-GABA Uptake by Several Typical Antidepressant Drugs. hyperforin 0.184 Ϯ 0.042 0.143 Ϯ 0.086 Data are Means Ϯ SD of 3–5 Independent Experiments monensin 0.356 Ϯ 0.056 1.30 Ϯ 0.36 3 3 ouabain 0.762 Ϯ 0.095 18.83 Ϯ 1.89 H-GABA Uptake H-L-glutamate Uptake digoxin 6.21 Ϯ 3.03 89.25 Ϯ 36.68 IC [␮M] IC [␮M] TTX n.e.a n.e.a 50 50 Ͼ Ͼ amiloride 100 100 4.56 Ϯ 0.17 39.89 Ϯ 0.14 Ϯ Ϯ MIA 20.30 4.79 27.77 5.03 citalopram Ͼ100 Ͼ100 Ϯ Ϯ EIPA 25.59 2.88 20.41 4.38 Ͼ100 33.21 Ϯ 0.11 Ϯ Ͼ benzamil 90.28 44.48 100 Ͼ100 Ͼ100 Ͼ100 Ͼ100 ano effect at 100 ␮M 192 M. Wonnemann et al. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 2000–VOL. 23, NO. 2

Table 4. Reversibility of 3H-GABA- and 3H-L-Glutamate Uptake Inhibition by Hyperforin, Monensin and a Competitive Inhibitor of each Transporter (for Further Details see Text). Since Washing Alone Reduces the Synaptosomal Levels of Both Amino Acids (about 50%), Data are Normalized as Percent of the Respective Controls (Uptake before and after Washing). Data are Means Ϯ SD of 12–17 Independent Experiments

3H-GABA Specific uptake uptake [% of respective controls] inhibitor Conc [␮M] unwashed washed 1 ϫ hyperforin 1 11.32 Ϯ 4.14 35.55 Ϯ 5.40*** monensin 0.3 59.98 Ϯ 14.54 85.35 Ϯ 17.35*** DABA 250 25.74 Ϯ 7.12 71.11 Ϯ 36.92***

3H-L-glutamate Specific uptake uptake [% of respective controls] inhibitor Conc [␮M] unwashed washed 1 ϫ hyperforin 1 20.38 Ϯ 12.12 77.06 Ϯ 20.52*** monensin 0.75 61.88 Ϯ 14.97 97.81 Ϯ 13.42*** D-glutamate 150 39.65 Ϯ 14.37 88.26 Ϯ 19.30***

***p Ͻ .001. uptake (Figures 4, 6, and 7) and also inhibited uptake at high concentrations not related to the inhibition of Naϩ channels and/or Naϩ-Hϩ -antiporters (Frelin et al. 1988). (Figure 4, Table 2). Even more important, the Figure 3. Lineweaver-Burk plots of the inhibition of spe- 3 3 same low concentration of these compounds which it- cific H-GABA and H-L-glutamate uptake inhibition by self enhanced 3H-L-glutamate uptake, significantly at- hyperforin. The graphs show single experiments representa- tive for n ϭ 5–6 (GABA) or n ϭ 9–10 (L- glutamate ) indepen- tenuated the uptake inhibition by hyperforin, but not dent determinations (R2 Ͼ 0.99) all done in triplicate. Data by monensin and ouabain (Figure 5). A comparable ob- are corrected for the protein content. 3H-GABA uptake: ᭝ servation was made for the 3H-GABA uptake, although ϭ ϭ ᭡ ϭ Vmax 1.36 pmol/mg/min, Km 60.83 nM; Vmax 0.54 the effects were less clearly pronounced (Table 5). ϭ 3 ᭛ pmol/mg/min, Km 60.32 nM ; H-L-glutamate uptake: ϭ ϭ ᭜ ϭ Moreover, a typical shift to the right of the dose response Vmax 6.13 pmol/mg/min, Km 85.67 nM ; Vmax 1.55 Ͼ ␮ ϭ curves of hyperforin (concentration range 1 M) was pmol/mg/min; Km 81.75 nM. observed by EIPA or benzamil, two amiloride deriva- tives with a more than ten times higher affinity for either GABA or L-glutamate transporters, respectively (see ϩ ϩ Na -H -antiporters or for sodium channels, respectively also Table 1). (Figures 6 and 7) (Frelin et al. 1988). By contrast, hyperforin inhibits both synaptosomal

uptake systems with rather similar IC50-values in the

DISCUSSION Table 5. Kinetic analyses of the inhibition of the specific synaptosomal uptake of 3H-L-glutamate and 3H-GABA by hyperforin. Data for V and K are means Ϯ SD of (N) As indicated by the IC50-values of well characterized max m competitors (Table 1), the synaptosomal uptake sys- independent experiments tems used in the present communication seem to be Conc. Vmax Km mainly associated with the neuronal GABA transporter [␮M] [pmol/mg/min] [nM] N GAT1 (high affinity of DABA, low affinity of ␤-alanine) 3H-GABA 0 2.76 Ϯ 1.91 100.48 Ϯ 88.64 9 (Nakashita et al. 1997; Enna and Snyder 1975; Lester 0.5 0.87 Ϯ 0.62* 85.15 Ϯ 89.69 9 and Peck 1979) or with the neuronal L-glutamate trans- 1 0.77 Ϯ 0.41* 86.72 Ϯ 60.99 9 porter EAAC 1 (high affinity of pyrrolidone 2,4-dicar- 3H-L-glutamate 0 8.27 Ϯ 2.66 143.13 Ϯ 62.03 8 boxylic acid) (Robinson et al. 1991; Rauen et al. 1992). 0.2 4.76 Ϯ 2.30* 154.25 Ϯ 109.69 8 Ϯ Ϯ As there is only some homology between both classes 1 1.80 0.92*** 84.25 40.79 8 of transporter molecules (Malandro and Kilberg 1996) *p Ͻ .05. there is no overlap between the specific inhibitors of ***p Ͻ .001. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 2000–VOL. 23, NO. 2 Hyperforin Inhibits 3H-L-glutamate and 3H-GABA Uptake 193

Figure 4. (top) Effect of increasing concentrations of two amiloride derivatives on specific 3H-L-glutamate uptake (n ϭ 3–6). (bottom) Maximum stimulation of specific 3H-L- glutamate uptake by several amiloride derivatives. Data are means Ϯ SD of 11–16 independent determinations and were done in triplicate and are given as percent of specific uptake (see methods).

high nanomolar range, close to its IC50-values for sero- tonin, norepinephrine and dopamine uptake (Chatter- jee et al. 1998a). This contrasts to all clinically used anti- depressant drugs, which are only weak inhibitors of Figure 5. Effects of several amiloride analogues on the L-glutamate and GABA uptake, especially in relation- inhibition by hyperforin (top), monensin (middle) or oua- ship to their potent inhibition of serotonin and/or nore- bain (bottom) of 3H-L-glutamate and 3H-GABA uptake. Data pinephrine uptake (Tatsumi et al. 1997; Richelson and are means Ϯ SD of 6–9 independent determinations and Pfenning 1984). Some experimental findings indicated were done in triplicate. Data are always given as percent of that administration of hypericum extract or of hyperforin specific uptake without the presence of any inhibitor. Con- lead to an enhanced glutamatergic and GABAergic neu- centrations of hyperforin, monensin and ouabain were ␮ ␮ ␮ rotransmission in animal or human brain (Dimpfel et al. always 0.25 M, 0.35 M and 10 M, respectively. The con- ␮ 1998; Schellenberg et al. 1998; Kaehler et al. 1999). How- centrations of the analogues are amiloride 10 M, MIA 10␮M, benzamil 3␮M and EIPA 3␮M for the L-glutamate ever, the possible relevance of these effects for the antide- uptake and amiloride 10␮M, MIA 1␮M, benzamil 3 ␮M and pressant activity is not yet known. EIPA 10␮M for the GABA uptake. Uptake inhibition of 3H-L-glutamate and 3H-GABA by hyperforin is clearly non-competitive excluding sim- ple substrate competition for the ligand binding sites, but is at least partially reversible by a single washing 194 M. Wonnemann et al. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 2000–VOL. 23, NO. 2

Figure 6. Effects of EIPA (1␮M, 10␮M) on the dose response curve of hyperforin as an inhibitor of specific 3H-L-glutamate uptake. Data are means Ϯ SD of six independent determinations each done in triplicate and are given as percent of specific uptake (see methods). Inset: Uptake inhibition by hyperforin alone or in the presence of EIPA (10␮M). Data are normalized ␮ ϭ ᭹ ϭ Ϯ ␮ ᭡ ϩ ␮ ϭ for the inhibition by hyperforin at 1 M ( 100%). hyperforin: IC50 4.54 1.24 M; hyperforin EIPA 10 M:IC50 26.61 Ϯ 11.79 ␮M. experiment, which also excludes unspecific damage of facts. However, preliminary experiments indicate that the synaptosomes as major mechanism. Taking to- hyperforin is not an inhibitor of Naϩ-Kϩ- ATPase gether these observations suggest that the mechanism (Chatterjee, personal communication, Eckert and Müller, of action of hyperforin is probably not associated with unpublished findings). Moreover, neither ouabain nor specific binding to the different transporter molecules, TTX at rather high concentrations did modify the inhibi- but with mechanisms relevant for the activity of neu- tion of 3H-L-glutamate and 3H-GABA uptake by hyper- rotransmitter transporters in general. The latter as- forin. Taken together, it seems very unlikely that hyper- sumption could explain that hyperforin inhibits the forin works via Naϩ-Kϩ-ATPase inhibition or activation synaptosomal uptake not only of 3H-GABA and 3H-L- of voltage-dependent sodium channels. glutamate, but also the uptake of serotonin, norepi- Synaptosomal uptake of 3H-GABA and 3H-L-gluta- ϩ nephrine and dopamine with IC50-values in the nano- mate can be inhibited by the Na ionophore monensin molar range (Müller et al. 1998; Chatterjee et al. 1998a). as it has already been reported for serotonin and The sole driving force of all neurotransmitter trans- dopamine (Itzenwasser et al. 1982; Reith and O’Reilly porters is the Naϩ -gradient, as the transporters are oper- 1990; Singer et al. 1999). However, recent findings using ated by Naϩ-cotransport (Malandro et al. 1996). Condi- human platelets indicate that hyperforin is not a non- tions which decrease the Naϩ-gradient of the neuronal specific physiochemical Naϩ-ionophore, since it ele- membrane, either by lowering extracellular or by elevating vates the intracellular Naϩ concentration to a certain intracellular Naϩ, are well known to inhibit the neuronal level only, contrasting monensin which leads to com- neurotransmitter transporters. While extracellular Naϩ plete equilibrium between the intracellular and the ex- was kept constant in our experiments, we investigated if tracellular Naϩ levels (Singer et al. 1999). hyperforin works via mechanisms regulating sodium An important system regulating intracellular Naϩ conductance. The Naϩ-gradient is primarily maintained concentrations is the Naϩ-Hϩ-exchanger, which can be by Naϩ-Kϩ-ATPase. It is well known that by blocking this specifically inhibited by amiloride and several of its an- enzyme with high concentrations of ouabain or digoxin, alogues (Grinstein and Rothstein 1986; Frelin et al. synaptosomal uptake can be inhibited and that under 1988). Naϩ-Hϩ-exchangers have also been identified on non-depolarizing conditions voltage-dependent Naϩ brain cell membranes and synaptosomes (Kalaria et al. channels are not involved. Our experiments with ouabain 1998; Sauvaigo et al. 1984; Sanchez-Armass et al. 1994). or digoxin and with TTX are simply confirming these Inhibition by amiloride or amiloride derivatives re- NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 2000–VOL. 23, NO. 2 Hyperforin Inhibits 3H-L-glutamate and 3H-GABA Uptake 195

Figure 7. Effects of benzamil (1␮M, 10␮M) on the dose response curve of hyperforin as an inhibitor of specific L-glutamate uptake. Data are means Ϯ SD of six independent determinations each done in triplicate (see Figure 6). Inset: (see Figure 6) ᭹ ϭ Ϯ ␮ ᭡ ϩ ␮ ϭ Ϯ ␮ hyperforin: IC50 4.54 1.24 M; hyperforin benzamil 10 M: IC50 19.5 11.48 M.

duces synaptosomal Naϩ uptake leading to a reduced specific for the Naϩ-Hϩ-exchanger, but are also antago- free intracellular Naϩ concentration (Sauvaigo et al. nists of amiloride sensitive “epithelial” Naϩ channels 1984; Liu et al. 1996). In agreement with latter findings, (Frelin et al. 1988). At least one subclass of these chan- incubation of synaptosomes with amiloride derivatives nels (brain sodium channels, BNC1 and BNC2) are ex- significantly enhanced 3H-L-glutamate uptake at con- pressed in the brain (Garcia-Anoveros et al. 1997; Price centrations relevant for inhibiting the Naϩ-Hϩ- et al. 1996). In order to investigate the possible rele- exchanger (1–10 ␮mol/L) (Frelin et al. 1988). At much vance of these ion channels, additional experiments higher concentrations, these compounds showed non- were made with two of the derivatives, EIPA and ben- specific inhibition of 3H-L-glutamate uptake. Very in- zamil. 1 ␮M EIPA showed maximum inhibition of the terestingly, when synaptosomes were incubated with Naϩ-Hϩ-exchanger in two different tissues (Frelin et al. all four drugs in the presence of a hyperforin concentra- 1988; Sauvaigo et al. 1984) and displaces specific 3H- ␮ tion giving about 50% inhibition, the effect of hyperforin MIA binding to the exchanger with a Ki of 0.14 M was significantly attenuated in all cases and was even (Kalaria et al. 1998). Much higher concentrations are abolished in the case of methylisobutylamiloride (MIA). needed to inhibit sodium channels (Frelin et al. 1988). Even more important, none of the compounds changed Its effect on the dose response curve of hyperforin as an the uptake inhibition by monensin and ouabain, except inhibitor of synaptosomal 3H-L-glutamate uptake is bi- a small additive enhancement of the ouabain inhibition phasic (Figure 7). At 1 ␮M EIPA, where the exchanger by amiloride. In principle, the same findings were made is blocked but not the sodium channels, EIPA stimu- with all four compounds for 3H- GABA uptake. These lates uptake. This effect is antagonized already by very findings would be compatible with the assumption that low hyperforin concentrations. The inhibitory effect of hyperforin activates the Naϩ-Hϩ-exchanger and that this hyperforin on 3H-L-glutamate uptake at higher hyper- effect is inhibited by amiloride or its derivatives. Initial forin concentrations (1–100 ␮M) is only slightly attenu- findings with human platelets (Singer and Müller, unpub- ated by EIPA (1 ␮M), but is profoundly reduced by an lished observations), where hyperforin elevates intracellu- EIPA concentration of 10 ␮M. Conversely, benzamil lar pH after 15 minutes incubation and findings of S.S. blocks sodium channels already at a concentration of 1 Chatterjee with smooth muscle cells in tissue culture (per- ␮M (Frelin et al. 1988). Much higher concentrations are sonal communication), where hyperforin leads to an acidi- needed to inhibit the Naϩ-Hϩ-exchanger (Frelin et al. 3 fication of the medium, are in line with these assumptions. 1988). Its IC50 for inhibiting specific H-MIA binding is Unfortunately, amiloride and its derivatives are not about 25 ␮M (Kalaria et al. 1998). Similar to EIPA, 1 ␮M 196 M. Wonnemann et al. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 2000–VOL. 23, NO. 2

benzamil is sufficient for maximal stimulation of 3H-L- nolic extract and a hyperforin-enriched CO2 extract of St. glutamate uptake in the absence of hyperforin, but con- John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) on intracerebral trary to EIPA, 1 ␮M benzamil is nearly sufficient for field potentials in the freely moving rat (Tele-Stereo-EEG). Pharmacopsychiatry 31, Suppl 1:30–35 attenuating the effect of hyperforin (1–100 ␮M) on 3H- Enna SJ, Snyder SH (1975): Properties of gamma-aminobu- L-glutamate uptake. Increasing the benzamil concentra- 3 ␮ tyric acid ( H-GABA) receptor binding in rat brain syn- tion up to 10 M has little further effect. These findings aptic membrane fractions. Brain Res 100:81–97 would suggest that the increase of 3H-L-glutamate up- Erdelmeier CA (1998): Hyperforin, possibly the major non- take, which is seen without hyperforin or at very low nitrogenous secondary metabolite of Hypericum perfo- hyperforin concentrations, could be elicited by inhibi- ratum L. 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