Get a mammogram. Do it for yourself. Do it for your family.

Is my mammogram covered? mammograms by a participating provider are covered 100%. If you have any questions, please call our Customer Service Department at the phone number listed on your member identification card.

The information contained in this brochure is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical care. Any questions you have should be brought to the attention of your physician.

B-2585 / 8671-14 EX/MED MCM Am I at risk for ? Early detection may also reduce the extent We are all at risk for cancer regardless of surgery needed. For example, early stages of race, age, breast size, or family history. Our of cancer can often be treated with a lumpec- risk for increases as we get older tomy (removal of only the lump and surround- and will continue to rise until at least age 85. ing tissue) instead of a (removal of the entire breast). What are the chances that a What is a mammogram? woman in the United States might A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray picture get breast cancer? of the breast that is used to detect breast Age is the most important risk factor for cancer. It can find tumors years before breast cancer. The older a woman is, the they can be found by an examination. A greater her chance of developing breast mammogram does not cause cancer. With cancer. A woman’s chance of getting breast today’s machines, the level of radiation is cancer in the next 10 years is: very low and studies have shown that mammograms are not harmful.

at age 30 to age 40 1 out of 233 What happens during a mammogram?

at age 40 to age 50 1 out of 69 A mammogram is a simple exam. When you at age 50 to age 60 1 out of 42 go for a mammogram, the person taking the picture will place your breast between two at age 60 to age 70 1 out of 29 X-ray panels. The panels will push your breast Ever 1 out of 8 between them to get as clear a picture as * Source: National Cancer Institute Surveillance, possible. You may feel a little bit of discomfort, Epidemiology, and End Results Program, 2005-2007 but the entire process takes less than 15 minutes. Who should get a mammogram? Why have a mammogram? Beginning at age 40, all women should discuss Mammograms can find a tumor years before breast with their doctor. Women you can. It can find a tumor this small• . with known family histories of breast cancer should If the tumor is cancerous, it is much better to start these discussions much earlier. Screening mam- find it early, while it is still in one spot. The mograms are the best way to detect cancer early, majority of found at an early stage and many experts recommend that mammograms are successfully treated. be done at least every two years for women age 50 and older who are considered “average risk” (no family members with breast cancer).