Central Annals of Clinical Cytology and Pathology Bringing Excellence in Open Access

Case Report *Corresponding author Nasim Khajavirad, Department of Internal Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Tel: Gorham Disease Involving Thoracic 98-2166-939-922, Email Submitted: 28 August 2017 Spine: A Case Report Accepted: 26 September 2017 Published: 28 September 2017 1 2 2 Mohsen Esfandbod , Nasim Khajavirad *, Marziyeh Galamkari , ISSN: 2475-9430 and Mahdi Khatuni2 Copyright 1Department of Hematology-Oncology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran © 2017 Khajavirad et al. 2Department of Internal Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran OPEN ACCESS

Abstract Keywords • Gorham disease Gorham disease is an extremely rare bone disorder in musculoskeletal system. The pathologic • Osteolytic lesion process is the replacement of normal bone by an aggressively expanding vascular tissue. It may • Spinal mass affect the appendicular or the axial skeleton. Common sites of involvement are the shoulder & the pelvic. It rarely involves spine that would cause serious neurologic complication. This case report shows a 51-year-old woman with Gorham disease who had paraparesia due to thoracic vertebral involvement. Gorham disease should be in differential diagnosis of any osteolytic lesion in skeleton after excluding other common causes of .

INTRODUCTION normal bone by an aggressively expanding but non-neoplastic vascular tissue [1]. Also it has been suggested that an increase Gorham disease, also known as Gorham-Stout syndrome, in the sensitivity of precursors to humoralfactors, massive osteolysis, disappearing/vanishing , or promote osteoclast formation & [4]. phantom bone disease [1]; is an extremely rare bone disorder of Gorham disease may affect the appendicular or the axial 1955 Gorham & his colleagues provided a more comprehensive skeleton. The most common sites of involvement are the reportmusculoskeletal on massive system. osteolysis It was diseasefirst reported with histologicby in 1838 feature [2]. In shoulder & the pelvis [1]. Other sites which may be involved of intraosseous proliferation of hemangiomatosis or are the humerus, scapula, clavicle, sternum, mandible,ulnar, lymphangiomatosis tissue. Therefore the condition became pleural effusions may be present due to extension of the involved vertebra,maxillofacial scapula, skeleton rib and & sternum hand [5-8]. to mediastinum Chylosis pericardial[1,9]. It rarely & knownGorham as “Gorham disease disease” is a non-hereditory [3]. disorder most affected involves spine that would cause serious neurologic complications before 40 years old. Its etiology &pathophysiology is poorly [10,11]. understood [4]. The pathological process is the replacement of

Figure 1 MRI shows mass involving T7 vertebral body.

Cite this article: Esfandbod M, Khajavirad N, Galamkari M, Khatuni M (2017) Gorham Disease Involving Thoracic Spine: A Case Report. Ann Clin Cytol Pathol 3(7): 1080. Khajavirad et al. (2017) Email:

Central Bringing Excellence in Open Access Here we report a patient with Gorham disease who had neurologicalCASE REPORT deficit due to thoracic vertebral involvement. low back pain & a week history of paraparesia & parestesia. She wasA a 51married year oldhouse woman wife fromhad a Tehran 3 month & didn’thistory have of progressiveany history disorder except long term hypertension & impaired glucose tolerance.of trauma or She radiation. was treated She didn’t with losartan mention & any metformin specific medical since 5 years ago. Her family & habit history was unremarkable.

On physical examination localized tenderness at 7-8 thoracic alsovertebraes had sensory was significant. level at mid-chest Paraparesia wall. (muscle force 2/5) with increased knee DTR & upward plantar reflex was detected. She Figure 4

The patient’s lab data was acceptable except a low 25OH Vit SPECT CT: increased uptake at spinal thoracic level. D level (10ng/ml). Spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) massrevealed mainly a mass in rightinvolving anterolateral most of the portion. T7 vertebral This was body extended (Figure 1); associated with a large lobulated paravertebral soft tissue into epidural space at T7 level & causes local CSF blocks (Figure 2). Tc 99m MDP bone scintigraphy revealed increased uptake at

Figure 5 by proliferated angiomatous vascular space. Histopathologic finding: Fragments of bone tissue replaced

T7 vertebral body (Figure 3). SPECT CT scan confirmed bones scanThe (Figure patient 4). underwent anterior thoracotomy, mass resection & spinal reconstruction. The histopathological results of the mass revealed fragments of bone tissue replaced MRI shows large lobulated paravertebral mass in right Figure 2 by proliferated angiomatous vascular space in some areas, anterolateral T7. intervening hematopoietic cells mixed with prominent plasma

cells and without presence of cellular atypia (Figure 5). The tumorimmunohistochemistry cells was positive, (IHC) suggested staining vascular was origin positive of the for lesion, CD3, CD20, CD31, BCL2, LCA markers and Ki67 in less than 5% of

angiomatosispresence of B “Gorham and T lymphocytes Disease”. and low cellular proliferative activity. These findings confirmed osteolysis with secondary After surgery, medical treatment with zoledronic acid and

weeks. interferon was initiated &the patient was able to walk after 3 DISCUSSION Gorham disease is a rare mysterious bone disease of unknown

Figure 3 Spinaletiology. involvement Most of affected is extremely patients rare are as before an initial 40 presentationyears old. Less of than 200 cases have been reported worldwide [4]. As noted Bone scan revealed increased uptake at spinal thoracic level. Ann Clin Cytol Pathol 3(7): 1080 (2017) 2/3 Khajavirad et al. (2017) Email:

Central Bringing Excellence in Open Access Gorham disease which was revealed in our patient.

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Cite this article Esfandbod M, Khajavirad N, Galamkari M, Khatuni M (2017) Gorham Disease Involving Thoracic Spine: A Case Report. Ann Clin Cytol Pathol 3(7): 1080.

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