Edition 3 – 2019 to cover August, September and October 2019

From Wincham Parish Council Delivered free to every home & business in Wincham News and information about our village and close neighbours

Stunning poppies at the Wincham War Memorial. These were planted on 11 November 2018 and were seen in their full glory to celebrate the 75th anniversary of D-Day Chairman’s Words by Councillor Ian Parr Wincham Parish Council

Following the recent elections, you can see from the back page, I have been afforded the honour to continue as Chairman of Wincham Parish Council.

We are delighted to welcome Andrew Webster to the Parish Council, and thank him for offering to help us care for and improve our village for its residents. We look forward to getting to know him and hope he will be happy working with us.

We’re quite a nice bunch really, which is why (we hope) we welcome back so many of our returning Councillors. We thank them and hope they continue to give their time and efforts and ideas as they have done so generously in the past years.

We still have a vacancy and so if you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please do make contact with our Parish Clerk, Naomi. Her contact details are on the back page.

The Parish Meetings take a break in August but resume again in September. If you would like to come to these monthly meetings you would be most welcome.

Meanwhile, have a great summer and fingers crossed we get some lovely weather as well.

Page 2 Contents Page Description 4 to 6 Ongoing issues and updates 7 Wincham and the Jet Engine 8 & 9 A Marathon run – and diabetes defeated! 10 Joe Robinson 11 Research on Marbury Hall 12 CRTA Wincham - 5th October - Done to Death by Jove 13 Safety on our Wincham Country Roads 14 Wincham Parish Council 15 Proud of the Young People of Wincham Lostock Lodge Care Home 16 & 17 Hedgehogs and Highways 18 Summer-long fun at the Lion Works 19 Marbury Ward Councillors 20 & 21 St John’s Church 22 & 23 FoAM 24 & 25 Wincham Fit Trail 26 & 27 Wincham History continues by Janet Boyd 28 & 29 Wincham Rare Breed Success 30 to 33 Forthcoming Events 34 & 35 Activities in the Community Centre 36 PCSO Diana Wiggins 20322 37 Wincham Parish Council Meetings & The War Memorial 38 Pickmere and Wincham Methodist Church 39 to 43 Useful Information

Page 3 Ongoing issues and updates

WINCHAM GRASS VERGES The grass verges in the village are there to enhance our streets and for everyone to enjoy. A big thank you to those who take care of them!

Please try to avoid driving and parking on them as this damages them and makes them unsightly.

GENERAL ADVERTISING IN THE VILLAGE If you wish to put up A-Frames or banners around the village please contact Naomi, our Parish Clerk, first.

Please do not attach general event posters to the railings.

Please use the Public Noticeboard at Rayners Corner for these (using the magnets provided – not sticky tape or glue as it damages the surface of the notice board). Please don’t remove the magnets either, please leave them for other people to use.

HS2 For the latest news on HS2, you might want to look on stophs2.org or follow Mid-Cheshire Against HS2 on facebook and Twitter.

Page 4 Ongoing issues and updates

THANK YOU! A big thank you to volunteers who helped to tidy up the Public Right of Way which links Wincham Lane to the canal bank!

The job was completed quickly by several pairs of willing hands.


The turf around the new roundabout on Linnards Lane Playing Field could do with some water during the next few months whenever it is dry! If you feel inclined to bring a can of

water with you when visiting the field, please use it to soak a small area thoroughly, particularly the joins in the turf. This will be of much greater benefit that a quick sprinkle!

HEDGES, CURBS, PATHWAYS IN WINCHAM We have received a number of messages and emails about the unkempt state of a number of our roads, hedges and curbs. We have written to CWAC Highways highlighting all these issues and are awaiting a reply. We do know the Highway department is very overstretched and whilst this is not an acceptable excuse, it does explain why our roads are not in their correct state.

To help us highlight all the problem areas in Wincham, if you see an issue, please go onto the ‘Report it’ CWAC website and register the problem. If you have time to email Naomi with the details too, that would be much appreciated. https://www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/residents/contact- us/report-it/report-it.aspx

Page 5 Ongoing issues and updates

20 MILE SPEED LIMIT We have received a large number of positive and negative comments about the new speed limits in the village and the confusion it is currently causing.

This was a CWAC Directive and despite Wincham Parish Council making comments and suggestions on the proposals it has gone ahead.

Many people are saying it is making no difference to the speeding in the village. However, our PCSO, Diana has run a number of speed traps and has spoken to a number of motorists.

There is confusion with regards to where the new 20 mile limit covers and we have taken this up again with CWAC and will report back to you.

The same applies to the, now confusing, position of the interactive sign near Pheasant Drive.

Any concerns please do let us know – either via our facebook site or directly to Naomi, our Parish Clerk. Her details are on the last page.

WINCHAM AND THE JET ENGINE – YOUR HELP PLEASE. We know that between 1940-1949, there was testing and making of jet engines in Wincham. At the time, this was very secretive but we are now wanting to honour Wincham’s amazing involvement in aviation history.

Did you work there, did any of your family members work there, have you any photos of the site or have you some interesting anecdotes to share?

Please do get in touch with us: [email protected]. We would love to hear from you.

Page 6 WINCHAM PARISH COUNCIL WINCHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE WINCHAM AND THE JET ENGINE SATURDAY, 21ST SEPTEMBER 2019 AT 2PM Everyone is welcome to attend this incredibly special occasion

Many of you know that Wincham had a large part to play in the development of the jet engine. Two types of jet engine were developed, an Axial Flow Gas Turbine and a Centrifugal Engine (Frank Whittle).

Metropolitan Vickers were working on the Axial Flow in Manchester, when bombing raids forced them to find a safer location. Albert Stubbs, (an engineer at Metro Vics during the war) and his brother Leslie were running the New Salt Works, offered to make some land available in Wincham.

A building was constructed (known as F2) in the grounds of the and although testing took place in secret, the noise could be heard all over Wincham, giving rise to many rumours.

There was a stone plaque located above one of the doors of the F2 building. A local resident, Gary Olive purchased this plaque and we are delighted that he has allowed WPC to arrange for the plaque to be mounted in the entrance hall of Wincham Community Centre.

We have the distinct pleasure of unveiling this unique plaque on Saturday, 21st September .

We will be serving a light afternoon tea after the official proceedings have taken place. If you would like to attend, can you please email [email protected] (so that we can confirm numbers for the caterer).

We do hope you can join us on this very special occasion.

Page 7 A Marathon run – and diabetes defeated!

Wincham resident Andrew Clayton is celebrating his completion of the Virgin Money London Marathon and raising over £2,100 for Diabetes UK – as a result of making massive and almost certainly life- saving changes to his lifestyle!

In June 2014, Andrew, then aged 33, weighed 26 stone; he regularly consumed more than his fair share of takeaways and fry-ups and wasn't too keen on exercise. Suffering from fatigue and concerned that he was frequently urinating, he consulted his GP, who diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes and predicted a life expectancy of 10-15 years if Andrew didn't make changes.

Shocked, Andrew gave up fatty and sweet foods, changed his diet to wholefoods and home-cooked meals and lost 10 stone. When the weight loss levelled off, he joined Running Club. 'Running has been a lifesaver both for my psychological and physical well-being' says Andrew. 'And I've met some incredible people.’

Page 8 A Marathon run – and diabetes defeated!

Andrew was soon running in races - 5k, 10k, a half marathon, and in 2017 ran up the Rock of Gibraltar, which, three years before, he had failed to even walk up. The excess weight dropped off, his fitness improved and he completed the Marathon in April. 'It was the best day of my life' he says. 'As I crossed Tower Bridge, I turned to another Diabetes UK runner and said 'I think I'm having a moment!”

But Andrew's greatest cause to celebrate is the fact that, recently, it was suggested to him that now, five years on, he could potentially be removed from the Diabetic Register. He's keen to spread the word – he says that if he can do it, others can too!


Page 9 Joe Robinson

This beautiful oak bench, overlooking Pickmere Lake, was provided by Anne Robinson in memory of her husband Joe, a popular local photographer and historian.

Page 10 Research on Marbury Hall

Can you help with research on Marbury Hall in World War II?

Clive Brookes, a local historian, is preparing publications on the local history of this area, including the role of Marbury Hall in World War II. He also will assist in any update of the www.marburyhall.com website entry on the history of the site 1940-1948.

During this time the local area was a temporary home for thousands returning from Dunkirk, Cherbourg and St. Nazaire in 1940 before becoming a location for troops training to defend the Isle of Wight. Men were later sent from local army camps to help during the Liverpool blitz and others later trained to land on D-Day. The numerous local camps were greatly expanded to house American troops before D-Day, after which Marbury became a German prisoner of war camp, one of the last in Britain to close in 1948.

Over thirty people have already helped Clive, but if anyone else has recollections, photographs or diaries of this period that relate to these events in mid Cheshire and is willing to share them with him, he would like to be contacted at [email protected].

A Prisoner of War drawing from 1947 telling a brief history of the hall and prophesying the takeover by ICI after the Germans have finally gone home.

Page 11 CRTA WINCHAM th Saturday, 5 October 2019 Nic Collett & Gavin Robertson Doors open 7pm Performance starts 7.30pm DONE TO DEATH, BY JOVE “The 39 Steps” meets “An Inspector Calls” via Agatha Christie and Midsomer Murders.

A cast of 6 bring a comic flurry of suspects and characters together to discover who done what, and why…

Except, well… 4 of the cast are stuck by the side of the road in the van, and only Gavin and Nick have managed to get to the venue… but ‘the show must go on’…

Comic clichés from the Detective genre - Lords and ladies, shady servants, secrets, motives and cunning police-work abound in this genre-busting comedy from the Masters of inventive silliness!

It’s not a new idea, it’s not a new plot – it’s been DONE TO DEATH, BY JOVE – but not like this! Promise. To buy tickets or for further information please contact Debs May – [email protected] or call on 07847 187983

or you can buy online from www.danarts.org and go to the events page.

Ticket price is £12 and includes fun themed nibbles

Page 12 Safety on our Wincham Country Roads


Please may we remind you that when walking along country lanes it is safer whenever possible to be facing oncoming traffic. So many cars are now virtually silent that pedestrians (especially those wearing ear phones) may not be aware of traffic coming up behind them.


You probably know that most modern cars are fitted with DRLs but are you also aware that while they are fitted to the front of cars, most do not have them to the rear?

Consequently in poor visibility we are lulled into a false sense of security by thinking that we can be clearly seen both front and back. In bad conditions please use both front and rear lights to make yourself visible to other road users.

Please don’t drop litter around the village and especially around the canals, waterways and meres. Our wildlife is beginning to suffer because of the ‘thoughtless few’.

There are a number of bins locally, but please take your litter home if the bins are full.

Page 13 Wincham Parish Council

Our New Councillor – Andrew Webster Having lived in Wincham for just over four years, I am new to the WPC. I was welcomed to the Parish Council in July 2019.

I’m a governor at Wincham Community Primary school where my two youngest children attend.

My interests include music, learning and food and I have a love of technology (yes I’m a bit of a geek!).

I am a partner (with my real partner, Erica) in Peachy Vinyl Designs and Peachy Clean Buggy, both of which we operate from Gadbrook Park.

My decision to become a Parish Councillor was because, I have a strong interest in our local community and in particular the safety and wellbeing of our children.

Do you care about your local community? Would you be interested in becoming a Parish Councillor?

For more information about what is involved, time commitments etc, please contact our Parish Clerk: Naomi Morris - [email protected] - 0161 926 8645

Page 14 Proud of the Young People of Wincham

There is always so much bad press about the antics of the young these days and we feel it would be far more rewarding to tell about and promote all the positive actions.

Over the past couple of years we have championed a number of the young people in Wincham, but we know there are many more who deserve a mention. We know we have child carers in the village, amazing artists, incredible musicians and dancers and strong conservationists etc. If you know someone who you feel deserves a mention in the Wincham Word, please can you send a recent photo and details of their accomplishments to [email protected], (having first obtained their consent).

Lostock Lodge Care Home Hello, this is Sarah Holt and I organise events and activities at Lostock Lodge Care Home. We are looking for people who would be able to give up an hour or so of their time to come along, meet our residents and help with light gardening duties, or play board games with them, or just sit and chat for a while.

We have lots of events coming up and we would love to welcome new friends from our local community to come and join us. Cheshire Business Park, , CW9 7UA Tel – 01606 331953 Nina Rogers – Customer Relations Manager - 07568 128217

Page 15 Wincham Word Editorial Team We are looking to expand our Editorial Team. If you enjoy meeting people, finding out facts, being creative – then we are looking for you. We need extra help on the team researching and writing articles for our quarterly Wincham Word. Interested? Please contact Debs May [email protected] or 07847 817 983

Hedgehog highways and new fences Hedgehogs are alive and well and living in Wincham – but they still need our help! Squashed hedgehogs are in evidence on Wincham's roads, clear evidence that the usual highways and byways are an extremely hazardous way for them to get around.

New fences can be a problem – but one that is so easy to solve. Just ensure that there are some holes about 13cm square (6 ½”) to get from one garden to another, and leave similar clearance under the garden gate. Making the fence hole is a simple DIY job, or you could get the manufacturer or fence fitter to do it for you. A few bricks or stones may be needed for our prickly friends to get over a concrete fence base, or you may be able to cut a hole in it.

As a bonus, put out a bit of hedgehog food from the pet shop or some meaty dog food and a few mealworms. Then have a peep in the garden every time you are near the window from dusk onwards - hedgehogs are fascinating to watch and might even eat a few slugs for you!

Page 16 Page 17 Summer-long fun at the

The multi-award-winning Lion Salt Works Museum will be hosting action-packed fun for children across the region this Summer.

During each week of the Summer, the Museum’s Tuesday and Wednesday activities take place between 10.30am – 1pm and 2pm - 4.30pm. These drop-in activities are suitable for young visitors aged up to 11 and cost £2 per child. Visitors do not have to pay to go into the Museum to take part in these events.

Week 1 Let’s Go Fly a Kite - Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 July Children can get creative and have fun making a kite, ready to fly on the breeze. Families are encouraged to bring a picnic and make a day at the site.

Week 2 Kitchen Chemistry – Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 August To celebrate 2019 being the International Year of the Periodic Table, the Museum has some cool chemistry for children that they can also try at home.

Week 3 Pirate Adventure Day - Tuesday 13 August – Wednesday 14 August Fancy the life of a pirate? Then step on board with lots of exciting pirate-themed activities and crafts around the site.

Week 4 Journey to Space – Tuesday 20 August - Wednesday 21 August This year is the 50th anniversary of the moon landing by Apollo II. The Museum celebrates with crafts that are ‘out of this world’.

Week 5 Stained Glass Windows Tuesday 27 August – Wednesday 28 August Have a go at making a colourful stained glass window for home, but with a twist on traditional materials.

For more information go to westcheshiremuseums.co.uk or call the Museum on 01606 275040.

Page 18 Marbury Ward Councillors

Following our recent elections, please see below the details of the Councillors now representing the Marbury Ward.

If you want to meet up with our Councillors, they do try and attend our monthly Parish Meetings and to update us on actions they have taken on our behalf, items that have been discussed with CWaC and any new directives or schemes.

Councillor Lynn Gibbon Conservative (Deputy Leader) Telephone – 01606 784599 [email protected] •Shadow Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Housing and Growth •Standards Complaints Panel •Standards Dispensation Panel

Councillor Phil Marshall Conservative Telephone – 07917 171438 [email protected] •Appeals Committee •District Advisory Panel – Rural Area •Staffing Committee

Councillor Norman Wright Conservative Telephone - 01606 74788 [email protected] •District Advisory Panel – Rural Area •General Licensing Sub-Committee •Licensing Committee •Planning Committee

Page 19 Page 20 .

Page 21 The Friends of Anderton and Marbury – FoAM

The Friends of Anderton and Marbury is a group of local residents who have come together to support, influence and play an active role in the future of Northwich Woodlands. The group was founded in 1999 and has since grown to a membership of over 220.

The responsibility for day to day management of the Woodlands and for maintaining its infrastructure lies with Cheshire West and Council. FoAM operates as an independent group in partnership with the Council and is a registered charity. FoAM is set up to achieve ‘the preservation, protection and improvement of Northwich Woodlands for the public benefit as a recreational amenity for exercise and recreation, and to educate the public regarding the natural, historical and cultural value of the area’.

FoAM achieves this by organising walks, talks and events throughout the year, and by developing projects for conservation, improving bio-diversity and improving amenities in the Woodlands.

To support its activities and projects, the group raises funds through membership subscriptions, by direct action and by applying for external funding. To download an application form which contains details of current membership rates and how to apply – go to the website [email protected] or phone 01606 77741.

Page 22 Thursday 12th September Bat Event Meet 8.00 pm at the Rangers’ Cabin/Marbury Lodge For Information contact: Joanne Redley 01606 44728

Saturday 28th September Mammal Trapping An opportunity to find out what mammals have ventured into the mammal traps set in Marbury Country Park. Meet: 9.30 am at the Rangers’ Cabin/Marbury Lodge For information contact: Jim Jeeves 01606 77688

Sunday 13th October Autumn Bird Walk, Northwich Woodlands See Migrating and Wintering Birds at Haydn’s Pool, Ashton’s and Neumann’s Flashes. From: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm Meet: Witton Mill Car Park, Northwich For information contact: David Bullock 01606 781981

Sunday 27th October Trees in the Park A guided walk looking at the wide variety of trees in Marbury Country Park, including the Arboretum. Meet: 10.00 am at the Rangers’ Cabin/Marbury Lodge For information contact: Mary Jeeves 01606 77688

Page 23 Wincham Fit Trail We would appreciate your thoughts and comments.

These days we are all being advised to be more active and become healthier.

Wincham Parish Council is applying for a number of grants to build an inclusive 'Fit Trail' that will meander around the football pitch on Linnards Lane Playing Field.

The path will be wide and smooth enough for buggies and wheelchairs. Maybe we could have a Wincham Yummy Mummy or Daddy power walking group. We are aiming for the path to be four times round to equate to a mile.

At the meander points of the path, there will be pieces of equipment on which to exercise. Most will be more teen/adult focused (as the other side of the park is already very child friendly).

At each point there will be instructions on how to use each activity and the benefits from using them. We will add equipment over time as we obtain grants. Benches will be added too - so you can chill out on the way around as well.

On the following page is an outline of what the Fit Trail might look like and some photos of the kind of equipment we are considering.

Please have a look and if you have any thoughts/comments, please can you either use our facebook site or email/write to Naomi Morris, our Parish Clerk. [email protected] 22, Churchfields. Bowdon. Cheshire. WA14 3PJ.

Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from you.

Page 24 Wincham Fit Trail

Page 25 Wincham’s History continued By Janet Boyd Lee Porcher Townshend

Lee Porcher Townshend owned Wincham Cottage which stood where the remains of The Black Greyhound now stands.

It was then a boy’s boarding school and was run by Mr. Hammer. He was a keen photographer and took photos of the boys and the school.

As well as photos of the school Mr. Hammer took photos of Lee Porcher and his family.

Lee Porcher had three sons and five daughters. Two of his sons died within their first year. All were baptised at church.

His daughters all married except for the eldest daughter, Mary Charlotte. Fanny Emma married Cpt William Norris Congreve of Hall.

Cornelia Jane married Cpt Frederick

William Stewart of the Bengal army. Emily. Eliza married Rev Edward Logan and Harriet Maria married Rev Herbert Athelstan Ridings, a minor canon of Canterbury.

Burton Hall

Page 26 Wincham’s History continued By Janet Boyd Lee Porcher Townshend had in his possession papers relating to General . He arranged to have those published by the Cheltenham Society under his name as “Some Account of General Robert Venables of Antrobus and Wincham Cheshire with the autobiographical memoir or diary of his widow Elizabeth along with an engraving from his portrait“. When Lee Porcher retired as Chairman of the Quarter Sessions of Cheshire he was given a magnificent pair of silver baskets made by Paul de Lamerie in the rococo style.

Underneath was an inscription in recognition of his service. They were sold at Christie’s a while ago for several thousand pounds.

Lee Porcher died on 27th May 1871 aged 67. His remains were interred in the family vault at Great Budworth church.

In 1884 the family donated the east window. in Great Budworth church in memory of Lee Porcher.

In recognition of the life of Lee Porcher Townshend, a school for infants was built in 1871 in Wincham (Chapel Street), at approximately where the entrance to Ashwood Residential Park is today.

Page 27 Wincham Rare Breed Success

Wincham Rare Breed Success at Windsor Royal Horse Show

Congratulations to Emma Clarke of Bank Farm, who recently showed her Highland Pony, Caillie, at the prestigious Royal Windsor Horse Show.

Caillie was declared overall

Highland Champion 2019 in the presence of the Queen (who came third!). With Emma's sister Charlotte's drawing success in the Young Farmers marquee at the Cheshire Show, mum

Wendy is delighted.

Wendy keeps a number of

other rare breeds, and is particularly proud of the three Whitefaced Woodland lambs raised this year. These large and hardy hill sheep originated on the borders of Derbyshire and Yorkshire and are now on the 'critical' list. Both rams and ewes of this breed have horns.

Page 28 Wincham Rare Breed Success

Wendy also has some lovely Lemon Millefleurs Sablepoot chicks, also known as Booted Bantam, which have feathery feet and lemon, black and white plumage.

Wendy will be happy to talk to you about her animals at the Old Dairy Farm Shop on Green Lane, where she is increasing her stock of local produce to include flour from Walkmill Farm, juices from Delamere and Cheshire cheese truckles.

She also has a collection box for the Rare Breed Survival Trust, should customers wish to donate.


Thursday 1st August Roger King (Altrincham Astronomy) Wincham Astronomy member Subject:- How to build your own observatory

Thursday, 5th September John Anderson (from HLCO) Subject:- Five Women astronomers you did not know about

There will be a fee of £3 at all meetings Refreshments available Any queries please contact Ged at [email protected]

We meet the first Thursday of every month in Wincham Community Centre, Church St Wincham, CW9 6EP 7pm to 9pm

Page 30 Forthcoming Events






Page 31 Forthcoming Events

Page 32 Forthcoming Events

Page 33 .

Page 34 Page 35

A few words from your PCSO Diana Wiggins 20322

[email protected] Or please ring 101 in a non-emergency and 999 for all emergencies.

I cover the whole of the Marbury Ward which is a large area but I do hold regular Police Surgeries at Wincham Community Centre. If you have any issues or concerns then please call in and speak to me.

I have received complaints with regards to vehicles parking fully on the pavement around the village. The rule is that you should be able to get a double buggy or wheelchair past. I will be monitoring this and should people continue to park this way, I will be issuing fixed penalty notices.

Regular Police surgeries are held at the Community Centre

Saturday, 27 July - 12:30 – 1.30pm Thursday, 1 Aug 7-8pm Friday, 9 Aug 9-10am Saturday, 17 Aug 12:30 -1:30 Thursday, 22Aug 7-8pm Thursday, 29 Aug 11:00 -12:00 noon

All dates are held on the Cheshire Police website. https://www.cheshire.police.uk/local-policing/northwich/northwich-events/

If you have any issues or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible when on duty, or feel free to pop into the Police surgeries for a chat.

Regards Diana




Wednesday, 18th September Wednesday, 16th October Wednesday, 20th November

The meetings always start at 7.30pm Members of the public and press are most welcome.

The Parish Council Meeting full agenda will be available in advance of the meeting at www.winchamvillage.co.uk

Fifteen minutes before the meeting (i.e. 7.15pm), there will be a Public Forum. All residents who wish to voice their concerns about any issue or who want to discuss issues with a councillor or councillors are encouraged to do so at the Public Forum. Wincham War Memorial It has taken a large number of people and sponsors to make the Wincham War Memorial a reality and we are very rightly proud of the Memorial and Garden. Sadly it seems not everyone is treating this special area with the respect it deserves. We have had to treat a stone due to graffiti, stop people walking over the top of it ( not only disrespectful but really dangerous – especially for young children) and clear litter left strewn over the flower beds and path.

If you see someone acting inappropriately within the Memorial Garden, please contact Naomi Morris, our Parish Clerk. Her details are on the back page. Thank you.

Page 37 Pickmere and Wincham Methodist Church Pickmere Lane, Pickmere, WA16 0JP Minister: Rev James Patron Bell. Tel: 01606-558148 Church contact number: 01565-733543

We would love to welcome you to any of our services, which are on most Sundays at 10.45am, and followed by refreshments. The first Sunday each month is an all-age service, and there is a children's corner in the church at all services.

Harvest Festival - Our Harvest Festival all-age service is on Sunday 6th October, led by Rev David Goodwin (a previous minister here). The service will be followed by a free lunch (soup and roll, and hot pudding). All welcome. Gifts of tinned and packeted food will be collected for the Mid Cheshire Foodbank, and monetary gifts for All We Can (The Methodist church's aid charity)

Saturday 19th October- 7.30 pm, in the church. Concert by the Barnton Silver Band. Admission £5.

Regular activities include: The Pickmere and Wincham Playgroup in term-time Mondays from 9.15-11.15. See their facebook page for contact details. £2 per child per session. Coffee Mornings- Second Saturday each month 10.30 to 12 noon- all welcome for tea/coffee, toast and a chat. Plus “Trace an Ancestor” with local expert Michael Watts. Friday fellowship meetings each month from 2pm - 1st and 3rd Fridays – Bible based discussion - 2nd and 5th (when there is one) - Prayer and Praise -4th Friday – Nothing on the 4th Friday at present

More details of our church, services, other events and contact details are available on our website www.pickmereandwinchammethodistchurch.org.uk, Or see our facebook page, or telephone 01565-733543

Page 38 Useful Information

Cheshire West & Chester Council Mon-Fri 8am-7pm Sat 9am-12.30pm Online at www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk General Enquiries 0300 123 8 123 You can report Highways and StreetCare issues online www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/residents/contact-us/report-it/report-it

Page 39 Useful Information

Welcome to Girlguiding Cheshire Forest County

Rainbows – Age 5-7 years - [email protected] Rainbow meetings are full of games and activities which provide challenging opportunities for the girls to think for themselves. Brownies – Age 7-10 years – [email protected] Brownies take part in indoor and outdoor activities that encourage them to do their best. Their meetings are action-packed and full of challenges, games and activities. Guides – Age 10-14 years - [email protected] This is all about learning new skills, making new friends and helping others, allowing each girl to mature and develop at her own pace. Senior Section – 14-25 years - [email protected] Older girls and young women work on a programme called Look Wider. The programme is also linked to a variety of recognised qualifications, both within and outside guiding.


MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Past minutes of Parish Council meetings, past copies of the Wincham Word and lots more information relating to Wincham can be found at www.winchamvillage.co.uk

Page 40 Useful Information

Advertising in this section of Wincham Word is £20 per edition per business card size advert. Or £40 per edition for a quarter page advert . All adverts must be paid for in advance.

If you would like to advertise with us, please contact our Parish Clerk Naomi Morris, details on back page

13 August 15 October 3 September 5 November 24 September 26 November 17 December

Mobile Library Service The mobile library service makes regular visits to villages throughout West Cheshire. The service operates on a three week cycle.

The service is in Wincham on a Tuesday – Week 2 in the cycle - from 2pm to 2.45pm at Green Lane and from 2.55pm to 3.10pm at Ashwood Park.

Northwich Recycling Centre Summer opening hours April to September Monday and Tuesday - 8am - 4pm Wednesday and Thursday - closed Friday - 10am - 6pm Saturday and Sunday - 9am - 5pm

Page 41 Useful Information Keep Up To Date in Wincham

Facebook.com/Wincham Parish Post - news for Wincham Facebook.com/Wincham CP School—school news Facebook.com/Gotham Wincham—Road Safety and Cleanliness Facebook.com/Wincham Community Centre

Wincham Village Website: www.winchamvillage.co.uk

We have four notice boards – Wincham School Gates, Linnards Lane and Chapel Street Playing Fields and Rayners Corner. Linnards Lane and Rayners Corner are Public Noticeboards too – please only use magnets on these boards.

Also Wincham Word, Parish Council Meetings or call our Parish Clerk.

To contact the Editorial Team for Wincham Word: e-mail: [email protected] Telephone or written contact via the Parish Clerk.

Deadline for submissions for the next editions of Wincham Word Thursday, 3rd October 2019 – covering Nov, Dec 2019 & Jan 2020 Thursday, 2nd January 2020 – covering Feb, March and April 2020 Thursday, 2nd April 2020 – covering May, June and July 2020 Thursday, 2nd July 2020 – covering Aug, Sept and Oct 2020

Wincham Parish Council cannot be held responsible for any errors, misprints or opinions stated in this publication. The views expressed by the contributors are their own and not necessarily the views of the editor. We thank everyone for their contributions, we do appreciate them and apologise if an item does not go into the next edition—we are limited by space.

Page 42 Useful Information

Abbeycroft Vets, Northwich 01606 40332 Buses: Northwich – Cat 9 01925 634296 Buses: Northwich – No.89 01270 252970 Community Centre Bookings 07547 539310 CWAC General Enquiries 0300 123 8123 Eastfield Pharmacy, Lostock 01606 45485 Highways 0300 123 7036 Northwich Vets, Lostock 01606 359789 Pickmere & Wincham Methodist Church 01565 733543 Pickmere & Wincham Playgroup 07921 075139 Pickmere Parent & Toddler Group 07970 318837 Pickmere WI 01565 734025 Red Lion, Pickmere 01565 733247 St John's Church, Lostock 01606 43477 Salt Barge, Marston 01606 212525 Street Scene 0300 123 7026 Wincham Community Primary School 01606 288060 Wincham Over 60s Club 01606 44185

These numbers are provided in good faith. Please advise us of any changes.

There are also many more useful numbers for national associations etc in the front pages of the BT telephone directory.

Page 43 Your Wincham Parish Councillors

Chairman Ian Parr Vice Chairman 01565 734226 Kenton Barker ianparr.wincham 07734 359806 @gmail.com Kentonjbarker @yahoo.co.uk

Ros Casson Annie Makepeace c/o 0161 926 8645 01565 734226 Winchampc [email protected] @talktalk.net

Debs May Ged Birbeck 07847 187983 07884 382830 Debs.may [email protected] @hotmail.com

Nathian Morgan Caroline Powell 01565 734792 nathian.morgan Caroline.powell @gmail.com @me.com

Councillor Andrew Webster Vacancy 07920 909955 andrew.websteruk @gmail.com Councillor Vacancy

Parish Clerk—Naomi Morris 0161 926 8645 [email protected] 22, Churchfields. Bowdon. Cheshire. WA14 3PJ.