Aarhus University2003.Indd
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1 The rector’s foreword Contents Seventy-five years is no age to speak of in terms of a university. Compared with the earli- 1 The rector’s foreword est universities in Europe, some of which are 2–3 The rector’s annual report 800 years old, the University of Aarhus has just 4 The University of Aarhus – in brief started nursery school. We therefore still have 5 University structure and much to learn, but can also look forward to administration some fine, interesting years of development. 6–7 New degree programmes The 75th anniversary celebrated in 2003 8–9 New graduate schools made an impact in terms of development and 10 New research centres innovation at both professional and organisa- 11–12 2003 at the university tional levels. For many people both within and 13–15 75th anniversary outside the university environment, 2003 will 16–17 “You can’t prove beauty” also be remembered for all the highly necessary 18–19 Medieval Europe seen celebrations surrounding the day of the jubilee in a new perspective itself on 11 September. Social and festive activ- 20–21 The Andersen Patent ities play an important part in any organisation, 22–23 War in the body and when combined with professional events 24–25 Legal research in practice and top-quality celebrations, the result is worth 26–27 Have: correlations remembering. Of the many professional events, Would like: explanations I would just like to mention the awarding of 28–29 Journey to Rome academic and PhD prizes and the conferring 30–31 Top-level research requires time, of honorary doctorates. At the University of courage and flair Aarhus, the latter is particularly distinctive, 32–33 Inspiring others is important as it only takes place in connection with major 34–37 Key figures for 2003 “birthdays”. The joy associated with this major 38–39 Faculty of Humanities event was made even greater later in the year 40–41 Faculty of Health Sciences when two of the five honorary doctors were 42–43 Faculty of Social Sciences awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Eco- 44–45 Faculty of Theology nomics, respectively. 46–47 Faculty of Science This year’s edition of The University of 48–53 Doctorates and PhDs awarded in 2003 Aarhus contains more information about these 54 Addresses events and also provides brief summaries of 55 Map some of the year’s initiatives within educa- 56 Colophon tion, research and collaboration with society at large. One of the new initiatives described for 2003 is the publishing of an alumni magazine. The purpose of AU-gustus is to maintain con- tact with the many graduates who have studied at the University of Aarhus over the years. In this way, the university provides information about continued development and activities within research and education. For further information about the University of Aarhus, please see www.au.dk. To order any of the publications, please call +45 8942 2340 or contact [email protected] Niels Christian Sidenius Rector The rector’s annual report The most important development in 2003 was about, but the university’s fundamental ob- the new University Act, which took effect on jective to provide high-quality research and 1 July following prolonged debate. The Uni- education is not affected by the change in versity of Aarhus subsequently had to imple- management structure. The change in the edu- ment the act and make the best possible use cation system as such, which is also part of of the new legal framework. The conclusion of the new University Act, is probably more im- deliberations among university management portant. In addition to the structural changes and in the Senate was that it would be best in the education reform (the 3+2 model in all to implement the act as soon as possible with degree programmes) and the built-in flexi- due respect for the election periods set out in bility (easier access to transfer of credits upon the previous University Act. In autumn 2003, change of degree programme or department), much work was therefore put into finishing it is particularly the act’s focus on quality as- a draft for new articles, appointing the six surance and student guidance that is worth external members of the University Board, noticing. We are not talking about new activ- electing the five internal members and ap- ities at the university, but the act emphasises pointing heads of department in advance of the importance of assessing and developing the changeover date of 1 February 2004. these areas. All in all, the university completed this The impact of the changes to the education exercise successfully. Many problems were system brought about by the new act will be solved before and immediately after New particularly noticeable because of the change Looking east along Nordre Year 2003. The University Board was formed, in the upper secondary education that took Ringgade (the northern the Senate approved a draft for new articles place in 2003. The many changes will compli- ring road). On the right of in mid-January as its last task, and heads of cate the enrolment of new students at the uni- the picture are the old main department were appointed for the period un- versity in the coming years and pose special building, the Main Hall and til mid-2006. However, the university will not challenges to the future degree programmes the University Park. The fully implement the new University Act until for teachers in the upper secondary education first red buildings to the left, 2004 and 2005, when new players and new system. These challenges can only be over- the former Orthopaedic Hos- procedures will become a part of daily life at come through close cooperation between the pital, now house the Faculty the university. universities and the educational institutions of Theology. The flat-roofed The University Act is a management re- concerned. It is therefore extremely important buildings in the background form involving a board with a majority of to strengthen the cooperation with the upper are the Nobel Park, which external members and managers employed at secondary schools and the professional asso- houses modern languages the university. Time will show what changes ciations of upper secondary school principals and psychology. this new management structure will bring and teachers about the process of change. Some of the major changes to the long-term physical structure of the university are near- ing completion. In that regard, the last two months of 2003 were particularly eventful. In November, the university took over the Aarhus Museum of Fine Arts in the Venne- lystparken park, and the museum will now be rebuilt to house most of the university’s geo- logical environment. The extension to the IT City Katrinebjerg was completed towards the end of the year with the result that Computer Science and Information and Media Studies can now be located side by side. The depart- 2 / 3 ments will continue to be divided between case, one thing that is perfectly clear is that several buildings to accommodate the needs the new contract must focus to a greater ex- of researchers and students, but a significant tent on the level of the university than the first regrouping will be possible in 2006, at which contract did. It must also be worded in such stage a planned IT Science Park will have a way that it allows the maximum amount of been completed in the area. freedom in research and innovation. Two large projects were completed in De- The University Act of 2003 stipulates that cember 2003. The extension of the Nobel Park the universities have four tasks: research, has finally been built, and at the turn of the education, dissemination of knowledge and year 2003–2004, the Department of Psychology exchange of knowledge. The latter two tasks was able to move into modern buildings next are only new in theory because the univer- to the areas used for arts and social sciences. sity has worked with these aspects for many The most important change in the Nobel years. The researchers at the university have The flags are all raised Park, however, was that a completely different also “contributed to public debate”. However, when ceremonies are held in educational institution – the School of Social in the years to come, we will no doubt see the university’s Main Hall. Work – moved into the university environ- more activities in these areas – some are al- The Tree of Knowledge, a ment at the same time. It will be interesting to ready in the pipeline. In conclusion, I would relief by the Danish sculp- see how these very different institutions will like to highlight two examples of the univer- tor Olaf Stæhr-Nielsen, has influence each other. Finally, the Biomedical sity’s traditional, but also future core areas: been hanging above the Science Park at Skejby Sygehus was completed research and education. main entrance since 1949. at the end of the year. The close cooperation Researchers normally communicate by The individual faculties are between the university and the Aarhus Sci- publishing reports, typically in magazines represented by symbols ence Park makes us very positive about this that target the academic environment. It is hanging between the leaves. new development in the innovative environ- therefore a great pleasure to see that the ment of East Jutland. This also fits in well number of research-related articles published with the university’s increased focus on how in 2003 was higher then ever before and that to strengthen efforts aimed at innovation. research-related articles represent 75% of all 2003 was the final year in the university’s published items as per the university’s annual four-year development contract with the report.