FY Road Project Length (KM) Source of Funding Region Northern Bypass Phase I 20 EU/EIB Buganda 2010/11 -Lira 60 World Bank Lango – Dokolo 64 World Bank Teso-Lango

Matugga – 41.4 DANIDA Buganda Kampala-Gayaza-Zirobwe Road 44.3 World Bank Buganda 2011/12 Mbuya/SilverSprings-Kireka 5 GOU Kampala --Bunagana/ 101 AfDB Kigezi

Nyakahita-Kazo 68 AfDB 2012/13 Kazo-Ibanda-Kamwenge 75 AfDB Ankole

Fort Portal-Bundibigyo - Lamia 103 AfDB Rwenzori Kabale-Town Roads 13 GOU Kigezi Nyakabande-Mutolore 5 GOU Kigezi 2013/14 Nyakabande-Muganzi 7 GOU Kigezi

Mbarara-Kikagati - Murungo Bridge 74 GoU Ankole

Hoima-Kaiso-Tonya 92 GOU Bunyoro Gulu-Atiak 74 World Bank Acholi 2014/15 Vurra-Arua-Oraba-Koboko and Town Roads 92 World Bank West Nile

Atiak-Nimule 35 JICA West Nile 2015/16 Ishaka – Road 35.4 GoU Ankole Moroto-Nakapiririt 93 GoU Karamoja



FY Road Project Length (KM) Source of Funding Region

Ntungamo – 37 TMEA Ankole 2016/17 Fortportal- Kamwenge 65 WB/GoU Tooro

Mbarara-bypass 28 EU Ankole Kampala-Ebb Express way 57 China EXIM Bank Kampala Munyoyo Spur 28 China EXIM Bank Kampala 2017/18 Rushere-Nshwerenkye 11 GoU Ankole Gulu-Acholibur 78 GoU Acholi Acholibur-Musingo 86 GoU Acholi Mpigi-Kanoni 65 GoU Buganda

Mukono – Kyetume - Katosi/Nyenga-Njeru 74 GoU Buganda (10km)

Musita - Lumino - Busia/Majanji Road 104 GoU /Bugisu 2018/19 Akisim-Moroto 50.3 GoU karamoja Olwiyo - Gulu 70.3 GoU Acholi Kashenyi-Mitooma 11.5 GoU Ankole Kanoni-Ssembabule-Villa Maria 110 GoU Buganda

Soroti- - Akisim 100 GoU Teso - Bubulo - Lwakhakha Road 45 AfDB Bugisu Mubende-Kakumiro-Kagadi Rd 107 GoU Buganda/Bunyoro 2019/20 Bulima-Kabwoya 66 AfDB Bunyoro Kyenjojo-Kabwoya 100 WB Bunyoro Nyenga-Njeru 10 GOU Buganda



Length Contractor / No. Road Project Surface Source of Funding Contract Amount % Progress (KM) Consultant Contractor: Works Contract Mota Engil Euros: Enginharia E 129,827,888.37 Kampala Northern Bypass Contrucao 1 17.5 Asphalt EU/EIB/ GOU 86.00 Phase 2 Supervision Supervision Contract: Consultant: Euros 5,495,171.58 COWI A/S Contractor: China Railway No 5 Works Contract: Engineering Group UGX Co. Ltd 159,608,817,498

2 Kigumba – Bulima 69 Asphalt ADF, DFID and GOU Supervision 76.00 Supervision Consultant: Contract: Gauf Engineers in Euros 1,477,305 and Association with UGX 1,665,078,940 Gauf Consultants Contractor: Works Contract: Arab Contractors UGX

274,124,619,957 Supervision 3 - Kumi 67 Asphalt IDB/GoU 89.05 Consultant: Supervision In-house supervision Contract: team N/A



Length Contractor / No. Road Project Surface Source of Funding Contract Amount % Progress (KM) Consultant Contractor: Works Contract: Arab Contractors UGX 205,513,281,332.62 4 Pallisa - 44 Asphalt IDB/GoU Supervision 93.00 Consultant: Supervision In-house supervision Contract: team N/A Works Contract: Contractor: USD 218,888,518.4 CCCC (Design and Build Package 1: Masindi Park Contract) 5 Junction and Tangi 159 Asphalt Exim Bank/GoU 66.80 Supervision Junction-Para-Bulisa Consultants: Supervision AECO Contract: N/A Contractor: Chongqing International Works Contract: Construction USD 179,538,545.59 Package 2: Hoima – GOU/EXIM Bank of Corporation 6 111 Asphalt 75.17 - Wanseko Road China Supervision Supervision Contract: Consultants: N/A In-house supervision team



Length Contractor / No. Road Project Surface Source of Funding Contract Amount % Progress (KM) Consultant Works Contract: Contractor: USD 138,488,356 Package 3: Buhimba – China Wu Yi Co. Ltd (Design and Build Nalweyo - Bulamagi & Contract) 7 93 Asphalt Exim Bank/GoU 53.10 Bulamagi – Igayaza - Supervision Kakumiro Consultant: Supervision Kagga & Partners Contract: UGX 8,657,070,000 Contractor: China Railway Seventh Group Co. Ltd (CRSG) Works Contract: Package 5: Masindi-Biiso, UGX Hohwa – Nyairongo – Supervision 504,861,701,727 8 Kyarusheesha - Butoole, 97 Asphalt Exim Bank/GoU Consultant: 20.56 And Kabaale - Kiziranfumbi Net Consult Supervision (97km) Consulting Engineers Contract: in JV With Stadia ETB 12,641,454,625 Engineering Works Consultant Plc and KKATT Consult Ltd.



Length Contractor / No. Road Project Surface Source of Funding Contract Amount % Progress (KM) Consultant Contractor: China State Construction Works Contract: Engineering UGX Corporation Limited 268,461,095,349

Supervision Supervision 9 - Suam 73 Asphalt ADB/ ADF/ GOU Consultant: Contract: 31.85 LEA International USD 1,620,650 and Ltd., in Joint Venture UGX 4,526,631,000 with excluding taxes of LEA Associates South USD 305,310 and Asia Pvt. Ltd., and in UGX 440,385,300 Association with KOM Consult Ltd. Contractor: In-house Works Contract: construction team UGX 2,000,000,000

10 Kitala - Gerenge 10 Asphalt GOU 78.00 Supervision Supervision Consultant: Contract: In-house supervision UGX 450,000,000 team



Length Contractor / No. Road Project Surface Source of Funding Contract Amount % Progress (KM) Consultant Contractor: Arab Contractors Works Contract: (Osman Ahmed UGX Osman & Co.) 165,325,096,327

Double Supervision Supervision 11 - Bukakata 41 Surface BADEA, OFID & GOU 79.86 Consultant: Contract: Treatment Galander USD 681,575 + UGX Engineering 1,380,675,000 Consultants in (exclusive of local association with taxes) KKATT Consult Contractor: China Henan Works Contract: International UGX; Construction 207,834,646,967 Double – Kihihi - Company 12 78.5 Surface ADB/GOU 37.83 Ishasha/ Kanungu Supervision Treatment Supervision Contract: Consultant: USD 4,712,121.76 + SMEC International UGX 12,478,542 Pty



Length Contractor / No. Road Project Surface Source of Funding Contract Amount % Progress (KM) Consultant Contractor: China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation in Joint Works Contract: Venture with China UGX Railway 19th Bureau 547,543,072,124.18 Group (U) Ltd

13 Busega - Mpigi Expressway 23.7 Asphalt AFDB Supervision 0.86 Supervision Contract: Consultant: US$3,180,900 + Dohwa Engineering UGX3,899,460,000 Co. Ltd., in Joint (excluding taxes) Venture with IDCG Engineering Group and in association with Tamp Blessed 3 Ms JV Ltd Contractor: M/S Polat Yol Yapi Works Contract: San. Ve Tic. A.S of UGX Turkey 399,958,528,511 14 117 Asphalt IsDB/ GOU 2.00 and Service Roads Supervision Supervision Consultant: Contract: SCET Tunnisie in UGX 12,864,250,009 Joint Venture with MBW Consulting LTD



Length Contractor / No. Road Project Surface Source of Funding Contract Amount % Progress (KM) Consultant Contractor: Works Conractr: STRABAG UGX International GmbH 226,342,581,192

15 Atiak – Laropi 66 Asphalt EU/ GOU 15.00 Supervision Supervision Consultant: Contract: Eptisa Servicios de UGX 15,794,667,252 Ingenieria, S.L Contractor: Sadeem Al Kuwait Works Contractr: General Trading & UGX Contracting 337,526,153,350 Company 0.00 16 Rwenkunye – Apac (Lot 1) 90.9 Asphalt IsDB/ GOU Supervision (Contractor Supervision Contract: Mobilization) Consultant: USD 3,637,650 Dar Al Handasah (combined for Lot 1 Consultants (Shair and Lot 2) and Partners) Works Contract: Contractor: UGX Gulsan Insaat Sanayi 416,337,936,348.42

0.00 Apac – Lira – Puranga (Lot Supervision 17 100.1 Asphalt IsDB/ GOU Supervision (Contractor 2) Consultant: Contract: Mobilization) Dar Al Handasah USD 3,637,650 Consultants (Shair (combined for Lot 1 and Partners) and Lot 2)



Length Contractor / No. Road Project Surface Source of Funding Contract Amount % Progress (KM) Consultant Contractor: Chongqing Works Contract International UGX Kira - road and Construction 200,398,059,014 0.00 18 improvement of 5 No. 21 Asphalt GOU Corporation (CICO) (Contractor junctions Supervision Mobilization) Supervision Contract: Consultant: TBD Under Procurement Contractor: China State Works Contract: Construction UGX Engineering 258,823,694,110 0.00 Najjanakumbi – Busabala 19 28 Asphalt GOU Corporation Ltd (Contractor and Service Roads Supervision Mobilization) Supervision Contract: Consultant: TBD Under Procurement Contractor: Works Contract: China State 171,323,485,532.38 Construction Double Engineering Ltd 20 Bumbobi - Lwakhakha 44.5 Surface ADB/GOU Supervision 98.24

Treatment Contract: Supervision USD 2,684,437.53 + Consultant: UGX 481,415,412.76 SGI JV



Length Contractor / No. Road Project Surface Source of Funding Contract Amount % Progress (KM) Consultant Contractor: M/s Chongqing International Works Contract: Construction UGX.37,084,941,485 Selected Town Roads Corporation (CICO) 21 (20.2km) In Mbarara 20.2 Asphalt GOU 92.00 Supervision Municipality Supervision Contract: Consultant: N/A In-house supervision team Contractor: M/s Energoproject- Works Contract: Niskogrannja A.D UGX.37,616,796,815

22 Mpigi Town Roads 20 Asphalt GOU 92.00 Supervision Supervision Consultant: Contract: In-house supervision N/A team



No. Road Project Length (KM) Status

1 Moroto-Lokitanyala Road 42 Contract signed in February 2021 2 Design and Build of Kisoro- Rubuguri – Muko/ Nteko 72 Under Bidding 3 Critical oil Roads package 6A: Design and build for Kabwoya-Buhuka 43 Under Bidding Critical oil Roads package 6B: Design and build of Karugutu - Ntoroko 4 Road (56.5km), Link to Rwebisengo (8.2km) and 3.3km of Town Roads in 68 Under Bidding Ntoroko. Design and Build of Jinja Mbulamuti-- Road (127) and 5 147 Under Bidding Jinja Municipal Roads (20kms) 6 Design and Build of Kituuma - Kapeeka – 37 Under Bidding 7 Kitgum - Kidepo Road 115 Under Evaluation Addendum No.2: Civil works for the upgrading of Kigumba – Bulima – Draft Contracts forwarded for 8 Kabwoya (135km) road from gravel to paved (bitumen) standard; Lot 2: Solicitor General (SG) clearance Bulima – Kabwoya road (66km)

Addendum No.1: Civil works for the upgrading of Kigumba – Bulima – Draft Contracts forwarded for 9 Kabwoya (135km) road from gravel to paved (bitumen) standard; Lot 1: Solicitor General (SG) clearance Kigumba - Bulima road (69km) Design and Build Civil Works Contracts for Oil Roads. Package 4: 10 Awaiting contract signture Lusalira-Nkonge-Lumegere and Lumegere-Ssembabule


A DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGNS No. Road Project Length (KM) Status Detailed Engineering Design 1 Upgrading of -Busia 24 completed 2 Access Road to the Kabaale International Airport 3.5 Detailed Engineering Designs on-going


B Feasibility study and Detailed Engineering Design by external consultants Revised draft feasibility study and preliminary design report submitted 1 Lot 1: Kumi- --Kagwara, (95Km), 95

Design options report was approved

Final feasibility and preliminary design 2 Lot 2: Mayuge- Mbaale- Nakivumbi--Namayingo-Lugaala (95Km), 95 report submitted

Lot 3: Kyenjojo () - Nyarukoma – Kigarale - Rwamwanja– Final feasibility and preliminary design 3 97 Kiruhura (97Km) report submitted

Final feasibility and preliminary design report submitted 4 Lot 4: Muhanga- Kisiizi- Rwashamaire (78.8Km) 78.8 draft feasibility and preliminary design under review Awaiting the geotechnical laboratory results to be concluded so as to 5 Karenga – Kapedo-Kaabong, (73Km) 73 finalise the pavement and structures design Awaiting the geotechnical laboratory results to be concluded so as to 6 Kazo-Buremba- Kabagole- Kyeggegwa Road (82km) 82 finalise the pavement and structures design

Inception report and design base 7 Muko- and Muko-Kamuganguzi (104km) 104 statement expected by March 2021.

Draft final report submitted to UNRA 8 Kampala Flyover Upgrading and Construction Project Phase 2 fpr review

Feasibility study and Detailed Engineering design for Upgrading of Lira- 9 125 Design Base submitted and reviewed Abim road(125Km)