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U.S.- China Transpacific Foundation Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/05/2018 1:13:31 PM , i I THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK This material is distributed. - by Capitol Counsel LL€I on behalf of U.S.-China Transpa.cific Fou:ndation. Additional information is available at the] Department of Justice, Wash_ington, DC. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/05/2018 I :13:31 PM I Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/05/2018 1:13:31 PM o~-n-,-------------- - SOlll(l' -~ - - P.1gc- lnttOduci:lon - ·- - Addendum - Introduction.to Briefine Materials_ M:artin B. Gold 5_ - Itin1?rarv Ch_i_n_ese P~onle's I_Wi1:i.ti.ite of Fo_reig-n Affairs 7 City Jnformation_(Beijin~ _Cha·ngsha) Wikip_edia 1 9 ·-:-- ·_- . ··: - - -- - - The Sin1111 laritv of China 1-:{enrv KissinP:er fOn Ch_inal_ 23 Patrick Chovanec rhe Atlantfct 51 China vs.-Alllerica: Manaefrte-the Next Clash of CiVilizations Graham Allison fforeilm Affairsl 59 The Cr.owe ~emo_rapdum He_n_rv _Kiss_i11ger, (On Ghjn_a) I 67 How 'china·Vlews the 0Jli1:ed states and the Worlci Dean Cheng (Heritage Foundationl I 85 J'he Chin..,_Reckoplru! - Kurt Campb_ell & Ely Ramer (Foreilm Affairsl 89 Acballi!e in China"s Constiiution l{i Ji1J.pip.1:tH.a_s Go_t th~_PoWer. So How will He Us_e It? Keith Zhai [Bloomb_ere News - QuickT3kel 101 Taiw.ln · China's L0:bbviQ.2 A2atnst the Taiwan Travel Act Backfires Charlotte Gao (The Dinlomatl 103 ' China's Playbook for Conquering Taiwan Ian Easton rThe Dinlomatl 105 China-Taiwan: Evolution of the "One Ch_i_na" Policy <'.:RS Su_mro;;arv · 109 Cross~Strait Relations: Skeoticism Abounds Alan D. Rom.here: rnoover1 .111 -- SPECIAL NOTE AS to PENDfNG LEGISLATION AFFECTING TAIWAN- Maron B. GOid- 125 U.S., Taiwan: Why a Military Confetence_Matters to_China _- S_tr_atfpr l 129 lntoduction 131 tti:e Gra_nd Mastfr'S"_I_nsiR;hts on China, the United ·states, and the World Lee Kuan Yew I 132 Qr. G:r'aham_All_isOn Jes_tirm~ny .-..<\J!l~r\canJ.eade,rsQjp _in the_ ~ia Pacjij<:_ S_enate Foreign Relations Cmte. Hre:. - 11/14117 143 Arrib. Miix_ 8aucus-Te~timonv- American Leadership in the Asia Pacific Senate Forei<Yn Relations Cmte. Hre:. -11/14/17 167 Dr'. Michael emsburv - American_LeadetshJn in the Asia Pacific senate Forei'""' Relations Cmte. HrP-. - l t /14/17 175 ----- ·--·· -· --- 'Korea · - · i. An_Uilfo(tlinate_ ReVelation_on _Se_cu_ri~2 NC>rtti K_or~-~n ~ukes Mel Gurtov (China-U.S. Focusl 197 thln.i'S Arinroach to North Koiea Sanctfons Samuel Rarnani (The Dinlomat~ 199 How ChiJJa Sees.North Kor.ea Ada_m Mount (The At1anticl 203 flow the U.S. and Chi'na Differ on North Korea Thotnas Benner (The_Atlanticl 209 - :rrurnpJsJ~.lght ab_our China and North Korea David le:natius IThe Washii:ieton Postl 215 The China-North Korea Relationshir, - Eleanor Albert 'Counsel on forei11n Relatiom;l _217 Understandine the Cbina-N_or:tb Korea T!lreat Joseoh Nye (Proiect Svndicatel 229 Why China.Won't RescUC'North Korea Oriana Sln•lar Mastro r~oreilrn Affairs) 233 Whv China W_ould Want to Offer Extended Deterrence t_o North Korea Phillun BObbitt (Lawfare l I 243 Econ01ilic's .. c_tiina-U.S. Trade Issues • 245 The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.(CFIUSl CRS SU.ffiritarv 247 The U.S.-China Economic Re_l_ationshio: Time for a Chanee in Tolle .. Rliev\Va1ters· rneiiiae:e FoUridatiOn 1 249 W~te_d:_A ll-S,_Strategic ~espoQse to Chin;l's Be_lt and R0:ad Initiative Da_niel Kl_i~n fNatiol)a_l ln_terestl 255 . ·- ····- - Military- -- . --• -r.. , S_ounding the Warning: DOD Report Exa_mi_nes tl).e G_rowing Securi_ty C_~l.lenge Dean Che_ng (HE!ritage Foundatfon) 257 from China The Chinese_Militarv: _OvervieW_and_l_ss_u_es for_ (:Qn"Jire~_s_ CRSSum:marv 261 - ---- ·- China Naval Moder'nization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capa_bilities-Background CRS SuJ!Ima_ry 263 and Issues for Coneress Making Sense of the South China Sea DiSoute_ Wlllima Pes_ek (fo_rb:esl 265 The Senkakus (Diaovu/Diaoyutai) -Dispute_: U._s:tre_atv db_l_ii?a_ti()ns CRS Summa ... , 271 What Kind of South China Sea Does China Need? 273 WlJ_y _a S9ut:ti_ Chin_a Sea Diolomatic Breakthrough fs Unlike_lv Gre20rv Pcililt!? fForeign Affairs) 277 - - .. ~. -- Envir'onnient - Chinese Attitudes toward the U.S. Withdrawal from the Parts Climate Accords Mich"a_e1 D. Swalne.(Hoover) 283 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/05/2018 1: 13:31 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/05/2018 1: 13 :31 PM THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK This material is d_ist_ributed by Capitol Counsel LLC on behalf Of U.S.-China Transpacific Foundat"on. Addition_al information is available at the Depa'rtment of Justice, Washiilgton, DC. Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 03/05/2018 1: 13 :31 PM I Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 03/05/2018 1:13:31 PM I c;:;i-he Washington Post Briefing Book - Addendum I China grumbles at TrumJ's tariff moves but isn't I expected to start a trade War over them By Simon Denyer Marc~ 2 at 5:03 AM I BEIJING - China urged the United States on Friday to abide by multilateral trade rules and notdojanything to damage the fragile global economic recovery, after President Trump announced his intention to impose import tariffs on steel and aluminum. China is the world's dominant steel producer, but experts said the impact of Trump's decision to slap 25 percent tariffs on steel imports, and 10 percent on aluminum, won't have a big impact on China since it only accountJ for 2 percent of U.S. imports. The government in Beijing is not about to start a trade war over the tariffs, they added. I I "What an extremely stupia move," said Li Xinchuang, vice secretary general of the China Iron and ~tee! Association. "A desperate attempt by Trump to pander to his voters, which I think in fact runs counter to his 'America First' pledge. The U.S. is now setting a very, very bad example." Li, who is also director of the China Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute, said tlie decision would only make U.S. industries fall further behind globally, at a time when "China is in its prime." Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a regular news conference Friday that global trade would be harmed if otber countries follow the example of the United States. "In recent years, the global economy has still recovered slowly and the basis for the global recove1 is still unstable," she sa.id. "All countries should make concerted efforts to cooperate to resolve the relevant issues, instead of taking trade restrictive measures unilaterally:.. [ This material is distributed by Capitol Cou-nsel LLC on behalf. of U.S:-China Transpacific Foundation. Additional information is available at the Dep·artment of Justice, Washington, DC. j Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 03/05/2018 1: 13:31. PM ' R=i,ed by NSD/FARA Rogi.,..tioo Unit 03105/2018 UBI PM I nd European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said in a statement that the bloc "w,11 r~~~'!lrri'.Y~·.&,'{jl• um commensurately to defend our interests." Cecilia Malmstriim, the bloc's commissionerfor trade, added that "These U.S. measures will have a negative impact on transatlantic relations and on global markets. In addition, they will raise costs and reduce choice for U.S. consumers of steel and aluminum, including industries that import these commodities." The risk of global trade frictions unsettled markets. Asian stocks followed the_i_r U.S. counterparts lo er on Friday, with Japan's Nikkei-225 index down 2.5 percent, and South Korea's KOSPI index 1 percent lower, and stef1makers1 in both· countries were among the hardest hit. ! Bilt Shanghai's main share index fell a more modest o.6 percent. ' "Asia has been the main beneficiary of the production networks and globalization of recent times so it' is unavoidably I sensitive to trade friction," said Richard Jerram, chief economist at the Bank of Si_ngapore. "Ta.riffs on steel and aluminum are not. the end of the world, but the risk is escalation. How aggressively China reacts and America's [le.spouse to that will worry the markets." Wei Jianguo, a former Chinese vice commerce minister, said Trump's announcement ran counter to orld Trade Organization rules and hurt Sino-U.S. relations. "China will actively protect its own trade interests," he said, pointing out that China imports a huge mount of U.S. goods, including Boeing planes, agricultural products and IT products. But most analysts said the move was mote of a_n irritant to China than anything serious at this stage. A glut of steel from China has fueled global oversupply, but Lu Zhengwei, chief economist at Indust~al Bank in Shanghai, said China had already beenwotk:ing to cut overcapacity in its steel industry. Anti-dumping duties imposed by the Obama administration on China two years ago had also helped cut U.S. imports from China and protect a restructured U.S. steel industry based around wini-miJ]s, experts said. Last year', China's steel exports fell 30 percent, and Lu said Trump's move came too late to make much of a difference. Nevertheless, China is also not insensitive to the symbolism of the move, is aware that Trump's rhet9ric has targeted China and is wary of further measures torestrict trade and investment, experts said. ' "China has to respond and fight for every inch of its own interests; otherwise it will find it hard to handle more trade adjustments from the U.S. side," Lu said. "Of course, China is able to take revenge, however the result we are expecting is This material is distributed by Capitol Counsel LLC o_n beha_l_f of U_.S.·Ch(na Transpacific.
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