Annual report 2008 SVERIGES RIKSBANK To order this publication, contact Sveriges Riksbank, Kontorsservicecenter, 103 37 Stockholm, Fax +46-8-21 05 31. E-mail:
[email protected] or download from the website: Production: Sveriges Riksbank. Graphic design: LOG. Photography: Cover: Petter Karlberg/Bravidas bildbank. Lars Trangius. Bobby Yip/Reuters/SCANPIX. Leif R Jansson/SCANPIX. Insert: Lars Trangius: pages 7, 10, 22, 36, 90. Dan Coleman: pages 56, 58, 59, 60. The Riksbank: pages 11, 39. Page 13 Anders Wiklund/SCANPIX. Page 16 Joseph Sohm/Corbis/SCANPIX. Page 24 Matton Images. Page 33 Marc Femenia/SCANPIX. Page 43 Mark Earthy/ SCANPIX. Page 50 Matton Images. Page 53 Pontus Lundahl/SCANPIX. Employees on the front cover: Lotta Allvin, Carl Fredrik Pettersson and Annika Svensson. Printers: Jernström Offset. ISSN 1400-4259. Stockholm 2009. ■ Contents Introduction 4 The year in figures 4 Summary 5 Statement by the Governor 6 AdMInISTRATION REPoRT The tasks and role of the Riksbank 9 Maintaining the value of money – price stability 10 A safe and efficient payment system 22 Asset management 36 Statistics 46 International cooperation 47 Organisation and management 49 Employees 53 Governance 55 BALANCE SHEET AND PRoFIT AND LoSS ACCOUNT Accounting principles 61 Balance sheet 64 Profit and loss account 66 Statement of cash flows 67 Notes 69 The Riksbank's administrative expenses by area of activities 77 Five-year overview 79 Proposal for the allocation of profits for 2008 81 Auditor's report 82 oTHER ITEMS The Riksbank's consultation work 83 Publications 85 Glossary 86 The Sveriges Riksbank's Prize in Economics Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2008 90 I ntroduction 4 ■ Introduction Sveriges Riksbank is the central bank of Sweden and a public authority under the Riksdag, the Swedish parliament.