The Toreador
THE TOREADOR Volume XXIV Texas Technological College, Lubbock, Saturday, April 29, 1950 Number 55 Gonzalez Slated To Visit Tech * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * By SUE HOLMES Toreador Staff Writer Chile's President Gabriel Allen, Gates Promoted; Holden Resigns; Gonzalez Videla will be hon- ored at an all-student convo- cation at 11:15 a.m. Monday in the west side of Jones sta- dium, Ed Smith, assistant to Building Plans Approved At Board Meeting the president, announced. Rep- resentative George W. Mahon Appointments by the Board * * * * * * * * * * is to be principal speaker. of Directors have made James) President Videla will be present- G. Allen, dean of men, the first r , Plans Announced ed acowboy hat and boots at the dear. of student life at Texas convocation, Victor LeMay o f Tech, and placed Dr. W. B. George P. Livermore, Inc., said. Gates. professor of English, as For Parents' Day Livermore, prominent Lubbock oilman, will conduct a caravan to dean of the graduate division. points near Lubbock to that the The board accepted Dr. W. To Be Held May 7 Chilean president may inspect ag- C. Holden's resignation as dean ricultural and industrial projects. of the graduate division prececl_ Plans for Parents' day which is The caravan, escorted by state ing Gates' appointment, which May 7 have been announced by patrolmen, will visit the new Stan- Gale Rogers, council member and olind refinery at Levenand Sunday will become effective Sept. 1 chairman of the event. for a tour of inspection LeMay ; Ed Smith, assistant to the pres- Tentative schedule is: 10:30 am. said. The tour will be preceded by ident, said.
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