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二零一三年十月 October 2013 HK$280 HONG KONG LAWYER THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG 香港律師會會刊 h k - l a w y e r . org
PRIVACY 隱 私 Drawing the Line: Differentiating Between Access to Public Domain Information and Protection of Personal Data Dr. Chow: “Law is
O 在查閱公共領域資料與 important as a baseline ct o 保障個人資料之間劃分界線 ber of tolerance but it cannot
2013 be the whole solution.” PRO BONO 公益法律 Giving Back – 周醫生:「以法律作為容忍 the Law Society Pro Bono and Community Service Award 的底線是重要的,但它不能 回饋社會 - 香港律師會公益法律 作為整體解決方案。」 及社區服務獎
PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 專業實務 Uniting Uniqueness: Diversity and Inclusion in Law Firms 將獨特處結合為一: 律師事務所的多元化與包容性
Cover Story 封面專題 Face to Face With 專 訪 York Chow 周一嶽 Chairman, Equal Opportunities Commission 平等機會委員會主席
www.hk-lawyer.org Hong Kong Lawyer 香港律師 The official journal of The Law Society of Hong Kong (incorporated with limited liability) 香港律師會 (以有限法律責任形式成立) 會刊 HONG KONG LAWYER www.hk-lawyer.org THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG 香港律師會會刊 Editorial Board 編輯委員會 Chairman 主席 Inside your October issue 十月期刊內容 Huen Wong 王桂壎
Jenkin SF Chan 陳少勳 Charles CC Chau 周致聰 Heidi KP Chu 朱潔冰 Steven B Gallagher Julienne Jen 任文慧 Dave Lau 劉子勁 Hans Mahncke George YC Mok 莫玄熾 Anne Scully-Hill Michele Tsang 曾憲薇 Adamas KS Wong 黃嘉晟 Cecilia KW Wong 黃吳潔華 Tony Yen 嚴元浩
THE COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG 香港律師會理事會 President 會長 Ambrose SK Lam 林新強
Vice-Presidents 副會長 18 COVER STORY Stephen WS Hung 熊運信 Thomas ST So 蘇紹聰 Council Members 理事會成員 Denis Brock 白樂德 Charles CC Chau 周致聰 Brian Gilchrist 喬柏仁 Junius KY Ho 何君堯 Angela WY Lee 李慧賢 Joseph CW Li 李超華 Michael J Lintern-Smith 史密夫 Peter CL Lo 羅志力 Billy WY Ma 馬華潤 Amirali B Nasir 黎雅明 Gavin P Nesbitt 倪廣恒 34 PRIVACY Kenneth SY Ng 伍成業 Melissa K Pang 彭韻僖 Sylvia WY Siu 蕭詠儀 COVER In a meeting room at the Equal Opportunities Commission office in Taikoo Shing Cecilia KW Wong 黃吳潔華 封面 在太古城中心平等機會委員會的辦公室的會議室 Huen Wong 王桂壎 Dieter LT Yih 葉禮德 4 EDITOR’S NOTE [PDF] [HKL online] 編者的話 [PDF] [HKL online] Secretary-General 秘書長 Heidi KP Chu 朱潔冰 6 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE [PDF] [HKL online] 會長的話 [PDF] [HKL online] Law Society’s Contact: www.hklawsoc.org.hk 8 CONTRIBUTORS [PDF] [HKL online] 投 稿 者 [PDF] [HKL online] 與律師會聯繫 Tel: +852 2846 0500 10 DISCIPLINARY DECISIONS 紀律裁決 Annual Subscription 全年訂閱: HK$3,360 理事會議題 Thomson Reuters 12 FROM THE COUNCIL TABLE [PDF] [HKL online] [PDF] [HKL online] 10/F, Cityplaza 3, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong 14 LETTER TO HONG KONG LAWYER [PDF] [HKL online] 給《 香 港 律 師 會 》的 信 [PDF] [HKL online] Tel: +852 3762 3200 www.thomsonreuters.com 16 FROM THE SECRETARIAT [PDF] [HKL online] 律師會秘書處資訊 [PDF] [HKL online] ISSN 1025-9554 18 COVER STORY [PDF] [HKL online] 封面專題 [PDF] [HKL online] © Copyright is reserved throughout. No part of Face to Face With 專 訪 this publication can be reproduced in whole or York Chow, Chairman, Equal Opportunities Commission 周一嶽,平等機會委員會主席 part without the express permission of the editor. Contributions are invited, but copies of work should 26 LAW SOCIETY NEWS [PDF] [HKL online] 律師會新聞 [PDF] [HKL online] be kept, as Hong Kong Lawyer can accept no responsibility for loss. 34 PRIVACY [PDF] [HKL online] 隱 私 [PDF] [HKL online] Drawing the Line: 在查閱公共領域資料與 Differentiating Between Access to Public Domain 保障個人資料之間劃分界線 Information and Protection of Personal Data 1308016_T26 23/09/2013_PDF_upload
October 2013 二零一三年十月 HK$280
Managing Editor 執行主編 42 PRO BONO[PDF] [HKL online] 公益法律 [PDF] [HKL online] Vince Chong 張哲寧 Giving Back – 回饋社會 — vince.chong@thomsonreuters.com the Law Society Pro Bono and Community Service Award 香港律師會公益法律及社區服務獎 Chinese Editors 中文編輯 48 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE [PDF] [HKL online] 專業實務 [PDF] [HKL online] Edmund Cham 湛樹基 Uniting Uniqueness: 將 獨 特 處 結 合 為 一: Natalie Lee 李頴琳 Diversity and Inclusion in Law Firms 律師事務所的多元化與包容性 Design and Production 設計及制作 Samson Pang 彭振生 56 INDUSTRY INSIGHTS [PDF] [HKL online] 業界透視 [PDF] [HKL online] Sales and Marketing Director 銷售總監 66 CASES IN BRIEF [PDF] [HKL online] 案例撮要 [PDF] [HKL online] Jane Lewis 劉真美 Commercial and Online Development 76 LEGISLATION UPDATES [PDF] [HKL online] 立法新知 [PDF] [HKL online] Director 商業和網絡發展總監 Robert Head 77 PROFESSIONAL MOVES [PDF] [HKL online] 會員動向 [PDF] [HKL online] robert.head@thomsonreuters.com 80 AFTER WORK [PDF] [HKL online] 工餘閒情 [PDF] [HKL online] Content Development Director Jamming with the VIPs is Music to One’s Ear 與VIP樂隊一起夾band—確是賞心樂事 內容發展總監 Neerav Srivastava 史立楓 84 CAMPUS VOICES [PDF] [HKL online] 法學院新聞 [PDF] [HKL online] neerav.srivastava@thomsonreuters.com 86 THE LAST WORD [PDF] [HKL online] 趣 聞 [PDF] [HKL online] Translation team 翻譯組: Info Power 87 TOME RAIDER - A BOOK REVIEW 新 書 速 遞 Staff contributors 內部貢獻: Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law Sara Lau 劉桂容 Vivian Leung 梁靜妍 Rocky So 蘇衍成 Special thanks to Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest and Reuters News 特別感謝 香港法律彙報與摘錄 及 路透社新聞
For marketing/promotion opportunities please contact: Gordon Ng 吳子鵬 gordon.ng@thomsonreuters.com Tel: +852 3762 3223 For subscriptions contact: Traffic Administrator統籌 Vivian Leung 梁靜妍 vivian.leung@thomsonreuters.com Tel: +852 3762 3268 42 PRO BONO Publisher 出版人 Klaus Pfeifer 范梓樺 klaus.pfeifer@thomsonreuters.com
All information and views expressed by contributors and advertisements in Hong Kong 48 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Lawyer do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of The Law Society of Hong Kong. Whilst every effort is made to ensure editorial and commercial integrity, no responsibility is accepted by the Publisher or The Law Society of Hong Kong for the accuracy of material appearing in this journal. Members are encouraged to contribute but the Editorial Board of The Law Society of Hong Kong reserves the right to publish only material it deems appropriate. 80 AFTER WORK 1308016_T26 23/09/2013_PDF_upload • October 2013 EDITOR’S NOTE 編者的話
We sometimes banter about how “some are more equal than 有時,我們會戲謔說「眾生平等,只是有些人較別人平等」。 others”. Mostly it is said in jest but it is hard not to acknowledge 雖以玩笑性質居多,我們卻不得不承認背後的真相,就是每 the truth behind it, which is that inequality – be it race, gender, 個社會都存在不平等問題,不論是種族、性別或身體能力等 physical ability, etc - permeates all societies. 各方面。 While many of us do try to level the playing field, differing only in our intensity of efforts, it is ultimately a process that never ends. 雖然各人投放的力度有所不同,但大家都試圖締造一個公 Case in point, a recent International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) 平的競爭環境,奈何這卻是一個永無休止的過程。以下正是 study (http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/sdn/2013/ 一例,近期一項由國際貨幣基金組織進行的研究(http:// sdn1310.pdf) shows that to this day, laws and cultures, or a lack www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/sdn/2013/sdn1310.pdf) thereof, still conspire to see women holding fewer paid jobs 顯示,迄今在法律和文化(不論是否存在)下,即使工種相 and receiving lower wages compared to men, even if they were 同,女性的有薪工作仍然較男性少、工資亦較男性低。附帶 doing the same thing. Incidentally, IMF chief Christine Lagarde was Baker & McKenzie’s first female chair, just as she is the first 一提,國際貨幣基金組織總裁拉加德(Christine Lagarde) female head of the IMF. 是貝克‧麥堅時律師事務所的首位女主席,而她亦是國際貨幣 Closer to home, we talk to York Chow, the latest chair of Hong 基金組織的首位女總裁。 Kong’s Equal Opportunities Commission, about the incessant 話說回來,本刊今期專訪香港平等機會委員會主席周一嶽醫 fight against inequality, and how it can be tackled by law and 生,探討與不平等問題的鬥爭為何持續不斷,以及如何透過法 (even more) education/awareness (pg 18). We also delve into Diversity and Inclusion and how law firms, in particular, can 律和(更多)教育/宣傳解決這個問題(詳見第23頁)。我們 benefit from such policies (pg 48). Further, lawyers involved with 亦深入剖析多元性及包容性,以及相關政策對律師事務所尤其 the Law Society’s pro bono work tell us how they enjoy giving 會帶來甚麼益處(詳見第52頁)。另外,參與律師會義工服 back to society (pg 42). 務的律師們會與我們分享回饋社會的得著(詳見第45頁)。 We also have Hong Kong’s privacy commissioner arguing for 今期,香港個人資料私隱專員為本刊撰文,進一步解釋為何 further laws to protect private information in public domain (pg 34). After all, we all have a right to the equality of privacy under 需要立法以保障公共領域中的個人資料(詳見第39頁)。畢 the Basic Law. 竟,根據《基本法》人人皆有權獲平等對待及得到私隱保障。
Vince Chong 張哲寧 Editor, Hong Kong Lawyer 《香港律師》編輯 Managing Editor, Sweet & Maxwell Sweet & Maxwell執行主編 Thomson Reuters vince.chong@thomsonreuters.com 湯森路透
Dr. Chow during the interview with Hong Kong Lawyer. 周醫生在接受《香港律師》的採訪。
4 www.hk-lawyer.org 1309003_T06_R2_13/09/2013_ 300dpi pdf 1.4 upload • October 2013 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 會長的話
Korean Legal Service Market In contrast with the situation in law firms involving 20 jurisdictions Korea, Hong Kong opened up its legal currently practising in Hong Kong. Any At the invitation of the Consulate General service market in as early as the 70s’, overseas firms that fulfill the specified of the Republic of Korea, I, together with when foreign lawyers and foreign law requirements will be able to enter the Ms. Elsie Leung, former Secretary for firms were free to practise foreign legal service market in Hong Kong. Justice, had a very pleasant opportunity law subject to relatively informal to share our experiences with our Korean However, considering the level of “control” procedures administered by counterparts in Seoul last month. openness enjoyed by foreign entrants the Law Society and the Immigration to the Hong Kong market, it is The Korea-European Union (“EU”) Free Department. Although foreign law firms disappointing that Hong Kong does not Trade Agreement has been in effect since and foreign lawyers were not allowed enjoy a commensurate level of reciprocity 1 July 2011, followed by the signing of the to practise Hong Kong law, local law in its access to outside markets. I have Korea-US Free Trade Agreement on 15 firms could engage foreign lawyers to previously explained about the absurdity March 2012. assist on matters relating to the law of the position in Taiwan where Hong of other jurisdictions. The number of With its recent admirable track record in Kong law firms are considered neither foreign lawyers gradually increased economic development, the opening up “local” nor “foreign “ firms and hence over the years, which necessitated of the Korean market naturally becomes there is no avenue for them to be th the implementation of a more formal very attractive. Korea is the 13 largest properly registered to carry on legal th regulatory regime. economy and the 7 largest exporter in practice there. the world, globally leading productions The statutory registration requirements Like Taiwan, the Korean market, currently of displays and memory semiconductors, of foreign lawyers and foreign law firms open to US and European law firms, is mobile phones, automobiles and vessels. came into effect in 1995 regulating how still not accessible by Hong Kong law they may operate in Hong Kong. The As a result of the Free Trade Agreements firms. I strongly urge the Government regime has been in place for 18 years. with the EU and the US, foreign law firms to quicken its pace in seeking reciprocal Similar to Korea, subject to specified from the US, UK and other European access by Hong Kong legal practitioners requirements, Hong Kong allows foreign countries have their eyes firmly set on the to the promising Korean legal service law firms to establish their practices Korean legal service market. market. to advise on foreign law, to form an The liberalisation of the Korean legal Association with Hong Kong firms for All in all, it leads to the question of service market takes a three-step the purpose of sharing offices and profit whether the legal profession in Hong approach. costs and eventually to convert to local Kong should further open up its market, First, as from July 2011, a foreign legal firms while retaining their foreign trade that is, to allow MDPs (Multi-disciplinary consultant is allowed to practise the law names. Practices) and non-lawyers to share profits in a law firm and/or to impose of the jurisdiction of his admission and a With the similarities between the measures to protect the healthy growth foreign law firm is allowed to open a local liberalisation measures in both of local practitioners. Your comments branch in Korea. jurisdictions, the lively discussions I had and suggestions are welcome and with the Korean legal practitioners and Second, as from July 2013, a Korean law valuable to the Council in formulating a Korean law students from Seoul National firm and a foreign law firm are allowed policy towards this end. to jointly accept instructions on the same University Law School were enlightening. client matter and to share profit costs The audience also raised stimulating, with each other. critical questions on the impact of liberalisation on local practitioners. Third, as from July 2016, a foreign law firm will be allowed to form a partnership Hong Kong is renowned for its open with a Korean law firm and to engage a policy. There are 1,257 foreign lawyers Korean lawyer to advise on local law. from 30 jurisdictions and 68 foreign Ambrose Lam, President
6 www.hk-lawyer.org October2013 • PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 會 長 的 話
韓國的法律服務市場 本人與前律政司司長梁愛詩女士應韓國 總領事館邀請於上月出訪韓國,並藉此 良機於首爾與韓國的法律界聚首交流, 分享經驗。
繼《韓歐自由貿易協定》於2011年7月 1日起生效,《韓美自由貿易協定》亦於 2012年3月15日簽訂。
近期韓國經濟發展令人矚目,韓國市場的 開放自然顯得甚為吸引。韓國是全球第十 三大經濟體及第七大出口地區,所生產的 顯示器和存儲器半導體、手機、汽車和船
隻在世界市場中具領導地位。 President Ambrose Lam (second from right) and Council Member Joseph Li (first left) with Mr. Chul-Whan We, President of the Korean Bar Association (second from left) and Mr. 韓國分別與歐盟和美國訂立自由貿易協定 Young-Ik(Y.I.) Choi, Vice President(International Affairs) of the Korean Bar Association (first right). 後,來自美國、英國和其他歐洲國家的外 會長林新强律師 (右二)與理事李超華律師(左一)及大韓辯護士協會會長魏哲煥先生(左二)、 地律師行均虎視著韓國的法律服務市場。 大韓辯護士協會副會長(國際事務) Young-Ik(Y.I.) Choi 先生。
韓國法律服務市場的自由化分三個階段 管。該制度已實施達18年。我們與韓 況何等荒謬,香港律師行在當地既不被 進行。 國制度的相似之處是,外地律師行在符 視為「本地」律師行,但亦非「外地」 首先,從2011年7月起,外地法律顧問獲 合特定規定下,可在港成立律師行就外 律師行,令香港律師行無法循任何途徑 准在韓國從事其獲認許的司法管轄區的法 地法律提供意見、為分享辦公室和利潤 妥為註冊,以在當地從事法律執業。 律執業,而外地律師行亦獲准在韓國開設 收費用的目的與香港律師行合組聯營組 正如台灣,韓國的市場現時對美國和歐 本地分行。 織、以及最終轉換為本地律師行,並同 洲的律師行開放,但香港律師行仍然無 時保留其外地商用名稱。 第二,從2013年7月起,韓國律師行與外 法涉足。我強烈促請政府加快步伐,使 地律師行獲准就同一客戶的事務一同接納 由於兩個司法管轄區採取的開放措施 香港法律執業者亦得以進入韓國這個甚 指示及彼此分享利潤收費。 具有相似之處,我與韓國的法律執業 具前境的法律服務市場。 者及韓國首爾國立大學法律學院的法 第三,從2016年7月起,外地律師行將獲 總括來說,這引申出一個問題,就是 律學生之間進行討論時,不但氣氛熱 准與韓國律師行組成合夥及聘用韓國律師 香港法律界是否應進一步開放其市 烈,內容亦甚具啟發性。台下還就市 就當地法律提供意見。 場,即允許以綜合性專業服務模式經 場開放對當地執業者的影響作出值得 與韓國的情況相比,香港早在70年代 營並讓非律師人士分享律師行的利潤 探究的重要提問。 初,已開放其法律服務市場,外地律師和 收費,及/或採取措施保護本地執業者 外地律師行可自由從事外地法律執業,當 香港的開放政策舉世聞名。目前在香港 的健康發展。歡迎大家就此事項提出 時由律師會及入境事務處施行的「監控」 執業的外地律師有1,257名,分別來自 寶貴意見,閣下的建議將有助理事會 程序相對地沒那麼正規。雖然外地律師行 30個司法管轄區,另有68間外地律師 制定相關政策。 和外地律師不得從事香港法律執業,但本 行,涉及20個司法管轄區。任何外地 地律師行可聘用外地律師協助處理涉及其 律師行只要符合特定要求,便可涉足香 他司法管轄區法律的事務。年復年,外地 港的法律服務市場。
律師的人數逐漸增加,因此有必要實施一 然而,雖然香港市場對外來者的開放程 個較正規的監管制度。 度甚高,但香港法律執業者進入其他市 外地律師和外地律師行的法定註冊規定在 場時卻未能獲得對等程度的看待,這一 林新強,會 長 1995年生效,對他們在港的營運進行規 點令人失望。我早前曾解釋過台灣的情
www.hk-lawyer.org 7 • October 2013
Allan Chiang 蔣任宏 Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data 個人資料私隱專員 Allan commenced his appointment as the Privacy 蔣任宏於2010年起出任私隱專員一 Commissioner in 2010, with a civil service career behind 職。他之前服務於政府,並於2006年 him. He retired as the Postmaster General in 2006 and 郵政署署長任內榮休,其後獲政府頒 was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star by the Hong Kong 授銀紫荊星章。有志投身法律工作的 Government. With serious aspirations for a second career C 他退休後修讀法律課程,取得法學士 in law, he has embarked on post-retirement academic M 學位及法學專業證書。 pursuits that has earned him a Bachelor of Laws degree Y
(LLB) and a Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL). CM
K Amanda Yik 易琪 Senior Programme Manager, 社商賢匯高級項目經理 Community Business 易琪女士一直積極推動企業社會責任。她 Amanda is a corporate responsibility advocate. 曾合撰一系列有關亞洲多樣性及包容性的 She has co-authored a range of publications 著作,包括《 Bringing Out the Best in relating to diversity & inclusion in Asia, including Asian Talent》 (2011年)、《Diversity Bringing Out the Best in Asian Talent (2011); the & Inclusion in Asia Country View》系列、 Diversity & Inclusion in Asia Country View series; 《2011-12年度香港同/雙性戀及跨性別 research feature Hong Kong LGBT Climate Study 2011-12 (on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and 狀況研究》研究專題(有關女同性戀、 Transgender employees); and State of Work-Life 男同性戀、雙性戀及跨性別僱員),以及 Balance in Hong Kong Survey 2012. Prior to joining 《2012年度香港生活與工作平衡概況調 Community Business, Amanda was a dispute 查》。加入社商賢匯之前,她是一名專門 resolution lawyer in international law firms for 從事解決爭議事務的律師,並在國際性律 seven years. She is also a competitive paddler and 師事務所工作達七年。她善長划獨木舟, fitness enthusiast. 並熱愛健身。
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Wong Ngo Yi (“Clerk’) Having considered the agreed facts, 答辯人為一家律師行的前僱員,作出 (“Respondent”) the affidavit filed on behalf of the Law 《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第2(2) Society and the Respondent’s mitigation • Disgraceful, dishonourable and 條所指的可恥、不名譽及有損信譽的行 submissions, the Tribunal ordered that discreditable conduct 為操守,在荃灣裁判法院刑事案件2012 the Respondent: • Section 2(2) of the Legal Practitioners 年第13號中被裁定違反《盜竊罪條例》 1) be prohibited from the employment Ordinance (Cap. 159) (第210章)第9條,共六項盜竊罪罪成 with any solicitor or solicitors’ firm or (下稱「刑事控罪」)。 Hearing date: any foreign lawyer or foreign law firm 4 July 2013 in Hong Kong for three years; 2012年1月4日,答辯人在認罪後被裁定 Statement of Findings and Order: 2) forthwith pay the costs to the 觸犯該等刑事控罪罪成,並於同日被判處 12 July 2013 Law Society, under a gross (i) 就每項刑事控罪罰款2,000港元,合共 The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal sum assessment in the sum of 12,000港元;及(ii)就每項刑事控罪監禁 found the complaint below against HK$20,000; and 八個月,同期執行,緩刑兩年。 the Respondent proved on her own 3) pay the costs to the Tribunal Clerk 經考慮經議定的事實、代律師會提交的誓 admission: assessed in the sum of HK$10,000. 章及答辯人請求輕判的陳詞後,審裁組下 The Respondent, being a former Miss Janice Kwan for the Applicant. 令答辯人: employee of a solicitors’ firm, The Respondent in person. committed disgraceful, dishonourable 1) 不得受僱於香港的任何律師或律師行 Tribunal Members: and discreditable conduct within the 或任何外地律師或外地律師行,為期 Dr. Wan Charn Wing (Chairman) meaning of Section 2(2) of the Legal 三年。 Ms. Wong Tak Kay, Alison Practitioners Ordinance (Cap. 159), in Mr. Ho Kui Yip, Vincent 2) 立即向律師會支付訟費,經總額評定 that she was convicted of six counts of theft, contrary to Section 9 of the Theft 為20,000港元;及 Ordinance (Cap. 210) in Tsuen Wan 黃傲宜 (「文員」) 3) 向審裁組書記支付訟費,經評定為 Magistracy Criminal Case No. 13 2012 (下稱「答辯人」) 10,000港元。 (the “Criminal Charges”). • 可恥、不名譽及有損信譽的行為操守 On 4 January 2012, the Respondent 關琅天女士代表申請人。 • 《法律執業者條例》(第159章) was convicted of the Criminal Charges 第2(2)條 答辯人自行應訊。 upon her own guilty plea and on the same day, she was sentenced to (i) 聆訊日期: 審裁組成員: 溫燦榮博士(主席) pay fine HK$2,000 for each of the 2013年7月4日 黃德琪女士 Criminal Charges totalling HK$12,000 and (ii) eight months’ imprisonment 裁斷陳述書及命令: 何鉅業先生 for each of the Criminal Charges to run 2013年7月12日 concurrently and suspended for two 律師紀律審裁組裁斷針對答辯人作出的以 years. 下申訴在其認罪下證明屬實:
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• October 2013
Consultation Paper on the Proposed 《建議修訂專業投資者制度及客戶 Amendments to the Professional Investor 協議規定的諮詢文件》(下稱「《諮 Regime and the Client Agreement Requirements 詢文件》」) (the “Consultation Paper”) 證券及期貨事務監察委員會(下稱「證監會」)於5月 On 15 May, the Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) started a 15日發表《諮詢文件》,並展開為期三個月的諮詢。 three-month consultation with the publication of the “Consultation Paper”. 律師會的投資產品及金融服務委員會審閱過《諮詢文 The Law Society’s Investment Products and Financial Services 件》,並就此已擬備意見書。委員會的觀點包括以下 Committee reviewed the “Consultation Paper” and prepared 幾點: submissions thereon. The Committee has, inter alia, the following views: • 我們的制度與其他司法管轄區相若,因此法團及 • Corporate and individual professional investors should continue 個人專業投資者應繼續獲准參與私人配售活動。 to be allowed to participate in private placement activities as 合規成本上升及加設監管限制,既不符合亦不利 our regime is in line with comparable jurisdictions. Increasing compliance costs and regulatory hurdles are inconsistent with and 於使香港成為私人銀行中心的目標。如果偏離國 detrimental to the goal for Hong Kong to become a hub of private 際標準,有關建議將導致我們失去作為國際金融 banking. The proposals will result in us losing our competitiveness 中心的競爭力。 as an international financial centre if there is any deviation from • 在評估法團專業投資者的知識和經驗時,應以以原 international standards. 則為本的認識及經驗測試,取代用以衡量交易經驗 • In assessing the knowledge and experience of corporate professional 的「量化」測試。然而,有鑑於採用新測試會有實 investors, a principles-based knowledge and experience test should 際困難,並為避免出現不明確之處,證監會應對新 in principle dispense with the ‘bright-line’ tests concerning dealing experience. However, in view of practical difficulties in applying 測試的運作進一步闡明。 the new test and to avoid uncertainties, further clarification by SFC • 對將「合適性規定」納入客戶協議之內的建議並不 should be provided. 贊同,因此舉違背自由訂立合約的原則。引入就合 • The proposal to incorporate “Suitability Requirement” into the client 適性提供意見的責任可能會造成不明確情況,導致 agreement was not endorsed as this goes against the principle of 大量訴訟湧現。證監會未能指出有任何已實施類似 freedom of contract. Introducing a duty to advise on suitability may 規定的司法管轄區。 create uncertainties resulting in a floodgate of litigation. SFC failed to identify any jurisdiction adopting similar requirements. 有關意見書已上載至律師會網站:
The submissions can be viewed on the Law Society’s website at http://www.hklawsoc.org.hk/pub_e/news/ submissions/20130820.pdf http://www.hklawsoc.org.hk/pub_e/news/ submissions/20130820.pdf.
12 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • FROM THE COUNCIL TABLE 理 事 會 議 題
Consultation Paper on the Proposed Regulatory 《香港儲值支付產品及零售支付系統的 Regime for Stored Value Facilities and Retail 建議監管制度諮詢文件》(下稱「《諮 Payment Systems in Hong Kong 詢文件》」) (the “Consultation Paper”) 財經事務及庫務局及香港金融管理局(下稱「金管 The Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (“FSTB”) and the Hong 局」)於5月聯合發表諮詢文件,就儲值支付產品及零 Kong Monetary Authority (“HKMA”) jointly issued the Consultation 售支付系統的建議監管制度徵詢意見。 Paper in May to seek views on the proposed regulatory regime for stored value facilities (“SVF”) and retail payment systems (“RPS”). 科技進步令許多創新的零售支付產品和服務相繼產生, Advances in technology have resulted in the emergence of many 促使各方要求香港推出新制度,以加強對市民的保障及 innovative retail payment products and services which has led to calls 鼓勵有關行業的創新發展。 for a new regime to be introduced in Hong Kong in order to enhance protection for the public as well as encourage innovation in the industry. 財經事務及庫務局和金管局檢討過有關制度及參考過其 他司法管轄區的經驗後,提出以下建議: After reviewing the regimes and experience in other jurisdictions, FSTB and HKMA put forward the following proposals: • 設立儲值支付產品發牌制度;
• A licensing regime for SVF; • 設立零售支付系統指定制度;
• A designation regime for RPS; • 金管局獲賦權監管儲值支付產品持牌人及監察指定 • HKMA to have authority to supervise SVF licensees and oversee 零售支付系統; designated RPS; and • 在建議制度下,增訂新罪行及制裁。 • The introduction of new offences and sanctions under the proposed regime. 理事會接納投資產品及金融服務委員會原則上支持 建議制度的意見。有關意見書已上載至律師會網 The Law Society’s Investment Products and Financial Services Committee in principle supported the proposed regime which was 站:http://www.hklawsoc.org.hk/pub_e/news/ endorsed by Council. The submissions can be viewed at the Law submissions/20130828.pdf Society’s website at http://www.hklawsoc.org.hk/pub_e/news/ submissions/20130828.pdf.
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Letter to Hong Kong Lawyer 給《 香 港 律 師 會 》的 信
In Response to “Let the Market Decide Who 香港律師的資格應由誰導向? – Can Be a Lawyer in Hong Kong, Not the PCLL” 2013年8月「讀者來函」的回應 (Letter to Hong Kong Lawyer, Hong Kong Lawyer August 2013) 香港城市大學法律學院署理院長林峰教授 By Professor Lin Feng, Acting Dean, School of Law, 香港中文大學法律學院院長Christopher Gane 教授 City University of Hong Kong 香港大學法律學院院長陳文敏教授 Professor Christopher Gane, Dean, Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 在貴刊2013年8月號「讀者來函」中,McCauley先生就 Professor Johannes Chan, Dean, Faculty of Law, 本港律師得取執業資格的過程提出了一些重要的問題。他 The University of Hong Kong 主要關注到,本港所提供的合共三項法學專業證書課程學 Mr. McCauley raises some important issues regarding admission to 位有限,導致大批法律畢業生根本無機會成為本港執業律 practice law in Hong Kong. His core concern is that large numbers 師。他把這種情況形容為「保護主義」。 of law graduates are prevented from ever becoming lawyers because of the limited number of places in the city’s three Postgraduate McCauley先生建議以一項集中評核學生對核心科目的認 Certificate in Laws (“PCLL”) programmes, something which he 識的律師資格考試取代法學專業證書課程。他認為這做 describes as “protectionism”. 法不但有助消除現行考評安排下的「隨意性」,而且有助 His proposal is that the PCLL be replaced by an examination in which 省卻得取執業資格的過程中他看來認為是多此一舉的階段 law graduates would be tested on the core subjects. This would (因為律師執業所需的技能可在他們任職實習律師的兩年 remove “arbitrariness” in the current arrangements, and a stage in 期間學到)。 qualification which he appears to regard as superfluous (since the necessary practical skills can be learnt in the two-year trainee solicitor 誠然,部份法律畢業生未能報讀法學專業證書課程,是值 programme). 得我們探討的問題。不過,我們不應草率地斷言設立律師
While the fact that some law graduates are unable to get into the 資格考試是唯一可行的或最理想的做法。我們要考慮多項 PCLL is an issue that deserves discussion, we caution against too 因素,並諮詢持份者的意見。這些因素包括: readily seeing an entrance exam as the only available or ideal option. • 本港固然不宜為有志投身任何專業的人士設置保護主 There are many factors which need to be considered, in consultation 義式的障礙,但要求該些人士先達到若干標準的做法 with all stakeholders, including the following: 實屬合宜,事實上更是不可或缺。法治是本港的核心 • Whilst protectionist barriers to entry to any profession are 價值之一,而本港的法律專業正正承擔着體現和捍衛 undesirable, standards for entry are desirable – indeed essential. It is in the public interest that the high standard of the Hong Kong 法治的重任。因此,維持業界的高質量和水平,是合 legal profession, upon which the rule of law is dependent, be 乎公眾利益的。 maintained. • Redman-Roper報告書指出,根據過往經驗,實習 • According to the Redman-Roper Report, experience has shown 過程素質非常參差,且普遍不受規管,因此往往不 that proper practical legal training cannot be achieved in 能提供恰當的執業技巧培訓。正因如此,本港選擇實 apprenticeships which vary considerably in quality and are largely 行以學院為基礎的實際技巧培訓課程。這種課程既受 unregulated. That is why Hong Kong has chosen a regulated and 規管,其內容亦經過精心設計,有助訂立適當的「入 well-designed institution-based practical training programme 行」標準及據之而考核學生的水平。 which enables proper standards for entry to be set and examined. • 不少相類的普通法司法管轄區 — 例如英國、加拿大、 • Other similar common law jurisdictions, such as the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore have thought it appropriate 澳洲、紐西蘭及新加坡 — 都認為適宜在修讀法律與從
14 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • LETTER TO HONG KONG LAWYER 給《 香 港 律 師 會 》的 信
to provide a “bridge” between the academic study of law and its 事法律執業之間設置「橋樑」。在國際層面上,廢除 practice. To abolish the PCLL would, at an international level, push 法學專業證書課程將把香港逐出主流。事實上,在某 Hong Kong out of the mainstream. Indeed, in some jurisdictions 些正在實行「單一資格考試模式」的司法管轄區,對 that operate the model of a single qualifying examination, there 該種安排表示不滿的聲音正與日俱增,該些地區亦日 is increasing dissatisfaction with that arrangement and a trend towards providing that “bridge”. 漸趨向設立上述「橋樑」。
The proposal to replace the PCLL by a bar exam raises two issues at 以律師資格考試取代法學專業證書課程的建議,在不同 different levels. One is whether the PCLL is the most suitable means 層面上帶出兩個問題。其一是法學專業證書課程是否一 to provide practical training for future lawyers. The other is how to 種最適合為未來律師提供實際技巧培訓的方式。另一個 address the claim that large numbers of law graduates are prevented 問題是如何應對大批法律畢業生根本無法成為本港執業 from ever becoming a lawyer in Hong Kong. 律師的情況。 The answer to this question depends on whether we want to follow 這個問題的答案,視乎我們的取態而定:我們是否希望 a “laissez faire” approach and let all who are willing and desire to become lawyers have access to the profession, and whether or not the 採取「自由不干預」的做法,任由每名願意和有意成為 legal profession wants all three of Hong Kong’s Law Schools to set 律師的人如願以償;抑或法律業界是否希望本地三所法 and maintain high standards for entry. 律學院一律訂立和維持嚴謹的「入行」標準?
In this letter we do not propose to explore this challenge, but we 我們不欲在此詳細探討上述議題,但我們既樂意且願意 are ready to do so. Questions about the entry requirements for the 如此行。關於法學專業證書課程的收生要求、現時本地 PCLL, the limited number of places available in the three PCLL 三項法學專業證書課程學位有限(及其他替代方案)以 programmes and alternatives to this, as well as the impact on the employment market of large numbers seeking entry to the profession, 及大批有志投身法律專業的人士對就業市場造成何等影 are examples of matters that can and should be reviewed. 響等問題,都是值得我們認真審視的事項的一些好例子。
Like Mr. McCauley, we want a regime that enables law graduates 與McCauley先生一樣,我們都希望考核和培訓制度能 to achieve the freedom and potential that a licence to practice 夠讓法律畢業生享有和發揮執業牌照所賦予的自由和潛 affords. While we have an open mind to consider what changes to 能。在考慮對現行制度作出何等改變方屬恰當的問題 the existing system are desirable, we think an extensive consultation 上,我們持開放態度。然而,我們認為有需要進行廣泛 process and a cautious approach is needed to achieve a fair and progressive outcome. 諮詢並謹慎行事,以確保達致公平和漸進的效果。
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Ms. Heidi Chu, Secretary-General 秘書長朱潔冰律師 Appointment of solicitor-managers of sole proprietorships 獨營執業須委任律師管理人 he proportion of Hong Kong law firms which are sole proprietor- Tships has traditionally been high, ranging from 42% to 46% of 港律師行的獨營執業比例一直高企,佔香港律 the total number of Hong Kong law firms. As of the end of August 香師行總數的42%至46%不等。截至2013年8月 2013, there are 816 Hong Kong law firms, out of which around 45%, 底,香港律師行共有816間,其中屬獨營執業的律師行 ie. 364 firms, are sole proprietorships. 約佔45%,即364間。 The sole proprietor of a legal practice holds the full financial and supervisory control of the firm and any lapse of that control may be 法律執業業務的獨營執業者全權控制律師行的財政和監 detrimental to client interests. Effective measures must therefore 督,若管治上有任何不當可能會損害客戶利益。因此務 be in place to ensure that there is no gap in professional oversight 必制定有效的措施,以確保即使獨營執業者因不幸身故 of any client matters despite the absence of the sole proprietor, 或其他原因而缺席時,所有客戶事務仍受到專業監督。 including the unfortunate event of his death. 為保障客戶的利益,獨營執 Percentage of Sole Proprietorships in Hong Kong law firms 業者必須訂立遺囑,為其律 香港律師行獨營執業比例 師行的業務在他去世後的管 % 理作出規定。他必須留下清 47 晰的指示,確保其遺囑執行 46 人能夠在他去世後立即作出
45 安排,由具有足夠資歷的律 師逐步結束該律師行。 44 為確保獨營執業者已制定該 43 項措施,律師會根據《律師 42 執業規則》第5AA條(下稱
41 「第5AA條」),規定獨營 執業者必須就存放遺囑的 40 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 地點,以及遺囑執行人及
Year 年 獲委任管理其律師行業務的
16 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • FROM THE SECRETARIAT 律 師 會 秘 書 處 資 訊
To protect clients’ interests, a sole proprietor must make a will containing provisions for the running of his practice after his death. He must leave clear instructions to ensure that his executors are able to make arrangements immediately after his death for the winding down of his practice by a solicitor of sufficient seniority.
To assist sole proprietors in ensuring that such a measure is in place, the Law Society requires them, under Rule 5AA of the Solicitors Practice Rules (“Rule 5AA”), to provide information regarding the location of their wills and the identity and contact details of their executors and the solicitors 律師的身份和聯絡詳情提供資料。獲委任管理律師行 appointed to manage their practices. The solicitors appointed 業務的律師,必須持有無條件執業證書,並已同意有 to manage the practices must hold an unconditional practising 關委任。獨營執業者必須在開始有關執業後的14天內 certificate and have given consent to the appointment. Sole 向律師會提供所需資料,如其後有任何變更,須在變 proprietors must provide the required information to the Law Society within 14 days of commencing their practices and any subsequent 更發生後的14天內通知律師會。 changes within 14 days thereafter. 律師會正根據第5AA條更新有關紀錄,如果資料有任 The Law Society is updating its record under Rule 5AA and sole 何變更,請緊記通知我們。 proprietors are reminded to notify us if there is any change to the information.
Profile of the profession - updated statistics 業界最新統計資料 The Secretariat keeps a record of relevant statistics with regard to the 律師會會員不時要求秘書處提供與業界有關的統計 profile of the profession, and from time to time, we receive requests 資料。下列是一些最新的業界統計數字(截至2013 from members for updates on these statistics. For those interested in 年8月底): obtaining such information, do keep an eye out for this section (as of end of August2013):
Members (with or without practising certificate) 8,787 會員(持有或不持有執業證書) 8,787 Members with practising certificate 7,666 持有執業證書的會員 7,666 Trainee Solicitors 784 實習律師 784 Registered foreign lawyers 1,257 註冊外地律師 1,257 Hong Kong law firms 816 香港律師行 816 Registered foreign law firms 68 註冊外地律師行 68 Civil Celebrants 1,867 婚姻監禮人 1,867 Reverse Mortgage Counsellors 357 安老按揭輔導法律顧問 357 Solicitor Advocates 14 訟辯律師 14
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❝ ... there may be more cases that require our attention than we know of, and we try to encourage such minorities to step out and voice their concerns. ❞
18 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • COVER STORY 封 面 專 題
Face to Face With...... 專 訪 York Chow Chairman, Equal Opportunities Commission 周一嶽 平等機會委員會主席
By Sara Lau 作者 劉桂容
The latest chair of the Equal Opportunities Commission (“EOC”) talks to Hong Kong Lawyer about discrimination, which accounts for most of the EOC’s concerns. He also touches on gender identity, a sensitive topic that has been recently brought to the fore in a landmark Court of Final Appeal (“CFA”) case.
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n orthopaedic surgeon by youngsters in Hong Kong, and maintain Discrimination Aprofession, it is hard not to think more values in this society. This is the Like most cosmopolitan cities it of Dr. York Chow taking to his current main reason why I believe I can also is unsurprising that there is racial role as something akin to patient care. contribute as the chairperson of the discrimination in Hong Kong – despite The parallels cannot be ignored; if the EOC.” the city calling itself “Asia’s World City”. musculoskeletal system literally forms What is surprising is that the RDO was the backbone of a person, the provision Race Discrimination only passed in 2008, with a limited of equal opportunities coupled with Ordinance (“RDO”) scope of protection, Dr. Chow says. Plus zero or minimal discrimination must One of the EOC’s main tasks is to the law, as with many other laws, has form a crucial part of Hong Kong’s consolidate the six main domains to constantly keep up social trends that societal spine. of the RDO under one umbrella produce discrimination in various ways “I knew my predecessor, Mr. Lam (ie bringing together education; be it racial, cultural, or dogmatic. (Woon-Kwong), very well. He had employment; provision of goods and “People discriminate out of ignorance. It strong feelings for Hong Kong and services; use of premises; election; and doesn’t mean that they are bad but we strong infinity for the community joining of societies and association) need to educate them and it is important and made a lot of sacrifices,” says Dr. so as to strengthen each of the anti- and that we have this tolerance and at Chow, who was appointed to the EOC discrimination legislation. the same time attitude to help others chairmanship on 1 April 2013. The challenge comes in harmonising rather than discriminate against them,” “When I look at the current community various definitions under each separate Dr. Chow continues. situation, I feel that safeguarding Hong piece of legislation, says Dr. Chow. However, despite receiving the brunt Kong people against discrimination and “I think a lot of academic lawyers are of discrimination, minority groupings ensuring equal opportunities is a very very supportive of this and we will do not complain much, partly because important responsibility, particularly eventually have to address the issue like it is not in the tradition or culture for with how diverse our society is.” how many common law jurisdictions ethnic peoples to do so, Dr. Chow says. Among other things, he was referring have done so, such as the Equality Act Other types of minorities such as those to Hong Kong being home to ethnic in the UK”, explains Dr. Chow. concerning gender and sexuality also keep to themselves more often than not, minorities from South Asian countries “We have talked to stakeholders about he says, since it is thought that speaking such as the Philippines, Indonesia, the proposal and surveys have been out would make them stand out and India, and Nepal, as well as societal done. We are in an internal review hence attract even more unwanted misperceptions and misgivings over process right now and we plan to put attention. mainland Chinese who live in or visit this to public consultation in mid-2014.” Hong Kong. “So there may be more cases that Plans include streamlining the four require our attention than we know of, Born and raised here, Dr. Chow, who anti-discriminatory ordinances in Hong and we try to encourage such minorities was also once Hong Kong’s Secretary Kong – Sex Discrimination Ordinance, to step out and voice their concerns,” for Food and Health, takes great pride Disability Discrimination Ordinance, says the EOC chairman. in this city, despite having a career that Family Status Discrimination Ordinance, has taken him all over the world. A big For now, most of the complaints received and Race Discrimination Ordinance – part of this stems from his childhood by the EOC are from locals. Out of alongside the six domains, so that they experiences. around 16,000 complaints made a year, can be applied seamlessly across such Dr. Chow elaborates, 700-900 turn “At school, I was amongst a group of laws. into bona fide cases. Over half of them students of different abilities, and was For example, Dr. Chow explains, the concern the disabled, such as their rights given the opportunity to participate concept of universal design, whereby a to have access to transportation, as well in various community activities, which building needs to be fully accessible to as equal treatment in the workplace. developed my own confidence,” he wheelchair users or the blind, should Also, many complaints have been made explains. be classed as basic needs, rather concerning women with special family “I want to see the same thing happen than a building requirement to be status such as pregnancy. For example, and continue to happen for the implemented on a case-by-case basis. when they are released or displaced after
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returning to work from maternity leave. year, not least because of landmark CFA heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual, case W v Registrar of Marriages [2013] to be fair. “We believe that apart from just 3 HKLRD 90, whereby the court ruled handling the complaints, and trying to “We don’t want people to be labeled that a transgender woman may marry reach compromise, compensation or one way or another,” Dr. Chow adds. her boyfriend. The CFA has also given even trying to sue the employers, we the government 12 months to amend Legislation aside, there is also a need should provide education and advocacy current laws to this effect. to boost current awareness concerning for both parties instead,” adds Chow. sexual minorities. From a medical point In addition, the government has also In recent years, the EOC has also of view, for example, Dr. Chow believes started to review and endorse a revised received an increasing number of that more research and consultation are legislation that provides adequate complaints concerning mainland protection for homosexuals in Hong Chinese. Over the years, social issues Kong, though no timetable has been set. concerning Chinese nationals range from the more severe (eg pregnant Experts say sexual minorities, mainland Chinese giving birth in Hong particularly in East Asia, face challenges Kong, hence straining resources for rooted in existing conservative cultures local hospitals), to the mundane (eg and beliefs such as Confucianism and eating and drinking on the Mass Transit Taoism. As a result, this group is often Railway). afraid of “coming out”, especially at Purely from a technical perspective, the workplace, as they are afraid of there is no ordinance that protects repercussions that might lead to even Chinese nationals partly as they share more discrimination. national and ethnic identities with This will continue till a law is made to native Hong Kongers. And even though better protect sexual minorities, there have been suggestions that such Dr. Chow says. legislation should be enacted – based “For those who are against the on factors such as place of origin, legislation, the common view demarcation, length of stay in Hong is that firstly, people will have to Kong, etc – Dr. Chow disagrees. be very careful about what they “I think we need to look at the say and hence lose their freedom of background of people’s behavior and speech; and secondly, as some interaction than rather deciding whether argue, this may become a law is actually applicable. It is a a form of reversed complex thing,” he says. discrimination, whereby “But I am concerned with people certain protection promoting the difference between local and privilege might and non-local. It hurts our society once then be given to you make that distinction. A lot of Hong sexual minorities,” he Kong people actually come from the continues. mainland over the last century, so trying “I don’t think this is true to go into those details is rather risky.” at all.” “Law is important as a baseline of In any case, Dr. Chow tolerance, but it cannot be the whole says, the EOC is solution.” looking to propose Sexual Minorities legislation that bans discrimination The plight of sexual minorities in Hong against all forms of Kong has garnered attention over past sexual orientation,
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needed to decide how gender should be better identified, such as at which point, and with what kind of surgery is a person seen to have legally changed his gender.
“Then there is the mental state, whereby a man may think and feel like a woman, or vice-versa, despite how they look and what kind of surgery they have undergone,” Dr. Chow continues.
“This is considered a very important type of disorder that needs treatment… All these factors have to be considered by the public and the medical sector if we are to better decide when a person legally changes his gender.”
The W case has forced the government to rewrite Hong Kong’s Marriage Law, marking a change in Hong Kong history. W, a transsexual, was denied the right to marry her boyfriend on the grounds that they cannot conceive. However, under Section 20(1)(d) of the Matrimonial Causes Ordinance and Section 40 of the Marriage Ordinance, W is considered a woman within the meaning and therefore entitled to marry. This led to the question of whether a transsexual person who has not undergone full gender reassignment surgery should qualify as well for marriage. Otherwise, “I have been talking to the Hospital “These days we have schools that are this may be in breach of Hong Kong’s Authority and they are now planning on favoured by some ethnic minorities but Basic Law that safeguards each a gender identification unit to give more this should not be the case,” Dr. Chow individual’s right to marry. support to this group. We should take notes. One reference for Hong Kong lies in the advantage of the CFA’s decision to visit “Schools should have people from these issues and come up with a policy UK system, Dr. Chow says, where one different ethnicity and this will teach and legislation appropriate for Hong criterion for deciding a person’s gender is children respect for people with different Kong.” to assess him/her for two years to see if backgrounds. This is a very important he/she is living a lifestyle of the opposite part of education. With the support sex. Going forward services that we have, along with those And like most issues, such sexual Topics involving the issue of race, provided by many non-government minorities should identify and deal culture, political views, gender and organisations, we can lead children out with this topic as early as reasonably sexual orientation are often unresolved. of their comfort zones where they can possible to avoid complications related Therefore to prevent discrimination from learn to be more inclusive.” being passed on to the next generation, to spouses and children, he adds. Also, the EOC chairman feels that it is crucial that children are educated at society may be more litigious today as “People who change their gender after school, since this is their first exposure more people are aware of their rights, the age of 40 are likely to leave behind to the general community. more problems,” Dr. Chow says. so much so that many tend to overreact.
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平等機會委員會(下稱「平機會」)主席周一嶽醫生 應邀接受《香港律師》訪問,細談他上任後的工 作,並就平機會最關注的歧視問題,向大家揭示 更多背後的議題。曾任食物及衛生局局長的周醫 生在專訪中仔細探討歧視存在的原因,以及法律 和教育能否把這個問題克服。另外,周醫生亦有 談及性別認同這個敏感的課題,近期終審法院對 一宗相關案件作出重要裁決,令這個課題備受各 界注視。
於周一嶽醫生本身是一名骨科專 「我希望相同的事情再出現,並繼續為 由家,少不免令人想到他上任後會 香港的青少年出現,而且有更多價值觀 以診治病人的手法處理新工作。兩者的 得以在這個社會承傳下來。正因如此, 確具有相似之處:如果說(的而且確) 我相信我出任平機會主席一職亦可為此 一個人的脊椎由肌肉骨骼系統組成,則 出一分力。」 香港這個多元社會的骨幹中某部分定必 是由平等機會及零歧視組成。 《種族歧視條例》 平機會的主要任務之一,是要把《種族 周醫生在2013年4月1日履新平機會主 歧視條例》的六個範疇合併(即集合 席,他專訪中道:「我很了解前任主席 教育、僱傭、提供貨品和服務、使用處 林(煥光)先生。他對香港感情深厚, 所、選舉及參與會社及團體),從而加 對社會有遠大抱負,並且貢獻良多。」 強每條反歧視法例。 「當我看到當前的社會情況,我覺得保 One way of solving this, he thinks, 據周醫生說,困難之處在於要協調統一 障香港市民免受歧視及確保人人享有平 especially in a financial hub like Hong 個別法例下的各個定義。 Kong, is to point out the opportunity 等機會,是一項非常重要的職責,尤其 costs of not being more tolerant. 我們的社會何其多元化。」 他解釋,「我想很多法律學者都非常贊 同此做法,而我們最終將要處理的問題 “If you look at the whole world, if you 撇除其他方面,他所指的是來自菲律 look at globalisation, if you do not 包括已實行此做法的普通法司法管轄區 賓、印尼、印度及尼泊爾等南亞國家的 adapt to this environment, you will fall 的多寡,例如英國的《公平法》。」 back,” Dr. Chow says. 少數族裔均以香港為家,以及社會對在 港居住或旅遊的內地人存在誤解和顧慮。 「我們已經與持分者討論過有關建議, Ultimately, he concludes, a city like 而且相關調查亦已完成。我們現時正進 Hong Kong needs to “accommodate 儘管因工作關係需要走遍世界各地,但 行內部審核過程,並計劃在2014年中期 many opinions from different peoples”. 周醫生在香港出生和成長,為這個城市 展開公眾諮詢。」 “We need to analyse each opinion 感到非常自豪。這大部分源於他的童年 rationally and try to validate ourselves 經歷。 計劃包括沿著該六個範疇,簡化香港四 objectively and humbly,” says Dr. Chow. 條反歧視條例,即《性別歧視條例》、 他解釋說:「在學校裡,我身處在一群 “Patience and tolerance is key.” n 《殘疾歧視條例》、《家庭崗位歧視條 各具不同才能的同學中,並有機會參與 例》及《種族歧視條例》,使該等範疇 各種社區活動,這樣的環境讓我從中建 可橫跨此等法例暢通無礙地運用。 立自信。」
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周醫生解釋,以通用設計概念為例,建 他補充:「我們相信,除了僅僅處理投 專家說,特別在東亞地區,性少數群體 築物需要讓輪椅使用者或失明人士方便 訴、設法達成妥協、賠償,甚至試圖起 要面對紮根於現有保守文化和信仰中的 地使用,應該被列為基本需要,而不是 訴相關僱主外,我們反而應該為雙方提 挑戰,如儒家和道家。因此,這群人士 因應個別情況才予以實施的規定。 供教育和倡導」。 往往害怕「現身」,尤其在工作間,因 為他們害怕現身後的反響可能導致更嚴 近年,平機會亦收到越來越多涉及內地 歧視 重的歧視。 人的投訴。多年來,涉及內地人的社會 香港自稱為「亞洲國際都會」,但正如 問題由較為嚴重的(例如內地孕婦在香 周醫生說,在立法為性少數群體提供有 大部分國際城市,香港存在種族歧視問 港分娩,造成本地醫院的資源緊張) 效保障前,這情況將繼續發生。 題,並不令人意外。周醫生說,意外之 以至日常俗事(例如在港鐵吃喝)皆有 處是《種族歧視條例》在2008年才通 他續道,「反對立法的人普遍認為,首 之。 過,而且保障範圍有限。再者,與許多 先,人們必須對其言談非常謹慎,因而 其它法律一樣,該法例需要與時並進, 純粹從技術角度來看,香港並沒有任何 失去言論自由;其次,有些人認為這可 以防各種形式的歧視出現,不論屬種族 保障內地人的條例,部分原因是他們 能成為一種反向歧視,或會令性少數群 上、文化上,還是出於偏見。 與本地香港人持有同樣的國籍及民族身 體因此得到若干保護和特權。」 份。過往有人建議應(以來源地、區 他續道:「人們作出歧視乃無知所致, 「我認為這毫不真確。」 別、居港時間等因素為基礎)制定有關 並不代表他們是壞人,但我們需要教育 法例,但周醫生對此表示不贊同。 周醫生說,不管如何,平機會會一視同 他們,而且重要的是,我們要同時抱著 仁地提出立法建議,禁止對所有形式的 他說:「我認為我們需要了解人們的行 寬容的心及態度去幫助別人,而不是歧 性傾向、異性戀、同性戀或雙性戀作出 為和互動的背景,而不是決定某則法 視他們。」 歧視。 律實際上是否適用。這是一件複雜的事 然而,周醫生說,少數群體群體雖首當 情。」 他補充:「我們不希望人們被標籤,不 其衝遭歧視對待,但他們不大會作出投 論形式為何。」 訴,部分原因是這些族裔在傳統上或文 「但我關注到有人提倡本地人和非本地 化上並不會這樣做。他說,其他類別的 人之間有別。一旦作出這樣的區分,便 除立法外,提高各界目前對性少數群體 少數群體,例如是關於性別和性傾向人 會對我們的社會造成損害。其實很多香 的認識亦屬必要。例如,從醫學角度來 士,往往不想別人知道,因為以免說出 港人皆是在上世紀從內地到來的,因此 看,周醫生認為需要進行更多研究和諮 來會令他們更加突出,並因此引來更多 試圖加以細究是相當危險的。」 詢,以決定應如何更有效地辨認性別, 例如在何時及接受過何類手術後,一個 不必要的注意。 「以法律作為容忍的底線是重要的,但 人方會被視為已在法律上改變其性別。 「故此,我們需要關注的個案可能較我 它不能作為整體解決方案。」 們所知的多,而我們會嘗試鼓勵這些少 周醫生續道:「接著是精神狀態,不管 數群體站起來,表達他們的關注」,平 性少數群體 一個人外表如何及進行過何類手術,一 機會主席說。 去年, W v Registrar of Marriages 名男性亦可像女性般思考和感覺,反之 [2013] 3 HKLRD 90一案令香港性少數 亦然」。 現時,平機會接獲的投訴大部分是來 群體的處境受到關注,該案意義重大, 自本地市民。據周醫生所述,每年約 「這被視為一種非常重要並需要治療的 終審法院裁定一名跨性別女性可與其男 16,000宗查詢中,700至900宗會成為 障礙……如果我們要更有效地決定一個 友結婚。終審法院亦給予政府12個月時 真正的投訴。超過半數的投訴涉及殘疾 人在法律上何時改變其性別,則公眾和 間對現行法例作相關修改。 人士,例如他們享有使用交通工具及在 醫學界必須考慮所有這些因素。」 工作間獲平等對待的權利。此外,有不 此外,政府亦開始就修訂一項為香港 W一案迫使政府修訂香港的婚姻法,標 少投訴涉及特殊家庭崗位的女性,例如 同性戀者提供充分保障的法例,進行 誌著香港歷史的變化。W為一名變性 懷孕。舉例,她們產假結束重返工作崗 檢討及批核工作,不過並沒有訂下任 人,她被剝奪與男友結婚的權利,理由 位時,被解僱或迫使離職。 何時間表。 是他們無法生育。然而,根據《婚姻訴
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訟條例》第20(1)(d)條及《婚姻條例》 第40條,W屬該等條例所指的女人,因 此有權結婚。這引申出的問題是,一名 並未進行完全性別轉換手術的變性人應 否符合結婚的資格。否則,這可能違反 香港《基本法》,因《基本法》保障每 個人均享有結婚的權利。
周醫生說,香港以英國採用的制度作為 參考之一,即決定一個人性別的其中一 項準則,是對他/她進行為期兩年評估, 看看他/她是否以異性的方式生活。
他補充,和大多數問題一樣,性少數群 體應在合理範圍內盡早辨識及處理這個 課題,避免涉及到配偶和子女而令問題 變得複雜。
「在40歲後才變性可能會引起較多問 題」,周醫生說。
「我一直有跟醫院管理局進行討論,而 他們正計劃成立一個性別認同的組別, 為這個群體提供更多支援。我們應藉終 審法院的有關裁決,趁機探討這些議 題,並制訂出切合香港的政策和法例。」 REUTERS/Kin Cheung KC/CCK Dr. Chow in 2005, when he was Hong Kong’s Secretary for Food and Health. 展望未來 周一嶽醫生於2005年是香港食物及衛生局局長。 涉及種族、文化、政治觀點、性別和性 取向問題的課題,往往得不到解決。因 興訟,因為越來越多人認識到自己的權 最後他總結道,像香港般的城市需要 此,為免歧視問題延續至下一代,最重 利,甚至令很多人反應過於激烈。他認 「顧及不同人士的眾多意見」。 要是孩子們在學校接受教育,因為此乃 為,指出不作包容而需承擔的機會成本 他們與這個社會的第一次接觸。 周醫生說:「我們需要理性地分析每項 是解決這個問題的方法之一,尤其身處 意見,並盡量客觀及虛心地作自我驗 周醫生指出:「現時我們有些學校特別 香港這個金融中心。 證。」 受一些少數族裔歡迎,但情況不應如 周醫生說:「假如你環顧整個世界,假 此。」 「關鍵在於耐心和包容。」 n 如你綜觀全球化,假如你不適應這個環 「學校應該有來自不同種族的人,以教 境,你便會倒退。」 導孩子尊重不同背景的人。這是教育中 非常重要的一環。在得到政府及許多非 我們需要關注的個案可能較我們所知的多, 政府機構提供的支援服務下,我們能夠 ❝ 帶孩子走出安全領域,讓他們學習如何 而我們會嘗試鼓勵這些少數群體站起來,表達 包容。」 他們的關注。 此外,平機會主席感到如今社會較輕易 ❞
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Mr. Wong Tak Shing, Partner, Wong Shum & Co and Lam Lee & Hong Kong Academy of Law Lai, presented at the 23 August CPD course “Intestate Succession 香港法律專業學會 (Module 1)”. Over 100 participants attended the course. 黃得勝岑文光律師行兼林李黎律師事 務所合夥人黃得勝律師在8月23日舉 行的「無遺囑者繼承(第一章)」專業 進修課程上擔任演講嘉賓。是項課程 吸引過百人參加。
Dr. Li Yahong, Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong, presented at the 2 August CPD course “PRC Intellectual Property Law”. 香港大學法律學院副教授李亞虹博士 在 8月2日 舉 行 的「中 國 知 識 產 權 法 」 專業進修課程上擔任演講嘉賓。
The Academy organised a sharing session with summer law firm interns on 19 August. President Ambrose Lam (second from right) spoke about the legal profession and shared his experience as a solicitor in private practice. Three other veteran lawyers also shared their experiences of working in a corporation, the Judiciary and an NGO; they were respectively Mr. Chan Chak Ming (first from left), Head of Counsel, Sir Elly Kadoorie & Sons Ltd.; Ms. Susan Wong (second from left), Magistrate and Presiding Officer, Labour Tribunal; and Mr. Charles Chiu (first from right), Chairperson, Guardianship Board. 香港法律專業學會於8月19日舉辦了一場律師行暑期實習生分享會。會長林新強律師(右二)介 紹法律行業,並分享他作為私人執業律師的經驗。另三名經驗豐富的律師亦分享他們在商界、 司法機構及非政府組織取得的經驗,他們分別為:嘉道理父子有限公司首席法律顧問陳澤銘 律師(左一)、裁判官及勞資審裁處審裁官黃瑞珊女士(左二),以及監護委員會主席趙宗義律 President Ambrose Lam shared his experience with law firm interns. 師( 右 一 )。 會長林新強律師與律師行實習生分享他的寶貴經驗。
SmartHK, Guangzhou Representatives of business to the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer organisations, covering various industries Economic Partnership Arrangement. Aiming to provide a platform for Hong such as commerce, business services, Kong professions to promote their Mr. Lam was also a guest moderator media and technology, accounted for services to PRC enterprises, the Hong at a seminar discussing legal, tax and most of the participants of the event. Not Kong Trade Development Council financing issues that enterprises face only were they interested in the structure organised the “SmartHK, Guangzhou” while making overseas investments. and operation of the Law Society, they event from 28 to 29 August at the Together with five other speakers, he were also keen to understand how Hong Guangzhou Poly World Trade Center explored Hong Kong’s strengths in acting Kong’s legal services could help them EXPO. In order to strengthen the as a service platform for PRC enterprises explore business opportunities and tackle development of Hong Kong’s legal intending to make outbound investments. issues in relation to cross-border trade. services in the Greater China region, in At a seminar showing how PRC particular the Pearl River Delta region, During the event, Law Society President enterprises may benefit from the services the Law Society participated in this Ambrose Lam was interviewed by various of Hong Kong professionals, including event with a booth set-up to showcase media, including Asia Television Limited, lawyers, when expanding overseas, Mr. the various types of cross-border legal Radio Television Hong Kong, Sing Tao Wai Yip Hin, Member of the Law Society services that Hong Kong lawyers can Daily and Nanfang Daily, to discuss the Greater China Legal Affairs Committee, offer. Law Society’s views on Supplement X also shared his experience on how Hong
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Law Society President Ambrose Lam being interviewed by local media. Guests of the seminar discussing legal, tax and financing issues that PRC enterprises face when investing overseas: 律師會會長林新強律師接受香港媒體訪問。 From left: Law Society President Ambrose Lam; Mr. Huanting T. Li, Partner, Sidley Austin, Hong Kong; Mr. Choi Kwok Fai, General Manager- Merger & Acquisition Department, Choi, Lo & Co.; Mr. David Huang, Executive Director, Spring Capital; Mr. Li Zhuozhuo, Head of Technology and Innovation Management, Guangdong Guangye Environment Protection Kong lawyers address issues regarding Technology Co. Ltd.; and Mr. Wang Zhu, Deputy General Manager, Guangdong KITO Ceramics Co. Ltd. Law Society President Ambrose Lam was the guest moderator of the seminar, at which he discussed with other speakers intellectual property protection. issues often encountered by Mainland enterprises when making overseas investments, as well as how Hong Kong can act as the gate for PRC enterprises to “go global”. Law Society Past President Huen Wong 「企業海外投資的法律、稅務、融資問題及案例分享」研討會嘉賓: was the moderator of this seminar in his 左起:律師會會長林新強律師、香港盛德國際律師事務所合夥人李煥庭律師、香港蔡羅會計師事務所併購部總經理蔡國輝先生、 capacity as Chairman of the Hong Kong 天泉投資執行董事黃華軒先生、廣東省廣業資產經營有限公司科技與創新管理部部長李灼灼先生及廣東金意陶陶瓷有限公司副 總經理王竹先生。 Trade Development Council Professional 律師會會長林新強律師擔任研討會嘉賓主持,與其他講者討論內地企業進行海外投資時常會遇到的問題,以及香港如何成為內 Services Advisory Committee. Here, 地 企 業「走 出 去」的 大 門。 participants raised questions including 在大中華尤其珠三角地區的發展,律師會 委員會主席的身份,擔任研討會之主持。 how Hong Kong lawyers handle 參加了是次博覽並特設展位,向與會人士 會上,有參會者就香港律師處理內地企業 overseas trade disputes which Mainland 展示香港律師能為內地企業提供何種跨境 的海外貿易糾紛方面的情況作出提問,另 enterprises are involved. One participant 法律服務。 外亦有來自武漢的參會者,認為武漢企業 from Wuhan, PRC, also raised the fact 人員不諳粵語,可能不利於武漢企業與香 that with Wuhan’s businesses being 參會人士以商業機構代表為主,涵蓋商 港律師之間的合作。對此,前會長王桂壎 unable to speak much Cantonese, any 貿、商用服務、媒體、科技等行業。他 律師指香港律師具備「兩文三語」方面的 cooperation between Wuhan enterprises 們除了對香港律師會的架構和運作模式 and Hong Kong lawyers might be 優勢,其中包括普通話,不但有利於協助 感興趣外,亦希望了解香港的法律服務 affected. Mr. Wong responded that the 內地企業處理海外業務,更可促進兩地律 可以如何為他們拓展業務及解決跨境貿 multilingual skills that many Hong Kong 師的合作,並有效為企業提供所需法律服 lawyers possess, including Mandarin, 易上的問題。 務。 would go some way to smoothing such 律師會會長林新強律師於博覽期間接受多 「轉型升級.香港博覽」作為一個推廣香 concerns. This will emable Hong Kong 個媒體訪問,包括亞洲電視、香港電台、 lawyers to focus on managing overseas 港專業服務的平台,為參展的香港律師行 星島日報及南方日報,內容圍繞律師會對 businesses for PRC enterprises such as 提供了充份推廣業務的機會,而且律師會 《內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的 those in Wuhan, facilitate cooperation 亦得以向與會者介紹相關法律服務範疇, with PRC lawyers, and hence provide 安排》補充協議十的意見。 並展示香港整體律師行業有能力協助內地 necessary and effective legal services. 此外,會長林新強律師應邀在「企業海外 企業達成「走出去」的目標。 As a platform for the city’s professional 投資的法律、稅務、融資問題及案例分 services, SmartHK has provided plenty 享」研討會上,以嘉賓主持身分與五位講 of opportunities for participating 者一同探討香港作為內 Hong Kong law firms to promote their 地企業投資海外的服務 businesses. The Law Society was also 平台享有的優勢。 able to introduce relevant legal services as well as showcase the capability of 律師會大中華法律事務 Hong Kong’s legal profession in helping 委員會委員韋業顯律師 PRC businesses “go global”. 亦在「企業遨遊國際商 海.專業服務保駕護 「轉型升級.香港博覽」 - 廣州 航」研討會上分享香港 8月28及29日,香港貿易發展局假廣州 律師如何處理知識產權 Mr. Wai Yip Hin (middle) shared his knowledge and experience on how Hong Kong 保利世貿博覽館舉辦「轉型升級.香港博 保護事務方面的經驗。 lawyers deal with intellectual property protection. On his left was Past President 律師會前會長王桂壎律 Huen Wong, who moderated this seminar. 覽」,為香港專業界別提供一個向內地企 韋業顯律師(中)在研討會上分享香港律師在保護知識產權方面的知識和經驗,左為 業推廣服務的平台。為加強香港法律服務 師則以貿發局專業服務 研討會主持人前會長王桂壎律師。
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2013 IHLC Annual Conference The 2013 Annual Conference of the In- House Lawyers Committee (“IHLC”) was held on 5 September at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The event was attended by a record crowd of some 400, including distinguished guests such as Secretary for Justice Rimsky Yuen. The full-day conference kicked off with Mr. Yuen’s opening remarks on how in-house lawyers can employ arbitration procedures From left: Mr. Charles Chau, Council Member and Vice Chairperson, Standing Committee on Member Services; Immediate Past President Dieter Yih; Vice President Thomas So; Mr. Grand Chan, Vice Chairman, IHLC; Ms. Jasmine to their benefits. This was followed by a Karimi, IHLC member; Ms. Maggie Tsui, Chairperson, Organising Committee, 2013 IHLC Annual Conference; Mr. CM Chan, Chairman, IHLC; Secretary for Justice Rimsky Yuen; President Ambrose Lam; Mrs. Cecilia Wong, Council panel discussion on leadership. Amongst Member; Ms. Anne Salt, IHLC member; and Vice President Stephen Hung. many interesting stories elicited here by 左起︰理事會成員暨會員服務常務委員會副主席周致聰律師、前會長葉禮德律師、律師會副會長蘇紹聰律師、企業律師委 員會副主席陳浩良律師、企業律師委員會成員Jasmine Karimi女士、2013年企業律師委員會年會籌委會主席徐若婷律師、 moderator and Law Society Past President 企業律師委員會主席陳澤銘律師、律政司司長袁國強先生、會長林新強律師、理事會成員黃吳潔華律師、企業律師委員會 Huen Wong included one where Mr. 成員Anne Salt 女士及律師會副會長熊運信律師。 Anthony Francis Neoh, former Chairman of Securities and Futures Commission with Mr. YS Cheung, Group Legal Counsel and Chief Advisor of China Securities of Cathay Pacific Airways, cooking up Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”), retold different challenging scenarios for Ms. how his passion for the securities industry Cynthia Chung, Partner of Deacons, and manifested itself when he agreed to be the Ms. Fiona Loughrey, Partner of Simmons & CSRC’s Chief Advisor for a salary of just Simmons, to resolve. The myriad of issues RMB 1. Also, Ms. Edith Shih, Head Group discussed within this one-hour session General Counsel and Company Secretary likely encompassed most or all of those of Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., gave insider faced by an in-house lawyer in his or her tips on how women lawyers could step into entire career. leadership roles - and be attractive at the Meanwhile, Dr. Tsang Fan Kwong, a President Ambrose Lam opened the conference with his welcoming remarks. same time. well-known specialist in psychiatry in 律師會會長林新強律師為年會致開幕辭。 This year, our Committee handpicked a few private practice, held a seminar on stress legal topics that are extremely relevant management, where delegates picked up to the practice of in-house lawyers. One tips on how to avoid sleepless nights when of these was competition law, where a faced by business pressures. discussion on this topic involved panelists The 2013 IHLC Annual Conference was including Ms. Anna Wu, Chairperson of a great success as reflected by positive Competition Commission. Mr. John Hickin, feedback. We will work hard to deliver Partner of Mayer Brown JSM and Mr. an even more diversified and exciting Mark Jephcott, Partner of Herbert Smith programme next year and we hope to see Freehills, also shared with the audience everyone again. their in- depth knowledge on this topic. Ms. Tsui Yeuk Ting, Maggie We also featured a panel discussion on Chairperson, Organising Committee, 2013 IHLC Financial Regulatory Reform, in which Mr. Annual Conference Stefan Gannon, General Counsel of Hong Kong Monetary Authority, shared with us 2013年企業律師委員會年會 his insights on recovery and Mr. Laurence 2013年企業律師委員會年會於9月5日假香 Li, Barrister-at-law of Temple Chambers, provided delegates with evidence on the 港會議展覽中心舉行,超過400人出席,人 rising demand for in-house lawyers with 數為歷屆之最,應邀出席的包括律政司司長 It was our pleasure to have Secretary for Justice financial law backgrounds. 袁國強資深大律師及一眾嘉賓。 Rimsky Yuen as the conference’s keynote speaker. Next, a panel discussion on employment 我們很榮幸邀請到律政司司長袁國強先生擔任年會的 年會為期整日,由袁司長以題為運用仲裁如 主 講 嘉 賓。 law turned into an interesting workshop 何為企業律師帶來優勢的開幕辭揭開序幕。
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From left: Ms. Edith Shih, Head Group General Counsel and From left: Mr. John Hickin, Partner, Mayer Brown JSM; Ms. Dr. Tsang Fan Kwong, speaker of the Seminar Company Secretary, Hutchison Whampoa Limited; Past President Anna Wu, Chairperson, Competition Commission; and Mr. Mark on Stress Management, received his souvenir Huen Wong (moderator); and Mr. Anthony Francis Neoh, former Jephcott, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills (moderator), shared from Ms. Melissa Pang, Council Member and Chairman, Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, their insights on competition law. Chairperson, Standing Committee on Member and Chief Advisor, China Securities Regulatory Commission, 左起:孖士打律師行合夥人莊學勤律師、競爭事務委員會主席胡紅玉 Services. discussed leadership issues. 律師及史密夫•斐爾律師事務所合夥人Mark Jephcott律師(主持) 應邀擔任壓力管理研討會主講嘉賓的曾繁光醫生 左起:和記黃埔有限公司集團法律總監兼公司秘書施熙德律師、前會 分享他 們 對 競爭法 的 深 入 見 解。 接受理事會成員暨會員服務常務委員會主席彭韻 長王桂壎律師(主持)及前證券及期貨事務監察委員會主席暨中國證 僖律師致送紀念品。 券監督管理委員會首席顧問梁定邦大律師大談領袖之道。
接著是有關領袖之道的專題討論,擔任主持 在接下來的僱傭法專題討論中,國泰航空公 的前會長王桂壎律師引導各嘉賓訴出段段精 司集團法律顧問張元生律師編造了多個富有 彩故事,其中包括前證券及期貨事務監察委 挑戰性的假設情況,讓的近律師行合夥人鍾 員會主席暨中國證券監督管理委員會(下稱 詠雪律師及西盟斯律師行合夥人羅嘉莉律師 「中國證監會」)首席顧問梁定邦大律師 拆解,令這個專題討論化身成一個有趣的工 重述他答允以一元人民幣的薪酬出任中國證 作坊。這一小時內討論過的議題多不勝數, 監會的首席顧問,足見他對證券業是何等熱 可能涵蓋企業律師在整個職業生涯中會所遇 愛。此外,和記黃埔有限公司集團法律總監 到大多數、甚至所有問題。 兼公司秘書施熙德律師亦就女律師如何踏上 與此同時,現為私人執業的著名精神科專 From left: Ms. Cynthia Chung, Partner, Deacons; Mr. 領袖之路(而同時風姿不減),向與會者提 YS Cheung, General Counsel, Cathay Pacific Airways 家曾繁光醫生在壓力管理研討會上,向與 (moderator); and Ms. Fiona Loughrey, Partner, Simmons 供獨家提示。 and Simmons shared their experiences in employment 會者講解如何避免因工作壓力以致夜不能 law. 大會亦特設金融監管改革的專題討論,並邀 寐的問題。 左起:的近律師行合夥人鍾詠雪律師、國泰航空公司集團法 律顧問張元生律師(主持)及西盟斯律師行合夥人羅嘉莉律 得香港金融管理局首席法律顧問簡賢亮先生 2013年企業律師委員會年會在一片好評下 師 分享他 們 對僱 傭 法 的 經 驗。 與大家分享他對復甦的灼見;另外Temple 圓滿結束。我們會繼續努力為來年年會提供 Chambers的李律仁大律師亦在討論中向與會 更多元化和精彩的議程,期盼明年再見。 者論述市場對擁有金融法背景的企業律師需 求殷切的情況,並佐以相關證據。 徐若婷律師 2013年企業律師委員會年會籌委會主席
From left: Mr. Laurence Li, Barrister-at-law, Temple Chambers; Mr. Stefan Gannon, General Counsel, Hong Kong Monetary Authority; and Mr. Jason Lee, Assistant General Counsel, Corporate and Investment Banking, JPMorgan Chase & Co., discussed financial regulatory reform. 左起:Temple Chambers李律仁大律師、香港金融管理局首 席法律顧問簡賢亮先生及摩根大通企業及投資銀行業務助 This year, a record number of some 400 delegates attended the conference. 理首席法律顧問李子揚律師論述金融監管改革。 本年超過400名與會者出席年會,為歷屆之最。
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Annual Swimming Gala 2013 The Law Society Swimming Team organised the Law Society of Hong Kong Annual Swimming Gala on 18 August at South Island School - an invaluable opportunity for more than 200 members and their families to connect with each other at the pool. Participants were involved in 44 individual events and nine relay events; amongst the 59 children participants, the youngest was just three years old. Cheered on by the crowd, swimmers completed all events without difficulty. express our heartfelt gratitude to Trophies were awarded to those with the 周年水運會2013 President Ambrose Lam for sparing his highest scores in each age group. Medals 律師會游泳隊在8月18日假南島中學舉 invaluable time to attend our event; were awarded to the top three winners of 行香港律師會的周年水運會,超過200 Ms. Eliza Chang, Chairperson of the each event and certificates of appreciation 名會員及家屬藉此寶貴機會互相認識及 Recreation and Sports Committee, for were presented to all participants. her professional advice in organising the 聯誼。水運會設有44個個人項目及9個 The Annual Swimming Gala is not just a event; Mr. Robert Chan of the Member 接力項目讓各參賽者一較高下,而參賽 competition for children and members Services Department for his excellent 者中59名為兒童,最小的只有3歲。 to show off their aquatic talents; we coordination work; and last but not 在熱烈的歡呼聲下,各泳手成功完成所 also strive to make this an annual joyful least, trainee solicitor helpers, and The 有賽事。在各年齡組別中取得最高分數 family event for members and provide an University of Hong Kong Swimming 的參賽者均獲頒獎杯,每個項目的前三 occasion for members to interact with each Team and their coach Mr. Wan Lap Sun other. For instance, the family relay events for their kind assistance in making the 名優勝者則獲頒獎牌,而所有參賽者均 were held for the second year and tacit event a smooth and successful one. 獲頒感謝狀。 cooperation between parents and children If your child is a budding swimmer 周年水運會除了讓兒童和會員一展泳 was demonstrated. We also introduced (or for that matter, an expert one) we 術,我們亦致力把這項活動打造成一年 this year an instant photo service so that sincerely invite you to join us in next 一度的家庭樂活動及讓各會員進行交流 members could bring home photographs year’s Annual Swimming Gala! to commemorate the day at the pool with 的場合。例如,今年連續第二年舉辦家 their families. Ms. Agnes Chan 庭接力項目,各家長與子女在賽事中盡 Convenor, Swimming Team 顯默契。今年我們亦推出即影即有攝影 The Swimming Team would like to 服務,讓會員把水運會的歡樂回憶帶回 家作留念。
游泳隊謹此向會長林新強律師在百忙 中抽空出席是次活動致以衷心感謝。 另外,我們亦非常感謝康樂及體育委 員會主席鄭麗珊律師就籌辦是次活動 提供專業意見,以及會員服務部陳健 衡先生提供出色的協調。最後,感謝 各實習律師的幫助,以及香港大學游 泳隊及尹立新教練給予協助,使活動 得以順利完滿舉行。
Smiling faces. From left: Ms. Agnes Chan, The Organising Committee of the Annual Swimming Gala 2013 我們誠意邀請您們參與明年的周年水 Convenor, Swimming Team; Ms. Eliza included: (from left) Ms. Agnes Chan, Convenor; Ms. Eliza Chang, Chang, Chairperson, Recreation and Sports Chairperson of the Recreation and Sports Committee ; Ms. Vicky Man, 運會! Committee; and participating children. Convenor; and Mr. TC Chan, Captain, Swimming Team. 水運會上人人笑臉盈盈。左起:游泳隊召集人 周年水運會2013籌委會成員包括︰(左起)游泳隊召集人陳曉菁實習律師、康 陳曉菁實習律師 陳曉菁實習律師、康樂及體育委員會主席鄭麗 樂及體育委員會主席鄭麗珊律師、召集人文穎翹律師及隊長陳子遷律師。 珊 律 師,以 及 參 加 活 動 的 兒 童。 律師會游泳隊召集人
30 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • LAW SOCIETY NEWS 律 師 會 新 聞
YSG Community Service – Story Telling The annual volunteer programme co-organised by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (“TWGH”) and the Young Solicitors’ Group (“YSG”) came to a satisfactory conclusion in August. The programme aims to help children from under-resourced families strengthen their interest in English through various activities. This year, it included initially two visits to TWGH’s service centers at North Point and Tai Kok Tsui in August, before adding on another session at the Chai Wan TWGH centre, due to overwhelming support from members. Over 40 members took part and over 60 children benefited from the programme this year. Each session 年青律師組社區服 saw YSG volunteers sharing stories 務 — 講故事活動 in English and designing cartoons 由年青律師組與東華三院合 with kindergarten and primary school 辦的年度義工服務計劃在8月份 students at the centres. The events were 完滿結束。計劃以來自家庭缺乏資源 well received by members, who were able to reflect on rewarding moments 的兒童為服務對象,透過舉行各種活動 with lovely kids. It is indeed more 增強他們對英語的興趣。今年,計劃最 本年的計劃有超過40名會員參加,從中 blessed to give than to receive. 初包括在8月份到東華三院設於北角及大 受惠的兒童超過60名。在每節探訪中, 角咀的服務中心進行共兩次探訪,後因 年青律師組的義工會跟中心的幼兒園和小 Mr. Michael Ngai 會員反應踴躍,我們特安排在東華三院 Committee Member, YSG 學學生以英語分享有趣的故事及設計卡通 位於柴灣的中心進行多一節探訪。 勞作。參與計劃的會員非常投入,與中心 那些可愛的小孩子度過愉快的時光。施的 確比受更有福。
倪子軒實習律師 年青律師組委員會成員
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Summer Party 8.23 Surveyors (‘HKIS”), and the Hong Kong Institute What would you do on a Friday night of Certified Public before the end of the hot exciting Accountants (“HKICPA”) summer? Party, of course. also put together several Over 200 members did just that when sets of hard-rock pieces they attended this year’s Summer Party to bring the party to its jointly organised by the Member Benefit climax. Committee and TLF, the Law Society’s live For those who missed band, held in the evening of 23 August at the Summer Party, stay Backstage Live Restaurant, Central. TLF performing on stage (from left): Mr. Jackson Yip, Mr. Bernard Tang, Ms. Cynthia Lau, tuned for the annual Ms. Jessica Li and Mr. Johnny Chan. The annual Summer Party is designed Christmas Party - another TLF在台上獻技(右起):葉偉彥律師、鄧智宇律師、劉倩婷律師、李敏芝律師及陳景煌律師。 to be an all-purpose event, allowing of the hottest Law Society members to meet new friends across the events organised by the Member Benefit 今年,我們非常榮幸邀請到一隊由貴賓級會 professions, mingle with your buddies and Committee. More details of this will be 員組成的樂隊打頭陣,以英文懷舊金曲為派 to chill and relax with great music after a announced in November. 對揭開序幕,樂隊成員為擁有不同背景的資 long busy week. For those interested in joining the TLF, 深專業人士,包括前會長王桂壎律師、理事 This year, we were particularly honoured whether as an instrument player or a 會成員伍成業律師、以及會員馮昌詒律師及 to have members of the VIP, a band vocalist, or if you just want to hang out 容正達律師。 composed of veteran professionals across at their regular weekly practices, please various industries, performing at the contact Ms. Agnes Cheng, Member 我們亦邀請了其他專業界別的朋友及律師會 event. These included Past President Services Officer, atagnes@hklawsoc. 演唱組的成員在派對上獻唱。其中,2013 Huen Wong; Council Member Kenneth org.hk. 年律師會歌唱比賽的參賽者黎蒑律師和方詩 Ng; Mr. Alfred Fung; and Mr. Yung Ching 韻見習律師就為大家獻上精彩的獨唱。此 Tat, and they kick-offed the event with a Ms. Bonita Chan 外,來自香港醫學會、香港牙醫學會有限公 stunning set of English oldies. Chairlady, Member Benefit Committee Ms. Karen Lam 司、香港大律師公會、香港測量師學會及香 Friends from other professions and Convenor, TLF 港會計師公會的朋友亦傾力為大家演出多首 members of the Law Society’s singing 搖滾歌曲,把派對推向高潮。 group were also invited to perform. To 夏日派對8.23 this end, Ms. Nadine Lai and Ms. Deborah 假如你錯過是次夏日派對,記緊留意同樣由 令人蠢蠢欲動的炎夏快將完結,大家在周 Fong, contestants of the Law Society’s 會員權益委員舉辦的一年一度聖誕派對,這 五晚上有何好去處?當然是派對吧! Singing Competition 2013, rendered 項活動是律師會最受歡迎的節目之一,有關 wonderful solo performances. Members 超過200名會員就參加了由會員權益委員 詳情將於11月公佈。如果閣下有興趣加入 of The Hong Kong Medical Association 會聯同律師會樂隊TLF在本年8月23日晚 TLF,不論是當樂手、主音,還是只是到他 (“HKMA”), Hong Kong Dental Association 上假中環Backstage Live Restaurant舉行的 Ltd. (“HKDA”), Hong Kong Bar Association 們每周舉行的定期排練湊熱鬧,都歡迎透過 (‘HKBA”), The Hong Kong Institute of 夏日派對。 電郵(agnes@hklawsoc.org.hk)聯絡會員服 一如往年,夏日派對一舉多得, 務部主任鄭燁凌女士。 會員既可結識來自不同專業新朋 陳寶儀律師 友,亦可與良朋好友歡聚,而且 會員權益委員會主席 在美妙的音樂下更可放鬆身心, 藍嘉妍律師 一洗忙碌一周過後的疲憊。 TLF召集人
Members of various professional associations and TLF (from left): Mr. Kenny Chan (HKIS); Dr. Century Tsang (HKDA); Mr. Jon Chow and Ms. Juni Ngai (HKICPA); Dr. Jeffrey Pong (HKMA); Ms. Karen Lam (HKLS); Dr. Cyrus Tse (HKMA); Mr. Simon Chan (HKLS); and Mr. Clinton Yau (HKICPA). 各專業團體會員及TLF的成員(左起):陳志雄先生(香港測量師學會) 、曾憲紀醫生(香港牙醫學會有限公司)、周鎮忠先生及倪佩明小姐 Past Presidents Anthony Chow and Huen Wong (first two President Ambrose Lam with student members. (香港會計師公會)、龐朝輝醫生(香港醫學會)、藍嘉妍律師(香港律 from right) with student members. 會長林新強律師與學生會員合照。 師 會)、謝 得言 醫 生(香 港 醫 學會)、陳 兆 銘 律 師(香 港 律 師 會)及 尤 克 前會長周永健律師和前會長王桂壎律師(右起兩位)與學生 競先生(香港會計師公會)。 會員合照。
32 www.hk-lawyer.org 100
0 • October 2013 DRAWING THE LINE: Differentiating Between Access to Public Domain Information and Protection of Personal Data
在查閱公共領域資料與 保障個人資料之間劃分界線
By Allan Chiang, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data 作者 蔣任宏 個人資料私隱專員
Many people are under the belief that personal data collected from public domain - not directly from the data subjects - is open to unrestricted use. This is not correct, as the author tells us.
34 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • PRIVACY 隱 私
here are many sources of public domain information out there today, which DRAWING THE LINE: Tinclude:
Differentiating Between Access to Sources of public domain Types of personal data information
Public Domain Information and Protection Companies Register · • Names of directors and secretaries
(as shown in annual returns and · • Hong Kong Identity Card numbers of Personal Data other prescribed forms) (“HKID”) or Passport numbers of directors and secretaries
· • Residential addresses of directors and secretaries
· • Email addresses of directors and secretaries (on voluntary basis)
Notice of Intended Marriage · • Names of bridegroom and bride
· • Marital conditions of bridegroom and bride
· • Dates of birth of bridegroom and bride
· • Residential addresses of bridegroom and bride (street name and district only)
Register of Electors · • Names of voters
· • Addresses of voters Professional registers · • Names of members
(eg. Solicitors’ list/ Barristers’ list) · • Addresses of members
· • Sometimes, when and where professional qualification obtained
· • Contact information, e.g. telephone numbers, fax numbers and email addresses of members
· • Licensing condition, if any, imposed
REUTERS/Aaron Tam Some people have said that there is no “copyright” in public domain information. Others have misguidedly argued that since the data is out in the open, it is no longer “secret” and hence warrants no protection. But keeping data confidential or observing the duty of confidence is not exactly the same as protecting personal data. The former is a duty based on contractual or fiduciary relationships. The latter is a manifestation of the fundamental right to privacy protected under the Basic Law.
Public domain personal data protected under the law Personal data, be it publicly available or not, is subject to protection under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”).
Prior to the enactment of the Ordinance in 1995, the Law Reform Commission had carefully deliberated on whether public registers should be exempted completely
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from the Ordinance and concluded Example 1 Firstly, as different persons can that it should not. In the public A common example of these privacy share the same name or have consultation exercises leading to the risks is the use of personal data for similar names, it is problematic latest amendments to the Ordinance targeting customers in marketing to ascribe the data to a target (effective 1 October 2012 and 1 April of goods and services. The US retail individual according to his name. 2013), the Government reaffirmed the giant Target analyses the purchasing Secondly, a person involved view that “putting personal data in habits of its customers and is able in litigation could be perfectly the public domain does not make the to predict reliably whether a female innocent but the database did data available for use for any purpose”. customer is pregnant and by how not as a rule include the court’s This was upheld in a Court of Appeal many months. It caused great decision in his favour. Thirdly, judgment delivered in February this year embarrassment when the father of a bankruptcy is normally discharged (Re Hui Kee Chun, CACV 4/2012). teenage girl found out that she was after four to eight years, while Imagine the consequences if the three months pregnant following the Rehabilitation of Offenders opposite view was true. First, data suspicions about the increased Ordinance prevents unauthorised users may get around the law by amount of pregnancy-related disclosure of a previous minor deliberately publicising the data in advertisements from Target arriving conviction, provided the offender the public domain. Further, improper in the mail. That Target has “data- has not been reconvicted for three use of personal data which had been mined” its way into the customer’s years. Retention and use of the accidentally leaked to the public domain womb is clearly privacy-intrusive. bankruptcy and litigation data would be legitimised. indefinitely would therefore unduly It is conceivable that many stigmatise the individual and bar Privacy risks marketers are using innovative him from leading a normal life free analytics to enhance marketing At the very least, personal data in the from encumbrances. effectiveness based on customer- public domain, if used and re-used supplied data and public domain indiscriminately and without appropriate Example 3 data. The problem is not so much safeguards, would result in loss of related to the nature and source of A further example is the unfettered control over the accuracy, retention and the data but rather to the way the access to information sources like security of the data, thus jeopardizing data is combined, further processed the companies, land, and vehicles the interests of the data subjects. and used. registers, which puts sensitive The situation is aggravated by data such as HKIDs, full residential technological advances which support Example 2 addresses and signatures at stake. If the data was exploited by persons aggregation, matching and further Another example is the compilation with malicious intent, the data processing of data in the public domain. of bankruptcy and litigation records subject would suffer the risks of Data of an individual collected from of individuals by certain data financial loss, identity theft and one public source could be combined brokers based on the Judiciary’s personal safety (through stalking with data of the same individual daily cause lists and cause books as and surveillance). obtained from other public sources well as the bankruptcy order notices at phenomenal ease and efficiency to in the Government gazette. For this reason, we recently secured profile the individual and generate new the cooperation of a website This is the subject of our recent uses of the data beyond the purposes for operator to cease operating a HKID investigation into a smartphone which they were initially collected. index whereby names of individuals application which enabled and their HKIDs found in the public Admittedly, profiling and re-use of the subscribers to search such records domain were listed together to personal data in the public domain by name and view the combined enable search by either name could generate immense economic data in one go. The data subjects or HKID. Such aggregation and efficiency and societal benefits. At the concerned could be harmed processing of sensitive personal same time, such activities also pose unknowingly if the data is used, data were clearly inappropriate. grave privacy risks. for example, for checking their employability or credit-worthiness. This website operation must be
36 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • PRIVACY 隱 私
distinguished from that of a search it could be implied. Very often, one can of such data is for the same purpose engine which acts purely as an find the purposes and limitations of use or a directly-related purpose has to be intermediary in providing content of the public domain information spelt assessed on a case-by-case basis. out at the user interface. data. Without performing value- We need to explore the specific context added operations on the personal For example, the Register of Vehicles in which the data was collected and the data it processes, aggravation of is established under the Road Traffic reasonable expectations of the data privacy risks does not come into (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) subjects as to the further use made question. Regulations “to provide for the of the data based on that context. regulation of road traffic and the use The test here is whether a reasonable Use limitation principle of vehicles and roads (including private person in the data subject’s situation The most relevant provision in the roads) and for other purposes connected would find the re-use of the data Ordinance which regulates the use of therewith.” Hence the permitted use of unexpected, inappropriate or otherwise personal data in the public domain is personal data should relate to traffic objectionable, taking into account the Data Protection Principle 3 (“DPP3”). and transport matters. sensitivity of the data and the context of the data collection. The three examples This is a use limitation principle which Similarly, the permitted use of the of privacy risks mentioned above serve provides that personal data should personal data in the Notice of Intended to illustrate this test. only be used for the purposes for Marriage should be to enable any which it was collected or a directly person authorised by law to object Exemptions related purpose, unless the explicit and to the proposed marriage. Also, The right of individuals to privacy is not voluntary consent of the data subject is professional or business directories absolute. It must be balanced against obtained. must have been created to enable other rights and public interests. The starting point for an application clients, actual or potential, to approach Accordingly, the Ordinance specifically of DPP3 is thus the original purpose the listed persons in their professional provides for certain exemptions from of collecting the personal data and capacities. the application of DPP3 and they apply making it publicly available. Public In a similar vein, the Government equally to personal data in the public registers are normally set up by telephone directory incorporates an domain. statutes. Ideally, the purpose of a public explicit use restriction to the effect that register should be stated as specifically the government officials’ names and as practicable in the enabling contact details listed are provided legislation. to facilitate official An example of such specific statement communication of purpose is found in Section 136 of between the the Securities and Futures Ordinance Government and which states that the Securities the public, and and Futures Commission’s register not intended of licensed persons and registered to be used for institutions is maintained “for the direct marketing purposes of enabling any member of activities, or the public to ascertain whether he is transfer for dealing with a licensed person or a commercial registered institution in matters of or gains. connected with any regulated activity Having ascertained and to ascertain the particulars of the the original purpose licence or registration of such person or of collecting the personal institution (as the case may be) … ” data and making it Where the purpose of a public register publicly available, the is not expressly stated in the legislation, question of whether the re-use
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These exemptions cover a wide range of of the personal data supplied by the areas. In particular, Section 58 caters for marrying parties has to be exhibited. personal data used for the prevention or HKIDs, full details of the residential detection of crime or for the prevention, address and names of the parents need preclusion or remedying of unlawful or not be disclosed. serious improper conduct or dishonesty As regards the register of electors, again or malpractice by persons. This may massive download of data by the public be relevant for data users engaged in is not possible, albeit relevant voters’ law enforcement and professional due particulars are supplied to the election diligence. Also, Section 61 provides candidates under prescribed conditions. for the exemption from DPP3 for Further, legislative sanctions against news activity where the publishing or unlawful use of voters’ personal data broadcasting of the personal data is kept in the register are in place. The in the public interest. For lawyers, it use of such data other than a purpose is important to note that Section 60B related to the election is an offence provides for exemption where the use of under the relevant Electoral Affairs the data is required or authorised by or Commission Regulations which attracts under law, by court orders, or required in a fine at Level 2 and imprisonment for connection with any legal proceedings six months. in Hong Kong or for establishing, exercising or defending legal rights. Further, as indicated above, the Government telephone directory Administrative and incorporates an explicit use restriction to technological safeguards the effect that the government officials’ It is meaningful to take stock of the names and contact details listed are not administrative and technological intended to be used for direct marketing measures that have been taken to guard activities and the information should against improper use of the personal not be transferred for commercial gains. data in the public domain. The following Although this use restriction clause does proposed to amend the legislation to is a snapshot in relation to those data not have the force of law as the Electoral ensure the proper protection of vehicle held by the Government. Affairs Commission Regulations in the owners’ personal data. However, there is previous example, it is a recommended little progress on this front. In the case of the Register of Vehicles, best practice for all business or the Transport Department in 2003 Meanwhile, the new Companies professional directories. introduced some administrative Ordinance enacted on 10 August 2012 measures to remind applicants for There is a long way to go for data users has incorporated a provision to the effect vehicle owners’ particulars that all to measure up to the data protection that the full identification numbers information provided should be used standards enshrined in the Ordinance and residential addresses of company for traffic and transport related matters, enacted 18 years ago. directors will not be made available on the register for public inspection. and that they may commit an offence if In the vehicles register case, despite the However, it is disappointing that the they knowingly make a false statement administrative measures implemented Government has decided in March 2013 in the application. by the Transport Department, abusive to defer consideration of implementing use of owners’ data is still possible. In the case of the Land Register, this particular provision following some The main reason is that even if the procedural safeguards are in place to belated expression of reservation by applicant for data fails to specify the prevent massive downloads of data some stakeholders. made available online. purpose of the application or states whatever purpose, the Commissioner for Equally disappointing was the To the credit of the Marriage Registry, Transport has no discretion to decline to Government re-affirming in February the Notice of Intended Marriage was release the data requested. Against this 2013 that it has no immediate plan to amended in 2005 so that only part background, the Government in 2011 amend the relevant legislation to afford
38 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • PRIVACY 隱 私
許多人認為存在於公共領域,而不是從資料 當事人直接收集的個人資料,是可以毫無限 制地使用的。這並不正確。 公 共領域資料來源的例子包括:
公共領域資料的來源 個人資料的種類
公司登記冊 · • 董事及秘書的姓名
(周年申報表及其他訂明表 · • 董事及秘書的身份證號碼或護照 格所顯示) 號碼
· • 董事及秘書的住址
· • 董事及秘書的電郵地址(自願提供)
擬結婚通知書 · • 新郎及新娘的姓名
· • 新郎及新娘的婚姻狀況
· • 新郎及新娘的出生日期
· • 新郎及新娘的住址(只限街名及地 區)
選民登記冊 · • 選民的姓名
· • 選民的地址
專業名冊(例如:律師名 · • 會員姓名
protection of property owners’ personal 冊/大律師名冊) · • 會員地址 data through imposing restrictions in the • · 一些名冊會列載在何時及何處取得
search of land registers and copies of 專業資格 registered instruments. Presumably there • · 聯絡資料,例如會員的電話號碼、 will be a breakthrough when the present 傳真號碼及電郵地址
deeds registration system for recording • 發牌條件(如有) land and property transactions is converted · to a title registration system through the commencement of the Land Titles 公共領域資料是沒有「版權」的。有些人則曲解已公開的資料,便不再是「秘 Ordinance, which was enacted in July 2004. 密」,因此無需保護。但把資料保密或遵守保密責任,與保障個人資料的概念 When this will happen is anybody’s guess. 並不完全相同。前者是基於合約或受託關係的責任。後者是體現《基本法》 Conclusion 下,私隱受保障的基本權利。 The present state of affairs is far from 公共領域的個人資料受法律保障 satisfactory. The pace of legislative reform to enhance data protection is dictated by 在私隱條例於1995年制定之前,法律改革委員會曾小心考慮公共登記冊應否 the Government and the legislators. On our 完全獲《個人資料(私隱)條例》私隱條例豁免,其結果是否定了。在最近修訂 part, we will strive to make an improvement 私隱條例的公眾諮詢中(修訂條文於2012年10月1日及2013年4月1日生效) through public education, enforcement and ,政府重申「我們認為資料存在於公共領域並不等於容許把有關資料用於任 engagement with stakeholders. n 何用途」。上訴法庭在今年二月一宗案件的判決(Re Hui Kee Chun, CACV 4/2012)亦確立這觀點。
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若相反的觀點變成真實,可以想像後果會 例子二 提並論的。 搜尋器一般是純粹作中介 如何?首先,資料使用者只須故意公開資 的角色,只提供資訊內容,而未有把 另一例子是某些數據營運者,把司法機 料,便可以繞過法律。再者,因意外而洩 個人資料再加以處理的,並不構成私 構的審訊案件表和訟案登記冊的訴訟紀 露至公共領域的個人資料,加以不恰當使 隱風險。 用,都會變成合法了。 錄,及憲報的破產令通告的破產記錄彙 編。 私隱危機 使用限制原則 這正是我們最近一宗調查的個案,案中 私隱條例中的保障資料第3原則限制有關 無論如何,公共領域的個人資料如毫無限 的智能電話應用程式容許用戶以姓名搜 資料的使用,與使用公共領域個人資料 制地被使用和再使用,而沒有適當的保障 尋這些記錄,一次過閱覽經整合的資 是最相關的。原則規定除非取得資料當 措施,難以控制資料的準確性、保留期限 料。若根據該些資料來決定是否聘用當 事人的明確及自願的同意,否則個人資 及保安措施,這會危害資料當事人的利 事人或查核其信貸能力,資料當事人便 料只可用於收集資料的目的或直接有關 益。 有可能會無辜受害。 的目的。 利用科技從一公開來源收集得來的個人資 應用這保障資料原則便是要考慮收集有 料,再與另一個公開來源獲得的同一人的 首先,有可能出現同名同姓或近似的 關資料的原來目的。公共登記冊通常是 資料結合、配對和加工處理,以設立該 姓名,難以肯定有關資料是屬於目標對 根據法例而設立的。而理想地,公共登 人的個人資料檔案(profiling),使用於 象。其次,牽涉訴訟的人可以是完全無 記冊的目的應該在規管該登記冊運作的 新的用途,甚至超越了資料最初被收集的 辜的,但該資料庫不是必然會納入對當 法例中具體列明。 目的,可謂輕易而舉。 事人有利的法庭最後裁決。第三,破 產通常在4至8年後可以獲得解除,而 例子有《證券及期貨條例》第136條,該 無可否認,把公共領域的個人資料匯集分 《罪犯自新條例》亦規定若輕微罪行的 條訂明證券及期貨事務監察委員會備存持 析及再使用,可為經濟和及社會帶來無限 犯罪者在3年內沒有再被定罪,任何人 牌人及註冊機構紀錄冊是「為使任何公眾 的效益,但這些活動也同時可造成嚴重的 未經授權不得披露該人士的定罪紀錄。 人士能確定他是否正在就任何受規管活動 私隱危機。 因此,無限期地保留和使用他人的破產 的事宜或就與任何受規管活動有關連的事 及訴訟資料,會造成不當的標籤效應, 例子一 宜與持牌人或註冊機構有往來,以及為確 妨礙當事人重過正常的生活。 定該人或該機構(視屬何情況而定)的牌 這種私隱風險的例子,常見於使用個 照或註冊的詳情……」。 人資料向目標顧客促銷貨品及服務的情 例子三 即使法例未有清晰地指出,公共登記冊 況。美國的大型零售商Target利用購物 無限制地查閱公司登記冊、土地登記 卡的資料分析顧客的購物習慣,從而可 的使用目的應該是不難領會的。很多時 冊、車輛登記冊等資料來源,其刊載的 靠地預測女性顧客是否懷孕及懷孕多 這些公共領域資料的使用目的及限制, 敏感資料例如身份證號碼、完整住址及 久。讓人尷尬的是,一名未成年少女的 都已在相關的文件中清楚列出。 簽名式樣容易被立心不良的人利用,資 父親因收到該公司發出的孕婦產品宣傳 舉例來說,車輛登記冊是根據《道路交通 料當事人因而蒙受金錢損失、身份被盜 郵件而生疑,最終發現女兒原來已懷孕 (車輛登記及領牌)規例》而設立,「旨 用及人身安全(纏擾及監視)的風險。 三個月。Target挖空心思地收集顧客的 在就道路交通的規管、車輛與道路(包括 資料進行「數據勘探」,此做法明顯侵 基於這個原因,最近一個網站營運者經 私家路)的使用、以及為其他相關的目的 犯了私隱。 我們調查介入後,合作地停止了一項身 而訂定條文」。因此,個人資料的准許使 份證號碼目錄的運作,該索引把公共領 用應與交通及運輸事宜有關。 許多促銷商會根據顧客提供的資料及在 域可搜尋到的人名及身份證號碼編纂排 公共領域找尋到他的資料,利用嶄新的 同樣地,擬結婚通知書中的個人資料, 序,方便以姓名或身份證號碼作為索引 方式去處理及分析資料,從而提昇促 應是容許獲法例授權的人士提出反對。 互相搜查。如此把敏感個人資料整合及 銷效益,這是可以想像的。這問題的關 而專業或商業團體設立名冊,應是讓客 處理,顯然是不恰當的。 鍵並非在於資料的性質及來源,而是結 戶在有需要就相關專業服務的事宜時, 聯絡名冊中的專業人士。 合、再處理及使用資料帶來的效應。 這網站的運作與搜尋器的運作是不能相
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使用登記冊內的選民個人資料。根據選舉 管理委員會規例,把這些資料用於選舉以 外的目的即屬犯罪,可被處第2級罰款及 監禁6個月。
正如上述提及,政府電話簿加入明確的使 用限制,規定內載的政府人員姓名及聯絡 資料並非供直銷活動之用,有關資料不得 轉予他人以獲取商業利益。雖然這使用限 制條文並不如上述選舉管理委員會規例般 具法律效力,我們認為值得所有商業或專 業名冊參考。
雖然私隱條例早於18年前實施,資料使 用者要達致條例制定時所訂的保障個人資 料標準,可謂長路漫漫。 政府電話簿亦加入了明確的使用限制,註 事執法及須進行專業盡職審查的資料使用 明電話簿載的政府人員姓名及聯絡資料, 者。此外,第61條則為新聞活動提供豁 在車輛登記冊方面,儘管運輸署實施了行 旨在方便市民與政府 作公務上的通訊, 免,若有合理理由相信出版和廣播相關資 政措施,濫用車主資料仍是有可能發生 並非供直銷活動之用,有關資料不得轉予 料是符合公眾利益,可不受保障資料第 的。主要原因是,即使申請索取資料者沒 他人以獲取商業利益。 3原則管限。值得法律人員留意的是,第 有註明申請目的或隨便列出任何目的,運 60B條的豁免安排適用於法例或法庭命令 輸署署長也沒有酌情權拒絕索取資料的申 在確定公共領域的個人資料原初收集和 規定或授權,或法律程序規定所需而使用 請。有鑑於此,政府於2011年曾建議修 公開的目的後,有關資料再使用是否與 的個人資料;或為確立、行使或維護在香 訂法例以確保妥善保障車主的個人資料。 這目的一致或直接有關,必須按個別情 港的法律權利所需要而使用的個人資料。 然而,這方面的進展似乎停滯不前。 況再作評估。 2012年8月10日制定的新《公司條例》 我們需要探究收集資料時的特定情況,及 行政及技術上的保障措施 加入限制公開公司董事的完整身份證號碼 資料當事人在該情況下對其個人資料被再 資料使用者在行政及科技上可採取適當的 及住址予公眾查閱的條文。但令人失望的 使用的合理期望。這測試的方法是,一個 措施,防止在公共領域的個人資料被不當 是,由於部分持份者在後期表示對此有保 合理的人處於資料當事人的境況,在考慮 使用。政府現時的處理方式可見如下: 留,政府遂於2013年3月決定押後考慮 個人資料的敏感性及收集資料的實際情況 運輸署在2003年引入行政措施,提醒申 落實這項特定條文。 後,會否因為其資料被再使用而感意外、 請索取車主資料的人士,登記冊所提供的 至於土地登記冊,同樣令人失望,政府於 不恰當或至反感。上文談及三個私隱風險 所有資料應該用於與交通及運輸有關的 2013年2月重申沒有即時計劃修訂相關法 的例子正好用這測試來說明。 事宜;若有人在申請書上故意作出虛假聲 例,未有對土地登記冊及註冊文書的查冊 豁免 明,可能已干犯罪行。 施加限制來保障業主的個人資料。看來, 個人的私隱權並非絕對的權利,而必須與 土地登記冊亦有程序上的保障措施,防止 要待2004年7月制定的《土地業權條例》 其他權利及公眾利益取得平衡。因此,私 公眾在網上大量下載資料。 落實,由現時記錄土地及物業交易的契約 註冊制度,轉為業權註冊制度後,情況才 隱條例具體訂明一些豁免保障資料第3原 婚姻登記處值得讚許,該處於2005年修 有望突破。至於何時,則是未知之數。 則管限的情況,這些豁免同樣適用於公共 訂擬結婚通知書,只展示結婚雙方的部分 領域的個人資料。 個人資料,而不再公開披露身份證號碼、 總結 完整住址及父母姓名。 這些豁免涵蓋的範圍廣泛。特別的是私隱 目前情況實在強差人意。加速資料保障的 條例第58條,為了防止或偵測罪行、排 關於選民登記冊,儘管相關選民的資料在 法律改革取決於政府及立法者。我們唯可 除或糾正違法或嚴重不當行為或欺詐或舞 訂明的情況下會提供予選舉候選人,但公 致力透過公眾教育、執法及與持份者的討 弊行為而使用個人資料而設的,適用於從 眾不能大量下載資料。另有法例禁止非法 論,務求可改善情況。 n
www.hk-lawyer.org 41 • October 2013 GIVING BACK – the Law Society Pro Bono and Community Service Award
回饋社會 - Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma with some of the award recipients at the 2012 Pro Bono and Community Service Award Presentation Ceremony. 終審法院首席法官馬道立與2012年公益法律及 香港律師會公益法律 社區服務頒獎典禮部份得獎人合照。 及社區服務獎
To honour Law Society members, trainee solicitors, registered foreign lawyers as well as law firms that have delivered volunteer legal and community services to the general public in need, the Law Society’s Pro Bono and Community Work Recognition Committee (the “Committee”) presents each year the Law Society Pro Bono and Community Service Award (the “Award”). Through this, the Committee wishes to encourage active participation of the profession in pro bono and community work.
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Many lawyers have been “Legal services are expensive generally recipients have to say about their GIVING BACK – contributing their time and speaking,” she says. rewarding experiences: expertise to help the community. With “Pro bono services offered by members this programme, we hope to keep track of the Law Society help in some way of the good work that is being done by to make access to justice more readily Mr. Nicholas Chan, Partner, the profession, give due recognition the Law Society Pro Bono and available to the public and partly Squire Sanders to the contributors and in addition, bridge the gap left uncovered by Legal encourage other lawyers to follow their Recipient of the Aid. In addition, they could also serve example and join them in doing so,” says 2012 Distinguished Pro Bono Community Service Award to disseminate legal knowledge to the Service Award Committee Chairlady Angela Lee, prior general public which is important for to the Award ceremony on 6 December upholding the rule of law.” A: When did you start offering pro bono 2013 at the High Court. services and what motivated you to do so? She adds that since its debut in 2011, The Law Society of Hong Kong has the recognition programme has become Nick: Throughout my formative years, been committed to promoting pro bono well recognised among the profession. my parents, teachers and mentors services among members over the years have always led by example and and encouraging Law Society members “Over the past few years, programme inspired me and instilled in me the to take part in various community participants have improved in terms of Christian faith and the DBS (Diocesan volunteer work. both quantity of work hours and quality Boys’ School) Spirit - “To lead and of the type of work and the method of Pro bono services organised and/or to serve”. I went through law school organisation.” coordinated by the Law Society include and obtained a further degree in forming panels of solicitors for the “The programme has therefore had Science majoring in Computer Science Advisory Service of Property some success in promoting the desired to better equip myself. It is truly a Management Advisory behaviour through encouragement. blessing to have both legal and science Centre, the Duty Lawyer Many states in the US make pro bono knowledge in our ever-increasingly information overloaded global society. Services, as well as services mandatory for lawyers. I hope Not forgetting that having a good setting up Free Legal the programme works sufficiently well education is a blessing and privilege, Helplines to offer free to galvanise enough civic- minded I started offering pro bono services to legal consultation. It lawyers in Hong Kong to provide even the community soon after leaving law Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma with some of the has also recruited more pro bono services.” award recipients at the 2012 Pro Bono and school. Community Service Award Presentation more than 100 law One cannot over-emphasise the Ceremony. firms to provide role of lawyers in a civil society, Ms. B: What kind of pro bono work do you do? 終審法院首席法官馬道立與2012年公益法律及 45 minutes of free 社區服務頒獎典禮部份得獎人合照。 Lee points out. Lawyers should be Nick: Apart from serving on a number legal consultation adequately paid so that the profession of Government-appointed roles as to the general can attract and retain people of board chair, tribunal member and public. adequate talents. On the other hand, panel member, I also have the pleasure Ms. Lee feels that she adds, it is their duty to help those of serving pro bono on University it is important to who are for any reason not covered by committees and as Honorary Legal continually engage legal aid. Advisor for over a dozen very meaningful Law Society members “It is my hope that the number of pro organisations in various industries (eg in offering pro bono bono work providers will continue to technology, new media, education, services to the public. increase and eventually perhaps cover aviation, healthcare, sports). I am often all in the profession,” she concludes. involved in concept creation, feasibility studies, fundraising, contract review and Ms. Angela Lee, The 2013 Law Society Pro Bono implementation, media relations and Council Member and and Community Service Award follow-up work, as well as appearing Chairperson of Pro Bono Presentation Ceremony will be as guest speaker, spokesperson and and Community Work held on 6 December 2013 at the Recognition Committee. advocate in mainstream media for High Court. 香港律師會理事兼公益法律 industry associations, trade bodies and 服務及社區工作嘉許委員會 Here is what two previous Award interests groups. 主席李慧賢律師。
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Nick: I would encourage them to seek support from their management for recognition of pro bono activities in their firms. I would encourage them to reach out to Committee Chairlady Angela Lee and her committee members for more ideas and leads to areas and organisations where they and their firms can contribute more pro bono services and support good causes in a meaningful way. I would invite them to explore similar avenues starting with the Law Society’s Law Week Programme, TeenTalk and Mentorship Programmes.
Ms. Michelle Chow, Mr. Nicholas Chan, Vice Chairman of Teen Talk 2012 Organising Committee, at the event. Consultant, Withers 「青Teen 講場2012」籌備委員會副主席陳曉峰律師出席「青Teen講場」的活動。 Recipient of the 2012 Distinguished C: Tell us more about one or two of the Nick: As one of the world’s top 10 Community Service Award more significant pieces of pro bono work global law firms, my firm supports that you have done. and encourages pro bono services, A: When did you start offering pro bono and the firm recognises some pro services and what motivated you to do Nick: As lawyers offering pro bono bono hours as billed hours. Last year, so? services, we are catalysts for good I invested over 300 hours in pro bono deeds, and we can be a David that Michelle: Encouraged by my family, services, and to my surprise I had the has the skill to tackle a Goliath (big I started offering community service pleasure and privilege of receiving the problems). On the day that I was when I was at school but only started Law Society Distinguished Pro Bono responding to these questions, I was doing it formally in 2007 when I Award. Our firm’s global chairman asked by the HKSAR Human Organ felt that I should offer my time and shared the message and pride of Transplant Board to help consider knowledge to others and give back giving, and called upon our 1300+ an application for a life-saving to society and set up my own harp lawyers around the world to re-affirm procedure involving a selfless person charity (Friends of the Harp Limited) and renew our commitment to provide who was prepared to donate a liver to promote harp music. I have been so pro bono services and to support local to save a stranger. There was my hero blessed in many ways and would like communities. right there. What I did in this matter other people to have a chance in life too. may not be significant but I had the E: How has doing pro bono work helped privilege and job to help this hero you professionally? B: What kind of pro bono work do you do? realise his desire to give life. Recently, I also had the joy of helping a university Nick: Pro bono work has expanded my Michelle: I am on the Steering formulate its intellectual property horizons, given me the opportunity to Committee of Hong Kong Council of knowledge transfer policy which has identify and solve issues concerning Social Service WiseGiving, where we since been implemented, and we may large sections of the community, and aim to enhance charity accountability soon together witness or enjoy the I have learnt new areas and made and transparency in Hong Kong. It donation of the new cancer curing life-long friends that share the same provides a platform for donors to learn treatment to the wider community. passion and ideologies. about charity information such as governance and finances. I am also a F: Any advice for others who are also D: What does your employer think of governor of a public hospital and its considering taking up pro bono work? your pro bono services? charity foundation and sit on several
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hospital committees which scrutinise initiatives and charitable giving. the fine details of the services and operation of the hospital. My work here E: How has doing pro bono work enables me to learn so much about helped you professionally? how a big organisation works and Michelle: As it happens, one gives me access to experience I would of my practice areas is charity have never gained in a law firm! Lastly, law so that helps a great deal in as a harpist, I set up Friends of the understanding my clients’ needs. Harp Limited to promote harp music At the hospital meetings, we focus to underprivileged children. I perform on budgets, key performance regularly with my sponsorship students indicators, human resources at elderly homes, schools and churches. amongst many things. These are C: Tell us more about one or two of the all similar to running a law firm. more significant pieces of pro bono work F: Any advice for others who are that you have done. also considering taking up pro bono Michelle: As a board member of a work? hospital, we make collective decisions Michelle: Don’t take too long to and I am still learning after four years consider if you should do it. There on the board. For my harp charity, I are many good causes out there Ms. Michelle Chow encouraging a resident of an elderly home to try playing the harpsicle. initiated a harp education programme waiting for your service! n to help underprivileged teenagers to 周恩惠律師鼓勵安老院的其中一位院友試玩小豎琴。 learn to play this special instrument. The programme has been going on successfully for five years. I have known 香港律師會公益法律服務及社區工作嘉許委員會(以下稱 some of the students for five years now and see them blossom from shy girls 「委員會」)每年都會頒發「香港律師會公益法律及社區 to confident young adults. Some have 服務獎」(以下稱 「獎項」) 給向普羅市民提供義務法 even taken graded exams and played in an orchestra. My most satisfying 律及社區服務的香港律師會會員、實習律師、註冊外地律 moment is to see them perform at elderly homes and hospitals. I want 師及律師行,以作為給予這些熱心參與公益服務的人仕及 them to know that not only do they 機構的獎勵,而委員會也希望藉此鼓勵法律界人士積極參 benefit from this programme, but they can use their newly acquired skill to 與公益法律及社區工作。 serve the community. They glow when they perform! 頒獎禮將於2013年12月6日在 香港律師會所舉辦及/或協調的公益法律 D: What does your employer think of 高等法院舉行之前,委員會主席 服務,包括﹕為「香港房屋協會物業管理 your pro bono services? 在 李慧賢律師表示﹕「不少律師貢獻出他 諮詢中心」的諮詢服務組成委員會律師, Michelle: I am very fortunate that 們寶貴的時間和專業知識來服務社會。 提供當值律師服務,以及設立免費法律諮 my law firm has been wonderfully 我們希望透過這一計劃,讓法律界參與 詢專線,提供免費法律諮詢服務,另外邀 supportive in what I do. They allow 公益法律服務的實情能為人所知,並對 請超過100家律師事務所為公眾人士提供 me time to attend the numerous meetings. The firm encourages staff 在這方面作出了貢獻的人士作出適當的 45分鐘免費法律諮詢服務。 嘉許,亦期望藉此鼓勵其他律師群起效 to get involved in pro bono and 李慧賢律師認為,繼續鼓勵香港律師會會 community work, looking for ways to 法,加入他們的行列。」 員透過參與公益法律服務來服務市民,確 use legal skills and time to help those 多年以來,香港律師會一直致力於提倡 是非常重要。 who might not otherwise have access 公益法律服務,並鼓勵會員參與各項社 to them. The firm also aims to benefit 她說﹕「一般而言,法律服務費用相當高 區志願工作。 the wider community through voluntary 昂。」
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「律師會會員提供公益法律服務,在某些 服務,並在主流媒體中現身,作為行 方面更能促進市民尋求司法公正,並在 業協會、工會組織及利益團體的演講 某程度上填補了法律援助所未能涵蓋的缺 嘉賓、發言人及倡議者。 口。此外,律師會會員參與公益法律服 C﹕可否提述一兩項你曾經參與,並且最 務,也有助向社會人士推廣法律知識,而 為突出的公益法律服務呢﹖ 這對法治的施行是相當重要的。」 陳曉峰﹕我們作為提供公益法律服務 她補充稱,自從該嘉許計劃首度於2011 的律師,乃慈善工作的催化劑﹔而我 年推出後,已經獲得法律界的廣泛認許。 們自己,也可以成為有能力勝過巨人 「在過去數年,該計劃的參與者無論是在 歌利亞(意指重大困難) 的大衛。在 工作時數,還是在工作類別及組織方法的 我就這些問題作出回應的當天,香港 質素等各方面都改進不少。」 的「人體器官移植委員會」也邀請我 協助審議一項涉及生命救助程序的申 「因此,該嘉許計劃帶來的鼓勵作用頗成 請,那是關於一名熱心人士希望捐出 功。事實上,美國的許多州份現時都將律 他的其中一個肝臟,以挽救一名與他 師參與公益法律服務訂為強制性的義務。 並無任何親屬關係的人士之生命。這 我深切期望,該計劃在鼓勵香港具有公民 Mr. Nicholas Chan thanks his family for their continuous support of his pro bono 一名熱心人士就是我心目中的英雄, 意識的律師參與公益法律服務方面,能夠 commitments. With him are his children and 而在這一件事情上,我所作的雖然並 發揮積極的作用。」 Secretary for Justice Rimsky Yuen. 陳曉峰律師感謝家人對他在公益法律服務上所 非甚麼驚天大事,但我很慶幸能獻出 李慧賢律師指出,人們不能過分強調律師 給予的不懈支持。與他一起合照的是其子女及 自己的一分力量,達成這位英雄的救 律政司司長袁國強。 在一個公民社會中所扮演的角色。律師需 人心願。在近期,我也很高興能夠協 助一所大學制訂其知識財產知識轉移 要獲得合理的報酬,才能夠吸引具有充足 中植下基督教的信仰和DBS(拔萃男 政策,而相信這項政策付諸實施後不 才幹的人士加入法律行業,及留住他/她 書院) 的精神 — “To lead and to 久,我們當可一同見證或享有該獻給 們繼續在這行業中服務。但她補充說,另 serve”(「領導與服務」 )。我在 社會上普羅大眾的新癌症療法捐贈。 一方面,律師也有責任幫助那些基於種種 修讀完法律課程後,繼續考取一個理 原因而無法享有法律援助服務的人。 學士學位,主修電腦科學,好讓自己 D﹕你的律師行如何支持你参與公益法律 最後她總結稱﹕「我期望參與公益法律服 能夠得到更好的裝備。在現今的資訊 服務呢? 務的人數會陸續有所增加,並最終能涵蓋 不斷膨脹、其數量超過我們所能負荷 陳曉峰﹕作為全球十大律師事務所 的環球社會中,能夠同時擁有法律和 我們法律專業中的每一位成員。」 之一,我們的律師行向來非常支持 科學這兩方面知識的裝備,確實是我 和鼓勵其職員參與公益法律服務, 香港律師會公益法律及社區服務頒獎典禮 的福氣。我不時提醒自己﹕獲得良好 並容許其職員將某些用於公益法律 將於2013年12月6日在高等法院舉行。 教育是一種福氣,也是一種榮幸。因 服務的時間,當作提供法律服務予 以下是兩名去屆得獎者的經驗分享﹕ 此,我在完成了法律課程後不久,便 客戶的報帳時數來計算。去年,我 開始投身於公益法律服務。 總共投放了超過300小時於公益法律 B﹕你參與了哪些公益法律服務呢﹖ 服務上,而出乎我意料的是,我竟 陳曉峰律師,翰宇國際律師事務 然有幸獲得頒發「香港律師會傑出 陳曉峰﹕除了擔任一些政府公職,作 所合夥人 公益法律服務獎」。我們律師行的 為委員會主席、審裁處成員及專門小 環球主席也與我們分享這訊息以及 「2012年傑出公益法律 組的成員外,我也很高興能夠在大學 自豪感,他鼓勵我們的律師行全球 服務獎」得獎者 的若干委員會中參與公益法律服務, 超過1300名的律師,重新確認和更 以及在不同行業(例如﹕科技、新聞 新我們參與公益法律服務及對各地 A﹕你是在甚麼時候開始參與公益法律服 媒體、教育、航空、保健、體育)的 務,以及是甚麼驅使你參與此等服務呢﹖ 十多個從事極有意義服務的機構中擔 社區給予支持的承諾。 陳曉峰﹕在我的成長過程中,我的父 任義務法律顧問。我也經常參與概念 E﹕公益法律服務如何有助你的個人專業 設計、可行性研究、籌款、合約審訂 母、老師及導師們都給我立下良好 發展? 的榜樣,並時常激勵我,及在我心 與實施、媒體關係與後續工作等各項
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陳曉峰﹕公益法律服務擴闊了我的視 特樂器。這項培育計劃至今已經推 野,讓我有機會認識並進而解決與整 行了5年,效果相當良好。當中的學 個社區有關的問題。此外,它也使我 生,有些我已經認識了她們5年,並 學習到許多新事物,及結交了許多擁 眼見她們從害羞的小姑娘,長大成為 有共同熱誠與理念的終身朋友。 充滿自信的年青人,而她們更有好些 已經通過了等級檢定考試,加入成為 F﹕對於其他正在考慮參與公益法律服 管弦樂團的成員。然而,令我最感快 務/社區工作的律師,你對他/她們有些 慰的一刻,卻是當我觀看她們在安老 甚麼建議呢﹖ 院和醫院演出的時候。我希望她們知 陳曉峰﹕我會鼓勵他們尋求其律師行 道,她們不單只從這一個培育計劃中 管理層的支持,促使其管理層認同他 受惠,而且也可以將所學到的新技能 們所參與的公益法律服務。此外,我 服務於自己的社會。從她們的表演當 也鼓勵大家多向委員會主席李慧賢律 中,我可以感受到她們所流露出的熱 師及其他委員尋求在範圍組織方面的 誠和喜悅。 意見和可效法的榜樣,從而讓他/她 D﹕你的律師行如何支持你参與公益法律 們及所服務的律師行得以在公益法律 Ms. Michelle Chow being presented with 服務呢? 服務上作出更多貢獻,及對其他具有 her 2012 Distinguished Community Services Award by Secretary for Justice Rimsky Yuen. 意義的工作作出更多支持。我誠意 周恩惠﹕令我感到自己很幸運的是, 周恩惠律師獲律政司司長袁國強頒發「2012年 邀請大家一同來探求類似的路徑,並 傑出社區服務獎」。 我的律師行對我所從事的公益服務, 從香港律師會所舉辦的法律週、「青 一直都給予我全力的支持,又讓我經 Teen講場」及「友出路」師友計劃 機構的問責性與透明度。社聯惠施為 常前去參加各項會議,這確是非常難 開始。 捐款者提供了一個平臺,讓捐款者能 得。該律師行向來鼓勵其員工參與公 夠得知更多有關慈善事業的訊息,例 益法律服務和社區工作,並鼓勵大家 如在機構管治和財務管理等方面。此 嘗試尋找渠道,將法律知識和時間運 周恩惠律師,衛達仕律師事務所 外,我也是一家公立醫院及其慈善 用於幫助無力負擔法律費用的貧苦大 顧問律師 基金的管治委員會委員,並參與了數 眾身上。此外,我的律師行也以參加 個負責監察該醫院的服務和運作詳情 志願工作,從事慈善施予,讓市民大 「2012年傑出社區服務獎」 的醫院委員會。我在該醫院所肩負的 眾受惠為目標。 得獎者 工作,讓我得以深入了解一個大型機 E﹕公益法律服務如何有助你的個人專業 構的運作,而我在那兒所領略到的種 A﹕你是在甚麼時候開始參與公益法律服 發展? 種東西,是我在律師行裡永遠無法體 務,以及是甚麼驅使你參與此等服務呢﹖ 會到的﹗最後,基於我本身是一位豎 周恩惠﹕由於慈善事業法是我的其中 周恩惠﹕我由於得到家人的鼓勵, 琴手,我於是成立了「豎琴之友」組 一個執業範疇,因此參與義務工作, 故在唸書時期已經開始參與社區服 織,目的是向弱勢社群中的兒童推廣 能大大有助我了解當事人的需要。在 務。然而,我是當自己認識到應將時 豎琴音樂,而我和我所資助的學生, 醫院的各個會議上,我們都將精力集 間和知識奉獻出來回饋社會時,才於 都經常在安老院、學校及教會中作定 中於處理預算、關鍵績效指標、人力 2007年開始正式投入社區服務,並 期演出。 資源,以及許多其他事情上,而這一 發展一項關乎豎琴音樂推廣的慈善工 切都與一家律師行的營運十分相似。 作(名為「豎琴之友」)。我在許多 C﹕可否提述一兩項你曾經參與,並且最 方面都覺得自己實在很蒙福,因此也 為突出的公益法律服務呢﹖ F﹕對於其他正在考慮參與公益法律服 務/社區工作的律師,你對他/她們有些 希望其他人在他/她們的生命中也同 周恩惠﹕作為一家醫院董事會的成 甚麼建議呢﹖ 樣能獲得此等機遇。 員,我們的決策都是經由集體作出 的。我加入了該董事會已有4年,但 周恩惠﹕不要花太多時間於考慮是 B﹕你參與了哪些公益法律服務呢﹖ 現時仍是處於繼續不斷學習的階段。 否參與公益法律服務的問題上,因 周恩惠﹕我現在是香港社會服務聯會 至於我的豎琴慈善工作方面,我本人 為社會上有很多人正等待著我們的付 (社聯)惠施‧捐獻文化督導委員會的 成立了一個豎琴培育計劃,專門協助 出﹗n 委員,而我們的宗旨是提高香港慈善 弱勢社群中的青少年學習這一門獨
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UNITING UNIQUENESS: Diversity and Inclusion in Law Firms 將獨特處結合為一: 律師事務所的多元化與包容性
By Amanda Yik, Senior Programme Manager Community Business 作者 易琪高級項目經理 社商賢匯 葉煥信合夥人 高李嚴律 師行 Across the globe, there has been growing interest in Diversity and Inclusion (“D&I”) as a business strategy. Whilst the importance of embracing D&I have long been recognised in the West, it is a relatively new concept in Asia.
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he interest in D&I in Asia was led initially D&I perform better – by a range of measures. Tby global financial institutions and An April 2012 McKinsey report shows that technology firms as they faced a fierce war companies with more diverse executive for the best talent. However, professional boards achieve 53% higher return on equity services industries including law and auditing (https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/ firms are gradually stepping up D&I efforts to PDFDownload.aspx?ar=2954). Another gain advantage. This is driven both by client research by Deloitte in November 2012 links demands and reputational aspirations; and inclusiveness in the workplace with reduced by the need to recruit and retain the best absenteeism – if 10% more employees feel candidates. included, the company will increase work attendance by one day per year per employee Many global law firms have started (http://www.deloitte.com/assets/Dcom- addressing D&I in their global headquarters. Australia/Local%20Assets/Documents/ As Asia becomes a key growth market, these law firms are increasingly aware of Services/Consulting/Human%20Capital/ a need to apply it to this region as well. As Diversity/Deloitte_Waiter_inclusion_soup_ Asia is inherently diverse and complex, the recipe_improve_business_performance. challenges and opportunities facing law firms pdf). in this region are vastly different from those • Ultimately, being diverse and inclusive in more developed markets. For law firms makes good business sense. Some of the looking at D&I for the first time, the strategic key advantages include: opportunities and challenges presented by • Attracting and retaining the best talent D&I are clearly worth closer examination. • Higher productivity and performance What is D&I? • Diversity of thought and experience A diverse and inclusive organisation • Increasing market share: Clients want embraces and leverages the differences that solutions that work not only on paper but exist among its people, including different in real life. Insights into local environments gender, age, race, cultural background, that produce practical and workable religion, life experiences, physical or mental recommendations are crucial. abilities, education, sexual orientation or • Better governance: Research shows that gender identity. companies with more women on boards To a certain extent, D&I can be seen as perform better during difficult times an extension of “equal opportunities” – a (http://www.deloitte.com/assets/ concept that Hong Kong employers are Dcom-Australia/Local%20Assets/ more familiar with due to the existence of Documents/Services/Consulting/ anti-discrimination ordinance and the work Human%20Capital/Diversity/Deloitte_ of the Equal Opportunities Commission. Waiter_inclusion_soup_recipe_improve_ Importantly, D&I goes beyond being a fair business_performance.pdf). employer. It is about actively managing An inclusive workplace enables people a wide range of processes including to bring their whole selves to work, will recruitment, learning and development, drive competitive advantage through communications, performance appraisals, happier, more productive employees, a leadership development and succession broader diversity of perspectives, greater planning through a D&I lens with the goal opportunities for innovation, enhanced of strengthening the firm’s competitive performance and ultimately brand advantage. differentiation. D&I is proven On the other hand, an organisation that fails Leading research around the world has to understand and proactively address D&I shown that companies actively promoting may be more vulnerable to falling foul of
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local laws, customs and sensitivities and This gender imbalance at the top is find it impossible to progress without suffering reputational damage. a common challenge faced by many compromising on the kind of personal employers, and is certainly not unique and/or family life they wish to lead. D&I Challenges Facing Law to law firms, but the factors leading to Some end up seeking greener pastures Firms imbalance is different for each industry. in in-house positions where working Based on Community Business’ D&I Two important contributing factors for hours are often less hostile and the work in the region, we have found that law firms are the demand for lawyers expectation to bring in business does not law firms in Asia share some common to be available for client work “anytime, exist. anywhere”, and the focus on meeting D&I challenges. The top two issues are Unless law firms create working billable hour targets. This often results discussed below. environments that are more inclusive of in extreme and unpredictable working • Male-dominated partnerships female talent they are consistently at risk hours. Middle-level female lawyers are of brain drain, failing to reap the benefits There is a lack of women at partnership usually hardest hit by the lack of work- of the training and resources they have and/or senior levels. Whilst some firms life balance as they seek to balance work invested in their recruits, and losing perform better than others, and the with the family, in particular, childcare lawyers to competitors, clients and other ratio may vary across practice areas or and eldercare. Even for those who are organisations. countries, the overall number of female yet to bear family responsibilities, the partners across law firms in Asia is lack of senior female role models in law • Lack of cultural integration significantly lower than male partners. firms sends a strong signal (be it true or The other top challenge relates to the Take Hong Kong for example. According not) that a fulfilling personal life may be culture in law firms. It is not unusual to to the Hong Kong Law Society’s 2011 incompatible with a successful career in find in Asian offices of international law Annual Report (http://www.fjt2.net/ private practice. firms partnerships that are comprised gate/gb/www.hklawsoc.org.hk/ The demand for long hours becomes mainly of lawyers with a Western pub_e/about/report/AR_2011/report6. heavier as middle-level lawyers are background, meaning that few local born pdf), since 2009, the percentage of confronted with the expectation of and bred “home-grown” lawyers are female law firm partners has remained building up their own client base, which making partnership. This phenomenon at 24%. In many law firms, more female typically involves extensive networking is sometimes referred to as the “bamboo trainees solicitors are hired, but more and participation in social events, on ceiling”. women than men tend to drop out of the top of their billable work. In some pipeline and leave law firms. Whether true or not, there is often cases, the particular challenge for a perception among local lawyers female lawyers lies not just in the hours. that their partnership opportunities From our research on gender diversity in international law firms are more in companies, high potential female restricted. This could in part be due to talent in the corporate world still talk the fact that they have witnessed senior of the existence of the “old boys’ club” lawyers or partners being brought in (Community Business’ Gender Diversity through lateral hires or from overseas Benchmark for Asia 2011, http://www. offices to fill openings, indicating a lack communitybusiness.org/images/cb/ of advancement opportunities. Or the publications/2011/GDBM_2011.pdf) – a perception that partnership decisions are closely-knit exclusive clique of senior made by global headquarters which they business men – making it difficult for have little exposure to, and therefore women, including female lawyers, to little influence over. break into a male-dominant inner circle More importantly, in terms of in order to build the trust and connection recruitment, development and with decision makers that is often the key promotion, it is felt by some that law to bringing in new business. firms are prone to hiring or promoting The demanding job nature in law firms like for like. Whilst most employers and an essentially “up or out” system believe in meritocracy, one’s perception may result in either a “glass ceiling” or of merits may be clouded by what is now an “invisible self-filter” for women who commonly referred to as “unconscious
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bias”, or social stereotypes about certain actually solve problems in a Chinese aligned to the goals of both the firm groups of people that are formed outside way or deal with the Chinese customer and the people. and they are not even encouraged to one’s own consciousness (for more 5. Developing an effective information, review www.ecu.ac.uk/ do so.” implementation plan: Align initiatives events/materials/unconscious-bias- • Other D&I topics with existing talent and business factsheet.doc). Partners and human Other topics across the D&I spectrum strategy so that D&I weaves into resources professionals are human too, includes challenges posed by a multi- the existing framework of the and often hold assumptions, knowingly generational workforce; barriers to organisation. or not, about the abilities or partnership inclusion for certain groups, including 6. Measuring progress: Both quantitative potentials of lawyers possessing talent with disabilities and lesbian, gay, and qualitative data will help identify certain traits or coming from a certain bisexual and transgender (“LGBT”) barriers and provide information that background. Hiring or promoting employees. Many law firms do not will help focusing your D&I efforts. A someone with similar educational proactively address these issues at simple example is tracking voluntary background or professional credentials present, but those who do so will get turnover rates of female lawyers as existing fee-earners and partners may ahead of the game in the long run. across different levels of seniority over be considered a wise or safe approach, time. but is not conducive to a diverse and Turning challenges into inclusive workplace. In terms of specific initiatives and opportunities – approaches programmes, the more common ones Language and communication style is for advancing D&I in law firms we have come across among law firms in often another important divider in law A useful tool for law firms to tap into is Asia include: firms. Whether explicitly or implicitly, the the DIAN Strategy Framework (http:// importance placed on English skills and • Staff training on unconscious bias dsf.communitybusiness.org/) - an a “Western” style of communication - assessment tool that helps companies • Awareness-raising events such as which is typically more vocal and direct make progress on their D&I journey in celebrating a variety of cultural - renders non-English native speakers Asia. festivals, sharing sessions on work-life at a clear disadvantage. The emphasis balance, speaker events on LGBT on English skills may outplay the ability Drawing on the Strategy Framework, • Mentoring programmes, for example to communicate in the local language, below are some ideas for law firms who for high potential female talent which is critical for servicing clients wish to start laying the foundation for a in local markets in Asia. As Aperian diverse and inclusive workforce: • Flexible work arrangements Global, a global talent development 1. Building the business case: • Employee networks such as women’s consultant, says in Community Business’ Understanding the business benefits network and parents’ network research Adopting an Asian Lens to of D&I for your own firm is critical for Talent Development (http://www. ensuring buy-in from management Focusing on Inclusion communitybusiness.org/images/ and fee earners. Hong Kong, as are many other markets cb/publications/2012/Adopting%20 in Asia, is inherently diverse. But D&I is 2. Visible leadership: Having a an%20Asian%20Lens%20to%20 not a numbers game, nor is it just about committed senior business leader with Talent%20Development.pdf): getting different people in the door. To accountability for D&I will ensure that reap the benefits of diversity and create “The key question that companies adequate attention and resources significant and measurable positive must ask themselves is, ‘Are we are allocated for planning and business outcome, barriers to inclusion [assessing] Asian talent for a deep implementing the D&I strategy. understanding of complex and fast- must be broken down. These barriers 3. Awareness-raising: Awareness can changing Asian business environment can be: be built by introducing training on or based on English language skills or • Physical: for example, inaccessibility “unconscious bias” and ongoing “like me” models from HQ?’ The people by wheelchair users due to presence of communication reinforcing the firm’s who are working for foreign companies steps or narrow walkways; respect for diversity. in China or Hong Kong are often the • Policy-related: for example, lack of least competent in these markets. 4. Engaging stakeholders: Understand equal benefits for same sex partners They have very good English and the needs and aspirations of your of LGBT employees; communication skills but they cannot workforce so that any efforts on D&I is
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在全球範圍內,多元化與包容性(以下簡稱「多元 • Embedded in the culture of the firm: for example, people who work long 與包容」)已經被視作一項商業策略而越來越備受 hours are recognised for being hard- 關注。雖然西方很早已經承認「多元與包容」的 working and given a “hero badge”. But more importantly, barriers exist in our 重要性,但在亞洲它仍是一個相對較新的概念。 minds. In today’s ever-changing business landscape, inclusive leadership and behaviour is what drives organisational success, because at the end of the day, inclusion is about people’s experience in the workplace. Do employees feel respected and included and do they experience the environment as inclusive? Are their voices heard? Are differences in their working or communication style accepted? Are they bringing their whole selves to work? These are the questions that leading companies are asking themselves as they consider how inclusive their workplaces are.
The way forward The discussion around D&I as a business strategy in Hong Kong and the wider Asia region is at a nascent stage. Increasingly however, to be an employer of choice for the best talent and to build a strong foothold in Asia, law firms are starting to see the benefits and opportunities presented by a D&I approach. In the long run, what remains to be seen is how law firms will tackle the challenge of moving from creating a diverse workforce to leveraging the benefits of diversity through inclusion – an environment where the business fully 洲對「多元與包容」的關注,最 與包容」的問題。隨著亞洲成為一個主 embraces and leverages the value and 亞初是源於全球金融機構和科技企 要的增長市場,這些律師事務所因而也 contribution brought by every individual, 業,這是基於此等機構和企業面對最優 越來越意識到需要將這一概念引進亞洲 no matter who they are. 秀人才的激烈爭奪。然而,提供專業服 區來。由於亞洲本身是一個多元化和複 Community Business is a unique 務的行業(包括律師事務所和核數師事 雜的地域,因此在這一地區的律師事務 membership-based non-profit 務所) 也正逐步加大對「多元與包容」 所面對的挑戰和機遇,與在較發達市場 organisation focusing on corporate social 的力度以從中獲益,而驅使它作出如此 運用的律師事務所面對的情況有很大不 responsibility, and has worked with a wide range of companies, including law 舉措的,是為了符合客戶需求和爭取聲 同。對於那些首度探討「多元與包容」 firms, on Diversity & Inclusion since 2003. 譽﹔以及為了符合招聘並挽留最優秀人 問題的律師事務所,「多元與包容」帶 Community Business has conducted 才的需要。 來的策略性機遇和挑戰,顯然值得它們 a large number of researches on key 進行更為仔細的研究。 diversity issues in Asia. Their reports 許多全球性的律師事務所,都已經開 are available online for free at www. 始在其全球總部著手處理有關「多元 甚麼是「多元與包容」? communitybusiness.org. n
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程,包括通過「多元與包容」的視角, 突出(http://www.deloitte.com/ 進行連串的招聘、學習與發展、溝通、 assets/Dcom—Australia/Local%20 績效評估、領導力發展和繼任規劃等工 Assets/Documents/Services/ 作,其目標是加強公司的競爭優勢。 Consulting/Human%20Capital/ Diversity/Deloitte_Waiter_inclusion_ 「多元與包容」經過了充分 soup_recipe_improve_business_ 驗證 performance.pdf)。 世界各地的領先研究已經表明,積極推 一個具有包容性的工作環境,可以使其 動「多元與包容」的企業,它們所取得 人員能夠全情投入工作,並能夠藉著其 的業績表現會更為理想(透過一系列措施 更愉快、更具生產力的員工,更為多元 來衡量)﹔而一份於2012年4月出版的 化的觀點,更多的創新機會,提升了的 McKinsey Report (《麥肯錫報告書》) 績效表現,以及最終形成的品牌差異 也顯示,董事會較為更多元化的企業, 化,而增強該企業的競爭優勢。 其取得的股本回報率,會高出百分之五 另一方面,一個機構如未能充分理解和 十三(https://www.mckinseyquarterly. 積極處理「多元與包容」的問題,它可 com/PDFDownload.aspx?ar=2954)。 能更容易因為觸犯當地法律、習俗和敏 德勤於2012年11月所進行的另一項研 感的地方,而遭受到聲譽上的損害。 究,將工作場所中的包容程度,與缺勤 情況的減少連在一起—即是﹕一個企業 律師事務所面對的「多元與 中,感覺自己獲得包容的僱員人數每上 包容」挑戰 升百分之十,該企業每名僱員每年工作 根據Community Business在亞洲區內進 出勤的日數便將增加一天(http://www. 行的「多元與包容」研究,我們發現亞 deloitte.com/assets/Dcom—Australia/ 洲區的律師事務所面對著一些有關「多 Local%20Assets/Documents/ 元與包容」的共同挑戰,而最重要的兩 Services/Consulting/Human%20 個議題現討論如下﹕ Capital/Diversity/Deloitte_Waiter_ inclusion_soup_recipe_improve_ • 男性佔主導地位的合夥關係 business_performance.pdf) 。 目前在合夥人及/或高級管理階層中缺乏 最終的事實是,多元化與包容性締造 女性。雖然有一些律師事務所的情況會 了良好的業務意識。其中一些主要好 較佳,而男女性的比例,也可能會因執 處包括: 業範疇或國家不同而存在差異,但在亞 一個多元化與包容性的機構,樂意接納和 洲的各家律師事務所中,女性合夥人的 有效利用其工作人員之間的種種差異,包 • 吸引和留住最優秀的人才 總人數,明顯低於男性合夥人的數目。 括性別、年齡、種族、文化背景、宗教、 • 帶來更高水平的生產力和業績 就以香港為例。根據《香港律師會2011 生活經驗、身體或精神能力、教育、性取 • 思想和經驗的多元化 年年報》(http://www.fjt2.net/gate/ 向或性別身份等各方面的差異。 • 增加市場佔有率﹕客戶所希望獲得提 gb/www.hklawsoc.org.hk/pub_e/ 在某程度上,「多元與包容」可以被看 供的解決方案,不僅是紙上談兵,而 about/report/AR_2011/report6.pdf) 作是「平等機會」的延伸 — 而香港由於 是能應用於現實生活中。所以,洞悉 所刊發的資料,自2009年以來,香港 反歧視條例的制訂,以及平等機會委員 當地環境,從而產生實際和可行的建 律師事務所女性合夥人的比例,一直維 會的工作,香港僱主對於這一概念因而 議,這是至關重要的。 持在百分之二十四 。在許多律師事務所 不會感到陌生。重要的是,「多元與包 • 更有效的管治:研究表明,一個 中,有較多女性見習律師獲得聘用,但 容」的內涵超越作為一名公平僱主。它 企業的董事會內女性人數越多,在 在打算轉職和離開律師事務所的律師當 所涉及的,是積極管理一系列廣泛的流 困難時期該企業的表現便會越加 中,女性所佔的比例較男性為高。
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中,發現企業世界中具高潛質的女性人 以填補,表明他們缺乏晉升機會。又或 才,仍然關注到「舊生俱樂部」這情況 是,他們感到合夥人的決策都是由全球 的存在(Community Business’ Gender 總部作出,而他們也很少有機會與這些 Diversity Benchmark for Asia 2011, 高層人士接觸,因此對他們也沒能發揮 http://www.communitybusiness. 多大影響力。 org/images/cb/publications/2011/ 而更重要的是,在招聘、發展和推廣方 GDBM_2011.pdf)—即是一個由資深商 面,它令一些本地律師感到,律師事務 界男性組成的緊密而排外的小圈子—以 所的高層傾向於聘請或晉升那些與自己 致女性(包括女律師)難於打入這一個由男 背景相似的人。雖然大部分僱主都同意 性主導的核心範圍內,導致她們難以與 任人唯賢,但人們對於優點或長處的 決策階層建立信任與聯繫,而這卻通常 感知,可能會受到人們現在一般所稱的 是取得新業務的關鍵所在。 「無意識偏見」,又或是在一個人的 律師事務所的工作性質是高度苛求, 自身意識以外形成的某些群體中的社會 而它所實行的基本上是一個「升遷或引 成見所蒙蔽(欲取得進一步資料,請參 退」的制度,女性在事業上因而可能會 閱www.ecu.ac.uk/events/materials/ 遇到「玻璃天花」或「無形的自身過濾 unconscious—bias—factsheet.doc)。 此等在組織上層的性別失衡,是許多僱 器」等障礙,而她們也會感到,若不放 畢竟,合夥人及人力資源部門的專業人 主所面對的共同挑戰,並且肯定並非律 棄自己所渴望的個人及/或家庭生活,終 員也是人,而他們也經常對具有某些特 師事務所獨有,但導致失衡的原因,乃 歸會是升遷無望。她們當中有一些人最 徵、或來自某種背景的律師之能力,或 視乎屬於哪一種行業而各有不同。在律 終會擇木而棲,尋找機構內部律師的職 其擔任合夥人的潛質作出假設(不論那是 師事務所中,兩項起著關鍵作用的重要 位,因為該等職位的上班時間通常沒那 否着意的)。聘請或晉升該些與現行的賺 原因,是律師在客戶工作上所面對的「 麼嚴苛,也不需要為公司找生意。 取費用者和合夥人具有相似教育背景或 專業資格的人員,也許會被認為是一種 隨傳隨到」要求,以及律師需要達到計 除非律師事務所能夠建立一個對女性人 明智或安全的做法,但對於形成一個多 費時數的指標。這經常會導致出現極不 才具有更大包容性的工作環境,否則它 元化和具包容性的工作場所,卻是沒有 合理和難以預計的上班工作時間。在律 們將會持續面對人才流失的風險,無法 任何助益。 師事務所內處於中層的女律師,通常是 取回在新人的培訓和資源投放上應得的 因工作與生活失衡而受到最嚴重打擊的 回報,以及將自己的律師雙手奉上給競 語言和溝通風格,經常是律師事務所 一群,因為她們都渴望能夠在工作與家 爭對手、客戶及其他機構。 的另一項重要分割器。無論是明示或暗 庭生活 (尤其是照顧子女和家中年老長者) 示,將重點放在英語技能和「西方」 • 缺乏文化上的融合 之間取得一個平衡。即使對那些尚無家 的溝通風格上—那通常是較為直言不諱 其他的重大挑戰則涉及到律師事務所的 庭責任承擔的女律師而言,當她們發覺 的風格—往往令並非以英語為母語的 文化。在許多國際律師事務所的亞洲辦 在其律師事務所內,可供效法的資深女 人員處於明顯不利的境地。過於強調英 事處中,經常的情況是,其合夥人主要 律師榜樣實在甚難找到時,這給她們發 語技能,可能會導致忽略了以當地語言 都是由具有西方背景的律師出任。這意 出了一個強烈的信號(無論它是真還是 溝通的能力,而此等能力是為亞洲本地 味著,在當地「土生土長」的律師,沒 假),就是愜意的個人生活,與成功的 市場的客戶服務時所不可或缺的。正 有多少人能有機會晉升為合夥人。這種 私人法律執業,二者也許是不可得兼的。 如Aperian Global (一位全球性的人才 現象有時會被稱為「竹天花」。 中層律師由於需要建立其自身的客戶群( 開發展顧問) 在Community Business的 這除了應付計費的工作外,還需要經常 無論情況是否真的如此,但本地律師往 一項名為Adopting an Asian Lens 應酬和出席社交活動),因此長時間工作 往的印象是,他們在國際律師事務所擔 to Talent Development (《從亞洲 的需求,對他/她們而言是越加繁重。 任合夥人的機會較為受到限制。這種情 的角度看人才發展》)(http://www. 在某些情況下,女律師所面對的特殊挑 況的出現,部分原因可能是他們目睹高 communitybusiness.org/images/cb/ 戰,並非僅在於工作時間方面。從我們 級律師或合夥人的空缺,很多時是通過 publications/2012/Adopting%20 就企業內部的性別多元化所作的研究 橫向招聘或從海外辦事處調派人員來加 an%20Asian%20Lens%20to%20
54 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 專業實務
Talent%20Development.pdf)的研究中所 略的規劃和實施方面,能獲得充分的 • 與政策相關的:例如,同志僱員的同 指出的﹕ 關注和資源分配。 性伴侶並不能享有同等福利待遇﹔
「企業必須向自己提問這樣一個關鍵問 • 提高意識:通過針對「無意識偏見」 • 植根於律師事務所的文化中:例如, 題﹕我們[評核]亞洲區內的人才,究竟是 的培訓和持續的溝通將意識建立起 對工作時間長的人員給予勤勞嘉許, 以對複雜和瞬息萬變的亞洲商業環境有深 來,從而加強律師事務所對多元化的 並頒發其「英雄徽章」。 尊重。 刻理解,還是以英語技能或「像我一般」 但更重要的是,障礙也存在於我們的腦 等取材自其總部的模式作為標準?’ 那些 • 持份者的參與:了解你的員工的需求 海中。在當今瞬息萬變的商業環境中, 正在中國大陸或香港為外國公司服務的 和願望,使得對「多元與包容」所作 具包容性的領導方式及行為,是推動一 人員,往往卻是這些市場中最不稱職的人 的任何努力,均與律師事務所及其人 個機構成功的要素,因為最終,包容性 員。雖然他們有很好的英語及溝通技能, 員的目標相一致。 是關乎人們在工作場所中的感受。員工 但他們實際上卻不能以中國人的方式來解 • 制定有效的實施計劃:將各項舉措或 是否感到被尊重和包容,又是否感到所 決問題,或是與中國的客戶打交道,而他 行動,與現行的人才及業務策略結合 處的環境具包容性呢?他們的聲音獲得 們甚至不被鼓勵這樣做。」 起來,使「多元與包容」得以融入現 聆聽嗎?他們在工作或溝通風格上所存 • 其他「多元與包容」議題 行的組織框架中。 在的差異,獲得公司的接納嗎?他們是 否全情投入工作呢?這些都是一些領先 其他跨越「多元與包容」範圍的議題, • 衡量進度:定量及定性數據能有助識 的公司,在考慮它們的工作場所是否具 還包括多代勞動力所帶來的挑戰﹔包容 別障礙和提供信息,從而亦有助將注 包容性時,向它們自己提出的問題。 某些群體所遇到的障礙,包括殘疾、女 意力集中在你對「多元與包容」所作 同性戀、男同性戀、雙性戀和變性(「 的努力方面。一個簡單的例子是,按 前面的道路 同志」)的僱員。許多律師事務所現時 時追踪不同資歷級別的女律師的自願 圍繞「多元與包容」作為香港及整個亞 都不願積極面對這些問題,但若有肯這 離職率。 洲區的一種商業策略的討論,目前仍在 樣做的,長遠來看,它必然會在這場遊 就具體的舉措和方案而言,我們在亞洲區 起步階段。然而,越來越普遍的情況 戲中超前。 各律師事務所見到的較為尋常情形包括: 是,律師事務所作為選擇最優秀人才的 僱主,以及要在亞洲區建立強大的立足 將挑戰化為機遇 —在律師事 • 員工針對無意識偏見接受培訓 點,目前它們已經開始覺察「多元與包 務所中推展「多元與包容」的 • 舉辦增強意識的活動,例如慶祝各種 容」的取向所帶來的好處和機遇。 方法 文化節慶,舉辦工作與生活均衡交流 會,以及舉辦關於同志的演講會等 從長遠來看,還有待觀察的是,律師 一項可供律師事務所運用的有用工 • 指導計劃,例如專門為具高潛質的女 事務所將如何應對以下的挑戰﹕從建 具,是「DIAN策略框架」(http://dsf. 性人才而設 立多元化的員工隊伍,到通過包容而 communitybusiness.org/) —那是協助企 利用多元化的好處—即是,在這個環 業在其於亞洲的「多元與包容」行程中 • 靈活的工作安排 境中,企業完全接納和有效利用每個 取得進展的一項評核工具。 • 員工網絡,例如婦女網絡和家長網絡 人員所創造的價值和作出的貢獻,而 我們從該「策略框架」中抽取了一些概 聚焦於包容性上 不管他們是誰。 念,並於以下提供給有意為一個多元化 香港也有如亞洲區的許多其他市場一樣, Community Business是一個獨特的會 與包容性的勞動力奠定基礎的律師事務 其本質是多元化的。然而,「多元與包 員制非牟利組織,以企業社會責任為焦 所參考: 容」並非是單純的數字遊戲,也並非只是 點,而自2003年以來,它曾就「多元 • 建立商業案例:了解「多元與包容」 將不同的人招聚一起便算成事。要從多元 化現包容性」的議題,與範圍廣泛的企 為你的律師事務所帶來的業務利益, 化獲益,以及要創造顯著及可衡量的積極 業進行合作研究,當中也包括律師事務 對於確保取得管理層和賺取費用者的 業務成果,我們便必須將對包容性造成妨 所在內。此外,Community Business 支持是非常重要的。 害的障礙打破。這些障礙包括: 也曾在亞洲區內,就各項與多元化有關 • 有形的領導:安排一位有承擔感的高 • 物理上的:例如,梯級的存在或是通 的重要議題,進行了大量的研究。有關 級業務領導階層負責「多元與包容」 道過於狹窄,以致無法讓輪椅使用者 報告可供讀者在網上免費閱覽(www. 的落實,將可確保「多元與包容」策 通過﹔ communitybusiness.org)。 n
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Company 公司 queries the scope of the category of 正如我們在2013年8月刊的本欄中寫 corporate records ordered to be made 道,香港法院在過去兩年需要埋首處理 Shareholder access to available to the applicant, including (as 《公司條例》(第32章)第152FA條的 corporate records and it does) records of group companies in 涵蓋範圍(「指明法團的成員查閱該指 “she-monsters” the company’s possession. Indeed, the 明法團的紀錄」)。其中一個經常出現 respondent asked the judge to stay his 而又相當重要的問題是,股東可查閱來 As we wrote in the August 2013 edition order pending an appeal, which is due to 自附屬公司並由「指明法團」合法管有 of this column, in the last two years be heard on 4 March 2014. 的公司紀錄的範圍有多大。 the courts in Hong Kong have had to That stay was refused ([2013] HKEC grapple with the scope of Section 152FA 為一宗關乎第152FA條涵蓋範圍而具重 1380) and, in passing, the judge of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) commented that, in his opinion, 大意義的案件(Re Applied Development (“Inspection of Specified Corporations’ the appeal raised a “chimera”; an Holdings Ltd [2011] 5 HKLRD 241) Records by Members”). One important observation that may have caused some 作出裁決的法官,最近在Re Dayuan issue that often arises is the scope for etymologists (and lawyers) to run for International Development Ltd [2013] a shareholder to obtain access to the their dictionary. HKEC 872一案,就涉案申請人可查閱 corporate records emanating from 的文件範圍作出裁定。該名法官解釋第 a subsidiary that are in the lawful The judge was clearly unimpressed by possession of a “specified corporation”. the stay application and the prospects 152FA條時,採用了被普遍視為極好的 of an appeal of his decision, considering 依據立法目的(及常理)方法。 The learned judge who decided the latter to be either “illusory” or, the landmark case on the scope 在Dayuan International一案,被告人 alternatively, a “she-monster”. If of Section 152FA (in Re Applied 公司就該法官的命令提出上訴。在上訴 the appeal does go ahead, it will be Development Holdings Ltd [2011] 5 interesting to see if the Court of Appeal 通知書中,(除其他事項外)它質疑法 HKLRD 241) recently ruled on the sheds light on this (and, of course, on 庭下令須讓申請人查閱的法團紀錄類別 scope of documents that the applicant the scope of documents emanating 的範圍,包括(確實有)由該公司管有 should have access to in Re Dayuan from a subsidiary and in a specified 的集團公司紀錄。答辯人甚至向法官申 International Development Ltd [2013] corporation’s possession). 請在上訴待決期間暫緩執行該法官作出 HKEC 872. The judge applied what 的命令,而上訴已定於2014年3月4日 is generally regarded as an admirably - Warren Ganesh, Senior Consultant, 審理。 purposive (and common sense) Smyth & Co in association with approach to the interpretation of Section RPC 然而,法官拒絕暫緩執行命令([2013] 152FA. HKEC 1380),並在宣布時指,他認 In Dayuan International the respondent 股東查閱公司記錄及 為有關上訴猶如喚醒希臘神話中的惡魔 company has appealed the judge’s 「女魔頭」 「客邁拉」,為明白這評論,一些詞源 order. Its notice of appeal, inter alia,
56 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • INDUSTRY INSIGHTS 業 界 透 視
學者(及律師)可能要翻查 中聯辦主任張曉明表示,不可以「公民 字典。 提名」方案作為行政長官普選時的提名
法官以「虛幻」或「女魔 辦法。張曉明向泛民主派的主要政黨之 頭」形容就其決定提出的上 一公民黨發公開信,並引述《基本法》 訴申請,顯然對暫緩申請不 ,指所有候選人只可「由一個有廣泛代 以為然,亦不認為上訴申請 表性的提名委員會」提名。 有望成功。如果有關上訴如 這意味著,特首候選人將由親中人 期進行,究竟上訴法庭會否 士組成的小型選舉委員會提名, 對此評論(當然亦包括來自 他們將實質上拒絕任何反對派候 附屬公司並由指明法團管 REUTERS/Tyrone Siu 選人參加競逐。這封信函經由中
有的文件的範圍)作任何說 Zhang Xiaoming, director of China’s Liaison Office, 聯辦網站公佈-www.locpg.hk/ speaks during a lunch meeting at the Legislative 明,大家拭目以待。 Council. big5/shouyexinwen/201309/ 駐中國聯絡處主任張曉明,在立法會午餐會議期間 t20130912_7434.asp,有評論員指 - Warren Ganesh高級顧問, 上演說。 此舉是中央通過加強宣傳力度,降低實 Smyth & Co 與RPC聯營 instead come from a small election 現普選的期望。 committee stacked with Beijing 張曉明的言論令香港的政治氣氛緊張起 loyalists who would essentially veto any 來,有泛民團體更威脅要在明年佔領中 Constitutional 憲法 opposition candidates from running. 環,作為公民抗命行動的一部分。 The letter was published on the China makes clear full Liaison Office’s website -www.locpg. - 路透社新聞 democracy not on cards hk/big5/shouyexinwen/201309/ in choosing Hong Kong t20130912_7434.asp - amid what leader observers say is an intensifying propaganda push by Beijing to Corporate 企業 Beijing’s top representative in Hong downplay expectations for democratic Kong has ruled out open nominations polls. HSBC completes cross- for candidates to become its next leader, Zhang’s comments could raise the border, two-way yuan the strongest sign yet that China’s political heat in Hong Kong, with pro- lending in China pledge of democracy for the former democracy groups threatening to seal British colony by 2017 comes with HSBC said recently that it had off the city’s central business district conditions. completed a two-way cross-border yuan next year as part of a campaign of civil lending transaction for a Taiwanese Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule in disobedience. company under a pilot program China 1997 with the guarantee of wide-ranging introduced in August, becoming the autonomy and an independent judiciary - Reuters News first foreign bank to conduct such a and press under the formula of “one transaction. country, two systems”. 中央表明立場不可以全民主 The city of Kunshan, in Jiangsu province, Zhang Xiaoming, the head of Beijing’s 方式普選特首 got the go-ahead last month to allow Liaison Office in Hong Kong, said 中央駐港的最高代表已否決下一屆特首 cross-border, two-way yuan lending for open nominations for the leader, or 選舉以公民提名的方式進行,這是到目 Taiwanese companies, which enables chief executive, would not be allowed. them to utilise their onshore and Zhang’s open letter, sent to a major 前為止的最強跡象,顯示中國承諾香港 offshore yuan funds more efficiently pro-democracy group, the Civic Party, 這個前英國殖民地在2017年之前享有民 with better flexibility. It will also help quoted the city’s mini-constitution, the 主是有附帶條件。 companies optimize the allocation of Basic Law, as saying that all candidates 香港於1997年回歸,獲保證在「一國兩 yuan funds within a corporate group, could only be nominated by a “broadly reduce external borrowing, and improve representative nominating committee”. 制」下享有多方面自治、司法獨立及新 returns on capital. 聞自由的權利。 That means the nominations will
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case of Pun Chun Sauce & Preserved Fruit Factory Ltd v Dix Construction & Transportation Ltd [2013] HKEC 1340 suggests that such chattels are either a ship or a vehicle that is capable of being chartered or hired out by the owner to a third party, on a regular and continuous basis for the purpose of earning profit.
If a tortfeasor damages or destroys a profit earning chattel the owner should be entitled to damages for (among other things) no longer being able to hire out the chattel. Such chattels are different from “tools of the trade”. Loss of profit is also different from loss of use.
Therefore, when one thinks of profit earning chattels, one usually has in mind a means of transport that is capable of being hired out. That is not The deal was done for Kunshan 展跨境雙向人民幣借款業務,使這些企 to suggest that the world of shipping President Enterprises Food Company 業能夠更有效及靈活地運用他們在境內 and transport has an absolute monopoly Limited, a subsidiary of Uni-President 外的人民幣資金。這亦有助企業優化集 on profit earning chattels (“McGregor on Group. 團內部人民幣資金的調配、減少外部借 Damages”, eighteenth edition, 2009 at HSBC said it had set up a master 款,以及提高資金回報。 paragraph 32-032). account and obtained a two-way 上述交易是為統一企業集團的附屬公司 In Pun Chun a large number of the lending quota totaling 1.49 billion yuan 崑山統一企業食品有限公司進行的。 plaintiff’s vats containing fermenting (HK$1.89 billion) for the company. The soy sauce were contaminated by liquid first transaction has been completed, 滙豐表示已為該公司開立了一個主帳 cement emanating from nearby works with 10 million yuan transferred to this 戶,並獲批共14.9億元人民幣(18.9億 carried out by the defendant. Liability in master account from its related overseas 港元)的雙向借款額。首筆交易已經完 tort was admitted by the defendant. In company. 成,1000萬元人民幣已從這個主帳戶轉 issue was the measure of damages. The world’s second-largest economy 移至其境外關聯公司。 Among other things, the plaintiff has stepped up efforts to open up its claimed for the market value of the capital account recently with the aim of 中國這個世界第二大經濟體,近日加 soy sauce and the “loss of use” of the lifting the global status of the “redback” 大力度開放其資本賬戶,務求提升人 vats while the contaminated sauce was and finally making it on par with the US 民幣的國際地位,希望終於與美元平 stored before being disposed of. In dollar. 起平坐。 short, the plaintiff argued that the vats and their contents (fermenting soya - Reuters News - 路透社新聞 beans) were profit earning chattels. In contrast, the defendant argued that the 滙豐在內地完成人民幣跨境 plaintiff was only entitled to claim the 雙向借款 Damages 賠償 lesser value of the damaged goods at the time of the accident. 滙豐銀行日前表示,已根據內地8月實 Profit earning chattels - a 施的試驗計劃,在為一家台資公司完成 The judge awarded damages for “saucy tale” considerably less than the plaintiff 一筆跨境雙向人民幣借款交易,成為首 claimed. First, the vats and their 家開展這項交易的外資銀行。 It is difficult to find a definition of “profit contents were not profit earning chattels earning chattel” in the context of the as properly understood. The vats were 上月,江蘇崑山市獲批准為台資企業開 measure of damages. The recent
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“tools of the trade” but there was no evidence that they were hired out to third parties for profit. Second, the contents of the vats were “raw material” later to be sold off on a “one-off” basis.
The case is also noteworthy for the following point. A plaintiff is under a duty to take such steps as are reasonable on the facts to mitigate its loss in tort. Seeking to preserve damaged items for too long after the experts and loss adjusters have examined them can back-fire on a plaintiff.
- Andrew Horton, Partner, Smyth & Co in association with RPC
就衡量賠償而言,要界定何謂「可賺取利潤的實產」,絕非 易事。近日的Pun Chun Sauce & Preserved Fruit Factory
Ltd v Dix Construction & Transportation Ltd [2013] HKEC C
1340 一案就提出,該等實產為擁有人可為賺取利潤而定期M
並持續地出租或租借給第三方的船隻或車輛。 Y
如果侵權人損害或破壞一個可賺取利潤的實產,則擁有人有CM 權就無法再租借或出租該實產等原因而獲得賠償。該等實產MY 與「謀生工具」有所不同;利潤的損失與無法使用的損失亦CY 有所不同。 CMY
K 因此,當一個人想到可賺取利潤的實產時,通常會認為 是一種可用作出租的運輸工具,不過這並非指航運和運 輸界就可賺取利潤的實產具有絕對專利(《McGregor on Damages》2009年第18版,第32-032段)。
Pun Chun一案中,原告人大批正在甕缸中發酵的醬油被被 告人在鄰近進行工程時濺出的水泥污染。被告人承認須負 上侵權責任。案中的爭議在於如何衡量賠償。
除其他事項外,原告人要求獲賠償有關醬油的市價,以及用 作存儲受污染醬油的甕缸在棄置有關醬油前「無法使用的損 失」。簡言之,原告人認為甕缸及當中盛載物(即發酵中的 黃豆)屬可賺取利潤的實產。相反,被告人指原告人僅有權 獲賠償受損貨物於事故發生時的較低價值。
最後法官判原告人獲得的賠償大大低於其申索的賠償額。首 先,據正確理解,該等甕缸及當中的盛載物並不屬於可賺取 利潤的實產。該等甕缸雖屬「謀生工具」,但沒有任何證據 顯示會為牟利而把它們租借予第三方。其次,甕缸中的盛載 物乃「原材料」,其後會以「一次性」的形式出售。
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理的措施,減輕其於侵權事件中的損 失。在專家和核算人檢查過後,仍設法 長時間保存受損物品,反而會對原告人 不利。
- 賀敦合夥人,Smyth & Co 與RPC 聯營
Intellectual Property 知識產權 UK’s PCC a model for HK? The recent reforms of the UK’s Patents County Court (“PCC”) take the country’s Civil Procedure Rules – on which Hong Kong modeled its Civil Justice Reforms – one effective step further to speed up trials and lower costs for IP cases, the court’s presiding judge told Hong Kong Justice Colin Birss Lawyer while in the city last month.
The result? A general two-day trial jurisdictions what to do” – Justice 障。事實上,據報在2010年10月改革 limit and a cost order cap of £50,000 Birss believed that the PCC, which 實施後,案件數量從2008年只有約5 (HK$603, 500) that has enabled more addresses all forms of IP cases and small- and medium-sized enterprise 宗,飆升至2011年約45宗。 not just patents, allows for trials to (“SME”) to seek greater intellectual proceed at a “prompt clip”, with active Colin Birss法官補充,他認為專利州郡 property (“IP”) protection. Indeed, the case management reducing to some 法院的訴訟當事人平均需要耗上約10萬 number of cases reportedly spiked to six months the general waiting time 英鎊的法律費用,而設立訟費上限令許 about 45 in 2011 following the October between the first case management 2010 reforms, from about just five in 多人從好的方面重新對其權利作考慮。 conference and trial. 2008. 他舉例說,一名研究人員入稟專利州郡 法院控告製藥巨頭雅培制藥侵犯專利。 Justice Colin Birss added that while he - Hong Kong Lawyer was of the impression that the average 雖然前者敗訴,但他承認假如沒有專利 PCC litigant spends about £100,000 英國專利州郡法院可供香港 州郡法院,則礙於雅培的財力,他絕不 in legal costs, the cost order cap has 作參考嗎? 會對其提起訴訟。 certainly made many rethink their rights 儘管Birss法官不對香港應否採用類似模 - in a good way. For instance, he said, 上月,英國專利州郡法院的主審法官在 a researcher had sued pharmaceutical 港期間告訴《香港律師》,英國最近對 式作評論 「我無權告訴其他司法管轄區 giant Abbott Laboratories in the PCC for 該法院進行改革,進一步優化《民事訴 怎樣做」,但他相信專利州郡法院(這 patent infringement. While the former 訟程序規則》(而香港正是以其民事司 法院不僅處理專利案件,亦負責處理所 lost the case, he admitted that without 法制度改革為藍本),加快知識產權案 有類型的知識產權案件)使審訊得以迅 the PCC, he would never have gone up 速進行,而且積極的案件管理使第一次 against Abbott given their respective 件審訊過程及降低相關案件的訟費。 案件管理會議和審訊之間的一般輪候時 financial resources. 結果如何?一般審訊期限定為兩天,並 間縮減至約六個月。 While the judge steered away from 以50,000英鎊(603,500港元)為訟 recommending a similar model for 費上限,更多中小型企業(下稱「中小 -《香港律師》 HK – “I am in no position to tell other 企」)因此能夠尋求更大的知識產權保
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Marine Insurance 海事保險 should be given to the parties’ intention Zurich Insurance Co Ltd [2013] HKEC with respect to cover without reference 1278 一案的上訴,會提出如何解釋海 Nature of warranty in to the warranty. 上保單的保證的重要問題。上訴法庭的 marine insurance policy Second, there was no actual knowledge 判決對應該嚴格遵守海上保單中的保證 的原則表示支持,若有違反,則保險公 As we wrote in the December 2012 on the insurer’s part. As for presumed 司有權拒絕支付賠償。 edition of this column, the appeal in Hua knowledge, there had to be some basis to find that the insurer should Tyan Development Ltd v Zurich Insurance 相比起下級法院按文意詮釋,上訴法庭 have known about the vessel’s dead Co Ltd [2013] HKEC 1278 was going to 採用的釋義原則較嚴格,亦應會受到海 weight; this was a fact sensitive matter raise important issues regarding the 上保險業界的歡迎。是次結果令受保人 construction of warranties in marine in respect of which the judge had been 的披露責任更加牢固。 insurance policies. The Court of Appeal’s wrong. (“CA”) judgment supports the principle The judgments of the CA and the 簡言之,受保人透過經紀人購買了一份 that warranties in marine insurance lower court ([2012] 4 HKLRD 827, at 由保險公司發出的海上貨物保險。有關 policies should be strictly complied with; paragraphs 75-107) are also interesting 船隻的載重噸位低於保單保證中所定的 a breach should entitle the insurer to for the ultimate finding that the broker 載重噸位,不過各方對船隻的身份並無 deny cover. was liable to the insured for inter alia 爭議。該船隻沉沒及貨物盡失。保險公 This suggests a stricter construction, failing to effect a policy that met the 司拒絕支付賠償。 compared to the more contextual requirements of the insured. At the time 初審時,法官作出裁定,包括(i)按文意 construction evidenced by the lower of writing, no application for permission 詮釋下,不應該僅因有關船隻沒有符合 court, and will be welcomed in the to appeal appears to have been made. marine insurance market. The outcome 有關保證而拒絕拒絕支付賠償;及(ii)受 - Gary Yin, Partner, Smyth & Co in 保人並非沒有披露重要事實,因為保險 reinforces a duty of disclosure by those association with RPC insured. 公司應早已知悉有關船隻的重量。保險 公司提出上訴。 In short, the insured took out marine 海上保單的保證性質 cargo insurance issued by the insurer 保險公司就上述兩點上訴得直。 through a broker. The vessel’s dead 正如我們在2012年12月刊的本欄中寫 首先,上訴法庭的裁斷與原審法官的不 weight tonnage was less than that 道,Hua Tyan Development Ltd v provided for in a warranty in the policy, although the identity of the vessel was not in doubt. The vessel sank and its cargo lost. The insurer denied cover.
At first instance the judge held that inter alia: (i) as a matter of contextual construction, cover should not be denied solely because the named vessel did not fulfill the warranty; and (ii) there had been no material non-disclosure by the insured, because the information concerning the vessel’s weight should have been known to the insurer. The insurer appealed.
On both points the insurer succeeded.
First, unlike the judge’s finding, the CA found that there was no inconsistency between cover and the warranty. Coverage was subject to the warranty.
The CA did not consider that effect REUTERS/Kevin Coombs
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同,認為保障與有關保證並非不一致。 Chamber of Commerce China. 螢光橙色背心並戴着手銬,在中央電視 台的節目中向政府道歉,並表示他不時 保障受有關保證所規限。上訴法庭認為 Chinese-American venture capitalist 不應在沒有理會有關保證的情況下,以 Charles Xue recently appeared on state 在工作上使用非法手段。 訴訟雙方就保障方面的意圖為考慮因 CCTV to confess to visiting prostitutes, 素。 a crime in China. The US embassy in - 路透社新聞 Beijing said Washington was aware of 其次,保險公司方面實際上並不知悉。 his case and was providing consular 至於推定知悉,裁斷保險公司應早已知 assistance. It was unclear if Xue had a Privacy 隱私 悉船隻的載重噸位必須有所依據,這問 lawyer. 題取決於案情,而原審法官在這一點上 Before that, Peter Humphrey, a British Facebook says countries 犯錯。 risk consultant accused of buying and sought data on 38,000 上訴法庭和下級法院的判決([2012] 4 selling private information, apologised users in first half of 2013 HKLRD 827,第75-107段)最終裁斷 to the government on CCTV in a neon Governments sought information on 經紀人因未有訂立一份符合受保人要求 orange vest and handcuffs, saying he over 38,000 Facebook users in the first had sometimes used illegal methods in 的保單等,而須向受保人負上責任,這 half of 2013 and the No 1 social network his work. 點亦值得留意。行文之時,有關當事人 complied with most requests, the 暫沒有提出任何上訴許可申請。 firm said in its first report on the scale - Reuters News of data inquiries it gets from countries - 饒詩傑合夥人, around the world. Smyth & Co 與RPC聯營 中國內地的電視招供新趨勢 令商界高層惴惴不安 The report follows allegations by former intelligence contractor Edward 據路透社上月報道,國控的中央電視 Snowden that practically every major PRC 中國內地 台播放了一系列外地和本地高層管 Internet company - including Facebook, TV confessions in 理人員的招供片段,掀起商界陣陣憂 Google Inc and Microsoft Corp - mainland China an 慮,擔心如有些律師所說此舉是對正 routinely hands over troves of data on potentially millions of users to national 當程序的踐踏。 unsettling new trend for intelligence agencies. executives 招供長久以來一直是中國法律的特色, Facebook has more than 1 billion users 罪行較輕的罪犯經常在電視上認罪。不 A series of confessions by foreign and worldwide. local executives on mainland China’s 過,商界的高層管理人員被安排身穿橙 US law enforcement authorities were by state-controlled television has spurred 色囚服在電視上招認則相當少見。 anxiety among the business community far the most active in mining Facebook, about a trend that some lawyers say 盛智律師事務所執行合夥人兼中 seeking information on about 20,000 makes a mockery of due process, 國美國商會前主席吉莫曼(James to 21,000 users between January and Reuters reported last month. Zimmerman)說:「如果招認是出於 June. That represents a slight rise from the six months between June and Confessions have long been part of 任何程度的非自願,則該招認就有問 December 2012, when US agencies the PRC’s legal landscape, with petty 題。」 requested information on roughly criminals routinely admitting their guilt 專門從事創業資金投資的美籍華人薛必 18,000 to 19,000 Facebook accounts, on television. But rarely have senior 群,早前在中國中央電視台的節目中承 according to figures previously released business figures been put on television by the company. in orange prison jumpsuits to confess. 認嫖妓,而嫖妓在內地乃刑事罪行。美 國駐北京大使館表示,華府已得悉他的 Facebook has at least partially complied “If involuntary to any degree, the 情況,並正提供領事協助。目前仍不清 admissibility of the confessions is in to about 80% of those requests, the question,” said James Zimmerman, a 楚薛是否已聘請律師。 company acknowledged in the report. managing partner at law firm Sheppard, 在此之前,英籍風險顧問韓飛龍(Peter Mullin, Richter and Hampton and - Reuters News Humphrey)被控買賣個人資料。他身穿 a former chairman of the American
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REUTERS/Valentin Flauraud
Facebook指2013年上半 Facebook賬戶資料,這代表著有關數量 based on its website. 略為上升。 年全球政府要求索取3.8萬 John Soroko, CEO and chairman of 名用戶的資料 Facebook在報告中承認,該公司至少已 Duane Morris, declined to say which 應大約80%的要求提供部分資料。 clients prompted the move other than Facebook就有關全球政府向其索取資料 that they included companies looking to 的情況發表首份報告,當中指出在2013 - 路透社新聞 invest in energy and natural resources 年上半年,各國政府要求Facebook提供 work in Myanmar.
3.8萬名用戶的資料,而這個頭號社交網 “As the first US firm to be there, we 站亦有應大部分要求提供資料。 Professional Practice thought we would seize something of a 專業實務 first-mover advantage,” said Soroko. 早前前情報外判員斯諾登作出指控, 指幾乎每家主要互聯網公司,包括 Duane Morris is first US But Carter Phillips, chairman of Sidley Facebook、谷歌和微軟,慣常把可能 law firm to set up office in Austin, which has offices in Singapore and Shanghai, questioned Duane 達數以百萬用戶的大量數據交給國家情 Myanmar Morris’s business strategy of opening an 報機構,Facebook在事件發生後發表 Crossing a new frontier in Southeast office in Myanmar. 此報告。 Asia, the Philadelphia-based Duane “Why not represent outside interests Facebook於全球擁有超過十億用戶。 Morris has become the first US law making investments and decide later firm to establish an office in Myanmar, (probably much later) what value would 美國的執法機關是迄今為止向Facebook the firm announced last month. be served by having an office there?” 提出最多要求的國家,從1月至6月期 The office, which will be in the capital Phillips said in an email. 間,曾要求索取2萬到2.1萬名用戶的 Yangon, will be a joint venture with “I don’t see this (move) leading to a 資料。根據Facebook之前公佈的數 Singapore-based law firm Selvam, it stampede.” 字,2012年6月至12月期間,美國政 said. The 700-lawyer Duane Morris 府機構要求索取大約1.8萬到1.9萬個 does not have a presence in Hong Kong, - Reuters News
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relief from double taxation, as well as the exchange of information related to tax imposed by the laws of Hong Kong or such other jurisdiction. Thus, pursuant to the Bill, Hong Kong may now enter into what is commonly referred to as a standalone tax information exchange agreement (“TIEA”).
Prior to passage of the Bill, Hong Kong could exchange tax information only with jurisdictions with which it had entered into a comprehensive avoidance of double taxation agreement (“CDTA”). Hong Kong is currently a signatory to 29 CDTAs. The introduction of the Bill follows a recommendation from the OECD’s Global Forum on Transparency
REUTERS/Chaiwat Subprasom and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (the “Global Forum”), an A Myanmar woman speaks on her mobile phone near a portrait of Myanmar’s opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. intergovernmental body established 一位緬甸女子在反對黨領袖昂山素基的肖像前說手機。 to ensure the implementation of internationally-agreed standards for exchange of tax information and Duane Morris成為首間在緬 Duane Morris律師事務所在緬甸開設辦 transparency. 事處的商業策略提出質疑。 甸設立辦事處的美國律師行 Without the introduction of TIEAs, Hong Kong faced the prospects of failing 總部位於美國費城的Duane Morri律師事 「為何不先作為外在投資團體的代表, 並之後(大概很久之後)才決定在該處 the Global Forum’s review, potentially 務所於上月宣布,它們跨進東南亞的一 resulting in its characterisation as 開設辦事處會帶來什麼樣的價值呢?」 個新領域,成為首間在緬甸開設辦事處 an uncooperative jurisdiction. The 的美國律師行。 Phillips在一封電子郵件中道。 passage of the Bill indicates Hong Kong’s commitment to maintaining its 該行稱,辦事處將位於首都仰光,是一 「我不認為此(舉)會令大家蜂擁跟 reputation as an international financial 隨。」 所與新加坡Selvam律師事務所共同成立 hub. However, while the legislative 的合資企業。據其網站顯示,這間擁有 - 路透社新聞 changes bring Hong Kong closer to the 700名律師的Duane Morris律師事務所 Global Forum’s standards, it remains 在香港並沒有設立辦事處。 to be seen whether other jurisdictions, Taxation 稅務 particularly major trading partners, 兼任Duane Morris律師事務所行政總裁 will continue to be incentivised to enter 及主席的John Soroko拒絕透露因哪些 Inland Revenue into a CDTA with Hong Kong when the 客戶驅使該行作出此舉,只是表示當中 Ordinance Amended to information can be obtained under a 包括有意投資緬甸的能源和天然資源產 Allow Standalone Tax TIEA. 業的公司。 Information Exchange The Bill also enables Hong Kong to enter into an intergovernmental Soroko說:「我們認為作為該處首家美 Agreements agreement (“IGA”) with the US, under 國律師行,我們將取得先行優勢。」 Hong Kong recently passed the Inland which financial institutions would be Revenue (Amendment) Bill 2013 (the 但在新加坡和上海均設有辦事處的盛德 permitted to report information on the “Bill”) on July 10, 2013. This allows the financial accounts of any US citizen, 國際律師事務所主席Carter Phillips則對 city to agree with another jurisdiction green card holder or tax resident as
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provided under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”). Under such an IGA, financial institutions would be subject to disclosure obligations under FATCA and share their clients’ information with the US government via the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department. This will have significant implications for numerous Hong Kong residents that have close US ties.
- Andrew Abernethy, Partner, and Albert J. Suh, Associate, Akin Gump Straus Hauer & Feld
政府修訂《稅務條例》讓香 港可簽訂獨立的稅務資料交 換協定
最近,香港於2013年7月10日通過 根據交換協定獲得時,香港會否繼續鼓 納稅法案》下的披露資料責任,並透過 《2013年稅務(修訂)條例草案》(下 勵其他稅務管轄區,特別是主要貿易夥 香港稅務局向美國政府披露其客戶的資 稱「《草案》」),讓香港能夠與其他 伴,與香港訂立全面性協定,則尚未有 料。這對於與美國有密切關係的不少香 稅務管轄區議訂雙重課稅寬免,以及 定論。 港居民而言,影響將非常顯著。 交換由香港或該另一稅務管轄區的法律 此外,《草案》亦讓香港可以與美國訂 - 安博廉合夥 人與徐圭廷律師, 所施加的稅項的資料。因此,根據《草 立跨政府協定,根據美國《海外賬戶納 美國艾金 ● 崗波律師事務所 案》,香港現在可訂立一般稱之為的獨 稅法案》,金融機構在該協定下,可呈 立的稅務資料交換協定(下稱「交換協 報任何美國公民、綠卡持有人或稅務居 定」)。 民的財務賬戶中的資料。根據該跨政府
在《草案》通過前,香港只可以與已跟 協定,金融機構須履行美國《海外賬戶 其簽訂全面性避免雙重徵稅協定(下稱 「全面性協定」)的稅務管轄區交換稅 務資料。目前香港已簽訂的全面性協定 Feel free to write in to us with more short contributions on latest industry 有29份。引入《草案》是因為經合組織 developments and trends. Simply contact the editor at: 的稅務透明化及有效交換資料全球論壇 vince.chong@thomsonreuters.com (下稱「全球論壇」)的一項建議,而 本刊歡迎各位提交短篇文章,廣大讀者分享業界的最新發展和動態。請與本刊編輯 這個跨政府組織是為確保國際議定的稅 聯絡,電郵: vince.chong@thomsonreuters.com 務資料交換及透明度標準得以落實而成
立的。 The information provided here is intended to give general information only. It is not a complete statement of the law. It is not intended to be relied upon or to be a substitute for 如果不引入交換協定,香港將不能夠通 legal advice in relation to particular circumstances. 過全球論壇的評估,有可能導致香港被 本欄所提供的資訊僅屬一般資訊,並不構成相關法律的完整陳述,亦不應被依賴為任何 評為不合作的稅務管轄區。《草案》的 個案中的法律意見或被視作取代法律意見。 通過顯示香港致力維持作為國際金融中 心。然而,修訂法例雖然讓香港能夠更 For full Reuters reports, please visit reuters.com 如欲查閱路透社的完整報導,請瀏覽 貼近全球論壇的標準,但當稅務資料可 reuters.com
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ADMINISTRATIVE LAW X’s behalf to satisfy the permanence 行政法 requirement. X now appealed arguing that: (a) Gutierrez Joseph James v the Tribunal erred in concluding that Commissioner of Registration because M had not established the [2013] 3 HKLRD 319 ordinary residence and permanence requirement, X could not establish Court of Appeal either condition precedent; and (b) But M had come nowhere near Civil Appeal No 22 of 2012 three short absences from Hong Kong establishing that X, through her, had Stock V-P, Fok and Barma JJA in the seven years before the VEPIC taken Hong Kong as his permanent 7 May, 7 June 2013 application should not be seen as place of residence. Also, Section 2(6) breaking continuous ordinary residence. of the Ordinance presupposed that the person who was temporarily absent Permanent residence — child Held, dismissing the appeal, that, was a Hong Kong resident who had inter alia: born in Hong Kong to foreign permission to reside here during that domestic helper-mother While the vast majority of cases would absence. X however, was a mere visitor, see a child following the parent’s place and any permission to enter Hong Kong A Philippine foreign domestic helper of residence and plans, in rare cases, expired at the end of the stipulated (“M”) had worked in Hong Kong since compelling circumstances could lead period or on his departure if earlier. 1991. Her son (“X”) was born in Hong to a parent and child having different Kong in 1996. X lived here with M permanent homes. Where a custodian 上訴法庭 wherever she resided for the purpose parent asserted that, despite being 高等法院民事上訴2012年第22號 of her employment with permission to unable to establish Hong Kong as his remain as a visitor. In December 2006, or her permanent home, he or she 高等法院上訴法庭副庭長司徒敬、 when M was with her seventh employer, had made Hong Kong the child’s sole 高等法院上訴法庭法官霍兆剛及 she applied for Verification of Eligibility permanent residence, the relevant 鮑晏明 for a Permanent Identity Card (“VEPIC”) immigration body was duty bound to 2013年5月7日、6月7日 for herself and X. The Commissioner decide whether the parent had indeed of Registration (the “Commissioner”) done so. and the Registration of Persons 永久居住地—女性外籍家庭傭工 Here, the Tribunal did not ask whether Tribunal (the “Tribunal”) rejected the 在香港所生的子女 M had shown that, whatever her own applications and appeals. position and future, she had secured 一名菲律賓籍家庭傭工(下稱「外傭」) M and X’s applications for leave to Hong Kong as X’s sole place of 自1991年起一直在香港工作。她的兒 apply for judicial review were dismissed, permanent residence. Given its rigid 子(下稱「兒子」)於1996年在香港出 with the judge then holding that M approach, the Tribunal had misdirected 生。兒子跟隨外傭在香港生活,居住在 had not taken any concrete steps on itself.
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外傭為工作的目的而居住的地方,並獲 D v Secretary for Justice in the discharge of its duty to disclose 准以訪客身份留港。2006年12月,當外 [2013] 3 HKLRD 373 to the defence unused materials within its possession or control could 傭正為第七位僱主工作期間,她為自己 Court of Appeal impinge on the fairness of trial and 及兒子提出核實領取永久性居民身份證 Civil Appeal No 98 of 2013 result in a material irregularity or unsafe 資格的申請(下稱「資格」)。人事登 Lam JA, Derek Pang and Thomas Au JJ conviction. 記處處長(下稱「處長」)及人事登記 7, 24 June 2013 As a matter of discretion, X’s application 審裁處(下稱「審裁處」)駁回有關申 should not be granted. This was a clear 請和上訴。 Criminal proceedings — case where X had a remedy in the Case 外傭和兒子提出司法覆核許可申請但被 decision by Secretary for Justice and should have applied for directions 拒,法官裁定外傭並沒有代兒子採取任 to disclose unused materials in the criminal proceedings on matters such as disclosure, and urgent interim 何具體步驟以符合永久居住地的規定。 seized from applicant to defendants in ongoing criminal relief if necessary, instead of seeking 外傭現提出上訴,指:(a)審裁處認為因 proceedings judicial review. 外傭未能符合通常居港及永久居住地的 Further, the judge assigned to deal with The court refused X leave to apply for a 規定,因此兒子亦未能符合這兩項先決 pre-trial applications would balance judicial review of a Secretary for Justice 條件任何一項的結論是錯誤的;及(b)在 the competing interests of the public (the “Secretary”) decision to disclose and the parties involved and to decide 提出有關資格的申請前七年內三次短期 documents and information obtained what procedure to adopt to safeguard 離港不應被視為中斷連續通常居住期。 or seized from X as unused materials in everyone’s interest, including X’s a pending criminal case (the “Case”). 裁決 - 駁回上訴,除其他事項外: anonymity and the defendants’ right to On X’s appeal, the Secretary gave an a fair trial. 雖然絕大多數情況下子女會跟隨父或母 undertaking to withhold disclosure for 的居住地和計劃,但在極少數情況下, 14 days, within which X was to have the application set down before the 基於迫不得已的情況,子女的永久居 上訴法庭 judge to consider and deal with the 住地可能會與父或母的永久家園有所不 高等法院民事上訴2013年第98號 need for interim protection thereafter. 同。即使負責管養子女的父或母聲稱, Consequently, X did not consider it 高等法院上訴法庭法官林文瀚、 他或她雖無法確立香港為其永久家園, necessary to proceed with the appeal, 高等法院原訟法庭法官彭偉昌及 但已經以香港作為其子女的唯一永久居 but now sought leave for it to be 區慶祥 住地,但相關的入境機關有責任要決定 withdrawn rather than dismissed, 2013年6月7、24日 該父或母有否付諸實行。 so that it could be reinstated if the judge in the Case declined to hear the 在本案中,審裁處並沒有問及外傭是否 application. 刑事法律程序—律政司司長決定 能夠證明她已確保香港為兒子的唯一永 在正在進行的刑事法律程序中向 Held, dismissing the appeal, that, 久居住地,而不管她自身的處境和將來 inter alia: 被告人披露從申請人檢取而未經 如何。審裁處採用的方法苛刻,給自己 採用的材料 As a matter of discretion, the court 定下錯誤的指引。 would not typically entertain judicial 律政司司長(下稱「司長」)決定在一 然而,外傭絲毫未能確立兒子已經通過 review proceedings which would 宗待決的刑事案件(下稱「該案件」) 她以香港作為永久居住地。此外,有關 interfere with ongoing criminal 中把從申請人檢取或取得的文件及資料 processes, including the decisions of 《條例》第2(6)條的前提是,該名暫時 列為未經採用的材料披露,申請人提出 the Director of Public Prosecutions to 離港的人士須為香港居民,並且在該段 司法覆核許可申請,但遭法庭駁回。就 prosecute or the decision of a judge to 離港期間有權在香港居住。然而,兒子 refuse to stay criminal proceedings. 申請人的上訴,司長承諾在14天內不 僅屬訪客身份,而且當規定的期限結束 作披露,讓申請人在該段期間將有關申 Here, what X was seeking to achieve 或他在期限結束前離港,任何進入香港 請排期在審理該案件的法官席前聆訊, was a substantial interference with the 的准許即告失效。 conduct of the criminal proceedings. 以考慮和處理該14天後的臨時保護需 Any attempt to fetter the prosecution 要。結果申請人認為無需進行上訴,但
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現向法庭尋求許可撤回有關上訴,而非 At a trial to determine issues regarding 「被視作已提問」程序—把證人 撤銷有關上訴,以便如果該案件的法官 sale of company shares, a number of 陳述書中提到而對其他證人的證 拒絕聆訊有關申請,申請人仍可恢復有 measures were adopted to ensure that 供有影響的事項視為已向該等證 the trial did not overrun its allotted 關上訴。 人作提問 period. These included a direction that 裁決 - 駁回上訴,除其他事項外: witnesses’ statements should stand as 在一宗關於出售公司股份的審訊中,法 their evidence-in-chief; and a “deemed 就行使酌情權而言,如果司法覆核法律 庭為確保審訊不超出指定時限而採取了 put” procedure, proposed by one of 多項措施。這些措施包括:指示各證人 程序會干擾到正在進行的刑事程序,則 the parties (“M”), by which matters 的陳述書須作為其主問證據;及由訴訟 法庭通常不會受理該司法覆核法律程 mentioned in a witness’s statement 序,包括刑事檢控專員提出檢控的決定 were deemed to have been put to 其中一方(下稱「美亞」)提議的「被 或法官拒絕擱置刑事法律程序的決定。 other witnesses upon whose evidence 視作已提問」程序,即把證人陳述書中 they impacted, so that it would not be 提到而對其他證人的證供有影響的事項 在本案中,申請人所尋求達到的事情, necessary for every specific matter to 視為已向該等證人作提問,從而無須向 會對有關刑事法律程序的進行造成重大 be put to each witness, subject to an 每名證人提出每項特定事項,但受具凌 干擾。企圖約束控方履行向辯方披露 overriding requirement of fairness. The 駕性的公平原則所約束。下級法院裁定 由其管有或控制而未經採用的材料的職 lower court found in favour of the other 訴訟的另一方(下稱「答辯人等」)勝 責,可能影響審訊的公正,並導致重大 party (“Rs”) and M appealed. 訴,美亞不服上訴。 的不當之處或不穩妥的定罪。 Held, dismissing the appeal, that, inter alia: 裁決 - 駁回上訴,除其他事項外: 就行使酌情權而言,申請人提出的申請不 雖然可能有理由需要加快進程及試圖使 應獲批。本案相當明確,申請人可在該案 While there might be reason for expedition and attempting to keep 審訊在編配的時間內完成,但採用「被 件中獲得補救,並應在有關刑事法律程序 the trial on course to finish within 視作已提問」的程序,潛在困難重重。 中就披露等事宜申請指示及(如有需要)緊 the time allotted, the adoption of the 本案的情況尤其如是,證人透過證人陳 急中期濟助,而不是尋求司法覆核。 “deemed put” procedure was fraught 述書提供證據,其證人陳述書並不是對 with potential difficulties. This would 再者,獲派予處理審訊前申請的法官會 其他證人證據的回應,而且口頭主問證 particularly be the case where, as here, 平衡公眾及涉案各方的互相競求利益, the evidence of witnesses was given by 據(如有的話)有限,以致證人未能處理其 以及決定要採取甚麼程序以保障每一方 their witness statements, which were 他證人所提出的事宜。 的利益,包括不披露申請人的身分及被 not responsive to the evidence of other 就幾乎就每宗案件而言,較適宜的做法 告人等獲得公平審訊的權利。 witnesses, and where there was limited, 是,把訴訟一方論據中的重要部分向其 if any, oral evidence-in-chief in which 他證人(如該等證人的證供或會受到影響) matters raised by other witnesses were CIVIL PROCEDURE dealt with. 作提問,讓該等證人得到充分和公平的 機會就該等事項作出回應。 民事訴訟程序 It would be preferable, in almost every case, for important aspects of a Aspial Investment Ltd v Mayer Corp party’s case to be specifically put to the Development Int’l Ltd [2013] witnesses on whose evidence they might Turbo Top Ltd v Lee Cheuk Yan 3 HKLRD 276 impact, so as to afford such witnesses a [2013] 3 HKLRD 41 full and fair opportunity to comment on Court of Appeal Court of First Instance those matters. Civil Appeal No 162 of 2012 High Court Action No 694 of 2013 Fok, Lunn and Barma JJA 上訴法庭 Godfrey Lam J in Chambers 14–16, 24 May 2013 3, 6 May 2013 高等法院民事上訴2012年 第162號 “Deemed put” procedure — Trespass — restraining matters mentioned in witness’s 高等法院上訴法庭法官霍兆剛、倫 defendants from protesting statement deemed to have been 明高及鮑晏明 Five defendants (“D1–5”) were directly put to other witnesses upon 2013年5月14-16日、24日 whose evidence they impacted involved in a strike by dock workers
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Protesting dock workers and their supporters attend a rally outside Cheung Kong Center at Hong Kong’s financial Central district. 抗議碼頭工人和他們的支持者在長江集團中心外集會。 for better working conditions. The a mandatory injunction for Ds to remove not grant an interlocutory or mandatory sixth (“D6”) was an unrelated group of all such objects. injunction to prevent any demonstrations demonstrators. In April, striking dockers within the Lot and outside the Building Held, granting P’s application in part, employed by the company HIT erected or remove temporary objects there. that, inter alia: structures such as tents and canopies But P was entitled to the continued and held protests outside the Cheung There was some force to Ds’ submission protection denying D1–6 entry to the Kong (“CK”) Center (the “Building”); CK that Section 46 of the Trade Unions Building until trial; the Building was subsidiary HWL had an indirect 27.6% Ordinance (Cap. 332) prima facie applied, private property within P’s exclusive interest in HIT, and the Building housed since it protected peaceful picketing at possession and the public had no right the office of HWL’s Chairman. or near a place where “a person” worked over it. or carried on business. It did not require The plaintiff (“P”), an indirect subsidiary that the place must be where the pickets of HWL, was the grantee of land housing worked or carried on business. 原訟法庭 the Building, and certain open space around it (the “Lot”), part of which was Another highly significant factor was that 高等法院民事訴訟2013年 designated for the use of the public the demonstrations had been peaceful; 第694號 the disruptive conduct inside the Building “for all lawful purposes”. A group of 21 高等法院原訟法庭法官林雲浩 was caused by persons other than strikers protesting students then entered the (內庭聆訊) Building and protested in CK’s reception and trade unionists. Also, the police had area on the seventh floor. issued notices of no objection to intended 2013年5月3日、6日 public meetings at the Building. P obtained an ex parte injunction restraining Ds from protesting inside Still, given the narrow and often-busy 侵入—阻止被告人等進行抗議 public walkway by the Lot, the balance of the Building and then sought an urgent 五名被告人(下稱「第一至第五被告 interlocutory injunction to restrain convenience favoured a limited interim 人」)有份直接參與碼頭工人為爭取改 Ds from protesting and keeping any injunction to clear certain temporary 善待遇而發起的罷工。第六名被告人( temporary structure on the Lot, as well as structures. The Court however, would
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下稱「第六被告人」)為一群沒有關連的 該建築物外進行示威,或清除在該處的 示威者。本年四月,受僱於香港國際貨 任何臨時物品。 櫃碼頭的罷工碼頭工人,在長江(下稱 但原告人直到審訊前,有權繼續拒絕第 「長江」)中心(下稱「該建築物」) 一至第六被告人進入該建築物,因為該 外搭起帳篷及簷篷等搭建物,並進行抗 建築物屬原告人獨有享有的私人財產, 議,這是因為長江的附屬公司和記黃埔 公眾並不享有任何權利。 間接持有香港國際貨櫃碼頭的27.6%權 益,而和記黃埔主席的辦公室位於該建 築物。 CRIMINAL 刑法 原告人為和記黃埔的間接附屬公司,亦 是該建築物位處的土地及該建築物周圍 HKSAR v Chen Huandi 若干公共空間(下稱「該地段」)的承 [2013] 3 HKLRD 188 授人,而部分公共空間被指定供公眾「 Court of Appeal 就所有合法目的」使用。其後,一行21 Criminal Appeal No 523 of 2011 Held, quashing the conviction and 名學生進入該建築物,在長江位於七樓 Yeung V-P, Cheung JA and Judianna ordering a retrial, that: 的接待區進行抗議。 Barnes J The directions to the jury as a whole 原告人取得單方面禁制令,禁止被告人 27 November, 13 December 2012 were deficient. The judge in the lower 等在該建築物內抗議,並且隨後向法庭 court did not clearly and specifically 申請一項禁止被告人等在該地段上進行 Dangerous drugs — trafficking remind them that even if they rejected 示威及保留任何臨時搭建物的緊急非正 —failure by judge to give D’s explanations for her earlier trips, they could not rely on this to find her 審禁制令,以及一項強制被告人等移除 adequate directions as to guilty. While he did say in his summing- 所有該等物品的強制性禁令。 credibility and drawing of adverse inferences up that the jury were obliged to find D 裁決 - 准許原告人申請的某部分,除其 not guilty if they considered what she The defendant (“D”) was convicted of 他事項外: said might be true, such direction was trafficking in a dangerous drug – she inadequate. 被告人等的陳詞指,《職工會條例》 arrived at Hong Kong airport on 3 April Of even greater importance was the (第332章)第46條表面看來適用,理 2011 and was stopped by customs prejudice to D arising from the evidence officers who found the drug in her 由是此條保障出現於或臨近任何人工作 of those trips. The possibility that the suitcase. Under caution, D claimed 或營業的地方的和平糾察活動,法庭認 jury would draw the inference that that the suitcase was not hers, and that 為這點具有一定說服力。此條並沒有規 even before the present offence, D had while in Kuala Lumpur, the brother of already trafficked in drugs during the 定示威的地點必須是示威人士工作或營 her Guinean boyfriend had given her the previous trips could not be ruled out on 業的地方。 suitcase and told her that it contained the facts. Yet, the judge did not clearly clothing samples. At trial, D gave 另一個非常重要的因素是,示威活動一 remind the jury that D was charged evidence that she lived in Guangzhou 直都和平地進行,而該建築物內發生的 solely with the present offence and not with her boyfriend, who had arranged for any other drug trafficking activity. 破壞性行為是由罷工工人及工會人員以 for her to go to Malaysia where X would 外的人所造成的。此外,警方已就擬在 help her to apply for a Guinean visa. 上訴法庭 該建築物舉行的公眾集會發出不反對通 Between 7 June 2010 and 3 April 2011, D 知書。 had also made four trips each to Kuala 高等法院刑事上訴2011年 Lumpur and Bangkok and frequently 第523號 不過,由於該地段附近的行人路狹窄且 returned to mainland China via Hong 繁忙,法庭考慮過方便上的衡量,認為 高等法院上訴法庭副庭長楊振權、 Kong. These trips, the prosecution 高等法院上訴法庭法官張澤祐及高 有必要頒下有限的臨時強制令,清除某 suggested, were towards preparation for 等法院原訟法庭法官張慧玲 些臨時搭建物。然而,法庭不會給予非 drug trafficking. D applied for leave to 2012年11月27日、12月13日 正審或強制性禁令,阻止在該地段內及 appeal against conviction.
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危險藥物—販運—法 D’s conduct in having sexual intercourse 官未有就可信性及不 with X twice while she was inebriated 利的推論給予足夠的 and completely unconscious would have certainly brought suspicion 指引 upon himself. Further, he had lied to 被告人在2011年4月3日抵達 investigating officers and repeated 香港機場時,被海關人員截 those lies while giving evidence on oath. 停,並在她的行李箱發現毒 Moreover, although the case could have 品,她其後被裁定販運危險 proceeded on the very simple factual 藥物罪成。被告人在警誡下 issues; the position that D chose to take — which was not accepted by the 稱該行李箱不是她的,以及 jury and had largely been rejected by 她在吉隆坡時,其畿內亞藉 this court — had wasted considerable 的男朋友的兄弟把該行李箱 time and indirectly public money. D’s 交給她,並告訴她內有衣服 improper conduct should not be 樣辦。被告人在審訊中作供 encouraged, and he had to pay for it. 稱,她在廣州的同居男朋友 安排她到馬來西亞申請畿內 上訴法庭 亞簽證,而男朋友的兄弟身處當地,可 HKSAR v Sung Pui Kit [2013] 3 HKLRD 高等法院刑事上訴2011年 協助她辦理簽證。 387 第285號 在2010年6月7日至2011年4月3日期 Court of Appeal 高等法院首席法官張舉能、高等法 間,被告人亦先後到過吉隆坡及曼谷各 Criminal Appeal No 285 of 2011 院上訴法庭副庭長楊振權及高等法 四次,並多次經香港返回內地。控方指 Cheung CJHC, Yeung V-P and 院上訴法庭法官張澤祐 這些旅程是為販運毒品作預備。被告人 Cheung JA 2013年1月16日 16 January 2013 就定罪提出上訴許可申請。
裁定 - 撤銷定罪及下令重審: Defendant’s general conduct 被告人和控罪有關的一般行為及 in relation to charge against 在調查和審訊階段時的行為足以 向陪審團作出的指引整體上不足。下級 him and conduct during 令法庭拒絕判給訟費 法院的法官沒有清楚及明確地提醒陪審 investigation and trial justified 團,即使他們不接納被告人對之前旅程 refusal of costs 被告人上訴得直,強姦定罪獲撤銷,現 的解釋,他們亦不可以據此而裁定被告 申請原審及上訴聆訊的訟費。被告人全 The defendant’s (“D”) conviction for 人是干犯了本案的控罪。雖然原審法官 程堅持投訴人是清醒及同意並主動和他 rape was quashed on appeal and 在作出總結詞時曾對陪審團說,若果他 he applied for costs of the trial and 進行性行為。 們認為被告人說的話可能是真的,他們 the appeal hearing. D maintained 裁決 - 駁回申請: 就需要裁定被告人無罪,但這些指引是 throughout that the complainant 不足夠的。 (“X”) was sober and consenting, and 鑑於被告人和控罪有關的一般行為以及 had taken the initiative to have sexual 在調查和審訊階段時的行為/取態,法庭 更重要的是,這些旅程的證據對被告人 intercourse with him. 將行使其酌情權剝奪他全部訟費。 不利。陪審團極有可能認為被告人在本 Held, dismissing the application, 被告人在投訴人酒醉及全無知覺的情況 控罪前在該等旅程期間已販運毒品,而 that: 這些推論根據案情並非是完全沒有可能 下和她兩次性交,必會招致別人對他起 The court would exercise its discretion 疑。此外,他向調查員說謊,並在宣誓 的。然而,原審法官並沒有清晰地提醒 to deprive D of all costs given his 陪審團被告人只是被控告這次的控罪, general conduct in relation to the 下作供時重覆該些謊言。 而沒有被控以進行任何其他販毒活動。 charge against him and his conduct/ 再者,雖然案件的爭議可以是非常簡 position during investigation and at 單的事實爭議,但被告人的取態(該取 trial.
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議維持原判,被告人對此提出上訴申請 態不獲陪審團認同,亦大部分不獲本庭 circumstances to nine years, then by a third for plea to six years’ imprisonment. 但被駁回。被告人於事發前一天晚上把 接納)卻浪費了大量時間及間接損耗公 D applied for leave to appeal against 通渠水注入一個容器並放進手提包。她 帑。被告人的行為不應鼓勵,而他亦需 sentence. 離開法庭後把該容器打開,隨即返回法 為此付出代價。 Held, allowing the appeal by 庭把容器內的液體迎面潑向丈夫。大部 substituting a shorter sentence, that: 分腐蝕性液體擊中丈夫的眼睛,有少量 There was no sentencing tariff for this 濺到她身旁的律師行文員的口部。被告 HKSAR v Wong Yuk Yee offence. The range of facts of each case 人源於中國內地,曾戰勝癌症,但卻要 [2013] 3 HKLRD 218 would vary greatly as to the nature of 放棄工作。她認為丈夫騙去一所她有份 Court of Appeal the attack and its motive, the attacker’s 付出的物業。 Criminal Appeal No 205 of 2012 mindset, the spontaneity of the attack or Cheung and Yuen JJA conversely the degree of planning, how 案發後,她被診斷為中度抑鬱症發 12 April 2013 real and specific was the intent to cause 作,但她對治療反應良好,再犯的機 injury and other pertinent features 會非常低。丈夫並沒有原諒被告人。 bearing on the degree of culpability. Criminal sentencing — 下級法院的法官考慮到被告人對法院 throwing corrosive fluid with Notwithstanding D’s fraught emotional 命令不滿而進行攻擊屬加刑因素,於 state at the time of the offence, the intent to do grievous bodily 是採納11年為量刑起點,並基於她的 harm — appropriate extent of case was serious. But while the judge 個人情況把刑期減至九年,再作三分 enhancement of sentence was correct to adjust the starting point upwards to reflect the aggravating 一認罪扣減至監禁六年。被告人就判 In divorce proceedings against her feature that was D’s disappointment 刑提出上訴許可申請。 husband (“H”), D’s application to with a court order, the two-to-three- appeal against a court order upholding 裁決 - 上訴得直,並以較短的刑期取而 year increase from the starting points a settlement agreement concerning in the closest comparable cases was 代之: the distribution of family assets was too severe. As this was the first case dismissed. D left the courtroom, opened 這種罪行並沒有任何量刑指引。每宗案 of a serious attack on a litigant within a container she had filled with drain 件的案情可以有很大的差異,包括襲擊 court premises, a one-year upward cleaner and placed in her handbag the 的性質及動機、襲擊者的心態、襲擊是 adjustment on a seven-year starting previous night, then returned to the point to eight years would be adequate; 否出於突發或反之策劃程度如何、導致 courtroom and threw the fluid in H’s and reduced for plea, the total sentence 他人受傷的目的有多真實和明確,以及 face. The acid mostly hit H’s eyes, and would be five years and four months’ 關乎犯錯程度的其他相關特點。 a small amount splashed the mouth imprisonment. of the solicitors’ clerk beside her. D, 儘管被告人犯案時處於憂慮的情緒狀 originally from mainland China, had 態,但案情相當嚴重。雖然原審法官為 survived cancer, but had to give up 上訴法庭 反映被告人不滿法庭裁決的加刑因素而 her career. She felt H had cheated her 高等法院刑事上訴2012年 調高量刑起點的做法正確,但與最為相 out of the property to which she had 第205號 contributed. 若的案件比較,把量刑起點增加二至三 高等法院上訴法庭法官張澤祐及 年乃過重。由於這是首宗與訟人在法院 After the offence, she was diagnosed 袁家寧 內作出嚴重襲擊的案件,因此把七年的 with a moderate depressive episode, 2013年4月12日 but had responded well to treatment 量刑起點調高一年至八年已足夠,在認 and was unlikely to reoffend. H had 罪扣減刑期後,總刑期為五年零四個月 not forgiven D. The judge in the 刑事罪判刑—意圖造成身體嚴重 監禁。 lower court, taking into account the 傷害而淋潑腐蝕性液體—恰當的 aggravating factor that the attack arose 加刑幅度 from D being aggrieved by a court order, adopted a starting point of 11 在一宗被告人向丈夫提出的離婚訴訟 years and reduced it for her personal 中,法庭下令就分佈家庭資產的和解協
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HUMAN RIGHTS 人權 unconstitutional having regard to her not come into effect until 12 months right, inter alia, to marry under Article from the date of judgment to give the W v Registrar of Marriages 37 of the Basic Law (the “BL”) and/or legislature the opportunity to consider [2013] 3 HKLRD 90 Article 19(2) of the Hong Kong Bill of new legislation. Rights (the “HKBOR”). Court of Final Appeal Held, allowing the appeal by a Final Appeal No 4 of 2012 (Civil) 終審法院 majority, that, inter alia: Ma CJ, Chan, Ribeiro PJJ, Bokhary and 終院民事上訴2012年第4號 Lord Hoffmann NPJJ The statutory intention behind the enactment of the MO and other 終審法院首席法官馬道立、終審法 15 to 16 April, 13 May 2013 relevant laws was to reproduce the 院常任法官陳兆愷及李義、終審法 English legislation 院非常任法官包致金及賀輔明勳爵 for determining 2013年4月15-16日、5月13日 who was “a woman” for the purposes of 人權—結婚的權利—變性人—就 marriage. If the court 婚姻而言,接受手術後從男身變 was concerned solely 成女身的變性人屬「女人」 with the question of statutory construction, it W患有性別認同障礙,接受手術後現為 would have no alternative 從男身變成女身的變性人。她獲發新的 but to hold that W could not 香港身份證和護照均顯示她為女性,證 be treated as a “woman” for the 明當局正式確認她為女性。但她申請與 purposes of marriage. But in present day multi-cultural Hong Kong, societal 其男性伴侶結婚時,遭到婚姻登記官拒 changes are such that procreation was 絕,理由是她並不是《婚姻條例》(第 no longer (if it ever was) regarded as 181章)第40條中所指的「女」人,該 Human rights — right to marry essential to marriage - there was no 條文規定婚姻指「一男一女自願終身結 — transsexual person — post- justification for regarding the ability to 合,不容他人介入」。她現提出上訴, operative male-to-female have procreative sexual intercourse as a 並認為:(a)登記官誤解《婚姻條例》; transsexual was “woman” for sine qua non of a marriage. purposes of marriage 及(b)如果沒有誤解的話,則鑒於《基本 The provisions were also 法》第37條及/或《香港人權法案》第 W suffered from gender identity unconstitutional by impairing the 19(2)條所賦予她的結婚權利等,有關條 disorder and was now a post-operative right to marry; if W was precluded male to female transsexual person. from marrying a man, and - in light of 文均屬違憲。 Authorities duly certified her as female, her irreversible surgery and complete 裁決 - 以多數裁定上訴得直,除其他事 as supported by a new Hong Kong rejection of her male sexual identity 項外: identity card and passport that set her - she cannot enjoy in any meaningful her out as female. But the Registrar sense the right of marrying a woman, 制定《婚姻條例》及其他相關法律的背 of Marriages refused her wish to be she would not be able to marry at all. 後法定意圖,是為了複製確定就婚姻而 married to her male partner because A remedial interpretation should be 言「女人」的定義的英國法規。如果法 she did not qualify as a “woman” under given and declarations granted that, 院只關乎法定解釋的問題,則不得不裁 Section 40 of the Marriage Ordinance inter alia, the laws must give effect to (Cap. 181) (the “MO”), which provides 定就婚姻而言W不被視為「女人」。然 include within the meaning of “woman” that marriage is “the voluntary union 而,香港如今融合多種文化,社會出現 and “female”, a post-operative male- for life of one man and one woman to-female transsexual person whose 變化,繁殖性交是已不再(如曾有)被 to the exclusion of all others”. She gender has been medically certified 視為婚姻之基要成分,因此視具有繁殖 now appealed submitting that: (a) the by appropriate authorities to have had 性交的能力為婚姻的必要條件並不具任 Registrar had misconstrued the MO changed. Such declarations would 何理據。 ; and (b) if not, the provisions were
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有關條文損害享有結婚的權利,亦屬違 service. An eminent overseas Queen’s 憲,因為W已接受了不可逆轉的手術並 Counsel (“X”) specialising in criminal 被完全拒絕其男性身份,在任何意義上 law applied to advise and represent D in the appeal and the review. X argued 她無法享有與女性結婚的權利,假如禁 that the case in respect of Charge 4 was 止她與男性結婚,則她根本無法結婚。 of “unusual difficulty and complexity”. 法庭應作出補救詮釋及以下宣告(除其 If admitted, X would advise and appear 他事項外):有關法例中的「女」及「 together with local leading and junior counsel. The Hong Kong Bar Association 女方」等字詞的涵義,必須解釋為包括 opposed the application. 接受手術後由男身變成女身的變性人, 而該人的性別須由適當的組織證明已經 Held, allowing the application in respect of all charges, that, inter alia: 改變,這種涵義必須給予法律效力。此 宣告自判案書頒發日期起計12個月後始 The question as to the interrelationship between the privilege against self- 生效,以便立法機構就訂立新法例作出 incrimination and misconduct in public 考慮。 office in Charge 4 gave rise to a question involving unusual legal difficulty and complexity, the determination of which PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE would contribute to the development of 專業執業業務 local jurisprudence. However, the media coverage of the Re Ms Clare Montgomery QC case and D’s standing was not a factor [2013] 3 HKLRD 240 in the application. Only rarely would the identity of the personalities concerned 240小時社會服務判刑尋求覆核。一位 Court of First Instance be a factor in favour of admission of 專門從事刑法的知名海外御用大律師( Miscellaneous Proceedings No 62 of overseas counsel. 下稱「X」)提出申請,在上訴和覆核 2013 中向被告人提供意見及作為他的代表律 Barma JA 原訟法庭 師。X指案件的第四項控罪屬「異常困難 2, 15 May 2013 雜項案件2013年第62號 及複雜」。如果X獲認許,她將會與本地 資深大律師及大律師一同提供意見及出 Admission of overseas counsel 高等法院上訴法庭法官鮑晏明 for particular case — only rarely 庭。香港大律師公會反對有關申請。 would identity or standing of 2013年5月2日、15日 裁決 - 就所有控罪批准有關申請,除其 parties involved be factor in favour of admission of overseas 為特定案件認許海外大律師—只 他事項外: counsel 有在極罕見情況下,與訟方的身 第四項控罪中有關免導致自己入罪的特 The defendant (“D”) was convicted of 份或地位才可作為有利於海外大 權及公職人員行為失當兩者之間的相互 two counts of misconduct in public 律師的認許申請的因素 關係的問題,引起異常困難及複雜的法 office (“Charges 1 and 4”) and two 律問題,而對之作出裁定將有助本地法 被告人被裁定兩項公職人員行為失當的 counts of false accounting (“Charges 學的發展。 2-3”). D was the well-known former 罪行(下稱「第一及第四項控罪」)及 Head of the Department of Surgery at 兩項偽造帳目的罪行(下稱「第二及第 然而,傳媒對案件的報道及被告人的地 The University of Hong Kong, among 三項控罪」)罪名成立。被告人為知名 位並非有關申請的要素。只有在極罕見 other roles. 的香港大學醫學院外科系前系主任,同 情況下,涉案知名人士的身份才可作為 D appealed against his convictions, 時亦身兼其他職銜。 有利於海外大律師的認許申請的要素。 while the prosecution sought a review of 被告人就定罪提出上訴,而控方亦就 his sentence of 240 hours’ community
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paragraph stating “[P] says with supreme 誹謗—報刊文章—單是冒犯部分 confidence that he has had unusual 或構成誹謗,但一般讀者縱觀全 tactic ready – ‘to win over shallowness with knowledge!’” (the “Offending Parts”, 文後並不會認為所言屬實 as again unofficially translated from 原告人的電訊公司提出免費電視廣播牌 Chinese). P sued D asserting that the 照的申請。原告人接受一份中文報章( article was defamatory by suggesting that P was not only arrogant, but also 下稱「被告人」)的電話訪問,在評論 portrayed himself as superior to his 香港的媒體時用上「好淺」一詞。被告 potential business competitors and 人隨後刊登一篇標題為「[原告人]批無綫 publicly demeaned them. 『膚淺』」的文章,並在引言段落中說 Held, dismissing the action, that: 「[原告人]信心爆棚的說,已經準備好奇 In defamation action not involving 招,就是以『知識戰勝膚淺』!」(下 innuendo, the words complained of 稱「冒犯部分」)。原告人於是入稟控 are normally construed based on their 告被告人,指該文章令外間覺得原告人 natural and ordinary meaning. While the same words might bear different 不僅傲慢,而且把自己描述成較其潛在 meanings to different readers, the 商業競爭對手優勝,更公開詆毀他們, court must ascertain a single meaning 故構成誹謗。 which the fictitious ordinary reader would attach to those words, taking 裁定 - 駁回訴訟: into account the context, circumstances 在不涉及影射的誹謗訴訟中,遭投訴的 and article as a whole; this would be a question of fact. 言詞通常以其自然和一般涵義詮釋。雖 然同樣的言詞對不同的讀者可能帶有不 TORT 侵權 Here, P had not uttered the word “shallow” or words to such effect. But on 同的涵義,但法庭必須考慮文意、情形 the whole, the article bore no defamatory 及文章整體,確定一個單一涵義,而該 Wong Wai Kay v Hong Kong Economic imputation of and concerning P. An Journal Co Ltd [2013] 3 HKLRD 27 涵義是虛構的普通讀者會附加於該等言 ordinary reader would understand the 詞上的涵義;而此乃一個事實問題。 Court of First Instance single meaning of the whole article to High Court Action No 1385 of 2010 be that P would be able to profitably 在本案中,原告人沒有說過「膚淺」一 exploit a market sector. Thus, any Andrew Chung J 詞或具該意思的用詞。但就整體而言, adverse impression arising out of the 10–12, 26 April 2013 該文章並不帶有對原告人或有關原告人 discrepancies between the offending parts and the text would be held against 的誹謗指摘。普通的讀者會明白整篇文 Libel — newspaper article — D’s writer/editor rather than P. 章的單一涵義,就是原告人能夠在賺取 offending parts alone might be defamatory, but ordinary reader 盈利的情況下開發一個市場界別。因 原訟法庭 would not deem it as such when 此,冒犯部分與內文之間的差異只會令 text is viewed as a whole 高等法院民事訴訟2010年 讀者對被告人的記者或編輯留下不良的 第1385號 印象,而不是原告人。 The plaintiff’s (“P”) telecommunications company applied for a free television 高等法院原訟法庭法官鍾安德 broadcasting licence. In a telephone 2013年4月10–12日、26日 interview with a popular Chinese- language newspaper (“D”), P used the phrase “easy” – as translated from For full summaries and judgments, please refer to Westlaw and Hong Chinese - while commenting on Hong Kong Law Reports & Digest at www.westlaw.com.hk Kong’s media. D then published an article headlined “[P] criticises [TVB] for 就完整的摘要和判決書,請到 www.westlaw.com.hk being “shallow”, with an introductory 參閱Westlaw及《香港法律彙報與摘錄》。
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Legal Notices Others 其他 Amendments to Ordinances/Subsidiary Legislation • 2013/2 Consular Agreement between the People’s Republic 中華人民共和 • 2013/142 Pilotage (Amendment) Regulation 2013 - of China and the Republic of the Philippines - 《2013年領港 (修訂) 規例》 國和菲律賓共和國領事協定
• 2013/143 Pilotage (Amendment) Ordinance 2013 • 2013/3 Agreement between the Government of the Hong (Commencement) Notice - 《〈2013年領港 (修訂) 條 Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Repub- 例〉(生效日期) 公告》 lic of China and the Government of the State of Kuwait for the Promotion and Protection of Investments - 中華人民共 • 2013/144 United Nations Sanctions (Libya) Regula- 和國香港特別行政區政府和科威特國政府關於促進和保護 tion 2011 (Amendment) Regulation 2013 - 《2013年 投資協定 〈2011年聯合國制裁 (利比亞) 規例〉(修訂) 規例》
• 2013/145 United Nations Sanctions (Sudan) Regula- tion 2013 - 《2013年聯合國制裁 (蘇丹) 規例》
• 2013/146 United Nations Sanctions (Sudan) Regula- tion (Repeal) Regulation - 《〈聯合國制裁 (蘇丹) 規 例〉(廢除) 規例》
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WAN KAR YUK LU QIONG ANDREW 盧 琼 Partnerships and Firms 温嘉鈺 LATHAM & WATKINS 合夥人及律師行變動 HO ANGELA & 瑞生國際律師事務所 ASSOCIATES changes received as from 1 August 2013 MANN ZIAN HSIEN DAVID 取自2013年8月1日起香港律師會所提供之最新資料 何文琪律師事務所 文尚行
NIP CHUN YUEN • BLAKELY TIMOTHY WILLIAM WONG CHO YI 聶振遠 became a partner of Morrison & Foerster as SINDY WOO, KWAN, LEE & LO 黃楚儀 from 02/08/2013. 胡關李羅律師行 自2013年8月2日成為美富律師事務所合夥人。 WITHERS 衛達仕律師事務所 PRITMANI RAKHI ASHOK • BRAUNACK CHRISTOPHER DANIEL RIX EDWARD JAMES became a partner of Kirkland & Ellis as from 16/08/2013. SIU YUEN KEI 自2013年8月16日成為凱易律師事務所合夥人。 WU SANDRA 蕭婉琪 胡佳馨 • CHAN PUI KWAN BONNY TAM WING LOK KIRKLAND & ELLIS 譚永樂 became a partner of Lo & Lo as from 凱易律師事務所 01/09/2013. WONG & LAWYERS 黃廣安律師行 陳佩君 自2013年9月1日成為羅文錦律師樓合夥人。 TEH AMY BEE LIN THE BLACKSTONE GROUP (HK) • CHEONG WEI KIN GAVEN YAN XIANMING LIMITED joined Simmons & Simmons as a partner as 閆顯明 from 19/08/2013. TSAI LO NEI NATALIE KOO CHRISTINE M. 蔡羅妮 張偉健 & IP 自2013年8月19日加入西盟斯律師行為合夥人。 顧張文菊、葉成慶 TSE KAI CHIU 律師事務所 謝啟釗 • CHEUNG CHEUK WA PERRY joined Oliver C.M. Chan & Co. as a partner as AU TONY & PARTNERS 區兆康律師行 from 01/09/2013. CHU TAK SUM 張焯華 朱德心 UBELS ROELOF JOHAN 自2013年9月1日加入陳之文律師行為合夥人。 LO & CO., LAWRENCE K.Y. WAN WAI WING • CHO SOO CHANG ALBERT 羅家英律師事務所 温蔚榮 joined Kirkland & Ellis as a partner as from CHUNG SIN TING ANGELA WONG & LAWYERS 29/08/2013. 黃廣安律師行 鍾倩婷 自2013年8月29日加入凱易律師事務所為合夥人。 KOO DEBBIE WANG ZHENG 王 正 • CHOI PUI WAI DAVID 顧家慧 ceased to be a partner of Liu, Chan & Lam as CHAN & CO., GLORIA LATHAM & WATKINS from 01/09/2013. 瑞生國際律師事務所 陳沛賢律師事務所 蔡培偉 LEE YIH SIN EUGENE WONG PUI YAN CECILIA 自2013年9月1日辭去廖陳林律師事務所合夥人 黃佩恩 李毓星 一職。 LATHAM & WATKINS LI & LAI • CHONG WING YAN 瑞生國際律師事務所 李賴律師事務所 became a partner of Tsang, Chan & Wong as LEUNG YU CHING JESSICA WU ARTHUR from 01/09/2013. 伍尚宗 梁裕菁 莊詠恩 HOM & ASSOCIATES BOUGHTON PETERSON YANG 自2013年9月1日成為曾宇佐陳遠翔律師行合夥 譚百全律師行 ANDERSON 人。 寶德楊律師行 ZHANG YUANYUAN AMY 張媛媛 • DEBOLT MICHEL LO SHUI TENG JANET became a partner of Kirkland & Ellis as from 盧萃婷 HOGAN LOVELLS 13/08/2013. 霍金路偉律師行 TUNG & CO. 自2013年8月13日成為凱易律師事務所合夥人。 佟達釗律師行
78 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • PROFESSIONAL MOVES 會 員 動 向
• GREGOR EUGENE C • MILLER STEVEN • SZE YEUK LUNG BENEDICT joined Davis Polk & Wardwell as a partner ceased to be a partner of Mayer commenced practice as the sole as from 31/07/2013. Brown JSM as from 01/08/2013. practitioner in the name of Dacheng 自2013年7月31日加入DAVIS POLK & 施米勒 Law Offices as from 23/07/2013. WARDWELL為合夥人。 自2013年8月1日辭去孖士打律師行合 施若龍 • GRIMM DAVID GRANT 夥人一職。 自2013年7月23日獨資經營新開業大成 律師事務所。 became a partner of Paul Hastings as from • NG TIEN CHE MARGARET 09/08/2013. commenced practice as the sole • TSANG KIN PATRICK 自2013年8月9日成為普衡律師事務所合夥人。 practitioner in the name of M Ng & joined William Sin & So as a partner • HO KWAN CHUEN Co. as from 26/08/2013. as from 14/08/2013. became a partner of Ho & Partners as from 吳天智 曾 健 20/08/2013. 自2013年8月26日獨資經營新開業吳 自2013年8月14日加入冼國雄、蘇福禎 何君全 天智律師事務所。 律師行為合夥人。 自2013年8月20日成為何君雄何翠蓮何君全律 • PETKOVIC DENIS IVAN • VAN DALE JENNIFER A. 師事務所合夥人。 joined Withers as a partner as from joined Gall as a partner as from • JOHNS PUTRA GERALDINE GRACE 28/08/2013. 02/09/2013. became a partner of Minter Ellison as from 自2013年8月28日加入衛達仕律師事 自2013年9月2日加入高嘉力律師行為合 02/08/2013. 務所為合夥人。 夥人。 自2013年8月2日成為銘德律師事務所合夥人。 • RUSSO ANGELA ROHMAN • VAN EUPEN FRANCES MARY • LAM KAI PUN became a partner of Kirkland & Ellis LOUISE ceased to be a partner of Joseph S.C. Chan as from 08/08/2013. ceased to be a partner of Allen & & Co. as from 15/08/2013, and joined Tung, 自2013年8月8日成為凱易律師事務所 Overy as from 31/08/2013. Ng, Tse & Heung as a consultant on the 合夥人。 易碧菲 same date. • SHORT CHRISTOPHER JAMES 自2013年8月31日辭去安理國際律師事 林啟濱 became a partner of Weir & 務所合夥人一職。 自2013年8月15日辭去陳順祖 文國權 潘慧妍 Associates as from 02/09/2013. • WONG KAM WAH 律師行合夥人一職,並於同日加入董吳謝香律 自2013年9月2日成為韋雅成律師行合 ceased to be a partner of Hastings & 師事務所為顧問。 夥人。 Co. as from 18/08/2013, and joined • LAM KIN HUNG PATRICK • SHUM MAN WAI Edward Lau, Wong & Lou as a partner ceased to be a partner of Yap & Lam as ceased to be a partner of Sit, Fung, as from 19/08/2013. from 06/09/2013. Kwong & Shum, Solicitors as from 黃錦華 林健雄 01/09/2013, and joined Rowdget 自2013年8月18日辭去希仕廷律師行合 自2013年9月6日辭去葉欣穎、林健雄律師行 W. Young & Co. as a consultant as 夥人一職,並於2013年8月19日加入劉 合夥人一職。 from 12/09/2013. 黃盧律師行為合夥人。 岑文偉 • LEE YIH SIN EUGENE • WONG LAI LIN PHYLLIS 自2013年9月1日辭去薛馮鄺岑律師行 joined Latham & Watkins as a partner as became a partner of Choi & 合夥人一職,並於2013年9月12日加 from 01/09/2013. Associates as from 02/09/2013. 入楊振文律師行為顧問。 李毓星 王麗蓮 自2013年9月1日加入瑞生國際律師事務所為 • SILVER JONATHAN JULIAN 自2013年9月2日成為蔡氏律師事務所合 合夥人。 joined Howse Williams Bowers as a 夥人。 partner as from 01/08/2013. • WONG SIU PING • LO WING CHEONG 自2013年8月1日加入何韋鮑律師行為 ceased to be a partner of Liu, Chan & ceased to be a partner of Weir & Associates 合夥人。 as from 31/08/2013. Lam as from 07/08/2013. • STEWIEN BRETT WALTER 勞永昌 黃小萍 commenced practice as the sole 自2013年8月31日辭去韋雅成律師行合夥人一 自2013年8月7日辭去廖陳林律師事務所 practitioner in the name of Stewien 職。 合夥人一職。 & Co. as from 08/08/2013. • MAK KING TIM 自2013年8月8日獨資經營新開業 • ZHANG FAN ceased to be a partner of Herbert Smith STEWIEN & CO.。 joined Kirkland & Ellis as a partner as Freehills as from 07/09/2013. from 31/07/2013. 麥景添 張 帆 自2013年9月7日辭去史密夫‧斐爾律師事務 自2013年7月31日加入凱易律師事務所 所合夥人一職。 為合夥人。
www.hk-lawyer.org 79 • October 2013 ITH ING W THE VIP EAR MM S IS NE’S JA MUSIC TO O
與VIP樂隊一起夾BAND –
By Kamilia Lahrichi 確是賞心樂事 作者 柳秋智
Performing at Grappa’s Cellars. From left: Mr. Stephen Lai, President, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors; Dr. Tse Hung Hing, President, Hong Kong Medical Association; Dr. Alvin Chan, Vice- President, Hong Kong Medical Association; Dr. Sigmund Leung, President, Hong Kong Dental Association; Mr. Osmond Lam; Mr. Huen Wong, Past President, Law Society; and Dr. Century Tsang. 在歌柏絲意大利餐廳(Grappa’s Cellars) 演出。 左起﹕香港測量師學會會長賴旭輝﹔香港醫學會會長謝鴻興﹔香港醫學會副會長陳以誠﹔香港牙醫學會會長梁世民﹔林國輝先生﹔香港律師會前會長 王桂壎﹔曾憲紀醫生。
on’t be surprised to spot of the Law Society and the current Kong Dental Association; Susanna Dsome high-powered veteran chair of the Hong Kong International Chiu, President, Hong Kong Institute of professionals lugging music Arbitration Centre. He is also a Certified Public Accountants; and Dr. instruments through Kowloon’s hustle consultant at law firm Fried, Frank, Alvin Chan, Vice-President, Hong Kong and bustle. Quite remarkably, despite Harris, Shriver & Jacobson. Medical Association. their hectic work schedules, these Dr. Tse Hung Hing, President of the Mr. Wong plays bass. Dr. Century guys still find time to jam in a rented Hong Kong Medical Association, Tsang play the guitar. Dr. William Foo Mongkok studio. meanwhile, displays mock relief for not plays the drums, and Dr. Nick Wu “It’s embarrassing to carry your having to carry anything – he sings. plays the piano. And sometimes they instruments along crowded streets Other vocalists of this joint-professional switch roles. For example, Dr. Tse plays when you’re not young anymore,” “VIP” band, formed in 2012, include the guitar as well, even if he doesn’t confides Huen Wong, Past President Dr. Sigmund Leung, President, Hong usually carry one along.
80 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • AFTER WORK 工 餘 閒 情 ITH ING W THE VIP EAR MM S IS NE’S JA MUSIC TO O
Oh, and “VIP” stands for the very chat with Hong Kong Lawyer. He sang become close after working together,” misleading, inside-jokish moniker Very this the last time the VIPs performed. adds Dr. Leung, who is involved in a Incapable Professionals. It conveys Obviously he misses the limelight. band for the first time. perfectly the sense that this is a casual The VIPs play rock n’ roll and pop and informal outlet for professionals Time to relax music as well as “oldies” – songs from - rather, friends - from different the 1960s reminiscent of their teenage In a place like Hong Kong where it associations to relax and hang out. years. Other hits that they belt out is crucial to always be “on top of the There are lawyers, doctors, dentists include Bon Jovi’s “You Give Love A game,” devoting time to relax is key, and accountants. No musicians though Bad Name” and “It’s My Life”, as well the VIPs agree. but then again, that is perhaps the as “Proud Marie” by 1970s American “Once in a while, you have to forget whole point. This is after all for fun, not rock band Creedence Clearwater about the daily routine and enjoy work. Revival, more popularly known as CCR. happy moments, just like when you The VIPs also fancy Cantonese songs, Where it all started were young,” advises Mr. Wong, who especially those from Hong Kong rock/ is pleased and grateful that his wife The idea germinated and flourished pop band Beyond, who were hugely attends rehearsals with him. after the group met at an annual popular in the 1980s and 1990s. gathering of professionals - the Joint Jamming is also a great opportunity to The gang usually rehearses up to four Professional Sports Night - some time network and make new friends across times over a few weeks, for about two back. They decided to form a band and industries, others say. hours each, before performing on meet regularly throughout the year “I treasure the good friends that I stage. As busy professionals, they can rather than just get together during only meet after 9 pm. have made within the TLF and the this yearly dinner. VIP groups,” says Ms. Lam, who also “It is great to be able to be a “It was boring to meet just once a performed in a rock band back at professional, play music and do charity year,” Mr. Wong says. school in Canada. at the same time. I need this leisure Last February, the Law Society Live time, away from the clinic and the “Besides, music is a great way to Band, called The Learned Friends association,” says Dr. Leung, who loosen myself from the daily grind. It’s (“TLF”), formed in 2009, invited the admits to not having any other hobby. great fun to jam and enjoy a drink from VIPs to perform during a three-hour time to time.” So far, the VIP band has performed marathon concert, says Karen Lam, twice during the annual sports night, Also, as Dr. Tse points out, while it the convener of the TLF. As the TLF and a third time in a Taikoo Shing helps to have some form of musical developed over time, the two bands night spot during the charity event background, jamming is for everyone organised more joint-professional ChariSound, to raise money for the and not just professional musicians. concerts, sometimes for charity. victims of the Sichuan earthquake. Not only does it help people relax from Ring a bell? “I enjoy bringing people together to do today’s frenetic pace of life, it also, like sports, reaches across divides to pull “On a dark desert highway, cool wind something meaningful,” explains Mr. people together. in my hair; warm smell of colitas, rising Wong, who has played bass for about up through the air,” coos Dr. Tse as 40 years. But ultimately, he says, “everybody he breaks into the first stanza of the “It is also nice to come together during wants to have fun”. Looking at the VIPs, Eagles’ hit “Hotel California” during a the rehearsal and performances as we that’s not difficult to believe. n
www.hk-lawyer.org 81 • October 2013
Performing at the Sugar bar in Taikooshing to raise money for the victims of the Sichuan earthquake. From left: Mr. Huen Wong, Past President, Law Society; Dr. William Foo; Ms. Susanna Chiu, President, Hong Kong Institute of Certi- fied Public Accountants; Dr. Nick Wu; Dr. Tse Hung Hing, President, Hong Kong Medical Association; Dr. Alvin Chan, Vice-President, Hong Kong Medical Association; Dr. Century Tsang; and Dr. Sigmund Leung, President, Hong Kong Dental Association. 在太古城的Sugar bar演出,目的是為四川大地震進行賑災籌款。 左起﹕香港律師會前會長王桂壎﹔傅惠霖醫生﹔香港會計師公會會長趙麗娟﹔ Dr. Nick Wu﹔香港醫學會會長謝鴻興﹔香港 醫學會副會長陳以誠﹔曾憲紀醫生﹔香港牙醫學會會長梁世民。
天當你在熙來攘往的九龍市區, 「VIP」樂隊於2012年成立,是一支 因如此,在這群專業人士當中,他們並 某看到一群資深的專業人士,背著 來自不同專業領域的人士所共同組成的 沒有一人是扮演發施號令的角色。 樂器在繁囂的街道上低頭趕著路,請你 樂隊,其他成員還包括﹕香港牙醫學會 不要驚訝。這群資深的專業人士日間儘 會長梁世民﹔香港會計師公會會長趙麗 樂隊成立的經過 管要處理繁重的公務,但他/她們仍能樂 娟﹔香港醫學會副會長陳以誠。 成立這一個組織的意念,是源於一次有 香港各個不同專業團體人士出席的週年 此不疲地賸出私人時間,在旺角的一間 王桂壎律師在樂隊中是負責玩低音結 聚餐。在席間,他們議決組織一支樂 出租錄音室中相聚夾band。 他﹔謝鴻興醫生及曾憲紀醫生是結他 隊,並於一年四季定期舉行聚會,而非 「當你已再非年輕小伙子,但卻仍背負 手﹔傅惠霖醫生是鼓手﹔Dr. Nick Wu則 僅僅在每年一度的體育之夜才可以聚首。 著樂器,在擠迫的街道上往來奔走,確 為琴鍵手,但有時他們也會互換角色。 王桂壎律師說﹕「每年才得見一次面, 實是令人有點兒尷尬。」香港律師會前 對了,「VIP」這名稱其實非常具有 實在是叫人望眼欲穿。 」 會長兼香港國際仲裁中心主席王桂壎律 誤導成份。它是「Very Incapable 師道出他心中的感受。此外,王桂壎律 Professionals」的簡稱,意謂一群非 香港律師會的一支現場演奏樂隊The 師也是法朗克律師行的顧問律師。 常「不夠班」的專業人士,也可以說是 Learned Friends(簡稱“TLF”)於2009 他們給自己開玩笑的一個圈中綽號。然 年成立。該樂隊的召集人藍嘉妍律師 但這邊廂,香港醫學會會長謝鴻興醫生 而,更確切地說,它是由來自不同專 說,去年2月他/她們邀請了VIP樂隊各成 卻顯然沒有感受到那股壓力,因為他是 業團體的成員所組成的一個非正式組 員在一個長達三小時的馬拉松音樂會中 VIP樂隊的其中一位主音歌手,所以不必 織﹔這些專業人士包括﹕律師、醫生、 演出。隨著TLF的逐步發展,這兩支樂隊 像王律師和其他成員般,得背負樂器往 牙醫、會計師。他們都希望能夠抽空相 其後便一起舉辦更多聯合專業音樂會, 擁塞的旺角街道上擠。 聚,共同享受一段輕鬆愉快的時光。正 而其中一些更是為慈善目的而舉辦。
82 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • AFTER WORK 工 餘 閒 情
喚起往事? 王桂壎律師說﹕「我喜歡將大家一起召 藍嘉妍律師說﹕「我很珍惜那些在TLF 來,共同去幹一些有意義的事情。」王 和VIP兩支樂隊中結交的好朋友。」在加 “On a dark desert highway, cool 桂壎律師玩低音結他的日子大約已有40 拿大唸書時,藍嘉妍律師曾是學校搖滾 wind in my hair; warm smell of colitas, 年。 樂隊的成員。 rising up through the air...” 謝鴻興 醫生一邊與《香港律師》攀談,一邊哼 梁世民醫生補充說﹕「由於VIP樂隊需要 她補充道﹕「除此以外,音樂也是一劑 著老鷹樂隊(Eagles)的名曲“Hotel 經常走在一起進行排練和演出,這促使 將我從每天的辛苦勞作中解脫出來的良 California”的首節歌詞。這首歌是謝鴻 我們各成員之間的關係變得非常密切。 方。間或與一班志同道合的朋友一起夾 興醫生上一次參與VIP樂隊演出時所獻唱 」這是梁醫生首度加入的一支樂隊。 band唱歌,接著再來三五知己把酒言 的歌曲。看來,謝醫生還在回味著當天 歡,確是人生一大樂事。」 於舞臺上所感受到的「一剎那光輝」。 輕鬆要有時 此外,正如謝鴻興醫生所言,儘管具有 VIP各成員都同意,在香港這樣一個競 VIP樂隊成員玩的是搖滾與流行音樂, 一定的音樂知識水平,定會有相當程度 爭激烈的地方,大家都是「不敢落後於 但當中也有「懷舊金曲」—即20世紀 的幫助,但是夾band並非由專業音樂 人」,因此多抽一些時間為自己減壓是 60年代—他們的青蔥歲月時所流行的歌 人所獨享,任何人都可有權參與。音樂 非常需要的。 曲。其他的昔日名曲,還包括Bon Jovi 不單能夠有助人們從現今忙亂的生活步 的“You Give Love A Bad Name” 王桂壎律師認為﹕「隔不多久,我們便 伐中舒緩下來,而且它也像體育運動一 與“It’s My Life” ,以及20世紀 需要暫時將日常的公務放下,讓自己享 樣,能夠跨越界限,將各地各方的人結 70年代的美國搖滾樂隊Creedence 受片刻的歡愉,就像我們的年少時候一 聚於一起。 Clearwater Revival (通常被稱為CCR) 樣。」他很高興、也很感謝他的太太與 但最後,他指出﹕「每個人其實都希望 的歌曲“Proud Marie”。此外,VIP的 他一起出席樂隊的各次排練。 在生活中尋求樂趣。」 當我們再看一看 各成員也喜歡唱廣東歌,特別是搖滾/流 其他的成員也表示,夾band真的是一個 VIP的各名成員,便知道所言非虛。 n 行樂隊Beyond的歌曲。Beyond是20世 加深友誼和結識新朋友的絕佳機會。 紀80年代至90年代香港一支非常受歡迎 的樂隊。
每逢演出之前,VIP樂隊通常都會在數星 期內排練達四次之多,而每次的練習時 間約為兩小時。由於他/她們本身都是非 常忙碌的專業人士,因此練習只能夠安 排在晚上9點以後才進行。
梁世民醫生說﹕「在作為一名專業人士 的同時,又可以玩音樂和做善事,實在 是不可多得。況且,我也很希望有一些 私人時間,能夠在診所及學會以外的地 方,參與其他活動來舒展一下身心。」 他表示,除了參加VIP樂隊,他再無任何 其他嗜好。 Rehearsing in a private studio. 到目前為止,VIP樂隊曾經在各個專業團 From left: Dr. Nick Wu; Ms. Susanna Chiu, President, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public 體聯合舉辦的週年體育之夜中演出了兩 Accountants; Dr. Century Tsang; Dr. Tse Hung Hing, President, Hong Kong Medical Association; Dr. 次,而第三次的演出,則是在太古城的 Alvin Chan, Vice-President, Hong Kong Medical Association; Mr. Huen Wong, Past President, Law Society; Dr. William Foo; and Dr. Sigmund Leung, President, Hong Kong Dental Association. 一個晚會上,那是一項他們稱之為Chari- 在私人錄音室進行排練。 Sound(「樂善…..」)的慈善活動,目 左起﹕ Dr. Nick Wu﹔香港會計師公會會長趙麗娟﹔曾憲紀醫生﹔香港醫學會會長謝鴻興﹔ 的是為四川大地震舉行賑災籌款。 香港醫學會副會長陳以誠﹔香港律師會前會長王桂壎﹔傅惠霖醫生與香港牙醫學會會長梁世 民。
www.hk-lawyer.org 83 • October 2013
HKU study: Hong Kong laws inadequate to protect threatened animal and plant species A new report by the Faculty of Law at The University of Hong Kong (“HKU”) has concluded that while existing legislation has played a key role in eliminating most hunting of native terrestrial animals, and limited collection of valuable plant species, several ordinances are in urgent need of updating.
“A Review of Hong Kong’s Wild Animal From left: Ecological Consultant Dr. Andrew Cornish; HKU Associate Professor of Law Amanda S. Whitfort; and Dr. Fiona M. Woodhouse, Deputy Director (Welfare), Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and Plant Protection Laws”, undertaken (Hong Kong). by a multidisciplinary team led by 左起:保育專家Dr. Andrew Cornish,香港大學動物法專家韋凱雯副教授,愛護動物協會侯安娜醫生。 animal-law expert Associate Professor Amanda Whitfort, reviewed the lack protection under current laws. 港大研究報告指出香港法律對 effectiveness of five key ordinances in By analysing all the legislation intended 受威脅動植物保護嚴重不足兼 protecting wild native species in Hong to protect aquatic and terrestrial plants 過時 Kong. These were namely the Wild and animals in Hong Kong with the Animals Protection (Cap. 170), Forests 香港大學動物法專家韋凱雯副教授 intention of making recommendations and Countryside (Cap. 96), Fisheries (Amanda Whitfort)及其研究團隊,探討 to the Government for law reform, Protection (Cap. 171), Country Parks 了五條與保護野生動植物有關的香港法 Prof. Whitfort hoped to enhance (Cap. 208) and Marine Parks (Cap. 476) understanding of that legislation among 例* 的成效,認為現時法律不足以保護 Ordinances. conservation professionals, those who 香港的自然生態持續發展,對受威脅動 Hong Kong has more species of birds, have to enforce the relevant ordinances, 植物的保護尤其不足,法例內容過時, butterflies, mammals, freshwater fish and the general public. 未及回應社會對生態保育的訴求,急需 amphibians and reptiles than the UK, “There was clear consensus among the 要修訂法例。 despite the fact that the latter is over experts who assisted in our study of 200 times bigger than the Special 英國面積比香港大200倍,但香港的雀 the pressing need to update the laws Administrative Region. Unfortunately, 鳥、蝴蝶、哺乳動物、淡水魚、兩棲類 intended to protect native species in despite this disproportionate biological 動物及爬蟲類動物的種類卻比英國為 Hong Kong,” she said. richness, current legislation is 多。儘管香港物種豐富,現行法例不足 insufficient to protect Hong Kong’s For the full report, please visit 夠保護香港的自然生態,有些香港特有 natural heritage, and some endemic http://www.cpao.hku.hk/ 物種更缺乏法例保護。 species found nowhere else on Earth media/130917lawreview.pdf.
84 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • CAMPUS VOICES 法 學 院 新 聞
研究報告分析了現時保護水生及陸地動 植物的法例,並且提出法律改革建議。 韋凱雯希望能夠增加保育人士及大眾對 法例認識。「參與這次研究的專家一致 認為,香港急需要就保護本土動植物修 訂法例。」
研究報告詳細內容,請瀏覽: http://www.cpao.hku.hk/ media/130917lawreview.pdf。
* 是次報告檢討的五條條例包括:《野生 動物保護條例》(第170章),《林區及郊 區條例》(第96章),《漁業保護條例》( Photo by Dr. Billy C.H. Hau 第171章),《郊野公園條例》(第208章) 侯智恒博士提供照片
和《海岸公園條例》(第476章)。 The very high market value of the Golden-coin turtle is driving its illegal capture in Hong Kong. 金錢龜因有極高市場價值,被非法捕撈販賣情況持續。
CityU Law School Holds 5th S. McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, and 會議為一眾國際專家提供了一個平台, New Haven Conference W. Michael Reisman, the New Haven 讓他們分享利用法理學的基礎處理爭端 School aims to achieve human dignity in 的觀點與經驗。會議吸引了超過20位 The 5th International Conference jointly different societies. 國際學者和來自世界各地的學術界人士 organised by the City University of Hong Kong’s (“CityU”) School of Law, and Yale Distinguished Conference participants 參加,如北美、歐洲、中國內地和亞洲 Law School on “New Haven and other included Professor Anton Cooray, City 等。為期兩天的會議不僅運用了紐黑文 Law School, City University London, Jurisprudential Perspectives on Conflict 的理論詮釋法律議題,同時亦歡迎各與 and Former Associate Dean, CityU Law Resolution and Current Legal Problems” 會者運用其他法理學派的理論。 (the “Conference”) was held at City School; Professor Wang Guiguo, Chair University of Hong Kong on 17 and 18 Professor of Chinese and Comparative 紐黑文學派在二十世紀成立,是一套 September 2013. Law, CityU Law School; Professor 創新的學派,以跨學科的框架分析及 Michael Reisman, Myres S. McDougal 解決社會問題。這套學派由Myres S. The Conference provided a platform Professor of International Law, Yale McDougal教授、Harold D. Lasswell教 for international experts to share their Law School; Justice Jiang Bixin, Vice views and experience on jurisprudential President, The Supreme People’s Court 授及 W. Michael Reisman教授在耶魯大 foundations of dispute settlement of PRC; Mr. Rimsky Yuen SC, Secretary 學法學院創立,目的是在不同社會實現 process. The conference attracted over for Justice, Department of Justice; and 人性尊嚴。 20 international scholars and academics Professor Lin Feng, Acting Dean, CityU 參與是次會議的嘉賓包括:倫敦城市大 from around the world, such as North Law School. America, Europe, Mainland China and 學城市法學院教授暨前城大法律學院副 Asia. The two-day conference not only 香港城市大學法律學院舉行 院長Anton Cooray教授、城大法律學院 applied the New Haven Approach 第五屆紐黑文學派法理學會議 中國法與比較法講座教授王貴國教授、 in interpreting legal issues, but also 美國耶魯大學獲冠以國際法Myres S. welcomed other jurisprudential 由香港城市大學(下稱「城大」)法律 McDougal教授之稱的Michael Reisman approaches. 學院與美國耶魯大學法學院合辦的第五 教授、中華人民共和國最高人民法院副 The New Haven School is an innovative 屆紐黑文學派法理學會議(下稱「會 院長江必新大法官、律政司司長袁國強 approach founded in the 20th 議」)在2013年9月17日及18日假香港 資深大律師,以及城大法律學院署理院 century, serving as an interdisciplinary 城市大學舉行,而是次會議的主題為「 framework to analyse and resolve 長林峰教授。 紐黑文與其他法理學派處理衝突與現今 societal problems. Developed at the 法律問題的不同觀點」。 Yale Law School by Professors Myres
www.hk-lawyer.org 85 • October 2013 THE LAST WORD 趣 聞 Law around the world – eradicating waste 世界各地的法律 — 杜絕浪費 Thanks to mainland China’s current anti-corruption drive, consumers 全賴中國內地現正推行的反貪腐措施,上月 ditched the practice of giving expensive mooncakes to contacts and 中秋節期間,消費者放棄了贈送昂貴月 clients – especially those in the government - during the Mid-Autumn 餅予聯絡人和客戶(以政府人員尤甚)的 Festival last month. Such lavish pastries, Reuters reported, could include 一貫做法。據路透社報道,這些月餅非 gold-encrusted mooncakes stuffed with shark’s fin, not to mention 常奢華,不但在外鑲金而且內含魚翅, intricate jewellery-box style packaging that hid cash, liquor or other 甚至在包裝得像首飾箱的月餅盒內暗藏 goodies. 現金、名酒或其它貴重禮品。 In a separate piece of news about reining in waste and extravagance, the Chinese government also said that it will ditch 76 pointless official 在另一則有關遏止浪費及揮霍的個別發佈中, 內地政府 – and sometimes obscure – awards. Government departments will, 還表示將會撤銷76項沒有意義的官方獎項,其中有些甚至 for example, no longer be able to award prizes to tax collectors for 是莫名其妙的。例如,政府部門將不能再以「依法執法」 “administration in accordance with the law”, or to other civil servants for 為理由向徵收稅款人員頒發獎項,或以「優秀職業教育教 “excellent vocational education teaching materials”. 材」為理由向其他公務員頒發獎項。 Meanwhile, a UK court was shown for the first time footage of a palatial 另一邊廂,英國法院首次獲展示一段短片,片中展示現身 property in Nigeria where a jailed former Nigerian governor lived in. 在獄中的尼日利亞前州長James Ibori在尼日利亞時曾居住 Last year, James Ibori pleaded guilty at London’s Southwark Crown Court to 10 counts of money-laundering and fraud in one of the biggest 的物業,何等富麗堂皇。去年,他在倫敦的Southwark刑事 embezzlement cases seen in Britain, and is now serving a 13-year prison 法院承認十項洗黑錢及欺詐的罪行,被判監13年,現時在 term. 服刑中,該案乃英國史上最大的貪污案件之一。
The property – just one of Ibori’s former homes – came complete with 路透社稱,該物業建有大理石柱並設有私人健身房,更只 marble columns and a private gym, Reuters said. It revealed a level of 是Ibori多個居所之一。尼日利亞的170萬人口大部分住在 luxury unimaginable to most of Nigeria’s 170 million people, most of who 搖搖欲墜的房屋,只有少量或者根本沒有電力或自來水供 live in ramshackle housing with little or no electricity or running water. 應,該物業的奢華程度是他們無法想像的。 We hope such excess has since been redistributed by society towards the needy. 我們希望餘下資源已經重新分配到社會上有需要的人手上。
Quirky points of law courtesy of Westlaw’s 另類法律的新奇觀點(摘錄自Westlaw的每 Headnote of the Day 日案例提要) Do note that these are offered as a diversion and may not necessarily be 注意:以下內容純供消遣,所提及的未必是有效法律。 good law: 1. 雖然某些程度上子女有權分享父及母的生活標準,但供 1. While to some degree children have right to share in each parent’s 養子女的金額必須根據子女的實際需要合理和理性地設 standard of living, child support must be set in amount which is 定,即是無論父母多富有,任何孩子均沒有需要獲提供 reasonably and rationally related to realistic needs of children; that 多過三隻小馬,這稱之為「三隻小馬規則」。 is, no child, no matter how wealthy the parents, needs to be provided more than three ponies, and this is referred to as the “three pony rule.” Downing v. Downing, 45 S.W.3d.449 Downing v. Downing, 45 S.W.3d. 449 (Ky. Ct. App. 2001) (Ky.Ct.App.2001) 2. Fact that expert witness, in medical malpractice action, at one point 2. 雖然在醫療不當行為訴訟中的專家證人,曾一次把謹慎 defined the standard of care as being the viewpoint of “a leading 標準定義為一名「領先的神經外科醫生」的觀點,及多 neurosurgeon” and several times in his testimony referred to “leading 次在其證供以「領先和負責任的神經外科醫生」稱之, and responsible neurosurgeons” did not render his testimony 但不能以他不熟悉當地的謹慎標準為理由令其證供變得 inadmissible on ground that he was not familiar with local standard 不可接納,因綜觀該名專家的證供全文,顯示他並沒有 of care where expert’s testimony, taken in its entirety, revealed that 想過「領先、負責任的神經外科醫生」及不稱職的神經 he conceived of no categories other than “leading, responsible 外科醫生以外的其他任何類別,因此,其標準只不過是 neurosurgeons” and incompetent neurosurgeons and that, therefore, his standard was nothing more than the ordinary standard of care 普通的謹慎標準但以華而不實的措辭包裝而已。 couched in pompous terms. Schwab v.Tolley, 345 So.2d 747 Schwab v. Tolley, 345 So.2d 747 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1977) (Fla.Dist.Ct.App.1977)
86 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2013 • THE LAST WORD 趣 聞
We are constantly on the look-out for original humour or snippets of interest involving lawyers in Hong Kong, be it in the workplace or outside of it. Simply write in to the editor (vince.chong@thomsonreuters.com) when you come across one of these and watch people around you go: “How did they know that?” We promise anonymity. 我們一直在尋找關於香港律師們職場內外的原創幽默或佚事。如果你遇到了這樣的事,請直接發郵件給編輯(vince.chong@thomsonreuters.com), 並且留意周圍的人說:“他們怎麼會知道的?”我們保證匿名。
For full Reuters reports, please visit reuters.com 如欲查閱路透社的完整報導,請瀏覽reuters.com
TOME RAIDER - a Book Review 新 書 速 遞 INTRODUCTION TO THE HONG KONG BASIC LAW s Professor Gittings points out in his book, which includes a Achapter on what might happen after Hong Kong’s 50-year Danny Gittings autonomy ends, readability was a key aim. Acronyms are kept Hong Kong University Press 2013 to a minimum and details set up neatly and comprehensively in 賈廷思 footnotes so that the main text is kept as clean as possible. 香港大學出版社,2013 年出版 It also means that this tome reads more easily than a typical text; students, practitioners or layman readers interested in ntroduction 一書內容豐富,其中一章論述香港五十年自治期過 the “one country, two systems” regime can pick it up over a 後可能出現何等情況。此外,正如作者賈廷思教授指出,他撰寫該 morning coffee, rather than feel compelled to first assemble I 書時的主要目標之一是使其內容易於閱讀。因此,作者盡量避免使 pens, highlighters and a note pad before opening these pages. 用縮合詞,並把枝節詳列在注腳內,務求使主體內容簡潔易明。 A former journalist who reported on many of the events in the 這也令Introduction 一書較一般課本更易閱讀。對「一國兩制」 book, Prof. Gittings analyses here the content of the Basic Law 感興趣的學生、執業律師以至市民大眾,可隨時輕鬆地細味該書, based on experiences in the first 15 years following the 1997 而不用在翻開該書前預備各式各樣的熒光筆和標示貼。 handover to Chinese sovereignty, particularly in the areas of Hong Kong’s political system, judiciary and human rights. 賈廷思教授曾任職新聞工作者,亦曾親身經歷和報道Introduction一 書所載的各宗事件。他在該書中深入淺出地分析《基本法》的內 Indeed, as Mr. Justice Kemal Bokhary, Non-Permanent Judge of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, noted, Introduction 容以及《基本法》於香港回歸至今十五年以來的實施狀況,特別是 “makes a significant contribution to an important subject”. 在香港的政制、法制及人權等方面。
www.hk-lawyer.org 87 HONG KONG CIVIL PROCEDURE
With the civil courts being particularly active this year, the 2014 Edition is one of the most important editions in recent years.
2014 highlights: • New standalone Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Volume – Captures crucial provisions on Arbitration and ARB with expert commentary – Includes the new Mediation Ordinance • Extensive revisions to Volume 1, including substantial rewriting of commentary on Orders 11, 70 and 71 • Merging of Volumes 2 and 3 into one Volume • Court Forms are up-to-date providing ready-to-use templates at your fingertips
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In-house Private Practice General Counsel | 10-15 yrs PQE | Hong Kong REF: 11687/HK Dispute Resolution Partner | 10+ yrs PQE | Hong Kong REF: 11811/HK This fast growing Hong Kong-listed energy company is seeking a senior lawyer This international law firm with a strong presence in Asia is seeking an with around 15 years’ corporate experience in Hong Kong and PRC. The role will experienced litigator to spearhead its dispute resolution practice based be responsible for leading a team of professionals to provide high-level advice in Hong Kong. A strong local reputation, Hong Kong qualification and Asia and support on all legal, regulatory and company secretarial affairs for all relevant experience are required. Good Chinese language skills are preferred but jurisdictions. The ideal candidate will be a qualified lawyer with at least 10 years’ PQE not mandatory. Our client is looking for an existing partner, but will also gained in a HK listed company. Knowledge of Hong Kong Listing Rules, Companies consider a senior associate ready for that next step in to partnership. Ordinance, Takeover Code, M&A rules as well as corresponding legislations in PRC Commercial Finance Partner | 10+ yrs PQE | Hong Kong REF: 11781/HK would be an advantage. Fluent English, Cantonese and Mandarin are required. This UK law firm is seeking an all-round commercial finance lawyer with Legal Counsel, Real Estate | 10+ yrs PQE | Hong Kong REF: 11796/HK substantial regional transactional experience at an international firm to This renowned regional property development company is seeking a mid-to-senior lawyer join its Hong Kong office. Experience in syndicated loans, asset, trade and with solid tenancy and leasing experience to support its operations in Hong Kong. The structured finance is crucial. The right incumbent will have good HK/Asia role will involve responsibility for advising the group in all property-related legal matters contacts if not a fully portable book of business. including leasing and tenancy and some asset enhancement work, as well as assisting Contentious IP Partner | 9+ yrs PQE | Hong Kong REF: 11696/HK senior management on corporate law issues. Ideally, you are Hong Kong qualified with at This long-standing firm in Hong Kong is seeking a Partner-level least 10 years’ PQE in property areas gained in a leading law firm or a property company. lawyer to add expertise to their established IP practice. This role Excellent English and Chinese language skills are required. Native level of Cantonese is requires substantial contentious experience and a strong track mandatory as the role involves frequent local interaction in Hong Kong. This role provides record in Asia would be a huge bonus. Leadership credentials would competitive remuneration and a supportive working environment. be ideal for a role with tremendous growth potential. Chinese language skills are not required but viewed as an advantage. Head of Compliance, Asia | 10+ yrs | Hong Kong REF: 11778/HK One of the world’s largest insurance corporations is seeking a Head of Compliance US/UK Qualified Litigation Associate | 5+ yrs PQE | Hong Kong REF: 11726/HK Asia with insurance or banking background to oversee its operations in the Asia Join this prestigious US litigation law firm and further develop your career Pacific region. This newly created role will primarily be responsible for all compliance by working with some of the largest clients in the region. You will be either matters related to reinsurance. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 10 years US or UK qualified and have significant experience in the financial services of relevant experience in insurance or banking industries. Asian experience is highly industry. A native speaker of Mandarin or Korean is required. Previous desirable. Fluency in Chinese is preferred but not mandatory. judicial clerkship and/or work experience in Asia will be advantageous.
Contracts Manager | 5+ yrs PQE | Hong Kong REF: 11729/HK Construction Disputes Associate | 3-7 yrs PQE | Hong Kong REF: 11808/HK An S&P 500 Component conglomerate is seeking a Contracts Manager to join its Our client is an international law firm that is rapidly gaining recognition for Hong Kong office. The role will be responsible for managing and negotiating various its prominent construction practice and they are currently seeking a mid- commercial project or service contracts. The incumbent will be a qualified lawyer level associate to join their HK team to keep up with the healthy flow of with over 5 years’ experience gleaned from in-house and/or private practice roles. work. You will have the opportunity to work under the guidance of leading Prior experience in handling commercial contracts and contractual disputes is partners on high profile matters in the region. Hong Kong qualification required, in addition to strong communication skills to work effectively with both and proficiency in Mandarin are preferred but not essential. internal and external parties. Fluent English and Cantonese are essential. Litigation Associate | 2-5 yrs pqe | Hong Kong REF: 11569/HK Top-tier US firm presently has opportunities for two litigation Corporate Head | 2-5 yrs PQE | Incheon, Korea REF: 11805/HK associates to join their growing practice in Hong Kong. You will have This prestigious Korea-based pharmaceutical company is seeking an experienced corporate the opportunity to work under leading partners in the industry on lawyer to join its Incheon office. You will provide proactive legal advice and support to its some of the most high profile matters in the region. Candidates global operations including R&D, clinical research, marketing and sales activities. Our client applying for this role must be admitted to the bar in Hong Kong and is specifically looking for a US, UK, Australia or Korean qualified lawyer with 2-5 years’ fluent in both written and spoken Chinese Mandarin. Prior working experience gained in a leading law firm. Knowledge of the healthcare industry is preferred. experience at other international law firms is preferred. Absolute fluency in both Korean and English is a must.
To find out more about these roles & apply, please contact us at: T: (852) 2520-1168 E: hughes@hughes-castell.com.hk www.hughes-castell.com
FINANCIAL SERVICES FINANCIAL SERVICES BANKING COUNSEL EQUITIES & PRIME BROKERAGE COUNSEL BANKING COUNSEL EQUITIES & PRIME BROKERAGE COUNSEL LEADING INVESTMENT BANK INVESTMENT BANK LEADING INVESTMENT BANK INVESTMENT BANK OAA/465170 OAA/499180 OAA/465170 OAA/499180 A global investment bank with a strong presence in Asia is looking for a This leading international investment bank is seeking an experienced equities A global investment bank with a strong presence in Asia is looking for a This leading international investment bank is seeking an experienced equities banking lawyer to join its established team of three legal counsel. lawyer to join its established team. Covering the APAC region, the team deals banking lawyer to join its established team of three legal counsel. lawyer to join its established team. Covering the APAC region, the team deals with a wide variety of products such as cash, derivatives, and prime brokerage. Key Requirements: with a wide variety of products such as cash, derivatives, and prime brokerage. Key Requirements: Key Requirements: a minimum of four years’ PQE; Hong Kong, PRC or Commonwealth Key Requirements: aqualified, minimum ideally of four from years’ a leading PQE; Hong law firm Kong, or PRCsimilar or in-houseCommonwealth institution qualified, ideally from a leading law firm or similar in-house institution a minimum of four years’ PQE; Hong Kong and Commonwealth qualified, strong background in investment banking advisory, leveraged and aideally minimum from ofan four international years’ PQE; law Hong firm Kongor similar and in-house Commonwealth institution qualified, strongacquisition background finance, in project investment and exportbanking finance, advisory, and leveraged credit and and lending ideally from an international law firm or similar in-house institution acquisition finance, project and export finance, and credit and lending extensive experience in equity derivatives and prime brokerage fluency in written and spoken English and Mandarin is essential extensive experience in equity derivatives and prime brokerage fluency in written and spoken English and Mandarin is essential fluency in Mandarin is beneficial but not essential fluency in Mandarin is beneficial but not essential
COMPLIANCE COMMERCE & INDUSTRY COMPLIANCE COMMERCE & INDUSTRY SENIOR ANTI-BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION MANAGER LEGAL COUNSEL SENIOR ANTI-BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION MANAGER LEGAL COUNSEL GLOBAL INVESTMENT BANK MuLTINATIONAL CONGLOMERATE GLOBAL INVESTMENT BANK MuLTINATIONAL CONGLOMERATE RMu/498690 EQA/496450 RMu/498690 EQA/496450 This market leading international investment bank is seeking a senior anti- This leading multinational is seeking an experienced lawyer to join their growing This market leading international investment bank is seeking a senior anti- This leading multinational is seeking an experienced lawyer to join their growing bribery and corruption manager for APAC to work within the bank’s global risk team. Reporting to the Head of Legal, you will be responsible for a broad range of bribery and corruption manager for APAC to work within the bank’s global risk team. Reporting to the Head of Legal, you will be responsible for a broad range of management framework. commercial contracts with a focus on construction in Hong Kong and Macau. management framework. commercial contracts with a focus on construction in Hong Kong and Macau. Key Requirements: Key Requirements: Key Requirements: Key Requirements: a minimum of five years’ PQE; Hong Kong or Commonwealth qualified, a minimum of five years’ PQE; Hong Kong or Commonwealth qualified aideally minimum from ofan five international years’ PQE; law firmHong Kong or Commonwealth qualified, a minimum of five years’ PQE; Hong Kong or Commonwealth qualified ideally from an international law firm strong legal knowledge of construction or IT, ideally gained in-house within experience in risk or compliance roles within international law firms or strongthe industry legal knowledge of construction or IT, ideally gained in-house within experiencefinancial services in risk orinstitution compliance roles within international law firms or the industry financial services institution fluency in written and spoken English and Mandarin is essential solid financial services litigation experience with extensive knowledge of fluency in written and spoken English and Mandarin is essential solidanti-bribery financial act services and corruption litigation regulations experience with extensive knowledge of anti-bribery act and corruption regulations
COMMERCE & INDUSTRY COMMERCE & INDUSTRY LEGAL COUNSEL LEGAL ADVISOR LEGAL COUNSEL LEGAL ADVISOR MuLTINATIONAL CORPORATION LEADING LuxuRY BRAND MuLTINATIONAL CORPORATION LEADING LuxuRY BRAND EQA/498360 EQA/497120 EQA/498360 EQA/497120 This exclusive lifestyle brand with global operations and growing business in This leading luxury brand is seeking an experienced lawyer to join their growing This exclusive lifestyle brand with global operations and growing business in This leading luxury brand is seeking an experienced lawyer to join their growing Asia is looking for a highly motivated Legal Counsel to join their business and team based in Hong Kong and report directly to the General Counsel. Asia is looking for a highly motivated Legal Counsel to join their business and team based in Hong Kong and report directly to the General Counsel. report directly to the General Counsel. report directly to the General Counsel. Key Requirements: Key Requirements: Key Requirements: a minimum of three years’ PQE; Hong Kong or Commonwealth qualified, Key Requirements: a minimum of three years’ PQE; Hong Kong or Commonwealth qualified, a minimum of four years’ PQE, ideally from an international law firm or ideally from an international law firm or multinational corporation a minimum of four years’ PQE, ideally from an international law firm or ideally from an international law firm or multinational corporation multinational corporation solid experience in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating a broad range of multinational corporation solid experience in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating a broad range of solid corporate commercial experience with property tenancy or corporate and commercial contracts such as lease, license, distribution, corporate and commercial contracts such as lease, license, distribution, solidconveyancing corporate exposure commercial experience with property tenancy or service, construction, and employment agreements conveyancing exposure service, construction, and employment agreements fluency in written and spoken English and Mandarin is essential fluency in written and spoken English and Mandarin is essential fluency in written and spoken English and Mandarin is essential fluency in written and spoken English and Mandarin is essential
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ipo associate Banking associate Legal & Compliance Counsel Hong Kong. 5-7+ pQe. Hong Kong. 2-5 pQe. Hong Kong. 5-8 pQe. A well respected firm with a strong Hong This international firm seeks a junior to A securities brokerage with a very strong Kong capital markets practice seeks a mid level banking and finance associate East Asian footprint seeks a second lawyer mid to senior level Hong Kong qualified to join its Hong Kong office. You will be for its Hong Kong team. You will have solicitor. You should have at least five years a locally qualified solicitor with at least good exposure to investment banking experience working on HK ECM within a two years experience focused on credit documentation and advisory work pertaining similar firm environment. Mandarin language facility transactions on behalf of banks and to Hong Kong and the PRC, and preferably skills are an advantage. ref: 1041972 corporations. You will be joining a large, well also to corporate finance. Written and spoken respected practice. ref: 1040337 Mandarin skills are essential. You will help Litigation associate manage compliance matters. ref: 1042105 Hong Kong. 2+ pQe. Corporate associate Hong Kong. 2-5 pQe. Legal Counsel (intellectual property) This top rated practice in the highly Hong Kong. 10-15 pQe. competitive Hong Kong and international The Hong Kong office of a respected US law disputes area seeks to engage a Hong Kong firm is seeking corporate associates for its A global trademark portfolio manager qualified solicitor with a minimum of two specialist practice. You will have a minimum is sought by a leisure and entertainment years relevant experience. You will have a solid of two years general corporate experience multinational. You must be a seasoned IP grounding in banking disputes and complex and be qualified in Hong Kong. Ideally you lawyer with a solid law firm background, regulatory investigations. ref: 1042838 will come from another top tier practice with commercial know how and some international exposure including IPO, M&A and PE. Fluency exposure. Excellent Mandarin and English skills Corporate (M&a/pe) associate in Mandarin is required. ref: 1037199 are required. In addition to responsibilities Hong Kong. 3-5+ pQe. related to IP matters, you will contribute to senior Legal Counsel broad based commercial legal matters as part This established global law firm needs shenzhen. 6-10 pQe. a Hong Kong or England and Wales of a ten lawyer team. ref: 1038676 qualified solicitor to join its local team. You A growing and successful MNC is expanding Legal Consultant (Contract, finance) must have an excellent academic record its 15 member legal team. You will focus Hong Kong. 4-6 pQe. and top-tier legal training, plus at least on cross border M&A matters pertaining to two years experience in a similar M&A/ PRC outbound transactions, and on offshore A leading investment bank has a new short PE practice, including in respect of cross operations and financial matters generally. term (target: 3-6 months) opportunity for a border transactions on behalf of blue chip You will have relevant experience, native level derivatives lawyer with ISDA knowledge. You corporations, hedge funds and private equity Mandarin and complete fluency in English will prepare and issue Euro Medium Term houses. English, Mandarin and Cantonese (both written and spoken). ref: 1042022 Notes and review confirmations for OTC fluency is preferred. ref: 1042370 derivatives transactions with FI underlyings. Legal Counsel You will ideally be an immediately available Competition Lawyer Hong Kong. 5-8 pQe. common law qualified lawyer.r ef: 1041533 Hong Kong. Mid to senior. A renowned financial house seeks a broadly An international law firm with a strong skilled lawyer for a role within its Hong presence in Hong Kong and Greater China Kong team. With English and, ideally also, seeks a competition lawyer to join its Hong Cantonese speaking skills, you will have Kong practice. Joining as an associate, worked with investment and commercial you will have extensive experience within banking documentation and be familiar the competition and antitrust practice of with project finance as well as corporate a similar firm. Chinese Language skills are finance laws and regulations.r ef: 1042071 required. ref: 1042383
for more information about these opportunities, contact a Hays Legal expert: Daryl Hodes - in-house opportunities e: daryl.hodes@hays.com.hk Daryl Lee - law firm opportunities e: daryl.lee@hays.com.hk or +852 2521 1460. unit 5805-07, 58/f, The Center, 99 Queen’s road Central, Hong Kong.
As part of PageGroup, Michael Page is a leading professional recruitment consultancy specialising in the recruitment of permanent, contract and temporary positions on behalf of the world’s top employers. The Group operates through 153 offices in 34 countries worldwide. First established in London in 1976, we’ve been bringing job seekers and employers together for more than 30 years. Our presence in the Asia Pacific region extends across Singapore, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand.
Corporate Lawyer Banking Lawyer Funds Lawyer Legal Counsel Legal Counsel Legal Counsel › 7+ Years PQE › 6 – 12 Years PQE › 4+ Years PQE › 6 – 10 Years PQE › 2 – 5 Years PQE › 5+ Years PQE › Leading Multinational Corporation › Reputable Financial Institution › Reputable Fund House › Reputable Hong Kong Listed Film Group › Established Hong Kong Listed Fortune 500 Group › Multinational Trading Company Joining a well-established Legal Department and reporting to A global conglomerate consisting of private groups and Well-branded and well established within the region, known Highly influential film and entertainment group in Asia listed A Fortune 500 company that is listed on the Hong Kong Our client is multinational trading company, operating as the General Counsel, you will be supporting the businesses Hong Kong Mainboard listed companies. You will work to offer good working environment and work life balance. on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Supported by a Legal Stock Exchange. Working independently in Hong Kong one of the largest supply chain manager globally. This is in Greater China as well as other markets within the region. with 2 senior lawyers, reporting to the Director & General Within a sizable legal team, you will oversee and participate Manager, you will oversee and participate in a broad range of while being supported by a team of lawyers based in PRC, a newly created role to join a full legal team, where you You will advise on all legal aspects of the business and Counsel. You will advise senior management on corporate in general banking and financing matters. You will advise on corporate and commercial legal matters in the region. Your you will be responsible for supporting the Group’s Hong will be responsible to ensure the efficient and effective product development, manage the launch and authorisation transactions and investments, plus work closely with your a variety of banking work, including but not restricted to, duties include drafting, reviewing and negotiating various Kong listing and compliance related matters. You will have management of all legal matters for the group. This role of new investment products, create, review and update counterparts in the listed companies within the Group. You corporate banking, commercial banking, business banking agreements. You will also manage company secretarial the opportunity to receive exposure to the business side of will also give rise to opportunities to advise operational and offering documents, plus review agreements. You must be a must be a Hong Kong or common law qualified lawyer with and trade finance businesses. You must be a general banking work, plus handle and advise on corporate finance, risks, things by covering corporate legal work, public company functional departments on a broad range of matters such as Hong Kong or common law qualified lawyer with at least 4 7+ years’ PQE in corporate law. You have to be familiar lawyer with at least 6 years’ PQE, qualified in Hong Kong restructuring and employment matters. You will have the regulatory and general corporate commercial matters. You general corporate and commercial, retail leasing, and risk/ years’ PQE and knowledge on funds work. Candidates with with transactional work and possess knowledge on public or a common law jurisdiction. You must have experience opportunity to oversee IP matters including drafting and will be based in Hong Kong, with limited travelling involved. compliance matters. Those with experience in drafting and experience in unit trust / mutual fund / asset management companies and HK listing rules. The ideal candidate should handling financing and loans related matters, ideally gained reviewing licensing and trademarks agreements. You must You must be a Hong Kong qualified lawyer with 2 to 5 negotiating customer contracts across multiple jurisdictions related matters and exposure to investment products would be mature, with local experience and strong communication within a financial institution setting. Those with only private be a corporate commercial lawyer with at least 6 years’ PQE years’ PQE gained from a reputable local firm, familiar with will be highly regarded. You must be a Hong Kong qualified be highly regarded. You must be proficient in both English and interpersonal skills. You must be proficient in both practice experience will also be considered. You must be gained from a Hong Kong listed company. You must be drafting announcements and able to work independently. with 5 years’ related commercial experience. You must be and Chinese. English and Chinese. proficient in both English and Chinese. proficient in both English and Chinese. You must be proficient in both English and Chinese. proficient in both English and Chinese.
Please contact Olga Yung from Michael Page quoting ref: Please contact Olga Yung from Michael Page quoting ref: Please contact Olga Yung from Michael Page quoting Please contact Carolyn Woo from Michael Page quoting Please contact Carolyn Woo from Michael Page, quoting Please contact Tina Chan from Michael Page, quoting H1902570 or visit our website. H1931980 or visit our website. ref: H1914550 or visit our website. ref: H1874260 or visit our website. ref: H1694260 or visit our website. ref: H1922030 or visit our website.
Banking & Regulatory Lawyer Financial Services Lawyer Legal Counsel, Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution Associate Finance Associate Finance Associate › 7+ Years PQE › 7+ Years PQE › 5+ Years PQE › NQ – 4 Years PQE › 1 – 4 Years PQE › 2 – 5 Years PQE › Leading Corporate Bank › Regulatory Body › Leading E-Commerce Business › Magic Circle Firm › Magic Circle Firm › Leading US Law Firm A global corporate bank is expanding in Asia and has created Our client is known to offer good work life balance and Our client is a well-established e-commerce business, Our client is a top-tier magic circle firm with one of the top A prestigious magic circle firm is looking for a finance The successful candidate will work closely with the leading a position for a mid-to-senior banking and regulatory lawyer competitive packages. You will manage operational teams offering a competitive package to join their IP team. litigation practice groups within the region. They are seeking associate to join their banking and finance practice. The partners on looking after the business transactions in Hong to oversee the region. You will be responsible for legal in reviewing applications for authorisation of offering You will work in a dynamic team reporting to the Senior a well qualified litigator who possesses broad financial successful candidate will be working closely with the partners Kong, the US and overseas jurisdictions. Reporting to the matters covering corporate, trust and asset management documents and marketing materials relating to publicly Legal Counsel, responsible for a full range of intellectual litigation and / or contentious regulatory experience to join on a wide range of general banking and finance matters. You partners in the region, you will be mainly focused on IPO work, arms, together with your counterparts in Singapore, Korea offered investment products. You will manage administration property matters for the group. Based in Hong Kong, you their growing practice. The successful candidate will join must have a solid finance background, including diverse plus review and draft a variety of legal documents as well as and Taiwan. You must have 7 years’ PQE obtained in the of regulatory requirements and internal policies, plus will be assisting on trade mark prosecution matters, plus their leading team and gain the exciting opportunity to work banking and finance experience, including experience in other commercial contracts and agreements. You will possess areas of banking law and financial services / regulatory. You provisions in the Securities and Futures Ordinance. You working closely with all business units on branding advice, alongside major partners within the field. You must also be a project finance, natural resources, acquisition finance, and 2 to 5 years’ PQE and prior capital markets experience gained must have financial institution experience and be familiar must have 7 years’ PQE in corporate finance; structured compliance, licensing and M&A transactions on a global Hong Kong qualified lawyer who is either newly qualified or structured lending. This is an excellent opportunity for career from other leading international law firms will be required. You with the SFC and HKMA guidelines, plus Banking Ordinance products; funds; or financial services and regulatory. scale. The successful candidate should have at least 5 possess up to 4 years’ PQE. Candidates with prior training progression and you must be Hong Kong qualified with work will need to be able to work independently. Candidates who and other regulatory guidelines. The ideal candidate should Candidates with background in international law firm or years’ PQE in the area of intellectual property; specifically and work experience gained from leading international law experience gained from top tier international law firms in the are qualified in Hong Kong, the US and England and Wales be independent and mature with strong communication financial services would be highly regarded. You must be in the area of international trade mark prosecution matters. firms is essential. You must be proficient in both English and region. You must be proficient in English, Cantonese and are welcome to apply to this position. You must be proficient skills. You must be proficient in both English and Chinese. proficient in English. You must be proficient in both English and Chinese. Chinese. Chinese. in English, Cantonese and Chinese..
Please contact Olga Yung from Michael Page quoting Please contact Olga Yung from Michael Page quoting Please contact Carolyn Woo from Michael Page, quoting Please contact Samantha Fong from Michael Page quoting Please contact Samantha Fong from Michael Page quoting Please contact Mandy Pan from Michael Page quoting ref: H1896570 or visit our website. ref: H1917530 or visit our website. ref: H1749370 or visit our website. ref: H1938500 or visit our website. ref: H1938530 or visit our website. ref: H1876830 or visit our website.
To apply for any of the above positions, please go to www.michaelpage.com.hk/apply quoting #14218 the reference number, or contact the relevant consultant on +852 2530 6100 for further details.
Specialists in legal recruitment Legal www.michaelpage.com.hk WE KNOW RECRUITMENT { AND WE MATCH HIGH PERFORMERS WITH HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPANIES
As part of PageGroup, Michael Page is a leading professional recruitment consultancy specialising in the recruitment of permanent, contract and temporary positions on behalf of the world’s top employers. The Group operates through 153 offices in 34 countries worldwide. First established in London in 1976, we’ve been bringing job seekers and employers together for more than 30 years. Our presence in the Asia Pacific region extends across Singapore, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan, India, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand.
Corporate Lawyer Banking Lawyer Funds Lawyer Legal Counsel Legal Counsel Legal Counsel › 7+ Years PQE › 6 – 12 Years PQE › 4+ Years PQE › 6 – 10 Years PQE › 2 – 5 Years PQE › 5+ Years PQE › Leading Multinational Corporation › Reputable Financial Institution › Reputable Fund House › Reputable Hong Kong Listed Film Group › Established Hong Kong Listed Fortune 500 Group › Multinational Trading Company Joining a well-established Legal Department and reporting to A global conglomerate consisting of private groups and Well-branded and well established within the region, known Highly influential film and entertainment group in Asia listed A Fortune 500 company that is listed on the Hong Kong Our client is multinational trading company, operating as the General Counsel, you will be supporting the businesses Hong Kong Mainboard listed companies. You will work to offer good working environment and work life balance. on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Supported by a Legal Stock Exchange. Working independently in Hong Kong one of the largest supply chain manager globally. This is in Greater China as well as other markets within the region. with 2 senior lawyers, reporting to the Director & General Within a sizable legal team, you will oversee and participate Manager, you will oversee and participate in a broad range of while being supported by a team of lawyers based in PRC, a newly created role to join a full legal team, where you You will advise on all legal aspects of the business and Counsel. You will advise senior management on corporate in general banking and financing matters. You will advise on corporate and commercial legal matters in the region. Your you will be responsible for supporting the Group’s Hong will be responsible to ensure the efficient and effective product development, manage the launch and authorisation transactions and investments, plus work closely with your a variety of banking work, including but not restricted to, duties include drafting, reviewing and negotiating various Kong listing and compliance related matters. You will have management of all legal matters for the group. This role of new investment products, create, review and update counterparts in the listed companies within the Group. You corporate banking, commercial banking, business banking agreements. You will also manage company secretarial the opportunity to receive exposure to the business side of will also give rise to opportunities to advise operational and offering documents, plus review agreements. You must be a must be a Hong Kong or common law qualified lawyer with and trade finance businesses. You must be a general banking work, plus handle and advise on corporate finance, risks, things by covering corporate legal work, public company functional departments on a broad range of matters such as Hong Kong or common law qualified lawyer with at least 4 7+ years’ PQE in corporate law. You have to be familiar lawyer with at least 6 years’ PQE, qualified in Hong Kong restructuring and employment matters. You will have the regulatory and general corporate commercial matters. You general corporate and commercial, retail leasing, and risk/ years’ PQE and knowledge on funds work. Candidates with with transactional work and possess knowledge on public or a common law jurisdiction. You must have experience opportunity to oversee IP matters including drafting and will be based in Hong Kong, with limited travelling involved. compliance matters. Those with experience in drafting and experience in unit trust / mutual fund / asset management companies and HK listing rules. The ideal candidate should handling financing and loans related matters, ideally gained reviewing licensing and trademarks agreements. You must You must be a Hong Kong qualified lawyer with 2 to 5 negotiating customer contracts across multiple jurisdictions related matters and exposure to investment products would be mature, with local experience and strong communication within a financial institution setting. Those with only private be a corporate commercial lawyer with at least 6 years’ PQE years’ PQE gained from a reputable local firm, familiar with will be highly regarded. You must be a Hong Kong qualified be highly regarded. You must be proficient in both English and interpersonal skills. You must be proficient in both practice experience will also be considered. You must be gained from a Hong Kong listed company. You must be drafting announcements and able to work independently. with 5 years’ related commercial experience. You must be and Chinese. English and Chinese. proficient in both English and Chinese. proficient in both English and Chinese. You must be proficient in both English and Chinese. proficient in both English and Chinese.
Please contact Olga Yung from Michael Page quoting ref: Please contact Olga Yung from Michael Page quoting ref: Please contact Olga Yung from Michael Page quoting Please contact Carolyn Woo from Michael Page quoting Please contact Carolyn Woo from Michael Page, quoting Please contact Tina Chan from Michael Page, quoting H1902570 or visit our website. H1931980 or visit our website. ref: H1914550 or visit our website. ref: H1874260 or visit our website. ref: H1694260 or visit our website. ref: H1922030 or visit our website.
Banking & Regulatory Lawyer Financial Services Lawyer Legal Counsel, Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution Associate Finance Associate Finance Associate › 7+ Years PQE › 7+ Years PQE › 5+ Years PQE › NQ – 4 Years PQE › 1 – 4 Years PQE › 2 – 5 Years PQE › Leading Corporate Bank › Regulatory Body › Leading E-Commerce Business › Magic Circle Firm › Magic Circle Firm › Leading US Law Firm A global corporate bank is expanding in Asia and has created Our client is known to offer good work life balance and Our client is a well-established e-commerce business, Our client is a top-tier magic circle firm with one of the top A prestigious magic circle firm is looking for a finance The successful candidate will work closely with the leading a position for a mid-to-senior banking and regulatory lawyer competitive packages. You will manage operational teams offering a competitive package to join their IP team. litigation practice groups within the region. They are seeking associate to join their banking and finance practice. The partners on looking after the business transactions in Hong to oversee the region. You will be responsible for legal in reviewing applications for authorisation of offering You will work in a dynamic team reporting to the Senior a well qualified litigator who possesses broad financial successful candidate will be working closely with the partners Kong, the US and overseas jurisdictions. Reporting to the matters covering corporate, trust and asset management documents and marketing materials relating to publicly Legal Counsel, responsible for a full range of intellectual litigation and / or contentious regulatory experience to join on a wide range of general banking and finance matters. You partners in the region, you will be mainly focused on IPO work, arms, together with your counterparts in Singapore, Korea offered investment products. You will manage administration property matters for the group. Based in Hong Kong, you their growing practice. The successful candidate will join must have a solid finance background, including diverse plus review and draft a variety of legal documents as well as and Taiwan. You must have 7 years’ PQE obtained in the of regulatory requirements and internal policies, plus will be assisting on trade mark prosecution matters, plus their leading team and gain the exciting opportunity to work banking and finance experience, including experience in other commercial contracts and agreements. You will possess areas of banking law and financial services / regulatory. You provisions in the Securities and Futures Ordinance. You working closely with all business units on branding advice, alongside major partners within the field. You must also be a project finance, natural resources, acquisition finance, and 2 to 5 years’ PQE and prior capital markets experience gained must have financial institution experience and be familiar must have 7 years’ PQE in corporate finance; structured compliance, licensing and M&A transactions on a global Hong Kong qualified lawyer who is either newly qualified or structured lending. This is an excellent opportunity for career from other leading international law firms will be required. You with the SFC and HKMA guidelines, plus Banking Ordinance products; funds; or financial services and regulatory. scale. The successful candidate should have at least 5 possess up to 4 years’ PQE. Candidates with prior training progression and you must be Hong Kong qualified with work will need to be able to work independently. Candidates who and other regulatory guidelines. The ideal candidate should Candidates with background in international law firm or years’ PQE in the area of intellectual property; specifically and work experience gained from leading international law experience gained from top tier international law firms in the are qualified in Hong Kong, the US and England and Wales be independent and mature with strong communication financial services would be highly regarded. You must be in the area of international trade mark prosecution matters. firms is essential. You must be proficient in both English and region. You must be proficient in English, Cantonese and are welcome to apply to this position. You must be proficient skills. You must be proficient in both English and Chinese. proficient in English. You must be proficient in both English and Chinese. Chinese. Chinese. in English, Cantonese and Chinese..
Please contact Olga Yung from Michael Page quoting Please contact Olga Yung from Michael Page quoting Please contact Carolyn Woo from Michael Page, quoting Please contact Samantha Fong from Michael Page quoting Please contact Samantha Fong from Michael Page quoting Please contact Mandy Pan from Michael Page quoting ref: H1896570 or visit our website. ref: H1917530 or visit our website. ref: H1749370 or visit our website. ref: H1938500 or visit our website. ref: H1938530 or visit our website. ref: H1876830 or visit our website.
To apply for any of the above positions, please go to www.michaelpage.com.hk/apply quoting #14218 the reference number, or contact the relevant consultant on +852 2530 6100 for further details.
Specialists in legal recruitment Legal www.michaelpage.com.hk Hong Kong • Singapore • Beijing • Shanghai
Private Practice In-House
SENIOR M&A ASSOCIATE 5+ PQE HONG KONG GROUP LEGAL COUNSEL 8+ PQE HONG KONG Opportunity for an accomplished senior lawyer to join a leading international Well-known retail brand seeks to appoint a senior legal counsel to manage a broad firm to play a key role in running complex corporate M&A transactions, with range of legal and commercial matters, with a particular focus on China matters. a particular focus on private M&A. Attractive remuneration package and a Suitable candidates will be PRC qualified with a manufacturing and/or supply clear career path on offer. HKL 9763 chain background and solid China experience. Fluent spoken and written Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) required. HKL 9816 DISPUTE RESOLUTION & INVESTIGATIONS 3 - 6 PQE HONG KONG INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COUNSEL 5+ PQE HONG KONG Leading regional practice is looking to hire a mid to senior associate for their Global role with a consumer electronics giant. Our client requires a strong IP and Hong Kong based dispute resolution team. The role will offer a broad mixture Patent background to work closely with the product development team. The position of work but will primarily focus on commercial litigation and corporate requires extensive IP portfolio management, licensing, patent and commercial compliance/investigations matters. Hong Kong admission is required and transactional experience. Engineering degree and previous experience with a large Chinese language skills preferred but not essential. HKL 9831 manufacturer required. HKL 9784
COMMERCIAL/TMT 3 - 5 PQE HONG KONG PRIVATE BANKING COUNSEL 5 - 10 PQE HONG KONG Well regarded firm is looking to hire an Associate to support the TMT practice. Leading Private Bank seeks a commercialy astute lawyer to focus on advising Successful candidates will have gained strong commercial experience and both ultra high net worth individuals and fund clients. Solid funds experience solid contract drafting skills. Previous TMT experience is not required, and a solutions orientated approach to the law are essential. A stable platform and though will be advantageous. Broad scope of commercial work on offer. competitive salary are on offer. HKL 9774 HKL 9794 BUSINESS/LEGAL ROLE, FUND HOUSE 4 - 8 PQE HONG KONG DISPUTE RESOLUTION NQ - 2 PQE HONG KONG Exciting opportunity for a lawyer to move into a strategic, business role with a Top tier international disputes practice seeks an ambitious, hard working leading, international asset manager. Suitable candidates will have excellent junior lawyer with training from a well regarded firm. Although some knowledge of the relevant regulatory framework and prior experience working in training/exposure to contentious matters is necessary, a genuine passion for the investment funds industry. HKL 9074 the area is imperative. HKL 9760 FIXED INCOME DERIVATIVES 5 - 8 PQE SINGAPORE SENIOR PE ASSOCIATE 4-8 PQE BEIJING Leading European investment bank seeks a fixed income derivatives lawyer from A top tier UK law firm with a growing PE practice is seeking a Senior PE either private practice or in-house. Role will cover spread of credit, rates, FX Associate to join its China team. Familiarity with onshore and offshore and some commodities work. Will consider re-locating lawyers from overseas. documentation, exposure to PRC law as well as HK law is strongly preferred. Competitive salary and opportunity to work very closely with the business. HKL Promising career track and competitive compensation. HKL 9504 9647
IPO SENIOR ASSOCIATE 4-8 PQE BEIJING COMMERCIAL LAWYER 5 - 10 PQE SHANGHAI A top tier UK law firm is seeking a Hong Kong qualified lawyer to join This is a truly exciting opportunity to join a world leading brand which is launching its dynamic HK IPO team. The right candidate will have minimum 4+ its marketing operations in China. The company needs to hire a commercial lawyer PQE on initial public offerings and secondary offerings of H shares and with a focus on China and some overseas experience to support its management relevant transactional experience. Promising career track and competitive team. The ideal candidate will have both private practice and in-house experience. compensation will be offered. HKL 9505 HKL 9792
CORPORATE PARALEGAL HONG KONG MNC LEGAL COUNSEL 5 - 8 PQE SINGAPORE A top-tier international law firm is urgently seeking a paralegal to join their Singapore listed company seeking an experienced corporate commercial lawyer. Corporate team. Solid experience in handling M&A and IPO transactions and Candidates with experience in the commerce and industrial sectors will be at an related corporate documents is essential. The successful candidate must have advantage. Candidate must be a qualified lawyer in an ASEAN jurisdiction and be obtained a Bachelor Degree of Laws and speak fluent English and Chinese. based in Singapore. HKL 9729 HKL 9537
ese are a small selection of our current vacancies. If you require further details or wish to have a condential discussion about your career, market trends, or would like salary information, then please contact one of the following consultants in Hong Kong: Andrew Skinner, Jennifer Donnelly, Michael Godby or Kumiko Lam.
Hong Kong Singapore Beijing Shanghai (852) 2920 9100 (65) 6557 4163 (86) 10 6567 8728 (86) 21 6372 1058 als@alsrecruit.com singapore@alsrecruit.com beijing@alsrecruit.com shanghai@alsrecruit.com
Funds 2-5 PQE Hong Kong Banking & Finance 1-4 PQE Hong Kong Commercial Litigation 3+ PQE Hong Kong This is a stellar opportunity to join one of the Global firm seeks a common law qualified lawyer Great opportunity for a mid/senior level lawyer foremost funds teams in the region. Common with a mix of general banking and asset finance looking to join a highly successful and collegiate law admission with exposure to funds formation exposure. Fantastic chance to work with a highly team to focus on complex commercial disputes and hedge/PE funds. Mandarin essential, RMB/ regarded, stand out partner in a dynamic team. alongside well-recognised partners in the HK USD funds experience beneficial. HKL3204 No language requirement. HKL2429 market. Chinese essential. HKL3365
US Securities 3+ PQE Hong Kong Commercial Litigation 5+ PQE Hong Kong Corporate PSL Hong Kong A fantastic opportunity to get your career on track Join one of the most renowned global disputes Reputable corporate practice spanning the with a stellar US firm and focus on US Securities/ practices and gain a sense of work/life balance. Asia region seeks a lawyer with solid M&A/ debt capital markets, working alongside partners Common law admission with complex disputes IPO exposure. Excellent opportunity to achieve of global renown. US admission and spoken experience to include shareholder disputes, work/life balance and step away from fee- Mandarin a must. HKL3232 private client a bonus. HKL2137 earning. Chinese language essential. HKL3383
International Arbitration 5+ PQE Beijing Asset Finance 4-6 PQE Shanghai Korean Corporate 1+ PQE Hong Kong International firm with renowned practice seeks A great opportunity exists to join a close-knit, International firm seeks a corporate associate to a senior associate with common law admission collegiate team and focus on a range of financing join their Korean team and work on blue chip and solid exposure in international disputes to work across the region. General asset/ship deals across the region. You will be fluent in grow their Asia offering. Proven marketing skills finance exposure with common law admission Korean and have trained with an international essential. HKL3226 and Mandarin language essential. HKL3296 law firm. HKL 3396
US Securities 3-5 PQE Beijing Banking & Finance 2-4 PQE Beijing Private Equity 4+ PQE Shanghai US JD 2008-’10 graduates with full experience in Stellar opportunity to get your career on track Common law associate with stellar law firm US Sec-registered IPOs/Rule 144A/Regulation S with a globally-regarded finance practice. Broad exposure is sought by one of the most recognizable offerings sought by international firm bolstering banking exposure (asset/project/lending, etc.), global law firms. Excellent opportunity for a its collegiate APAC team. Mandarin and PRC- common law admission and proven English/ corporate lawyer looking to specialise in PE. market exposure essential. HKL3119 Chinese drafting skills essential. HKL2521 Spoken Chinese a minimum. HKL2812
International Arbitration 2+PQE Singapore Capital Markets 2+ PQE Singapore Project Finance 4-7 PQE Singapore Fantastic opportunity exists within this globally This truly global corporate platform is in growth Join this global firm and focus on innovative, regarded disputes practice for candidates mode. Stellar opportunity for an associate with emerging markets work. You will be exposed with solid arbitration exposure. Focus on solid debt/equity exposure and drafting skills to business development activities and will take an international caseload within a collegiate to grow your career. UK/US admission and SEA a leading role on dynamic transactions. Stellar practice. Common law admission ideal. HKL3288 region exposure ideal. HKL3278 chance for career growth. HKL3395
Corporate/Commercial 8+ PQE Hong Kong Shipping 8+ PQE Hong Kong Trade Mark 4+ PQE HK/China Reputable listed company is building its legal Exciting opportunity for a shipping expert This listed E-platform seeks candidates with capability with the addition of a senior corporate/ to make the transition in-house with a listed solid trademark enforcement and filing commercial lawyer. HK/China-listing knowledge energy corporation. HK listing/compliance experience to manage the groups interests. You and Mandarin essential; open to lawyers making knowledge helpful; P&I claims exposure will be will be able to work autonomously and be fluent the first move in-house. HKL3387 highly advantageous. Chinese a must. HKL3388 in mandarin . HKL3325
This is a selection of our current vacancies; please visit our website for more opportunities, or for more information in complete confidence, please call us on +852 2503 2500 or contact
sandra.godbold@atticuslegal.com.hk, carmel.huber@atticuslegal.com.hk, janet.wu@atticuslegal.com.hk or georgeanna.mok@atticuslegal.com.hk www.atticuslegal.com.hk
trust | honesty | integrity | partnership
IBD COMPLIANCE HONG KONG 8-12 years FUNDS HONG KONG 5-10 years Leading European i-bank seeks a senior compliance candidate to join Asset management arm of top US i-bank actively seeks a legal counsel at its IBD compliance team at VP or Director level. You will have at least 8 VP & above level. You must have strong experience in a broad spectrum years’ experience in ECM, DCM & M&A transactions as well as an expert of funds work & regulatory matters. As the work will also involve Korean understanding of relevant regulatory issues. HKL4341 elements, Korean language skills are essential. HKL4344 ` FUNDS HONG KONG 5-7 years PART-TIME COMMERCIAL HONG KONG 5+ years Global giant in asset management seeks a mid-level lawyer for its HK team. Rapidly expanding MNC that specializes in online technology seeks a legal The role covers the Asia region & will involve dealing with a broad range counsel to be based in HK to support its growing Asia business. You will be of products investing in a variety of asset classes. You must have solid involved in general commercial work & those with IT experience will have a experience in authorized funds & business level Chinese skills. HKL4275 distinct advantage. Fluent Chinese required. HKL3978
REGULATORY BODY - ECM HONG KONG 4-8 years DCM HONG KONG 3-8 years Exciting opportunity for a US Securities lawyer seeking a role with work/life Global bank with major expansion plans in Asia seeks a DCM lawyer to balance. You will be supervising & directing a team of lawyers in reviewing advise the business on legal & transaction management on DCM related IPO documentation & processes. Ideally you have experience gained in a matters for Asia. You will have at least 3 years’ DCM/ECM experience, US or UK firm & a good understanding of the HK IPO process. HKL4345 commercial acumen & ability to handle direct client facing work. HKL3594
IBD - I-BANK BEIJING 3-6 years COMMERCIAL/BRAND HONG KONG 3-5 years Bulge bracket i-bank seeks a US capital markets lawyer to join the IBD Luxury brand seeks a mid-level lawyer to join its HK office. Reporting to legal team based in Beijing. You will cover HK & US IPOs & support the the GC, you will be negotiating & drafting commercial contracts & lease bank’s growing A-share business. Native Mandarin ideal but those with agreements as well as handling compliance matters. Strong drafting & fluent Mandarin & legal drafting skills also considered. HKL4339 communication skills & fluent English & Chinese are essential. HKL4318
COMMERCIAL x 2 HONG KONG 2-4 & 5-8 years DERIVATIVES HONG KONG 2-4 years Well-established HK-based conglomerate seeks a junior & a mid to senior Leading European i-bank seeks a junior equity lawyer with at least 2 years’ level commercial lawyer to join its team. Extensive commercial experience experience. You will have exposure to clearing & OTC derivatives as well from a law firm or prior in-house experience & fluent Mandarin language as an understanding of basic clearing concepts such as trade submission skills are essential. Excellent career prospects. HKL4301 & margining. Mandarin not essential but advantageous. HKL4340
Private Practice
BANKING PARTNER HONG KONG 10+ years IP DIRECTOR GUANGZHOU 6-10 years US firm with long established presence & client relationships in HK is Top tier law firm seeks to appoint a Chief Representative Officer for its looking to bring in a banking partner, ideally with Chinese language established Guangzhou office. Excellent quality IP work on offer with blue skills, to advise on a range of banking/lending/structured finance matters. chip UK/European based companies. Unique opportunity for a senior Equity partnership structure & broad platform on offer. HKL4293 level lawyer looking to develop their IP experience & career. HKL4324
DERIVATIVES HONG KONG/SINGAPORE 4-8 years PROJECTS/ENERGY SINGAPORE 1-5 years UK firm with offices in Singapore & HK seeks a derivatives lawyer with solid Strong US firm seeks a junior to mid level associate with solid projects structured products experience. Minimum 4 years’ qualification with a top experience, particularly in the energy sector. You will be based in tier firm & a keen interest in BD & client relations. Overseas candidates will Singapore & reporting to one of the leading projects/energy partners in be considered & full relocation support provided. HKL4347 the region. Asian language skills helpful but not essential. HKL4241
This is a small selection of our current vacancies. Please refer to our website for a more comprehensive list of openings. Please contact Lindsey Sanders, lsanders@lewissanders.com +852 2537 7409 or Eleanor Cheung, echeung@lewissanders.com + 852 2537 7416 or Chris Chu, cchu@lewissanders.com +852 2537 7415 or email recruit@lewissanders.com
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