Congressional Record—Senate S1184
S1184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2020 bomb components, repair and return of weap- get. Laser designation for the LGB can be ests above the interests of the United States. ons, weapons training equipment, practice provided by a variety of laser target markers The House Impeachment Managers have bombs, TTU–595 Test Set and spares, fin as- or designators. proven that the President’s abuse of power semblies, rocket motors, training aids/de- 4. Mk–82 General Purpose (GP) bomb is a and congressional obstruction amount to the vices/spare parts, aircraft spare parts, sup- 500 pound, free-fall, unguided, low-drag weap- constitutional standard of ‘‘high Crimes and port equipment, clothing and textiles, publi- on usually equipped with the mechanical Misdemeanors’’ for which the sole remedy is cations and technical documentation, travel M904 (nose) and M905 (tail) fuzes or the conviction and removal from office. expenses, medical services, construction, air- radar-proximity FMU–113 air-burst fuze. The II. STATEMENT OF THE FACTS craft ferry support, technical and logistical Mk–82 is designed for soft, fragment sen- On December 18, 2019, the United States support services, major modifications/class sitive targets and is not intended for hard House of Representatives passed H. Res. 755,1 IV support, personnel training and training targets or penetrations. The explosive filling ‘‘Impeaching Donald John Trump, President equipment, U.S. Government and contractor is usually tritonal, though other composi- of the United States, for high crimes and program support, and other related elements tions have sometimes been used. misdemeanors.’’ H. Res. 755 contains two Ar- of logistics and program support.
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