£1 PROUDLY OWNED BY OUR READERS Morning Star Monday January 29 2018 For peace & socialism Incorporating the Daily Worker Foreign policy on the fl y Ian Sinclair on the dangers CRACKDOWN of short-term thinking: P8 CARILLION CHIEFSGerman police repress Kurdish solidarityHID demo: P6 £1bn PENSIONS HOLE AS MONEY ROLLED IN

by Lamiat Sabin pile, a £590m pension defi cit which was already in the public The Labour MP went on: Parliamentary reporter reported by the fi rm and hundreds domain until May 2017. “Once again the regulator has of millions of pounds’ worth of The trustees “negotiated away” questions to answer. CARILLION was accused of unfi nished public contracts. pension defi cit contributions in “They have been sniffi ng hiding pension defi cits of nearly But Mr Ellison — who will be the autumn in an effort to keep around Carillion — at the trus- £1 billion yesterday — nearly questioned by the committee Carillion afl oat by enabling more tees’ behest — since at least double the fi gure it had origi- tomorrow — suggests the pen- borrowing, the MPs said. 2008, though it is not apparent nally claimed. sion defi cit could be even higher In a damning assessment to what effect. The collapsed outsourcing at £990m, the MPs said. committee chair Frank Field “When 10 years later the com- and construction fi rm has also Carillion has been “falling said: “It’s clear that Carillion pany collapses with £29m in the been accused of trying to “wrig- short” of what trustees expected has been trying to wriggle out bank and £2bn in pension liabili- gle out” of its pension obliga- it to contribute to pension of its obligations to its pension- ties it doesn’t look good for them.” tions for a decade while paying schemes since 2008, the MPs ers for the last 10 years. Shadow work and pensions out tens of millions in dividends added after analysing his letter. “The purported cashfl ow secretary Debbie Abrahams for shareholders and “handsome The company cited cashfl ow problems did of course not pre- said a Labour government would pay packets” for bosses. problems as a reason for not vent them shelling out dividends strengthen companies’ pension The massive cash hole was making higher pensions contri- and handsome pay packets for obligations to their workers by revealed in a letter sent to the butions in 2011 and 2013, but those at the top. fi ning bosses who raid the funds Commons work and pensions paid more than £70m in divi- “This culminated in negotiat- for their own interest. select committee by Robin Elli- dends in both those years. ing defi cit contributions away She said: “It is completely son, chairman of trustees of Trustees were also “kept in entirely last autumn to enable unacceptable that Carillion has Carillion’s pension scheme. the dark” about the state of the more borrowing. Remarkably, failed in its duty to meet its pen- Carillion’s liquidation earlier company’s fi nances, “largely” this was endorsed by the trustees sions obligations. this month left a £900 million debt being restricted to information and the Pensions Regulator.” Turn to page 2 Corbyn: we’ll buy On new Nafta Wonderful wizard 8,000 homes negotiations Wozniacki is No 1 NEWS: P3 FEATURE: P13 TENNIS: P15 Morning Star 2 NEWS HOME Monday January 29 2018

EDUCATION ‘Blue-collar’ kids spurn A-levels to enter university by Our News Desk administrative and profes- sional roles. The study also found that 47 ALMOST half of teenagers per cent of undergraduates liv- whose parents have blue-collar ing in the most disadvantaged jobs get into university after areas of Britain — classed as studying for alternative qual- the neighbourhoods with the ifi cations to A-levels, research lowest numbers going to univer- has found. sity — held at least one BTEC, The study suggests that compared with 19 per cent of these students are more than those from the areas with high- twice as likely to study courses est university participation. such as BTECs compared with Almost half (48 per cent) of their peers whose parents are black students accepted to in managerial and professional study at university hold at roles. least one BTEC, according to Researchers from the Social the report. Market Foundation (SMF) SMF director James Kirkup examined offi cial data on stu- said vocational qualifi cations REVOLUTIONARY JUSTICE: dents in who were were “the ladder that lets Members of the English accepted onto degree courses many people who don’t come Civil War Society take part in 2016, and whether they had from privileged homes get into in the King’s Army Annual gained A-levels or BTECs. university.” March and Parade in London BTECs are the most common He warned that vocational yesterday. type of vocational qualifi cation routes have traditionally been The event follows the for sixth-formers, the report ignored in favour of academic route taken by Charles I on says, and they are becoming qualifi cations like A-levels. the day of his execution — increasingly popular. “To make Britain’s world- from St James’s Palace on The SMF fi ndings show that class university system truly the Mall to the Banqueting 45 per cent of students whose fair and open to all, higher edu- House in Whitehall, where parents are in routine or manual cation leaders, ministers and the he was publicly beheaded as professions studied for BTECs Offi ce for Students must work a traitor for having pursued only, or for a mix of these qual- together to remove the barriers his personal interest rather ifi cations and A-levels. that keep many poor and ethnic than the good of the country. This is compared to 22 per minority people out of higher cent of those whose parents education,” Mr Kirkup said. worked in higher managerial, [email protected]

FRONT PAGE AUTOMATION CARILLION CHIEFS HID £1bn STAFF PENSION HOLE FROM P1: “The pensions reg- improvements in pensions gov- failures of corporate bosses Robots coming for ulator’s failure to identify and ernance, new mandatory clear- and government ministers. challenge such irresponsible ance powers and greater trans- “Thousands of Carillion work- and unacceptable behaviour parency as well as powers to ers still don’t know what will over several years raises seri- fi ne bosses who benefi t at the happen to them as their pay, ous questions about this Tory expense of pension members, terms and conditions hang in the 20% of urban jobs government’s failure to reform to ensure that such devastating balance — and worse, the pros- the pensions regulatory frame- mismanagement can never pect of pensions being raided. work in spite of warnings happen again.” “The system that has Metallic menace will hit northerners hardest going back to 2013. GMB national secretary for allowed this to happen is bro- “A Labour government public services Rehana Azam ken and it must change. The by Peter Lazenby jobs are under the greatest businesses £3.2 billion a year. would bring forward urgent said: “The more we see, the government needs to get on Northern reporter threat. Union spokesman Dave Wil- measures to regulate the pen- more it appears that the work- with it.” The think-tank said already liams told the Star: “These inno- sions sector including ers are paying the price for the [email protected] THE march of the robots could struggling cities in the north vations don’t suit every shopper threaten 20 per cent of jobs in and Midlands were more vul- and we know that many custom- Britain’s cities, with most of nerable to job losses than ers really value the one-to-one the brunt being borne by wealthier cities in the south personal interaction they northern England and the Mid- because of a predominance of receive at staffed tills. lands, a new report warns low-skilled, easily automated “There have been various today. occupations. pieces of research that show The alarming estimate of Cities, including Mansfi eld, quite often it’s quicker to go James Connolly the effect of automation on Sunderland and Wakefi eld, through a staffed checkout and employment comes from inde- could see two out of fi ve jobs that supermarket queues have & The Re-Conquest of Ireland pendent think-tank the Centre lost, while Oxford and Cam- lengthened since self-service for Cities, which works with bridge face losing 13 per cent, tills were introduced. local authorities, business and the study found. “Also, recent reports sug- Author John Callow provides the fi rst critical the government to “understand Centre for Cities chief exec- gest that there is signifi cant reappraisal of Connolly’s last major work using a and improve” the economic utive Andrew Carter warned customer theft through the use performance of Britain’s that there was “a real risk that of self-service tills amounting wealth of original documents and photographs. urban areas. many people and places will to £3.2 billion a year with In Connolly’s 1915 work the great revolutionary Retail workers’ union Usdaw lose out.” around one in four customers said that employers are Usdaw said that no machine admitting to stealing an item grapples with questions of nationhood, women’s already cashing in on the could ever match the “fi rst- while using self-scan check- rights and political and economic democracy in replacement of humans with class customer service and outs.” a way that resonates today. machines at supermarkets assistance” that human beings He said retailers “should across the country, with auto- can provide. think very carefully about the Includes forewords by Bob Crow and Paul Kenny. mated check-outs rapidly The union pointed out that knock-on impact to their busi- replacing till operators. the introduction of robotics ness of reducing staffi ng lev- TWO-THIRDS The Centre for Cities report has a severe downside, includ- els” through the introduction OFF £9 (WAS £18!) + £3 postage and packaging confi rmed that retail, cus- ing an increase in shoplifting, of new technology. shop.morningstaronline.co.uk | (020) 8510-0815 tomer service and warehouse which is now estimated to cost [email protected] Morning Star Monday January 29 2018 HOME NEWS 3

HOMELESSNESS BREXIT Exiting EU ‘lets us stop bosses Labour to snap up 8,000 undercutting workers’ pay’ homes to overcome crisis JEREMY CORBYN said yes- terday he wants a “regulatory framework” around movement Corbyn pledges immediate solution to national rough-sleeping scandal of labour to prevent workers’ conditions being undercut. by Nathan Akehurst Mr Corbyn told the Andrew Marr show that workers from abroad should be welcome in JEREMY CORBYN vowed Britain and pointed to the NHS yesterday to end Britain’s recruitment crisis as an exam- rough-sleeping crisis if elected ple of how Tory policies were prime minister by “immedi- driving talent away. ately” purchasing 8,000 homes But he added that “the prob- for people with a history of lem of undermining workers’ sleeping on the streets. rights and conditions has been The plan, announced yester- a serious one” and said Labour day on the Andrew Marr Show, would seek to stop “wholesale would see deals struck with groups of workers [being] housing associations to pro- brought in to undercut and vide homes for the estimated undermine.” 4,750 people currently sleep- The referendum result had ing rough on Britain’s streets. highlighted the “lack of invest- The additional number of ment in post-industrial areas homes would accommodate where we have the gig economy, any growth in numbers insecure work and deep poverty.” between now and the next gen- The Labour leader said he eral election. would push for closer trading Labour’s general election and Peterborough to coastal after developers failed to fi nd Labour’s drive to get tough on Labour’s housing policies links around the world but manifesto pledged 4,000 towns such as Eastbourne and buyers. housing, Labour MP Karen include a million new homes a would also want “conditions homes via a similar scheme. Hastings. Mr Corbyn’s announcement Buck’s private member’s Bill tougher charter of renters’ put on trade around environ- The doubling of the pledge Mr Corbyn vowed that comes days after Labour’s rul- making homes fi t for human rights, and a state-backed mental protection, workers’ is likely a response to new fi g- Labour would give councils ing national executive slapped habitation recently received mortgage scheme to aid fi rst- rights and workers’ ability to ures which show rough-sleep- new powers to seize empty down Haringey’s Labour coun- government backing after pre- time buyers. represent themselves.” ing has risen for the seventh homes, saying: “There is some- cil over its handout plan for viously being rejected. [email protected] Star comment: p8 year running. thing grossly insulting about private developers. London has long accounted the idea you would build some The Haringey Development for the highest proportion of luxury block and deliberately Vehicle would see over £2 bil- rough-sleepers, but numbers keep it empty.” lion in public land and assets have doubled in north-west There are an estimated transferred to partially pri- England and the fi gures also 11,000 empty homes across vate control and has fuelled a show an ongoing spread of the , and recent series of fi erce selection con- problem in southern England, fi gures show half of the city’s tests within the local party. from cities including Oxford new-build posh fl ats lie unused In another success for Morning Star We rely on you, our readers, to LABOUR PARTY keep the only working-class FIGHTINGFUND Corbyn wants transwomen voice in British media going donate on women-only shortlists ONLINE by Our News Desk with women’s and feminist political system that seeks to groups that have concerns use us for its own ends,” she www.morning over the policy, as well as with argued. staronline.co.uk/ JEREMY CORBYN said trans- campaigners such as black The Conservative Party is women should be allowed feminist Linda Bellos, who Mr also divided on the issue, with support places on all-women shortlists Marr quoted warning thou- David Davies MP saying he yesterday, saying: “The posi- sands of women might leave would raise an offi cial com- tion of the [Labour] party is the Labour Party because of plaint against LGBT+ Con- where you have self-identifi ed it. servatives after they called as a woman you are treated as TUC LGBT+ committee him transphobic for saying a woman.” trans representative Debbie having a penis made an indi- Standing Order, People’s Press Fighting Fund The BBC’s Andrew Marr Hayton said the amount raised vidual male. asked about divisions in the by Ms James showed “con- [email protected] My name is: My address is: party over the issue, pointing cerns over self-identifi cation to the more than £20,000 are widespread. Postcode Telephone: raised to campaign for all- “It would be foolish to write women shortlists to be off the concerns of so many Email: Please pay the Cooperative Bank PLC, Islington Branch, reserved for people born people as transphobic big- female. otry,” she told the Morning sort code 08-90-33 for the credit of the People’s Press Fighting Fund, account number 5050-5115 the Jennifer James, founder of Star. sum of: £ each month until further notice and debit my account accordingly. the crowdfunding campaign, “When we disagree over has been suspended from policy we need to engage My account number is: My sort code is: Labour after her name in comradely debate to appeared on a Facebook list of achieve solutions that pro- Standing order start date: Signature alleged transphobes. tect trans rights without RED CATCH THE STAR’S To the manager (include bank name, address and postcode): But Mr Corbyn told Mr compromising women’s SATURDAY Marr: “People are free to cam- rights.” LIST ON paign within the party and Trans rights depend on DON’T SEND THIS FORM TO YOUR BANK. PLEASE MAIL IT TO: free to raise these issues and support from women, who are FOR THE LEFT’S have that discussion.” also “oppressed by the male- BEST EVENTS PPFF Organiser, William Rust House, 52 Beachy Road, Bow, London E3 2NS He said he wanted dialogue dominated economic and You must be 16+ to join. Registered Small Lottery London Borough of Tower Hamlets Reg No. 2708. Morning Star 4 NEWS HOME Monday January 29 2018 Pic: Neil TerryPic: Photography Neil ELECTIONS Wales gives teenagers the right to vote at 16

TEENAGERS in Wales will be given the right to vote in council elections from the age of 16 under plans announced by the Welsh Labour government. Local Government Secretary Alun Davies said the proposals — to be formally announced tomorrow — were designed to boost partici- pation as he was con- cerned that young people were being “disengaged” from the political process. At the British level, Labour urged the Tories to give all 16 and 17-year-olds the right to vote in general elections, arguing that only allowing over-18s to participate was “inconsist- ent and unsustainable.” Shadow voter engage- ment minister Cat Smith said: “The time has now come for the UK govern- ment to extend the franchise to all 16 and 17-year-olds, and ensure equal voting rights across SOUTH YORKSHIRE the .” The Electoral Reform Society (ERS) backed Labour’s call, saying there Campaigners fight to keep Women’s Aid open will soon be “glaring constitutional injustice,” by Peter Lazenby founded in 1976 but closed in ble for Women’s Aid, though two women a week are killed victims into survivors.” with 16-year-olds able to Northern Reporter 2016. A new centre opened the social workers continue to by violent partners, while Bakers’ union BFAWU pres- vote in local elections in same year using a one-off refer abuse victims to the cen- three more take their own ident Ian Hodson told the rally: Scotland and Wales while CAMPAIGNERS rallied on Sat- £30,000 grant from Doncaster tre, which remains open lives to escape abuse. “I am a brother, a son, a father around a million people of urday to defend a Women’s Aid Council, though with fewer thanks to labour movement “Domestic abuse is on the and an uncle. the same age in England centre in South Yorkshire which staff and resources. donations, for help. rise and the cost of removing “I stand to defend this serv- and Northern Ireland will is again threatened with closure The council faces a £70 mil- The protest on Saturday was these vital services is huge – ice because I want to know that be denied that right. because of a loss of funding. lion cut in government funding staged by Women’s Lives Mat- both in financial terms as well this service is there for my sis- Doncaster Women’s Aid was this year, on top of £200m in ter, which is campaigning to as psychological and physical ter, my mother, my daughter or cuts imposed since 2010. keep the centre open. cost to the victim,” said the my niece if they should need to The council says the cuts A spokeswoman for the spokeswoman. escape from a violent partner.” mean there is nothing availa- group said that across Britain “Services like these turn [email protected] Ruth Bloom and family are sad to report the death of CONSERVATIVE INFIGHTING SIDNEY BLOOM on 25 January. Lidington begs warring A fighter to the last Funeral details to follow Tories to ‘come together’ by Nathan Akehurst May local elections, following Meanwhile, No 10 rejected company for tens of thousands warnings from pollsters that Foreign Secretary Boris John- of pounds. Annetta Zavalis née Loynes the party may lose power in son’s call for the NHS to Defence Secretary Gavin 07.01.1920 CABINET Office Minister half the London councils it receive £100 million after Williamson was accused by Died 9th January 2018, aged 98 David Lidington made a des- currently controls. Brexit, while prominent Tory anonymous Tory MPs of leak- perate plea yesterday for his Graham Brady, who chairs Brexiteers appeared to ing intelligence about sup- Much loved wife, mother, grandmother & great warring fellow Conservatives the 1922 Committee of Tory threaten rebellion if the gov- posed Russian threats in order grandmother; friend & comrade. Internationalist & to “come together” after a backbenchers, pleaded with ernment moves towards a to distract media attention Socialist well known for her exuberance, tenacity week of infighting. MPs last week not to launch a “soft” Brexit. from news of his extramarital and dedication to the ‘cause’ He used a Sunday morning formal leadership challenge But Ms May also distanced affair. Now a free spirit to travel & change the world television interview to rally against Theresa May. herself from Chancellor Philip But Mr Williamson’s allies Member of the Communist Party and the Tory troops with a mes- This invited speculation that Hammond’s claim that Brit- hit back, claiming that the supporter of the Daily Worker, later sage of unity and common the number of 48 MPs needed ain’s trading relationship with allegations had been planted the Morning Star, since the 1930s purpose, saying the party must to trigger a contest has nearly the EU would only change by people hoping to replace Ms “come together … and look at been reached. “moderately.” May. Netta’s funeral will take place at the Co-op what the bigger picture is One former ally of the In a further twist to the EU Mr Lidington’s call for Funeralcare Chapel, Bispham Road, Blackpool on showing. Prime Minister, Mark Pritch- withdrawal saga, the Sunday “mutual respect” aimed to Thursday 1st February 2018 at 12.30pm followed “The bigger picture that we ard, warned of “growing frus- Times exposed plotting by draw a line under a difficult by burial at Carleton Cemetery are still neck and neck with tration” with Ms May’s leader- former cabinet ministers to week for his party. Donations in memory of Netta to the Labour Party in the polls,” ship and accused her of taking line their pockets from the He came under pressure Palestine Solidarity Campaign he said. her allies “for granted.” Brexit process. over his previous opposition to A crunch Cabinet meeting Another MP, who has not Former health secretary gay rights after being Enquiries to Co-op Funeralcare tomorrow will discuss how to been named, said that she had Lord Lansley was caught offer- appointed earlier this month. 54 Bispham Road, Blackpool FY2 0NR, 01253 596754 avoid damaging losses in the “no clue.” ing “intelligence” to a Chinese [email protected] Morning Star Monday January 29 2018 HOME NEWS 5

EDUCATION BENEFITS DWP refuses to Teachers demand pay out on half of academies action emergency claims by Lamiat Sabin reveal a gaping hole in the Six of the top 10 academy trusts have issued warnings Parliamentary Reporter country’s safety net.” Ministers have defended by Nathan Akehurst their budgets cut by £2.8 bil- FEWER than half of requests delays in paying people UC lion in recent years, and the for emergency benefi t pay- during the nationwide roll-out National Association of ments were met by the Depart- of the new benefi t scheme by TEACHERS have stepped up Headteachers has previously ment for Work and Pensions saying that claimants can their demands for action on warned that schools are “at (DWP) in the latest year for apply for an advance. the government’s collapsing breaking point.” which fi gures are available, A large proportion of claim- academies programme after “The government cannot keep veteran Labour MP Frank ants receive their main ben- it was revealed that six of the burying its head in the sand Field said yesterday. efi t before they need an top 10 academy trusts have about the school funding crisis. Mr Field, who chairs the advance, they added. issued warnings over pay, If it is left unaddressed it will work and pensions select com- The 2016 fi gures cover ben- short-staffi ng, building safety have serous consequences for mittee, warned of “state-spon- efi ts such as employment and and fi nancial risks. our children and young people,” sored destitution” and a “gaping support allowance, incapacity Many of the largest trusts, NEU joint general secretary hole” in the welfare system benefi t, jobseeker’s allowance who operate hundreds of Kevin Courtney added. because an unknown number of and income support. schools across England, are at “Ensuring schools have suf- working-age claimants have not The fi gures show there were risk. Eight academies at one fi cient funding must now been included in the statistics. 197,514 applications for trust are in the red. At another become the top priority for Figures he obtained through advances, but only 98,633 peo- chain, 17 out of 66 academy new Education Secretary a parliamentary question show ple were paid. schools are in defi cit. Damian Hinds.” that nearly 200,000 applications “Data is also not available There is a “perfect storm Artin Giles, a teacher in a for an advance on benefi ts were for unsuccessful applications brewing” in England’s schools north London academy, told made in 2016, the latest year for and the difference between as a result of the government’s the Star that schools are being which fi gures are available. ‘received’ and ‘awarded’ appli- obsession with academies, “starved” of funding. But only about 100,000 cations in the table above does warned teachers’ union NEU It is directly worsening chil- advances were paid to people not equate to unsuccessful joint general secretary Mary chains. They have been rocked at a time of teacher wage aus- dren’s education, including waiting for their universal credit applications,” Employment Bousted. by scandals over bosses’ high terity raises even more ques- through “bigger class sizes, (UC) applications to be proc- Minister Alok Sharma said in “Inadequate government pay, low-quality education tions about the proper use of limited provision for special essed, according to DWP fi gures. response to Mr Field’s question. funding is forcing schools to using unqualifi ed teachers, and public money which should be educational needs and a lack Mr Field said: “These data [email protected] set defi cit budgets at a time corruption. spent on children’s education. of basic resources such as text- when 800,000 more children The Department for Educa- “This crisis was predicted books or glue sticks.” are going through the school tion “does not have adequate and predictable. We are now The Department for Educa- system,” she said. oversight of how multi-acad- beginning to see t he unravel- tion tried to distract from the Academies take schools out emy trusts are spending tax- ling of former education sec- cash crisis by issuing a state- of local democratic control and payers’ money,” Ms Bousted retary Michael Gove’s toxic ment pointing to its new hand them over to unaccount- said. legacy.” “national funding formula.” THE EU: able founders or private “Rising chief executive pay English schools have had [email protected] Winning a progressive

GIE HER A HAGGIS: Morning Star settlement supporters in Yorkshire cel- ebrated Burns Night at suppers Strengthening workers’ over the weekend that also raised funds for our newspaper. rights in Britain Pic: JoanPic: Heath On Friday night, members of the Star’s Bradford supporters Strengthening workers’ group gathered at the home of Bob Sproule and Ruth Charlton in rights in Europe Ilkley, on the edge of legendary Ilkley Moor, for their event. A Morning Star pamphlet The following day, workers’ stately home Wortley Hall, by John Foster outside Sheffi eld, was the setting Price £2 + p&p for our South Yorkshire support- By phone: (020) 8510-0815 ers’ celebration in memory of radical Scottish poet Robbie Burns. The event was also dedicated to the memories of Fighting Fund organiser Ivan Beavis and Morning Star worker Dawn Power. A vivid account of how the In addition, it honoured Mary Shaw, one of the union activists power of local government who helped achieve the takeover has been reduced by central of Wortley Hall in the early government and hollowed 1950s. out by the private sector’ The stately home is owned Prof. Jane Lethbridge co-operatively by members of the labour and trade union move- ment, who acquired the house from its aristocratic former Don’t miss Peter occupiers and restored it. Latham’s probe Today it is a centre of labour and trade union activism, as well into the death of as a popular venue for social functions. council power At both events, the traditional piping in of the haggis was done by Star supporter Peadar Long, a To get your copy call the £7.50 regular performer at fundraisers Star shop on (020) 8510-0815 + P&P for the paper. Morning Star 6 NEWS WORLD Monday January 29 2018

SYRIA POLAND UNPOPULAR: Soldiers and police fi re tear gas to keep Holocaust protesters away from the Turkish troops capture key national stadium in Tegucigalpa on Saturday during the complicity inauguration of Juan Orlando mountain in Afrin enclave law ‘needs Hernandez (right) by Our Foreign Desk control over other areas of his intention to “push on to amending’ Afrin. Manbij,” telling supporters: They have been trying to “The terrorists in Afrin and A POLISH draft law TURKEY’S armed forces take it since their offensive Manbij cannot run from the criminalising reference to announced the capture of a began on January 20 but have painful end that awaits them.” the country’s complicity in strategically important moun- met stiff resistance. Al-Qaida-linked Hetesh, the Holocaust should be tain in the north-eastern cor- Turkish troops briefl y known previously as Jabhat amended, Israeli Prime ridor of Syria’s Afrin canton seized the mountain last week al-Nusra, confi rmed yesterday Minister Benjamin yesterday. but were dislodged hours later that its forces were operating, Netanyahu said yesterday. The claim was echoed by by the Kurds’ People’s Protec- in alliance with the Turkish The lower house Bill Turkish President Recep Tayyip tion Units (YPG) militia. army, in mountainous country- lays down jail sentences Erdogan and, if true, represents The YPG accused the Turk- side near the town of Dart Izza for referring to “Polish an important advance by the ish air force on Saturday of against the southernmost fl ank death camps.” It requires invasion force in the second dropping napalm on its fi ghters of Kurdish forces. Senate and presidential week of its offensive. defending Jabal Barsaya, add- It claimed yesterday to have approval. Jabal Barsaya separates the ing that air strikes had also “restored” its control of two Mr Netanyahu told his Kurdish-held enclave of Afrin been directed at the April 17 positions near the town of weekly Cabinet meeting from the Turkish-occupied dam which provides water and Qalaat Samaan, north of Dart that Israel has “no town of Azaz and the moun- electricity to the northern Izza, that were conquered by tolerance for distortion of tain’s capture would give Aleppo enclave. Kurdish forces on January 23. the truth, rewriting of Ankara’s forces artillery-fi re President Erdogan repeated [email protected] history and denial of the Holocaust.” Yair Lapid, who leads Israel’s secular zionist Yesh Atid party, wrote to the Polish embassy: “There were Polish death camps and no law can ever PALESTINE: change that.” People hang The embassy responded: effi gies of US “Your unsupportable President Donald claims show how badly Trump and Holocaust education is Vice-President needed, even here in Mike Pence Israel.” during a protest “My grandmother was in Aida refugee murdered in Poland by camp in the West Germans and Poles,” was Bank city of Mr Lapid’s riposte. Bethlehem on Saturday AFGHANISTAN

Kabul suicide GERMANY bombing VENEZUELA death toll Police descend on Mud rightwingers rises to 103 Kurdish rally to nab AFGHAN Interior Minister Wais Barmak confi rmed last night that the death toll from banned PKK fl ags crawl back to talks Saturday’s Taliban suicide bombing in Kabul had by Our Foreign Desk demonstrators and police after by Our Foreign Desk exiles won’t be disenfran- Macron became the latest for- risen to 103. the march was broken up, with chised. eign leader to condemn Ven- Another 235 people police fi ring tear gas. The national Constituent ezuela on Friday, declaring were wounded in the GERMAN police broke up a The PKK, which has been NEGOTIATORS for Venezue- Assembly announced last week himself open to additional attack, with police among tens of thousands-strong pro- fi ghting for Kurdish autonomy la’s pro-imperialist opposition that an election will be held by European Union sanctions those killed and wounded. Kurdish rally in Cologne on within Turkey for decades, accepted at the weekend that the end of April. because of an “unacceptable The bomber drove an Saturday after participants was designated a terror group they would have to rejoin While no date was set, Presi- authoritarian shift.” ambulance fi lled with refused to take down fl ags and by the US and European Union mediated talks in the Domini- dent Nicolas Maduro announced Caracas reacted by calling explosives and was able to symbols of the banned Kurdis- at Ankara’s behest. can Republic to have any role immediately that he wants to his statement “a hostile and race through a security tan Workers’ Party (PKK). Hostilities between the in April’s presidential election. run as the United Socialist unfriendly act by the leader checkpoint by saying he Demonstrators came to the Turkish state and PKK fi ghters The decision ends days of Party (PSUV) candidate. of a nation with which Vene- was transferring a patient city from all over Germany to resumed in 2015 after a cease- speculation that the Demo- Interventionist foreign gov- zuela has cultivated historic to a hospital. protest against Turkey’s inva- fi re collapsed in the the wake cratic Unity Roundtable (Mud) ernments swiftly condemned and fraternal ties.” The explosion damaged sion of the Kurdish enclave of of government complicity with coalition could abandon the the Constituent Assembly deci- It accused Mr Macron of or destroyed dozens of Afrin in northern Syria. Islamic State (Isis) attacks on negotiations after one of its sion, claiming that it undercuts trying to become “a faithful shops and vehicles. The “The protest march has Kurds. biggest parties announced it negotiations that the opposi- copy” of the US government. government declared a been stopped in order to Several thousand people in was boycotting the talks. tion has joined and boycotted The US Trump administra- day of mourning, with remove all forbidden banners,” Paris also protested against “We are obliged to keep on and off since December. tion has said it won’t recognise shops closed and fl ags at the North Rhine-Westphalia the Turkish military operation fi ghting in all arenas for elec- The Supreme Court ruled on the results of the presidential half mast. state police tweeted. on Saturday, with left-wing toral guarantees,” said Mud. Thursday night that the Mud election, claiming that the vote The Taliban claimed the Despite repeated demands activists joining Kurdish oppo- In agreeing to return to the coalition is barred from par- would be “neither free nor attack, which dealt a from police, many marchers sition groups at the Place de negotiating table today, the ticipation, meaning that which- fair.” major blow to the security continued waving fl ags bear- la Republique. opposition alliance said it would ever candidate runs against A coalition of 14 mostly con- claims of the US-backed ing the image of PKK leader They urged French and renew its push for guarantees Mr Maduro must do so under servative Latin American gov- Afghan government, just a Abdullah Ocalan, who is other Western governments to that voting will be free and fair. another ticket. ernments has issued a state- week after Taliban imprisoned in Turkey. take a tougher stand against Those include allowing for- Several Mud leaders have ment saying the early vote militants stormed a luxury Two people who distributed the Turkish campaign. eign election monitors, lifting been barred from standing fol- contradicts democratic prin- hotel in Kabul. fl ags were detained, according Paris has urged Turkey to an electoral ban on several lowing conviction for charges ciples and does not align with That assault killed 22 to the DPA news agency. use restraint, but protesters opposition leaders and guar- of violence and conspiracy. international standards. people. There were scuffl es outside decried that as insuffi cient. anteeing that Venezuelan French President Emmanuel [email protected] the city’s train station between [email protected] Morning Star Monday January 29 2018 WORLD NEWS 7

IN BRIEF Drahos fails to win vote for EU CZECH REPUBLIC: Brussels- approved challenger Jiri Drahos failed to unseat President Milos Zeman at the weekend, taking 48.6 per cent of the vote to 51.4 per cent for the victor. President Zeman’s election victory confi rmed the political direction taken by the former social democrat, who combines closer ties with Russia and China with anti-immigrant and Islamophobic rhetoric. The president, who backs a referendum on leaving the EU, was supported by nationalist and anti-Muslim HONDURAS forces as well as by the Hernandez begins second Communist Party. term despite protest fury US accidentally hits

HONDURAN President Juan to rescue the country from allied tribal fi ghters Orlando Hernandez was sworn dictatorship and without rec- IRAQ: A US air strike in for a second term on Satur- ognising Hernandez as presi- mistakenly hit Iraqi day while supporters of oppo- dent.” government-aligned tribal sition candidate Salvador Nas- None of the regional presi- fi ghters and civilians in ralla continued their protests dents who would be expected western Anbar province against election fraud. to attend the inauguration did on Saturday, killing seven Soldiers and riot police fi red so. and wounding 11 others. tear gas to block thousands of The 1982 constitution bars The strike hit the town of demonstrators from marching presidents from seeking a sec- al-Baghdadi following the to the National Stadium to pro- ond term and conservative capture of an Isis operative test as barricades burned and politicians deposed left-wing by US forces, who were gas billowed on the streets. president Manuel Zelaya, who then attacked with gre- “This is how the dictator attended Saturday’s protests, in nades from nearby homes. oppresses his people,” said Mr 2009 for merely considering it. Shi’ite cleric Muqtada Nasralla, who insists he really Despite this, Mr Hernandez al-Sadr condemned the won the stolen election. won a Supreme Court ruling attack as a “fl agrant “We remain in the struggle in 2015 to ignore the ban. violation” of Iraq’s independence and sovereignty, demanding “immediate punishment of SPAIN the aggressors.” First round of Fugitive Puigdemont will election opens CYPRUS: Voters went to the polls yesterday in the fi rst round of a presidential election, with the result likely to prove inconclusive. ask judge to return home Incumbent Nicos Anasta- siades has led his two main rivals in opinion polls but Catalan ex-president must return to region if he wants to lead its government may not receive the 50 per cent plus one needed avoid by Our Foreign Desk league Josep Rull told Cat- arrested if he returns from independence government in a run-off next Sunday. alunya Radio that Mr Puigde- Brussels. place by Wednesday to avoid He could face either mont will do that today to The court ruling quashed a new election. independent candidate OUSTED Catalan leader ensure his attendance at the plans by Catalan separatist “If we have to sacrifi ce Stavros Malas, backed by Carles Puigdemont gave investiture debate in Barce- legislators to try to re-elect Puigdemont, then we will have the communist Akel party, notice yesterday that he lona. Mr Puigdemont without him to sacrifi ce him,” he told the or conservative Nicholas intends to ask a Spanish Spain’s Constitutional Court being physically present, per- Vanguardia newspaper yes- Papadopoulos. judge for permission to ruled on Saturday that Mr haps addressing the chamber terday. attend tomorrow’s session Puigdemont must be present via video. Catalonia became Spain’s of the regional parliament at parliament to be considered The court also ruled that deepest political crisis in dec- to form a new govern- as the region’s president. It his investiture would be sus- ades when Madrid responded US cries foul over ment for Catalonia. also said he must obtain a pended without the previous to the October declaration of His col- judge’s permission to do so. authorisation of a judge “even independence by sacking the planned pipeline Mr Puigdemont fl ed to Bel- if he is physically in the cham- region’s government, dissolv- POLAND: US Secretary of gium after Catalonia’s parlia- ber.” ing the Catalan parliament State Rex Tillerson and ment issued a declaration of While the Together for and calling a new regional Polish Foreign Minister independence on October 27, Catalonia party, of which both election. Jacek Czaputowicz spoke in violation of the Spanish Mr Puigdemont and Mr Rull Contrary to the Spanish out at the weekend against a constitution. are members, insists that he government’s wishes, separa- second planned gas pipeline He is wanted in Spain on is the only candidate for the tist parties in Catalonia then linking Russia to Germany possible rebellion and sedition regional presidency, the other regained a slim majority in through the Baltic Sea. charges and is likely to be main pro-secession party is the December election. They called the plan part wavering. Polls consistently show that of a Kremlin scheme to VOYAGE TO CATALONIA: Joan Tarda of the Republi- most Catalans want the right politicise energy and Carles Puigdemont will try can Left party said that, while to decide their region’s future undermine attempts to to return to Spanish they prefer to see him but are evenly divided on make Europe less depend- territory so he can lead his restored to offi ce, their whether to split from Spain. ent on Moscow. people once again supreme goal is to have a pro- [email protected] Morning Star 8 FEATURES Monday January 29 2018 Star MILITARY INTERVENTION Comment The dangers of sh Labour is right to oppose the single market foreign policy thin THE Conservative government is in crisis once more. The ROM Iraq (circa 2002-3), to EU Withdrawal Bill goes to the Lords this week and faces Libya in 2011 and Syria Recent history shows the British state an a series of defeats. today, influential liberal The cabinet is split between those who want to keep commentators including within the EU, either through membership of the single David Aaronovitch, Nick dire consequences for Britain and the wo market or the customs union, and those who don’t. Cohen, Paul Mason, From outside, the Confederation of British Industry is JonathanF Freedland and many politi- pressing for an immediate declaration in favour of a cus- cians have repeatedly pushed for West- toms union and EU negotiators are upping pressure for ern military intervention. the single market. “Something must be done,” they Tony Blair, the Liberal Democrats and the head of the shout from their newspaper columns. biggest City of London bank Goldman Sachs are stepping “We must act now before it is too late,” up their campaign for a second EU referendum. As the they warn in the House of Commons. Prime Minister dithers, leadership rivals jockey for posi- One of the things that characterises tion. It is therefore a moment of decision for the Labour these emotive and often simplistic Party. It has hitherto refused to bow to dictation by big calls for action is their narrow, laser- business and the City of London and argued that the best like focus on human rights abuses way to defend the interests of working people is to remain Western governments are publicly outside the single market. concerned about. In his interview on ITV on January 14 Jeremy Corbyn Those who advise caution, critical made three important points. thinking and a wider lens of analysis are often labelled naive, or worse, First, there should be no second EU referendum. To apologists for the authoritarian leader do so would be anti-democratic. in the West’s sights. Second, there should be a vote by MPs on any final However, recent history shows this deal. If it’s done by the Tories, of whatever description, unwillingness to consider possible it is likely to be a bad deal for working people. wider, long-term impacts of Western But Corbyn’s third point was the most important. La- wars of choice has had grave conse- bour had to be explicit about its criticisms of the single quences for Britain and the rest of the market. Under its terms state aid for industry would be world. restricted. Labour’s key progressive programme pledg- Take Nato’s intervention in Kosovo es to intervene on jobs and industrial development would in 1999, sold by Tony Blair’s govern- be at risk. ment to the British public as a human- The essence of the Tory split is about what is best for itarian intervention urgently needed the very rich. Hammond wants something close to the to stop ethnic cleansing carried out single market which would allow the City of London banks by Serbian government forces. to continue to dominate banking and finance across het “The liberal press — notably the EU. Guardian and the Independent — backed the war to the hilt (while ques- HIH tioning the tactics used to wage it) and lent critical weight to the govern- Boris Johnson and Michael Gove want to strike trade ment’s arguments,” British historian deals across the world on neoliberal terms — something DIRE CONSEQUENCES: Used life jackets and detritus from refugee Mark Curtis notes in his 2003 book shipwrecks cover a beach on the Greek island of Lesbos after the fashion of US President Donald Trump’s low Web of Deceit: Britain’s Real Role In taxes and minimal social services. The World. Labour’s election commitments were exactly the op- In addition “the anti-war movement Iain Duncan Smith came to a simi- been sidelined in 1999, writing in posite — to govern for the many not the few. Labour’s failed to mobilise beyond the political lar conclusion when he recounted a International Affairs journal, Dr opportunity is to spell out once again what this means. margins,” explained international rela- September 2002 meeting he had with “ We Oliver Daddow argued Kosovo was the Britain’s manufacturing was in crisis long before the tions specialist Dr Aidan Hehir in a Blair to Andrew Rawnsley for his 2010 desperately point when Blair confirmed “that he EU referendum. In the last 10 years, 620,000 jobs had 2009 Irish Times op-ed. book The End Of The Party. did not need to rely on Whitehall’s been lost, almost a fifth of those remaining. Aaronovitch, then at the Independ- “He’d decided this was a successful need more decision-making machinery for ideas Each workplace closed meant well-paid jobs lost, skills ent, proclaimed he would fight if asked formula. He’d done Kosovo. He’d done or strategy.” dispersed and more young people condemned to work by the government, while Andrew Afghanistan. It was what he believed critical and The 2011 Nato war in Libya has also in the zero-hours economy as City of London speculators Marr writing in the Observer put for- in,” said the Tory Party leader at the had a number of influential effects on made fabulous fortunes for the very rich. ward “the Macbeth option: which is time of the Iraq invasion. long-term subsequent conflicts. Labour won votes last summer because it said this had that we’re so steeped in blood we Writing in the Financial Times in Backed by around 97 per cent of Brit- to stop. The government could and must intervene for should go further” and “put in ground 2007, Quentin Peel makes the obvious thinking ish MPs and much of the liberal com- public ownership of utilities, a state investment bank, troops.” connection: “Kosovo was… a crucial when the mentariat, the British intervention was for state aid to industry that could create thriving re- With Blair basking in the liberal moment in the development of the given legal cover by the passing of UN gional economies, for sectoral collective bargaining and, media’s adoration after playing a lead- international vision… that eventually government Security Council resolution 1973, which not least, for an end to auctioning off public services to ing role in the military campaign that led to [Blair’s] backing for the US-led authorised “all necessary measures” the lowest bidder. pushed Serb forces out of Kosovo in invasion of Iraq” — an invasion, let’s tries, as it to protect civilians in Libya. Labour, it argued, had to seize these opportunities June 1999, it is worth considering not forget, that was not authorised by Though the resolution did not refer now existing outside the EU. These opportunities remain some of the longer-term ramifications the United Nations, just as the Kosovo inevitably to regime change — illegal under inter- and are essentially about reasserting the principle of of Nato’s intervention. intervention was also not backed by national law — the House of Commons economic democracy — a goal of the labour movement It is clear the war’s perceived suc- the UN. will, to Foreign Affairs Committee’s examina- and the Labour Party since formation. But there also needs cess (rejected by Curtis and US dis- As the title of Dr Hehir’s Irish tion of the intervention in 2016 con- sident Noam Chomsky) emboldened gain public cluded the “limited intervention to to be clarity. Before Labour’s promised consultations on Times piece argued: Nato’s “Good Blair, likely increasing his messianic War” In Kosovo Degraded Interna- protect civilians drifted into a policy its approach, arguments are being made for the EU cus- tendencies, which many believed tional Law. support for of regime change by military means.” toms union. Can this be an alternative to the single mar- played a crucial role in the invasion There are other important links to Soon after Libyan leader Muammar ket? Not so. of Iraq four years later. the race to war in 2003. “It was during its next Gadaffi was forced out of Tripoli, David Membership involves single market rules. In fact, worse, “It may well be he was actually the [Kosovo] war… that Blair and foreign war ” Cameron and French President Nicho- it additionally requires accepting external EU trade trea- drunk on his self-importance having Campbell honed their PR machine and las Sarkozy made a triumphalist, polit- ties such as the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic had successes in Kosovo and Sierra Blair’s image as a humanitarian ical capital-boosting visit to the coun- and Trade Agreement whose provisions allow privateers Leone,” Colonel Tim Collins, a senior leader,” asserted former International try in September 2011 (or so they to sue governments for lost profits. figure in the army in 2003, commented Development Secretary Clare Short thought). Russia, on the other hand, Tory crisis is Labour’s opportunity but only if it recap- when the Chilcot Inquiry published in her 2004 book An Honourable took an entirely different lesson from tures the enthusiasm of its election campaign and ad- its findings. “He genuinely believed Deception? the war. vances its own democratic, progressive alternative. he could do no wrong.” Noting how the Foreign Office had Quoting a senior Barrack Obama Morning Star Monday January 29 2018 FEATURES 9 short-term inking nd media’s rush to war has had world, writes iaN SiNCLair a visit to a Free Syrian Army unit, one UN official found that the Libyan prec- edent and anti-Assad Western rhetoric had convinced opposition fighters that Nato was going to intervene on their behalf.” According to the UN official, this was “not conducive to… serious engagement.” In his 2017 book The Battle For Syria: International Rivalry In The New Middle East, Chatham House’s Dr Christopher Phillips highlights a Pic: International Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament/Creative Commons similar dynamic with the opposition’s NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT regional supporters in 2012: “Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey were con- vinced both that Assad was close to falling and that eventually the US would intervene as it had in Libya, and so saw no need to compromise.” Making a mockery of Britain’s The Libyan intervention, then, was one of the reasons behind Russia’s large, obstructive role in Syria, and the decision by some opposition groups to shun negotiations aiming to end the non-proliferation promises war — two of the many reasons why the horrific conflict continues today. So it goes. The ongoing North Ministers and the nuclear regulators are failing to Korean crisis is inexorably linked with these events in the Middle East. “North Korea learned from Iraq that call out flawed legisation, says DaviD Lowry Saddam Hussein’s mistake was he did not possess the weapons of mass N EVIDENCE I submitted last regime for Britain will undoubtedly Labour’s front bench energy destruction he was falsely accused of November to the House of add to the bad image of the country spokesperson, Dr Alan Whitehead having. Libya taught a similar lesson,” Commons committee examin- in the wider international commu- disarmingly told MPs in the Com- Professor John Delury, a North Korean ing the Nuclear Safeguards nity as a state that abrogates its mons: “I think that it is agreed that expert at Yonsei University Graduate Bill, I concluded as follows: international treaty commitments. Euratom has served well our pur- School of International Studies, told “The UK nuclear regulator “This diplomatic dimension has poses as a nuclear nation over the the BBC in 2016. Iis going to be given unprecedented been totally overlooked by the Office past 40 years, and nuclear safe- administration official as saying Rus- According to a 2017 Guardian responsibility for policing a diplo- for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and guarding has worked very well in sian President Vladimir Putin is report, North Korean “state media matically contentious new arrange- utterly ignored by ministerial evi- inspecting and representing our “obsessed” by the Nato-enabled over- frequently refers to their [Gadaffi’s ment, which will increase suspicion dence to this committee; the conse- obligations to international agencies throw and death of Gadaffi, Julia Ioffe and Saddam Hussein’s] demise as among member states of the 1968 quences further down the road will such as the International Atomic recently argued in The Atlantic mag- proof that the US wolves are now at Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty be predictably dire. Energy Agency (IAEA).” azine that “regime change in Libya North Korea’s door.” (NPT) — (for which Britain, as a “There is time to avoid this out- Sadly, this assertion is wrong in and Ukraine led to Russia propping co-drafter of the treaty text, is one come; but ministers must be pre- almost every particular. up Bashar al-Assad in Syria.” hat these three exam- of three depositary states) — which vailed upon to change their cur- For the record, both Labour and Ioffe goes on to quote former US ples show is that ministers pray-in-aid whenever they rently untenable negotiating stance. Tory ministers have authorised the secretary of state John Kerry’s chief beyond the immedi- discuss the rationale for a UK “ONR has a key, proactive and withdrawal from safeguards for of staff as characterising Putin’s ate crisis, Western nuclear safeguards system. How- robust role to play in doing so. nuclear materials for military uses approach to Syria as “not one more.” military interven- ever, ministers routinely cherry- “I hope for the future credibility over 600 times since the Trilateral A 2011 BBC article entitled Why tions have — often pick those parts of the NPT that suit of British diplomatic reputation — treaty between Britain, Euratom and China and Russia Rebuffed the West predictableW — serious and widespread their purposes. which has suffered serious damage IAEA entered into force in 1978, by in Syria confirms this thesis. “Libya knock-on impacts that have been dis- “But the NPT is an integrated in recent weeks due to the multiple activating the withdrawal clause 14; is perhaps the prime reason” behind astrous for the British public and the diplomatic agreement, with its arti- failures of the Foreign Secretary thus making it a complete mockery Russia’s vetoes at the UN on Syria, wider world. cles all relevant and related. Cherry- — ONR steps up to the plate and to say the British civil nuclear indus- Jonathan Marcus notes. Not to say anything about how the picking is both diplomatically intervenes.” try — and its stockpile of nuclear “Both the Chinese and Russian gov- interventions often undermine the unwise, as it normalises abrogation On January 23 the House of Com- materials — is in any realistic way ernments seem to think that the West British government’s own interests for other signatory nations, and mons returned to examine the under nuclear safeguards obliga- took advantage of [UN] resolution and policy goals — Russia’s response undermines the very treaty for remaining stages of the draft Bill tions. [1973] to intervene militarily in a to the Libyan intervention worked which the UK is supposed to act as in Parliament. Indeed, ONR itself now publishes Libyan civil war” and carry out against British policy goals in Syria, a protective depositary state. It still contained the unacceptable annual data on such withdrawals on regime change, he notes. “They are for example. “The UK is already in very bad British opt out to proliferate from its website. Labour’s shadow team determined not to allow any similar We desperately need more critical diplomatic odour with many NPT the civil programme if ministers should be aware of these important resolution to go forward [on Syria].” and long-term thinking when the gov- member states for its 50-year abject decide to do so. They have already facts. Nato’s intervention in Libya also had ernment tries, as it inevitably will, to failure to abide by its article 6 done this over 600 times under the Unfortunately our independent an important influence on the Syrian gain public support for its next foreign requirement to ‘pursue negotiations current legislation. national nuclear regulator, the ONR, rebels fighting to overthrow the Assad war. Rebuilding and maintaining a in good faith on effective measures Our MPs, more concerned with is passively continuing to collude in government. Writing about the UN’s popular and powerful anti-war move- relating to cessation of the nuclear cheerleading for European Atomic this disgrace by declining to speak mediation efforts in the Syrian crisis, ment is an essential first step to arms race at an early date and to Energy Community (Euratom) than out against this flawed legislation, the academics Raymond Hinnebusch achieving this. nuclear disarmament’. doing their real job, have been truly which is an invite to other nations and William Zartman refer to “the “The proposed arrangements for awful at scrutinising this draft leg- to copy Britain and proliferate with opposition’s unrealistic expectations” n You can follow Ian Sinclair on Twit- a new self-policed ‘safeguards’ islation. impunity. of the peace process in 2012: “During ter on @IanJSinclair. Morning Star 10 LETTERS Monday January 29 2018

GRAHAM STEVENSON HISTORY explores the Star archives 80 YEARS AGO TODAY... Bayeux Tapestry letters When Dreamy Daniel ran the buses THE Daily Worker Rogerson. The character ■ of January 29 1938 was revived as Dreamy carried a report from Dennis in 1944, while a , in the south-east new Dreamy Daniel fl awed by anachronism London borough of appeared in Sparky from . “The 1973. WHILE the recent letters in period in Britain — that period and how its origins are more transition from tribe to state. ‘Dreamy Daniel’ attitude The building of the Morning Star regarding between the end of the Roman or less identical to the develop- In England, serious study of of the London Passenger housing estates in the Bayeux Tapestry are inter- empire and the Norman con- ment of the Iroquois Confed- the period by Marxists is long Transport Board has Eltham continued esting, they both miss an quest — can only be under- eration, the subject of Engels’s overdue. aroused furious indigna- unabated during the fi rst important point. stood by Marxists as a period study. LAURENCE PLATT tion in and half of the 20th century Professor McNay (January of the transition from tribe to SA Dange conducted a pen- Mansfi eld . Over 5,000 with the Page estate 24) regards the Norman inva- state as proposed by Engels in etrating study of early Indian new residents have come (1923), Middle Park sion as ending the democracy the Origin of the Family, Pri- history that confi rmed to live in these parts (1931–36) and that existed in Anglo-Saxon vate Property and the State. Engels’s analysis in India from during the past 18 (begun 1936 but com- England while Brent Cutler Viewed in this light, institu- Primitive Communism to months — yet not one pleted in the 1950s) being (January 27) points out that tions like the Witan can be Slavery. single extra bus has been developed, the latter two the Witan, often viewed as a seen for what they are — the For Marxists, it is provided to take them to on former hunting parks. form of parliament, had little fi nal expression of the tribal clearly inadequate to Mottingham station and The Coldharbour estate or no power and that the basis council before its dissolution resort to “hooray” or to the shopping centre of was built in 1947 and of feudalism already existed. in the face of the new eco- “boo” words and apply- Eltham.” smaller ones circa 1960. Democracy, as it is widely nomic, political and social ing anachronisms such It was typical to have Even today, buses in understood in today’s world, is formation that we know as as “democracy” or its to wait 20 to 30 minutes Eltham are terribly essentially a modern concept, feudalism. absence to the early Have your say – send a letter for a single-decker bus overcrowded and only even if some like to trace its On the fi nal form of the medieval period hin- (of up to 300 words) to and, even then, buses run every 20 minutes, origins to the slave-owning tribal council, George Thom- ders rather than helps would only be able to even during the peak. Greek city states of the clas- son makes the same point in our understanding of [email protected] pick up two or three There are complaints sical period. The Prehistoric Aegean Anglo-Saxon England, the or by post to 52 Beachy passengers out of a that elderly people fall However, the early medieval regarding the Roman senate real story of which is the Road, London queue of 30, leaving the over because there is E3 2NS rest waiting. There were nowhere to sit. no shelters. A campaign “embracing all shades of social, religious and You can political opinion” had read editions of been formed. Dreamy Daniel was a the Daily Worker (1930-45) cartoon strip about a and Morning Star (200 0-today) down-and-out who went , online at on adventures in his mstar.link/DWMSarchive dreams. It appeared in the Lot-o’-Fun comic Ten days’ access costs from 1906 and was so just £5.99 and a popular that a stage play year is was produced, starring £72 comedian Harry

HOUSING Don’t tar all landlords with the same brush YOU can’t argue against the Nicholas van Hoogstratens, idea that “greedy landlords” they ain’t. are bad, although you might Clearly large markets need qualify that by saying no mat- to be regulated — especially ter how greedy they are, what where ordinary people’s lives they can charge is determined are so affected. Yet there is by a market that’s been rigged good evidence that a lot of pro- by government policies for posals coming forward in this decades. respect, for example longer, To imply, however, that all more secure tenancies, would of Britain’s two million land- be welcomed by many land- lords are greedy (M Star Jan- lords. Take these people with uary 26) is mistaken. you and point with a fi nger Shelter’s fi gures, for exam- rather than using a brush to RESISTANCE: Greek civil servants demonstrate against the new bailout conditions earlier this month ple regarding gas and electri- tar everyone. cal safety, suggest that most PAUL LEFLEY of these landlords are decent. London N10 GREEK ANTI UNION LEGISLATION

OUR PAPER Yesterday’s EU aims to cut strike rights everywhere Sudoku solution Quackers! UNDER instructions from the reality is bailing out the Euro- sions of the Trade Union Act right to strike, and using YOU deserve a prize for pub- European Commission, the pean fi nancial institutions that which became law in Britain Greece as a test bed for poli- lishing the picture of ducks European Central Bank and recklessly encouraged Greek in March 2016. cies that it would like to see on a park bench surrounded the International Monetary borrowing. Astonishingly — or perhaps implemented across all mem- by water with the line: Fund, the Greek government The key concession required not — there has been not one ber states. “Ducks shelter from the pushed through the most anti- from the Syriza government word about this from the TUC, Without the right to take fl oods” (M Star January union legislation in Europe on was that industrial action which continues its scaremon- effective strike action, work- 25). It works in so many January 15. would now require a Yes vote gering about the effect of ers have no protection save the highly informative ways! The move was demanded, from more than half of the Brexit on workers’ rights. courts, and capitalist courts Thank you, comrades. along with other draconian total number of union mem- While it prattles on, the Euro- consistently favour the ROBERT measures, as a condition of the bers in a workplace, regard- pean Union is turning the employers. BRINKWORTH latest tranche of what is called less of the actual turnout. This screw on the most fundamen- WILL PODMORE Bath Greece’s bailout, but which in is even worse than the provi- tal of all workers’ rights, the London E12 Morning Star Monday January 29 2018 BOOKS 11

ROUND UP Resistance to the sinister, the ridiculous and the downright revolting the sinister, the ridiculous and the back./What are your plans this time?” Ghorra, Dareen Tatour and Sara crime./In the land of freedom,/the 21st CENTURY POETRY revolting. Against barbarity, the Palestinian Saleh. artist’s fate is prison.’ ANDY CROFT “I was listening to a pogrom on the poet Mahmoud Darwish once said, It’s a bilingual anthology — the And this is Fady Joudah: radio today/coming from a party “poetry can resist only by cultivating English starts at the “front” of the “My daughter/wouldn’t hurt a spi- conference where they had a lot to an attachment to human fragility, like book, the Arabic at the “back” and der/That had nested/Between her say/about people who move, people a blade of grass growing on a wall as they meet in the middle — and it cel- bicycle handles/For two weeks/She who move here/and I got it from the armies march by.” ebrates the fl ourishing cultural waited/Until it left of its own accord/ pogrom this is something to fear/I That’s certainly the case with A resistance of the Palestinian people If you tear down the web I said/It oetry can stick up for should worry about the people next Blade of Grass: New Palestinian to decades of displacement, occupa- will simply know/This isn’t a place the weak,” says door/I should worry about the woman Poetry (Smokestack Books, £9.99). tion, exile and bombardment. to call home/And you’d get to go bik- Michael Rosen, or it cleaning the fl oor.” Edited by Naomi Foyle, poet, nov- A percentage of the receipts from ing/She said/that’s how others/ can “mock the mighty. Few poets writing today can move elist and one of the co-founders of the book will be donated to support Become refugees isn’t it?” It can “glorify our rul- so effortlessly between the voice of British Writers in Support of Pales- the legal fees of two of the poets in Mustafa Abu Sneineh’s take on the ers“P or it can dissect them. You seriousness and the voice of the child tine, it brings together new work by the anthology, Dareen Tatour and fable of the ant and the soldier is as choose.” who asks why the emperor is not poets from the Occupied West Bank Ashraf Fayadh, currently imprisoned pertinent: In Listening to a Pogrom on the wearing any clothes, as in Le Front and Gaza, from the Palestinian in Israel and Saudi Arabia because “My story is there when the story Radio (Smokestack Books, £8.95), his National. diaspora and from within the dis- of poems they have written: of war is told —/Since no-one pays new collection for grown-ups, Rosen “Child of Vichy/the last time you puted borders of Israel. “I am accused of words,/my pen attention to a plucky ant except/when makes his own choices clear. were the government/you gave my Included are Mahmoud Darwish, the instrument./Ink – blood of the a defeated/Conqueror notices her./ It’s a book about anti-semitism, great-uncle and aunt’s address/to the Maya Abu Al-Hayyat, Deema K She- heart – bears witness/and reads the The conqueror can stare all he likes./ racism, Donald Trump, Marine Le Nazis./That was how the Nazis found habi, Ashraf Fayadh, Mustafa Abu charges./Listen, my destiny, my life,/ One day someone will come and tell Pen and the Tory assaults on the them and deported them/to Ausch- Sneineh, Naomi Shihab Nye, Marwan to what the judge said:/A poem stands the story I recognise:/A brave ant NHS and education — the stupid and witz, from where they never came Makhoul, Farid Bitar, Fatena Al accused,/my poem morphs into a contemplating a defeated conqueror.”

FICTION ECONOMICS Disorienting tales of intimacy, A surgical strike on obsession and death Southerly by Jorge Consiglio (Charco Press, £9.99) capitalist economics

ARGENTINA has a long and rich tra- dition of high-calibre short-story writ- Peter Fleming’s book takes a scalpel to the chicanery ers, Roberto Arlt, Jorge Luis Borges, Silvina Ocampo and Samantha Schweblin among of neoliberalism, says NICOLAS LALAGUNA them. They all have in common a natural capacity to The Death of Homo Economicus depict the everyday in ways that reveal hidden by Peter Fleming truths, sometimes exposing the violent forces of (Pluto Press, £14.99) nature, the ambiguities of social relationships or the full power of human obsessions. Jorge Consiglio (pictured) joins their ranks now N SHIFTING seamlessly between the TRUMPING IT UP: with his short-story collection Southerly, the fi rst comic, the shocking, the unbelievable and Donald Trump gives to be translated into English. the heart-breaking, Peter Fleming has European business Employing a language that is sharp, concise and produced an outstanding analysis of eco- leaders a piece of visceral, it proves his talent as a natural storyteller nomics, society and the human condition his mind and as a social chronicler and poet of some refi ne- in The Death of Homo Economicus. ment. IIt’s like watching a forensic post-mortem The collection of seven stories begins with South- as, layer after layer, Fleming unravels the erly, the tale of Anatol, descendant of immigrants pantomime of modern economic theory to in Buenos Aires, and his friend Dahlmann. reveal the fundamental lies underpinning it. Both move in a dreamlike world that recreates For the author, we are all far more than the famous 1953 story El Sur by Borges and, like just cogs in the wealth-producing machines most of Consiglio’s stories, it recounts the lives of of the rich, refl ected in much of the people who encounter the unexpected, the cruel “informed” economic debate presenting us and the monotonous in everyday life. as such and which is little more than a cloak Travel, Travel narrates the journey of a man who of sophistry rationalising exploitation and returns to the town of his birth in order to renovate oppression. the house in which he grew up and, in the process, Fleming argues that the assumptions ends up lost in the middle of the countryside. underpinning neoclassical and neoliberal Completely disoriented following a car accident, economic thinking and the unquestioning he seeks help in the muddy fi elds, where he sees a subservience to them of the political elite in dark fi gure — possibly his refl ection — approaching. the 1980s and 1990s are not only fundamen- As in most of Consiglio’s short stories, the ending tally fl awed but demonstrably threaten our is left open and the sense of disorientation, tension entire species. and ambiguity is one that runs through the book. By contrasting the disparity between the In The Running Man, a jogger running along a economic perspective of humans as produc- coastal path and the adjoining woods encounters ers of value for the market and the propa- three dead cows and one barely alive. Hours later, gandised perspective of the individual as a deeply disturbed by the strange experience, he pathological accumulator of tat and money returns to kill the ailing animal with his loaded with the more historical and arguably pistol. normative perspective of people as the political chicanery of how economic of Capitalism did 20 years ago, this book He’s overwhelmed by a sense of intense joy and, rational, social, caring and responsible policies, at the behest of the super-rich, may help many to start laying the intellec- as he fi nally admits, “I observed it for a couple of members of the community, Fleming enforce socialism for the exploiter class tual building blocks needed to realign their minutes, without trying to reach any conclusion... reveals that our emperors are wearing and unfettered capitalism for the rest. own internalised and self-defeating para- “As I returned home, in the midst of all that freez- no clothes. The author contends that, in the after- digm. ing desolation, I realised I was at peace and that He simplifi es the processes and sys- math of one of the greatest welfare scams Perhaps then we can begin to rebuild our from then on, things would begin to change.” tems that some would prefer we should in human history, in which taxpayers were communities and societies based on the needs Such disturbing moments typify the book and think too complex to understand by forced to bail out the tax avoiders after of the many as opposed to the greed of the they demonstrate the abilities of an assured writer continually framing processes with real exam- their greed crashed the global economy, now few. in search of a language that, in its minute and pains- ples and the impacts they have had on people is absolutely the time to start confronting the taking precision, is immensely effective. and communities. lies and abuses of those clearly unfi t to manage. ■ Nicolas Lalaguna is the author of Seven LEO BOIX His engaging and accessible style unmasks Much like John McMurtry’s Cancer Stage May Days. Morning Star 12 FEATURES Monday January 29 2018

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Sudoku IntermediateExpert Tell us FUND what you’d like to see YOU’VE RAISED: WE NEED: more of in your £16,191 £1,809 paper and OVER the weekend regular the years however are set to go, holding its breath waiting for email readers may have noticed an (such as a marked downsizing either a new Blair or a new editorial@ article announcing the latest of our giant weather section) and Clegg we actually want a left- part of the Star’s refresh is com- the general theme, colour sheme Labour project to succeed. peoples- ing at the end of this week — a etc will with luck better refl ect On the other, career drabs redesign of the paper and a rise that of our shiny new website. such as Nick Cohen refuse to get press.com in price for the Saturday edition. Unlike the Grauniad, which out of bed for less than our entire Sadly the price rise is a meas- recently went to town with its features budget, so we couldn’t ure intended to mitigate rising own lovely Evening Standard- aff ord them anyway. costs rather than replace the themed revamp with added Fortunately we are consist- need for your ever-appreciated hairlines, you’ll be glad to know ently blessed by brilliant and support of the fund, so you re- we won’t be jettisoning our astute socialist writers and while main as ever a vital part of keep- left-Labour columnists. we’re not expecting to get eve- ing our 88-year run going. This is both by choice and rything right, hopefully our new Some of the many visual ec- necessity. On the one hand, look will help present them in centricities we’ve built up over while the Graun appears to be the lights that they deserve. Give by post… phone… or online Payable to PPFF to: From 10am-5pm on At morningstar Fighting Fund, 52 Beachy (020) 8510-0815 online.co.uk/support Solution tomorrow… Rd, London E3 2NS TODAY’S WEATHER TV & RADIO

★ INVERNESS Light rain shower Why spend cash killing things 5°C max, feels like 0°C Wind 11mph WSW when you can watch them? 62% chance of rain by Ann Douglas ★ ABERDEEN THERE are a few things which Sunny day the BBC does and can be 5°C max, feels like 1°C pointed to as defi nitively ★ GLASGOW Wind 13mph W fulfi lling their original brief to Light rain shower “inform, educate and 6°C max, feels like 2°C entertain” and its seasonal Wind 13mph W ★ series following the wildlife at 59% chance of rain EDINBURGH Sherborne Park Estate is one Sunny day of them. ★ LIVERPOOL 6°C max, feels like 1°C The fi rst episode of Wind 16mph W (9pm, BBC2) Light rain shower Winterwatch 9°C max, feels like 4°C sees the top team of Strachan Wind 16mph WNW and Packham catching up 96% chance of rain with the park animals to see ★ NEWCASTLE how they are coping with Sunny day what has been a relatively ★ SHEFFIELD 8°C max, feels like 3°C mild winter, while Gillian Partly cloudy Wind 16mph WNW Burke heads to the west coast 10°C max, feels like 6°C of Scotland. Wind 11mph WNW It’s gentle, endlessly 55% chance of rain interesting, helps connect us ★ NORWICH all with the natural world a ★ BIRMINGHAM Heavy rain little more and is honestly Heavy rain 10°C max, feels like 6°C some of the best telly around. 10°C max, feels like 6°C Wind 16mph WSW Which brings us to the rather less happy Trophy: The Big Game Wind 13mph NW 93% chance of rain Hunting Controversy (9pm, BBC4). The feature-length Storyville docu- 93% chance of rain mentary delves into the endless parade of unpalatable choices facing conservationists as they try to protect endangered species. ★ LONDON One of those choices involves selling the lives of some of their charges to ★ CARDIFF Cloudy some of the worst people on the planet — super wealthy people who want Light rain 12°C max, feels like 8°C to indulge their grotesque drive to kill exotic-looking animals that can’t shoot 11°C max, feels like 8°C Wind 16mph WSW back and then take a nice photo of the carnage. Wind 16mph W 82% chance of rain 87% chance of rain I’m phoning in today’s WtM a bit by selecting Killer Women with Piers ★ PLYMOUTH ★ SOUTHAMPTON NEXT FEW DAYS… Morgan (10.45pm ITV) because the Cloudy Cloudy Wind and heavy rain will move What smug loudmouth with boneheaded 11°C max, feels like 8°C 12°C max, feels like 8°C across the north on Tuesday while opinions on everything paints such an Wind 18mph WSW Wind 16mph WSW the south will see drier weather. to miss enormous target on his head it practically 52% chance of rain 47% chance of rain The wind will turn colder and blocks out the Sun. But in my defence, any temperatures will drop on TV show involving Piers Morgan is de Thursday, with a mix of sunshine facto phoning in whatever concept and heavy showers. they’re tackling. Morning Star Monday January 29 2018 FEATURES 13

N A trade merry-go-round, US and CORPORATE TREATIES Canadian workers and unions are opposing their governments’ posi- tions in US-Canada-Mexico talks Ion a “new Nafta.” They are leery of Canada’s con- trasting labour stands between the What do new Nafta new Trans-Pacifi c Partnership pact — weak — and the new Nafta. There, Canada’s stand is, or has been, strong. As a result, the AFL-CIO is moni- toring the new Nafta talks, now occurring in Montreal, for Trump administration backsliding. And the Canadian Labour Congress talks mean for US and is steaming over Canada’s advocacy for weak labour standards in the new 11-nation TPP, which includes Mex- ico, but not the US. The outcome of “new Nafta” trade pact talks is important for workers in both nations. The 24-year-old Nafta has cost between 600,000 and one Canadian workers? million US factory jobs and more than 60,000 Canadian factory jobs, all of them shifted by fi rms, espe- cially the Detroit Three car compa- nies, to low-wage, no labour and envi- OUT OF TOUCH: Canada’s ronmental standards Mexico. top Nafta negotiator Steve Workers in both nations say more Verheul arrives for talks on high-paying jobs, in factories and the treaty on Friday services, could be lost with a new Nafta. The Communications Workers Union, for example, cites call centre jobs going to Mexico. And the same goes for Canada in a new TPP, Mark Rowlinson, execu- tive assistant to the Canadian Steel- workers president, said in a telephone interview. Canadians believe they’ll lose auto and auto parts jobs, especially to Korea, under the new TPP. He is also sceptical about what the so-called investor protection provisions in the new TPP would mean. Canadian workers, however, are blunt in where they stand on any new Nafta, the controversial US-Canada- Mexico “free trade” pact that would replace the current 24-year-old treaty. They’re against it. Thousands of them took to the streets of central Montreal, brandish- ing anti-Nafta signs on January 23. The contrast in labour positions in the two trade pacts doesn’t perplex new in name only, and it will fail to “By the time Canada entered the was fi rst negotiated, added Rowlin- AFL-CIO trade specialist Celeste by Mark Gruenberg address the trade defi cit, create good TPP negotiations, they were shut out son. Drake, who’s monitoring the new jobs, or raise US wages as a result,” from proposing their own labour text “Here in Canada, we think it” — Nafta talks while keeping an eye on Drake said. and had to live with what the US had the new Nafta — “is a mistake,” espe- the TPP fi ght, too. The fed is leery of Canadian Prime Minister Justin put down” in the TPP, Drake explains. cially because of the labour standards the GOP Trump administration’s obligations in the text and establish Trudeau laid a tough pro-worker posi- That text was written before labour confl ict. positions in new NAFTA talks. innovative monitoring and enforce- tion on the bargaining table in the and its allies successfully lobbied “One has to be concerned for Can- “Any real solutions for creating a ment tools and penalties to overcome last “new Nafta” round of talks, in Congress to defeat the TPP if Demo- ada’s stand for stronger labour stand- ‘new Nafta’ must include strong, clear entrenched indifference to worker Mexico City. cratic President Barack Obama sub- ards” in both nations south of its and effective provisions that protect rights,” Drake added. It included not just requiring mitted it and before successor GOP border “while they (the Trudeau worker rights and freedoms in Mex- Mexico’s record under the current higher labour standards and free — President Donald Trump formally administration) are negotiating a TPP ico,” Drake said in a detailed state- Nafta is so bad that the United Farm not company and government-con- pulled the US out. with nations like Vietnam that have ment from Montreal, site of the new Workers and AFL-CIO, accompanied trolled — unions in Mexico, but Trudeau enthusiastically announced very low labour standards.” talks. by Mexican unions, fi led virtually tougher enforcement in the US and the new TPP in a speech to the World There may be one bright spot, how- “The enemy of American workers is simultaneous, but separate, com- repeal of so-called “right to work” Economic Forum in Davos, Switzer- ever, the AFL-CIO’s Drake says. not Mexican workers. It is a broken plaints with the US Labour Depart- laws. land, on January 24. “Now, without Vietnam and Malay- system of trade that rewards corporate ment on January 25. Like the US, Trudeau also wrote “Our concern is our government is sia at the table opposing strict and greed at our expense by allowing man- Both said Mexico has broken its worker rights into Nafta’s text, not a pro ‘free-trade’ government,” regard- enforceable standards” in a trade ufacturers who operate in Mexico to own already weak labour laws dur- as a side pact. Mexico opposed both less of who’s Prime Minister, Rowlin- pact, as they were in the TPP, “and exploit workers and pay poverty wages. ing the current treaty’s 24 years, the US and Canada. son said in a telephone interview. with a new US lead negotiator, the “To help raise wages and improve and both demand investigations and Canada’s fl ip-fl op on worker rights “Whatever we agreed to at the TPP, dynamics are different. We’ll see if working conditions, Nafta must rulings for arbitration and negotia- between the TPP and the “new Nafta” it would be diffi cult to go to Nafta the new negotiating situation can cre- ensure all workers can exercise fun- tions. doesn’t surprise Drake. and demand something more.” Both ate a better economic frame for work- damental labour rights … including “A new Nafta that includes any- It also prompts the steelworkers’ Canada and Mexico are in the TPP ing families,” she said. the bedrock right to join unions and thing less than a strong, clear, and Rowlinson to predict Trudeau will as well as Nafta. negotiate with employers. effective labour chapter — with swift backtrack on Canada’s strong pro- “We’re still in the same place” as ■ This piece appeared on People’s “Nafta must embed strong labour and certain enforcement — will be worker Nafta stand. Canadian unions were when Nafta World.

Test your The Quizmaster with William Sitwell CONTACT US general GENERAL William Rust House knowledge The RAH jazz band is ■ Yesterday’s answers ENQUIRIES: 52 Beachy Road, London E3 2NS 1 named after its founder. with our daily 1. Which legendary Greek hero owned a plough that [email protected] Who is he? quiz – and was pulled by a donkey and an ox? Odysseus (He (020) 8510-0815 (Mon-Fri 10am-5pm) see if you can 2 In which English county is did this in an attempt to avoid serving in the CAMPAIGNS: Calvin Tucker beat The Seat Sandal? Trojan war) [email protected] Quizmaster... Swallow Bank comes into 2. On a Scrabble board, what colour are the Double CIRCULATION: Bernadette Keaveney 3 which British TV comedy? Word Score squares? Dark blue [email protected] 3. Which element is represented by the symbol Na? ADVERTISING: Moshfi qur Noor Sodium DEVIOUS: Odysseus (right) [email protected] Morning Star 14 SPORT Monday January 29 2018

MEN’S CRICKET SCOTLAND: Volunteer Alison Wilson dresses as Agnes Burns (Robert Burns’s mother) to Curran comeback demonstrate how to hurl a haggis at Burns Cottage in Alloway at the World Haggis pushes England Hurling championship, part of the Burns celebration in Alloway, which had to be cancelled due to the bad to fi nal ODI win weather yesterday by Our Sports Desk Curran was kicking his heels for the fi rst three matches of the series, earning TOM CURRAN led an England his call only after the trophy comeback in Perth yesterday had been won following an to end the one-day interna- injury to Liam Plunkett. tional series against Australia But, on just his third ODI 4-1 to the visitors. appearance, he made it clear The Surrey seamer took fi ve he is eager for more. for 35 to cap off the series. “It was very frustrating, but England scrambled to 259 if you’re getting left out as a batting fi rst on an unpredict- player and you’re happy about able drop-in surface — Jason it… international sport is prob- Roy thrashing a quick 49 and ably not the place for you.” Joe Root applying a more stu- Curran’s efforts nudged dious method for his 62 — and Perth local Andrew Tye into the appeared to have lost control shade, though his fi ve for 46 in of the chase when Australia the fi rst innings will at least reached 192 for four. earn him a place in the history But Curran led a stirring of his new home stadium. comeback, seizing the moment Tye might easily have been and scattering the tail to seal the one celebrating a match- a 12-run triumph. winning turn had Jake Ball “It’s a very special day. been unable to bowl his fi nal That’s what we train for. You two overs, with England want to be asked to perform almost losing the seamer unex- in the big moments and to be pectedly at the denouement. involved when the game can “He was feeling very dizzy go either way, that’s when you and nauseous, he couldn’t get the most satisfaction,” the really keep his balance,” 22-year-old said. revealed captain Eoin Morgan.

MEN’S CRICKET England players snubbed in IPL contract auction

JOE ROOT was joined by Eoin nationals this month, was not Morgan and Alex Hales in bought this weekend. being snubbed by Indian Pre- Fast bowler Mark Wood mier League (IPL) teams as landed a deal with Chennai England cricketers experi- Super Kings. MEN’S FOOTBALL: FA CUP FOURTH ROUND enced mixed fortunes in the All-rounder Ben Stokes was player auction. sold for almost £1.4 million on Root recently decided to sit Saturday despite his impend- out the Twenty20 Tri-Series ing February 13 court appear- VAR growing pains against Australia and New ance for affray. Zealand, giving himself the He was snapped up by chance to appear in the IPL. Rajasthan Royals, but for less He said the money was a draw, than the £1.7m paid last year along with improving his by Rising Pune Supergiant. can’t hide hopeless white-ball skills. The IPL had assured fran- But Root, man of the series chises they would be able to as England beat Australia 4-1 replace Stokes if he was ruled in their run of one-day inter- out for the whole competition. Reds performance Liverpool 2-3 West Brom our players to keep warmed- Robson-Kanu, but by by James Nalton up and ticking over in that that time they were MEN’S CRICKET situation? I don’t know. It ahead thanks to two at Anfi eld was bizarre. There was a lot clinical fi nishes from LIVERPOOL were knocked of Scouse wit from the side- Jay Rodriguez, and Pakistan reclaim place at top out of the FA Cup at the hands line which I enjoyed.” some industrious play of West Bromwich Albion on The possibility of in defence and midfi eld. of world Twenty20 rankings Saturday, despite several VAR injury after long A third came in interventions in their favour. breaks in play a period of fi rst- PAKISTAN beat New Zealand smashing three sixes in his 21 Alan Pardew raised issues hasn’t often been half injury by 18 runs yesterday to win the from just seven deliveries. with the new technology after raised in the T20 international series 2-1 and In reply, openers Martin Gup- his side had a goal disallowed VAR debate, and claim top spot in the Twenty20 till and captain Kane Williamson and conceded a penalty as a Kieran Gibbs’s rankings from their opponents. got the Black Caps off to a solid result of video reviews, but sprint for a After winning the toss and start before Williamson fell in still managed to put three past ball against opting to bat, Pakistan posted the sixth over, with Guptill going the hopeless home side. Emre Can a total of 181 for six from their on to make 59 from 43 balls with “The biggest worry for me meant his 20 overs at Mount Maunganui, the aid of four sixes. was the four minutes for the part in the with opener Fakhar Zaman top- Ross Taylor also recorded Salah penalty decision,” said game was over. scoring with 46 from 36 balls. three maximums in a quickfi re the Baggies manager. The visitors were CLINICAL: And although wickets fell at 25, but Pakistan’s bowlers did “You are going from a high- forced into two sub- West Brom’s regular intervals, the visitors an excellent job of restricting tempo workrate to nothing and stitutions in the Jay Rodriguez continued to score at a good rate, the hosts to 163 for six, with CONCERNED: Liverpool and then we had a hamstring fi rst half due to with Sarfraz Ahmed making 29 Shadab Kahn fi nishing with West Brom managers Jurgen injury just after. the injuries to from 21 balls and Umar Amin fi gures of two for 19. Klopp (top) and Alan Pardew “As a coach should I have got Gibbs and Hal Morning Star Monday January 29 2018 SPORT 15

TENNIS: AUSTRALIAN OPEN IN BRIEF St Mirren power Wozniacki regains ahead after win SCOTLAND: St Mirren are now 11 points clear in the Scottish Champion- ship after they won 2-1 at Dunfermline and Dundee world No 1 rank United’s stuttering chal- lenge continued with a heavy 3-0 defeat at home Federer wins 20th grand slam in men’s singles to Greenock Morton. Falkirk’s resurgence by Our Sports Desk Halep, who ascended to No impressive run to the semi- continued with a 3-1 win 1 for the first time on October finals at Melbourne Park, over 10-man Inverness, 9 last year and was playing her improving from No 37 to No 20. who had Jake Mulraney WINNING the Australian Open first major as the top seed, Johanna Konta also surren- sent off just before final this weekend has earned slips to No 2 in the new list. dered her place in the top 10, half-time, Livingston beat Caroline Wozniacki her first Elina Svitolina moved up dropping to No 11 after her Dumbarton 2-0 to move major title, and a bonus prize. one place to No 3, switching second-round upset loss to Ber- third, and bottom club Bre- Wozniacki (right) beat Simona places with Wimbledon cham- narda Pera at Melbourne Park. chin lost yet again, 3-1 at Halep in three sets in the cham- pion Garbine Muguruza. On the men’s side, Roger Fed- Queen of the South. pionship match on the weekend, Angelique Kerber’s run to erer will remain at No 2 behind meaning she’ll replace the the Australian Open semi- Rafael Nadal on the ATP tour Romanian player atop the WTA finals, coming off her first title after successfully defending his rankings released today. since the 2016 US Open when Australian Open title and cap- Non-leaguers make “I think being a new grand she won the Sydney Interna- turing a 20th major with a vic- slam champion and world No tional earlier this month, tory over Marin Cilic yesterday. it into quarter-finals 1 sounds pretty good,” Wozni- earned the former No 1 a spot Cilic moves up from sixth to WALES: Non-league acki said. “I’m very excited for record (five years, 29 days) for in the top 10. a career-high No 3 in the rank- minnows Penydarren are that. It’s a dream come true.” the longest span between losing Elise Mertens is the biggest ings, with Grigor Dimitrov and in the last eight of the Her six years between stints and regaining the top ranking mover among the higher- Alexander Zverev each drop- Welsh Cup after winning at No 1 beats Serena Williams’s in the women’s tour. ranked players after her ping a spot to 4 and 5. 2-1 at Pontypridd Town. Seven Welsh Premier teams will join them in the quarter-final draw but MEN’S GOLF Newtown needed penal- ties, after a 2-2 draw, to defeat Flint and Llandudno Li triumphs squeezed past Ruthin 4-3 in extra time. in Dubai as Bangor won 3-2 at Llanrhaeadr, Connah’s Quay beat Porthmadog McIlroy 3-1, Aberystwyth edged out Cardiff Met 1-0, TNS loses lead won 3-1 at Caernarfon and Carmarthen overcame RORY McILROY made no Airbus 4-1. attempt to hide his frustra- tion after squandering a two-shot lead with eight holes to play yesterday as Crusaders charge China’s Li Haotong claimed the biggest win of his career through Carrick in the Dubai Desert Classic. NORTHERN IRELAND: McIlroy overturned a Crusaders still lead the one-shot overnight deficit Irish Premiership by a time which, after three goals, with the aid of three point after they thumped two substitutions, and numer- birdies in the first 10 holes Carrick 6-0 and second- ous VAR stoppages, should at Emirates Golf Club, but place Coleraine won 2-0 at have been much longer than bogeyed the 11th and 16th FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE: Michigan State students rally against sexual abuse of women and girls Glentoran. the four minutes added on. as well as three-putting Bottom of the table Craig Dawson crossed into the the par-five 13th for par. SEX ABUSE Ballinamallard secured danger area and Joel Matip And although the only their second win of turned the ball into his own four-time major winner the season after spectacu- goal as he unwisely attempted birdied the final two holes, larly beating Cliftonville a back-heeled clearance. Li did likewise under USA Gymnastics board set 6-4, Warrenpoint gained a Liverpool manager Jurgen enormous pressure to surprise point in a 3-3 Klopp was more welcoming of complete a closing 69 and draw at Glenavon and Dun- the technology, but says it may win by a single shot. gannon edged out Ards 1-0. take some time to iron out its Li’s 23-under-par total is to resign under pressure Linfield’s miserable flaws. a tournament record and form continued with a 2-2 “Of course it will change gives him a second by Our Sports Desk In a statement issued late on until she quit gymnastics at 16. draw at Ballymena. things,” said the German. European Tour title, as well Friday, the organisation said USA Gymnastics did force “I think it’s important as making him the first male the remaining 18 board mem- out former president Steve that’s what we always wanted. Chinese player to break THE remaining members of bers would quit. Penny last spring — with a $1 If a goal should be disallowed, into the world’s top 50. the USA Gymnastics board of It followed an open letter million severance payment — Masuaku finally says it is disallowed. Li will also make his directors have said they will issued by top USOC official and hired Kerry Perry in “It’s normal that in the Masters debut in April and resign following a threat from Scott Blackmun calling for a November as his replacement. sorry for spitting beginning that it takes a little can become the third the United States Olympic “full turnover of leadership.” However, the rest of the FOOTBALL: West Ham bit longer, but I think that will straight Dubai champion, Committee (USOC) to decer- USA Gymnastics and the power structure remained defender Arthur Masuaku become more fluent and after Danny Willett and tify the organisation. USOC were accused of trying intact. Rachael Denhollander, apologised yesterday for smoother in the future.” Sergio Garcia, to claim a The USOC’s ultimatum fol- to cover up Nassar’s sex the first person to come for- his actions after being sent Klopp saw his side open the green jacket. lowed the sentencing of child- assaults on girls. ward as a Nassar victim in the off for spitting at Nick scoring when Roberto Firmino McIlroy has now finished molesting gymnastics team Former Olympic gymnast autumn of 2016, asked the Powell during Saturday’s chipped the ball over Ben Fos- third and second in his two doctor Larry Nassar, who McKayla Maroney has sued board’s executive officers to FA Cup defeat at Wigan. ter after the West Brom keeper starts since calling an early assaulted at least 150 girls and the two organisations, along resign last August. The 24-year-old had saved well from Mohamed end to an injury-plagued young women over 25 years. with Nassar and Michigan Olympic gold-medallist Aly Frenchman was dismissed Salah. and winless 2017 campaign. Nassar had worked as a USA State University, alleging that Raisman talked repeatedly after spitting at Latics Firmino missed the penalty Asked about missing out Gymnastics trainer and doctor they had tried to hide the about the need for a complete forward Powell during a which was awarded after check- on a first win since since 1986. More than 150 abuse by making her sign a overhaul after outlining the 2-0 loss for the Hammers. ing the replay, and Salah got his September 2016, McIlroy women made victim-impact non-disclosure agreement. abuse Nassar subjected her to Manager David Moyes goal in the second half, but it still said: “Yeah, pissed off.” statements during his week- Nassar abused Maroney from in a book released in Novem- called it “despicable.” wasn’t enough to force a replay. long sentencing hearing. when she was 13 years old ber. 16 Morning Star Monday January 29 2018 Sport MEN’S FOOTBALL: FA CUP Weekend football FA Cup (fourth round) Huddersfield T 1 1 Birmingham City Hull City 2 1 Nottingham Forest CHELSEA FIND Liverpool 2 3 West Brom Middlesbrough 0 1 Brighton Millwall 2 2 Rochdale Milton Keynes 0 1 Coventry City Newport Co AFC 1 1 Tottenham Notts Co 1 1 Swansea City Peterborough Utd 1 5 Leicester City Sheffield Utd 1 0 Preston NE THEIR FEET IN Southampton 1 0 Watford Wigan Athletic 2 0 West Ham Utd Chelsea 3 0 Newcastle Cardiff L L Manchester City Championship Barnsley 1 3 Fulham Brentford 0 1 Norwich City Bristol City 2 0 QPR 4TH ROUND Ipswich T 0 1 Wolves Pressing Toon can’t find a way past Blues League One Blackburn Rovers 1 1 Northampton T Bradford City 0 4 AFC Wimbledon Chelsea 3-0 Newcastle club’s transfer business, his from the west Londoners, Doncaster R 1 3 Bristol R by Amar Azam tone was a lot more balanced. Chelsea found the break- Gillingham 2 1 Fleetwood T He added: “When you have through on 31 minutes follow- Oldham A 1 2 Plymouth Argyle at Stamford Bridge to play the league, the Cham- ing a well-worked team goal Portsmouth 0 1 Shrewsbury T Southend Utd 3 2 Scunthorpe Utd ANTONIO CONTE’S Chelsea pions League and then the FA involving Pedro, Eden Haz- eased into the FA Cup fifth Cup, three strikers is the ard and Alonso. An unmarked League Two round after comfortably over- minimum. Batshuayi put the ball in from Carlisle Utd 1 0 Forest Green R Cheltenham T 1 1 Barnet coming Newcastle United “Then we six yards. Chesterfield 0 1 Stevenage yesterday afternoon. have to see Caballero was again tested Crawley T 2 1 Accrington Stanley Michy Batshuayi gave what will before the interval, by New- Grimsby T 0 1 Luton T Chelsea a first-half lead with happen dur- castle striker Dwight Gayle, Morecambe 1 2 Mansfield T two goals, before Marcos ing the trans- but the Chelsea goalkeeper Port Vale 2 2 Colchester Utd Swindon T 4 3 Crewe Alexandra Alonso saw off Rafa Benitez’s fer market. pushed the ball away easily. men with a superb second “I don’t To their credit, Newcastle’s Scottish Premiership half free-kick. know if we players kept up the pressure Aberdeen 3 1 Kilmarnock Celtic 1 0 Hibernian After being dumped out of will be able to on their opponents. Hamilton Ac 1 2 Dundee the League Cup during mid- get another SUPERB: Meanwhile, defender Anto- Marcos Alonso Hearts 1 1 Motherwell week to rivals Arsenal, Chel- player but, if nio Rudiger came close with St Johnstone 1 3 Partick Thistle sea supporters would have we do, it doesn’t mean Michy a curling left footed shot. Ross Co 1 2 Rangers been expecting a response has to go on loan. We have a Chelsea added a second on Scottish Championship from their side. They would lot of competition.” 44 minutes when a shot by Dundee Utd 0 3 Morton have been pleased by yester- The first half of this match Batshuayi was blocked by Falkirk 3 1 Inverness CT day’s display. was relatively tame. On 24 defender Jamaal Lascelles. Livingston 2 0 Dumbarton Queen ot South 3 1 Brechin City “A good performance for minutes, Chelsea’s Willy However, the ball looped into my team,” said Conte. “After Caballero turned a powerful the air and high over goal- Scottish League One the game at Arsenal there was shot from Jonjo Shelvey keeper Karl Darlow. Airdrieonians 0 0 Arbroath Albion Rovers 1 3 Stranraer a bit of disappointment. I am around the post. It was the Chelsea controlled much of Alloa Athletic 0 0 Raith Rovers very happy for my players.” closest either side had come the second half. Alonso East Fife 1 2 Forfar Athletic Conte has been critical of to forcing an opening after a secured the win with a fine Queen’s Park 1 4 Ayr Utd his club’s lack of transfer quiet opening to the match. left-footed free-kick over the Scottish League Two activity as we enter the final Newcastle had not been Newcastle wall. Clyde 1 0 Peterhead days before the window is into the fifth round of the Benitez said: “We did well in Cowdenbeath 1 3 Berwick Rangers closed. competition since 2006 and, the first half, had chances, put Edinburgh City 3 2 Annan Athletic Elgin City 2 0 Stenhousemuir He refused to be drawn on despite uneven results in the them under pressure. We made Montrose 2 1 Stirling Albion the future of Batshuayi, who league, they rarely threat- a mistake in the counter-attack has struggled for much of the ened the home side. for the first goal and after the MASTERFUL DISPLAY: Michy Batshuayi celebrates his first goal season. As for his view on his After a positive display second goal we were unlucky.” Farringdon’s doubles WOMEN’S FOOTBALL: WSL1 WOMEN’S FOOTBALL: ENGLAND TECHNOLOGICAL Neville to face scrutiny Wolverhampton 7:00 (nap) City see off Sunderland to APTLY PUT at FA’s unveiling gig Hereford 1:40 PHIL NEVILLE’S credibil- announced by the Football Houseman’s ity as England Women Association last Tuesday. stay two points clear at top choice manager will come under He only landed the role fresh scrutiny today in his when the FA’s four short- by Our Sports Desk Champions Chelsea briefly scoring from the spot in the CAROLINAE first official press confer- listed applicants decided leapfrogged City before drop- 13th minute following a hand- Wolverhampton 6:30 ence. they did not fancy the gig. ping back into second place after ball before Meaghan The former Manchester Many have argued there NIKITA PARRIS scored twice they beat struggling Everton 1-0 Sargeant’s header doubled the United defender spent his were many better-qualified as Manchester City retained in yesterday’s early kick-off. lead in first-half stoppage time first weekend in his new candidates than Neville for their two-point lead at the top Sweden defender Jonna and England striker Ellen role in Widnes and the job, given he has never of Women’s Super League One Andersson settled the contest White completed the scoring What’s your view? Wycombe, cramming up on worked in women’s football with a comprehensive 3-0 vic- at Kingsmeadow, firing into a minute after the restart. Send an email to several England players he before or been a manager. tory at Sunderland. the top corner at the near post Reading and Arsenal shared [email protected] hopes to guide to World Cup Tweets from Neville’s The England forward poked following a pass from Fran a goalless draw. glory next year. past also came back to home the opener nine minutes Kirby five minutes from time. Neville’s knowledge of haunt him last week, when before the break, before turning Visitors Everton squandered Published by the People’s Press MSTAR 2018-01-29 MON 1.0 women’s football has been Kick It Out and Women’s provider for the second with a the opportunity for a first-half Printing Society Ltd, William Rust called into question over Aid were among those to cross which was headed home lead when Courtney Sweetman- House, 52 Beachy Road, Bow, 0 5 London E3 2NS. Telephone: (020) recent weeks, long before criticise his misogynist by teammate Izzy Christiansen Kirk struck a post from the pen- 8510-0815. Fax: (020) 8986-5694. his appointment was remarks. 12 minutes after the restart. alty spot after she was fouled in Email: enquiries@peoples-press. And Parris sealed a com- the area by Anita Asante. com. Registered with Companies House as Morning Star (in- fortable victory with 18 min- Elsewhere, Birmingham ran corporating the Daily Worker) No Call (020) 8510-0815 or email utes remaining as she raced out 3-0 winners at home to bot- N5559. Printed by trade union [email protected] through on goal and drilled tom club Yeovil. labour at Trinity Mirror. ADVERTISE HERE home via a post. Aoife Mannion opened the Monday January 29 2018 9 770307 175213